Barley Overcomers


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  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    Chapter One

    Israels Three Feasts

    %hen 0od led (east da$s? to

    commemorate important events. The three main (east da$s are Passover=

    Pentecost= and Tabernacles. Passover commemorates Lamb o( 0od=? he is said to become a Christian. e is >!sti(ied? b$

    (aith in the blood o( the Lamb Christ. This is /h$ 7es!s had to die on

    the cross at the (east o( Passover. e /as the tr!e Passover Lamb.

    8ost Christians are a/are that there is more to the Christian


    than !sti(ication. 7!st as

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    alread$ in the Promised Land.

    Pentecost: The Personal Application

    )ne m!st *o be$ond E*$pt and be$ond the ,ed 'ea baptism to

    'inai= /here Pentecost is eperienced. This is the place o( the in(illin* o(

    the ol$ 'pirit. love.? The$ o(ten

    ta!*ht that love someho/ replaced the la/ o( 0od= instead o( seein* that

    love is de(ined b$ the la/ and is therein epressed.

    '!ch are the ones 7es!s addressed in 8att. #:21&23=21

    )ot everyoe 0ho says to #e+ ord+ ord+ 0ill eter the

    i!do" o heave4 but he 0ho does the 0ill o #y Father

    0ho is i heave(22

    #ay 0ill say to #e o that day+ ord+

    ord+ did 0e ot prophesy i 5our a"e+ ad i 5our a"e

    6ast out de"os+ ad i 5our a"e peror" "ay "ira6les723

    'd the I 0ill de6lare to the"+ I ever e0 you4 depart

    ro" "e+ you 0ho pra6ti6e la0lessessG0ree: anomiaH.

    %hat *ood is ones pentecostal eperience i( the Christian re(!ses to

    be led b$ the 'pirit and learn obedienceI %hat *ood is the pentecostal

    eperience i( the Christian re(!ses to have the la/ o( 0od /ritten on his

    heartI 7es!s sa$s that i( the Christian remains la/less= e /ill tell them

    in the end= >Depart (rom 8e.? There /ill probabl$ be man$ s!rprised

    Christians in that da$. This does not mean that those Christians /ill lose

    their salvation. B!t the$ /ill indeed lose the blessin* o( the (irstres!rrection and /ill have to a/ait the second at the 0reat %hite

    Throne. 'ee The P!rpose o( ,es!rrection or chapter 2 o( The La/s o(

    the 'econd Comin*.

    !rthermore= man$ /ho have tr!l$ *one be$ond the ,ed 'ea and


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    have eperienced Pentecost are told that the$ have attained the >(!ll

    *ospel.? This vie/ is comparable to

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    The Promised Land

    The Promised Land is )T in heaven= b!t on earth. Canaan /as a

    land (illed /ith >*iants? and >enemies? o( 0od /ho had to be conJ!ered

    and destro$ed. *iants? represent the carnal tendencies o( o!r o/n (lesh= /hich /e are

    called to s!bd!e and conJ!er. This is absol!tel$ correct= b!t the obvio!s

    lesson is o(ten missed. Our bodies are our inheritance.

    Lie Canaan= o!r bodies are presentl$ inhabited /ith la/less and

    !n*odl$ desires that r!le !s. This has been the case ever since Adam=

    /hose sin sold !s all into bonda*e. 0od had (ormed Adam (rom the d!sto( the *ro!nd. is (lesh /as made o( earth eb. adama= and hence he

    /as named a(ter the *ro!nd (rom /hich he came. This *lori(ied (lesh

    /as his inheritance. B!t thro!*h sin= Adam inc!rred a >debt? that he

    co!ld not pa$. 'o he /as sold into bonda*e to the earth 0en. 3:1#&23

    !ntil s!ch time as a near Finsman /o!ld come to redeem him. Adam

    lost the /onder(!l= *lori(ied bod$ /hich had been clothed in the li*ht o(

    0od. A(ter his sin= he /as naed and ashamed= and 0od clothed them/ith coats o( sins 0en. 3:21.

    The /hole idea behind 0ods plan o( salvation is to reverse the

    e((ects o( Adams sin !pon creation. The la/ and the prophets (rom

    0enesis to ,evelation sho/ !s ho/ man is redeemed and ho/ he re*ains

    the *lori(ied= immortal bod$ that is his lost inheritance. The (east da$s

    in(orm !s o( the three steps to/ard receivin* this (!ll inheritance:

    !sti(ication= sancti(ication= and *lori(ication. %e are !sti(ied in o!r

    spirit= sancti(ied in o!r so!l= and *lori(ied in o!r bod$.

    The (irst maor pattern o( this process o( (!ll salvation is (o!nd in

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    (!ll$ *lori(ied= (!ll$ chan*ed into is *lor$ as the$ passed b$ the ar.

    The$ /o!ld have echan*ed their coats o( sins (or the >house which is

    from heaven? 2 Cor. :2= as Pa!l p!t it. The$ /o!ld have been releasedat that 7!bilee (rom the ho!se o( bonda*e= and ever$ one o( them /o!ld

    have ret!rned to his inheritance. The$ /o!ld have inherited (ar more

    than a mere piece o( real estate in Canaan. B!t this /as not to be= (or this

    /as onl$ a pattern. the

    redemption o( o!r bod$? ,om. 5:23.

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    7es!s *ives !s the prime eample o( ho/ this /ors. A(ter is

    res!rrection= /hen e met /ith the disciples= e /as able to appear in

    their midst even /hen the doors /ere sh!t and loced 7ohn 2-:1+.%hile e /as in the 'anct!ar$ in heaven= e /as (i*!rativel$ dressed in

    linen *arments. B!t /hen e ministered to the disciples in the o!ter

    co!rt those d/ellin* in (leshl$ bodies not $et *lori(ied= e chan*ed

    into other *arments /ool= so that e mi*ht appear lie them as one o(

    the sheep. %hen e did so= e clothed imsel( in (lesh and bone and

    /as able to eat earthl$ (ood /ith the disciples L!e 24:3#&43. As lon*

    as e ministered in the o!ter co!rt= e /as clothed in /ool and /as

    )T a spirit= as e imsel( proved. e /as onl$ a spirit /hen edisappeared= (or then e chan*ed is *arments in order to minister in

    the 'anct!ar$.

    This is /hat all the >sons o( ado? can epect /hen the$ recover

    the inheritance lost in Adam. The$ /ill no lon*er be bo!nd b$ the

    normal limitations o( the (lesh. %hen the appointed time arrives /hen

    the$ /ill be *iven their inheritance= the$ /ill have a tho!sand $ears to

    minister to those $et remainin* in their >o!ter co!rt.? The$ /ill teachthese people to no/ 0od. Then /ill be (!l(illed the prophecies abo!t all

    nations /alin* in the li*ht o( 0od and reoicin* be(ore im. 0od /ill

    !se this ne/ priesthood to ca!se the 'tone Fin*dom to *ro/ !ntil it (ills

    the /hole earth Dan. 2:3.

    The Earnest and the !llness

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    as Fin* Pentecost and there received the earnest o( the 'pirit= even as

    chan*ed? 1 Cor. 1:1. 0od has promised to

    chan*e o!r bodies into spirit!al (lesh o( the same ind 7es!s had in is

    res!rrection. )!r hope is to be >in the likeness of His resurrection?

    ,om. ":.

    The p!rpose o( creation is to mani(est the spirit!al in the earth= in

    the realm o( matter= in order that matter partic!larl$ mans bod$ ma$

    *lori($ 0od on earth as it is in heaven. b!((etin* the (lesh? !ntil it /as near


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    Chapter Two

    The Barley Harvest

    Each o( the three main (east da$s o(

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    the (irst month o( the ne/ $ear.

    This /as also important= beca!se it retained the s$mbolism o(

    ver$ earl$ in the mornin*? L!e

    24:1= e did not allo/ 8ar$ to to!ch im prior to the /ave&shea(

    o((erin* 7ohn 2-:1#. ot !ntil the /ave&shea( o((erin* /as 7es!s

    declared le*all$ alive in the co!rt o( heaven.

    Barley &ipens irst

    %hen 0od /as dealin* /ith Pharaoh to allo/

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    (or a (!ll seven da$s. Leaven is s$mbolic o( sin@ th!s= removin* the

    leavened bread depicts the removal o( all sin (rom ones ho!se bod$.

    This is the same s$mbolism as /e (ind in (la= (or to be clothed in (lalinen is to depict p!ttin* on the ri*hteo!sness o( Christ. 'o all o( these

    thin*s /or to*ether= /oven into a complete pict!re o( the plan o( 0od

    (or Christ and the overcomin* bod$. The bod$ o( Christ the

    overcomers /ho are identi(ied /ith their ead /ill soon (ollo/ im in

    the (irst res!rrection.

    $vercomers are Barley

    %e have alread$ dealt /ith

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    the (ield is obvio!s.

    The 'al!e of Barley

    The (irst 'cript!re relevant to an$ st!d$ o( barle$ is Levitic!s 2#:1".

    filled with all the fullnesspleroma of

    God? Eph. 3:1+.Th!s= /hile Pentecost is a do/npa$ment o( a 7!bilee= or the promise

    o( a 7!bilee= both are depicted b$ the n!mber -. The barle$ is val!ed at

    - sheels o( silver= and this associates the barle$ /ith the o!tpo!rin* o(

    the 'pirit= both in its earnest and its (!llness.

    This is consistent /ith the revelation o( the overcomers /ho attain

    to the (irst res!rrection orMi( the$ are alive at the end o( the a*eMtheir

    >chan*e? trans(i*!ration /itho!t d$in*. !nleavened bread? at Passover and the (la /hite

    linen ripenin* at the same time= /hich is !sed in the priestl$ *arments.

    The La( of irst r!its

    All o( these details point to the (act that the barle$ compan$ is the

    (irst to be raised o( all o( 0ods creat!res. 7ames 1:15 sa$s=


    I the e;er6ise o His 0ill He brou!ht us orth by the0ord o truth+ so that 0e "i!ht be+ as it 0ere+ the irst ruits

    a"o! His 6reatures G>creation?H.

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    first fruits unto God and to the "amb.? irst (r!its impl$ that a *reater

    harvest is $et to come. Even as 7es!s /as >the irst (r!its o( them that

    slept? 1 Cor. 1:2-= so also are the overcomers o( the (irst res!rrectionthe >144=---? o( ,ev. 14 the (irst (r!its o( others $et to come. The (irst

    (r!its o((erin* al/a$s si*naled the be*innin* not the end o( the harvest.

    Pa!l all!ded to the la/ o( (irst (r!its a*ain in ,om. 11:1" F7=


    1$For i the irst ruit be holy+ the lu"p is also holy4 ad i

    the root be holy+ so are the bra6hes(

    The (irst (r!its al/a$s sancti(ied the harvest. %hen the (irst (r!its o(

    a crop= /hether barle$ or /heat= /ere o((ered to 0od= then the people

    co!ld *o home and harvest the rest o( that crop. or this reason= 7ames

    tells !s that the Ch!rch is the (irst (r!its o( creation. %hen the Ch!rch is

    >harvested? and bro!*ht into 0ods ho!se= it is not the end o( the /orld=

    b!t the be*innin* o( a *reater harvest.

    Lie/ise= the overcomers are the (irst (r!its o( the Ch!rch. The$ arethe >(irst o( the (irst (r!its? E. 23:1+= that is= the barle$ (irst (r!its that

    /ere o((ered shortl$ a(ter the (east o( Passover. These are the ones /ho

    inherit the (irst res!rrection. ,ev. 2-:" sa$s=

    $( ( ( they 0ill be priests o God ad o Christ ad 0ill rei!

    0ith Hi" or a thousad years(

    The rest o( the dead= both !nbelievers and the rest o( the believers=

    /ill not be raised !ntil the tho!sand $ears is (inished. Then all o( thedead= small and *reat= /ill be raised. At that time= the non&overcomin*

    believers /ill receive Lo ot "arvel at this4 or a hour is 6o"i!+ i 0hi6h

    ' 0ho are i the to"bs shall hear His voi6e+ 29

    ad 6o"e

    orth4 those 0ho did the !ood deeds to a resurre6tio o

    IF*+ those 0ho 6o""itted the evil deeds to a resurre6tio

    o G#*)T(

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    immortalit$= as /ell as the !nbelievers that /ill be !d*ed. This is /h$

    /e o!*ht to strive to attain >a better resurrection? eb. 11:3. The

    (irst res!rrection is the better res!rrection. Those /ho attain the betterres!rrection are those /ho /ill r!le and rei*n /ith Christ d!rin* the

    tho!sand $ears o( the Tabernacles A*e.


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    Chapter Three

    Barley Stories

    )ideon: The Ca*e of Barley

    0ideon is an interestin* Bible character= beca!se his ministr$

    reveals not onl$ the character o( the barle$ compan$= b!t also sho/s

    it in relation to the /heat and the *rapes.

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    %hen 0ideons arm$ ble/ the tr!mpets= the$ prophesied o( the

    res!rrection o( the dead= and this /as the (irst event b$ /hich the

    enem$ /as conJ!ered. Lie/ise= it is the (irst prophetic event that

    /ill occ!r in the events leadin* !p to the second comin* o( Christ.

    The second event deals more /ith those believers /ho are livin*at the time o( the second comin* o( Christ. The torches /ithin the

    pitchers si*ni($ the hidden presence o( 0od in o!r bodiesMthe

    earthen vessels. ine da$s a(ter blo/in* the tr!mpet (or the (irst

    res!rrection comes the Da$ o( Atonement and the 7!bilee. These

    bodies o( death /ill be broen. The debt that Adam inc!rred /ill be


    The (east o( Tabernacles is the third prophetic (east to be


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    Pentecost. This ended in 1++3= at /hich time < believe /e entered

    into the transition into the A*e o( Tabernacles. This s!bect is

    covered in o!r boo= 'ecrets o( Time.

    %hen Pa!l /as epo!ndin* !pon the trans(i*!ration o( 8oses 2

    Cor. 3 and 4= he spoe (irst o( 0ods command in 0en. 1:3= sa$in*=>"et there be light.? et= Pa!l made re(erence to the torches held b$

    0ideons barle$ compan$= sa$in* in 4:"= #=

    $For God+ 0ho said+ @i!ht shall shie out o daress+A

    is the e 0ho has shoe i our hearts to !ive the li!ht o

    the o0led!e o the !lory o God i the a6e o Christ( 8

    But 0e have this treasure i earthe vessels+ that the

    surpassi! !reatess o the po0er "ay be o God ad otro" ourselves(

    At present= this *lor$ o( 0odMo!r inheritanceMis the val!able

    >treas!re=? b!t it is hidden in >earthen vessels.? The breain* o( these

    vessels is a death o( the (lesh. 0od deals /ith !s in matters o( dail$

    obedience in order that /e ma$ p!t the (lesh to death a little at a time.

    That /a$= /hen the appointed time comes= /e ma$ be able to stand

    the (inal breain* necessar$ to mani(est the *lor$ o( 0od.

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    That is= the$ are raised (rom the dead at the same time as the

    !nbelievers at the second res!rrection.

    The men o( Pen!el represent those /ho have placed their (aith in

    the protection o( their to/erMthe denominational s$stem. The

    ori*inal to/er o( Babel divided the people into di((erent lan*!a*es.'o also the denominational s$stem divides the Ch!rch= each speain*

    a di((erent reli*io!s lan*!a*e. Oet /hen the overcomin* sons o( 0od

    are mani(ested= their ver$ presence /ill destro$ the /alls that divide

    the Ch!rch. The$ /ill spea the tr!th= and men /ill no/ the tr!th.

    Doctrinal disp!tes /ill become a thin* o( the past.

    And so 0ideon >threshed wheat in the wineress.? That is /hat

    he had been doin* s$mbolicall$ at the (irst appearance o( the an*el in

    ":11. And that is /hat 0ideon did to the /heat compan$= /ho are

    represented b$ the men o( '!ccoth and Pen!el.

    Absalom: The &ebellio!s Son of David

    Absalom= the oldest son o( David= (its into this st!d$ beca!se he

    b!rned 7oabs barle$ (ield in order to *et an a!dience /ith his (ather.

    This /as an !nla/(!l and rebellio!s act that revealed his heart in a

    /a$ that is pain(!ll$ reminiscent o( the Ch!rch toda$.Absaloms hal( brother= Amnon= had raped Tamar. 'he /as

    Absaloms (!ll sister and Amnons hal( sister. David did nothin*

    abo!t it= so Absalom too the la/ into his o/n hands t/o $ears later

    b$ illin* Amnon 2 'am. 13:32. Absalom then (led to his in&la/s in

    0esh!r= /here he remained (or three $ears.

    David= o( co!rse= loved Absalom *reatl$. e lon*ed to see him 2

    'am. 13:3+= b!t /as restrained (rom callin* him bac (rom this sel(&imposed eile= beca!se he reco*ni6ed that Absalom had a rebellio!s

    heart. inall$= ho/ever= a(ter three $ears= David allo/ed Absalom to

    ret!rn to 7er!salem= b!t David re(!sed to see him 2 'am. 14:25. %e

    pic !p the stor$ (rom that point:

    29The 'bsalo" set or

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    7oab came immediatel$= and Absalom soon *ot his a!dience /ith

    David. B!t the moment Absalom /as reco*ni6ed b$ the in*= he

    immediatel$ be*an to so/ seeds o( discontent amon* the people=

    tellin* them that David /as !n!st and did not do an$thin* to brin*

    !stice to those /ho had *rievances. >!o #bsalom stole away the

    hearts of the men of $srael? 2 'am. 1:".

    %hen the time /as ripe= Absalom /ent to ebron= /here he had

    himsel( proclaimed in*. David did not /ant to have a civil /ar= even

    tho!*h he certainl$ had the ri*ht to (i*ht (or his throne. B!t instead=

    David le(t 7er!salem= leavin* ten o( his conc!bines to eep the ho!se.

    Absalom raped them all in the si*ht o( the people 1":22.

    Davids (riend and co!nselor= Ahithophel= the hi*h priest= oined

    the conspirac$ and act!all$ co!nseled Absalom to rape the /omen o(

    Davids ho!se. This sit!ation revealed a hidden *r!d*e that he had

    carried a*ainst David (or man$ $ears= (or Bathsheba /as his

    *randda!*hter thro!*h his son Eliam 'ee 11:3 23:34. 0od had

    (or*iven Davids sin /ith Bathsheba= b!t Ahithophel had not. 0od

    !sed this incident to brin* Ahithophels heart bitterness to li*ht.

    Ahithophel also advised Absalom to p!rs!e David immediatel$

    and a**ressivel$= b!t 0od /ored it o!t that this piece o( advice /asnot (ollo/ed. Ahithophel ne/ then that David /o!ld /in in the end=

    so he /ent home= *ot his ho!se in order= and han*ed himsel( 1#:23.

    David /as *reatl$ h!rt b$ Ahithophels betra$al and /rote o(

    him in Ps. "+ and a*ain in Ps. :12&14= sa$in*=

    12For it is ot a ee"y 0ho reproa6hes "e+ the I 6ould

    bear it4 or is it oe 0ho hates "e 0ho has e;altedhi"sel a!aist "e+ the I 6ould hide "ysel ro" hi"(


    But it is you+ a "a "y eual+ "y 6o"paio G>*!ide= or

    co!nselor?H+ ad "y a"iliar ried(1-

    ?e 0ho had s0eetello0ship to!ether+ 0aled i the house o God i the


    This passa*e re(ers to Ahithophel= b!t it is also prophetic o( 7!das=

    /ho betra$ed 7es!s. %e read in Acts 1:1"=1$

    Brethre+ the s6ripture had to be ulilled+ 0hi6h theHoly Spirit oretold by the "outh o >avid 6o6eri!

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    Ahithophels co!nsel /as (or Absalom to tae !nla/(!l a!thorit$

    over Davids /ives and to tae liberties /ith them that /ere not

    ri*ht(!ll$ his.

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    (irst the evan*elicals and no/ even the Catholic Ch!rch= has ass!med

    the role o( 7!das and Ahithophel in assistin* the 7e/s in !s!rpin* the

    place o( 7oseph. 8an$ even have (allen into the trap o( thinin* that

    the 7e/s are in a covenant relationship /ith 0od= re*ardless o(

    /hether the$ accept 7es!s Christ as their Fin*. )n A!*!st 12= 2--2=

    the ;nited 'tates Con(erence o( Catholic Bishops iss!ed a p!blictheolo*ical statement called %eflections on Covenant and &ission.

    This o((icial doc!ment sa$s that the$ /ill not see to convert 7e/s to

    Christ. Th!s= /hile the Catholic Ch!rch re*ards the savin* act o(

    Christ as central to the process o( h!man salvation (or all= it

    also acno/led*es that 7e/s alread$ d/ell in a savin*

    covenant /ith 0od.

    A*ain= it reads=

    >There(ore= the Ch!rch believes that 7!daism= i.e. the (aith(!l

    response o( the 7e/ish people to 0odQs irrevocable covenant=

    is salvi(ic (or them= beca!se 0od is (aith(!l to his promises.

    This statement abo!t 0odQs savin* covenant is J!ite speci(ic

    to 7!daism.?

    This is the clearest statement o( all sa$in* blatantl$ that a 7e/

    /ho contin!es to reect 7es!s Christ not onl$ CA be saved= b!t

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    Absalom and the barle$ compan$.

    Even as Absalom b!rnt the (ield o( barle$ in order to be

    acceptable be(ore David= so also the 7e/ish leaders persec!ted the

    earl$ Ch!rch in order to be acceptable be(ore 0od. The Apostle Pa!l

    at one time led the persec!tion. e /rote later in 0al. 1:13=13

    For you have heard o "y or"er "aer o lie i

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    The A'B translates this >in the (irst DAO' o( harvest=? b!t the

    /ord >da$s? is not in the ori*inal ebre/ tet. The translators did

    not !nderstand the si*ni(icance o( this passa*e and so the$ inserted

    the /ord >da$s.?

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    rei*ned over 'a!ls? have rei*ned over

    the e/ Testament Ch!rch (or 4- 7!bilees (rom 33 to 1++3 AD.

    %e do not mean to dispara*e Pentecost itsel( here. Pentecost is

    *ood= (or it is a (east da$ o( the Lord established to commemorate

    0od comin* do/n as (ire !pon 8t. 'inai to /rite is la/s in o!rhearts. baked with leaven? Lev. 23:1#. 'ince

    leaven is a t$pe o( sin in the Bible= it is not hard to see that the realm

    o( Pentecost= tho!*h *ood= /as )T an era o( per(ection.

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    7er!salem= to /hom Abraham paid tithes. Beca!se he simpl$ pops

    !p o!t o( no/here in the boo o( 0enesis= a stor$ /itho!t

    eplanation= a man /ho is !nidenti(ied as to *enealo*$= this divine

    silence maes him a t$pe o( Christ eb. #:1&4.

    The boo o( 7asher also calls him 'hem. < believe this is correct=beca!se it (its the t$pe /hen /e come to the stor$ o( the 0ibeonites.

    The 0ibeonites became servants o( 'hem= or 8elchi6ede= and bond

    slaves o( 7es!s Christ. ;ltimatel$= the$ served the temple o( 'olomon

    in 7er!salem= the place /here 8elchi6ede r!led. 'o the 0ibeonites

    represent the 8elchi6ede )rder= the ne/ priesthood that replaces

    that o( Levi. Those o( this )rder are the bondslaves o( 7es!s Christ.

    The$ are >riests of God and of Christ? /ho >reign with Him a

    thousand years? ,ev. 2-:" in the e/ 7er!salem.

    o/ co!ld those Canaanite 0ibeonites !nder the c!rse o( 0od

    possibl$ represent the 8elchi6ede )rder= the overcomersI The

    8elchi6ede )rder is not some sort o( s!per&spirit!al cl!b o( saints.

    c!rses? !s to become is servants inis Temple= /here /e serve 'hem= the ori*inal 8elchi6ede.

    7osh!a 7es!s has s/orn to protect !s 7osh!a +:1+@ he has

    s/orn to >let them "$'(? 7osh!a +:2-@ and e has made !s >hewers

    of wood? bearin* is cross o( reproach and >drawers of water unto

    all the congregation.? The$ are to brin* the /ater o( the ol$ 'pirit

    to the rest o( the Ch!rch on behal( o( the Temple o( 0od 7osh!a

    +:21.And so= /hen 'a!l later decided to persec!te the 0ibeonites= not

    !nderstandin* 0ods p!rposes= it /as a *raphic pict!re o( ho/

  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    in vario!s /a$s. )ne o( these /as Elea6ar. 1 Chron. 11:12&14 sa$s=

    12 'd ater hi" 0as *leaEar the so o >odo+ the

    'hohite+ 0ho 0as oe o the three "i!hty "e( 13

    He 0as0ith >avid at Pasda""i"+ 0he the Philisties 0ere

    !athered to!ether there to battle+ ad there 0as a plot o!roud ull o barley4 ad the people led beore the


    'd they too their stad i the "idst othe plot+ ad deeded it+ ad stru6 do0 the

    Philisties4 ad the ord saved the" by a !reat vi6tory(

    Elea6ar /as a mi*ht$ man in that he helped David de(end the

    barle$ compan$= the overcomers. lovin*?. The name comes

    (rom the ebre/ /ord= Dode= /hich means Love. David? also means >lovin*.?Dodo himsel( is called an >Ahohite=? /hich means he /as

    descended (rom Ahoah 1 Chr. 5:4. Accordin* to A Dictionar$ o(

    'cript!re Proper ames= b$ 7.B. 7acson= Ahoah means >brother o(


    'o let !s p!t all this to*ether and see /hat 0od is sa$in* !nder

    the s!r(ace o( the 'cript!re. %e /ill simpl$ translate the names as /e

    re&J!ote 1 Chron. 11:12 and see /hat the 'pirit is teachin* !s.12

    'd ater hi" 0as the 'dvo6ate+ the so o ove+ thebrother o est+ 0ho 0as oe o the three "i!hty "e(

  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    &ighty men.? The ol$ 'pirit is born o( Love and related to enterin*

    into 0ods ,est. %hat a marvelo!s pict!re this verse paints (or !sK

    erse 13 sa$s that Elea6ar /as /ith David at Pas&dammim.

    B!llin*ers notes sa$ that this is probabl$ the same as Ephes&dammim

    1 'am. 1#:1= the place /here David sle/ 0oliath. Pas&dammimmeans >the vanishin*= or spreadin* o!t o( bloods.? Ephes&dammim

    has a similar meanin*: >limit o( bloods.? 8ost liel$= it received its

    name (rom the (act that bloodshed /as limited to 0oliath at that

    place. ,ecall that 0oliath /as the champion o( the Philistines= /hile

    David /as the champion o(

  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    o( dro!*ht= the /heat dies.

    There are thirteen (amines dro!*hts recorded in the Bible= and

    the$ all deal /ith this ver$ s!bect.

    Barle$ ripens earl$ as /ell. harvested? b$ 0od prior

    to the >latter rain? o( the ol$ 'pirit.

  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    a hudred "e7 He said a!ai+ Give the people+ that

    they "ay eat4 or thus saith the ord+ They shall eat ad

    shall leave thereo(--

    So he set it beore the"+ ad theydid eat+ ad let thereo+ a66ordi! to the 0ord o the


    A man (rom Baal&shalisha bro!*ht Elisha the (irst (r!its o( the

    barle$ /hich /o!ld normall$ *o to the priest at the temple.

    Apparentl$= the priesthood /as corr!pt at that time= and this man did

    not /ant his o((erin* to be !sed to s!pport (alse teachin*s.

    'o it /as the da$ o( the /ave&shea( o((erin* on the (irst '!nda$

    a(ter Passover that $ear. 'ee Lev. 23:1-&14. 8an$ $ears later= 7es!s

    /o!ld be raised (rom the dead on this da$ to (!l(ill this ver$ (eastda$. B!t Elisha and the sons o( the prophets celebrated it b$ t!rnin*

    death into li(e= in order to (eed the m!ltit!de. The bread /as

    m!ltiplied= so that the$ even had le(tovers.

    Jes!s eeds the !ltit!de (ith Barley

    The stor$ o( Elisha reminds !s o( a similar stor$ in 7ohn " /hich

    also too place aro!nd the time o( Passover 7ohn ":4. )n this

    occasion= 7es!s (ed the m!ltit!de /ith >five barley loaves and twosmall fishes? ":+. erses 12 and 13 sa$=

    12 'd 0he they 0ere illed+ He said to His dis6iples+

    Gather up the letover ra!"ets+ that othi! "ay be


    'd so they !athered the" up+ ad illed t0elvebasets 0ith ra!"ets ro" the ive barley loves 0hi6h

    0ere let over by those that had eate(

    The broen bread denotes death@ *atherin* the >(ra*ments?

    speas o( res!rrection= >that nothing be lost.? and $ will raise him u at

    the last day.? 'ee vs. 3+= 4-= 44= and 4.

    The overcomers /ill inherit the (irst res!rrection. B!t (irst= the$

    are the barle$ bread in 7es!s hands that m!st be broen to (eed the

    m!ltit!de. The overcomers o(ten /onder /h$ the$ eperience

    tro!bles= rather than the >victorio!s li(e.? The$ /onder /h$ the$ are

    dis(ello/shipped b$ their ch!rch and (riends. The$ /onder /h$ 0od

    brin*s all their (a!lts to the s!r(ace (or others to see. The$ /onder

    /h$ 0od promises so m!ch= $et seems to deliver the opposite. The$


  • 8/9/2019 Barley Overcomers


    /onder /h$ 0od disciplines them so m!ch= never lettin* them *et

    a/a$ /ith an$thin*.

    There is a simple eplanation. 7es!s is breain* them to (eed the

