Avaya Desktop and Process Analytics™ Solution Brief · Verint Advanced Desktop Analytics uses...


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Avaya Desktop and Process Analytics™ Solution Brief

Overview of the Unique Capabilities and Benefits of Verint

Desktop and Process Analytics

November 2015

Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1

Business Challenge ................................................................................................................................... 1

Solution ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Verint Desktop and Process Analytics Advantages .............................................................. 2

Unified Desktop and Process Analytics and Workforce Optimization ....................................................... 2

Broad and Comprehensive Solution .......................................................................................................... 2

Overview of Verint Desktop and Process Analytics Products ............................................. 3

Advanced Desktop Analytics .................................................................................................. 4

Event Triggers ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Uses of Event Triggers ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Using Triggers for PCI Compliance ......................................................................................................................... 5 Using Triggers for Back-Office or Branch Employees or Non-Phone Transactions ................................................ 6 Capturing Screens .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Application Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 7 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Uses of Application Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 8 Using Application Analysis with Adherence Monitoring ........................................................................................... 8 Pre-Packaged Reports ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Strategic Desktop and Process Analytics .............................................................................12

Process Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Process Discovery ................................................................................................................................... 13 Trigger and Log File Based Process Maps ........................................................................................................... 13 Parallel Paths Display Based on AHT ................................................................................................................... 15 User, Transaction, or Other Common ID-Based Visualization .............................................................................. 15 Difference between Process Analysis and Process Discovery ............................................................................. 15

Desktop Guidance and Automation .......................................................................................15

Desktop Guidance ................................................................................................................................... 16

Automation ............................................................................................................................................... 16 Non-Intrusive Application Integration .................................................................................................................... 16

DPA Interoperability with Verint WFO ...................................................................................17

User, Organization, and Security Role Unification .................................................................................. 17

Drill to Interactions from Timeline Report ................................................................................................ 17

DPA to trigger Recording ......................................................................................................................... 17

Pre-Defined DPA KPIs in Scorecards ..................................................................................................... 17

Desktop Activity and Real-Time Speech Notification .............................................................................. 18

Interoperability between DPA and WFM ................................................................................................. 19

Verint Value .............................................................................................................................19

Quantifiable ROI ...................................................................................................................................... 19

DPA Customer Success Stories .............................................................................................................. 20

High-Level Architecture ..........................................................................................................20

Common Deployment Size and Architecture ........................................................................................... 21

Useful Technical Information ................................................................................................................... 22

DPA Implementation Project Plan ..........................................................................................23

Appendix .................................................................................................................................24

Guidelines for Use of DPA with Specific Applications ............................................................................. 24

Page 1

Introduction The purpose of this document is to give an overview of the features and benefits of the Verint

Desktop and Process Analytics family of products.

Understanding how employees use software applications to perform work provides visibility into

identifying top performers, volumes, activity, and process flows for the Contact Center, Back

Office, and Branch. In addition to providing visibility into behaviors and capacity, Verint Desktop

and Process Analytics can facilitate interaction with employees to provide adherence and real-

time guidance – driving consistency in execution that represents tremendous business value.

Business Challenge Many organizations have little to no visibility into the non-phone based activities and processes of their

employees. Employees in back-office operations (e.g. mortgage loan and claims processing, fulfillment,

and accounts payable), in branch offices (e.g. cashing checks or opening new accounts), and even in

traditional contact centers are forced to spend a considerable amount of time using various applications

like CRM, the company knowledgebase, and other business applications as a part of their core daily


In branch and back-office operations, employees interact with numerous software applications and are

expected to follow a specific series of steps for each transaction or process, similar to phone scripts, to

complete a particular task. Phone-based interactions may be secondary or totally absent in many

cases. There is often not an ACD or other standard system as a source of employee activity or reporting.

This lack of visibility and information poses significant challenges and unanswered questions in the

pursuit of delivering smarter customer engagement, such as:

How do I track, capture, and analyze transactions that require extra attention?

How do I ensure that employee and system behaviors are in compliance with industry and

company practices?

How do I capture processing times for individual steps as well as overall time to resolution for

complex requests or transactions?

In which applications and screens are employees spending the most time?

Are employees doing what they are supposed to be doing and adhering to schedule?

How do I measure productivity?

Who are the top and bottom performers?

How can I help bottom performers improve their results?

Are employees following the necessary and optimal steps to complete processes?

How can I improve process and application efficiency?

Solution The solution to these business challenges is for managers and organizations to gain greater overall

visibility into employee activities. Verint Desktop and Process Analytics provides this much-needed

visibility into employee desktop events and activities. Understanding the applications employees use and

the processes they follow helps to facilitate analysis of these processes, and facilitates measurement and

analysis that can provide actionable insights to managers.

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Verint Desktop and Process Analytics Advantages

Unified Desktop and Process Analytics and Workforce Optimization Verint Desktop and Process Analytics (DPA) is the only solution that is unified with a Workforce

Optimization (WFO) solution. It is also available as a standalone solution that provides

tremendous operational insight.

It shares the browser-based user interface with the Verint WFO solution.

DPA shares user, organization, role, security, and license management with the rest of the Verint

WFO solution. Having a single point of employee administration reduces administrative overhead

and total cost of ownership.

DPA is interoperable out-of-the-box with other applications in the Verint WFO suite, providing

unique business workflows that enable organizations to achieve operational excellence.

Broad and Comprehensive Solution Verint Desktop and Process Analytics is a family of products that provides different tiers of functionality

and associated benefits. The Verint DPA solution can:

Capture and monitor employee desktop application activities.

Capture desktop application events and application usage in real time. Actions triggered from

these events occur in real time, including customizable prompts to employees, process

automations that occur on-screen or in the background, and alerts that can be stored and/or sent

to managers.

Replicate data elements from one application to other applications without expensive data


Identify, count, and visualize processes and workflow based on user interaction with software


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Overview of Verint Desktop and Process Analytics Products Verint Desktop and Process Analytics is a family of products that provides varying levels of connected


Product Description Benefits







Detect and define application

events to measure employee


Tag data from desktop

applications to recorded


Stop/Start/Recording Control.

Capture and analyze detailed

application activity. Report on

individual and aggregate

application usage as well as idle,

inactive, and locked states.

Compare employee desktop

activities with scheduled activities.

Use aggregated desktop information to

understand and plan for capacity.

Obtain intraday insight to event-based

volumes based on specific actions or


Enhance compliance with privacy regulations;

avoid the capture of sensitive customer


Reduce liability by recording select

interactions; tag relevant screen information

for easy retrieval later.

Identify and correct inefficient and

inappropriate application usage.

Provide real-time prompts to employees

during key steps within the interaction.

Comprehensive view into adherence to help

management lower cost of operations.


Desktop and



Define specific activities and

actions, and then track the

volume and status of workflow as

it moves through them using the

sequences of trigger data and

application usage patterns from

Advanced Desktop Analytics.

Graphically depict the actual

steps that employees follow in the

applications on their desktops as

they complete a specific process

or task.

Gain visibility into the off-phone activities and

work of employees and associated workflow.

Measure time taken by any employee to

complete an activity or step.

Improve productivity by using data from actual

interactions to reduce cycle times and help

improve performance of bottom performers.

Improve staffing models based on transaction

handle times by capturing actual data from

employee desktop activities for more accurate


Identify opportunities for process redesign or

reengineering for improved efficiency and

employee experience.

Answers the question, “Have any of my

employees discovered a better way to

complete this process?”

Detect training needs and training

effectiveness through unusual and circuitous

application usage.

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Product Description Benefits


Guidance and


Provides the ability to

automatically replicate single or

multiple data elements from one

application to an unlimited

number of other applications

without low-level application or

database integration.

Provides on-screen, real-time

guidance at the precise point of

need in the process flow.

Improve productivity while reducing cycle

times, errors, duplicate data entry, and


Reduce costly enablement time for new hires

by providing timely “Next Best Action”


Automate next screen steps based on the

context of data represented on the screen and

notify relevant people when defined conditions


Advanced Desktop Analytics Advanced Desktop Analytics provides data capture, event triggering, and analysis of desktop application

usage. Application Analysis is a component of Advanced Desktop Analytics.

Event Triggers


Verint Advanced Desktop Analytics allows the user to define several different types of triggers that can be

used to start recordings, stop recordings, tag a recorded interaction, send an email, or execute a

program. The “controls” in the application screen may be used as criteria as well as to define hot keys for

the trigger and as the values for tags.

One of the most important benefits of Advanced Desktop Analytics is the ease with which an organization

can implement and maintain the trigger integration with Verint Quality Management. The time and cost

involved in setting up triggers to record and tag interactions is greatly reduced because of triggers that

can be implemented without modifying existing applications, scripting, or coding. A non-technical

administrator can implement a trigger that will start a recording or tag key application fields to a recorded

interaction using a simple utility that takes an intelligent screen snap-shot of the application screen. This

approach minimizes the need for complex integration projects and allows the business to maintain the

recording triggering and tagging rules required to optimize an evolving operation.

Uses of Event Triggers

Verint Advanced Desktop Analytics uses application events that occur on the agent or employee desktop

to tag recorded interactions with relevant data like account number and customer type. It can also trigger

voice and screen recordings. This enables organizations to ensure they capture critical transactions for

compliance, increase the effectiveness and focus of their quality monitoring process, and perform

valuable analysis of the types of contacts being handled.

The tagged data can be used to categorize recorded interactions. With the relatively small percentage of

interactions that will actually be evaluated, it’s critical to capture and properly classify recorded

interactions to ensure that the most important interactions are not overlooked. Tagged data can be fed

into reports and data analytics for detailed root cause analysis. Triggers can also be used to ensure that

parts of certain transactions are not recorded if they contain protected information, such as a credit card


Some examples of how triggers may be used:

Business Value Usage

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Make retrieval of important

recordings easier by

tagging them with key


By configuring a trigger to detect that one or more important attributes

such as customer’s name, account number, or customer type are

displayed on the agent’s screen these attributes may be attached to

the stored recorded call and used for search, retrieval, reporting, and


PCI & PII Compliance

Avoid capturing sensitive


To avoid capturing sensitive or protected information (such as credit

card information) that would be captured by a screen or audio

recording, a trigger can be fired to temporarily pause the recording.

Record Critical

Transactions for

Compliance or Risk


To record interactions that involve payments, changes in services, or

other transactions that carry some risk or are of particularly great

interest to the business, a trigger can be configured to start a screen

and voice recording when these interactions occur.

For example, when the agent opens an application to create an order,

a trigger would detect the event and start a recording.

Ensure Process


To alert agents in real time that they may be performing a task that

violates policy, a trigger can be configured to pop a customizable

message when field values in the application indicate the transaction

may be non-compliant.

Detect Training Needs

through unusual application


When agents frequently cancel transactions, reference certain help

files, or perform other tasks that suggest they’re struggling with an

interaction, the need for training can be raised by a trigger that sends

an email and is seen in the application usage reports.

To distinguish between normal application usage and real training or

coaching needs, triggers can be configured to fire only after its criteria

has been met a certain number of times or after a threshold duration of

application usage has been exceeded.

Trigger scenarios can be applied to any user or group. Many

customers apply specific triggers only to employees who are

undergoing training or onboarding.

Communicate a temporary

change in operations

Because triggers are easy to configure, activate, and de-activate, it’s

practical to deploy a trigger for temporary usage.

For example, if a product becomes temporarily unavailable, a trigger

could be quickly configured to detect when an agent adds that product

to an order and fire an immediate message alerting the agent that

delivery of the product may be delayed.

Using Triggers for PCI Compliance

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover, and JCB International have adopted the Payment

Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, which was jointly developed by Visa and MasterCard. This

PCI standard requires that companies adhere to a specific set of information security requirements or risk

heavy fines and face the possibility of becoming barred from processing credit card transactions.

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Part of the requirements of the PCI standard is to render cardholder data unreadable except when the

credit card information is being entered. Most companies accepting credit card payments by phone have

had to update their CRM and payment systems to ensure that this data is concealed and only visible to

the agent as they accept the data from the customer. The nature of screen and audio recording may

capture and store credit card information making it accessible outside the channels allowed by PCI


In addition to encryption for storage of sensitive card data, Advanced Desktop Analytics can be used to

avoid recording of screens and audio when credit card information is likely to be present. Triggers can be

configured to pause the screen and audio recorder when activity is detected in the credit card field of the

application screen. Recording can be resumed with another trigger or by specifying a set time after the

pause in recording.

Using Triggers for Back-Office or Branch Employees or Non-Phone Transactions

Advanced Desktop Analytics can be used to capture transactions completed by back-office and branch

employees even when no CTI information is available to indicate the beginning of a transaction. For

employees that work part or all of their day on non-phone tasks, triggers can be configured to detect the

beginning and end of transactions that should be screen and/or voice recorded for quality evaluations or

compliance. This approach also ensures that legitimate personal usage of the computer isn’t recorded–

things like checking a bank balance during a break for instance.

For back office and branch applications, event triggering is especially powerful when combined with the

Application Analysis product module. Application Analysis captures the application usage information to

allow the organization to perform analysis on all employees’ application usage for the entire day. The

conclusions of the analysis can be confirmed and further explored by looking at representative recordings

that were captured based on the triggers.

Capturing Screens

Advanced Desktop Analytics works by detecting specified criteria in the application screens used by each

monitored employee. Creating a trigger often starts with capturing a screen. No developer coding or

advanced scripting is required to set up and maintain Application Analysis and event triggering. Setting up

a trigger based on a particular application event is done at the screen level.

The DPA Validator tool simplifies the task of capturing an intelligent screen shot of the application window

and visually identifying the accessible controls within the application. Controls can include just about any

element on an application screen such as buttons, text boxes, and dropdown lists, as well as reading text

and numerical data from the controls that support these capabilities. The resulting image can be used

within the web-based user interface for defining and managing triggers on the users’ applications.

Employees who have administrative rights to this user interface can also access the search and

navigation functions and diagnostics feature.

This screenshot shows a web-based application “CRM Tool” being analyzed. As the user selects each

element on the application screen, its characteristics are displayed in the current control section on the

top left. Debug information about each control is displayed in the top right. A search feature allows the

user to search for controls containing specific text by pressing the [Find Control] button on the left menu.

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Application Analysis


Application Analysis tracks and reports on activities on the desktop, showing which applications

employees use – including how they use them, when, and for how long. The desktop information

captured can be used to compare employee adherence to scheduled activities to determine if all available

capacity is used productively, and observe patterns in workflow through and between software

applications or modules of the same application.

Organizations make substantial investments of time and money in software, customization, process

definition, and training to enable their employees to more effectively execute key business tasks and

customer interactions. Most organizations have very little visibility into how these business tasks are

completed and how employees interact with the critical business applications at the user level. Are

applications being used effectively and correctly? Is training effective? Which applications are used most

often? With the Verint Application Analysis solution, organizations can answer these questions at the

individual and team level for daily, weekly, and monthly periods.

Verint Application Analysis enables organizations to monitor and optimize the performance of the entire

operation by providing visibility into the application activity occurring on employee’s desktops. Application

Analysis complements the unstructured data captured by the Quality or Compliance recorders and the

structured data captured by the WFM Adherence module.

The Verint Application Analysis solution provides detailed visibility into who is using which applications for

how long. This allows an organization to:

Ensure all available capacity is used productively.

Identify specific areas of improvement in software training and development.

Understand actual process execution, detect and address gaps for performance improvement.

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Be ensured that they are in compliance with software license agreements.

Uses of Application Analysis

Verint Application Analysis solution delivers a comprehensive set of detailed reports. These reports can

be used as part of the company’s efforts to streamline and improve operations.

Below are a few examples of how Application Analysis can be applied:

Business Value Usage

Identify time trends for key steps

and processes

Desktop Analytics captures the work completed by each employee.

The Transaction Average Handle Time (AHT) Report provides the

ability to compare and understand duration of individual or groups

of steps as part of evaluating a process.

Maximize utilization of resources By assessing productive application time against working time,

organizations can ensure that all available capacity is used

productively and identify unused capacity.

Reduce Handle Time By capturing and identifying specific situations where agents are

using non-productive applications (e.g. persona email, Internet

messaging), contact centers can help managers oversee employee

behaviors to help reduce an agent’s average handle time.

Identify Training Requirements Organizations can quickly identify which employees need what

type of training on software usage by comparing how different

employee groups use their business applications and by identifying

which employees most commonly access help files or particular


Improve Application Usage Operational teams can concretely measure and compare

application usage and idle times to identify employee best


Using Application Analysis with Adherence Monitoring

To augment the ACD state information available in the Adherence module, the Application Analysis

solution can also be used to view the desktop activities of agents for adherence. By understanding the

application usage of employees, in addition to their ACD states, organizations can better coach, train, and

optimize their workforce. What applications are in use when agents place callers on hold? What

applications are in use during after call work time or during idle time?

Note: See more information in the Interoperability with WFM section.

Pre-Packaged Reports

Verint Application Analysis comes with a set of pre-packaged reports. These reports deliver significant

insight into who is using which applications, when, and for how long. Many of these reports offer the

ability to drill down into the next level of detail or view.

Capacity Analysis Report -- Identifies unused capacity by analyzing productive usage against working


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DPA Capacity Analysis

Timeline Reports -- Identify the applications used throughout the day. The color bars are represented by

the most predominant application within a 15 minute time frame. This report is the most commonly used

report by supervisors as they can quickly view the application workflow. Management can drill down into

the report to get the details of the application’s use (e.g. the modules accessed in a CRM tool or the web

pages viewed by a browser).

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See the DPA Interoperability with Verint WFO section later in this document to see how the Timeline

report can uniquely present recorded interactions (audio and screen) for immediate understanding of

employee desktop behavior.

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Application Usage Reports – list the employees, which applications they used, and for how long. The

report can be aggregated per individual employee or a group of employees. Also, the report can filter out

and focus on specific applications of interest. These reports provide high-level information on usage

patterns to identity areas of improvement.

Application Activity Percentage by User and Organization

Application Duration by Application

This report presents the aggregate time spent by employees in different applications and in specific

screens of an application.

Transaction AHT Report – Analyzing work for a single user is no longer effective, particularly in back-

office processes where a single work item may be moved from one employee to another to complete

multiple steps within each overall task. DPA captures the work completed by each separate employee,

and the Transaction Average Handle Time (AHT) Report provides a means to collate that activity by work


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For each type of work, the report displays count and average end-to-end handle time and elapsed time

across employees over the selected time period.

Process and Step AHT by User

Interaction AHT Report Grouped by End Day

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Log Reports – Provide more detailed information on the specific screens viewed by employees. The log

reports can be used to identify specific areas of non-compliance in application usage (e.g. web surfing,

personal emails) as well as details on how much time users spend on specific application modules or

sites (e.g. knowledge base).

Application Duration Log

Strategic Desktop and Process Analytics Strategic Desktop and Process Analytics provides the functionality of Advanced Desktop Analytics plus

two more process-related product modules:

Process Analysis.

Process Discovery.

Process Analysis The Process Analysis module leverages the triggering capabilities in Advanced Desktop Analytics. With

Process Analysis, activities and tasks can be defined based on sequences of triggers. Triggers are

defined on the beginning and ending points of a sequence of activities to be analyzed, and are then

defined as a process analysis. Handle times can then be captured for various steps in completing a task

as well as for the overall process. Process Analysis includes timeline reports that allow the users to see

information like what processes have been completed, how long they took, what steps were involved.

Process Analysis enables you to:

Add a business definition layer over the data collected by Application Analysis and event triggers

and lets you define and build the steps in a process.

Define specific processes, and then track the volume and status of workflow as it moves through

them using the sequences of trigger data and application usage patterns from Advanced Desktop

Analytics. When the software recognizes a specified sequence of steps, it records the data.

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Process Definition

The solution provides graphical timeline reports showing which processes have been completed, how

long they took, who performed them, and the steps involved. You can even spot incomplete processes,

transaction values, and account data at given steps.

Process Discovery Process Discovery graphically maps, step by step, how employees execute business processes based on

their actual desktop activities. The solution can capture data and create process diagrams in Microsoft®

Visio® automatically without interrupting work, interacting with critical corporate systems, or requiring

predefined process flows or integration with other applications. You can spot frequently followed paths,

process efficiencies, and exceptions, then use this information to develop best practices, training, and


Trigger and Log File Based Process Maps

With a start and end point

defined, Process

Discovery can visually

map and generate the

processes in a Microsoft®

Visio® diagram. The

diagram expresses steps

used along with the paths


Additional details are

provided by clicking on a

particular step or path.

Paths may be viewed to

determine which users

followed a particular path,

while steps may be viewed to determine metrics by user as well as group average.

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Process Discovery can also load events from a log a file. In many

cases DPA triggers are configured to capture data that could more

easily be read from log files just to get the benefit of the event in

DPA reports and analytics. With the ability to load events from a log

file, it’s unnecessary to create triggers for these cases.

The option to include log files accelerates the time to value by

avoiding the need to create triggers where data is already


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Parallel Paths Display Based on AHT

For any given workflow it is possible that different employees followed different routes to get to the end-

point. Charting the different flows based on time taken allows an analyst to easily identify the fastest path,

while also ensuring a compliant process. Additionally this chart helps identify bottlenecks and provides

the ability to drill down to explore non-compliant users.

Parallel Paths based on AHT

User, Transaction, or Other Common ID-Based Visualization

In addition to visualizations of desktop events that occur in sequence for a single user, Process Discovery

module can generate visualizations per transactions or other common IDs affixed to triggers. The user-

based visualization is useful for understanding how a single user executed a specific piece of work. The

transaction-based or other ID-based visualization enables understanding of how work flows through the

organization. Analyst users can combine events from a transaction log with desktop triggers and visualize

events that are related by a transaction ID (or other variable: Customer ID, etc.) to see how work

progresses across multiple users and even automated steps.

The same events can be used in visualizations created by person and in visualizations created by


Customers can quickly assemble the empirical flows of individual tasks and long workflows across

multiple teams and individuals. Most organizations have documentation on the “ideal” or “correct”

execution of processes, but few have data on how work is actually completed. With this easily rendered in

Visio analysts can understand what factors are influencing process handle times and outcomes.

Difference between Process Analysis and Process Discovery

The key difference between Process Analysis and Process Discovery is that Process Discovery has a

minimal requirement to stipulate the intermediate steps between process points in order to define a

specific process. Process Discovery shows process flows in raw form, which can facilitate the

identification of Process Analysis step definitions and make process aberrations immediately

recognizable. The timings in Process Discovery can be utilized to create time standards and identify

which users are fastest/slowest on key steps. Process Discovery can also be used to create a “blueprint”

of best practices by depicting the precise process steps taken to perform the best practice.

Desktop Guidance and Automation Desktop Guidance and Automation is an optional add-on item to either Advanced Desktop Analytics or Strategic Desktop and Process Analytics.

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Desktop Guidance Desktop Guidance provides the ability to deliver real-time on-screen guidance in a variety of ways to

employees at specific steps within a process. The guidance is based on screen content and activity. The

examples of guidance that can be delivered include:

Producing a customizable message pop on the screen at the precise point of need in the process


The automation of process steps such as replicating the customer’s phone number from the

desktop softphone to the CRM and using this data to automatically perform a customer search,

launching another application screen automatically that represents the next step or automatically

launching a Knowledgebase article based on the context of data represented on the screen.

Notifications to a supervisor who can be alerted to provide assistance.

Automation Desktop Guidance and

Automation provides the

ability to automatically

replicate single or multiple

data elements from one

application to an unlimited

number of other applications

without application

development or database

integration. Automation

improves productivity while

reducing cycle times, errors,

duplicate data entry, and rework.

Non-Intrusive Application Integration

Desktop Automation and Guidance

scripts provide two standard options for

interfacing to external applications. Desktop Automation can use “http get/post” actions to send and

receive data from web servers. Many applications use these methods to provide simple effective APIs.

Desktop Guidance and Automation supports customer-defined Python scripts which are very effective at

querying remote web applications or making web service calls and parsing the returned data. Desktop

Guidance and Automation fully supports the exchange of information between the Python scripting engine

and the DPA software, so python scripting can use data captured by DPA alongside data retrieved by the

scripting and manipulate that data before returning to DPA for presentation to the user or incorporation in

future triggered events.

Real-time employee guidance during interactions and complex transactions can be more accurate and effective through the ability of Desktop Guidance and Automation to interface with other solutions behind the scenes. For customers that have Predictive Analytics, or other applications that can inform how an interaction or transaction is completed, Desktop Guidance and Automation can help ensure these investments are applied correctly, and at the right time, while employees are working on the interaction.

Because of the diverse and broad nature of applications between which data needs to be transferred,

Desktop Guidance and Automation requires detailed discovery followed by scoping of required services.

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DPA Interoperability with Verint WFO The unification of DPA with the rest of the Verint WFO suite is a unique differentiator. The unification

delivers interoperability out-of-the-box with several business workflows that quickly deliver new pieces of

actionable information for better decision making and lower cost of ownership.

User, Organization, and Security Role Unification DPA shares user, organization, role, security, and license management with the rest of the Verint WFO

suite to reduce the administration overhead and total cost of ownership.

Drill to Interactions from Timeline Report The DPA Application Timeline report allows the user to instantly load recorded interactions to the

employee application timelines on the current page. Once the interactions are loaded to the report, the

user can click on individual contacts to launch the Verint contact replay screen giving an immediate

answer to WHAT the agents or employees are doing, and WHY?

Application Duration and Contacts Timeline by User

By replaying the relevant interactions users can get an immediate and complete picture of what users

are doing when the Timeline report points to abnormal behavior. Verint screen recordings aren’t limited

to agent-customer interactions. Using triggers it’s possible to initiate recordings to capture critical

business transactions where there’s no call involved.

DPA to trigger Recording Advanced Desktop Analytics sends triggers to all Verint recorders for control and tagging.

The triggers can be used to pause, resume, start, and stop the recorder to ensure that sensitive

information is not captured and/or that critical information from transactions is indeed captured.

Tagging pertinent information from desktop applications to recorded interactions helps for easier search

and retrieval of calls, better categorization of calls, and better Speech Analytics accuracy.

Pre-Defined DPA KPIs in Scorecards This is an example of unification and interoperability between DPA and Scorecards. Scorecards contain

several pre-defined KPIs to support the performance management of Production Time, Idle Time, and

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Inactive Time. Some of the canned KPIs rely exclusively on DPA source measures, while others combine

DPA and Operations work time source measures.

In addition, DPA auto-generates several canned source measures that can be used to create and load

KPIs into Scorecards. These source measures include Average Handle Time, Total Value, and Average

Value associated with Steps and Processes. This data is available for both standard and intraday


Performance Management Scorecards provides a simple and effective means to ensure that insights

gathered from desktop analytics are affecting real organizational improvement. By making the most

commonly used desktop analytics metrics available as out-of-the-box KPIs, it enables organizations to

quickly apply performance management practices and improve employee desktop activity and behavior.

Delivery of this information as KPIs in Scorecards instead of reports can also help increase focus, keep

that focus in context relative to peers and to time, and accelerate change.

Desktop Activity and Real-Time Speech Notification This is unification and interoperability between DPA, Recording, and Real-Time Speech Notification

(RTSN). DPA can receive “spoken word” alerts from RTSN, combine that with desktop activity triggers,

and then offer “validated” real-time guidance to employees during the interaction.

RTSN uses the Verint framework alert services to model rules and delivery mechanisms. Included in the

delivery modes is an option for the RTSN alert to be delivered to DPA. DPA receives the alert in real time

and sets a trigger variable according to the value. This variable can be used in triggers in combination

with other desktop criteria to determine if an action should be taken or not.

For example, RTSN may fire an alert, indicating the customer has referred to a specific life event,

relocation. DPA would receive that as a variable and when the agent accesses a specific screen, an

insurance review on a second property, a DPA trigger that models a specific business rule relating to

“relocation” and “insurance review” is fired. This trigger may simply display a message with real-time

agent guidance, or it may launch another application and pre-populate it with appropriate data.

Real-Time Speech Notifications

Customers can combine and validate the unique insights from RTSN with the desktop context from DPA

to provide agents relevant real-time guidance and assistance during interactions. This can help improve

customer experience and important metrics, such as cross-sell, FCR, improve compliance, and

lower handle time.

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Interoperability between DPA and WFM Application Analysis feeds employee desktop activity data to the WFM Adherence screen to compare

employee activities against published schedules and help manage adherence.

Users get a comprehensive view of employee adherence to schedules spanning their phone and

non-phone desktop activities in a single easy to understand and act on Adherence screen.

Event Triggers and Process Analysis feed desktop step and process counts to the Volume Capture Tool

(VCT) interface of WFM for accurate capacity and productivity planning.

DPA feeds data into the Productivity Effectiveness and Production Time Compliance Reports which can

help organizations to identify hidden capacity.

Verint Value Verint Desktop and Process Analytics can be deployed standalone and as an integrated component of

the Verint Workforce Optimization suite.

Desktop and Process Analytics provides much needed visibility into how employees use software

applications to perform work, which can provide critical information to help organizations find and utilize

capacity. DPA also captures desktop activity and process flows, and highlights high value/high risk

transactions to support analysis and better frontline management for Contact Center, Back-Office, and

Branch Operations. Verint Desktop and Process Analytics products facilitate interaction with employees

to provide adherence and if required, real-time guidance–driving consistency in execution that represents

tremendous business value.

When organizations also deploy other Workforce Optimization applications like Recording and Quality

Management, Performance Management, and Workforce Management, even greater capabilities of the

combined products provide more comprehensive visibility, control, and optimization of people, work,

systems, and associated processes across operations teams. The result is that organizations can:

Increase contact center, back-office, and branch efficiency and effectiveness with accurate

forecasts of employee workload.

Reveal the successful behaviors of their top performers and close the gap with bottom performers

through best practice process guidance.

Help reduce risk and eliminate penalties by identifying and preventing behavior not in compliance

with company and/or industry practices.

Improve productivity by understanding how employees use applications and systems to perform

their work.

Reduce cycle times, errors, and rework by propagating data between application screens and

providing best practice real-time process guidance.

Quantifiable ROI DPA implementations typically yield bottom-line benefits from:

10 to 35% productivity gains and increased capacity.

Significant cost savings from process improvements.

5 to 20% reduction in customer and/or dealer calls and back office error correction as a result of

reduced errors.

Significant expenditure savings from penalty avoidance.

Regulatory penalties (government, industry).

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Customer SLA penalties.

In many cases, these improvements yield top-line benefits from:

Increased customer satisfaction.

Higher product margin (demonstrable service improvements).

Increased ability to compete for new business (outsourcers).

DPA Customer Success Stories Major Insurance Company found 13% to 15% productivity benefit via Application Analysis. They

predicted that a 10% benefit would save $1.5-$1.6M annually.

Cell Phone Customer Service Outsourcer identified 15-20% productivity inefficiency via

Application Analysis in 6 months. They procured additional software licenses and projected

further future productivity from process improvements that would yield FTE savings and sales


Major USA Bank projected $25M over 3 years leveraging Application Analysis and Event Triggers

to achieve 1% process improvement and process adherence across branch tellers.

Large Regional Utility improved productivity 15% via Application Analysis and Event Triggers that

brought supervisor-led teams within tolerances.

Major USA Transportation Company leveraged Verint Performance Management (including

Application Analysis, Event Triggering, Process Analysis, Verint Professional Services, and Verint

Scorecards) to save a projected $700K annually across operations areas, including procurement,

revenue accounting, car accounting, and property accounting.

High-Level Architecture All of the Verint Desktop and Process Analytics applications use the same application server, database

server, and client components and are installed via a common DPA installer with individual components

enabled by license.

The Desktop and Process Analytics client is essential to monitoring activities on the employee desktop.

Its footprint on the desktop is minimal, consuming a negligible amount of resource from a typical

employee desktop. It can be deployed without any user interface. The data sent from the desktop client to

server is configurable in size and interval. This results in very limited network bandwidth consumed by the


Three of the out-of-the-box interoperability points between DPA applications and other Verint WFO

applications are shown as blue lines in the diagram below.

Event Triggers–sends events to Verint Recording for control and tagging.

Advanced Desktop Analysis–sends activity to the Adherence Module.

ADA or Process Analysis–sends trigger, step, or process counts to the Volume Capture Tool

interface of WFM.

Not shown in the diagram is the Visio Plug-in used with Process Discovery. The Visio Plug-in uses a Web Services interface with DPA.

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Common Deployment Size and Architecture DPA is part of the Verint WFO solution, and sizing is determined through the WFO Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) guide. Deployment Size and Architecture varies considerably depending on which other applications are being installed and used.

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Useful Technical Information The following table summarizes the technical components of Verint Desktop and Process Analytics:

Area Description

User PCs A small piece of software is installed on each user’s system that gathers and

reports usage statistics back to a centralized server.

The software has a negligible impact on monitored PCs (<1%).

The software application monitors all activity of any application that creates a

window on the desktop, including CRM tools, CTI tools, documents, games,

Internet, and email.

When the current window is minimized, the software will detect this change, and

will monitor the new active window. If no active window is present on the desktop,

it will monitor the desktop and log this as an application.

If a user is running Microsoft Word and goes to lunch, the software will—after a

configurable amount of time–log all activity on the PC as “IDLE” until a keyboard

or mouse movement. After this, the client will start monitoring the current window


With regard to users in a Citrix environment, the DPA client is installed on the

Citrix server and captures data for all Citrix sessions. Where a Citrix session is

opened on a desktop already monitored by DPA, the two instances of DPA will

communicate and the desktop will become the master such that any events

captured in the Citrix session will be seamlessly delivered to the desktop session

and appear as a single user session in reporting. Triggers and trigger variables

are also managed in the same way, such that the two desktop sessions appear

as a single session.

Server Server software automatically detects new software installed on the monitored


Server software automatically detects new users and computer name changes.

The number of months of data kept in the database is configurable by the


Network On average, each client machine will transfer less than 20KB of data to the server

per hour.

By default, each client machine sends data to the server every 10 minutes.

However, this is completely configurable from the central server. A standard client

configuration can be set for all users.

Security Server software does not collect information from a firewall.

Log files are stored, locked, and encrypted in a proprietary format.

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DPA Implementation Project Plan A sample Implementation Timeline is seen below.

Windows OS with little to no configuration. However, some applications may require additional DPA client

or desktop configuration prior to install:

Java–Java-based applications may require the need for Java Access Bridge to be installed on

client PC’s in order for DPA to fully support the application.

Hllapi–some Terminal Emulator applications may require additional steps, such as manually

locating and placing the hllapi.dll file within the DPA client directory.

Citrix–for full DPA capability support of Citrix published applications or desktops, a specific DPA

client is required to install directly on the Citrix server.

Further details and specific hardware requirements, such as sizing, will be provided in Customer

Furnished Equipment (CFE) documentation to be provided by Verint. Additional documentation will be

provided concerning installation, user guide, etc.

All of the Verint Desktop and Process Analytics applications use the same application server, database

server, and client components and are installed via a common DPA installer with individual components

enabled by license.

Verint. Powering Actionable Intelligence.® Verint® is a global leader in Actionable Intelligence® solutions for customer engagement optimization,

security intelligence, and fraud, risk, and compliance. Today, more than 10,000 organizations in over 180

countries use Verint solutions to make more informed, effective, and timely decisions. Learn more at


Sample Implementation Table

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Guidelines for Use of DPA with Specific Applications Each organization’s network environment, configurations, and combination of user applications is unique.

As a result, it’s necessary to review your specific applications and intended use of DPA in this context to

test for and identify any potential issues. The following table provides information on some of the

applications that DPA has been implemented to monitor, as well as related guidelines regarding its use.

DPA may work well with other applications not listed here also.

Application Type Versions



Chrome V29 through V44 Support available with chrome NPAPI browser add-on. Requires enterprise deployment policies to administer.

This add-on available with V11.1, V11.2, V15.1.

URL detection and window title detection available without plugin V11.2 and V15.1.

Chrome V45 and above URL detection and window title detection available without plugin V11.2 and V15.1.

Support available with chrome native browser add-on. Requires enterprise deployment policies to administer

This add-on is available in V15.1.

Embedded Chrome (Xilium CEFGlue)

V3.x Support available on PSR basis.

Firefox All versions No content support available in any version.

URL detection and window title detection available in V11.2 & V15.1.

Internet Explorer 6.0 and Higher IE6 & 7 screens are unlikely to render the same in higher versions, meaning recapture of screen likely for higher versions.

Screens rendered in Compatibility mode may need recaptured if rendered in native mode.

Dom Access is required. May require trusted site access enabled in IE profile.

Many Active-X controls are supported.

Full Flash and Active-X screens require analysis.

Silverlight is not supported.

Hotspots are not supported.

Windows8.x Metro style interface is not supported.

Internet Explorer content triggers are supported in 64 bit virtualized environments only with Internet Explorer add-on/plugin.

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Application Type Versions



Win32 Application N/A Windows Forms is supported.

HOTSPOTS are supported.

Standard ActiveX components are supported.

16 Bit applications are not supported.

Floating toolbar and interfaces with custom controls or direct-X skins are not supported.

Some custom ActiveX components are not supported.

Java Java 1.3 and higher For 64 bit operating systems running 32 bit java: requires accessbridge in Java 64 bit to be installed as well as 32 bit.

Requires accessibility-enabled java applications.

Requires that Java Access Bridge is installed in each system where triggers are expected to fire.

For Oracle forms, Java Access Bridge may require manual installation.

Citrix All Citrix channels “lite” Confirmed supported all versions up to XenApp7.0 Expect support of 7.6 and above

Full “Citrix Channels” support available in V11.2&V15.1 from XenApp 6 and above.

It is important to note that DPA Validator grabs must be taken from an application when it is running locally on a machine. Do not grab an application when it is running through a Citrix session.

Citrix Published Applications and Desktops are supported.

Internet Explorer content triggers are not supported in Citrix 64 bit environment without IEBHO plugin (affects both 32 and 64 bit IE). IE Window Open/Close type triggers are supported with or without plugin.

Terminal Emulators N/A Require HLLAPI support.

Attachmate and IBM iSeries terminal emulators are supported through COM (No HLLAPI required).

PowerBuilder 10.0 and higher Support for applications written in PowerBuilder v.10 is available from 10SP4 onwards, but is limited to those PowerBuilder components that implement accessibility controls.

For example: Many PowerBuilder applications have limited Accessibility support against combo-box pull-down components.

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Application Type Versions



SAP 7.0 and higher The Java-based version of SAP is currently not supported. Note: SAP GUI scripting must be enabled on the SAP server and on client machines.

SAP Login applications are supported fully.

SAP GUI applications do not support SAP Scripting and are therefore not supported.

SAP AModal dialog boxes are also not supported for the same reason. If AModal dialog boxes are required in your SAP application, please consider using the Modal dialog rather than the AModal dialog.

Text inputs are evaluated after the user navigates away from the control.

Remedy 6.0 and higher Screens will need to be evaluated.

Hotspots N/A Not supported in Internet Explorer.

Hotspots allow you to create a “clickable” trigger based on a control that is otherwise not supported by Triggers. The screen is grabbed in the normal way. Controls that are supported by Triggers can be highlighted as normal. Controls that are not supported (highlighted in blue) can be selected by drawing a box around them. Holding down the Ctrl key, simply draw a box around the control in which you are interested.
