Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) What is it, and how can it help improve...


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Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B)What is it, and how can it help improve operations in Micronesia?

Captain Rocky StoneChief Surveillance PilotUnited AirlinesPacific Aviation Directors WorkshopMarch 15, 2012

What is ADS-B?

ADS-B is a surveillance system that relies on aircraft transmitting their current position

ADS-B ground stations are much less expensive than radar, and much more capable

Aircraft transmits position and velocity twice a second With GPS navigation, ADS-B is more accurate than radar ADS-B allows not only the ground to receive the position

information, but close by aircraft can also “see” ADS-B transmissions, enabling air-to-air applications in addition to “radar like” air-to-ground applications


Why is the FAA moving forward with ADS-B?

ADS-B is an enabler for most “NextGen” procedures that increase safety, capacity, and efficiency

Interval Management (IM) – maximizes throughput to capacity constrained airports

In Trail Procedures (ITP) – increases the probability that aircraft on long oceanic flights will be able to fly at their optimum altitude, reducing fuel burn and emissions



ITP Opportunities

What will ADS-B do for Micronesia?

ADS-B provides ATC a “better than radar” surveillance system Airports which ATC currently only allows “one in/one out” stand

to gain significant capacity Eliminates most airborne holding – reduces fuel burn and

emissions Greatly reduces the probability of diversion Increased safety, as ATC always knows exactly where the

aircraft are


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