Automated Recognition of 3D CAD Model Objects and Calculation


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Automated Recognition of 3D CAD Model Objectsand Calculation of As-built Dimensions

for Dimensional Compliance Control in Construction

Frederic Bosche1

Computer Vision LaboratoryETH Zurich


The construction industry lacks solutions for accurately,comprehensively and efficiently tracking the three dimen-sional (3D) status of buildings under construction. Such information is however critical to the successful managementof construction projects: it supports fundamental activities such as progress tracking and construction dimensionalquality control. In this paper, a new approach for automatedrecognition of project 3D Computer-Aided Design(CAD) model objects in large laser scans is presented, with significant improvements compared to the one origi-nally proposed in [11]. A more robust point matching method is used and registration quality is improved with theimplementation of an Iterative Closest Point (ICP) based fine registration step.

Once the optimal registration of the project’s CAD model with a site scan is obtained, a similar ICP-based registra-tion algorithm is proposed to calculate the as-built poses of the CAD model objects. These as-built poses are then usedfor automatically controlling the compliance of the project with respect to corresponding dimensional tolerances.

Experimental results are presented with data obtained fromthe erection of an industrial building’s steel structure.They demonstrate the performance in real field conditions ofthe model registration and object recognition algorithms,and show the potential of the proposed approach for as-builtdimension calculation and control.

Key words: Automation, 3D, Object Recognition, Dimensional Compliance Control, Laser Scanning, CAD Model,Registration

1. Introduction

It has been repeatedly reported that construction per-formance is correlated to the availability and accu-racy of information on site status, in particular three-dimensional (3D) status [29, 2, 37]. Current techniquesfor project 3D status tracking are based on manual mea-surements that are time- and labor- demanding, andtherefore too expensive and often too unreliable to becomprehensively applied on sites [14, 29]. There istherefore a need for effective and efficient project 3Dstatus tracking.

1Computer Vision Laboratory - DDM Group, ETHZurich, HIT H 11.1, Wolfgang-Pauli-strasse 27, 8093 Zurich,Switzerland; +41 44 633 70 12;;∼bosche

1.1. Existing Research

Many research initiatives are investigating the use ofremote sensing technologies, in particular digital imag-ing and terrestrial laser scanning, to improve the effi-ciency and effectiveness of site 3D data collection forproject control activities, in particular progress trackingand dimensional compliance control.

1.1.1. Vision based SystemsSeveral vision-based systems have been proposed for

tracking construction progress [26, 42, 14, 25, 19].Their general strategy is to first register site digitalpictures and the project 3D Computer-Aided Design(CAD) model in a common coordinate system usingcamera pose estimation techniques. The next step is tocompare the site digital pictures to the project model.To do this comparison, different alternative approacheshave been proposed. In [47, 42, 14], each 2D image

Preprint submitted to Advanced Engineering Informatics August 11, 2009

is compared with a corresponding virtual image gener-ated using the 3D model and the estimated camera pose;In [26] a 3D model is reconstructed from the site pic-tures and then compared to the CAD model. Finally,in [25, 19], Lukins et al. propose a similar approach to[42, 14] but with an additional first step comparing eachpicture with pictures previously acquired with the samecamera pose. The presence of newly built elements isthen only searched inregions of interestidentified as re-gions of the images presenting significant changes sincethe previous shot. The work of Lukins et al. [25, 19]appears to be the most promising by its level of au-tomation (human intervention is only required for theinstallation of the camera and its initial registration withthe project CAD model), its robustness to varying en-vironmental conditions, and its capacity to distinguishregions of interests for progress detection. Nonethe-less, several limitations remain such as: (1) the sizeand type of detectable changes; (2) the sensitivity ofthe region-of-interest and object detectors to changinglighting conditions, particularly in the presence of shad-ows; (3) the robustness tounexpected occlusions2 —unexpected occlusions are very common on construc-tion sites and may result in false detection of regions ofinterest, which may then result in false object detection;and (4) the impossibility to resolve depth ambiguities.

In the case of dimensional compliance control,Ordonez et al. [30] proposed two different image-basedapproaches for controlling dimensions of flat elements.These approaches, however, require significant humaninput as points to be measured must be selected man-ually. Shih and Dunston [40] also recently presentedresults on the evaluation of Augmented Reality (AR)for steel column inspection (anchor bolt positions andplumbness). These results demonstrate the feasibility ofaccurate AR-based steel column inspection. However,the system requires not only significant human interac-tion, but also a user with strong skills in 3D visualiza-tion and 2D projection necessary for the registration ofthe models in the images. As a result, despite the accu-racy of the results reported by the authors, inspectionscan be time-consuming and expensive.

Overall, as already noted by Rabbani and van denHeuvel [35], despite the major advances that have beenmade in image processing in the last couple of decades,image-based approaches, particularly when not imple-

2Expected occlusionsrefer to occlusions due to objects that arepart of the building of which we use the 3D CAD model (e.g.beam,column, floor, door). On the contrary,unexpected occlusionsreferto occlusions due to objects that are not part of that building (e.g.temporary structures, workers, and/or other buildings).

menting dense stereo-vision, will always remain lim-ited because they aim at extracting dense 3D informa-tion from 2D images. This is an ill-conditioned problemthat is very difficult to solve, particularly in the case ofcomplex scenes such as construction sites. Goldparvar-Fard et al. [14] do propose a method enabling the ex-traction of sparse 3D data from series of images (usingthe principle of structure-from-motion). However, noresults have yet been published demonstrating the feasi-bility and reliably of automatically analyzing this sparse3D data to infer such information as progress or dimen-sional quality.

1.1.2. Laser Scanning based SystemsContrary to digital imaging, laser scanning actually

acquires 3D data, and with good accuracy (e.g.∼ 12 mmat 100mwith the scanner used in this research [44]) andhigh point density (e.g. maximum horizontal/verticalresolutions of∼ 60 µrad with the scanner used in thisresearch, which results in about one point per 3mmat50 m [44]). Thus, despite their initial cost (between$50, 000 and $100, 000 for a standard scanner), laserscanners present characteristics that are well adaptedto project 3D status tracking, and thus progress track-ing and dimensional quality control [13, 16, 15, 3].For example, Gordon et al. [16] present a system thatuses a 3D free-form shape recognition algorithm forautomatically recognizing CAD objects in laser pointclouds. Shapes are recognized by representing, and sub-sequently matching, model and sensed data using localsurface descriptors calledspin-images[21]. This ap-proach is very general and can be very robust to occlu-sions because it is based on local features. However, itsperformance significantly decreases in complex situa-tions, such as in construction sites where search objectsdo not necessarily have very distinctive features. In-deed, in object recognition, it is important that the datarepresentation beunambiguous: no two objects shouldhave the same representation [4]. The problem withbuilding 3D models is that the objects that constitutethem (e.g.columns, beams) present strong similaritiesresulting in strong ambiguities.

Shih and Wang [39] reported a laser scanning- basedsystem for controlling the dimensional compliance offinished walls. Biddiscombe [8] reported the use of laserscanning on an actual tunneling project for controllingas-built dimensions. Similarly, [17] and [31] reportedresults on the use of laser scanning for structural healthmonitoring. Despite these many works and the industry-wide acknowledgement of the accuracy and versatilityof laser scanners [20], the use of laser scanning on con-struction sites remains very limited. We suppose that the


probable reason is that the currently proposed systems(such as those above) present low levels of automationand/or poor efficiency (e.g. in terms of the number ofelements that can be investigated in a day), resulting inbenefit-cost ratios which are not favorable compared tothose achieved with traditional manual inspections.

1.1.3. Our Previous WorkBosche et al. [11] recently proposed a quasi fully-

automated system for recognizing project 3D CADmodel objects in site laser scans. The focus is on largesite scans that capture data from many objects, if pos-sible the entire site, simultaneously. Each investigatedscan and the project 3D CAD model are first regis-tered in the same coordinate system using a standardmanualn-point registration approach (this is the onlymanual step). The as-built point clouds correspondingto the CAD objects present in the scan are then auto-matically recognized as the projections (similarly to raycasting) of the as-built points onto the objects’ models.A threshold is used for rejecting matching point pairsthat are too far apart. Finally, the recognition of eachCAD object is inferred by analyzing the set of scannedpoints with matching points on the surface of the ob-ject’s model. The system is very robust to occlusions(both unexpected and expected occlusions), fairly effi-cient (it takes around 5min to process a scan containingapproximately 650, 000 points with a CAD model con-stituted of 612 objects) and quite accurate (in average,80% of objects are recognized). However, this approachis unreliable enough because its accuracy depends en-tirely on the accuracy of the registration step, which isperformed manually and relies on a few point pairs only.

In [11], the authors describe how the results obtainedwith this system could be used for automated projectcontrol. In the same article, they show in fact the fea-sibility of performing automated project progress track-ing using such object recognition information. In [10],they also discuss further the feasibility of using the as-built point clouds that can be extracted from the scansfor all recognized objects to automatically calculate theas-built dimensions of these objects. However, no im-plementation was proposed.

1.2. ContributionThe first contribution of this paper is an improved al-

gorithm for recognition of project 3D CAD model ob-jects in construction laser scans (Section 2). Comparedto the algorithm originally proposed in [11], a morerobust point matching method is used and registrationquality and reliability is improved with the implementa-tion of an ICP-based fine registration step. It is shown

through multiple experiments that the resulting objectrecognition system has the following strengths:• Automation: it is quasi fully automated, as only

the initial n-point coarse registration must be per-formed manually;• Accuracy: it achieves high object recognition ac-

curacy, and this accuracy is much less sensitive tothe initial manual coarse registration;• Robustness: it is robust to occlusions, both ex-

pected and unexpected;• Efficiency: each scan can be processed in a matter

of minutes.The second contribution of this paper is an algorithm

for automatically calculating the as-built pose of the rec-ognized CAD objects, and controlling the complianceof the project with dimensional tolerances (Section 3).The current algorithm focuses only on calculating theas-built poses of the objects (an extended version willbe developed that will simultaneously calculate theiras-built shapes). It is shown through multiple experi-ments that the proposed as-built pose calculaton and di-mensional compliance control system has the followingcharacteristics:• Automation: it can be fully automated (the as-built

pose calculation part is already fully automated,only the dimensional compliance control part isnot);• Accuracy: results for as-built dimension calcu-

lation and dimensional compliance control arepromising. However, current experimental resultsare not conclusive, partially due to the limited ac-curacy of current laser scanners on field;• Robustness: the calculated as-built dimensions do

not seem to suffer from partial occlusions of theinvestigated objects;• Efficiency/Scalability: the as-built poses of all in-

stalled/built objects recognized in a scan can be ob-tained in a matter of minutes.

1.3. System OverviewThe first part of the proposed system is an algorithm

that enables quasi automated recognition of project 3DCAD model objects in construction laser scans. Assummarized in Figure 1, the algorithm first requires thatthe laser scan be coarsely registered with the project3D CAD Model using a simplen-point registration ap-proach (withn ≥ 3). This process can be performedrapidly using commercial software, but does requiresome human input for the selection of at least threematching point pairs in the scan and model. As notedearlier, such coarse registration may not lead to optimalalignments of the scan and CAD model. As a result, an


automated fine registration of the scan and CAD modelis implemented. This fine registration is referred to asthemodel fine registrationbecause it uses the 3D CADmodel constituted of all its objects. The recognition ofeach CAD object is then inferred, as done in [11], byanalyzing the set of scan points that are close to, andthus match, the surface of the object’s model.

Figure 1: Flowchart of the algorithm enabling the recognition in a sitelaser scan of the objects constituting the project’s 3D CAD model.BIM refers toBuilding Information Model.

The second part of the proposed system is an algo-rithm that calculates the as-built poses of the 3D CADmodel objects recognized in a scan. These poses arethen used to control the compliance of the project withrespect to dimensional tolerances. As summarized inFigure 2, the algorithm first calculates the as-built posesof the recognized 3D CAD model objects using anob-ject fine registrationprocess. This registration uses thesame algorithm as the one used in themodel fine regis-tration, but optimizes the pose of each object individu-ally from the other objects. Once the as-built poses ofall recognized objects are calculated, all dimensions thatcan be calculated from them, and for which complianceswith tolerances must be met, are controlled.

Figure 2: Flowchart of the algorithm enabling (1) the calculation ofthe as-built poses of all project 3D CAD model objects recognized ina site laser scan; and (2) the control of the compliance of theprojectwith respect to dimensional tolerances.

2. Automated CAD Object Recognition

As shown in Figure 1, the CAD object recognitionalgorithm is divided into three steps: model coarse reg-istration, model fine registration and object recogni-tion. These steps are described in the following threesub-sections. Section 2.4 presents experimental re-sults demonstrating the performance of this approachby comparing it to the approach originally proposed in[11].

2.1. Model Coarse Registration

The first step consists in obtaining acoarse registra-tion of the investigated scan and the project 3D CADmodel. For this, an-point registration approach is usedthat consists in manually picking at least three pairs ofmatching points in the scan and model. This can beeasily performed using standard commercial softwarepackages for point cloud analysis (e.g. Trimble Real-works [45] or Leica CloudWorks [23]).

In [11], the authors performed the model-scan regis-tration using this method only. However, it is knownthat suchcoarse registrationis not reliable because itrests on only a few pairs of matched points for whichthe correspondences are not even ensured. In fact, oneof the purposes of the registration is here to perform di-mensional quality control which aims at verifying thesecorrespondences. In order to achieve a more reliableand improved registration, an additional step should beimplemented that checks, and if necessary improves, thequality of the registration. This is achieved by themodelfine registrationalgorithm presented below.

2.2. Model Fine Registration

2.2.1. Previous WorkAn optimization algorithm can be designed to start

from a coarse registration and then locally search fora better one (in the registration space) [7]. Such alocal optimization problem, generally referred to asfine registration, has been intensively studied in thepast. A breakthrough came with the works by Arunet al. [5] and Horn [18] for least-squares estimationof registration parameters between two point cloudswith correspondence(pairs of corresponding points inthe two clouds are knowna priori). Then, buildingon those prior results, Besl and McKay [7] and Chenand Medioni [12] simultaneously proposed two simi-lar methods for the fine registration of two 3D shapeswithout correspondence. Their methods use a similariterative algorithm, commonly referred to as theItera-tive Closest Point (ICP)algorithm. Note that Besl and


McKay [7] refer to the registration of3D shapesbe-cause this algorithm can be used with 3D data sets inmany different representations including point clouds,triangular sets, implicit surfaces and parametric sur-faces.

The ICP algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1with theDatashape represented as a point cloudXo. qk

is the registration obtained at thekth iteration and con-tains 7 parameters: the scaling factor (in our case, itequals 1), the three rotation angles and the three transla-tion distances. At each iteration, the functionC () calcu-lates the points on theModelshape matching the givenData (shape) points. The functionR() calculates theleast square optimal registration between the matchedData andModelpoints (e.g.using the method in [5] or[18]). Finally, the functionT () calculates whether thetermination criterion is met. If the criterion is met, thealgorithm stops; otherwise it goes through an additionaliteration.

Input: Data= {PD}N, ModelResult: q


X0 = {PD}N;q0 = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}T ;k = 0;Continue = True;

Iterative Search:

while Continue = True doXk = qk (X0);Yk = C (Xk,Model);qk+1 = R(X0,Yk);Continue = T ({Xi |i ∈ [1; k]} , {Yi |i ∈ [1; k]});

k = k + 1;endq = qk;

Algorithm 1: GenericIterative Closest Point (ICP)algorithm for fine registering aData shape with aModelshape. Here, theDatashape is assumed to berepresented as a point set.

Since the works of Besl and McKay [7] and Chenand Medioni [12], many variants of the ICP algorithmhave been proposed. Variations have been proposed for:the selection ofDatapoints, the identification of match-ing Modelpoints, the error metric to be minimized andthe termination criterion. Since the calculation of thematching points is the most computationally expensivepart of ICP algorithms, several accelerations methodshave also been proposed. A good review of many ofthese variants published up to 2001 can be found in [38].

In the specific case of the fine registration of densepoint clouds with CAD models, which is the problem

we deal with here, several works have been published.These mainly have application in dimensional compli-ance control in manufacturing [28, 43, 34, 33]. One in-teresting approach has been proposed by Moron et al.[28] for fine registration of a dense point cloud withthe object 3D model in STL format (triangulated mesh),and has the following characteristics: (1) all the scannedpoints are used; (2) matchedModelpoints are the clos-est points on theModel shape (in terms of Euclideandistance); (3) no weighting strategy, in particular no out-lier3 detection and removal strategy, is considered; and(4) the calculation of matching points is accelerated us-ing a kd-tree.

All the approaches for part inspection in the manu-facturing industry, including the one by Moron et al.[28], generally assume that all the scanned data pointsare acquired from the surface of the object being con-trolled, or thatData points acquired from other objects(e.g.scan table) can be easily manually removed prior toperform the fine registration — this explains why Mo-ron et al. [28] do not implement any method for identi-fying and removing outliers. However, in the case ofuncontrolled environments such as construction sites,large site scans typically include many points acquiredfrom objects that are not part of the project 3D CADmodel (, tools, temporary structures andpeople), and manually cleaning such scans would be fartoo time-consuming. This implies that any algorithm forfine registration of construction site scans with projectCAD models should implement a robust point matchingmethod capable of detecting and rejecting outliers.

2.2.2. Proposed MethodBased on the analysis above, the following ICP algo-

rithm is proposed for performing the fine registration ofa large site laser scan with a 3D model of the buildingunder construction:

• Selection of Data points: All Data points are used(a method for robust data sampling is also pro-posed in Section 2.4.2 to significantly reduce theprocessing time without compromising the accu-racy of the result).

• Calculation of matching Model points: Similarlyto Moron et al. [28], the model is considered tobe in a format in which the surfaces of the objectsare all triangulated (e.g.STL format). Then, foreach scannedData point, a matchingModelpoint

3Outliers are inconsistent pairs ofa priori matchedData andModelpoints.


is calculated as the closest of the orthogonal pro-jections of theData point on the objects’ trian-gulated facets. This implies that, contrary to thematching strategy used in [28], points that have noorthogonal projection on any of the objects’ facetsare rejected. This corresponds to rejecting points atthe borders of objects4. This new matching strat-egy also differs from the one used in [11] whichcalculates matchingModel points as the projec-tions (similarly to ray casting) of theData pointsonto the model. The proposed algorithm for calcu-lating matchingModelpoints is further detailed inSection 2.2.3 below.

• Error metric: The Mean Square Error (MSE) ofthe Euclidean distance between pairs of matchedpoints is used as error metric. Additionally, for en-suring the robustness of the metric with respect tooutliers, point pairs are rejected when:

(1) The Euclidean distance between two matchedpoints is larger than a thresholdτD. τD is ad-justed at each iterationk with the formula:

τDk = max{


MS Ek−1 ; εConst


where MS Ek−1 is the MSE obtained at the(k − 1)th iteration, andεConst is a constant dis-tance that can be interpreted as the maximumdistance at which objects with dimensional de-viation should be searched for. In the experi-ments presented later,εConst = 50 mm. Thisvalue is chosen to be (1) large enough not tofail to recognize objects due to sensor inaccu-racies (bias); (2) large enough not to fail torecognize objects that are built at a positionup to 50 mm away from their expected po-sition; but (3) small enough not to mismatchData andModel points corresponding to dif-ferent objects.

(2) The angle between the normal vectors to twomatched points is larger than a thresholdτA.In the results presented later,τA = 45◦, but asmaller value could be preferred. As noted byKoivunen et al. [22], the proof of convergencegiven by Besl and McKay [7] is not valid in thecase where points are rejected for criteria thatare unrelated to the error metric. Nonetheless,convergence of the algorithm remains possi-ble if the initial registration estimate is close

4This rejection criterion is different but related to the rejection of“border points” suggested by Turk and Levoy [46] in the case of theregistration of two meshes.

enough to the global minimum that we aim toreach. In the experiments conducted so far, ini-tial coarse registrations have always been suffi-ciently accurate so that no divergence has beenobserved.

• Termination criterion: the iterative process isstopped when the MSE improvement between thecurrent and previous iterations is smaller than2 mm2. All the experiments conducted until nowhave shown that this is a very conservative value.

2.2.3. Point Matching AlgorithmThree main matching strategies have been proposed

in the past in ICP algorithms:point-to-point[7], point-to-plane[12] andpoint-to-projection[9]. The first two,and in particular thepoint-to-planealgorithm, generallyresult in more accurate registrations [38, 32]. The thirdalgorithm, however, enables faster calculations (at eachiteration) because it can be significantly accelerated us-ing techniques used in 3D scene rendering. Of the three,thepoint-to-planeapproach typically converges in lessiterations and thepoint-to-projectionconverges in thelargest number of iterations.

For acceleration, kd-trees [41, 28] and/or closest-point caching [38] are commonly used. In [32], Parkand Subbarao proposed another interesting accelerationtechnique that combines the matching speed ofpoint-to-projectionalgorithms to the accuracy and convergencespeed ofpoint-to-planealgorithms.

With a similar goal as the one of Park and Subbarao[32], it is proposed here to accelerate apoint-to-pointmatching algorithm by judiciously combining point re-jection and acceleration techniques normally used inimage rendering.

The proposedpoint-to-pointmatching algorithm con-sists in calculating for each scannedData point, PD,a matchingModel point, PM, that is the closest of theorthogonal projections ofPD on the CAD model’s tri-angular facets. This problem resembles somewhat theray casting problem faced in computer graphics for ren-dering 3D scenes. Ray casting can be accelerated byimplementing facet culling techniques that quickly nar-row down the set of facets among which the closest pro-jection lies. These techniques include: frustum culling,back-facing/visibility culling, as well as using specialmodel data structures such as BSP trees, kd trees, oc-trees or bounding volume hierarchies (BVH). Due toits high potential for parallelization, rendering by raycasting can be further accelerated by implementation onGraphics Processing Units (GPUs). The difference be-


tween our problem and the ray casting rendering prob-lem is that in our problem the direction of projectionis unknown (it is not necessarily along the ray com-ing from the scan’s origin). This means that none ofthe data structures above seems applicable. Only back-facing/visibility culling and frustum culling remain pos-sible.

Distance-based outlier rejection is commonly imple-mented in ICP algorithms, and is implemented here withthe thresholdτD. Therefore, as illustrated in Figure 3, afrustum(also referred to as aquad-cone) can be con-structed for eachData point, centered on the point’sscanning direction (ray), and with opening spherical an-gles equal to:

αϕ = αθ = 2 arctan(τD/PD.ρ)

wherePD.ρ is the range of the given data pointPD. Thispoint’s frustum has the following important characteris-tic: if the distance between the point and its orthogonalprojection on a facet is lower thanτD, then the facetmust intersect the point’s frustum.

We make the following three observations: (1) a facetintersects a point’s frustum if its own frustum intersectsthe point’s frustum; (2) the frustum of a set of facetscontains the frustums of all these facets; and (3) as il-lustrated in Figure 4, the facets of a construction project3D CAD models are naturally grouped into at least threehierarchical groups – single facet, object and model.

As a result of these observations, we propose the fol-lowing method for accelerating the proposedpoint-to-point matching algorithm. First, aBounding VolumeHierarchy (BVH)is calculated for the project 3D CADmodel, in which each bounding volume is the frustumof a facet hierarchical group, as identified in Figure 4.Then, back-facing culling and frustum culling are per-formed to remove all the facets from the BVH on whichno matching point can possibly be found. Finally, foreach scannedData point, its frustum is calculated asdescribed above. The facets on which the matchingModelpoint may be found (i.e.on which the orthogonalprojection should be calculated) are identified by goingthrough the model’s BVH. They are the facets whosefrustums intesect theData point’s frustum. The com-plete point matching algorithm is summarized in Algo-rithm 2.

The BVH, back-facing culling and frustum cullingdepend on the location of the scanner,i.e. on the reg-istration, and thus must be recalculated at each iterationof the fine registration algorithm. But, despite these nec-essary recalculations, they enable a significant acceler-ation of each iteration of the algorithm.

Figure 3: The frustum(

αϕ, αθ)

of each scannedData point PD is cal-culated based on the point’s rangeρ and the distance thresholdτD thatis used for outlier detection and removal in the ICP fine registrationalgorithm.

Figure 4: In a construction project 3D CAD model, the facets consti-tuting the triangulated model are naturally grouped into (at least) threehierachical groups: single facet, object, and model.

2.3. Object Recognition

At the end of the registration process above, theproject 3D model and the investigated scan are opti-mally registered. Further, it is known from which CADmodel object theModelpoints which were matched atthe last iteration come from. As a result, each CADobject can be assignedtemporary5 as-designed(Model)and correspondingas-built (Data) point clouds. Theanalysis of the as-built point cloud can then lead tothe recognition of the object itself using the recognitionmetric defined in [11]: an object is recognized when thesurface covered by its recognized as-built point cloud islarger than a thresholdS ur fmin. S ur fmin is calculatedquasi automatically. Only a minimum number of recog-nized as-built pointsn must be manually defined. Werefer the reader to [11] for details on: (1) the automatedcalculation of the surfacecoveredby the recognized as-built point cloud; and (2) the calculation of the thresholdS ur fmin.

5It is explained in Section 3.1 why these point clouds are consid-ered temporary.


Input: Scan, ModelResult: {PM}

ModelBVH← CalculateModelBVH(Model);ModelBVH← FrustumCulling(ModelBVH, Scan.Frustum);ModelBVH← BackFacingCulling(ModelBVH , Scan.Origin);

for each Scan.PD do

Dist←∞;for each ModelBVH.Object do

if Intersect(PD .Frustum,ModelBVH.Object.Frustum) = True then

for each ModelBVH.Object.Facet doif Intersect(PD .Frustum,ModelBVH.Object.Facet.Frustum) = Truethen

P′M ←Project(ModelBVH.Object.Facet,PD);if Exist(P′M) = True and ‖ P′M- PD ‖

< Dist thenPM ← P′M ;Dist← ‖ PM- PD ‖;




Algorithm 2: Algorithm calculating a matchingModelpointPM to each scannedDatapointPD. PM

is calculated as the closest of the orthogonal projec-tions of PD on the facets constituting the matched3D CAD model.

2.4. Experimental Results

Experiments have been conducted to compare theperformances of the proposed object recognition ap-proach (New) and the one originally proposed in [11](Old). Since the actual object recognition metric (Sec-tion 2.3) is the same in both approaches, these experi-ments demonstrate more precisely the impact of: (1) theadditional model fine registration step; and (2) the newpoint matching metric used by the fine registration andobject recognition algorithms.

The same data set as in [11] has been used. It consistsof:• Five laser scansacquired at different stages of

the construction of the steel structure of one ofthe buildings of the Portland Energy Center (PEC)powerplant project in Toronto, Canada. Table 1summarizes the main characteristics of the fivescans. One of the scans, Scan 4, can be seen inFigure 5(a).• The 3D CAD modelof the building’s steel struc-

ture containing 612 objects with a total of 19, 478facets. The objects have various sizes, ranging

from large beams to small tie bars. The CADmodel of the building’s structure can be seen inFigure 5(b).

Table 1: Characteristics (number of scanned points and resolution) ofthe five scans used in the experiments.

Scan N◦ of Resolution (µrad)ID points Hor. Vert.

1 691,906 582 5822 723,523 582 5823 810,399 582 5824 650,941 582 5825 134,263 300 300

2.4.1. Registration AccuracyTable 2 shows the MSE and the number of matched

points obtained with both approaches at the end of theregistration process. As expected, the new approachwith model fine registration systematically achieveslower final MSEs. The increase in the number ofmatched point pairs under the new approach offersfuther evidence of the improvement in the alignment ofthe scans with the CAD model. Therefore, the proposedalgorithm for fine registration succeeds in significantlyimproving the alignment of the coarsely registered scanswith the CAD model, despite the presence of many out-liers.

Table 2: Mean Square Error (MSE) and number of matched pointpairs (N◦ of matches) after registration with the newly proposed (New)and originally proposed (Old) approaches.

Scan New OldID MSE N◦ of MSE N◦ of

(mm2) matches (mm2) matches

1 183 359,200 637 315,6592 195 220,547 894 183,8933 92 332,862 2109 219,9704 111 240,327 321 218,1475 57 80,909 143 80,170

2.4.2. Registration EfficiencyThe registration improvement reported above is

achieved at the computational cost of the additionalmodel fine registration, which could be prohibitive. Forinstance, in the case of Scan 4, the fine registration takesabout 2 minutes per iteration with a CPU implementa-tion, with a total of 5 iterations (between 5 and 10 itera-tions for the other scans). The processing time for eachiteration is quite fast considering that all the scannedpoints are used at each iteration (∼ 650, 000 points) and


that the model contains about 20, 000 facets (612 ob-jects), indicating that the proposed point matching algo-rithm is well accelerated. Without the implementationof any acceleration technique, the matching point algo-rithm would take about two orders of magnitude moretime. Furthermore, the total time of about 10 minutesfor Scan 4 is fast, considering: (1) the volume of use-ful information that can be automatically obtained fromit — it enables as-built object recognition and conse-quently progress control [11] and dimensional compli-ance control (Section 3); and (2) the time that it wouldtake to obtain this information using traditional manualapproaches (e.g.see discussion in Section 3).

Several techniques exist that could be implementedto further accelerate the proposed fine registration algo-rithm without compromising accuracy, in particular:• Point sampling: A multi-resolution sampling strat-

egy could be implemented that would use only asmall percentage (e.g.10%) of the scannedDatapoints in the first iteration, and increase this per-centage as the registration improves.• GPU implementation: The proposed algorithm has

a high potential for parallelization and could be im-plemented on the GPU for even faster point match-ing calculations.

2.4.3. Object RecognitionAnother important way of investigating the perfor-

mance of the new approach is to compare the objectrecognition results it achieves with those achieved bythe algorithm proposed in [11]. Table 3 details the ob-ject recognition performance statistics,recall andpreci-sionrates6, obtained when the registration is performedusing both approaches. The object recognition metric isthe same for both approaches and its thresholdS ur fmin

is automatically calculated as 0.01 m2 ≃ 10 cm× 10 cm(for n = 5). As expected, the new registration algorithmfurther improves the object recognition results: in par-ticular, recall rates are improved for all the scans. Theimprovements shown here are not significant mainlybecause the initial coarse registrations happened to bequite accurate. If that had not been the case, the re-sults obtained with theOld algorithm would have beenpoor while theNewalgorithm would still have been able

6The recall rate (ortrue positiveor sensitivityrate) is the numberof properly recognized objects divided by the total number of searchobjects in the investigated scan. Theprecisionrate is the number ofproperly recognized model objects divided by the total number of rec-ognized model objects. Note that, for the calculation of these statis-tics, the set of objects present in each scan has been identified by man-ual visual inspection of the scan.

to recover a proper registration and thus achieve goodrecognition results. Figure 5 further illustrates the ac-curacy of the object recognition algorithm and also itsrobustness with respect to occlusions.

Table 3: Object recognition performance (recallR% and precisionP%)of the NewandOld approaches for the 5 scans acquired of the PECbuilding.

Scan New OldR% P% R% P%

1 83% 93% 83% 90%2 77% 93% 70% 92%3 85% 93% 83% 92%4 87% 93% 82% 94%5 84% 82% 82% 84%all 83% 93% 80% 91%

3. Calculation of Objects’ As-built Dimensions andDimensional Compliance Control

In this section, it is shown how to calculate the as-built dimensions of objects recognized in a scan usingthe above approach. These as-built dimensions can thenbe used to control the compliance of the project withrespect to dimensional tolerances.

3.1. Calculation of Objects’ As-built Dimensions

As-built dimensionsrefer to both theposeand theshapeof the object. In this paper, we assume that“eachobject’s as-built shape dimensions already comply withthe specified tolerances”. This assumption, althoughnot generally acceptable, is reasonable for prefabricatedelements, such as steel or precast concrete elements, forwhich shape dimensions should comply with tolerancesprior to erection [6, 27, 1]. Future research will con-sider the more general case for which as-built shapedimensions cannot be assumed compliant with specifi-cations (e.g.cast-in-place concrete elements). A simi-lar, although more complex, algorithm to the one pre-sented below will then be investigated. In particular,approaches for parametric shape matching, initially in-vestigated by Lowe [24] and later Reid and Brady [36],will be researched. The recent work by Rabani and vanden Heuvel [35] on matchingConstructive Solid Geo-metric (CSG)shapes to point clouds is also related tothis problem.

Let’s consider a single object recognized in a scan.After the registration process presented in Section 2.2,the CAD model of the object is “aligned” with a rec-ognized as-built point cloud, and it could be concludedthat its pose at that point corresponds to its as-built pose.


(a) Scan 4. (b) CAD Model.

(c) Object Recognition (in point cloud). (d) Object Recognition (in CAD model).

Figure 5: Performance of the proposed approach for automated recognition of 3D CAD model objects in large construction site laser scans: (a)Scan 4; (b) the 3D CAD model after registration with Scan 4; (c) object recognition results displayed in Scan 4. Each pointcloud recognized ascorresponding to a CAD model object is displayed with a unique color (some colors may appear similar but are in fact different). Points in gray(same color as in (a)) are those that have not been matched to any of the CAD objects; (d) object recognition results displayed in the CAD model,where objects colored in green are those recognized in Scan 4. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred tothe web version of this article.)

However, this alignment is achieved globally, consider-ing all CAD model objects combined into a single rigidmodel, so that the poses of the objects at the end ofthat registration process must in fact be considered intheiras-designed poses(with respect to the given scan).In order to obtain their as-built poses, these must besearched for somewhat independently from one another.It is thus proposed to re-apply the ICP registration algo-rithm presented in Section 2.2.2 with, as input, the CADobjects in their as-designed poses. The difference hereis that, at each iteration, the functionR(), which calcu-lates the least square optimal registration between thematchingDataandModelpoints, is run individually foreach object. This results in a refinement of the regis-tration of the model of each object independently of themodels of the other objects. For this reason, this secondfine registration step is referred to asobject fine registra-tion. At its convergence, the CAD model of each objectcan be considered to be in itsas-built pose.

3.2. Dimensional Compliance Control

Once theas-built posesof all recognized objects arecalculated, they can be compared to theiras-designedposesin order to infer some information on the com-pliance of the project with respect to dimensional toler-ances. More exactly, the differences between many as-built and as-designed dimensions (within and betweenobjects) can be calculated and compared to their cor-responding tolerances defined in the project specifica-tions, which may be specific to the project or refer toindustry standards such as AISC 303-05 [1] and MNL135-00 [27]. For example, the verticality of a columncan be compared to its designed true verticality and thedifference compared to the specified verticality devia-tion tolerance. Similarly, the distance between two adja-cent columns can be easily calculated from the as-builtposes of both columns and then compared to the de-signed distance.


3.3. Experimental Results

The experimental data used earlier is of a building’ssteel structure for which all the elements are prefabri-cated. This data can be used to assess the performanceof the proposed approach under the stated assumptionsince all structural elements comply with shape toler-ances prior to erection.

3.3.1. AccuracyTable 4 shows the MSEs obtained after theobject fine

registration process is applied to all 5 scans. THeseMSEs are lower that the corresponding MSEs obtainedafter themodel fine registrationprocess, as shown in Ta-ble 2. Furthermore, this is achieved while increasing thenumber of matched points. These results suggest thatthe object fine registration successfully improves thealignment of the model of each object with its scannedpoint cloud.

Table 4: Mean Square Error (MSE) and number of matched pointpairs (N◦ of matches) after theobject fine registrationprocess. Theresults are to be compared with those shown in Table 2.

Scan ID MSE N◦ of(mm2) matches

1 35 374,2512 37 232,4753 33 341,2314 29 243,0455 13 81,582

However, these improved alignment statistics donot necessarily demonstrate that the calculated as-builtposes of the CAD objects correspond to their actual as-built poses. Indeed, compared to the problem faced forthemodel fine registration, the one faced for theobjectfine registrationis very often ill-conditioned. For exam-ple, in a site scan, the top and bottom parts of a columnare often both occluded, so that an optimal registrationmay only be achieved up to some translation along thecolumn’s main axis. Nonetheless, as shown in Figure6 (and also Tables 5 and 6 described later) for Scan 4,no unjustified divergence is observed. This may be ex-plained by the fact that the model coarse and fine regis-tration steps result in good starting poses for the objectfine registration step so that the algorithm tends to con-verge to the true as-built poses despite the possible poseambiguities.

Tables 5 and 6 present additional results with re-spect to the as-built poses calculated for the 16 exteriorcolumns of the building’s structure (Figure 3.3.1). Ta-ble 5 lists the differences (distances inmm) between theas-designed and as-built poses of both the bottom and

top center points of the 16 columns (Figure 3.3.1), aswell as the plumb deviations. Table 6 lists the calculateddistances between the bottom, respectively top, centerpoints ofstructurally connectedcolumns,i.e. columnsthat are directly connected by beams. Unfortunately, forall the values reported in these two tables, the groundtruth, or at least the set of values that would have beenmeasured manually on site, is not available. As a re-sult, we cannot demonstrate here whether the calculatedposes and distances are true. Nonetheless, the resultsare promising for the following reasons:• The values in the columns∆Z in Table 5 seem to

confirm the observation in Figure 6 that the objectfine registration algorithm does not diverge.• All the pose deviations reported in Tables 5 and 6

are realistic in value.

Figure 7: The 16 exterior columns of the structure of the PEC buildingand the location of the scanner for Scan 4.

Figure 8: Thetop center pointandbottom center pointof a columntypically used as control point for dimensional control.

However, the results in Table 5 seem to indicate that11

(a) Scan 4.

(b) Detail 1. (c) Detail 2. (d) Detail 3. (e) Detail 4.

Figure 6: Building’s as-built model after theobject fine registrationprocess: (a) each CAD object in its as-built pose. Detected objects (green) arethe only ones to which this fine registration was applied; (b), (c), (d) and (e) are close-ups where the as-designed models(gray) are added to showthe difference between the as-designed and as-built models of each recognized object. (For interpretation of the references tocolor in this figure,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the calculated as-built pose deviations increase with thedistance of the column to the scanner (range). In fact,a correlation coefficient of 0.45 is found between thecalculated point pose deviations and the distances of thecorresponding objects to the scanner. This correlationmay have two causes:

1. The typical decrease in accuracy of laser scannerswith scanning distance. Past a certain (yet un-known) distance, the pose calculation error result-ing from the inaccuracy of the sensor may be muchlarger than the actual construction error, makingany extracted dimension unreliable. This could bethe case here, as the distances of the 16 columnsto the scanner range from 20m to 80 m, which isquite far.

2. The number and coverage of recognized points.The further an object is from the scanner, the lowerthe density of points and therefore the less pointsmay be recognized from it. Occlusions further re-duce this number. The result is potential error in

the calculation of object as-built poses. Nonethe-less, we observed that the least number of recog-nized points for any of the 16 columns is 438 (ob-tained for column 11), which is fairly high and thusreduces the likelihood that the number of recog-nized points is a significant source of error here.

In summary, the current results are not sufficiently re-liable to drwa any meaningful conclusions as to the ac-curacy of the proposed approach for dimensional com-pliance control. Further experiments using a more ac-curate laser scanner and shorter scanning ranges (up to40-50 meters, which still corresponds to a very largevolume of control) should be conducted to better assessthis accuracy, and results should also be compared tosome ground truth.

3.3.2. EfficiencyAssuming that the proposed approach for as-built di-

mensions calculation and compliance control could pro-vide accurate information, this system is very efficient


Table 5: Results of the dimensional compliance control performed forthe 16 exterior columns of the PEC building’s steel structure and withScan 4 only. Are reported for each of the columns: the distance of theobject to the scanner (estimated as the distance to its bottom centerpoint); the difference between the as-built and as-designed locations(∆XYZ) and altitudes (∆Z) for the bottom and top center points; andthe difference between the as-built and as-designed plumbs.

Obj. Estim. Bottom Point Top Point ∆plumbID Range ∆XYZ ∆Z ∆XYZ ∆Z (%)

(m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

1 82.5 10.2 0.1 19.0 0.0 0.332 74.6 12.7 0.0 17.8 -0.0 0.383 66.7 11.3 0.0 16.9 0.0 0.344 58.9 8.2 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.265 51.2 23.3 0.0 5.2 -0.0 0.236 43.7 16.7 0.0 16.0 0.0 0.117 36.5 16.6 0.0 11.3 -0.0 0.328 28.3 7.7 0.0 2.2 -0.0 0.1018 21.9 1.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0017 31.8 4.9 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.1116 39.9 4.2 0.1 16.5 0.1 0.2115 48.0 11.1 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.2214 56.1 6.0 0.0 4.8 -0.0 0.0913 64.3 11.3 0.0 13.4 0.0 0.3112 72.4 6.8 0.0 16.4 0.0 0.3011 80.5 5.4 0.0 19.8 0.0 0.31

Table 6: Results of the dimensional compliance control performedfor the 16 exterior columns of the PEC building’s steel structure andwith Scan 4 only. Are reported for each pair ofstructurally con-nectedcolumns: the difference between the as-built and as-designeddistances (∆XYZ) between their bottom and top center points.

Connected Bottom Point Top PointComponents ∆XYZ ∆XYZ

Obj. ID Obj. ID (mm) (mm)

2 1 -5.2 -1.33 2 1.2 -0.94 3 3.0 -4.95 4 30.9 -6.76 5 -25.2 2.67 6 -7.7 -8.48 7 3.6 1.517 18 3.3 -3.216 17 -0.8 -0.815 16 6.6 -2.214 15 -4.8 2.413 14 5.32 -9.8112 13 -4.5 -3.011 12 -1.3 -3.41 11 -7.2 0.32 12 -3.6 1.43 13 -2.9 -1.44 14 -1.8 1.75 15 -1.9 -0.66 16 -16.2 2.17 17 -13.2 4.98 18 3.3 -1.1

compared to the time it would take to obtain similar in-

formation with traditional manual approaches. For ex-ample, it took about 35 minutes to process Scan 4, in-cluding model fine registration, object fine recognitionand as-built pose calculation (out of which 30 minutesare spent on the as-built pose calculation), and it re-sulted in numerous calculated as-built poses and dimen-sions. If the scan setup, data acquisition and completeprocessing are combined, results could be achievedwithin a time frame of one to two hours. We esti-mate that, in order to control the same set of projectdimensions, an expert would probably need at least afew hours and possibly up to one day7. Additionally,as shown in [11], not only would this system enablethe automated calculation of as-built dimensions, but itwould simultaneously enable automated progress track-ing (only themodel coarse registrationhas to be per-formed manually).

We acknowledge that the current system for dimen-sional compliance control considers CAD models in amesh format. Unfortunately, such represention cannotinclude semantical information such as the location ofcontrol points. As a result, the as-built poses of thesecontrol points had to calculated manually based on theposes of the mesh vertices. This would not be ac-ceptable for actual field implementation. Future workshould include the replacement of the simple triangu-lated 3D model of the project with aBuilding Informa-tion Model (BIM)— a semantically enriched 3D CADmodel — which will integrate all this information (in-cluding dimensional tolerances) so that this entire pro-cess could be implemented fully automatically.

4. Conclusion

This article presents an approach for the automatedtracking of the as-built 3D status of construction sitesusing laser scanning and project 3D CAD modeling.The first contribution is an improved algorithm for au-tomated recognition of project 3D CAD model objectsin large site laser scans. The improvements include thedevelopment of a novel ICP algorithm for the fine regis-tration of site laser scans with project 3D CAD models,and a more robust point matching strategy. The result-ing point cloud recognition approach is (1) quasi fullyautomated (only the model coarse registration needs tobe performed manually); (2) accurate; (3) robust to clut-ter and occlusions; and (4) very efficient, particularly

7This estimation is not based on any field measurements, but webelieve that it is reasonable.


when considering the project control applications it en-ables, such as automated progress tracking and dimen-sional compliance control.

The second contribution is in fact an algorithm forcalculating the as-built poses of the objects recognizedby the previous algorithm, and using these poses forautomated dimensional compliance control. This algo-rithm for as-built pose calculation uses the same ICPalgorithm as above, but optimizes the pose of the mod-els of each object independently from the poses of themodels of all the other objects. Unfortunately, the ex-perimental results are not conclusive. The results arepromising but (1) they could not be verified against anyground truth; and (2) the impact of the accuracy of thelaser scanner and the number and spread of recognizedpoints on the calculated as-built poses is not yet clear.

Nonetheless, we note that, to our knowledge, thisis the only reported remote sensing-based system withconvincing performances for automated project 3D sta-tus tracking which is able to simultaneously supportprogress tracking and dimensional compliance control.In other words, despite their high initial costs, laserscanners could be efficiently and effectively used for au-tomatically and comprehensively tracking the 3D statusof construction projects, and thus for providing signifi-cant benefits to automated project control. By compari-son, digital cameras are far cheaper than laser scanners,but their benefit to automated project control is yet to bedemonstrated.

5. Future Work

Despite the promising results obtained with the pro-posed approach for as-built pose calculation and dimen-sional compliance control, several limitations remainand further research is required:• The accuracy of the proposed approach for auto-

mated as-built dimension calculation is not fullyverified yet. Experiments need to be conductedto: (1) compare the calculated as-built dimensionswith some ground truth; and (2) thoroughly assessthe impact of the accuracy of the laser scanner andthe number and spread of recognized points on thecalculated as-built poses.• A method for calculating theas-built shapemust

be developed so that the system enables more com-prehensive dimensional quality control.• In the currently proposed approach, the poses of

the different objects are calculated completely in-dependently from one another, which may resultin some clashes. A future algorithm should thusconsider some global constraints preventing such

clashes. This will require nonrigid shape parame-terizations.• The as-built pose of control points and resulting

as-built dimensions is currently performed manu-ally, and the compliance of these dimensions withspecifications is also currently performed manu-ally. Future work will thus consider usingBuildingInformation Models (BIMs)that integrate semanticinformation such as dimensional specifications toproject 3D data.


We would like to thank the Competence Center forDigital Design and Modeling (DDM) for its financialsupport. We also thank SNC Lavalin, in particular PaulMurray, for (1) giving access to the PEC constructionsite, and (2), in addition to Prof. Carl T. Haas, for al-lowing us to publish the experimental results obtainedwith the data obtained on that site.


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