August 6, Week 4, Term 3 DATES TO REMEMBER · 2020. 8. 6. · August 6, Week 4, Term 3 DATES TO...


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Dear Parents & Carers, Over the past few months, we as a school community have worked together through many challenges in order to continue to provide our students with continuity of their learning and wellbeing (both at school and at home). Your response has been overwhelmingly positive and we thank you for the patience and flexibility you have shown as we have adjusted to the new circumstances. The last couple of weeks in Victoria and NSW demonstrate that the challenges to keep us safe and healthy remain and that significant measures still need to be implemented and adhered to, by everyone. Whilst I understand they are tough on us all, these measures include:

Students, parents and staff must not attend school if they have any signs or symptoms of illness;

Students must be collected from school immediately if they become unwell during the day;

Students must be dropped at school between 8.30-8.45am (as close to 8.45am as possible) and collected from school between 3.00-3.15pm (as close to 3.00pm as possible);

Students on the school grounds before 8.30am or after 3.15pm are to be booked into Before/After School Care;

The only volunteers at school at the moment are a maximum of 3 in the Kitchen/Tuckshop/Garden (at a time);

ALL volunteers must sign in and out at the front office before proceeding into the school;

Parents are not to congregate either inside or outside the school and social distancing must be maintained at all times;

Only invited parents are to attend parades (invitations will be sent home);

Only one parent is permitted inside the Uniform Shop and Front Office (at a time). Please wait (socially distanced) outside for your turn to enter;

Parents should not be entering school grounds or classrooms for any other reason (other than Prep parents who are still required to walk their child to and from the meeting point outside their classroom each day).

BOOKFAIR & SPELLATHON Please note that the 2020 Bookfair has been cancelled due to Covid regulations. Sorry for the disappointment, but stay tuned as our 2020 Spellathon will commence soon!

August 6, Week 4, Term 3




(8 - 9am)

Tuckshop OPEN (orders close 8am)


Dance Fever Dance Lesson (5) (Prep - Yr 6)

Mon 10 Aug

SAKG Program Kitchen: 5TL, 4RR, 3MF Garden: 5CH, 4SS, 3YW

Tue 11 Aug

P&C Meeting (Library) Thur 13 Aug


Parent/Teacher Interview Bookings Open

Mon 17 Aug 9am

Dance Fever Dance Lesson (6) (Prep - Yr 6)

Mon 17 Aug


FREE Prep Vision Screening

Tue 18 Aug

SAKG Program Kitchen: 5CH, 4SS, 3YW Garden: 5TL, 4RR, 3MF

Tue 18 Aug

Parade Performance by 3YW & 3MF Parent attendance by invitation only thanks

Wed 19 Aug 2.30 - 3pm

Dance Fever Dance Lesson (7) (Prep - Yr 6)

Mon 24 Aug

SAKG Program Kitchen: 6DM,3/4AB Garden: 6GW,2MB,2LV

Tue 25 Aug

SPORTS CARNIVALS We are hoping to have a Junior Sports Day (P-3) on Thursday 17 September and Senior Sports Day (Yrs 4-6) on Friday 18 September. At this stage, we are hoping that parents will be able to attend to cheer on our little champions, as long as we all comply with additional Covid regulations (which will be communicated closer to the date). Our 10-12 year old students are currently participating in qualifying events (see the timetable included with this newsletter), ready for the finals on the day. P&C MEETING You are all invited to attend the next P&C Meeting which will be held in the Library on Thursday 13 August, from 9.00-11.00am. At the meeting, I will be presenting an overview of the proposed new Administration and Early Learning Centre at NASS, and we will also be discussing the proposed change from the SAKG program to the Living Classroom Project. The vote for the SAKG/Living Classroom proposed change will be held at the 15th September (6.00pm) P&C Meeting, but the constitution stipulates that only members who have attended either the 2020 AGM or two general meetings are allowed to vote. Included in the 23 July newsletter, were the below items which explain the proposed change from the SAKG program to the Living Classroom Project. Please ensure you have read this, as it should answer many of your questions: 4RR NEWS Ms Robinson will be extending her leave until Friday 14th August, 2020 and Margaret Killip will continue as Ms Robinson’s replacement. SAKG PROGRAM At Tuesday night’s P&C meeting, we had our amazing Garden teacher (Ness Schofield) and her colleague present an overview of what the ‘Living Classroom Project’ (LCP) is and how it may benefit our school, to change the branding our of Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, to the Living Classroom Project. Attached to this email, you will see an overview of the program, for your information. This is also included on the next 2 pages of the newsletter. Ness will be delivering a similar presentation at the 13 Aug (9am) P&C meeting for those who couldn’t attend on Tuesday and want to know more. Summary of the proposed changes:

1) The program will stop being called a ‘Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden’ program and will be called a ‘Living Classroom Project’.

2) We will continue to have a Kitchen program run by an extremely passionate, skilled, experienced, qualified teacher (Lis).

3) We will have a Garden program run by an extremely passionate, skilled, experienced, qualified teacher (in the 6 months Ness has been with us, she has achieved an amazing redesign of the garden and even convinced Bunnings to donate a $400 garden shed and organised a working bee to have it constructed!)

4) The Kitchen component of the program will remain exactly the same, (as will Lis’ employment conditions) and will remain a key component of the program.

5) The Garden component of the program will become a Living Classroom, with much stronger links to the curriculum.

6) Parents will continue to be surveyed each year, to determine if they are happy to continue subsidizing the program during the following year.

7) NASS (the school) will continue to pay for two of the three wages involved in the program/project and a share of the ingredients, resources and running costs.

8) Parent contributions will continue to pay for one of the three wages involved in the program/project and a share of the ingredients, resources and running costs.

9) Parent contributions will continue to be determined by the number of students (and classes) accessing the program each year. These will at various times increase as a consequence of wage increases and increases to costs of ingredients, resources and running costs.

10) Currently the SAKG program offers a diluted program (20 lessons per year), across four year levels (Yrs 3-6). This current model is opposed to the strong recommendations of BOTH the SAKG program and the LCP. BOTH of these programs recommend a more intensive program (40 lessons per year), targeting two year levels (Yrs 3-4). This is proven to be a significantly better teaching model as it reduces the time students have between lessons.

11) IF the intensive program is implemented in Years 3-4, the Year 5-6 students will no longer receive 20 lessons per year, but will participate in other ways (through a lunchtime gardening club, after school GENAS Program, LCP Ambassador Program and project based work lead by their classroom teachers).

12) This proposed change (from diluted program to intensive program) is proposed regardless of whether the program remains called SAKG or whether it becomes the LCP.

13) The overall number of lessons would remain the same:

In the current diluted program students receive 80 lessons over 4 years.

In the new proposed intensive program (across two year levels), students would receive 80 lessons over 2 years, followed up by the additional opportunities in Year 5 & 6 as described in point (12) above).

14) The Garden lessons would increase in duration, from 40 minutes, to 60-80 minutes.

15) The Kitchen lessons would continue to be 80 minutes in duration.

None of this has been decided or finalised yet. The P&C have invited Ness back to the 13 August (9am) meeting to deliver her presentation again, in case further parents would like to hear it in person. That will also be a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Following this period of consultation, the P&C will vote at the 15 Sept (6pm) meeting about whether to adopt these proposed changes. Kind Regards,



If you have not yet ‘liked’ North Arm State School’s Facebook page (make sure you select the one with the

school logo), please remember to do so - it’s a convenient and easy way for us to let you know about last minute reminders and updates.

HEARING SCREENING 30th October Consent Forms Available NOW

Did you know that research taken from the Hearing in Schools’ Study, 2005 indicates that as many as 15% of all school children may be affected by slight and mild hearing loss? This equates to a possible 54 NASS students whose hearing could be affected! Based on the knowledge and understanding that a student’s hearing can change over time, often without even the child, parent or teacher noticing, we have organised for hearing screening to be offered to all NASS students on Friday, 30 October 2020 for a small fee.

The Hear and Say Audiology Team will be providing Hearing Screening for all NASS students at a cost of $18.33 per student. However, once again, the North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health (NCACCH) will be funding the cost of screening for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

If you would like your children to access this service, parent letters and consent forms are available at the front office. As this service is being funded for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, a parent letter and consent form has already been sent home with your child/ren this week. Please note that all consent forms will need to be returned to the front office along with payment, if required, before Wednesday, 9 September 2020.

For further information regarding the hearing screening program please read the parent letter and/or contact staff from Hear and Say’s audiology team on 07 3850 2111.

Vickie Jaenke Support Teacher: Literacy and Numeracy

PBL did you know…….. Welcome back to our weekly news - and isn’t it great to have our kids back at school? And a brand new hall where they held their first parade! Wonderful things are happening! With the new hall almost ready to be fully utilised, the PBL focus is on how to treat our hall with Respect, to be Safe whilst using

it and to get the most out of Learning when in the hall. Just can’t wait until all of us as parents get to be there too. Might see you there soon. Deb

Term 3 (1pm – 1:20pm)

Week and Activity Wednesday

1pm – 1:20pm Thursday

1pm – 1:20pm Friday

1pm – 1:20pm

Week 4 (3rd to 7th August)


10yrs Girls & Boys

11yrs Girls & Boys

12yrs Girls & Boys

Week 5 (10th to 14th August)

Long Jump

10yrs Girls & Boys

11yrs Girls & Boys

12yrs Girls & Boys

Week 6 (17th to 21st August)

High Jump

10yrs Girls

11yrs Girls

12yrs Girls

Week 7 (24th to 28th August)

High Jump

10yrs Boys

11yrs Boys

12yrs Boys

Week 8 (31st August to 4thSeptember)

10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs Girls and Boys catch up days if there has been days lost due to bad weather and students still need to record a throw or a jump. If all qualifying events have been completed, this session will be used for students to practise events for Sports Day.

Week 9 (7th to 11th September)

10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs Girls and Boys catch up days if there has been days lost due to bad weather and students still need to record a throw or a jump. If all qualifying events have been completed this session will be used for students to practise events for Sports Day.

Thursday 10th

September 2pm – 3pm

800m Finals for all 10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs Girls and Boys. This event is run as a straight final.

Students will already be familiar with each of the events (correct technique and event rules) as they have practised in PE lessons.

Qualifying events will identify the top 6 qualifiers to participate in the finals on Athletics day (Friday 18 September) in:

Shotput High jump Long jump

Sports Captains and Students leaders will assist with setting up and running events.

If students are away on their trial day, please let Mr Mckie know, students can record a throw or a jump with a different age group on another day.

Quick Writes by 3/4AB

In just 10-15 minutes, our students are challenged multiple times each week to respond to a stimu-

lus and write a response. This not only builds a love and excitement for writing, but also creativity,

stamina and speed. Here are some wonderful examples written by some great writers in 3/4AB ti-

tled, ‘What’s in the bag?’.

‘Alright, William I’ll see you after day

care, have fun!’ said Sally to her son

William. He rushed inside the day care

and was greeted by the teacher. ‘Now to

get on with shopping,’ sighed Sally.

Soon Sally arrived at the IGA and walked

inside. She looked up and down the

vegetable isle trying to find some cauli-

flower, then down the pet isle to find

some cat food. Sally checked out and

put the food in her Louis Vuitton bag.

When she got home, she was going to

put the food away when she noticed that

her bag was gone! Sally never knew

what happened to it.

‘What? My phone’s missing. I must have

left it somewhere. Maybe I left it at the


The net day Katy still couldn’t find her

phone. She checked everywhere. It was

gone! After a little bit, Katy saw a shiny

square thing with keys on it. It was her


Written by Patrick

‘Where is my handbag?’ said a woman rushing into

IGA. ‘I have my keys and rivers licence in it!’

The women looked very worried about her handbag.

When I found her handbag, I felt like calling her, but I

just wanted to have a sneaky peak. I looked and

found a driver’s licence, keys, pacifier, a to do list, IGA

registration, wet wipes (in a packet) and a stetho-

scope. No wonder she was so worried about her miss-

ing hand bag.

Written by Asher

Year 4: Noah, Will, Levi, Ella, Zaylee, Roma

Year 5: Jett, Kacie, Hadleigh, Chelsea

Year 6: Maddie, Breanna, Marley, Murk

Prep: Jack, Ava, Meila, Jaida

Year 1: Lucas, Charlotte, Zander, Charlie

Year 2: Destiny, Flynn, Savannah, Ayla

Year 3: Makenzie, Ben, Rebecca, Johnson

Bodhi, Emerson, Roma, Beau, Madeleine, Sophia, Emma, Mila, Zarah, Jaxon, Huon, Bryceon, Maggie, Flynn,

Selina, Hartlee, Brock, Sam, Alexander, Cadel, Xavier, Jett, Ella, Cooper, Hamish, Mia, May, Willow, Iris, Julian


This weeks Special

PIZZA Ham & Cheese

Vegetarian (pineapple, tomato pieces, capsicum) Cheese


After ordering tuckshop, please check for the confirmation email from Flexischools. For new families, our tuckshop is cashless – a flexischool

account is free and easy to set up.

look frozen banana smoothie-now served in a 200ml biodegradable cup


a big thank you to all those who have helped out this term.

If you can manage it, just once for 15 minutes during the term would

be fantastic. Especially on Fridays!! The orders just keep growing. Hope

to see you soon.

Cheers Nat

By popular demand, National Science Week is coming to OSHC! From Monday 17th August – Friday 21st August, National Science Week is back in OSHC. Science week is all about connecting your child with the wonders of science, the magic of cause and effect, the excitement of experimentation and, above all, the importance of teamwork.

See what’s planned for National Science Week:

It’s FREE to Register. (and if you want to use OSHC, you first need to register). Register at Once registered, it’s easy to make and manage your bookings online via our Parent Portal. Visit our blog for helpful information and fun activities. New articles are added each week for parents and cover various topics to help families. Visit the blog here:

Monday   Tornado in a Bottle Tuesday   Rain Cloud Experiment

Wednesday   DIY Lava Lamps Thursday   Mini Volcano

Friday   Ice cream in a Bag

Yandina C&K Community Kindergarten

Enrolment offers for 2021 have commenced!

Enrol now for 2021 (children born 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017)

“A Group” attends 5 days per fortnight Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays (8:20am – 2:30pm) and “B Group” attends 4 days per fortnight Thursdays and Fridays (8:20am – 4:00pm)

Forest Play experiences

Transition to school program Reduced fees for families with Health Care Card

Come and visit our amazing Kindy and meet our educators Visit us @ Yandina C&K Community Kindergarten

48 School Road, Yandina Phone: (07) 54727248 Email:

or join the waiting list for 2021 or future years by visiting and follow the links to “enrolments” and “waiting list”.

“Long Day Kindy Program” 2021

Thursdays & Fridays

8:20am to 4:00pm

FOR SALE Bettie Clark’s Diary and Early North Arm by Audienne Blyth is available at Yandina Historic House or from Audienne, 54468562, at a cost of $15. The book tells the story of the Clark family who lived in the district from 1889 to 1898. It describes how early settlers lived, the great floods of 1893 and 1898 and the opening of the railway in 1891. It also describes the pioneering families and early industries such as timber, dairying and cane.

Term 3 Learn to surf programs Surf groms (5-12yrs)

1.5hr each week for six weeks program (all equipment (wetsuits) are provided)

Cost: $225 Mondays or Fridays 3:30-5pm

Saturdays or Sundays 9:30-11am

Fair Play government vouchers $150 accepted
