Audience feedback graphs etc


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Audience Feedback

Questionnaire Results:

We asked five people to rate our documentary on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very good, 2 good, 3 average, 4 below average, 5 poor). From our results it is obvious that our technical quality is the area that needs the most improvement since three people voted it ‘average’ (3) and one person voted it ‘below average’ (4). Our results have shown that the strengths of our documentary are ‘obeying conventions’ and ‘informative’ as they both received scores of 3-1 (average-very good). Other areas that need improving are ‘entertaining’ and ‘eye catching’ since they both got one vote of ‘average’ (3). The five people we asked were from our key target audience a mix of males and females (3 females, 2 males) and a range of age (17-55).

Would you watch the rest of our documentary?

100% of the people who answered the questionnaire said that they would watch the rest of our documentary for reasons such as: It looks at a relevant issue in today’s society It’s informative They eat fast food and are interested to find out more about it The documentary looks interesting It has grabbed their attention

However, this could lack validity as questionnaires are not always accurate of their opinions and could be more towards what they think they should say, especially if the subjects are known. But in conclusion it shows that we have created a media product that people want to watch.

Radio Advertisement:

3/5 of the people we asked to fill in the questionnaire said that the radio advertisement would make them want to watch the documentary. The other two made comments such as ‘it’s too slow paced’, and ‘it didn’t stand out to me’. This shows that we could improve our radio advertisement by making it more fast paced by getting the person who voiced it to speak faster.

Does the radio advert make you want to watch the documentary?



Print Advertisement:

4/5 people said that the print advertisement would make them want to watch the documentary. This suggests that our print advertisement is interesting and eye catching. However, one person said that it does not make them want to watch the documentary as they would have preferred something that shows the large scale of fast food in our society.



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Does the print advert make you want to watch the documen-

tary?Does the print advert make you want to watch the documentary?