ASMS 2013 WP 337 Takino Caecal Contents of HFA Mice.ppt · ASMS 2013 WP-337 Comprehensive Analysis...


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ASMS 2013


Comprehensive Analysis of Caecal Contents of the Human Flora-Associated (HFA) Mice by High Resolution LC/Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry

Masahiko Takino1, Motoi Tamura2

Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd.1 the National Food Research Institute , the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization2

ASMS 2013Page 1

Caecal Contents of the Human Flora-Associated (HFA) Mice by LC/Q-TOF MS

Caecal Contents of the Human Flora-Associated (HFA) Mice by LC/Q-TOF MS

Caecal Contents of the Human Flora-Associated (HFA) Mice by LC/Q-TOF MS

ASMS 2013Page 4

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
