Aramaic Bible


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Aramaic Bible - Ancient Aramaic Church

Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) spoke Aramaic. Of course, this was two thousand years ago, the language has evolved and today it is like old English; it sounds very different. I call it Ancient Aramaic. The Ancient Church of the East, that emerged out of Jerusalem at the end of the Apostolic Age, referred to it as Leeshana Ateeqah or the "old tongue." It is still used in the liturgy, although it is explained in the modern vernacular by the priests and deacons during church services. There are some priests and bishops that know how to read it. It comes in many dialects of the Middle East and Africa, from the Eastern Churches, and from the Orthodox churches. Nobody speaks this language anymore -- not the ancient form of it. Those who claim to speak Aramaic, are only speaking modern versions of the language, just as nobody speaks Old English or even Middle English anymore. Nobody speaks Koine Greek, Old Norse, or Old German, and so on. These languages have all evolved. And so today one also finds Hebrew and Aramaic spoken by millions of people in the Middle East, but these are modern versions of the language. They don't sound the same as Ancient Aramaic. The roots of many words are the same and the old form can be learned. This I have done, so I can read the Scriptures and translate them faithfully. Actually, the Scriptures have preserved the Ancient Aramaic language, and the language has preserved the Scriptures.

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Eashoa (Jesus) spoke in the Galilean dialect of Ancient Aramaic, because that is where he grew up. In fact, all the disciples were Galilean Jews, and so it is obvious that they would record the sayings of Eashoa (Jesus) in their language. So the New Testament was recorded in Ancient Aramaic and later translated into Koine Greek, which is a form of Greek more akin to Aramaic, as it was heavily influenced by Aramaic.

The translation that you will find on this website is made from the original Ancient Aramaic Scriptures directly into English. It is translated from the manuscripts of the Ancient Church of the East, which survived the persecutions by the Roman and Greek pagans of the early centuries of Christianity. It survived the persecution of the Roman Church under Constantine and the early Emperors of Rome in the 4th and 5th centuries. It survived the persecution of the Crusaders who attacked the Holy Lands in subsequent centuries. Finally, this early Church ended up in Persia and was protected by the Persian kings until the upheavals of the Islamic conquests starting in the 7th Century drove the Ancient Church of the East into the mountain strongholds of Asia Minor (Ottoman Empire and later Turkey). The Church of the East survived and maintained the Scriptures in the original















Psalm 1

Psalm 22

language all through the conquests of the Mongolians (Genghis Khan) 12th Century, and the Tartars (Tamerlane) 15th Century. The Church of the East had spread the faith in Eashoa all the way to China, from the 5th to the 8th Century. The Church of the East survived the Islamic conquests of the Fertile Crescent and the Holy Lands.

While Europe was in the Dark Ages, the Ancient Church of the East was also struggling against the forces of darkness. However, the Church continued to spread the teachings of Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) and the knowledge of the Scriptures throughout the ages.

This Church has miraculously survived to this day. The descendants of Ashur continue to read the Scriptures in their language, the language that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Eashoa (Jesus) spoke, the language of all the Prophets of the Scriptures who prophesied about Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah.) They are in all parts of the world. They no longer have a country, but they maintain their language in various dialects. The ancient Scriptures were maintained in the original language, the mother tongue that was spoken in Mesopotamia and the surrounding regions from the beginning of recorded history. The language started out as pictures (pictographic writing), evolved into symbols (cuneiform) and finally became alphabetical in Nineveh at about 800 BC. The Phoenicians used this language for trade; it spread and became the dominant language of the Holy Lands at the time of Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah.)

The Roman Catholic Church was dominant in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. In the early 17th Century, Christianity went through a Reformation. Martin Luther in Germany and William Tyndale in England broke away from the Catholic Church and translated the Bible into German and English. This opened the floodgates of knowledge to Europeans and subsequently to Americans. The US in turn broke away from Catholicism and established its own brand of Protestantism. The early US Presidents sought independence from Catholic and European Protestant churches. They did not recognize Orthodox Christianity either. As for the Church of the East, which was not involved in the Reformation, the American churches ignored completely, and the authentic Scriptures preserved in the Ancient Aramaic language became totally foreign to American Christians. This is what I have struggled with for the last sixteen years because the majority of my readers are the English speaking peoples of the world.

Jan. 4, 2013

The hallmarks of this translation are:

(1) Identifying the name of Eashoa (Jesus) in Zechariah chapter 3, verse 1. It was said that the name of Eashoa (Jesus) did not appear in the Old Testament. My translation exposed the fact that the name of Eashoa (Jesus) was removed from the Old Testament Scriptures. Not only is the name of Eashoa (Jesus) in the Old Testament Scriptures, it is Eashoa that the Scriptures prophesy about throughout.

(2) Eashoa (Jesus) spoke of the Trinity in the Gospel of John chapter 5 verse 26; the "Tla-qnumeh" or the Trinity. My translation identifies the concept in the Gospel of John and in the Book of Exodus. In no other translation do you find it. It is only in the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures that the Trinity is revealed. The Trinity is also in Paul's Letter to the Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1-3.

(3) Eashoa (Jesus) spoke of the Holy Spirit. He said in the Gospel of John that He would send them the Holy Spirit. And in the Book of Acts Eashoa (Jesus) baptizes His Disciples with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended on Eashoa (Jesus) when He was baptized by John. This was the first time the New Testament presented the Holy Spirit. It is only through my translation that these concepts are clearly translated and identified.

Jan. 10, 2013

The Difference

All religions are great when it comes to celebration, success and victory; but when it comes to sickness, failure, and death, religions have nothing to offer, except to express sorrow and consolation.

When Eashoa walked the earth, He fed the thousands with a few fish and a few loafs of bread, He healed the sick and raised the dead; but He had not come to demonstrate His ability to feed the masses or prevent them from dying. He had not come to lead his followers in battle against their enemies. He could have done all that from heaven. He did not need to set foot on earth.

Eashoa came to the world to teach us how to deal with failure, sickness and death. We all do very well when successful, healthy and alive. When there are failures in life, no solutions, insurmountable problems and opposition, there is no greater example than that set by Eashoa, as He instructed His disciples to deal with each and every difficulty.

When they were sick, He healed them. When dying, He raised them. But what happened after Lazarus was raised from the dead, after the woman was healed of hemorrhaging, after lepers and the lame were healed? They were going to die after some years. He may have extended their life on earth by some years,

but they would not live forever on earth. Lazarus would have to die sometime; everybody dies and everybody leaves this life.

With Eashoa, failure does not get you down, sickness does not overwhelm you, and dying is not the most horrible thing that ever happened to you. It is all bearable. Eashoa is literally there for you when you need Him. If you never experienced the miraculous power of Eashoa, you are really missing something. If you never heard a doctor say, "It is a miracle; you are no longer sick, we cannot find the disease," you do not know what it is like to be healed by Eashoa.

When you can lift yourself up and go on with your life after a great failure, you know what it is like to be a follower of Eashoa.

When you are dying and there is no one around who can help you, but you feel confident and your fear is manageable or completely absent, you know what it is to truly believe in Eashoa.

When it comes time to die, you will understand what it was like for Eashoa to give His life for your sake. He is the only one who can resurrect you if you put your life in His hands.

This is why He came to the world, to prove that He is the Manifestation of the Creator of the universe. He resurrected Himself and He can resurrect you.

Once you understand that He is the only one who can resurrect you, then you will rest assured, and, when your time comes, you will be able to die at peace. Once you follow Eashoa and accept Him, you will be able to deal with failure, defeat, sickness and death at any time during your life, and you will not think in terms of worldly rewards, but you will come to understand the heavenly rewards, the Kingdom that Eashoa spoke of, the Kingdom of Heaven.

March, 27, 2013

The Greek Logos

The word "Milta" is translated as "Logos" in the Greek "Original." What does "Logos" mean in Greek? The term was used as far back as the 6th Century BC. Aristotle wrote about it. Subsequent philosophers wrote about it. The Catholics Jerome and Augustine wrote about it and made it into the holy word describing Jesus in the western tradition of Christianity.

However, Milta is the original word that the writers of the Scriptures used to describe Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah). Milta is more than "the word."

It is more than a philosophical concept, describing Jesus as the spokesman for God. Eashoa is more than a spokesman in the Gospel of John.

Eashoa (Jesus) is the Manifestation of the Creator. Eashoa (Jesus) manifests the Father in every way. He is the physical manifestation of the Father, the Father whom we would have never known fully if Eashoa (Jesus) had not come to the world. However, we cannot bypass Eashoa in order to have a direct connection to the Father; our connection can only be through Eashoa (Jesus). This is what it means that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

When you read my translation of the Gospel of John you get that clearly. I have added an audio commentary to my translation of the Gospel of John.

June 1, 2013

I've decided to repost the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are already posted. You'll find the links at top right. I'm satisfied that presenting the Aramaic New Testament Scriptures with the original terms preserved intact from the time of Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) and the Apostles, whom He sent forth to preach the Gospel, is the best I can do to spread the True Gospel. I will continue to post commentaries to clarify some of the most critical aspects of my translation.

July 28, 2013

"Paul wrote his letters to the Greeks and therefore all the New Testament was originated in Greek."

This is the main justification of Western theology in claiming that the New Testament was originated in Greek.

What this does is that all those followers of Eashoa Msheekha from the East are ignored and forgotten, and their faith is denied. Who are these followers of Eashoa? They are descendants of the Ashurai in Northern Mesopotamia, such as the Sourai-Atourai-Assyrians; the descendants of the Babylonians in Southern Mesopotamia, such as the Chaldeans and Sumerians; the balance of the Aramaic speaking people in the Near East and the Holy Lands; the descendants of the small kingdoms that proliferated during the Greek and Roman Empires; and the descendants of the African followers of Eashoa Msheekha, such as the Ethiopians and the Copts. There are millions of Aramaic speaking peoples in Asia from the Apostolic Age, in India, China and the Far East. There are Armenians, Maronites, Melkites, Byzantines, Syrianis,

and literally hundreds of other ethnicities that are all forgotten by the West, when it comes to mentioning who are the followers of Eashoa Msheekha.

Who are all these nations and ethnicities that followed Eashoa Msheekha from the beginning of the Apostolic Age? They are the fruits of the labor of the twelve disciples of Eashoa Msheekha and the rest of the Apostles that went East to preach the Gospel. Why does the West only talk about Peter and Paul?

What about the other disciples? Here are the names of all the disciples: Shimun Keepa (Simon Peter); Andreius (Andrew) his brother; Yacov (James), Youkhanan (John) his brother; Pileepus (Philip); Bartulmeh (Bartholomew); Tooma (Thomas); Mattai (Matthew); Yakov bar Khalpeh (James, son of Alphaeus); Teedeh (Jude); Shimun the Cananean (Simon the Zealot); and Matthias, who was chosen to replace Yehuda (Judas Iscariot). What happened to them? Did they not go all over the world and preach the Gospel of Eashoa Msheekha? Were they not Jews who spoke the Ancient Aramaic language? In what language were the Books of the New Testament and the Old Testament written? Did they preach in Greek?

Why deny the work of all those disciples and apostles of Eashoa Msheekha? Why deny Eastern Christianity for a thousand years? Western Christianity didn't begin until the second millennium, and now that it's the third millennium Western Christianity is trying to ignore the Eastern followers of Eashoa Msheekha again; but this can't happen, because Maryah won't allow it to happen. The knowledge of the original Scriptures recorded in the Ancient Aramaic language is beginning to be spread everywhere.

July 28, 2013

My efforts to reintroduce the original Ancient Aramaic terms and certain critical names and words should help everyone who wishes to know Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) and His Teachings. Moreover, the shared knowledge between the followers of Eashoa will help us bridge the gap in the Faith. Please write to me if you have questions or clarifications.

August 6, 2013

Eashoa knew that the Scriptures would be misinterpreted; nevertheless He followed them and showed his disciples how He fulfilled them. He wanted them to spread his teachings regarding the Scriptures by his example and their adherence to what He taught them. That is why his teachings are so crucial to an understanding of the

prophesies regarding him.

Eashoa was on earth only thirty-three and a half years, and his mission was accomplished in three and a half years. The four Gospels depict his life on earth from four different perspectives. Matthew is historical, Mark is dynamic, Luke is literary, and John is spiritual. The Four Gospels tell the story of Eashoa; but it is Paul who ties the Old and the New Testament Scriptures together. The Book of Acts is written by many apostles, but it is clear from the Ancient Aramaic literary styles contained that it is Paul who compiled them. Paul trained the apostles in the scribal art. His diction is evident throughout the Book of Acts, even though it is mostly Shilah who scribed them. So it is evident that Paul wrote some of the chapters himself.

The same goes for the Letters of the Apostles; it is clear that Paul compiled them as well. He trained most of the scribes who wrote them. Paul also compiled John's Revelation. John's voice is distinct, however; all three Texts written by John have the same style. The Three Letters of John, the Gospel of John and Revelation are clearly the work of one scribe.

With the Ancient Aramaic it is possible to go back to the origin of what Eashoa intended.

When Eashoa came to the world two thousand years ago, He was faced with great opposition. He knew that it would be so; but He had decided from before that it should be this way. Glory be to his name, He knew everything; however, as a man He had a life-saving mission to impart: He had to sacrifice himself for the sake of humanity. Nothing was going to work if He had not come to the world. From the time that writing was invented six thousand years ago until his coming, the prophets had tried to explain the Law. They had admonished the people regarding the intentions of the Creator of the universe; but everything written in the Scriptures would not suffice, because it takes somebody getting killed before anyone admits that the cause of death was legitimate. Blood is the only thing that works in the end. People don't believe in their hearts until somebody dies for them. They tried sacrificing animals, burning a portion of their crops, and killing whoever transgressed the Law; but nothing was as convincing as the ultimate sacrifice by the Son of Allaha (Son of God) himself.

It was prophesied that Eashoa would come to the world and He would sacrifice himself on behalf of humanity. But who was it going to be? Secular historians have written about Eashoa, so we know that Eashoa did come to the world. He has been known by many names today: Jesus, Emanuel, Yesus, Yeshua, Yeheshua, Michael, and so on. In Aramaic it is Eashoa; but whatever He is called, we know that He sacrificed his life willingly as it is recorded in the Scriptures. The Scriptures have well documented this. The only way that

worked for us was that the Creator of the universe should send his Son to die for us, a sacrifice that would forever prove his love for us.

We do not have to kill anything or anybody to prove our loyalty, since Eashoa gave his own life for our sake. People can give their life to save their country or their families; it is well known that such sacrifices are well regarded, but Eashoa gave his life so that humanity should be able to be spared the final death. We all die, but what matters most is the final death, the death of the soul and the spirit, death without resurrection. We seek continuity, some way of going on in the spirit. All creatures have souls. Soul is nothing more than the breath of life. If you breath you are a soul; but if we receive the spirit from the Creator then we are a human being.

Eashoa had to shed his blood and die for us before we would believe that He loved us. That He also was resurrected is the only hope we have of being resurrected, and so we can have continuity beyond physical death. But what we seek is not just spiritual life, we want physical life after death too. As human beings we cannot comprehend physical death, except if we agree to dying for a cause or for someone. One of Eashoa's disciples was frustrated, because Eashoa said He would suffer and die, and so he said to Eashoa, "Then let me go bury my father." And Eashoa said to him, "Let the dead bury the dead." The tragedy of death is when it is spiritual death. Those who deny Eashoa, don't have the chance for spiritual life. Lazarus was resurrected. He lived a few more years, but he too would die the eventual first death, the physical death of the body. What we ought to seek is spiritual life, and that life is only through Eashoa Msheekha.

It is the mission of this website to present the true teachings of Eashoa Msheekha through the gift of translation that He has given me. I will be posting the Letters of Paul next.

August 14, 2013

Order of the Books

The Scriptures were placed in the order we find them because of the spiritual progression toward revealing Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah). Maryah (the Lord) himself writes His teachings over the hearts of men and women. It is not by the greatness of men's visions or their magnificent intellects that the truth is preserved. It is in Maryah's own words that the truth is revealed throughout the ages. It is men's responsibility to point the way to the truth and it is women's role to nurture their children in the true knowledge of the original Scriptures.

Many attempts have been made to obscure the path to the Scriptures; but the Scriptures keep finding their target. Maryah himself reveals the Scriptures to humanity. Our role is simply to allow the Light to shine in.

Therefore, read the Scriptures in the order they were written and interpret their meanings in the context of what they teach; do not zigzag through the Books, picking a passage here and there, to prove your own point of view. Follow the logic of Maryah and not the wisdom of man.

Aug. 24, 2013

Controversies over the Christian Canon - article about the prophecies regarding Eashoa being the Msheekha (Messiah) prophesied by the Scriptures and how that determined which was the canon of the faith in his name.

Nov. 17, 2013

Jesus knew

Eashoa knew everything. He knew how hard it would be to explain His Mission to the world. I wish people would understand why the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures are essential to an understanding of the faith in His Name. It's Eashoa Msheekha. I wish you could learn to say it. It would not solve all the problems with interpretation, but it would help. Click here to read the full article.

Dec. 2, 2013

The Controversies over which script was older and which was the dialect of Aramaic that Eashoa spoke, can all be traced to the denial that Eashoa (Jesus) was the Msheekha (Messiah) prophesied by the Scriptures, that He was Allaha (God) in the Flesh and the Milta of Allaha (the Manifestation of God) who sacrificed Himself for the sake of humanity.

Only by following the Ancient Aramaic language can one ascertain such words as the Trinity (Tla Qnumeh) and their meaning. Only by studying the Ancient Aramaic language that was spoken by the Prophet Jonah and the people of Nineveh several centuries before Eashoa came to the world, does one realize that this dialect called Ashurit (the language of the Ashurai) still retains the alphabet in the original order, with the original vowels and the manner of pronunciation peculiar to the Galileans of the time of Eashoa. For example, "I am the Alap and the Tau" has been changed to "I am the Alpha and Omega." The latter are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This

is not the correct title of Allaha (God.) Other Aramaic derivatives, such as Arabic and Persian, don't retain the order of the alphabet either, so the concepts of the original Scriptures aren't retained in these languages as well.

All translations of the Bible retain many of the doctrines and stories of the Bible, but only the Ancient Aramaic retains all of them, and my translation is faithful to the original Ancient Aramaic language that Eashoa spoke and read the Scriptures from. The Ancient Aramaic and the Ancient Hebrew are the only dialects that retain all the consonants of the original scribal language of the Bible; but only the Ancient Aramaic of Nineveh retains the original vowel sounds. This is why I've provided you with so many audio and video clips.

So when you hear and see various scripts and pronunciations of Aramaic over the Internet, don't be confused by the claims of many that theirs is the oldest or most authentic presentation. There's only one language and one dialect that Eashoa spoke, and that's the Galilean of His Day. What I've shown you is not a construct of plausible translations or pronunciations of the Ancient Aramaic language, like some movies have attempted to do by distorting the story of Eashoa Msheekha and His Teachings; my pronunciation captures the true meanings of what Maran Eashoa Msheekha said and did two thousand years ago.

Dec. 5, 2013

The Significance of the Ancient Aramaic Language

One of the most sophisticated ways to deny the Creator's Triune nature is teaching that the Old Testament was originated in Hebrew and that the New Testament was originated in Greek. This way the variations in the pronunciation of the Alphabet could be used as a tool to manipulate the meaning of the Scriptures' words. And nobody would be the wiser, as it sounds logical that the Prophets wrote in Hebrew and that Paul wrote in Greek, because the Prophets were Jewish and the early converts were Greeks and Romans. It's sounds logical, right?

Well, Abraham came from Mesopotamia, together with his wife Sarah. They spoke the Ancient Aramaic of that early period (just as Noah, his wife and children had spoken the earlier version of the Ancient Aramaic in Mesopotamia). Then there came Isaac, whose wife Rebecca was from Mesopotamia (she was his second cousin); and then Jacob married Leiah and Rachel, who were also from Mesopotamia, who were also from the house of his great uncle. So they all spoke the same language, the Ancient Aramaic.

In the centuries that followed the life of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there came

the twelve tribes of Israel, which emerged out of Jacob's twelve sons -- they all spoke the Ancient Aramaic language. They all spoke it, but the script kept changing and the dialects kept evolving. The Hebrew language then came from Mesopotamia. The word "Avrai" (Hebrew) came from the word for Passover: the Angel of Allaha (God) "aver", in other words "passed over" the Children of Israel; he delivered them from death ("paçeenun" or "delivered them" and therefore "Piçkhah" or "Deliverance" -- Piçkha is how the Jews pronounce the name of Passover in Hebrew even today.)

And when did the word "Jewish" come into use to describe the Hebrew people's religion and name? After Jacob's son Judah (Yehooda in Aramaic) settled in Judea, which was named after his tribe Judea (Eahud). Centuries later, the word for "Jew" became "Hoidaya. In short all the Biblical names were from the Ancient Aramaic language.

The Hebrew script and dialect evolved out of the original Ancient Aramaic language. The actual script was modified after the time of Moses. The Commandments were given to Moses in the Ancient Aramaic, because the Ancient Aramaic was older than the Egyptian and it did not depict pictures of animals in its forms. However, the Hebrew script (which is familiar to people studying the Bible in the Hebrew) is a more recent development. It was invented to codify the Scriptures, but it led to altered interpretations, and therefore the present inconsistencies that resulted in the denial of Eashoa's Triune Essence.

The Greek Septuagint, and the Latin translations from it, deleted the reference to the Trinity. And the modern Hebrew Torah is translated from the Septuagint for this reason also; it makes no reference to the Trinity. Other translations into Arabic and Persian don't contain the word for "Trinity" in its original form, Tlah Qnumeh. The Greek Original translation also makes a reference to the word "Qnomeh" as Qnomos. The Greek language lacks many of the letters of the Alphabet that refer to Biblical terminology. Even the name of Eashoa does not maintain any of the phonetics or letters of the original name, so it comes out as Yesus, which is translated as "Jesus" in English.

These deficiencies in the Greek, Latin and the Western languages make it very hard for a true understanding of the meanings of the New Testament, just as the reliance on the Septuagint has made it hard for a true understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures.

Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) said to the Pharisees and the Scribes, in Matthew 12:39, “A wicked and adulterous generation wants signs, and no signs will be given it; except for the sign of Jonah the prophet. 40. “For just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. 41. “The men

of Nineveh will rise at Judgment with this generation and hold it accountable, for they repented by the preaching of Jonah, and behold one greater than Jonah is here now."

The language of the Men of Nineveh was the Ancient Aramaic. Nineveh was the last capital of Mesopotamia. That's the language that Jonah spoke to them. It was and remains to this day the only sacred scribal language of the Scriptures. The original Ancient Aramaic Church that emerged out of Jerusalem preserved the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures in the Lesshana Ateeqah (Ancient Tongue.) This is my native language. I speak, read and write the modern Aramaic and I have also studied the ancient form of it over the last sixty years. I know most of the dialects of Modern Aramaic, so when I do readings from the Scriptures, I try and pronounce it as accurately as possible, and not just to make it sound more authentic but to maintain the original meanings of the words, the expressions and figures of speech.

Also, the Scriptures were written mostly in verse, so it's necessary to capture the beauty of the language as it glorifies our Maryah and Maran Eashoa Msheekha.

Dec. 5, 2013

Differences in Interpretation is not the Problem

Eashoa (Jesus) chose twelve men to be his disciples. One of them betrayed him and committed suicide. He didn't think that he would be forgiven, or maybe he did not think he deserved to be forgiven. All the disciples ran away or denied knowing Eashoa. They were all afraid, but they all repented and were forgiven. The unrepentant disciple was replaced. There were again twelve disciples. They went all over the world and preached the faith in Eashoa's name.

The mission of the disciples was to spread the teachings of Eashoa Msheekha. They came from different backgrounds and probably had different accents or maybe even different dialects. The Four Gospels were written in the Ancient Aramaic language. Reading them in the original, it is clear that they had different styles. The writers had different vocabularies, like different novelists would have in modern times. Stylistically they are all very well written. Paul was the most accomplished scribe among them. He had been a Pharisee, so it is to be expected that his writing was phenomenal.

The disciples and the writers of the the New Testament were not physically powerful men, but they were zealous toward their mission. They did not have a set of books or scrolls when they began their mission. They spread the faith

in Eashoa Msheekha by recalling his teachings. They did not have Bibles. They carried some of the Gospels with them. They wrote to each other. We have Paul's Letters to this day, together with what a few of the others wrote. There is no telling how many letters they wrote. All their letters could not have survived. Therefore, there would be differences in interpretation. There would be disagreements perhaps, just as we today have disagreements on what certain passages mean.

The important thing is understanding who Eashoa Msheekha is and what was his main mission. Our differences in interpretation could result in disagreements. It does not matter that there are thousands of different interpretations today. We may even have arguments with each other -- as long as we ask forgiveness for ourselves and are willing to forgive others. Eashoa Msheekha gave his followers one commandment. He said, "Love each other as I have loved you."

Dec. 7, 2013

The Mystery of Christmas.

There are many people that treat the birth of Eashoa Msheekha as a mystery. I think it has to do with the fact that Eashoa's Kingdom is Not of This World -- as He said to Pilate. Here's an article regarding the birth of Eashoa.

Dec. 25, 2013

Funding a church not made with hands

Here's a note about my crowd-funding project: the Ancient Aramaic Church. I tried to raise funds to publish a hardcover edition of my Aramaic Bible: Disciples New Testament and disseminate it throughout the world and to make a movie about the Story of Jesus (there are so many coming out now with false doctrines), but there is so little support for my efforts. Many crowd-funding projects that espouse false doctrines of Christianity and some that are outright Satanic get funding, but my projects get little funding. So I had to come to terms with this phenomenon. Click here to read the article.

Dec. 28, 2013

Changing Course

So here it is the last day of my indiegogo campaign: Ancient Aramaic Church, a church not made with hands. I set the campaign to run until the end of the

year, and here we are, it's the 30th of December 2013 -- altogether not a bad year for my translation project.

Sometimes we learn more from failure than from success. Although the funding didn't reach its goal, it did reveal a real need for a missionary work and the spreading of the Gospel. The idea of a Church Not Made With Hands has struck a chord with many individuals who had been frustrated by the infighting of the Christian denominations -- which tends to be caused more by financial realities than doctrinal differences. A Church based on the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures then is perhaps the fruit of this indiegogo campaign.

Indiegogo provides the best crowd funding platform for projects of all kind. In my case it was the exposure I received for my project and the start of the Ancient Aramaic Church that reached its goal.

What I learned from this experience is that the political changes that occur in the world aren't important; it's the revelation of the truth that matters most for a Church. Over the last twenty years I wrote many articles and made comments about political, historical and cultural developments; they were all in vain, as they disrupted the work of translation, which I should've pursued more.

I got caught up in the news reported on television and the Internet. Although the Bible has relevance to our daily life, it should not be applied to everything that happens. Historically the various churches have come under persecution. Even today there is much persecution everywhere. This is not a matter for the translation work I was doing. Henceforth, I'll concentrate on translating the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures and making it available to all those people who are interested in knowing the truth.

However, this brings me to the main point of this post: how do I prove that my translation is from the original and authentic Scriptures that Eashoa Msheekha (Jesus the Messiah) intended for the apostles to preach to the ends of the world?

I've tried explaining that there are some essential concepts that have not been retained by any of the other translations; for example, "Tla Qnumeh," or the Trinity (the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit) and Milta (the Manifestation of the Father through Eashoa.) My efforts to demonstrate this have failed to convince most Christians. I don't know if there are any people who believe me on this point, yet it's a central issue of my translation. I have made many videos and audios to explain this.

My new course of action is to teach the Ancient Aramaic language in its

sacred scribal form. This is something I haven't done in the past. This is what the Ancient Aramaic Church is going to make as its central focus. There are millions of people that know Aramaic and many millions more that know its derivatives. There are a few people that even know the ancient form of the language, because they have studied it in theological seminaries. None of them understand what I mean by the "sacred scribal language" or the "leeshanah Supprayah." This is not a reference to literary Aramaic; "leeshanah Supprayah" refers to the official and sacred language of the Scriptures. This is the language that Eashoa (Jesus) read from in the synagogues of Galilee. This is something the modern scholars of Aramaic on the web have to come to terms with, otherwise they won't be able to understand my work as a translator.

Here is the heart of the matter: the Ancient Aramaic is a language that has been "silenced." This doesn't mean it's been terminated. It means it's been discontinued as a spoken language. It remains as a liturgical language, however. There are certain words that have been "retired" completely.

The most important of these is "Maryah". Maryah (translated as Lord in English and other languages with similar designations) is a term to refer only to Eashoa (Jesus). Here's the explanation: before the time of Eashoa, "Maryah" was used to refer to the Father (as in Heavenly Father). The word "maryah" was also used as "Mister," as in English. After the time of Eashoa, the word Maryah was retired and could only be used to refer to Eashoa. It was also used to refer to the Father, but now with a new understanding, as Eashoa was the Milta (Manifestation) of the Father.

The word "Milta" has been retired also. The word originally could mean "word" or "verb." After the time of Eashoa, Milta only refers to Maran Eashoa Msheekha.

I'll continue this discussion in my future audio and video commentaries. I want everyone to understand why the Ancient Aramaic language must be treated as the sacred scribal language and not as a spoken language or literary language. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from is the oldest found; archeology is not the issue. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from has been sanctioned by any church; doctrine is not the issue. I don't need to prove that the manuscript I'm translating from is in the proper dialect; nationalism is not the issue. The only thing I need to prove is whether or not the manuscript I'm translating from contains the fundamental belief system of the Apostles of Eashoa, the belief system which Eashoa taught. This I've done, even if you take just two words: Maryah and Milta. I have a lot more and they'll be revealed in subsequent commentaries, as I said. If I were to present archeological proof, doctrinal ideas or a chain of authority, it would take me a thousand years and more books than the whole universe

could hold. This is what John was talking about when he concluded his Gospel with the following words: John 21:25. "But there were also a great many things that Eashoa did, that if they were written of one by one, not even the whole universe, I expect, would hold them all."

Happy New Year!

Dec. 30, 2013
