APA Crash Course 2010



This is a quick intro on using the APA style to

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APA Crash Course

for SPED 6104 Students

Siegle, D., & McCoach, D. B. (2006). Mentoring gifted kids.

Washington, D.C.: Prufrock Press.

Authors listed by last name, then initials

Publication year goes here followed by a period

Put book titles in italics

List city, then state, then colon

Publisher goes here

Use commas between last names and first initial. Put a period after each initial.

Capitalize only the first word of the title

Anatomy of an APA Reference entry

Choose the correct APA reference.

Brown, M., Williams, R., & Tipps, A. (2004). Reflection and action research. Review of Research in Education, 14, 111-118.

Brown, M., Williams, R., & Tipps, A. (2004). Reflection and action research. REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION, 14, 111-118.

Brown, M., Willimas, R., & Tipps, A. (2004, 14, 111-118). Reflection and action research. Review of Research in Education.


• What is the correct margin size required in the APA guidelines?


Describe what spacing arrangement is appropriate in APA format? (e.g., single space, 1 ½ spaces)


The items in the reference section should be listed

a. in alphabetical order by the author’s first name.b. in alphabetical order by first author’s last name.c. in alphabetical order by title of the article or book.d. in order from oldest articles to most recent.


How should the following quotation of a source be modified?

Davis (2000) stated that “the shortage of teachers in North Carolina will have an effect on universities and colleges” (p. 32).

• The quote is correct.

• The quote should be in block form.

• A page number should be cited.

• Quotation marks should be deleted.


TRUE OR FALSE: All of the following statements are correctly cited.

• According to Fuller (2004), education involves many stakeholders.

• Important stakeholders in education include parents and families (Fuller, 2004).

• In 2004, Fuller researched the effects of family involvement in education.

• Fuller (2004) noted that families want teachers to foster a welcoming classroom climate.


Using the information below, write a reference in APA style for a print journal.

• Journal name: Education Week• Authors: John C. Smith and Sarah W.

Roberts• Journal article title: Retaining Teachers in

High Poverty Schools• Volume number: 23• Issue number: 4• Page numbers: 16-22• Year published: 2004



Smith, J. C., & Roberts, S. W. (2004). Retaining teachers in high poverty schools. Education Week, 23(4), 16-22.


• Journal name: Education Today• Authors: Jackie W. Turner and Joan K. English• Journal article title: New policies: Laws in North

Carolina shift• Volume number: 19• Page numbers: 112-122• Year published: 2003• Retrieved: July 24th, 2005• Website: www.EducationToday_Newpolicies.org



Turner, J. W., & English, J. K. (2003). New policies: Laws in North Carolina shift. Education Today, 19. Retrieved from http://www.EducationToday_Newpolicies.org