AP Comparative Government and Politics (COGOPO) – … · AP Comparative Government and Politics...


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AP Comparative Government and Politics (COGOPO) – 2014-2015

Summer Assignments

Tracy Acker – Instructor e-mail: tracy.acker@orecity.k12.or.us

The point of these summer assignments is not to take away from your summer activities, but to keep your mind

focused on how governments and politics operate throughout the world - specifically in China, Great Britain, Iran,

Mexico, Nigeria, & Russia (countries known as the AP6).

During the weeks leading up to the start of the 2014-2015 school year, you will be required to keep up with

international news articles using the following websites. When visiting the sites, please be sure to click on the

links that provide “world” or “international” news stories for China, Great Britain, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, &











www.csmonitor.com (articles are free for 5 days from publication date, so check frequently)


Assignment #1 – part a: For each of the AP 6 case-study countries that we will study during the 2014-2015

school year, collect at least 2 current events articles that are about their government or politics. The articles must

be published no earlier than June 15th, 2014. Write a summary & reaction to each article (must be word

processed & at least a page in length) to include:

1. The title of the article you read

2. The website where you located it

3. The date it was published

4. A short summary of the article (about a ½ page)

5. The impact this information or event may have on the country’s government, politics or the

international community. Include your thoughts, opinions, or comments (about a ½ page)

6. 1-2 questions you have about the information presented in the article

Assignment #1 – part b: E-mail me your summaries & reactions for each article AS AN ATTACHMENT or

AS A GOOGLE DOC. You may include more than 1 article in the attachment or document, but each should be on

a separate page. I will respond to your e-mail, indicating whether the article(s) is or is not acceptable for this

assignment. You must send me 6 of the summaries & reactions (one for each country) by July 31st. The

remaining 6 (one more for each country) are due by August 29th.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the reading material, please e-mail me as soon as possible.

Good luck! I look forward to having you in class & exploring the AP6 with you next school year!

***Include in your first e-mail the following information:

Why are you taking AP COGOPO? Is there anything specific you are looking forward to learning about or wish to

learn? What else should I know about you so I have insight into you as a student & individual before class starts?

~~~~Tracy AckerTracy AckerTracy AckerTracy Acker
