“A Town Like Blyth” · 2020. 3. 20. · tary, Carol Virgin as Treasurer and committee members...


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“A Town Like Blyth” ~Progressive and Community Minded~

Newsletter No 104—June 2016 http://www.communitywebs.org/BlythProgressAssociation/

DATES TO REMEMBER: June 13th Public Holiday

& Volunteers Day 19th Kybunga Reunion 26th Golf Open Ambrose

July 2nd Federal Election 8th School Term Ends

15th Paper Drive 19th Hart Winter Walk 25th School Term 3

29th Newsletter Deadline

Colour pages have been kindly donated

Mid North Sandblasting


Greenleaf Ag

WILL RETURNS FROM INDIA Will Pratt as part of the Darren Lehmann Cricket Academy Under 19 team has returned from a tour of India. Will played at Kolkata in 42 plus degree heat and high humidity proved to be very challenging and the team struggled to adjust to the conditions and didn't win any of these games. Onto Mumbai the conditions were a bit more manageable and the team started to perform better. Some of the facilities played at were very basic and one day there were four different games going on at once on the same oval which was quite confusing and chaotic. The photo (left) is from that game and you can see the fielders from another game right next to batsman Will. Cont...


CONGRATULATIONS LAURA SA Barnardos Mother of the Year

Laura Waldhuter of Blyth won the 2016 Mother of the Year award nominated by her best friend Natalie Sweet. Laura and husband Justin have three children as well as foster care of 3 siblings to make it a sweet 1/2 dozen children under the age of 6 in their household. Laura is a survivor of domestic violence from a previous mar-riage, and her compassion to life is hard to miss. Laura also helps in the community with the local childcare and children’s charities “Backpacks for SA Kid’s and Heartfelt. From 3-5th May Laura and Natalie were invited to Sydney for the National announcement. Whilst there, they were treated to a dress fitting at Leona Edmiston in Double Bay as well as attend-ing a cocktail event at Sails on the harbour and a tour of the Penrith Centre of Barnardos Australia. The national announcement ceremony was held at the Museum of Contemporary Arts. Winner was Keelen Mailman from Queensland.

MILLINGTONS Agric Supplies 23 Guildford St BLYTH

8844 5007

Greenleaf Ag 23 Guildford St,


Ph 8844 5255 Fax 8844 5283


Brenton 0458 535 808 lyn@stirlingtpt.com.au

ANZAC DAY at BLYTH Blyth community and visitors gathered at the Blyth War Memo-rial to remember our Diggers and the sacrifices made during current and past wars. Ian Roberts welcomed the 100 strong crowd to the ANZAC Day service followed by readings and prayers by Janet Zweck and Graham Jenkins and Ian read a snippet from the Battle of Somme. Councillor, John Wood, laid a wreath on behalf of the Wakefield Regional Council followed by community members. Veteran Murray Jericho recited the Ode. After the annual ANZAC crowd photo the gathering pro-ceeded to Padnaindi Reserve for morning tea and reminisces about days gone by. Thanks to the WRC and Blyth Progress Association for their continued involvement. Above: Bridie and Jessica Morris lay a wreath at Blyth on be-half of St Joseph School, Clare. Below: Brad, Kylie & Samuel Kennett observe those locals who made the ultimate sacrifice during WW1. Below: Ro Wood, Murray Jericho and Cr John Wood at morn-ing tea at Padnaindi.

KYBUNGA KLIPPINGS: Congratulations to Nicole Hayes and Brad French who cele-brated their wedding in April at Anlaby Station. via Kapunda. They had a garden ceremony under trees with 7 nieces and nephews in the wedding party. It was a beautiful day and the rain held off which meant quests could walk around gardens. The reception was in the Clydesdale pavilion.

Best Wishes to Sue Clarke as she celebrates her 70th birthday in early June. The lead up to the Kybunga Reunion is very exciting with past students and residents indicating they are attending. Please check the open invitation in this edition, your RSVP would be appreciated to assist with catering, thankyou – look-ing forward to seeing you there!

BLYTH TENNIS CLUB At the 2016/17 Tennis AGM Kylie Williams was elected Presi-dent, Paul Gibson as Vice President, Kristin Carling as Secre-tary, Carol Virgin as Treasurer and committee members Wayne Carling, Simone Bigg, Rob Dall, Sarah Linn and Tracey Andriske. Grounds committee is Richard Schultz, Christian White, Rob Dall and Wayne Carling. Michael Jaes-chke is also continuing on as our junior co-oridnator. Blyth Tennis Club held a trial for the Junior Foundation Cup. Trials were held at Nuriootpa, Gawler and the last one at Blyth for Juniors from the Lower North Region. Local talent from the Blyth Tennis Club, Blake (right) and Drew Bertelsmeier tried out and were successful in

making it through the first stage. They now have trainings in Gawler until Au-gust where a few more peo-ple will be cut to determine who will be the team to com-pete in the Riverland. A great accomplishment in coming this far and we wish Blake and Drew all the best! Left: Drew “hamming it up “with Mark Woodforde at a coaching clinic.

Clare Financial Services

Graeme Wandel

8842 2391 ah88445047

MEDIKA GALLERY 16 Moore St, Blyth

Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 2-5pm

Ph/Fax 8844 5175 A/H 8844 5025

8844 5125 or 0417 821 225

VOLUNTEERS WEEK The Blyth community are fortunate to have many volunteers who give their time for “things” to happen every day in the district. The community boasts facilities including: Cinema, Football, Net-ball, Golf, Lutheran Church, Cricket, Bowls, Tennis, Progress Assoc, Blyth Development Board, CFS, Storm Water Retention Scheme, Blyth Management Committee, CWA, Blyth Hall, Play-group. All of these groups are predominately supported by volun-teers including volunteers who support the Blyth Primary School facilities and children. Each weekend nearly 200 volunteer posi-tions need to be field amongst the sporting clubs and cinema. Volunteers are vital for events to succeed, and Blyth is lucky to have such free willing talent on tap! both young and the not so young

Volunteers – A gift to the community. Volunteers – The heart of the community. Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worth-less, but because they’re priceless. Volunteers don’t just do the work ~ they make it work. Volunteers make each day brighter. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. There is incredible value in being of service to others. There is no “I” in Team but there is a “u” in volunteer!



at work

during the

month of


Mid North

Sandblasting 88445154 0429 445154

NORTHERN WINDSCREENS 1 Harley Street, Blyth 5462.

8844 5144


Est 1876

Hosts Jarrod & Naomi


8844 5004


& General carriers

Rohan 0429836454



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CAREY GROUP TRAINING The Blyth community were fortunate to have a Carey Training Group do some projects around Blyth during the month of April and May. Over 7 weeks Trainer/Assessor Steve Graham had 8 participants learning the skills of Civil Construction including paving, concreting, fencing, trenching, pipe laying. On comple-tion of this work the participants will have qualified in Certificate 2 in Civil Construction gaining excavation ticket “White Card”. Blyth were fortunate to have a CFS fence and Lutheran Church erected (right), paving repaved under the visitors infor-mation bay (below) and a new concrete driveway added at the Cinema. (right) Roger Oowendyk, Joe Groutsch and John Sinclair.

Carey Training are always looking for new community projects where they cover 16 units over a 7 week period.

BLYTH SNOWTOWN FOOTBALL CLUB On April 7th Crows Sam Jacobs visited the Blyth Oval and took the CATS colt footballers through some footy drills as well as talking to the senior group. No doubt “Sauce” Jacobs was look-ing for some raw talent to send the Crows scouts to CAT coun-try. Some CATS kids went home with some Crows goodies. The invitation was received, the word went out, we needed to fill a bus to head to the Crows on the evening of Saturday 28th May. All 34 lads were on a mission to let 46,500 people see that Blyth Snowtown were coming. With our tummies full of Maccas meals, Cats guernseys on, we were met by our super-visors to put our red Crows hats on. With only minutes to spare before the lights went out, we were led onto the hallowed turf of Adelaide Oval. It was indigenous round and were treated to an aboriginal dance, Adelaide Girls Choir and the sounds of a did-geridoo. With the lights back on and up we stood to be in front of a camera for our tip of the night. Up on the big screen we saw our big smiles, ’Go You Crows’ was our biggest cheer. With the flame boxes in place, and as we lined up each side, we hear the announcer say ‘Blyth Snowtown Football Club have been members of Crows in Clubs for many years and so we welcome their lads to be our guard of honour tonight’. The 15 parents and coaches, and thousands all cheered as the Crows players ran out to begin their battle. With hands held high, high fives all round, from Eddie and Charlie, Douglas, Sloany and Lynch, it was all over too quick. But then we were treated to watch an awesome game of footy, and to see Eddie’s best ever goal was right near by us. Sitting behind the GWS cheer squad we soon silenced them as we kept on cheering to the very end. It was back on the bus for the long trip home and lots of reminiscing about the high fives from Eddie, the nice new Crows guernseys, what a great win, best game ever, and of course how good was Eddie’s goal.

Thanks to the Adelaide Crows for inviting us and let’s see if we can emulate some of those goals.

GREEN ARMY The Green Army has also been in town with 7 partici-pants under the supervision of Tom Fahey. The group have been doing weed control along the ex railway corri-dor north of Blyth as well as planting trees, propagation and fencing around the adjoining districts. The course runs for 23 weeks and will conclude late August.

FOR SALE TASKalfa 2051ci Photocopier

Blyth Primary School has upgraded and no longer have a use for this photocopier.

This photocopier has been regularly serviced.

Please ring Blyth Primary School Ph:8844 5195 for more information.

MC & KL EIME Silage Contractors Ph/Fax 8844 5151 Mobile: 0427 186 450

Email: mckleime@rbe.net.au




BLYTH BITS: Our local George O’Callaghan ticked an item off his bucket list when he made the decision to travel to Darwin for the 74th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin. George made the deci-sion as he walked into Clare RAA and booked a flight to Darwin to join the Memorial Service on 19th February with a return journey on the Ghan… George joined the RAAF when he was 18 years of age after the bombing of Darwin. After some training George was a Leading Aircraftman where he refilled plane guns and put bombs onto aircrafts. George travelled from Papua New Guinea to Borneo. In 1946 George was discharged from the RAAF. On 17th February 2016 George ventured to Darwin and what a time he had… George had not been on a passenger aircraft since the war and marvelled at the technology as well as the hostesses who kept a keen eye on George. George said, “they couldn’t do enough for me and even moved me so I had a better view out the win-dow”. George not being short of a word or two, on request, the pilot dipped the plane so George could have a good view of Alice Springs from the air! On arrival at Darwin the Pilot even invited George into the cockpit to inspect the controls. When he arrived at his Motel , owner Jenny noticed his RSL badge and before George knew it, the RSL President was knocking on his door to be at his beck and call. And he was.

At the memorial service George sat with Darwin RSL President, Don Milford and his wife, who also invit-ed George to join him in laying a wreath at the Me-morial. 1000 people at-tended. A Morning tea fol-lowed—but no George’s scones here!

During the next few days George was chauffeured around Dar-win to see the sites including Museums of the Air force and Army—simply magnificent! George was taken to dinner at the RSL Club as well as at the RSL President’s home. George spent quite some time mixing with the RSL hierarchy and NT politicians. He now knows how the Queen’s hand feels have shaking so many peoples hands!! George even got his photo in the NT Sunday Social pages!! And the best part, no payment would be accepted by these generous people. After spending 5 days in Darwin, George boarded the Ghan and had a lovely train ride back to Blyth, stopping at Katherine and Alice Springs. What’s next for George—well he’s hoping to go back in 2017 to the 75th anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin.

Happy 50th birthday to Richard Schultz who had a quiet celebration.

Happy 21st to Rachel Carling who celebrated with her four grandparents and family at the Sevenhill Ho-tel. . On her birthday she hit the town with a group of friends.

Well done to Cameron Andriske (son of Daryl and Tracey) who was selected and played in the Australian Defence Force All Stars Football team which recently played in Adelaide and won the carnival. Cameron is currently a Rifle-man in the army and based in Townsville. Well done to CATS Blake Bertelsmeier and Chamika Gajamayake who were selected and played in the NEFL Association Football team at Bute and went through the carnival undefeated. Well done to Joel Bertelsmeier (right) who has been selected in the 12U SAPSASA Football team and will now spend the next few months trav-elling to Adelaide for trainings. Farewell is extended to Ian and Jay Beckmann who have sold their house and retired to Wallaroo.

More from Will’s India Cricket tour. “We won three of our four games here and I was lucky enough to be the top scorer with 120 runs all together and four wickets. It was very challenging to be treated as professional players with the expectations for recovery and review sessions but I learnt a lot that I hope to build in to my game from now on. The coaching staff were very direct and specific with their feedback and this did help us deal with the dry and crumbling wickets. We didn't get to do any sightseeing be-cause of our playing schedule but what we did see was very hectic and the traffic was insane. It was all a great experience though, and I am very grateful to the Mid North Cricket Zone, Stanley Cricket Association and Woodville District Cricket Club for sponsoring me to go and giving me this opportunity”. Will Pratt.

BLYTH COMMUNITY HALL A huge thankyou to all people who volunteer their time and expertise in fundraising and helping to maintain the facilities at the Blyth Hall. 8 volunteers are required monthly for the AIF dinners and thanks also to everyone who helps with smaller catering func-tions. With the community’s support, we have a well kept and well utilised hall. Thanks to the Blyth Development Board who have granted us half costs for a new Sound System for the Main Hall, Annex and Supper Room. Easy to follow instructions will accompany this new set up. New and old residents to Blyth are welcome to be part of a team and can contact Narelle Roberts 0428128932.

Rainfall in the District Blyth Kybunga Hart Bowillia

Post Office AJ Wood Field Site Wayne Carling 2016 April 10.8mm 11.2mm 11.0mm 12.2mm

2015 April 69.0mm 98.4mm 50.0mm 43.6mm

2016 May 54.8mm 66.2mm 36.6mm 45.6mm

2015 May 36.8 mm 44.4mm 19.0mm 26.8mm

2016 YTD 141.0mm 186.0mm 109.4mm 142.4mm

2015 YTD 186.0mm 229.6mm 138.4mm 123.2mm



July 15th



Blyth Community Library News EVERY FRIDAY 2-5.00pm

Blyth Community Hall, Blyth Main Street. Library Operator: Narelle Roberts 8844 5025

If library opening times do not suit, please advise Narelle The library is a FREE service to all residents in the Wakefield Regional Council area.

Come in and register and enjoy reading again When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits centre around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet? If you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out: reading has a significant number of

benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.

1. Mental Stimulation Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of (or possibly even prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia, since keeping your brain active and engaged prevents it from losing power. Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so the phrase “use it or lose it” is particularly apt when it comes to your mind. Doing puzzles and playing games such as chess have also been found to be helpful with cognitive stimulation.

2. Stress Reduction No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other issues faced in daily life, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well-written novel can transport you to other realms, while an en-gaging article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, letting tensions drain away and allowing you to relax.

3. Knowledge Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to tackle any challenge you’ll ever face. Additionally, here’s a bit of food for thought: should you ever find yourself in dire circumstances, remember that although you might lose everything else—your job, your possessions, your money, even your health—knowledge can never be taken from you.

DISCLAIMER: The Blyth Progress Assoc does not take responsibility for opinions expressed by contributors to this paper. The editors reserve the right to reject

articles and advertisements. The Editors also reserve to right to edit submissions if necessary. The Editor apologises for any mispelt names/words

Ph 8862 0800

Geoff Brock MP

Member for Frome 8633 1210

PO Box 519, Port Pirie 5540

Rowan Ramsey MP

Fed Member for Grey 1300 301 742

PO Box 296, Port Pirie 5540

Gary, Ros and Justin Zweck would like to thank the community for supporting them by purchasing the “Farmers’ Own” milk brand from any Woolworths store across SA. With the current state of the dairy industry it is especially important because for every bottle of “Farmers’ Own” sold, the six dairy farm-ers that supply this quality milk from the Barossa and Mid North region, will benefit. Customers that buy “Farmers’ Own” can be assured they are liter-ally buying our milk because it is collected and processed as a separate line from other milk. Please keep the momentum of this dairy campaign going by promoting our milk on Facebook or any other means you may have .... it means the world to us.



DIPPING John Ph 8844 3209

Mobile 0402 2147028

66 Main North Rd, Clare

8842 1110 0407 085979

0407 712 015



KYBUNGA REUNION Sunday June 19th

10.30am Unveiling of Interpretive sign— George Street, Kybunga

11.00am Unearth Centenary Time Capsule— Blyth Primary School

Morning Tea—catering by Blyth Primary School Parent Club

Coffee/Tea/Milo/Muffins/Biscuits $5

12.00Noon History Display—Blyth Football Oval

Lunch - catering by Blyth Primary School Parent Club Soup $1, Sausages $2, Steak Sandwiches $5

We are very appreciative of the Blyth Primary School Parent Club offering to cater for the Reunion, could you

please favour us with a reply that indicates the number of family members attending, to assist with catering


Kevin and Sue Clarke 88422989 kyclar3@bigpond.com

John and Ro Wood 88443209 jarswood@chariot.net.au

Join the Kybunga Primary School Facebook Group

Kybunga Primary School Centenary Committee

Everyone Welcome

BLYTH DEVELOPMENT BOARD It was with much pleasure we welcome Max & Nicole Haitana & children Marley, Erinne and Oliver, as the new owners of the former Blyth Hospital complex. They have exciting plans for the area, & we wish them every success. This sale will allow the Board to concentrate on supporting other clubs with grant funding, & to look at any other ideas that develop our community. The Haitana family already are mixing with the locals as they attended ANZAC Day (below) with friends, Marley and Erinne are playing netball for the CATS and Erinne is attending Blyth Primary School.

Some years ago BDB sponsored a 5 year strategic town plan, with 5 priority ideas, including the Benbournie Estate, Brooks Lookout & Lomandra Walk Trail. We are well overdue to develop a new plan – we hope in June to have found a facilitator to run a town meeting; everyone is welcome to attend. Any ideas can be put forward & it will be then up to that gathering to prioritise to 4-6 ideas that hopeful-ly will be achieved over the next 5 years. The ideas can be big or small & related to social, sporting, economic, or environ-mental etc. BDB March 2016 Round Funding was given to three organisa-tions being: 1. Blyth Bowling Club—$9,850 towards a new verandah 2. Blyth Community Hall—$ $4,928 towards a new wound

system 3. Blyth Primary School—$1500 to assist student attend-

ance to Wakakirri 2016.

Page’s Deli 8844 5152


METAL FABRICATION 21 Harley St. Ph/Fax: 88445357

Mobile: 0402755586


Valley Celings & Wall Linings Dennis Ph: 0459 030674

Cinema Program. Come & enjoy the surround sound & big screen experience, & not forgetting we are fully air-conditioned, & with candy bar at deli prices. Film info can be found at www.imdb.com

Wed 1st June 7.30pm Captain America: Civil War (M) 4 stars Fri 3rd June 8.00pm Captain America: Civil War (M) 4 stars Sat 4th June 4.00pm Eddie The Eagle (PG) Hugh Jackmann, Taron Edgerton 3 stars Sat 4th June 8.00pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Sun 5th June 3.00pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Wed 8th June 7.30pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Fri 10th June 7.30pm Jungle Book (PG) 4.5 stars Sat 11th June 2.00pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Sat 11th June 2.00pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Sat 11th June 8.00pm Eddie The Eagle (PG) Hugh Jackmann, Taron Edgerton 3 stars Mon 13th June 2.00pm Eddie The Eagle (PG) Hugh Jackmann, Taron Edgerton 3 stars Tues 14th June 2.00pm Florence Foster Jenkins (M) Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant 3 stars Wed 15th June 7.30pm Eddie The Eagle (PG) Hugh Jackmann, Taron Edgerton 3 stars Fri 17th June 8.00pm A Month Of Sundays (M) Tony LaPaglia 3.5 stars -Aust drama/comedy Sat 18th June 8.00pm A Month Of Sundays (M) Tony LaPaglia 3.5 stars -Aust drama/comedy Sun 19th June 3.00pm A Month Of Sundays (M) Tony LaPaglia 3.5 stars -Aust drama/comedy Wed 22 June 6.30pm A Month Of Sundays (M) Tony LaPaglia 3.5 stars -Aust drama/comedy Fri 24th June 8.00pm Alice: Through The Looking Glass (PG) Mia Wasikowski, Johnny Depp Sat 25th June 4.00pm Alice: Through The Looking Glass (PG) Mia Wasikowski, Johnny Depp Sat 25th June 8.00pm Alice: Through The Looking Glass (PG) Mia Wasikowski, Johnny Depp Sun 26th June 3.00pm Alice: Through The Looking Glass (PG) Mia Wasikowski, Johnny Depp

Programme can be subject to change,

so if coming some distance, please confirm film & time.

Bookings & Enquires please contact Natalie McElroy 0498756519 Or Blyth Cinema Facebook page

TE & A Eime Front End Loader, Excavator, Tip Trucks, Grader, Bobcat

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BLYTH POST OFFICE Licensee: Michelle Cohen


Ph/Fax 8844 5212 0400 294 607

8842 2300

Wool &

General Freight

All Terrain Forklift

for Hire

BLYTH GOLF CLUB The Club held the 2016 Opening on April 24th with the course being very dry. Eight teams took to the dust with the young guns (below) of Tyson Eime, Jace Andriske, Twiggy Hartwig and Jus-tin Zweck coming in with a great score.

Winners of the Mixed team were Paul Gibson, Carol Virgin, Denby & Graeme Wandel. Below. Thanks to the club’s Life Members and Patrons, Max and Yvonne Carling for their continued support of this day.

The club continues to improve their facilities with the kitchen, bar and ladies’ toilet receiving a make over at the hands of the members. A new 2nd hand mower was purchased and within days the old 2nd hand mower was sold. Thanks to President Peter Agnew for his “wheeling and dealing” expertise. The Ladies hosted the Pennants day and narrowly missed out on the top prize and came in 2nd. It is great to see some of our younger guys of the district join-ing the club and are coming in with some great scores. New members are encouraged to join with both Men and Ladies subs at $100 for the season. Men play on Sundays while the Ladies play on Wednesdays. Ladies numbers on the course have been low and we would encourage those thinking about giving it a go to come and join us for either 9 or 18 holes. The Club will be holding their annual Open Mens & Mixed Ambrose on Sunday 26th June with hit off at 10am. Thanks to Clare Financial Services for sponsoring this day.

BLYTH BOWLING CLUB The Bowling Club held the Annual General Meeting at the be-ginning of May seeing Jean Farley elected as President for sec-ond year. Vice President Bruce Farley and Jude Burns elected as the other Vice President (welcome to the committee). Secre-tary Ian Wandel once again, and Cheryl Wandel has taken on a new challenge of Treasurer for the club. The club would like to thank Ian Walker for being treasurer for the last three years and also to Wendy Walker for helping Ian with the book work. The remaining committee consists of Robert Kennett, Suzanne Ken-nett, Ross Arbon, Ian Walker, Jeff Pratt, Brian Eime and Da-mien Philp. In a few weeks time the club will be starting a new shelter on the west side of the bowling green near the tennis courts. The Club would like to thank Brian Eime for his tireless work on this project, it will be nice to have some shade when we play bowls east to west side. We are hoping to have the west side done in a couple years time. During Winter the Bowling Club will be opening the bar on Fri-day night from 5 til 7pm. Everyone is welcome.


Hit Off at 10am Teams of 4

$15 a person includes golf, sausage sizzle and afternoon tea.

Sponsored by Clare Financial Services RSVP to Janet 88445027

Or Bring a team on the day.

BLYTH FOOTBALL CLUB The Blyth Football Club held their AGM on the 9th of March and there was a lot of good discussions. Scott Weckert was re elected as President; Vice President AJ Wood, Secretary Nathan Zweck, Treasurer Simon Honner. Thanks to those who helped with the catering at the Clare Rodeo held at the Clare Showgrounds in March.

The new amenities block has been completed and comple-ments the existing covered shel-ter. The amenities block now houses Umpires Changerooms, Mens Toilets, Showers, Ladies Toilets, Showers and a Disabled/Children’s change room.

Sophie Weaver and Kerry Weckert gives the ladies show-ers the thumbs up. This was a massive project undertaken by the Blyth Football Club and once again the tradesman and volunteers involved have done a fantastic job. The Oval hosted Min/Man on 28th of May and the turnout for the working bee on Friday afternoon was a success and thanks to the trio of curators (Simon Honner, Rohan Welke and Mathew Noble) for making the oval look spectacular for the first match. The next home match is Saturday 4th June with two more games during the season, so come along and support the footy and/or the netball or just come along to socialize and catch up on what’s happening around the towns.

BLYTH SNOWTOWN NETBALL CLUB As we find ourselves entering June, it’s hard to believe we are one round down already! After a yo-yo beginning in the numbers stakes, we have settled to have filled 7 senior teams and the 5 junior teams. The Cats have welcomed a substantial amount of new players this season – so an official welcome to those ladies, young ladies and families. We are always fortunate with the val-ue that new members bring, whether it be pure enthusiasm for the game, substantial talent or experience in coaching. The new-comers have certainly allowed us to maintain the season with no exemptions from any grades. Club Development While we have a significant number of our local senior players still out with injuries or on maternal leave J, coach-es and players have continued to work hard at trainings. Senior coach Bernie Altman and Junior Development Officer, Bianca Allchurch have accessed the experience of Deb Heinjus (ex-Blythian) and Mag-gie Hentschke (above) to build the knowledge and skills of play-ers across the board. Current Positions Team positions on the ladder do not reflect the effort that each player is giving when they take the court, the positive vide and persistent attitude of members has been impressive. The two A grade teams are sitting at the bottom of the ladder, yet to have a win however coaches Bernie and Bianca remain optimistic with the way the girls are playing and the direction of improvement they are travelling. B grade teams are hovering around the mid-dle of the ladder, with the squad still managing movement and weekly ins-and-outs. Hayley Zweck and KerryLee Welke have been working closely together at trainings, focusing on basic skill refinement and court plays, that they are seeing being trans-ferred to the court on Saturdays. The two C grade teams and 15&Us, are also maintaining mid positions on the ladder, all hav-ing some great wins. The recruitment of C2 coach Valarie Ciardi-ello has seen a fantastic influx of talent and energy in to the C squad this season. Simone Bigg has taken on the coaching role again of the J1 team, who are holding second position on the ladder. They have a couple of outstanding young players and offer an optimistic outlook towards our future. Anyone who has been out and cheered on any of the junior grades, can smile with me knowing there is no doubt resilience and persistence is embedded within our girls. While wins are few and far between, their energy, excitement and love for the game always seems to be the winner. I am so proud of the commitment of these young ladies and their encouraging, patient coaches and

parents Local Talent

The June long weekend will see two local talents Kasey Bigg and Sophie Lloyd repre-sent the association at the Country Champs in Adelaide. They have been selected through a solid trial process to join the other top girls in their age group. A huge congratula-tions on such an achievement and we wish the girls the best of luck for their weekend

away. They are fantastic representatives for our club, both on and off the court, always demonstrating such strong values. Special mention to Simone Bigg who has taken on the role this year as the NENA Country Champs coordinator. This is a huge job, consuming many hours of work with little recognition. Simo-ne is also going to Adelaide as Assistant Coach to the 13&U team. KerryLee has assisted Simone throughout the process, completing My Netball online requirements. Investing in our Future Budding Leaders is a quality leadership program and has been developed to provide an opportunity for young people in our clubs aged 16-28 years to build capacity and develop key skills to enable them to progress into leadership roles, both in their personal lives and in their netball club, and contribute to the de-velopment of their netball community. The BSNC committee saw this as a fantastic opportunity to foster and support the many young leaders that contribute to our club, and will carry it in to the future, financially supporting those who attended.

Blyth local girls Maddy Zweck and Kristin Carling were amongst the girls committee targeted as budding leaders to represent BSNC (the only representatives from the North Eastern Associa-tion!). The quality program focusses on: Building confidence in leadership Understanding of good governance Effective communication skills Conflict resolution Change management Social media management Effective time management Developing a welcoming club culture Developing networks within the netball community I am incredibly proud of the initiative and support shown by the club, investing in our future to empower the next group to lead us. KEY MESSAGES FROM WEEK ONE SESSION, from Maddy & Kristin “You don’t need a title to be a leader, everyone involved in the blub can be a leader in their own way” “Keep your behaviour above the line – ownership, accountability, responsibility rather than blame, excuses, denial.” “Aim to have a full team of leaders with the weakest leader stronger than the captain of the other team.” “Be yourself and remember your leadership style may not suit everyone.” “Be open to everyone’s ideas, but stick to what you believe.” President: Bec Jamieson 0407862966 Secretary: Jess Ekman 0408395018 Treasurer: Tahlia Tilley Website: http://www.blyth-snowtown-cats.com.au/ Facebook: Blyth Snowtown Netball Club

COSI’S COWS FOR CAMBODIA – ‘Giving people a leg up, not a hand out’

Gary and Ros Zweck were fortunate to be part of Andrew ‘Cosi” Costello’s Cows for Cambodia fundraising trip to Cambodia in April along with 30 other volunteers from Adelaide. To be part of this we had to fundraise $2,000 each for which we sincerely thank our donators. Arriving in Phnom Pehn we learnt about the history and devast-ing aftermath of Pol Pot through visiting the Killing Fields and S21 Prison. Cosi took us to a back yard firing range where we fired some rounds with an AK-47 and M16. Can’t do that in Australia. The 6 hr bus trip to Siem Reap was entertaining when Cosi stopped the bus 1 hour into the trip to buy a goat from a road-side stall. Hazel the goat kept us entertained the rest of the way and she got added to the flock of self-sufficiency scheme. At

Spider Town we tasted the delicacy of tarantulas and bugs – they tasted like crunchy chicken chips, yum? Our 3 days working with Cosi was very rewarding. We partly dismantled their little tin shed school, which we moved side-ways to a new location. It will be turned into a library, and rebuilt the school 4 times larger with the help of some local builders. A local vet donated her time to pregnancy test about 80 cows, tagged

new calves and vaccinated every animal. He buys in pregnant cows, lends them to a poor family and when the cow calves the family gets to keep the calf and he takes the cow back and so the process of generosity continues. We planted, and also showed the locals how to plant king grass on a leased block which is fast growing and will be ensiled to feed the cows during the dry season. Around the block we planted mango and coconut trees which will be a source of food. We purchased 5 wagon loads of rice straw for the cows also which was an amazing sight coming down the road. 7.5T of rice in 50kg bags was distributed to poor families along with our many bags of donations of goods we took over with us. At the end of the 3 days a village feast was prepared with a meal and dancing for everyone. Rob the camera man captured everything on film and this will go to air later this year. Cosi’s motto is ‘he likes to give people a leg up and not a hand out’ and so we showed the locals some practical farming tech-niques to help better prepare them to feed their animals especially through the dry season. Along with 10 other people in our group, we continued on to Vietnam visiting, Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hue HoiAn and the Mekong Delta in Saigon. A truly rewarding expe-rience, new friendships were made and lifelong memories.

MY MISSION is to activate your body and mind for all that life brings, through education, motivation and inspiration. MY PASSION is fuelled by a positive attitude in a vibrant, welcoming and fun environment, working with enthusiasts of all ages and stages. MY FITNESS STUDIO PROVIDES a personal atmosphere to facilitate cardio & strength fitness goals, with low-impact & high-impact options. Times & locations are negotiable to suit individual or small group needs. The key to my style is small and strategic. I am in it for the long haul, no quick fixes but a revitalisation of life to those that seek it for health and well-being benefits. Contact me to chat further and discuss possible time slots that suit you or a small group of friends COME ON ... Let's ACTIV8 FOR LIFE !! I live right here in Blyth, so call me on 0407 862 966 or visit Activ8 For Life on Facebook

BLYTH BUS DAY TRIPS SURVEY The Blyth Development Board committee is consid-ering the idea of providing various bus day or half-day trips, using the Blyth Com-munity Bus. Suggestions for such trips include: visits to neighbouring districts to view places of historical, artistic, scenic interest; trips to the shopping centres of Elizabeth or Munno Para; regu-lar shopping trips to Clare and perhaps mystery tours!

In order to gauge interest in such trips we have devel-oped a short questionnaire. So, if you are interested in the idea, please take part in the survey by collecting a copy of the questionnaire from the Blyth Post Office and returning to same, in the survey box provided, once completed. Filling out the questionnaire is not a com-mitment to taking part in the trips, just an indication of interest in the ideas. No personal details are asked for in the questionnaire – we just wish to see how many might be interested in trips, and of what kind - just pick up a copy and let us know. Thanks.




Keen to get out there and get moving, but lack the drive to get you there?

Know you should, but just can’t find enough enthusiasm to not press snooze? Wanting some motivation? Well, nothing beats the incentive that friends are waiting for you at the corner, so you better get moving!!

My name is Bec Jamieson and I am a local personal trainer, but more importantly a health enthusiast who is looking for walking and running buddies on these cool early mornings. I am gauging interest of community members of all ages and stages of life and fitness, to call upon our friends and create an early morning walking & running club.





6:15 – 6:45 Monday and Wednesday mornings

Trails around town will be marked and measured, of various levels and intensity depending on personal goals … that’s

if you have them, you may just be out there for fun, fresh air and increased energy for the day!

If you are thinking “this sounds exciting, but I don’t think I’m fit enough …” well if you register your interest and the plan goes ahead, you will receive a small at-home fitness plan to get you moving before we start for the small cost of


Register your interest via email to: Bec Jamieson becsfitbits@gmail.com

BLYTH PLAYGROUP Playgroup continues to be held in the Blyth Primary School and would love to see young families attend. Contact Maggie Hentschke 0438805961 if interested or view Blyth Playgroup Facebook page. Playgroup is a great way of your children sharing with others, as well

as parents/carers to have a chat. Sessions alternate from Monday and Thursday and held fortnightly during school terms.

Above: Josh and Campbell playing in the fort.

Above: Isla and Ruby do a bit of cooking. Right: Deegan ready for action.

RV Park receives great comments The RV Park at the Blyth Recreation Grounds has been an attraction to many RV users especially since the dump point was installed for disposing grey and blackwater. Many favourable comments have made about the RV site as well as the community such as:

Fantastic site, thankyou will certainly recom-


Thank you, we love your town. Friendly and

welcoming to travellers. Much appreciated. Enjoyed the trail and the pub.

Thank you Blyth, great spot. Enjoyed the mov-ies, the Hotel and spent $405 in the area over 2 days on food, entertainment, diesel, tourism, entry fees and drinks.

Well done. Thanks for a flat and safe area to camp.

It was great. Both Eric and myself enjoyed ourselves very much at your Bowls Club on Friday night, it was lovely to meet the local people and have drink & dinner with them.

A very clean & quiet place and the town also. We will be back & told others about you.

Thankyou for your kind hospitality. Blyth com-munity is to be congratulated on your “true blue” input. Well done.

Excellent stay, friendly locals and great antique shop down the street. The guy in glass place very helpful. Plenty of room.

Thanks to the Blyth Management Committee and es-pecially Darren Clark who continues to ensure the area is always up to scratch.


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