Antibiotik - Penghambat Sintesis Asam Nukleat


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Antibiotik (III)Penghambat Sintesis Asam Nukleat dan Penghambat Metabolisme Sel Mikroba1KlasifikasiFinkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2009, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition, LWW, USA


4Mekanisme Kerja

Finkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA


Figure 5-21 Molecular Biology of the Cell ( Garland Science 2008)Molecular Biology DNA ReplicationTahap Inisiasi Replikasi DNADNA Supercoiling dapat tercipta akibat aktivitas DNA helikase


Spektrum KuinolonFinkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA7

Spektrum KuinolonFinkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA8Inhibitor Folat

Finkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA9

Mekanisme Kerja10

Spektrum KotrimoksazolFinkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA11Efek Samping

Finkel, Richard., Clark, Michelle A. Cubeddu, Luigi X., 2011, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 5th Edition, LWW, USA

12Kernicterusis damage to the brain centers of infants caused by increased levels of unconjugatedbilirubin

Mekanisme ResistensiMenurunkan permeabilitas membran terhadap obat: adanya pompa effluks akan menurunkan konsentrasi molekul obat dalam selPerubahan enzim DNA gyrase (untuk Fluorokuinolon)Perubahan struktur enzim dihidrofolat reductase; umumnya pada bakteri gram negatif (untuk trimetoprim)13Suggested ReadingsTjay dan Rahardja, 2003, Obat-Obat Penting, Edisi 5, Elex Media Komputindo, JakartaKatzung, B.G. (Ed.), 2007, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 10th Ed., Lange, New YorkNeal, 2005, At a Glance: Farmakologi Medis, EMS, JakartaJaneway, 2005, The Immune System, 2nd Ed., Garland Science, New YorkFinkel, R., Clark, M. A., Cubeddu, L.X., 2009, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition, LWW, Philadelphia14