Anorexic Peoplepro



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THBT Anorexic People Should be Forcibly Fed

1. To Prevent the Anorexic people from death

Most people think that to be beautiful is by having a thin body. To gain those beautiful body, they do some diets which actually harming their health. They do not do it in a short time, but they do it in a very long term as their mind never accept or satisfied with how they already look at the mirror. We may see them as a very thin person, but they appraise their self as fat, not thin enough, and doing more diets while their body grow weakening. They do diets and eat less food because they afraid of getting fat. They think that if they eat they will be fat, and even it is not seldom to see some anorexic people also suffer dehydration because they also think that water contains calories. As they do the unhealthy diets, their body become more weak and weak. They will suffer of lack of nutrients because they refuse to eat. When seeing the psychiatrist are failed to return their health, every form of therapy had been tried but doesnt give any betterment. But we cannot let those people more suffer. So Force fed is the best solution when there's no other option are left.

Force fed that usually do to anorexic people is given when they refuse to eat normally, but they will get nutrition using nasogastric tube, or gastronomy tube, or through parenteral nutrition a.k.a intravenous glucose infusion. This action is conducted by the doctor to help anorexic people to get nutrition so they could be alive and healthy enough to get further medication, like counseling, therapy, and the other medication until they are the one who pick up the spoon and fed themselves at their own pace. So they can do the healthy life on their own will and get back to normal. They will not suffer and afraid offood anymore. They have a healthy mind and body, they can eat normally 3 times a day proportional calories with their age, able to do the activity and they can maintain their health.
