Analysing Rad. Decay



Fizik SPM

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Learning Objective : Analysing Radioactivity Decay

Learning outcome : At the end of this subtopic, the student is able to:

i) State what radioactivity isii) Name common detectors for radioactive emission

Pre-requisites : Relevant Prior Knowledge – subtopic 5.1


Stage of the instructional


Teacher Activities Student Activities Techniques, tools,& Resources(Lab tools,

Apps,Books, Web pages,etc)


Engagement Teacher asks for one volunteer and gives five bags for him/her to hold.

Teacher allows for about 2 minutes for the student to stand still with the bags.

Teacher asks what does he/she feels carrying the loads.

Teacher asks:“What can be done to make he/she become more stable?”

One student volunteer and carry out the task.

Students answer the question.

Exploration Teacher shows a simulation to gain an Computer simulation

understanding of radioactivity. Teacher provides time for the student to

discuss their findings throughout the simulation.

Teacher observes and listens to the students as they interact

Explaination Teacher encourages the students to explain concepts and definition in their own words

Teacher asks :“What similarities do they observe from the simulation and the previous activity?”

Teacher asks:“ Does the decay happen in a regular repeating pattern and regular time period?”

Teacher asks:“How many types of emission do they observe?”

Teacher asks :“What are the differences of the emission?”

Students answer the question.

Elaboration Teacher asks the students to complete the radioactive decay equation.

Teacher asks student to form 5 groups Teacher gives different situations to each

group i) Leaking PVC pipeii) Cancer treatmentiii) To screen luggage at airportiv) To sterilise the surgical equipmentv) To measure the age of artifact

Teacher asks the student to discuss about the characteristics of the emission and decide which emission suits the situation given.

Students complete the equation given correctly.

Students determine the

Book, web, journal research and etc.

confirmation of the emission can be done by using simple electric or magnetic field.

Teacher asks:“What is the tool that can be used to confirm the emission?”

appropriate tool to detect the emission of alpha, beta and gamma.

Evaluation Teacher allows students to assess their own learning and group-process skills.

Teacher asks open-ended questions:“Do you think that the radioactive decay is important?”“How would you explain about the decay process?”“What evidence do you have?” “How would you conclude about emission of alpha, beta and gamma?”

Students answer the question.

Language Focus/Vocabulary :

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

Inquiry-discovery Science,Technology and society Constructivism

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Discussion Visits and use of external resources Simulation Use of technology

Scientific Skills:


Classifying Predicting Communicating

Thinking Skills:

Critical-Comparing and contrasting, analysing,grouping and classifying,making conclusions,evaluating Creative-generating ideas,relating,making generalisations,synthesising,predicting,

Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values:

Being respectful and well-mannered Appreciating contribution of science and technology Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded Being objective Being cooperative Dare to try Being thankful to god Thinking rationally Being confident and independent


