An Introduction to Programming and Object Oriented Design using Java 3 rd Edition. Dec 2007 Jaime...


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An Introduction to Programming and Object

Oriented Design using Java3rd Edition. Dec 2007

Jaime NiñoFrederick Hosch

Chapter 18Integrating user interface and model: the Model-

View-Controller pattern

2Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


An Application structuremodel components –objects that model and

solve problem;view components –objects that display model; controller components –objects that handle

user input.

3Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Model-View-Controller advantages

Processing of input and output is separate;

Controllers can be interchanged, allowing different user interaction modes;

Allows multiple views of model.

4Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

M-V-C architecture


Controller control1

Controller control2

View view1

View view2

View view3

5Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Observer/Observable relationships





registers with

java.util provides class Observable, interface Observer. Observer is client and Observable is server. Observer registers with the Observable, Observable informs Observer when it changes state.

6Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

M-V-C example

Model: a right triangle.base and height can be modified.

Three different views of triangle. View one displays lengths of sides. View two displays triangle graphically. View three logs changes in triangle state to


A controller for view one, to modify triangle.

No controller for other views.

7Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

public class RightTriangle { private int base; private int height; private int hypotenuse;

public RightTriangle (int base, int height) { this.base = base; this.height = height; setHypotenuse(); }

public int base () { return this.base; }

public int height () { return this.height; }

RightTriangle class

8Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

public int hypotenuse () { return this.hypotenuse; }

public void setBase (int newBase) { this.base = newBase; setHypotenuse(); }

public void setHeight (int newHeight) { this.height = newHeight; setHypotenuse(); }

private void setHypotenuse () { this.hypotenuse = (int) Math.round( Math.sqrt(base*base + height*height)); }}//end RightTriangle.

RightTriangle class

9Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Observable methods

public void addObserver (Observer o);protected void setChanged ();public void notifyObservers ();public void notifyObservers (Object arg);

java.util.Observable class specification provides several methods; among those:

10Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

When RightTriangle changes state, to notify all registered observers of the event, modifies commands to add:

Structuring an Observer/Observable

RightTriangle extends Observable:

public class RightTriangle extends Observable …

All views are Observer’s of RightTriangle instance rt Client Observer registers to rt invoking addObserver.



11Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Implementing an Observable

RightTriangle changes state in setBase or setHeight :

public void setBase (int newBase) {this.base = newBase;setHypotenuse();setChanged();notifyObservers();

}public void setHeight (int newHeight) {

this.height = newHeight;setHypotenuse();setChanged();notifyObservers();


12Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Interface Observer

interface Observer {

void update (Observable o, Object arg);


13Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Observer structure

class RTObserver implements Observer {private RightTriangle target;

// Create an observer of RightTriangle rt.public RTObserver (RightTriangle rt) {

target = rt;target.addObserver(this);…


public void update((Observable o, Object arg){ do something about o’s state change.



observer registers with model

Observer must know target object. Observer registers itself with the target. When target notifies observer, observer executes update.

14Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

A simple view and controller for RightTriangle

Build a view that shows the three components of the triangle in text fields.

Controller will capture input from text fields labeled Base and Height, and modify state of the RightTriangle appropriately.

15Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

The View View extends JPanel and implements Observer. RightTriangle to display is provided as constructor argument.

class TextView extends JPanel implements Observer {private final static int FIELD_SIZE = 16;private JTextField base;private JTextField height;private JTextField hypotenuse;

public TextView (RightTriangle model) {super();…base = new JTextField(FIELD_SIZE);base.setActionCommand("Base");…height = new JTextField(FIELD_SIZE);height.setActionCommand("Height");…hypotenuse = new JTextField(FIELD_SIZE);hypotenuse.setEditable(false);…


16Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

The View

View extends JPanel and implements Observer.

RightTriangle to display is provided as constructor argument.

17Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

The View When model changes state, notifies view to update text fields.

View’s update queries model for new state information, and writes it into text fields:

public void update (Observable model, Object arg) {int side;RightTriangle rt = (RightTriangle)model;side = rt.base();base.setText(String.valueOf(side));side = rt.height();height.setText(String.valueOf(side));side = rt.hypotenuse();hypotenuse.setText(String.valueOf(side));


18Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Controller structure

Captures user input from base and height text fieldsmust have references to the text fields,must respond to ActionEvents generated by

text fields,must be an ActionListener,must be added as listener to text fields.

Updates model. This is response to ActionEvent text fields

generate.Must have reference to RightTriangle.

19Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Controller structure

private class TVController implements ActionListener {

private RightTriangle model;

/** * Create a new controller for this TextView of * specified RightTriangle. */public TVController (RightTriangle model) { this.model = model;

TextView.this.base.addActionListener(this); TextView.this.height.addActionListener(this);}

20Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Controller structure

//Update the model in response to user input. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {

JTextField tf = (JTextField)e.getSource();try { int i = Integer.parseInt(tf.getText()); if (i < 0) throw new NumberFormatException(); String which = e.getActionCommand(); if (which.equals("Base"))

model.setBase(i); else model.setHeight(i);

}catch (NumberFormatException ex) { TextView.this.update(model, null);}


21Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Model, View and Controller

JTextField RightTriangle








22Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Nim Game : Model





Game Pile






23Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Nim Game : TUI










provides moves



24Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Nim Game : TUI v.s. GUI design

TUI design:TUIController

registers with InteractivePlayer, prompts and reads user’s move, forwards it

to InteractivePlayer.

The play loop is in the interface.

25Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Nim Game : GUI design






26Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Nim Game : TUI v.s. GUI design

GUI designNo explicit loop coded. User repeats some event.

NimController When user presses an input button it invokes

setNumberToTake on InteractivePlayer.

Invokes Game’s play,once for InteractivePlayer, once for IndependentPlayer.

27Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


Display composed of four panels: a panel to display number of sticks remaining, two panels each with a text field to report player’s

moves, a panel containing buttons for user to make a


28Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


provides moves




directs play

JButtonlistens to 3

29Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


A NimInterface instance:builds display,observes the Game.

30Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Model’s Game

When Game completes a play, it notifies its Observers.

public void play () {if (!gameOver()) {

nextPlayer.takeTurn(pile,MAX_ON_A_TURN);previousPlayer = nextPlayer;nextPlayer = otherPlayer(nextPlayer);setChanged();notifyObservers();


31Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

GUI structure

User selects “New Game” from main menu. Menu item listener invokes NimController’s

initializeGame: displays a JDialog to get initialization data from user, creates a Game.

32Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


When notified, queries Game, updates display.

NimInterface responsible for displaying number of sticks remaining in the

game; reporting the winner when the game is over.

33Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java


NimInterface defines an inner class PlayerView with the

responsibility to report player’s moves.

A PlayerView observes a Player, and updates the text field when the Player takes a turn.




34Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Delaying IdependentPlayer’s move

NimController invokes Game’s play, once for InteractivePlayer, once for IndependentPlayer.

Need a delay between the two play invocations.

35Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Delaying IdependentPlayer’s move

Attempt to delay the two plays fails. Application will pause, but moves appear to take

place at the same time.

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {…user.setNumberToTake(number);;nhUtilities.utilities.Control.sleep(2); //delay;…


36Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Delaying IdependentPlayer’s move

user presses button

thread sleeps for two seconds

display updates resulting form

display is updated

display updates resulting fromInteractivePlayer move are scheduled

IndependentPlayer move are scheduled

button-press event handler starts

button-press event handler completes

Event dispatch thread

37Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

Scheduling a move to delay the action

NimController uses javax.swing.Timer to schedule IndependentPlayer’s play seconds after play of InteractivePlayer.

User’s Button-press event handling is complete.

IndependentPlayer’s move occurs after and when scheduled.

38Dec 2007 NH-Chapter 18:An Introduction To Programming And Object Oriented Design Using Java

MVC and Swing components

Swing components are structured using MVC pattern.

Each Swing JComponent has an associated model object responsible for maintaining component’s state. JButton or JCheckBox has a ButtonModel, JTextArea or JTextField has a Document.

A Swing component delegates view and control responsibilities to its UI delegate.

The package javax.swing.plaf contains an abstract delegate class for each Swing component.
