

ISBN 978-84-15223-01-6 / Layout: 20,3 X 20,5 cm / Pages: 96 / Cover: Softcover / Illustration in the Americas is experiencing a great burst of creativity, where the famous and acclaimed are joined by young upstarts whose rich innovative values are due to their constantly creative skill. American Illustrators is a compilation of work from both acclaimed and novel illustrators, providing us with a peep into this marvellous world of American Illustrators. This is an ideal book not just for creative professionals and students, but also all illustration fans.

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lthis is illustration!


Mateo Dineenp_8

Ken Gardunop_14

Christopher Cisnerosp_20

Gregory Ferrandp_26

Brian M. Viverosp_32

Gary Taxalip_38

Mike Stilkeyp_46

Justin Nelsonp_54



Blain Fontanap_60

Dylan Bradwayp_66

Scott Tollesonp_70

Daniel Limp_76

Aaron Jasinskip_80

Jophen Steinp_84

Ryan Myersp_88




Mateo Dineen was born in San Mateo, California.

In 2003 Mateo moved to Berlin. As he began his new life

there, his art developed in new directions. He discovered

that the Berlin flea markets offer a wealth of old materials

left over from communist Germany. He saw that these

objects already had the patina of life and presented a

story of their own. These relics included munitions crates,

tobacco tins, and old dusty books. By incorporating these

things into his work, he was able to create something new.

His characters were given new life on a background of

collage and history.

Over the next few years he and his artwork became a

fixture of the Berlin art scene. In 2004 he and a colleague

opened the Zozoville Gallery. These days Mateo can

usually be found in the back room of that gallery creating

more of his signature characters and monsters.

Mateo Dineen nació en San Mateo, California.

En 2003, Mateo se fue a vivir a Berlín, donde comenzó una

nueva vida y su arte evolucionó en nuevas direcciones,

descubrió que los mercados de las pulgas de Berlín ofrecen

una gran cantidad de materiales de la Alemania comunista. Vio

que estos objetos ya tenían la pátina de la vida y mostraban su

propia historia. Estas reliquias incluían casquillos de munición,

latas de tabaco y libros viejos polvorientos. La incorporación de

estos elementos en su obra, le permitía crear algo nuevo.

Insuflaba nueva vida a sus personajes sobre un fondo de

collage e historia.

En los últimos años, su obra se ha convertido en una parte

integrante de la escena artística de Berlín. En 2004 abrió junto

a un compañero la Galería Zozoville. Actualmente, es fácil de

encontrar a Mateo en la sala trasera de esta galería, creando

más personajes y monstruos.


Proof.Acrylic and collage on wood.

Incognito.Acrylic and collage on wood.

Widow Bird.Acrylic and collage on wood.



Out of Body Experience.Acrylic and collage on wood.



I have been an illustrator for as long as I can remember as

I have always enjoyed drawing. Currently I work for several

magazines in Mexico, some with political leanings, others

for children and the world of design.

It was in university when I realized I wanted to devote

myself to illustrating on a full-time basis. I think my style is

not pigeonholed, because I believe that if I settle on the

combinations that I have developed, I may become

stagnant. This is why I prefer to experiment with several

forms to produce something that is both effective and

visually gratifying. I can say that the sources of inspiration

in my work can be found in history, mythology and the arts

such as Baroque, Sacred, Sumerian, Persian and Pre-

Hispanic Arts. When I make an illustration, I always try to

communicate a strong idea, one that pulls the reader into

the text.

Soy ilustrador desde que tengo uso de razón, siempre me

ha gustado mucho el dibujo. Actualmente trabajo para

varias revistas algunas de corte político, otras infantiles y

de diseño en México.

Desde la universidad me di cuenta que quería dedicarme a

la ilustración a tiempo completo. No tengo un estilo

definido, por que creo que puedo quedarme estancado,

pero por lo regular me gusta experimentar con muchas

formas y sacar algo que sea efectivo y visualmente rico.

Puedo decir que la fuente de inspiración de mi trabajo es la

historia, la mitología y el arte, como el Barroco, Sacro,

Sumerio, Persa y el Prehispánico. Cuando realizo una

ilustración siempre trato de que esta comunique una idea

fuerte y sea ella la que introduzca al lector en el texto.


El Reno mimo.Pen, Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop.

El diablo de Cervantes.Pen, Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop.

JC.Pen, Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop.



Este es mi gallo/Revista Hoja de Ruta.Pen, Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop.