AME Requisition Approval Heirarchy


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Approval Heirarchy Of REQUISITION Using AME (Same as that of Standardrized Functionality i-e Position based Heirarchy)

Ways to Define the AME Rules, Condition, Approver Group for Requistion Heirarchy


Approval Heirarchy Using AME (Same as that of Standardrized Functionality i-e Position based Heirarchy)1- Define Roles for AME

Login into the Application with Sysadmin and do the following in order to define the role for AME Approval

User Management => Users

Search your own User (i-e YOUNUS.SCS)

Click GO

Assign Roles

Search appro% and Click Go

Click Go

Checked the Approval Management Administrator & Approval Management Businees Analyst in order to select the Roles for AME Approval.

Give the Justification for the Assigned Roles for AME Approval as;

Click Save % Apply & hence in this manner role has been assigned.

2- Assign Grants to the Roles

Login from mine own User as YOUNUS.SCS

Functional Administrator => Home

Create Grant

In this manner the grant has also been given to the YOUNUS.SCS for the Roles Assigned by him.

Logout from the Current Application.

Login again from Younus.scs and do the following

Approval Management Business Analyst => Business Analyst Dashboard

The new window open as;

Write the Transaction Type = Purchase Requisition Approval

Click Quick Select to select the Transaction Type


Check the Attribute which you are going to be used in your hierarchy there are no. of attributes that we used based on our own Business Requirement.

Once we click on the Attribute the new window open as;

We can create our own Attribute as well

For this Requisition we will use the Attribe REQUISITION_TOTAL which is predefined in the System. Therefore in order to check this Attribute write Req% in the Name field of the Above field and Click GO

Click REQUISITION_TOTAL in order to check inside this Attribute as;


In the upper of the same page Click Condition as;

I have already create the Condition based on the amount of the requisition as;

Click Update to see the basics inside the Condition as;


Use the Existing Action Type

And select the approval-group chain of authority & Click Apply


GO into the Approval Group

Click Creat in order to create the Approval Group as;

As you have seen we have gives the no. of people in the chain of the Authority so the notification goes to them one by another.


I have already Create a Rule Named as AME Rule as;

We just go into the AME Rule and check the basics inside it

The window describe the Rule that we have created in which the following things hav been used as;


Condition = REQUISITION_TOTAL is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000,PKR

Action Type = approval-group chain of authority

Note = Basically Rule is every thing that actually work, we are required to assigned the all the things to a Rule that we could used, therefore while creating a Rule we can assign a condition to it too.


Go back to the Home

Navigation : Purchasing Super User => Setups => Purchasing => Document Types

Go into the Requisition Purhcase and Click on the Pencil Button to update as;

The new window open in which select the PURCHASE_REQ in the Approval Transaction Type

Click Apply

9- Test the Results

Login into the Application with the User (IMDAD.SOOMRO)

Create Requisition

KA5766 - PUR Requester => Requisitions

Requisition Summary

Click Find

Tools => Action History

As we have seen the notification goes to the Ana Ikram

Now Login from the User of ANA.IKRAM as;

As we have seen the Purhcase Requisition # 153 came from Imdad Soomro to Ana Ikram and therefore it requires her’s Approval.

Ana Ikram opens the Notification as;

This notification describe the complete detail of the peoples to whome the notification will go one by another and the diagram also entailed the AME Approval .

Click Approve to give the Approval of the Requisition

Check the Action History of the Requisition # 153

Its describe the notification lies within the Abid Altaf User

Login Into the Application using Abid Altaf’s user as;

As we have the seen the notification of the Requisition from Ana Ikram to Abid Altaf

Open the Notification and gives his own corresponding Approval

Click Approve to give corresponding Approval

Check the Action History of the Requisition # 153

It describe now the notification goes to the Dr Masroor Ahmed Shaikh just after the Abid Altaf

Login into the Application from Masroor Ahmed Shaikh domain as;

The Notification coming from Abid Altaf to the Masroor Ahmed Shiakh as it described above

Open the Notification

Click Approve to give the corresponding Approval

Check the Action History of the Requisition # 153

It describe the notification goes to the Hafeezullah Abbasi from Dr Masroor Shaikh

Login into the Application from the Hafeezullah Abbasi’s User as;

Open the Notification

Click Approve to give the corresponding Approval

Now finally check the Status and Action History of the Requisition as;

The describe the status as Approved

Tools => Veiw Action History
