Alien Visitations - Stony Brook University · Fata Morgana (mirage) Extraordinary Claims Require...


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Alien Visitations

“The liberation of the human mind has never been furthered by such learned dunderheads [priests and pedants]; it has been furthered by gay fellows who heaved dead cats into sanctuaries and then went roistering down the highways of the world, proving to all men that doubt, after all, was safe -- that the god in the sanctuary was finite in his power, and hence a fraud. One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is also vastly more intelligent.” HL Mencken

Space Travel

As we discussed last week: •  Space is big •  Space travel is slow

Barring unknown physics, it is unlikely that alien beings are flitting around our planet in flying saucers

Close Encounters •  I: Visual sighting of aerial object (UFO) •  II: Observation plus physical effects

•  Heat •  Electrical interference •  Paralysis; frightened animals •  Physical damage

•  III: Direct observation of extraterrestrials •  Little green men •  Tall grey aliens

•  IV: Abductions


What is a UFO?

•  All are indeed unidentified. •  Most are Venus. •  Almost certainly none are alien spacecraft

Picture from Robert Sheaffer:

Fata Morgana (mirage)

Extraordinary Claims

Require Extraordinary Evidence

Is UFOlogy a science ahead of its time?

Consider •  Scientific study of Witchcraft •  Phrenology •  Fairies •  Homeopathy •  N-rays •  Orgone •  … •  Cf Shaeffer 1980 (


Evidence for Visitations?

If they are surveiling us, they have been sloppy •  Equivalent of anthropology grad


Nazca Lines

Nazca Desert, southern Peru Created 450 600 AD 10-30 cm deep depressions in desert

Crop Circles

Crop Circles

•  Mostly found in southern England •  Have gotten more complex with time •  Doug Bower and Dave Chorley have

admitted to making hundreds, and demonstrated how on BBC

Cereologists still maintain that not all crop circles can be hoaxes

If you had physical evidence of UFO visitations, Could you keep it a secret? Could the government?

Area 51 Groom Lake Nevada

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Dayton Ohio


Something happened in Roswell NM in June 1947 •  Yes, there was a cover-up •  No, flying saucers were not involved

Roswell: Anatomy of a Coverup

•  July 1947: Top secret Air Force balloon payload (project Mogul) crashes

•  Military rushes in to clean up evidence; •  Plants cover story of crashed “flying disc” •  USAF retracts story next day and shows debris •  Nobody cares until 1980s

•  Pentagon releases top secret reports in 1994

Reports by Pilots

•  Jan 7 1948: T.F. Mantell chases UFO in P51. Crashes. Chased top secret high altitude Skyhook balloon.

•  Nov 17 1986: K. Terauchi flying JAL 1628 over Alaska reports UFO (2 lights) following for 50 minutes. 2 other planes fail to confirm. Saw Jupiter and Mars.

UFOs are •  Usually Venus •  Or lenticular clouds •  Or insects •  Or weather balloons •  Or bolides/rockets •  Or hoaxes

Do (did) they walk among us?

Dogu figurine, Japan, 1000-400 BCE Oannes

Robot or Astronaut? Kiev, ~4000 BCE

Spacemen? Ecuador

Medieval spaceship? Kosovo

Ancient Aircraft?

Ceiling Beam, Temple of Seti I, Abydos, Egypt

Ancient Astronauts?

Woodcut: Arabia, 1479

Summer's Triumph,1538, Bayerisches Museum

The Mystery of the Dogon Inhabitants of Mali Legends written down in the 1930s speak of •  Sirius B (faint white dwarf star) •  4 moons of Jupiter •  Saturn’s rings •  Elliptical planetary orbits

How could they have known this? cf. James Oberg in

Extraordinary Claims

Require Extraordinary Evidence

Who Needs Ancient Astronauts?

•  Human beings 10,000 years ago were just as intelligent as we are today.

•  Given time, labor, and state-of-the-art technology (inclined planes, pulleys, rollers, chisels), pharaohs built the pyramids

Don’t sell your ancestors short!

Who Needs Ancient Astronauts?

•  We need to save ourselves – help will not come from the skies.

How to Serve Man