Aion Elyos Leveling Guide



Aion elyos leveling guide, learn to where to lvl up faster

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Aion Online Mastery Guide

~ Elyos Leveling Guide ~


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Leveling Guide Tips

Gather everything you see.The exp is not negligible and you need to be able to gather for both crafting and certain quests.

Do not train mobs!Once you get into areas that have mobs that aggro: kill your way through the mobs rather than training/stealthing through. Characters in this game level primarily through kills and you are cheating yourself on exp by skipping these mobs. In some games (like WoW) it's actually faster to skip mobs that you don't "need" for a quest: but in this game it is not faster leveling to do that. You will also miss out on item/crafting drops if you skip lots of mobs.

Learn about and use the directional model of fighting.Never stand still: in any fight: at any time (but be careful not to aggro nearby things).

Keep Odella powder handy once you ascend.It saves you a lot of downtime to be able to mana/herb treatment out in the field. This can be bought from General Goods merchants in Sanctum and lvl 10+ area hubs.


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Non-elite mobs are serious business.That's right: this isn't like WoW where you can kill normal mobs from the comfort of your toilet. You can't auto-attack any monsters down in this game: and pulling extra mobs can be a real problem. Don't be afraid to use consumables if a fight gets hairy; dying kinda sucks in Aion so avoid it if you can.

Change channels if there are too many people around.From level 1-20 you can change instances of the zone you are in: which is quite handy for avoiding that nyerkbag sorc who keeps stealing your kills. Just go to Menu > Support > Change Channel

Create a special "PVP Alert" chatboxHave it display only "Combat Info - Third Party" and check all "Enemy" boxes. This chat box will alert you to the activities of nearby enemy player characters: often before you can see them on your screen. Since the chat boxes disappear when not in use: I put mine right smack in the middle of the screen so I really notice it when something happens.

If you can afford it: buy skill manuals for later levels and carry them with you.Having the manuals on you when you level is nice: as it cuts down on travel time going back to a trainer.

If you have to go afk: set up a personal store.The broker can get expensive: but Aion allows you to sell your items at a personal store: which you can set up anywhere at any time. You can't play your character when you do this: so the best time to do it when you have to afk. The way to open the store can be found in the menu. Even at low levels you can unload some of your crap for cash: especially around release when everyone is a lowbie.

Learn to glide.This sounds simple enough: but gliding isn't just hitting spacebar at the top of a hill and floating to the bottom. If you push the left: right: and back keys as you are gliding: you can "catch the breeze" and increase your glide time by a huge amount. You can also pitch forward to increase speed. Try hitting the buttons at different times to see how much distance you can get.

UI & Interface

You can tell how difficult a mob is by looking at its portrait.The number of dots showing in the circle tells you approximately how hard a mob is. An elite mob's portrait is larger and more ornamented.


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You can also tell how difficult a mob is based on the color of the name floating over their head.White mobs are easy: yellow mobs are normal: orange mobs are hard: and Red mobs you'd better stay away from.

You can get an overlay of the zone map by pushing "N"

Auto attack can turn off sometimes.Make sure you bind a key to it.

The quest interface is very robust:You are able to find out more information about certain parts of quests by clicking on the blue underlined text. You can also "locate" items for quests by pushing the locate button at the bottom of the popup window.


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Your minimap is a radar.It will show all mobs: npcs: and players in your nearby vicinity. White dots are neutral mobs: red dots are aggressive mobs and enemy players: and blue dots are friendlies. If you click on a mob: a yellow circle will appear around its dot: showing you the aggro radius of the selected mob.

Quest givers will have several different types of icons above their heads:A blue single arrow is a standard quest offer. A double blue arrow is a standard quest turn in: usually part of a chain. The last part of the chain will typically be a blue starburst. Gold arrows and starbursts refer to campaign quests. Double sideways arrows refer to quests that require you to make a choice.

The NPC has a Campaign/Quest for you

The NPC completes an objective in a Campaign/Quest

The Campaign/Quest is complete and can be turned in to the NPC


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PoetaLevels 1-10

Starting Out

You will enter the world at the southern end of the Akarios Plains (denoted by a 1 on the

map,) take a second to familiarize yourself with the skills you have. Next I recommend

customizing the UI, press "O" to open the game options menu. The first two buttons

should represent "Quit Game" and "Logout" respectively, click the third button which

should be "Options." The option tabs are UI, Video, Sound, and Key Bindings

resectively. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the UI options and what they do in

order to spend the early game adjusting it to best fit your style of play. I also

recommend avoiding changes to the key bindings or the video settings unless you begin

having issues related to them.

With this done you should find an NPC with a blue arrow over his head standing just in

front of you, speak with him to obtain your first quest! Your first quest is as simple as it

gets, head just down the road to the North and speak to another NPC which now has a


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blue arrow over his head. Speak with him to complete your first quest and receive your


Your new quest will involve killing a few of the Kerubs that are found throughout the

area. Kill them and return to the NPC again to complete the quest and receive your next

one. The new quest will be to collect sacks of grain from the nearby camps and can be

done easily without killing anything as nothing aggros in this area. Return to the NPC

with the grain once you have collected the necessary amount and he will send you

further down the road to the north.

Reminder: When on your way to the next location, to collect Aria. It will build your skill

level and will assist in later quests. To collect it, simply find the pink colored plant and

right-click it. continue harvesting Aria until your skill is level 10 and then harvest Aria or

Apples until you skill reaches 15. A later quest will ask you to harvest Ore which has a

requirement of 15.

Heading down the road to North you will find another NPC with a blue arrow over his

head (denoted by a 2 on the map,) speak to him and you will receive another quest. The

quest will have you killing Grain Snufflers in the surrounding fields and collect their tails

as proof, bring back the requested number of tails and the NPC will send you into town

to make a delivery. If you aren't level 3 yet continue collecting Aria until you reach level

3, it should only take a couple successful gathers by this point. Once you are level 3

continue down the road to the North-East and into Akarios Village.

Akarios Village & Cliona Lake

Immediately upon arriving are Akarios Village your quest menu will appear declaring

that you have received your first mission quest. Mission quests are quests that follow

the storyline of the game and completion of them is required to access most of the

instance content in the game. NPCs related to mission quests will have a yellow arrow

over their heads instead of the blue arrow we've seen so far. Continue exploring the

village being sure to speak with anyone that has an arrow over their head picking up all

the quests they have to give.

The following is a checklist of things to make sure you get done before proceeding

North out of the village.

Find the bind stone and Soul Healer first, they should be just left of where you

entered the village. Speak with the Soul Healer to learn a little more about it and

then bind to the stone next to her allowing you to easily return back to this

location in the future.


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Make sure to find your class trainer, the class they can offer training for will be

designated under their name. Purchase all the skillbooks you can that do not

appear red, find them in your inventory and right-click them to learn your new

skills. You can then pull up your skill menu using K and drag the skills to your

quick bars.

Find the Weapons and Armor dealers and check for upgrades that can be

purchased, scrolling over items for sale will bring up the item you currently have

equipped and color code the stats of your current armor showing red for lower

and green for higher stats. You probably can't afford anything new yet but you'll

know at what levels it is available and where to find it. You can also click the "Sell

Misc" button to get rid of useless items in your inventory giving you extra Kinah

and freeing up inventory space.

Quest Tip: If you hit the letter J on your keyboard and select the quest your currently in

progress of doing, you will notice there are NPC and MOB names highlighted in blue.

This simply means youre able to find more information out about this MOB or NPC. If

you open the quest, and select the MOB needed to complete the objective, in most

cases you can click the Locate button and it will mark an area on the map where the

mob tends to patrol. Some mobs will not be locatable, but most can be found with a little


At this point I'm going to stop explaining quests in detail and will just list them in each

area as to make sure you don't miss any. There are a couple that are more difficult or

confusing that I will go a little further into detail about but for the most part you'll be on

your own with quests from here on out.

Heading out of the village to the North you'll want to visit 2 more NPCs to pick up

quests, the first one is immediately outside town (designtated by a 3 on the map) and

the other one farther North along the edge of the lake (designated by a 4 on the map.)

The following is the list of quests that you will find in this area before proceeding on (in

no specific order)

1. Collecting Aria - Collect Aria in the area.

2. The Kerub Threat - A 2 part Mission quest dealing with Karub in the area.

3. Abandoned Goods - Collect wine , it can be found around the farms North-West of

Cliona Lake.

4. Uno's Ingredients - Collect Airon Meat from the birds at the lake.

5. To Fish In Peace - Kill Brax and Slink around the lake.


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With these quests completed you should have reached level 5 so stop and get you new

skills, perhaps a new weapon or some armor as well before heading on to Daminu

Forest. Now head down the road North-East of town picking up a couple quests along

the way and you should have the following quests when you reach the narrow point

occupied by a couple Everglade Sylphen.

1. The Woodcutter's Lost Axe - This quest is started by an item that drops from the

Brax usually on the Southern end of the Cliona Lake.

2. A Book For Namus - Received from the guard at the North gate of town.

3. Light Up The Night - Received from the NPC along the road North-East of town.

4. Pernos' Robe - Acquired from the Armor seller in town.

After verifying you have all these quests you can proceed down the narrow path until

you emerge into the Daminu Forest.

Daminu Forest & Deforested Area

Just after emerging into Daminu Forest you will find 3 NPCs along the road, all of them

will have quests. Turn in the quests you can and pick up the new ones. I recommend

killing the Sparky necessary for the quest "Light Up The Night" and then heading back

to the fisherman along Cliona Lake to turn in one of your newly received quests as well

as "Light Up The Night" before getting to involved in the forest itself. With that the

following are quests you should find in this area with additional information where


*Warning: As you near the Eastern border between the Damninu Forest and the

Deforested Area keep a look out for mobs that are aggresive towards you. Up to this

point you likely haven't encountered mobs that attack you, from the Deforested Area on


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aggressive mobs become much more common and can be viewed as red dots on your


1. Request Of The Elim - A multi-part mission quest dealing with Dukaki in the area.

2. The Elim's Mysterious Message - Returns you to the fisherman near Cliona Lake

and then to Akarios Village.

3. The Nymph's Feathered Gown - Received from an item that drops off of Abex in the

forest. NOTE: in prior betas and early versions of the client the gown is not lootable and

the quest impossible to complete due to the book not triggering the quest properly.

4. The Mushroom Thief - Kill Mepigus in the Area.

The Nymph's Gown

When you reach level 6 several more quests become available that you may not find

until much later if you aren't aware they exist. Some are back at Akarios Village while

some are at the Outpost in the Deforested Area (designated with a 6 on the map.) Be

sure to pick these up these when you reach level 6 keeping in mind while you travel that

you are now entering areas where aggresive mobs are much more common. You may

find quests other then these listed, go ahead and pick them up but don't worry about

them until we're finished with this area.

Reminder: There is a flight point available between Akarios Village and the Outpost,

proper use of the travel system and your ability to return to your binding location can

save a lot of travel time.


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1. Mopping Up Zaif's - Received at the Outpost and requires you to kill Zaif in the area.

2. A Taste Of Namus' Medicine - Received at the Western end of Daminu Forest and

sends you to the Outpost.

3. Polinia's Ointment - Received from Polinia at Akarios Village and send you to the


Having finished the quests listed up to this point you should be level 7 meaning its time

to return to Akarios Village for skills, armor, and quest(s) before continuing. While you

are in Akarios Village make sure to visit the armor seller and upgrade any gear you can

as well as getting the second half of the Pernos' Robe quest line. When finished fly to

the Outpost.

Kabarah Strip Mine

At the outpost make sure to turn in any old quests and pick up any new ones before you

continue. Its a good idea to start here by completing the Delivering Pernos' Robe

quest as its the last on that will to do in the Daminu Forest & Deforested Area. If you

want the fang for turn in you can find the cave by following the creak South-East from

the Outpost.

Having acquired any 1 of the items required to deliver with the robe you can head North

down the road from the Outpost to find Pernos (designated by a 7 on the map.) Turn in

the quest making sure to choose the option related to the item you acquired and then

pick up any other quests he may offer. in the Kabarah Strip Mine located East of Pernos

and North-East of the Outpost.

Where's Tutty


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1. Illegal Logging - The next mission quest dealing with Dukaki in the Strip Mine.

2. Where's Tutty - Find Pernos' lost pig, he is roasting at the first camp on the left if you

enter the mine from Pernos' side.

3. Avenging Tutty - Kill Dukaki responsible for raosting Tutty.

4. Oz's Prayer Beads - Kill Sparky in the area.

5. Ancient Cube - Find the cube at a small camp located just East of where Tutty is

roasting along the Northern edge of the Strip Mine.

6. Melponeh's Mushroom Research - Kill Fungi in the area.

7. Neutralization - Another mission quest involving a cauldron within the Strip Mine.

8. Tula's Music Box - Collect Iron Ore in the area, gathering level 15 requried. This

quest eventually sends you down the Agaric Spore Road to the Timolia Mine.

Ancient Cube

Reminder: At this point you likely have received at least 1 title, hit "P" to bring up your

character menu and choose the 4th tab to show your titles. Select the most useful one

for your class and make sure to always keep an eye out for new titles.

Reminder: If you reach level 9 at any point from here on you will want to skip to the end

of the guide and complete the Ascension Quest before continuing through the Poeta

quests. Having achieved level 9 you cannot gain level 10 until completing the Ascension

Quest which in itself give the full level of experience. So if this happens complete the

Ascension Quest all the way through and then return to finish the quests in Poeta.

Having finished this set of quests, many of which chain into more quests there is only


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one area left to discover. Starting at Pernos' on the map and lead on by the Tula's

Music Box quest head North-West to the next NPC (designated by a 8 on the map.)

Agaric Spore Road & Timolia Mine

When you reach the NPC at the Western end of the Agoric Spore Road be sure to turn

in the Tula's Music Box quest and obtain the new quests he offers. These quests will

send you furhter West into the Timolia Mine itself, leaving the NPC headed that way you

should have the following quests.

1. Suspicious Ore - Collect Ore from crates within the Timolia Mine.

2. Scouting the Timolia Mine - Collect Engine Parts from the inhabitants of the Timolia


3. No Entry - The last of the mission quests in this area requiring you do deactivate the

gate inside the Timolia Mine.

With these quests complete you should have done everything there is to do within

Poeta except Ascension!

The Ascension Quest

The Ascension Quest begins and ends at Pernos' (designated by a 7 on the map.) The

quest will require you to visit Cliona Lake and the large tree centrally located within

Daminu Forest. I've designated both these location on the map using the red number 9

and 10 respectively. The easiest way to complete this stage of the quest is to speak

with Pernos to obtain it, then use your return to go back to Akarios Village and then walk

all the way back to Pernos stopping at the quest objectives along the way.

When you eventually return to Pernos he is going to send you into the abyss where you

will undergo a brief but simple fight. Following the fight is the best cut scene up to this

point in the game, enjoy it and choose your class wisely afterwards. Pernos then ports

you back to Poeta and will offer to send you to Sanctum, accept his offer and complete

the quest upon your arrival. If you haven't finished all the quests in Poeta you'll want to

return and make sure you have at least completed the mission quests or you may find

yourself returning in the future just to do so when it much less beneficial.


You have now reached level 10, ascended, and can begin flying your way through the

remainder of Atreia.


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Verteron and Eltnen Levels 10 - 20

Now that you are in Verteron you are ready to begin the adventure, take this moment to fly around and test out your wings and get the controls down.

1) Accept the quest: Polluted Fountainhead From Anaka south west of the teleporter.

Head to the center of the town to the Obelisk and bind yourself here.

2) Turn in the quest: A Song of Praise To Selene inside the chapel towards the south west.

3) Accept the quest: Lobnite Hunt From William right outside of the headquarters.

4) Turn in the Campaign quest: Summons to the Citadel


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To Spatalos in the Headquarters

5) Turn in the Campaign quest: Dispatch to Verteron5) Accept the quest: Undelivered Armor

From Hyacinite standing next to you.

6) Update the Campaign quest: Masked Loiterers6) Accept the quest: Ancient Lobnite Fossil

From Spiros who is roaming around the fountain.

7) Update the quest: Undelivered Armor At Gaurinerk in the Broker

8) Turn in the quest: Undelivered Armor8) Accept the follow up quest: An Honest Merchant

From Nadaelo inside the Swords and Boards shop.

9) Accept the quest: Decorative Weapons From Ivis standing next to you.

10) Update the Campaign quest: Danger From Above At Kairon at the entrance of Verteron Citadel

Directly above you above the Citadel is floating rock. For the next quest you'll need to fly up there to the platform underneath the floating rock to Hynops.

11) Update the Campaign quest: Danger From Above At Hynops

After accepting the quest you will need to destroy 3 Abyss Fragments which are floating randomly in the air. Fly around and attack 3 to complete the quest: then head back down to the north east entrance of the Citadel.

12) Turn in the Campaign quest: Danger From Above To Kairon


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Exit Verteron Citadel and Fly directly North-East to just underneath the large mushroom attached to the hill.

Collect the Ancient Lobnite Fossil from the Fossil.

Fly down to the ground below the Fossil. Roam around Verteron Swamp to the South-West

Kill 10 Swamp Slinks

Kill 10 Brownbeak Airons

Kill 11 Spiral Lobnites

Kill Sharphorn

Kill Starcrabs to collect 6 Starcrab Carapaces.

Accept the quest: Guardian Tog From Gaione

Travel forward from here.

Kill 1 Lephar Revolutionary either a Laborer or a Spy.

Then travel slightly North by the coast. Work your way to the West as you

Collect 5 Crystal Fragments

Kill Swamp Starturtles to collect 5 Starturtle Shells

Kill 9 Mud Potcrabs whichare on land.

13) Turn in the quest: Guardian Tog To Gaione

14) Accept the quest: A Mother’s Worry From Perinens at the north east entrance of Verteron Citadel


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15) Accept the quest: A Father’s Letter From Manos standing south of the north east entrance.

16) Turn in the quest: Polluted Fountainhead To Anaka just above the fountain.

17) Turn in the quest: Decorative Weapons To Ivis back in the Swords and Boards Shop.

18) Turn in the quest: Ancient Lobnite Fossil18) Update the Campaign quest: Masked Loiterers

Back at Spiros roaming around the fountain

19) Turn in the quest: Lobnite Hunt To Willam standing outside the Headquarters.

20) Turn in the quest: An Honest Merchant To Hyacinte inside the Headquarters.

Exit Verteron Citadel and travel North

Kill Laborers

Kill Spies to collect 5 Lepharist Symbols.

21) Turn in the Campaign quest: Masked Loiterers To Spiros roaming the fountain back in Verteron Citadel

Take this time to go to the general store and stock up on a couple scrolls for the Citadel: once you've purchased those head to the Grocery and purchase 1 Verteron Pepper.

22) Accept the quest: Supplies for the Watch From William again south of the fountain.

You should now be level 12: if not take this time to grind on mobs your level.

Level 12

23) Turn in the quest: A Mother’s Worry23) Accept the quest: Abandoned Scarecrow

From Gano north east of the Citadel

24) Accept the quest: The Forest Outlaw From Ondanius standing next to you.

Travel South-East


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Kill 9 Starving Worgs

Kill 5 Violent Worgs.

25) Turn in the quest: The Forest Outlaw Back at Ondanius

26) Accept the quest: Delicate Mandrake From Gano standing next to you.

27) Turn in the quest: Delicate Mandrake To Krodis in the north east end of Tolbas Village

28) Update the Campaign quest: Odium in the Dukaki Settlement28) Update the Campaign quest: Frillneck Hunt

At Leto in front of the Chapel

Bind yourself at the Obelisk while your next to it.

29) Update the Campaign quest: Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries29) Turn in the quest: Supplies for the Watch

Head south to Abolos

30) Accept the quest: Odella Recipe From Nemia at the south end of Tolbas Village

31) Update the quest: Odella Recipe 31) Turn in the quest: Odella Recipe 32) Accept the follow up quest: Feeding Hianu

At Eradis standing next to you.

33) Turn in the quest: A Father’s Letter33) Accept the follow up quest: Belbua is Missing

From Oydro after heading north.

34) Turn in the quest: Abandoned Scarecrow34) Accept the quest: Nola’s Request34) Accept the quest: Pumpkin Season

From Nola in Belbua's Farm

Now travel around the area

Collect 7 Pumpkins surrounding Nola.

Kill 10 Thieves and 15 Peons in Belbua’s Farm.

Continue killing Thieves and Peons until they drop Belbua’s Diary.

35) Turn in the quest: Nola’s Request35) Accept the follow up quest: Belbua’s Treasure


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Back at Nola

You've now obtained the Title: Straw for Brains

Travel behind the shed to the Wine Barrel.Turn in the quest: Belbua’s Treasure

36) Update the Campaign quest: Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries At Abolos in Tolbas Village, south of the chapel.

37) Turn in the quest: Pumpkin Season To Eradis after traveling south east.

38) Turn in the quest: Belbua is Missing To Qydro after heading north.

Now leave the village and head north west.

Kill the Thief that roams from the house to the dock

Kill the Peon in front of the house.

Kill Cavil inside the house.

Collect the Suspicious Document hanging on the Wall.

39) Accept the quest: The Writing on the Wall


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From the Bandit Letter after collecting it off the wall.

40) Turn in the Campaign quest: Hunting Lepharist Revolutionaries40) Accept the quest: Retrieving Supplies

From Abolos back in Tolbas Village just south of the Chapel

41) Accept the quest: An Unwanted Dagger From Beris roaming the main path of the village

42) Accept the quest: The Potion Maker’s Mistake From Maniparas in the south west of the village

43) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution43) Turn in the quest: The Potion Maker’s Mistake

To Geolus at Geolus campsite at the south end of Tolbas Forest.

44) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Lepios

45) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution Head back along the path to Geolus

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

46) Turn in the quest: The Writing on the Wall To Spatalos in the Headquarters

47) Turn in the quest: An Unwanted Dagger To Ivis in the Swords and Boards shop.

Head to the Teleporter at the north east entrance of the Citadel and take a port to Sanctum.

Once in Sanctum head to the Teleport statue and use it to port to the Library of the Sages.

48) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Dimos at the Library of the Sages.

Now head to the Protectors Hall and take the elevator up to the top.

49) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Jumentis

Go talk to your class trainer and purchase your level 13 skills, also if you have some extra kinah purchase level 14 skills.


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50) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Quintus east of Protectors Hall

Head back to the Teleport Statue and take a port to Elyos Square.

51) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Hygea in the Lyceum

Now use your Return Skill.

Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East into the Dukaki Mine and then North-West

Kill 9 Dukaki Miners

collect 7 Stolen Items from Tolbas Village.

Here are three (One: Two: and Three) that I found the easiest to collect until I had 7.

o Stolen Items from Tolbas Village o First and Second Stolen Items from Tolbas Village o Second and Third Stolen Items from Tolbas Village

Now use your Return Skill.

52) Update the Campaign quest: Odium in the Dukaki Settlement At Leto in front of the Chapel

53) Turn in the quest: Retrieving Supplies To Abolos south of the Chapel

Travel South-West from Tolbas Village.

Kill 7 Rakeclaw Frillnecks.

54) Update the Campaign quest: Frillneck Hunt At Leto in front of the Chapel in Tolbas Village

55) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Geolus after heading south west.

56) Accept the quest: Collecting Poison Sacs From Illos who is standing next to you.

57) Turn in the quest: Feeding Hianu57) Accept the quest: A Special Omelet

From Hianu down the hill in the north.

58) Accept the quest: Lostes: the Braggart


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From Lostes standing next to you.

Travel North-West

Kill Leaf Plumas to collect 5 Pluma’s Claws

Kill Wild Striped Togs to collect 7 Tog Tails.

Travel along the path to search the bottom of trees for Frillneck Eggs.

Collect 6 Frillneck Eggs.

59) Turn in the quest: Lostes: the Braggart To Lostes in Hianu's Camp

Travel East into the Frillneck Woods

Kill 12 Giant Rakeclaw Frillnecks.

You then need to travel to the North-East end of the woods

Kill Tiny Arachnas to collect 1 Arachna Poison Sac.

60) Turn in the quest: Collecting Poison Sacs At Illos

Now use your Return Skill.

61) Turn in the Campaign quest: Frillneck Hunt61) Update the Campaign quest: Trandila’s Eggs

At Leto


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62) Accept the quest: Stolen Village Seal From Santenius in the Chapel

63) Accept the quest: Stolen Jewelry From Naia roaming around the village

64) Turn in the quest: A Special Omelet At Eradis at the south west end of the village

65) Accept the quest: Gift to a Pilgrim From Hanontus

66) Accept the quest: Missing Poppy From Cannon after heading north west.

67) Update the quest: Stolen Village Seal From clicking on the item stack north of Tolbas Village.

68) Turn in the quest: Stolen Village Seal68) Accept the follow up quest: Gaphyrk’s Love

From Gaphyrk who is north east of the item stack.

Head over and

Kill the Dukaki Tracker that roams up the hill to Gaphyrk’s cage.

Travel East to the bottom of the hill where Mimiti is.

Attack her and coax her up the hill to Gaphyrk’s cage.

Gaphyrk's Love

69) Turn in the quest: Gaphyrk’s Love


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69) Accept the follow up quest: Village Seal Found From Gaphyrk

70) Update the quest: Village Seal Found Back at the Item Stack

Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East inside the Dukaki Settlement.

Kill Tursin Bigmouths to collect 1 Bell Strike Rod.

Now head north east.

Click the Dukaki Alarm. Overseer Barbarti will spawn and instantly attack you.

Kill her and collect the Odium Solvent. Then run to the top of the cliff and use it on the three massive cauldrons.

Glide off the cliff to the south.

Kill Dukaki Bruisers to collect Naia’s Bracelect

Kill Dukaki Watchers to collect Naia’s Necklace

Kill Kobold Cooks to collect Naia’s Ring.

71) Update the quest: Missing Poppy At the pig Poppy

You will now need to escort Poppy back to the Cannon in Tolbas Village. Make sure not to run ahead of him or you can fail the quest for he moves very slowly.

72) Turn in the quest: Missing Poppy


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73) Update the Campaign quest: Odium in the Dukaki Settlement At Leto who is to the west.

74) Turn in the quest: Village Seal Found To Santenius in the Chapel

75) Turn in the quest: Stolen Jewelry To Naia who is roaming around the Village.

Accept the quest: Contaminated Samples From Lepios who is south east of the Tolbas village exit.

Travel into the Frillneck Woods

Collect 10 Contaminated Fluid Samples by killing Giant Rakeclaw Frillnecks Glade Plumas or Venemous Arachnas.

Kill Trandila in the Frillneck Woods.

76) Turn in the quest: Contaminated Samples Back to Lepios

Now use your Return Skill.

77) Turn in the Campaign quest: Trandila’s Eggs To Leto

78) Accept the quest: Lightningfoot Tuka From Abolos in the Chapel

Head north out of Tolbas Village every few minutes a kobold named Lightningfoot Tuka


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runs down the path by you and doesn't stop, you must try to stop him and kill him so use snare/root to slow him down and dps him down.

79) Turn in the quest: Lightningfoot Tuka Back to Abolos in Tolbas Village

You've now obtained the Title: Bottled Lightning

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

Go to the General Store and purchase 5 more Verteron Citadel Return Scrolls.

80) Turn in the Campaign quest: Odium in the Dukaki Settlement80) Update the Campaign quest: A Nest of Lepharists

At Spatalos in the Headquarters

81) Accept the quest: An Antidote for Roseino From Mairon standing west of the fountain

82) Accept the quest: Alteno’s Wedding Ring From Enia standing next to Mairon

Exit Verteron Citadel and travel West.

Collect Alteno’s Wedding Ring from the Jewel Box.


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83) Turn in the quest: Alteno’s Wedding Ring To Alteno at the north east entrance of Verteron Citadel

Exit Tolbas Village and travel North-East along the path through the Dukaki Mine to the Zumion Ruins.

84) Accept the quest: Headless Stone Statue From the Headless Stone Statue, which is to the south west.

Travel just East into the other water pit

Collect the Head of Stone Statue.


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85) Turn in the quest: Headless Stone Statue Back at the Headless Stone Statue.

86) Turn in the quest: Gift to a Pilgrim86) Accept the quest: Soporific Mushroom

From Anasia who is along the path to the south through the Zumion Canyon.

87) Accept the quest: Pilgrim in Trouble From Dronoa who is next to Anasia

Travel East and then South along the path and back

Killing Mountain Abex and Ferocious Condors.

Collect 3 Abex Hind Legs 5 Condor Breast Meats.

Collect 5 Soporific Mushrooms from inside the cave.

88) Turn in the quest: Soporific Mushroom Back at Anasia

89) Turn in the quest: Pilgrim in Trouble To Dronoa

90) Turn in the quest: An Antidote for Roseino90) Accept the quest: Ribbit Blood

From Roseino who is south through the Zumion Canyon to the Contaminated Swamp.

Travel just North-East


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Kill Mud Ribbits to collect 5 Ribbit Bloods.

91) Turn in the quest: Ribbit Blood Back to Roseino

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 16

Level 16

92) Accept the quest: Slaying Slimes92) Accept the quest: Swamp Plant Samples

From Roseino

93) Accept the quest: Violent Plumas93) Accept the quest: Mysterious Stones

From Meliodas standing next to you.

Jump off the cliff to the North of Roseino and Glide down below.

Kill 12 Tainted Swamp Slimes

Collect 7 Swamp Plant Roots.

Kill Poisonous Bubblegut.

94) Update the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution At Kato

95) Turn in the quest: Slaying Slimes95) Turn in the quest: Swamp Plant Samples

To Roseino

96) Accept the quest: Kalgolem’s Essence From Ibion in Pilgrim's Respite in the south.

Exit Pilgrim’s Respite and travel East through Altamia Ridge. You must do this during the day so if it is night just grind a little till it hits day.

Kill the Contaminated Plumas.

Once it is day wander all over Altamia Ridge to kill 9 Contaminated Plumas.

Kill Broken Rock Kalgolems

Collect 8 Kalgolem’s Essences:

Collect 7 Mysterious Stone fragments.


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Now head to Eninte who is in a broken stone building along the road. You will need to wait till night to talk to her.

If it is night time

Kill Broken Rock Kalgolems to collect 8 Kalgolem’s Essences:

Collect 7 Mysterious Stone fragments

Kill Ancient Elysean Spirits until it is day time and you can do the other two tasks.

97) Accept the quest: Eninte’s Request From Eninte

98) Turn in the quest: Kalgolem’s Essence


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Back to Ibion

99) Turn in the quest: Mysterious Stones To Vascus

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

100) Turn in the Campaign quest: Source of the Pollution To Spatalos in the Headquarters

101) Accept the quest: Arachna Antidote From William standing outside the Headquarters.

Head to the teleporter and take a port to Sanctum.

102) Turn in the quest: Eninte’s Request102) Accept the follow up quest: Eninte

From Thersites after traveling south west.

Now use your Return Skill.

103) Update the quest: Arachna Antidote At Illos after heading south.

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

Head to the flight transporter Mirdiena and take a flight to Pilgrim's Respite

104) Turn in the quest: Arachna Antidote To Roseino in the north east.

105) Turn in the quest: Violent Plumas To Meliodas

Travel South-West and return to Pilgrim’s Respite On the way:

You should now be level 17

Level 17

106) Accept the quest: Dispelling Ancient Spirits From Ibion


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107) Accept the quest: Tribute to the Temple From Vascus

Exit Pilgrim’s Respite to the North-East into the Altamia Ridge. Continue to grind till it hits night so you can complete the next quests by

Kill 10 Ancient Elysean Spirits.

Kill Eninte.

108) Turn in the quest: Dispelling Ancient Spirits To Ibion in Pilgrim's Respite

Exit Pilgrim’s Respite and travel South-West along the path to the Holy Ground of Miraju. As you pass through the blue gate: look to the South-West and notice a building on top of the giant tree in the center of the lake. Fly to the Ardus Shrine.

From Pilgrim's Respite head south west along the path of the Holy Ground of Miraju. Once you pass through the blue gate you'll notice a buildling on top of the tree in the center of the lake which is Ardus Shrine. Fly up there to continue the quests.

109) Update the Campaign quest: Held Sacred109) Turn in the quest: Tribute to the Temple

To Lunax

110) Accept the quest: Dampening Spirits From Anontrite

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 18

Level 18

111) Accept the quest: Unquiet Spirits From Lunax back at Ardus Shrine

112) Accept the quest: Message from Morai From Morai

113) Accept the quest: Investigating Wind Spirits From Cerios

Fly down to the ground directly below you into the water.

Kill 6 Aqueous Spirits.

114) Turn in the quest: Unquiet Spirits


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Back at Lunax

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

115) Accept the quest: An Urgent Letter From Selene in the Chapel

Now head out of the chapel and make your way over to the Headquarters.

116) Turn in the quest: Investigating Wind Spirits To Hyacinte in the Headquarters.

Head over to Mirdiena the Flight Transporter and purchase a port to Verteron Aetheric Field Observatory.

117) Accept the quest: Flotsam From Phorcys.

118) Accept the quest: Saving the Snappers From Gen who is just north east of you.

Head over to the Obelisk and bind yourself.

119) Turn in the quest: Message from Morai From Notos east of the Obelisk

120) Accept the quest: Potcrab: the Headache From Zephyros who is standing next to you.

121) Turn in the quest: An Urgent Letter121) Accept the quest: Shipwreck Revolutionaries121) Update the Campaign quest: A Nest of Lepharists

At Khidia at the top of the Observatory.

After updating the quest you will be turned into a parrot. Then leave the Observatory and head up the rocks and ramps to the boat where you then must head down the stairs into the captains room of the boat.

You will then view a short cut scene which then after a couple Lepharist Revolutionaries will start chasing you, just run way from them and they will stop.

Then travel South-East

Collect 1 Lepharists’ Orders by killing Shipwrecked Crewmember.

Kill Sand Potcrabs to collect 7 Sharp Pincers

Kill 12 Sea Starturtles: and destroy 12 Abandoned Cargoes.


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122) Turn in the quest: Flotsam To Phorcys back at the Observatory.

123) Turn in the quest: Saving the Snappers To Gen who is standing slightly north east of you.

124) Turn in the quest: Potcrab: the Headache To Zephyros who is just east of you.

125) Update the Campaign quest: A Nest of Lepharists125) Turn in the quest: Shipwreck Revolutionaries

To Khidia at the top of the Observatory.

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 19

Level 19


Once Level 19: wait until it is day time and use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll. If it is night keep grinding until it turns day.

126) Accept the quest: Verteron Reinforcements From Spatalos in the Headquarters

127) Accept the quest: Numonerk’s Demand Note From Stone who is standing in front of the fountain.

128) Update the quest: Numonerk’s Demand Note At Supervisor Numonerk

129) Head to the Teleporter Urakron and take a port to Sanctum

130) Turn in the quest: Eninte To Thersites who is south west of you.

Head to the Protectors Hall and purchase your level 19 skills from your class trainer and then head to the second for to talk to Lavirintos.

131) Update the quest: Verteron Reinforcements At Lavirintos

Head out of Protectors’ Hall.

132) Update the quest: Verteron Reinforcements


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At Xenophon in the Library of Sages.

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

134) Turn in the quest: Verteron Reinforcements To Spatalos back in the Headquarters

Now use your Return Skill.

135) Turn in the quest: Numonerk’s Demand Note135) Accept the follow up quest: Lepharist Treasure Box

From Une after traveling to the west.

Head north west to the shipwreck and enter the boat. Head back down to the captains room.

Kill Captain Kinsgreen to collect Kinsgreen’s Orders.

Collect the two Lepharist Treasure Boxes in there after you have killed him.

He is a little tricky to kill as he is guarded by 2 shipwreck deck hands, I would suggest trying to just drop him asap, loot him and run away. Once you've done so head back to the Observatory.

136) Turn in the quest: Lepharist Treasure Box136) Accept the follow up quest: A Secret Delivery


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From Une

137) Update the Campaign quest: A Nest of Lepharists At Khidia at the top of the Observatory.

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

138) Turn in the Campaign quest: A Nest of Lepharists To Spatalos in the Headquarters

139) Update the quest: A Secret Delivery At Supervisor Numonerk outside the Headquarters (blue arrow on the map)

Head to the Teleporter Urakron and take a port to Eltnen

140) Accept the quest: A Teleportation Experiment From Onesimus

141) Accept the quest: Prorite’s Money From Prorite in the Fortress

142) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Krato in the Sword and Boards Shop

143) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Hebestis outside the Swords and Boards shop.

144) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money Head to the floor and talk to Benos

145) Turn in the Campaign quest: Orders from Telemachus145) Turn in the quest: Orders from Telemachus

To Telemachus in the North East

146) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret At Aurelius who is standing next to you.

147) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Diokles who is south west of you.

148) Update the quest: A Teleportation Experiment At Sonirim after heading north east.

Pick any of the 3 and be teleported to Morheim


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Now use your Return Skill.

149) Turn in the quest: A Teleportation Experiment Back at Sonirim

150) Accept the quest: Violent Pluma From Gaia inside the Chapel

151) Accept the quest: The Manduri Problem From Clio standing next to you.

152) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Tuskeos on the first floor.

153) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Girrinerk inside the Apothecary

154) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money At Shaoranyerk after exiting the fortress and heading to the General Store.

155) Turn in the quest: A Secret Delivery156) Update the quest: Prorite’s Money

At Arnesonerk inside the Broker

157) Turn in the quest: Prorite’s Money To Prorite inside the Fortress.

You've now obtained the Title: Patient

Exit the Fortress and Fly down from Eltnen Fortress to the ground directly below.

158) Update the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty158) Turn in the quest: The Manduri Problem

To Phomona

159) Accept the quest: An Elim out Of Water From Zelaka standing next to you and Phonoma

Kill Crimsontail Plumas to collect 9 Pluma Tail Feathers.

160) Turn in the quest: Violent Pluma160) Accept the follow up quest: Nature’s Balance

From Gaia on the second floor inside Eltnen Fortress


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160.5) Accept the quest: Bait and Switch Glide out of the fortress to the ground and head north to Lano

Roam around Eltnen Fortress

Kill 10 Armored Sparkles

Kill Web Crasaurs to collect 5 Crasaur Fins

Kill Hooked Sylphens to collect 3 Sylphen Tails.

161) Turn in the quest: Bait and Switch Back to Lano

162) Turn in the quest: Nature’s Balance Head back up to Gaia in the Fortress

163) Update the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty Glide back down and west to Demro

164) Update the quest: An Elim out Of Water At Virdi standing next to you.

If you are not level 20 grind till you level.

Level 20

Travel back to Eltnen Fortress and fly up to the Telporter Onesimus and take a port to Sanctum

165) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness At Jucleas in the Lyceum in the south west.

Now leave the Lyceum and head to the Airship dock in the south west. Once the flying boat arrives head to the outer dock. Once there head to the Dionysia Tavern

166) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness At Ludina who is the yellow arrow on the map.

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

Go to Mirdiena: the Flight Transporter take a Flight to Pilgrim’s Respite.

167) Turn in the quest: An Elim out Of Water To Alrunta at the Holy Ground of Miraju

168) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness (You will be teleported)


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Fly up to Morai at Ardus Shrine

169) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness At Icaronix

Now click on the Icaronix’ Box in front of you.

170) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness Go to Ecus.

You will now have a stigma stone which you can place in your stigma menu. Once you have it equipped you can place the new stigma skill in your normal quickbar for combat use.

You will need to use a Stigma Master to equipped all your Stigma Stones and also to remove them.

.171) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness

At Ecus

Be ready for an ambush as you will need to take on a few mobs.

172) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness At Morai

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

Head out of the fortress to the teleporter Onesimus and take a port to Sanctum

Head to the teleport statue in front of the Hall of Prosperity and take a port to the Library of the Sages. Then head north and take the elevator to Protectors Hall and head up to the second floor.

173) Update the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness At Lavirintos

174) Turn in the Campaign quest: A Sliver of Darkness To Orphe on the first Floor.

Now would be a good time to take a look at the Stigma guide and learn about them before advancing.


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Eltnen and Theobomos Levels 20 - 25

Travel to Eltnen if you are not there already.

1) Accept the quest: A Package for Crios From Tran who is standing next to the teleporter.

2) Accept the quest: Ferenna’s Test From Ferenna in the Fortress.

3) Update the Campaign quest: Sataloca’s Heart From Diomedes who is standing on the second floor in the Chapel.


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4) Accept the quest: Stolen Goods From Archelaos who you can get to by taking the elevator inside the fortress to

the floor below.

5) Accept the quest: The Frillneck Threat6) Accept the quest: Cleansing the Forest

From Androkles who is standing next to you.

7) Accept the quest: Seeds of Restoration From Phomona who is just south of you.

Collect 10 Lipinium Crystals by killing any of the mobs surrounding Eltnen Fortress.

Exit Eltnen Fortress and travel West.

Kill 7 Grove Vespines.

Travel West

Kill 7 Moss Spirits to the West of the location.

Kill 11 Hissing Frillnecks to the South of the location.

Travel South

Collect 1 Jewel Ring by killing Manduri Gatherers

Collect 1 Clothing Package by killing Manduri Hunters.

Kill 6 Manduri Gatherers and Manduri Hunters

8) Turn in the quest: Seeds of Restoration8) Accept the follow up quest: A Germ of Hope

Head south east to Iandeus and accept the quest.

Travel slightly South-West to the Fertile Soil and click on it.

9) Turn in the quest: A Germ of Hope9) Accept the follow up quest: Hopeful Delivery

Back at Iandeus to the north east.

Now use your Return Skill.

10) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret At Aureluis back in the headquarters

11) Turn in the quest: Ferenna’s Test Leave the headquarters and head to the first floor to Ferenna

12) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret


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12) Turn in the quest: Stolen Goods12) Accept the follow up quest: Wily Kundu

From Archelaos after taking the elevator inside the fortress to the lower level.

13) Turn in the quest: The Frillneck Threat14) Turn in the quest: Cleansing the Forest

To Androkles standing next to you.

15) Turn in the quest: Hopeful Delivery To Phomona in the south west.

16) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret Head west and leave Eltnen Fortress and travel south east to the Paper Glider.

Directly to the East of the Paper Glider is Wily Kundu inside a destroyed building.

Kill Wily Kundu.

After killing Wily Kundu head north west to a small building. You will need to kill the Manduri Fighter inside to get to Melginie. This is an escort quest so once your ready go ahead and update the quest to start the escort. 17) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret

18) Update the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret Escort Melginie out of the Manduri fort and head north west till you get to


19) Turn in the quest: Wily Kundu To Archelaos back at Eltnen Fortress.

Take the elevator up into the fortress. Then travel to the second floor and enter the


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20) Turn in the Campaign quest: The Manduri’s Secret To Aurelius

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 21

Level 21

Now use your Return Skill.

21) Update the Campaign quest: Disappearing Aether At Valerius inside the Headquarters.

22) Accept the quest: Preservering Forest Soil Head west out of the fortress and travel south east to Celestine

23) Accept the quest: Violent Frillneck23) Accept the quest: The Manduri Polluters

From Iandeus standing next to you.

Roam around Manduri Forest

Kill 5 Stoneskull Monitors

Kill 12 Piercing Vespines

Kill 7 Sawtooth Frillnecks.

They are all basically found randomly scattered throughout.

For killing the Stoneskull Monitors

Kill the 2 behind Celestine and Iandeus repeatedl

Kill the rest of them are far North in the Putrid Mire.

Travel back and

Kill 6 Manduri Looters

Kill 6 Manduri Fighters.

24) Turn in the quest: Preservering Forest Soil Head back to Celestine to turn in the quest.

25) Turn in the quest: Violent Frillneck25) Turn in the quest: The Manduri Polluters

To Iandeus standing next to you and Celestine


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Now use your Return Skill.

Head out of the fotress and go to the Teleporter Onesimus and take a port to Theobomos.

26) Turn in the quest: A Package for Crios To Crios who is directly south of you.

27) Accept the quest: Pests Among the Vegetables From Gogirunerk standing next to you.

28) Accept the quest: Unearthing the Truth From Yadamonerk directly west of you.

29) Update the quest: Unearthing the Truth At Guruminerk standing next to you.

30) Accept the quest: Agrint Afire From Ankises directly south of you.

31) Update the quest: Unearthing the Truth Head north to Lianminerk

32) Update the quest: Unearthing the Truth AT Tiesansanerk after heading south. Indicated by blue arrow on the map.

33) Turn in the quest: Unearthing the Truth33) Accept the follow up quest: Kerubar Interference

Head nort back to Yadamonerk

34) Accept the quest: Relics Left Behind From Lianminerk in the north.

Travel South and exit Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp. Then travel West

Kill 11 Stinking Clodworms along the path to the West.

Travel South

Kill 7 Wasteland Gorgons.

Travel East.

Collect 7 Ancient Relics.

Kill 5 Kerubar Workers and 7 Kerubian Bandits.

35) Update the quest: Agrint Afire At Tartagan after heading south.


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36) Turn in the quest: Agrint Afire To Ankises who is north in Meihaurirerk Excavation Union Camp.

37) Turn in the quest: Kerubar Interference37) Accept the follow up quest: The Shugo Fugitive

From Yadamonerk, indicated by a blue arrow on your map.

38) Turn in the quest: Relics Left Behind To Lianminerk to the north

39) Update the quest: The Shugo Fugitive At Hecuba who is west of you.

40) Turn in the quest: Pests Among the Vegetables To Gogirunerk in the south east.

Head out of the Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp and travel South-West to Shugo’s Corpse click on it to update the quest. 41) Update the quest: The Shugo Fugitive

42) Turn in the quest: The Shugo Fugitive To Yadamonerk back in the Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp.

Now use your Return Skill.

Congratulations on hitting level 22, if you still have a little to go continue with the guide.

Level 22

Now use your Return Skill.

Head out of the fortress and go to the teleporter Onesimus and take a port to Sanctum.

Travel South East and enter the Lyceum. Go to your class trainer and purchase your skill manuals for Level 22.

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

43) Accept the quest: Dirty Chindu From Celestine south west of the Elten Fortress.

Travel East and kill Dirty Chindu. He roams through the pathway there, just stand on


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the path and wait for him to come around to you.

44) Turn in the quest: Dirty Chindu Back to Celestine in the west.

45) Accept the quest: Revenge of the Elim From Demro after heading north west.

46) Accept the quest: Scourge of the Elim Virdi standing next to you

Travel just North

Collect 10 Kerubian Horns by killing Kerubian Gatherers and KerubianFighters.

Roam around the Putrid Mire

Kill 10 Swamp Slimes.

47) Turn in the quest: Revenge of the Elim Back to Demro

48) Turn in the quest: Scourge of the Elim49) Accept the follow up quest: Plague of the Elim

From Virdi standing next to you and Demro

Travel North and roam the Putrid Mire

Kill 10 Marshland Mudthorns.

50) Turn in the quest: Plague of the Elim Return to Virdi


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Travel travel north west and find the Jewel Box. click on it to accept the following quest.51) Accept the quest: Lost Jewel Box

52) Update the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty52) Update the quest: Lost Jewel Box52) Accept the quest: Kurin Hunt

From Lodas

Travel North

Kill 12 Wasteland Kurins.

Travel North-East

Collect the Kerubian Bucket.

Travel slightly North-West and Right-Click the Kerubian Bucket from your inventory while in front of the waterfall.

Head north west and click on the Kerubian Bucket in your inventory while standing in front of the waterfall.

Travel south west and return to Lodas

53) Update the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty53) Turn in the quest: Kurin Hunt53) Accept the follow up quest: The Elim Tragedy

From Lodas

Travel North K

Kill 13 Dried Gnarls. You can find them scattered around the desert.

54) Turn in the quest: The Elim Tragedy Back at Lodas

55) Update the Campaign quest: Sataloca’s Heart Head north west to Kimea. Once you update teh quest you will have 3 mintues to

kill as many Acheron Drakes as you can. Make sure to use your DP ability and any potions you have as you will need to kill atleast 3 of them.

56) Update the Campaign quest: Sataloca’s Heart After killing 3 of them in 3 minutes return to Kimeia

57) Update the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty At Demro who is towards the south east.


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58) Update the Campaign quest: Disappearing Aether At Lakaias who is south west of you.

59) Turn in the quest: Lost Jewel Box To Justachys inside the small building

Head over to the Obelisk and bind yourself

Travel south west to find the Destroyed Artifact

60) Update the Campaign quest: Disappearing Aether At Lakaias after heading north east back to him.

Travel slightly south west

Collect 5 Revolutionary Symbols by killing Ancient Caryatids.

61) Update the Campaign quest: Disappearing Aether Head back and update the quest at Lakaias

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

62) Turn in the Campaign quest: Sataloca’s Heart To Diomedes inside the Chapel

63) Turn in the Campaign quest: Disappearing Aether To Valerius inside the Headquarters

Now leave the fortress and head north west to the General and Grocery Store. Talk to


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the general goods mercahant and purchase atleast 3 Elten Fortress Return Scrolls.

64) Turn in the Campaign quest: A Ruler’s Duty Fly down to the ground and turn in the quest to Phomona

You should now be level 23.

Level 23

65) Accept the quest: A Feast for Phomona From Lodas in the North East

Travel North

Collect 4 Kurin Feet by killing Reckless Kurins.

Travel South: roam around and

Collect 4 Basilisk Fins by killing Mottled Basilisks.

66) Turn in the quest: A Feast for Phomona Back at Lodas

67) Accept the quest: Harumonerk’s Request67) Accept the quest: Balaur Bones

From Harumonerk

Travel West.

Collect 1 Dragon’s Skull

Collect 3 Dragon’s Ribs

Collect 2 Dragon’s Leg Bones.

They are scattered close to the location. Dragon’s Skull, Ribs, and Leg Bone

68) Turn in the quest: Balaur Bones Back in to Harumonerk

Now use your Return Skill.

69) Update the quest: Harumonerk’s Request69) Accept the quest: Killing Crestliches

From Herodes

Travel North-West

kill 7 Redthroat Crestliches.


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Travel West

Kill 14 Desert Crestliches.

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

Exit the fortress and go to Onesimus: the Teleporter. Purchase a Teleport to Theobomos.

Head out of the fortress and go to the teleporter Onesimus. Take a port to Theobomos.

70) Accept the quest: A Hair-Raising Sound From Chaurinrinerk after heading west.

71) Accept the quest: A Clue Left by the Dead From Yadamonerk after heading south

72) Accept the quest: Preparing a New Site From Talos who is standing by the tree south east from you.

73) Accept the quest: Suffering Elim Leave the Excavation union camp and head south to Tartagan

Travel South

Kill 11 Flame Basilisks.

74) Turn in the quest: Suffering Elim74) Accept the follow up quest: Free from Suffering

From Tartagan

Roam the area to the South of Tartagan

Collect 20 Seeds of Life by killing Thin Branch Agrints and Burnt Branch Rotrons.

75) Turn in the quest: Free from Suffering After returning to Tartagan

Travel West Roam around the location

Kill 11 Wounded Ghosts. They are invisible until they attack you; so basically run around aimlessly until you hear the attack noise and then stop and kill them.

Travel West

Collect 1 The Rest of the Letter by killing Kerubar Loot Grabber and Kerubian Sentinels.


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Travel North-West

Kill 11 Avaricious Zombies.

76) Turn in the quest: Preparing a New Site To Talos back at the Meihuarirerk Excavation Union Camp

77) Update the quest: A Clue Left by the Dead Head west and update the quest at Yadamonerk

78) Update the quest: A Clue Left by the Dead At Hecuba after traveling north west to him.

79) Turn in the quest: A Clue Left by the Dead Head back to Yadamonerk to turn in the quest.

Now use your Return Skill..

80) Turn in the quest: Killing Crestliches To Herodes

You should now be 24, if not find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 24

Level 24

81) Accept the quest: A Lepharist Box From Harumonerk after heading north west.

82) Accept the quest: Helping Memnes From Demro who is south east of you.

83) Accept the quest: Spiner Pincers From Novan who is south of you.

Travel West. Roam South and then back North through the ravine

Collect 15 Plump Pincers by killing Snapping Spiner.

Travel North. Wait until the path is clear and you can run in click on A Lepharist Box

Collect the Stolen Box of Lepharist.


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84) Update the quest: Harumonerk’s Request At Ernia in the Refugee Camp to the south

85) Turn in the quest: Harumonerk’s Request85) Accept the follow up quest: Chiyorinrinerk’s Request

From Chiyorinrinerk

Now use your Return Skill.

86) Turn in the quest: Spiner Pincers To Novan

87) Update the quest: Chiyorinrinerk’s Request At Taera after heading east. He is indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

88) Update the quest: Chiyorinrinerk’s Request At Telamone who is west of where you are now.

89) Turn in the quest: A Lepharist Box Head quest and turn in quest to Alexis

90) Update the quest: Chiyorinrinerk’s Request At Sandinas

91) Turn in the quest: Chiyorinrinerk’s Request To Harumonerk


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Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

92) Update the Campaign quest: Kaidan Prisoner92) Accept the quest: Confidential Orders

From Malonimus on the first floor.

93) Update the quest: Helping Memnes At Memnes after leaving the fortress

Head to the teleporter Onesimus and take a port to Sanctum

Travel south west to the General Goods Merchant and purchase 3 Sanctum Return Scroll. Then travel North to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages.

94) Update the quest: Helping Memnes At Coeus in the Library of the Sages.

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

95) Turn in the quest: Helping Memnes95) Accept the follow up quest: Kerubian Weapons

From Memnes after leaving the fortress.

Exit Eltnen Fortress and travel North-West. Collect 1 Kerubian Weapon by killing Kerubian Fighters. They will call for help at low health: so be cautious.

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

Travel West to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages.

96) Turn in the quest: Kerubian Weapons To Coeus inside the Library of the Sages.

Now use your Return Skill.

97) Update the quest: Confidential Orders At Novan

98) Turn in the quest: Confidential Orders To Herodes

By now you should be 25 if not then grind a few mobs till you level.


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Level 25

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

99) Update the Campaign quest: Testing your Mettle At Jucleas inside the Lyceum

Head to the trainer and purchase all your skills for level 25 and 26 if you have the extra cash.

Exit the Lyceum and travel West to the Coliseum.

Go to Epeios the Arena Manager to enter the Arena.

100) Update the Campaign quest: Testing your Mettle From Rinos who is in the north west.

Head to Nepis and exit the Arean.

101) Turn in the Campaign quest: Testing your Mettle101) Update the Campaign quest: The Abyss Quiz

At Jucleas who is in the Lyceum

Exit the Lyceum and travel West to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to the Library of the Sages.

102) Update the Campaign quest: The Abyss Quiz At Gromoros who is in the Library of the Sages.

o Choose the first answer: then the second answer: then the third answer for the three questions

103) Update the Campaign quest: The Abyss Quiz At Nestor indicated by the yellow arrow on the map.

o Choose the second answer: then the second answer: then the first answer for the three questions

104) Update the Campaign quest: The Abyss Quiz From Xenophon, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

o Choose the third answer for all three questions

105) Turn in the Campaign quest: The Abyss Quiz105) Update the Campaign quest: Deliver on Your Promises


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At Fuchsia, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow. o Choose underground arena

Exit the Library of the Sages and go to the Teleport Statue. Teleport to Elyos Square.

106) Update the Campaign quest: Deliver on Your Promises (You will be teleported) From Epeios inside the Coliseum in which is west of you.

You have 4 minutes to kill 10 Underground Arena Beasts. They are located in groups of 4 in the North: West: and East rooms of the underground arena. They hit hard: but have virtually no health. If you have an AE ability: it will be incredibly useful. Once you kill 10: you will be teleported out.

You will need to kill 10 Underground Arena Beasts in 4 minutes. They are all located in the north east and west rooms of the underground arena.

Once you kill 10 of them you will be teleported out.

107) Update the Campaign quest: Deliver on Your Promises At Epeios

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

108) Turn in the Campaign quest: Deliver on Your Promises108) Update the Campaign quest: Testing Flight Skills

At Telemachus inside the Headquarters.

Leave the headquarters and the fortress and fly to Deadalus who is on the floating rock to the south west. You will need to fly up to him and update the quest.

109) Update the Campaign quest: Testing Flight Skills At Deadalus, make sure to watch the video first.

o Say I’m ready when you are ready to start: you will have 1 minute to Fly through all 6 checkpoints

110) Update the Campaign quest: Testing Flight Skills At Daedalus

Fly North-East and enter the fortress.

111) Turn in the Campaign quest: Testing Flight Skills To Telemachus on the second floor of the headquarters.

Head out of the headquarters and take the elevator down to the grown. Now fly underneath the elevator and enter in the Abyss Gateway.


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Abyss and Eltnen Levels 25-30

You should now be in the Abyss. If you're not then head there now.

1) Accept the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness From Rastin who is standing north west of you on the same platform.

2) Update the Campaign quest: Governor’s Directive2) Accept the quest: Meeting with the Brigade General

From Michalis inside the fortress to the south west.

3) Update the quest: Meeting with the Brigade General3) Accept the quest: Defeat 9th Rank Asmodian Soldiers

From Calon standing next to you.

As you continue to kill Asmodians you will complete this quest which you will then need to come back to Calon to turn in the quest and accept the new one. This quest is repeatable and offers good XP and Abyss points so continue to complete it.

4) Update the Campaign quest: Saving Elyos Captives


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4) Update the quest: Meeting with the Brigade General At Sakmis who is standing next to Michalis

5) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur From Ventus who is standing next to you.

Travel to the second floor and go to the Obelisk. Bind yourself.

6) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Radone who is east of the fortress.

7) Accept the quest: Cursed Guardian From Dinoes

8) Accept the quest: Reaper Expertise From Soniksius

9) Update the Campaign quest: Abyss Training Head south to Eulos indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

10) Update the Campaign quest: Saving Elyos Captives10) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness

At Nereus

Now go to the training facility to the south west and talk to Sileni and update the campaign quest. Then head around the facility counter clockwise to each NPC updating the Campaign quest.

The final quest to update is11) Update the Campaign quest: Abyss Training

At Larentia

12) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Adellian who is north west of you and is indicated on the map by a blue


13) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Ventus who is inside the fortress.

14) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Ara who is located on the second floor.

15) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Magnus

16) Turn in the Campaign quest: Abyss Training


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Head north to Claudia indicated on the map by a yellow circle.

17) Turn in the quest: Meeting with the Brigade General At Erienne

18) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness At Clatanan

19) Update the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness Head west to Erysiphe indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

20) Turn in the quest: Rastin’s Homesickness To Rastine who is located north east of you.

You will now need to fly south east, use the rings while flying as they temporarily boost your fight speed and your flight time.

21) Turn in the quest: Cursed Guardian21) Accept the follow up quest: Redeeming Ladacus

From Labdacus

Collect 7 Wrist Protectors by killing Crushed Souls on the island.

22) Turn in the quest: Redeeming Ladacus22) Accept the follow up quest: Hard Bone

From Labdacus

Collect 5 Hard Bones by killing Crushed Souls on the island.

23) Turn in the quest: Hard Bone23) Accept the follow up quest: Dagger of Love

From Labdacus

24) Turn in the quest: Dagger of Love To Lamia after flying east to her.

25) Update the quest: Reaper Expertise25) Accept the quest: Twilight Battlefield

From Deidamia

26) Accept the quest: Undead Destroyer’s Ring26) Accept the quest: Earning Some Green

From Tienshunerk

Travel slightly South-East

Collect 5 Green Minerals by killing Odium Golems.


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Travel North

Collect 1 Ancient Ring by killing Undead Destroyers.

Travel to East

Kill 7 Mind Reapers.

27) Turn in the quest: Twilight Battlefield Back at Deidamia

28) Turn in the quest: Undead Destroyer’s Ring28) Turn in the quest: Earning Some Green

At Tienshunerk

If Siel’s Eastern Fortress is controlled by the Balaur or Asmodians

29) Update in the quest: Reaper Expertise At Laius who is located to the east of you.

If Siel’s Western Fortress is controlled by the Balaur or Asmodians

30) Turn in the quest: Reaper Expertise To Chrysaor who is located to the west of you.

Now use your Return Skill.

31) Update the Campaign quest: Saving Elyos Captives At Dactyl after heading out of the fortress.

If the Balaur or Asmodians control the Sulfur Tree Fortress travel south west.

Kill the two Prison Camp Guards in front of the entrance to the prison. Then enter the prison and go to the Captured Elyos Prisoner.

32) Update the Campaign quest: Saving Elyos Captives If the Sulfur Tree Fortress is controlled by the Elyos

Escort Captured Elyos Prisoner

You should now be level 26. If not find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 26

Level 26


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Now use your Return Skill.

33) Update the Campaign quest: Fragment of Memory At Michalis on the first floor

35) Turn in the Campaign quest: Saving Elyos Captives To Nereus after leaving the fortress. Indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

36) Accept the quest: Root of the Problem From Triminos who is north of the Fortress.

Kill 15 Root Scouts around the area.

37) Turn in the quest: Root of the Problem Back at Triminos

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 27

Level 27

38) Accept the quest: Stop the Unavarun Legion From Kenia after heading north.

Travel East

Kill 10 Ashikar Infantry

Kill 5 Ashikar Churls.

39) Turn in the quest: Stop the Unavarun Legion Back at Kenia

Find a group of mobs and grind till you hit level 28

Level 28

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

Head west to the teleport statue outside the Hall of Prosperity and take a port to the Library of the Sages. Then head north and take the elevator to the Protectors hall and purchase all your level 28 skills.


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Take the elevator down from Protectors’ Hall and then travel East to Kunberunerk.He is only at one of the two arrows: so you may have to check both.

You will have to take the Airship to reach Dionysia Tavern.

40) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur Refuse to Pay 20:000: Choose to talk to Mapirerk

41) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur Head west to Mapirerk indicated by yellow arrow on the map.

Travel North-West to the Teleporter. Go to Polyidus. Purchase a Teleport to Poeta.

Head north west to the telpeporter and take a port to Poeta. Once there go to flight transporter Kustanon and take a fligiht to Melponeh's Campsite.

Travel north west

42) Update the Campaign quest: Fragment of Memory At Pernos

Now use your Return Skill.

43) Accept the quest: Centurion’s Forgetfullness From Cesilie on the Heiron Teleport platform.

Head north and go to the Abyss Layer Teleporter Echo and take a port to the Western Ridge of Latesran.

44) Update the quest: Centurion’s Forgetfulness At Tiberius

45) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur At Kuenunerk after heading south.

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

46) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur Head south west to Kunberunerk

Now click on the Balaur Language Potion from your inventory.

47) Update the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur At Kunberunerk


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Jump off the city and die. This is assuming you haven’t received any experience and are still near 0 for Level 28. This will allow you to return to the Abyss and spend 1 Kinah to heal your soul. If you do not wish to die: use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll and enter the Abyss from there.

58) Turn in the Campaign quest: Speaking Balaur To Ventus

You've now obtained the Title: Fluent in Balaur.Travel over to the broker and look for an Artifact Activation Stone inside the Auction house. If there are none in there you'll have to find a Allchemy crafter who can make one with a skill level of 199. You will need this for the next step.

Once you have the stone exit the fortress and fly south west to Lugbug who is located underneath the ball of fire on the island.

Update the quest, then click on the Artifact of the Inception and complete the quest. 59) Update the Campaign quest: Fragment of Memory

60) Turn in the Campaign quest: Fragment of Memory To Lugbug

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

61) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Gaia inside the Chapel

Leave the fortress and head to the flight transporter Nadeia and take a flight to Golden Bough Garrison

62) Update the Campaign quest: Secrets of the Temple Head north to Castor

63) Update the Campaign quest: Secrets of the Temple At Axelion

64) Accept the quest: Killing for Castor From Tellarius after heading east.

65) Accept the quest: Scouting for Demokritos From Demokritos who is west of you.

66) Accept the quest: Killer Ksellid


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From Alexis

67) Accept the quest: Eating Better From Acaste

Travel south west and 68) Update the quest: Scouting for Demokritos

Travel East.

Kill 15 Dune Basilisks

Kill 20 Stoneshell Ksellids

Collect 15 KsellidShells by killing Stoneshell Ksellids.

Collect 7 Kselliki Meats by killing Desert Ksellikis.

Travel North 69) Update the quest: Scouting for Demokritos

Head north west 70) Update the quest: Scouting for Demokritos

71) Turn in the quest: Scouting for Demokritos71) Accept the follow up quest: Scout Leader’s Request

From Demokritos after returning to him in the south

72) Turn in the quest: Killer Ksellid72) Accept the follow up quest: Endymion the Slow

From Alexis

73) Turn in the quest: Eating Better


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To Acaste

74) Turn in the quest: Scout Leader’s Request74) Accept the follow up quest: The Scolopen Sting

From Kalitrates

Travel East

kill 10 Rattletail Scolopens.

Travel North-West

kill Endymion the Slow.

75) Turn in the quest: Endymion the Slow To Alexis who is south east of you.

76) Turn in the quest: The Scolopen Sting76) Accept the follow up quest: Basilisk Purge

From Kalitrates

Kill 7 Wasteland Basilisks.

77) Turn in the quest: Basilisk Purge Head south to Kalitrates

78) Accept the quest: Reporting to Castor From Demokritos

79) Turn in the quest: Killing for Castor79) Turn in the quest: Reporting to Castor

To Castor who is west of you. Indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Now use your Return Skill.

80) Turn in the quest: Centurion’s Forgetfulness To Dactyl after you head north up to him.

Continue to kills some mobs till you hit 29.

Level 29

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.


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Exit the fortress and go to Nadeia. Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

81) Update the Campaign quest: Something in the Water At Asclepius after heading west.

82) Accept the quest: Letter to Ophelos From Hannet

Travel South-West. Right-Click the Empty Water Bottle from your inventory.

83) Accept the quest: Mother’s Keepsake From Ernia after heading north to her.

84) Accept the quest: Finding Drinking Water From Turiel

Travel North-West

Collect 1 Pink Pearl Necklace by killing Watch Patrols

Collect 1 Black Pearl Earrings by killing Watch Bodyguards.

Enter the water and go to the fountain in the middle of the lake. Click the Empty Bucket from your inventory.

85) Turn in the quest: Mother’s Keepsake85) Accept the follow up quest: Journey to Agairon

Head back to Ernia

Go to the Water Tank in the center of the Refugee Camp and click on it.

86) Turn in the quest: Finding Drinking Water86) Accept the follow up quest: Thanking Mabangtah

From Turiel

87) Update the quest: Thanking Mabangtah At Mabangtah who is south west.

89) Turn in the quest: Thanking Mabangtah Head back to Turiel and turn in the quest.

90) Update the quest: Journey to Agairon From Teos

Escort Teos South-East to Agairon Village.

91) Turn in the quest: Journey to Agairon


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To Dellome who is standing at the entrance of the vilalge.

92) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs92) Turn in the quest: Letter to Ophelos

To Ophelos who is north east of you.

93) Accept the quest: Drake Hunt93) Accept the quest: Gimme Shelter

From Esaias

Accept the quest: Armor for Pilgrims From Leone

Travel slightly West

kill 8 Wasteland Drakes and 4 Fierce Drakes.

Continue killing them until you collect 1 Life Bead.

Travel South-West

Collect 7 Tipolid Skins by killing Wild Tipolids.

94) Turn in the quest: Armor for Pilgrims To Leone who is north east of you.

95) Turn in the quest: Drake Hunt95) Accept the follow up quest: Drakie Hunt

From Esaias

Enter the fountain next to Esaias. Right-Click the Lacepin Life Stone.

96) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Ophelos

Travel slightly West

Kill 8 Wasteland Drakies.

97) Turn in the quest: Drakie Hunt After heading east to Esaias

98) Turn in the quest: Gimme Shelter To Turiel

Head back to Agairon Village and go to the flight transporter Tebersina. Take a flight to the Golden Bough Garrison.

99) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Castor


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98) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Corybantes who is indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

100) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Heratoes who is south of you.

Travel North-East. Right-Click the Desert Life Stone.

101) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs Head south west to Heratos

102) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Sirink who is south east of you.

Click on the Temple Life Stone.

103) Update the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs At Sirink

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

104) Turn in the Campaign quest: Refreshing the Springs To Gaia who is in the Chapel

Now use your Return Skill.

Level 30

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

105) Turn in the quest: Wings of Mastery To Idomeneus who is indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Congratulations on level 30! You are now able to purchase a new set of wings which will help increase your flight speed or flight time. For more information on Wings please view our Flight Guide.


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Abyss: Heiron and Eltnen Levels 30 - 40


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Travel to Heiron Fortress.

1) Accept the quest: Eliminating Ettins From Loktania

2) Turn in the Campaign quest: Orders From Perento 2) Accept the quest: A Message to Sakmis

From Perento

3) Accept the quest: Resha’s Special Stew From Resha inside the Grocery

4) Accept the quest: A Lost Memento From Sulates inside the Chapel

5) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Sarantus

Exit the fortress.

Collect 5 Abex Tail Bones by killing Horned Abexes.

Fly South

Collect Sisandra’s Cube.

Travel East

Kill 5 Whitehawk Ettins.

6) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Ibelia who is located north of you.

Travel North West and click the Engraved Stone Wall.

7) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah Head south east to Ibelia

Use a New Heiron Gate Return Scroll.

8) Turn in the quest: A Lost Memento To Sulates inside the Chapel

9) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Sarantus

10) Turn in the quest: Eliminating Ettins To Loktania outside the Headquarters


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11) Turn in the quest: Resha’s Special Stew To Resha inside the Grocery

Now use your Return Skill.

12) Turn in the quest: A Message to Sakmis To Sakmis

13) Accept the quest: Scouting the Lake From Soniksius on the Herion Teleport Platform

Travel to the Eltnen Teleport platform and go to Tellus, the Teleporter. take a port to the Eastern Shard of Latesran.

14) Update the quest: Scouting the Lake At Septimus

Purchase a Teleport to the Upper Layer.

15) Update the quest: Scouting the Lake At Theon

16) Turn in the quest: Scouting the Lake To Garpedo who is north east of you, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

17) Accept the quest: Sohonerk’s Wish (Choose Minonerk) From Sohonerk

18) Turn in the quest: Sohonerk’s Wish 18) Accept the follow up quest: Minonerk’s Alternative

From Minonerk. To get to him head south west he is standing on a small floating island, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Roam around the nearby islands

Collect 20 Translucent Strings by killing Mirrorglass Waterworms.

Travel North-West Roam the islands

Collect 7 Translucent Metals by killing Truculent Storm Spirits.

19) Turn in the quest: Minonerk’s Alternative Fly back east to Sohonerk, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Level 31


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Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

Travel to the Protectors’ Hall and purchase your skill manuals for Level 31.

20) Update the Campaign quest: Something in the Water At Jumentis

21) Accept the quest: Secret Library Access From Latri who is on the second floor of the Library of the Sages

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

22) Update the quest: Secret Library Access From Spatalos inside the Headquaters, you must finish the group quest for

Veteron first.

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

23) Turn in the quest: Secret Library Access To Latri at the Library of the Sages

Go to Latri to enter the Secret Library.

24) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Ipikio inside the Secret Library

Now use your Return Skill.

25) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Calon on the first floor.

26) Accept the quest: Recruits for Nezekan’s Shield From Cesilie at the Herion Teleport platform.

Travel to the Eltnen Teleport platform and go to Tellus: the Teleport. take a port to the Western Shard of Latesran.

27) Update the quest: Recruits for Nezekan’s Shield At Aread

Go to Echo: the Layer Teleporter. Purchase a layer teleport to the Upper Layer.


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 737373

28) Update the quest: Recruits for Nezekan’s Shield At Apnis

29) Turn in the quest: Recruits for Nezekan’s Shield 29) Accept the quest: Demolition Derby

Head south east to Livius indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Roam the platform and kill 20 Ghost of Demolitions.

30) Turn in the quest: Demolition Derby Back to Livius

31) Accept the quest: Legend of the Sword’s Edge From Sione after heading north east.

Travel West

Kill 10 Dakaer Grunts

Kill 2 Dakaer Raiders

Kill 2 Dakaer Churls

Kill 2 Dakaer Medics.

3) Turn in the quest: Legend of the Sword’s Edge Back to Sione

Now use your Return Skill.

Travel to the Western Shard of Latesran on the Upper Layer.

Travel South

Collect 1 Stone Plate from Ruins of Roah. o This can be found randomly in one of the cubbies.

33) Accept the quest: Collecting Ancient Swords 33) Accept the quest: Treasure Hunter Kuenunerk

From Kuenunerk after traveling south east.

Collect 1 Worn-out Sword by killing Skeletal Miscreant.

Then travel north east collect 1 Broken Sword by killing Cursed Centurion.o They are located on the numerous floating islands around the location.

Travel East

Collect 1 Intact Sword by killing Enduring Garcikhans.

Return to Kuenunerk (blue arrow on map).


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Directly below him on the island platform is an Elyos NPC and an Ancient Treasure Box.

If you wish: you can complete the other quest by clicking the Ancient Treasure Box and collecting 15 Seals of the Ancient City.

Just stay againts the wall so that you do not aggro the Elyos NPC. Each time you collect the seal out of the chest you'll have to wait for it to rewspawn so take the time between respawns to kill a few of the mobs around you to earn XP.

34) Turn in the quest: Treasure Hunter Kuenunerk 34) Turn in the quest: Collecting Ancient Swords

To Kuenunerk

Level 32

Now use your Return Skill.

35) Update the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah At Calon on the first floor.

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

36) Accept the quest: A Better Sword From Memnes outside the fortress

Exit the fortress and go to Naomi: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

37) Update the Campaign quest: Something in the Water Head west to Asclepius

38) Accept the quest: Finding Food From Beramones

39) Accept the quest: Hannet’s Lost Love From Hannet who is south of you.

Collect 5 Tipolid Hip Meats by killing Mottled Tipolids.

Travel South-West

Kill 3 Scout Bladesmen


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 757575

Kill 3 Scout Fighters.

40) Turn in the Campaign quest: Something in the Water Head North east back to Asclepius

41) Turn in the quest: Finding Food To Beramones

Go to Tareash: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Golden Bough Garrison.

42) Accept the quest: Raiding Klaw From Castor after heading north.

43) Accept the quest: A Gift for Acteon From Aron who is east of you.

Travel South West

Kill 15 Klaw Workers

Kill 7 Klaw Gatherers.

44) Turn in the quest: Raiding Klaw 44) Accept the follow up quest: Seeking the Seekers

From Tellarius after heading north east.

Head back to the previous killing area

Kill 5 Klaw Seekers.

45) Turn in the quest: Seeking the Seekers 45) Accept the follow up quest: The Klaw’s Secret

From Tellarius north east of you.

Travel South West

Destroy 4 Klaw Spawners by attacking them.

46) Turn in the quest: The Klaw’s Secret Head north east back to Tellarius

47) Turn in the quest: A Gift for Acteon 47) Accept the quest: Interfering Skyrays

From Actaeon after heading south, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Kill 7 Speartail Skyrays.

48) Turn in the quest: Interfering Skyrays Back to Actaeon


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Use a New Heiron Gate Return Scroll.

49) Accept the quest: Tenacious Ibelia 49) Accept the quest: Supporting Heiron Observatory

From Barzon in the Headquarters

50) Turn in the Campaign quest: The Ruins of Roah To Sarantus inside the Chapel

51) Turn in the quest: Tenacious Ibelia 51) Accept the quest: Troublesome Ettin

From Ibelia who is north east of the Chapel

Travel slightly North West

Collect 5 Ancient Books by killing Cracktooth Ettins.

52) Turn in the quest: Troublesome Ettin Back to ibelia

Now use your Return Skill.

Level 33

Now use your Return Skill.

53) Update the Campaign quest: New Wings At Tellus the teleporter outside the fortress

Travel to the Western Shard of Latesran on the Upper Layer. Then travel North-East

54) Update the Campaign quest: New Wings (You will be transported) To Agemonerk who is on the island in the distance, you'll see it once you get


55) Update the Campaign quest: New Wings At Raithor, be ready for an Ambush

56) Update the Campaign quest: New Wings (You will be transported) At Raithor

57) Turn in the Campaign quest: New Wings To Agemonerk


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58) Accept the quest: Call of the Governor Head south to Livius

59) Accept the quest: The Drakes Keep Us Awake 59) Accept the quest: Culling the Garcikhans

From Mercus

Travel South Roam the islands

Kill 20 Dire Acheron Drakes

Kill 5 Colossal Garcikhans

Kill 5 Bronze Drakes

Travel North East

Kill 15 Bone Drakes.

60) Turn in the quest: The Drakes Keep Us Awake 60) Turn in the quest: Culling the Garcikhans

Back to Mercus

Travel to Heiron Fortress.

Travel South-East and go to Amene: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Heiron Observatory.

61) Accept the quest: Basilisk is Best From Gairos

62) Accept the quest: Agrint Aggro 63) Accept the quest: Peel Me a Rotron

From Mirborante

64) Accept the quest: Killing Kerubiels From Rahelio

65) Accept the quest: Clodworm is Close Enough From Terentius

66) Accept the quest: Returned Tartaron Residents From Klaus inside the Observatory

67) Turn in the quest: Supporting Heiron Observatory 67) Update the Campaign quest: Root of the Rot

At Aphesius

Exit the Observatory


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Kill 7 Kerubiel Sentinels around the Observatory.

Travel North

Collect 10 Basilisk Leathers by killing Red Spotted Basilisks.

Travel South East

Collect 15 Clodworm Leathers by killing Black Spotted Clodworms.

Travel East

Collect 3 Samples of Rotron Roots by killing Greenclaw Rotrons.

Collect 10 Rotron Shells by killing Greenclaw Rotrons.

Kill 12 Lumbering Agrints

Collect 3 Samples of Agrint Roots by killing them.

Kill 5 Sluggish Zombies slightly to the North of the location.

68) Turn in the quest: Basilisk is Best To Gairos back in the Observatory.

69) Turn in the quest: Agrint Aggro 69) Turn in the quest: Peel Me a Rotron 69) Accept the follow up quest: Rotten Rotrons

From Mirborante

70) Turn in the quest: Killing Kerubiels 70) Accept the follow up quest: Kerubiels on the Move

From Rahelio

71) Turn in the quest: Clodworm is Close Enough 71) Accept the follow up quest: Strange Leather

From Terentius

72) Turn in the quest: Returned Tartaron Residents 72) Accept the follow up quest: Sample Skulls

From Klaus inside the Observatory

73) Update the Campaign quest: Root of the Rot 73) Update the quest: Signs of Pollution

At Aphesius

Exit the Observatory

Kill 7 Kerubiel Looters around the Observatory.

74) Turn in the quest: Kerubiels on the Move To Rahelio back at the Observatory

Travel North West


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Collect 3 Anubite Skulls by killing Anubite Sentinels.

Use a New Heiron Gate Return Scroll.

Then take a Flight and return to the Heiron Observatory.

75) Turn in the quest: Sample Skulls To Klaus inside the Observatory

Exit the Observatory and go to Seiana: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Heiron Fortress.

Go to Amene: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Arbolu’s Haven.

76) Update the quest: Rotten Rotrons At Sirilis

77) Update the Campaign quest: Root of the Rot At Mersephon

78) Turn in the Campaign quest: Root of the Rot 78) Update the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim 78) Turn in the quest: Rotten Rotrons

To Trajanus, he is the big tree.

79) Update the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim At Spokesperson of Arbolu, he is on a tree in the center of the village.

Now use your Return Skill.

Use a Sanctum Return Scroll.

80) Update the quest: A Better Sword At Laokones, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Travel to the Protectors’ Hall and purchase your skill manuals for Level 34.

81) Accept the quest: A Lucky Day From Demodocos, down in the Artisans' Hall

Travel to the Hall of Prosperity and go to Yiehmonerk.

Make sure you've expanded your cube as much as the merchants allow you to as once you turn in this quest it will expand your cube another row.


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 808080

82) Turn in the quest: A Lucky Day To Yiehmonerk

Travel to the Teleporter. Go to Polyidus. Purchase a Teleport to Poeta.

85) Update the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim At Daminu after heading north east, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

Use a Verteron Citadel Return Scroll.

Go to Mirdiena: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Verteron Observatory.

83) Update the quest: Hannet’s Lost Love At Phorcys

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

84) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact At Telemachus inside the Headquarters

85) Turn in the quest: A Better Sword To Memnes

Exit the fortress and go to Naomi: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Golden Bough Garrison.

86) Update the quest: Hannet’s Lost Love Head east to Alexis, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

87) Update the quest: Hannet’s Lost Love Head west to Aron, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Go to Navilreas: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

88) Turn in the quest: Hannet’s Lost Love To Hannet

89) Update the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim At Lodas who is north west of you, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

Level 34


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Use a New Heiron Gate Return Scroll.

Go to Amene: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Arbolu’s Haven.

90) Accept the quest: Helping Kravis From Kravis

91) Accept the quest: Some Tasty Mushrooms From Terba, the small tree.

92) Update the Campaign quest: Eternal Rest At Tessia

93) Update the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim At Spokesperson of Arbolu

Travel South-West

Collect 50 Contaminated Elim Crystals by killing Splintered Rotrons andMotheaten Agrints.

Kill 12 Greenclaw Rotrons

Collect 5 Mushrooms on Old Trees

94) Turn in the Campaign quest: Power of the Elim Back to Spokesperson of Arbolu, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

You've now obtained the Title: Recognized by Arbolu

95) Update the quest: Some Tasty Mushrooms At Terba

Jump into the water below. Click the Contaminated Mushroom on Old Tree from your inventory.

96) Turn in the quest: Some Tasty Mushrooms 96) Accept the follow up quest: A Feast For a Village

From Terba

97) Update the quest: A Feast For a Village At Trou inside the Chapel

98) Turn in the quest: Helping Kravis Leave the chapel and go to Kravis

99) Update the quest: A Feast For a Village At the Flight Transporter Arkos


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 828282

100) Update the quest: A Feast For a Village At Sirilis

101) Turn in the quest: A Feast For a Village 101) Accept the follow up quest: Deathsong Dangers

From Terba

Travel West

Kill 7 Sticky Slimes

Kill 15 Goldenback Arachnas.

102) Turn in the quest: Deathsong Dangers Back at Terba

Use an Eltnen Fortress Return Scroll.

Go to the Trade Broker and purchase 5 Ruko Fibers.

Go to Naomi: the Flight Transporter. Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

103) Accept the quest: Arming the Watch 103) Accept the quest: A Mountain of Trouble

From Beramones

104) Accept the quest: Warning to Laquepin From Asclepius

105) Accept the quest: Isson’s Betrayal 105) Accept the quest: Water Therapy

From Aerope inside the Chapel

106) Accept the quest: Specialty Hides From Makis after heading south west to him.

107) Accept the quest: Paion’s Worry From Paion

108) Accept the quest: A Head Start on Hylas From Hylas

Travel South

Kill 7 Troll Outlaws

Kill 3 Knuckledragger Trollkin.

Collect 3 Gorgon Hides by killing Granite Gorgons.


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 838383

Travel slightly South East

kill 9 Flame Barghests.

Travel North East

Kill Isson. He is a pretty difficult so try to partner up to kill him.

Travel East

Kill 7 Kerubian Hunters.

Travel South West

Collect 5 Keratos Thorns by killing Needlethorn Keraton.

109) Turn in the quest: Specialty Hides 109) Accept the follow up quest: Heart of the Mamut

Head north west back to Makis

110) Turn in the quest: Paion’s Worry 110) Accept the follow up quest: A Lie Begets a Lie

From Paion

111) Turn in the quest: A Head Start on Hylas 111) Accept the follow up quest: Crystals for Hylas

From Hylas

Travel South West

Kill 3 Troll Fighters

Kill 2 Speedy Trollkins.

Travel slightly North-East of the location into the volcanic region.

Collect 5 Volcanic Eshe Crystals by killing Crater Spirits

Kill 10 Lava Crystals by killing Magma Spirits. o You can find easier Spirits can be found in the North end of the region.

Travel South

Collect 1 Heart of the Mamut by killing Adult Mamuts.

112) Turn in the quest: Heart of the Mamut Head north back to Makis

113) Turn in the quest: A Lie Begets a Lie To Paion

114) Turn in the quest: Crystals for Hylas To Hylas


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Travel South and go to one of the many geysers and click the Empty Bottle from your inventory.

115) Turn in the quest: Water Therapy 115) Turn in the quest: Isson’s Betrayal 115) Accept the follow up quest: Flowers for Isson 115) Turn in the quest: Flowers for Isson

Head north east to Aerope, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

116) Turn in the quest: A Mountain of Trouble To Agrips

117) Turn in the quest: Arming the Watch Leave the chapel and head to Beramones

Now use your Return Skill.

Level 35

Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

118) Accept the quest: Supplies for Hylas From Arkel

119) Turn in the quest: Warning to Laquepin119) Accept the quest: A Mysterious Crystal

From Ophelos after heading north east, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

120) Accept the quest: Shumerunerk’s Trade From Shumerurk

121) Accept the quest: Suspicious Pretors From Esaias

122) Accept the quest: Sentinel Viragos From Leone

123) Accept the quest: Griffon’s Threat From Lemia

Travel east and if it is day time


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Kill 7 Hunter Griffons.

If it is night time

Kollect 10 Pretor Skins by killing Pretor Looters.

Travel south east.

Collect 5 Virago Tail Feathers by killing Virago Sentinels

Collect 5 Virago Feathers by killing Virago Robbers.

124) Turn in the quest: A Mysterious Crystal Head south east along the path to Deurone

125) Accept the quest: New Flight Path (Say you are ready) From Elram

126) Turn in the quest: New Flight Path126) Accept the follow up quest: Reporting the New Flight Path

Back at Elram

Head north west down into the canyon, you have to find the Civil Engineer who is inside a wooden prison. You will have to kill the mob in front of it and then break down the prision.

127) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact At the Civil Engineer.

Head north east as you escort the Civil Engineer to the destination. Try to avoid all the mobs and make sure not to run to far ahead of him as it will fail the quest.

Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

128) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact At Telemachus in the Headquarters inside the fortress.

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

Travel North East By now the time should be opposite. Finish whichever step you couldn’t complete earlier.

129) Turn in the quest: Griffon’s Threat129) Update the quest: Reporting the New Flight Path

At Lemia after traveling west, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

130) Turn in the quest: Sentinel Viragos130) Accept the follow up quest: Corpse-Hunting Viragos

From Leone


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131) Turn in the quest: Suspicious Pretors131) Accept the follow up quest: Delivery to the Lyceum

From Esaias

132) Turn in the quest: Shumerunerk’s Trade To Shumerurk

Travel to Sanctum.

134) Turn in the quest: Delivery to the Lyceum To Hygea inside the Lyceum

Exit the Lyceum travel south west and enter the Library of the Sages. Go to Xenophon.

135) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact

Now use your Return Skill.

136) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact At Yuditio outside the forrtress indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

Enter the fortress: travel to the second floor enter the Headquarters

137) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact At Telemachus

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

138) Update the quest: Reporting the New Flight Path At Asclepius

Travel East

Kill 12 Virago Scavengers.

139) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact Head south east to Laigas, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

Now head west you should be able glide your entire way there. Once there sneak to the Stolen Artifact and click it. After clicking it run away from the mobs.

140) Update the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact Head back to Laigas, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.


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Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

141) Turn in the Campaign quest: A Dangerous Artifact To Telemachus

You've now obtained the Title: Demolitions Expert

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

142) Turn in the quest: Reporting the New Flight Path To Paion after heading west to him, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

143) Turn in the quest: Supplies for Hylas To Hylas

144) Turn in the quest: Corpse-Hunting Viragos Head north east to Leone, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Travel West Travel there by traveling North then West. Do not travel through the Kaidan Headquarters as you will probably die trying.

145) Accept the quest: Tigrics of Ill Omen From Kibelle

146) Accept the quest: Trespassers at the Observatory From Dionera standing inside the small guard post.

147) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts At Tumblusen inside the Observatory

Travel South East

Kill 3 Kaidan Scouts.

Travel North-West

Collect 10 Rynoce Claws by killing Fierce Rynoces

Collect 10 Drynac Tails by killing Poisonous Drynacs.

148) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts Back at Tumblusen

149) Turn in the quest: Trespassers at the Observatory To Dionera

Travel West


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Kill 7 Tigric Sentinels.

150) Turn in the quest: Tigrics of Ill Omen150) Accept the follow up quest: Encountering Akeras

From Kibelle

Travel West

Search for Akeras Stripeback he roams around the location

Kill Akeras Stripeback. There are two other mobs with him so try to drop him as fast as you can and then run away from the 2 other mobs.

151) Turn in the quest: Encountering Akeras Back at Kibelle

Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

152) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts At Telemachus

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

153) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts (You will be teleported) At Mabangtah after heading north west to him, indicated on the map by a yellow


154) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts At Targatu

Kill the Kaidan Watchtower Guard up the tower in front of you.

155) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts (You will be teleported) Back at Targatu

156) Update the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts156) Accept the quest: Mabangtah’s Message

From Mabangtah

157) Turn in the Campaign quest: Scouting the Scouts157) Update the Campaign quest: Keeper of the Kaidan Key

Back at Tublusen who is south west of you, indicated on the map by a yellow arrow.

Travel to Heiron Fortress.

158) Update the Campaign quest: Lepharist Poison Research At Sofne inside the Chapel


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 898989

159) Accept the quest: Where’s Belbua? From Phuthollu who is standing in front of the Grocery.

Purchase a Flight to Arbolu’s Haven.

160) Accept the quest: Where Do Rotrons Come From? From Terba

161) Update the quest: Where Do Rotrons Come From? At Trajanus

162) Accept the quest: Gray Fog Corruption From Erone inside the Chapel

163) Update the quest: Where Do Rotrons Come From?163) Accept the quest: Gray Fog Monsters

From Trou

Travel South Roam around the Gray Fog Marshes

Kill 5 Clayfoot Mudthorns

Kill 5 Fog Slimes

Kill 5 Mist Bloodwings

Kill 5 Redtongue Keratons

Collect 10 Samples of Contaminated Organisms by killing ClayfoodMudthorns and Fog Slimes.

164) Turn in the quest: Gray Fog Corruption Head north to Erone, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

165) Turn in the quest: Gray Fog Monsters To Trou

166) Accept the quest: Late of Heiron From Cursed Ganges who is roaming along the path towards the south.

Travel North-East

Kill 7 Troll Brawlers.

167) Turn in the quest: Late of Heiron167) Accept the follow up quest: Undead Trinkets

Head back towards the south west to Cursed Ganges

Travel North East

Collect 1 Ganges’ Locket by killing Troll Brawlers

Collect 1 Ganges’ Buckle by killing Blind Keratons.


Copyright © 2010, KozenGuide. All Rights Reserved. You may not resell, or copy this guide in any way, shape or form. 909090

168) Turn in the quest: Undead Trinkets Head back to the Cursed Ganges

169) Accept the quest: The Legend of Vindachinerk Talk to Poporinerk who is located north east of your current location.

170) Accept the quest: Crossed Destiny From Berone

Travel North East

Collect Jaiorunerk’s Diary by killing Jaku the Glutton.

Right-Click Jaiorunerk’s Diary from your inventory.

Now use your Return Skill.

Travel to the Western Shard of Latesran on the Upper Layer.

171) Turn in the quest: The Legend of Vindachinerk 171) Accept the follow up quest: Pupil’s Diary

From Kohrunerk who is located south east of you.

172) Update the quest: Pupil’s Diary Head north east to Minonerk, indicated on the may by a blue arrow.

173) Update the quest: Pupil’s Diary At Junjunbinerk after heading north west, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Head to Vindachinerk, his spawn is random and rare based on the time of the day, I will be adding the cords to all his spawn points in the next update. Once you complete teh quest chain he rewards you with 9 slots to your cube.

174) Turn in the quest: Pupil’s Diary174) Accept the follow up quest: Jaiorunerk’s Tombstone

From Vindachinerk

Travel to Herion Fortress.

Purchase a Flight to Arbolu Haven. Travel East to Step 315.

175) Update the quest: Jaiorunerk’s Tombstone By clicking Jaiorunerk's Tobmstone

Now use your Return Skill.


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176) Turn in the quest: Jaiorunerk’s Tombstone Back to Vindachinerk

Level 36

177) Update the Campaign quest: The Klaw Threat177) Turn in the quest: Strange Leather

To Senea after heading south east.

178) Accept the quest: Frillneck Fluid From Okonus

179) Accept the quest: Sillen’s Spirit Samples From Sillen

180) Accept the quest: Laupede Antidote From Piera

181) Update the Campaign quest: Lepharist Poison Research Head north to Finn

182) Turn in the quest: Where Do Rotrons Come From? To Aiokina

Travel South-West

Collect 3 Living Cells by killing Klaw Defenders and Klaw Sentinels.

Travel South-East Roam the area

Collect 7 Frillneck Body Fluids by killing Frillneck Hatchlings.

Travel South-West

Collect 3 Spirit Soils by killing Ruined Earth Spirits.

Travel North-East

Collect 7 Laupede Poison Sacs by killing Pincerjaw Laupedes.

183) Update the Campaign quest: The Klaw Threat Head north back to Senea

184) Turn in the quest: Frillneck Fluid184) Accept the follow up quest: Outlaw of the Jungle

From Okonus


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185) Turn in the quest: Sillen’s Spirit Samples185) Accept the follow up quest: Collecting the Essence of Earth

From Sillen

186) Turn in the quest: Laupede Antidote To Piera

Travel South-West

Destroy a Klaw Spawner to spawn Queen Taklaw.

Kill Queen Taklaw. You may have to kill a couple till she spawns.

Travel South-East

Kill 10 Sawmane Frillnecks.

Travel South-West

Collect 3 Essences of Earth by killing Decayed Earth Spirits.

187) Turn in the quest: Outlaw of the Jungle Head north east back to Okonus

188) Turn in the quest: Collecting the Essence of Earth To Sillen

189) Accept the quest: A Bone to Pick From Gamedes after traveling east to him.

Travel North

Kill 5 Ragged Boggarts.

Kill 7 Sobbing Banshees

190) Turn in the quest: A Bone to Pick190) Accept the follow up quest: Banshee Farming

Back at Gamedes who is south west of you.

Travel East

Collect 7 Pieces of Zombie Bone by killing Rotten Zombies.

Travel North-East

Collect 5 Pieces of Anubite Bone by killing Anubite Looters.

191) Turn in the quest: Banshee Farming Head back west to Gamedes

Travel to Heiron Fortress.

192) Turn in the Campaign quest: The Klaw Threat


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To Barzon inside the Headquarters

Travel to Eltnen Fortress.

193) Accept the quest: Infiltrate the Kaidan From Telemachus inside the Headquarters

Purchase a Flight to Agairon Village.

194) Turn in the quest: Mabangtah’s Message To Aerope inside the Chapel

195) Turn in the quest: Infiltrate the Kaidan To Tumblusen who is west of the Chapel, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

Level 37

Travel to Sanctum.

Purchase your skill manuals for Level 37.

Travel to Heiron Fortress.

196) Update the Campaign quest: The Archon of Storms At Sulates inside the Chapel

Purchase a Flight to Arbolu’s Haven.

197) Accept the quest: Discolored Bones From Edoras

198) Accept the quest: Picking off the Undead From Rance inside the Chapel

199) Accept the quest: The Priest’s Nightmare From Trou

200) Update the Campaign quest: Eternal Rest Head South to Kacias

Travel South East to Kalkas.

Collect 1 Kalkas’ Bones by talking to him.

Travel South East


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Collect 5 Discolored Bones.

Collect 5 Farmer’s Picks by killing Undead Sharecroppers and UndeadPeons.

Travel North East and go to Ladon.

Collect 1 Ladon’s Bones by talking to him.

Travel South and go to Mempion.

Collect 1 Mempion’s Bones by talking to him.

Travel South and go to Spina.

Collect 1 Spina’s Bones by talking to her.

221) Update the Campaign quest: Eternal Rest Head back to Kacias who is north west of you.

Travel North East and clear around the Empty Stone Coffin once you've cleared the area click on the coffin.

Travel East and click on the Kirenne’s Corpse.

222) Update the Campaign quest: Eternal Rest Head back to Kacias

223) Turn in the Campaign quest: Eternal Rest To Tessia back at Arbolu's Haven

224) Turn in the quest: Picking off the Undead224) Accept the follow up quest: Gellar

From Rance inside the Chapel

225) Update the quest: The Priest’s Nightmare At Trou

226) Turn in the quest: Discolored Bones To Edoras outside the Chapel

227) Update the quest: The Priest’s Nightmare At Nerison who is south west of you, indicated on the map by a blue arrow.

228) Accept the quest: Contemplating Klaw Hearts228) Accept the quest: Delivery to Arbolu’s Haven

From Senea after heading south to her.

229) Accept the quest: Which Came First? From Okonus


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230) Accept the quest: Stopping the Spread of Klaw From Zeuclid

231) Accept the quest: Gluttonous Manduris From Sillen

Travel slightly West

Kill 10 Manduri Beaters

Kill 10 Manduri Throwers.

Travel North East

Destroy the Kakuna’s Egg.

Kill Kakuna’s Baby to collect the Sample of Kakuna’s Baby.

232) Turn in the quest: Gluttonous Manduris Back at Sillen

233) Turn in the quest: Which Came First? At Okonus

Travel South-West

Collect 3 Klaw Defender’s Hearts by killing Klaw Defenders.

Kill 10 Klaw Defenders.

Travel South-West

Collect 3 Klaw Sentinel’s Hearts by killing Klaw Sentinels

Collect 3 Klaw Patrol’s Hearts by killing Klaw Patrols.

Travel South

Collect 3 Klaw Gatherer’s Hearts by killing Klaw Gatherers.

Kill 10 Klaw Gatherers.

234) Turn in the quest: Contemplating Klaw Hearts234) Accept the follow up quest: Klaw Control

From Senea after heading north east

235) Turn in the quest: Stopping the Spread of Klaw To Zeuclid

Travel South-West

Destroy 5 Klaw Spawners.

236) Turn in the quest: Klaw Control Back to Senea


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Travel East Until it is night time kill ghosts around the area. Once it is nighttime

Kill Gellar.

237) Turn in the quest: The Priest’s Nightmare To Kirenne’s Corpse

238) Turn in the quest: Delivery to Arbolu’s Haven To Erone inside the Chapel back at Arbolu's Haven

239) Turn in the quest: Gellar To Rance

Now use your Return Skill.

240) Accept the quest: Part of the Crashed Dredgion From Belus on the Upper Layer if Upper Layer fortresses are not controeld by


Travel slightly North East to the crashed Dredgion.

Collect 5 Parts of Dredgion.

Turn in the quest: Part of the Crashed Dredgion Back to Belus

Level 38

Travel to Heiron Fortress.

Purchase a Flight to Heiron Observatory.

241) Accept the quest: Frillneck Arrowheads241) Accept the quest: NOT IN EN3241) Accept the quest: Warriors and Scouts

Now head north west to Okonus

Roam around the area

Collect 30 Sylphen Wings by killing Fierce Sylphens.

Then travel South East

Collect 15 Vespine Wings by killing Jungle Vespines.

Travel North Roam around Kakuna’s Nest


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Kill 5 Silver Frillnecks

Kill 5 Red Claw Frillnecks

Kill 5 Violent Frillnecks.

Collect 15 Frillneck’s Teeth by killing any Frillneck.

242) Turn in the quest: Frillneck Arrowheads242) Turn in the quest: Warriors and Scouts

Head back to Okonus to turn in the quests.

243) Accept the quest: Researching the Lepharists From Riley who is north of you.

244) Accept the quest: Looting the Tigrics From Garrett

Travel South-West

Collect 15 Tigric Leathers by killing Tigric Looters.

Travel North

Collect Experimental Plan by killing Troopers and Synthesis Researchers.

245) Turn in the quest: Researching the Lepharists245) Accept the follow up quest: To Catch a Spy

Back at Riley

246) Turn in the quest: Looting the Tigrics246) Accept the follow up quest: A Nice Tigric Rug

From Garrett

Head west and find the mob Flaming Mane Aeution, he is difficult so try to kill him by yourself but if you need get a group. The quest isn't really worth it so don't spend too much time looking for a group.

Head back to where the Spys are located and attack one. Get one below 50% health and kite south back to Riley. You will want to attack it atleast every 5 seconds to keep him chasing you. For some classes this may be a little difficult but you should be able to complete it after some practice.

247) Turn in the quest: To Catch a Spy247) Accept the follow up quest: The Lepharist Situation

From Riley

248) Turn in the quest: A Nice Tigric Rug To Garrett

Travel to Heiron Fortress.


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249) Update the quest: The Lepharist Situation At Graa, indicated on your map by a blue arrow.

250) Update the quest: The Lepharist Situation At Sarantus inside the Chapel

Purchase a Flight to Heiron Observatory.

251) Update the quest: The Lepharist Situation Head north west to Kalione

Now use your Return Skill.

252) Accept the quest: Friend’s Killer From Baucis if the Elyos do not control the fortress on the Upper Layer.

Travel South-East

Kill 5 Ranx Infantry:

Kill 5 Ranx Vanguards:

Kill 5 Ranx Churls.

253) Turn in the quest: Friend’s Killer Back to Baucis

Level 39

Travel to Heiron Fortress. Purchase a Flight to Arbolu’s Haven.

254) Accept the quest: Showing Mercy From Rusiridite

255) Accept the quest: The Undead Orphanage From Rance inside the Chapel

256) Accept the quest: Amalen the Forlorn From Kacias after heading south to him.

Travel South-West

Kill 7 Sneering Boggarts and Amalen the Forlorn.

Travel North-East


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Collect 20 Anubite Swords by killing Anubite Warriors.

If it is night time

Kill 2 Gladiator Spirits

Kill 2 Ancient Mage’s Spirit.

257) Turn in the quest: Amalen the Forlorn Back to Kacias

258) Turn in the quest: Showing Mercy To Rusiridite back at Arbolu's Haven

259) Turn in the quest: The Undead Orphanage259) Accept the follow up quest: News from Arbolu’s Haven

From Rance inside the Chapel after you've finsihed the quest: The Undead Orphanage.

Purchase a Flight to Jeiaparan Village.

260) Accept the quest: Supplies for the Blue Fleet From Ekseus

261) Accept the quest: Starturtle Oil From Voluptes

262) Accept the quest: The Case of the Wailing Windwisps From Tegis inside the Chapel

263) Accept the quest: Specter’s Wall of Sound From Antione

Roam around Jeiaparan Village by the coast

Collect 7 Starturtle Fats by killing Cobalt Starturtles

Collect 3 Supplies from Supply Boxes.

Travel West

Kill 10 Twisting Windwisps.o These guys are all stealth so run around the area to aggro them.

If it is night time travel slightly North West of the location

Kill 9 Vicious Spirits.

264) Turn in the quest: The Case of the Wailing Windwisps To Tegis inside the Chapel at Jeiaparan Village

265) Turn in the quest: Specter’s Wall of Sound


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At Antione

266) Turn in the quest: Supplies for the Blue Fleet 266) Accept the follow up quest: Weapons of the Ancient Warriors

From Ekseus outside the Chapel

267) Turn in the quest: Starturtle Oil267) Accept the follow up quest: Light the Path

From Voluptes

Now head west out of Jeiaparan Village and continue west. You will find the Torch of Encouragment, click on it to light it up.

Then head north west to the Torch of Attack and click on it to light it.

Travel north and light the Torch of Courage and continue north along the path lighting the Torch of Guidance, Torch of Battle, Torch of Victor, and the Torch of Courage

Roam around the area

Collect 3 Ancient Swords and 3 Ancient Shields.

268) Turn in the quest: Weapons of the Ancient Warriors To Ekseus back at Jeiaparan Village

269) Turn in the quest: Light the Path To Voluptes

Now use your Return Skill.

Level 40

The 40 - 50 Section of the guide is currently being fine tuned and will be released in the upcoming days, along with some major updates to the guide such as added screenshots and more.
