Aim: Who were the major contributors to Enlightenment thought? How did their views impact society?...


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Aim: Who were the major contributors to Enlightenment thought? How did their views impact society?

Do Now: Have you ever heard the phrase” Don’t give it another thought” ? Why are thoughts so powerful? Why is their fear associated with something intangible?

Is there any other period in history where this was also the case?

Pair Share Activity:

What was the catalyst that brought about this change in views during the period of the Enlightenment?

Cause and Effect• A new spirit of curiosity• A new focus on careful

observation• Willingness to question

old beliefs• Seeing new species of

animals and vegetation within new lands added to curiosity.

• Increased sense of exploration in all genres.

• There now exists laws that guide Human Behavior.

• People, especially the lowerclass , begin to doubt in the divinity of kings.

• People believed that application of “reason” can make society better.

• Western Society becomes more secular

• Individuals gain importance.


• ““If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” Sir Isaac Newton

What did Newton mean by the quotation above?

Ptolemy – Geocentric Theory

Copernicus – Heliocentric Theory

Kepler – Elipitcal Orbits

Galileo – Laws of Motion

Galileo – Branded as Heretic by the Catholic Church!

Newton – Laws of Gravity

Enlightenment – a belief that natural laws can govern all aspects of society.

The Philosophes

1. Hobbes

2. Locke

3. Voltaire

4. Montesquieu

5. Rousseau

Research your Philosophe

1. Describe the main philosophy/ideas of your assigned philosophe. (Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau)

2. What are their views on human nature and/or government?

3. Do they have any famous quotations? What are they?

4. Draw a picture or diagram that would represent their ideas. Explain your picture. (30/100 pts.)
