Age of Absolutism Power Point



Age of Absolutism

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Age of Absolutism Notes

What was Absolutism?

• Period of time when Europe’s monarchs got stronger.

• Caused by the Reformation & Age of Exploration.

• Ref weakens churches, AofE brings in lots of money (mercantilism).

• Monarchs ruled with absolute power.

• What does absolute mean…?

Some Absolute Monarchs

In your book, look up each of the following monarchs and list what country they ruled as well as two facts about each.

• Louis XIV (455-458)

• Elizabeth I (471-472)

• Peter the Great (460-462)

Louis XIV• King of France

• Nickname: The Sun King

• The absolute monarch!

• Builds palace of Versailles.

Elizabeth I

• Queen of England

• Henry VIII’s daughter (remember him?)

• Defeated the Spanish Armada.

• Built England up into a world power.

Peter the Great

• Czar of Russia• Wanted to

Europeanize, modernize Russia.

• Went in disguise to learn how to build ships in Western Europe.

What was Divine Right theory?

• Divine Right Theory was the idea that God had chosen the monarch to rule.

• Monarchs (and the people) believed it during this period.

• If you question the king, you question God!

• Kings become the nation. Louis XIV: “L'État, c'est moi!” (The state? That’s me!)

In the space provided on your notes, draw a picture

of what absolutism & Divine Right mean.

A Day in the life of Louis XIV

• With a partner, read the article on a day in the life of Louis XIV.

• While one person reads the article, the other should fill in the activities the king does throughout his day.

• Switch roles after each part of the day. • After you are done, make sure each of you

has the entire day filled in on your paper.

•Court Enters


•Rubbed down if he was sweaty.

•Favors asked

•Schedule announced

•Mass (church)



•Ate at 1 PM

•Handed napkin

•Council meetings

•Inspected building projects


•Picnic w/the ladies


•Went outside

•Ate with whole royal family.

•Some were seated, others stood.

•Ate when he arrived.

•Sometimes late, 11:30.

•Fed dogs

•Played with children & grandchildren

•Last conversations/ requests from the court.

•Good night: court retires.