Advent Movement Survey 15 - Living Manna Ministries |...


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Παγε 1 οφ 15

Advent Movement Survey 15

A. T. Jones

Study given by W. D. Frazee - March 28, 1962

We are going to look this afternoon especially at the life and work of Elder A. T. Jones. In

the book Testimonies to Ministers, we have already noted this wonderful statement:

“The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to

His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones” Testimonies

to Ministers, page 91.

These two men were used of God especially in the great Minneapolis meeting in 1888, and

for a number of years thereafter, to bring the message of righteousness by faith prominently

before our people. They were joined in this work by Sister White, herself. At Minneapolis,

and for a few years after, she attended the meetings that they preached at and joined them in

the preaching, presenting this wonderful message. Through her testimonies, she counseled

them, encouraged them, supported them, espoused the message and sponsored it, shall we

say, before this denomination. As we have seen, she repeatedly rebuked those who were

opposing these men and the message. Because of this strong support of their work by the

Spirit of Prophecy, Sister White, herself, was opposed, and in some cases ridiculed by some


Last week, in our class, we studied how that the beginning of the loud cry was in this work,

and that some who opposed it were spoken of as opposing the work of the Spirit of God and

limiting the work of the Holy Spirit. And as the result, much that God wanted to accomplish

was not accomplished. In fact, we are told that some stumbled on the dark mountains, went

into darkness, and would never return.

It is a serious thing to reject the work of the Spirit of God, isn’t it, friends? A serious thing to

reject the work of the Spirit of God. And this is what some of the opposition persisted in, and

finally lost their way.

But, today we have the sad story to tell of how these men, themselves, finally lost their way.

And that is indeed a sad story, a sad story. I pray that God will, from it all, give us lessons.

Because, dear friends, keep this in mind, if you and I go through, we must succeed where the

opposition to Jones and Waggoner failed. We must succeed in accepting God’s message, His

full message through whoever He may use to deliver it, at the time He uses to deliver it. We

must succeed where the opposition failed, in discerning that message and in recognizing it,

accepting it, and acting upon it. We must succeed fully where the opposition failed. Equally,

we must succeed where Jones and Waggoner failed.

You know, when I think of the deep ditch on one side and the deep ditch on the other, I

wonder how anybody will go through. But, oh, we have the glorious assurance that the

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weakest child that will trust himself fully to Jesus can go through. In fact, dear friends, as

you study the history there is one thing that stands out very simply. The basic problem on the

part of the opposition to Jones and Waggoner was self, self. And as we shall see today, the

basic problem in the final departure and apostasy of Jones and Waggoner was self. That is

the basic problem in each case.

Now, in His providence, God saw fit to warn His people early in the righteousness by faith

controversy, that Jones and Waggoner might apostatize. As far back as 1892, Sister White in

writing to one who had greatly opposed Jones and Waggoner, said, listen:

“It is quite possible that Elder Jones or Waggoner may be

overthrown by the temptations of the enemy. But if they

should be, this would not prove that they had had no message

from God, or that the work that they had done was all a

mistake. But should this happen, how many would take this

position and enter into a fatal delusion because they are not

under the control of the Spirit of God? I know that this is the

very position many would take if either of these men were to

fall. And I pray that these men upon whom God has laid the

burden of a solemn work may be able to give the trumpet a

certain sound and honor God at every step, and that their path

at every step may grow brighter and brighter until the close of

time” Letter 24, 1892.

What a significant statement. I wish we had time to dwell upon it at length. But you can see

that as far back as 1892, just four years after the great conference of Minneapolis, Sister

White, guided by inspiration, said, “It could be, it may be quite possible that Elder Jones or

Waggoner may be overthrown.” Now she didn’t say it would be, but she just by inspiration

left that there on record to show two things - that God was not surprised, and also that if they

should fail, it would not be any evidence (Watch this point!) that their work had been wrong

or their message wrong. So we do well to dwell upon that, and not to be deceived either way.

Since we are tracing, the experiences of these two men, and much of it concerns Jones, but

some of it Waggoner, too, I want to go back before 1888. The earliest thing that I know of in

record in the published works, you will find in the book Counsels to Writers and Editors,

from page 75 clear over to 82. This is quite a long testimony, and it was written from


I have part of the original letter here, I mean a copy of it, dated February 18, 1887. And it is

addressed to, “Dear Brother Waggoner and A. T. Jones.” You will be interested in knowing

that, as you read this testimony in the book Counsels to Writers and Editors. This is a

wonderful little book and has most precious material.

I wish we had time to read every word of this testimony, but if we should, we wouldn’t get

along with our other material. So I can only call your attention to some things. Remember

this is written nearly two years before the conference in Minneapolis. Because this is written

almost at the beginning of 1887 and the conference in Minneapolis was nearly at the close of


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Sister White was in Europe at the time, and these brethren, Jones and Waggoner were on the

Pacific coast. One was editor of the Signs of the Times, and the other was Bible teacher at

Healdsburg college. Already they were giving good messages on righteousness by faith, but

already they were manifesting an attitude, which was a defect, from time to time, appearing

all through those years later, and finally manifested itself in apostasy from this movement.

Looking back at it, as we study it, we can see it all very clearly now. And understand as I

point out these things, friends, I do it with grief in my heart, but with thankfulness to God that

He has seen fit to put in these published books, material that we can study, because these dear

men are dead and gone now. We can do nothing either to help them or to harm them, but, oh,

we can learn some lessons. And one of the greatest lessons we can learn is: that a defect,

once seen, must be kept at and kept at by prayer and humbling of heart and seeking the Lord

until it is conquered. And we must never feel, “Well, now, there is something we can forget,

and we don’t have to worry about that any longer.”

I think of what we are told in the book Acts of the Apostles about the apostle Peter, after his

terrible fall. It says that Jesus freely forgave Peter, but he never forgave himself. That

doesn’t mean he went around crestfallen all his life. But Peter, after that night in

Gethsemane, never got to the place where he felt that he was safe in the sense that he did not

have to watch closely. He learned his lesson.

Oh, that Jones and Waggoner had learned it fully and eternally. Now, I don’t doubt, in fact I

have positive evidence, that both these men were wrought upon by the Spirit of God many,

many, many, many times all through these years, in the 1880s and the 1890s and on into the

following century as we shall see. But, oh, that the work had gone deep and stayed deep.

Listen as we note the testimony of the Spirit of God concerning a weakness in both of these

young men way back there in the 1880s:

“Letters came to me from some attending the Healdsburg

College in regard to Brother -----‘s teachings in regard to the

two laws. I wrote immediately protesting against their doing

contrary to the light which God had given us in regard to all

differences of opinion, and I heard nothing in response to the

letter. It may never have reached you. If you, my brethren”

Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 75,

(Remember, this is addressed to Waggoner and Jones.)

“If you, my brethren, had the experience that my husband and

myself have had in regard to these known differences being

published in articles in our papers, you would never have

pursued the course you have, either in your ideas advanced

before our students at the college, neither would it have

appeared in the Signs” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page


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Now, do you see what was happening? Certain things were being advocated in the Bible

classes at Healdsburg and were being echoed in the columns of the Signs of the Times, which

were contrary to what was being taught in the church headquarters at Battle Creek, both in

the college and in the Review. And Sister White is writing from Europe to these young

ministers, appealing to them not to do that:

“Especially at this time should everything like differences be

repressed” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 75.

You know, I want to appeal to every heart here, friends. I trust that no one, I mean, no one,

shall anoint himself with that kind of oil which makes water roll off a duck’s back. I know

that there are things that can be said to make of none effect all I am reading here. But friends,

I plead that we shall not take the precious things that God has given us through the Bible and

the Spirit of Prophecy, and use them as a shield to keep from our hearts the straight work of

the Holy Spirit in understanding the basic problem.

The basic problem, friends, is whether self will be put away and we will learn the lesson of

unity; unity with God and unity with His people. And if I didn’t think what we are studying

is present truth for 1962, I wouldn’t be spending so much time on it.

“Especially at this time should everything like differences be

repressed. These young men are more self-confident and less

cautious than they should be” Counsels to Writers and Editors,

page 75.

Remember, these are the very men that we read this statement about:

“The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to

His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones” Testimonies to

Ministers, page 91.

Was the Lord using them? Yes. Did He use them year after year? Yes. But did they need

correction? Did they need to learn to tone down? Did they need to learn to avoid some

things that would cause division and controversy and conflict? That is the thing I want you to

see in testimony after testimony here.

“These young men are more self-confident and less cautious

than they should be. ... Even if you are fully convinced that

your ideas of doctrines are sound, you do not show wisdom that

that difference should be made apparent.

“I have no hesitancy in saying you have made a mistake here.

You have departed from the positive directions God has given

upon this matter, and only harm will be the result. This is not in

God’s order” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 75.

Now, watch the next point. And, oh, that this one might sink down deep into our hearts


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“You have now set the example for others to do as you have

done, to feel at liberty to put in their various ideas and theories

and bring them before the public, because you have done this.

This will bring in a state of things that you have not dreamed

of” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 75.

Are there people today that think they have the right and the liberty to speak anything they

want to, and mimeograph anything they want to, and even print and publish anything they

want to, no matter how much division and controversy it causes? And do they try to quote

the Testimonies in support of that?

Ah, my friends, here is a testimony they do not quote, but here it is. And remember it was

addressed to men, and there are no men like them in the world today, that had the approval

and support of a living prophet, guided by inspiration from the skies. And yet, those men

with a message from heaven, and counseled by a prophet from heaven, were still told,

“Brethren, there are some things that you are talking and printing and publishing that are

causing division, and you shouldn’t do it.”

Then she says on the next page:

“It is no small matter for you to come out in the Signs as you

have done” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 76.

(That is the Signs of the Times.)

“And God has plainly revealed that such things should not be

done. We must keep before the world a united front. Satan will

triumph to see differences among Seventh-day Adventists”

Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 76.

I want to ask you. Have there been things printed and circulated, recently, that have been

taken up in the outside religious press and brought reproach upon the Seventh-day Adventist

work? Yes, that is true. It is a sad truth, all because this counsel has not been followed;

because men have felt free to publish whatever they thought should be published no matter

what schism and controversy and division it brought out for the world to notice.

Then on this same page she calls attention to the fact that the great Protestant reformation in

the days of Luther and Zwingli and those other reformers, was greatly retarded by making

prominent differences on some points of faith, and each party holding tenaciously to those

things where they differed:

“We shall see eye to eye err long” Counsels to Writers and

Editors, page 76.

Isn’t that a wonderful promise?

“But to become firm and consider it your duty to present your

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views in decided opposition to the faith or truth as it has been

taught by us as a people is a mistake, and will result in harm,

and only harm, as in the days of Martin Luther. Begin to draw

apart and feel at liberty to express your ideas without reference

to the views of your brethren, and a state of things will be

introduced that you do not dream of” Counsels to Writers and

Editors, page 76.

Then she speaks of how James White, and remember he had been the leader of this people, as

far as the president of the General Conference time and again, but he had some ideas on some

points differing from the views taken by his brethren. Sister White says:

“I was shown that however true his views were, God did not

call for him to put them in front before his brethren, and create

differences of ideas” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 77.

What a statement! If even James White, the acknowledged leader of the denomination, had

to just keep some things on the side that he personally believed, that would make division

between he and his brethren, how ought people today to be careful about some things.

Down the page on 77, Sister White says:

“There are peculiar minds that love to get some point that

others do not accept” Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 77.

If there is anyone here who is attracted to this program because of that peculiarity, I trust,

friends, that God will help you to get a better reason to be attracted to Him, a better reason.

“Twice I have been shown that everything of a character to

cause our brethren to be diverted from the very points now

essential for this time, should be kept in the background.

“Christ did not reveal many things that were truth, because it

would create a difference of opinion and get up disputations,

but young men who have not passed through this experience

we have had, would as soon have a brush as not. Nothing

would suit them better than a sharp discussion.

“... Too late in the day, brethren, too late in the day. ... The

poor people become confused” Counsels to Writers and

Editors, page 77.

Well, I think that is all I shall read from that testimony, although that is only a very small part

of it. But that will give you an idea of the warnings that came to those men.

We have already noted how in the conference of 1888 Sister White took her stand strongly by

the side of these men, endorsed the great effort to lift up Jesus and His righteousness, and

rebuked the opposition. But, friends, I should also point out that right at that meeting she had

to rebuke Elder Jones because of his attitude toward Elder Smith at the time they were

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discussing the ten horns of Daniel 7. As we look back at it, it seems very unfortunate that

some things were stressed and allowed to become issues to divide.

Who knows friends, how much more might have been accomplished in 1888 and afterward, if

Jones and Waggoner had seen the simplicity of simply lifting up Christ and His

righteousness, and about some of these other things that there was such division on, if they

could have said, “Well, brethren, we have certain views, but we are not going to press those.

Let’s all come together and unite on the great thought of Jesus and His righteousness.” That,

as best as I can view it, would have done two things. It would have removed the stumbling

block out of the way of some, and it would have made it possible for God to bless Jones and

Waggoner in a still greater way, and to vindicate them in a still greater way.

You may turn now to Book 1 of Selected Messages, page 377. In 1893, Sister White was in

Australia, and she sent to Brother A. T. Jones a testimony, and notice the danger that she

points out here, of exaggeration, the danger of expressing things in such a strong way that his

teaching would be misunderstood. This is four and a half years after the Minneapolis


“Brother A. T. Jones: I was attending a meeting and a large

congregation were present. In my dream you were presenting

the subject of faith and the imputed righteousness of Christ by

faith. You repeated several times that works amounted to

nothing, that there were no conditions. The matter was

presented in that light that I knew minds would be confused,

and would not receive the correct impression in reference to

faith and works, and I decided to write to you. You state this

matter too strongly” Selected Messages, Book 1, page 377.

Here was a clear warning from the servant of God to Jones to, shall I say, tone down a bit. In

his effort to magnify faith, he was doing what with works? Belittling it. And she said souls

are going to get a wrong impression. This whole chapter will bear careful study, and you will

note the balanced counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy on the matter of faith and works, and the

warning to Jones not to lean so far on the side of faith that he minimized works.

Now, turning to Book 2 of Selected Messages, page 85 beginning, is a chapter on the visions

of Anna Phillips. This is a most interesting and shall I say strange experience. You can read

the chapter here for yourself. I trust you will.

In the footnote at the bottom of page 85, you will find that in 1893 a young woman in Battle

Creek by the name of Anna Phillips, came to believe that her impressions and dreams were

the intimations of the Spirit of God. This says that a leading worker read these before the

Battle Creek church as divinely inspired communications. You will be interested to know

that that leading worker was Elder A. T. Jones.

On Sabbath morning Elder A. T. Jones took the Bible and read from it, and impressed upon

the congregation that this was the voice of Jesus, the Shepherd. He said, “Do you hear the

voice? Yes.”

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Then he took the Testimonies of Sister White and he read from them and he said, “Do you

hear the voice?”

And then he took the manuscripts of Anna Phillips and read from them and said, “Do you

hear the voice?”

The next morning a young worker was at the post office in the lobby and noticed Elder A. T.

Jones come in to the post office and get his mail. (I say the post office, it was probably the

post office there at General Conference and Review and Herald. But at any rate it was on

Sunday morning.) He got his mail and there was a long envelope from Sister White. He sat

down over on a seat nearby and began to read this testimony from Sister White. As he read,

the tears began to trickle down his face. Elder A. T. Jones was being reproved by the Spirit

of God for what he had done the day before.

And if you would like to know what he read, you will read it right here on page 85:

“I know that we are living very near the close of this earth’s

history; startling events are preparing for development. I am

fully in harmony with you in your work when you present the

Bible, and the Bible alone, as the foundation of our faith. Satan

is an artful foe, and he will work where he is by many least

expected. I have a message for you. Did you suppose that God

had commissioned you to take the burden of presenting the

visions of Anna Phillips, reading them in public, and uniting

them with the testimonies the Lord has been pleased to give

me? No, the Lord has not laid upon you this burden. He has

not given you this work to do” Selected Messages, Book 2,

page 85.

Do you see why the tears tricked down his cheeks. Thank the Lord, Elder Jones accepted this

testimony. Thank the Lord, Anna Phillips accepted it too, and gave up her belief in her

visions and her dreams and impressions, and she became a successful Bible worker instead of

a false prophet.

This chapter on the visions of Anna Phillips you will be quite interested in, in the light of

what I have just told you. I wish we had time to read quite a number of things from this

chapter, but time will permit of noting only a very few statements:

“As the report has been quite widely circulated that Sister

White has endorsed what has been written and circulated as

revelations from God to Miss Anna Phillips, I feel that it is my

duty to speak. I have not endorsed these productions” Selected

Messages, Book 2, page 90.

I thought as I read, that even the prophet was misquoted as to what she endorsed and what

she didn’t. There are certain movements afloat today that I have heard certain people quoted

as endorsing them, and I know by personal letters that they are not endorsing them. We need

to be careful what we hear and what we believe of what we do hear, friends.

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Now on page 94, still in this chapter on the visions of Anna Phillips, notice a wonderful

principle that Sister White deals with in how we should relate ourselves to things of this kind:

“You seem to think I should be able to point out just where the

particularly objectionable sentiments lie. There is nothing so

very apparent in that which has been written; you have been

able to discover nothing objectionable; but this is no reason for

using these writings as you have done. Your course in this

matter is decidedly objectionable. Is it necessary that you

should discern at once something that would produce harm to

the people of God, to make you cautious? If nothing of this

kind appears, is this a sufficient reason for you to set your

endorsement to these writings?” Selected Messages, Book 2,

page 94.

Do you see the inference? Instead of endorsing something merely because we can’t prove it

wrong, we should wait to endorse it until the evidence is without question that it is right and

from heaven. There is a world of difference between the two things.

Now, the warning; and this should echo right down to our own time, friends:

“Fanaticism will appear in the very midst of us” Selected

Messages, Book 2, page 95.

Is it all coming from outside, friends? No.

“Fanaticism will appear in the very midst of us. Deceptions will

come, and of such a character that if it were possible they

would mislead the very elect. If marked inconsistencies and

untruthful utterances were apparent in these manifestations, the

words from the lips of the Great Teacher would not be needed.

It is because of the many and varied dangers that would arise

that this warning is given. The reason why I hang out the

danger signal is that through the enlightenment of the Spirit of

God I can see that which my brethren do not discern... Be on

your guard; and as faithful sentinels keep the flock of God from

accepting indiscriminately all that professes to be

communicated to them from the Lord” Selected Messages,

Book 2, page, page 95.

So, you see dear friends, we ought to be extremely cautious about endorsing anything. And

may I ask you, when we circulate something do we not thereby put our influence with it? Oh,

how we should know that what we pass around by word of mouth or by letter, in printed

form, or mimeographed, or any other way, is pure wheat throughly winnowed from the chaff.

Think of it. This dear man, Elder A. T. Jones, who had been so greatly blessed by the Spirit

of God, as we have been studying now for several weeks, in these marvelous messages on

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righteousness by faith, he was led astray by this deceptive movement. Thank God, on that

point he got back on the track. But do you see the weakness there, that led him off? The

weakness. Ah, friends, oh, that he had fully learned the lesson of not being led astray.

Now, doubtless he got help from that 1893 message that we read a moment ago, from the one

before 1888, and from this one. I am sure he got help from all of them.

In 1897, Elder A. T. Jones was made a member of the General Conference committee. He

was elected again for a second two year term at the 1899 General Conference. At the 1901

General Conference, (I hope we shall be able in this course, if the Lord is willing, to spend

some time studying that conference. It was a wonderful conference) our work was

completely re-organized. Where before there had been a small General Conference

committee, a large General Conference Committee was made. Union conferences were

provided for. A great work of decentralization went on. Independent organizations, such as

the Sabbath School Association, the Religious Liberty Association, the publishing work, and

others were made departments of the General Conference. A great work of reorganization

was done under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit manifested in the work of Christ’s

messenger, Sister Ellen G. White. That is a study all by itself, the General Conference of


At that conference, Elder A. G. Daniels was called to the leadership of the general work. He

had been laboring in Australia. For many years he was over there at the time Sister White was

there. Also at this time controversies between Dr. Kellogg and the ministering brethren

began to come to the surface more and more. (We may have time to study that sad, but

meaningful history in this class.) But I need to say that much to follow the history of A. T.

Jones through some of these experiences. Elder A. T. Jones had been one of the editors of

the Review in the latter part of the 1890s. At the 1901 General Conference he preached a

number of times. He was one of the men that reported that session.

At the 1901 General Conference, provision was not made for the office of the president of the

General Conference as it had been before, and as it came to be later. But the General

Conference committee was elected by the conference and authorized to elect from among its

members a chairman. Elder Daniels was elected as that chairman.

Elder Jones was greatly impressed by a teaching on church organization that he felt was the

opposite of the papacy. He felt the papacy had a head, a Pope, and that that was contrary to

Christ’s principle; that in Christ’s church “all ye are brethren,” and so there did not need to

be a president such as they had had and he opposed it later.

But here is an interesting thing that happened. After the General Conference, he preached that

at various camp meetings. When he came to the California camp meeting in 1901, after the

General Conference, after having preached that there should not be a president, when he was

met at the train by the brethren, he was told that he had been invited to become the president

of the California conference, and he accepted. And so for one year he was the president of

the California conference.

At that time they were electing local conference presidents every year. The next meeting of

the California conference was at Fresno in 1902, the Fresno camp meeting in 1902. Elder

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Jones’ name was coming up, of course, for consideration. Would he be president of the

conference again? Would he be re-elected? Now, there had been quite a bit of dissatisfaction

with Brother Jones’ leadership in the conference. A number of the workers felt that he had

been domineering; that he had been critical; that he had been harsh, and difficult to work

with. So as they came up to that meeting, a number of them felt there should be a change.

They had two or three different men in mind, good men, loving men, apparently.

But when they came up to that meeting, Sister White bore her testimony and said that it was

the will of God that Elder Jones should serve that conference again as the president.

Quoting from a letter that Sister White wrote in 1906 to Elder Jones, I read. Now listen and

oh, see the pleading work of the Spirit of God. This is written in 1906 and she is looking

back to 1901 and thereon:

“When in 1901 you came to the Pacific coast I hoped that the

weight of responsibilities as president of the California

conference would lead you to distrust your ability, and to take

counsel with your brethren regarding the work to be done”

Letter 242, 1906.

You see, one of the reasons God gives people a job isn’t because they are fitted, but hoping

that they will get fitted. That should come as a lesson to all of us, however little or large our

responsibility is. Shouldn’t it friends?

“When in 1901 you came to the Pacific coast I hoped that the

weight of responsibilities as president of the California

conference would lead you to distrust your ability, and to take

counsel with your brethren regarding the work to be done. But

there was a growth of self-confidence, a rashness of spirit, and

an abruptness of speech which increased the existing lack of

confidence in your judgment. You manifested a domineering

spirit that drove away the Spirit of God.

“At the meeting in Fresno in 1902 a scene was presented before

me in the night season. I was in a meeting where many spoke

words of dissatisfaction with the record you had made as

president of the California conference. I saw that there must be

in your ministry a change, and received instruction for you and

for the laborers in the conference. This I presented at the early

morning meeting. Here is a part of what I said at that meeting”

Letter 242, 1906.

She is putting down what she said at the 1902 Fresno meeting. Listen. In a way, it sounds

strange, after what she has just said about his harsh, domineering, dictatorial attitude. And

remember, these are not the words of some critic of A. T. Jones. These are the inspired

words of a testimony:

“It is the pleasure of God that Brother A. T. Jones should serve

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this conference another year as president. It is His pleasure that

A. T. Jones should put away all appearance of the magisterial,

domineering, authoritative manner” Letter 242, 1906.

Quite a statement, friends. Sister White pointed out that some of these men that others had in

mind to be president, while they were amiable and kind and gentle and all that kind of thing,

they didn’t have the push to carry on the work that was needed. You know, sometimes it is

easier to plane off a board that is big enough than it is to stretch one that is too little. We

need to avoid the deception of thinking that because a person never makes any problems, that

he is thereby qualified for strong responsibilities. Sometimes people who never make any

problems, never make anything else.

So, God, in His mercy, appointed A. T. Jones, by inspiration, to be president again, in

California, from 1902 to 1903. And in the same breath the Lord’s messenger said:

“It is His pleasure that A. T. Jones should put away all

appearance of a magisterial, domineering, authoritative

manner” Letter 242, 1906.

And then she gave a picture of what had been shown her in a dream:

“In the past the work of Brother Jones has been represented to

me in figures. He was holding out to the people a vessel filled

with most beautiful fruit. But while offering the fruit to them,

his attitude and manner were such that no one wanted any.

Thus it has been too often with the spiritual truths that he offers

to the people. In his presentation of these truths a spirit

sometimes crops out that is not heaven born. Words are

sometimes spoken, reproofs given without due consideration

with a drive, a vim that causes the people to turn away from the

beautiful truths that he has for them” Letter 242, 1906.

Oh, brethren, shouldn’t that be a warning to all of us? Whether dealing with the world or

with the church, when we have beautiful truth to present, how we should seek God for grace

to present it in a beautiful way, in a winsome way, in a way that makes others want to share

the precious light which we have. Shouldn’t we all pray for that most earnestly?

Now this that I have been reading to you is from an unpublished testimony. But now, I want

to give you a published reference for the same principle that we are dealing with, here in

Volume 6, page 122 and 123. These paragraphs that I am calling your attention to, you will

be interested to know were written first in a personal testimony to Elder A. T. Jones. These

paragraphs will mean more to you than ever before as you study them now, remembering that

they were written originally to this dear man.

The original source is Letter 91, 1899. So this is three years before the Fresno meeting when

Sister White was giving him counsel on this. And way back there, she was calling his

attention to these vital needs. And so I read now, remember this is personal to A. T. Jones,

later published in Volume 6:

Παγε 13 οφ 15

“The influence of your teaching would be tenfold greater if you

were careful of your words. Words that should be a savor of

life unto life may by the spirit which accompanies them be

made a savor of death unto death. And remember that if by

your spirit or your words you close the door to even one soul,

that soul will confront you in the judgment.

“Do not, when referring to the Testimonies, feel it your duty to

drive them home. In reading the Testimonies be sure not to mix

in your filling of words, for this makes it impossible for the

hearers to distinguish between the word of the Lord to them

and your words. Be sure that you do not make the word of the

Lord offensive. We long to see reforms, and because we do not

see that which we desire, an evil spirit is too often allowed to

cast drops of gall into our cup, and thus others are embittered.

By our ill-advised words their spirit is chafed, and they are

stirred to rebellion.

“Every sermon you preach, every article you write, may be all

true; but one drop of gall in it will be poison to the hearer or the

reader. Because of that drop of poison, one will discard all

your good and acceptable words. Another will feed on the

poison; for he loves such harsh words; he follows your

example, and talks just as you talk. Thus the evil is multiplied.

“Those who present the eternal principles of truth need the holy

oil emptied from the two olive branches into the heart. This

will flow forth in words that will reform, but not exasperate.

The truth is to be spoken in love. Then the Lord Jesus by His

Spirit will supply the force and the power. That is His work”

Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6, pages 122, 123.

Doubtless, when he received that message in 1899, he accepted it as he accepted this message

in 1902 on the same points three years later. Sister White in this letter refers to his public

confession as with tears he acknowledged that what she said was true. And he prayed there

before his brethren, confessing his sins and asking them to pray with him that God would

help him to be melted. Sister White says that she has seen Elder Jones when his heart was

melted by the Spirit of God, and she knew that God was working for him and through him.

So with that blessing he took up the work again as president of the conference.

But when he came up to the General Conference of 1903 he began to take quite a definite

stand with those who were opposing Elder Daniels and the new group that had come in to

leadership. By 1904 and 1905 he was standing with Dr. Kellogg, who at that time was

having serious difficulties in his relations with the leading brethren. By 1906 both Elder

Jones and Dr. Kellogg were out of gear with the movement. Writing in this Letter 242, 1906,

which I quoted from a little while ago, Sister White says:

Παγε 14 οφ 15

“Brother Jones, since you have united soul, body, and spirit

with those in Battle Creek” Letter 242, 1906,

(That is with Kellogg and the sanitarium there.)

“You have been as one hypnotized” Letter 242, 1906.

Now, the last letter that we have from Sister White to Elder Jones was written in 1911. By

this time he was fully out of gear with the movement, publishing tracts and papers defending

himself and the way he had reacted to the organization. By this time he had come to

differentiate between the Testimonies. He did not deny that Sister White was a prophet, but

he said some things she wrote were [inspired] and some things weren’t. He had been

hypnotized by Dr. Kellogg and the influence at Battle Creek. And now, in this closing letter,

this is Letter 104, 1911, I want you to catch the pathos of this last, long, loving appeal from

the Spirit of God to this dear man, through His chosen messenger:

“Elder A. T. Jones. I have given you instruction in straight

clear lines in regard to the perverting influence under which

you have placed yourself. Your lips have uttered perverse

things. You have denied the clear light of truth and have linked

up with strange elements. I gave you a correct statement in

regard to your position, but you went on doing the very things

the Lord had warned you not to do. It has been a strange

course for one who has been enlightened by the Lord as you

have been, but you have acted very much like a man who has

lost his bearings. The question is, do you think you can still

hold your membership in the Seventh-day Adventist church

and go on hurting the influence of this people by the tracts that

you publish? You have done a cruel work” Letter 104, 1911.

There are some people today that think they can publish tracts and papers and mimeograph

material, that accuse the leaders and still hold their membership. This is very clear

instruction on it, friends. It is a serious thing to take up the sword of criticism against the

Lord’s anointed. I return to the reading of the testimony:

“I have warned you in regard to these things. The experience

that you and others had at the union conference held at Berrien

Springs was an experience that need not have been” Letter 104,


(This was in 1904, seven years before this was written.)

“The Lord gave you a convincing testimony that He was at

work” Letter 104, 1911.

Now listen:

“But your spirit and experience changed until you were ranked

Παγε 15 οφ 15

by heavenly angels as a man departing from the faith and

giving heed to seducing spirits. Your voice was changed and

your countenance. Oh, how changed it was. As scenes passed

before me you appeared as one in harmony with evil angels”

Letter 104, 1911.

And keep in mind, friends, that just twelve years before, the work that he and Elder

Waggoner were leading out in, was called the beginning of the loud cry, the beginning of the

loud cry.

“Scenes have been presented to me in which I have heard you

use harsh rough language, coarse and denunciatory. Close

beside you stood the father of lies inspiring you with his satanic

energy, and you uttered words of which you should ever be

ashamed. If you wish to renew your covenant with God by

confession and repentance and re-baptism, we shall rejoice with

you. When you are converted your self-sufficiency will

disappear, and you will become meek and lowly in heart. The

destroyer now takes advantage of your self-righteousness to

weave into your experience his own ideas and theories” Letter

104, 1911.

And so, this man who perhaps had on his lips, more than any other one among us, through

the years the words “the righteousness of God,” “the righteousness of Christ,” “righteousness

by faith,” is in this closing testimony identified with what kind of righteousness? Self-


“When you are really desirous of uniting with those from

whom you have withdrawn yourself, the testimony will be

borne” Letter 104, 1911.

Oh, listen to these closing words, friends. With this I close my study.

“When you are really desirous of uniting with those from

whom you have withdrawn yourself, the testimony will be

borne that you looked up, after you had stepped off the

platform on which you had previously stood, and that hands

were put beneath your arms, and you and Elder Waggoner were

lifted once more onto the platform, standing there with shining

countenances and uplifted hands. Has this time come? I have

written this to you on the Sabbath day, and the Lord has helped

me. If there is a work of reformation going on in your heart, if

you are convinced of your error, we shall say the way is open.

Come.” Signed, Ellen G. White” Letter 104, 1911.
