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~S.i`LJ ~11

~!~j Z

i*ornuto :

1 ltlI'FOIInIEÀ~~$, OF FRUN'l'4ii~11G, .

PUtc[ .IS111:1) BY Ottl)j:l [


OF '1'111;

p . . .

~~~r ~r~o~•~~ . ~~~~~~~r~t~~ i

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P[tiNT[:i ► 1>~ c;. l)()Nl,t?vi-, rt[itl;Ut; c)l'! Icl, .gy .

, l til l ..



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.1~lr1~•css nf llrr? Ilr~rtor~cGlc Francis Ili~:cks tra,tlcc~ . . .

(il:?V'l'l .l:lll :\1 ,..1

I n ,id;Inssinri ymu 1 ►ul,!ioly otl tltahrr.,cut occlt,;ion ►ny Gryt (iuty is tocxhlct ;n III( ; virrul ►►-t'tt ► c .cs : wllicl ► I ► avc 'rcnclcrccl it nccc-ss,try that 1,Ilould dov. About .(,-if ci ;lys aU~~ Î~~ :► ,, rcqlnettecl t ►y.son ► r, bt•ntlcl ►►cn, frc(:I ►qlclcra ul'tll,, Cnun, t-, In ,Ittcnd ct i ► lcctin, ; of I :ult rnicr ;,itt tllc, t•ill ;tpts uf'Syclcnh,4n1, (,n^W i ,lul n,Ia v 1111'. -4 II ► i.ntit~, Iillt ul ► j,,ct (lf wl ►i( h tv rcy~o tll,l ► oint 'ct cun ► nlillcc to sélcMtit ('un,ÎiiJ ., t(1 to) (,IlI,c,,c Mr . ~initlt nt the r.pxt l ;ckrttl I•;i(~ctiun . I t ti•tts sl,ttccl tllntlc„•iI I WuAr .,c,rAc, tc ► tllepv .ci by vx l ► Iaini ; ► }; tllt'nu : ► :u!Icy oftl ► oI ;tlc : ;11inWt v . I t•u•c•rAIly ;tre;"l, :cl b) the rcclu,.st, on the clixtinct ui ► clcr5tttncl ;rilgIh : ► t it ttaiti ;~,I,t~,n~,clrlqr, ►cr,~irr,crf utlruwn fricncl, : I II,IVcÎc)ng,incc;(lute rlnlnctltoat•cd,I I~,Il,lit, nlwini;s open tO holl ► t,oliticctl I,r,rtius,nc,t tI1 ;U I lcur tliscu ;siun,hu t

I I ;now by sltd ( :x ;,,•rivnc-,c, tll ;tt our t ► I,puucnk have no nrgumc-mi but• tllc,scr of' the I ► lclcltiI'Lh nnll L, ► wicr•Icnifcr . • An") I tt•oüld rnr,st a,trn v titly recc ►rn-

Inw nc1 you 1;eIltlcillrn, illci'our brother lrcfnrtilcr`t ., cvery tvl ►ur(!, 19 nvoid publicInc t•tin ; un i1!I (,t•ca .iuns, .1110 t- ► lut i41x; clitilinc-(Iy untlcrstc,c)cl huit the tncclilll ; y

~ ufuur, ► I,I,"ne tlf~; Ilro tr► crc : I l ;Ir1y clrruc)Il.,trnti( ►ns . By k,~t~rinl ; itway•Irurn them,rtltc ►j; tll 1 r y n i l W ill i I em t•c ►v tllc ► (•Il :-v( Illat they are ilrte ncle(i to l ► rtlcluce . I coulcln 6 t I ► ,Ivr, l,c ;io t•rct it I,o ;;il,le, had I not I„ -vii . p ro tit,nt, II ► , ► t any gentlemantt•uul,l have ttr ;c~ l \ci :ll such total (lirc ,,g ;trcl t ► .) , ~tic,lrÿ and ilr fp i)rirty as yourrc l,n -cni ; ► tit• f- .̀11r . Smith . A xu,! ►w Ir I ► a~, in, ; Wee n (,irt:ul ;tlv ,l tllttt the (,)range .Illt`11 Iro ,11 l\Ill ,"', to I1 Illtl ;IlilC11 g Illln out ma our II w Utlll g l I C11 l I1` , 1 on M 1• . tirlllll l

t, ► ) 1 ► titrcltr, wiÎh Itinl oil III! : snl,~ ct, I,ul I fc ►und ' 1lirrt cl c t o rnlinrc) to (tttcnct .;11r .'I'Iti! ► uclo th o n ct(I,Irc•ysc d it Icttcrl ► r► ll ► to 11r . li mvi tti, ,G rand Jtastcrt,f'tl ► aI(';llt g 'lll••It, tlnd lo M 1• . Stllllll, \va l?t ► Il)g, (ll!JIII'lll'tl the 1114Ctt11,", vas; not o11c1• ,

to the I ►a!rio , I ) ;.at ( ► 1 ► Iv .tcl the s~ll,l ► ( ► rtc ;r~ or the lite ~1it► istry--~lr . 7'llil)~ ►cluulsn,took the ncçvs, ► ry ~ ;~{ ►s to I,rinl; the niec!ting Ilnilor the protection of the Inttr'Açt c,f" l' ;lrli,tnlenti 7\'itN.' (:al) . 8, tt•hicll cxl,rc alv'rccc)gnirt y tl ►e right ol'" 1)articu!;tr i:l ;tc+s,, ois t11n in!ta! ► it ;tnt," to hc ► 111 rrtoèting ; . 7'hu 4b,tl nc,tibtt•,t ; i«u(~~I I ►y ltt•,1 11 ; ► Yfro! , •, tt•Ilo (' ;rrilrc,l the Inc,ctinh as " it Public;1lcrcting pl'_ III(,- snl,l,( ► rtk!rs of II ► ,-- 1•1t0 l'rot•inc•ial .\tlIII ini :,trat icn"-nottt•if If •tit ;tnJit ► i; all tl ► ' ::, I!u.unc) nn going out lu titclcnllilm that the I,c,lceal,lt, inh,tbi•I ;Inl,t IIti~S .l,i c n clctcrrcci t'rc)m tttltu(liug, tllcir (,ttn Incctin ; in aonsequcncc o f

♦ ;I1e c!Icrlnirl,ttiun of the (tr ►t,tgeutètj if) muster in force to I,ut tl ►rnl down . At. ~t•a, c•xl,c•r.t~'c1, tltc,c. Or;ulg~~i ► tc~n t :,ullt; out in I► ru(-c', ;iq,u l'i•c ►m Kin);,~tunl nitct,I r,•grc•t t-) ;,,iv ncoo)nl .al ► ictt by pl-rsnns r"nn~ c'c,l ;t•itll the );ot•t•rnfile nt, suchn, the IhTllt Y ,I ► c . riil ; Ih•Inlt y I n•l ► r(,tc ► r nf•l,icenscs, Cunstal,I,~•v, ~C~ r. . A ln?nsIlwnu were time vvry mon wllo ► I ► ad I,ccn must nctivc at file I :ISr"`~1 cl,rnl ► ;tllt riot .'l'Itc v tcrrc ;trntccl in t• ;u•iot ► , tt•,t~<, in ,c ► luen violation of' the law. ''Ilt~y,

,intr,i .1 ► rc~~i tluornmcl~•~~v intc, the !~larc of Illc(•tinl ;, (•t~ .u into tlu: cery ronnl wl ►crn.l t~a . ~ittitl~ ~~itll sotnu e'Î ► e ►y l'ric:nd-, and I ►artllyel ► •tt) they ailriu in I ►el'~)ro I

IR k

J •

lien rd a man c x cli ► im in n ru(lianly mnnncr . c , l'll Aco whetlle r any ,1 . ► illnc~l

rascal s hall Ilulrl -n I,riv,► to mu.•tln}; in S vclenll ;ul ► ." Ou cn q uiry trllu tl ► i ,+

l,é ► soil lv ;t, I was told Iac tv ; ► i it 11a}~i,tr ;ttr; !!! Aurl that v,;rY I,cr,ult w ; ► +

. ccl ► ;urrn ;t of tllu (h•an~u uwétinl ;, and in direct viulaliur ► ut' t1u; law lü.g lcctcrl

rc, ►Jin}; thu . N I ; ► };i,twtt k;'3 ",)lice, tvllich ho tv ; ► 4 rc q uirc ► 1 to do by thcs Act .

l'in,llng I1 ►y5c11' ill th e power uf it mo! ► c,f rlltlian, w1 ► u . ; ► , 1'I ;nnw by exl ►rrice c;o

li'urnlly ihirst or luv b l ond , I ct etcr ► I ► inr ► I to t - ► Iw Pie curliu,t ul ► I ► nrtunity at'

I c : ► t•inli II p. I ► Ic ► cr: uf nuectiu g , as I Itnew I,crl'cctly tvc•II tl ► ;tt ►► rir,t would tiuol ►bu I;ot tll,, and th : ►t in tllu r~ ► I11'u,iun NI r . ''I ► ilr;rlu nllrl I ► 1}'~►:li would l~u 1 ► larlccrl

Inrn . 1 ;tc c- urrlin;ly took Iny S l ►artllro ., w nt to ;illutll e r t ;tvcr ► t . . ► 1 ► l tiuciit

nft C r nclclrcN,crl it l'cw r, l,lurlca t o , our fricml - l who tvc•ru {,rcacut-l lirullliscrl

that Ili I h ;t , l I,rr - n ► lel ► rivrcl uf the ul,purtrl'tlity c 11 ' ► tclrlr,~ ;,in}; thc•lu at this

lnr,ct ' nl,, I wuul,l I;c.t all 1! e tinb~t . ► n,•u ut' tt l ► ut I had intcn,lcci 5 ; ►y iilg, I ► rintc cl

and l'rrcu'atccl anl•,II g thvul r x t, ;nyiv, -Îy . I cl,, not tililllc, bo ntlr .lu l ;n, at'tcr all

tll, ► t. c w r O ra l ; ; o r~l~l,ui ► crtt + have InuO l to p lunlo ll ► r,m, Ivc .; on. `,l o ;ti,rs . S u ► it jt

and ( i -) tv ; ►n Ini :,l,t have ularl ;lu :rc I1 - • 4 t,, tl ► ,:ir 1, o :tl ► o! n any cvc:nin}; a t Ih 6 r

'. lurll ;rt motus Ili I( ini ;•:tul ► . :\ : 3 C . ► r' as To I ►vcrnrn W j + cunr•crrn " l it hrl :t

r ► Iresl ► rly Il .trl tllu lue n t •Iit „l' nue };rc ctt ( )r a nw,, r cl , ~ln ,) nal a ► iun l', rr tho ~ ;r ► tlntv r ► l'

1'runl~ nac, viz , nt ~~' .l'r•ri„ ►. 1 ;Ir,tllc•r will nr,t I ►il, ► it Inucll .* Tho I, ► ~~', of}, ~vc rr ► -tho j:tt ► d I1 ; ►cu liccu ni ► ,~ ►► ly vi ' ► l ;tt~•~, and by I,~~rsr,n, r u :lncc;'ccl with th' )

tnc~nt, but irt my c► l ► inir ►n we o Il g llt to emu ►;r ;rtulaul o rrr;e lvr, ; til, ► t the sI : ► ccrity .

ol' the clc•clnratiln 4 ui' tlla I ► rc•; v nt ; ► Irl ► ini~t r, ► tiull ❑ ; ;, ► in :t Or• ;tut ;c•i-4nl will nr,w

he tc s tcrci . We sllnll ser whc :tll " r thu M ,► ;i -;tr : ► to 111 ; 1 t I Ilctv o ull•Idcrl to will 1 ► o

cli,rni,sccl, whatllcr tll , ; I l ., l,clty S ! ► ,•rill tint I Il,, r,ctur ti'ill II ► cr ; Ill,) . s .tlr ► ,1

Puniyllrme nt . - 1 have I "clt it mv Ilc ► ty, in W ng ON wl ► ,,lu n X ► ir uu M 'llu unqn :

of tho guvcrnrncttt, and l'1 ►Icll g, s tny',r•li to yr ► :1, } ; o n ;lc•II wn, t!I,lt it' I livo 1111t1l

l'arlinlunt nt um ts 11rs ;ra .-V11;h n w l 1), ► ly sl ► :tll lac ; I ►clcl w l ► un :;il,lc Cur 0 ► i :1g roSy outrage l1Crlll;trAtC d by t K 'Ir U rallga 4111 ► I,r,t•0 l'Y. l'o ;t now llll A r'r•;alll , ,

•l;cntl ( :man . Iny t•o ; ►tions !'or uclclrc,vin ; you iu titis ul .lnnr ► r . ' l'llu !ira nclv m ,

; would give you, ilt t o) I ► o unite rl ; ► I,r ► n ;{ y ►►nr .r•Ivc•{ . ti, ► I,r,!itik; ; ► I r,l,lrtr .t c . ► n

bo rtccoml ► 1is11e ►1 cxcc'Irt by lulr ;► ny or I,,irty culnl,in,tti on ., and ull ; ► ► ug% it i : 16)

fitslliult With urtny to clcary party, I have nri Il,ssitauim l ilt ;tvutviny luyr e lt' to

be a decided party in-m . I(r•1 mg h ► a 1 ►arly wllu,io „!,juct ; ; tru to ,e c ;urcr tiln

licsnr,o .nncl I,ruvl,acity oi tho Country, a n d Ili,,- li ► ai,ltc•nc ► n oa of t1 ►e co llnuctir~lt

'so Ilnlll ► ily dttl ► ,Istln}; Lcwcnrt tl ► i, (;,,iony nurl tho pan- ut :~"t : ► t~t . 'l'Ilu clü:ct

of the policy of our ol ► I ►unent s , it,, I tirn ► ly I,o liuvc wrrrlid I,r; tu cacl .rn}; e r Ilrititilt

canncctiun, and tu cb►titurl, the 1 ►caca of the ( ;c,nntrv . W llen, Içr ,~ nti c lllr,l ► ,u c lt

important rctiu!Is are lilccly to ful,utv tJ ► e Itcl o l,liun c,l' ; ► j,cu'tio l ► ! ► r lin l , of I ►r,li,'y,

it I ►rrculnc;s Ihu tIllty of e vcry m in to j o iu ti ► •tt I,ctrtv tt I ►o ,c. i I ► o I ► c lic v ► :~

to I ►o r 11 c,5t 1 ►ctlalic :in 1 to hia ,c 'n tntry . Nothing c:ul he ztcuulnl,li-ll .~l c o .c• p ► by

1 ► lcnns of l ►nrty, am! I tharcfuru re 1 ►cat,•ycnt ou ght to be tu .litocl .ulwnb yr ►ur-

+ « l'ha accotint; given of tho Into nloc - tin}, in tllu Tory I ► ;ll,r ;r5, show r,lrarly

that A was nlnlu S tpcluviv ir lv cuu ► pcw rl ul't!la ul ► l ► rl ;trr ► ' , 1 ut the. -I ;ttu M ini,trt .

I can only sny li,r nlyeolt', that until t! v l O I• : ► nl;,•luv n : ► Ir,lnrl ou tllr :ir r 1 illilhÏy

proccorling .v at public ulrcting., I will not r.c► n :cnt 1 1 l li3 .ll 44 I w liliunl tul,lc' f Ilt

lla r l1rC`{tnc('. I410

IICVr;r I ► l' 0 1 ► r ► N Ctl I111'l•Illlr f tl1r1111r i 1 11 , 1 1 :t ;1 3 11 1 1 0 11 1.4 l tllrf } ;r ► ,II * i

to litent at Sy ► Ir•nllc ► In . J 11 4t :,v 1 wou k l Jc•I ► t•t•r tny p ur,u to : t high va) In ;ut %% itu

ha d it pistol lwintc ►1 ut tlly llcart .,



„+ • -

selve. Voit never aoo any tliviwiun in tht~ rttnkyof your ol► I►nttr:nt ► , who owe

rtll thcir• f ► ulitical intlucllt :t= tt ► slil,crior,orf;nrliratit,n . Nut, gcutlclnt-u,that yc)u c ► tlgl ► t tt ► h :tvct- ~cclct tiot'ictit :• . 1(~ur ul .jccl4 lrr•ing Ic'};itiluatr, •yuu

,rcclutrc; nc :ithcr ccrct yi~rl~ nOr c ►utll ; . I,t llt:vr n ►c, hutvcvcr, tll,lt tllcrt : canno :

ho ;t f;rr:nter clt :tllsiun thait . ln lin;lgiue Ih ;tt in It I•rcc c :c,uutry, clljtiviug rc•I ► rescn-tativo iuu'i,n5, ull tlus Ircnl,lc c ;ln t;ut tu !,t, u1 t ► nt : Inintl, tln l u~ t;rnrriu o F

.1c I ► cc :n l~, lni) with iii', lu :u 1liili,try I ►cu,ulso 'c ► nu Ir ;tr(y . (~rc ;lt llult I1,,tllcy wc:ru Irartv ulcn, ttn'1 ! ► t' ► ,Il ;u ttu'y clc,irctl thctt tl ►c i,14,tnt ullicc•i shuul,l

Ilt ►nlillctl i,y n ► t :n, uf tll i ►' (''vit I) ;lrly, tll,lt ia tnt:u clt,sjric ► u; o1 1 ► rc .,érvil)f;

Itriti,h nut ctüru, ;tntl ,cc ~lrir ► f~ :Itc Ilcncu ol' the country, in;tcatl ul' thos~)

wl1t~, -111 tIl('Ir ctl ►iniun, are t :lÎcirl ; :t t:utlr .;u r, ;tlccllutc :cl tt, I ► rutlucu tllo cul)tr lry

r•Il'cts . Un 111e Irriu1 ► Ic ;y uvnlvc l I,y tllu Il' :atl ut -the ( ;uvcrulncut l ulifyht,

il• a rlll•Inbc;r ut' the A'Itul ► listr,ttit,ll~, Lu cun ► I,r,llct) Iu .ileti :ntl thts r ► Irl,uintlnent ut'

utlt; et the O :allgo rtllli ;ulY Wh) t :t,lnulittt tl ,uclt a Il ;lf ;rant uutragu ulrort It•t ult

~Vctlncstl,ty I ;tyt . 1Vc •wclra at cu,t'tl ~t'ut!t•lucn, wishinf ; tu I ►urchayu l',trli-

unlcutary tin ► t ► rt ? 11'itlt tvll,tt c,l,jt l :t f'l'u Ict'tl ► ouriclvcs iu ollict' . I trust

tht . :t ; Ilrcr i~ut li :w 1(c:l~,rlrn,r .~ iil tllt : l'rt ► vin,'t ; 4vhu Ot'licvtJ thrU c►ur nttjt cty tve ru

MO snlli,!1 . Nt, fit nll, :nlt ;u ! 1V,? ck;iic'l lu carry utlt uur princil,lev, the

l'rificil,lcy of uur I ►;uty, Ihu 1 ► rillei1rlt+i wllicll tvtrul•1 It•,tl tu su :ll grc, ► t rc:sultt ~ ►U t I,t;i1CQ, (11'U311(!rllv, tll) l lirlllsll l t,1111CCtit, :l, lt'w ;IY tu curry out sllch oI,jCCI :i Il9

tht : ;u Illat ►vo tiuu,aÎlt (rurli :tlnc'nt . ► rv sut tort, ►vllitr:h, ctfler n!I, ii thcr :;uT,lrort of

the Irec ► Illc . I will hi1 ►cevcr Ilclvt : tu I :ul,tlf;u i,ll tlllti iuhject I ► y and Iryc, whcl t

L c ;ulut : lu~sl ►nctk tl1t llcs Ii le rtrtiinll :tliony. Ilavinr; irl ► I)rt.•s ;ctl un you thc tlcccr;-s ity of Itnio ll ;tm, ► n g yt1ursclvc ;, I tvt,lll,l rucun)Int .'lltl yott ' U ► lu so •uc ► tilnu ilt

fo rluinf ; It)WIt,}111 ► C ► Illltll :ll'Ui, 1u t ► t't III c 111t :Crt, a llll t) sCItSCt ft C illlt!Itl ltl', wlll )

crnÿllt t 0 Ir ; un ;tullnnlt,lt' sulrl ►urtctf Iry 111 the I'rit•n•1+ Ill' 'Rcl'urll) . l rt ► tn Ihuilll'urula ;iun tll ;tt I h :tvt, recnit•t :l, I('eI ccrl,liut Il~at lilcre i, a Ill ;ljority in lhc)(,t ►uuty ut' I rulltcll ;lltv,urtl,k, (t) tll .: I ► rint il,ic ; ul• t!l's I ;ttt ; Atllnini,tratiun ,

k~ttu l lll :tt I ► y I,ru lcllne :tntl I„r', .,tr :tr► u t ► c ► nt : Itu ► th rr yu tl will atlt :cet :tl irl t h

u111'rv .► ;tr,llinl ; ('t)nttr~t. 1 ntir I,rc ;ent lu e171, r i ; i .lt•nlilit :ll tvith ;t Ir.lrt,v, whc),ot1t)Iltlttt :t 111'I-,t t'~nItt! ItltllIUlti ii titi tll ;gll't III tI1V 1111!11 Ut• l,1't`l'y tl'ICntl tt1 tlh)

1 ► t!rll'tf itlltl N't llal'U (rt t!1 ! CuU,I!r" . It li \•,1111' t!•ItV tu la)Iltll.llll),tt1g .tI1Cr tt )

sr;c:uru i l ' t ; t l t: l ' , : t : . E wou'tl r t ' . : ) r l l l a ' : I 1 1 yi l uut unly tu have a f;enc:r ;ll commit .tt9s l'ur lue I1 ;11+ru ; .: ul M i•c ;ill ; vutlr ( ; tt ► li la :c, (,Ilt whcn that I ► a ; l)ccrl thon,

to clivi~lts t :tt :!1 tt)wn,llil ► in'o ;t c•t,llvt.•n~cut nlun! ►cr cil• sec :tiun ;, .at) (~I,Icu cac h

, un ler tllt~ cllarf;n ctf n it : tl',~l ; I(j :i,rluc:r, ~vllo sllutlltl Ilticcrtain ;hu c ► iriniun ► trl'

thillllalritan, Itn'Itht•ir ri!I(It :n vit'. i'hi ; is al,sulutcly neccssary, n; awlll l ►u hnltl irt c ;ti ;!I t t~t I1 .! ► il', titi the (' .tn litl .ttc et' cuursc can unly 1 ► t~ I)resr:llt

i n I,no . Voir r. , m t n i t t t : , : I t l r n . I I ~ r , 1 1 1 t; i r c l t ! r l t t il ► lrNl ;ttiolt which k I r r ► r t i c t t -

. I n r l y . t e t l n i r ' t l mit I ~ r t • , t • n ► , irl c o i ~.'tl l nre t,i tÎlt ► Inkrepresentttit) ;ia rt•g ;u•tlin K

th s .\4s' sltlrnt Ittll, lil .' .rcinuv;tl ttl' Ilrs ~t :rll t ► t~ (~uvcructlul)t, atltl tllt: Into

rt : ;ign,ttiurt ttl' 1l)ni,',•r+ . r) Ir I,ri,n :il .lc; tvill I ► tt e .\ltnii.naliun rut l ;li,cu;viull,

it :l .l Vt,tt s!Iqultl ~t•ix^ t vrrv ol,lt,ltnnliy c-~I'c~ltl ;tiuin~ thèln, nutto the Urviguctutl t'~tslu;ivt, j' ;lrty wilh wll tnl tt,ll c ; ; ► rn h ;tvtr nu yylnlrathy, l,llt to Iht ►su wllo

a,rt rinwith u .c,n f,rt•,tt lrrincl y h ive I ► ct•n ;ctl ;t,tr ;► v l ► y nllsral ► resctl : ► lit)It .I 11~1W I It,t•iV'1!, ( it 11'll•tll~ ;ll, (~, t,tlt r tht ► ilf O! ► ;Cr1• .ttlt1l13 out IhQ II1Cilsllrl' N

cln l I,"I,1•v ui tll :( ;t ►vi:rntl) ut, i~I' lll ~t l wa ; tt innll)!,cr, )vhich ( h•uultl

havt, tl, ► n ; vcr:)ltlly . h ;ttl (,llr In ► Illir il c ► i'l ►oI1enty ctli ;,rtletl luu an ol ► I ►urtunity .

l h, . rn),t u'~iurl,ill'l lc .:t ;utt mut tlle I ►rc~cut ,It,)luCttl i~, of course, thu re~if; .

♦ •~.


+ .

/) i1t1011 of :11 0 Iil10 1`111119mrV . Ill\'ItlYlllt!• ,•'19 it (1(1(`, s, t h ') Vltill , 1,I111CII11Q !) t

ltesllu ► I .sit,lu Gu\'crnnlrnt . 'lrllt')'c ll,ly ;tl\t',l\', llr('n a t_;rt' ;It al ► xi( 1,' u ► 'Inikstv' I

ou III,,, Ilnrt OI' the l%r(,Wn, I1o ;I1 Ili t''Ir•t,\\'n :(11'I ill (, ;lüar('(l ;wt6" :, to fl ► : lillr a ill

IN I)1'C1'1)V11t11'l! .y tilll)It'Ct (tl 14 Ilitl(S l't)lllr'tl 19 It(l ,S l ! t ! ''t ;llltl It (1I1' r llt Ilt)',

IIICrCCt)rt', II) IIilVO l)UCII il Ill .ll(' .'r (rV IlltWÎl "1+'Itl't4t'. lila t :Ilt`, J't~ltit .' l)I tÎ11i

I)l'(11'If .CI)f Ilil(1 to 1) :Ii4 t111' 0 11 g I1 Q lt,ll', In trltt;lltl Ih'I( ttlLt t't1111rtti l ► \'11r

'tllu I)rcrog:1!i\4 \\'lli('ll 1111'il~ 6'11t)\\ 1cl : in IlI ;I .lirl ubt,lit ;tltl it t!1l! tillttt (td

' f Î11! I~(.'1'lll!Illt)I1 UI lli`j`j, litlt \1'( : Ililvt : ;t li1dtL tti 1\!tl'(' .~ .i tilll'ilfl~l 11IIt'll \l't, )

Illlti :Ililt, (tilCl' UII th" dItl1J11111(!i tll ;lt I'l\ .f !i-,ii 111 C11( llrtll'lllt`,

U\VII1g II) kIIU \1 ;lllt (11' C(ll) ;tltll!It)iI•II ~tt1'l'l'lllllt'lll, ,111 . 'r (t-1t' hou,, ;llltl itrti!It111Y

('Ullt( .'1t II111'lll!i tt'l'llllll!11l'Û, wi 1\t' 11('I . tÎ l'titt It' 1'' if l ;l .l, It>y' tllt ; ('(1PIt'(`F :1O11 t) t

~ .tl,~~(I11(~~ tllt`the g rl` ;It I11It1t;11111! OI I~l',,S11111I .`i111itt ( )\1'ritlll II!, (!'i j )/'(!t i!A' , ' . Î i n(lltlt('rl ;ll (iO\'l`l'Illllltll : ► r ~ ilt'f(!l'llllll(' d l't Ill :tlitl ;l!ltttil"l''S11'll!; :.~~, il tl'lltllU' :i ;ll)'I

illlitll'tI OI1(! It 11111 - •t Ill', loi titlltl)t)l't ( ") 1' u ltl')l' (, l , ("alla'i't I : I all IIIItIIIt1 l'XCt'-

c i,c Ill, II1lt I : 03A I'I('l'l'P . ► li\(;• .\tlcln 104 Ilit\u I n 't'n In ('..I", t ;''n(Ilrlu'!I1,It, IIllI11t:C i't)11 It) I1l'li1'( tllata~~!!`Itt1!l' I .~ ! 1 i o 1't't'lllll 'lit 'i* 1 1 1111' .l ltll!tl( ;II IIV tllll

(ilitll)li!II s Iwtl Ilitlll'l'lll a l at III .̀ NOI(tl• II4' .' o \'t'l'llll P 'llf, It Is 11'llt', 111!IC('tl,

IIi (It tllt! (t'rllt lit 4 Ilt)Il s llllt! ( i'11'l'l'lllllt'lll Il,li It ;'t',1 NO Mit in not \1'll .lt N'U

\Vtlll( . ' W l! Ill!I,t Il ;tv1! 1`l'' ~IIIItiLtlll"', Il ') t tllt' hUIt!•11\' . Th'! \t!rV ltltJ t'Ct 11t

lit s llt)11`III,IU (iU\'t'rI17 :1'ilt l' ; 1 l' , ., tt' Ittt'I Itl\'(', by . I+11)1'llllll g, tlll)

(it1V( ;I'lll)l' \Vltll tl'ICI n Ur , Ili1 s "` 'S t' .l tli Win !'!t,l ! I"Ilt'" . II ', IIU11't!V('l', (llt)

( rOV('rllllr is tl) 111 :11~ k fllt pultltlllt'lll'; ttl Ull w '', l'llll l' \\'l'II't11t (Il' ;It', : t111!tt tlll)

tu l\'ICI.' of 1115 rl.'tilNlll' ; 1~k1" i1111'Iti 'ri, 1 : I1!'I - t Iti' - ~' l\ I~tll~ t~11`\'l'I'V Itl,lll Ut , ('111I11 ► It)11

ltlllll;l'~t .llltllll!~ th'lt all 111 ' IItlVilll ;iltr-' ; tt( li f ~jt•tll ' lltlt : ( i )\'l'111111l'llt \Vt11IItI Ill)

11), t . Call \ 'tlll Illlill I FIJI" t'tr tilt" Illûlllt' 1 11, "t'Il!it'Iltt'!I, 111,11 ;111\' s t.t l)t tllt'I1 will

rt`Ilm lll in (,Ill aa' il' :IIrllUlltllllt'11i8 :11't' t , t It" I11 ItÎ- ltlt I ' I ilt•Ial lu tll''Ir 11111!Il'll('.l; 1

Till, I -1 tlll~lllll . ~!!tt\i l'111Ut'll( ;It 'lll'~ 111 ~'It'll il III ;II1111!C 11'4 1tl

(II' 's II'(tV I l n l : l l ! ! ' i l ' ( f lllt~ ( it11't'rlltll' li , t'1,11't' .: , I11 tlllll"tit l'\' l'\' u11t! ( tl, 1119

1115\1'M'ry IU, :Itltllt'S~t'i, 111 .11 ~' ;IIt11 t1111111 :-4 .11'r Ill (u• I11 :1'l'! U'Illttl!1 rt't , 'l'('71l'tf

It) IKllty l't)I1'~I'I~ 1' :1111)Ili . ~,ill l II*I•Ill+t I!^ Il w 11•' 'I"r .lll .)11, lll('ll, I Gal.Ill .lt 1i1 0 IIC +)t ll .~ , titi lllillt"1' I1 . 1\l' 11''ll tlll ;lllll") \l't' IISa \' ( lt' ttl I111 tllll('l', \\ lil l)l)


Ilttnt,rt ! tl \\ illl an ull; t• ., 1 n! . : 11 I .Il ttti I ., :ic,' :1 \'rl y It,1t)r t * l)initlt Ill' III" j Id,,,-)11(

'11t (11• Illi) .iC \\hU 1Vt1t11'I I11 :11 .'! Ili 11w! -Illllt'>ti N' tll ( .ll' 1'l't\\• 111 Itllrt'll,làlllti

l'Itllt'r SIIC11l't! or tillllil o r : . N ut11111 ; , . I t'f`OII' , II I ;(Illiu' ;lrt t) tl) 11)' ; 1111)rt t

nll,urtl lit" tlllr,tlln,,l ;linl ; Ina'„' c'& ; ;•1 tilt' I 1'l' n""4 try I1l'1•:)tl,c tlir\' \\'t)nltl_

IIUt Ct)IliClll to r('lllillll 111 l' ;!I•'l` 1c!1, ' ; airit t't'(t) ll' 11'''rt' Ill a tlo Iltl' \1'llit'll tll(`j/

w,w Ilc ; tl rr, q lnll , tl)!r, tlnll \\'llit'It \\''l't' Itr . i'I ; t o Illt'ir inl'. . I('u r t' . I Icn(Iwtllil( m l' .II g I a llll tll(,',t ;llf'4 llilll m h" wM lll)IIIII t o titl"II it vs tl,'lll 11f 3(')\ ( 'l'i11I11'llt

Wuultl lie look" lI tll) tt) n ; Ill, r~'11 ttt' hi ,; 4 t'n't' ; .• I .' I Ill", !,"I 0 ''ul''n, ~ ;i\'(' \•o!1 a Ilrar. .ti( .• ;II .illustr a ti(lu of li(l! l'lF. l)t• s tlrll 1 , ~' 1(•111 . I\t' ' i! ;;Iltit(t,t ► Ilat I Il ;l\' o luitv i('r't('t1 V)Ilr r('lll'r .('r► ltltl\t', l' ;t'tlr~ ll I', tll'' Itrillt•iltlr, \\Ili c li I have ;11\\ayyII1 ;11111i111It'tl, 111(ll ;111 Ili' till Itt't`llltf 'Imid-I Ill' (-If .1 ,

(11 Ilt .frlt'Ct ('(l!It(Yti' as rl'g IItÎ i{'('If . ltt'I ; illl'I ~'tlllt ; :lll'tll'll l'IIIit/N'lllt'llt 4 , and Clll t

Ill('. It''l,ltlo sIlutlltl Il ! clllc,wt',) ;!il! ( ntirl~ In tn 1' ;',I11'nr t l tlt, ir O\\'u It)ruI c11I'lir'4 .I 1V111, til)Illlt)iQ Ill ;lt Itt :rS011 " !tt, IÎII! ' ;1!lir' It(tr( It'(tl ttltlllitllli Sllt : l'1 llll; 111 ; 1 1t)rl! y

111 Illll•I171111t'lll, and o il tilt .` Itf :it''ii'i(`)i t•t li( "- I)fI11 , 111i 1 : ( i .)t ('l'Iltll" Ili . Ill it Illt :

P I'bVllll :lcl.l 1linistry of \ \I11''il'I 11111 fl 1111'llll!Î'r•~Ililtlt'Ci tl ► t' ~~Illlt' Illtlllitltl• I

III IIC .~t 81)11)(1SC tllilt il \'!I(: ;111(. \+ (It.i :11•'9 in nu; of IN I&ltl'i t M ,l` q Illl'l

thilt it is lilll:t: 171) by the o111)ttil111ncrlt Oi* III . : t•Irl\• (11' tIIC InirlOrity', 1'n1 ;111



hostile to r c lig iu ► IS c tluality, uu d to 711c c•xtcndiun'Of the Ilopulttr Influence . I,ns it luc.tnl,ur uf tllt ~(~\crurut ut, I ► u\c tu curnû llefuru you, Itly supporters,uncl,t\uw'thltt ti ► i ; Il ppo iutlut.'ut \\• ;1 ; ulutlt, b y mv ud v ice, V lut I nrn rc :•sl,utisil)lu1'61. it, aut) ti l ;it llli•1 i s thc \t• ;rv I t clc( : tt, ucl\ :Incc nly llqliticul 'opinions, and to1urt1 ►cr the ul,j,--c :1-i ul . luy I,311~ . ~1' I ►rtt, r ► tlctllc•n, \\'uulci you hlljr to hucll uclc cl :lr:ltinn f I I ;n )w Ilutl I , c I tll : ► t you \\ ,u'. I• l :lul;ll to scorn the Illan \vhuu1 : ► 11 e it, ;Int1 \\• wultl li A l Lilu tl, . ► t V ull \\n, :!tl liull It rc ' l,rCsc111utivc \vllutiu ucI :+\vutlit) I,u In ar" c ulclnnct ! tvitll lli ; Itr - ,l *1 •, .:1 .m , . l'or luy liu"rt, gclltlc tuuu, and It ►► ny . v t•I ► ttllr 1„ , I,t : ;tl, Iur lu y I,Ito I Statu I,ctl,licly and lii,tinctlv,tll ;lt I\\•ill u f ,t, Ilt :t \\•i 0 1 ; ► nv } ; . n c lllluc:ul \vlli,ll u\•uws Ille l,,lu of makingtll,l,o iutnw nt i '+1 ► tllt.: lw Il c i II ► ;It tlu'\• \\ ilI I,u I, 14 judicial to ity uwn ill(lucncu ;; ► ntl no Ia lt,rllio r h :ls ;t rip Ilt It, crs ' ,c't :l l'rt)111 ; ;I ► y Inctnbcr of his nnrty tl ►ut ' htjwill cut,ll . it tcr (100 111,\' sllt•Il a tlt'} ;r ;ltlnl ; ; I,w' l ;iun. It anluticg Ille u(iUlc, I tllust

('1111I1 Sq to MCrl'+' lIU\1; sw 'll t~'1111111~J1It S'~ll'U l'llcUlUll by lime Tories, Ilel\V tllf ► t

tllc ► y lire o tlt u 1 '.u 1 li .'t :,`IInt11u"n~ ► ,Irt l~~ nliuulity . 'l'llt:x ttrc ul)lil;c :cl to sullulitIt, It r r,l,nn ;il,~u t~u\crrnu ► t'ct, ► Irct i :: , lla\•iu ;; :t Itril :itry of tllu purty of Illollllljt ► rit y , un d ;Ilev-urc \vlllinl ; tt, cunsulc Illcrn - l•i\'es \vitll time assurance tllntthey will s till have an (' tlu,ll cll ;► nc•.e t,l• gcttilli, utlit .u \villl their cll)I,orl e nt s . Itlit,f :cllt!t'Inl'n , llu\v IiiJ 111"v Ill'[ \\ilv n iu I,u\vc r 6I .- lru>;ul\•e s ( I .r,lik only to ,tl ► ovcu'iu ;l .~ c,Iiit, cs iu tlli : ( ll ' trit•t -Itrt ! tl w v 1 ► ut all in Ilw Ilnncl i c)l' uur ul,l,unl ► ttta "1

'I'I1 (- .lullllt . , tl ► v the 'l'tt ; ► urt r . II ► tl llla,t'ctt ► r uf l,icc•n scs, the Itc•g iti-

tr71r, : I ► l.,' :,Ittl'I , 1 X i!- .` l't' :Il'l•, Ili(! CUllt'.Ctt,l' 111' (,' ll s tlllllq , 111'.1 U t'rk of' 1111 ;

D1stl'l't (il)111't, t ► ll, \lItlltlll!.ullt' soli t ;11'\' .t \Ct l,ll~lll, arc Tories ; Allll, gCI11lCn1Ut1,

the i^ttluo rt'luarl ; i \vuultl : ► I,I,ly t,llr,lliy \\- c ll fo ;hc County that 1 rv prelscnt,

/ltlll ttl the l :uutlticti ucijt,il ► iur; to it, ;liltl i .nticrt'tl lu nearly all Illu (uuntics inIllc S u 11, ;11 e v trn (,il thc p rillc tl,lu of' fair l,lny, l1s1- 1 cvc•ry ulll ►oint *

rtlcut I,t•cn t;i\•en tc ) our frit ;ntl ;, It \v,,llltl Il ;lvv tnk v ll liltevn or twcnty y4tww ;u

l,rinE; 11 M In rluv tllir ► 1 ; Ilkc ► it I ")o lint, 10, v clll :tllty wllll our ul ► { ► ununti . Younlu ' t, tlue rc'I't,rr, sec ► lu ►v illll,t, : , il,l o it w , ► y tllat we r.o ► tlci Aulln ► it tu have our

l,c,litic ;ll itllltlcuwo . uatlvrllliuctl by III(,- Ill,l,uïntulcnt of our oI ►Iluttents ; and (c arl Il,tiut'u \ ull tllnt c ;t,t -v or the <lun ► nl ;lnt ; luit ire I Iltlvo llc' ;+c ► il ►cll uc :lttlliy

t,ccltl•rv 1 tL ' I uwe tl t,ul}• ullntlt' Iu unw . tll .ut o f \1 ►' . Powell, which look 1 ► lul•u i tor t•t 4urt: uur rt••;Ilc,r. ► tlt,l, . Mr . 'Sn ► illl, your hrescut rclSresrtllutivc•,

IS ut ► \\ Cu'',' \ :Il,l,tt'llt,u~ist ; I'<t Ili(, Atlu7iili,tr : ► ticlu should Ill! able to Ilurchn40l,arli ; ► illt•ul,lr\• sIlpj,t,r' .; \\ Ilclt, Ilt,tre\'er, Iln• . I,tirll his o\\•n prnrtictu I Illilhe or tliti ho Ilt,t c1111,h,t• ltl .; I-tlli, .tlnvnl ;lrv inlli'It .lll'c to procure Ill r, nl► llolnl-nlrllt c .1, Air, "SI ►cl itl' t'ul I,clt, who c\•ilt4cl his hrutiluclo by tll ;lkillf"' 1) r .l'IClllc•iti tiluitl ► , l,rw.l ► t :r uf your Itlrllll,t'r . his 1)cl ►uty . It i9, of ruursc,'furpnu tu .Itl(ll ;,) \t•I1''Ihl'r tll~•~~ :) !tl,l,ui,l!1 ► It :, :1s \\•l,r, ., jutlicitlus, and whether 1\Ir .

tir lu sor\'v, Ilis own llrivu ;rtil,lltll t n ► I,It :~t tl Ili ; inll ; :- ►► r,c tut- the,, p11!)lic; pa tfrit'utly 11t ► +I itr'I :tliun , . . 'I' 'h .It i•: hi-I ull ; ► ir and vclury, but I c o nlc•nrl that lllo

nl'l'oilltur'llt Ill tluc .." linll w : -s ► u Itlu u\ % inE; to N1r . S It111 W 9 use of his puriinttlcn•

trtry illllut'Itcr~. ; and l'1 ► r ;ltr,r, I ;lm st;rt, the, Administration of the ( 1ny, iu

t1le e t111tC luis \•i c \v•, u11tlUr,tt)tJtl Ililll to !)u ^ fricnt) to their I,uliry nll(1 nu•a, ► lrcy ,

1 111 li I,cllt ,w t' ' 1 that ho 1, ► :ttlc it rc•rt,l ► Ill,c•ntl ;ltlun that, would F,ivo suti9fnctit)n toIlle llnrt ~ by wlli~•11 ho was ~ 11 ► I,~)rtitl . It i,4 but nu net ut justico to tlw Into1linistr\' I" r ulil~l \ uu, t,t'1 ► t!~'lut u, t! ► ;lt the I~~11 for aecuring tllc Iltilkpc•ndence

of l'tlrliuallrnt, l,rou g lit in l,v MI'. I .Itftllltllinr, would have had it most inlrnr-t+ult inlluCl ► cc icl cl ► u c ;<in g any thing Iil ;c curru N iuu in the G ovcrnttw ►ït . '1'hn

, .



abf E ct of tl ► at bill wt►A to oxclu ► le from P;trlirrment all eu bor ►linntri o(ii •ers of .

the Uovcrnment, all indecd, who w e ro nnt liat,lo to I ►c .clrivon frurn otlicc l,y n~

Veto of tl ►o Iluuso o(' Assernl ►Iv . . 7'1 ► o filct tlllt tllly 1 ► 111 wintro ,lucc• d 'I,}•

the lato 1liniytry ought tu I,c stltli-:i e nt to COI) VI ncu yO rr tl ► ►t tl ► o ,v I ► ad r►o ( Icsir uto hurc h►a5u I ►arl ► an ►crlt ;rry suprr>rt- ► rr ►Icss, in,liecl, it . lie c ; ► Ilc ► i I, u rrcl ►asin g .

I , nrfiatncnt ;try•hul► porl to t ► clnrini5tcr the l~uvcrnulcnt in :zuch at ►nanno r t► swill 1►e sathfuctory to thn pc ' l>lo nrtcl th,~ir rcl,rcaant ;rtivc9. 1 nm su R, gctl~°~`tlcrncii, tl ►nt you will ll ► iuk 1 have s , ► i ► L c noiil;h on tl ► i•► sul ► j, ;ct ; l,ut trs t rtni-nnxit►ua to cc ! nvinc:c you tl ►►ttlic viows of tlm l ► 1,A1iuistry with rcl;'► rd tn

the ( listril,utiou of patronage, nre 5trictly in nccc,nlnnco witl) I ;ng lisl ► lrr, ►cticr,

l~sl ► « II col ► v an ('xtracl fron ► the wc ► rk uf .a,vcr v cclchrtrt erl writ e r oh llitical

l:co ►► omy) l'rolessor AlcCul loch . Iii nu nrtiç l ►; on the Constitution tun) G uv-crnmcr ►t of l:nblan ►], tlto following passage occurs :

l'rorn 11 1 e Cullnclr',t Crc ► l;rnplrical 1)irlionarj .---Arliclc cn " .Ï:nr,' lartd and1Vules ."--sCon.vlilution cur i l (:urcrnntrnl .

« Nut only ne tlrc I,e l;itil ;itiv e tnclti ►► res propr,scd t,y the Crown ttn ►l c"nn-duct of thr, int e rnul t~uvt'rnrncnt ►► l' tl ► ! ; country, ►► n d itA !~ ► rcign rclatir,ns witl ►c,thcr S tates untru5tct) t, ► Nt ~i + istcrs, l,ut tl ► cy I ► ,rvo nl,u tSu: rliril,osal of nll, rir

1 ►y f,rr tho g r (' , ► tc' r I, art ciT th e p utrr ► nal;c Lclung rth tu tl ►►s (:rown. Otlicc ►s„ inr'olving no a)olrlicrrl rc.el,nnsiLilil y, su rli n .t 11u ► .vc ► ,/' Ihc .ltutrs e lruld , Lavc l,ecn

someti ►►►es ex e rnptcd from tl ► i s rulo, cuu) k ft t ► ho iii loti ul ► I,y t ! ►e 5overe ignttccor '.Lng to 1 ► i : pcrsona) I ► rc ► iilccti ►rns, but this is not l," ► rny inca us nn unitùrm

1 ► racticc . and M1~inis ;crs have rrl,culcrlly rcr/airccl utu ►1 u litatncd tl ►o clisl,osül of

thcso o(lic e s . "

h~r. thnn it iy, Ihis rr•ult woul ►I lie Ftill inr,re apparent . A tn;tn et nl► ilitv in

devute himat ' lt' to tl ►b public service tl ► i► n in l ;nslnn,l ; I,ut s}t t 1,o nu ►o lirnefthe clr :rnccs r ►(' puch a 1 ►crson bcinf; advanced nru iii liititr ly l;reute r I ►oru thn n

(„'nerolly spcaking , patronage in rt cnuntry liko 1:nKlan ►1, is ny~~

hxe rcisc ► I witl ► n vi ►,w to tl ►o ncquirir ;b or p r thscrvinl; l'urliarn e nt ►rr sul ►I,ort .Napoleon, II ► r, I~ing ul' l'ruysi ; ► , 101 ►1 (lie 1? mime rois of Austi"i~t un ►1 IZUSAtl1tnigl ► t ar.► Ir 'cfin ► lividu ►►Is to fill~otlices un tl ►r, solo hroun,i of ti ►cir sul ►orior fit .

ncsy to tli schargo t! ►cir tluticy . 11 ut iu a fi cc coutil ry aU1taIJIl311es s fur ufüc

iy r+o( l/ic only thin/{ lo Le u/lrn ii . o ii tl e ci ►ling ux tu II ► c curnl ► ar ►► livo clairns~ of' can ►lieltites for utlicinl j► rcl'crmc ;nt : if tlu•y. it rcrr m ► ïch tl ►u l,cttor ;

Lut the p rimr<ry con s i drrration is, 1 ► ow i ; tl ► c g ► vt~rn ► ,i ;rrt t o t,o c,trric ►1 on ~Nuw tl ► ut, it is pl ;► in, 1vIII tre t1CSt ( tli:clc ► I I ►y tiecuring tl ► c active sul► I ) ort of thefrrendn r ► l' ( ;ovcrn ment an ►I 1 ►y wcuhcuiu g tl ► e I,nrty of tl ► cir ►►1,I,une nt S ; an ► 1tho distrifi~rtion~ ut' I ►»trantrgo ts one ► , : the 1 ► rinr;il ►al inca us t,y wl ► iclt the ;o

c ►l ►jr,cts are to I,e rcalixcil . A huvern ►+ ► ent tlr,t wni ► !cl t ► cglcct tu trvuil it,elf o f, thiy I~wer conlt! ►rol lorr/,► rxisc . Il ► •n ►.in I;ngli ► ntl, in no out ni cvery tun

r ;ituaticrns nrc ► ii s fosc ► i et', t,n tl ► e rccn ►nrncn ► Iatiuu ul' lx rsons I,us,h~sctl ut l'ur-lir ► n e rttary influence . 'l'his in"fact is lucre tl ►o ri► t rr;(i ;r tu I,rcfurrr ►cr,t an ►1statu tliatinctiun. Iii filling ul ► tl ►o cun s l ► i c uuus s ituatio ns, tli,.~ tnlcrtt :; t► n ► 1

. acquirumenls of the ( 2 stn d i th ► Ira, r ► s cl) us tlicir rcr u , ► rn twn t lutiun~ mustnoccbsar ► ly I,c takcn into accuunt ; but in tlic Yr u •>r~t rnnj o r it y of e n s cv parli ;i•mrrrntary luit rouage is the sine qnu nnn . a 11'ctc il me t~ ove r mut ne tut rncrrr, I,ul ►u»

1rssin without connections, l ►sy c ► n ► ucl ► `l ► ctte r clin tige ►► f U ctting on II' lie

in ho United SUtltce, • !n tl ►o Iattcrr, evrry tl ) ing ijsacrili~c d tu pttriy'consi -

dern rA ons ; and tho most nl ► len'Jicl'talents and cnl►ncity to render great ;►ut ► lioe►arvi&-s wuulcl nevctr nclvrlnc;o thc~ir po9tie~rsor one Sti~p on tlu; Isiclclt~r of pro-motion if 110 h : ► I)f)enecl to he of it clifli :rc :nt l)arty frurn that in favuur nt tllotirno, or to wnnt l) ;irty sul ► I)c)rr . Yi-- ru : lso tt 1 .4, that in l':nblanll l'arli,imenircryintluenc(s I ► rcclaniin ;ite, cvl)cl ,r,ly iu :1rno ric,i it is c ;vurvtl)inK ; andUvl;rV' tl)In ,,,, I))Il s t, it, G) 1 1 '--l'l'lllr :(;, t)'; Iw ► IIJ ti o 1) :ICrvNSUt t o ) 1tS Stlitl) o l't . 1 1

I,:•,n?I )l' .t eri!t ;r ut Iougt11 into Ott,' I ► rucéi'clirlgr, ; of the late 11ii)istry at tllutimo uf', or xc)I ► ;rrinr;nt ttr tlwir resig)) ;Itic ► Ir . I Ir.ivo sllown ynlt, ti)'it flic view .-iof the (~uv~ :rnc„• ..( ;,•nt ;r if .witll lc•n lr~l to , tll ►~ clititril)utiurn 011

I~ ;ttrc~na,,"~ are11 lt0z,e111er c)I ► I ► t ► ,etl to I•;nlgli ;lt prncstice, and are suc;ll as no 11 in'rstry of an

y f►arty oclu carry nit . I I k I : .~c~cllt ;ncV IS clc ;tc•rmirtt,cl, as Iro'sayy, to eserci3t )Iltu I ► rerv), ; :Itive t ► l' tlle Cruwn cly lit) Ilin) ;c ;lf tllinkl right, nntl not necorclinn to,the aclvi V u c ► t' I,tiy 11inistrv, which lutter svztern would n)aku*Iriui " rt mere toolin the hnntl, ckl' hiy (,t)ur)cil ." Most a~tiureclly llo could not be more it tool"than wll+tt his st)v(.rcign is, and tho very ol ►jt ;ut of l :cyl)unsil,lo (~ov~,rnrnc)nt,as I lluv ► ) alrerltlv°st,lt: ;tl, is that the c. .ovurr)or hl) ;III net, not ucoorcli)i:; 10 !iis

to consitlor is nut I)at nct, bit the bill which we intrvluceti, and }~c)tt will linolthat tho lutter is n4 II rll as any 'rew;or)nI)Iu man cati Uc :yirc. l ;very tllir)n i9

and then n g ;titt the nl)1 ►ointnlc'nt of their 1Varclc .)), nnul every other utlice,r thnt

mer :+vytem, I Illink you will fincl that the 1 ► i11 introc)tucecl I ►y tl)u Into 11 :nistry,

o ►a)t rvislies ulrul npi)e ;cl nn, 1)Ilt ncct)1•clinr to tl)osc) of tllcl people, whiç :h, unclc ;r.our (_,ontititution, nro c>Yj)resscrtl t111'In)gI) hk resl)on,iltlc ; Alilititcry . Never l'ur-1 ► o t, g,rntlorn),n, t11r ► t ru tt)c) col) nt)w gc)inl; on, tllo Into Mil)is!ry and theirfricil-1-4 are c•untencliug, for your rigItty . 1Vlr.ct is I ►arliument,try,intluettcio?1VIly your ir)Iluc•n~:e, I;t~rrtlen)on, uncl the I ► Itrcll,lau ut' I)urliamuntlxrv support N .Innkin~ Illn nl)I)(ii91t111Cat4 tllilt the people cl usire. It i,.-4 your interest, there-f l )rc•, tt),jnin Ilc :nrtily wittl ui in tl)is great Ct1rlteRt . Tho st;llces that Am I)l ;ty,ecifi ►r nrvo high incleeJ . 'l't)ey nranr) le,y tl)Itn yrnlr own nntl yout• chilclru) ► 'ylihertiey un thcr one siclc, and on the utl'it ;r tho I)rerogutivu of tho Cruwti ascontencletl for by tho inl'ntuatetl 111c ► barcl)y of tlte Stuart race .

I shall ► ror ;c) 'now, hc)lcnen, to toncll on hu)nu of tho mos : importantmnsurcs inlrv ► luccec by tllu I,Ito ,tilinistry, ancl I sh ;lll colrtrnence with the billfor,tl)o rvhl)lislunen! ut' mllnicilrcl instillltions . I lcnow that c;lli ► rts have beenm) ► clc ;tc) cliisatiyfy the Ir ;ul ► lo wit!) nmrnicil)nl institutions nltc►gotlter, rlncl tl),it it is'ugyortet) tI)'It tIlO NVStent nuw in ul)eri ► tic ►n I ►ny been u f+ ► iluro. You, 1,clntlc;-rnen, will Il+tvâ too rnucl ► l;ot ► tl st;nse to be Iecl astray I)y nny reprc ;scntatit)n .,,;frorn rc)ur ul)f►onwnt-il that you nru incnl)al ► 1 ► i c)t' Fn,ln :ll;in ; ynur own a111ii'q .'!'h(- I)rt ►seut act was It mere esl) ~riment, r11)tl rvery one alruo,t Who sul)f)urtctlit wa-1 ccinvinred tll ;lt,it woultl retllrirolirc ; ;rt alturatic ► n . '!'hq cl'ICstic)n li ► r you

Ic f1 tn the Iwol)Iu tllen),crlvc-;, who lia vo tho clcctiun of dllc ;lr own ( ;c)Iln'c ;il!ul'3,,'

they wisll 14! employ . 'l'Ilt ; Govtrn ►ne ►tt rctclinecl no patronage whatevcr.•nnc;thwr 1 ► rcir ►f Oint they cliti not Eccl; 1 to r:tw;ni;01en thr)n .;çlvcy in that wci}-.

„~It i9 for you, hc'ntlcr)c :n, to clctc,rnttno wlv~tllcrr you rirr, cr ► ~)ul ► lo c)l''tnnn~ ;ii ► g}•onr uwn local nIl'lirs, or wlu,dher vc51t would prefcr leaving it to the Covari7=mc;nt, or to tile n ► ,II;i ► ltratcs, to manage them for you . If you I)rcrfer the Cor-,

~will olil ► rJ you all tl)o power tlr,lt is rrcluisito . I now como tol)o nsseserncn tbill, whic~I) 11,14 brer) rnure nlicrcl ►rc•senteci by our 11~)litical op-)ononts than nnyother bill ')ill that was brout,ht forwnrcl, and wl)ich, in m)• ju(l6rncnt . Pt)uld Von-

, cJuc,c) more to t'tel,euotit of tho resident sottlers of thu cuuutry t .l,au any titoa-

. ~ - . ~ • .


i I


sure ever eub► nttted to a ChtnnQtan f,eglslutum. It may bo very troll, gontle- •

ancn, for interoeteJ 1 ►artioa to miyrcl ►ro :► eut this bill, uni to cry it down as

'unl ►ol ► ul,► r . - It cnnnot,b o ui ► puj ► ular . - The rnass of tl ►u pe ,t ► Ie aro , tl},o partie s

to be bcnétilc ► i hy I t, and "mien they come to understand it,, they will sul ► I ► ort

It most zc: ► lousl~, and withilrnw their ~ (,)tltitluncu from thoso Who havc`ol ► I ►usccl

it . , Y uu , ► s ► vck l ►ce ►t told he ntlunieti, that tl ►u etli.•ct of titis bill would have been

to inCieuyi : your taxes. Suc1 ► ns;cSrtions tire untrile . I l wuû1J havo di} 1 ► ini +1 ►c ► 1 -

thr ►n : The Assess ► iiont B ill raised no t .~-x whatever ; it murely j►roviJcJ ► ►`'dilli!rônt systu ► 11 for collecting ll ►o .so which you now pay. At I ►resent, as yu ►t'

aro nwaro , the no n•retii ► loi ► t Ia lcll ►olcl ►:r, cuntrilïutu but ver.y% Iitllo to tlib public •

l ►urthcns, tu►-cl improved land w o' rtn X ltl nn ucr e , 1 ►1 iys no ► 1 ►ure tl ► nn that only

worth J; I or U . 'l'1 ► o general opinion Ir ► 9 I ► uun,, that the 1 ►rescnt systum i9

u ►ljust, and that it raüocly wuy rurlu ►rccl . Mhnt, gcutle ► nen, was the princihlo

,or tho b ill which has I,ce 11 su loudly tlcuui ► nee ► 1 'l W hy si ► nl ► ly that all pru-

(►crly sl ►oûlcl be t t lxoll nccor ► iii ► g to its'rc,il villuu--tl ►nt the nun•resid c:nt liu ►►1-

Ownors LI ► oulcl pay the full nlnu ► lnt of taxation nccorcling to tho value of' theirland And that all•utlwrowncrs or real 1 ►rolmrty slwul (i cuntr ;l,i► tu in tho Kn ► no

wny. To this part of' flic-'bill I 1 ► ; ► vo I ► curcl little objection . The cllitct of 1110

J,r ►► lw, : : .l r .y, ;u ►n wuul ► 1 1 ►oyll ► is :---Assu ►uing tho taxes of ul ;y township to l,o

4,100, and tluti ll ►u ta xes o ►} t 116 lion•rosiclcnt land woul ► I u ;ltount to J;75, it

fullt ►►►'s that the nctu ; ► I cseltlurs A►u I ► I only have to pay LY„\I, instcucl of 4300,

and Il ► , t i besides they w►►ul ► I enjoy (ho u ► Ivantn gu of I ►avinl; .~7 :► of cash sl ► c► ut

among them, provision having been ► naJo for the regulnr I ►nyn ►t<nt of tlw wilcl

land tax t ►► 'thu Alunicil ► lllitic -1 . But tho I ►urson ;tl I ►rol ►crty tnYt and inco ►►►uta x hnvii 1►cen con ► I ► I ;ciuc ► 1 of. I appeal howuvur, to you, guutlemoil, wl ►cll ►er

yoU will allow yuûr rol ► t'csont,tlivc, it 1 ►rol'usyiun, ► I man, with a lu ► n ►l,v ► uo

nl ouu ► o , to t ►► isrel► rusu ►► t you by vutinh tci tl ► row the whulu tax 11 ti 011 upou lun ( l .

Why should not 1 ►ursunul property v unU•il ►utu-its fair shnru 'l C ►► n it ►►y 8o01

renson be l;ivun tu tl ► o contrnry a No, l ; 6 ►► tlcn ►en, the luwyors and ►►wrchunlq

may co ► nl ► I i û ►► nt being cctll~,d on to I ► , ► y lhc ir fair yhnru of thi► tuxry, but the

F rout tm, ► ju o ty of the 1 ►► luple, who are l'nrmury, will ' intiist on tua taxation fall-

lnl; eq ucilly ul ►►►n all . I will ngriin ► rr ►► luuvour+ tu illi ►strntu my lncaning .-

'l'tilei ►► g tho tuxr,y of it towutil ► il ► nt .0 01 1, let its tit ► I ► I ► uso that upon it fair e;ati-

mnto of* the enliru property, mcu ► r ► o ► u ►cl I ►e r :+on ►~tl property wuul ►1 contri b ulo

JC75 of the n ► iiount-- ► I oos it ►►ut follc►w that if tlliy description of property I ►oexr.m,► t w l,- tliu furnicrs will have to puy nn ► llicnl the exact u ► 1 ► uu ►► t frutlt

which thu Iawyers, 1 ►► o rch ;lntv, uw l otl ► o rs nro rcliovcd ?---But we uro told that

the lnx is iuliisitori ► lvuw oil this I woulco ►scrvi, gentlc ► cn, that I al

not pledged to any ► lr,tictI11 scl ►en ► o , and that if the I► rincil ► lu`iy n ► Imittu ►l, Innl ready, au far its I nnl concer ►tccl, - to ngreo to any nmencl ►►►eut iil clutail ;

t ►cvcrtl ►cless, I must observe that I huvû as y t t heard no feasible a;cl ►cnw p ru-1 ►ose ' l in nlnen ► Im i,ut . A1uny are Io 11 c1 in cll ► l ►oying the bill, but I h, ► vo huard

or no sul► tit ► lutu .--I clony nlto getl ►cr that the bill would be in ► lui :► ito riitl, ut le:ast

not tutoie so tl ► nll I4 ttJNUl11l eIy necessary . I think, genllo ►►► e ► :, time nlcrchnhtanii~1 lawycrv, wlaen they 1 ►nvo any clcaliugt+ with youl furn ► ors, c,ol ►trivu t o findout what you are worch t,eti ►ro tlwy let you get ► nto their buuk9. They are,howover; clcs(►çrntoly afraid lôst you should find o ut what they are worth .You hava hc .cr ► ) it grest deal 'nuout,th ►► inquisitorial nuturu of , this Uill„andtli,ett the assossorr ►voulcl have to examine tt n ►nn'9 ac cou n ty, and tako an ittvon-


1 1

1ory df his furnitura I have even becq t ► ,Id thnt h~y nl ;'cfs jewcly woul ►1 hatuxed.' Now, gontletneti, .1 will just tlurilto very shortl}• tho n ► :tunl I ► ruotieulopa'ration of thu laitl, A u asycs5or enturs 'a tn ;u ► 'y hou,e , a•I ►uthu r !r : be amerçhat ►t or ►► thcrwise , nnd ntiks hint tl ► o value ol his I ► cr~un, ► I p rul ►erty n9

' defiuud in tlls rtct. II' srttisfiu ► 1 witl ► hiv nnyw ► r, tvhiclt is ►► t' uuursu u hrvti9

the 1 ► nr;c ►tt's circtntttitunces, lo Ihinh lie' has un ► lurt'n ;c ► ) I ► i ► n cll', I ►e 1 ► uty hi ► n

m~tt, gentlemen, thut tho systcnt iy if uny thing t ► to loo~r, ttn ► I th,tt iy the c ►►tly .objection tu it iu the Statu ol' New Yurk wharu it hns lunb l,_t:n in ope ration,

Work well, and neither Ihu ria' rcnntile nor iit ►y ► ,ther clury ►•untl,luics af it•J wouJd tnnlcu hnC further ol,survutiun r ug+trdinh tltu,,miyrepresencntiony r ircu-

township woul ► I ni ► t hu incrrnsc~t . I wil) tiiil ► I ►►► tiu nf;,ttn tltnt thu ta es tu t ► o

£ ll)ll, providtr ► I t ► II ►tre (+tit ulton thw ,rnnuu l'u ►► tinh, :ut t ) thu uilvnntnge tu tho

bill witht ►ut n fow u r ►,•marks uit thu utt,ur ►I rhar;it thitt h : u v I ► ' ~ri ► l ► rv ► u ;lt t

sunt, h ►► uvyciycs hint accord i ►►rily : il' lie ~ ► .ts réct,un~ l'ru ► n hi• knuwl e ► I ge ut'

dc»vn at 'n higher rate, but the tmlivültHtl h,ty tl ►cn thu power ut' swe, ► ring t u• ony atnriuut th ;tt hu. l)I4itse9, ol'ter wjti~lt tltc nssc5sor has nu ol ► tiun. 1• ou will

ny well us in 111a ssnehuyutty ; l'eunsylvnu iii, nncf imlo tvl ne+ ► rly ull tltu :+t : ► trr }>fth'o llniun. ltl tllose ti lutes tlle Nystctn lias ber mi triet 1, nn ►I htty I ► u ►•n I . ► un ► 1 tu

Iutud with respect to thiy bill . Y ou are tuld that t ► tany kindy uF p ropurly,woul ►I Ixt tuxu ► 1 un'► !ur the naw 1 ► ill tvI11Ch wurc furmrrlr•xetttl ► t ; I;r.untc ► 1 .'

''l'ho 1 ►riuctl► lu rtf tl ► o bill w,ts t ►► tuc ull I ► ro I ► rrty nt ity uetu ;tl-vul uc, C x t `rl ► tinhouKehulil furnituro~tu thu value ol' .t✓ 2~► l1, t,i•i ► •ulturc ► I ii ►► I ► I ►`ntUllls, nu•rh : ► nic'H

' tc►ois, an d sumo oth e r items. Itut recolluct tl ►ut utt de r thr. ►► vat•syi ► trnt I,ill thuI ►rolx•rty wtiul ►) only hu rutctl I~ir Inx ; ► tiun, an d that II ► o u gKrrbnto taxes ul'thu

, rniye ► I in nny township tu•u i ; ;UU. ltn ► i e r tlw t► rc•vr•nt sstent I w ill sul ► I ► c ►sutltu r : ► tcitblu prcil ►urty in thut tuwnsil ► tu I ► u £ lylltlll, Tu rriiyo the tt ►m w ntttecetitiary y ou would have to I ► o t : y c ►I 1 b 1 in 1 1 ►u lu ►un ► I . ' Itut if ttt ► t I e r II ► o •tt e w;tnxinl; nll ki ► i~fy t ► l' Nro Ir ►trtv, th, nhs:rrg :tt o ul' tl ►~s nvv e vrtt ► ~• ►► Erc ►II sh ►► ulJ l►o ~rnrrru su ►I lltru o•I~ ► I i ,, ;+ ty to £111,000 -it i .+ ci h viu ►► s tltnt . tl ► u

'. Utx re ► l ► iire d woul il only bu l/ in the I ► uun~L Voit ~ v ill th~•r e fu rn scuthut it ntnk0 y n ►► r e ul ilitlirrenri ' tu ~ ou w lu•tl ► rr 1' ►►u nt•r uc~c~ti ► , ► I . 1. : j0 11 or

tniut ul' rcmall tu ► rittl4 of 1 ► I ;t~i ►tg llu~ tn .xatiun u 1 ► 1 r 11 ul) p r 4 ► lue rtv ncc ut• ► liug t i ► it vt value is as r ► I ► v iauv nv the I ►'rinril ► I i t i s jit,t . I rrtt ► n ►► t ► iî~nti~N tl ►u n ;Yi s snr ' nt

ngnin st u9 ol' t ;txing UI ► her (;nnn d ; ► nit! mot I,n W yr l :un ;t ► In . l'u ;tinl; asile tl ►or~ ► yt of titi, luc,i) administration of jttv :icu t o) t'hirlt tiiI rcfe r hy ztutl Uy, yuu~ . .

~ It is rigltt t lint I shoul ►I stnto tliytinctly tltnt 1 nnt c1 e ciJe ►ily i ►t Ftvnr ufthe I ► rinc.ii ► lu ►► l' Iho :lssevsntr_ nt ltiill ;ty nr j;, ► nn//y intrrnluc ( ► 1 . ' l'I ►► + 11 inltitr y c ) tt-

t~^Itt ► ' ► I tr ► striku o ut tl ►n I ►cryt~n,t T hru lu•rty c I,tuti ►•s tu ► n~• ►t the W ishcy ►il' sevrrnlr► l' Ihcir sulilwrlurv, whn, ol' cuurv e , hRve td nnti we r t o th ►•ir o tvn c oms litucntvfur thr,ir c i tn ► lurt . 'l'ha t•Îl c t ut' 14, ► v in ' „ oi~t tho ,e &•In t ► sr•s would lm tuinc;renvo the tnx of tha f~trmor I ► y rc lirv ing Frein t tx ;itio u the merchnn', lutr•yur, 1 ►hysic iun, cnl ► itn tirct, •. ~ ► ; . 11' bcn thu f ;trnn' ry cunto t ►► un t lu Ni : titi!tlto bill, l h,tvi: no ► luuht whntevor thnt Ilir,y will i ► tti ;st r ► n th '' ir rc•I ► resent, ► tivrvRul ► l ►►irting it n9 c ► ribinnlly intro ► lu cc ► 1• \Iv own c' ►► nstittacnt s hn vi' rlt• vor hn i ln secon d opinion on thia suhji r.t . I I ► nvc tltou ght it rihht t o n~ctke titis e xnat loti, bocnuso I hnvu ol ► si ' r v cd in thu I(amilt ffin Jutttnnl nn ► I I :xl ► m,s~, and Ithink in othr► r libernl pnl►ers, a kin ►) ol' npc ► I ►►gy for wl ►a: nr ►+ tr.rntc ►I thu•' inquieitorinl claus e," an t l n atntvmr,ut'thnt th e)' ore ro nbnnJ ►►n ► d .


.*. n.



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1 1ti

' have tyhtllinn to t10 with I .u\vèrCanctlln, nqr docs it mnko any difl'urcnco I a youI m Irctllcr Illoru Itru any taxes tltcrr, or n6 t . 'l'llu taxes rui,t•l) l,v yu ji tr uw u

I : munt;ila ctru ex p ltn ded ttnron% y uursèlvcs fur your uwn•d,cuclit, ttrlt! y't,u ucc dI,t, ; 1 ► ; i t 6,, at (I lllc ;si $( )u ~,•oai 's ul vus \t• k il it . 7'llcru \vt:ru to he notclxt . i r ; ► i ;l : d t'i'ulu you ti ► r tl i y Yruvjuciul G uverniut'nt . 1 :6 \vcrltuutla wuultlrle C l• : . ;I.t'il\' Il ;lvu II ; 61 u•~• .;1cnl ui' ltsc, s luc nt in ult h,- r tt ► ht~sc: tu x l•x for thoh ;lllll! 11111'l o U' w i \\'Itll yt ► 11rU!1't ;i,-l , l1t it 1> 111111 .`:SIt~IU tll (•l' .tllll! it 11111 tll ;lt• wil lu :l s t~~•r fuM• . 11t 1 ;1 1 l'ru\•Int~~•s . :11',t) \t•I1 ; ► talcl\ (! ) t,ll to tl , ► \t'itll the Inu!tcr ! YouIta\• o tn r o ll ,, ;i d, r wll i :tltci• tlla Ilill p ru pw;t•d l'itr ( " Ill i t ' r (: : IUatl ;t---i, a h o 1t ► t) u :-o

11 1d stl ; ;,tl~!.u l'( N llu . ~ ( i' IIIï; I, (m t' ►• ( ; . I+I,I ( l :unv have it wmr.v uuc, tljlry \\•illt~utilt) t ;lltl,~r c r .-~-. , I . rw t tfhh ; .tu ~l u tc ► x tur the ;Itlniiui .tlt•tltGurl of' •lusllcu, • r .'g artl-in g w Ilic lt su tltu o: 1 1 Il-IV luT s;litl, tlntl lir" t, I \viz;ll t . ► ul) ;trr\•c tllut 1111" tlurstiunI ► ", 11,1 tlliuh \\'llcll~ ~l r 1 k ; c1, ► '\\•itl ► tlll 11~• ► ~•lu ut bill . l'n l }er the p rio ,cnt It5-sc s ,luw ut LI\v, 11 . you, E,t' It ;lt'ut, lt, I,uuw fk l!) \1•t.•II, yt ► il 11 ;ty'I'ut~ 1110 Iuc ;tl kItlllliu .istratluu of Ill,tict', \t ll i lu tll ~ I, ,~i r t ; lnu ( l I ,lu~ (Il n,,t . '•II1~ 1, It. f;l~ .( which .C tltll" t b .) lll>hlltt'tl . "I 'i1C Ili'\4 1)111 I w ld t` 11 (1 t'lt ;lll i" ill t 11 lt l't1sp l'Ct Wlliltl'v1•l'.

it Ic l't ' lu ;tllc r; ju,t its tlu'y' w (" rc . ,\ , ► li• \\ Illt'1 Illt vu r„Illyl ;tinull ut', and Î tllinkw itlt I,rt,ut .j'1~1 ► t1', .i+, tli ;lt suirl .) ~ ►f t!In rt'I„rll ► Int ;lulwr•+ Ir Ilt tllrutsclvt . y mostft ► t,llt+illy lu the 7'uricy tu u!),tru t,t un(,, ul ' tllt, Inu .t Im Iltll ;lr 1 ►ill .. ' tll ;lt was intr o -tl .lcCd tlurinb last tic„ 1011 , nn 1 l .itn ►v i .sv ly rai+ctled Ilûa I 111c,liun of' tho ;Illluinis-trultun ut' ju,li ; . a which might tu Ilclvo been ( ►ruul;llt furw;lrll ,l~llur ttt~ly . 'T'IloIw',~ ;un~l t o , w!lurll 1 nllu t l ( ~tl n~ ► t unty Irnt tllt'In -,t~l\•u•1 to M r tillcr'wuutl ttntl tltu'l'ury 11111 ► wi itim t In [III ;tttuck on tll . ► lllniart', but they ctru in it hrc,lt ll e l,r ►;erc s l, o rl, :!„ ► i for the loss of tho A ssc .sl+lcnt liill, and fc ► f Ille tlnl ► ul,ulurity -whichI 1 ; 13 b'i'll f,l -+ ; 421l utl un it, r;ululy 1 ► l' v ;lu '-w 11 i j n,,t un 4 lt ! rai ► utl . '

II .t ►'iil g n?, ►\• tll '.41 luajtl 41 l' ; ;If ul ►jt. c tinny Ill ;lt 1 , have Itcctrtl tnttlv to tho,~tiYUVilltl.'Itl Bill, I Inuy( utli;r (111() 01 twu rcl ► I .Ir!< :1 ;► ! ► uut tllo llill ; rt~nt Irtullun - Iuphvd in I .t, ►\•l'r l .'nrl t i l ► t uÎ Il ;t ) 'ill g the i . xl ► t Anau y of' the utlluiui,lrttiun ul' jtlwticu'I'ilis, I utlInit, i+ u tluu,tiuu 01* 11111('11 inlcrc:at, t ) ~i ; 1 11 ( a nut tltiuk that lltu ;tl w ho

cu111 p I~,lin of inj l,tir.c to lll ► I ►r.r l ;,t w l d . ► can have rt A l e l•tt'll Inucl ► ul ► ulr the;ul,j~ ct . In lli ► I,ur l; ,lu ; ► d .t \t'u lia vo ulw ;l )'S Il ;litl ti WSu cxl ►eusl'y ; ► il \vu llu utlirl!~('lll,' WI{Ili! lit i,tlWe r 'C U11 :I 1L t, N'IICI'lf I1l'f1,rl! 1 1111 (•1111t111 tllUrt' N• ;IN It t, lll'11111N

ItrvuLltlu of' .C ~t1,000 tllt'y w~ ru lll~fr,l~'c~l t~rtilrl tI ► c n ( rlll' ►',tI "Cve(luc' . :?ut•I1 ,

1,t'ntlcl m;lt \\ ;1 i tllan ( ,llr.ll sl ;llu cil''lir zi when tho ,f.ll► iun tt'ts u,l'Ial 11,r I )y1!tycr ( ; ;tn,11L ► n w l \►'llun tho tcrlll l Wo rt ) ttrrulll ;ull in w l ► icll it was t o ll►c cnr.rtluut. l'rl ~Iu) was I,rincit ► allysp u 'p llt I 'ttr t o ► ruluo vt : 111 , 1 ► 1'r ('it~tullit fr Co nllinaucial , tlitiicultic s . 'l'llu Ilnllcl ial l'arli,lutl'nt mijila^J t!n j ti ! Slny of thûI/lllull, 7111 ( 1 )' , ► 11, r l 1 tll•111 f 'p, • 111111t I,l) Wt•II ;tN' ;11'LT (11 .1f 111 11 1 ► l'C11-1

1i ;11`y point t ► l' \ icw we I1, 1 \•tt 61-c ii tllu I, ;tinur~l . l'att nro 'nwaru that

a(:;t•il List \\~ay cs : ;tl)Iillt~tl at tlt~t tinn~ cln,l tll :lt It w;lti int O n tIcll to I ► !ut•u onit all 111 o cll ;trguv I,rcvi om :ly Ir,tid for t11t ► tttllnil ► ivtr ; ► ti ,m of • lu,tico 111 I ►othauti•intTy out of' tltu I ► ul ► lit, rlt V cr)t W . 11,1 Ilt ;tt Itrlncil,lu the r.ll,trgci''il ► l .c►wec( ;, ► utudt--f„r tho sal ► I ►urt of tll e ir li,lt ► k . !'cw'llt d l•ctl in nlllul►ur c11ml,nrrtl fotl msu ill 1J1 ► I ►rr Canada, we ro l,l,tcrll on tlu ; Civil I,i,t on tho rr culnlrne nd lltiunu(f Lord ti )" ) e nll ;tl~t . wlluye tl :,l ► ;ttcll~~ .a rufO rrinl ; to tllu•o vory rll .irKl•y Ituv,)bc " N 1 ► u!)li .ll l .tl . 'l'h csu c harl,"y tl ►un t ~~urtilutu it part (If the l'nion ttrrun gu .tnent, and tuic, tvllicll it wulllt) i,t) vvry tlitljcnlt tn disturb . 11nt) r u t.ulhec t .fil'p ► Ic w n, that if wtt ru ku thu po ittt, l,i ; ►vcr l.'ttn ;v l ;t \vill Il ;tvc 11 ► nrty +1 ~~1t oITlu 1 40n11, ►tnti wu shall get into a' tlliplltu about a pultry tttct' w r, wllicl ► is roally

'~' • . . • • ' • .+


not worth contending for. To •ay nothSng of the intorc e t 'of' out çlch ther•aro tnuny other items oî cxlwnvo in UI ► I ► er Canada (or which tho iv nocnrrc s l ► c ►ucling r.hnrgo in [,owar Canada, and ye t you tSl ! vcr hear tho Luwur(;nr ► ;uliuns cuutl ► I a ittiug o I' these exl ► cnces. Auri I may also observe that, ontlto llniuri, I,o wur Canada t, rot tglrt us lhc I,nr.hinu C;un, ► I cuu,tructcrl by menu e(if hur mvèt ►u- , nnll entirely paid 64 ► r, rtr,ri which wuric nlo n e , yielding uy ithnnlisûiuu revenue,, k motu tlrnn sulli c iunt cuir,l ► cnyntiun for Lite charges for •lho , ulin ► inistrxtic ► r► ui'•tUVItC v. I know it k said by tn ;ln y tlr,tt the I ► ul ► li~ worksfor which the llel ► t was contracted have l,cen li :utdcrl • ove r to 'Iho Province . •Tho I,u ►vcr t' ;IIIn1Il(lll>i e)il the •uther baud w ►► u ; ► f 1e 1) uy-" we }ir ► n't wnnt•` e itl A your debt or .tiout' wurk !; , nn ►1 ce•rtuiulv it is too had not i►nly to put

your elel ► t on uv, nn ► I Inicù III) our sutyll ► v t'i vcn~rl, l ► itt,nctu ;tlly to rcfutie tlto•• vury cl ►urhes which c o u kun ► 1 un our rc~,e ulru when we linvc uS 5 ► irur I ► 1 all" yuur chnrti0s as we I~ ► un ► I tlk?► n .'r I kuu w hv uilcu ► rn tlt ;lt the v k(I wy I I ► nvojust t•xl ►russcll h, ► vt ► not had that lv ~ igltt with nt;tnv of' u ►y Î'►;Iluw nicntl ► ers that1 nnticipulr : ► i . ,," 1'1 ► e• Ut ► I ►►~r ('anUllltly have ttlrcu ► Iv I;ut but an inllifliv rentch ;trni :lcr in I,~wcr (; ; ci► ;lcl,t wl ip r e rn o nev tuuttc r, . ore ronve•rnu d , nnd unfo r•

4unalcly too tnnny nru riiyl . uscd tu look nt tl ► e ;< o eluustiun ,; w i l h it scclionnl l ► inn .'.l'hey thi n k nwro ol' what will he l'or Iho I,ecunrctry i~ ► terest of tlrv ir consti-luuuly titan or whnt is just and right. And 1 ►rc uusu I c- nnnut go with them i nsuch vil .wv I have bcru e•i V m ►unred •na in ► litli ! runt to 111 ►I,r•r Cun ;uin intore•ntv, •nn~ay sulel to the Lower C'unulli,nny. Now, ge.~ntlen ►en, I cnn RtcV with th eutr ~o .t dincurity that not unu of thrrsc I ► ervuny is moto attached than nryself totlw int~ rceltH o1y 111'I1er ( : nunll+t, but I rllrnll ever recale all thcso sectiunnljo nlou,ilra . 'l'hu I ► ulic y of uur opponents is to li► rnw~ ut tlte nt ; niui • it is rr► u c hto bd rlul ►Iuroet Ihnt the l{t•furmcrv are but too re•ndy to fnll into tho Irnl ► .Altltuugh I have felt it ner,e hsnrÿ to ullèr the foregoing, uuve rvntions, and to •cxl► lnin to you that thero is no ) rve nL grutrnd fur cuml ► inint on the part of llrl ► r• r('anu ► In with rl•gnrll to t1 ► 4► exl ►e ntius of the administration of Justice, I nnt litr

,frorn being opposed to nny I ► rnc lil•ublu munnuro of rrlie( . 'l'ho only fettsiblomodo i + to give ul ► tc ► tlw srrve rul I)istri ctv, n portion of the inturnnl r ►► ycnue-such as tha t fro nt 'l'a vrrn l,icutiscs . A oli will huw v% •or admit that y(o n►nin-tl•nnncu of tl ► ï) public fnitlt iy'tho .Iirst thing to Lo nfk•t ► lled to, and in the f+lcooi a revenue ni; ► turinlly dituiui,hcrl from t e ml ► t►rnry c'nu mes it wn g itnhos s i b lotaJu any thing last year It is very wo ll for inrltvidu;tl rnr mberi entirely irreal ►on-tlihlo lot- the cnrrvingoitnf tlto tiuv v rntne,nl,nnl) the muintunt► ncoc► f the- publiccredit, • to Propose bch e ,i ► itv fur giving III) 1,nrtiuny of tint revut► uu to thnDistricts, lr y t .it is must unfrtir in th e n ► to ru ► b;lrrni9 tho G uvernrn ►•nt Hithsuch I ► rul ► us ;tiun . They are bru li I;llt f►►rlanrri tt ►e re•ly tr ► rni ., e• polit lent cnl ► itnlfor th ►► t ► uthor of the t;cherne, although ho is hinr5 v l ;' I ► urfectly nl%,, nro that 1 ► is 'proposal iy im l ►racticnbl o. 'l'),~ lutu 11~ ► ietry ►vcro in hol ►ct that by grcntorec~c► n~ ►nr}' in the liul,lic exl ► r~nd~iirre,' and by r;urn n jullil•iuuH nlterntion q in therovenuo laws, we• shuuld hnv e had such all incren .el) incumrl n9 would hnvecnnbleli thn ( ;uvernmont to ruli t*! vrs the I)ititrict ,4 in -,c ►rno wny frut ►► the n ► Imin •


I, trntu ► ;, of Justrco. 1 hiv . huwevcr c•ttnuut .l ► u rlunc nnlil 1 ►n, ►ulltr revcnuo t q ,in it better rlx ► Jition, and ns l linvo ulrva d y ahuwn ),ou it must not be nlluwc•Jto i flue :► co the Assessntctil Hill, in nny û•;i~•, inllreel tint I ►rrsona ►~~ho rniac+ r

~queslion in conitexiuru with that mepttrc must du it with a view to obstruct.9 I ► nogrose . 1.1w now Aswisnlcnt Bill would ntaku the ndmtn,Wtration of

cw~ .. • .


juatlcô -cxpenYcs much lighter than they pra to the nctunl 4ott'sr.I have been roml ► elled, g►►ntlonten, to occupy it conaider ib Ie 4 1►ace with my

ecplnnatiou, rcga Ming thiy bill, bul`'rts importance m ► tst~bo my nl ► ology. Icuu ► ç flow Io it Nuhje~~t ~vhich I will diyntisy very briefly nlthough it .is it veryimporta nt on~ , I inca ii mir t?ducnti o ► n mc (tsuroy . I n~~o~1 'say IittlU nl ► o ► it uurltn . vI ~rtiity li+ll 1 `the ► I ► rincil►!e of which iy ivell un d ► ! ry too ► i by all classes u ( theI ► e ul ► !u . It is fuun dod on I ► rincil ►les of justice to •nll, und nono can object to itbut tlu ► r;o %+hu n ► Iv ►► c+ ► te the princ ip!o of plucing ont- religiouy body in it positio nof sul ►criurity to uthers. It *ii but right, w.tiilu on this subje ct, that I shuul dcorrect n very grogs mi3 -- rel ► re9entation which has brem m a ► 1u by our c ► pl ►unent9among ulhers by 11r . I{ ►.►cl ► ;rtrnn, whim uttur Ignorance ►► f thu Hubjcct is hiaonly nl ►n1uPy . . It is that the Lower (•ann d i,tn sul ►portury of the lute 111inistryV6 ►► u N I have ul ► I ► ose ► I the (inivU rsitd Il ► II . In 016 tvor'il,l;i ► nt le file n,tho stntenre atiy untruc. It lias b eon circul ;urd with a view to p rij u ( iice thsKeform erq ofU l per Canada nl;ninyt tJ ► etr I,ruthren• in I,ow or (-►► u ► ln, who ' are chargedwith bo inl; unfne n ' ily to au lfl ► l ► or ( 'auud inn mwayuru sought for by the gr ~tn ► :ijo ►rity of' tl ► t4 luc ~ ► 1 ►Ic. , •

The (.;on ► ino n tichool Law is in your hmnd+--nlnt o ►vt r.very one has secnit nii d you can now form nn opinion whellicr ;t will nwet tho wants of theuuutry : Mucb d i,ynt 1 .S f,tcti 0 n wn.r t*C lt at the old Inw, nn d our ol ► I ►onents

~n ► leuv ►► tire ► I to mqku politic+ilcnpitul out of it, and I ►erl ►nl ►y with some vuc.cesy .I b ►slievu that th ►► new Inw will give very gomv rnl sati s l'. ►► :'ion . I I is based unI ►ol ► t ► I,tr 1 ►rincil ► Ies , rvery thing being (e ft in the Itnnds of the 1 ► coi ► lu tlue ntsclwc . y .wIru appoint, directl .y or •intl - r ectly, all tho oll'i oery ' rccp ired in order to carryout tl ► u s~tite ►n eflicicntfy . Ilt•ro is another I ► roof th . ► t the Into Ministry ► 1i ► 1not bcc k i t ► ►►btnirt ( ►Rtronng►►. I have it f e w oLyervntinns to Malte regnr d ingtbu tax,•N hich is comhinined of by xotuu, owir ►g citl ► e r to tl ► vi( r :;elliyhncss, ori h e ir iE,no runcr . T lie latu Atini .try could have hnd • no obje c;t in rvcluirinbthis t ; ► x unless for the beneGt of the 1► col ► Irt . It is evi ► It - nt, huwuver, that theobjv(yt of the tux i . not g ► 'ne re ;) y iut ► l e rstou ► I . I shall ► •ndeuvonr t ►► e xl ► lurn toVOIS its 1 ►ructi cnl cfli•c t : • I nhnll s l rl ► jistt that the'I'ruytr ( y r►I' uSchool . I) ► strict

4 • 11g , ► l;e if t ► • ► t cl ► v r n : X CZO it ycar, and thnt the t;ltnre of the (iovorntnivttt nllow-nnrc for that I)istrict would be J:1 0 . It I'nllowa thut ll w l ►nre ntzi of the c -ltildrenwoul ►1 hnv ► + tc ► rnise the remnininpç X ,)0 i t there wcro nn,tnx'. If jt ►►wevr•r, ntnx to duul ► le the nrnount r► f dire grnnt vutb. ruisctl,'tltnt I)itit ttct would get X ZOmore, nnd the I ►nrcrtts p o uld only have to rni,o J: :3O instc,t~l o'YJ:,► 11 ; and thiet u x fulls uron il w, tvh o ► !o I►rolmrty of the townshi p , rcnl and I ► er• ► nnl, restclente'and non r~•,i ► lr.ntr -- tl ►►~se whu lin vo chil 0 ren and thoso who have t► one. The

• . , object ul' tbn tax i4 to c ncuurnge the nctual sctt!er m ; 1 ►nrticulnrly•Ihu I ► ootcr01111S , to cr;tnl ► li .h ee hootq. I ;ut it is said by botno : 11 Let tl ► o"o who use 1110r:chnc ► I I► ;ty for it ." O u this principle the rovinciul Governn ►e nt should givet ►o tl ► ~r~ ► . I c.ontcn~l I ►uwewe r that as all persons hnving property are intcrest tt( )in tl~ ►~~~ ( fur,ntiun•ol tho people, property ougl ►t to be tttxc ► I., .w) t - unrcasonnblyI l i g h . but to su c h an cxtcnt as will bivo a nrodorato uncoitragcment to tltorevi ► i e ht se ttle r . I a 0

()if the vcry importa ni me>tvuro f► Ir imposing duties on Agricultural pro .% duce nn d tivo stock im 1 ►ortcd into the l'rov inçc, 1 nood eny little, especially

its all 1 ►nrtius now 1 ► rol•csR to be in fnvour of it . I woutJ Itnwnvcr rrrnin d you,gcntlcmciu, - that ou t opponents when in ppwor misht have carried such it




ntectsuro had they Deun ►rfllhtg to,~ ro. 'l'heJr aure iung enough iu oti'coe ir iall consciupcu; 1 have tlterul•oru a to expro'a my cutiafuution that aKefurm blinisli'y wcre able to carry a moasuro of each grcat importuucu nu ► fthat 1 hutl ntybolf tho~ honuur of boing ontrust .etl \vitlt it. '•

'l'liero arc muny otl ► er n ►oasurcy of secondnry importance, cnmparod withthe grcat unes tu whiclt l lutvè rcl'orraJ, but ►►•hic;h stil l cntiile'thc 1atu At•iniytrytu yuur conliJuneu un ► 1 sultl ► urt. Iq thiy (;otuttry you must de rive grcut I~enelitfroin, the ncw Eloctir,n Iaw, ►vliich will trnublc yOu to crercise that inc~tinnctl ► 1u1?rivulcgr, thu eluctivo imite liise, tvithout ex pence, antl witliuut dulige r tu yourlivcs, an ►1 whiuh will ul~ ► ,,, l hn1 ►o put un end to hril~urÿ, nnll trcutinâ . houwill likewisu lin ► I the t ►cuwlit (Il' tl ► u I ► ill fur t•estruining 1 ► 1 rty lrrueussiunv, rïn ► Ifur I ►ruserving urJur ut Irul ► lic ntoutin5s: Nced 1 tcll yuu, gentlemen, thatsotuu mcuyuru I•ur uiscuur~iginh tl~u trwn ►Iturs ofsecret Sûcictics iy itnl ►ur+ilivcly

that the . Jury Itill iti ntTt uit uni uwl ►ortnut tnuuvure . Only n fcw cI,iyy sincu yot t

ha vu ;o tfy Itis friénds. ~

on this point, 1 do ttut ►Ir ;a ►air ut convinuing yuu that thu L•ttü 11iui,try ►vt'r ► ,

Cunu ► lu to udvnncu i1, un ► I fur nty own part, (_, trc ►ultl,diKnwn uny nuu ► nv .n

~ cullutl li ►r i You h ► ivo sulli ;retl tuo se vu ruly l'tyi ► t ( )tango (tilt rugc3 to I ► ad„- nny. cloul,t un thu eubje~t . Vur nty own I ►nrt it wil l ever l,o n«ntree u4'thi ► .

higltt;sl ~ utisl'uctiun tu mu that I wu .r u i»omhur o( tho ntiniytry that I ► ruuKhtfurwunl the ieçret tiocictj ►;s I ;ill, l'uu will al:w ttF;rt~p wit.h me in thinkig

huvt,~ a(juu u I)eI► uty tilm ri IF uatinb ith n v= ► rty o( nie n, ntuny of wht,in ►vuruin ul ►et ► violation ut' hu law of tftu land, un(I vet titis vi•ry Iturtiun rroul ► 1 I ►► ~cntruytt;d undo r ou r• .1 ► roaent luw with the dwnmoninb oh' the jury wltu wuuli l

'l'ht►s ncxt sul ►j ►;ct t') which [ situll crtjl .lyour attcntit► n is one~ rcgn"r ► iingwhtch I am uwuru that in ;u► y of you muy have tltoyu »trung I,rejutliccy ►vhi r l ►1 ► tfisun+tl iuterost III must ulwnyy crcutes . - l ulluclu, of course, tu thu Sont et' .l :uvctutnunt question . .\nd vet,Kenllutnen, nutwithsl ►►ntling uIL .~oit r I ► r~ jutlirt~y

ju»titiud in takinl; tlu; cuur,u.thnt tttcy JiJ ; ut' uny rutu I I~;eI ~sutisl~e ► I that y('itwiil givo us crctlt : fur hi ► viuh actcd ns wu thuu);ht n ► ust fur th ► t iri trr ►r,t •,I' tlti ; °whulu l'rovincu . 7'htt question of the Scat of t .yvt' ratura t, liku 80unu uthe ry,h,ts hccn iun ► lu use of I ► y i,ur I ►i ► liticul opl ► onunty in orrlur'tu futitcr tliy .rusi ►► n

~, • hetweun tltu lwul ► lu ut' I,u ►► e r ;util 111 ►her (:unnd;t . (t ought rni ►t, howcver, lu1►u su treuted . V oit, l,rsni lcnu+n, wltatr.ver I ► relu,lices yvit imty ha vo on tl ► u ,auhjc~t, tuo ;Ou libe ruf tninol~'d uuui too juyt to u(lvurtco any Cluiut on lüc I ► ;trtc ►I UI ► I ►er Canada, on the gro,nnd uf right . Sucli u cluiin 'i s yultu incon~istrutwith tliu te tins on ►vhich tlie , 11niuu way 'estublishetl, it iy un ittMult tu I .uwrt

' jtt:furuttor who w•uul ► I tu•g s it . `'l'Iw tJmuon hnving l ► ecn ► •tit ;thlishc• ► 1, ►ve tirt+ ti ►consiticr that tlu ;ra is nn ► 1 unitrd l'ruvinco, nnd in selcctinl; tue Sent ot•Covern-tnent, rrh;tnl shuuldl bu, h .td ►u tlm cùnvenicnce, und inte rusts- of tliu whulupopulation. ' It is ultituyt tuuit .ing tu lin ► 1 that tl ►u vury Irtmrties wliu n tèw yenrsnKu insistetl that thu I :c'cuid_t,l• ylunUrraI Hhciultl ( ►e nltar,he ►i tu lll ► I ►ir l' ;tnrtclu,on the I;roun ►) that 11ont tr~', ► I ►►•,ts rtn t1l ► I ►er l:anntla city, huilt ul ► nn ► i r+unhurtc ► 1by our Lontnturet', n rua tliu, - ; ►vhu decluro nc ► w 't hi bccnuso Atont reul iw out ut f

` thu t'ur m ue t• lirnits ul' 111 ► I ►rr (' ;tnrtdn it i5 on lhux l accouo+I an iinl ►roprr I'Inrc lùrthu tict► t uf ( huvurntnrnt . \\•ith tiuch pcrol ► lo it iy u seluss tu argile . 'l ' hév•nre

; nu( artuntcd by uny princil ► lu huit are influuttcetl in thcir c o nduct I ► V ho ,tility to' . . tho pout ► lu of Lowur l :nn ;t ► la. It i3 n~castiitr}', howuvur, l ►eft ►re t►dv ;►ncing nny

' ruasone iy fuvuur o1 Muotruul ; .tu state tho circumstunccs under which, the

Into 1liniatry, wero cnll+ ;d upon to net . You pf11 rocoflect gentlernert, tfiduririg the fret seesiun of 't ho prc~cnt I'+trliau ►cnt Ihc'~IIoueu 617 Aysuinl ► ly paeycan addreas' to the Q,aucn praying for allqrn+tte l'arlinment3 at (,2ucLcc arToronto. The ru ►►ver of thin a ► I#Cg9 t1•ny Sir Alltin, t<1oNu1 ► , who is now +

• . wnrm in his oppqyition to 1luctt•ual . IIe was vil log, howevur, to have huIho (Iovcrnnt ► :q and l'urlr,tmput°Intlf tI ► u tiS~ in Luwer (.:nn,ul ;t, and nt a ph(particulnrly irici ► nv ►-nient for UI ► I ►►► r Uurtn ► linu .+ . 1Vunl ► 1 Hucl ► it achetnrt I ► !w%beun uf nny'eMvic u to yuu~'g''rttl ► 111 .-n ? or %0 ►►ul~.l you I ► avc► I ► re•fc-rrôd it to 11one ndul ► tucl by the In tu +u+tt+ .,irry 1 You are âwuru, that Ilcr 111njcsty'~*Go,urnmcnt ul,j~~ctacl +tltu~►etl+ér lu auch rut nrrtngcrnent, Oit which the Iluu ;o cAsycntbly was clil ► n,ed to Iec+ve To suttlcrn+,:nt uf tho question in An 1 ►an+ly ithe Intl ►crial (iiot•urni ►► cnt, whuyo ► iccisiurr it was r ► u1)I)( ► .vu ►I would huvti t ►ccbowed to by tlto whole l'ruvineo. llcr Alojusty'a Govcrnmont, howovc ;r, wcrnot willing to ns,unte tlw ru.l ►unsil ► ilitv o f saltling n question of 40 [nuei+npi ► rtctncu, and they aocqrclinl,ly n,lcc ►I tue opinion of' the lute (',uvcrn(('genoral, and imtructcd Itim to6I ► tniu tltztt of tho Exet_:utiYO (:uuncii, Yowill seo therofi ►ro that the' ► lucstiuu was fiorcud ttl ► orr the Into ininisqy, and nctakun ul ► âpuntuttcoudy by thr.rn ( ;ulled upon to discharge ~t toast y ►► Ie ► nctu!y ; .und I,~ ► uri ► ) by the rr► ntit H;tcrc ► I, obligations to ctclviyu that cnur :co wi ► icshould llo ntc:►st for the I ►ul ► lic ir tc, a rcyt, the lute n ►ini,try look up thrv emb

a rassing qui► stion . j' ou will +tt uu~u 1► rrcuivu how ignurunt of•tl+u clutic~y uf i t• l'.XCCUtIVtj Cuunalllor tlluyu lu*vL)rty InuHt be, (and I regret to , .,uy that atn ►► ofi>

thcrrt .ara pur5ur ►s of soute influcncu,) who cucl ►:nvour to persuade the ljoul ► Ithitt Upper Uaniulian tnuiribora'hnvu sacrificed the intarust of UI>I ►or Uunacl+iI was sworn in, I gcntlemtn, all, ~Sxceujivo Councillur as well as it nuvmbcr a

. i' I'urlianueut, fr ►r tho l'ruvit+c:u ►►f Canada, and I c :uul+l nnt• without violntinti mu+ttlt, sulW► t ► rt UI ► 1 ►ar l:+inn ► I ;t in I ► rcfvrcrt+ ;ci to Lower ( ;nnuctc, urtlory I IltutrEalithe public interu ►+tr; wnuicl thc► ret► v t,e liclvùncu ► I . 'l'I ►u question which wtt Ir,to cunsiclur was, which was thu hast place for the Sent of ( ;ow,rnmont ; andhoaituto nut to say, that if Murttru :t, had ( ►et,n within lll'I► ur Canada it wc ►ul,have been ► ;ulecA, with jutit +ta tnuch muLlinMtis n, it wny . With reRnnl to th,çlaimxutf ,11or ► truitl I, would observe that it has IUIIl; bc ► •n the comrnvrcinl c•nl► itrtof lluitud , Uuna+l,t ; uiid iront its position it iri l+kely to rernnin rio . 1 t is th l, - I ►ointo{•jtcro tlw I;ret ►tcr part or thu ruvcnuu is coll ► rctecl, ► trr+I tWhorû our liticaallitiry cnn be muvt satisf ►tctorily tnttncig ► ,+I . But tlto ntror ► gv;+t itrgutn ►rut itfavour of Alontro,tl,~thu one which to Inc is ttnanswe rrtl ► lc, is that it is the 01113City in Cn11,011 whoro tua two races cnn mcot oit n fuutir ►g of' I ►rrfert ccl+tnlityI knuw that such no -arf;,++ttunt as this will IIltvo Iittle \ weil ;ht wi(h unr I ►uliticu

'• ~opl►uqontv, but I nd ► lrutiy Ityli ►rtnery, tnc(i +litil ►oyc ►I to act oit the pl ► jen rule oiclorng as they would l ►s clone by . I I ► ut'it in yon, t;i~ntlc'rucn, wh+•thcr yutwuulcl aubntit to hrtvu . the :iu;tl or Govcritmr,nt at it Vrçneh 'l'uwn in IowutCanada-, whuru` the Qôli,h I+uigu+ ►gn is' rtuthl ►ukouj and whtr ►► there N t

i rut to qit•u expression to your viu.N~e, or to record tliu yluec~Cltra uf you trepresc+tt ;ttivcs .' IVhut would you stty if y ►►u wr'ru I ► I,tco+l in'suclt a position 1{ nucl yet it wuy i ► ttaf;inc ►I th,•tt the French ( ;w);+cli,twt won Iii eul ►nrit to xuch a

dtalo of thirtRr witlt I ► , ► t+unce. I atn sure that vou,';''utlcnien, thinki+tF onlyof the littlu udvuntugaH (arttl Iitllu Me;d they wuul ►1 have, been) that you wuuldhave deriied front to Salut of hovc ►rntncut l►oiag at Kingston, lost sight ctlto-gcthc r of Iho cruel irÿ+tstico that would have t~ett dwto to (lie Lowcir Cauadian~

- . . ~

~ 1 7~ J , ' ` ; ' ' • • .

by it . •1 1 nng 111 c it wltr ► lo people i,otate ► l front ; il~cir !;o~•ernm o nt , nn~) t1 ►cirrol ► reqtntntivos, and wilh ►)ut III(, rn .~ir~c ► fkruiwinb ally tl ► inti that i,,fiuin$ .f~ ► rwrtnl at the 'cul ► itcl. 1(evcru:"tlrc~`ci ► :turc . 11'It,tt Ir ; ►tsc cve lrrl'cr ( ;nr ► n ,clians to cornl ► luiu u,' at illuttjr t* al ? %I'u 1"1" n cit~• wi'Ir a Inr g ►~r Ilriti ;lr~hl ►ulntiun tlten• tlt oXu is I~ rA u , lr ; wi :h four ►Iailv n ► wa,hcr..; in tlro I:rtgliat :l ;cn~;ua gr, Ir~~,i f lc . r ► tlu•t~ I ) erï ► ~li ( . ,tl,. lt i, .tl ► e Pl"('" to wl ► ielr wn look for allour cuKutturciul iitl ► rrr ► •i ti ►►n -% hurt, it IS nlre;t ► ly thu r ;tl ► itul ufCcuta ► ln, un dtlto Sent ~,Î'~ p~~ ► rrnr~r ~nt wc►ltl ► i SÈc % er Itu~~e L ► cct ► t ;tket ► nnywlrcre els o 11Ut tvitl rn vÎuw of tcYttr,,rarily ;,ul ►scirvirr g I ► ; ► rty rcty.Iti tt we are t ►► 1 ► I, l,e nt .crnc•n, tli ;tt it the Scat of Government is fi .x ed nt111untruul, F ►~ncl ► iulluc,n cu will I ► r e l o n ► lernte. Intilçn ► I ►f « 1 ,,renclr," f;entl e -rn v n, read - ltoli,rm," and you will Ir .ttru thu re;tl grurtnd of tlur ►;tronl; ul'Iw .siliou to (11~tntre,tl . Tho Itctùrtncrs ►it' ltrrti,h urif;itt in I,c•ur ( ;,rnnrl,t nre, Ittm happy to ; ;ry, n tturrterutu Will intluenti;tl I ► ociy, and Iheir inlluc0o is justns muclt clruu ► Icr► I as tlt ;tt of the l'rcuclt CGtt ;t dicctrv . Now J hortcstiy crinlè~~,ZSe r► tlemen, that I look ul ► ort it as ;t„ ►n;i ;tet• ul` g rcut importance flint tiri ~s l' ►•ettclrinfluence, or as I should , ;ty , Rcfo rirt inlluc•trc e , will be s'ul,stitutc► I for Ornnsoinlluuncu. I tl ► inlc it highly rl e ,irul ► l ► s that thu publie opinion at fit,- fii~,tt or( :uvornrne nt sltuu"d Is Ihut of the u ► nj o rity of oit lie people, ' tnrl'tlrat il' your lib-e rlios shuulJ bu nttuclced 1 ►y . wickc ; ►1 or curr~tJ ► t gc,vernmenr, therc~ should I ► uit public th,tt Avuul ► 1 };rvu t~~cliutè expression to ii-t feelings t► f Itone, s t indigna . -tiut ► . Can you, gentl ; :iruo n, suppose tlr,tt•I could tlrinl: liinf;yA on it proper placefor tho 5e;tt of Gu y ernrtrent, wlir•n I I;nuw thut . in III' 1110 r6 ►ulitun ( :uunty youcnnnut Irold it I ►ul,li j~ ►ncctinl ; without hnvinl; your livcs cntnttgorecl ? IVI ►enl ► sco the Urangcmen () n Lot No . Z1 rel ► rus I rttn

gtltci'r opinions to tho ( ,ovcr-)tor uy , thu ii; of' tho mnjurity of the people 1 For triy own part, I neither tl ► inktiucli u I ► luco it clus irul ► Îu one I'pr tlto Scat -or ( .civornr ►t«ttt, uur do t wish to livo ,~•thcro inysolf. I ntrt sure that ntnnv of you would not be si ► rry to l ;o beyondth o reach of O io luwles,t men by tvl(urit you have l ►ee ► t so scnnrlulou,ly ttbutiécl .Ay tu ~•c~ur privutC irrlcrcYt3, it the tlrtit place, I Au nut•lltink you will fiuflitr Fotttuct ► uy YOU irn ; ►riuo by time clrun?,o. 1 tun c 11 tito tinti s fie rl Orna the Act of lustIhosyiun iutl►bi inu (1116014 on nl;ricnlturnl I ► rrnltic :o and live storc, will be ut' infin-

It`ly muro I,vno lit to you tltunthu tivat of (iovurnnwrtt . The I ►arsony in Kin g4 .on who trtvo inv ►~}tc ►I m ►► nfoyiu ru;tl 1 ► rul ►crtx nrr}to lin I ► i ; iu ► i, altltoualt mrutyof tlwut were véry iml► ru dout, nud the ( ;orl ►uwttn,n of' Kin g ;tun wero nl ► solulcilyrcr,lcicss : '!'Ir;y ciotiurvu to sutl' ! r, if for nc ►thinl; elso, for tlrcir r.cintctul ► t forthe ol ► iuions of' tho W-l ► r owrnt+ttivcn of the ( ;ru ►ad iun people, and thoir rcliunc oOn. Ilw I► run ► i .l e s of' I ;np It s lt huliti (t i ;ttta . Awl even if you, tho farriter4, doeuflùr w~ittlo , by getting l ► riccs u vory littlu luwer Ilt ;rn I ►cl ' ►rc, are you ntrwillin gto ntnko sumo sacrifice 1 '6 r tl ►u public good, and in o rde r to r;ce ,iuytico cluno toyour lùllucv Hul i j oc t",y in I,ntv e r (.;unctd t of P rvnwflh orihirt 1 11nt :+cc 01111 ly, Ir►oulr) ronturk, tb ;tt rv~~n il' tlic ~ic ;tt of' {~uvcrnm ►snt wer ► c to be fixctl in 111►►crCuuadn, it is ► lititu I ► . ► ;sil ► lu tlr ;'tt it wt ► uld I ► ; 1, cutovc ► 1 frcZT ► y► inl;a ►► n . Andwoul ► I you, g, rttlt ; : ►► n, ( ►►+ any I, ►•ttcr c)Il' I,y Ir,tvinl ; it vithcr at Toronto-or ~~Ytown, lltan rrt Itluutr~~al ?•(;cr .t ;tinly nut. Itrly ul ►on it tlrtv scat ol' Guv.ornttl-•nt ugitatiurt has bocrn pot ul ► I ► rincil ►allyin .c+nlcr I ►r cli, ;urb tho presentgood ttnrl~~i ;t ;tu ► li~i~~ ►rttvcc n lIl ►pur ;tuul l,r ► wur ( ;,runrlinna, nn ► I it iy vatisfitc•tory to knuw that it lins llrovocl it si,-nia ~ I',tilorr . I ;ven tlroyc I .efurnt AlctttbaryWho front timidity vutctl nrpinst Diutt ;rcal, have l,,-cotrtc c;unvin ► .ccl that tho, . .



'(ry)inionaf the Itufurmcra tltrougdwut tlw country is clcciJ~dly tvith the IntaMtnistry u ► t•this ► luestion . . You, ge n.tloi ►u:n, inay occul ►y ;t I ►ruud 1 ►o5 ~ti 0n .-- •

- Yuu tnay cunuj out, intcreste ►I us yuu•aru sui ► l tu be, nn ►~ us yuu feul yourselwc9

tu ho, au ►1 onlthis very qucytiun i ► rovo yoursulvcy tu bu 1 ►0tlt disinforustcd ancl'

p,ttriotic. AJ bc~iuvu iuc, l,y eucl ► a cuursu yuu wùulJ gain crrociit witlt yourfelluw Itclur ►ners uvcr tlw whuto Province . ~

In conclusion, l;cntlen ►cn, 1 will uucu more cnrncstly •iml ►Ioro you, US you

valut . the bc :;t intcruaty of your country, not to unturta in ;uiy feeling of jenlouyy• or di,trust tuw}► nl . uur lwur (:ana ►licut L ► rcthcrn, un ► l tu look ul ► on tltuso who~ cuile+avur tu cxcitu nny sucl ► !'culin);, as tliu wo rtit cnciuic~uf tlu+ country. On

titis subject l will quutu tu you tlw lunnuul ;e ul'ury I ;ttu cullcirl;u ► •,•,11r . liuldwin,,vl ► ich cann ►► t bu tua strungly iu ►Ii resscd ul ► ~ .► n tliü pcol ►Ie, or tou ullcu rcpetitc ► l,nn ► l tvitl ► uu extrad t fruiu lii ► ~I(~ch ut tue lutu I)inttcr at Toronto 1 will con-clurlu tl ► iy long and, I leur, lu(Iluuy nlld resa. '

'• And if Ul,luer ( ; ;tnu~lt ►lusires tut I ►er cilt ;tl reprcyentatiun shnll indecdI ►ossuy3 an cqu,tl wuihltt in tltu ( ;uuncils of thProvince, with that ut' tlio othcrsections of tll'ruvii :cv, the lirst st ► :p til ►►► must tul :u tuw ;trdy tl ►at end must butu give ail i,i inciivcly pnrty clin racle r lu th ►.• ltel,ruauu',ttiuu whicl ► yhu ruturny .lit t ;tct without titis it is iii ► ► ~,s~tIl)lu l'or atny I ► itrty Ic ► rut ; ► iu I ►uwur~-they in fn ► 't► lo not ► le,~~rvu•tu ubtnin tt~ Dut, fur liis uwn l ►nrt, lie il il t ►ut lu:situtu t ►► eny,that nuit ltcr ho rmr liiy l ► ppcr l'uundu fricndy wcru in uny d ;u ►ESer of sufWring .in the hlihhtest ►Ichrcu l'run ► I ► iy Ienriw ►1 t'riunrl Loing, as hu justly wris, tho lca ► Ie rof the unitcd ltcl'urnt I ►arty .--(( :Itcuras . ) F~Sr"I ► iinsolf Iw wuul ►I any, nuttvitl ► -etun ► linh tl ► : nl,sitra iiul ► uUt :ion, (as ail wliu knew liin ► wuitl ►I vuucl ► it to lw) u('inor ► lin ;ttc nu ►bitiw ► , fur tvhle ii Iw w;ts indcl ► tc ►1 to the tini ►►u higl ► nuthority, h<<did nut hcsitutu tu 5ay, ho wus I ►crlirctly rcuJy ntSt) Itul ► I ►y ; wltilu hie countryrciluiru ► 1 hiv, services, to givo tl ► uni in thut station in wliicll ' tlroy cuit Le ntotituyufuL--(Cltuurs. [ Anil that us tu I ► iy Irnritod frict ► iI, Iro,• Itail l'uund liitrt eui I ►sur in Isis I ►urui~l ► tiun i► l' ritiht, ►tu I ► rui ►►IIt in tliu stysurtiutt of it, muid so Ste ruin the cuudci ►tntttiun of ;Iil tlluau arts ul' luw iu ►►1 licUy itttri~uo, to whic h littlcttuittcls r ► :st>rt tu cunccal tl ► eir ha rreiuteas, tltat Itu ► kula rc ► l it it coinfort to hnvo~u ►:h aguidc, a glury tu h;tvusu ►;It n I ►•aJur, untl a y ►~itrcu of tlu u grentcrat atïtis=fuctiun tu 1 ►ctvt> Kucl ► a l'ricn ► I . An ► I I ► o wuul ►I IeII tue I'cc! ► lû of lJl► l ►rr ( ;anndrt,tl ► ut in luis opinion, thi •y cuultl IIUt Illlvl) 1l Illllll as tllU ,Icttdrr of tlio trnitod Re-furn ► Party mi ire uttrutivu tu their inturests, t ►uiru rvesufvud on buvit ►g tlw~irn ► iniytratiu+ ► , a~ rcyl ►cctc ►I tliut Fur.tiun of tl ►o l'ruvince, cutuluctu ►l itt ama utwr Nutiyfitctury tu thein. (I,ou ►1 cltuurs. J And i, (,\(r. lütl ►Iwinj won Iiiuysuru tlten ► , tlic ► t lie luit tltut hu coul ► I givu tl ►et ► t tu ► 1 ► cttcr advi ►;u, than to lett ►uthin); lu ► lucu th ►:m tu cntcrtaiii jcnlousicy ►► r ► liytrust of tl ► ujr Lowur (:unaditutltxuthcni, which cvury cnbinu ul' tlu;ir viwiuicy iy set tu wurk tu bring about .--I lu conjurcd thc ►►► nut tu ;itituct tu the wtly Iltvlltuallun~ of thoa~41 ►o proaclwJup auclt Jistrust, I,ut to n ► urk cvury unaus wttu ► lit) au as tlus tvur;t enemy of I,otlttfectio:as ul' tltn Province . Au~l t ► o unhut;itatingly ity5urtc ►1 tltut tlw IZeformot'qof UI ►pur Çanuiln coitldl ►avc tw botte r allies tl ► un tlicir Lrothcr Itcforn ► ery of thuothur sxrctiun of thu Province ; niai cuulil have nu Ii'adcr tt ►oro reNUlvcd to doIltctn justice ,tltan hia lion . cutJ (clrnud friencl ►11r. Lufuntnitw." (laiccrs . j

I have tl ►o hut ► our tut ;cntktnnn, ~

1`our nwst ubcJiuut ~ ► .rvnnt .j' . ttttvrr; 4

