Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Notes Science Chapter 2 ...€¦  · Web viewAcids Bases and Salts...


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1. E-content such as YouTube


1. Read the given details/text and do as directed.

1. Read the questions and complete the assignment in your notebooks by 9th May 2020.

Assignment 4

Analytical Writing

This form of writing is used to interpret the facts presented in the form of table, graph or chart. A graph or chart is a visual stimulus to depict the data. Data interpretation requires an analysis and comparison of the given facts and drawing conclusions based on the given data.


1-Study the chart given below, which is the result of the survey conducted in the public schools and government schools of Vadodara. This depicts the types of activities the teenagers (Age 13- 19 years are involved during their leisure time). Complete the summary in about 80 words.

Teenagers and leisure time

Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.

2- The following data in the form of histogram shows that death due to violence has increased considerably during recent years. Write its interpretation in 100 words on how educated youth can play a major role in establishing peace in society.

Role of youth in establishing peace in society

Youth and peace are interlinked in society. Youth can play an important role in establishing peace in society. In a survey conducted, it has been found that number of deaths due to violence has increased enormously since the nineties. Death rate in 1000s was 2.5 in 1990. But in 2010, it has increased to 7.5. It is really very sad. It must be checked.

Our youth can play a major role in controlling this crime graph. They can contribute towards establishing peace in many ways. They can awaken the people towards the necessity of peace. They can help the police in catching the criminals. They can bring the criminals in the main stream by educating them and they can do much more.


1. Study the graph given below, which is based on a survey done on students of tenth class in three different types of schools in Ahmedabad. The chart depicts the number of students speaking English and Hindi. On the basis of the details given in the bar-graph given below, summarize the data making comparison wherever necessary in about 80 words.

Hint- Compare the percentage of students speaking English and Hindi in all three schools giving the possible reasons.

Begin Like this:-

Ans. In a study conducted on the students of class tenth of three various types of schools- Government school, private school and a KV, it was observed that……………………………….

2. As an aware citizen of the country, you are concerned about the increase in road accidents in the metropolitan city Delhi. Interpret the data given below in about 80 words. Also use your own ideas.

Horizontal line (x-axis) – yearsVertical line (y-axis)-No. of accidents

Ans. ……

3. Give below is a pie-Chart, which shows different types of electric gadgets, used by middle-class people in their houses on an average in Jaipur. Write in about 80 words the reasons based on the hints given below for selecting the electric gadgets for houses.

Hints-Take into consideration the price range, durability, lower electric consumption & after sales-service.


. Mgd Girls' School , Jaipur

Home Study Assignment-4

Class -10


सामान्य निर्देश:

i. छात्राएँ हिंदी विषय के लिए 2 नोटबुक बनाएँगी । 

  ii.वर्कशीट कार्य पहली नोटबुक में किया जाएगा ।

iii.नोट बुक(पुरानी अथवा नई)/पुरानी कॉपी के पेज निकाल कर भी बनाई जा सकतीहै।

iv.कार्य पूर्ण करने की तिथि :  09/05/2020

v.Important Link

हिंदी पाठ्यपुस्तक- क्षितिज -2 (NCERT)



हिंदी वर्कशीट नंबर-4 

संदेश लेखन

नोट : संदेश लिखते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य बाते –

बॉक्स बनाना आवश्यक है l

दिनांक एवं समय का उल्लेख

संबोधन अर्थात किसको संबोधित किया जा रहा है l

लिखने वाले का नाम

सरल एवं सुगम शब्दावली का प्रयोग

एक ही अनुच्छेद 30-40 शब्दों का हो l

1.पुलिस विभाग द्वारा जनता के नाम लॉकडाउन के दौरान घर में रहकर स्वयं तथा देश की सुरक्षा में सहयोग देने हेतु एक सार्वजानिक संदेश लिखिए l

2. निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़कर दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए –

 वीरता की अभिव्यक्ति अनेक प्रकार से होती है। लड़ना-मरना, खून बहाना, तोप-तलवार के सामने न झुकना ही नहीं, कर्ण की भाँति याचक को खाली हाथ न लौटाना या बुद्ध की भाँति गूढ़ तत्वों की खोज में सांसारिक सुख त्याग देना भी वीरता ही है। वीरता तो एक अंत:प्रेरणा है। वीरता देश-काल के अनुसार संसार में जब भी प्रकट हुई, तभी अपना एक नया रूप लेकर आई और लोगों को चकित कर गई। वीर कारखानों में नहीं ढलते, न खेतों में उगाए जाते हैं। वे तो देवदार के वृक्ष के समान जीवन रूपी वन में स्वयं उगते हैं, बिना किसी के पानी दिए, बिना किसी के दूध पिलाए बढ़ते हैं। वीर का दिल सबका दिल और उसके विचार सबके विचार हो जाते हैं। उसके संकल्प सबके संकल्प हो जाते हैं। औरतों और समाज का हृदय वीर के हृदय में धड़कता है।

(क)वीरता की अभिव्यक्ति किन-किन रूपों में हो सकती है? (ख) आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए-‘वीर कारखानों में नहीं ढलते।”(ग) वीरों की तुलना देवदार के वृक्ष से क्यों की गई है?(घ) गद्यांश में कर्ण और बुद्ध का उल्लेख क्यों किया गया है?(च) उपर्युक्त गद्यांश का एक उपयुक्त शीर्षक दीजिए।(छ) वीर के संकल्प सबके संकल्प क्यों बन जाते हैं?(ज) निर्देशानुसार उत्तर दीजिए—पर्यायवाची बताइए-याचक, गूढ़।

‘विचार, और हृदय’ शब्दों में ‘इक’ प्रत्यय लगाकर शब्द बनाइए।

3.बच्चे की दन्तुरित मुस्कान का कवि पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है “तुम्हारी ये दन्तुरित मुस्कान कविता के आधार पर लिखिए l

4.एक बच्चे की मुस्कान और बड़े व्यक्ति की मुस्कान में क्या अन्तर होता है ? अपने शब्दों में उत्तर दीजिये l

5.कवि ने बच्चे की मुस्कान के सौंदर्य को किन-किन बातों के माध्यम से व्यक्त किया है






1. Read lesson number 8 « L’Environnement » »Topic Le Subjonctif & lesson no

10 “Vive la Republique” from eBook « Entre Jeunes 2 »Above mentioned topics are taught

in online classes.

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes ,register or any sheet of paper and must show

when school reopens.

3. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to their respective class email ids.

4. Name and section to be written on top right side corner of the worksheet.

5. Last date of submission is 9th May 2020.

6. Students can ask their queries related to the topics via email ids given below.

7. Class –10 Class -10 F+G


Subject: - French Class- X

1. Complétez avec le Subjonctif:

a. Il est essentiel qu’elle ______ devant la porte de la classe.(être)

b. Je suis ravi que tu ____ ton travail, viens me voir.(faire)

c. Il est nécessaire qu’ils ____ pour l’examen(étudier)

d. Je veux qu’il _____ avec toi. (ne pas parler)

e. J’apprécie que tu ____(prendre) ta décision.

2. Complétez avec le discours indirect :

a. Mon ami me demande « Est-ce que tu es malade ? »

b. Mon voisin me demande « Comment vas-tu a l’école ? »

c. Paul me demande « Accepteras- tu de relire mon texte ? »

d. Pierre me déclare « Je serai avec vous toujours »

e. « Viens tout de suite ! » ordonne la maman a son enfant.

3. Qui est-ce / Qu’est-ce que c’est ( Ils sont connus pour ?)

Auroville, Puducherry


कार्य-पत्रिका-4 (2020-21)

कक्षा – 10


सामान्य - निर्देशाः

1.अभ्यासकार्य में दिये गये इ लिङ्क् से पढकर कार्यपत्रक (worksheet ) हल करे |

E link -

2.सभी कार्यपत्रक एक लघु उत्तरपुस्तिका में हल करे | विद्यालय खुलने पर उन्हे जांचा जाएगा |

3.कार्य पूरा करके शिक्षिका को e mail पर चित्र 9/5/2020 तक दिखाने है |

1. Mail id - – Mrs. Geetesh Sharma

2.Whatsapp to Mrs. Seema Sharma –10 D*E 9414320963


विषय:- संधि एवं प्रत्ययाः

1. निम्नलिखितेषु वाक्येषु रेखाङ्कितानां पदानां कृते शुद्धं सन्धि सन्धिविच्छेदं वा विकल्पेभ्यः

चित्वा लिखत –

(i) सन्धिच्छेद: क्रियताम् I

(अ) सन्धि + छेद: (ब) सन्धिम् + छेद (स) सन्धित् + छेद:

(ii) सदाचारः एव प्रथमो धर्मः भवति I

(अ) सत + आचारः (ब) सत् + आचारः (स) सतो + आचारः

(iii) रामः पितुर्वचनम् सदैव अनुसरति स्म I

(अ) पितुर् + वचनम् (ब) पितु: + वचनम् (स) पितुर्व + वचनम्

(iv) पुस्तकानि आदाय त्वं गच्छ l

(अ) त्वम्+गच्छ (ब) तव+गच्छ (स) त्व्+गच्छ

(v) भूमिः+तोयं ददति |

(अ) भूमिस्तोयं (ब) भूमिर्तोयं (स) भूमितोयं

2. अधोलिखितेषु स्थुलपदेषु संधिं-संधिच्छेदं वा कुरुत -

(क) धूमं मुञ्चति शतशकटीयानं ?

(ख) किं नामधेया युवयोः+जननी l

(ग) गावश्च गोभिः तुरंगास्तुरंगैः I

(घ) तथा वाचि भवेत्+यदि l

(ङ) कः पुनरन्धो राज्ञः+विरुद्धः इति आर्येणावगम्यते l

3. रेखाङ्कितपदेषु प्रकृति–प्रत्ययानां विभागं संयोजनं वा कृत्वा लिखत-

(क) जननी तुल्य-वत्सला I

(अ) वत्सल+ टाप् (ब) वत्सल+डीप् (स) वत्सलः+टाप्

(ख) इयम् एका पुराण+ठक् कथा अस्ति l

(अ) पौराणिकी (ब) पौराणिक (स) पौराणिकम्

(ग) बुद्धिमती पुत्रद्वयोपेता पितुर्गृहं प्रति चालिता I

(अ) बुद्धिमान्+डीप् (ब) बुद्धिमत्+टाप् (स) बुद्धिमत्+डीप्

(घ) श्रमक्लमपिपासोष्ण-शीतादीनां सहिष्णु+तल् l

(अ) सहिष्णुतल् (ब) सहिष्णुत्वम् (स) सहिष्णुता

(ङ) विद्वान्स एव लोकेऽस्मिन् चक्षुष+मतुप् I

(अ) चक्षुष्मान् (ब) चक्षुष्मानाः (स) चक्षुष्मन्तः

4. संधिम् एवं प्रत्ययान् आधारिकृत्य आरेखम् (chart) रचयत l







1. Read the chapter- POLYNOMIAL/ CHAPTER 2 from the NCERT book (download the chapter from the link given below)

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.

3. Write your name, class, section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.

4. Click a clear picture using ‘camscanner’(or any similar app). Rename the file as ‘your name-assignment-: subject’ and attach it as a pdf document to mail id.

5. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

Send the PDFs to respective class email id mentioned below: - FOR CLASS X-A - FOR CLASS X-B FOR CLASS X-C FOR CLASS X-D FOR CLASS X-E FOR CLASS X-F FOR CLASS X-G





1. Find the zeroes of quadratic polynomial 2x2+(7/2)x+(3/4) and verify the relation between the zeroes and its coefficients.

2. Form a quadratic polynomial with zeroes 5+√2 and 5-√2.

3. If a quadratic polynomial is factorizable into two distinct real linear factors then write the number of zeroes of quadratic polynomial.

4. If and are the two zeroes of a quadratic polynomial x2 – 3x + 7, find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 1/ and 1/.

5. If , are the two zeroes of the polynomial f(x)= 2x2 + 5x + k satisfying the relation 2+2 + = 21/4, then find the value of k for this to be possible.

6. If the sum of the squares of zeroes of the polynomial 6x2 + x + k is 25/36, find the value of k.

7. If and be two zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2+ ax+ b, evaluate (i) (1/)+(1/) (ii) (2/)+ (2/)

8. Check whether the polynomial t2 – 3 is a factor of the polynomial 2t4+ 3t3 - 2t2 – 9t – 12, by dividing the second polynomial by the first polynomial.

9. Find all the zeroes of 2x4 – 3x3 – 3x2 + 6x _ 2, if you know that two of its zeroes are √2 and - √2

10. Can x2-1 be the quotient on division of x6 + 2x3 + x – 1 by a polynomial in x of degree 5?





SUBJECT : Physics


1. Chapter: Electricity Concept : Resistances in parallel.

2. Link for performing the practical online :Visit

3. Write the following practical in a separate file.( A single file needs to be maintained for Bio,Phy and Chem .In case you cannot arrange a file just go through the simulation and note the readings in a notebook and plot a graph as described in the procedure)

4. You may use your google email id to log in .

5. On the home page go to class Physics tab

6. Scroll down to Class X

7.  Proper introduction to each experiment is given through the ‘Theory tab’.   There is also an online procedure for each of the experiments under the 'Procedure' tab that gives detailed step by step instructions on how to perform the experiment in a traditional lab and also how to use the simulator.  The Animations help you gain understanding of how to perform the experiment with hints and tool tips that show measurements, working of the equipment and other relevant information.  The 'Video' tab shows the video of the experiment as done in a traditional lab.  The Simulation can be used to perform the experiment interactively. The experiment can be performed by clicking on the 'Simulation' tab and following the step-by-step instructions as given in the ‘Procedure’ tab. Check the result obtained.

8. Click a clear picture using camscanner of work done in practical file (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-4:Physics and attach it as a pdf document to mail id given below as per your class.

9. The last date of submission of the assignment is 9th May, 2020.

10. Send your completed work at the following email id


X B-

X C-

X D-

X E-

X F-

X G-

Subject: -PhysicsClass -X

Date of Submission :9th May 2020

A circuit is said to be in a parallel connection when the resistors are connected in such a way that they branch out from one point. The potential difference in a parallel circuit is the same for each resistor and the current flow is not the same for all resistors. The total current flow through the circuit is calculated by summing up the current flow through each resistor. Parallel circuit connections find application in household electric distribution. The reason why a parallel circuit is preferred is to avoid short circuit and to monitor the flow of current for different devices. The other type of circuit is a series connection. Below is an experiment to determine the equivalent resistance when the resistors are connected in parallel.


To determine the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in parallel.


If the resistors are connected in parallel along with a battery, then the total current I is calculated as a sum of the separate value of current through each branch. It is given as:

I = I1+I2+I3+….

Materials RequiredBattery,A plug key,Connecting wires, ammeter,voltmeter,Rheostat,A piece of sandpaper,Two resistors of different values


1. Make all the connections as shown in the experimental setup I by keeping the key off.

2. Insert the key when the circuit is connected appropriately.

3. For resistors R1 and R2, note three readings of ammeter and voltmeter.

4. Connect the circuit as shown in the experimental setup II.

5. Resistors and voltmeter both are connected in parallel.

6. Record three different readings of ammeter and voltmeter and also use a rheostat.

7. Remove the key.

8. With the help of observation table, do the calculations.

Circuit Diagram: ( To be drawn on left hand side blank page)

Observation Table

Resistor used

No.of observations

Voltmeter reading in Volts (V)

Ammeter reading in Ampere (I)

R=V/I (in Ohm)

Mean value of resistance (Ohm)

R1 (first resistor)


R1 =



R2 (second resistor)


R2 =




Parallel combination



The calculated value of Rp

The experimental value of Rp

The equivalent resistance Rp is less than the individual resistance.


1. The connecting wires that are used should be thick copper wire and using sandpaper the insulation at the end of the wires should be removed.

2. To avoid the introduction of external resistance, the connections should be tight.

3. To make connections, the circuit diagram should be referred.

4. To make the current entry from the positive terminal and exit from the negative terminal, the ammeter should be connected in series.

5. Resistor and voltmeter should be connected in parallel.

6. Least count of ammeter and voltmeter should be calculated properly.

7. When there is no current flow, the ammeter and voltmeter should be at zero.

8. To avoid heating and change in the resistance value of the resistor, the current should flow while taking the readings.

If you have any query feel free to address during the online interactive sessions or whatsapp the query to the concerned physics teacher. We would be happy to assist in your learning. We will perform experiments in lab once the lockdown is over. So, do get familiar with the setup. Happy Learning !






1. Read the chapter –Acids , Bases and Salts from the NCERT book

2. ( Download the chapter from the link given below)

Attach link.

Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Notes Science Chapter 2 ... › acids-bases-and-salts-class-10-notes

The tutorial links/ Other links are also given for the support


3. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .

4. Write your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner.

5. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assignment-IV: Chemistryand attach it as a pdf document to mailid

6. The last date of submission of the assignment is 09thMay, 2020.

7. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

8. For example students of class 10A will send their completed worksheet of science to whereas students of class 10B will send their completed worksheet to

9. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sections.



Date of Submission-09/05/2020


Original colour

Colour in Acid

Colour in Base

Blue litmus

Red litmus


China Rose

Red cabbage

Methyl Orange


Q1.Fill the above observation table.

Q2. A concentrated acid can be diluted by adding water. What is the right method of diluting the acid and why?

Q3.Complete the following table:

Name of the solution

Colour change in pH paper

Respective pH

Dil HCl

Acetic Acid

Sodium Chloride

Ammonium Hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide

Q4.Answer the following questions.

a. Give the physical properties of acids and bases.Explain Acids and bases on the basis of Arrhenius concept.

b. Differentiate between Strong and a Weak base.







1. Read the chapter –Life Processes/ Topic-Transportation from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below)

https;// OR

Revision notes for science- https//>Revision notes>class x science

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .

3. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.

4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- IV : Biology and attach it as a pdf document to mail id given below

5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 9thMay, 2020.

6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

7. For example students of class 10A will send their completed worksheet of science to whereas students of class 10B will send their completed worksheet to

8. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section

X A-

X B -







Subject: -BIOLOGYClass –X

Date of Submission—9th May 2020

Q 1.Mention three kind of cells present in blood and write function of each?

Q 2.Write two functions of each of the following components of the transport system in human beings:-



Q 3.In mammals and birds why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood?

Q 4.Draw a schematic representation of transport and exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide in human body?

Q 5.List the three kinds of blood vessels of human circulatory system and write their functions in tabular form?

Q 6.Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it-Aorta,Right Ventricle and Pulmonary Vein?

Q 7.What do you understand by translocation in plants?

Q 8.What will happen to a plant life if its xylem is removed?

Q 9.How does transpiration helps the plant?

Q10.Describe double circulation in human beings?




SUBJECT: Social Science (History)

General instructions:

1. Read the chapter- Nationalism in India from NCERT book.Download the chapter from online , You can also refer to other online links like NCERT e-pathshala, Dikska app, Extramarks app.

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.

3. Write your name, class, section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.

4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app).Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment 4: Social Science –History and attach it as pdf document to given mail id.

5. Last date of submission is 9th May 2020.

6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send it to the following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.

7. Students may send their queries related to the chapter at the same email id of their class & section.

The Email Id’s are

a. XA,

b. XB, ,

c. XD,

d. XE,

e. XF XG,



Subject: HISTORY Class X

Date of Submission-9/05/2020

1. How did the British Government meet the increasing expenditure due to World War I?

2. Name the policy followed by the colonial government to supply soldiers during World War I.

3. Fill in the blanks:

_________________ returned to India in January 1915. He had come from _____________ where he had successfully fought the racist regime with a novel method of mass agitation, which he called _______________.

4. Write the main features of Satyagraha as a medium of struggle against British.

5. Why did the British Government pass Rowlatt Act in 1919. How did Indian leaders react to this act?

6. Explain in detail the incident of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

7. Who started Khilafat Movement in India? Why was it started? Why did Gandhiji decide to support Khilafat movement?

8. Who wrote the book ‘Hind Swaraj’? What was its theme?

9. Explain the stages of Non-Cooperation Movement suggested by Gandhiji to struggle against British Government.

10. Complete the following table to explain the various dimensions of Non- cooperation movement:

Social Group

Struggle against/ Problems faced


Idea of Swaraj

Mode/ Methods of struggle

Important leaders




Plantation Workers


11.Explain the historical significance of the places marked.

11. What was the purpose of forming Swaraj Party by Pt Motilal Nehru and C. R. Das?

12. Simon Commission in India was greeted with the slogans ‘Simon Go Back’. Explain in detail the reasons behind it.

13. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows:

The radicals within the Congress, led by Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose, became more assertive. The liberals and moderates, who were proposing a constitutional system within the framework of British dominion, gradually lost their influence. In December 1929, under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress formalised the demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or full independence for India. It was declared that 26 January 1930, would be celebrated as the Independence Day when people were to take a pledge to struggle for complete independence.

1. Define the term radicals.

2. Where was the congress session held in December 1929?

3. Who hoisted the tri-colour flag of India in Lahore on 26 January 1930?

4. How was the above mentioned date celebrated then onwards?

14. Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation. Justify the statement.

15. Write a brief note on Mahatma Gandhi’s famous Dandi March.

16. Which incident marked as the beginning of Civil Disobedience Movement?

17. How was Civil Disobedience Movement different from Non Cooperation Movement