Abraham Lincoln By Andrew Tomlinson. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? Somebody or...


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Abraham Lincoln

By Andrew Tomlinson

How do we define the personality traits of a hero?

• Somebody or something that does thing or symbolizes the bettering of society and not just for their own belief

• A hero is something that shows faith in something to make a point either through good ways or through violent ways

How does your hero’s childhood influence their adulthood?

• He lived a poor life for the most part• Born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12th,1809• Moved to Indiana (pioneer country) when he was 6 years of age• Was taught to read and write by his birthmother Nancy Hanks at a

young age, mother died when he was only 9 , Died from “Milk Sick” October the fifth 1818

• Father was Thomas Lincoln, Married twice, Nancy Hanks was first marriage, Sally Bush Johnston was second wife

• Went to school from age 10 to age 16• Sally bush once said” Abe was a good boy, and I can say what

scarcely one woman – A mother – can say in a thousand : Abe never gave me a crossword or look, and never refused, in fact or appearance, to do anything I requested him. I never gave a crossword in all my life. . . . He was a dutiful son to me always. ... Both were good boys ; but I must say, that Abe was the best boy I ever saw, or expected to see.”

How do the settings, conflicts, and antagonists influence the

development of a literary hero?• The setting of a hero influences how a hero does many things, like

Abraham Lincoln having to start from scratch to begin his political career meant he was most likely a very diligent worker and it also meant he knew what it was like not having everything handed to him on a silver platter.

• The hardships one faces helps them define who they are as a hero, in Lincolns case Having to prove himself to people by wrestling with the biggest men in town (Ketcham,pg 53)showed not only his physical strengths but also what he was willing to do to win the vote of the people

• Antagonists help shape a hero but showing them what they don’t want to become or give them a reason to fight against something, Lincoln first saw slavery in action while he was delivering a load of cargo in New Orleans, from the first time he saw it he was opposed to it (Ketcham, pg 38)

How does a hero reflect his/ her particular culture and society?

• A hero can show that even in the bleakest of time there is still the possibility to prosper on the small amount of hope that is available.

• A hero can also influence others to become better people and to do the right thing so in turn they too are becoming heroes

How does your hero’s thoughts influence their actions?

• Abrahams main focus was slavery and the readmittance of the south to the union

• His opposition to slavery made him choose to free the enslaved and to make them equal as people

• His ideals of the readmittance of the south were not very harsh but his plans were to punish those who involed in the seceeding of the south

How does your hero use their power?

• Abraham Lincoln used his power as president to regain control in the union, readdmit the Confederate states back into the union, Free all slaves from their torturous backgrounds

How does your hero’s actions influence others?

• His influence on blacks was astonishing from the fact that he freed them from future enslavement

• He helped the abolitionist from the north• He made todays society possible, if he had not

freed them many things could have been different, such as during times of war slaves could have done most of the work or been the first on the battlefield and equal rights

How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes?

• Some cultures recognize their heroes as gods, others just honor them for what they did

• The heroes who are remembered as gods are rewarded in various ways, such as given gifts, shrines and statues built, and offering for bettering

How does your hero’s actions result in their downfall?

• Because of him freeing the slaves many people in the southern states wanted him to be forced out of presidency

• Hatred grew towards him until John Wilkes Booth shot him during a play where he died

How does a hero represent his/her time period and geological

area?• Abolitionist who grew to become president• Became well known during the civil war for his

very influential Gettysburg Address• Freed slaves from the south (his most known

achievement)• Is the most well known figure from the American

Civil War• He also represented the western United States

while he was i congress before he became president