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Abir Zaki

- şiirler -

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Yayın Hakkı Notu: Bu e-kitapta yer alan şiirlerin tüm yayın hakları şairin kendisine ve / veya yasal temsilcilerineaittir. Şiirlerin kopyalanması gerçek veya elektronik ortamlarda yayınlanması, dağıtılması Türkiye Cumhuriyetiyasaları ve uluslararası yasalarla korunmaktadır ve telif hakları temsilcisinin önceden yazılı iznini gerektirir. Budoküman, şairin kendisi veya temsil hakkı verdiği kişinin isteği üzerine Antoloji.Com tarafından, şairin veyatemsilcisinin beyanları doğrultusunda yayınlanmıştır. Bu dokümanın yayınlanması kullanılması dağıtılmasıkopyalanması ile ilgili husularda ve şiir içerikleri ile ilgili anlaşmazlıklarda Antoloji.Com hiç bir şekilde sorumlu vetaraf değildir.

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Abir Zaki (1965 -?)1965 İstanbul doğumlu. Suudlu bir baba ve Türk anneden dünyaya gelme.Kendisini Türk, Arap, Mısır, Endonezya ve Yugoslav karışımı bir melez veayrıca global/evrensel bir kişi olarak tanımlıyor. Eğitimini dünyanın çeşitlibölgelerinde (Paris, Beyrut, İstanbul, Mekke, Cidde, Kabil, Newyork)tamamladığı için Arapça, Türkçe, İngilizce ve Fransızca okuyup yazıyor.İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı eğitimi aldığı (BA; English Language & Literature-King Abdelaziz University, Jeddah) ve okuma-yazma güçlüğü olan çocuklarlailgili lisans üstü çalışmalarını ingilizce dilinde yaptığı için (MS; Education-Reading- Diagnosis & Remediation of Reading and Writing Difficulties, Troy,New York, USA) şiirlerini de bu dilde yazıyor. Yaklaşık on yıl süren eğitimcilikve ayrıca bir klinikte okuma-okutma uzmanı olarak çalıştığı bir geçmişi var.Şimdi yine aynı alanda, Dahran, Suudi Arabistan'da ARAMCO'da görevyapmaktadır. Kendisini bir kitap kurdu olarak tanımlayan Abir Zaki'nin yazma, egzersizyapma, yoga, müzik dinleme, sinema, tiyatro, seyahat, vb. gibi pek çokhobisi olduğu söylenebilir. Değişik yerlerde yaşamış olmasına rağmen, O'nunfavori kenti daima İstanbul olmuştur. Nereli olduğu sorulduğunda ise bir tek yanıtı vardır; 'Bu küçük dünyanınherhangi bir yerini seçin! '....


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***Happy World POETRY Day***

Never forget that YOU arethe cultural clairvoyants of the humanitythe porte-paroles of truthcapable to express the insightof the profoundly human sentiments…

Never forget that POETRY ismore than self expression,more than creatively expressing your thoughts,it is also cultural consciousnessand a vehicle forinterpersonal and intercultural dialogues…

So my Poetess and Poets,always rememberand every 21st of MarchthatYOU are POETRYand POETRY is YOU…

Happy World Poetry Day…

March 20, 2004

Abir Zaki

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...A... Day of the Year...!

Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against ThemParisiennes called for 'liberty, equality, fraternity'demanding Her suffrageClara Zetkin, cried globally…they expand and turbulatedasking Her to struggle forequality, justice, peace and development.Is that Her place…?

How sad that “A”day of the yearmarked to remind themof Her presenceHer contributionof the half of the HUMAN race…?

How odd She should overcomeentrenched the barriersto emerge from Her silenceof one half of the HUMAN race…?

Don’t They knowthat each rose contributeswith its color and characterto world harmony…?

Don’t They realizethat She isformed as flesh.molded by the tenderalive with souland her moods’ever-changing as the ocean's tide…?

Don’t They comprehendthat She isgiven the privilege to bear life from lifestrength of iron flowing in her veinsallowing her to conquer agonyanguish and painreaching between her own legspast the stream of water and bloodbringing to her breast, life, to suckle,to fill with nourishment to grow…?

Don’t They understandthat Shestands firm in her vigil,never wavering from her dutyfacing uncertainties with convictionweeps over the tyranny of the beastcries for the destruction of the weapons of war…?

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Don’t They knowthat Sheestablishes a haven of protectionfrom the hurts and hurls of this worldand a dreamer inspired by the colors,scents and sounds around her globe….?

And that HERlips can bestow healing peace.without her, 'Their' life is incomplete...? ? ?

March 8, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

…and God was there…*

She was blessed from the golden bar of heavenWith Lilies and daisies in her handsReaching to her loved ones aroundAdamant, and strong as she could ever beFighting TIME like a pulse shake fierceRhyming with the angels yet unseen,And saved by HIS grace in joyful tears…

to Ilgaz Hakman...

February 23, 2004

(couldn't send daisies and lilies, buthope the scent from my poetic aroma would do...)

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

A Chat with a Friend...

A friend asked,where have I been,I told himthat I wascaptivated in the Hijazian mountainswhere history of time belongsenthralled in the world of soulswhere history of my love subsists…

The friend asked againhow it felt to bein the sublime mountainsI told him yet againthat I withmy belovedwere like two huge granite slavesskinned painfully alivestripped out nakedlystood and blessed like the divine messengerthe messenger of lovewitnessing the flow of timefrom above…

Witnessing from aboveso that we care without hesitationand love without limitationbut conquer time within our unification….

The friend then went astraywithout salutationfor he thought he wasramblingin his own hallucination…


Abir Zaki

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A Giant, Departed...

The birds won’t sing anymoreThe river won’t flow no moreNature is in great sadnessMourning his departureFor the world will be poorerWithout his voice, yet more…

A Man of deep convictionsA Man of principlesA Man of intellect and courageA thinker, a visionaryA bench mark of accuracy…He was a Rise from the DeadHis words sang with rhythmwith reasoningYet the most misunderstood! ! !

Out of the darkness,he was a lighthouse that navigated us…With his insightsand inputs hecaptivated his friends and foe …

“History is made by men and womenjust as it can also be unmade and rewritten”*A world-renowned intellectA believerA suffererAlas!He who made the History...

Men may come, and men may goBut he will go on forever, in our heart and soul….Leaving a void that’s hard to fillEdward Said….May Your soul rest in peace.

September 26,2003

* Orientalism,1978.

Abir Zaki

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A Journey to the Inner Soul…

pain,peace,then tears,to heal…

flowing,through the wavesthen rhymeswith the beatof the drumand heedits musicreflectingand rulingthe resistance within…

February 9, 2004 @ 02:30

Abir Zaki

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A Man of Many…

Alas, my friend,I know you call me“a man of many”but I tell youI am not a perfect manand I will never befor I amfull of flawswith many bad traitsI lie, cheat and live in vainI also hunt and killand sometimes I am witlessand I revel inchildish things…

But My friend,I am accustomedfrom the day I was createdwearing different kimonoswhile smellingthe many fragrancesof my flowersin my beautiful bushof my ancient city of Kyoto,for I bloom themat their bestwith dignity and beautywhenever I unfold and weara new one…

And my friend,don't forgetthere will always bewith every kimono,another dayanother chrysanthemumanother heart at my sidenot daring how manyare shriveling and fallingon the tombI wil be buried inafter life...

Abir Zaki

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A Rosebud…

Mixed in,Yellow, pink, white, and redilluminates by its painted pedalsparkles from the flame of the sunreaches for the sky to watchwith its perennial beauty…

God’s unique designnot allowed to touch its petalsor it will fall softlyin search of beauty and tendernessin another garden or earth…

Yet, allowed to smell its fragrancefor it's protected by its thornsdifficult to resist its velvet colorsmeant for helpingwipe away your tearsand never leave youor fade astray…

July 2003

Abir Zaki

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A Thank You Note…

Sometimes there are thingsI wanted to say,and sometimesI didn't say it well enoughbut todaythere is a special kind of farewellreserved for those who helped mewith their enthusiasm and encouragement…You my students,You who enriched me,who enhanced me…we stood firm but quietpart envy, part relief,part pride, watching what came from meand what went from me to you…

Now, how should I begin the endis it by thanking you, orlooking back at memorieswhen I first started teachingevery student showed me a wayfor gladly they would learnif I gladly teach, and support…times that have gone so fast,yet, in my mind these happy memories will always last….

I never taught someone to be creativethat impulse must come from within.I simply react, point out what’s strong,and help them to evolve…

Leaving teaching is hard to do,for memories that I shared,but I have every confidenceyou will be very successfulflourishing and boomingno matter where you end upI'm proud of youI've chased a lot of you,I've caught most of you,but I love all of you…

October 22,2003* just something from the heart thanking all of my students for being a special part ofmy teaching years and also for their friendship, support and time they put into makingthis “Thank You” day a special one.

Abir Zaki

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A Woman of Contradiction (2)

Yes my friend,remember me?Remember the woman I told you about?The woman who conveys you secrets and mysteriesWho dares to confess to you, my master, of her ill choicesNow she wants to confess about her love and its sublimity…

You may ask what kind of love she may fall intoI would answer by saying thatIt is a kind where two individuals are wholeThe spark of their interaction creates two lines that follow in the same curveendlessly… side by side…Their lines are parallel, however, they may never cross pathTheir physical distance is great between them….

Yes my friend,It is a divine kind of love that expresses itselfMore from the heart and the headThan it does from the bodyPurely, not earthlyEnduring the complexities of paradox…. contradictionsFor their lines never cross or meetStanding side by side curving infinitely in the same directionMirroring each other…without confrontingTaking only what they see reflected in the other … andSeeing the beauty in the other…

Yes my friendWhen she thinks of him, she sees him as a delicious personin every sense of the wordHe is everything desired in her soulHe has seduced her heart and made love to her mindEngaging in intellectual intercourse with him every time…

She feels that she was destined to be withWith the only soul on this earth she was born to loveShe doesn’t need a past with him…Or a futureFor all that has already been written in the starsJust a simple though of him brings the biggest smile to her lipsAnd put a twinkle in her eyes…

Yes my friendHe is everywhereHe has consumed herConsumed her thoughts…her heart…and her very soulA song, a movie, a poem will remind her of him for the rest of her lifeHe is the first thought upon waking on a brand new dayHe is her last thought before falling into wonderful dreamsAnd,She constantly thanks the Al-Mighty for creating himAnd that he exists evenin her dreams…

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Abir Zaki

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A Woman of Contradiction (final)

How can I put what I felt into words…?Shall I just leave it undescriptive, unexplained, and untold?I feel the sea's curlingMy mind's dying aliveMoments are turning everything into eternityWords arriving in search of me…

I made you love the impossibleAs much as you wouldn't have daredI made you love the heaven and hellthe wind and the hurricanethe fire and iceand the childishness in heryet, “womanly child”…

Yes, exceptional personYou are as exceptional as one can never beFor loving this woman whose soul captured your beingeternally…Melting and fusing into all the feelings and emotions… everlastingly…

Today,You made her fallYou made her drownShe of all womenWho is like the summer rain, when she's gone she is forgottenYet, she can't be ignored like a winter stormAnd still makes you confused… confused…confused

Yes, my exceptional friendAs exceptional as no one can ever beShall I be sorry to make you love the impossible?I am not sureBut again deep down, I am notI wouldn't dareKnowing how impossible this can beI doubt if she should ever love thee…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

A Woman of Contradiction...

My Friend….Don’t be puzzled and confused at my wordsI am the woman of contradictionsI am the heaven and I am the hell

I am the woman with darken eyeswith the most brutal wordsa defeated womanwho slumbers with the sun setwho stays up at night playing guitar…

Do not try to sail in a woman’s oceanWhen you reach her shore and anchor at her harborThe journey ends…

Do not get confused with my thoughtsI am the surface and I am the depthI am the most compassionate,I am the wind and I am the hurricane…

I am the woman who is in love with herselfboth the male and the femaleI am all the women of the worldangelical and evil …

I am a child and within me a tortured womanIn my stubbornness and naughtinessare the echoes of the childrenIn my feminine worldare faces, bracelets, and mirrorsThey confide and converse…

Like all women of all ages who struggle,I am likeThe woman who sleeps on my pillowAt times she dreams and sometimes she hymnsAnd sometimes she singsAt times she smiles at the unknownAnd I smile with her at her journey of waiting …

And here’s a stubborn womanshe likes to bawl at my dollsAnd exceeds my limitationsshe laughs and mocks at the color of my eyesAnd then she publicizes her victory…

My friend, what do you see in a womanWho all the time longs for youWho builds a castle with youOne who is with you and against youAnd challenges the days and the destinies…

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The woman who dresses you with the most beautiful clothesCuts your beautiful black hairthe hair of the powerful SamsonThe woman who conveys you secrets and mysteriesWho is defeated and triumphedWho is veiled and with a cigarAnd who dares to confess to you of her ill choices….

A woman who approaches your heartAnd when it chants and hisses,you don’t hesitate to run away...and you do…

I am a woman full of contradictionsYes, I am the one who plays with the fire and ice at the same timeI am the one who is encompassed by the sunand in my palms are the moons and the starsMy friend, don’t be confused…There’s nothing more magnificent than a womanwho puts on a dress and takes it offand with her, the world can’t help but be confused...

Andyou will always be a man from a brick…from clay….you will always come after my words…after the invader…you will always be confused… confused… confused….

Abir Zaki

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A Woman of Light....To All the Maria(s) *....

Once upon a time,there was a womana Mariainnocent, virgin,had all the universeand all her discoveries…

Men with their fragilityinconstant, insecuritiesvulnerability, and their fears…

Her decisions, her mistakesas a part of lifewith its risks, with its giftswith its second chanceswith her choices,either to be victim, or explorereternalizing her existence…

She 'wants to breathe in the pure air'

Love and despairchanging ones lifeis it her fate, the chosen fate,is it her honor, her dignity, her self respect,her nobility, her womanhood?Or is it the miracle of love,when erupts within oneselfmaking sense of our livesthus our feelings, our savior….

She 'wants to breathe in the pure air'

Freedom, within her soulwithout a bodyin silence watching her brainso that it can survive...It can exist with love,for 'giving' is the freest of allwithout loosing, without owning…

She 'wants to breathe in the pure air'

Light, enters a housethrough an open windowas she entered their heartand grew, like a pebble thrown in the water,with excitement, unexpectedwith desires, dreamsand with the feeling at peace…Touched their heart and soulher waves of energy from the light

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vibrating the pebbleis being feltlike a miracle….indeed…

She 'wants to breathe in the pure air'

Desires, so profoundso true, so closeso pure so blessedunseen, but imaginativelike her pain and sufferingwith its humiliationthrough her pleasuretransforms into delight and mysterythus to ecstasy….

She 'wants to breathe in the pure air'Finding herself at the level of degradation,Through fear,Going beyond the pain barrier,Floating above her own painTo forget her sufferingAnd be in peace…

October 4,2003

* inspired by 'Eleven Minutes' by Paulo Coelho,2003.

Abir Zaki

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Again, I have fallen in Love...

Light,Flashing across my soulIlluminating the corners of my heartAdoring his beautiful eyes

Keeping warmed by his breathWarming my heart and my mind by his kissChilling my body with his grip

Conquering…Capturing…ImaginingBurning by his desire, deep within my breastCompletely consuming my soulNeeding more breath for his kiss

Awakening my passion and stimulating my sensesSeeking in him the strength to hold toDrifting on memories of days passed bySurrendering to my heart, to my ambitionInvading my words, ruling my bedStealing my heart to make me lostIntercoursing intellectually in our dialogueExposing the nakedness of our soul

My God!There is something about this manThat’s touched my heartAnd eased my mindThat I have searched, for my whole life, through

Without much hope I’d ever find…


Abir Zaki

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An Apology…

While the night was crawlingKnotting around our beings,Sparks,Caused a small firethenReached into the branches,Deepened into the rootsOf your heart…and all my being…

Please,Let the heaven’s bellPlea and ringLet the guardian angelDance and singLet the love streamQuench my thirst

For I need your water

run smoothlyinto the nightpulling back the sparksknotting our beingswhile the night is swarming

For your soul’s true worthIs the worth of my being…

and nothing else…

February 11, 2004 @ 4:30

Abir Zaki

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And You Call Me a Feminist...!

Neither like Frenchwho play liberal and tolerantnor like the Marxistwho sexed me radical and essentialnor like a Barbieor the woman you want me to be…

Like women everywhere,I exposebut change differentlyfilled with hidden treasuresfor eyes to seethe wrong and the rightsthe sins and the virtuethe obedience and the rebelthe veiled and the uncovered…

In my truth lies the timeless realitychanging my attitudes and ideasfor whatever I am is never enoughas long as the mortal sin of righteousand extremes exists…!

I’m unequally equaledfor in the depth of my soullies the true mewith all myshamelessness and boldnessinsolence and impudencewantonness and wickedness,and with all mydevious immorality…

I wonder how you perceive mewhen you see my faceor hear the words I speakor read the words I inscribea woman of strength or pain?a woman of love or who is lost?or a woman who scaresand confuses youwith her words?

Or perhaps you do not see me at allthe woman of affectionwho has felt painwho gets lost within her thoughts?the one who is proud to bea woman of many thingsfor it shows that I am aliveI see me for who I ambut needs to find air

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for I am barely breathing…

Because I am who I am.........................hidden...!

March 1, 2004

Abir Zaki

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And you dare to refuse…*

And you dare to refuse…*saying that“they treat us as if we haveno history, no culture, no past”for you’re proud of yourhistory, culture, past…?refusing their handsfor your ego to evolve…?

What history are you proud ofthat has killed thousands of innocents..?forbidded of buying news paper,or writing for nothing...or transforming the historyyou are proud ofinto a mediocre store…?

What culture you’re pompous aboutthat has raped hundreds of souls..?leaving womendefend their honor whileyour fingers snatch their flesh..and what past youare bragging aboutthat filled your prisonsand the ruins of homelandstorn and weak by your deeds…

Empires rise and sink….with people like you,and I can teachto shame the devilif you have power to raise himfor all I have a voiceto undo the unfolded lie...

So don’t brag about your black history,And let them teach you how to be a MAN! !For MEN like you are only good to be their slaveIf you even can be one...! ! ! !

March 7, 2004

* This was written after reading Abdul-Halim Khaddam's, the Syrian Vice President,interview that was held on March 2 nd, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

And You Wonder…!

Wasn't my love strong enough and clear to see?

Didn’t I outcry to the Lord, saying 'I love him more than life itself'silently with my fragile sound, infantile scream?

Haven't I hand you my heart and soul bounteously?

Was it a mistake, an error, or a fault,that my love for you was genuinely real?

Please tell me what you've saidis not realI can't bear anothererror in my deemfor I am as fragile as the petals of the roseeasily crushes beneath your thorns…

Do not shatter me into pieces on the floorfor my love for you is too galore…

August 15,2003

Abir Zaki

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Another 'you, Another 'me'...

because of this loveyou are no more 'you'because of this loveI am no more 'me'because of this sublimityyou are another 'you'I am another 'me'

we glide through this passion of lovetrying to come up through its depthand hold our lofty loveabove lifeabove our being,above mortalitywe are concurrently each of the rung,we are them and they are us.because the other 'me' is youand the other 'you' is meshackled,and chained…for good…no more................no less...

October 31,2003

Abir Zaki

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Arabian Night…

My Shahriyar,allow the daughter of the noblesta single night from your thousands’traveling through India, Persia, Chinathrough silky routesnot to find reprieve and hospitalitybut your soul where your honor residesand the heart where your passion occupies…

I wore your image and famemy heart fitted to be your shrinehoping to gain one smilewhile dwelling in your heartDreaming to feel your arms around mekeep haunting me like the airbreathing inside youI lean as close to your soul with my sound…

My Shahriyar,your heart beats with mine whenever I breathemy lips can’t resist rushing to yours anymoreas well as my eyes can no longer hidedreaming to be shut as if to be kissedyour moist mixing with minewhile lying intertwined…

Feeling like Aphrodite, fallingpulling downward, worshiping loveto the immortal or to the mortaltill when it is well-known to thy…

My love is a living, breathing reality that keeps growingI am changed by your love, my Shahriyar,For both become isolated ofinspirations, challenges, triumphs, and insight…

Yes, my Shahriyar,This night is a gift, from everlasting momentof which it is destinedto live in your heart eternally…

June 23,2003

Abir Zaki

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As If....

as if you were born with a half heartand greeted life with a half soullike the root of the rootthe bud of the budgrows higher than a soulraises up your spiritthat can be reachedin your other half…..

October 27,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Be Aware, My Poetess! ! !

Alas, My poetess! ! !Spring will always rebornfrom winter…Light will always returnafter darkness…And your hearts will always be treasuredwith ones alike…

Be aware, of thy foxes, my poetess…For tearing a piece of your heartwill be difficult to mend…Never dropp a tear,to those who neither loved, nor caredfor those tears, unlike, the reptiles ones,are precious, not worth drained for…

My Poetessyour hearts are gone,still yearning,watching your being slowly burning,but remember my poetessthe autumn rain is falling, pouringlet’s dance, and dance, under the cool sunfor the release of yourcarousel of pain willstill keep spinning, whirlinguntil grieve cease your suffering…

* To All the poetess of the world, whose lofty hearts are being taken advantage of!

* Sevgili saire dostlarim,Bu siirimi Antoloji'deki bütün dostlarima ithafen gönderiyorum.

Abir Zaki

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Because I Care...

Rolling the flesh between finger and thumb,thinking about,Surviving,Future,Dignity,Awareness…? ? ?

I call for those who suffer the pain,I call because it touches my heart and because I care…

Those who have died,Those who have left behind,Those who grieved,I call because it touches my heart and because I care…

Sorrowfully I swallowed the poison,maliciously I remember my scar,but never felt unwanted, forI cry because it touches my heart and because I care…

I cry because I care,And make sure you check yourself,And make you aware,To catch it before the damage is flare…

For I wasn't aware,But thank the lord,He made me aware,For the sun always shines,If you plant your own flowersTo decorate your own soul,Not waiting for someone to bringYou daisies, roses, and sunflowers …

August 30.2003

* Dedicated for Breast Cancer patients…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Being Misunderstood…

Words…Poetry rises in its shrineeveryone’s writing inits high mountains…

My words bear no resemblanceto what it should bewhen compared tothe other human beings’ around me…

But being misunderstood,and handcuffed,I'm charmed yet chagrined…Now, here I amimpatiently craning,crawling for some comfortbewildered as I sitconfused and hurt… as I fit

Reason and logic wasted all alongnot trusting my judgmentor self at all…Maybe it's something I missedwhich I should have knownfor I could have dropped the ballon something wrongor perhapsmisunderstood life itselfbut all I wanted to beflicker of a candlein an airless room…………..

my last poem for this year / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Beyond Forlornness...

People keep asking me“feeling lonely, away from where you belong? ”I tell them,if no doubt invades my mindif no agony penetrates my beingif no dismay confines my feelingsand if my devastated heartnever failed to be heededthen, I am free of lonelinessof desolation, of barenessfor I lift my heart beyond resentmentbeyond forlornnessnot letting to scratchmy naked soul….

I tell them,I am a native of this worldmy heart floods with fresh bloodeach time my sphereembrace nature,my chest burst with windseach time my beeskiss even my dead flowers…

So why feel forlorn…?If I am not imprisonedfor life,on the ground of an oceanwhere waters are frozenand waves are high…

December 10, 2003

Abir Zaki

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Beyond My Body…

My body overlooks of you not being here….It doesn’t understand the words that you are not here…It waits around with heavy tearsfor you to come here…

At night my body remembersthings I cannot controlwhat it knows, what it feels,what it wants, what to unfold…

I am the soul in deep thoughtWaiting for your touchWhere flames are blazing and playing with meTill every cell and pore of my bodyShall be freed…

Feeling the spine to my bones,The smooth tremblingThe shocking fuzzThe electrifying furAnd the thrill of under meWhen my body resides in your soulhearing its own voicepleading out loud,the unresolved feelings of my soul…

September 23,2003 @ 04:45

Abir Zaki

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But SHE is never a loser...

When her torch burns and sings,She is a Goddess…When she is vicious and vindictive,She is a Harridan…When she is holy and pure,She is a Virgin…When she gets angry at them,And rediscovers herself,She is a Feminist…When she takes him for better and worse,She is a Wife…When she calms his hurricanes,And soothes his passion,She is a Lover…When she sacrifices herself,She is a Mother…When she finds happiness in solitude,She is a Spinster…When she prays, begs, and pleads,She is a Nun…When she walks in the streets,And earns at night,She is a Lady of Pleasure…When she wears a red dress,With a purple hat,And sits on pavements,To take a breathShe is an old lady…

But SHE is never a loser, never a failure…

That's what she is,That's how she is,Simple and Plain…

Abir Zaki

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Calming the Rebellious...

“A blast of burning sand pours out in whirling clouds. In their power, the rushing vapors carry up mountain rocks, Black ash, and dazzling fire.”*

Captivating my heart to the vast desertFree, the whole world before meStrong and content, passing through the open path…

Birth, escaped youth, maturity…they passAs I pass through the open path…

The air, the light, the trailHelp me with breath to speak…

Living, by giving myself awayLike the oasisFlittering soundLike a candleMoving back and forth…

A face, a voiceI am here…..amazed…Emitting both steam and ash…

June 30,2003

*So wrote the poet Lucilius Junior 50 AD.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Frozen…Unable to walkto run,to take my eyes from his…

Naked...In soul and fleshNothing to hide...

Numbed…Feeling his breathHis masculinity...

Hypnotized…Trembling and quiveringWith thoughts of what mightHave to come...

Mesmerized…Introducing his tongue to mineSwelling my breastsBegging for his touchSoftening them with his clutchRumbling sensuallyBreathing in his seductionPressuring by his malenessFeeling the flames of his inhaleGliding and circlingFeeling the steam within the fire in him

As my crazed grows fasterHe unchained meGently and firmlyWanting to be chained to him foreverIn the glimmer of his eyes…..

February 4, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Chapter 39...

As my thirties came to an end,standing on the cusp of fortiesI wondered aboutmy accomplishments,and my tomorrows…

When I was nine,when life was stretched out before me,thinking the thirty yearsafter people lived enoughmust be almost ready for themto die…

And now thirty years later,I realized I didn’t have all the answers,that it is much smarter personwho knows less,so now, a huge weight had beenlifted off of me…

This day ought to be a sunsuperseding the past starstouching the scarssurrendered in the battlesI have won…

Thirty-nine, best age I can seeI am no more with life and deathfor my heart upon his tenderness liesplacing my soul upon hismixing breath of existenceinfusing lifeto revive my being…

In this chapter of my life,my freedom should be fulland completewanting but nothingjust the feat…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Chatting With The Moon...

I was provoked with the moon in a delicious chat'Let them fear the power that gave them live'Afire…BurningsTenderness …AffectionsPassionAblaze with secret delightof knowing the power of womanhood…

She has been surrounded by her inner beingWith some charm, elegance, and humorShe may be hidden, but certainly presentShe thinks, works, invents, discoversIn strife, she gains strengthIn oppression, she knows her rightSearching always for the Self, unexposedThe power of her darkest secretsHer glances flashes across her mascaraTo paint her mystery and mystique…

Let the silence of her voice outcryFor they had stolen her womanhoodThey humiliated her for the tongue she hadThey persecuted her for her believesThey circumcised her sexualityThey killed in her womanhoodAnd forbade her to express her condolences…

She was expected to submit to themTo support themAs a daughter, sister, wife, and motherTo learn knitting, and entertainingLook pretty and nothing else…

They were preparing her graveThreatening her to feel the passionate bloodUnder her soft skinForbidding her to touch her breasts of power…

They forgot that when God created the universeHe created her to create the human kindHe made her the mother of the earthThe mistress of the moonThe passion of the sunAnd the tenderness of the airHe made herThe balance of the world…

May 28,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


IlluminationSubmissionOf the two bonding souls…

Intertwining,Becoming whole

Of the complete ONE…

All harmonizedYou and meLogic and intuitionSpirit and matterFlesh and soulFor all it createsThe enormous cosmic orgasm…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Congratulations for my criesWhen a meteor disappeared from my sight…

Congratulations for poisoning my entire lifeWhere your love could have been reside…

Congratulations for my grieving nightWhen it howled to the stars to dry my tearful eyes…

Congratulations for the pain, and hurtWhen your actions shattered my world…

Congratulation for your infidelityWhen agonies scrapped me away…

Congratulations for turning the foodto ashes in my mouth…and for awakening me from the dreamand washing the stains from my heart…

Congratulations, my friend…Congratulations for the betrayalYou made me live withinAnd you fled with my faith and truth away….

October 10,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Some say consolation is unsatisfyingBut I sayTo be consoled is to console,Holding my heart in your capable handsShedding tears more than the grains on sandEmbracing me when my hopes and dreams seems to flyPraying that there are stars in the sky…

No book, or rose, or verseCan consoleFor when I endure no moreI become the dark, the widow,Wearing the black star of doom, for all…

My voice will no longer whisperfrom the depth of my soulFor my heart will confinein the memory of your words…

Then, only thenI will be consoled…

April 11, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Continue Dancing…

My Friend,It is not you who's writing the so called poemsIt is your melodious spiritYour harmonious soulThat is dancing with your words…

You're not writing the so called poemsYou're living it, breathing itIt is not the lungs that breathe, my friend, but the heartIt is not the flesh that lives, but the soul…

So my friend,Continue dancingLet the passion open the cage in youFreely…uncontrollablyNever sway….never stop…

Always be the one who candles the shadesThe one who chalks the shadowThe one who cracks the sphereAnd,The one who causes trembles…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Courage to Love…

I have seen you as an image of lovereflecting from your linesnever had a notionnever guessed what I’d found…

I’ve been like a shadowfollowing my heartreminding it to havethe courageto love what I’ve found…

and I wonderedwhere my courage came from…

Is it melting in your lipssomething to savorthrough my beingthat gave me my courage?

Or is it fierce passionheated deep in my heartthat provided me with my courage?

Or is it your touchthat locked me in your embracethat supplied me with my courage?

You!You, the reason for my courageousnessyou rubbed my deserted heartyou danced with my windandsang breathlesslythrough the pores of my skin…

You!The reason of my eternal courage!

August 6,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Dancing for Eternity…

The sun, the stars and the moonall combined, blended in a songa poem, a kiss and a hiss…

not daringfeeling the blazing of the sunin my skin,the peeling of my fleshon my facethe draught and the dustbrought by the daythe whirling sand that blinded my gaze

then whileseeking water under the arid desert sanda sudden reflection glaredbrought the rainto this burnt spacein twilightwhere the moon is the desert lightwe melted in a kissfaded into each otherwashing and withering away our realitywe danced to pulp our quest for loveand therefore for eternity…

August 17,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Desolated Desert…

Having been through a lot for my timeShaken by the storms of the desert in ruffled stancesFlying like the eagle in a cool dry nightI keep blooming like a garden oasis…

My desert, vast and peacefulBut barren, empty and devoidMy heart, warmer than the sunBut thirsty, dry and parchedMy soul glitters like moonlightBut missing its sparkle, gleam and shine…

And I, being abandoned by the ancient seasStill dreaming the ocean’s entrancesAnd some rainFor I can fertile it overnightOf green shootFlowers and riot of greensEven if they wither, they will leave their seeds…

God, I am hereDreaming for the cloudsPraying for the rainFor the heat is so severe…

July 27,2003 @ 03:30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

DO Touch Me…

do touch me,for your goodnight hugshelp sweeten my dreams

do touch me,for your raging firefills my heart in breeze

do touch me,for your whispersbreathe my being in sheers

do touch me,for our minds intertwine enduringthe testimony of our love in cheers

do touch me,and let our skin conversefor your warm embraceis a healing strokeassuring me I am lovedreliving the heaven in youthrough the reflection of your soulwhilegently holding my heart

........................in dreams….

February 28, 2004

* inspired from M. Celik's ' Don't tell me not to touch.....'

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Don't Feel Blue...

Are you feeling blue?I hope notFor if you doAnd not knowing what to doBe grateful for the past momentsthat has been blessed to you…

Remember, when youbreathed life into my hollow soulbrought laughter and joyhanded out the keys of your namediscovered the sacred feminine in mesurrendered into the wild fire of my passionand gave mewithout calculation…..without limitationwith compassion…

When you gave me, back thenall your devotion…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Dreaming to Dream...

and I dream to dreamto free my heart,to fly, soaring high,in the black night,as the world goes byfinding my second half,in the glittering sky…

and I dream to dreamto run in the windfeeling its breeze on my skinrunning like the wolf in the moonsniffing everywhereto see you with all eyesto feel you with all sensesto touch you with all my being…

and I dream to dreamto be ablaze in your passion of firein flames…in bonfireto be a crack of a stormbreaking-in to your soul…

and I dream to dreamyou wrapping me in your dreamsholding me with your handsthat’s run across my oceans…

Dreaming to dreamto be wildto sinto be freeand to be ME!

Dreaming to dreamto dream……………..

September 30,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Dreaming beyond lifeand my existence,is a dream beyond dreams…

Dreaming of you by my sideThe image of your face I keepThe tender thought of youMakes my heart beatControlling my days and nights….

Dreaming of your kisses,of your voice,and of your caresscools me like a gentle breezein the spring rainin my desert nights…

Soaked by my insanity,Dreaming your eyes,Peering into my soulInto my mind, and into my heartWhere my love for you resides…

This dream that Lord gave to meIs just a glimpsepassing of the sweet realityof your out of existence…

September 21,2003 @ 03:00

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


I'm not streamingnor splashing

I'm not pouringnor flowing

butdrowning in youwhilemy soul's floating up...........................to you....

February 10, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Emerged From Her Desert...

A talent can’t be measuredby a stick or a scale…nor by the trophies or statuesbut with a humble spirit,dedication, loyaltyand perseverance…

And there was a gift,a flairfrom the arid desert,fertilizedby her courageous and fearless heart…

Alone SHE stoodclad in armora phenomenonemerged in the midst of her Saharashone in its glittering skywhere dreams are difficult to befulfilled, and been recognized…

So be it!Persist,And keep on,Challenge your boundaries,Break your limits,AndFulfill our dreams….

February 29, 2004

This Poem is a tribute to Haifa AL Mansour, the first Saudi directress in the 'MovieWorld'.

To watch her 'English & French subtitled' short-movieshttp://www.haifaa.com

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Eternal Gift…

Inhale me with your breathExplore me with your eyesMoisten me with your lipsWash me with your tearsHeal me with your touchRescue me with your burning fleshCrackle my flamesHelp me scream in joyKiss me deeplyAnd devour my taste…

Intertwined with lust and love?Let’s collapse, and then rest…

Soul to soulSkin to skinWhat could be more sacredAs this eternal giftWhen you slide into my heavenAnd your head spin…?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Even If….

Even if you're in flames,I'll always surround and love you…

Even if you didn't hear me and I did lose you,I'll always shed the fire in you, and beyond you…

Even if you live your worst days,I will be right here watching you through your fazeAnd catch every tear with each eyelash…

Even if your love is full of thornsI'll still embrace itFor I knowBetween each thornThere's a roseThat lays to be held…

October 31,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Everyday is another beginningIt begins with the thought of loving you…

Everyday is another endingIt ends with you revivifying my soul…

Everyday is filledWith love and hateWith joys and fearsWith sadness and happinessWith tears and moansWith touches, and feelingsShivers and thrills…

Everyday is filled with youWith the light I see in youWith the voice I speak through youWith the power I feel within you…

Everyday we pledge a different vowTo share throughout eternityYou and meEverlastingly…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Far Away…

Far Away…

Tonightunder the blue skyglittering starswant tolook in your infinite eyeshear your deep voicehold you in my armsfeel your breathtaste your lipsand,see you in my mind…

But far awayin oblivionapathynothing is good...

to loveto longto ache…?

Is it enoughto deal with the painto surviveto give uporto give in…?

July 23,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Two guiltless heartscoming from different worldrevolving in the spherereality pulled them down…

Lost into each other's gazelocked in each other's soulon the mountaintopof their rhyme and vow…

Is it fate or destinyor is it purely luckthat heated their spiritof the inner voiceof their melodious wordsthat came from their deepest core…?

Is it a coincidenceor is it happenstancethat verses have been writtenwith a touch of lovein passionate inkthey could never ignore…

Is it fatedestinyor purely luck?

Would they ever know…?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Finally, you came to your sensesyou heard the rhythm of your heartwith no regrets, but content…

Finally, your feeling whirl about her heartwithout knowing from where to start…

Finally, your heart confessed through your eyesthrough your pillows and sheetstuddling up...in ecstasy…

Finally, you made the light dance all around youin an electrifying blended moment…

And,finally, my friend, she will return the love you've given herand share its magic and mystery...In all, she will give you her heart, her souland it's only with you that her life can be wholefor a love so great that time itself ceases to exist! ! !


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Flame of love…

“Tell me for love’s sakewhat’s the flame whichburns in my heartand devours my strengthand dissolve my will? ”

And Gibran wonderedwith his blazing, powerful, and delicatetouch of his wordsAnd I wonder…

Is it the eternal flamethat keeps burning the wounds of a soul?

Is it the magical flamethat whispers the words of everlasting love?

Is it the living flamethat calms the waves of love in ones heartand soothes ones soul?

Is it the undying flamethat brightens the orange color of the sunlightwith each look, touch, and smile?

And,I wonder as Gibran once wondered…

August 5,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Flows Like a River…

Your love, your emotionsyour feelings and devotionsflowing smoothly, and naturallyfrom the stream of your everlasting words…

Your words,like a mighty flushing riverflowing to the seatouching the hearts of diversuntil they are drowned in bliss…Their deserted hearts,flooded with emotionsdashing flowingfrom the spring of your devotions…

Like Achelous,the ruler of all riversand the father of the sirenstouched their heartsminds, and soulsto set them freeand let them FLOW in ecstasy…!

August 15,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

For Granted…

For all the times I had loved youwere the times you took for granted

you thought I would always be aroundfor the times you thought you would havemaking for your lost timesand for your painful ones

but instead, those times were the ones you hadwishing I was here today, in your arms

I have always been in love with youI guess you have always known is trueyou took my love for grantedyou took this piece of pain from me...

I don't care about the holethat this is going to leaveI don't care about the bloodthat I'm going to bleed.but my love,I have to say this,for I need to keep the rest of my dignitythat this is the last time you will hear from me! ! ! ! !

can you hear?

October 21,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Fragility is my Power…

I can be shatteredinto pieces like glassI can be crackedlike an eggshellbeyond repair…

For the love we share is so powerfulbeyond beliefThe love we crave is so obsessivebeyond addictionThe love that can make usfear of losing yearning and longingis what makes us despair…

But No,I can be so delicate and strongchanging my fragility into supremacyFor my fragility is my powerto make sense of my beingto have effect on my emotionsfor my highly charged emotions is so intensefor my being is infinitely complex…

I don’t want to experience defeatwith every breath I takebeing helpless under the power of my fragile loveis surrendering to death itselfSo trend my heart lightlyfor it breaks easilyfor the love I hold is in its utmost fragilitymy strength should comefrom learning and embracing my frailty….! ! !

August 30,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Free speech…?

They cry against racismThey cry for free speechThey cry against discrimination….

With HIS words, clearness, and directnessHE shook their brainsto those who call themselves 'advocates of free speech'

HE was boldthey were paranoidHE was bravethey were offended…

They say they allow ideas to be expressedand when opinions are expresse,they took it personallyand slaughtered HIM….

A world filled withfilth and dirtthey tend to be blindand mute, the amplifier, the HERO..

Free speechright to protesthuman rightsbecame just wordsin LIBERAL artin my POETRY world

What a SHAME! ! ! ! !

July 16,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Freedom I Shout!

like my poemsusing no grammarnor punctuationlike a free versewhich do not rhyme…

like a captive birdtakes a flightfor a life deniedhas just begun…

unlike my noblest dreamwhich is often lostfor my own good refrainsthey cry by…

for I am enslaved,my freedom taken awayfrom mein the name of moral right….

no right to choose,nor to decide,no right to sinnor to virtue…

freedom I shout…!my binding chainsmust be undoneto reach out and touchthe spirit of my goldenmoments gone by…

whispers fill my heartstirring in passionteaching me the wayto carry onmy battle of freedombutnot for the freedom which isn't freeI shout for the freedom that’s free….

January 19, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

From Venus of the Sahara...

My magical desert,I know thatyou are orphaned, abandonedby the ancient seas…your sand’s thirstywaiting for the sea’sembrace to revive youinto your being….

and here I amyour Venuswho was found andawakened by your whisperssharing her feelingsshowing her nakedness to youin the heat of her emotions…

whirling dustunquenchable thirstendless yearning and longingengulfing silencethen darkness...shhshhhh....lightened by the diamondsdriven meto stronger flavors,brighter colors...driven to you...

and you,silently,as the silence of the heart,beating, beating my emotionsas the silence of no wordssleeping, in a sleepless nightamong all the companiesof the world,feeling all alonesilently enduringand waitingthe settling of the dustand wondering,is it the end of the beginning…or the beginning of the end…?

October 14,2003 @ 02:30“in the middle of the desert”

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


It is not that I didn't love youor didn't careit is not that we didn't have something specialor wasn't fond of youjust that I can't control anymore…

it is not to permit facing realityor be powerlessjust that the outcome is not in my hands…

it is not to blameor change one anotherjust to alter myself and care …

it is not to be heartlessor inhumanjust to allow to be effectual by my own outcome…

it is not that I don't yearn the years we hador do not want to see tomorrows' birthsjust to take the root of our memories…

I am letting you gonot to adjust my desiresnot to cherish the momentnot to criticizenot to regulate anyonenot to regret the past

But,to grow, love, flyand feel the searing of my heart and soulI want to feel free, to laugh and be soaked by the rain…again...

I do love you,that's why I let you GO…! ! !

July 25,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Whenever I saw you there all alone,my heart bled more and more….I was bleeding for not doing anything,the more I ached, the more I bled...

Then one day,God had sent me a message, a gift,asking me whether I accept his Heba,his gift to me from the stars…he said.

I said, God who am I to refuse your Gift?choosing me is the greatest honor itself….accepting your gift,is as rewardful as the reward itself…

A gift so priceless, so rich, and rare…He chose me to heal the bleeding in me…

Then you came into my life, my little Heba,seeing you in the eyes of my sparkling silver,of my glittering Lujain…but more precious,for,you were the gift from the sky…

Then one day, God sent me another message,thanking me for taking care of theeasking my permission,to return his Heba back to him…if I may agree…

I accepted his wishwhat else can I do?for this time I knewyou are in heavennow all aglow…

You were the miracle,a gift from sky,to show me the worldwhich, definitely,you showed us all!

not wanting to remember/2003

* Heba was my adopted daughter

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Her Awakening…

In the midst of all my fears,in the midst of my lunacyand madnessI ceased,dead, lifelessin my track and paththroughout my being…

Then,a voice in my so called headcries outand pleasENOUGHenoughfighting,cryingpressuringand struggling to hold onin fears….

Finally,like a child’s quieteningin one of his serene momentsI wink back to my silent tearsand look at the worldthrough new pair of eyesstaring at the new awakening in me…

February 28, 2004 @ 04:30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Her Resurrection*...

……..andshe bowedat the source of the riversin the midst of her abyssexplored,lifted her whisperssearching for the truth withinbaldlyartfullyin verses depicted and limnedknowing her wordscan finally attain and givebut never crestfallenfor the hopes she carry on…

……..finally,resurrectedher new world of enlightenmentwhich she is exploring within …

February 28, 2004

* Inspired by Ozan Oztepe's comment to my 'Her Awakening'...

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Her Utopian Heaven…

The breeze of the western windblowing in her eastern sphereout of the tentwhere the desert is stillwhile the horses rove and roamwanting to breathein her utopian heavenin her 'no place'…

Alas! She wanted 'to be placed'in ecstasy, in joyhappiness and blissoutside of her utopiawhere no rules of orderin place…

What a wilderness!What a vain of quest!Madly to possessthrowing themselveson the defenselesslovely utopian maid…

And she cried at themto cease their vain desiresthey continued tremblingblushing, but not of shameand disgrace,but from the effect of kindling flameburning herwith tears all softher female honorbanished from utopian heaven.

She then, just then realizedChastity,Possessiveness,Prudery,are destructive to love...

February 3, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Hold Me to Your Willing Heart...

Your love that I feelhas a hold of me,in me…

Your love that I believeis a force thatI have never felt beforein me…

So,hold me to your willing heartfor I am the desert,you of cultivation…I am the streamyou are the lakeI am the oceanyou are of the shorewhen I want fewer waves,you create more…

Hold me to your willing heartfor eternityyou make time disappearfor moments like thismake your lips my lips,your face my face,your tear my tear;all tangled in bliss,in ecstasy, and delightnot as a man or woman,not live or deadbut a heavenly kiss…So,let's dance in the moonlighttonightand sing together to the stars,two as one,one soul,one kiss,one nightthat’s worth living! ! ! !

November 17, 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Honoring the Uncelebrated Ones! ! !

many come and golike shadows and rainbowsbut thunder from their wordslike a flash of lightningcrosses the hearts of all…

my poets and poetessexquisite soulsall imbued withhonesty, pain, and lovewandering to the sunrise,meditating with the skyyou all sink in a dropp of inkto dream by…

joys and laughssufferings and painsshared by lovewith us all,to feel like and for…

so let’s keep on goingwith same integritywith veracity, sinceritykindness, and support…for all your words and linesreflect and mirrorthe spirit and the soulyou possess and live by …

bestowing in gratitudethanking the Lordhoping you accept my humble wordsas a tribute and honorto have known you all …

January 27, 2004 / while sinking in a dropp of ink…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

How Sad You Refuse...

How sad you refuse to see this angelical facesometimes childish, other times devilish…

How sad you refuse to see her beautythat had been reflected from your soul…

How sad you refuse to see her eyesthe doorway to your heart where your love resides…

How sad you refuse to see the strong wind that threatensto be free, to roam, to grow and to bloom…

How sad you refuse to see herShe,of all WOMEN,who is angle in truth, but demon in fictionwho screams at a spider, and faints at a cockroachwho plays like a kitten and fights like a tigerwho dances in moonlight and nurses at nightwho is soft in a shell, and a pillar in a templewho angers like hurricanesbut finds serenity in your calmness…

How sad my friend, yes, how sad you refuseto see this phenomenal womanwho is in the reach of your armswho is in the stride of your steps…

And you,you don't even dare,but be confused! ! !


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Humanly HUMANE, My Gatekeeper…

At the very entrancethere he used to stand,next to the black iron gate,like a lone oak tree,our school’s gate keeper…

He used to stay near the gateneither go too far in, nor stay too far outfor he was the shelterprotecting us from the world outside…

He used to wonder,why I was so early everydayI’m brought here I saidfor the reasons apparently so clear to thembut still cloudy to me…

He used to bring mewith the unforgettable aroma ofhis tea, and his ring shaped freshly baked breadto warm my body,but he,he never knew,he warmed my heart instead….

I kept on refusingbut continued swallowingwith every bit of pain in my heartfor I know it was his only meal,but he kept insistingfor he knew it was the only delightto start up my day….

He was the gate keeperin a country I would never forgetfor the heart he hadwas, is and will beas immense as the roof of the worldas huge as the Hindukush mountains*where the Himalayas lean-to....for PROTECTION…..

And I still am bleedingfor whatever happened, and still happeningto that mountainsand I am still wonderingfrom which gate of heavenmy gatekeeper will he enter at lasthopefully, by God’s will…

* Hindukush mountains are in Afghanistan.

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

November15,03 @ 03:50 / in tears!

Many thanks to my poetry friend's 'Ring-shaped Bread with Tea' poem, (Çay'la Simit)which I was inspired from.Thank you M. Çelik.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

I am Breathing You...

I am breathing youin and out as we speakfeeling you in my lungswith every inhalewith every exhale…

I am breathing youwith all my beingfeeling your presencearound my existencewith every inhalewith every exhale…

I am breathing youyou fill my body, and touch my soulyour scent on my pillowyour words fill my brainwith every inhalewith every exhale…

I can hear the winds of your breathingI can see the breath, of my beating heartI can feel the shiver with every breath I inhaleI can sense the quiver, with every breath I exhale

When I breath youI am wholeIn your presenceAnd in your absence…

In the far corners of your mind, of your soulCan you still hear me breathing..?

August 26,2003 @ 14:00

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

I Am Not a Poetess…

Alas…! Love Droplets*You called me the Poetess of the SaharaDo I deserve your shrine?

I am not a poetessI do not rhymeBut I do havefeelings that hold thetides of the unworthiness seacrashing the empty shell of mine…

I am a wondererand a dreamerI can dancesing and fantasizebut I am illiteratejust started to erudite…

I am no wordsmithI have just myself and my doomlearned to inspire,not knowing what will transpire…Like a volcano,hot blood as hot as my Sahararuns through my veins,but no... my friendI'm in no way a poetess,for I do not rhyme...

I'm in no way a poetess,but I can take you by surprise,like the first love,or summer's breezeor autumn's zephyrI can make you feel at ease,sometimes…

November 15,2003

*To Sevgi Damlalari, who mistakenly called me the 'Poetess of the Sahara'...

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

I miss YOU...

I am thinking of you as I sit here in the heatMy mind, my soul, my heart miss you in defeatFor they belong to you as if they are in beat

I wonder what I missis it your lookyour kissyour touchor is it your hiss…?

Am I like a butterfly in wintermissing the spring?Or like the snowflakes in summermissing the winter?Or like the moon at noonmissing the night?Or like the stars in the skymissing the glitters when I cry…?

I miss you for every pain you caused meI miss you for every fear you drove meI miss you for every tear you dropped out of me

I missed you asnever you were awaymore than a momentfrom my thought and from my pray…

July 2,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

I Will Fly...

Yesterday, I was down, I cried…And didn't know why…Today, I said, why don't I fly…?

Before I used to fly over hungry heads,Through breathless brains,Via steam less passion,Passing through tender less emotions…

But now, I tend to fly…Like a wild geese that flies with the moon…

Flying sincerely,Creating and illuminatingThe true worth in ME…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

I, Shahrazad...

For nights after nights,In a thousand and one nightsCaptured his soulGot his mindTo let me reborn….

Freedom…freedomCarving his words into my soulHearing the end of each wordAwakening myselfHolding high as a marble statue….

My captive passionMy cleverness,The frame work of my talesMy sea of poems…Captured my king’s heart…

Or am I the one who isen-slaved…?

September 22,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

In a split of a second...

A split of a secondthat what it tookfor a thunder to rumbletoward the most distant starsoaring the alpha and the omega…

In that split of a secondof the infinite eternitybeing captivated,enslavedby true lovewhere elevation and ennoblementsate the deadly longing desires…

Neither were your eyes, nor your looknor your beauty nor your bookjust your soulwhich has beencaptivatedenslavedin a love beyond description,beyond imagination, beyond all perception…

For when true love assailsno power can quench its fire…And traits that folk sharemorality, integrity, and proprietyyield and surrender in defeat…! ! !

For love conquers alljust in that split of a second…

April 11, 2004 03: 25

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

In My Desert…

You can smell the rosesjasmines, and daisiesand love with passion,in its arid spaces…

You can find the joy and hopelaugh like a sad child,weep like a poet,and wail like a foe…

You can fade like the moonhundred timesto reach your worldand be free…

But my friend,although my desert is a special one,with its all mysticism and holinessespecially when the stars glitter like diamonds at nightand the sand reflects their sparkles one by onebut there are cacti, and rattlesnakeswhich rules this bald, arid vast placein a land that God forgotalthough wealthybut barren with curse…

October 12,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

In my mind…

I can hold you…devour youHave you everyday and night

I can dream you, fantasize youAnd make you a wish, a hope

But again, what is dreamingwishinghoping?Are they real…?

In my mindYou take me away... you make me yoursYou make me wait…and wait

The magic…the thrill…the unexplainedwhich is so clear like crystalYet, unfelt, unseen

In my mindYou make me think of eternityNeglecting my sense of timingIs it morning…or evening…?Is it reality…?

I wish I never felt somethingBut again are we controllingour wishes…our hopes …our dreamsIn our minds…?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

In Silence...

Silently,my humble heart is tiredwith a thirst for tears...answering life's questin silencein fears...

February 3, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Insatiable Night...

No words neededNo lies toldNo regrets and look backsNo promises being kept


Falling in the burning ring of fireThumping with flaming desirePossessing the essence of his entire

Obsessing the heart with the tender love that inspireMesmerizing the soul that tireSerenely worshipping his soul by her entire

Glistening in the sky through the wanted bodiesRevealing the hunger of the hot jiffy momentsMeshing the skin with skin of their entire beings

Quickening the breath while the heated lips metTouching the skin of the slippery sweatTasting every dropp of their insatiable thirst


While the moonlight was glowing upon their fleshOn that blazing, insatiable nightIn the middle of that incredible desert sight…

June 12,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Inspiration & Creativity…

Abstained fromAnd abjuredPassionately …

Emptying intoUntil pumped dry…

Then shunnedBut crawlsIn tacitIn the gate of paradise…

February 17, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Is IT Worth it…?

Life, is it worth being for…?War, is it worth fighting for…?Truth, is it worth lying for…?Years, is it worth living for…?Pain, is it worth suffering for…?But, you,You are worth breathing for,You are the life worth living…

Are you worth it...?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Is it Liberation?

Fear, hatred, anarchy, hysteriaArson, revenge, savagerySuspicion, bitterness, angerShock, imbalance, and looting…

It is the day afterIt’s their contributionTheir donationGiven by their liberators…

Women in veils, and chadors running hystericallyChildren shot deadArmy of thieves storming buildingsHospitals, schools, museumsAll by the consent of their liberators…

These are the sufferings of a generationA generation who suffered more than any otherAnd still is sufferingThis time from their liberators…

They are liberating them from themselvesFrom their historyFrom their civilizationFrom their beingLiberating to be reoccupied….

So, please, enlighten meIs it entering a new bloodier phase?Is it liberation or is it captivity?

April 15,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


it hurtsit rejectsit brings painit cause sadnessbut it knows the -very- truth

He came through IT but couldn’t seewhat he needed in mehe will leave again and doesn’t knowwhat he has done in me

IT hurts to seeand be me againIT hurts to wantand not to have again

IT hurts,when I close my eyes, without his sightwhen I tell myself lies, without being agonizedIT hurts,when I thought I was in controland never dared about my wordIT hurts,when I thought I was toughand never knew he scared me enough

But now, I feeleach dropletthe heatthe breezeand live my fantasies, my pride, my dreamsAnd now, I stoppedbeating against the brick walls, in fears….

July 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Just a Simple Way to Say 'I Love You'...

My beloved,You are my stimulationthat energizes my brainYou are my temptationthat excites my soulYou are my enticementthat draws my existenceYou are my allurementthat drives me to your charmYou are my knowledgethat adds to my ignoranceYou are my seductionthat won my inaccessibleunobtainableuntouchable heart…

You are my BEINGmy belovedyou are my beingJust as simple as the letters inL-O-V-E…But againis this conventional or controversial love, my being…?

in one controversial night / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Just a Thought…

I gave you halfyou want the wholeYou got the best halfI got the best wholeYou want to give more,and nowI wonder, why not I give allas a whole…?

July 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Just send me................an inhaleor......................an exhaleso that............................you revive me

andnothing more...

October 26,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Lashed By His Gaze...

Holding my face at you

I caught your gaze while

breathing on my eyelashes

feeling pure, clean, chaste

with every dropp of kiss

you poured on....

Holding my face at you

I saw the light dancing

on your eyelashes

as you look through me

so profoundly, so deep

caressing them

and wrapping with every inch of your love....

March 22, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Let's bloom in this vast desert…

While I was resting on my golden sandA flash of color caught my eyeI heard an echo, asking for a hand…But never knew thatI who is in need for his hand…

He was sauntering all aloneAsking for a help and savoring all aroundFeeling the heat of the lightIn my magical desertWhile sharing his feelings,worries and dilemma,

I say,Lets pummel and droplike rain from the sky…let's share the sorrows of lifefor our eyes are suffusedwith regretful tearsfrom the recollectionsof the memoriesof our former years….

My friend,Lets bloom in this vast desert,but be aware, it's not easyto water the arid wildernessopen your eyes and seek the water,before the storm hurls and turns the sandwhirlingin a maze of apparent reality….


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Like a Storm...

Your appearancelike an unexpected stormawakened the silence within my heartinvaded the emotions within my soulbut,denied the mindthat desired to flow….

Your appearancewinded the gale that surrounded meneeded the burning touch so deepbut,unexpected twist and twirlscalmed the earthly blissbefore falling into the forbidden feast……………………………regrettably

January 19, 2004 @ 02:00

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Like Cleopatra…

Last night I waslike Cleopatrawho was so thirsty when she prayed for Egypt’s ecstasy,and I was thirsty for your bliss…

like Cleopatrawho desired and yearned as the towns of Egypt burnt in flamesand my desire to be burned in your blaze…

like Cleopatrawho only had Caesar and Mark Anthonyand I, however, have the whole world in you…

September 21,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Like Nature, I am astounded...!

Like NatureI am astoundedto this world of hopes and tearsof laughter and fearsin a world where there’s only one moonand one sunin a world whereoceans, mountains and deserts,wide and dividedare createdto be shared…

Like Nature,I am astounded,of the creaturessmall as atomstrapped in the orbitkilling, slaughteringforgetting the ruler of allwho can smash worlds after worldsand make the giganticseem so smallas small as the head of a little pinwhere millions of atomsmay reside in! !

Can’t we go forthand marry into the worldand live happily ever after…?

November 30, 2003

Inspired by Ali Tosmer's 'What a Small World! '

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Lit Another Cigarette…

Lit another cigaretteand caress me as if I was your lastlet the smoke dancedraining me into your lunginto your life…

Lit another cigaretteand breath me as if I was your lastthink what we have learnedabout loveabout ourselvesabout you and meabout the mistakes that we’ve madeand about everythingwe would have done differently…

Lit another cigaretteand perceive the universethrough our beingswith all its conclusionsdelusions, illusionsand confusions…

Lit another cigaretteand with its last puff of sanitythink for my reasonsfor feeling how I feelfor doing what I do, what I did…

Let’s delve deeply, blissfullywith your last cigaretteand discoverthe mysticismthe sublimitythe divinitythe holiness of OUR love…andmake it your last................cigarette!

October / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Long Live POETRY…! ! !

words are youngwords are agedwishing to silence them for a whilebut impossible to cage…

like the garden of Lifeit does inviteit does requireto feel and to respondto reach through emotionsand resolutions...

in time of crisis,and of disasterswithin the spirit of our soulswe are aware of all the need,our need for each otherand for ourselveswe describe our richness,completeness and fullnesswe turn, and actwe begin to be aware of the acknowledgementof others in usin kindheartedness and compassion…

above all,is the approach to the truth of feelingto our resources and to ourselvesto understand the sufferingthe long warsand to the opening of our horizons…

Poetry Lovers! ! !finding YOUgave my whole world reason to rhymeas someone once said“seduction by diamonds and rubies is nicebut seduction by words is better”for like a curserecreates sensation within you…

March 16, @ 13:15

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Longing for Too Long...

As the moon’s luminary pulled me nearer,

I saw the smiling stars looking at me

Telling me to listen to the low tide

And hope to hear your breath

While the night was sleeping…


the wind whispered

the angels voice echoed

your name from the heaven

asking me to be patient

and to endure the long suffering

of awaiting…

But neither of them

would know how much I yearn,

I get lost in the depth of your soul

hoping to be freed by your gape…


I still feel the tenderness of your touch

Hoping to fire my senses by your hug

I still burn in the intensity of your passion

Hoping to be captured by your affection

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I still crave to taste the sweetness of your kiss

Hoping your lips savoring mine in bliss

And I still feel the sprinkles of your tears

Moaning my name

Calling me yours

And set my soul on fire….

And I still long for the shadow

Of your love

Which will remain in the eye of the

Silver flaming moon………………………….

February 9, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Love-scented Flower...

A voice from the Saharaawaiting to be embracedher deep-hearted,pure,with scented dewbelieves in lovetransparentizes her feelingsanddedicates rhythm of pleasures…

He calls her,Love-scented flowerfor her fragrance has been spreadall over the sweet sheetsbreathed with scented nectarwhich blossoms in his mist…

He,mirroring her reality,her true hidden destinyfortified by his soulbut not savoringthe sweet taste of her lovestill lingersin his mind…………..


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Love & Pain

Do you want to knowwhat sense I make of love and pain?Those are just wordsThey have no content, no contextNothing we can get a hold ofUntil, we are enforced to fill them

So,Don’t talk about loveMake me find itSo I can come up reborn, drippingOnly then, I’ll tell you what I foundWhen we overlap

Don’t talk about painMake me feel itMake your feelings touch mineOnly then I’ll tell you how I feelWhen we overlap

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Love Prayer -2-

And Lord accepted my prayerfor what life is all aboutwithout lighting the candleof our love…?Blessing me among allfor sending you to me….He granted me the serenitythe courage,the wisdom to live by,enjoying and acceptingthe sinful world,accommodatingthe destinies we live for,but above alltrusting and surrenderingto the greatest love of all…

Bowing my head,bending my kneeI am complete in presence of thee…Thanking you Lordfor reviving my soulIndeed…………….

January 24, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Love Prayer...

Accepting the changesthat can’t be changed…Encouraged to changethem to know the difference…

And pray,rememberingthe first time we met,the words we said.the hearts we forgavethe breathes, the smiles, and the tearswe shared…

If Lord could hear my prayerhow can I not enrich thee...If heaven could hear my prayerhow couldn’t it bestow thee to me…

My Lord,put our love into your handsfor he’s into my life like a prayertoo long I have left your prayerswondering how long I can bearfor he might be one to the worldbut he is the worldto me …

January 24, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


You danced upon my Golden dreamWhen you came into my being like a silver shineThe day you were born was so excitingYou were sparkling like silverThe most beautiful thingYet ever to be seen…

You happened to be made of hoaryLike snow whiteThat took place in my golden heart…You glow softly in glittering lightAs a luminous phenomenonThat sparkled my life…

You glistened my soulYou dazzled my beingBy your shining smile…

Yes,My flashing silverHearing your voiceSeeing your smileFeeling you closelyYou definitely sparkled my life…

August 15,1997

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Silently and sorrowfulWatching humanityMother of mercy of broken heartWho understands and care for griefWho responds to the human cry of despair and relief…

Behind you lying the immense mysteryOf the birth of the universeYour profound archetype of motherhoodIs no less than the meaningOf compassion and suffering…

Here you are deeply buriedIn the soul of my human psycheAnd here I am caught upIn my own ambiguous mind

June 20,2002

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


My SoulEastern,My feelingsAsian,My tendernessFar-eastern,My heatAfrican,My coolness/coldnesswhatever,Alaskan,My philosophyEuropean, Indianand Chinese,My religionAll three, in one,My boldnessUniversal,My looksWho cares…! !My WORDSI careExcept for this oneWhich I don't considerA POEM…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Mesmerized by YOU...

I was falling down from the skyHeld by the wind like a harmless butterflySuddenly I was magnetizedMesmerized by your sight

Drawn unresisting towards your gazeBy the fire-proof flameMesmerized by the angel that have been sentA savior for the woman I amAnd the child withinA savior for the oneWho is the honor and the scornthe knowledge and the ignorancethe shame and the pridethe strength and the fearthe war and the peace

Don't be surprised when my mind's still mesmerizedMesmerized by your deep black eyesBy the warmth of your soulful heartand hypnotized by your words

I know I was meant to be magnetized by youFor I have been sent from the skyI know you will find me herelive and never dieBecause you, too, are mesmerizedBy the knowledge of my nameFor I am the name of the soundAnd the sound of the nameThe soundOf theW-O-M-A-NWho is the one, who alone, EXIST!


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Addiction…

A storm resided in my heart,tearing my inside apartbleeding,for the pain is so greatmy muscle's achingmy eyes feeling heavymy movements hurtmy tears are tremblingmy hands are numbmy emotion's wanderingtrying to stop the painand wash them from the raindropscoming from the distance sea…I am addicted …

The pain is so greatwashing away everythingthe courage you werewhen I was afraid,the strength you've always beenwhen I was weak,the path you provedwhen I was lostandthe wound you werewhen I missedin silence…I am addicted…

Your mind, your heart, your soulall lie curled up in mewaiting for the momentwhen your guts are screamingas I watch you, the beautiful human beingand confused by the me that I amand by the you that you are…

I am addicted,by the smell of your scent,to your kissesand the way my hair dangles in your face,to the cosmic orgasm we constantly reach,I am addicted to you...So, feel it,taste it,and relive the cravingOf my addiction…

September 15,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

MY Bride...

On that first breathe of summerOn that sparkling nightSilver moon is witnessingThe sound of trumpetsRolls of drumsFlaming lamps, and theFaces all aglow…

Shining from the alterAngelical face, glitteringAll innocence and beautyConcealed behind the veil of love

My Bride,Your laces in your dress is sewed with loveYour silk hair combed with hopes and promisesYour smile dipped in a blush of roseRaised the sunset’s eyebrows

Finally, you’re his brideThe long desired oneFinally you found the solaceOf his pure engendered love

My bride,While the bells are ringing in joyForget not to thank GodWith the treasure he blessed youFor you are his ownYou are his nameYou are his only ONE…

June 18,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Deserted Woman…

My Deserted Woman…Letting yourself to a deserted spaceSinking back into yourselfBut rising from the earthRe-cycling the water of lifeWhile the moon shines upon you silentlyTrying to soothe you while it cried……

Your coldness rains over my heart, over my soulI am sinking into your seaLike the thousands dropsOf tears, joys, and sweatPouring into your soul…

Being deserted into yourselfWeaving into waves of your colorsRising voices in tides of tongues and echoesTrying to set yourself freeHoping for more rain and seaClung to desires,While you’re surrounded by sorrowsI am sinking in youI am sinking into your sea…

My deserted woman in lonelinessI will be waiting until you rise meFor my patience is equal to that of Jacob’s‘Cause your whole existenceis my only lifeIs the life ITSELF…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Heart Aches With the Fear of Losing You!

Your love for me is whatI always dreamed for…whole,completeand firm…

I feel,cherished,nourished,supportedand valued…

Yet,I fear I'm not enough,out of my fearI want to hide,to be buried,and to be veiled….

Out of fearof your leaving me,my greatest horror occurs,the fear of losing,that’s what hurts me the most…

I wonder will it be my fate,for it is more than I barethe dread of losing youwill last for eternity…

So help me, my loveto put my mind and fears to restfor my love for you is splendor,sublime and the very best…

October 19,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Inspiration...

You bring the words out of meYou bring my feelings back to meYou bring the meaning in me

YOU, areand always beon my mindin my heartin my souland within my feelings…

YOU aremy reasonmy rhymemy wordsmy alphabetstill the end of time…

YOU areThe messenger of my heartBeyond feelingBeyond imaginationCourage, fear, and….and….and…And beyond my sensation…

June 25,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Nights…

I wait for my nightslike the dawn when awaiting her hourfor the bride to be ready in her bridal chamberlike the star when awaiting to glitterfor the maiden to gleam when meeting her belovedlike the full moon when awaiting to glowfor the woman in love to be flamed in delightAnd I,in my solitary wait, amstruggling,stumbling, in my chainsdrenching my thirsty dreamswithin my deepest sensibility…

Longing for a companionI found Orion*to converse within my nightsfor he is lonely as I amenduring the endless eons*who helped me to bringme back and be me again…!

July 29,2003 @ 01:00

*Orion: in Greek mythology a giant hunter placed in the sky as a constellation*eon: an immeasurably long period of time.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Poet, My Poem…

My Friend,My poet speaks well in My mindin My eyes, and in My soul,embedded himself within My heartwithout a pen, or force to shrine…He needed just serenityand peace to ruleand keep My heart at range to fool…

My friend,My poet's words and linesraise, elevate and lift methey also wrap, cover and shroud metaking me to His special placeof his heart, of his souland there you, my friend, may discoverMe in Himforever Hisreaching out to Him with every rhyme…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Resolution…

Having said my goodbyeexcept for what's in my heartI said,ten, nine, eightseven, six, fivefour, three, twoONE…..And I opened the yearwith a pleato start with good intentionerasing the shame, the fear, the hatewatching the tongue, the eyes, the ears,feeling the east and the westwhere the unfound friends,seeing the whole heartsto console and free,echoing praises and joyto everyone that dreams,and before allhaving my pledge set to feastletting the lights to darken,and the lights of night brighten,constructing peace and love,reconciling the selves with each other,reaching the limits,beyond my selves…

Until then…….

January 4, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Vulnerability...

Secrets, lies,Filling the fragile soulAnd criticizePain, cries, deliriums, frustrationsMaking me insaneDropping from the leaveOf my palm treeSlowly falling from my aching heartIn my deserted soulDropping and leaving the moisturesWhere there could have been more…

The moon the starsMocking at each otherThe sun laughingBehind her mask, paradingWaiting for me to blend in the crowdIn a trembled voiceAnd reveal the little big spot of my weakness…

My VulnerabilityLike a veinSitting under my skinOverflowed with bloodLike a fault in a rockWaiting to say 'yes' to a wave of excitementsAnd not saying 'no' to an offerThat's difficult to be refused…

My VulnerabilityMarked as I failed to seeI missed, but seen by othersFrom the deepest, darkest of the moon!Justice, love,What I dug in the past…Anger, revenge, a broken heart,What I cover now with dust…And learned that easy to turn the face of the moonTo stars and shine in other people's pain…

My vulnerabilityNo more fearNo more weaknessesGetting on with lifeBut self-awareness is my defenseAnd learned to knowWhere the assault will come from…

And never forget thatI am always the sound of my wordAnd the word of my soundOnly in a world where I belong…

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

September 13,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

My Warrior Poet...

You embedded yourself within our heartYou spoke in our minds within your soulYou have no weapon to kill, no gun, or arrowJust words which flew into our heartsYou wear love as a badge of courageOffering no hateBreathing in goodExhaling in dire…

So be itLet them nail youLet them hang youFor knowing of the love of your peopleYou will alwaysGiveShareCareWith love……everlastingly…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Naked Pain...

images...buried in the eternity of my soulfilling with echoesof my painful cries

winds blow cloudsto my stormy seapouring tears to my naked painfor I was wandering alonein my peaceful skygrieving, longing the memorieswhich were hung in an autumn leafshattering the tormented soulof mine...


February 27, 2004

* inspired by H. Hakman's poem....

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

No One has Ever Loved You the Way I Do…

When I remember your name,it entreats my memoriesWhen I think of your name,it alters my imagination

I have fallen in love countless timesWith Paris, Rome, and many othersThey come and goBut with youWith your undying and un-aging loveWith your mischievous and flirting looksWith your giggling and blushing plainsWith your rippling sea of emeraldsWith your youth, allure, and beautyYou tormented meYou captivated meEverlastingly…

I love you for what I am when I am with youFor what you are making for meFor the part of me that you bring outFor reaching out and touching my heartFor drawing out into the light of my soul

My Istanbul,They gave you many, various namesByzantion, Nea Rome, ConstantinopleSome say you were founded by PhidaleiaSome say by ByzasThey fought for youThey turned you into a rose gardenThey conquered youBut no ONE has ever loved you the way I do…

My Istanbul,Whenever I see youMy heart beats fasterMy breath impedesMy feelings become weirdI befall and become difficult to be explainedLike entering an imaginary worldWhich you areA fantasy for all lovers…

You, the most precious than diamondsYou, the ONLY one…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

On Fire…

Pull me to your chest, roughly, stoutlySlide your tongue between my lips hungrily, thirstilyRun your anxious hands along my quivering body affectionately, tenderlyPress your lips to my breasts firmly, tightlyCall me yours and set my soul on fire, everlastingly….

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

On That Day…

I bought a rosebud on that dayTo celebrate ME for the whole dayAlthough I haven’t chosen to bloom that dayIt was written in the stars to be flourished on that same day…

Sunrise glistened on that beautiful dayLyndon Johnson signed the Voting Right that dayEarly risers were greeting that special dayCelebrating Martin Luther King’s day…

In another part of the worldNaim Hasani was born on that same daySuffered inhumane torture most of his daysBravely he stayed stoic and adamant all his prison daysSecuring the freedom for his countryAll what he wanted, for all his days…

All those past years to me are like yesterdaysLike a lonely hour in the middle of my nights and daysThinking back of those who made historyOn that same year and dayI thought of myself, and wonderedWhy am I hereThe following day of my birthday…?

January 15/16,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Once Upon a Lonely Night...

Once upon a lonely nightas the gentle moonbegan to make its way into the skytwo souls were dwelling...

The two wandered the earth in solitudenever settling for long with anotherfor destiny playing its wonderful trickand gave them this night...

In that wonderful nightwhen they did meetboth were instantly smitten...

The night was the scene of this unionthe moon was the witnessand the stars were in reverence...

It was by chance they metby choice they became friends...

Then, weeks after weeks their friendship bloomedboth wanted something much morethey wanted a lifetime of soul-ship...

They found happiness together in each otheralthough they have never seen each otherthey touched the very heart of each otherthey were a world awaybut somehow they knew each other...

It was something like a constant book…always writtenwaiting to be read and enjoyedand they did know how to readand enjoy the book...

As the light is the soul of the moonas the glitter is the soul of the staras the darkness is the soul of the nighttheir passion is the soul of their beings...

lost friends/2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Peace Be With You...

Democracy,Human rightsPeace….Are not just words for a petitesoft spoken woman like you….

Made of steel,never fearedtook whatever they won’t darewhen defending others with care…

Society to be labeled as civilizedwomen, children must pay the prize...You as a woman stood all alonefighting for our womanhood,peace and Islam…

You inspired the worldby your prideby your dignity,by your support in an era of brutalitythe peacefulness of humanity…by your consciousyou saw no variance betweenIslam and human rightsand showed the worldthe enlightment,the dialogueas path for us to changeand live as ALL…

You sustained fightsover many many years…you focused on strengtheningthe legal status of women,children and peace…You have been fought,criticized, accused by your peoplebut much-admired by the rest of the world…

Shirin Abadi,You deserve theThe Nobel Peace PrizeAnd be among the Laureates…

We are proud of you Shirin...I am proud of you...For you were my saviorin my worst time of my life...

October 11,2003

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

* Shirin Ebadi, was awarded the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, the first Muslimwoman to win the prize's 102-year history.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat



If I would have diedof loving youyou would have planted a bush on my tombthat bush would have grownand become a treethen someone would have cut that treeand sheets of papers would have been made from itother poems would have been writtento other women who would fall in love with youall from the sheets of papersmade from the treethat fed on my flesh and soul...

And I stillwould breath in every rhythmin every syllableof every poem....

Just imagine…

Nov./10/2003 @ 06:30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Poetically Insane…

Despair, mess, chaos are not allowedto take over my being…

only your lyrics beating my heartyour thoughts born of emotionsyour soul reflected by a heart of lovecan take and hide my being…

Insanely have been embedded into my soulI need not eyes nor ears to hear and listenfor you inscribed into my mind’s heartand will everlastingly be…

I will not bear dry misery and anguish from lifemy love for being into your existence is so greatI will always grant, share, care, and loveand keep you, my poet, at my heart’s range...

From your mind to the versesall is saved and never passes awayfor my brain is your slaveto the poetically “YOU”insane!

in a chaotic moment /2/22/04

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Raging sand...

Raging sandcovered with the sun’s warmthsheltered with morning breezeprotected with my inner fire…

Raging sandsea made landleaving to sinkbut more free to thinkneededjust grains of itto notice the footprintsand roll under its wave…..

February 18, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Raging Volcano...

Trapped by your fire inside meFelt the burn and the friction in your floodBurst without warning by my passionOnce flooding, it can't be stoppedFlows not allowing anything to standThen calms…And crawls back from where it emergedThen rests, and waitsEager for its time,Eager for its love,Waits like the eye of the hurricaneTo be exploding again….

September 25,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Bleeding inside endlesslyPutting her life together againKnowing no one can heal herLooking back and wonderHolding them accountable…?Dreaming nightmaresCrying with a need to leave this space…

Shattered soulIndignities, marked upon her ruptured bodyTrees and flowers dirge in painUntil she disappeared inside herself, again…

July 21,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Raping MY Mind…

Sitting there staring in an endless blacknessScreams captivating my mindBruised inside by the taste of loveOn the surface of the tonguesFloating in the waves of my language…

My mind is tough,And can be correctedI don't get distressedThere is nothing in my profoundThat will make me collapseOthers, know how to respect meValue, and admire meI am wild and determinedAnd always free…

My thoughts thunder randomly…Instead of raping realityYou called my tearsRaped my believesAnd stirred my fearsLost all my rhythmsAll my deceits…

My life, my being reflectsMy thoughts of my selfMy words are theRemedy of my soulAll penetrate through my judgmentAnd make all in one and one in whole….

September 17,2003.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Reigning His Contradictions…

Man has been trying to contemplatefrom the immemorial timeabout my nature,and his fate ….

In the old days,he could feel my nature as wholethen he separated,and began seekingin his experimentsto approximate…

Then he calculated my natureby his equationsto duplicatebut failed…

In the process,he opened the Pandora's boxwith its problemsto craze…

There he stoodwondering unableto articulatefor black holescoming outbut can't escape…

He wantsme to wear a dress of whiteanother of purple,and dance, bare feet,around his field to break…

He wants my nobilityand my rigidityexamining what's under my skinand avoiding my dame…

He thought he neededtheory of everythingand dimensional spacebut he never thoughtthat he had to unfoldmy universeto implicate…

December 4, 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Release ME...

Release me from the twilight that'sin the soul of thy eyes…

From thy hungry lips of my desireFrom thy breath that enflames my entireFrom thy sweat that mounts my fireFrom thy scent that blazes my aspire…

Release me from the heat of thy desire,

From the taste I cannot resistFrom the ecstasy of the heated heart we persistFrom the gazing eyes burning till we consistFrom the caress we share, embracing as we exist …

Release me from my inner conflict of my forbidden loveFrom the dream that I am still not awakened from…

June 15,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Revolting against Love...

fabricating raptures to oneselfexciting the nervesinflaming with the fire of ones bloodsacrificing the humility of the heartliving the contrition of spiritenlivens the life of the fall…I do revolt...

I rebel…when I longwhen I yearn…when it takes me from myself…when I mutiny inside myselfwhen I resist against limitation

restrictions that have been placed upon myself…revolting againstfear, sufferingseparation, death and destruction…and most of allagainst the perceptionof what I am to be…

Here I amrevolting against Love….

February 4, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Riding the Waves…

I was riding the waves, the other nightIn smooth, carried me ashore of my espialThen suddenly afoul wind blewThreatened my tall shipsBended and folded my sails…

Riffling out to the vastness of the seaI came backWhen I went downWhen I was weakBut I learnedIt was magicalIt was spiritualVirtuously…

July 7,2003 Istanbul…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Roses of My Desert…

some are redsome are whitebut each is a mystery,and a story untold…

some are pale, dry,and bended,some are wild,luscious,and terrified to be unfold…

They are hard to bloom…

they need nurture,water and airthey want to be awakenedto whisperto screamto be remembered,and relivethe stories that have been told…

So that they bloom…

they are fragile,but strongalthough unknownfor they’reprotected by their thorns,shielding their stemsfrom their dying rootsand fallen petalsbefore their nectar being absorbed…

But once they bloom...

their mist will fill the airwith birds, singingin the deepest azureof my desert skyand the world see nothingbut their shining blooms…

for all they aresymbol of love

That’s why they need to bloom…

February 8, 2004 @ 13:00

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Sadness is being told...

Sadness is being toldIs being heard by your echoIt wrapped inside your heartDripped into your soulSurrounded like a voidFilled you with empty foliageBut,It has its own beautyLike looking through the rainAs if life itself was bruisedSo,Learn to dwell deep within yourself, my friendLet the happiness reach to your heartGrasp it and shatter all the barriers…foreverAnd learn to fly againLike a kite above the ocean…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Sanctity of Humanity?

Two hands shakenFingers clutchingOne full of bloodOne full of innocencePure and sinlessTHE artist visualized itAnd included a roseIn white, black, and red colorsScribed beneath itSaying,“Too often do thorns draw blood?When the rose is tendedTo ensure its true beauty prevails” *

And called itWAR OF DESERTROSE! ! !

*Paul Chamberlain

July 28,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Sand Storm Sweeping my Soul...

It came out of no whereLike a thunder over the sand dunesClouds suddenly cloak the mountainBlown from somewhere…

I felt the thunder in my heartAnd could not controlWhere it came fromI truly do not know…

The storm ragedDeep in my soul….The wind howledWithout my control

Then, you cameLike a crack of thunder

Removed the dust from the bones of my soulbrushed with your soft lipsthe last grains of sandleft me nakedthe orbs covered my heartreached for your burning touchto sooth my pain…

My love,I need your kiss to make my pulse boom like thunder again…I need your love to fall like wild spring rain, again…

5 / 14 / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Scenes of Hell...!

Scenes of hellScenes of chaosVehicles on fireHouses aflameHospitals deluged with wounded…


Bodies are lying and burning in front of meHit by fragments of cluster bombsBodies are braced for the assaultWomen, children, eldersStanding there helplessmixed with courage and hopelessnessAmong jumble of justifications…aims…excuses…

And I, sipping my coffee,am watching the bits of bodies …bleeding…And I bleed inside with embarrassment, with anger…Drinking my coffee while the sky is crying…Watching them, numbed, with their guns blazing…Determined not to let them go

Not to let goA man who lost his eyebut whose feet still dribbling bloodA woman’s long dark hairspread over a piece of cloth she was lying onHer body pock marked with shrapnel from a bombAnd a mother’s cry for helpasking for a streamer to cover her sonA martyr…

Blood dripping from the woundsand from my heart...Bleeding internally, moaning and thrashingFighting pain and imprisonment

And they continue toDestructDestroyDemolish

And they continue to wreck a nation…

4/7/2003 10: 30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Sea of Love…

…. and a tide comes into the rhythm of my wave,feeling its floodwhere sand and shellsswing underneath…

….and in that soft blue wateras soft as passionate as ever can belove's own selfwas the deep sea's spiritstirring my emotionslike Neptunewho stirs the sea,making me bath in your glorybreath from your airand drink from your cool, clear stream...

Neptune: God of the sea.

February 25, 2004 / inspired by H. Hakman's poem... 'Love's Blue water'

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Show ME…!

Show me that I can love withoutFear,Hesitations…

Show me that I can feel withoutFrustration,Simulation…

Show me that I can touch withoutSinning,Pretending…

Show me that I can wish withoutGrieving,Regretting...

Show me howI can be felt,how I can be touched,how I can be loved…

Show me the way to hold onto God’s lightShow me the way and hold me very tight…

sometime in the eighties/2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


SilentlySitting, confusedAnd puzzledNothing got to sayNothing to be saidJust wishingTo split the unseenThread roll that bindsSoul to soulThought to thoughtBeing to being….

Despair,Voiceless feelingNothing is bitterNothing is harderThan to declareTo be defeated…

ButBehind the veil of the nightIs a jovial morningThat transformed my despair into a HOPEThe HOPE of the searching 'I'That found another soul, beside the 'I'Exchanging thoughtsAndSharing the deepest emotions…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Simple Questions…

In my inner mysteryCan I own my spiritualitycultivate my tranquility?

Can I radiate my inner divinity,have inner peace,and be in harmony…?

Can I be capable ofmanipulating my own destiny…?

Can I own my tear,the tear of mankindgiven exclusively to meand use it wheneverneeded…………………to be…

Can I…?

January 25, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat



Life…Love…Faith…Peace…are words… they are



Am I being simple or just another fool…?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Some Men...

Dried voices when whisperedHollow, stuffed when heldParalyzed when forcedMotionless when gesticulatedCold when caressedDistant when fadedDead when nearedFlashed with ego when frayedSanctioned when it's their law, andWhen it fails, it's tradition…

Like a stone, heartless…?She loans a piece of hers to make human out of him…

But some,When their heart is afireThey prize their love moreThan the mine of goldMore than the riches of the East and West can holdThey would trade the worldAnd invite their women into their heart to dwellIn their longing for HERThey discover where the poets' hearts fits inAs their words became poetryTheir hungry passion rebels…

June 28,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Something is missing…

In the solitude of my thoughtsMy heart keeps racingIn me, I was surroundedIn my self created worldBy denialBy frustrationBy disappointmentsBy all my achievementsAnd my livings…

There's something missingIt will always be missingFor it was missing…

Inside, I shed tears, wanting somethingThat’s gone astrayIs it the inspirationthe passionor the aspiration…?

Is it a head on a shouldera warm kissa tender touchor a smooth hiss…?

July 16,2003…Istanbul

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


In the silence of my mindI miss youIn the hands of timeI maneuver youIn the deepest of my heartI live and die in youOn the edge of my consciousI reach into the unknowndiving into myselftrying to find your soulheal my wounds

Sorry…I can’t let you go now…! ! !

June 22,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


Freezing in hand…sturdy….strong….toughbut when it is heated,it rages…boils…destructs….destroys…

With its blade,my being scratchedtowed, pulled…with its magicsteeliest charm,mystified me to my bones…

With its heat,my beingradiates with its touchsparkles and flames my soulquivers to the very core of my bones….

My being is magnetizedby its breath …or am I being executedby its gasp….?

For I am a fragile flowereasily crushed,easily hushedalthough it's my strength …and my power...

September 15,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Take me Beyond Love….

Take me

Beyond my flesh,beyond fire,disfiguring when it burns…

Beyond the caresses of a handwhat’s felt by tonguetouched by fingerfound by lipsand places where flesh can’t control…

Beyond the warmth that runs too deepimpossible to reachto a hole flesh cannot seal…

Beyond the shiversand tremblingwhat feels by touchesand kisses expressed….

Beyond weaknessesthat became virtueinstead of sins…

So take me up,beyond to something abovebeyond the coming stormstake me beyond lovebeyond human reachbeyond the grasp of lustbeyond the need to trustandbeyond the reek of human pain! ! !

12/23/03 (B.A)1/5/04

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Belly Dancer…

Sparkling eyes with delightFraming her face with a veilWearing the wave-foam whiteWinding her way through the crowdCharming her warmth everywhereSmelling like jasmines and sandalsShaking the sky by her adornmentsVibrating the earth through her bodyGlowing shamelessly by her glancesMoving in the rhythm and melting in the musicFlowing as she danced like the tides she longedEmphasizing her unique potential of her body

She sailed into the mist of her own dreamingHer broken heart that couldn't handleAnother love that's shining across the crowd…

Watching her soft flesh in motionCatching her seductive glancesReflected in his dark eyesHe disappears and becomes across her eyes for yearsHer veil was thicker than it lookedYet, he saw through it and got hooked…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Chaos of my Being…

It will take a million lifetimes wonderinghow on earth I let you take 'me' from myself…?You came with the sound of oarson the tide of the evening sea windI was getting along very nicelyuntil you stuck your oar in me….

Reigning my thoughtsRuling my heart and soulDominating my head constantlyDisturbing the balance of my nights and daysYou became the chaos of my being…

I want you to take your oar back from 'me'for I can't imagine myself without 'me'you have to go back where you came fromto your ocean, to your beingon the same tide of the evening sea windHopingto be reigned again by the self in me

Could you do this for me…?

6/6/2003 @ 04:30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Crescent Moon…

They curl towards her smileOf her shinning faceCrescent, is what they call herWith a striking charm she gladly blaze…

The daughter of the moonLooking from the skyA healer when needed to be healedDraining in a concave curveAppearing at night awaitingNo longer in disguise...

Half visible,She just needs to touchThe radiance for livingAnd reminding usThat life has come to another curveTo complete her cycleOur blessing and best wishesComes before we lighten the moon…

August 23,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Gardener…

Flowers surrounding in his gardenWith fragrances without compareCool, crisp, fresh air, andVines growing from his veins…

He is the gardener in his yardMaster of his plantationThe God of all the GodsOf water, life and consideration…

He comes everyday to water themDigs and thrust themSees where needed to be cleanedAnd nurtures them…

Then one rainy dayWhile the gardener knelt workingSaw a brilliant sightFrom the clouds aboveA free soul, a smile, bright eyesShining calling him to fly…

She was beneath one weedReady to be stretched for his sunlightShe was restingUpon the bed of flowersBeside the roses and tulipsWaiting him alone, to be heeded and cared…

The gardener started to nurtureAnd tended her with careUntil she bloomed with gloryIn his lightening touchWhich came from the starsAmongst the clouds in dare…

June 25,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Heart of a Poet

In simple words lies a great poetnot just the sound of his wordsbut the meanings and ideasthat vocalizes his heart and mind...

But if you fail to find himhe will not fail youforhe is your peacehe is the onenesshe is the words that you live by...


lies = rests

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Heart of the Ocean...

My Master,Remember thatI am Athena, Danu, Isis, Kali, Rhea, Venus,And many, many othersEach of them still resides in my heartThey serve as vehicles ofGrowth,Understanding,Healing,Changing,Evolving,Transforming,And love…

Remember thatI can be as focused as CirceGiving as DemeterSapience as AthenaCreative as BridgetSerene as Selene,Seductive as AphroditeAnd Chaotic as Eris...

My Master,Remember thatMy beauty is not the mascara, or my lipstickMy beauty is in the heart of the oceansWhere my deep secrets resideWhere Maria, the Goddess of Ocean, dwells…

May 30,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Kites Are Flying...

I was sitting on a cliff, the other day, by the oceanWatching the kites flyWandering to a time when we shared loveFrom aboveI then heard a soundComing from the seaI thought you called my nameI turned but there was nothing to see

The kites were still flying…

I know that I need to let goThat life's about to changeBut when I think back about you,my loveI wouldn't let you go without telling you thatMy love for you is as interchangeableas the ocean and the sea…

The kites will still be flying…

You're not alone…my loveI am not aloneWe are connected within our soulsLike the ocean and the seaConnected in a bond my loveLike the waves bonded to the sea…

But the kites flew…my love,Everlastingly…


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Lolita in You…

Is it your age?Is it your wrinkles and gray hair?Or is it the stage when you wantto make some change?Or is it your exquisite charm,and ingenious turn of phase?

Or is it the winter sleep?

I can sense the Lolita in youLike a drug, more powerful than anyDiscovered or devised…

You have been possessed by her spellBy her light in your lifeObsessed by the fire in your loinBy its sweetness that trembles the flames in your heart...

You have entered her gardenTo taste the plums she offeredBut my friend,Was it really sweetOr sour sweet what you have obtained?

My friend,Like a child who takes a dollAnd threw its head awayYou took advantage of her disadvantageAnd use that in sway...You smelled her fragranceWhich was still kept in petalsAnd you tasted the plumWhich you threw its kernel away…

And now, you areLike a lonesome plum treeWhich is still blooming in the early springTo dream…

May 21,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Moon & The Stars...

The moon wades through my windowrelentless to itselffollowing its path in glittering darkintensifying from ankles to thighs...knowing no obstaclescreating tide of wavescreeping softlysearching my face, my mindand I, pretending to resist, do not want to resistfor I am enchanted with this cosmic game…

Stars coating my body and soulSensually erupting meLeaving me glowingLeaving me highFulfilled as night crept out againAhhhhhh! …alluring, enticing, charmingstars….

September 23,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Sea in me…

Sorry for the pain I have given youthe explosion of my anger confused even mefor my love for you is like the rolling seaso deep and cruelso wild and passionateagainst the smooth sand…

My love is ruthlesslike the crashing of the wavesbut can be soothingfor the turbulent spiritof the love we share…

When the tide came inand moved me back in acheI needed your rising and falling chestto rest my head to your melodic rhythmfor the sea will calm when I am with thee…

I needed the mist of the sea’s dewbut the sand and shell shift underneathrealizing the changes that happenedbut I know now where my heart always belonged,where it belongs, and where it will belong….

I thank God that you didn’t deceive mefor I was almost sinkingand joining the sea’s starry depths.to continue living you ….................in your sea....

October 18,2003 @ 01:30

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Shoeshine Boy…*

This is not a storyNor a poemJust a little boy’sSurvival-tory

Bless you little manRed lipped, cheek of tan…

A face filteredwith sunlighta heart that pumpswhile whistling with joyhealth, knowledge, sleep and foodare words he hears from the folks…

Winding the leather all dayshining shoes fore and aftwhile sitting on my medieval thronelooking at himmaking a living in his rat racegiving him some advicewhereas the rag in his handsfor years that passedpolished his ideal boyhoodin the world where bullshitters and doershave been divided at his charge…! !

March 7, 2004 @ 03:15

*Met and chatted with him while waiting the ferry in Kadikoy, but sadly, forgot to askhis name! ! ! ! ! December / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Soul of my Soul...

Have you ever loveda soul so sweet and serene as the sea? Soothes a broken heart and Fills it with love Expresses the silence of the feeling And realizes its depth Transcends time eternally And burns all its passion…?

Have you ever loveda soul, which is like a flower that blooms poetry? That's between a heartbeat and a sigh That whispers its joys and pains Which cries out everything it contains Reflected by the eyes And brings the edge of the depth Thoughtfully reaching the wondering eyesReaching to mine and sharing completelyThe soul of my soul


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

The Woman in Veil…

The façade,darknessdoubtfear, and hate…

Beneath,precious spiritverdant soulaffection,and warmth…

They think it is easy to cast off her veiland forget that she'sthe virgin,the bride,the elder,and the Goddess…

They belittle her as a womanthe powerful,the mysterious,the frustrated,the practical and the shy…

They connect her to the Hell's flame,and for the first sinand never knew with their engaging masksof tradition, costumes and believesall they see, the veilto beguile and reassure them…

Alas! !they must carry the blame…they forgot thatwhen Flowers blossomfruits growntheir beauty, nectar, and fragranceare her own…

they forgotthe fortune of knowledge,of musicof all harvest and cropsis her graceflowing and resting from every nest...

they forgotbehind the ploughof the fieldsall the greeneryis when she sowed the seed…

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and the most of allthey did forgetthat for her longing, andher spiritual unionand her communionfound where their heart belongand their words became poetryand to songs…....

October 17,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

They are just 'Words'...

They can be innocent, trusting, and sublimethey are unaged by the passing timethey are believed beyond hopes, and reasonsthey surpass memories faults and caresbearing the crosses with silent concernsthey touch many hearts but hold no one hardthey run to help when needed at timeswhen hopes required to be confirmedthey defy doubts of human kindsometimes in verbs sometimes in nounsbut when they rebelthey do for eternal rhyme…

My friend,my “words”, your “words” are my faithunlike what you declaredthey reflect the mirrors of my mindfor the unfaithful onesgroans and suffocates in remorseful painfor it runs through every vein…

Now,in tears of bloodmy “words”pump and spread through my arteriesalone and coldremembering Jean Cocteauwhen said“The worst tragedy for a poetis to be admired throughbeing misunderstood”

And I have been misunderstood………………….thanks to you…

March 9, 2004 @ 02:45

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Through the Net...

My BelovedYou came into my life so unexpectedly…upon the netYou did not have my heart yetLittle did I know what was to lie ahead

I never came here looking for a single soulI had forgotten, how to smile, how to laugh, how to be meI was intoxicated with life, work, and family

But then I have found you…my life had turned aroundI smile and laugh again…and started to be me againThe emptiness started to be filled againA Life started to be rebuild againAnd a Heart started to be mend again

For the longest time you were a click of a mousewords on my screenhugs that warmed my days, and secured my nightsI sit and wait each day, for the song my heart will soon playI get excited when I see you on the screenIt seems so silly on a machine, how someone can reach youAnd become your eternity

Within the many hours of our dialoguesyou showed me strength, my weaknessesyou taught me the importance in believing in myselfwhen I thought there was nothing to believe inyou showed me my ability to flyto reach places I had only dreamed ofyou gave me a floor to dance onand a song in my heart that I finally understand the wordsyou gave me peacefulness in my heart, where you will live forever

We are so far away, like castaway, through the netNever get to touch or hug or kissBut only pray for the time to comewhen we hug and laugh and dance to the beatit will be a treatBut for now, all I see is that my beloved is here with meFor I have waited through all these years to find something to hold so dearAnd now, I know that I’ll never be blue for I have found a true love in you

But again, I wouldn’t know you on the street, isn’t it strange?You hold a special place within my life, unusual and uniqueWe share ideals and special dreams, but still we do not speakI picture what I think you are, perhaps you picture meAn intriguing, exciting game for both of usfor someone we can’t seeThank you, my beloved, for being there whenever I’ve needed youI know you are always there for me and I for you.For the charm lies in the fact that we have never metA chance that not many get

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But I am very sure our love is very true…

2 / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To Be Reborn Again...

Nights,when the moon declinesdarkens and diesmy soul seeks its own twinthen rests in the palm of his handto hold, nurture, aid and healand calling my namesending chills to my veinsknowing thatmy life for hisI will gladly giveupon his earthand strengththuslyto be reborn again…

January 13, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To My Man...

Clouds are covering the skyHe is thereShining brightlyNever yielding or conceding

WhoWith a gentle temperament from the moonTouched my heartAroused my passionAwakened my emotionsSerenaded my feelingsKissed away my painsEmbraced my tears…

Who,Mourned my dry riverFlowed love like a waterfallHealed by the beauty of my radianceBonded in the care of my celestialAndHaunted to hold my candle lightSafely in his chestTo keep it from the raging, wild wind…

July 22,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To My Nacre...

hey, mother-of-pearl,hey, my nacre,feeling to be missed,I was blissed,like walking in your fertile fieldsand feel your sun' heat in my being...

I wandered around,looking for the glowing nacreto sip her winesin her coolest stream...

remember,it is not easy to cultivateand nurture pearls inside,needs an inner sightto see and reflecton the floor of each and everybeach of thine...

October 6,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To My Poetess...

And a star fell downAnd the dreams diedThe mouth shut downThe book gently closed...

And I thank GodWho offered US to enjoy all your pearlsSome were whiteSome were pinkAnd some were gray and black…

And I thank youFor your courageDeterminationOpenness, and franknessAnd your confrontationFor those who can hearBut know less, to know more…

My poetess,YOU are the poetess of the DEAFYOUR whispers are all around the placeTo voices inaudibly spokenGuided those who wanderedFor them, to glow…

My Poetess,My enthusiastic eyes are tearfulMy courageous heart filled with grievanceI know your heart is heavyFor the strand of your pearls were snappedBut,THEY do not belong to you, anymorePlease,Strand your necklace againOne for love, to usOne for forgiveness, to themOne for kindness, to allFor within your necklace of pearlsYou stand as tall as a mountainIn your faith, believes, andYour BEING

Return back OUR pearls to where it belongs...!

July 30,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To My Revolutionist...

And now I am at warjust after I was 'reborn'the 'rebellious' wants a warto 'reform' me in a special way…

The message understoodalthough I kissed thousandsof words,danced with hundreds of linesand had my love on callin return,should I leave the groundfor you to 'reform'?

Alas! My brave, honestcourageous 'rebellion'you dare to be loyalto your lawful sovereignbut I have stoodin every brunt of trialwearing my hunting shirtholding my rifle gunto make peace,to be in harmony,to love, share, be in accordanceandto show peoplelike youwith blustering lookwho dare to prate…

What an indictment of our small worldthat love of 'expressing'and the desire to 'write'from oppression and hatehas to be called 'REVOLUTIONARY'! ! !

My reformer,WE need revolutionsin hearts and mindsWE need revolutionswith eternal love and respect.........................

January 13, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To THAT Woman...

WhoDances in the moonlightWalks in stature beneath the sunComes and rises upBridges the gaps in her world with her wingsLoves without conditionHates conditionallySurrenders to her power and beautyGives endlesslyReceives freelyCreates from nothingShimmer gifts from her ancestorsGives her mind, heart, spirit and soulInspires those around herShares her wisdom, selflessly

She,Is proud to be a WOMANGracefully as alwaysFlies highGently among the stars…

July 19,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To The People’s Poet of Daghestan...

To Rasul Gamzatov... a tribute, the least we can do...

”He was no sageNo supermanBut bow to himHe was a man.” *

Yes My Poet,You said itYou madeThey even called youThe People’s Poet of DaghestanFor your humanity…

From your penflew love lyricsballads,epigram andphilosophical octaves,which have wonmany of our hearts..

You conquered our spiritin your native Avar tonguespoken by no more than half millionyet enjoyed and read bythousands of nations…

“A hundred girls you are to meAnd I am yours alone.” **

“I love a hundred girls, it's trueBut every one of them is you”**

An illustrationOf your affection soaring mountainsin your love poemsthat combined mischief humor with passionwhich dominated our beings…

Now, the only thing left for usIs to express our gratitudeTo Daghestan for the legacyInherited not just by your peopleBut by the utmost nations….

November 9,2003 @ 03:45

* On Thomstone / Rasul Gamzatov

** A Hundred Women I Adore / Rasul Gamzatov

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

To Write...

I don’t know why I started to writeThe “unknown” in me once out cried“Peek out of your shell and do write…”Then I came out of my shellBut I criedFor I haven’t listened to the “unknown” in meWhen said, just “peek out and write”I learned my lessonNever “come out” againWhen I am suppose to“Peek out…” of my shell again…

May 19,2003 @ 8: 35 a.m.

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Touching...... - In ME!

You sensed my heart and used your wordsto say it…You took the words from my mouthand inscribed it…You felt my heavy burdenand you bear it …

you kissed me,you held me,you nibbled my ears,you caressed my hair,and jolted my system,every moment in me…

the sweet taste of salinewill always moisten my lips

the sensational breathwill always draw in to my being

the ink well of your lovewill never dry run in me

And now,Have I described what you do in Me?


Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Unable to Spare…

Unable to splitthe world of my wordswithout its broken verses…

Unable to fleefrom concrete wallsby callous emotions...…

Unable to moveplaced by a pillow to be touchedthrough the open window…

Unable to runfrom the smell ofthe breeze of your flesh…

Unable to consolethe passion within meand to completethe untold verses

for I can't spareyou to any of my beholding….

February 19, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat



be ita soul,a poem,a sunset,or a structure…

be itmy positivitymy negativitybe itmy individuality…

January 27, 2004 @ 03:45

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Venus of the Sahara…

You can smell the rosesjasmines, and daisiesand love with passion,in its arid spaces…

You can find the joy and hopelaugh like a sad child,weep like a poet,and wail like a foe…

You can fade like the moonhundred timesto reach your earthand be free…

But my friend,although my desert is a special one,with its all mysticism and holinessespecially when the stars glitterlike diamonds at nightand the sand reflects their sparkles one by onebut there are cacti, and rattlesnakeswhich rules this bald, arid vast placeit is a land that God forgotalthough wealthybut barren with curse…

October 12,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

What a Breath...!

You breathed deeplyyou inhaled severelyto my skinunfamiliar with the weight of airwith its burdenbut feltwithout its constant touchthe smell of your ashesunder my skin,for in every pore of my beingI carry your bones…But when you exhaledI felt each breathat its peakpoked into my existencereminding me of you…

November 17,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

What is it...?

Is it really blind?Is it familiar or memorable?Is it pure or flawed?Is it being at ease?Or is it judgmental, or influential?Is it sharing miseries?Is it personal or public?Or is it private bond…?Is it real or illusory?Is it sensual or physical?Or is it spiritual or corporeal?Is it touchable or vulnerable…?Is it a sin?Or is it a virtue?

Is it all?Is it none?Does it exist?Or not……..?

What is it?

December 15,2001

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

When Venus Surrendered…

Get me, the ruler of my soulAnd delight me beyond the impossibilityBeyond the desire of your odds…

Take me, until I am weakUntil unable to give moreLost, and confusedAnd seize whatever therefore…

Squeeze me and feed me your nectarOf your sweet embraceUntil I’m emptied into your heavenly deep sea…

Satisfy me, gratify my everlasting desireConsume me mercilessly, persistentlyGrab me, enter me make me poundUntil you strike this heart…

Find me, in the sea of my dreamsIn my disruption, in distractionRemove and posses the “me” I’ve grown…

For I am the Venus,The great mother of GoddessThe goddess of beauty and fertilityFrom Zephyr, the west WindAnd bloomed Cupid,The beauty, chastity, and the pleasureThe divinity you always adored...

and you,

You linked with spirit, lightorder and mindAnd I,with nature, darkness,chaos and bodypoisonous, and hellish as alwayswhen exposedwould flash-burn you.... in a split…

March 27, 2004

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Who Am I...?

People ask 'where are you from? 'Coming from Asia, Europe, and Africa,I tell them, I am from nowhereBut I know I have to start from somewhere…

I am the river that flows love,The mountain that rises chaos,The morning sun that shines hopes and dreams…

I am the history of sorrows and pains,Joys and laughers,Failures and triumphs…And the revolution of change…

I am the battle that cries for freedom,And the cry of liberty…

I am the living seas of waking dreams,Where a wrecked ship of my life esteems…

I am the poem,The lines as they speak,The words that I seek…

I am the sound, the only soundOf my voice that I entreat…

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

With Me but Without Me...

Without YOU…

Skies turn gloomy and grayBirds stop their wingingPlants loose all their leavesFlowers become scentless & uglyandI lose being meFor longing you in my nightsto hold me tightis my utmost desire…

With YOU,,,

Darkness are being chasedBirds start their singingLove becomes as strongas the limbs of the treesCaresses and touches regain its breathandI regain being me, again…

So,why do I feel that you are with me,but without me…?

you know that I can't live without your breezewhen I need you to be breathed...

why do I feel incomplete?and cannot mount to youwhen I flutter on my wings..?

Why do I feel that you are with mebut without me…?

One of the utmost moments in need / 3/3/04….@ 04:15

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

You Are The Mirror Of My Soul...

I am the soul of the earth in whichI planted your seed …in me…

I am the rainbow in the sky in whichI see your rain …through me…

I am the empty shell in whichYou poured wisdom …in me…

I am the expression of your eyes in whichYour truest reflection showed …through me…

And you,you are the mirror of my soul,in which your sacredness resides in me…and your spirit mends my soul in me

Looking in your mirror,what do I see?A soul owned by mefor eternity….Where they have united,intertwined in love's harmonybreathing in happinesspeace and serenity …

October 24,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

You Confirmed My Existence

You are my knightcarrying me in your big heartfor my beauty is in my weaknessmy laughter is in my sadnessmy trembling is in my steadinessmy nearness is in my distancemy presence is in my absenceall,against my resistanceyou confirmed my existence…

August 24,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

You Said, I Say….

You said to come and sleep with youthat you longed meand that you missed me to your bones…

You said that you can't stop lovingand that you don't have the strengthto sooth your rebellious organs, love,passion and desiresAll in revolt…

You said that verses, sonnets, and poemscan't even describe your hunger, thirst and desiresand you are all alone in your cold desertthat sand can't hide your yearnings to me…

I say, my belovedI can feel all the sense of longingthat my soul is achinglonging for your touchfor your kiss, for your embrace…

I say my belovedmy heart is breakingmy feelings are so strongso full and empty at the same timefor a life without you is not complete…

I say my belovedand pray to the Lordto grant me patienceand keep this hungry heart from going insane…

I say my belovedthat I am like a ravenous childcrawling towards youcrossing the miles, just to be with thee….

I say my belovedthat we share the same lonelinessthe same sufferingsthe same love, longing and happinessand that Lord, has granted us this voyageto test our courage, sincerity,and strong convictionfor He wouldn't have blessed usif we were worthless of this sublime,divine, and the sacredness,of this holy love!

August 29,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat


You cry for morals,not found...You sing for love,not heard...You awaken the conscience,not existed...You speak in a language,not understood...You live in a time,not ours...You dream the impossible,out of reach...But,when you render poeticallyeveryone cease to continue,and begin to EXIST...

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Your Lines...

Many do comment asGreat, Keep up, Continuesome even do write a couple of words to cheer you upbut I neither write, nor commentlike still waters, I wait and watch in silent meditationin sacred stillness...

My soul is thirstingMy flesh cravesfor your verses upon a heart that yearns...

Challenging my prejudicesliving between your lineswhich your soul has createdto be feltto be livedbut not to be understoodfor trying to understand your linesis like touching a rose full of thorns...

Waiting and watching everydayfor the sun to risefor the moon to glowfor the birds to flyfor the flowers to bloomas reaching the 'delight infinite' in your lines…

Each one of us do read and commentbut not every one LIVES….....through your lines.....

June 9,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Your Love Has Made Me Tired…

I am tired of giving myself awayWhen I make the mistake of saying what I feelIt comes back haunting me again…

I am tired of your soothing words of encouragementAnd of my melancholic tiring mindAnd your exuberance of pride in me…

I am tired of your grace and beautyThat made me drawn to youTired of your heart of goldThat made me want to dwell in you…

I am tired of running from my emotionsFrom my feelings...from my heartTired of being weary of waking in the morningTired of being exhausted from days without you…

In you, I feel something beyond archetypeA true expansivenessMelting in your presence as soon as you come at sightYou make me tired...

Yes my beloved,I want to tell you how I feelBut I know it is not right...

God I hate how the spring rain fallsWashing away my words....

5 / 16 / 2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Your Pen…

Folding my fist in firing linesNo ink left into my thin lines…

Your lines like divine prayerWon’t le me go to make my own prayers…

Your penStanding poisedwhile your feelings running throughyour glistening sheet of paperInscribing in passion, and emotion,digging deepto caress the remaining pieces of my entireVigorously unlocks my soulcalming my burning sensual desire…

And I,will always endow you with my indelible inkuntil the last sheet of your everlasting script …

August 12,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Your Poem...

Conventionally, you are the one, who writesExpresses himself with imagesUsing power and beauty of thoughtsThrough words…

Controversially, as one Poetess suggestedThat you should always write about “Love”She called you “the love poet” or “the poet of love”Who appeared in a spring stormRoaring in a circle of “live poets’ society”…

You have embedded within everyone’s heartYou have spoken in everybody’s mindYour words beating in the heartYour layers of sentiments flooding love…

Your thoughts are born of emotionsLike a petal that hides its fragranceTo blossom from your intuitive mind…

You wear “love” as a badge of courageTo fight battles with words which fly all around…

My Poet,As the Poetess once saidYou are the “Love Poet” or “poet of love”Your soul createsYour heart originatesYour mind initiatesAnd your admirers ---------------.Well, this time, my PoetIt is your turn to complete your Poem!

May 26,2003

Abir Zaki

www.antoloji.com - kültür ve sanat

Your Streak...

Millions of them traveling through the skyBut only one streaks silently into my mindLighting up the darkest corner of my heartWith your soul together we will high…

Glimmering in the midnight skyBanishing the dark with your shineBringing the smile back to my heart…

Flying freeSparklingTwinklingAnd ever blinkingTaking me to the utmost sublime…

And I,Making a wish upon a shooting star,And always wonder why I feel so highWhenever I shoot a dazzling star…

June 13,2003

Abir Zaki