A comparative study between Chinese and western table manners 胡诞 石芷嫣 林泉


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A comparative study between Chinese and western table manners

胡诞 石芷嫣 林泉

目 录目 录

1 、 The importance of table manners

2 、 Compare the difference of Chinese and western table manners

3 、 Analysis of the causes of Chinese and western table manners

The importance of table manners

• The dinner table etiquette plays an important role in

communication. Learning and using the proper table

manners, is not only the need of maintaining our own

images,but also,the need to improve the double benefit

and enhance competitiveness, Therefore it is necessary

to uderstand the deep-seated reasons, and to take

certain measures to develop the intercultural

communication, to avoid the culture conflicts.

China diet culture has a history of five thousand years, forming a rich, broad and profound diet culture. Chinese diet to eat to express their feelings, such feelings, refers to China diet activities formed the perfect unity of content and aesthetic pleasure, to give people the enjoyment and spiritual.

Western-style food characteristics, the first is not fully cooked, such as steak with blood; The second is cold, as long as it is to drink ice; The third is sweet. In addition, western style food do not pay attention to fine, the pursuit of fast and convenient, not

luxurious, more popular.

Compare the difference of Chinese and western table manners

Chinese and western table manners include: 1.hotel seats and etiquette;

2.Table manner;

3.Eating etiquette;

4.The end of etiquette.

Seat etiquette: In China, the round table popular. First, please sit down, elderly guests invited by director, guests from beside the table, in turn when you sit from the left into the chair. But in the west, if hold banquet capacity as owners, owners should respectively in the middle of the long table, men and women to sit face to face. He will invite all guests sat, the first should be to arrange sat VIP date, location on the right-hand side of the male host, guests are sitting on the right hand side of the hostess.

Table manner: In China, each seat before visible on the plate of a bowl, is on the right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, respectively in their own seat. On formal occasions, there will be a napkin, mainly on the knee. Is the biggest characteristic of western-style food tableware, all kinds of size cups, plates, silver utensils and so on. Table will be decorations, such as candle holders or use your teapot do a floret bottle, etc., can add to the romantic atmosphere.

• Eating etiquette• A formal banquet in the China, food to eat like the slide show, every eat a dish. Surprisingly, St

eamed Rice is not with the dishes together on the table, but you can choose to eat, but the absolute plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on different dishes, in addition to soup, all the food on the table with chopsticks. Chopsticks are Chinese eating a tool, so do not play with chopsticks.

• In western meal, people first, pay attention to eat, and then enjoy the dining experience and atmosphere.Seated, the body should be upright, not elbow on the table, do not cross their legs, and the distance between the table in order to facilitate better use of tableware. The table set tableware don't fiddle. The hostess picks up her napkin (not the master to see the host), said start eating, put the napkin on the legs, if large folded napkin is put on the leg, cover the legs above the knee. During the dinner, if you depart, you can put a napkin on the chair, the need to pay attention to is don't put a napkin on the table, otherwise it means that you do not want to eat, and many owners are not willing to guests smoke at home, if you want to smoke, you can in the dessert, and allowed the host or hostess, smoking to designated place.

End of etiquette: In China, after the banquets, the protagonist will stand up, said the party ends, and then send the guest to ride, waved goodbye and watched the car drove away. In the west, after a meal, to leave such as male and female host, the other person to start from.

The causes of Chinese and western table manners

The most important is the cultural differences. The social development, traditional culture, customs and so on is reflect the differences between Chinese and Western etiquette .

Diet idea is formed in food production and consumption of ideas in the process, by the natural science, humanities and especially the philosophy of. Different philosophy and the cultural spirit and mode of thinking will produce different diet ideas. Chinese diet idea is five reconcile, Western diet idea is the outstanding personality. This is mainly due to China philosophy is different from the western countries and therefore forms the cultural spirit and the thinking mode of.

• In the view of Chinese, only different things together to form a beautiful, then life in harmony, cooking and beauty. Western emphasis on form structure also directly from the universe model. Westerners in the eyes of the world is a real world, the precise details, the real world is form.

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