A case study on ‘off-ramp or dead end?’



mangement case

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‘A case study on off-ramp or dead end?’

A case study on ‘off-ramp or dead end?’

Course no & name: F-108-Fundamentals of Business and Management

Submitted to:

Mostafa Monzur Hasan


Dept. of Finance

University of Dhaka

Submitted by:

Group No:-


BBA 16th batch

Dept. of Finance

University of Dhaka

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Date of Submission: October 9, 2010

Group members are

Name Roll no.

K. M. Najmus Sakib 16-020

Mobassera Tasnim 16-052

Md. Kamrul Islam 16-090

Rajib Kumar Deb 16-106

Shaykha Sultana Raka 16- 160

Md. Samsul Alam 16-172

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Letter of Transmittal

9th October, 2010

Mostafa Monzur HasanLecturerDepartment of Finance University of Dhaka

Subject: Submitting a case study on “ ‘A case study on off-ramp or dead end?’ ”

Dear Sir,

Here is a case study on ‘off-ramp or dead end? In this case study we have tried our best to identify all the problems & giving the best solution. In making the study, we had to take help from the various sources of internet and class lectures of our course teacher. We are grateful to them for extending generous help.

We acknowledge the contributions to our course teacher for the guidance he rendered. We have tried to use our academic knowledge on real life.

We are pleased to be granted this vital opportunity and grateful for your versatile assistance. We hope that our work will please you. We will be available in the presentation for further explanations.



Rajib Kumar Deb

On behalf of The Group

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As our assigned topic was to prepare the report on ‘‘PROBLEM

SOLVING CASE” for our course Management of BBA program,

we review some different topics on the book and research

widely with our fellow friends to complete our report and it’s

really a great opportunity for us to acquire valuable knowledge

for this interesting subject.

At the beginning, we want to express our profound gratitude to

our respected course teacher “Md Mostafa Monzur Hassan”

to provide us with such a nice opportunity to prepare this kind

of a conceptual report on business information system.

Without his inspiration and order, we could not acquaint with

conceptual problem solving case studies. We are thankful to

our group members for all of their continuous cooperation in

every step from beginning to end of preparing this report.

Without cooperation and the support from each other, it would

not be possible to prepare such a resourceful report.

The presentation of this formal study paper is of a great expectation in our BBA program and we are quite happy to submit it duly applying that we think should have to be included. Theoretical knowledge should be valued when it is successfully applied in relevant conceptual problem solving cases. In this respect we found this report a great opportunity to deal with some progressive methods.

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Sl. no Topic Page no.

1 Case summery 07

2 Problem statement 09

3 Possible solution 11

4 Best solution 13

5 Conclusion 14

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Table of content

Case summary

In the case which we are given, we can see a working woman who is trying to balance her personal and professional life. Cheryl Jamis is a high-powered marketing director in copro for a large UK-based clothing retailer. She is very much dedicated to her works and she loves it. Before copro, Cheryl worked as an accountant in a superstore. In the company, by her position, she has high responsibilities. So, she cannot spend enough time with her seven year old daughter, Emma. When Emma was born, Cheryl got her first promotion and she got back to her job, when Emma was only 3 months old. But now, Emma has grown up and she needs her mother. Cheryl’s husband, john, cannot help her. Because he is also busy with his job & career. Cheryl’s boss, Marcus Addison, told her about the promotion, which management is considering to give her. Cheryl became hopeful, because the promotion will give her more flexibility. She considered about part time job, but Marcus told her that part time job may hamper her promotion and she will only end up with working same HR head. HR head gave her a coach’s number and suggested her to take advice from coach. Cheryl kept the dial but did not dial it. The things became worse when Cheryl missed Emma’s play at school due to a presentation. Moreover, Marcus informed her that her promotion was delayed. Now Cheryl must take a decision –

Whether she should leave or stick to the job.

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Cheryl’s problems can be identified like this.

Cheryl Jamis Leaned cannot balance her personal and professional life.

Her promotion is delayed day by day.

She can’t properly concentrate on her work b coz she can’t manage time 4 her daughter.

She can never say no. So she faces a lot of problem.

Cheryl is unable to keep her promise, which makes situation more critical.

Whenever she tries to solve any problem, new problem hinders it.

Her husband is not much helpful.

Her daughter’s nanny is not here. New nanny is irritating.

She is thinking to open a solo business. But she is confused whether it will solve her problem.

She can never make her mind what to do.

Now the main problem is she is totally confused “should she stick the job out or leave?”

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Problem Statement

After reading the case thoroughly, we have found several problems which are hampering Cheryl’s personal and professional life. We are giving a brief description of the problems:

Balancing career & personal life:

Cheryl holds an important post in her company, so her duties and responsibilities are huge. On the other hand, she must give time to her seven year old daughter, Emma. But often, keeping balance become difficult for her. As a director of marketing, she has to spend most of her times in presentations, meetings etc. But, Emma is a growing up girl and now she needs her mother more. It is seemed to Cheryl that being a top class executive as well as a good mother is nearly impossible.

Not having an option of part time job:

Cheryl cannot do par time job. Her responsibilities are too large to do part times. Moreover, it may hamper her promotion which the management is considering to give her. And according to her boss, Marcus, she will only end up working same hours for less pay.

Not having much help from husband:

Cheryl’s career and her daughter might be easier to manage for her if she would have got any help from her

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husband, John. But John cannot help her much as he is also busy with his career and often stays out of home.

Not having much help form the company management:

Cheryl tried to discuss her problems with her boss, but he could not give her a right solution. She talked with the HR head, also. But she failed to get any solution. Though she gave Cheryl a coach’s number, she did not try it.

Promotion is delayed:

The promotion which was the only hope of Cheryl, suddenly delayed. The promotion was cancelled for some time.

After considering all her problems, Cheryl must take a decision. But she was confused. She still loves her job. But she must spend time with Emma, too. Now the question is: Should Cheryl leaves her job, or continues?

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Possible solutions

After considering all the problems, we can consider some alternative solutions and suggestions for Cheryl.

Ø Starting a solo business:

Cheryl may start a solo business of her own. It will give her more flexibility & time. But at the beginning, she will have to spend much time to establish the business. May be a solo business will allow her to spend more time with Emma after some period, but at present it is not a good option for her. Moreover, in her present job, she has a reputed position & a sure income. On the contrary, maintaining a solo business will create mental pressure as it is full of uncertainty & risk.

Ø Taking advice from a coach:

Cheryl may take advice from a coach. A coach/counselor can understand her problem better & give her a suitable solution.

Ø Re-designing routine:

May be Cheryl try to re-design her routine. She may put Emma in a day care near her office & she could visit her during lunch time or whenever she gets free time.

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Ø Concentrate on one thing at a time:

It seems that Cheryl is mixing up her job & her job & her daughter. While being at office Cheryl should concentrate only on her work.

Ø should not pressurize boss/Force the company:

Cheryl should not pressurize her boss, Marcus. As we saw, she is always complaining about her work and promotion. After all, it is her own problem and she will have to solve it herself. Forcing the company will create more problems. The management may think negatively about her. Her promotion may be delayed more or even cancelled.

Ø Talk to her daughter:

Instead of annoying her boss, Cheryl should talk to her daughter, Emma & make her understand about her work& responsibilities. She is a growing up girl and must understand her mother’s problems.

Ø Discuss with husband:

Cheryl must discuss her problems with John. They both have responsibilities towards Emma. John may manage some time to spend with her.

Ø Reform herself:

Cheryl also has some weakness in her personality. She must learn to say “NO”. She has to get rid of the problem of being confused & tensed.

Ø Act patiently and wait:

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As a marketing executive, Cheryl must show more responsibility & patient. She should try to concentrate to only her work until she gets the promotion. And after getting the promotion, she can easily take care of Emma.

Best solution

After considering all the suggestions, we think the best option for Cheryl would be to stick to the job. She has a flourishing career and at least she should try for the last time. Leaving the job will be a wrong decision for her. So, why quit? May be she can think again and finds a solution for her. Most importantly she should try and work harder for the promotion, which will solve the entire problem. It will be tough for her, but she should stick to the job.

Moreover, another decision could be made if her husband could maintain the family by doing job. And then Cheryl could finally resign from the job. But it would be a wise decision to stay in the job and try for better option.

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Finally, the case is a conceptual to solve the problem. It is also a very common phenomenon in our day to day life. Sometimes we cannot manage our problems. To manage the problem, one must take right decision to solve the problem. In our course management, there are many theoretical and practical example of managing the situation. So to be a good manager, one must make right decision. Right decision can makes a person a better future.

However, the case was a very interesting topic, which is very much fundamental for a student of finance. It shows how to face the situation and solve those problems. It is sure that by applying theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge one can gain a lot of experience as well as knowledge also. So we are hopeful that our case solution can give a fruitful outcome for any viewer. Lastly, we have given our best effort to make it more interesting and effective.

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