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1500 Songhai empire in W Africa expands, trade aids growth of Hausa states in W Africa, black-lead pencils used in England, French exploration of Canada begins this century, village of oval stone houses built on Easter Island, end of early renaissance – start of middle renaissance, Lodovico Sforza recovers Milan from the French – two months later the town is reconquered – Sforza captured and imprisoned in France, Diet of Augsburg establishes Council of Regency for administering the Holy Roman Empire and divides Germany into six “circles” or regions, Dom Miguel – heir to thrones of Spain and Portugal dies leaving Juana and Philip heirs to Spain, Pope Alexander VI proclaims jubilee year and imposes a title for crusade against Turks, Ferdinand of Aragon suppresses Moorish revolt in Granada, Manuel of Portugal marries Maria, Infanta of Spain, Alfonso of Naples (second husband of Lucrezia Borgia) murdered, Aldus of Cenice founds academy for study of Greek classics and invents italics, Dutch miracle play created, first edition of German Schwank book, Erasmus publishes proverbs “Adagia”, U of Valencia founded, Antwerp Cathedral finished, Hieronymus Bosch paints “Ship of Fools”, Botticelli paints “Mystic Nativity”, end of early and start of high renaissance, Michelangelo paints “Madonna and Child” in Bruges, Ottavio de’ Petrucci prints music with moveable type, Josquin des Pres at court of Louis VII as composer, songs of mastersingers reformed to accept secular in Nuremberg, book of first herbal medicines created, Cabral discovers Brazil and claims it for Portugal, Juan de la Cosa creates map of new world, Vespucci and De Ojeda return on their voyage that discovered Amazon river, Diaz drowns near Cape of Good Hope, Pinzon lands on Brazilian coast at Cape Santo Agostinho, Columbus arrested, put in irons – brought to Spain and rehabilitated, first commercial colleges founded in Venice, first black-lead pencils used in England, first recorded Caesarean operation performed on living woman by pig gelder Jakob Nufer in Switzerland, First manufacture of faience and majolica potteries, first regular postal connection between Vienna and Brussels, Silver guilders introduced in Germany and remain in use in Austria until 1892, first annual horserace meetings at Chester, Germany - Peter Henlein invents the pocket watch

1501 Reign of Ismail - first Safavid shah of Persia, begins, death of Frederick III of Naples, Michelangelo leaves Rome to return to Venice, Moors in Granada resist Spanish army – Ferdinand I declares Granada a Christian kingdom, French enter Rome – Pope declares Louis XII King of Naples, Peace of Trent between France and Emperor Maximilian I – French conquests in upper Italy recognized, Henry VII of England declines pope’s request to lead crusade against Turks – Turks take Durazzo from Venice, Basel and Schaffhausen admitted as members of Swiss confederation, Ivan III of Moscow invades Lithuania, Arthur – elder son of Henry VII marries Catherine of Aragon, Conradus Celtis writes allegorical play, Scottish poet and bishop Gawin Douglas writes dream allegory, papal bull promotes book burning for books that question authority of the church, Erasmus writes, Martin Luther (age 18) at Erfurt, Giorgio Valla writes “De expetendis fugiendis rebus” Durer paints “Life of the Virgin”, Filippino Lippi paints “St. Catherine”, Michelangelo sculpts “David”, book printing and typography develops quickly, Rodrigo de Bastides explores coast of Panama, first voyage of Anglo-Portuguese syndicate to N. America, card games gain popularity all over Europe, population

of Dresden reaches 2,565, Henry VIII refuses to lead crusade against Ottoman Turks, Spanish settlers import first slaces to Hispaniola, Gaspar de Corte-Real attempts to bring first American Indians to Portugal as slaves, Catholics burn books questioning papal authority, First African slaves in W Indies, French conquer Naples, begins expansion in N Italy

1502 End of rule of Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl, Columbus begins second voyage, Council of Regency loses effectibeness – Archchancellor Berthold von Henneberg dismissed by command of Emperor Maximilian I, peasants revolt in bishopric of Speyer Germany, Death of Arthur son of Henry VII, Ambrogio Calepino creates multi-lingual dictionary, Conradus Celtis writes “Amores” a humanistic poem, Gil Vicente gives play to royal family of Portugal, Margaret if Richmond and Derby founds professorships of divinity at Oxford and Cambridge, U of Wittenberg est. Giobanni Bellini paints “Baptism of Christ” Botticelli paints “The Last Communion of St. Jerome” Church of St. Mary’s at Danzig finished, Lucas Cranach paints “Crucifiction” Gerard David paints “St. John the Baptist” triptych, first book of masses by Josquin des Pres published, Columbus sails on fourth and last voyage, Vasco de Gama founds Portuguese colony at Cochin in India, Joao de Nova discovers St. Helena, Vespucci concludes that America is not India, nor connected, second voyage of Anglo-Portuguese Syndicate to Newfoundland, Peter Henlein of Nuremberg constructs first watch – the “Nuremberg Egg”, Persian shah executes Sunnis who refuse conversion to Shiite Islam, Ismail captures Persia, becomes Shah, Montezuma II begins rule of Aztecs

1503 James IV of Scotland marries Margaret, dau. Of Henry VII of England, death of Pope Alexander VI – Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini elected Pope Pius II – dies – Guiliano della Rovere elected Pope Julius II, the Casa Contrataccion “Colonial office” founded in Madrid to deal with American affairs, Venice abandons Lepanto and signs peace treaty with Turks , Gonzalo de Cordoba defeats French army and enters Naples and completes Spanish victory at Battle of the Garigliano, War of Succession between Bavaria and Palatinate starts, Poland surrenders left bank of Dnieper River to Russia, Zanzibar becomes Portuguese colony, Lucrezia Borgia marries Duke of Ferrara, Henry Prince of Wales betrothed to Catherine of Aragon, James IV of Scotland marries Margaret Tudor – daughter of Henry VII, William Dunbar writes allegorical prothalamium in honor of James IV’s marriage, birth of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza the Spanish poet, birth of English poet Thomas Wyatt, first English translation of Kempi’s “Imitation of Christ”, William Warham becomes last bishop of Canterbury of the pre-reformation church, Canterbury Cathedral finished, “Mona Lisa” painted by da Vinci, Durer in Wittenberg, Filippino Lippi paints “Virgin and Saints” Grunewald paints “The Mockery of Christ”, Henry VII’s chapel in Westminster Abbey begun, Copernicus made doctor of Canon law at Ferrara, birth of Nostradamus the French astrologer, pocket handkerchiefs first come into use

1504 End of Columbus’ second (last) voyage, Death of Filippino Lippi the Italian painter and son of Filippo Lippi, death of Isabella I Queen of Aragon – Juana now heir of Castile, Treaty of Lyons – Louis XII cedes Naples to Ferdinand II of Aragon – Naples under Spanish control until 1707, Bavarian War – Rupert son of Elector Palatine defeated by Albert of Bavaria – hero of feuds is Gotz, TREATY

OF Blois – Charles age 4 son of Philip and Juana and future Emperor Charles V - betrothed to Claude infant dau of Louis CII but engagement broken off in 1506, Vasili III names “Sovereign of All Russia”, Bull by Pope Julius II establishes U of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, Cranach paints “Rest on the Flight to Egypt” Durer creates “Nativity”, Giorgione paints “Madonna” of Castelfranco Cathedral, Raphael paints “Marriage of the Virgin”, Venice sends ambassadors to Sultan of Turkey proposing construction of Suez Canal, Henry VII places English guilds under control of the crown,

1505 End of reign of Ivan III of Muscovy, Ortuguese capture Sofala on Africa’s E coast, death of Jakob Obrecht and Johannes – musicians, Henry, prince of Wales denounces marriage contract with Catharine of Aragon (see 1503), Treaty of Salamanca – Ferdinand of Aragon undertakes to rule Castile jointly with daughter Juana and her husband Philip, Emperor Maximilian I begins reformation of HRE as Hapsburg empire, Christ’s College at Cambridge founded, John Colet made dean of St. Paul’s in London, Martin Luther enters Augustinian monastery at Erfurt, Jakob Winpfeling writes a history of Germany, Durer travels to Venice, Lorenzo Lotto paints “The Maiden’s Dream”, Pope Julius II calls Michelangelo to Rome, Raphael paints “Madonna del Granduca” death of Jacob Obrecht the Dutch composer dies, Scipione del Ferro the Italian mathematician solves cubic equations, Portuguese found factories in E Africa

1506 Destruction of original St. Peters built 330 - Construction started on St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Huge ship <i>Great Michael</i> built in Scotland, death of Christopher Columbus, end of engagement between Charles of Spain (now age 6) and Claude the daughter of Louis XII, Treaty of Windsor – Archduke Philip’s siter Margaret of Austria betrothed to Henry VII’s son Henry Prince of Wales – Philip undertakes extradition of Yorkist pretender Earl of Suffolk, Ferdinand II of Aragon (age 54) marries Germaine de Foix – niece of Louis XII of France, death of Philip the Handsome and wife Juana is insane – so Council of Regency organized, Edmund Earl of Suffolk imprisoned in Tower of London, Sigismund I ascends throne of Poland, Dunbar writes “Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis”, Reuchlin creates Hebrew grammar and dictionary book, activity of Johann Tetzel – Dominican monk who sold indulgences in Germany, U of Frankfurt founded, Donato Bramante begins rebuilding St. Peter’s in Rome, Cranach creates “St. Catharine” altarpiece, “Laocoon group” unearthed in Rome, death of Andrea Mantegna the Italian painter, Raphael paints “Madonna di Casa” , Timman Tiemenschneider creates altar at St. Jacob’s in Rothenburg, death of Alexander Agricola the Flemish composer, Jakob Fugger the Augsburg merchant imports spices from E Indies to Europe by sea, Niccolo Machiavelli created Florentine militia (of Italy), Korean rebels overthrow Yonsangun, 3000 converted Jews slaughtered in Lisbon riot,

1507 Portuguese found Mozambique and begin to trade with Africans, Nzinga Mbemba (Christian and Portuguese ally) becomes king of Kongo, Andrew Myllar sets up Scotland’s first printing press, death of German navigator and geographer Martin Behaim, Diet of Constance recognizes unity of HRE and founds Imperial Chamber, Marriage treaty for Archduke Charles (age 7) to marry Mary dau of Henry VII of England, Margaret of Austria Regent of Netherlands during

minority of Archduke Charles, Martin Luther ordained, Polydore Bergil the Italian humanist appointed historiographer to Henry VII of England, death of Gentile Bellini the Venetian painter, Durer paints “Adam and Eve”, Giorgione and Titian paint in Venice, Lorenzo Lotto paints”Madonna with Child and Four Saints”, the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence finished, Pope Julius II proclaims indulgence for aiding rebuilding St. Peter’s, Alvise Cadamosto writes about the exploration of Gambia, Martin Waldseemuller proposes new world be named America, Cesare Borgia son of Pope Alexander VI dies, Orlando Galla of Venice improves manufacture of mirrors, Pope Julius II proclaims an indulgence to raise money for rebuilding St. Peter’s

1508 Maximilian I assumes title of emperor without being crowned – Pope Julius II confirms German King now automatically becomes HRE, League of Cambrai formed by Margaret of Austria, Lodovico Sforza (Il Moro) of Milan dies, Lodovico Ariosto writes Italian comedy “Cassaria”, death of Conradus Celtis the writer, first book printed in Scotland, Garcia Rodriguez de Montalvo writes, death of Isaac Abrabanel the Jewish philosopher, Girolamo Aleandro begins teaching Greek at U of Paris, Guillaume Bude writes interpretations of Roman law, Luther becomes student at U of Wittenberg, Lorenzo Lotto paints “Sacra conversazione”, Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel ceiling, Baldassare Peruzzi begins to build in Rome, Raphael enters service of Pope Julius II, Jakob Fugger the Augsburg merchant made hereditary knight of the HRE

1509 Death of Henry VII, Henry VIII begins to rule, marries Catherine of Aragon - brother’s widow, Pope Julius II joins league of Cambrai and excommunicates Venetian Republic – France declares war on Venice – Venetians defeated at Agnadello, Sebastian Brant’s “Ship of Fools” published by Alexander Barclay in England, German stories “Fortunate and his Sons” printed at Augsburg, Brasenose College, Oxford and St. John’s at Cambridge founded, Erasmus lectures at Cambridge and dedicates “Praise and Folly” to Thomas More, John Fisher’s “Seven Penitential Psalms” printed in London, Persecution of Jews in Germany – converted Jew Johann Pfefferkorn receives authority to seize and destroy Jewish books – humanist Johann Reuchlin opposes, death of Simone de Cronaca the Italian architect, Andrea del Sarto paints “Miracles of St. Philip”, Durer creates “Little Passion” death of Adam Krafft the Nuremberg sculptor, first attempts to restrict right to practice medicine to licensed and qualified doctors, Earthquake destroys Constantinople killing 10,000 and est at 7.2, Jakob Fugger lends HRE Macimilian I 170,000 ducats to finance war against Venice, Beginnings of slave trade – Bartolome de Las Casas the Roman Bishop of Chiapas proposes each Spanish settler should bring Africans to new world, Erasmus publishes, Pope Julius II excommunicates city of Venice, John Calvin (Leader of Swiss reformation) born

1510 Death of Sandro Botticelli the Italian painter, Pope Julius II absolves Venice from excommunication, Sir Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley the English lawyers and ministers of Henry VII beheaded by Henry VIII for unpopular administration of crown revenues, Portuguese acquire Goa, “Everyman” the English morality play created from the Dutch version, Erasmus writes “Institutio Christiani principis” Luther in Rome as delegate for his order, Sir Thomas More translates

“Lyfe of Johan Picus Erle of Mirandula”, John Colet founds St. Paul’s school in London, Hohann Geiler von Kaisersberg the German preacher dies, Sebastiano del Piombo creates “Salome”, death of Giorgione the Italian painter, Raphael creates “Triumph of Galatea” Titian creates “The Gypsy Madonna”, American east coast discovered by Charleston, Leonardo da Vinci designes horizontal water wheel (water turbine forerunner), Hamburg becomes Free City of the HRE, Da Vinci completes <i>Anatomy</i>, Portuguese colony established at Goa, India, Polish astronomer Copernicus theorizes that Earth revolves around the sun

1511 Portuguese navigators begin to explore Pacific, Pope Julius II forms Holy League with Venice and Aragon to drive French out of Italy, Henry VIII joins Holy League and begins to reform Royal Navy, Gil Vicente writes Spanish-Portuguese religious play, Erasmus made professor of Greek at Cambridge, Da Binci studies for the Trivulzio monument, Durer draws “Adoration of the Trinity” Matthias Grunewald begins the Isenheim altar, Arnolt Schlick writes about organ building and playing, Portuguese discover Amboyna and conquer Malacca, Diego de Valasquez de Cuellar occupies Cuba, Friar Antonio de Montesinos preaches in Hispaniola against enslavement of Indians, Ferdinand V and henry VIII join anti-French "Holy League", Erasmus writes "In Praise of Folly"

1512 Death of Amerigo Vespucci, End of Bajazet II Sultan of Turks – Selim I names Sultan of Turkey, French defeat Spanish and papal forces at Ravenna with Pierre du Terrail le Chavalier de Bayard as hero of the battle, German Diet assembles in Cologne and undertakes further imperial reorganization, war between Russia and Poland, first use of the word “Masque” to denote a poetic drama, Thomas Murner writes German satirical poem, Fifth Lateran Council pronounces Immortality of the Soul as a dogma of the Church, Martin Luther named Doctor of Divinity, Shi’ism state religion of Persia, Hans Baldung-Grien creates “Mystic Pieta” Andrea del Sarto creates “The Annunciation” Michelangelo finishes work on Sistine Chapel, Raphael paints portrait of Julius II, Portufuese discover Celebes, Second Book of Masses by des Pres, Erhart Deglin publishes German musicm Copernicus publishes “Commentariolus” in which he proposes the earth and other planets revolve around the sunm Gerardus Mercator the geographer born, Ban on quacks in Augsburg, Royal Navy builds double-deck ships with 70 guns, Public-resistance to trading monopolies in Germany due to indebtedness of Emperor Maximilian I to Jakob Fugger, Michelangelo finishes Sistine Chapel ceiling

1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa sights the Pacific, Death of James IV of Scotland at battle of Flodden, beginning of rule of James V – Margaret Tudor assumes regency, death of Giuliano della Rovere (Pope Julius II) – Giocanni de’ Medici elected Pope Leo X, Christian II named King of Denmark and Norway, Edmund the Earl of Sussex executed, Appenzel joins Swiss Confederation, Peasants revolts in Wurttenberg and Black Forest, treaty of Mechlin – Maximilian I Henry VIII the pope and Ferdinand of Aragon agree to invade France, Bibbiena creates Italian comedy, Niccolo Machiavelli creates Italian comedy, Michelangelo creates “Moses” as part of tomb of Julius II, Pope Leo X starts sculpture gallery at Vatican, Raphael designs excavation of ancient Romem, Tilman Reimenschneider finishes tomb of Emperor Henry II at Bamberg Cathedral, Portuguese expedition

under Horge Alvarez reaches Canton, Juan Ponce de Leon discovers Florida, Machiavelli writes "The Prince" in Italy

1514 Death of Donato Bramante the Italian architect, death of Anne of Brittany the Queen of France, Selim I the Sultan of Turkey attacks Persia, Margaret Tudor the Regent of Scotland marries Archibald Douglas the Earl of Angus, Anglo-French truce – Louis XII marries Mary Tudor – sister of Henry BIII – Louis XII’s daughter Claude marries Francis Duke of Angouleme, Albert of Brandenburg becomes Archbishop of Mainz in return for 30,000 ducats, Peasants’ revolt in Hungary led by George Dozsa, Vasili II ruler of Moscow takes Smolensk, Lucas Gernandez creates plays, first book printed in Arabic type published in Italy, Thomas Wolsey made Archbishop of York, Bisch paints “The Garden of Worldly desires”, Salamanca Cathedral begun, Coreggio discovers chiaroscuro art, Cranach paints “Henry of Saxony” Durer paints “Melancholia” Titian paints “The Tribute Money”, death of composer Gaspar van Weerbecke of Flanders, Corporation of Trinity House founded in London to prouvide navigation help for Thames River, Santiago founded by Diego de Velasquez de Cuellar becomes capital of Cuba, Andreas Vesalius the Dutch physician and founder of modern anatomy born, First European vessels in Chinese waters (Portuguese), House of Fugger secures right to sell papal indulgences in Germany, Pineapples first arrive in Europe, Pope Leo X speaks out against slavery in papal bull, Ottoman Turks invade Persia

1515 death of Louis XII of France – nephew Duke of Angouleme succeeds him as Francis I, Anglo-French treaty signed, Treaty of Vienna between Emperor Maximilian I, Sigismund of Poland and Vladislav of Hungary concerning mutual succession of Hapsburgs and Jagellons, Battle of Marignano as Francis I conquers Milan, Archduke Charles of Austria becomes governor of the Netherlands, Scottish Parliament names duke of Albany as Protector of Scotland (nephew of James III) – Margaret Tudor the Queen Regent escapes to England, Selim I Sultan of Turkey conquers eastern Anatolia and Kurdistan, Lateran Council’s decree forbids printing of books without permission from Church, satire of scholarship written in dog-Latin, death of Italian printer Manitius, John Skelton writes English morality play, “Till Eulenspiegel” published by Johann Grieninger, first play written in blank verse, Thomas Wolsey appointed cardinal and Lord Chancellor of England, Correggio paints “Madonna of St. Francis”, Durer does marginal drawings in prayer book of Emperor Maximilian I, Matthias Grunewald finishes Isenheim altar, Hampton court palace created in London, Raphael appointed architect in chief of St. Peter’s in Rome, Titian creates “Flora”, Diaz de Solis reaches mouth of the Rio de la Plata, Anne of Cleves born, First nationalized factories for weapons and tapestries opens in France, end of 5th Lateran Council, Thomas More publishes <i>Utopia</i>, Henry VIII of England issues decrees to protect peasants from land enclosure, Lateran Council forbids printing books without Church approval, First rifles developed, St. Teresa de Avila born in Spain

1516 Death of Giovanni Bellini the Venetian painter, death of Hieronymus Bosch the Dutch painter, death of Vladislav II of Bohemia and Hungary, Archduke Charles (later Emperor) succeeds as King of Spain on death of Ferdinand II, Concordat at Bologna between Pope Leo X and Francis I – France secures independence in

ecclesiastical appointments, Selim I defeats Egyptian forces near Aleppo and annexes Syria, Treaty of Freiburg – perpetual peace between France and Swiss, first child born to Henry VIII – future Queen Mary, anthology of Spanish=Portuguese poems written, Ludovico Ariosto publishes, Erasmus publishes New Testament with Greek and Latin texts, Sir Anthony Fitzherbert writes digest of important court cases, Sir Thomas More writes “Utopia”, Corpus Christi College founded at Oxford, Da Vinci goes to France, Michelangelo’s Moses finished, Raphael paints “The Sistine Madonna” Titian paints “The Assumption”, Josquin des Pris publishes third book of Masses, first engraving of music on plates in Italy, death of Diaz de Solis while searching Argentina for passage to Pacific, Peter Martyr publishes “Decades” on discoveries in New World, Dyestuff indigo comes to Europe, Franz von Taxis made postmaster-general of Netherlands, New Testament published in Greek by Eramus, Concordat of Bologna allows French kings to pick their own bishops and heads of monasteries, Hapsburgs win control of Spain through marriage, Sir Thomas more writes "Utopia"

1517 Ottomans defeat Mamluks and conquer Egypt, 95 theses published in Germany be Martin Luther especially noting the selling of indulgences, death of German-Dutch composer Heinrich Isaak, Turks take Cairo and Arabia after Mecca’s surrender to Selim I under Turk suzerainty, Archduke Charles arrives in Spain from Netherlands – on death of Cardinal Jiminez he makes former tutor chief of Spain – Guillaume de Chievres, “Evil May Day” riots in London as 60 rioters are hanged on Cardinal Woolsey’s orders, Teofilo Folengo publishes satirical Latin poems, Bartolome de Torres Naharro publishes collection of Spanish comedies, Hans Sachs of Nuremberg begins to write farces, Ulrich con Hutten crowned King of Poets by Emperor Maximilian I, end of Lateran council, Reformation starts in Germany, Pope Leo X publishes Papal Bull for five-year peace in Christendom, Reuchlin publishes book on caballa, College des Trois Langues in Louvain founded, death of Fra Bartolomeo the Italian painter, Sebastiano del Piombo paints “Raising of Lazarus”, Andrea del Sarto paints “Madonna of the Harpies”, Quentin Massys “Erasmus” portrait, Raphael paints “Lo Spasimo”, Seville cathedral finished, LudwigS enfl made court composer to Maximilian I HRE, Portuguese found colony in Colombo Ceylon and reach Canton by sea, Coffee reaches Europe, Archduke Charles grants monopoly of Negro slave trade to Flemish merchants, Fifth Lateran Council allows usury, Bartolome de Las Casas protests enslavement of Indians, Selling of indulgences under Pope Leo X, Luther's 95 Theses begin reformation

1518 Peace of London between England France, Emperor Maximilian I, the pope, and Spain devised by Cardinal Wolsey, The Barbary States of Algiers and Tunis founded, Ariosto at the court of Ferrara attanges regular performances at the court theater, Martin Luther summoned by Cardinal Cajetan to Diet of Augsburg but he refuses to recant, Melanchthon appointed professor of Greek at U of Wittenberg, Albrecht Altdorfer paints “St. Florian” altarpiece, Durer paints portraits of Emperor Maximilian I and Jakob Fugger, Raphael paints Pope Leo X and cardinals, Juan de Grijalva explores coast of Yucatan and discovers Mexico, Toyal college of Physicians founded in London, Adam Riese the German

mathematician publishes book on practical arithmetic, license to import 4000 African slaves to Spanish American colonies granted to Lorens de Gominot, E Asian porcelain comes to Europe, Spectacles for the nearsighted, Lorens de Gominot receives license to import African slaves, Cortez begins conquest of Aztecs, birth of Chinese doctor Li Shizen

1519 Charles, archduke of Austria and king of Spain elected HRE until 1556, Death of Leonardo da Vinci, Cortes enters Aztec empire, Magellan starts out to circumnavigate the globe, death of German King Maximilian I – grandson Charles I of Spain becomes HRE as Charles V, death of Lucrezia Borgia, Erasmus writes Colloquia”, Papal chamberlain Karl von Militz advises Martin Luther to write letter of submission to Pope Leo X which Luther promises to do, Ulrich Zwingli preaches in Zurich and begins Swiss reformation, death of Domenico Fancelli the Italian sculptor, Mannerism appears in Italian and Netherlands art, St. George’s Chapel at Windsor finished, death of Michael Wolfemut the German painter and teacher of Durer, Hernando Cortes enters Tenochtitlan anc is received by Montezuma the Aztec ruler, Magellan leaves Europe on voyage, Domenico de Pineda explores Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Vera Cruz, Cortes brings Arabian horses from Spain to N American continent, Charles V elected Holy Roman Emperor, Magellan leaves on circumnavigation voyage

1520 Reign of Sulayman the Magnificent, Ottoman empire at peak, death of poet and cardinal Bernard Dovizi da Bibbiena, death of Taffaelo Santi (Raphael) the Italian painter, Christian II of Denmark and Norway defeats Swedes at Lake Asunden and crowned King of Sweden in Stockholm – massacres leading Swede bishops and nobles, Emperor Charles V visits Henry VIII at Docer and Canterbury – England signes commercial treaty with French empire, Sultan Selim I dies, son Suleiman I the Magnificent rules, Charles C crowned HRE at Aix-la-Chapelle, death of Cardinal Bibbiena the Italian comedy author, Royal Library of France founded, beginning of Anabaptist movement in Germany under Thomas Munzer, Pope Leo X excommunicates Luther and declares him a heretic at Diet of Worms – Luther burns bull publicly – Luther would have been executed but saved by local leader Elector Frederick, France’s Francis I orders reformers silenced, Hans Baldung-Grien paints “Nativity”, Cranach paints portrait of Luther, Durer travels to Netherlands, Gruenwald paints “St. Erasmus and Maurice”, Michelangelo designs Medici chapel in Florence, death of Raphael, Scipione del Gerro solves cubic equations, Magellan passes through straits of Magellan into Pacific Ocean and sails for Philippines, Paracelsus wanders through Europe, Portuguese traders settle in China, Chocolate brought to Spain from Mexico, Henry VIII orders building of bowling lanes in Whitehall, death of Aztec Montezuma II, Wu painting begins in China

1521 Cortes decimates Aztec empire, Disease ravages Mexico City, Death of Dutch composer Josquin des Pres, death of Sebastian Brant the German satirist, Ferdinand Magellan the Portuguese navigator dies, death of Pope Leo X (Giovanni de’ Medici), Gustaf Eriksson – Gustav Vasa (future king Gustaf I of Sweden) leads Swedish resistance to Christian II and Danish rule, Charles V grants brother Ferdinand some Hapsburg possessions and rights in Austria –

Ferdinand marries Anne of Hungary – Louis II of Hungary marries Mary of Austria, Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham and potential claimant to the English throne executed by order of Henry VIII, Sultan Suleiman I conquers Belgrade – begins to invade Hungary, Fernando Cortes assumes control of Mexico after destruction of Aztec state, King Manuel I of Portugal dies – son John III the Pious succeeds him, Pope Leo X confers title “Defender of the Faith” on King Henry VIII for article against Luther, Ignatius Loyola begins to formulate Exercitae, Luther cross-examined before Diet of Worms by Cardinal Alexander – banned from HRE and begins German translation of the Bible, Machiavelli writes, Melanchthon writes on the Lutheran dogma, Lorenzo Lotto paints “Virgin and Child with Spain”, Palma Becchio paints “Adoration”, Francisco de Gordillo explores American Atlantic up to South Carolina, Magellan killed in Philippines, manufacture of silk introduced to France, Ottoman turks under Suleiman the Magnificent invade Europe, taking Belgrade, Charles V condemns Luther at Diet of Worms

1522 Magellan’s crew reaches Portugal, Venice used as flow for Protestant materials, Treaty of Brussels – Charles V grants his brother Ferdinand of Austria Hapsburg possessions in southwestern Germany and the Tirol, Gustavus Vasa becomes Regent of Sweden, Sultan Suleiman I takes Rhodes from the Knights of St. John (see 1530), Spanish forces conquer Guatemala, Johann Pauli makes collection of humorous German stories and anecdotes, Jacopo Sannazzaro creates religious poem fusing Christianity and myth, Adrian of Utrecht the Regent of Spain elected Pope Adrian VI – last non-Italian pope for over 450 years, Alessandro Alessandri the Italian scholar creates nonsequential encyclopedia, Luther returns to Wittenberg and condemns iconoclasts and fanatics – finishes translation of New Testament, Polyglot Bible – Latin Greek Hebrew and Aramaic published by U of Acala – Francesco Parmigianino paints frescoes in Palma Cathedral, Tilman Riemenschneider created tomb of Archbishop Lorenz in Wurzburg Cathedral, Pascuel de Andagoya leads expedition from Panama to discover Peru, Francisco Montano ascends Mount Popocatepetl Mexico, Durer designs a flying machine for use in war, religious reformation begins in Denmark, Luther completes German translation of the Bible, Zwingli condemns priesthood celibacy

1523 Death of Luca Signorelli the Italian painter, death of Pietro Perugino the Italian painter, death of German humanist Ulrich von Hutten, death of Christian II of Denmark and Norway, Danish nobles depose Christian II electing uncle Duke of Schleswig-Holstein King Frederick I of Denmark and Norway, Danish kings begin protecting Lutherans, Stockholm retaken by Swedes, two-thirds of Netherland’s Lutherans burned to death, reformation reaches Zurich, Sir Thomas More elected Speaker of the House of Commons, Portuguese expelled from their settlement in China, Gustavus Vasa becomes King Gustavus I of Sweden, Hans Sachs writes allegory in berse in honor of Luther, John Skelton writes, death of Pope Adrian VI – Giulio de Medici becomes Pope Clement VII, Part One of Jean Froissart’s Chronicles translated, death of Ulrich von Hutten, death of Adolf Daucher the Ferman sculptor, death of Perugino the Italian painter, death of Luca Signorelli the Italian painter, Veit Stoss creates altar of Maria at Bamberg Cathedral, Titian paints “Bacchus and Ariadne”, Hans Judenkunig of Vienna

publishes first manual of lute playing, Anthony Fitzherbert creates “Book of Husbandry” the first English manual of agriculture, Town of Jamaica founded by Spanish, first marine insurance policies issued at Florence, Mennonite views challenge Catholic hold on spiritual beliefs, Huldreich Zwingli publishes 67 Articles attacking transubstantiation and papal authority

1524 End of reign of Ismail, first Safavid shah of Persia, Death of Hans Holbein the Elder – German painter, Death of Vasco de Gama the Portuguese navigator, Chevalier de Bayard mortallyh wounded in Italy – French driven out of Italy, James V named king of Scotland, Protestant princes of Germany meet at Ulm against Emperor Charles, Peasants’ revolt in southern Germany under leadership of Thomas Munzer, Florian Geyer and Michael Gaismair, Treaty of Malmo – Denmark confirms independence of Sweden under Gustavus I, Aretino expelled from Rome, London printer Jan Wynkyn de Worde publishes translation from Rome and uses first italic type in England, Zwingli abolishes Catholic Mass in Zurich, Cranach paints “Judgment of Paris”, Durer paints “Willibald Pirckheimer” portrait, death of Hans Holbein the Elder the German painter, Michelangelo creates Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence, Johann Walther produces hymnal in conjunction with Martin Luther, Petrus Apianus of Ingolstadt creates first textbook on theoretical geography, death of Vasco de Gama the Portuguese navigator, Giovanni da Verrazano discovers New York Bay and Hudson River, Turkeys from South America first eaten at English court, Dabhol Maharashtra tsunami (India), Luther marries former nun

1525 Diego Riberio, mapmaker of Spain, makes first charts of Pacific, Portuguese arrive at Caroline Islands near New Guinea and Palau Islands, Germans and Spanish defeat French and Swiss at Pavia – King Francis I is taken prisoner – Charles V becomes master of Italy – first use of muskets by Spanish infantry, Grand master Albert of the Teutonic Knights transforms Prussia into secular duchy of Brandenburg with himself as Duke, Peasants’ revolt in southern Germany suppressed – Thomas Munzer executed, Peace signed between England and France, Mogul Emperor Babar invades Punjab, Seven-year truce signed between Sultan of Turkey and King of Hungary, Pietro Bombo writes first popular Italian writing – not Latin, Matteo Bassi founds Capuchin Order, Bourchier’s translation of Part Two of Froissart’s Chronicles, Luther marries former nun Katherine von Bora, William Tyndale’s translation of New testament printed by Peter Schoeffer at Worms, Cardinal Wolsey presents Hampton Court to King Henry VIII and endows Cardinal College at Oxford, Lorenzo Lotto paints “Portrait of a Young Man”, Palma Vecchio paints “Three Sisters” Titian paints “Vanitas”, Durer compiles first German manual on geometry, Hops introduced to England from Artois, Juan Luis Vives writes paper demanding state help for the poor, death of Jakob Fugger – merchant of Augsburg

1526 First Africans in US area – brought by Spanish, Babur, descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane invades India, Portuguese arrive at Papua New Guinea, Smallpox in Peru, Anglo-Scot peace signed, Charles V marries Isabella of Portugal, Battle of Mohacs – Turks defeat Hungarians – killing Louis II of Hungary – Sultan Sueliman I takes Buda – Pressburg (Bratislava) declared capital of Hungary – both John Zapolya and Ferdinand of Austria are crowned King of

Hungary, Babar founds Mogul dynasty in Delhi, Francisco de Sade Miranda founds Italianate school of literature in Portugal, Anabaptists settle down as “Moravian Brothers” in Moravia, Hector Boece writes history of Scots, Persecution of Jews in Hungary, Luther writes German Mass, DUrer paints “The Four Apostles”, Hans Holbein the Younger visits England for first time, Hans Judenkunig the Austrian lute player and composer dies, Portuguese vessels in New Guinea, card game piquet first played, Babur raids Delhi Sultanate, begins Mughol Empire's expansion in N India

1527 Troops of Charles V HRE sack Rome and capture Pope Clement VII, Death of Italian author and politician Niccolo Machiavelli, Reorganization of Hapsburg administration in Austria – Ferdinand crowned King of Bohemia in Prague and recognized as sole King of Hungary, sack of Rime – imperial troops pillage city killing 4000 and looting art treasures – Pope Clement VII imprisoned in Castel Sant’ Angelo – referred to as end of the Renaissance, Baldassare Castiglione creates book on courtly manners, Marco Girolamo Vida writes on poetic theory, reformation in Sweden, first Protestant U founded at Marburg, Hans Holbein the Younger paints “Thomas More and his Family”, Parmigianino paints “St. Jerome”, Flemish composer Adrian Willaert made maestro at St. Mark’s in Venice, Sebastian Cabot builds fortifications of Santa Espirtu in Paraguay, Paracelsus lectures on medicine at U of Basel, Theophrastus von Hohenheim rejects four humors and introduces chemotherapy

1528 Cyclone hits Gulf of Mexico sinking Spanish ships, Albrecht Durer the German artist dies, death of Palma Vecchio the Italian painter, weavers of Kent riot against Wolsey’s policy to mobe English staple town for wool from Antwerp to Calais, at Bridewell Henry VIII explains to nobles and citizens of London motives for seeking a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, Johannes Agricola writes book of German proverbs, Sebastian Franck writes “The Vice of Drinking”, Ulrich von Hutten’s book Arminius published posthumously, Alfonso de Valdes writes about current political questions, Erasmus writes satire on Latin scholarship, Austrian Anabaptist Balthasar Hubmair burned at the stake in Vienna, Melanchthon suggests educational reforms in Germany, reformation begins in Scotland, death of Chinese philosopher Wang Yang-ming, Diego de Siloe creates Granada Cathedral, death of German painter Matthias Grunewald, Hans Holbein the Younger paints “The Artist’s Family”, Martin Agricola writes regarding music, Paracelsus writes first manual of surgery, Severe plague outbreaks in England, Augsburg merchants Welser receive from Charles V the privilege of colonizing Venezuela, Hutterites led by Jacob Hutter establish community of love – driven out, Theophrastus von Hohenheim expelled from Basel for medical innovations, Castiglione's "The Courtier" Aztec "Anals of Tiatelolco"

1529 Muslims defeat Christian Ethiopians at battle of Shimbra Kure – overrun kingdom until 1543 when defeated by Portuguese, death of Spanish dramatist Juan del Encina, Treaty of Cambrai between Francis I and Charles V “Ladies’ Peace” joined by England, Turks attack Austria – lay siege in Vienna but are forced to raise it, Cardinal Woldey falls from power – Sir Thomas More made Lord Chancellor, Second Diet of Speyer opens – the Lutheran minority protests against decisions of Catholic majority and gain the name “Protestants”, Antonio de

Guevara writes about the education of Spanish princes, death of Scottish poet William Dunbar, death of English dramatist John Skelton, Antonio telesio writes Italian mythological tragedy, Women first appear on Italian stages, King Francis I founds College de France, Luther and Zwingli hold disputation on the Eucharist at Marburg, Albrecht Altdorger paints “Battle of Alexander” Lorenzo Lotto paints “Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery”, death of Italian sculptor Andrea Sansovino, birth of Bartolommeo Spontone the Italian madrigal composer, Italian physician Giovanni Battista da Monte introduces in Padua clinical examinations of patients at the sickbed, Bernardino de Sahagun starts Franciscan mission in Mexico, Michelangelo builds fortifications of Florence, manual on alchemy published in Worms, Japanese Tendai monks massacre Nicheren Buddhists in Kyoto, Ottoman Turks capture Algeria, Protestant rebellions in Germany and Switzerland, Henry VIII's reformation Parliament severs ties with Church of Rome

1530 Portuguese organize trans-Atlantic slave trade, Death of Jacopo Sannazaro the Italian poet, Death of German humanist Willibald Pirckheimer, Charles V crowned HRE and King of Italy by Pope Clement VII at Bologna – last imperial coronation by a pope, death of Cardinal Wolsey after arrest as a traitor, Francis I marries Eleanor of Portugal – widow of manuel I and sister of Charles V, Knights of St. John reestablished in Malta by Charles V, Mogul Emperor Babar dies, Claude Garamond created book by King Francis I, death of Italian poet Jacopo Sannazaro, Confederation of Augsburg prepared by Melanchthon signed by Protestant princes – they form Schmalkaldic League against Emperor Charles V and his Catholic allies, Melanchthon publishes “Apologia”, death of Willibald Pirckheimer the German humanist, Correggio paints “Adoration of the Shepherds, Titian paints “Cardinal Ippolito de Medici portrait, Georg Agricola writes first treatise on mineralogy, Regnier Gemma Frisius suggests that longitude can be found by means of difference of times, Peter Martyr writes about discoveries in New World, Portuguese colonize Brazil, Antwerp exchange founded, Criminal code and police regulations for HRE written, General use of the spinning wheel in Europe, Workman’s bench come into use, St. Felix’ Flood in Netherlands kills over 100,000, German Frisius proposes prime meridian, Catholic Church orders abolition of all innovations to its doctrines at Diet of Augsburg,

1531 Earthquake in Portugal kills 30 k, death of Ulrich Zwingli the Swiss reformer, Death of Florentine painter Andrea del Sarto, King Henry recognized by Supreme Head of Church in England, war in Switzerland between Protestant Zurich and Catholic cantons – Zwingli killed at Battle of Kappel – forest cantons defeated, Clement Marot compiles French poems, first complete edition of Aristotle’s works published by Erasmus, Sir Thomas Elyot writes about education for statesmen, Inquisition in Portugal, Bearus Rhenanus writes history of Germany, University of Granada founded, death of Hans Brugkmair the German painter, Andrea del Sarto the Italian painter dies, Parmigianino creates “Cupid Carving His Bow”, death of German sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider, Titian paints “The Magdalen”, Nicolas Villegagnon discovers site of Rio de Haneiro, “great comet” (Halley’s later) arouses wave of superstition, Pizarro begins conquest of Incas

1532 Francisco Pizarro invades and destroys Inca empire in Peru, Court of Session created in Scotland, Suleiman I invades Hungary – attack on Carinthia and Croatia repelled, Francisco Pizarro leads expedition from Panama to Peru, Chaucer’s works published posthumously – Robert Henryson’s “the Testament of Cresseid” accidentally published with them, Rabelais first book of “Pantagruel” published, English clergy submit to Henry VIII, Robert Estienne (Stephanus) publishes first Latin-English dictionary, Machiavelli’s “Il Principe” published posthumously, reformation in France under Calvin, Cranach paints “The Payment”, Hans Holbein the Younger settles in England, German botanist Otto Brunfels publishes “Book of Herbs”, sugar cane first cultivated in Brazil, Indian poet tulsi das born

1533 Start of reign of Czar Ivan IV the terrible, Pope excommunicates Henry VIII – Henry VIII secretly marries Anne Boleyn, Three cyclones hit Puerto Rico, death of Viet Stoss the Polish-German sculptor, death of Dutch painter Lucas van Leyden, Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of Canterbury – declares marriage between Henry and Catherine of Aragon void - Anne crowned queen, Accession of Ivan IV of Russia at age three, Pizarro executes Inca of Peru, death of Italian poet Lodovico Ariosto, John Heywood writes interlude literary work, Nicholas Udall writes “Floures for Latine Speaking”, Hans Holbein the Younger paints “The Ambassadors”, Titian paints portrait of Charles V, first madrigals by Verdelot, Arcadelt and others printed in Rome, Johannes Ott publishes in Nuremberg, manual for production of paints and inks published in Augsburg, first lunatic asylums (no medical attention) created, German mathematician Gemma Frisius introduces new method of surveying, Francisco Pizzaro orders execution by strangulation of the last Inca

1534 Henry VIII breaks with Rome, Jacques Cartier makes first expedition to Canada, King Henry VIII becomes head of Church of England, death of Correggio the Italian painter, death of Pope Clement VII – Cardinal Alessandro Farnese elected Pope Paul III, “Communist state” of Anabaptists under leadership of John of Leiden at Munster in Westphalia, John Haywood writes “A Play of Love” interlude, Francois Rabelais writes “Gargantua” part 2 of “Pantagruel”, execution of Elizabeth Barton “The Nun of Kent” an ecstatic opposed to matrimonial policies of King Henry VIII, Confession of Basel drafted by Oswald Myconius, Jesuit order founded by Ignatius Loyola, Luther completes bible translation in German, after finishing tomb of Medici Michelangelo moves from Florence to Rome, Regensburg Cathedral finished, erection of St. Basil’s in Moscow, Jacopo Sansovino the Italian architect creates St. Francesco della Vigna in Venice, coast of Labrador sighted by Jacques Cartier on first voyage to America, decree forbidding English farmers from owning more than 1000 sheep, birth of Fernando Las Infantas the Spanish composer and theologian, society of Jesus (Jesuits) formed

1535 Beheading of Thomas More the English Humanist and statesman for refusing to take Oath of Supremacy, English clergy abjure authority of the pope – Sir Thomas More refuses oath of King’s supremacy and is tried and executed, Munster capitulated to Hessian army – Catholicism prevails again – Anabaptist John of Leiden tortured to death, Charles V conquers Tunis and frees 20,000 slaves, John

Bourchier and Lord Berners translates “The Golden Book” of Marcus Aurelius, Study of canon law forbidden in Cambridge, Order of the Ursulines founded by Angela Merici in Brescia, Marino Sanudo publishes daily life of Venice, death of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim the Ferman physician and philosopher, Holbein created portrait of King Henry VIII, Cartier;s voyage explores St. Lawrence River, first diving bells made – see 1778, Beginning of the London exchange, Statute of Uses curbs power of English landowners, Sir Thomas More executed in England

1536 Monasteries in England begin to be dissolved, Act of Union between England and Wales, death of Erasmus of Rotterdam the European humanist, death of Portuguese poet and actor Gil Vicente, Death of Italian architect and painter Baldassare Peruzzi, death of Dutch New Latin poet Johannes Secundus (Jan Nicolai Everaerts), death of Catherine of Aragon, Queen Anne Boleyn sent to Tower of London and executed, Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour, Pilgrimage of Grace – rising against dissolution of monasteries – begins under Robert Aske of Doncaster, Thomas Cromwell made Lord Privy Seal, death of Francis the Dauphin, death of Johannes Secundus the Dutch poet, death of Portuguese actor and poet Gil Vincente, Act of Parliament declares authority of the Pope void in England, Calvin writes “Christianae religionis Institutio”, death of Desiderius Erasmus, Luther writes “Table Talks”, Teginald Pole writes, Reformation in Denmark and Norway, 376 religious houses dissolved in England by royal decree, William Tyndale the English reformer burned at the stake, Holbein made court painter to Henry VIII, Michelangelo paints “Last Judgment” on Sistine Chapel wall, death of Baldassare Peruzzi the Italian painter and architect, Sansovino creates St. Mark’s Library in Benice, Heinrich Finck publishes collection of songs posthumously, first songbook with lute accompaniment published in Spain, Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires and sends expeditions to search for route to Peru, India rubber mentioned for first time, Parliament of England declares papal authority void, John Calvin leads reformation at Geneva, sets up Calvanist government

1537 Death of Austrian composer and organist Paul Hofhaimer, death of Thomas Murner the German satirist, Pilgrimage of Grace and other uprisings put down – Robert Aske sentenced to death for treason and executed, death or Queen Jane Seymour after birth of Prince Edward (later Edward VI), death of Thomas Murner the German satirist, first Catholic hymnal created, Cicero publishes “Opera omnia”, Robert Recorde writes, Sansovino creates façade of Doge’s Palazzo loggietta in Venice, Sebastiano Serlio creates “Tratto di Architettura”, Titian paints “King Francis I”, first music conservatories created in Naples for boys and Venice for girls, Niccolo Fontana called Tartaglia initiates the science of ballistics, Paracelsus writes manual of astrology “Grosse Astronomie”, First map of Flanders by Gerardus Mercator, Niccolo Tartaglia compiles <i>Nova Scientia</i> and describes trajectories of projectiles and heavenly bodies, Pope Paul III prohibits enslavement of Indians and excommunicates slave traders

1538 James V of Scotland marries Mary of Guise, Marot writes “Thirty Psalms of David” in French, Paul Tebhun writes an early German verse drama, Calvin is expelled from Geneva and settles in Strasbourg, Destruction of relics and shrines

in southern England and Thomas a Becket’s shrine at Canterbury, Melanchthon writes on ethics, death of German painter Albrecht Altdorger, Palladio creates Villa Godi in Lonedo, Titian paints “The Urbino Venus”, Bogota founded by Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, Mercator uses name America for first time – also N America, English begin keeping records of births deaths and marriages,

1539 Marriage treaty between Henry VIII and 4th wife Anne of Cleves, Spain annexes Cuba, allegorical plays collected and performed at Ghent, Calvin writes commentary on book of Romans, Erasmus’ “Proverbs or Adages” translated by Richard Taverner, Melanchthon writes about official principles, Holbein paints “Anne of Cleves”, Michelangelo replans the Capitol in Rome, Georg Forster collects secular songs, Hernando de Soto explores Florida, Olaus Magnus creates map of the world, First Christmas tree at Strasbourg Cathedral, public lottery held in France, Death of Nanak, founder of Sikhism in India

1540 Spanish arrive in California, Juan Louis Vives the Spanish humanist dies, death of Francesco Mazzola the Italian painter (also called Parmigianino), Official marriage between Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves – annulled by convocation of Canterbury and York – Henry marries Catherine Howard – his fifth wife, Treaty between Venice and Turkey signed at Constantinople, Thomas Cromwell executed – Lord Treasurer Norfolk – uncle of Catherine Howard – becomes successor, Afghan rebel Sher Shah becomes Emperor of Delhi, Sir Davis Lindsay writes morality play, death of Francesco Guicciardini the Italian historian, Order of the Jesuits confirmed by Pope Paul III, Henry VIII founds regius professorships of Greek, Hebrew, divinity, civil law, and physics at Oxford and Cambridge, Augustinus Steuchus writes “De perenni philosophia”, François Clouet becomes court painter to King Francis I, Titian paints “A Young Englishman” birth of Orfeo Vecchi the Italian composer, G. L. de Cardenas discovers the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Ether produced from alcohol and sulfuric acid, Michael Servetus discovers pulmonary circulation of the blood, Antwerp becomes most important commercial city

1541 Leadership of John Calvin in Geneva begins, Irish parliament declares Henry VIII king of Ireland and head of Irish Church, Death of Francisco Pizarro the Spanish conquerer of Peru, death of Paracelsus the Swiss physician and alchemist, Death of Rosso Fiorentino the Italian painter, Suleiman I takes Buda and annexes Hungary – see 1686, Queen Catherine Howard sent to the Tower on suspicion of immoral conduct – paramours Thomas Culpepper and Dereham executed, Giambattista Cinzio Giraldi writes classic Italian tragedy, Calvin returns to Geneva, John Knox leads Calvinist reformation in Scotland, , Loyola elected General of the Jesuits, Jean Clouet the French painter dies, death of Rosso Florentino the Italian painter, death of Spanish sculptor Damian Forment, death of Flemish composer Wulfard Hellinck, Coronado takes expedition across New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi river, Francisco de Orellana descends Amazon River, death of Swiss physician alchemist and philosopher Paracelsus, tsunami hits Brazil, Spanish painter El Greco born

1542 Spanish monarch Charles V outlaws slavery of Native Americans – increase in African slavery follows, Death of James V of Scotland, Scots defeated by English

at battle of Solway Moss, Mary Queen of Scots rules, death of Italian painter Dosso Dossi, death of Thomas Wyatt the English poet, Queen Catherine Howard executed, Lord John Russell made Lord Privy Seal, Mary Queen of Scots ascends throne six days after her birth with regent Earl of Arran James Hamilton, death of Sir Thomas Wyatt the English poet, Pope Paul III establishes Inquisition in Rome, Magdalen College in Cambridge founded, U of Pisa refounded by Cosimo I de Medici, death of Dosso Dossi the Italian painter, Barend van Orley the Dutch painter dies, Antonio da Mota enters Japan as first European, Hernando de Soto dies, Andreas Vesalius improves modern anatomy, St. Francis Xavier arrives at Goa as Jesuit missionary, heavy taxes on drinks in Bavaria, Dominican cardinals try heretics with no legal counsel, Henry VIII becomes King of Ireland

1543 Drought at horn of AFR begins 19 years, Portuguese defeat Ethiopian Muslims, First accurate anatomical drawings done by Vesalius, Death of Nicholaus Copernicus – first European astronomer – writes but refuses to publish “De Revolutionibus Orbitum Coelestium”, death of Ludwig Senfl the Swiss-German composer, death of Agnolo Firenzulo the Italian poet, death of Hans Holbein the Younger (German Painter), death of Sebastian Franck the German religious author, Henry VIII marries Catherine Parr – sixth queen who survives him, Philip of Spain marries Maria of Portugal, Johann Eck the German Catholic theologian dies, Index liborum prohibitorum issued by Pope Paul III, First Protestants burned at the stake by Spanish Inquisition, Benvenuto Cellini – saltcellar for Francis I of France, Titian paints “Ecce Homo”, Portuguese land in Japan and bring firearms, Spanish navigator and mechanician Blasco da Garay submits to Charles V the design for a steamboat, Martin Luther publishes “ON Jews and their Lives”, Pope Paul III issues index of forbidden books

1544 Death of Clement Marot the French poet, act of hereditary settlement fixes Swedish succession in male line, Matteo Bandello writes lyric poetry, death of French poet Clement Marot, Pope Paul III calls general council for 1545 in Trent, U of Konigsberg founded, Italian painter Francesco Primaticcio works at Fontainebleau, death of Benedictus Ducis the German composer, Georg Agricola initiates study in physical geology, Luca Ghini publishes first herbarium, Sebastian Munster writes “Cosmographia generalis”, Michael Stifel writes “Arithmetica integra”, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London refounded, silver mines in Potosi Peru discovered

1545 Start of Council of Trent, Italy and Catholic reform, death of English composer John Taverner, death of Duke of Orleans the third son of King Francis I, Truce of Adrianople between Charles V, Ferdinand of Austria, and Suleiman I, death of Antonio de Guevara the Spanish author and historiographer to Charles V, John Heywood writes “The Four P’s” English interlude, Stage comedians create a new type of improvised theatrical entertainment in northern Italy, Council of Trent meets to discuss Reformation and Counter Reformation, Kinrad von Gesner writes “Biblioteca universalis”, death of Hans Baldung-Grien the German painter, Benvenuto Cellini writes autobiography, Lorenzo Lotto paints “Apollo Sleeping”, Palladio creates Palazzo Thiene in Vicenza, Titian paints “Pietro Aretino” portrait, Geronimo Cardano works out Scipione del Ferro’s equations for third and fourth degree, Claude Garamond designs antique typography, first European

botanical garden in Padua, Girolamo Cardono introduces negative numbers into European mathematics, Council of Trent reforms Catholicism

1546 Tabinshwehti conquers Pegu from Mons and becomes king of all Burma, death of Martin Luther (age 63ish), Death of David Beaton the Scottish cardinal, death of Sir Thomas Elyot the English author and translator, Civil war in Germany between Emperor Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League, English Navy Board founded, Turks occupy Moldavia, Aretino writes Italian tragedy, Hans Sachs writes German tragedy, Cardinal College in Oxford refounded as Christ Church, Etienne de La Boetie writes “Le Discours de la servitude volontaire”, first Welsh book printed, Cranach paints portrait of Martin Luther, Pierre Lescot begins to build the Louvre in Paris, Michelangelo designs the dome and undertakes completion of St. Peter’s in Rome, Titian paints group portrait of Pope Paul III and nephews, Italian physician Girolamo Fracastoro states view on infections and epidemice, Flemish geographer Gerardus Mercator states that the earth has a magnetic pole, First pharmacopoeia by Valerius Cordus, Abortive efforts to find the legendary Dorado in Venezuela, Fortune of the Fuggers of Augsburg valued at four million guldens, John Heywood publishes his proverbs, Girolamo Fracastoro publishes describing typhus as contagion, Etienne Dolet hanged and burnt at the stake as heretic and blasphemer for printing works of humanists such as Erasmus, Tycho brahe (Danish astronomer) born, death of Martin Luther of Germany

1547 Czar Ivan IV “the Terrible” takes power in Russia, Death of Henry VIII of England and Edward VI rules, death of Sebastiano del Piombo the Italian painter, death of Francis I of France, death of Henry Howard the Earl of Surrey and English poet, Conspiracy of Gianluigi Giesco against Andrea Doria at Genoa, Ivan IC crowned Czar of Russia in Moscow at age 17, Henry VIII dies and son Edward VI reigns, death of Francis I of France and son Henry II rules, Crown of Bohemia proclaimed hereditary in House of Hapsburg, death of mateo Aleman the Spanish novelist, death of Pietro Bembo the Italian cardinal and poet, Death of Italianpoet and wife of Pescara (friend of Michelangelo) Vittoria Colonna, Henry Howard the Earl of Surrey and English poet executed for high treason, Giangiorgio Trissino writes epic poem in Italy, William Baldwin writes “A Treatise of Morall Phylosophie”, La chamber ardente created in France for trial of heretice, death of Sebastiano del Piombo the Italian painter, Swiss musical theorist Henricus Glareanus publishes work on 12 church modes, Louis Bourgeois composes Psalter, first predictions of French astrologer Nostradamus, French supplants Latin as official language of French authorities, Moscow destroyed by fire, Poor rate levied in London, Execution by boiling abolished, Nostradamus begins making predictions, Henricus Glareanus publishes, English Parliament repeals statute which defines heresy, Ivan IV (The Terrible) becomes Tsar of Russia, Florentine Codex collects Aztec literature

1548 Death of Sigismund I king of Poland, son Sigismund II Augustus rules, Mary Queen of Scots at age six betrothed to the Dauphin – lands in France, Gonzalo Pizarro son of Francisco Pizarro defeated at Battle of Zaquizaguane (Peru) by Pedro de la Gasca and executed, Turks occupy Tabriz, Persia, John Bale writes “Kynge Johan” the first English historical poem, first roofed theater opens in Paris – Hotel de Bourgogne, royal edict forbids performance of “mysteres” in

Paris, Ignatius Loyola’s “Spiritual Exercises” published, U of Messina founded, Francis Xavier founds a Jesuit mission in Japan, Tintoretto paints “St. Mark Rescuing a Slave”, Titian paints “Charles V on Horseback”, Sit Thomas Gresham founds seven professorships in London – though U of London not founded until 1828, Guinea pepper plant grown in England, Silver mines of Zaatecar Mexico mined by Spanish,

1549 Start of mission of Jesuit St. Francis Xavier to Japan, British Book of Common Prayer published- Prayer Book Rebellion in Exeter results in corpse dangling 4 years until Mary takes the throne, death of Margaret of Navarre the author of the “Heptameron”, death of Pope Paul III, Ivan IV calls for first national assembly in Russia, Friedrich Dedekind writes German satire against coarseness of the times, Joachim du Bellay of France states program of French classic poetry, only new Book of Prayer may be used in England, Consensus Tigurinus agreement between Calvin and Zwinglians on Holy Communion in Zurich, Melanchthon objects to theories of Copernicus, death of Pope Paul III, Siegmund von Herberstein writes report on Russia, Piero Ligorio creates Villa d’Este in Tivoli, Palladio makes Basilica in Vicenza, death of Italian painter Sodoma, Adrian Willaert combines Dutch and Italian musical styles, Thome de Souza founds Sao Salvador, Court jesters including dwarfs and cripples appear in Europe, Jesuit missionaries in S America, In England - Cranmer's "Book of Common Prayer" set to music

1550 Maoris in N and S islands of New Zealand build forts called “pa”, Sir William Cecil made English secretary of State, Spainish power begins to peak, Pierre de Ronsard writes “odes”, Olaus Petrie writes earliest Swedish stage play, Italian author Giovanni Francesco publishes fairy tales, Nicholas Udall writes earliest English comedy “Ralph Rosier Dosier”, Thomas Cranmer wtites paper defending Catholic Sacrament, Cardinal Giovanni Maria del Monte becomes Pope Julius III, Siegmund von Herberstein writes about fossils, Benvenuto Cellini sculpts “Perseus”, Beginnings of early Baroque, beginnings of early Japanese “Ukiyoe” painting, Lorenzo Lotto paints “A Nobleman in His Study”, Michelangelo paints “Deposition from the Cross”, Palladio creates Palazzo Chiericati and Villa Rotunda in Vicenza, Titian creates portrait of his daughter Lavinia, Giorgo Vasari paints “Lives of the Artists”, John Marbeck writes first musical setting of English liturgy , G.D. Rhaeticus creates trigonomic tables, Game of billiards played for first time in Italy, sealing wax first used, first written reference to game of cricket (creag) in young Edward VI’s wardrobe accounts, Portuguese establish colonies in Brazil, Chinese dramatist T'ang Hsien-tsu born

1551 End of mission of Jesuit St. Francis Xavier to Japan, Bayinnaung inherits Burmese throne and overruns Thailand, Turks fail to capture Malta but take Tripoli, More’s “Utopia” translated into English from Latin, Jesuits found Collegio Romano in Rome as papal U, Jews persecuted in Bavaria, U of Lima founded, Titian creates Philip II portrait, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina made director of music at St. Peter’s in Rome, Pierre Belon writes “Historie naturelle des estranges poisons”, Konrad von Gesner writes treatise on modern zoology “Historia animalium”, first licensing of alehouses and taverns in England and Wales, Malta tornado kills 600

1552 Typhus outbreak on German France border, Death of Olaus Petri the Swedish reformer, death of St. Francis Xavier the “Apostle of the Indies”, Ivan IV of Russia begins conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan, Pierre de Ronsard writes “Amours” volume I, Etienne Jodelle writes “Cleopaatre captive” the first French classical tragedy, Collegium Germanicum of Rome founded by Jesuits, Francesco Lopez de Gomara – Cortez secretary – writes General History of the Indians, second prayer book of Edward VI written, Titian creates self portrait, death of Johannes Cochlaeus the German musical theorist, Bartolommeo Eustachio writes “Tabulae anatomicae” mentioning Eustachian tube and valve, Christ’s Hospital in London founded by King Edward VI, St. Andrew’s Golf Club in Scotland founded – Mary Queen of Scots probably first woman golfer, British burn books on geography and astronomy thought to be infected with magic,

1553 Death of Edward VI of England – Lady Jane Grey proclaimed Queen of England – deposed 9 days later and Mary I rules, Cyclone hits Veracruz MEX, sinking Spanish ships, Death of Francois Rabelais the French writer and humanist, death of Vasili III the “Sovereign of All Russia”, Michael Servetus the Spanish theologian and physician executed as heretic, Sultan Suleiman I makes peace with Persia, Hans Sachs writes “Tristan und Isolde”, Domingo de Soto writes “De justice et jure”, Sir Thomas More’s “A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation” published posthumously, Thomas Wilson writes “The Arte of Rhetorique”, death of Lucas Cranach the Elder – German painter, Palladio creates the Villa Pisana at Montagnanam Titian paints “Danae”, Veronese creates ceiling of Doge’s Palace in Venice, the violin in its present form begins to develop, Richard Chancellor’s expedition to Russia via Archangel, Hugh Willoughby discovers Novaya Zemlya and dies while wintering on Kola Peninsula, Pedro de Cieza de Leon describes the potato in his “Chronicle of Peru”, Michael Servetus executed for criticism of doctrine of the trinity and opposition to infant baptism, death of French writer François Rabelais, Protestants persecuted under England's Queen Mary, William Shakespeare born, Flemish woman introduces starched linen to England

1554 Mary marries Philip of Spain, Lady Jane Grey executed, Princess Elizabeth sent to Tower for suspected participation in rebellion against Mary I, Queen Mary I marries Philip of Spain – son of Emperor Charles V, Matteo Bandello writes “Le Novelle” with 214 short stories, Jorg Wickram writes early German novel “Der Goldfaden”, Catholic restoration in England, Trinity College at Oxford founded, Antonio Moro made court painter to Philip and Mary, Titian paints “Venus and Adonia”, Palestrina’s first Book of Masses dedicated to Pope Julius III, John Locke’s voyage to Guinea, Ulisse Aldrovandi writes “Herbarium”, State supervision of mines in Saxony

1555 Death of Edward Wotton the English naturalist, death of Barthel Bruyn the German painter, death of Moretto the Italian portrait painter, death of Cardinal Giovanni Maria del Monte – Pope Julius III – Cardinal Marcello Cervino elected Pope Marcellus II – died Apr 30 – Cardinal Giovanni Pietro Caraffa elected Pope Paul IV, peace of Augsburg – Lutheran states to enjoy equal rights with Catholics, Charles V turns over government of Netherlands to son Philip, Franch colony founded on Bay of Rio de Janeiro, Japanese pirates besiege Nanking, Aztec dictionary published, Lewis Brecht writes first Jesuit play “Euripus”, Pierre de

Ronsard writes “Hymnes”, Jorg WIskram writes collection of farcical anecdotes, John Knox returns to Scotland from his exile in Geneva, Building of Gray’s Inn Hall in London started, Michelangelo creates “Pieta” in Florence, Tintoretto paints “St. George and the Dragon”, Pierre Belon writes “L’Histoire de la nature des oyseaux”, Tobacco brought for the first time from America to Spain, Bishop John Hooper executed for Protestantism in Gloucester but pyre relit four times due to wet wood, Pope Paul IV orders wall built to create first Jewish ghetto, Aztec dictionary published, Peace of Ausbuarg establishes religious freedom in Germany

1556 Deadliest earthquake hits Shaanxi China killing 830,000 est at 8 on scale, HRE Charles retires, Reign of Moghul emperor Akbar in India begins, Start of reign of Philip II of Spain, death of Thomas Cranmer the English reformer by burning at the stake – Cardinal Pole consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury, death of Ignatius Loyola founder of Jesuit Order, death of Italian author and “journalist” Pietro Aretino, death of Italian painter Pontormo, death of English dramatist Nicholas Udall, Charles V abdicates – assigning Spain to son Philip II and the Holy Roman Empire to brother Ferdinand I and retires into the monastery of Yuste, Akbar the Great becomes Mogul Emperor of India, Hans Sachs becomes leader of the Nuremberg Mastersingers, Juan de Avila writes Audi filia and ascetic Christian text, Jesuit Order established in Prague, death of artist Lorenzo Lotto, Suleiman’s mosque in Constantinople finished, Orlando di Lasso publishes first book of motets, Georg Agricola’s book on mineralogy published posthumously, Stationers’ Company of London granted monopoly of printing in England

1557 Freeze and famine in Russia, death of Sebastian Cabot – son of John, death of King John III the Pious of Portugal – grandson Sebastian I rules, state bankruptcies in Spain and France, “The Sack of Newes” first English play to be censored, Gonville College at Cambridge split and refounded as Gonville and Caius Colleges, Tobert Recorde writes “Whetstone of Wit” as first English treatise on Algebra, Repton School in Derbyshire founded, Accademis di San Luca (for art) founded in Rome, Thomas Tusser writes “A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie”, Influenza epidemic all over Europe

1558 Reign of Elizabeth I of England begins, Calais retaken by French, Ferdinand I assumes title of Holy Roman Empire, Mary Queen of Scots marries the Dauphin future Francis II of France, death of former Emperor Charles V, death of Queen Mary I of England – succeeded by Elizabeth, Sir William Cecil appointed principal Secretary of State, Margaret of Navarre writes “Heptameron” tales, John Knox writes “The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women”, death of French scholar Julius Caesar Scaliger, “Zohar” Cabbalistic work of Jewish mysticism printed, U of Jena founded, Brueghel paints “Children’s Games”, Gioseffo Zarlino defines modern major and minor scales, Thomas Gresham suggests reforms of English currency “Gresham Law”, Anthony Jenkinson travels to Bokhara, Hamburg Exchange founded, Portuguese introduce Europeans to habit of taking snuff, John Knox publishes against authority of women “First Blast of the Trumpet Aagainst the Monstrous Regiment of Women” – note reign of Elizabeth, Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England

1559 Building of Escorial palace outside of Madrid, Elizabeth becomes head of Church of England, death of Clement Janequin the French composer Aug - Hurricane wrecks five Spanish vessels near Pensecola, FL, death of Henry II of France killed in tournament – succeeded by son Francis II whose wife Mary Queen of Scots assumes title of Queen of England, death of King Christian III of Denmark and Norway – Frederick II rules, Robert Lord Dudley becomes Elizabeth I’s favorite, Margaret of Parma sister of Philip II becomes Regent of Netherlands, Jorge de Montemayor writes Spanish pastoral romance “La Diana”, Thomas Sackville writes “Induction” introducing Elizabethan literature, Elizabethan prayer book created, Mattias Flacius writes “Ecclesiastica historica”, death of Pope Paul IV – Giocanni Angelo de Medici elected Pope Pius IV, U of Geneva founded, Brueghel paints “Proverbs”, death of Kano Motonobu the Japanese court painter, Titian paints “Diana and Calliste”, death of Jachet da Mantova the French composer, death of Adam Riese the German mathematician, Realdo Colombo describes position and posture of human embryo, Realdo Colombo describes position of human embryo, Ice cream accidentally discovered in Italy, Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis ends Italian wars between Spain and France

1560 Portuguese establish embassies in Timbuktu, W Africa, French wars of religion begin for 30 years, Reformation Parliament establishes Protestantism as Scotland’s religion – championed by John Knox, Death of Italian sculptor Baccio Bandinelli, Philipp Melanchthon the German humanist and reformer dies, death of King Gustavus I of Sweden, Huguenot conspiracy at Amboise – liberty of worship promised to France, death of King Francis II of France – succeeded by Charles IX with Catherine de’ Medici his mother as regent, Turkish galleys rout Spanish fleet under Duke of Medina off Tripoli, Pierre de Tonsard writes poems on religious wars, death of Joachim du Bellay the French author and poet, Hsu Wei writes first classic Chinese novel, Church of Scotland founded, Francesco Patrizi writes about the philosophy of history, start of Puritanism in England, Westminster School in London founded, Tintoretto paints “Susannah and the Elders”, the Uffizi at Florence founded, Orlando di Lasso made court Kapellmeister in Munich, first scientific society founded at Naples by Giambattista della Porta, Madrid becomes capital of Spain, tobacco plant imported to western Europe by Jean Nicot, visiting cards used for first time by German students in Italy, End of Wu painting in China, China's Hsu Wei creates "Ching P'Ing mei", John Knox founds Presbyterian Church

1561 Mary returns to Scotland to restore Catholicism, death of French musician Louis Bourgeois, Edict of Orleans suspends persecution of Huguenots, Mary Queen of Scots denied passage through England on returning from France – lands at Leith Scotland, Baltic states of the Order of the Teutonic Knights secularized, William Baldwin writes “A Marvellous History intituled Beware the Cat”, Sir Thomas Hoby translates Baldassare’s work, Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton write historical tragedy, Julius Caesar Scaliger’s Poetics published posthumously, first Calvinist refugees from Flanders settle in England, Scottish Church ministers draw up confessions of faith based on Knox’s works, Thomas Norton translates Calvin’s “Institution of the Christian Religion”, Basilica of St. Basil in Moscow founded, death of Alonso Berruguete the Spanish painter and sculptor and pupil

of Michelangelo, Cornelis Floris starts the Antwerp Town Hall, Michelangelo starts the St. Maria degli Angeli in Rome, Palladio creates Convent of the Carita in Venice, Gabriele Gallopois writes “Observationes anatomicae”, Ruy Lopez develops in Spain the modern technique of chess playing, Forerunners of hand grenades first made, Madrid declared capital of Spain by Philip II, Merchant Taylors’ School in London founded, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London badly damaged by fire, Tulips from Near East first come to Western Europe, Rise of Mughols under Akbar I

1562 Drought at horn of AFR ends after 19 years, Sir John Hawkins starts English slave trade in W Africa, death of Sebastian I of Portugal, Shane O’Neill rebels in Ireland, Emperor Ferdinand I signs eight-year truce with Suleiman I of Turkey, Maximilian son of Ferdinand I becomes King of Bohemia, English troops occupy Le Havre, Rajah of Jaipur submits to Akbar the Great, Queen Elizabeth I becomes dangerously ill from smallpox, death of Matteo Bandello the Italian nobelist and poet, Rabelais’ fifth “Pantagruel” published posthumously, Torwuato Tasso writes “Rinaldo”, third session of the counsel of Trent reconvenes, 1200 French Huguenots slain at Massacre of Vassy – first French war of religion, English articles of Religion of 1552 reduced to 39 articles, Pieter Brueghel paints “Two Chained Monkeys”, Hall of the Middle Temple in London built, Tintoretto paints “Christ at the Sea of Galilee”, Paolo Veronese paints “The Marriage at Cana”, Gasparo Bertolotti de Salo moves to Brescia to become first great Italian violin maker, death of Flemish composer Adrian Willaert, death of famous French surgeon Pierre Franco – performer of bladder and cataract surgeries, French attempt to colonize Florida, John Hawkins makes his first hourney to the New World and begins slave trade between Guinea and West Indies, Religious wars in France follow murder of Huguenots

1563 End of Catholic Council of Trent (third), death of John Bale the English reformer and writer, Peace of Amboise ends first War of Religion in France – Huguenots granted limited toleration, French army regains Le Havre, Charles IX of France declared of Age at 13, Maximilian II elected King of Hungary, first printing presses in Russia, blossoming of Spanish mystic poetry – Teresa de Jesus – Luis de Granada – Juan de la Cruz – Luis de Leon, first English edition of John Foxe’s “Book of Martyrs”, Counter Reformation begins in Bavaria, the term “Puritain” first used in England, Pieter Brueghel paints “Tower of Babel”, Giovanni da Bologna creates Neptune fountain in Bologna, death of Diego de Siloe the Spanish Gothic architect, Juan de Herrera begins to build the Escorial for Philip II of Spain, John Shute creates “First and Chief Grounds of Architecture”, William Byrd made organist at Lincoln Cathedral, Gerardus Mercator draws first accurate map of Lorraine, Ambroise Pare makes “Cinq livres de chirurgie”, English parliament passes acts for relief of the poor and for regulating apprentices (repealed 1814), General outbreak of plague in Europe kills over 20,000 people in London,

1564 Death of John Calvin of Geneva Switzerland, Shakespeare born, death of Michelangelo Buonarotti, death of Andreas Vesalius the Dutch physician and anatomist, Peace of Troyes ends war between England and France, Robert Lord Dudley made Earl of Leicester, English Merchant Adventurers Company granted

new royal charter, death of Ferdinand I the HRE succeeded by son Maximilian II, Catherine de’ Medici presents son Charles IX to his subjects on three-month tour of France, Ivan IV of Russia forced to withdraw from Moscow regarding power struggle against boyars, Spaniards occupy Philippines and build Manila, births of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe and Galileo, Council of Trent’s “Professio Fidei” confirmed by Pope Pius IV, Counter Reformation begins in Poland, Index librorum prohibitorum published after receiving papal approval, Philip Neri founds Congregation of the Oratory in Rome, Scot’s Psalter written, Pieter Brueghel paints “Christ Carrying the Cross” – and son born, Philibert Delorme begins work on the Tuileries in Paris, Jacopo TIntoretto paints for the Scuola di San Rocco, one of Andrea Amati’s first violins made, Bartolommeo Eustachio creates “Opuscula anatomica”, John Hawkins leaves on second voyage to New World, Horse-drawn coach introduced in England from Holland, Galileo and Shakespeare born, Andreas Vesalius has death sentence commuted by making pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Galileo Galilei born, John Calvin (Leader of Swiss reformation) dies

1565 St. Augustine, FL founded, death of German-Swiss naturalist and zoologist Konrad von Gesner, Knights of St. John under Jean de La Valette defend Malta from Turks – Spanish troops arrive ant Turks withdraw siege, Mary Queen of Scots marries Henry Lord Darnley her cousin, Pierre de Ronsard writes “Elegies”, Giambattista Cinzio Giraldi writes Italian collection of moral and love tales, Arthur GOlding translates some of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”, Torquato Tasso made court poet at Ferrara, Jacobus Anconcio writes “Stratagemata Satanae” advocating religious toleration, Thomas Cooper writes “Thesaurus linguae ROmanae et Britannicae”, Pierre de la Place writes “Histoire de nostre temps”, death of Pope Pius IV, Pieter Brueghel [aines “A Country Wedding”, Giovanni da Bologna paints “Samson”, Palladio creates S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Tintoretto paints “Flight into Egypt”, death of Dutch composer Cyprien de Rore, Palestrina composes “Missa Papae Marcelli”, Royal College of Physicians in London empowered to carry out human dissections, Bernardino Telesio writes “De rerum natura” foreshadowing empirical methods of science, Sir Thomas Gresham founds Royal Exchange in London, Pencils manufactured in England, Sir John Hawkins introduces sweet potatoes and tobacco in England, Royal College of Physicians permitted to perform human dissections

1566 Death of Suleiman the Magnificent of Ottoman Turks, death of Leonhard Fuchs the “Father of German Botany”, death of Nostradamus the astrologer, death of Richard Edwards the English composer and poet, David Rizzo the confidential secretary of Mary Queen of Scots murdered in Holyrood House in Edinburgh – Mary gives birth to James – future king of Scotland, Calvinist riots in Netherlands – Regent Margaret of Palma abolishes inquisition, Sigismund III named king of Poland, Torko-Hungarian war renewed after 4-year peace, William Adlington translates “The Golden Ass” by Apuleius, Earliest English prose comedy “The Supposes”, death of Louise Labe the French Renaissance poetess, William Painter translates Italian novellas into “Palace of Pleasure Beautified”, Jean Bodin writes “Methodus ad facilem historiarum congitionem” on the philosophy of history, Heinrich Bullinger unites Calvinism with Zwinglianiam in

second Helvetian Confession, Cardinal Michaele Ghislieri becomes Pope Pius V, Pieter Brueghel paints “St. John the Baptist”, death of Spanish composer Antonio de Cabezon, death of Diane de Poitiers the mistress of Henry II of France, “Notizie Scritte” one of first newspapers appears in Venice

1567 Alvaro de Mendana, Spanish sailor, sets sail from Callo in Peru across Pacific, discovers Ellice Islands and Solomon Islands, Protestant lords rebel in Scotland against Mary who flees to England where Elizabeth I imprisons her, James VI rules Scotland, Lord Darnley murdered – possibly on Earl of Bothwell’s orders – Bothwell carries Mary Queen of Scots off to Dunbar and there she marries Bothwell, Irish rebel Shane O’Neill assassinates, Earl of Morton discovers Queen Mary’s “Casket of Letters”, Queen Mary forced to abdicate and makes stepbrother Earl of Moray the regent, Duke of Alba arrives as military governor in the Netherlands and begins reign of terror – arrests Counts Egmont and Hoorn – Margaret of Parma resigns regency, Akbar the Great conquers Chitor, In Japan Nobunaga deposes shogunate and centralizes government, Elizabeth I recognizes eisteddfod (re: literature), Bardic competitions held in Wales – started in 12th century, George Tuberville writes “Epitaphs, Epigrams, Songs, Sonets”, Francesco Guicciardini’s “Storia d’Italia” published posthumously, Edward Hake translates Thomas a Kempis’ “The Imitation of Christ”, Maximilian II establishes monastery council to superintend clergy, U of Helmstedt at Brunswick founded, Pieter Brueghel paints “Adoration of the Magi”, Giovanni da Bologna sculpts “Mercury”, Titian paints “Jacopo de Strada”, death of Waclaw of Szamotuli the Polish composer, Hawkins makes third journey to West Indies accompanied by Francis Drake, Rio de Janeiro founded, Rugby School founded by Lourence Sheriff, Construction of S. Trinita Bridge in Florence, Two million Indians die in S. America of typhus,

1568 End of reign of Christian emperor Zera Yacub in Ethiopia, Period of national unification in Japan begins when old feudal lord, Oda Nobunaga, captures Kyoto, Dutch campaign for independence from Spanish rule begins, death of Jean de La Valette the French general, peace between Selim II and Maximilian II, Mary Queen of Scots defeated at Langside by Moray – takes refuge in England, Treaty of Longjumeau ends second war of Religion in France, Counts Egmont and Hoorn pronounced guilty of high treason and beheaded in Brussels, Swedes declare Eric XIV unfit to reign and proclaim John III king, York Conference into Queen Mary’s conduct opens – reopens later at Westminster, death of Don Carlos the son of Philip II of Spain,, first modern eisteddfod for Welsh music and literature held at Caerwys, First public theater presentation in Madrid, first translation of the Bible into Czech, Archbishop Parker’s “Bishop’s Bible”, English College founded at Douai by William Allen to train Jesuit missionaries for work in England, Jesuit missionaries welcomed inJapan, Pope Pius V issues revised “Brevarium Romanun”, Pieter Brueghel paints “The Faithlessness of the World”, Juan Fernandez de Navarrete made court painter to Philip II of Spain, Robert Smythson works on Longleat House in Wiltshire, Giacomoda Vignola begins building Gesu Church in Rome, death of English cleric and composer William Whytbroke, Gerardus Mercator devises cylindrical projection of maps, Costanzo Variolo studies anatomy of the brain, Alezander Nowell Dean of St.

Paul’s in London invents bottled beer, Company of London Bricklayers and Tylers incorporated

1569 Death of Mikolaj Rej the Polish poet, death of Pieter “Peasant” Brueghel the Elder the Dutch painter, Sigismund II of Poland unites Poland with Lithuania – Union of Lubin, Rebellion in N England – sacking of Durham Cathedral, Pope Pius V makes Cosimo de’ Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany, Don John of Austria suppresses Morisco rebellion in Granada, Alfonso de Ercilla y Zuniga writes “La Araucana” the Spanish epic of the conquest of Chile, Richard Tottel translated Henry de Bracton’s “On the Laws and Customs of England”, death of Pieter Brueghel the painter (nicknamed peasant Brueghel), Hans Eworth the Flemish painter creates “Queen Elizabeth Confounding Juno”, death of English composer Thomas Caustun, Tycho Brahe begins construction of celestial globe at Augsburg, Mercator writes “Cosmographia” and map of the world for navigational use, 40,000 inhabitants of Lisbon die in carbuncular fever epidemic, Public lottery held in London to finance repairs to the port

1570 Drought in W Central AFR, Kanem-Borneo reaches height of kingdom power, starts alliance with Ottomans for 40 years, death of Italian architect Jacopo Sansovino, death of Francois Bonivard author and philosopher, earl of Moray assassinated, succeeded as regent of Scotland by Earl of Lennox, Peace of St. Germain-en-Laye ends third civil war in France – Huguenots gain amnesty, Peace of Stettin – Denmark recognizes independence of Sweden, Charles IX of France marries Elizabeth dauof Maximilian II, Imperial diet meets at Speyer, Japan opens port of Nagasaki to overseas trade, Margaret of Valois betrothed to Henry of Navarre, Philip II marries Anne of Austria as fourth wife – dau of Maximilian II, Turks sack Nicosia in Cyprus, Turks declare war on Venice, John Barber writes “The Brus” the Scottish national poem on Robert Bruce, Lodovico Castelvetro demands introduction of Arisotelian principles to contemporary drama, Jean Antoine de Baif founds Academie de Poesie et de Musique in Paris, Robert Henryson publishes “The Moral Fables of Aesop”, Roger Ascham publishes “The Scholemaster” a manual on education, Consensus of Sendomir – Calvinists Lutherans and Moravian Brothers of Poland ally against Jesuits, Blaise de Monluc writes “Commentaries” on French politics, Thomas Kirchmeyer writes “The Polish Kingdom”, Pope Pius V issues bull “Regnans in Excelis” excommunicating Elizabeth I, “Missale Romanum” issued by Pius V, Nicholas Hillard paints portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, Palladio paints “I Quattro libri dell architettura”, death of Italian architect Jacopo Sansovino, Tintoretto paints “Moses striking the rock”, Earliest known music festival in honor of St. Cecilia in Normandy, Culminating point of vocal polyphonic a capella style of music, Bell foundry of Whitechapel in London founded, Abraham Ortelius publishes first modern atlas with 53 maps, Nuremberg postal services begin, Ivan the Terrible executes almost all of his advisors in public

1571 Don John of Austria smashes Ottoman fleet at battle of Lepanto, death of Italian organist and composer Francesco di Bernardo Corteccia, death of Sigismund II Augustus in Poland, Sir William Cecil created Lord Burghley, Pope Pius V signs alliance with Spain and Cenice to fight Turks, Sigismund II of Poland dies – end of Jagellon dynasty, Turks take Famagusta Cyprus and massacre inhabitants, Earl

of Lennox the Regent of Scotland is killed and succeeded by Earl of Mar, Reconciliation between Charles IX of France and Huguenots, Don Juan of Austria defeats Turkish fleet off Lepanto, Act of parliament forbids export of wool from England and enforces dubscription to the Thirty-Nine Articles among clergy, Negotiations for marriage between Elizabeth I and Henry Duke of Anjou (abandoned 1572), Bibliotheca Laurenziana in Florence opened to the public, Hugh Latimer writes “Frutefull Sermons” Francesco Patrizi writes anti-Aristotelian arguments, Harrow school founded by John Lyon, Jesus College at Oxford founded by Hugh Price, death of Benvenuto Cellini the Italian goldsmith and sculptor, Palladio creates the Loggia del Capitanio in Vicenza, Titian paints “Christ Crowned with Thorns”, Veronese creates paintings in San Sebastiano in Venice, Andrea Gabrieli composes “Canzoni alla francese” Incorporation of Blacksmiths’ and Joiners’ Companies in London, death of Tirso de Molina the Spanish dramatist, Turks defeated at Battle of Lepanto

1572 Massacre of St. Bartholemew as perhaps 20,000 Protestants die in Paris and France with 2,000 Huguenots dying including Gaspard de Coligny – Pope Gregory XIII calls for celebratory bonfires, Dutch Sea Beggars take Brill, death of John Knox the Scottish reformer, death of Galezzo Alessi the Italian architect, death of Pope Pius V – Pope Gregory XIII the former Cardinal Ugo Buoncompagni, Dutch war of Independence begins, Duke of Norfolk tried for treason and executed, Estates of Poland declare the monarchy elective, Henry of Navarre married Margaret of Valois the sister of Charles IX of France, Earl of Northumberland executed for treason, Earl of Mar the Regent of Scotland dies and is succeeded by Earl of Morton, Lord Burghley made Lord High Treasurer, English Parliament demands execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, Fourth War of Religion begins in France, Guillaume de Salluste Segneur du Bartas writes “Judith”, Portuguese epic written on travels of Vasco de Gama, epic poem written on the Kings of France, death of Swiss Historian Aegidius Tschudi, Annibale Caro writes about the history of the Tuscan language in Italy, Jean de Serres makes survey of French wars of Religion, Henri Estienne writes Thesaurus of Greek language, death of John Knox, death of Isaak Luria the Jewish mystic, Matthew Parker writes “De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae”, death of Galeazzo Alessi the Italian architect, death of Francois Clouet the French painter, William Byrd and Thomas Tallis made organists at the Chapel Royal, Cello “Il Re” created by Andrea Amati of Cremona, an early book on Alchemy published by Basel, Tycho Brahe discovers the “New Star” in the Milky Way, Francis Drake attacks Spanish harbors, Society of Antiquaries founded in London, Pigeons first used as carriers by Dutch during Spanish siege of Haarlem, Tycho Brahe discovers new star – challenging idea that the heavens never change, St. Bartholemew's Day massacre in France, English poet John Donne born

1573 Reign of emperor Wan Li in China, period of great paintings and porcelain making, imperial kilns at Jingde Zhen produce china, Peace of Constantinople ends war between Turks and Venice, Michel de l’Hopital the Chancellor of France dies, Henry Duke of Anjou made King of Poland and returns to France to succeed his brother Charles IX, Fourth French War of Religion ends, Huguenots granted amnesty, Spanish capture Haarlem after seven-month siege, Duke of Alba

leaves Brussels for Spain, Sir Francis Walsingham made chief Secretary of State in England, Wan Li begins reign as 13th emperor of Ming dynasty in China, Johann Fischart writes German satire on women, Torquato Tasso publishes Italian pastoral “Amnita”, Collegium Germanicum established in Rome, Francois Hofman writes treatise on election and deposition of kings, death of Laurentius Petri the Lutheran Bishop of Upsala and author of the Swedish Church Order, work begun on Mexico City Cathedral, Paolo Veronese called before Inquisition in Rome, Orlando di Lasso composes “Patrocinium musices”, Francis Drake sees Pacific Ocean for first time, First German cane-sugar refinery at Augsburg, Poland declares all religions under its constitution

1574 End of reign of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in Japan, Storm in Leyden Netherlands kills Spanish troops, death of Giorgio Vasari the Italian painter architect and art historian, Domenico Ferrabosco the Italian singer and composer dies, death of Italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustacchio, death of Charles IX of France – brother Henry III king of Poland rules France, Selim II of Turkey dies and Murad III rules – Spain loses Tunis to Turks, Fifth French War of Religion starts, Richard Burbafe receives license to open theater in London, first auto-da-fe in Mexico, Jean Bodin writes treatise on luxury, Hubert Languet writes political theories of Huguenots, Justis Lipsius edits and publishes Tacitus’ works, U of Berlin founded, Longleat House in Wiltshire finished, Tintoretto paints “Paradiso”, death of Domenico Maria Ferrabosco the Italian singer and composer, Ulissi Aldovrand writes a treatise on drugsm Conrad Dasypodius builds famous Strasbourg clock, Portuguese colonize Angola and found Sao Paolo

1575 Portuguese begin to colonize Angola, 100+ years of fighting follows, Stephen Batory, prince of Transylvania in Romania elected king of Poland, death of Anna Bijns the Flemish religious poetess, death of Diego Hurtade de Mendoza the Spanish poet, death of Cornelius Floris the Dutch architect, King Henry III of France crowned at Rheims, Stephen Bathory of Transylvania becomes King of Poland, Mogul Emperor Akbar conquers Bengal, Freedom from arrest granted by English Parliament for its members and their servants, Edmund Grindal becomes Archbishop of Canterbury, at conference in Breda Philip II refuses to grant concessions to Dutch rebels, State bankruptcy in Spain, Johann Fischart writes German adaptation of Rabelais’ “Gargantua”, an early English farce is written, George Gascoigne prites “The Posies”, Tasso writes epic poems about the crusades, Archbishop Matthew Parker leaves collection of historical documents to Corpus Christi College at Cambridge, Christopher Saxton creates “Country Atlas of England and Wales” U of Leiden founded by William of Orange, death of Cornelis Floris the Dutch architect, Veronese paints “Moses saved from the Waters”, William Byrd and Thomas Tallis writes collection of 34 motets, Tycho Brahe constructs an observatory at Uraniborg for Frederick II of Denmark, George Tuberville writes “Book of Falconrie”, First European imitations of Chinese porcelain made in Venice and Florence, Outbreaks of plague in Sicily spread through Italy up to Milan, Population of Paris about 300,000 London about 180,000 and Cologne about 35,000, large earthquake in Chile estimated at 8.5, Baroque period begins

1576 Martin Frobisher tries to find NW passage to China along Canadian coast, death of Italian artist Itziano Vecelli (Titian), Hans Sachs the German poet and mastersinger dies, death of Italian mathematician and astrologer Geronimo Cardano, death of Hungarian Polish composer Balint Bakfark, death of Maximilian II HRE – brother Rudolf II rules, Philip II makes half brother Don John of Austria Governor of the Netherlands, Act of Federation between Holland and Zeeland signed in Delft, Edict of Beaulieu tolerating Reformed religion in France, Congress of Ghent discusses pacification of the Netherlands, Spanish sack Antwerp, Richard Burbage obtains 21 year lease of land in Shoreditch London with permission to build theater, Academie du Palais founded in Paris by Henry III – associated with Baif’s Academie of 1570, Johann Fischart writes satirical report of journey from Zurich to Strasbourg, George Gascoigne writes verse satire, death of Hans Sachs the German poet and dramatist, Jean Bodin advocates constitutional monarchy, League of Torgau draws up articles of faith supporting opinions of Lutherans, U of Warsaw in Poland created, Palladio creates Il Redentore church in Venice, death of Titian, Tomas Luis de Victoria writes masses and canticles, Clusius publishes treatise on flowers of Spain and Portugal beginning modern botany, Martin Frobisher the English navigator discovers Frobisher bay in Canada, Robert Norman the English hydrographer discovers magnetic dip or inclination, Francois Viete introduces decimal fractions

1577 Dutch painter Pieter Paul Rubens born, English Francis Drake begins circumnavigation, death of German composer Jakob Meiland, Henry Navarre recognized head of Huguenot party, Perpetual edict to settle civil war in the Netherlands issued by Don John of Austria – rejected of William of Orange – Don Juan deposed by States General – William of Orange enters Brussels, Sixth French War of Religion breaks out - Peace of Bergerac ends, Danzig surrender ends Polish opposition to Stephen Bathory, death of French poet Remy Belleau, death of English author George Gascoigne, London’s second playhouse “The Curtain” opens in Finsburg, Chronicles of England Scotland and Ireland published, William Allot publishes “Thesaurus Bibliorum”, Richard Eden writes history of travel in the Indies, Lutheran Book of Concord drafted by several, Milan Cathedral consecrated by Cardinal Carlo Borromeo, El Greco paints “Assumption of the Virgin” in Toledo, Tintoretto paints “The Doge Alvise Mocenigo”, death of Mattheus Le Maistre Walloon the composer, Francis Drake embarks on voyage around the world via Cape Horn, William Harrison writes “Description of England”,

1578 death of Andrea Amati the founder of Italian family of violin makers, James VI takes over Scotland after Earl of Morton resigns regency, Sebastian king of Portugal killed at Alcazar during invasion of Morocco, Elizabeth I offers to mediate between Don John of Austria and the Dutch, death of Don Juan – Alessandro Farnese Duke of Parma succeeds him as Governor of Netherlands, Earl of Leicester secretly marries Viscountess Hereford, John III of Sweden secretly converted to Catholicism, Mohammed Khudabanda becomes Shah of Persia, Otomo Yodhidhige – one chief ruler of Japan – converted to Christianity, Guillaume de Salluste and Seigneur du Bartas writes religious epic on the creation, Pierre de Ronsard writes sonnets for Helene, John Lyly writes, Jacques

Cujas writes commentaries on Roman law, English college of Douai removed to Rheims, Catacombs of Rome discovered, Faience pottery opened in Nevers by the Conrade brothers, Levant Trading Company founded in London for trade with Turkey, Work begun on Pont Neuf – oldest bridge over the Siene in Paris

1579 death of Thomas Gresham the English merchant and founder of Royal exchange in London, death of Don John of Austria the natural son of Emperor Charles V, English-Dutch military alliance signed, Signing of Union of Utrecht marks foundation of Dutch republic, Francis Drak proclaims sovereignty of England over New Albion CA, Duke Albert of Bavaria dies – succeeded by Duke William V, Stephen Gosson writes against the theater and Thomas Lodge writes in response, Edmund Spenser writes “The Shepherd’s Calendar”, English College removed from Rheims to Rome, Sir Thomas North translates Plutarch’s “Lives”, Paolo Paruta official historian of Venice and Machiavelli begins writing his history, St. John of the Cross – “Dark Night of the Soul”, Giovanni da Bologna sculpts “Rape of the Sabines”, El Greco paints “L’Espolio”, Palladio creates Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, Father Thomas Stephens becomes first Englishman to settle in India (Goa), English Eastland Company founded for trading with Scandinavia, Portuguese merchants set up trading station in Bengal, <i>Vindiciae contra Tyrannos</i> declares rulers accountable to the people, George Buchanan declares that kings must serve subjects,

1580 Drought in W Central AFR, Sir Francis Drake completes circumnavigation, Spain unites with Portugal for 60 years, death of English Dramatist John Heywood, death of Italian architect Andrea Palladio, death of Portuguese poet Luis Vas de Camoes, Seventh French War of Religion breaks out, Spanish invade Portugal under Duke of Alba, Ivan IV the Terrible kills son and heir with his own hands, death of Luis Vaz de Camoens the Portuguese poet, Johann Fischart writes attacking Jesuits, Jan Kochanowski writes Polish laments, Last performance of a miracle play in Coventry, Jean Bodin writes against witchcraft, Jesuits Edmund Campion and Robert Parsons land in England and bagin Jesuit mission, Francois de la Noue writes Huguenot views on Wars of Religion in France, Michel de Montaigne writes essays, John Stow writes Chrinicles of England, Robert Smythson creates Willaton Hall near Nottingham, English folk tune “Greensleeves” mentioned for the first time, Jan Sweelinck made organist at Dude Kerk in Amsterdam, Francis Drake returns to England from voyage of circumnavigation, Venice imports coffee from Turkey to Italy, Earthquake in London, Italian cooking predominant in Europe, New buildings banned in London to restrict growth of city, Michel Eyquem de Montaigne publishes - France - Montaigne's first "Essays"

1581 Portuguese Cortes submits to Philip II of Spain, Earl of Morton executed for complicity in Lord Darnley’s murder, Akbar conquers Afghanistan, Stephen Bathroy the King of Poland invades Russia, Russian conquest of Siberia, George Peele writes pastoral play of Paris, Edmund Campion the English Jesuit missionary tried for treason and executed, Pope Gregory XIII attempts to reconcile Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches, James VI of Scotland signs Second Confession of Faith, Richard Mulcaster writes treatise on education, Lancelot Popeliniere writes contemporary history, Caravaggio paints “Martyrdom

of St. Maurice”, Coroso writes treatise on ballet techniques, Ballet given to French court, Vincenzo Galilei writes dialogue on modern music, anthology of Dutch songs written, William Borough writes discourse on the variation of magnetic compass, Elizabeth I knights Francis Drake at Deptford, Galileo Galilei discovers isochronous property of the pendulum, English translation of treatise on courtesy and good behavior presented, Sedan chairs come into general use in England

1582 Gregorian calendar introduced under Pope Gregory XIII, death of St. Teresa de Avila in Spain , Death of George Buchanan the Scottish humanist, death of Teresa de Jesus the mystical Spanish poetess, Peace of Jam-Zapolski – Russia loses access to Baltic and abandons Livonia and Estonia to Poland, Attempt on the life of William of Orange, TRaid of Ruthven – James VI kidnapped by Protestant nobles, Gregorian Calendar adopted in Papal States – Spain and Portugal in Oct – France Netherlands and Scandinavia in Dec – England in 1752, Nobunaga the ruler of Japan assassinated, Venetian Constitution amended – authority of Council of Ten restricted, George Buchanan writes Scottish history, St. Teresa de Jesus the Spanish mystic dies, Jesuit mission founded in China, Utrecht Library founded, U of Edinburgh founded, First English colony in Newfoundland founded, Richard Hakluyt writes regarding the Americas, Urbain Hemand investigates the anatomy of teeth, Royal Navy gets graduated pay according to rank, London’s first waterworks founded – water wheels installed on London Bridge, Protestant countries refuse to adopt Gregorian calendar, Gregorian calendar synched with solar year by omitting 10 days

1583 death of Flemish composer Ihan Gero, death of Edmund Grindal Archbishop of Canterbury – succeeded by John Whitgift, Duke of Anjoy sacks Antwerp and retires from the Netherlands, Sommerville plot to assassinate Elizabeth I discovered – John Sommerville executed, James Vi of Scotland escapes from hands of Ruthven raiders after 10 months, Throgmorton plot from Spanish invasion of England discovered – Francis Throgmorton arrested and executed, William of Orange accepts sovereignty of the northern Netherlands, Robert Ganier writes early French tragicomedy, Baptista Honwaerd writes Dutch didactic poem, Queen’s Company of Players formed in London by Sir Edmund Tilney, Francesco sansovino writes about government administration, Joseph Justus Scaliger writes about modern chronology, Sir Thomas Smith writes about government machinery in England, General Toyotomi Hideyoshi lays foundation of Osaka Castle, English expeditions to Mesopotamia India and Persian Gulf led by merchants Ralph Fitch and John Eldred, first known life insurance in England on life of William Gibbons, Andre Cesalpino classifies plants in <i>De Plantis</i>, Akbar I orders religious toleration in India

1584 End of reign of Czar Ivan IV “the Terrible” – succeeded as Czar by son Fydor who relinquishes most of his powers to brother-in-law Boris Godunov, building of palace of Escorial near Madrid completed, Sir Walter Raleigh explores Virginia, Regents rule Scotland, death of Jan Kochanowsky the Polish poet, death of Carlo Borromeo the Archbishop of Milan, death of Francis Duke of Anjou, William of Orange assassinated at instigation of Philip II by Balthazar Gerard, John Lyly produces plays at Blackfriars Theatre in London, Foundation of Accademia dei

Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Luca, death of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo the Archbishop of Milan, Giordano Bruno writes, Noicholas Sanders writes about the Anglican schism, Reginald Scot writes to attack superstition and false witchcraft, Emmanuel College in Cambridge founded by Sir Walter Mildmay, Uppingham School founded, death of Italian composer Pietro Vinci, Dutch trading post founded at Archangel Russia, Sir Walter Raleigh discovers and annexes Virginia, Banco di Rialto founded in Venice, oldest extant wave-swept lighthouse erected at Cordouan on mouth of Gironde River, Dutch William of Orange murdered

1585 Roanoke colony set up, fails, Regents rule Scotland, death of English composer Thomas Tallis, death of Pope Gregory XIII – Cardinal Felice Peretti becomes Pope Sixtus V, Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England decline sovereignty of the Netherlands but Elizabeth I takes Netherlands under her protection, Sir Francis Drake attacks Vigo and Danto Domingo on Elizabeth’s orders, Hideyoshi sets up dictatorship in Japan, English actor Edward Alleyn becomes head of Lord Chamberlain’s Men and the Lord Admiral’s Company, Cervantes writes pastoral romance, death of French poet Pierre de Ronstard, Battista Guarini writes pastoral play given at Turin, Shakespeare leaves Stratford on Avon for London, Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza opened, Jesuit U founded in Graz, Austria, Veronese paints “Apotheosis of Venice”, John Davis discovers Davis Strait between Canada and Greenland, Simon Stevin formulates law of equilibrium, Lucan Janszoon Waghearen writes book of sailing directions, Bartholomew Newsam constructs first English traveling and standing clocks, Antwerp loses importance as international port to Rotterdam and Amsterdam

1586 Kelut eruption in Indonesia kills 10,000, end of reign of King of Poland Stephen Bathory of Transylvania, death of Luis de Morales the Spanish painter, Sir Francis Walsingham unravels Babington Plot to murder Elizabeth I proving involvement of Mary Queen of Scots in the plan, Anthony Babington and fellow conspirators tried and executed for plot, Mary Queen of Scots tried for treason at Fotheringay – sentence in pronounced against her and Elizabeth confirms it, Abbas I becomes Shah of Persia, Mary Queen of Scots recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir, Pope Sixtus V promises financial aid to send Spanish Armada against England, Beginning of Kabuki theater in Japan, death of English poet and soldier Sir Philip Sidney, William Webbe writes discourse on English poetry, Caesar Baronius writes history of Roman Catholic Church, Ludwig Pgygger forms League of the Seven Swiss Catholic Cantons, William Camden writes guide to the counties of Britain, Pope Sixtus V fixes number of cardinals at 70 and issues a bull forbidding usury, death of Spanish painter Luis de Morales, El Greco paints Burial of Count Orgaz”, Rebuilding of St. John Lateran at Rome, Thomas Cavendish leaves Plymouth on voyage of circumnavigation, Corn shortage in England, Blessed John Sandys sentenced for Catholic beliefs in England – hung but then fights back and wrestles with executioner while being disembowled, Kabuki theater begins in Japan

1587 Reign of Shah Abbas I The Great of Persia begins, Mary Queen of Scots executed at Fotheringay, Sir Christopher Hatton becomes Lord Chancellor, A son of King John of Sweden succeeds Stephen Bathory as Sigismund III of Poland, Hideyoshi banishes Portuguese (Christian) missionaries from Japan when he is refused sex

for religious reasons, Pope Sixtus V proclaims Catholic crusade for incasion of England, first company of English players (theater) in Germany, Robert Greene writes continuation of Lyly’s plays, Marlowe writes “Tamburlaine”, “Volksbuch von Dr. Faust” first printed at Frankfurt – English translation next year, Antonio Agustino writes regarding numismatics, John Knox’s history of Scottish reformation published posthumously, Dutch manual on rhetoric printed, Isaac Casaubon edits works of Strabo, Cobham Hall in Kent built, Osaka Castle in Japan finished, Monteverdi writes first book of madrigals, Zeminoth Israel publishes early collection of Jewish songs, Richard Hakluyt writes about French voyages into New World, Construction of Rialto Bridge in Venice by Antonio da Ponte

1588 English fleet defeats Spanish armada aided by Atlantic storms, Translation of Bible into Welsh helps save Welsh language, death of Italian painter Paolo Veronese, death of Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester, death of Frederick II of Denmark – succeeded by Christian IV, Duke of Medina Disonia sails from Lisbon in command of Invincible Armada – defeated by English under Charles Howard, Henry Duke of Guise and brother Louis Cardinal of Guise assassinated by order of Henry III – another brother duke of Mayenne becomes leader of Catholic league, Robert Greene writes romance, Marlowe writes “Doctor Faustus” tragedy, Montaigne writes V III essays, William Morgan’s translation of Bible published in Welsh, Jan Blahoslav’s Czech translation of New Testament incorporated in Kralice Bible, Thomas Stapleton writes controversial Roman Catholic tract, Vatican library opened in Rome, Annibale Carracci creates frescoes in Magnani Palace in Bologna, Domenico Fontana works on completion of dome of St. Peters in Rome, William Byrd writes religious book of songs, Joachim Camerarius writes “Hortus medicus” Timothy Bright writes manual of shorthand, English Guinea Company founded, English defeat Spanish Armada

1589 Death of Bernard de Palissy the French potter an writer, death of Catherine de Medici the Queen Mother of France, Henry III King of France and ladt of the house of Valois assassinated – on deathbed recognizes Henry King of Navarre as his successor – first Bourbon to become King of France, Sir Francis Drake and navy fails to take Lisbon, House of Commons first appoints a Standing Committee for Privileges, Robert Greene writes romance, Thomas Nashe writes criticism of contemporary literature, George Puttenham writes about English writing, Amador Arrais writes Portuguese conversations on moral and religious themes, Boris Godunov asserts Moscow’s religious independence of Constantinople, Justus Lipsius writes about politics, Kiev academy founded, Sidney Sussex College founded at Cambridge, Caravaggio paints “Bacchus”, death of French Huguenot writer on art Bernard Palissy dies, Thoinot Arbeay writes treatise on dancing, William Byrd writes book on songs, Galileo Galilei becomes professor of mathematics at U of Pisa, Richard Hakluyt writes about English navigation, Forks first used at French court, Reverend William Lee at Cambridge invents the stocking frame – first knitting machine, Boris Gudunov asserts Moscow’s independence from Constantinople, Bourbon Dynasty begins with ascension of Henry IV of France

1590 Portuguese supplies Brazil with African slaves, French wars of religion end as leading nobles struggle under weak Valois kings, Songhai empire fights Moroccan army, Burma begins break-up, death of Leone Leoni the Italian goldsmith and sculptor, death of Ambroise Pare the French surgeon, death of Spanish painter Anonzo Sanchez Coello, Catholic League proclaims Cardinal de Bourbon King Charles X (dies 5 months later), death of Sir Francis Walsingham the English statesman, Henry IV lays siege to Paris – Paris famine starts, Shah Abbas I of Persia abandons Tabriz and Georgia and makes peace with Turkey, Akbar of India conquers Orissa, Emperor of Morocco annexes Timbuktu, the Italian commedia company begins activities, death of Johann Fischart the German author, Robert Greene creates pamphlets, Thomas Lodge writes “Rosalynde” pastoral romance, Marlow writes tragedy “The Jew of Malta”, George Peele writes verse, Shakespeare writes Henry IV, Battista Guarini publishes pastoral play, Edmund Spenser writes “The Faerie Queene”, Robert Wilson writes morality play, death of Pope Sixtus V – ardinal Giambattista Castagna becomes Pope Urban VII and dies 12 days later – Cardinal Niccolo Sfondrato becomes Pope Gregory XIV, Giovanni da Bologna paints “Mercury”, El Greco paints “St. Jerome”, Emilio de’ Cavalieri composes musical pastoral fable, Jose de Acosta writes about the nature and moral states of “de las Indias”, Drake Hawkins and Frobisher return from unsuccessful expedition to Spanish coast, Galileo describes experiments on dropping various bodies, Coal mining begins in the Ruhhr, first English paper mill at Dartford, Dutch spectacle maker Hans and Zacharias Janssen invent compound microscope

1591 Songhai empire defeats Moroccan army, Cyclone off Havana shrinks Spanish fleet, Eruption in Philippines, death of Vincenzo Galilei the Italian lute player and composer and father of Galileo, death of Pope Gregory XIV – Cardinal Antonio Facchinetti becomes Pope Innocent IX – dies at end of 1591, Henry IV of France excommunicated by Pope Gregory XIV, Dimitri son of Ivan the Terrible assassinated on instigation of Boris Godunov – regent under Czar Fyodor, death of Christian I of Saxony – succeeded by eight year old son Christian II, death of Luis de Leon, Robert Greene writes Philomena romance, “The Troublesome Reigne of King John of England” written – attributed to Shakespeare, John Lyly writes allegorical comedy, Shakespeare writes Henry VI part I, Sir Philip Sidney’s “Astrophel and Stella” published posthumously, Edmund Spanser writes “Complaints”, Giordano Bruno writes regarding the universe, death of John of the Cross (Juan de Yepez y Alvarez) the Spanish mystic, Trinity College in Dublin founded by Elizabeth I, death of Vincenzo Galilei the Italian lutanist and composer dies – father of Galileo, James Lancaster leaves Plymouth on first voyage to E Indies, Francois Viete writes about using letters in algebraic equations, Skittle Alleys – in use since the 12th century – become popular in Germany, Trinity College founded in Dublin, Moroccans sack Gao, end of Songhay Empire, first “Running of the Bulls” in Pamplona Spain

1592 Korea and Japan begin fighting, death of Jewish mystic Isaak Luria, end of reign of Swedish John III – succeeded by Sigismund III of Poland, Akbar the Mogul Emperor takes Sind, Hideyoshi of Japan fails in invasion of Korea as country refuses passage of his troops to invade China, Portuguese settle at Mombasa,

Emperor Rudolf II makes peace with Poland, Robert Greene writes pamphlet – death of English author and dramatist Robert Greene, Philip Henslowe the London theatrical manager writes his “Diary”, Thomas Kyd writes “The Spanish Tragedy” play, John Lyly writes “Midas” pplay, Thomas Nashe writes satire, Shakespeare mentioned as actor for first time, Shakespeare writes “Richard III” and “Comedy of Errors”, Cardinal Ippolito Alsobrandini elected Pope Clement VIII, Michel de Montaigne the French essayist dies, Thomas Sanchez writes about religious and legal aspects of marriage, Tintoretto paints “The Last Supper”, Monteverdi composes third book of madrigals, Lodovico Zacconi creates “Prattica musica”, death of English navigator Thomas Cavendish, Juan de Fuca discovers British Columbia, Galileo writes about the problems of raising weights, Sir James Lancaster sails around Malay Peninsula, Ruined Roman city of Pompeii discovered, Plague kills 15,000 in London, Windmills used in Holland to drive mechanical saws, End of Mughol rise

1593 death of Christopher Marlowe in tavern brawl, Rudolf II renews war against Turkey, Henry IV becomes Roman Catholic and attends mass at St. Denis, Robert Henryson has poem published posthumously, George Pele writes play on Edward the First, London theaters closed due to plague, Shakespeare writes “Titus Andronicus” and “Taming of the Shrew”, Pierre Charron writes French thological treatise, death of Guiseppe Archimboldo the Italian painter, El Greco paints “The Crucifiction” and “The Resurrection”, first French botanical gardens established at U of Montpellier, Giambattista della Porta writes regarding binocular vision, Purana Pul bridge built across Musi River in Hyderabad, Sant’ Ambrogio Bank founded in Milan, Shakespeare’s first publication – poetry, First modern abacus in China

1594 death of Gerardus Mercator the Flemish geographer, death of Italian painter Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), death of Dutch composer Orlando di Lasso, death of English dramatist Thomas Kyd, Henry IV – having been crowned King of France at Chartres – enters Paris, Akbar takes Kandahar, Edict of St. Germain-en-Laye grants Huguenots freedom of worship, Turks conquer Raab at Austro-Hungarian border, Diego Bernades writes Portuguese religious poems, Robert Greene’s comedy published posthumously, London theaters reopen in spring, John Lyly writes comedy, Christopher Marlowe’s tragedy published posthumously, Thomas Nashe publishes novel, George Peele writes play, Shakespeare writes “Two Gentlemen of Verona”, “Love’s Labour’s Lost” and “Romeo and Juliet”, Giordano Bruno seized by the Vatican for supporting Copernican theory of the Universe, Richard Hooker writes about ecclesiastical laws, Piere Matthieu writes about French history and troubles, Caravaggio paints “The Musical Party”, death of French painter Jean Cousin, Giovanni da Bologna sculpts Medici statues, Elizabeth I sends a Thomas Dallam organ to Sultan of Turkey, death of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina the Italian composer, first opera written by Jacopo Peri “Dafne”, English traveler Ralph Fitch returns from overland journey to India and Ceylon, death of Martin Frobisher at recapture of Brest from Spanish , Galileo’s Golden Rule, English navigator James Lancaster breaks Portuguese trade monopoly in India

1595 Eruption and mudflow at Nevado del Ruiz, Mendana visits Marquesas and Nderic (Santa Cruz), Filippo Neri of the counter-reformation dies, Torquato Tasso the Italian poet dies, Henry IV declares war on Spain, Spanish land in Cornwall – burn Penzance and Mousehole, Sigmund Bathory defeats Turks at Giurgevo, Dutch begin to colonize E Indies, Sultan Murad III of Turkey dies and is succeeded by Mohammed III, Peasant revolt in Upper Austria, George Peele writes “The Old Wives Tale” comedy, Shakespeare writes “Richard II” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Robert Southwell Epoet hanged at Tyburn, Sir Philip Sidney’s work published posthumously, Pope Clement VIII absolves Henry IV and recognizes him as King of France, Andrew Maunsell writes catalog of English books, Annibale Carracci paints “Venus and Adonis”, Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins leave Plymouth on last voyage to Spainish main – Sir John Hawkins dies at sea near Puerto Rico, Andreas Libavius writes “Opera onmia medico-chymica”, Sir Walter Raleigh explores 300 miles of Orinoco River, English army abandons bow as weapon of war, First appearance of heels on shoes, Warsaw made capital of Poland

1596 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, death of Giaches de Wert – Dutch composer, Decrees of Folembray end war of Catholic League in France, Pacification of Ireland, English sack Cadiz – Spainsh take Calais, Peace between Japan and China after Japanese fail to invade Korea, Turks defeat Imperial army at Keresztes in Northern Hungary, Blackfriars Theater in London opens, Sir John Davies composere “Prchestra” poem, Sir John Harington writes satire, Shakespeare writes “King John” and “The Merchant of Venice”, Edmund Spenser writes “The Faerie Quees” 4-6, Caesar Baronius writes about Roman martyrs, death of French philosopher Jean Bodin, Gresham College founded in London, Caravaggio paints “Basket of Fruit”, Lodovico Zacconi’s musical book reprinted, Willem Barents discovers Spitzbergen and Barents Sea, death of Sir Francis Drake, Galileo invents thermometer, Johannes Kepler writes about celestial orbits, Rheticus’ Trigonometric Tables published posthumously, Ludolph va Ceulen calculates pi to 20 places, Tomatoes introduced in England, first water closets installed at Queen’s Palace in Richmond, Edmund Spenser's "The Faerie Queen"

1597 death of Pellegrino Tebaldi the Italian painter and architect, death of Spanish architect Juan de Herrera, death of German composer Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach, Secons Spanish Armada leaves for England and is scattered by storms, Sigmund Bathory cedes Transylvania to Emperor Rudolf II, Hideyoshi of Japan resumes Korean campaign, Philip II opens peace talks with Henry IV, Re-Catholicization of Upper Austria effected by force, William V duke of Bavaria abdicates in favor of son Maximilian I – then retires to a monastery, death of Spanish poet Hernando de Herrera, John Lyly creates play, Thomas Nashe writes satirical comedy, Shakespeare writes “Henry IV” parts 1 and 2, Shakespeare buys New Place at Stratford on Avon, Aldine Press in Venice ceases publication, death of writer Aldus Manutius the Younger, Sir Francis Bacon writes about moral essays, Peter Canisius the Jesuit Counter Reformationist dies, Jean de Serres writes about French history, James VI of Scotland writes “Demonologie” on witchcraft, El Grece paints “St. Martin and the Beggar”, John Dowland writes “First Booke of Songes”, Thomas Morley writes introduction to music, Orazio Vecchi composes,

death of Dutch navigator Willem Barents, Dutch found Batavia on Java, English Act of Parliament prescribes sentences of transportation to colonies for convicted criminals, English merchants expelled from HRE in retaliation for treatment of the Hanseatic League in London, first field hospitals and field dispensaries, Galileo invents the sector,

1598 End of reign of Philip II of Spain, First Dutch trade posts in Guinea, W Africa, Korea fends off Japanese invasions, Henry IV the first Bourbon king of France grants equal rights to Protestants, death of Marnix van St. Aldegonde the Dutch writer and statesman, death of George Peele the English dramatist, death of Fydor I of Russia – Boris Godunov takes throne after formerly elected by national assembly, After death of Duke Alfonso II – last of the House of Este – Pope Clement VIII seizes duchy of Ferrara, Treaty of Ponts de Ce ends civil war in France, Steelyard – London headquarters of Hanseatic League – closed, Peace of Vervins – Philip II resigns claim to French crown – country united under Henry IV as single dovreign, death of King Philip II of Spain – Philip III reigns, Dutch takes Mauritius, death of Hideyoshi of Japan and successor Ieyasy Tokugawa restores shogunate which endures over 200 years, Lope de Vegawrites “La Dragontea” about Drake’s adventures, Ben Johnson writes “Every Man in His Humor”, Shakespeare writes “Much Ado About Nothing” and “Henry V”, Juan de Mariana writes regarding kingship, Edict of Nantes grants French Huguenots freedom of worship – revoked 1685, John FLorio writes English-Italian dictionary, John Manwood writes about the laws of the forest, Philibert Mareschal writes a guide to arts and sciences, Francis Meres writes anthology of quotes, Sir Thomas BOdley begins rebuilding library at Oxford, death of Philip van Marnix the Dutch religious author, Jan Brueghel paints “Adoration of the Kings”, El Greco paints, Reubens named as member of Antwerp Painter’s Guild, Reorganization of the U of Paris by Henry IV, Carlo Ruini writes manual of veterinary science, Fourth circumnavigation of the world by Olivier van Noort, Korean Admiral Visunsin invents iron-clad worship, Tycho Brahe writes account of discoveries and description of astronomical instruments, Edict of Nantes enhances rights of Protestants in France, Philip III of Spain and Holland’s Staats-Generaland offer prizes for method of ascertaining longitude, Edict of Nantes orders toleration of French Huguenots, Globe theater built in London

1599 death of Beatrice Cenci at age 22 – Italian tragic heroine, Earl of Essex made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland – signs truce with Irish rebel Lord Tyrone and arrested on return to England, Agreement of Gera between branches of Hohenzollern family concerning mutual succession, Duke of Sully the French superintendent of finances reforms taxation economics trade and agriculture, Henry IV of France obtains divorce from Margaret of Valois, Swedish Diet deposes Sigismund III and proclaims Charles of Sodermanland ruler as Charles IX, Mataeo Aleman writes picturesque novel, Globe theater starts to be built in London, George Peele’s play about David and Bathsheba published posthumously, Shakespeare writes “Julius Caesar” “As You Like It” and “Twelfth Night”, James VI of Scotland writes about divine right of kings, death of Italian composer Luca Marencio, Ulissi Aldrovandi of Italy publishes studies on ornithology, first chamber of commerce

created in Marsaielles, plague outbreak in Spain, first postal rates fixed in Germany

1600 Portuguese, french and Dutch establish African colonies, Edo period begins in Japan, English and Dutch form East India Companies, battling Portugal for colonial holdings, Shakespeare's "Hamlet" performed, End of Japanese period of unification, Kalonga kingdom north of Zambezi river becomes rich through ivory trade, Hausaland dominates trade routes through Sahara, Great Zimbabwe replaced by split kingdom capitals of Transvaal, Botswana and Zimbabwe, Abbas I introduces reforms into Persia, Battle of Sekigahara Japan – Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats rivals and the Tokugawa (Edo) period begins, English, Dutch, Danish and French East India Companies started to be founded, Beginning of building of “tupa” or stone towers on Easter Island, in Tonga, leadership passes from Tu’i Tonga dynasty to Tu’i Kanokupolu dynasty, Maurice of Nassau defeats Archduke Albert’s army at Nieuport, Henry IV marries Maria de Medici, Earl of Essex is tried for misdemeanors in Ireland and loses offices at court, Ieyasu defeats rivals at Sekigahara and sets himself up as ruler in Japan – moves capital from Kyoto to Yedo (Tokyo) – English navigator William Adams becomes his advisor on shipbuilding, Thomas Dekker writes “The Shoemaker’s Holiday” Fortune theater in London opened, Thomas Nashe publishes satirical masque, Shakespeare writes “Hamlet” and “The Merry Wives of Windsor”, Giordano Bruno burned as heretic in Rome, Persecution of Catholics in Sweden under Charles IX, Scottish College founded in Rome, Caravaggio paints “Doubting Thomas”, Building of Royal Palace in Naples started, artist Reubens goes to Italy, ** Feb- Peru's Huaynaputina volcano erupts, death of Italian violin maker Andrea Amati, Giulio Caccini and Jacopo Peri each create “Eurydice” operas, Sethys Calvisius writes history of music, Emilio de Cavalieri’s opera published, harps used in orchestras, Thomas Morley publishes music book, recorder flute becomes popular in England, Tycho Brahe and Johann Kepler work together in Prague, English East India Company founded with starting capital of 70,000 pounds, William Gilbert writes treatise on magnetism and electricity, German Athanasius Kircher invents magic lantern, Caspar Lehmann the jewel cutter to Emperor Rudolf II begins cut-glass process, Dutch opticians invent the telescope, Amsterdam Bank founded, approximate populations – France 16 mil, Germany 14.5 mil, Poland 11 mil, Spain 8 mil, Hapsburg dominions 5.5 mil, England and Ireland 5.5 mil, Holland 4 mil, Wigs and dress trains become fashionable, Dutch opticians invent telescope, Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for supporting Copernican astronomy

1601 death of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex – executed for treason against Elizabeth I, death of Thomas Nashe the English poet and dramatist, death of Christian II of Saxony, Archduke Albert of Austria besieges Ostend, Michael Prince of Moldavia assassinatrd by Hungarians, Elizabeth I delivers “Golden Speech” to Parliament detailing her achievements, Abolition of monopolies in England, Akbar annexes Khandest, “False Dmitri” claiming to be son of Czar Ivan IV appears in Poland to win support for invasion of Russia, Bento Teixeira Pinto writes first Brazilian epic, Shakespeare writes “Troilus and Cressida”, Pierre Charron writes system of Stoic philosophy, U of Parma founded, Caravaggio paints “Conversion of St.

Paul”, Caccini develops new vocal style, Carlo Gesualdo composes madrigals, Thomas Morley composes “Thiumphs of Oriana”, death of Tycho Brahe, Kepler becomes astronomer and astrologer to Emperor Rudolf II, John Lancaster leads first East India Company voyage from Torbay to Sumatra, Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci admitted to Peking, Dutch navigator Olivier van Noort returns fron circumnavigation, John Wheeler publishes treatise on Commerce, Postal agreement between France and Germany, Govelin family of dyers lend their factory in Paris to King Henry IV who sets up 200 workmen to make tapestries, German “Badestuben” (brothels) closed by authorities due to venereal disease, Death of Danish asronomer Tycho Brahe

1602 death of Agostino Carracci the Italian painter, Spanish army lands in Ireland and eventually surrenders to English at Kinsala, War between Persia and Turkey for 25 years, Thomas Campion writes about English literature, Thomas Dekker writes satirical comedy, Lope de Vega writes epic poem, Ben Johnson writes comedy, Sir David Lindsay has satire published posthumously, John Marston has tragedy published, Spakespeare writes “All’s Well That Ends Well”, Conrad Kircher writes concordance to the Septuagint, Emperor Rudolf II continues persecution of Protestants in Hapsburg lands and suppresses meetings of Moravian Bretheren, Ambrosian Library in Milan founded, Bodlein Library at Oxford opened, Hans Leo Hassler collects German leider music, Thomas Blondeville writes “Theoriques of the Planets”, Tycho Brahe’s astronomical maps published posthumously by Kepler, Richard Carew publishes survey of Cornwall, Vincenzio Cascarido discovers barium sulfide in Italy, Dutch East India Company founded with 540,000 pounds of capital in Baravia – considered first modern company, Galileo investigates laws of gravitation and oscillation, Spanish traders admitted to eastern Japan, John Willis writes about stenography, Paris Charite’ founded

1603 Death of Elizabeth I of England, throne passes to cousin James Stuart (VI) of Scotland – renamed James I and moves to London, death of Thomas Morley English composer and music theorist, Amnesty granted in Ireland, Sir Walter Raleigh arrested for suspected complicity in the “Main Plot” which sought to dethrone James I – sentenced to imprisonment, Henry IV recalls Jesuits to France, death of Mohammed III Sultan of Turkey – succeeded by Ahmad I, revolts in Transylvania against Rudolf II, Tokugawa family obtains shogunate in Japan and keeps it, Francisco Gomez de Quevedo writes picturesque novel, Philip Henslowe the London theatrical manager finishes diaries, Samuel Daniel writes response to Campion’s work and defends English poetry, “Standard Grammar” by Nudozersky leads to development of modern Czech language, Johannes Althusias writes regarding the language of politics, Thomas Craig writes “Jus feudale” Jan Gruter writes about Roman inscriptions, Richard Knolles writes history of the Turks, Carlo Maderna builds façade at St. Peter’s Rome, Pallazo Rospigliosi in Rome erected, Jean-Baptiste Besard collects lute music, Monteverdi writes fourth book of madrigals, Thomas Robinson writes School of Musicke, Founding of Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Benedito de Goes a lay Jesuit sets out for India in search of Cathay, Fabricio di Acquapendente discovers valves in human veins, death of William Gilbert the English scientist, Heavy outbreak of plague in

England, Federico Cesi Duke of Aquasparta establishes first formal scientific research organization, Queen Elizabeth I dies, James I begins Stewart Dynasty

1604 Earthquake and tsunami in south Peru, “False Dmitri” claimant to Russian throne defeated by Czar Boris Godunov, First parliament under James I meets, Sigismund III of Sweden finally deposed – uncle Charles IX assumes title of king, Peace between England and Spain, Spanish capture Ostend from Dutch after 3.5 year siege, Shah Abbas of Persia takes Tabriz from Turks, England and France sign commercial treaty, Lope de Vega writes 25 volume “Comedias”, John Marston writes tragicomedy, Shakespeare writes “Measure for Measure” Richard Bancroft the Bishop of London elected Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Cawdrey writes “A Table Alphabetical”, Jacques August de Thou writes 11 volume history, U of Oxford and U of Cambridge given parliamentary representation (until 1948), Caravaggio paints “The Deposition” in the Vatican, Karel van Mander writes art history, Company of Musicians oncorporated in London, Orlando di Lasso has 516 motets published posthumously, Negri writes about dance technique, English East India Company voyages to Jave, Moluccas and Agra, King James I writes “Counterblast to Tobacco” Kepler writes about optice, Tomsk founded by Russian Cossacks

1605 Reign of Moghul emperor Akbar in India ends – son Jahangir rules, Burma breaks up into small states, End of Boris Godunov’s reign in Russia – succeeded by son Fydor II – “False Dmitri” reenters Moscow – Fydor assassinatrd and Dimitri crowned Czar, Gunpowder plot fails (Guy Fawkes blowing up parliament) – Guy executed, death of Akbar the Great - Mogul Emperor, death of Pope Clement VIII – Alessandro de’ Medici elected Pope Leo XI – dies – Camillo Borghese elecred Pope Paul V, death of Polish patriot Jan Zamoyski, Barbados claimed as English colony, Stephen Bocsaki made Prince of Transylvania, Ieyasu retires and son Hidetada rules Japan, Cervantes publishes part I of “Don Quixote”, George Chapman writes “All Fooles” comedy, Samuel Daniel writes tragedy, Michael Drayton writes poems, first permanent German theater in Cassel, Ben Johnson writes tragedy, Shakespeare writes “King Lear” and “Macbeth”, Sir Francis Bacon writes “The Advancement of Learning”, Justus Lipsius writes regarding the organization of the state, Annibale Carracci creates frescoes in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome, Thomas Luis de Victoria composes, John Dowland composes, Monteverde writes fifth book of madrigals, Gaspard Bauhin writes book of modern anatomy, Sante Fe, New Mexico founded, death of Ulissi Aldovandi the Italian naturalist, incorporation of Butcher’s and Shipwright’s Companies in London, English government farms all customs revenue to a London consortium of merchants for an annual rent, Newspaper Nieuwe Tijdenghen issued in Antwerp, Biblioteca Alglica becomes first public library in Rome , China earthsuake kills 3000, Japan quake and tsunami est. 8.1, Abraham Verkoeven begins publishing world’s first newspaper in Antwerp, Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote" (1)

1606 First recorded birth of a black child in US region, Luis Vaez de Torres from Spain sails around New Guinea and reaches straits of Torres, Flood in Severn Valley, England, death of Guillaume Costley the French-Scottish composer and organist, death of John Lulu the English novelist and dramatist, Guy Fawles and fellow

conspirators sentenced to death, King James I orders national flag, “False Dmitri” assassinated by boyar Basili Shuisky – Shuisky elected Czar, Peace treaty between Turks and Austrians signed at Zsitva-Torok, Thomas Dekker writes pamphlet of seven deadly sins of London, Ben Johnson writes “Volpone”, Death of English dramatist John Lyly, John Marston writes comedy, Shakespeare writes “Anthony and Cleopatra”, Johann Arndt writes regarding Christianity, Joseph Justus Scaliger writes chronology of ancient times, first open-air opera in Rome, Galileo invents proportional compass, Portuguese navigator Luis Vaes de Torres sails between New Guinea and Australia, Virginia company of London granted royal charter and sends 120 colonists to Virginia, extensive program of road building started in France, Founding of Society of Apothecaries and Grociers and Fruiterers’ Company in London, Galileo invents proportional compass, Dutch artist Rembrandt born, start of severe drought in VA to 1612

1607 Confucianism gains influence in Edo society, Jamestown colony founded in Virginia, death of Thomas Deloney the English author, Charles IX crowned king of Sweden, “Flight of the Earls” form Ireland to Spain fearing arrest after attempted insurrection, Union of England and Scotland rejected by English parliament, George Chapman writes tragedy, Honore’ d’Urfe’ writes French pastoral work, Thomas Heywood writes tragedy, John Marston writes “What You Will” comedy, Shakespeare writes “Coriolanus” and “Timon of Athens” Cyril Tourneur writes tragedy, Joseph Calasanza organizes Brotherhood of Piarists in Rome, John Cowell writes law dictionary, death of Italian architect Domenico Fontana, Hatfield House in England built by John Thorpe for Robert Cecil, William Byrd composes “Gradualia”, Claudio Monteverdi writes “Orfeo” opera, Founding of Jamestown VA as first English settlement on American mainland, John Norden the English topographer writes manual of surveying, Bank of Genoa fails after announcement of national bankruptcy in Spain, Bristol Channel hit by tsunami off S Ireland killing about 2000, Pochahontas saves life of John Smith, English colony at Jamestown, VA

1608 Quebec, CAN founded by French, death of Giovanni da Bologna the Italian sculptor, O’Dogherty rebellion in Ireland collapses, Protestant States of Rhineland form Protestant Union under Christian of Anhalt and Frederick IV of Palatinate, Emperor Rudolf II cedes Austria Hungary and Moravia to brother Matthias, Second “False Dmitri” defeats Czar Vasili Shuisky and advances toward Moscow, Jesuit state of Paraguay establishes, George Chapman writes tragedy, Joseph Hall writes about virtues and vices, The King’s Men – London acting company – play at Blackfriar’s theater, Thomas Middleton writes satirical comedy, death of Thomas Sackville Earl of Dorset, Shakespeare writes “Pericles” Richard West writes book of epigrams, St. Francis de Sales writes, Alberico Gentili the Italian jurist and philosopher dies, Edward Grimestone writes history of Netherlands, William Perkins work condemning witchcraft published posthumously, Domenichino paints “Scourging of St. Andrew”, El Greco paints “Golgotha” and “Cardinal Taverna” Sir Walter Cope builds Holland House in London, Girolamo Frescobaldi made organist at St. Peter’s in Rome, Monteverdi composes “Lamento d’Arianna”, Dutch scientist Johann Lippershey invents the telescope (see 1600), Samuel de Champlain founds French settlement at Quebec,

Galileo constructs astronomical telescope, Captain John Smith writes “A True Relation of Virginia” first checks (cash letters) in use in Netherlands, Hans Lippershey applies for telescope patent

1609 Italian Galileo Galilei confirms heliocentric model, Nicaraguan earthquake, death of Annibale Carracci the Italian painter, death of John William the ladt Duke of Julich-Cleves – quarrer between Brandenberg and Neuburg, twelve-year truce between Spain and Holland, Beaumont and Fletcher write “The Knight of the Burning Pestle”, Thomas Decker writes satire of London life, Ben Johnson writes comedy, Shakespeare writes “Cymbeline”, bacon writes, Catholic League of German princes formed at Munich against Protestant Union of May 1608, Garcilaso de la Vega writes history of the conwuest of peru, congregation of female Jesuits founded – dissolved by Pope Urban VIII, Hugo Grotius writes about the freedom of the sea, Emperor Rudolf II permits freedom of religion in Bohemia, Blue Mosque in Constantinople built, death of Italian painter Annivale Caracci, El Greco paints “Brother Paravicino”, Reubens paints self portrait, Orlando Gibbons creates first example of engraved music in England, Thomas Ravenscroft creates collection of rounds and catches, Charles Butler writes treatise regarding bees, Henry Hudson explores Delaware Bay and Hudson River, Kepler writes “De motibus stellae Martis”, founding of Bank of Amsterdam, founding of Charterhouse public school, regular newspapers at Strasbourg and Wolfenbuttel Germany, tea from China first shipped to Europe by Dutch East India Company, Tin-enamled ware made at Delft, Spanish and Dutch commence 12 year truce

1610 Kanem-Bornu in W Central Africa enjoys alliance with Ottomans and receives firearms, training and camels, Hudson explores Hudson Bay, death of Michelangelo da Carvaggio the Italian painter, death of Adam Elsheimer the German landscape painter, Thomas West made governor of Virginia, Henry IV of France assassinatrd – son Louis XIII (age 9) with mother Queen Maria de’ Medici as regent, Prince Henry made prince of Wales, Arabella Stuart – pretender to English throne – imprisoned for marrying William Seymour, Czar Vasili Shuisky deposed – Russian throne offered to Vladislav son of Sigismund III of Poland, James I prorogues Parliament – Parliament reassembles, Elector Palatine Frederick IV dies – son Frederick V rules, skirmishes between Dutch and English settlers in India, Academy of Poetry founded at Padua, Perez de Guta writes Spanish war novel, John Fletcher writes pastoral drama, Pen Johnson writes “The Alchemist” comedy, Shakespeare writes “A Winter’s Tale” John Cowell’s “Interpreter” burnt by hangman for enhancing power of the crown, St. Francis de Sales founds order of Visitation nuns with Mme. De Chantal, death of Robert Persons leader of English Jesuits, Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham found Wadham College at Oxford, El Greco paints “The Opening of the Fifth Seal”, death of Adam Elsheimer German landscape painter, Reubens paints “Raising of the Cross”, Michael Praetorius collects 1244 hymns, Lodovico Grossi de Viadana composes “Symphonies”, Jean Beguin writes first textbook on chemistry, Galileo ovserves Jupiter’s moons, Thomas Harriot discovers sunspots, Nicholas Pierese discovers Orion nebula, John Speed collects maps of Great Britain, founding of Portuguese settlement at Cape Coast, Dutch East India Company introduces term

“share”, The Stationers’ Company begins sending copy of every book printed in England to Bodlein Library at Oxford, Thomas Harriott discovers sunspots, Henry IV of France assassinated, Louis XIII made king

1611 Reign of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden begins, Earthquake and tsunami in Japan, death of Spanish church composer Tomas Luis de Victoria, dissolution of Parliament by James I, War of Calmar declared by Denmark on Sweden until 1613, Archduke Matthias crowned King of Bohemia as brother gives him crown, Arabella Stuart escapes from tower of London and is recaptured, Charles IX of Sweden dies and Gustavus II elected King – makes Axel Oxenstierna new chancellor, George Chapman completes English translation of Homer’s Iliad, Thomas Coryate writes about his travels, John Donne writes “An Anatomy of the World”, Ben Johnson writes “Catiline” tragedy, Thomas Middleton writes “The Roaring Girl” comedy, Shakespeare writes “The Tempest”, Cyril Tourneur writes “The Athiest’s Tragedie”, George Abbot made Archbishop of Canterbury, King James Bible published, William Laud elected president of St. John’s College at Oxford, Etienne Pasquier writes regarding France, John Speed writes history of Great Britain, U of Rome founded, Erection of Masjid-i-Shah the Royal Mosque at Isfahan Persia, Reubens paints “Descent from the Cross”, “Parthenia” music published, death of Tomas Luis de Victoria the Spanish composer, death of German composer Johannes Eccard, Thomas Ravenscroft composes 21 madrigals, Marci de Dominis publishes scientific explanation of rainbows, death of English navigator Henry Hudson, Dutch merchants permitted to trade in Japan, James I institutes baronetage as means of raising money, Virginia’s Jamestown converts from social communt to private enterprise

1612 St. Peters Basilica in Rome completed after 94 years, Japanese begin persecution of Christians until 1639, death of Giovanni Battista Guarini the Italian Poet, death of Giovanni Gabrielli the Italian composer, death of emperor Rudolf II – Matthias King of Bohemia rules, death of Earl of Salisbury – succeeded as secretary of state by Viscount Rochester, death of Henry Prince of Wales, treaty between Dutch and King Kandy of Ceylon, Thomas Deloney’s “Thomas of Reading” published posthumously, Michael Drayton publishes “Polyilbion” Part I, Samuel Purchas publishes, Shakespeare publishes “Henry VIII” John Webster publishes “The White Devil” tragedy, Accademia della Crusca publishes Italian “Vocabolario”, Jakob Bohme publishes work of mystical philosophy, rast recorded burning of heretics in England, Sir John Davies writes about Irish-English history, Roger Fenton writes about “Usurie”, death of Italian painter Federico Barocci, El Greco paints “Baptism of Christ”, Reubens paints “The Conversion of St. Bavon”, Orlando Gibbons composes book of Madrigals and motets, Simon Marius rediscovers Andromeda nebula (first 963), Antonio Neri writes manual on glassmaking, Bartholomew Pitiscus the German mathematician uses decimal in trigonometric tables, John Smith creates map of Virginia, earliest colonization of Bermudas from Virginia, Dutch use Manhattan as fur-trading center for first time, Tobacco planted in Virginia, Galileo notes Neptune, but it wasn’t recognized as a planet due to start of retrograde motion, end of severe drought in VA since 1606

1613 Reign of Bethlen Gabor of Hungary begins, death of Sir Thomas Bodley – English diplomat and founder of Bodlein Library at Oxford, death of Bartolomaus Gese the German composer, death of Stephen Bocskai Prince of Transylvania, end of War of Calmar between Denmark and Sweden with Peace of Knarod, Elizabeth daughter of James I marries Frederick V of the Palatinate, Protestant Union of Germany signs treaty of alliance with Holand, Lady Frances Howard the divorced wife of Earl of Essex marries Earl of Somerset – James I favorite, Francis Bacom becomes attorney general, English colonists in Virginia destroy French settlement of Port Royal Nova Scotia and prevent French colonization of Maryland, Michael Romanov son of patriarch of Moscow elected Czar of Russia starting Romanov dynasty, Turks invade Hungary, William Browne writes “Brittania’s Pastorals”, Cervantes writes “Novelas ejemplares”, Geirge Chapman writes tragedy, Lope de Vega writes “Fuenteovejuna”, Fire destroys Globe Theater in London death of French satirist Mathurin Regnier, Oliver de Serra wwrites “The Causes of Wealth”, Francisco Suarez writes a defense of Catholicism, Salomon de Brosse builds Chateau Coulommiers, Guido Reni paints frescoes in Rome, Pietro Cerone writes about musical theory, Monteverdi made maestro di cappella at St. Mark’s in Venice, Samuel de Champlain explores Ottawa River to Alumette Island, Amsterdam Exchange built, Belfast granted charter of incorporation, death of Thomas Bodley the English diplomat and scholar – leaves fortune to Bodleian Library in Oxford, Copper coins come into use, John Dennys writes about angling, Hugh Myddleton constructs “New River” cut to bring water to London, Galileo publishes regarding world systems, Poles expelled from Russia, Romanov Dynasty begins, Pochahontas captured by British

1614 By this time, Dutch, English, Danish and French East India Companies founded, death of French author Pierre de Bourdeille the Seigneur de Brantome, death of El Greco the Spanish-Greek painter, James I convenes “Addled Parliament” which refuses to discuss finance – dissolved, Maria Queen Regent of France summons the States General of France to counteract power of nobility, Treaty of Xanten divides Brandenburg and Neuburg, Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden captures Novgorod from Russians, Virginian colonists prevent French settlements in Maine and Nova Scotia, Ben Johnson writes comedy, Sir Thomas Overbury writes “Characters” John Webster writes “The Duchess of Malfi”, Sir Walter Raleigh writes “History of the World”, Domenichino paints “Last Communion of St. Jerome”, death of El Greco the Cretan-Spanish painter, Salzburg Cathedral built by Santino Salari, death of English architect Robert Smythson, Girolamo Frescobalsi composes “Toccate di Cembalo”, Marco da Gagliano writes masses and motets, Sir William Leighton writes 54 psalms, Adriaen Block explores Long Island Sound, Danish East India Company founded, U of Groningen in Holland founded, Cornelius Jacobsen Mey explores lower Delaware, John Napier writes regarding logarithms, Santorio Santorio writes regarding metabolism and perspiration, Bankruptcy of Augsburg banking house of Welser, Founders Company in London incorporated, Development of glass industry in England, North American native Pochahontas marries John Rolfe – later producing a son, Death of Spanish painter El Greco

1615 death of Mateo Aleman the Spanish novelist, French States General dismissed with promises of regorms, death of Marguerite de Valois, Peace of Tyranu – emperor Matthias recognizes Bethlen Gabor as Prince of Transylvania – confirms treaty with Turks, death of Lady Arabella Stuart in Tower of London, Exchange of Bourbon and Hapsburg brides at Burgos – Louis XIII marries Anna of Austria and Philip of the Asturias marries Elizabeth of Bourbon, Dutch seize Moluccas from Portuguese, English fleet defeate Portuguese off coast of Bombay, Cervantes writes “Don Quixote” part II, George Chapman completes translation of Homer’s “Odyssey”, Samuel Coster writes farce, George Ruggle writes farce about Cambridge U, William Camden writes about the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Theodore Agrippa d’Aubigne writes Huguenot-inspired history – officially burned in Paris, Jesuits count 13,112 members, Geiovanni Lorenzo Bernini sculpts “Amalthea” in Rome, Salomon de Brosse works on Palais de Luxembourg in Paris, Domenichino paints “Scenes from the Life of St. Cecilia”, Inigo Jones becomes England’s chief architect, Reubens paints “The Battle of the Amazons”, Adriano Banchieri founds Accademia dei Filomusi in Bologna, death of Italian scientist Giambattista della Porta, Antoine de Montchretien writes book of mercantilism, Galileo Galilei faces Inquisition for first time, Frankfurter OberpostamtsZeitung founded by Egenolph Emmel, Merchant Adventurers granted monopoly for export of English cloth

1616 Death of William Shakespeare, Eruption in the Philippines, death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra the Spanish writer, death of English dramatist Francis Beaumont, Earl of Worcester (Catholic) made Lord Privy Seal – Sir Thomas Lake made Secretary of State, Sir Walter Raleigh released from Tower of London to lead expedition to Guiana in dearch of El Dorado, Richelieu becomes Minister of State for Foreign affairs and War in France, Ieyasu of Japan dies, - succeeded by Hidetada a militant enemy of Christianity, Hames I begons to sell peerages to improve finances in England, Archduke Maximilian of Tirol and Archduke Albert of the Netherlands renounce their claims to Imperial throne in favor of Ferdinand of Styria, Tartars of Manchu invade China, War between Venice and Austria, death of writer Francis Beaumont, Works of Ben Johnson published, Thomas Middleton writes “The Witch” tragedy, Johann Balentin Andrea writes beginning formation of the Rosicrucians, Paulus Bolduanus writes “Bibliotheca philosophica”, Catholic oppression intensifies in Bohemia, St. Francis de Sales writes, Frans Hals paints, Notre Dame Cathedral in Antwerp finished, INigo Jones paints in England,j Beubens paints “The Lion Hunt”, Collegium Musicum founded in Prague, William Baffin discovers Baffin Bay while looking for NorthWest Passage, first rounding of Cape Horn by Willem Schouter and Jacob Lemaire, Galileo prohibited from scientific work, death of Andreas Libavius the German alchemist, John Smith writes “A Description of New England”, Dutch astronomer and mathematician Willebrord Snellius discovers law of refraction, Gustavus Selenus writes “Chess, or the Game of Kings”, Church prohibits Galileo from publishing scientific works, Pochahontas goes to London with husband

1617 death of Francisco Suarez the Spanish philosopher, death of Ahmad I Sultan of Turkey, end of regency of Maria de’ Medici in France as son comes of age, James I makes George Villiers Earl and Duke of Buckingham, Peace of Stolbovo ends

war between Russia and Sweden – Gustavus Adolphus recognizes Czar Michael - returns Novgorod and obtains Karelia, Francis Bacon made Lord Keeper, James I revisits Scotland and meets Scottish parliament, Theophile de Viau writes “Pyramus et Thisbe” reagedy, James I makes Ben Johnson poet Laureate, Thomas Middleton and William Rowley write comedy, Martin Opitz founds literary society at Weimar GER, John Calvin’s collected workes publishes in Geneva posthumously, Duytche Academie founded in Amsterdam by Samuel Coster, Papal Bull of Leo X, Death of Francisco Suarez the Spanish philosopher, Domenichino paints “Diana’s Hunt” Guido Reni paints “The Deeds of Hercules”, Anthony Van Dyck paints “A Study of Four Negro Heads”, Biagio Marini writes sonata for solo violin, J.H. Schein composes first dance suite, Heinrich Schutz made Kapellmeister of electoral chapel in Dresden, death of Italian mathematician Bernardino Baldi, Dutch buy Goree Island off Cape Verde from the natives, death of Scottish mathematician John Napier, Sir Walter Raleigh leaves England on expedition to Guiana and reaches mouth of Orinoco River, Willebrord Snellius establishes technique of trigonometrical calculations for cartography, death of Pochahontas, Stuart collars become fashion for men and women, Death of Chinese dramatist T'ang Hsien-tsu

1618 Landslide Chiavenna ITA, killer avalanches in the Alps, Drought at horn of AFR, 30 Years War begins in Europe, death of Giulio Caccini the Italian composer and singer, death of Sit Walter Raleigh the English explorer author and courtier, Francis Bacon created Lord Chancellor, Sir Robert Naunton made chief secretary of state, Peace of Madrid ratified – ending war between Venice and Austria, death of Prince Philip William of Orange – succeeded by brother Maurice of Nassau, Count Matthias von Thurn leads Bohemians to revolt against Catholic policy of the Regents in Prague, Defenestration in Prague – Regents Jaroslav von Martinitz and William Slawata are thrown doen from windows in Hradcany Palace by the rebels – beginnings of Thirty Years’ War, Ferdinand of Styria crowned King of Hungary, Duke Albert of Prussia dies – possessions pass to the Electorate of Brandenburg, Sir Walter Raleigh returns to England and is executed, Count Mansfield occupies Pilsen for Protestant Union, Poland signs two-year truce with Sweden – 14-year truce with Turkey, Imperial Army inder Count Karl Bucquoi enters Bohemia to suppress rebels, Richelieu ordered into exile at Avignon for intriguing with Queen Mother Maria de’ Medici, death of Dutch dramatist Gerbrand Adriensz Bredero, death of English poet Abraham Cowley, Marquise de Rambouillet starts her literary salon in Paris, Teatro Farnese opened at Parma, John Fletcher writes comedy, Robert Balfour writes about Aristitle, John Stow and E. Howes writes a summary of English Chronicles, Building of Aston Hall in Birmingham, Bernini sculpts, Jacob Jordaens paints “Adoration of the Shepherds”, Van Dyck becomes member of the Antwerp guild of painters, death of Guilio Caccini Italian composer and singer, Bartin Bohme writes about veterinary science, Founding of Dutch West African Company, Kepler starts writing third law of Planetary motion, Johann Hakob Scherchzer writes “Natural History of Swiss Landscape”, James I writes “Book of Sports” – Puritans object, first pawnshop opens in Brussels, Defenestration of Prague begins 30 Years' war

1619 20 black indentured servants arrive in Jamestown, VA, Dutch begin to establish monopoly of spice trade in Moluccas and Indonesia, William Harvey begins work on circulation of blood in London, death of Richard Burbage the first player of many of Shakespeare’s works, Maria di Medici challenges power of her son Louis XIII of France – Louis recalls Richelieu from Avignon to prevent revolt – marches his army into Angers and defeats supporters of Maris de’Medici – treaty of Angouleme ends conflict, death of Emperor Matthias – Archduke Gerdinand assumes crown of Bohemia and elected HRE, Count von Thurn leads Bohemian patriots toward Vienna then withdraws, Bohemian Diet deposes Gerdinand and elects Frederick V - Elector Palatin (son-in-law of James I of England) king of Bohemia – Frederick “The Winter King” crowned in Prague, Bethlen Gabor of Transylvania after invading Hungary allies self with Count Thrun – captures Pressburg crosses Danube and retreats from Vienna, First representative colonial assembly in America held at Jamestown under Governor Sir George Yeardley, Beaumont and Fletcher write plays, death of English actor Richard Burbage, death of English poet Samuel Daniel, Honorat Racan writes French pastoral poem, Georg Rudolf Weckherlin writes German poems, Johann Valentin Andreae writes “Christianopolis”, Jakob Bohme writes about Christian principles, Hugo Grotius writes about Christianity, Pietro Sarpi writes about the Council of Trent – published in London – Lucilio Vanini the Italian Catholic philosopher burned as a heretic, Dulwich College in London founded by Edward Alleyn, death of Locovico Carracci the Italian painter, death of English painter and miniaturist Nicholas Hilliard, Inigo Jones creates Banqueting House in Whitehall, Reubens paints portrait of son Nicholas, Velazquez paints “Adoration of the Kings” Francis Tregian collects early English keyboard music, Marco da Gagliano creates “Medoro” Italian opera, Heinrich Schutz composes “Psalms”, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck composes “Cantiones sacrae”, John Bainbridge writes description of comet, Jan Pieters Coen the Dutch explorer founds Batavia, Giro-Bank of Hamburg founded to improve state of currency, First slaves arrive in Virginia, Mayflower Compact puts rule of people above that of the throne, John Napier introduces logarithmic calculation, Humanist Lucilio Vanini tortured and burned for atheism, Johannes Kepler develops laws of planetary motion in Germany

1620 End of reign of Wan Li in China, Queen Nzinga of Ndongo fights Portuguese in Angola, Beginning of Japanese national policy of restriction of contact with the outside world, <i>Mayflower</i> sails, Mayflower compact written, end of invasion of China by Tartars of Manchu, Revolt of French nobles against Louis XIII Richelieu makes peace and reconciliation of Queen Mother to her son, War between Sweden and Poland – Gustavus Adolphus occupies Livonia, Massacre of Protestants in the Valtelline, Agreement of Ulm between German Catholic League and Protestant Union, English volunteers leave for service with Elector Palatine’s army in Bohemia, Lower Austria submits to Emperor Ferdinand who is free to attack Bohemia, Pilgrim Fathers leave Plymouth England for North America and found New Plymouth MA – Miles Standish is most experienced leader, Turks defeat Polish army at Jassy, Battle of the White Mountain near Prague – Catholic league under Count Tilly defeats army of King Frederick of

Bohemia – Bohemian revolt against Emperor Ferdinand suppressed with leading rebels executed – Protestant clergy expelled, John Carver named first governor of Plymouth Colony, death of Thomas Campion the English poet and musician, Johann Heinrich Alsted writes encyclopedia, Francis Bacon writes about new scientific orders, Bernini sculpts “Neptune and Triton”, Jacob Jordaens paints “Passage to Antwerp”, Reubens paints “Chapeau de paille”, George Setoncreates Winton House in Scotland, Van Dyck paints “St. Sebastian”, Velazquez paints “The Water Seller of Seville”, Monteverdi writes seventh book of madrigals, Michael Praetorius writes musical encyclopedia, Cornelius Drebbel the Dutch scientist discovers scarlet “Bow dye”, Edmund Gunter writes treatise on logarithms, Uppsala U Library founded by Gustavus Adolphus, J.P. Bonet writes Spanish manual “The Art to Teach Dumb People to Speak”, Currency inflation in Germany for three years, Density of population – Germany 35/mi square, Oliver Cromwell denounced because of participation in “Disreputable game of cricket”, Sir Francis Bacon proposes observation as superior to deduction, Cornelius Drebbel of Holland builds proto-submarines, Mayflower Compact in MA

1621 death of Jan Sweelinck the Dutch organist and composer, death of Michael Praetorius the German composer and author, end of reign of Philip III of Spain son Philip IV rules, Frederick V the Elector Palatine placed under ban of HRE as war moves from Bohemia to the Palatinate, Francis Bacon charged in Parliament with corruption and is fined imprisoned and declared incapable of holding office – pardoned by king, John Williams bishop of Lincolnmade Lord Keepter and Lionel Cranfield Lord Treasurer, Huguenot rebellion against Louis XIII, Twelve Years’ Truce between Holland and Spain ends – war returns, Sir Francis Wyatt arrives as new Governor of Virginia with new regulations, John Barclay writes allegorical political novel, John Fletcher writes comedy, Fortune Theater in London burns down, death of Cardinal Roberto Bellarmine the Jesuit leader of the Counter-Reformation, Robert Burton writes “The Anatomy of Melancholy”, death of Pope Paul V – Alexander Ludovisi becomes Pope Gregory XV, Bernini sculpts “Rape of Proserpina”, Van Dyck paints “Rest on the Flight into Egypt”, death of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck the Dutch musician, English attempt to colonize Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, death of john Carver the Pilgrim Father and first governor of Plymouth Colony, Dutch West India Company chartered – later acquired N American coast from Chesapeake Bay to Newfoundland, Johann Kepler’s work banned by Roman Catholic Church, Thomas Munn writes about trade, U of Strasbourg opened, first periodical issued in Londin, Heidelberg U Library sacked by Count Tilly’s troops, Potatoes planted in Germany for first time, First modern army under Gustavus II of Sweden

1622 End of Moravian Brotherhood – Anabaptists, death of St. Francis de Sales the Bishop of Geneva, Richelieu recalled by Louis XIII to the council – made Cardinal, Ferdinand II and Bethlen Gabor sign peace treaty, Treaty of Montpellier ends rebellion of the Huguenots, Mannheim surrenders to imperial army, English capture Ormuz from Portuguese, Sir Ferdinand Gorges the English naval commander and John Mason obtain grant of lands in Maine, James I dissolves English parliament, Count Olivares becomes chief minister of Spain, Count Tilly defeated at battle of Wiesloch – defeats George Frederick of Baden at battle of

Wimpfen and Christian of Brunswick at battle of Hochst, William Bradford governor of Plymouth Colony thirty years, Philip Maddinger and Thomas Dekker write tragedy, Charles Sorel writes French burlesque novel, Alessandro Tassoni writes mock-heroic poem, Francis Bacon writes history of the reign of Henry VII, Jacob Bohme writes, death of Saint Francis de Sales, Pope Gregory XV canonizes Philip Neri and grants Piarists a constitution, Guido Reni paints “Job”, Reubens paints “The Medici Cycle”, Bacon writes about natural history and experimentation, death of William Baffin the English explorer, Benedictine U of Salzburg founded, Edmund Gunter discovers fluctuations of magnetic north, Camillo Baldo writes treatise on how to determine personality through handwriting, Bruges-Dunkirk Canal finished, Papal chancellery adopts Jan 1 as beginning of the year (not March 25th), Weekly news issued in London for first time

1623 Death of William Byrd the English composer, death of Hidetada of Japan, death of Pope Gregory XV – Maffeo Barberini becomes Pope Urban VIII, Emperor Ferdinand II grants Maximilian Duke of Bavaria the Upper Palatinate, Charles Prince of Wales travels to Madrid to secure betrothal to Spanish princess – leaves at breakdown of talks, Papal troops occupy the Valtelline, Abbas I Shah of Persia conquers Baghdad, Commercial treaty between Holland and Persia, Sir Edward Conway made chief secretary of state, Dutch massacre English colonists at Amboyna in the Molucca Islands, GUstavus Adolphus reforms central administration of Sweden, Count Tilly defears Christian of Brunswick at Stadtlohn and advances to Westphalia, Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza writes comedy, Philip Massinger writes tragedy, Maciej Sarbievski the “Polish Horace” crowned laureate in Rome by the Pope, first folio of Shakespeare’s works written, death of Hindu poet Tulsi Das, William Drummond writes philosophical thoughts on death, Bernini sculpts “David”, Inigo Jones builds Queen’s Chapel at Westminster, François Mansart builds St. Marie de la Visitation in Paris, Rembrandt becomes pupil of Swaenburg in Leiden, Guido Reni paints “Baptism of Christ”, Van Dyck paints “Cardinal Bentivoglio” Velazquez made court painter to Philip IV, death of English composer William Byrd, Bibliotheca Palatina removed from Heidelberg to Rome, Piet Hein the Dutch adventurer captures Bahia from Spain, New Netherlands in America formally organized as a province, first English settlement in New Hampshire by David Thomas as Little Harbor near Rye, Patents law in England to protect investors, William Tucker becomes first black born in colonies at Jamestown, England devises patent laws, French scientist Blaise Pascal born, indian poet Tulsi das dies

1624 Dutch bring first slaves to New Amsterdam, Dutch monopoly of spice trade in Indonesia, Cardinal Richelieu becomes first minister of France, death of German theologian and mystic Jakob Bohme, James I convenes last parliament of his reign – monopolies declared illegal, England declares war on Spain, Lionel Cranfield the Lord Treasurer of England impeaches for bribery and is suspended, Virginia becomes crown colony as Virginia Company dissolves – Governor Sir Francis Wyatt again, Cardinal Richelieu made first minister of France, Anglo French treaty for Charles Prince of Wales to Mary Henrietta Maria daughter of Henry IV and Maria de’Medici, Saruwaka Kanzaburo opens first Japanese theater

in Yedo, Philip Massinger writes drama, Thomas Middleton writes comedy performed at Globe Theater – first “long-run”, Martin Opitz writes a book of German poetry, Lord Herbert of Cherbury writes foundation of English deism, John Donne writes about devotions, Bernini sculpts “Apollo and Daphne”, Frans Hals paints “The Laughing Cavalier”, Jacques Lemercier extends the Louvre in Paris, Nicolas Poussin paints “Rape of the Sabine Women”, Marco da Gagliano composes, Monteverdi composes, Henry Briggs whites “Arithmetica logarithmica”, Antonio de Andrade leaves Jesuit mission at Agra to explore the Humalayas and Tibet, Pembroke College at Oxford founded, Captain John Smith writes history of New England, Dutch settle in New Amsterdam, first English settlement in Eastern India, Johannes Baptista van Helmont the Belgium scientist coins name “gas” for combustible fluid, Pope Urban III ordered snuff users executed, monopolies declared illegal by James I’s parliament

1625 Dutchman Hugo Grotius publishes <i>De Jure Belli ac Pacis</i> which becomes basis of international law, French settlements in Caribbean begin at St. Christopher, End of reign of James I of England (James VI of Scotland) – start rule of Charles I – he marries Henrietta Maria – first Parliament of Charles I meets – adjourned to Oxford because of plague in London, death of Dutch painter Jan Brueghel (nicknamed Velvet Brueghel), death of Italian baroque poet Gaimbarrista Marini, death of English dramatist John Fletcher, death of English dramatist John Webster, death of English organist and composer Orlando Gibbons, Walalenstein made general of the imperial forces by Emperor Ferdinand II – made Duke of Friedland, Spanish General Ambrogio Spinola takes Breda from Dutch after 11 month siege, Tilly invades Lower Sazony, Sir ThomasCoventry made lord keeper, French occupy Antilles and Cayenne, Honorat de Bueil writes pastoral dialogues, Ben Johnson writes comedy, Thomas Middleton writes comedy, Matein Opitz crowned poet laureate in Vienna, Joost van den Vondel writes polital drama, Francis Bacon writes, Order of Sisters of Mercy founded in Paris by Vincent de Paul, Inigo Jonescreates Covent Garden Church in London, Daniel Mylens made court painter by Charles I, Nicholas Poussin paints “Parnassus”, famous peal of bells installed in Kremlin Moscow, Heinrich Schutz composes “Cantiones sacrae”, Johann Rdolf Glauber discovers Glauber’s salt, Colonial Office established in Londin, first English settlement on Barbados under Sir William Courteen, first fire engines in England, Hackney coaches appear in streets of London, Tobacco tax and tobacco monopoly in England, Introduction of full-bottomed wigs in Europe, Storm in Norway kills 210, Hugo Grotius pioneers international law

1626 Dutch found New Amsterdam in North America, death Cyril Tourneur the English dramatist, Knighthoods for all Englishmen with property over 40 pounds a year to help king’s revenue, Peace of La Rochelle between Huguenots and French crown, second parliament of Charles I meets, Treaty of Monzon between France and Spain confirms independence of the Grisons, Wallenstein defeats Mansfeld at Dessau and pursues his troops to Silesia and Hungary, Richelieu suppresses Chalais conspiracy – concentrating all political power in France in his own hands, Dutchy of Urbino bequeathed to the Pope by last of the Della Rovere family, General Count Ernst von Mansfeld dies, Honorat de Bueil publishes “Les

plus beaux vers”, first presentation of “Hamlet” in German at Dresden, English author and reaveler George Sandys makes translation of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”, death of Francis Bacon the English philosopher and statesman, John Donne publishes “Five Sermons”, Joseph Hall publishes “Contemplations”, Irish College in Rome founded, William Roper publishes bio of Sir Thomas More, Sir Henry Spelman publishes work on archaeology, Jacques LEmercier creates the Sorbonne in Paris, Francois Mansart creates Chateau de Balleroy, Reubens paints “Assumption of the Virgin” altarpiece, Façade of St. Peter’s in Rome finished consecrated by Pope Urban VIII, Van Dyck paints , professorship of Music established at Oxford U by William Heather, French company to settle Americasincorporated, Jardin des Plantes established in Paris, Salem MA settled by Roger Conant, Santorio Santorio the Italian physician measures human temperature with thermometer for first time, Royal edict in France calls for death penalty for those who win duels by killing opponent, French settlement on Senegal River, Peter Minuit director general of Dutch West India Company’s settlement in N America buys Manhattan for 60 guilders (24 bucks), Dutch colony of New Amsterdam founded on Hudson River,

1627 Manchus overrun Korea, Catholics besiege Huguenots in La Rochelle in W France, Adriaen de Vries the Dutch sculptor dies, death of Lodovico Grossi Viadana the Italian composer, death of English dramatist Thomas Middleton, end of wat between Persia and Turkey, Huguenots rise again – George Villers the Duke of Buckingham sails from Portsmouth with a fleet to aid them in defense of La Rochelle – fails and retires, Vincent II Duke of Mantua last of the Gonzages dies – Charles Duke of Nevers claims succession, Korea becomes tributary of China, Richelieu signs treaty with Spain, Shah Jahan susseeds father Jahangir to become Great Mogul of India, Wallenstein conquers Silesia – Tilly Brunswick – imperial forces take Mecklenburg and Jutland – Christian IV withdraws to Denmark, Death of Luis de Gongora y Argote the Spanish poet, Francisco Gomez de Quevedo writes play about hell, judgement day, Lope de Vega made theological doctor by the Pope, Michael Drayton writes, Ivan Gundulic writes Croatian epic, death of English dramatist Thomas Middleton, Charles Sorel writes satirical novel, COllegium de Propaganda Fide founded, Gabriel Naude writes about library science, Alessandro Tassoni writes attacking house of Savoy, Frans Hals paints “The Merry Drinker”, Claude Lorrain arrives in Rome, Rembrandt paints “The Money-Changer”, Reubens paints, Heinrich Schutz writes opera, Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” published posthumously proposing new museums, Charles I grants charter to the Fuiana Company, Johann Kepler compiles Rudolphine Tables giving places of over 1000 fixed stars, “Company of New France” in Canada incorporated by Richelieu, Swedish South Sea Company founded

1628 Kalliste eruption and tsunami, Minoan volcanic eruption, William Harvey announces discovery of blood circulation in London, Kingdom of Burma breaks up, Petition of Right in England curtails kings powers, death of John Bull – English organist and composer, Third parliament of Charles I meets and Oliver Cromwell enters it as Member for Huntingdon, Wallenstrin obtains duchy of Mecklenburg and assumes title Admiral of the Baltic – begins siege of Stralsund,

Duke of Buchkingham assassinated embarking at Portsmouth with another La Rochelle expedition, Wallenstein’s first reverse – siege of Stralsund is raised, La Rochelle capitulated to French crown, Dutch occupy Java and Moluccas, Swedish-Danish treaty for defense of Stralsund – Gustavus Adolphus enters Thirty Years’ War, Richard Weston made Lord Treadurer – Sir Dudley Carleton made chief secretary of state, Juan Ruiz de Alarcon writes Spanish comedy, death of Francois de Malherbe the court poet to Henry IV dies, Alexandrian Codex presented to Charles I by patriarch of Constantinople, Johann Amos Comenius writes about primary education, Robert Cotton writes “Life of Henry III”, Rene Descartes writes, William Laud made bishop of London, Ignatius Loyola canonized by Pope Gregory XV, Henry Spelman writes about law terms, Braemar Castle built, Frans Hals paints “Gypsy Woman” Nicholas Poussin paint “Martyrdom of St. Erasmus” Andrea Spezza builds Waldstein Palace in Prague, Taj Mahal built in Agra, Velazques paints “Christ on the Cross”, death of English composer John Bull, Marco da Gagliano writes “Flora” opera, Heinrich Schutz becomes Monteverdi’s musical pupil in Venice, William Harvey writes regarding circulation of blood, English adventurers acquire Nevis – one of the Leward islands, First harbor with sluices being constructed at Le Havre, English parliament issues Petition of Rights, French under Cardinal Richelieu repress Huguenot rebellion, William Harvey describes circulation of blood in England

1629 End of reign of Shah Abbas I the Great of Persia, end of reign of Bethlen Gabor of Hungary, British king Charles I tries to rule without parliament until 1640, Dutch found New Amsterdam in North America, death of Italian composer Paolo Agostini, Charles I dissolves parliament – 11 years, Edict of restitution of church property in Germany secularized sinve Peace of Ausburg 1555, Pease of Susa ends war between England and France, Peace of Lubeck – Christian IV undertakes not to intervene in imperial affairs, Wallenstein made Duke of Mecklenberg, Peace of Alais ends Huguenot revolt, Truce of Altmark signed between Sweden and Poland, death of Bethlen Gabor of Transylvania, Commercial treaty signed between Russia and France, Pedro Calderon de la Barca writes comedy, Pierre Corneille writes comedy, John Ford writes romantic play, Philip Massinger writes tragedy, Lancelot Andrews writes sermons, Thomas Hobbes translates “The Peloponnesian War” by Thucydides, Bernini takes over uncompleted work at St. Peter’s in Rome, Peter Paul Reubens knighted by Charles I, Van Dyck paints “Rinaldo and Armida”, Velazquez paints “The Drunkards”, Francisco de Zurbaran paints “St. Bonaventura”, Heinrich Schutz composes “Sinfoniae sacrae”, Dutch mathematician Albert Gerard first uses brackets and other abbreviations in mathematics, John Parkinson writes regarding flowers, death of Edwin Sandys Governor of Virginia, Royal Charter granted to Guild of Spectacle Makers in London, Shah Jahan the Great Mogul orders making of the peacock throne, Colony of Massachusetts founded, Albert Gerard introduces mathematical abbreviations, women forbidden to act in Japanese Kabuki theater

1630 death of Johann Kepler the German astronomer, death of German composer Johann Herman Schein, John Winthrop the English Puritan leader sails with Plymouth Company’s expedition and arrives in Massachusetts with 1000 –

becomes first governor of the state and thousands more follow, Fustavus Adolphus of Sweden marches his army into Germany, Emperor Ferdinand II dismisses Wallenstein – Tilly made new commander, Treaty of Madrid ends Anglo-French war, “Days of Dupes” in France – Richelieu overthrows comspiracy of Maria de’Medici (Queen Mother), Andres Christensen Arrabo initiates modern Danish literature with religious poem “Hexaemeron”, Corneille writes tragicomedy, TIrso de Molina writes first of the Don Juan plays, Philip Massinger writes tragicomedy, Thomas Middleton writes comedy, Congregation of the English Ladies founded in Munich, Sir John Hayward writes about King Edward VI, Frans Hals paints “Daniel van Aken Playing the Violin”, Jusepe Ribera paints “Archimedes”, Reubens paints “Blessings of Peace”, beginning of High Baroque in Italy to about 1680, Firolamo Frescobaldi composes, death of German composer Johann Hermann Schein, Francis Higginson writes on living conditions in America, death of Johann Kepler the German astronomer, Pirates called “buccaneers” settle in Tortuga off NW coast of Hispanola, English poet Sir John Suckling invents game of cribbage, Beginning of public advertising in Paris, French philanthropist Theophraste Renaudot founds labor-exchange charity and intelligence office in Paris

1631 Earthquake in Naples and Mt. Vesuvius erupts killing 18,000 – 5th deadliest eruption, German Protestant princes hold convention at Neu Brandenburg and decide to ally with Gustavus Adolphus, Tilly destroys Swedish garrison at Neu Brandenburg – sacks Magdeburg – burns Halle and invades Saxony, Gustavus Asolphus sacks Frankfort-on-Oder – signs treaty of alliance with John George Elector of Saxony defeats Tilly at battle of Breitengeld and occupies Wurzburg and Mainz, Pope Urban VIII annexes Urbino, Wallenstrin reappointed Commander in Chief, Maria de’Medici exiled to Brussels to join forces with son Gaston Duke of Orleans to bring about Richelieu’s fall, Thomas Dekker writes tragicomedy, death of English poet John Donne, death of English poet Michael Drauton, Thomas Heywood writes comedy, Ben Johnson writes comedy, Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld writes caution against witch burning, Jacques Lemercier creates Chateau Richelieu, Baldassare Longhena begins work on church of S. Maria della Salute in Venice, Rembrandt paints portrait of his mother, Celazquez paints “Infanta Maria Queen of Hungary”, death of German composer Philipp Dulichius, Dutch West India Company founds settlement at the Delaware River, English mathematician William Oughtred proposes “X” symbol for multiplication, T Renaudot founds “Gazette” in Paris, London Clockmaker’s Company incorporated, English settlement of Leeward Islands begins at St. Kitts, English poet John Donne dies

1632 End of reign of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, Shah Jahan begins building Taj Mahal, Start reign of Queen Christina of Sweden, death of Johann Tzerclaes (Count Tilly) future imperial general, death of Sigismund III of Poland, death of Thomas Dekker the English dramatist, death of Giovanni Battista Basile Italian poet, death of Gustavus Adolphus (Gustavus II) of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus takes Nuremberg and defeats TIlly at the Lech – Tilly mortally wounded – Gustavus enters Munich and attacks Wallenstrin at Nuremberg – defeats Wallenstrin at battle of Lutzen and is killed in action, Charles I issues charter for

the colony Maryland – named after Queen Henrietta Maria – under control of Lord Baltimore, Queen Christina dau of Gustavus Adolphus (age 6) ascends throne of Sweden – five regents under Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna govern, Portuguese driven out of Bengal, death of Sigismund III of Poland – Vladislav IV rules, Sir Francis Windebank made chief Secretary of State in England, death of Giovanni Battista Basile the Italian poet and writer of fairy tales, death of Thomas Dekker the English dramatist, Philip Massinger writes comedy, second Shakespeare Folio published, Antonio Bosio writes report on excavation of catacombs in Rome, John Davies writes “Welsh Dictionary”, John Selden writes about England’s sovereignty of the sea, Johann Angelus Werdenhagen writes about comparative governments, Rembrandt paints “The Anatomy Lesson of Sr. Nicolaas Tulp”, Van Dyck made court painter to Charles I, Monteverdi takes holy orders, Galileo writes about terrestrial double motion, Leiden U observatory founded, first coffee shop opens in London, English settlers in Antigua and Montserrat, Russian fur trade center established in Yakutsk Siberia, Galileo publishes regarding double motion, English philosopher john Locke born

1633 Charles I of England first visits Scotland and is crowned in Edinburgh, death of English poet George Herbert, Wallenstein invades Silesia – defeats Swedish army under Bernhard Duke of Saxe-Weimar at Steinau and goes into winter quarters in Bohemia, Emperor Ferdinand II begins to suspect Wallenstrin of treachery, Charles I revives forest eyre to raise money by fines, French army occupies Lorraine, Edward Winslow – governor of Plymouth army, Abraham Cowley writes “Poetical Blossoms”, John Donne’s poems published posthumously, John Ford writes “Tis Pity She’s a Whore” tragedy, Christopher Marlowe writes tragedy, Philip Massinger writes comedy, Outbreak of plague in Bavaria leads to passion play vow in Oberammergau, death of English diarist Samuel Pepys, Galileo forced by Inquisition to abjure the theories of Copernicus, Firsts Baptist Church formed at Southwark London, Edmund Spenser’s books of Ireland published posthumously, John Cotton becomes religious leader in Boston, Jacques Callot paints “Les Grandes Miseres de la guerre”, Rebuilding of Kiyomizuderi near Kyoto Japan, Rembrandt paints “Saskia”, Jacob van Campen and Pieter Post paints “Mauritshuls” at The Hague, Van Dyck paints “Charles I”, death of Jacopo Peri the Italian composer and inventor of the recitative, English trading post established at Bengal, Dutch settle in Connecticut, trial of the Lancashire witches, reform of English postal service by Thomas Witherings, Royal Scots established as oldest regular regiment in British army, Wind sawmill erected near the Strand in London, Galigleo forced by inquisition to renounce theories of Copernicus, Descartes stops publishing in France in response to Church’s attack on Galileo

1634 Slavery in MA and MD, Flood in Germany, Emperor Ferdinand II for second time deprives Wallenstrin of his command – declaring him a traitor – Matthias Gallas made Commander in Chief – assassination of Albrecht von Wallenstrin the military leader of Thirty Years’ War, Swedish army defeated at battle of Nordlingen – Wurttemberg and Franconia reconquered by imperial forces, Island of Curacao captured by Dutch forces, Treaty of Polianovska – King Vladislav of Poland renounces claim to Russia, death of George Chapman the English author,

Corneille writes comedies, John Fletcher writes tragedy John Ford writes historical drama, Jean Mairet writes first classical French tragedy based on three unities, death of English dramatist John Marston Milton writes “COmus” masque, The Oberammergau Passion Play given for first time – reenacted every ten years, Meric Casaubon writes about Marcus Aurelius, Anne Hutchinson migrates to Massachusetts, Rembrandt paints “Artimisia”, Zurbaran paints “The Siege of Cadiz”, Jean Nicolet lands on Green Bay and explores Wisconsin, Founding of U of Utrecht, Covent Garden Market in London opened, English settlement at Cochin at Malabar, Taj Mahal begun

1635 death of Spanish dramatist Lope Felix de Vega Carpio, death of French painter Jacques Callot, death of English poet Thomas Randolph, Franco-Swede alliance signed by Richelier and Oxtenstierna, Peace of Prague signed between Emperor Ferdinand II and Elector John George of Saxony – Thirty Tears’ War now becomes a conflict between France and Sweden against the House of Hapsburg, Treaty of Stuhmsdorf – 20 year truce between Sweden and Poland, Treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye agrees on regular French subsidies to the army of Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, Colonization of Connecticut begins – English settlers led by John Winthrop the Younger – in Fort Saybrook – Windsor founded by religious refugees from Dorchester MA, Council of New England dissolved, Dutch occupy Formosa English Virgin Islands and French Martinique, Calderon writes “La Vida es sueno”, Corneille writes tragedy, Thomas Heywood writes, Vitzentsos Kornaros the Cretan poet writes first mystery drama in modern Greek, Death of Italian poet Alessandro Tassoni, Giulio Alenio the Italian Jesuit publishes first life of Christ in Chinese, Cornelius Jansen writes against Richelieu, death of French painter Jacques Callot, Philippe de Champaigne paints portrait of Richelieu, Francois Mansart creates the Chateau Blois, Nicolas Poussin paints “Kingdom of Flora”, Rembrandt paints “Self-Portrait with Saskia”, Velazquez paints “Surrender of Breda”, Zurbaran paints “St. Veronica’s Kerchief”, Frescobaldi composes “Fiori musicali di toccata” which influences J.S. Bach, Academie Francaise founded by Richelieu, Budapest U established, English High and Latin School in Boston is oldest secondary school in N America founded, speed limit on hackney coaches in London set at 3 mph, First inland postal service in Britain between London and Edinburgh, Sale of tobacco in France restricted to apothecaries – only on doctor’s prescriptions, grammatical standards set to cleanse impurities from French, France enters Thirty Years' War with Sweden, against Spain

1636 Death of Hans Reichelt the German sculptor, Battle of Wittstock – Swedes defeat Saxons, Austrian troops retire from Burgundy, Emperor Ferdinand II has his son Archduke Ferdinand elected Ferdinand III King of the Romans, Manchus proclaim the Ch’ing Dynasty at Mukden, Dutch settle in Ceylon, Bidhop John Juxon made Lord Treasurer of England, Prince Octavio Piccolomini invades France and is repulsed, Corneille writes “Le Cid”, Italian Fedeli Company performs Commedia dell’arte at French court, Philip Massinger writes comedy, Welsh Puritain Roger Williams banished from MA he establishes Providence RI and proclaims complete religious freedom, Peter Heylyn writes “The History of the Sabbath”, George Sandys writes paraphrase of the psalms, Rembrandt paints

“Portrait of an 83-year –old woman, Van Dyck paints “Charles I on Horseback”, velazquez paints “Prince Balrasar Carlos as a Hunter”, French theorist Marin Mersenne publishes descriptions of mucal instruments, Schutz creates collection of motets, Harvard College founded at Newe Townw in Cambridge with Nathaniel Eaton as first president, Tea appears for first time in Paris

1637 Prayer Book forced upon Scotland by England – riot in Edinburgh Cathedral, Hon-ami Koetsu the Japanese artist dies, death of Daniel Sennert the German Scientist and physicist, death of English dramatist Ben Johnson, death of English poet John Donne, death of Nicholas Ferrar the English theologian and poet, death of Ferdinand II – son Ferdinand III rules as HRE, Bogislab XIV the last Duke of Pomerania dies, William Prynne the Puritan parliamentarian condemned for seditious writing and is pilloried and mutilated, Dutch under Frederick Henry of Orange recapture Breda, Destruction of Pequod Fort in CT, Calderon writes religious drama, Jean Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin writes comedy, death of English poet and dramatist Ben Johnson, tribute to him written by Brian Duppa, Martin Le Roy writes Romance, John Milton writes elegy, James Shirley writes comedy, Extermination of Christianity in Japan – prohibition of foreign books and contact with Europe, Thomas Hobbes writes about rhetoric – based on Aristotle, Introduction of new liturgy into Scotland causes riots, Frans Hals paints “Hille Bobbe” Rembrandt paints “Raphael Leaving Tobias” Ribera paints “Pieta”, Van Dyck paints “Children of Charles I”, Teatro San Cassiano the first public opera house opens in Venice, Rene Descartes publishes “Geometrie” and declares <i>Cogito ergo sum</i>, Dutch expel Portuguese from Gold Coast, English traders established in Canton, English emigration to America restricted by royal proclamation, French traders settle at St. Louis at mouth of Senegal River, death of Daniel Sennert the German scientist who formulated the conception of the atom, commercial collapse of Dutch tulip trade, Japanese outlaw Christianity foreign books and contact with Europeans, British Licensing Act requires all plays submit for censorship before performance, René Descartes proposes analytical geometry

1638 First printing press reaches North America, Tornado in England, death of Pieter Brueghel the Younger – Flemish painter, death of Dutch painter Adriaen Brouwer, Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar takes Freiburg and defeats Duke of Lorraine at Senhaim and conquers Breisach, Elector of Brandenburg moves capital to Konigsberg, Franco-Swedish alliance renewed for three years, Murad IV of Turkey recovers Baghdad from Persia, John Ford writes “The Ladies Trial”, Niccolo Sabbatini writes, Schouwburg Theater opens in Amsterdam, Joost van den Vondel writes historical drama, William Chillingworth writes about Protestantism, death of Dutch theologian Cornelius Jansen father of Jansenism, Scottish Covenant drawn up and signed – Charles I abandons liturgy and canons in Scotland, death of Pieter Brueghel the Younger – Flemish painter, Nicolas Poussin paints “Et in Arcadia ego”, Reubens paints “The Three Graces”, Van Dyck paints “Lords John and Bernard Stuart”, Monteverdi composes Eighth book of English Madrigals, Galileo writes “Discorsi e Dimonstrazioni Matematiche”, Anne Hutchinson leader of New England Antinomians banished from Boston MA and sets up community in RI, New Haven CT founded, Soldier-student becomes

common type in Germany, Swedes settle on Delaware River – New Sweden, Torture abolished in England, Japan closes itself to foreigners, Taj Mahal completed

1639 End period of Japanese persecution of Christians, First Welsh chapel founded after breakaway from Church of England, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut written, death of Tommaso Campanella the Italian philosopher, death of German poet Martin Opitz, death of English poet Thomas Carew, Grisons’ leader Georg Jenatsch assassinated – Valtelline returned to the Grisons under Peace of Milan, Swedish army before Prague, First Bishops’ War in Scotland – Scots charged by Charles I with seeking to overthrow royal power – covenanters take Edinburgh Dumbarton and Stirling – Charles joins army at York – dares no attack and signs Pacification of Berwick to end war and episcopacy abolished in Scotland, Bernhard of Saxe Weimar dies, Jules Mazarin enters Richelieu’s service, Russian Cossacks advance over Urals to Pacific and Okhotsk, death of Spanish dramatist Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, death of English poet Thomas Carew, William Cartwright writes drama, Corneille writes tragedy, Drury Lane Theater in London receives first patent, death of German poet Martin Opitz, Philip Massinger writes “The Unnatural Combat” , Academie Francaise compiles French dictionary, Louis Le Nau creates Hotel Lambert in Paris, Rembrandt paints portrait of his mother, Reubens paints “Judgement of Paris”, Zurbaran paints “St. Francis in Meditation”, Marco Marazzoli and Vergilio Mazzochi create first comic opera, Monteverde’s Opera “Adone” presented, Gerard Desargues publishes book on modern geometry, William Gascoigne inbents micrometer, Sir Ferdinando Gorges who receives colony in Maine receives charter, Heremiah Horrocks observes predicted transit of Venus, Quinine increasingly used for medicinal purposes, English settle at Madras, First printing press in North America at Cambridge MA, Tokugawa of japan expels and closes ports to all foreigners,

1640 Drought in W Central AFR, Spain ends unity with Portugal as Portugal gains independence, End of British king Charles I trying to rule without parliament, two parliaments summoned short and long parliaments – second session for 13 years, death of Peter Paul Reubens the Flemish painter, death of English prose writer Robert Burton, John Ford English dramatist dies, death of Paul Fleming German poet, French finish occupation of Alsace, Swedes withdraw from Bohemia, Second Bishops’ war – Scots cross Tweed into England – king leaves London for York – relieves Newcastle and is defeated at Newburn-on-Tyne – agrees by treaty of Ripon to pay Scots army 860 pounds per day until settlement is reached, Portugal becomes independent under John IV of Braganza, Elector George William of Brandenburg dies – succeeded by Great Elector Frederick William, Sultan Murad IV of Turkey dies and is succeeded by Sultan Ibrahim, Richard Brome writes comedy, Thomas Carew writes poems, Corneille writes tragedy, death of German poet Paul Fleming, death of English dramatist John Ford, death of English dramatist Philip massinger, Joost van den Vonel writes “Joseph in Egypt” religious drama, Uriel Acosta the Dutch-Jewish philosopher commits suicide, Francisco Gomez de Quevedo prites religious treatise, John Donne’s “Eighty Sermons” published posthumously, John Eliot’s Bay Psalm Book becomes oldest surviving book published in America, Cornelius Jansen writes

agains Jesuit doctrines, John Milton writes about reformation and church discipline, Izaal Walton writes “The Life of Donne”, Nicolas Poussin paints “The Inspitation of the Poet”, Rembrandt paints “Self Portrait”, Death of Peter Paul Reubens, Adriaen van Ostade paints “The Barrel Organ Player”, death of John Bull English composer, Abo U in Finland founded, Coke made from coal for first time, James Howell writes manual of dendrology, John Parkinson writes a herbal book, English settlers found Fort St. George in Bengal, First European café in Venice, Eight postal lines are running in England, Frederick William takes power in Prussia

1641 MA gives slavery recognition, then CT (1650) VA (1661), Dutch capture Malacca on Malay peninsula, Massachusetts Body of Liberties written, death of Anthony Van Dyck – artist, Thomas Wentworth Earl of Stafford and king’s chief adviser beheaded, massacre of Ulster protestants – Catholic rebellion in Ireland, Comte de Soissons’ conspiracy against King Louis XIII fails, Imperial army defeated at Wolfenbuttel, Corneille writes tragedy about Pompeii, Luis Velez de Guevara writes picaresque novel, Madeleine de Scudery writes, John Evelyn writes “Diary”, Ben Jonson wroks published posthumously, Rene Descartes publishes “Meditations metaphysiques”, William Habington publishes “Observations Upon Historie”, General Court of MA Bay Company codifies 100 laws, Mazarin made cardinal, George Wither collection of hymns, Frans Hals paints “the Gocernors of St. Elizabeth Hospital”, Claude Lorraine paints “Embarkation of St. Ursula”, Nicolas Poussin paints “The Seven Sacraments”, Rembrandt paints “Manoah”, David Teniers paints “Country Fair”, Van Dyck paints “Prince William of Orange”, John Barnard publishes “First Booke of Selected Church Musick”, Monteverdi publishes opera, Arsenic prescribed for medicinal purposes for first time, Henry Dunster becomes president of Harvard College, Cotton goods begin to be manufactured in Manchester, “Diurnal Occurences” a weekly periodical issued in London, French settle in Michigan, Rise of Swedish iron industry, Theophraste Renaudot publishes his plan for free medical treatment of needy in Paris – three years later faculty of medicine forbids him to practice

1642 Flood at Kaifeng, Civil war in England, Scotland and Ireland for five years, Montreal, Canada founded, Abel Tasman reaches Tasmania, British Great Civil War between king and parliament, death of Galileo Galilei, death of Marco da Gagliano the Italian composer, death of Guido Reni the Italian painter, Charles I marches to Westminster to arrest five members of the Commons – attempt fails and he flees with family to Hampton Court – Queen Henrietta Maria leaves England for Holland, Imperial army defeated at Kempten Schweidnitz and Breitenfeld, English civil war begins with raising of royal standard at Nottingham – Earl of Essex commands Parliamentary forces – indecisive battle at Edgehill – Cavaliers (king’s supporters) take Marlborough – his opponents the Roungheads take Winchester, Inflation in Spain, death of Cardinal Richelieu dies – succeeded as first minister by Italian-born Cardinal Mazarin, Sir William Berkeley becomes governor of Virginia, Corneille writes comedy, All theaters in England closed by order of the Puritans, Johann Amos Comenius writes about school reformation, Thomas Fuller writes abour holy and profane states, Thomas Hobbes writes “De cive”, James Howell writes about foreign travel, Thomas Lechford makes English

political survey, Pope Urban VIII issues bull reducing annual feast days to 32 – at instigation of Jesuits he also condemns Jansen’s “Augustinus”, Mansart constructs Maisons Lafitte near Paris, Rembrandt paints “the Night Watch” death of Guido Reni the Italian painter, death of Italian composer Marco da Gagliano, Monteverd’s work presented at Europe’s second opera house in Venice, death of Galileo Galilei – Newton born, Portuguese cede Gold Coast to the Dutch, Abel Tasman discovers Tasmania and New Zealand, U of Ancona founded, Income and property tax introduced in England, Loire-Seine canal finished, Montreal Canada founded, Isaac Newton born, Blaise Pascal invents calculating machine,

1643 Italian physicist Torricelli invents barometer, French defeat Spanish in 30 Years War, Death of Louis XIII - Reign of Louis XIV of France begins – longest since 2476 BC, Cyclone sinks Spanish ship off Hispaniola West Indies, death of Italian organist and composer Girolamo Frescobaldi, death of King Louis XIII of France, English civil war – Cavaliers lose Bradford and are defeated by Cromwell at Grantham – take Briston and are beaten in Battle of Newbury – Roundheads are victorious at Leeds Reading Wakefield Gainsborough Gloucester, Unsuccessful peace talks between two parties at Oxford, Anne of Austria the Queen Mother invested with supreme power – confirms Mazarin as first minister, Confederation of New England formed by CT, Imperial envoys open peace conference at Munster and Osnabruck, Moliere founds “Illustre Theatre” in Paris, Sir Richard Baker writes chronicle of kings of England, François Eudes de Mezeray writes history of France, John Milton writes regarding divorce, William PRynne writes about parliament and kingship, Roger Williams writes about the language of America, Adriaen van Ostade paints “Slaughtered Pig”, Velazquez paints “Venus and Cupid”, death of Italian composer Girolamo Frescobaldi, death of Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi, Cavalli composes opera, Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli invents the barometer, first Norwegian book “Christiania Almanack”, Coffe drinking becomes popular in Paris, Parcel post established in France, First subscription loan in Austria, Austro-Bavarian army defeats French at Duttlingen, Cavalier newssheet published at Oxford every Sunday – Roundhead counterpart appears in Londin, Spanish minister of State Olivares loses his office, Evangelista Torricelli invents barometer, French found Montreal

1644 11 NY blacks petition for freedom, Qing (Manchu) dynasty takes over China as Ming ends, Abel Tasman reaches New Zealand, Scottish general Leslie joins Cromwell to help at Battle of Marston Moor in Civil war, death of Maddeo Barberini (Pope Urban VIII) – Giovanni Barrista Pamfili becomes Pope Innocent X, death of Johann Baptista van Helmont the Flemish physician and scientist, Italian Baroque painter Bernardo Strozzi dies, death of Italian painter Domenichino, English civil war – battle of Nantwich – royalists defeated as at Copredy Bridge and Marston Moor – Queen Henrietta Maria flees to France – York surrenders to Roundheads – Parliamentarian army surrenders to King Charles I at Fowey – indecisive second battle at Newbury, French occupation of the Rhineland, Queen Christina begins actual reign in Sweden, CT unites with colony at Saybrook – Providence with Newport and Portsmouth with Rhode Island, end of Ming dynasty in China – Manchu dynasty in power, Calderon writes El alcalde de Zalamea”, Corneille writes tragedy, Pegnitzischer

Blumenorden the German poetical society created, Descartes writes “Principia philosophicae” and declares “Cogito, ergo sum.”, Henry Hammond writes “A Practical Catechism” Sir Henry Manwayring writes “The Seaman’s Dictionary”, John Milton writes for freedom of the press, Samuel Rutherford writes about elective nature of the monarchy, Roger Williams writes about separation of church and state, Bernini creates the Cornaro Chapel in Rome including “Ecstasy of St. Teresa”, last age of fine Chinese porcelain, Jacques Lemercier creates Val-de-Grace church in Paris, Rembrandt paints “Woman Taken in Adultery”, Ribera paints “St. Paul the Hermit”, death of Italian painter Bernardo Strozzi, Teniers paints “Kitchen of the Archduke Leopold Wilhelm”, Dutch settlement in Mauritius – decline of the dodo, Tasman charters parts of northern and western Australia as New Holland, Peter Stuyvesant’s amputated leg buried on Curacao with full military honors, China ends Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty begins, Basho ,atsuo - Haiku poet of Japan born

1645 Candian War between Venice and Ottoman Turks until 1669, In British civil war, parliamentarians defeat royalists, death of Hugo Grotius the Dutch statesman and jurist, death of Dutch navigator Anthony van Diemen, death of Michael Romanov first Romanov Czar of Russia Alexis I rules, English civil war – peace talks at Uxbridge fail and armistice ends – Oliver Cromwell defeats Royalists at Naseby and Langport – Royalist lose Carlisle Bristol Winchester Basingstoke, Dutch occupy St. Helena, Peace talks open between Holy Roman Empire and France at Munster and Osnabruck, Turkish-Venetian war over Crete, Calseron writes “El gran teatro del mundo”, Corneille writes tragedy, Vitzentzos Kornaros writes Cretan epic poem, John Milton writes, Paul Scarron writes comedy, Sir Kenelm Digby writes regarding bodies and souls, death of Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius, Lord Herbert of Cherbury writes “De causis errorum”, Dalai Lama residence being built at Lhasa Tibet, Jacob Jordaens paints “Wife of Candaules”, Rembrandt paints “The Rabbi”, Teniers paints “Tavern Scene”, Jacob van Campen builde Niewe Kerk Haarlem, Velazquez paints “King Philip IV on a Boar Hunt”, Lully made violinist at French court, Mazarin calls Venetian opera company to Paris, possibly first opera in Paris by Sacrati, Heinrich Schutz composes oratorio, Capuchin monks sail up Congo river, Preliminary meetings of London scientists which will lead to foundation of Royal Society in 1662, U of Palermo founded, “Ordinarie Post-Tidende” begins to appear in Stockholm, Residence of Dahli Lama established in Lhasa, Tibet

1646 Bahamas colonized by the English, Swedes take over Prague – invade Bavaria with the French, English civil war closes with surrender of Oxford to Roundheads – Parliamentary commissioners present Charles I with Newcastle Propositions demanding religious reforms and surrender of control of armed forces for 20 years – king tries to escape but plan fails, “Great Elector” of Brandenburg marries Louise daughter of Frederick Henry of Orange, Jean Rotrou writes religious drama, James Shirley writes poems, John Suckling writes, Henry Vaughan writes poems, Jeremy Taylor writes concerning prayer, Murillo paints “The Angel’s Kitchen”, Rembrandt paints “The Adoration of the Shepherda”, Jan van Goyen paints “Village Church in the Sand Dunes”, death of German composer Johann Stobaeus, German mathematician Athanasius Kircher constructs first projection

lantern, first lime trees planted between Royal Palace and Zoological Gardens in Berlin – beginning of “Unter den Linden”, Athanasius Kircher invents projection lantern, Sir Thomas Browne exposes following of superstitions as delusions, German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz born

1647 Civil war in Britain ebbs – Commons votes to disband mist of the army – Charles I taken prisoner – army marches into London – king escapes and is recaptured and imprisoned at Carlsbrooke Castle – he agrees to abolish episcopacy and restore Presbyterianism, Treaty of Ulm – Electors of Bavaria and Cologne undertake to remain neutral till the end of the war but intervene again in favor of Emperor Ferdinand III, Elector of Mainz and Landfrace of Hesse withdraw from the war, death of Pieter Cornelidzoon Hooft the Dutch poet, death of Italian scientist Francesco Cavalieri, death of Evangelista Torricelli the Italian physicist, Masaniello revolts against the Spanish in Naples – Masaniello assassinated, death of Frederick Henry of Orange – son William II of Orange rules, Revolt against Czar Alexis in Moscow, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher collect comedies and tragedies, Abraham Cowley writes romance, Death of Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft the Dutch poet, Henry More writes “Philosophical Poems”, Jean Rotrou writes political drama, Calvinists acknowledged by Lutherans as coreligionists, Thomas May writes history of long parliament, Dismissal of Anglican professors at Oxford, Dresden academie of arts founded, Peter Lely paints “The Young Children of Charles I”, Claude Lorrain paints “The Mill”, Adriaen van Ostade paints “Peasant Family in an Interior”, Rembrandt paints “Susannah and the Two Old Men”, death of Francesco Cavalieri the Italian astronomer and mathematician, Johann Hevel writes about lunar surface, death of Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli, first newspaper advertisement appears in a journal about Parliament, Yellow fever outbreak in Barbados, George Cox incorporates supremacy of conscience into Quaker philosophy

1648 end of Dutch campaign for independence from Spain, End of 30 Years War in Europe with Treaty of Westphalia, Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal in India, The Frondes – revolts against Mazarin’s rule in France, death of Tirso de Molina the Spanish dramatist, death of Marin Mersenne the French philosopher, death of French poet Vincent Voiture, English Civil War – Cromwell demands end of allegiance to the king – Parliamentary declaration on Charles I’s misdeeds – Scots begin Second Civil War and are defeated at Preston – king offers some concessions to Parliament which are rejected – Parliament votes to bring Charles I to trial, death of King Christian IV of Denmark – succeeded by Frederick III, Maples restored to Spanish rule, Outbreak of the Fronde in France, Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years’ War – is condemned by Pope Innocent X, John II Casmir succeeds brother Vladislav IV as King of Poland, death of Spanish dramatist Tirso de Molina, Madeleine de Scudery writes, Paul Scarron writes, George Fox founds Society of Friends (Quakers), John Lilburne writes about the foundations of freedom, Laws of MA written, John Stearne writes “Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft”, Sabbatai Zevi self-proclaimed Messiah founds Jewish sect, Claude Lorrain paints “Embarcation of the Queen of Sheba”, Rembrandt paints “The Pilgrims at Emmaus”, Ribera paints “The Holy Family with St. Catherine”, Jacob van Campen creates Amsterdam town hall, Aria and

recitative become standards in opera, Heinrich Schutz composes, death of German composer Johann Stadlmayr, U of Bamberg founded, J.R. Glauber obtains hydrochloric acid, death of Marin Mersenne the French philosopher and naturalist, John Wilkins writes “Mathematical Magic”, Population of Germany has sunk from 17 million in 1618 to eight million owing to war famine and plague, In Murant near Venice mirrors and chandeliers manufactured, Thirty Years' War ends with Treaty of Westphalia

1649 Charles I of England executed, Britain ruled by commonwealth until 1660, Cromwell appointed as British chairman of Council of State, has campaigns in Ireland, death of David Teniers the Elder the Dutch painter, death of John Winthrop the first governor of Massachusetts Bay colony, death of Sultan Ibrahim of Turkey, war of the Fronde begins in France – the court leaves Paris, Trial of Charles I opens – is beheaded – Prince of Wales in exile at The Hague takes title Charles II and is proclaimed king by Scots in Edinburgh, Treaty of Ruel ends first Fronde of France – court returns after treaty signed, England declared a commonwealth, Cromwell invades Ireland sacking Drogheda and Wexford, Outbreak of Second Fronde, HRE establishes standing army in Austria, Sultan Ibrahim deposed and murdered – son Mohammed IV rules, death of Scottish author William Drummond of Hawthornden, Andreas Gryphius writes German tragedy about Charles I, Richard Lovelace writes “Lucasta”, Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld publishes religious poems posthumously, Maryland Assembly passes act of toleration professing belief in Holy Trinity, Rene Descartes writes, English becomes language of all official legal documents in place of Latin, John Lilburne writes agreement of free people of England, John Milton writes in defense of Charles I’s execution, death of Dutch painter David Teniers the Elder, Gerard Terborch paints “Philip IV of Spain” Velazquez paints “Pope Innocent X”, Cavalli composes “Giasone” opera, Dutch phudician Isvrand de Diemerbrock publishes his study of the plague, Puritain exiles from Virginia settle in Providence MD, First British navy frigate constructed, Free enterprise in England receives state support, According to official investors King Charles I had 176 horses, Blaise Pascal invents calculating machine