4 4 9. Vocabulary Folders Take 5 minutes to fill out information for monomial


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  • Vocabulary FoldersTake 5 minutes to fill out information for monomial.

  • Mad Minute

  • Section 4.3Prime Factorization

  • What is a prime number?What is a composite number?A number that has only two factors, one and itself.A number that has more than two factors.

  • Prime or Composite??3752912 1

    PrimeCompositeCompositePrime Neither

  • Write the prime factorization of each number.(Use exponents for repeated factors.)48

  • Write the prime factorization of each number.(Use exponents for repeated factors.)144

  • Write the prime factorization of each number.(Use exponents for repeated factors.)1250

  • Factor each Monomial.250a2

  • Factor each Monomial.56p2q4

  • Factor each Monomial.-21xy2

  • HomeworkPractice 4.3 all(Be sure to show your factor trees or the cake walk method.)
