3ds Studio Max



Note on 3ds Studio Max

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3ds max

Alt and wheel too orbit around the screen

To make a box click on the round space than box

To stack the box use the different views, top, right left. Press

the spacebar for the view the views.

Choosing the material mode- compact mode

Z zoom to all

Copy shift hold key

To align the objects together select the object and then the place where you want to align it after

clicking on align and popup message should appear. Showing the different axes and places to align.

Trying different shapes and alignments.

Convert to edible poliy options box. Edges faces vertex

You can change the shape of the box by using the vertex and edge- selecting the corner. For more

corners press control

Select a face by clicking on polygon and then detach the object to see the face move away from


To attach the face back

Change the prospective view to top and move the face down

wield the object together

Click onthe corner vertex and then wield on the bottom and pop up screen should appear. Click up

and down until the objects are weilded together.
