(369230674) RC Triggering Circuit



rc triggerring circuit

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RC Tr gger ng C rcuRC Triggering CircuitControl your Robots with your Brain using Mindwave moibilei i it

RC Triggering

It includes variable resistor, two diodes, SCR (Silicon ControlledRectifier), Capacitor, Load resistor.

The circuit diagram of an RC Triggering is shown below (Figure 2). Figure 2 shows an R-C-Diode circuit giving full half-cycle control

(180 electrical degrees). On the positive half-cycle of SCR anode voltage the capacitor charges to the trigger point of the SCR in a timedetermined by the RC time constant and the rising anode voltage. The top plate of the capacitor charges to the peak of the negative voltage cycle through diode D2 on the negative half-cycle, resetting it for the next charging cycle.

Working of Capacitor

During negative half cycle capacitor charges in reverse direction when the supply voltage increases towards positive side the capacitor voltage also recharges in opposite direction. When this capacitor voltage reaches threshold voltage SCR will turn on and capacitor discharges through diode D2 and its voltage become very small positive voltage. Firing angle can be varied from 0 to 180 degree.

Lab Experiment


To Study and verify RC Triggering circuit of SCR.

Apparatus required

RC Triggering circuit kitPatch cards Power card CRO60W Bulb

Circuit Diagram
