2).&(,030*4 - Chuckling Cherubs Cindy McGonagle.com Palmistry 503-531 -2758! 12 ... 32 Sacred...


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Healing Ourselves - Healing Our Planet ... Together

Nineteenth Annual



EVENT PROGRAMSaturday, August 1, 2015, 10~6

Sunday, August 2, 9~5Inside Yachats Commons, Yachats, Oregon

70 EXHIBITORS 22 SEMINARSPractitioners, Products, Readers, Crystals, Jewelry, Crafts


* Share the Vision... Create a Pleasant Present *

$3 Weekend Admission Donation Includes Hourly SeminarsFamily Friendly, Free Book Exchange, Free Parking

www.chucklingcherubs.com * 541/547-4664 * email to cherubs@peak.org


Chuckling Cherubs Spiritual Ministry Presents


I am the one who can make a change. I am the one who can make peace happen. I am the one who carries the light. I am the one who releases the fright. I am I am I am the one.



www.elivia.com !Booth!#55&56!


!Room!1!!!!!!!!!!!FREE!BOOK!EXCHANGE55BRING!SOME!AND!TAKE!SOME!1 “Organic Vaping Tonic ™ Formulas” HoliSmokes.com !3A Amazing Henna with Gail 541-563-8757!3B Abigail Black Intuitive Tarot Reader 503-857-2361!4 Amethyst Rocks & More 541-917-1823!5 Rainbow Garden: Spiritual Essentials 541-645-0206!6 Visual Lifesavers Art 503-708-1769!7 Sacred Circle of Life 541-994-9288!7 Transformative Energy Readings 503-705-6315 !8 Meet Your Angels with Judith 503-635-2731!9 Timeless Talismans 509-859-5875 Multi-Purpose Room!10 ÈYÉM Holistic Health 503-765-5333 !

Salt Lamps & Healing Elements Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage Bad Hamlin, Lac Cranio Sacral Therapy & Channeled Guidance Steven Burbank, LMT !

11 Cindy McGonagle.com Palmistry 503-531-2758!12 Massage Team-Melody Morton Gandy, LMT 541-543-8405!13 Massage Team-Harold Toliver, LMT 541-968-7241!14 Raw Handmade Chocolates Chocolate@Live-eat.com !15 Quantum Energy Pendants 541-535-9030!16 Katrina Wynne, M.A. Counseling & Classes 541-547-5123!17 Reiki Healing Sessions With Kathy 503-930-7479!18 Multi Pure Walter Filtration Systems 541-921-2135!19 Wise Woman Pathways 503-621-6461!20 “Lemurian” Crystal Healing Bed 971-276-9779!22 Marilyn Lawrence, Author 949-981-5487!23 Sacred Symbol Embroidery/Crystal Awareness

541-765-3186 24A Eileen Lighthawk, Transformaginal Healer 505-501-9581 24B "Fragrance Stories" Inspired Perfumes 620-391-0636!25 Audrey's Emporium 775-782-1131!26 Blessed Halos 541-543-0915!27 Chris Medina, Psychic Medium 805-558-3099

Tracy Butera, Psychic 805-558-3099!28 Psychic For Police - Cimi (Kee-Mee) 503-727-5486!29 Ker Cleary Channeling/Bach Flower Remedies

541-349-0595!29 Julia Trippe Channeling 541-521-5269!30 Elaine Correia, Author & Psychic Messenger 541-270-5601 !31 Our Creative Expressions Wire-wrapped Jewelry!

503-362-6186 !32 Sacred Stone Readings & Spirits Heart Art 541-547-4664! From The Heart & Just For Fun Jewelry 541-547-4738! Vibrational Remedies & Energy Clearing energyismagic.com Room 3!SPIRIT CAFE by Lucinda Food Made With Love!33 Peaceful Heart Alchemy 503-913-2893!34 SAT. ONLY PBJ Fields 541-270-1436 35 Brittney Haywood, Master Herbalist 541-791-8400!36 Shamanic Arts Crystals & Jewelry 206-853-5225!37 Karen Campbell Tarot 503-990-0813!38 Cherry Divine 541-924-1955!39 Readings by Raia 541-994-9807 Room 4!40 Galactic Heritage Interpreter-UFO Info 360-590-9724!41 Warren Bull Life Coaching & Spiritual Guidance

503-364-9755!42 Alkaline Water Free Samples & Information!

Change Your Water/Change Your Life 541-547-4664!43 Trisha Michael Psychic Medium 503-680-0594!44 Young Living Essential Oil Consultant 575-937-1860 !45 The Center For God's Living Heart 541-264-5505!46 Aura Imaging Aura Photos with Carol 208-819-6016!47 Dolphin Light Activation & Spirit Herbs 208-883-9933!48 Clairvoyant Readings/Spiritual Guidance by Jessica

503-364-9755! Pranic Energy Healing by Jasmine 971-600-4848 !

South Hall & Lobby 49 The Mandala Lady Intuitive Mandala Readings!

541-908-1420!50 Past Life Connections & more with Sharon !

541-844-1660!51 Francesca Medical Intuitive 503-805-7403!52 Tarot Guide 503-437-5776!53 Golden Rope Organic Hand Made! Bath & Body Care Products 541-228-5312!55 Elivia Melodey, Medium 888-712-3833!56 Crystal Vibrations Music & Gems 888-712-3833!57 Bud Alchemy-Medicinal Marijuana 203-707-701 0!







Welcome to Pathways to Transformation! Welcome'to'the'19th'Annual'Pathways'To'Transformation!!Holistic'Health,'Psychic'&'Crafts'Fair.!The!mission!of!Chuckling!Cherubs!Spiritual!Ministry!is!providing!information!to!the!public!for!the!purpose!of!elevating!the!human!spirit!and!helping!humanity!remember!their!connection!to!the!Divine.!With!this!intention!we!present!you!with!nearly!70!exhibitors!from!the!Pacific!Northwest!and!beyond!bringing!their!healing!expertise,!products,!creativity!and!information!to!Yachats,!Gem!of!the!Oregon!Coast.!The!$3!weekend!admission!donation!includes!the!twentyJtwo!educational!seminars!at!this!familyJfriendly!event.!Parking!is!free.!The!Free!Book!Exchange!at!the!entrance!has!books!on!health,!wellness!&!spirituality.!Please!bring!some!and!take!some.!!!!!SEMINARS'AND'SPECIAL'PRESENTATIONS'''!!!!Seminars!covering!everything!from!the!Tarot,!Reiki,!intuition,!crystals,!essential!oils,!massage!and!health!happen!hourly.!All!twentyJtwo!seminars!and!their!locations!are!listed!on!the!back!page.!Here!are!some!highlights.!Saturday!at!12:30,!meet!Archangel!Rafael!as!channeled!through!Trisha!Michaels!and!“Rekindle!Your!Inner!Talents”.!!At!1:30,!learn!about!the!“Transformative!&!Vital!Energy!Of!Self!Love”!with!Intuitve!Diana!Kekule.!At!2:30,!a!Special!Experiential!Interactive!Presentation!by!Dr.!Linda!Kingsbury,!“Dolphin!Light!Activation”!will!get!you!as!close!as!you!can!get!to!swimming!with!the!dolphins.!At!4:30!“Roll!The!Dice!&!Play!The!Game!Of!Life:!The!Tao!of!Yahtzee”!with!author!and!Psychic!Messenger,!Elaine!Correia!will!be!a!fun!way!to!discover!how!we!make!choices.!On!Sunday!at!10,!Conscious!Channel,!Cherry!Divine,!shows!us!how!to!“Open!Your!Heart!To!Transform!&!Thrive!in!2015.!!Rev.!El’Anya!NightingaleJWarren!speaks!on!“Trust!Is!Merely!A!Choice”!at!11.!On!Saturday!at!1,!“Qigong:!The!Ancient!Chinese!Art!&!Science!Of!Nourishing!Life”!will!be!an!Experiential!Presentation!by!Brad!Hamlin,!LAc,!At!2,!“Connecting!With!ETs—Rejoining!Our!Cosmic!Family”,!will!answer!and!raise!questions!with!Dixie!Caris,!Galactic!Interpreter!and!author!R.J.!Anthony.!Also!at!2,!Carrie!Philpott!will!teach!about,!“Love,!Sex!&!Crystals”.!At!3,!Eileen!Lighthawk,!Transformaginal!Healer!speaks!about!“The!Magical!Power!of!Joy”.!!!!PRODUCTS'AND'SERVICES'NEW'TO'THE'FAIR'THIS'YEAR!!!!!!!!!We!strive!to!provide!an!array!of!unusual!products!and!services.!!Here!is!an!overview!of!exhibitors!that!are!new!to!the!Fair!this!year.!!We!start!in!Room!1.!Visit!Booth!#3A!with!Gail!Archer!who!creates!magic!with!her!Amazing!Henna!Body!Art.!Booth!#3B!features!Abigail!Black,!Intuitive!Tarot!Reader!offering!her!insights.!Booth!#4!has!Russell!&!Theresa!Jackson!with!healing!crystals,!smudge!kits!and!medicine!bags.!Enjoy!the!colorful!visionary!art!from!Jennifer!Smith!in!Booth!#6.!In!The!MultiJpurpose!Room!visit!Silas!Smith!&!Tara!Golden!in!Booth!#15!with!their!Quantum!Energy!Pendants!and!more.!In!Booth!#19!Rev.!Hope!Suggit!offers!jewelry,!meditation!oils!and!messages!of!hope!readings.!Meet!Master!Herbalist!Brittney!Haywood!In!Booth!#20!and!learn!about!our!plant!friends.!In!Booth!#22!visit!with!author,!Marilyn!Lawrence!and!learn!about!angels.!Visit!Booth!#24A!with!Eileen!Lighthawk!offering!energy!work!and!crystal!tools.!Melissa!Waltiere!in!Booth!24B!offers!her!“Fragrance!Stories”!Inspired!Perfumes.!In!Booth!#27!Chris!Medina,!a!Psychic!Medium!and!psychic!Tracy!Butera!are!offering!readings.!In!Room!3.!on!Saturday!only,!Kimi!Pollet!with!PBJ!Fields!is!displaying!her!handmade,!all!natural,!makeup!and!body!products.!See!Dixie!Caris!!&!R.J.!Anthony!in!Booth!#40!for!ET!info.!In!Room!4,!Booth!#!43,!Trisha!Michaels!channels!Archangel!Rafael.!Geneva!Stange!in!Booth!#44!offers!Young!Living!Essential!Oils.!The!Center!For!God’s!Living!Heart!is!in!Booth!#45!with!Rev.!El’Anja!offering!readings.!!

Aura!Imaging!is!in!Booth!#46!with!Carol!Croft.!Dr.!Linda!Kingsbury!in!Booth!#47!offers!Dolphin!Activations!sessions!and!products.!Pranic!energy!healing!by!Jasmine!will!be!in!Booth!#48.!In!the!South!Hallway,!welcome!Sharry,!from!Bud!Alchemy!and!learn!about!the!benefits!of!medical!marijuana. Find!incredible!stones!&!crystals,!jewelry,!statuary,!art!!cards,!music!cds,!books,!multiJcultural!imports,!incredible!!visionary!art,!soaps!and!lotions!and!teas.!Experience!massage,!CranioSacral!therapy,!aromatherapy,!energy!healings,!Bach!Flower!Remedies,!bodywork,!Reiki!and!acupuncture.!Learn!about!and!sample!Kangen!alkalinized!restructured!water.!Try!different!divination!styles!including!astrology,!tarot,!palmistry,!stone!readings,!past!life,!mandala!intuitive!readings!and!psychic!readings.!There!is!a!complete!list!of!exhibitors!on!page!2!of!the!Event!Program.!Also,!make!sure!to!visit!the!Information!Table!for!news!you!can!use.!Have!lunch!in!the!Fair!Cafe!run!by!Lucinda!Whitacre,!featuring!"Great!Life!by!Lucinda"!All!Natural!Food!Products.!The!menu!includes!light!breakfast!fare!and!lunch!specialties,!snacks,!sweets!and!beverages!and!gluten!free!options!all!at!reasonable!prices!and!all!made!with!love.!Great!Life!food!products!will!also!be!available!for!purchase.!!!!!!!There!is!so!much!to!see!and!do!at!the!Fair,!plan!to!attend!!both!days.!Our!goal!is!to!provide!you!with!a!safe!place!in!which!to!open!your!minds!and!hearts!to!the!Infinite.!We!hope!you!find!PATHWAYS!TO!TRANSFORMATION!just!such!a!place.!HAVE!A!PLEASANT!PRESENT!!!With!Love!In!Abundance,!!Rev.!Violet!Young!!Chuckling!Cherubs!Spiritual!Ministry!



















Acupuncture- CranialSacral

Channeled Guidance Therapeutic Massage

Healing Elements 503-765-5333

www.eyem.us Booth #10


This Program was created by Elaine Correia

www.elainec.com 541-270-5601



The Wisdom Of The Ages Sacred Stones TM

Intuit ive Readings Spiritual Guidance With

Violet of Yachats Sacred StrandsTM Healing Stones Jewelry

Spirit’s Heart Art Spirit Directed Art Coloring Books

Available by appointment at 541-547-4664 Visit Me in Booth #32!


MAY THE LIGHT OF LOVE David Roth is one of my favorite singer/songwriters. The words to his song May The Light of Love capture the essence of my feelings and are reprinted with his permission. As we come around to take our places at the table A moment to remember and reflect upon our wealth Here's to loving friends and family, Here's to being able To gather here together in good company and health May we be released from all those feelings that would harm us May we have the will to give them up and get them gone For heavy are the satchels full of anger and false promise May we have the strength to put them down May we wish the best for everyone that we encounter May we swallow pride and may we do away with fear For it's only what we do not know that we have grown afraid of And only what we do not choose to hear As we bless our daily bread and drink our day's libations May we be reminded of the lost and wayward soul The hungry and the homeless that we have in every nation May we fill each empty cup and bowl May nothing ever come between or threaten to divide us May we never take for granted all the gifts that we receive Being ever mindful of the unseen hands that guide us And the miracles that cause us the believe May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the way May the horn of plenty sound so everyone can hear it May the light of love be with you every day. !


! Wah$pi'Kehiw'White'Eagle)'Life'Coaching'&'spiritual'Guidance'





Warren canndnlifecoach@gmail.com!Jessica Flashburn2002@yahoo.com

(503) 364-9755'





Jasmine Rae, Pranic Healer Chakra Alignments

Aura Cleansings Pranic Energy Healing!

(971) 600-4848

bb4202009@gmail.com !

The Center for God’s Living Heart is celebrating its Grand Opening with an all day Meta-Event and Vendor Fair! Saturday, August 8, 2015 10am - 5pm There will be 25+ professional healers, metaphysical practitioners and speakers, high-quality vendors and amazing artists showcasing some of the highest vibrational gems, minerals, art, jewelry, gifts and products offered on the coast this summer! Maybe you can find the healing you are looking for here at the beach.

www.godslivingheart.org 541-264-5505 324 SW Coast Highway 101,

PO Box 1853, Newport, OR 97365



(541)994-9733 3203 SW Hwy 101 reneesherbstore.com Lincoln City, OR 97367

10AM – 5PM Wednesday-Sunday



Decide to Forgive Decide to forgive

For resentment is negative Resentment is poisonous Resentment diminishes And devours the self. Be the first to forgive,

To smile and to take the first step. And you will see happiness bloom

On the face of your human brother or sister Be always the first

Do not wait for others to forgive For by forgiving

You become the master of fate The fashioner of life The doer of miracles.

To forgive is the highest, Most beautiful form of love.

In return you will receive Untold peace and happiness.

Robert Muller!!

The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men -

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.



















!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Natural Foods Cooperative

Full-Line Grocery. Everyone welcome. Hot Food and Salad Bar Mon- Fri Hot Soup and Baked Goods Daily

Mon-Fri 8-7, Sat 8-6, Sun 10-6

159 SE 2nd, Newport 541-265-3893!!



145 Hwy. 101, Waldport FREE Admission 541-563-7154

Crafts on the Coast 18th Annual Harvest & Holidays Arts & Crafts Festival

Sat., Nov. 7 10-4 and Sun., Nov. 8 10-4 Inside Yachats Commons FREE Admission 541-547-4738


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Organic(Natural(Health(&(Beauty(Products(











SUSAN HARMON Shamanic Arts Crystals & Jewelry

Stones and Tones Interactive Presentation Sunday at 11 in Back Speaker Room

susan@susanharmon.com Tune into the Susan Harmon Hour 1150AM KKNW

Fridays 12-1 pt . Stream from KKNW.Com Visit Susan Harmon in Booth #36 in the Cafe Room !

A Huge THANK YOU to all who Helped

Make this event a success!!




Peruvian Chocolate Nut Free * Raw * Organic * Gluten Free * Vegan

Soy Free www.Liv-eat.com

Chocolate@Live-eat.com Free Samples at Booth #14!



Private sessions from 8/3-8/9 The Center for God's Living Heart 541-264-5505 to schedule 324 SW Coast Highway 101, Newport, Call From 7/31-8/9/2015, 541-992-4068. After 8/10, 206-853-5225 !


SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI Lord, Make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much Seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

FREE SEMINARS SATURDAY (B) Back Speaker Room (F) Front Speaker Room

F E E D Y O U R B O DY & Y O U R S P I R I T A T


“Great Life by Lucinda” All#Natural#Food#Products






A Heartfelt Thank You To


541-921-0413 !


B 11:30 B 12:30 F 12:30 B 1:30 F 1:30 B 2:30 F 2:30 B 3:30 F 3:30 B 4:30 F 4:30 SUNDAY B 10:00 B 11:00 F 11:00 B 12:00 F 12:00 B 1:00 F 1:00 B 2:00 F 2:00 B 3:00 F 3:00!

Chuckl ing Cherubs Spir itual Ministry A!ministry!dedicated!to!promoting,!living!and!teaching!the!principles!of!compassion,!forgiveness!and!unconditional!love!as!a!means!of!healing!ourselves!and!our!planet.!!

Past Life Recall and Crystal Energy!Rebekah Sharpe, Lic.Esthetician Booth #26 !Pathworking With Tarot Numerology—Year Cards!Katrina Wynne, MA & Author Booth #16!Glorious You: Rekindling Your Inner Talents!Trisha Michaels Channeling Archangel Rafael Booth #43!EXPERIENTIAL PRESENTATION Labyrinths: A Walking Meditation !Larry Addison, Healthy Lifestyle Coach Booth #5!The Transformative & Vital Energy of Self Love !Rebekah Sharpe, Lic. Esthetician Booth #26 !SPECIAL EXPERIENTIAL, INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION Dolphin Light Activation—As Close As You Can Get To Swimming With The Dolphins !Dr. Linda Kingsbury Booth #47!Unveiling the Mystery of Essential Oils!Geneva Stange, Essential Oil Consultant Booth #44!Connecting The Head, The Heart & Your Belief System Dale Lawrence, Spiritual Life Coach Booth #22 !Massage: The Healthiest Addiction You Can Have!Melody Morton Gandy, LMT Booth #12!INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION Roll The Dice & Play the Game of Life: The Tao of Yahtze!Elaine Correia, Author & Psychic Messenger Booth #30 Crystals For Prosperity, Love & Optimum Health Elivia Melody, Spiritual Medium & Recording Artist Booth #55 ! Open Your Heart to Transform & Thrive in 2015 !Cherry Divine, Conscious Channel & Author Booth #38!EXPERIENTIAL PRESENTATION !Stones & Tones: Experiential Sound Healing!Susan Harmon, Intuitive Booth #36 Trust Is Merely A Choice !Rev. El’Anya Nightingale-Warren, Booth #45 !Touched By Your Angels--Have Your Angels Communicated With You? Open Your Senses To Know When Marilyn Lawrence, Author, Teacher, Speaker Booth #22!Accessing Divine Magic!David Michael Hash, Intuitive Booth #33!SPECIAL EXPERIENTIAL INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION!Qigong: The Ancient Chinese Art & Science Of Nourishing Life!Brad Hamlin, LAc Booth #10!Discover The Reiki In You!Kathy DeMeyer, Reiki Practitioner Booth #17!Connecting With ETs--Rejoining Our Cosmic Family!Dixie Caris, Galactic Interpreter & R.J. Anthony, Author Booth #40!Love, Sex & Crystals!Carrie Philpott, Crystal Awareness Guide Booth #23!Do You Want To Know A Secret?!Law of Attraction 101 !Warren Bull, Certified Life Coach Booth #41!The Magical Power of Joy !Eileen Lighthawk, Transformaginal Healer Booth #24A !
