2016 Fall Exec Mtg Minutes - Ontario Unit –...


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Minutes of the Sept 3, 2016 Executive Meeting – Ontario Canada Unit 1

Ontario Canada Unit - WBCCI Fall Executive Meeting Minutes

Richmond Fairgrounds, September 3, 2016 Present:

Gordon Desbarats, President; Neil McCallum, 1st VP; David Peirson, Treasurer; Kathy Blake, Secretary; John Gamble, Trustee; Peter Meyler, Trustee; Nancy McCallum, Trustee; Rick Aubrey, Trustee; Allen Letch, Trustee & Editor/Publisher; Lynn Douglas, 2nd VP; Tony Skells, Membership Chair; Kerry Mattila, Caravan Chairman; Graham Jefferies, Past President;

SpecialGuest:Jim Cocke, 1st International VP Regrets:Joyanna Gatis, Trustee; Tom Cada, Webmaster Calltoorder:There being a quorum, the meeting was called to order at 2:07 pm by

Gordon Desbarats. ApprovalofAgenda: With several additions, the agenda was approved. ApprovalofPreviousMinutes:

On a motion by Peter Meyler, seconded by Neil McCallum the minutes of the Executive Meeting held May 22, 2016 were approved as written.

FinancialReport: Treasurer, David Peirson stated that the audited year end report will be

circulated at the Annual General Meeting on September 4. A major cost in 2015-2016 was $3600 in foreign exchange. Surplus funds from rallies and rendezvous resulted in an overall increase in our account.

Membership renewal is underway. David will assume responsibility to submit the New Officer information to WBCCI and Kathy Blake will reflect this change within the affected job descriptions.


President – Gordon Desbarats reported that the Linus Project Coordinator position is still vacant, however, Betty Mattila will bridge the responsibilities until a volunteer comes forward. John and Joan Gough have volunteered to become Registrars. While retiring from trailering, Brian English is maintaining his position as Grievance & Ethics Officer.

Nominating Committee – Neil McCallum, Chair of the Nominating Committee and 1st VP announced the slate of nominees as follows:

Trustees: Jim Forbes, Glen Fuller, Pat Leggatt 2nd VP: Peter Meyler

Minutes of the Sept 3, 2016 Executive Meeting – Ontario Canada Unit 2

1st VP: Lynn Douglas Secretary: Nancy McCallum

Jim Cocke, 1st International VP will perform the installation. Kathy will provide Jim with the list of Officers once elections are completed. Editor/Publisher – Al Letch has completed his duties as newsletter Editor. He moved that the cost of the Publisher software required for Kathy Blake to publish future issues be paid by the Unit. The motion was seconded by Neil McCallum. The motion carried. Website: Gordon announced that Tom Cada has recruited Beatrice Ten-Thye to become content manager for the website. We await the division of responsibilities.

Results from the survey regarding the frequency of password change did not provide direction. After a brief discussion, Al Letch moved that the current frequency of password changes of every 2 months be maintained, with the password being simplified. The motion was seconded by Graham Jefferies. The motion carried.

Quartermaster – Kerry Mattila reported that the small inventory on hand still needed to be sold off. He is awaiting quotes on a Unit crest and Unit lanyard. The Unit will also need to reorder Ontario pins within the next year. There are 200 decals on hand. It was agreed to give each new member a decal. The decal will be included in new member packages sent out by the Treasurer. David Peirson. Caravans – Kerry Mattila reported that the NYC base camp will happen again in 2017. Kerry will put information together for The Trillium, including information about a potential Unit caravan. The Norris/Lambert group are planning a caravan for August relating to Canada’s 150th birthday. Details should be available in time for the next Trillium. Consideration is being given to 2018 caravan to Salem. Jim Cocke will forward calendar of arrival dates at the International to assist with planning. The Executive Board offered its congratulations to Kerry and Betty on the successful True North Caravan held this summer. Community Service – Rick Aubrey reported that the tabs we collected help purchase a wheelchair this summer for a teenager. Sunshine Lady – Report attached.

Membership – Tony Skells presented his report (attached). He, with clarification from Jim Cocke, reviewed changes to how the Clubs name will appear as well as the new brochure. David Peirson’s information indicates 38 new members this year – David reminded us that our challenge is to get them out to events. We have a net gain of 4 – 5 members over the year.

Minutes of the Sept 3, 2016 Executive Meeting – Ontario Canada Unit 3

Rally Sites for 2017 – Neil McCallum reported that he and Nancy are still scouting a site for the 2017 fall rendezvous. All others are as reported previously.

Registrar report – Lynn Douglas reported that the income and expenses for this rally are even without gratuity to caterers and donation to Richmond Agricultural Society. These would need to come out of the rally surplus line. Rick Aubrey moved that the caterers be given a $200 gratuity and the Richmond Agricultural Society given a donation of $200, said funds coming from the rally surplus. The motion was seconded by Graham Jefferies and was carried. Lynn reviewed how registrations from the past 3 rallies for which she acted as Registrar. She noted that e-registrations were working, but that there are some glitches with information not being received. Tom Cada will be building a feedback loop so that members using e-registration will know that their registrations have been received. The current e-registration/payment process is a 2 step process. Lynn recommends that we move to Paypal, which would be a 1-step process and discontinue e-transfers. After discussion regarding Paypal account management and fees, Peter Meyler moved that we implement Paypal for event registrations, discontinue e-transfer, and maintain cheques and cash at event as options for event payments. Furthermore, there will be a reference on the coupon to the convenience fee associated with the transaction and the fee will be borne by the user. The motion was seconded by Graham Jefferies and carried unanimously. The Registrars will manage the Paypal accounts, each Registrar having his/her respective account. Lynn stated she would like to maintain the bank account she has been using for a period of one year. The account, which is not transferrable, would be dormant except if needed for an emergency, e.g., having to cover as Registrar. After that the account would be closed. There was agreement on this. NewBusiness:

Expansion of on-line registrations to new memberships and renewals – This item was deferred to 2017.

Regional Merit Award system – Gordon Desbarats reported that the IBT is discontinuing the International Merit Award System at the end of the current Unit Presidents term. Gordon stated that Fred Schultz, Region 2 President, proposed that Region 2 undertake this award system for future years and was looking for feedback on the proposal. After a brief discussion, it was concluded that our Unit does not support this proposal. Gordon will inform Fred. Approval to donate to Seaforth Agricultural Society: It was moved by David Peirson and seconded by Peter Meyler, that a $150 donation be forwarded to the Seaforth Agicultural Society, with funds coming out of the surplus from the summer rendezvous that was held there. The motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:32 pm by Gordon Desbarats.

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Membership Chairman’s Annual Report – September 3, 2016 This past year 46 contacts were made with new owners. From that number 5 joined our Unit. Since May 2016 thirty WBCCI postcards have been mailed out inviting new owners to join our Unit. My records indicate that our Unit gained 22 new members in the past year. Sixteen of these joined our Unit by doing so on line with WBCCI in Jackson Center. At the Fall Annual Meeting, thirty of our Unit members will be recognized for 5 or more years of membership in WBCCI. Prior to the Fall Rally, all thirty members were contacted and invited to attend the Fall Annual Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Tony Skells Ontario Canada Unit Membership Chairman

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