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March 2011 Adar I - Adar II 5771

Established in 1882

See inside for all of the Purim happenings at B’nai Amoona!

Complete listing of services - p. 5

BAUSY’s “Be Happy It’s Adar” Carnival - p. 4

Purim Adult Education opportunities - p. 19

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin2March 2011

From RabbiCarnie Shalom Rose

God’s Love B’nai amoona deLivers

Kids really do say the darndest things – don’t they?!

A few weeks back, I was walking down the hallway at the Shul on the way to the Pardes Office, when I was stopped by one of the children of the congregation. “Rabbi”, she said sheepishly, “I hear that you’re going to be on vacation for an entire year. Isn’t that a long time for vacation? I mean, our family goes on vacation every summer. We visit with our grandparents in California – for 2 whole weeks. And every year my dad says that those two weeks of vacation feel like a lifetime. I can only imagine how long a year will feel for you!”

Yes, it’s true. Our family will be on Sabbatical for the 2011-12 academic year (actually, I will be gone from October 2011- July 2012 – so not exactly a full year). However, contrary to what some might imagine, Sabbatical is not a vacation. For us Klei Kodesh, Sabbatical is a time for rebalancing and recalibrating. It is sacred time set aside to address the parts of ourselves that often go unattended and neglected, as we strive to be ever-present in the lives of our congregations and communities; juggling the multiple tasks that our unique calling demands. Sabbatical Leave is a priceless gift; one that we are greatly appreciative to receive. And I pray that I will return to our beloved congregation recharged, renewed and refreshed – better prepared to lead our Holy Congregation in its quest for excellence.

Many have asked me what exactly I will be doing with my time. Well, first and foremost I will be absorbing Avirah DeYerushalaim; soaking up the spiritual energy of the Holy City. Though I visit Israel often, there is nothing quite like living, for an extended period, in a city that organically nourishes the soul. I am confident that I will return a changed being, much better prepared to help guide others on their spiritual journeys.

For the majority of the time, I will serve as a Fellow at the Melton Centre for Jewish Education located at the Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus. The program itself is called Mechanchim Bechirim – Select Educators. The hope is that under the direction of the some of the world’s most accomplished scholars and practitioners of Jewish Education, we Fellows will be able to help craft visions for a more glorious future for our home communities. I am humbled to have been invited to participate and can’t wait to share (more on that next month) some of what I will be learning with all of you – and especially with our B’nai Amoona lay and professional leadership.

In considering the Sabbatical, I see that I am being given a remarkable opportunity to address what mental health professionals refer to as the “whole person”. In our work, we often use a tool called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This tool divides human beings in to four types: Extroverts, Introverts, Thinkers and Feelers. Once we identify an individual as a particular type, we can assist that person, maximize his/her potential by capitalizing on her/his strengths and devise creative strategies to compensate for his/her limitations/weaknesses.

Of course, all human beings – to a greater or lesser extent – possess elements of the four types. I pray that for me, the Sabbatical will allow the Extrovert in me to enjoy moments of quiet introspection; the Introvert in me to engage in animated dialogue with others; the Thinker in me to relax, play and delight; and the Feeler in me to analyze, dissect and systematize. If I am successful, I will surely return to you a far better Rabbi, Teacher, Preacher, Pastor, Son,  Brother, Husband, Father and Friend.

I recall a conversation that I had with a well traveled gentleman who was a member of the congregation that I served in Tokyo. He had visited nearly every imaginable country and yet claimed that he detested traveling. Perplexed, I ask him why then did he seem to constantly be on-the-road? His reply still resonates deeply with in me: “The point of traveling is not to arrive, but rather to return home”.

 I look forward to the Sabbatical. But even more than the leave, I anticipate the return to our home, to you, to B’nai Amoona.

With gratitude and love,Carnie

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose · Senior RabbiRavRoseBA@aol.com

“B’nai Amoona - Tree of Life Fund”

Proceeds help populate the JNF Forest in Israel. This project was inspired by Ron and Gerry Heller.

Donor In Memory Of B’nai Amoona Family...............................Eileen HirschRochelle & Doug Freeman............................Lora LangMimi Zellinger ...........................Evelyn Zellinger Wolf

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin3February 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin3

March 5 Sedra P’kudei Shabbat Shekalim Bar Mitzvah of Alec Goldberg Son of Michael Goldberg & Susan Bindler

March 12 Sedra Vayikra Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Zuckerman Daughter of Elisa Birnbaum & Darryl Zuckerman

March 17 Fast of Esther

March 19 Sedra Tzav Shabbat Zakhor Purim Evening Services (see p. 4 for details)

March 20 Purim Morning Services (see p. 4 for details)

March 26 Sedra Sh’mini Shabbat Parah Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Greenstein Daughter of Mike & Lisa Greenstein

April 2 Sedra Tazria Shabbat HaChodesh Bar Mitzvah of Sammy Elfanbaum Son of Steve & Holly Elfanbaum

Upcoming Services Mazel TovMarch 5, 2011Alec GoldbergSon of Susan Bindler &Michael Goldberg

March 12, 2011Hannah ZuckermanDaughter of Elisa Birnbaum & Darryl Zuckerman

March 26, 2011Lauren GreensteinDaughter of Lisa & Mike Greenstein

Our Upcoming B’nai Mitzvah

Bulletin Deadlines:May - Friday, March 18June - Friday, April 15Summer - Friday, May 20

E-mail submissions to:BABulletin@gmail.com

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin4March 2011

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin5March 2011

Saturday Evening, March 19 6:00 Shabbat afternoon Mincha 6:45 Shushan Supper by reservation only (see form below) 7:30 Maariv followed by Havdalah 7:45 Multi-generational musical service with “Megillah Lite” (abbreviated) reading and Purim snacks 8:45 The Gantzeh (full) Megillah reading 9:45 Shushan Shooters (adult snacks & drinks)

Sunday Morning, March 20 9:00 Minyan with full Megillah reading 10:00 Pardes Purim Megillah reading for all students & families Purim experience for young children, up through Kindergarten 11:00 Purim costume parade and surprises for adults & children 11:30 Purim Seudah (festive meal)

Purim 2011 Shushan Supper Reservation

Reservations must be received NO LATER THAN Monday, March 14. Please mail this form along with your check or go to our website www.bnaiamoona.com to make your reservation online, listing the details under comments.

Make your check payable to B’nai Amoona and mail to: B’nai Amoona, Attn: Barbara Shechter, 324 S. Mason Road, Creve Coeur, MO 63141-8029

Family Name Daytime phone # # @ $7.50 per person, age 8 & over # @ $5.00 per child, age 3—7 # Children under 3 complimentary $ Total enclosed

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin6March 2011

On the Washington DC trip with our Confirmation class, we added something new to the itinerary in 2010. We partnered with the JCC in Washington DC to do a Tikkun Olam project. Erica Steen, a former Ramot Amoona camper runs a wonderful program to learn about homelessness in Washington. When asked, the one thing that is most upsetting to homeless people is their invisibility. When a person becomes homeless, society looks the other way, or right through that person. They become the invisible element in our society. To help change this we took our students to a park, known for its homeless population, and sent them out in pairs armed with lunches they had packed and the request to find homeless people to give the meals to and listen to their stories. Erica, when teaching the students how to feel comfortable having these conversations, shared that one way is to simply comment on the weather. Make the people in the park visible; putting a face on homelessness is the goal of this program.

After this program, our students shared stories of who they met. At one point, one student commented how important this was. Many agreed it was the highlight of their trip, but that they could never do this at home, “There just aren’t homeless people in St Louis.” Rabbi Rose, Andy Schwebel and I all looked at each other amazed. St Louis ranked 5th for poverty rates in cities of over 250,000 people in 2007. We had happened upon a golden educational opportunity.

One student, David Pruchno, really took this lesson home with him. After this program he decided to run for SATO VP, USY’s Vice President for Social Action/Tikkun Olam. He began to look for opportunities to connect USY with meaningful, on-going local social action projects. David partnered with Gateway180, the largest emergency shelter for women and children in Missouri. He began talking to them about the idea of “adopting” the dining room, which would mean that the USY group would take ownership to repaint and decorate the dining room and then return on several occasions to serve meals and partner with the shelter.

Andy and I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to partner our youth groups and religious school and to bring this level of serious, on-going Tikkun Olam to our greater community. On MLK Sunday we took 85 students to Gateway180. It was an amazing day on so many levels. Our day school, religious school, and youth group students joined together to participate in this Tikkun Olam project. As we were leaving for the morning, Andy reminded us how important it is for us to be engaged in this work, especially on Martin Luther King weekend, because we are commanded by our Jewish tradition to help others whenever we can. At the shelter we learned that the average age of a homeless person in St Louis is nine. We discussed what it might feel like for the 60+ children in the shelter to be picked up each morning by the school bus while standing in front of a sign reading homeless shelter. Gateway180 allows women and children to stay for up to 30 days. The goal is to help these families do a180 degree turn and get them back into a home.

While we were there our students painted the dining room, packed 100 lunches, cleaned up the food pantry and played with the kids. It was a great morning of service. My favorite part was watching our kids play with the children there. Some of our older students took younger children under their wing while our 5th graders found other 5th graders to play with on the playground and teach each other games they could all play. At the end of the morning, when the 7th & 8th grade boys thanked me for taking them as they walked off the bus, I knew that we had done an amazing thing for everyone involved.

And then, our teens continued to WOW us. The USY board voted that for their yearly Tikkun Olam project, they wished to invite these children to join us for our “Be Happy It’s Adar”Carnival. We went and visited their temporary home and now we are inviting them into our home. So on Sunday, March 6th, we are lucky to welcome a group of children to eat, play and celebrate with us at our Carnival. Here is a wonderful, authentic opportunity for us all to practice the Mitzvah of Hakhnasat Orhim, welcoming guests. I hope that everyone in the B’nai Amoona community will make them feel as welcome as they made us feel when we went to their home. What an amazing opportunity, and it all began with striking up a conversation with some people in the park on a beautiful, sunny day.

Lessons Learned from our Director of Congregational Learning

Jennifer NewfeldDirector of Congregational Learning

Jennifer@bnaiamoona.com314-576-9990 x116

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin7February 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin7

Dear Congregation B’nai Amoona,

On behalf of Gateway180 :: Homelessness Reversed, the largest 24-hour emergency

shelter for women and children in the state of Missouri we thank you for sending your

wonderful young people our way on January 16th!

Many of your youth were surprised to learn that the average age of a homeless person

in St. Louis is just 9 years old! Of the 110 people Gateway180 serves each day, 60% are

children under the age of eleven. Your young people made such a difference by offering

a very special bracelet-making opportunity for the children at the shelter. Activities

like this make children at the shelter feel special. Quality time spent in our building by

communities like yours helps our children and their families know that people are aware

of family homelessness and are committed to ending it!

The older youth also got a beautiful start on making over the dining room here at

Gateway180! For most of us, the kitchen is the “heart of the home” where we spend

some of our most memorable family moments. The dining area at Gateway180 was dull

and lifeless space before Sunday. Now we’ve got a fresh coat of paint on the walls and

a rich color to accent the beautiful molding of our 90-year old building. While it’s a

work in progress, we’re excited to work with your congregation to create a warm and

meaningful space for the families we serve at the shelter.

And last, but by no means least, there was a fabulous B’nai Amoona sandwich making

crew with us on Sunday! These young people had a fantastic assembly line going

and created 100 brown bag lunches for Gateway180’s operation brown bag program.

Through operation brown bag we’re able to provide 150 lunches to homeless and low

income men from the neighborhood.

You should be very proud of the care, concern and dedication the young people of your

congregation have shown to families experiencing homelessness at Gateway180. We

look forward to an ongoing relationship with B’nai Amoona.

Gratefully yours,

Jenn Gauthier-Lyke Martin J. Rafanan

Development Director Executive Director SEE



Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin8March 2011

From Generation to GenerationSheri & Al Finkelstein on the birth of their granddaughter, Julia Brooke Finkelstein, daughter of Karen Merkle & Michael Finkelstein of West Bloomfield, MI. Julia is the sister of Alexandra (Lexie) and Jackson Finkelstein; also granddaughter of Linda & Richard Merkle.

Gay & Larry Goldenberg on the birth of their grandson, Jacob Drew Goldenberg; son of Liz & Doug Goldenberg; nephew of Jen & Brad Goldenberg; great-nephew of Jan & Richard Baron; great-grandson of Ted Krakover.

Ricki & Aaron Rosen on the birth of their daughter, Sydney Ilana Rosen; granddaughter of Jan & Warren Schultz and Bonnie & Steven Rosen. Sydney is the great-niece of Marilyn & Les Rosen.

A beautiful opportunity to honor loved ones and friends of B’nai Amoona.

The Special Occasions Wall, in the foyer of the Tober Building is made up of lasting remembrances in the form of plates of brushed satin brass. The plates are mounted on the wall under a beautiful carved-wood collage. The collage depicts the history of Congregation B’nai Amoona and major life cycle events.

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to honor your family and friends.

For details, contact:Barbara Shechter, 314‑576‑9990 x126,grammy@bnaiamoona.com

Michael Samis, 314‑576‑9990 x106,michael@bnaiamoona.com

The Special Occasions WallA Gift that Will Live From Generation to Generation

In Honor of Our Sons’B’nai Mitzvah

Daniel ElfanbaumFebruary 14, 2001

Joseph ElfanbaumAugust 19, 2006

Samuel ElfanbaumApril 2, 2011

Holly and Steve Elfanbaum

In Honor of Our Children’sB’nai Mitzvah

Aaron Jules ZuckermanOctober 9, 2004

Samuel Gordon ZuckermanAugust 12, 2006

Zachary Ira ZuckermanMar 23, 2009

Hannah Julia ZuckermanMarch 12, 2011

Elisa Birnbaum and Darryl Zuckerman

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin9March 2011

Early Childhood CenterFrom childhood, I have always loved Purim! Dressed in my Esther costume, I felt beautiful and courageous. It is a wonderful story where bravery and kindness win over bullying and cruelty. The theme remains as relevant today as ever, as sadly evidenced in the all too frequent media accounts of bullying with disastrous consequences. We struggle to find constructive responses and interventions to inspire more admirable behavior. In my effort to conceptualize the issues, I Googled “teaching courage” and discovered a Scholastic.com article by Charles R. Smith. I first imagined paraphrasing key ideas expressed. When I realized that I wanted to paraphrase everything he said, I knew I risked plagiarism as well as diminishing the beauty and clarity of what he had written. Even Mr. Smith’s title, First Steps to a Mighty Heart, reveals his sensitive and meaningful discussion of this challenging topic. I share an abbreviated version with you, in his words.Great accomplishments require courage-overcoming fear to persevere. No real achievement can be made without taking risks or making sacrifices. A courageous response to new experiences will build your child’s confidence and inner strength. When I ask children (and adults) to define courage, they typically insist that courage is NOT BEING AFRAID. They believe that fear is bad. At one school, however, a child declared that courage is “making the decision to do what you know is right.” To that definition I would add, “Even when we are afraid”.The journey to find courage begins at birth. Courage is composed of threads that extend back in time to experiences in early childhood. Each of these traits will continue to gain strength as they grow individually and combine with others. Greater adversity will someday test this fabric and, at these moments, the tapestry will prove itself strong. Here are four key threads of courage:

1. Willpower-the determination to achieve a purpose. 2. Vigilance-a heightened awareness of true risk and its consequences…noticing the presence of danger, envisioning potentially tragic consequences, and having developmentally appropriate skills. 3. Composure-the ability to self-regulate emotion-to think instead of panicking in response to a threat. 4. Caring-a trait that invests courage with the potential for later heroism.

TRUE HEROISM is COURAGE ELEVATED BY NOBILITY.Mr. Smith goes on to explain that courage can be taught. He suggests the following:

1. Stand for what is important. All children want their parent to be their heroes. This means standing up for what is important by setting good examples and maintaining reasonable limits. Talk about your values. Read great stories that emphasize the values you want your children to learn. Help your child develop an inner compass.2. Provide power moments - be sure that your children have reasonable opportunities to succeed, to challenge themselves to do something safe, but difficult, and provide just enough encouragement for them to do it well. 3. Protect without smothering-know when to let go and encourage your children to manage reasonable risk on their own. Invite children to use their senses to promote an awareness of their environment which is crucial to evaluating risk and to form empathy.4. Acknowledge your child’s fear and help your child confront it. Fear is a healthy emotion when it protects. Allow your child to experience fear without shame. Make what frightens your child an object of study. Encourage your child to experience success by approaching a fear gradually, one safe step at a time.

5. Make an investment of time. Become part of your child’s memories. Do things with your child, not just for your child.Dress up with your children this Purim. Hear the reading of the Megillah. Drown out the name of Haman not only temporarily with graggers but also more permanently with the shared journey to be brave, “making the decision to do what you know is right even when you are afraid.”

Happy, courageous PURIM.Sue Boxer

Director, Early Childhood Center314-576-3688


Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin10March 2011

BAUSYMy name is Orli Pinsberg and I am very excited to be the new BAUSY advisor! I was active in USY, and am happy to give back to the organization that shaped my high school experience. As a USYer, my most memorable positions held include being President and Social Action Tikkun Olam Vice President. I really enjoy community service and helping those who are less fortunate. Being President led me to oversee all that happened on board, and I really enjoyed every minute of the experience. My leadership in USY as well as attendance at both the regional conventions and international convention helped me connect to my Jewish identity.

At Washington University, I am a senior majoring in psychology. I have continued my involvement with Judaism by participating in both Hillel events as well as the Young Professional Division, where I have met many amazing people. Through Hillel, I had the incredible opportunity of travelling to New Orleans as part of Alternative Spring Break trip in my freshman year. It was very emotional to build homes of people who had been deeply affected by the hurricane and listen to their stories of hardship and survival. My internship through the Jewish Community Relations Council, titled Mazon, helped me plan programs in order to end the devastation of hunger and poverty in the St. Louis community. My internship helped me further expand my passion of social justice.

I am also a member of the Delta Gamma sorority where I have held leadership positions, including being the

Aviva Representative. Through this organization, I help plan events for Jewish women who are in Greek life. I believe strongly in the importance of education, and have participated in tutoring programs at both Wydown Middle School, and teaching Latino students in their English studies.  

Joining the bunch has been a wonderful experience, and I look forward to the rest of the year. We have had a very eventful few months in BAUSY. We had a wonderful time going back to our childhood at the Kindergarten Fortnight, where Andy read some of our favorite books and we created our own fort! We also had a very meaningful themed Shabbat dinner, honoring the late Debbie Friedman and her ample contributions to Jewish music and prayer.

Another meaningful experience included a collaboration of Pardes and USY attending the Gateway 180 Homeless Shelter. There, students either packed lunches, painted the dining room, or did arts and crafts with the residents of the shelter. Everyone learned more about the meaning of reaching out to those in need, and became more aware of the hard times that have hit members of the St. Louis community.

I look forward to seeing you at the Purim Carnival. It will be a fun and memorable day!

B’shalom,Orli Pinsberg


Introducing Our New Advisor

Now there are 8 weeks to discover how AWESOME this place is!

Camp B’nai Ami Director, Zeena Goldenberg

Campers age 2 - Pre-K

Summer 2011: Session I - June 13 to July 8

Session II - July 11 to August 5

Registration is now open!

Forms are available for download at:http://www.bnaiamoona.com

For information: Jodi Antell, 314-744-4024 or jodi@bnaiamoona.com

Camp Ramot AmoonaDirector, Andy Schwebel

Campers K - 6th grade

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin11March 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin11

It’s hard to believe we’re already in March, but we’ve had a great year so far with lots of fabulous programs. In January, BAUSYniks attended the Emtza regional Winter Shabbaton hosted right here in St. Louis and had a fantastic time bonding with USYers from all over the Midwest. Then in February, we held the Date Your Dessert program, shared a Shabbat dinner together, and spent lots of time preparing for our main event in March. We’re only days away from our big BAUSY event, the Be Happy It’s Adar Purim Carnival! Because Purim falls during many schools’ spring breaks this year, we are holding our annual Carnival a few weeks early. The Carnival will take place Sunday, March 6 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.

As always, there will be tons of fantastic games, prizes, delicious food, and fun for everyone. Join us after Pardes for a great time with the whole family. In addition to the games set up around the auditorium, there will be fun activities for younger children in the Multipurpose Room. We will also be selling 50/50 raffle tickets during the Carnival, so be sure to enter for your chance to win cash! Funds raised from the raffle go to help offset the cost of our Youth Group excursions.     Whether you’re new to our Carnival or a regular reveler, our Adar Purim Carnival Chair, Dani Stern, has planned these great things for you: win a live goldfish, enjoy our crowd-pleasing cotton candy, get your face painted, look for the man in the banana suit, try your luck at:  fishing in Shushan or a basketball throw, and come dressed up in your favorite costume. For more information or to make a donation in support of the carnival, contact Dani Stern daniellesstern@luckymail.com or Andy Schwebel andy@bnaiamoona.com 314-576-9990 x108. 

See you on March 6,Abby Abrams, BAUSY President


Pardes & Youth Department visitGateway180

(see article on pages 6-7)

Come Join the BunCh!

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin12March 2011

For the past couple of years Pardes Kitah Hey and Kitah Dalet have collected tzedakah funds to send mishlach manot baskets to IDF soldiers for Purim. The snack baskets and cards we send through Connections Israel are a tangible way for our students to thank the men and women who protect Israel for us 24/7. Apart from the Mitzvah of sending gifts of food at Purim, what’s the connection?

For me the connection can be found in the words “Israeli Defense Force” – the name given to Israel’s combined Army, Navy and Air Force. Throughout our history our people have resorted to violence almost solely for defense. Confronted with imminent attack in Persia those thousands of years ago, Queen Esther’s request was simple: save my people. It was not our desire or request to kill those who threatened us. That option was the only one left by King Ahasueros, who refused to order those planning to kill all Jews to stop. Though the king offered us the plunder from those we defeated, we took none. We fought in self-defense, and we won not only our lives, but also respect. And we pledged to remember the miracle of our survival in all our generations with a day of fasting and prayer (the Fast of Esther) followed

by Purim celebrations, gifts to the poor, and gifts to one another. Remembering the men and women of the IDF is a natural extension of our Purim celebration. We don’t celebrate their feats of arms, but their successful defense of our people today and in days to come.

If you’d like to support our Tzedakah project you can send a check in any amount to the Pardes office made out to Connections Israel. If you prefer to donate directly, the website www.connectionsisrael.com has information on supporting IDF soldiers as well as the people of Sderot, Israel.

Hag Purim!

Morah ElishevaClaire Hack

5th Grade Pardes Teacher

Purim and the IDF

March 5 Shabbateeny, (3rd Grade) at B’nai Amoona March 6 Be Happy It’s Adar (Purim) Carnival 11:30-1:30 (Pardes classes will be dismissed at 11:30am)

March 13 Klei Kodesh Seminar (11th & 12th Grades)

March 19 Purim, Multigenerational Reading Mini-Minyan

March 20 Pardes Purim Megillah Reading & Celebration for K-10 grade, 10:00 am

March 22 No School, Spring Break

March 24-27 Confirmation Washington DC Trip (10th Grade)

March 27 No School, Spring Break

Family Service - 10:15-11:00 am in the Guller

Chapel for pre-school to grade 2 families (facilitated

by Linda Rosenblatt, Kiddush follows)

Mini-Minyan - 10:30 - 11:30 am in Room 26 for grades

K-3 (facilitated by Jennifer Newfeld) March 19

Junior Congregation - 10:30 - 11:45 am in the Multi-

purpose Room for grades 3-7 (facilitated by Dr.

David Kantor)

Shabbat Club - 11:00 - Noon in Room 6 for grades K-3

(facilitated by Debby Saphian, snacks included)

Child Care - 9:30 - Noon in Room3 for 0-5 year

olds (supervised and snacks provided, sponsored by


Shabbat Morning Children’s Programs

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin13March 2011








April Birthdays Itai Aviv Henry Feldstein Margie Kessler Sarah Rodin Dylan Baker Susan Ferman Sharon Kirsch Leah Rodin Emma Barg Dennis Firestone Solomon Klarfeld Rabbi Neal Rose Jon Baris Sheila Flom J.Bernard Kolker Zakai Rose Leslie Becker Richard Frankel Carolyn Kranzberg Sandra Rosen Ronald Becker Avery Fredman Frieda Kreisman Aaron Rosen Rita Beckerman Winifred Frelich Elise Krug Peggy Rosenthal Elyssa Beilenson Sarah Freyman Sheldon Landau Lisa Ryan Carlos Berger Diane Gallant Madeline Lapp Madeleine Ryan Jordan Berger Bessie Garland Michal Lev Selma Saltzman Amanda Berger Jason Glaser Vitaly Levin Jonathan Samuels Lynda Berkowitz Lisa Glaser Elliana Levy Ellen Schapiro Gabriel Bernstein Jeffrey Glaser Hayley Levy Andrew Schatz Myles Bogner Joyce Glaser Matthew Litwack Brittany Schatz Joslyn Bogner Lester Goldman Alan Londe David Schenberg Adin Bogner Rachel Goldmeier Jackie Lueg Michelle Schuval Sonia Breit Rebecca Goldstein Harry Lyons Jeremy Schwartz Ethan Breit Barbara Goodkin Brendan Lyss Gary Shank Edith Brown Dave Goodman Julia Manewith Reva Shank Laura Ellenhorn Ruth Goodman Helen Martin Rebekah Sheinbein Michon Bushman Janice Greenberger Andrea Meir Daniel Sheinbein Neviyah Chappell-Beattie Michael Greenstein Betty Mendelson Lynn Shirley Samuel Cohen Daniel Greenstein Sarah Mermelstein D. Elan Simckes Samantha Cohen Lauren Greenstein Marilyn Mishkin Mindy Sosnoff Maxine Cohen Joseph Greenstein Lauren Mitchell Lara Sparks Daniel Cohen Leroy Grossman Gary Myers Nancy Stein Steven Cohen Melissa Guller Beverly Nahm Richard Stein Creighton Cohn Andrew Hanin Bruce Nahm Rebekah Tennenbaum Michael Cooper Lillian Hendin Zachary Nathanson Shelley Valencia Elizabeth Dennis Marley Hermann Ellen Needles Edward Weinstein Rebekah Donaldson Dee Herrmann Robin Pernikoff Steven Weinstein Lauren Dubro Edward Herzog Marjorie Pessen Eric Weis Tom Eidelman Robert Hoffman Liam Peters Seth Whay Joseph Elfanbaum Ariel Isaacs Rachael Peters Alexander Wolff Melissa Faro David Kalishman Cynthia Picker Patti Wolff Rachel Feinberg Scott Kalishman Barbara Poger Sam Wool Allan Feinberg Raizell Kalishman Michael Pritzker Barry Yusman Andrew Feit David Kantor Vera Pritzker Hannah Zuckerman



April and May Birthdays Send a birthday greeting to your B’nai Amoona friends and family.

For only $1 per name, please place a check mark in each box of the people you would like to acknowledge on the list below. Your name will then be included with others on a beautiful B’nai Amoona greeting card which

will be sent to each recipient.


Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin14March 2011

MayBirthdays � Stuart Abowitz � Andrew Fredman � Elliott Kleiman � Kevin Sarver � Marc Abrams � Graham Fredman � Matthew Kleiman � Jeffrey Schmitz � Amy Abramson � Jeremy Friedman � Leonard Komen � David Schuval � Molly Adler � Diane Friedman � Jamie Korenblat � Mark Schwartz � Tamir Armoza � Mildred Friedman � Mari Krivelow � Joseph Serber � David Azar � Sophia Friedman � Avi Landy � Gayle Shank � Robert Banashek � Daniel Friedman � Andrew Lanson � David Sheinbein � Peter Barg � Scott Friedman � Susan Lapp � Ariel Shifter � Adina Barg � Nancy Friedman � Samantha Lay � Samuel Silverman � Janet Baron � Sabrina Fulson � Sharla Lay � Maayan Simckes � Ido Beigelman � Paul Gallant � Yehonatan Lev � Sharon Steinberg � Joe Bendet � Vivian Gellman � Susan Levko � Dale Steinberg � Sarah Berk � Rona Gitelson � Hannah Levy � Danielle Stern � Abigail Bernstein � Mark Givarz � Arnold Libanoff � Jonah Stolker � Steven Bernstein � Stacy Goldberg � Janice Lipsitz � Michael Tabak � Lisa Binowitz � Madison Goldberg � Lucy Lopata � Louis Taxman � Jacob Blonstein � Kenneth Goldberg � Esther Lyss- � Michael Tennenbaum � Susan Bosse � Lanie Goldenberg � Shirley Madden � Hannah Tennenbaum � Sean Breit � Gary Goldstein � Gary Madden � Melanie Thiede � Cory Bricker � Scott Goodman � Barbara Michels � Jessica Tilson � Eleanor Brin � Barbara Green � Carrie Mlynarczy � Beverly Turner � Keith Callen � Stephen Green � Barbara Morris � Georgee Waldman � Harvey Cantor � Aida Greenberg � Lynn Myers � Brad Wallace � Alia Chappell-Beattie � Lisa Greenstein � Charles Neudorf � Elizabeth Wallace � Harvey Cohen � Emma Guller � Sheldon Novack � Eric Wallerstein � Marvin Cohen � Guy Halperin � Julia Novack � Deanna Wallerstein � Eric Cohen � Yoram Hanin � Judith Ogilvie � Elizabeth Wallis � Edward Cohen � Susan Harris � Josh Olmsted � Talia Warticovschi � Beryl Cohen � Daniel Hearst � Anna Perlmutter � Sarah Beth Waxman � Debra Dalin � Rebecca Hendin � Barbara Picker � Brent Waxman � Laura Dardick � Eva Herzog � Martin Pokres � Bruce Waxman � Bonnie Davis � Helen Hessen � Jerry Pritzker � Sam Weber � Elyse Davison � Milton Hieken � William Prost � David Weber � Anna Drapekin � Stephen Hirsch � Miriam Pultman � Bryan Webster � Beverly Einstein � Sydney Hirsch � Tobias Rafael � Alan Weinstein � Pearl Eisenberg � Barbara Hoffman � Debra Raisher � Rebecca Weisel � Holly Elfanbaum � Judith Hoffman � Ellior Rose � Rachel Weisel � Dennis Feit � Rena Hoffman � Lev Rose � Todd Weitkamp � Mahlet Fentaw � Daniela Hoffman � Ricki Rosen � Sandy Weitkamp � Michael Fentaw � Joshua Horwitz � Scott Rosen � Richard Williams � Hailu Fentaw � Chandler Johnson � Amanda Rosen � Alan Wolchansky � Stanley Ferdman � Sarah Kalishman � Adam Rush � Herbert Wolkowitz � Jordan Fine � Daniel Kaplan � Jason Rush � Chaim Zimbalist � Laura Firestone � Benjamin Kessler � Andrew Ryan � Zachary Zuckerman � Katherine Fredman � William Kincaid � Lenora Sachar � Vivian Zvibleman  

ALL ORDERS DUE BY MARCH 15TH!Donor Name:________________________________________

Phone Number:_________________________ Email:_______________________________________

How would you like your name to appear on the card? ______________________________________ Number of recipients selected: ____________ Total amount enclosed ($1 per name):________________

Please return completed form and payment by March 15th to B’nai Amoona, 324 S. Mason Rd. St. Louis, MO 63141 attn: Simcha Grams. Payment may be made by enclosing a check made payable to B’nai Amoona, or online at www.bnaiamoona.com (minimum $10 charge required for credit card payment).

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin15March 2011

Minyan MattersMy husband Les, a self proclaimed music aficionado, always surprises me with special CD’s he slips into my car’s player. Most recently I’ve been singing, The Times They Are A-Changin, with Bob Dylan.

I remember listening to it and responding with a loud Amen. Of course, that was because I was pointing a finger at the “older generation”, aka our parents. And, somehow without realizing it, I transitioned into the group I swore never to become a member of.

It’s true. I was going to fight it until I woke up one day and realized how comfortable I am in this new role. I love the responsibility of being responsible and acting like an adult. I embrace these changes and shout, bring it on, I’m ready for anything and everything! The irony of it all appears to be that the exact things I love doing today, are the things I swore I’d never do in my youth.

Which brings me to daily Minyan. When I began attending morning Minyan, I would spend the better part of the hour avoiding eye contact with the Gabbai. Fast forward to 2011 where I can be seen trying to capture the attention of the Gabbai in hopes of being given an honor. By the way, I’m not picky. I enjoy participating in any capacity.

And, as it turns out, I’m not the only one who feels this way. I had no idea how much joy you can bring people just by giving them an honor…in Shul that is. In fact, many of our Minyannaires have stepped up and volunteered to open the arc, read the various prayers, and announce the names on the Yahrzeit list. I’m confident before long a sign up board will be created, giving everyone who wants to, an opportunity to participate in the service.

Yes, the times they are a-changin. I suggest you beat the rush and start attending a Minyan of your choice today. I can think of no better way to embrace the changing times of our lives than by honoring ourselves in daily prayer.

B’ Shalom,

Sari NeudorfMinyanaire Chairperson


Albert (toddy) becker

ruth estelle bermAn

emile cArp

debbie FriedmAn

eileen hirsch

millicent Jick

ethel perl

rebbetzin pAulA rivkin

mimi tAl

leonA zinn

The Congregation extends heartfelt sympathy to the families of:

The Yad Squad STILL wants YOU!

We already have an inductee into the squad with several more soon to follow. How do you add

your name to that list? If you are post Bar/Bat Mitzvah – age 18 and read 7 Aliyot

from one Rosh Hashanah to the next, you too can be

an inductee. And, you will receive a gift of $100.00 through the generosity of the Ed and Rita Balk TNT (Torah Nussach Tefillah) Fund. There are many opportunities to chant Torah. Contact me at: sharon.nathanson@bnaiamoona.com or susan.brown@bnaiamoona.com to sign up for the program and, we will keep track of your Aliyot.

In Memoriam

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin16March 2011

SisterhoodShalom Friends,

I’m very excited to invite everyone to attend Sisterhood’s fabulous Mitzvah fundraiser, “Night in Shushan,” on Saturday, March 12, at B’nai Amoona. This will be a wonderful evening of royal entertainment and culinary delight in celebration of Purim. Rhonda O’Brien, our Mitzvah Chairperson, and her talented committee of dedicated Sisterhood members, have worked for months to create Sisterhood’s version of an extravagant banquet in the palace of King Ahasuerus. Best of all, you are the honored guests!

The evening will start with Havdalah at 7:30 pm and then the party will begin. Sisterhood’s own Jan Baron, who recently portrayed our Matriarch Sarah at the Torah Fund brunch, will serve as our emcee. I can’t wait to see the costume she’ll be wearing as she introduces the three incredible acts on the program.

B’nai Amoona’s own lively “house” band Harif will kick-off the evening with their spicy music and vocals featuring Andy and BelleAnne Curry, Dan Friedman, Steve Elfanbaum, Rabbi Joe Davidson, and Cantor Sharon Nathanson. I’m looking forward to hearing the Persian accent they’ll add to their songs.

Next, Jay O’Brien will take the stage and perform a mix of contemporary tunes as he accompanies himself on the guitar and harmonica. Jay, the Cantorial Soloist at BSKI as well as Solomon Schechter Day School’s Music Instructor, is a talented artist with a wide repertoire including, pop, romance, and his own compositions.

Finally, the evening will conclude with two belly dancers performing a variety of dances including a graceful veil dance and an energetic drum solo. Of course they’ll teach a few dance moves and audience participation, from both men and women, is encouraged!

A tapas-style buffet with a Middle-Eastern theme will be served between the musical sets. Rachel Armoza, our Food Committee Chair, with the guidance of Beth Saltzman and Betsy Enger has created a tantalizing menu featuring traditional foods and exotic surprises. With a variety of appetizers, salads, entrees, side dishes, and desserts, everyone will enjoy the feast.

Sisterhood has a long tradition of outstanding Mitzvah events, from our hilarious parodies of Broadway musicals to elegant dinner dances. There is still time to make your reservations for “Night in Shushan” by calling Barbara Shechter at B’nai Amoona. Tickets are $25 per person plus an additional contribution to Sisterhood.

The money raised from “Night in Shushan” will be used for many of the B’nai Amoona programs that Sisterhood proudly supports. These include Shabbat and High Holy Day babysitting, special requests from our Pardes and ECC classes, USY transportation costs, funding for the Confirmation Class trip to Washington, DC, gifts for our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students, additional staff for our special needs students, and paying for our teen and adult teachers to attend training programs.

So please join Sisterhood for all the food and fun at “Night in Shushan.” I’m sure it will be a night to remember!


Marla Goldstein Sisterhood President

marlag58@sbcglobal.net 314-576-2641

Sisterhood Presents Mitzvah 2011

Night in ShushanAn evening of Royal Entertainment and Culinary Delight

in Celebration of Purim

Join us in supporting the programs and activities of B'nai Amoona Sisterhood

Saturday, March 12, 2011 7 Adar II 5771Congregation B’nai Amoona

Havdalah Service at 7:30 pmMusic by Harif and Jay O'Brien followed by Belly Dancing

Small plates with a Middle Eastern themeBeer and wine available for purchase

Casual attire or come in costume if you wish!

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin17March 2011

Men’s Club Man of the Year - Lester H. Goldman

Every year the Men’s Club has the honor and privilege of recognizing one of our members for his dedication and commitment to our Shul. I am thrilled to announce that Lester Goldman is this year’s honoree. Some of our past recipients include Rabbi Lipnick (z”l), Fred Radman and Dr. Morris Alex. Since I know Lester is not likely to “toot his own horn”, I feel it appropriate to share some of his accomplishments and history here.

Lester has been a part of Congregation B’nai Amoona since his parents, Ben and Alice Goldman, joined in the 1940’s so that he could attend Hebrew school.  He met his wife Judy when they were

both involved in B’nai Amoona USY.  They were married in 1960 and recently celebrated their 50th anniversary at B’nai Amoona.  The Goldmans have three married children, Ken (Sally) Goldman of Palo Alto, California, and B’nai Amoona members Louis (Rebecca) Goldman and Cantor Sharon (Mike) Nathanson, as well as seven grandchildren ranging in age from 1 to 23 years.

Over the years, Lester has also taken on many different leadership roles in our synagogue including being elected its Vice-President and then President (1992-1995). He remains very active within the congregation, served as the chair of many different committees and is a member of our Board of Trustees. Currently, Lester is the chair of our Accessibility Committee and spearheaded that committee’s efforts to re-configure our Bimah in the main sanctuary to make it accessible so that all members can be included in all aspects of B’nai Amoona’s religious services. He has been a member of the B’nai Amoona Men’s Club since the mid-1960’s and his wife Judy is a past-president of our Sisterhood.

Lester recently retired after 47 years from the active practice of law and has been appointed by the Missouri Supreme Court to its Disciplinary Committee. He was also formerly the president of the Solomon Schechter Day School in St. Louis and an officer and a board member of MERS/Goodwill Industries.

This year’s luncheon will be at B’nai Amoona on Sunday, April 10, 2011. As we do every year, we will be joining with the Men’s Club from Shaare Zedek to honor our respective Men of the Year.

I hope you will join us as we honor Lester for his many years of service and dedication to B’nai Amoona. Tickets will be available at www.bnaiamoona.com or from Barbara Schechter in the Shul office.

Men’s Club

B’Shalom,Creighton Cohn

Men’s Club Presidentmensclub@bnaiamoona.com

Please join us in honoring our 2011 Man of the Year

Lester H. GoldmanSunday, April 10, 2011

1:00 p.m. at Congregation B’nai AmoonaLuncheon will be $15 for adults and $7.50 for children ages 6 to 12.

Vegetarian option will be availale.Please RSVP by Monday, April 4.

Payment can be made online at www.bnaiamoona.com

Lester H. Goldman

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin18March 2011

Social Action An Exciting New Program.....The Bicycle Recycle Drive

The Social Action Committee is sponsoring a collection drive for bicycles in any condition on Sunday, March 13 from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on the far east end of the north parking lot. In case of inclement weather the Drive will be rescheduled.

All of the bikes will go to St. Louis BicycleWORKS, the first St. Louis group to utilize bikes as an educational tool to teach responsibility and good work habits to “at risk” inner city kids. The youngsters have a place to develop skills, interact with their peers and caring adults, and challenge their own abilities. They graduate with knowledge about bikes, the skills to work with an individual and a group, and personal safety skills. Those who graduate earn their own bike, helmet, light and lock. Over 10,000 bikes have been provided to inner city youths through this Program.

This is the first year for the Bicycle Recycle Drive and it won’t be advertised to the St. Louis community. Please spread the word.

Go to info@stlbicycleworks.org or call 314-827-6640. If you have questions about the March 13 Drive contact Project co-chairs Glenn Davison at GDHeartdoc@aol.com or 636-537-4075 or Fred Levko at fredlevko@earthlink.net or 636-256-9549.


Presently the Center is collecting books for K-5, Judaic ritual items, unopened toiletry items, and eye glasses. In addition we will now take books on tape or discs, old software and games.

Yiddish AnYone?

If you have Yiddish literature that you would like to see go to a good home, then you should know about the Yiddish Book Center. For many years they have been collecting this slowly vanishing genre of Jewish literature, keeping an impressive collection and sharing with other libraries.

The Yiddish Book Center is located on the campus of Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and works to rescue Yiddish and other modern Jewish books and open up their content to the world.

Donating Yiddish and other Jewish books is simple, it’s easy, it’s tax deductible – and best of all it’s a Mitzvah! To donate your books, copy the following link into your browser to find out how. http://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/how-donate-books Details about the type of books they are taking, tax information, etc. will be explained.

For more information, contact the Yiddish Book Center at 413-256-4900.


We are looking for individuals who are caring, have an open heart, and love people. You will need a car. You will have the opportunity to meet interesting people who have led fascinating lives and may want to share this with you. You will be bringing these people the sustenance of life. We need volunteers to deliver Meals On Wheels.

Your participation in this program is just as important as delivering the meal. You could very well be the only person that individual will see or talk to all day. For more information please call Fritzi Lainoff, 314-994-9048.

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin19March 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin19

Dear Gerry:

We would like to thank you for including us in a most memorable trip to Israel. As you may have heard, our last two days in Tel Aviv were relaxing ... but in a different way. We thought we would lie on the beach and take in the rays, but instead we watched the sea churning, listened to the wind howling from our room and the rain came pouring down like a hurricane. Luckily, the Carlton Hotel was so beautiful and relaxing that it turned out to be perfect anyway.

We hope your leg is on the mend and look forward to your

planning the next trip. We absolutely loved Rabbi Carnie Rose and Moshe and would consider another venture with their lead. I am attaching two photos of the group which you may distribute to everyone ... and one adorable photo of you on the camel. When we complete the editing of all of our photos from the trip, we will add them to our website for everyone to view, upload and/or print as they so desire. It was a very special trip with very special people ... and we thank you. Sincerely, Joan & Olin Sparber

ReflectionsReflectionsIsrael Trip

PURIM PARADIGMS - Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pmMarch 2 - Rabbi Josef Davidson - “Megillah Melodrama or Sometimes a Scepter Is(n’t) Just a Scepter”March 9 - Rabbi Ari Hendin - “Gender, Sexuality, Power and Politics In Esther’s Time and Today”March 16 - Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose - “Purim Paradigms: Achashverosh, Modechai & Esther as Archetypes for Personal Growth & Transformation”

LEARN TO READ THE HAGADDAH IN THE ORIGINALHebrew Reading Crash Course taught by Rabbi Josef DavidsonThursday evenings, March 10 - April 21, 7:00 - 8:30 pmB’nai Amoona Members - no charge Non-Members - $36.00

Adult Education - Holiday “Know Before You Go”

B’nai Amoona

Adult Israel Trip Participants

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin20March 2011

In Tribute... The Congregation acknowledges with thanks the following contribtions:YAHRZEITS DONOR IN MEMORY OF Carol & Stewart Axelbaum ......................................... William Rothman Esther & Robert Banashek ................................................ Edith Berman Elisa Birnbaum ............ Howard Birnbaum Roslyn Brodsky .............. Leonard Brodsky Edie & Harvey Brown ............ Sylvia Apell Beverly & Maynard Chervitz ................................................... Sarah Rogul Harvey Citerman Family ................................. Clara Prince Citerman Sharon & Marvin Cohen ........... Kate Fitter Susie & Jerry Comensky ....... Hyman Blatt Rosemary Cooper ................... Bert Cooper Kathy & Tom DeWoskin ........ Lois Harvey Renee & Harvey Dobkin & Family .................................... Margaret Markowitz Marcia & Warren Fine .............. Esther Fine ............................................... Abraham Fine Debra & Michael Finkel ........ Grace Finkel Martha Gersten .................... Dorothy Gold Patricia & Norman Gold .......... Sadie Gold ................................................... Milton Gold Patty & Bill Goldman ..... Joseph Goldman Selene & Irven Hammerman ............................................. Leah Rabushka Lisa Hellman .................... Rifka Lubelczyk Godofredo & Eva Herzog ............................................... Louise Herzog Helen Hessen........ Gertrude Olschwanger Terry & Harvey Hieken .... Emanuel Lazar Nathan Goldstein .............. Anna Goldstein Roberta Hayman ..................... Jacob Floom Joan & Joe Hoffman .......... Pearl Horowitz Meyer Kahan ......................... Selma Kahan Renee & Lenny Kohn ............. Patricia Litz Kenneth Kolker ...................... Louis Kolker Fritzi & Mike Lainoff ............... Billie Miller .............................................. Maurice Miller Jean & Stanley Margul ..... Tema Schwartz Anne & Rick Mazur ................ Yetta Mazur Myrna & Jay Meyer ............... Anne Mayer Nancy & Larry Present ........................................... Francine Miriam .............................................. Helene Present ............................................. Manuel Present Evelyn Reiss......................Shirley Drohlich Bernadine Rosen .......................... Max Fine Micheline & Richard Rothman ........................................... Rachel Rothman ................................................ Jack Rothman Ellen Schapiro & Gerald Axelbaum ........................................... Louis Axelbaum Geraldine & Gideon Schiller ................................................... Bess Schiller

Reva & Harry Shank ......... Rose Gillerman Barbara & Harry Shechter ................................ Gertrude Olschwanger Vivian & Larry Waldman ......................................... Regina Waldman ............................................ Lillian Fredman Ann Weitzman ........................... Max Wels Marilyn & Chaim Zimbalist ........................................... Sam Goldenberg ............................................ Evelyn Bierman GENERAL FUND

The Following Contributions Have Been Made in Memory of

Marty Samuels The Berwald Family

Bonnie & Steve Davis & Family Marla & Gary Goldstein

Ed Greenberg Joan & Joe Hoffman

The Manewith Family

The Following Contributions Have Been Made in Memory of

Ruth Berman Pam & Howard Appelman

Lynda & Rick Berkowitz Fran & Harvey Cantor

Sherri & Bob Daniel Bonnie & Steve Davis

Dani & Ricky Dicker & Family Holly & Steve Elfanbaum

Julie & Lenny Frankel Marla & Gary Goldstein

Roberta Goran & Sheldon Novack Jackie & Bob Lueg

Beverly, Gary, Becky & Ashley Motchan Joyce & Dan Rudman

Barbara & Harry Shechter

The Following Contributions Have Been Made in Memory of

Leona Zinn Sherri & Bob Daniel

Julie & Lenny Frankel Irene & Jim Hirschfield Harriette & Jack Kraus

Cheryl Perl Nancy & Larry Present

Marlene & Marvin Rosengarten DONOR .......................... IN MEMORY OF Barbara Barenholtz & Milton Barenholtz ..................................................... Leo Sachar Julie & Lenny Frankel ..... Michael Pritzker Godofredo & Eva Herzog ............................................ Harry Goldman Jill & Lindsay Weiss ............... Bobbi Guller

DONOR IN HONOR OF Esther & Robert Banashek ............... Zahava Kaplan’s Participation in the New Baby Shabbat Susan Bosse .......... Ed Cohen’s Retirement Delmar Gardens West ................ Bar Mitzvah of Noah Englander Marcia & Warren Fine ............. Dennis Kleper’s Speedy Recovery Gerry & Jerry Friedman ............ Marlene Fiman’s Speedy Recovery Doris & Leroy Grossman ................ Bar Mitzvah of Noah Englander Victor Grossman ..................... Ron Heller for Hospital Visits Gertrude Hulbert ....................... Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Heller ........... Bernice Resnick’s Speedy Recovery Marcia & Kenneth Kram .......... Neal Kalishman’s Speedy Recovery Nancy & Larry Present ................ Roz Libanoff’s Speedy Recovery Marlene & Marvin Rosengarten .......... B’nai Mitzvah of Hannah, Naomi & Zachary Frankel Beverlee & Stuart Sagel ................................ Ed Cohen’s Retirement Jill Weiss & Ken Moss .......... Neal Kalishman’s Speedy Recovery Jill Weiss ........ Speedy Recovery for Susan Kalishman’s Mother, Mrs. DeWoskin Alvin Werner.........Albert Price’s Birthday SETH CHARLSON CAMP RAMOT AMOONA SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Marilyn & Marc Abrams...... Stanley Winn Nancy & Alan Charlson .......... Leona Zinn ........................................... Robert Wegusen DONOR IN HONOR OF Nancy & Alan Charlson ....................... Mike Flotken’s 60th Birthday ............................. Birth of Chloe Strickland KAREN CHOD CAMP ASSISTANCE MEMORIAL FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Jackie & Barry Chod ............. Ruth Berman ................................................. Mark Hendin ................................................. Sylvia Hirsch Rosalie & Leonard Chod ...... Ruth Berman Marcia & Warren Fine .... Eddie Copilevitz ....................................... Dorothy Copilevitz Rosalie Franklin ................. Marty Samuels Gay & Larry Goldenberg ............................................ Sylvia Krakover .......................................... Edna Goldenberg ................................................. Ruth Berman .................................................... Leona Zinn

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin21March 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin21

Gertrude Hulbert ............ Bernard Hulbert Esther Katz................................. Leo Sachar ................................................. Erwin Taryle .............................................. Barney Golbart Marcia & Hesh Lyons .......................................... Betty Blumenthal Debra & Joel Spigel ......................... Norman & Shirley Finger’s Brother-in-Law Leon ................................................ Joanne Finger DONOR IN HONOR OF Rosalie & Leonard Chod ............ Sheryl Kalman’s Speedy Recovery Rosalie Franklin ............ Sheryl Kalman’s Speedy Recovery ................ Bar Mitzvah of Noah Englander Debra & Joel Spigel .............. Marshall Waxman’s Engagement BEN AND FANNIE CHODOROVSKY CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Selma Schumitzky ........ Ben Chodorovsky EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Anne & Rick Mazur .............. Sylvia Hirsch DONOR IN HONOR OF Esther Katz...................... Sue Boxer for the Beautiful Stories She Writes in the B’nai Amoona Bulletin MORRIS A. FUNK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Susan Barad ............................... Mary Funk Irene Greenspoon ..................... Mary Funk JONATHAN GOLDBERG RAMOT AMOONA MEMORIAL FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Bonnie & Steve Davis ............... Anna Brick Ruth & David Gerchen ......... Ruth Berman OSCAR AND ELAINE GOLDBERG NEW IDEA FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Elaine & Oscar Goldberg .......................................... Sarah Greenberg Marta & Mike Goldberg ...... Gilbert Feder SAMMY GOLDMAN KABBALAT SHABBAT MUSIC FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Miriam Dennis ..................... Ben Goldman Judy & Lester Goldman .......................................... Sammy Goldman ................................................. Ruth Berman

Susan Nathanson & Family .......................................... Sylvia Loomstein DONOR IN HONOR OF Judy & Lester Goldman ............... Bar Mitzvah of Noah Englander HAZZAN JACOB GOWSEIOW MUSIC FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Esther Katz ................................. Tiby Stone DAVID GREENSTEIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER MEMORIAL FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Janet, Barry, Jen & Amanda Lutz ......................................... David Greenstein ENID GREENSTEIN INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL METHODS FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Harvey Greenstein ........... Enid Greenstein Lori Linder & Jim Greenstein ............................................ Enid Greenstein Janet, Barry, Jen & Amanda Lutz ............................................ Enid Greenstein WILLIAM AND REVA GREENSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Janet, Barry, Jen & Amanda Lutz ........................................... Reva Greenstein ...................................... William Greenstein BERT AND NETTIE GROSSMAN RECREATIONAL COMPLEX FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Mimi Wachsman .............................. Hattie Rubin’s Birthday HAROLD AND MILDRED GULLER FUND

The Following Contributions Have Been Made in Memory of

Mildred “Millie” Guller Sarah & Steven Bartfield

Carolyn & Ethan Cruvant Barbara & Jeff Diamond

Essex Industries Sheila & Richard Flom Marsha & Steve Funk Avi & Evan Goldfarb

Mary & Howard Guller Gertrude Hulbert

Dennis Hunter, M&I Bank Toby Katz

Sandra & Sanford Krachmalnick Nanci & Roy Manson

Marlene & Lewis Newmark

Vicki Pettus D. J. Serkes & Family Babs & Harvey Siegel

Joyce Spaulding Roberta Stolz

Annita Suffian Jody & Mickey Waldman

The Yavitz Family

DONOR IN MEMORY OF Cindi & Keith Guller ............ Ruth Berman .................................................... Leona Zinn RABBI ABRAHAM E. HALPERN EDUCATION FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Beth Saltzman ............... William Saltzman ARLEEN & DR. PHILLIP KORENBLAT & FAMILY KIDDUSH FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Arleen & Phillip Korenblat .......................................... Joseph Schuengel ................................... Joan Lipnick Abelson .................................................... Leona Zinn HARRY & LILLIAN LANDER FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Bonnie Lander ......................... Rose Gelber LEWIN SENIOR TRANSPORTATION FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Phyllis Goldberg .............. Hortense Lewin LIBRARY FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Maxine & Wally Cohen ............ Leo Sachar DONOR IN HONOR OF Maxine & Wally Cohen ............ Barbara Becker’s Speedy Recovery ............... Paul Steinberg’s Special Birthday MARVIN AND MARILYN MISHKIN MAHZOR FUND ESTABLISHED IN MEMORY OF ROSE, SOL AND SAUNDERS CANTOR DONOR IN MEMORY OF Dorothy Riemer ......... Fanny Levin Cohen PARDES EDUCATION FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Noreen Movitz ........... Gertrude Goodman JOSEPH AND CLARA PEREZ SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Vivian Zvibleman .................................. Evelyn Zellinger Wolf

Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin22March 2011 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin22 Congregation B’nai Amoona Bulletin22

ALBERT AND EDITH PRICE SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN HONOR OF Edie & Obbie Price ................ Bar Mitzvah of Noah Englander Charlotte & Harry Teicher ................................ Albert Price’s Birthday ARMIN AND MELAN PRICE LANDSCAPE FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Susan & Neal Kalishman ..... Ruth Berman Edie & Obbie Price .................. Armin Price BEN SACHS BREAKFAST FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Susan & Max Brown ............. Ruth Berman .................................................... Leona Zinn JACOB AND EDITH SHEINBEIN TORAH CARE FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Rochelle & Sheldon Enger ........................................... Sylvia Goldstein DONOR IN HONOR OF Rochelle & Sheldon Enger ............................... Mrs. Berni Birenbaum’s Speedy Recovery Sharon Kirsch & Ed Rosen ................ Dianne Bank’s Speedy Recovery NATHAN AND BELLE STOLIAR CANDY FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Gerry & Eugene Cooper ............................................LeeRoy Handler Eunice & John Reichman & Family ...................................................... Noah Salz Vivian & Larry Waldman .... Ruth Berman .............................................. Marty Samuels ............Mr. & Mrs. Shelly Sabath’s Brother DONOR IN HONOR OF Vivian & Larry Waldman ....................... Noa Franklin’s Bat Mitzvah TRADITIONS ON WHEELS FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Bobbie & Louis Glaser ............ Ann Snitzer GARY AND PHYLLIS TRAUB CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Phyllis & Gary Traub ......... Leah Goldfarb ............................................ Milton Goldfarb ............................................. Muriel Mushlin ................................................. Ruth Berman .................................................... Leona Zinn Sheryl & Larry Zigler .......... Joanne Finger

USY SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Barbie, Drew & Sadie Barnholtz ................................................ Eileen Hirsch Esther & Bip Cohen .............. Eileen Hirsch Leonard Karoll .................. Seymour Karoll .................................................Rose Kronick ........................................... Abraham Karoll VISHINANTAM LEVANECHA ENDOWMENT FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Susan & Fred Levko ................ Arthur Blau Linda & Michael Rosenblatt ................................................. Millie Guller Cindy & David Schuval ....... Joanne Finger Jeanne Seidler .......................... Arthur Blau DONOR IN HONOR OF Cindy & David Schuval ....................... Joel Levy’s Special Birthday Jeanne Seidler .............. Cindy Schuval’s Special Birthday SAM AND ETHEL WEBER EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WISH LIST FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Meryl & Melvin Halpern .......Sophia Wien Sam Weber ..............................Sophia Wien JOHN MERRILL WOLFF SIDDUR FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Elaine & William Wolff .............. Lee Block ............................................... Matilda White MARSHA BRIN WOLFF ENDOWMENT FUND DONOR IN MEMORY OF Elaine & William Wolff ........ Ruth Berman

A special note from the Rabbis and Cantor:

Though we do not publish the names of those who make contributions to our Discretionary Funds (as a way to protect their request for anonymity), we deeply appreciate your continued thoughtfulness and generosity. Today Rabbah & may you continue to be blessed from On-High.

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose,Rabbi Josef Davidson andCantor Sharon Nathanson

Congregation B’nai Amoona324 South Mason RoadSt. Louis, MO 63141-8029314-576-9990 · FAX 314-576-9994www.bnaiamoona.com

STAFFCarnie Shalom Rose...............................Senior RabbiJosef A. Davidson......................................Adjunct RabbiBarry R. Friedman........................ .........Adjunct RabbiSharon Nathanson........................ Cantor DesignateBernard Lipnick (Z”L).........................Rabbi EmeritusLeon S. Lissek......................................Cantor EmeritusMichael Samis...............................Executive DirectorJennifer Newfeld...........Director of Cong. LearningSue Boxer..................Early Childhood Center DirectorAndy Schwebel......................Asst. Dir. of Ed. & YouthBetsy Enger.................................................MashgichahCindy Schuval & Ellen Cohen...........Bulletin Editors

OFFICERSMarc Lapp....................................................... PresidentCarl Greenberg....................................... Vice PresidentDavid Kantor........................................... Vice PresidentCindy Schuval......................................... Vice PresidentJeff Weis.................................................... Vice PresidentRick Abrams.............................. ....................... SecretaryMichael Goldberg............................................Treasurer

AUXILIARY PRESIDENTSMarla Goldstein.............................................SisterhoodCreighton Cohn............................................Men’s ClubAbby Abrams................................................................USY

Tributes received after we went to press will appear in the next bulletin.