20 YEARS IN MINISTRY - Lighthouse Trails Research


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Testimonials(by some of those who could not be at the banquet)

20 YEARS IN MINISTRYFebruary 2011


Ever since I met Roger Oakland over 20 years ago, I soon realized that we were “drummers beating to the same beat”. It’s notable that biblical teach-ers/preachers are quickly drawn to each other. Not long after meeting and talking we made plans to travel overseas to speak what God had put in our hearts.

Since then, Roger and I have travelled together to Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay for joint speaking engagements. His clear exposition of the Word, and his knowledge of the creation/evolution debate, coupled with his easy-going teaching style allows anyone with little or no academic background to follow and understand his presentation.

I, too, am celebrating a milestone next month: my “first 50 years” as an or-dained minister. Looking back, I could never compare myself to what Roger has been able to accomplish in his 20 years in ministry. I thank God for his life and ministry and pray that God would grant him more opportunities to travel as he has these many years. We know that “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”.

I have the impression that we are close to the end of the proclamation of the Gospel. The signs predicted in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are being fulfilled and we need to take the words of our Lord seriously.

Those Believers who are interested in making a good investment with eter-nal rewards should look no further than to support my friend and brother in Christ, Roger Oakland, in his unwavering dedication to taking the teach-ings of our Lord and his apostles to the ends of the earth.

As a family, we wish we could have been there to celebrate this milestone with Roger, but were unable to do so. We love you, brother, and pray for God’s richest blessings on your life, family and ministry.

J. A. Holowaty & Family


I have known Roger Oakland for over 30 years. I first recall him when he attended one of my Revelation classes at FGBI. The second time we met, he and his wife Myrna attended a summer camp series of messages that I gave at Moose Lake Camp. In the summer of 1986, Roger and Myrna spent a day with wife and myself, fellowshipping, while they were attending the World Expo in Vancouver. Over the past 25 years the Lord has allowed us to minister together, mostly through writing for the End Times Messenger. We also exchange e-mail and phone calls frequently. When UTT had their ten-year banquet, Roger and Myrna brought me from Burnaby to the banquet and I prayed with them for God’s continued blessing. A few months ago, I turned three score and ten plus twenty more years. Rog-er calls me his mentor, although I know Jesus is his Lord and his good Shep-herd. While I have loved the Word of God all my life and how the Word helps us to understand what is happening in the world and the church, I know there is much more to tell others until Jesus returns. My prayer is that the ministry of Understand The Times will be obedient to that call, until Jesus returns for His church to take us all. In His Grip, L. O. P.


We live in a day where standing for truth is becoming a dangerous busi-ness. One of the reasons standing for truth is a dangerous business is because much of the North American church has become big business. Men have used the message of grace and truth as a prop to build empires of wealth, greed and sin. Leaders sit inside their towers overlooking the kingdoms they have built while millions of lost souls

are heading toward hell. Ministries like Understand The Times stand as gatekeepers of truth while the church of Jesus Christ is under siege, mostly from within. We have found the enemy, and he is one of us. Men and woman who claim to know truth and who claim to love Jesus are embracing new age doctrines and are stamping out ministers who dare stand up and proclaim the truth of the Bible. If history has taught us one thing, the men God uses as prophets are never celebrated during the days they live. These men and woman of God spend their days being maligned, slandered, imprisoned and killed. As each one of you stands for truth in your own way I pray that God will give you strength, resolve and the knowledge that Truth is still the ingredient that sets men and women free. I pray that the Lord will bless you all as you invest your time, prayers into causes that truly reach the lost of our generation. The answers they need are not found in Washington DC or Ottawa Canada they are found in a leather back book called the Bible. Learn it and you will live, Proclaim it and they will be saved and teach it and they will know. God Bless You Roger Dave Hensman,Pastor, Missionary and Businessman, Nex Gen World Leadership

JIM JARRETPastor in Redding, California

Roger has been to Redding a number of times now and in January of 2009 I had the great privilege of being with Roger in the Philippines, and min-istering with him at a couple of Pastors conferences. It was one of the best mission trips I have ever been on. Roger and Myrna, and I include Myrna, because the unsung heroes of the ministry are the wives who stand behind their husbands and encourage them through all the trials and difficulties of life in the ministry. So, Roger and Myrna I want you to know how much the Ministry of UTT has helped and encouraged, not only myself, but the people in the body here at CC Redding. Roger your love for Jesus, your love for His Word, your love for the truth, your teaching and your books, have made me love Jesus more, and I know of no greater compliment that I could pay. I know the Lord has great things in store for UTT in the future as it ex-pands through the Bryce Lodge ministry, and who knows what other doors the Lord will open. Roger and Myrna, to say that it has been a tough couple of years is a gross understatement. But I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated by many. And as Paul said to the Galatians; do not lose heart in doing good for in due time you shall reap if you do not grow weary. Heb. 6:10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. May God strengthen and encourage you as you continue in the ministry for the Glory of Christ. God Bless you my dear brother. Sincerely in Jesus,Jim Jarrett, Pastor


I am so sorry that I will not be able to make it tonight. We started getting snow late last night, and the road out was closed. Please know that I will keep in touch to see if there is any way that I can help you and your ministry.

Keep the faith and know that you are not alone. When I get down in OC, I will look you up to get caught up……give my best to everyone tonight.

Hebrews 10:32-39 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: part-ly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribula-tions, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. There-fore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.

Thanks for being faithful to the calling of God…..

Blessing my brother

Rick & Terry Dedrick


Our connection with Understand the Times has spanned 15 years and ex-tended from Moscow, Russia, to Tustin, California and to La Crosse, Wis-consin. Whether through publications, videos, radio broadcasts, speaking engagements or rendering benevolence, we have found love for the Lord and for the lost, as well as respect for the truth and financial integrity to be the hallmarks of this ministry. Roger Oakland has been our friend and coun-selor. We are praying and will continue to pray for him and for the various ministries of Understand the Times. We seek the Lord for health, direction, protection, clarity, and fruitfulness until the Lord returns.



We never knew Roger when we were Bible School Students in Eston over 60 years ago, though I knew of the Oakland family. It was during a furlough when my wife Phyllis and I were home from Burkina Faso that I first met Roger. He had already graduated from the University of Saskatchewan and was a Biology lecturer at the University. After church one summer Sunday several people had gathered for prayer. I noticed a young man who was praying at the altar of the church so we joined him and prayed with him. Soon Rev. G. S. McLean came over and started talking and praying. Later, I learned that the young man was Roger Oakland and that the Lord was calling him into full time ministry. Phyllis and I are grateful to the Lord for how He has used Roger and Under-stand The Times to share the gospel around the world. To borrow the words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians, a man who once persecuted Christian students in Biology class, is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy. And we praise God for what he has done. It wasn’t until after we returned to Canada from Africa in 1990 that we got to know Roger and Myrna. A friendship quickly developed. Phyllis and I have been steadfast prayer supporters of Roger’s and the Understand the Times’ ministries for the past twenty years. Perhaps the one ministry that could yet have the greatest impact in our lifetime is the strong contact he has had over the years in Russia, particularly with the Ministry of Education. As a result Russia and the Ukraine have established a Bible-based curriculum in their schools to teach biblical morality and the Genesis record regarding origins. Much more could be said, but suffice it so say “The entrance of Thy words giveth light…” We, along with his many other friends, are grateful to the Lord for his return to better health after being temporarily laid aside for an extended period of time. We thank God he was able to make the recent ministry trip to the Philippines and Myanmar. The Lord has greatly blessed the last 20 years of his fruitful ministry through Understand the Times, and we pray the Lord’s continued and increasing blessing on his ministry in the years to come. Love and prayers, Roger. Stan and Phyllis


We wish we could have joined you for this special evening Roger. We send you our love and deepest regards from snowy Montana. We find it a privi-lege beyond measure to be co-workers in ministry with you. Knowing you and having been able to partake of your teachings and exhortations have af-fected our lives deeply. Thank you for your boldness, courage, and unwaver-ing love for the saints and also for the lost. Your contribution to the church may not be fully realized this side of heaven, but many of us see it and are grateful to the Lord for allowing us to know you.

By His grace,

David and Deborah DombrowskiLighthouse Trails Publishing

From a couple who attended the banquet:

We wanted to take the time to tell you about our Friday night. We had the pleasure of going to Roger Oakland’s 20th banquet for Understand the Times. What a blessing ! The music was Terry Clark and his wife. It was a mini concert of true worship. There were many wonderful God-fearing, loyal friends and sup-porters of both Roger Oakland and Understand The Times.

The accolades and testimonies were abundant. By the nights end, we had a very clear understanding of the selfless, godly, ministry that this is. His only concern is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and expose “proven” false doctrine and Apostasy / emergent / New age teachings.

He is so concerned for the children of UTT’S orphanages. His passion for the children is so evident, and his heart breaks regarding funds being taken from these babies / children’s mouths, along with the Gospel being preached to them !! How can churches who once supported UTT do this just because TRUTH against Apostasy has been spoken ?? THESE ARE CHILDREN LIVES, THESE ARE CHILDREN’S SOULS !!! Where are the TRUTH SPEAKERS ??

How can his past friends try to make Roger look off in any way? Because they are not willing to stand up against false teaching ? Loyalty seems to have alluded them also!

Not a more balanced man in ministry exists. We wonder what our Lord will say to those who have turned against this man and his ministry.

As these Last Days go forward, we know that the Delusion will come from “with-in” the Church. It seems like this has begun.

Well we are changing whom we give our tithe money to. We want it to go to a RIGHT-ON MINISTRY, to feed the children of these orphanages, both physi-cally and Spiritually !!

These are dark times. We continue to pray. Thank you both for your continued hard work.


Two loyal supporters
