2 KN RAO Tutorial



introduction to Astrology

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Learn Hindu Astrology Easily(A lot of folks in the west call Hindu Astrology as Vedic Astrology)Most of us are curious to know about our future. We want to know the answers to many questions like "When would I get married?" , "What career should I choose?", "When would this happen?", "Will I be Rich?", "Will I succeed in business?", or you have questions about children,loved ones, healthetc.You approach an astrologer. You are eager to get a solution to your problem. The astrologer gives his prediction. There is no way for you know the basis for his prediction because you have no knowledge of astrology. You have to be satisfied with the astrologer's prediction.And beware there are plenty of so called "astrologers"out there who prey on your fears and will lighten your wallet in no time!The good news is you can learn to predict about your future. Yes you can!Some of us have been led to believeHindu Astrology is for the scholarly and the mathematically inclined or people who can read and write Sanskrit.Far from truth.Learn Vedic Astrology Easilycourse is for everyone. These astrology lessons are based uponthe proven and tested method PAC DARES created by Shri KN Rao, world's foremost Vedic/Hindu astrologer.We could give you testimonials by thousands of studentswho have appreciated these lessons written by Shri KN Rao not including the thousands of letters and emails that Shri KN Rao has received for his predictions and books. There is simply not enough space for these testimonials.What's the proof that this method will work. This method has been taught to thousands of studentslearning astrology atBhartiy Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi. The Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan astrology course is the world's largest of its kind with hundreds of students. The astrology school is run under the guidance of Shri KN Rao, world's foremost vedic astrologer. Shri KN Rao is also foremost researcher in various areas of Vedic/Hindu astrology. The research on various topics like Delayed marriage, Children, Education, Professions etc have been published as books.Who is learning astrology at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi.? College students, working professionals including medical doctors, engineers, management professionals, school teachers, college professors to name a few.With PAC DARES not only will you learn astrology quickly, you will learn step by step with numerous example horoscopes.Your next question is "Where do I begin learning astrology?"

The Purpose Of Writing These LessonsThese Lessons are being written for three types of students:To Avoid CalculationsFirst, those who want to avoid the mathematical part of astrology either because they do not know the subject or, feel that computers can do all this for them. But still, they must know some basics of astrology and are able to appreciate when a horoscope is discussed. They want to have a quick and systematised method of doing and understanding astrology. This book is being written mainly for beginners who can learn Hindu astrology without having to learn anything by rote. They must do the exercises given at the end of each chapter systematically, again and again. If they avoid doing that, there is no hope of their ever learning astrology.The word used originally Vedic has been dropped as I read recently that Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the great social reformer of the last century, objected to astrology, (Jyotisha) saying that Vedas had no predictive astrology at all. The use of the word Vedic astrology in the USA is obviously wrong.To Cure Astrological ConstipationThe second category is of those who have read many books on astrology and developed an incurable astrological constipation. It will be difficult for them to start with a clean slate as they cannot unlearn what they have. Yet, this book may help them remove some of the cobwebs in their minds. I have not seen them succeed much. They have their minds cluttered with dogmas which they mistake for astrology. They read books on astrology and ask the question, where are the secrets of predictive techniques in the book. They do not know how to see even in a case study, how these predictive techniques are discussed in a book. It is more so in the West, where their attitude towards any subject including astrology is totally mechanistic.Those Who Have No TimeTo the third category belong some elitist groups like engineers who are used to a method and system of analysis of a subject. The books in the market, even the text books are only a mere repetition of what is also well known. Not one of these books can solve the problem of finding a method of assessing the potentiality of a horoscope. I have received appreciation from this group. They have realised the value of a systematic approach.The first and the third categories mentioned here will benefit most, as has been my experience of teaching astrology for over two decades.Appreciate the Method and Technique of Hindu AstrologyThe essential purpose of writing this is to show that in astrology there is a method, a technique and a scientific analysis which has to be learnt to be appreciated. It is after this only that each astrologer can work hard and develop his predictive style. This then is a book on teaching a style along which one can proceed to evolve a predictive method.Advice: Use the Computer Intelligently.Manual Casting1. It must be emphasised here that the student must read a good book and learn manual casting of horoscopes to avoid some of the traps into which those who depend on the computers, fall, very frequently, as has been my experience in the USA, and now also in India.Developing Predictive Ability2. It is when you are casting a horoscope manually that you develop astrological predictive ability. Most of the astrologers who have sub-standard ability are those who just do not know how to proceed with their analysis of a horoscope unless the computer gives out all the details. The computer which can be of great help, is also a big handicap for many reasons, the main being the well-known verdict on the ability of a computer, garbage in and garbage out.3. Let me point out the defects I have found in nearly twenty computer programmes I have seen so far. The most irrational addition being made there are some computer predictions, which is idiotic. A computer gives the degrees of a planet even as, 24060'.Computers Cannot Predicta. Most of the programmers have poor predictive or no predictive astrological ability. They can never know what is wrong with the programmes and how to correct them, even if the mistake is pointed out to them. In the USA they are always in such a great hurry to produce Jyotisha programmes that while some of them are dependable, most of them are wrong and, very elementary compared to many Indian programmes.Irrelevant Informationb. In the competetive world in which we live, these computer programmes come out with lot of irrelevant information, lifted from badly and unintelligently translated books of Hindu astrology into English.Fatalistic Feelingsc. Computers encourage a mechanistic view of astrology because the Hindu word, jyotisha, which means light is what no computer can ever provide. This mania of giving literal meaning of yogas and placement of planets in different houses and their meanings causes fatalistic feelings. No good and well-researched book on yogas has been written yet. Some cook books on yogas have been produced by greedy writers who wanted to make some quick money. In India, a young man committed suicide after reading some written predictions in a computer printout. The reason was that the computer lifted literally all the negative meanings from the badly translated books available in the market. These books have been written by writers who have done no original research of their own to give a positive and new meaning to many outdated concepts of the agricultural and pastoral age in which these books were written.Develop a Personal Styled. In doing jyotisha you have to develop your style. How then to develop it? First of all, looking at a horoscope you should be able to see whether the casting of the horoscope appears to be correct or not. If not, take a set of ephemeris and check it yourself. It is after doing this that you will understand why computer programmes, such a great facility, also dump into your head lot of irrational and negative information which can create only gloom.Compudiotse. Finally, as I have seen in the US departmental stores, if the computer is out of order, the girl at the counter (or the young man) cannot even tell you how much you have to pay. In jyotisha, if you cannot calculate manually or mentally, at least once in a while, you had better not learn it.Strong words? Yes. We are living in an age of what I call compudiots and the Internet on which anyone can put his garbage. Recently, I saw the claim made by an American computer programme on astrology about medical diagnosis of a disease! There is no astrologer-doctor who has made any break through in this field yet. How could this claim be made? Were you to read such a medical diagnosis, all that will happen is disaster. We have allopathic doctors who do their diagnosis and prescription of medicines by about a dozen antibiotics. There are ayurvedic doctors who do not know astrology. Astrological-medical diagnosis is just in a rudimentary form.

Course ContentsAstrology Lesson 1: Astrological Days,Signs, Planets and HoroscopesAstrology Lesson 2: Nakshatras some astrological exercises to deepen our understanding of the concepts we have learnt.Astrology Lesson 3: Friendship and Enmities of PlanetsAstrology Lesson 4: LagnaAstrology Lesson 5:Your Moon SignAstrology Lesson 6: AspectsAstrology Lesson 7: P(Position)A(Aspect)C(Conjunction)Astrology Lesson8 : P.A.C Practice HoroscopesAstrology Lesson 9: Learning Some Basics of Predictive PrinciplesAstrology Lesson 10: Persons whom these Planets Represent in Daily LifeAstrology Lesson 11: The Spirituality Associated With HousesAstrology Lesson 12: What is to seen from which HouseAstrology Lesson 13: Useful Information About RashisAstrology Lesson 14: Expanded Memory Tablet D. A. R. E. S.Astrology Lesson 15: A (Arishta or Malefic Influences)Astrology Lesson 16: R (Rajayogas)Astrology Lesson 17: E - (Exchange of Lords of Houses)Astrology Lesson 18: S - (Special Features)Astrology Lesson 19: The Consolidated Check-ListAstrology Lesson 20: Moon and Your PsychologyAstrology Lesson 21: Why the Moon ?Astrology Lesson 22: Broad Understanding of Moon's Influence in different HousesAstrology Lesson 23:Your Psychology and Moon Illustrations

Astrological Days,Signs, Planets and HoroscopesDays, Signs, PlanetsThis book is being written without dealing with the mathematical part. If you read it step by step and then see your own and others horoscope, you will be able to understand, technically, the astrological discussion. You will also get familiar with the terminology of Hindu astrology.Days of the Week1.To do that remember the first lesson in three parts: start counting the weekdays Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. These seven days represent seven planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.2.In Hindu astrology we make use of two other planets, called the shadowy planets, called Rahu and Ketu. This gives you a total of nine planets. It is why we have the famous navagraha stotraor worship of nine planets.Note: In Hindu astrology we do not use, Uranus (Herschel), Pluto and Neptune. In the scheme of stotra these planets have no place, though an American has given mantras for these three planets also in his book which is not given in any book of Hindu astrology we have or know of.Note:Now, also remember the sacred number 108 which are the number of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our japam.3.The part of the first lesson is: there are 27 Nakshatrasor Asterisms or Lunar mansions that we make use of in Hindu astrology. It is a very remarkable, brilliant and subtle division which is being explained later.Each nakshatra has four equal parts. Again you will see that twenty-seven multiplied by four gives you one hundred and eight number (108) which are the number of beads we have in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our japam.Now see all this in the table given here:Name of DayRuler of the Day

1. Ravivar or Sunday1. Ravi, Surya, Bhanu or Sun

2. Somavar or Monday2. Chandra, Indu or Moon or Luna

3. Mangalvar orTuesday3. Mangal, Kuja or Mars

4. Budhavar or Wednesday4. Budha or Mercury

5. Brihaspativar or Thursday5. Guru, Brihaspati or Jupiter

6. Shukravar or Friday6. Shukra, Bhargava or Venus

7. Shanivar or Saturday7. Saturn, Shani, or Manda

Note : No days are allotted for Rahu or Ketu. South Indian astrologers allot a specified time on each of the days for Rahu and call it Rahukalam during which time they avoid all auspicious work.Note: Rahu and Ketu cannot be seen through any telescope like other planets. Yet, how effective and accurate is their use in Hindu astrology clearly proves that the ancient rishis combined their knowledge of physical sciences with metapysical knowledge which we call Yogic.The Twelve HousesWhen Lord Rama was going to enter Lanka in his battle with the demon king, Ravana, Maharshi Agastya asked him to worship the Sun God first. It is known as the famous Aditya Hridayam Stotra.In one part of the stotra, there is the famous Surya Mandal Stotraof twelve stanzas. These twelve stanzas are the worship of the Suns movement into twelve houses, which represent the twelve well known calendar months.These twelve houses are called the Bhachakra in Sanskrit or the Zodiac.Each house has a space of thirty degrees, which when multiplied by twelve gives us three hundred and sixty degrees. The Bhachakra in Sanskrit or the Zodiac has a total span of three hundred and sixty degrees.Each house, better call it RASHI , has a name and stretches upto thirty degrees each. It is shown in the table given below.

What is a Horoscope?A horoscope is a diagram. South Indians and north Indians use diferent diagrams. There is no difference in the predictions given on their basis. A horoscope is also described as a map of man's destiny.Now first see the horoscopic forms and note the difference between them:PropertiesSouth IndianNorth Indian


Movement or DirectionClockwiseAnti-clockwise

House NumbersNumberingNeeds no Numbering

n Astrology Lesson 2 we will learn about Nakshatras and do some astrological exercises to deepen our understanding of the concepts we have learnt.NakshatrasNow you must know something about the twenty-seven nakshatras. Each nakshatra takes 13 degrees and 20 minutes uniformly. If 13'20 is multiplied by 27 it gives you 360 which is the total equal to the twelve houses referred to earlier.There are two methods of tabulating these Nakshatras.One method shows the degrees of Nakshatras from 0 to360 and the other shows the degrees occupied by each Nakshatra in each sign.

Friendship and Enmities of PlanetsAllotment of Zodiac Houses for PlanetsThe problem is to allot twelve houses, without partitioning a single one to seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. If these twelve houses which are to be allotted to seven planets each planet will get 1.71% house.The solution given in Hindu astrologyis: the Sun owns only one house or rashi, Leo or Simha and the Moon owns only one rashi, Cancer or Karka. Solution Now there are ten houses and five planets awaiting allotment.The easy solution that emerges out now is allot two houses to each of the five planets.The Scheme of Allotment thus arrived at is:Mars is allotted Mesha (Aries) & Vrishchika (Scorpio), two each.Venus is allotted Vrishabha (Taurus) & Tula (Libra), two each.Mercury is allotted Mithuna (Gemini) & Kanya (Virgo), two each.Jupiter is allotted Dhanu (Sagittarius) & Meena (Pisces), two each.Saturn is allotted Makara (Capricorn) & Kumbha (Aquarius), two each.There is a very easy way to remember it. Divide these twelve rashis into two divisions six belonging to the Moon and six belonging to the Sun.The rashi number of the Moon is four (Karka) proceed in backward direction from here 4, 3, 2, 1, 12 and 11. The rashi number of the Sun is five (Simha) and proceed in forward direction from here 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.The Lunar Half 4 3 2 1 12 11The Solar Half 5 6 7 8 9 10Now Re-arrange It Thus:Lunar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and SaturnSolar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and SaturnTo sum up Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn move in a backward direction from Karka. Repeat it from Simha in forward direction.Happy and Unhappy Conditions of PlanetsHindu astrology which deals with the happy and unhappy conditions of human beings who are happy or unhappy or indifferent or very comfortable in some surroundings, comfortable in some, less comfortable in some, uncomfortable in some and miserable in some, so too planets have different conditions and different moods. The condition of planets in a horoscope reflects it.Note:Do not take it literally because there are many brilliant exceptions to these rules. If that is not remembered, only a gloomy and fatalistic view of a horoscope will have to be taken, as many astrologers do.Just as the company of different human beings and different surroundings create different moods in you so do planets in a horoscope. Planets are happy in some conditions and unhappy in some other conditions. There are varying emotional states.CautionBefore you learn the following lesson, overcome the mechanistic attitude of the age we live. Astrology of Hindus is not a set of formulae to be applied in a push-button way. What is being given here is for a quick understanding of the fundamentals only. Do not take them as final pronouncements. If you commit that mistake, you will become dogmatic.Hindu astrology is world's most developed astrology because India is the land where astrology originated and, was developed over a period of thousands of years. Here many astrological experiments have been done and many techniques tested and re-tested. Avoid dogma but follow the steps given below. The more flexible but, not romantically stupid, you are in learning astrology, the better are the chances of your developing proper astrological ability.Remember it step by stepExaltation & DebilitationA planet is in an extremely happy condition when he is exalted and is in an extremely miserable condition when he is debilitated (It is not always true, But this fundamental principle is useful for prediction). When and upto what degrees in a sign is a planet exalted is the first lesson you learn.

Note : Except Mercury who is exalted in Kanya no other planet gets any exalted status in its own house.Note: All exalted planets get debilitated in the seventh house from their points of exaltations. For instance the Sun is exalted in Mesha. Now count in this way Mesha first, Vrisha second, Mithuna third, Karka ending with Tula which is the seventh house from Aries.MoolatrikonaThe second best condition for planets is called as the Moolatrikona. Remember it.Sun in Simha upto 20 degreesMoon in Vrishabha upto 27 degreeMars in Mesha upto 12 degreesMercury in Kanya upto 20 degreesJupiter in Dhanu upto 10 degreesVenus in Tula upto 15 degreesSaturn in Kumbha upto 20 degreesNote: Except the Moon all other planets get the Moolatrikona condition in one of their own houses.Own HouseThe third best condition for a planet is to be in its own house (other than Moolatrikona house which, except in the case of the Moon is of course its own house). Remember it thus:

Note : Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn recognize the same house in which they are in a moolatrikona condition, as their own houses. But their other houses are also their own houses. The only exception is the Moon.These are three of the happiest conditions for planets in different houses.Next a planet is happy in the house of a friend.How then to decide the friendships and enmities among planets and, the third condition called neutrality.In International Law there are three parts War, Peace and Neutrality. Among planets these types of relationships have existed since the Lord created the world, planets and stars.Principle Number One The lords of thefifthand theninthhouses and the lords of thesecond, fourth, eighth and twelfthhouses from a planetsmoolatrikona house are its friends.IllustrationThemoolatrikona house of Mars is Mesha. From this point (Mesha) the lord of the fifth house (Simha), the Sun and the lord of the ninth house (Dhanu) Jupiter are the friends of Mars.Again from Mesha, the lord of the fourth house (Karka), the Moon, of the eighth house, Mars himself, and of the twelfth house (Meena) Jupiter.You thus now know who are the friends of Mars. They are Venus (the second lord), Moon (the fourth lord), Mars himself (being the eighth lord) and Jupiter (the twelfth lord).Visual ExercisesStart from the moolatrikona houses and mark first the lords of the fifth and ninth houses.Then mark the lords of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses. Your now have a total picture of friendships among planets. In a tabular form it is being given now.

Note1. Wherever a planet shows gesture of friendship twice to another planet he becomes hisgreat friend.Here you find that: The great friend or friends of The Sun are Jupiter and Mars Of the Moon, Mercury; Of Mars, Jupiter; Of Mercury Venus; Of Jupiter Mars; Of Venus both Mercury and Saturn; Of Saturn both Mercury and Venus.2. Where a planet has expressed its gesture of friendship only once asuspicionarises about the other unknown relationship. Actually it is known after seeing the other relationship.3. Therefore to decide themutual enmitites of planetsremember that a planet owning the third, sixth and eleventh house and then also the seventh and tenth house becomes, from itsmoolatrikona house,its enemy. This is being explained in tabular form.

NoteIn the earlier table of friendships it has been seen that some planets become friends twice and some once.In the preceding table it has been seen that some planets become enemies twice and some once.In the third category are those planets who become friends in one way and enemies in another way These planets become neutrals.So let us prepare a third table of neutrals.Neutrals

Caution1. What has been given so far is what is known as neutral, friendly and hostile relationship. This has to be modified by looking at the temporal principle of friendships of planets.Planets in the second, third and fourth from each other and planets in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth houses become friends. See the first three houses in the forward direction and the last three in the backward directions.2. Never overemphsise the friendships or enmity factor. Lot of new factors have to be looked into and new research has to be done.3. All that is being stressed here is remember the principle but do not overstress these factors. Also do not ignore them. The art of judgement in astrology is the art of developing a judicial balance.In various ancient texts, different results are given for the conditions of planets. They, if used liberally, not literally make an astrologer avoid dogmatic interpretation of horoscopes, a very common weakness and fault of astrologers.Given below is the result of different conditions with certain remarks.

In fact debilitated Saturn and Mars give humility. Debilitated planets have to have their weaknesses. They manifest in different ways at different times.Caution1. The above given results get modified through the association or aspects of other planets with them. They can improve or get worse.2. A planet within, say, about three degrees of the Sun is said to becombustand is said to give bad results. In our experience it is not always so, though for a brief period there can be mental pain.3. A planet defeated in a planetary war is the planet which is almost of the same degree as another one (not the Sun and also other exceptions). This has been interpreted differently by different writers. There is no sound research to guide us.4. A planet when retrograde (other planets except the Sun, the Moon) gets into retrograde motion. Read a little bit of astronomy to learn about it). No astrologer should jump to any conclusion without a sound research and observation.Note: The interpretation of the results of all these, particularly of retrograde planets has been mostly done through loose generalisations. Such an approach and tendency must be avoided.LagnaYou were born on some day of some month of some year at a particular time and in a particular place with your lagna being one of twelve: Mesha,Vrisha, Mithuna, Karka, Tula, Vrishchik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbha or Meena. To arrive at a Lagna some calculations are to be done. Since, we are, however, avoiding mathematics, only a rough method of checking the horoscope in a Hindu chart is explained.In Hindu astrology the Sun changes from one rashi into another in the middle of English months. If you remember this, you will know where your Sun should be at the time of your birth.Keep calculating at this rate, the lagna changing after every two hours. Four cardinal points are useful to do this exercise easily.At sunrise the Sun will be in the Lagna.During the mid-day in the fourth house from the Sun.At sun-set in the seventh house from the Sun.At mid-night in the tenth house form the Sun.Warning1. Do not apply this blindly. It is a very rough method made use of by astrologers to answer questions (horary or prashna astrology) when they are required to answer question while in a train or an aeroplane where they cannot calculate with the tools which they keep with them.2. Sunrise and sunset change from place to place and country to country. Still this method will be found to be working satisfactorily. On this basis I predicted the victory of Columbia against Switzerland in June 1994 at San Fransisco. The calculation was done mentally while sitting in the football stadium, watching the World Cup Football (in USA they call it soccer) matches. I repeated it at Santa Fe when I was watching the finals between Brazil and Italy on the television. My prediction was that Brazil would win and one of the Italian players would be injured. This prediction too came out correct, exactly.3. But how can we apply this to arctic regions where there are six-months of day and six-months of night. I have no answer but I am confident I can solve this problem, if given some astrological data. I am not aware if any Indian astrologer has an answer to it.4. After making such mental calculations see your computer cast horoscope for an analysis.5. Keep doing the exercise. It will help you concentrate on a horoscope, which in turn, will sharpen your predictive powers.See the examples given here. It is a rough method of mentally calculating the lagna when the duration of day and night are more or less equal or do not have much difference.The position, month by month for 2008 (almost all years) will be as follows 1. January 14th, Makar or Capricon at 10 am.2. Februay 12th, Kumbha or Aquarius at 11:02 pm.3. March 14th, Meena or Pisces at 7:59 pm.4. April 13/14 midnight at 4:31 am. (In India the day begins at sunrise)5. May 14/15 at 1:23 am.6. June 15th at 7:59 am.7. July 16th at 6:51 am.8. August 16/17 at 3:14 am.9. September 16/17 at 3:9 am.10. October 17th at 3:4 am.11. November 16th at 2:49 pm.12. December 15/16 at 4:26 am.For a birth in the U.S.A. or any other country this will undergo some change by some hours only. A good computer programme will solve this problem.Calculate your Lagna or the Ascendant of the Rising SignYour should still be able to calculate mentally on the basis of your Sun-sign (as given in Hindu astrology) the birth ascendant of yours, at least approximately. It is done thus.1.See where the Sun is at the time of your birth.Suppose you were born on April 20, you then know that your Sun-sign (in Hindu Astrology) is Mesha or Aries. Roughly each ascendant lasts for two hours. Therefore start form your Sun-sign and proceed thus 2.Sun at birth is in Mesha or Aries, so for two hours in the morning the ascendant or Lagnawill be Mesha. After two hours, the Lagna will be Taurus or Vrishabha.3. Another easy way of remembering it is, If you were born at sunrise your Sun will be in your Lagna. After two hours it will move to next sign.Your Moon SignFrom the foregoing discussion about your Lagna, it must have become clear to you what your Sun-sign (Hindu) is.But in Hindu astrology you must know your Moon-sign also.Degrees of the MoonYour Moon will be at certain degrees in some rashi hence in some nakshatra, say of Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn or Mercury (one of these nine).Moon Sign, Lagna and the Sun Sign can be differentYour Moon-sign is your rashi as distinguished from your lagna. If a specific question is put to you, tell me your lagna, the Moon-sign and the Sun-sign, you now know that they are three different points in your horoscope to be made use of for predictions. So the answer can be.(a) Lagna is Mesha, Moon-sign or rashi is Mithuna but the Sun-sign is Kanya, all the three at three different places.(b) They can also be at two points if the Lagna or the Moon or the Sun or the Lagna and the Moon and Sun are in only two signs.(c) All the three can be in one sign only.Your may have sometime or the other read about your life on the basis of Sun-signs or the Moon-signs and may even have been reading daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly forecasts. Now can the patterns of destiny of the entire mankind be divided only in twelve signs, since there are only twelve rashis? Have you seen the absurdity of the situation? So do not get addicted to such prediction.Your Janma NakshatraOn the basis of your Moon, you can see what was your Janma nakshatra (or birth constellation). It has to be one of the twenty-seven constellations mentioned earlier.1. Your janma-nakshatra is important for calculating the time-cycle described as the Vimshottari dasha of 120 years. Depending on your janma nakshatra what period of which planet your are passing through is the most vital factor for predictions.2. If you were born in the nakshatra of Ketu (7 years) it will be followed by that of Venus (20 years) etc. See the chart on nakshatras.3. These are called mahadashas. Each mahadasha is sub-divided into nine antar-dashas or sub-periods. and each antar-dasha is sub-divided into nine pratyantar dasha, each prayantar dasha is divided into nine sookshma dashas, each sookshma dasha is divided into nine prana dasha. This five-fold division of dasha is the most extraordinary and unparalleled system of timing events in the history of astrology.4. Do not be surprised if I tell you that though the Vimshottari dasha is the most popular, in Hindu astrology there are forty-five Jaimini dasha-systems and another fifty-four nakshatra dasha systems of Parashara, the greatest astrological genius the world has ever produced.Divisions of Dashas for Timing Events5. We will be using only the Vimshottari dash in the book and all our illustrations will refer to(a) The Mahadasha (the major period)(b) The Antar dasha (the sub-period) and(c) The Pratyantar dasha (the sub-sub-period) only.No use of the fourth division (sookshma dasha or the fifth division prana dasha) is being made use of here. But in two cases when I made use of where I was absolutely assured that the birth time noted was without any error and the calculation of the horoscope was cast hundred percent correct.Warning1. Do not jump to any conclusion, generally pessimistic or optimistic, only on the basis of the dasha-antardasha etc. But rest assured the sixty percent of correct predictions are based on it. This is the best ever method of timing events ever devised by mankind.2. After you have become familiar with the use of the dasha system, use transits of planets. Those who over-emphsise the role of transit of planets without first examining the promised results of dasha, are like people who are measuring the size of an elephant on the basis of the length its tail. But first revise what you have been taught so far, step by step.AspectsAfter revising it now the first preliminary step takes you into predictive astrology. This is the aspect of planets. These aspects are general and special. Let me first take up general aspects.All planets aspect the seventh house form their position. It can tabulated thus.

Keeppractising this lesson first.Take up any horoscope and see which planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are aspecting the 7th house from its location in a horoscope. This must become a natural habit with you.You must remember that planets give their effects not merely from where they are in a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house which they aspect.Three planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars has two additional aspects the fourth and the eighth. Jupiter has two additional aspects the fifthe and the ninth. Saturn has two additional aspects the third and the tenth.So Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will have three aspects, one general and two special. These are being given in a tabular form here.Note Mars will influence four houses, the first the house where he is positioned in and then three other houses through his general and special aspects.Remember Even when Mars is in transit he will be aspecting three houses and is positioned in one house. I have made an effective use of this in my books, "Planets and Children"

P(Position) A(Aspect)C(Conjunction)Remember that first leg of the Memory Tablet PAC is P.How this P is applied is being shown here. After this try any other horoscope.Why you must start with P first?1. Remember by doingPyou start your astrological adventure of collecting information, intelligence and clues about the lord of each house of a horoscope. A particular lord may be excellently placed while another may be in a bad condition.2. Now you begin to see that life is never a story of all round joy or total sorrow.3. But Pis only the opening chapter of a seven layered story of your life which this book will teach.4. So proceed patiently first by doing this exercise intensely.InstructionsThere is no book on Hindu astrology in which such tables have been given to over-simplify the understanding of aspects and earlier, of friendships and enmities of planets, as here. It has been done mainly with the intention to help people avoid memorizing. The traditionalsubject, late in their lives, and have no capacity to memorise. When learning through rote memory is not possible, what is surely possible is to learn through associative memory.My Advice1. Never start the analysis of any horoscope without applying theMemory Tabletcoined by me to make learning of astrology easy, methodical and scientific.2. As you will see in the given example of John F Kennedy, the tragedy of his career is well explained by wrong placement of many lords of different houses3. You can develop your own astrological skill when you apply the first of two Memory Tablets, I am teaching and keep repeating it... the first limb of PAC is P.In the state of Uttar Pradesh there is a special branch of police known as PAC created to control communal riots.But the astrologicalPACis meant tocontrol anarchical and chaotic analysis of a horoscope.Therefore I have evolved a memory tablet, the first part of which is :PAC P stands for the position a planet has occupied in a horoscope. Instead of taking fragmentary, confused and unsynthesized view, it is better, to proceed systematically so that you are able to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.In all horoscopes first of all see how the lord of a particular house is placed.Therefore let me read a sermon to you first a dangerous sermon, which if you remember, you will not take a fragmentary, muddle-headed and jumbled view of a horoscope.Sermon One1. Hindu astrologers are in the habit of referring to what they think are classics with infallible principles and they turn them into dogmas. They invite disaster.2. Hindu astrologers are in the habit of turning these dogmas their predictive base. They invite greater disaster.3. Hindu astrologers are in the habit of using this predictive base for a negative prediction. They create fright in the hearts of their clients.4. Hindu astrologers are in the habit of creating gloom through their readings and a gnawing feeling of fatalism. They have done no research of their own. What they mistake for classics, provides them a protective cover through a Sanskrit quotation. It is sheer lack of commonsense and sanity. They must know how to judge a horoscope, without being dependent on what they think is a classic.Let me give a case study here. A very well established American woman insisted on having a reading by me after hearing me speak. My style of reading surprised her. Her problems which could be seen in July 1995 when I did the reading for her were:1. It was Venus-Mars period when she had been having land dispute.2. She is a devoted wife and had made anxious inquiries about her husbands health. I told her that with the best medical facilities available in her country, she should get him checked properly.Note She had taken readings from some Vedic astrologers in India and the USA and had felt that Hindu astrology stressed negativity. I talked of the pleasant events of her life and counselled her to have proper medical check up for her husband. She came out, and waving her hands, remarked, "the wall between me and Vedic astrology has vanished from today." This extreme reaction is explainable. In the western astrology they have no ability to predict events. Those who have learnt Hindu astrology and practise it in the west, particularly also do only psychological reading as they avoid predictive side, though they have picked up some rudiments of it by 1996. It will take at least a decade for them to acquire some standard. In the meantime, to 'play their astrological trade', they will do more of astro-psychologizing than emphasise the predictive side. There is also a good reason for it. In the USA you can be sued for anything. Though astrology is not recognised as a profession, and treated as an 'entertainment' in USA.The Hindu astrologers she referred to in the USA and India predicted a disastrous marriage whereas I straightaway congratulated for a long and good marriage inspite of being an American where the divorce rate is very high. I traced her career pattern from that of a dancer to an author. But I had nothing good to predict for her husband. I toned it down considerably. She felt happy and relieved mainly because her career pattern and happy married life is what many astrologers cannot see because their attention will be riveted on negative factors in the horoscope only.Her prejudice against Hindu (Vedic in the USA) was very strong. If you do not evolve a scientific method of the analysis of a horoscope, you will either bluff or stress negative factors as Hindu and now Vedic astrologers of the USA, can, and do. The art of synthesis and the greater art of searching the light that can be seen even in a gloom is what Hindu astrologers cannot develop inspite of a great predictive astrology. The reason is the dogmas filled in their minds by a cluttered reading of books of astrology, without any intelligent assimilation.I told her that Hindu astrology known as Vedic astrology in the USA was in a very rudimentary form. In India, Hindu astrologers, who were good, would not overcome their habit of negative readings for many more decades.Let's take an example (next page)P(position)A(aspect)C(conjunction)

P (position)OneKennedys Lagna is Kanya. His Moon is in Simha and in the nakshatra of Venus, which is why at birth he got the balance of Venus of three years and three months.TwoPlanets and Lagna Lagna is Kanya whose lord is Mercury. Where placed and who is the lord of that house?1. Mercury is placed in the eighth house. Count thus (a) The first lord (the lagna is Mercury) the lord of lagna. Counted from Kanya, (1st house), Tula (2nd house), Vrishchika (3rd house), Dhanu (4th house), Makar (5th house), Kumbha (6th house), Meena (7th house) and Mesha (8th house).2. The second lord (lord of Tula) is Venus and is placed in the ninth house.3. The third lord (lord of Vrishchika) is Mars and is placed in the eighth house.4. The fourth lord (lord of Dhanu) is Jupiter placed in the ninth house.5. The fifth lord (lord of Makar) is Saturn placed in the eleventh house.6. The sixth lord (lord of Kumbha) is Saturn placed in the eleventh house.7. The seventh lord (lord of Meena) is Jupiter placed in the ninth house.8. The eighth lord (lord of Mesha) is placed in his own house in the eighth house.9. The ninth lord (Venus) is in Vrisha in the ninth house and also his own house.10. The tenth lord (lord of Mithuna) Mercury is placed in the eighth house.11. The eleventh lord (lord of Karka) is in the twelfth house.12. The twelfth lord (lord of Simha) Sun is placed in the ninth house.Memory TabletThe Memory tablet you must apply is P.A.C. In this description we have only shown how "P" is to be used.A (Aspect or Aspects)Now remember thatAis the middle part of theMemory Tablet PAC.Here, remember always,Ameans aspect or aspects. Remember then to analyse full normal aspects (7th) and the three special aspects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.Through these aspects, (very special to Hindu astrology and very extraordinary) many hidden stories of a horoscope get revealed.Now continue with the horoscope of John F Kennedy by applyingA.The second part of the Memory Tablet P.A.C. is aspect. Now analyse these aspects house and planet.1. The first house (Kanya) or the Lagna receives the third aspect of Saturn and the fifth aspect of Jupiter. But there is no planet in the Lagna.2. The second house (Tula) has no planet but receives the seventh aspects of both Mars and Mercury.3. The third house (Vrishchika) has no planet but receives the seventh aspects of Sun, Jupiter and Venus and also the eighth aspect of Mars.4. The fourth house (Dhanu) has Rahu in it but receives no aspects. (Ketus aspect is not considered. At any rate, I do not.)5. The fifth house (Makar) has no planet but receives the seventh aspect of Saturn and Jupiter.6. The sixth house has no planet but receives the aspect of Moon.7. The seventh house has no planet and no aspect.8. The eight house has Mars and Mercury and receives the aspect of Saturn.9. The ninth house (Vrisha) has Sun, Jupiter and Venus but no aspect of any planet is there.10. The tenth house has Ketu but does not receive any aspect of any planet. (Rahus aspect is not counted generally)11. The eleventh house has Saturn and receives the fourth aspect of Mars from Mesha.12. The twelfth house has the Moon but receives no aspect of any planet.C (Conjunction)The third limb of the Memory Tablet is "C" or conjunction, which means when a planet joins another planet in a house it is said to be conjunct with the planet.1. Lagna there is no planet and hence no conjunction.2. The second house has no planet and no conjunction.3. The third house has no planet and no conjunction.4. The fourth house has Rahu but has no conjunction.5. The fifth house has no planet and has no conjunction.6. The sixth house has no planet and has no conjunction.7. The seventh house has no planet and has no conjunction.8. The eight house has Mercury conjunct with Mars.9. The ninth house has three planets conjunct with each other Jupiter, Venus and the Sun.10. The tenth house has Ketu and there is no conjunction.11. The eleventh house has Saturn and there is no conjunction.12. The twelfth house has Moon and there is no conjunction.Now take up your own horoscope or of anyone known to you and do a similar exercise.Apply PAC without fail.Lets take another example horoscope (next page)Illustration TwoThe type of exercise we have done in the case of John F Kennedy will be repeated here, but with some additional features.Repeat the same exercise. It will be done briefly here. Take up the horoscope of Queen Elizabeth Planets and degrees/Minutes Lords of Nakshatras

Sun 0729' Ashwini (Ketu)Moon 1918' Ashlesha (Mercury)Mars 2804' Dhanista (Mars)Mercury 1214' Uttar Bhadrapad (Saturn)Jupiter 0001' Dhanista (Mars)Venus 2114' Purva Bhadrapad (Jupiter)Saturn (R) 0135' Vishakha (Jupiter)Rahu 2110' Punarvasu (Jupiter)Ketu 2110' Purvasadha (Venus)Lagna 0021' Uttarashadha (Sun)Note Balance of Mercury Mahadasha of 13 years, 7 months and 21 daysDescriptions One1. The Lagna of the Queen is Makar, (Capricorn)2. Her Rashi (Moon-sign) is Karka (Cancer)3. Her janma nakshatra is Ashlesha whose lord is Mercury.4. Since Ashlesha begins at 16o40 degrees in Karka and the Queens Moon is at 19o18 she got the balance of Mercury. How?5. You know from the table of nakshatras that Mercury has a total period of seventeen (17) years. So the simple calculations is 17 years minus 13 years, 7 months and 21 days means.6. The expired portion is 3 years, 4 months and 9 days.TheQueen thus gets at birth the Mahadasha of Mercury. No person gets full mahadasha at birth. if he lives long enough he gets other dashas in full. At his death he again gets only part of the dasha which happens to be running then.Now the calculation of what the Queen is passing through now is done thus:

In this case do full PAC.Then locate the naksatras of all planetsLagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu0511" 0346"1040" 2914" 2531" 2753" 2814" 1044" 0835" 0835"If you have done all the exercises given so far, you are prepared now to go into the secondMEMORY TABLET.That will take you into the predictive aspects of Hindu astrology.The next step is to find out which sub-period in the major period of Rahu she is running now. Instead of showing it here, examples will be given later in some other illustrations.So the information you have now is that the Queen is passing through her dasha of Rahu, who is positioned in the sixth house which represents difficulties, obstacles, opposition etc. No wonder that is is in this period that the Queen has been having all trouble from her children particularly from her heir-apparent, Prince Charles and Princess Daina.Two1. Lagna lord (Saturn) is in the eleventh house of Mars.2. The second lord (Saturn) is in the eleventh house of Mars.3. The third lord (Jupiter) is in the second house of Saturn and is conjoined with Venus, the fifth and the tenth lord.4. The fourth lord Mars is in the Lagna aspected by Saturn.5. The fifth lord (Venus) is with Jupiter, the third and the twelfth lord in the second house.6. The sixth lord (Mercury) is in the third house of Jupiter but is debilitated.7. The seventh lord, the Moon is in his own house, Karka8. The eighth lord, the Sun is in the forth house of Mars and is being aspected by exalted Mars (the fourth aspect)9. The ninth lord (Mercury) is in the third house, debilitated.10. The tenth lord (Venus) is with Jupiter in the second house.11. The eleventh lord (Mars) is exalted in the Lagna.12. The twelfth lord (Jupiter) is in the second house with Venus.ThreeNote some special features in the horoscope of the Queen. She was not an heir-apparent when she was born. But her uncle fell in love and sacrificed his kingdom for the sake of his lady love. Elizabeths father became the king of England and she being his first child, a female though, with no brothers, became an undisputed heir apparent. To come into such great luck there must be some great promise in her horoscope. Note some special features.1. Mars, the planet of authority and administration is in extreme point of exaltation.2. The Sun, the planet of royalty, is also exalted and is advancing towards its point of extreme exaltation, which is ten degrees in Mesha.3. Venus, the tenth lord of kingdom, jewellery and precious stones is in the second house of wealth.FourThough so far no principles of predictions have been given, yet to create some interest, some stray hints have been given. Now let us see how the Dasha of the Queen helped her.1. She was born in the mahadasha of Mercury, who is also her ninth lord representing her father because the ninth house represents father. In this period her father became the King of England.2. Next came the period of Ketu, in the twelfth house, the place of hiding, imprisonment, foreign journeys and salvation. The young Elizabeth had to be protected from the army of Hitler during the second world war.3. Then came the long spell of Venus of twenty years. Venus as the lord of her tenth house gave her the kingdom and as the fifth lord gave her, four children. The tenth house is Karma, work, fame etc. and the fifth house is the house of child-birth.Therefore, those who jump into yogas without understanding the psychological depth of a horoscope do harm to astrology and lovers of astrology. How the classical yogas are to be understood has not been understood by the writers who are mere compilers and not researchers.Follow the steps given below 1. Never be in a hurry to jump to conclusions when you judge a horoscope.2. You have to make a total analysis which starts with the PAC analysis.3. The PAC approach gives you a total picture.Classical Yogas4. What about the yogas given in books on astrology is the question that must spring in the minds of those readers who have read such books. Let me tell you, for certain, that those books will give you a totally incohate picture of a horoscope. The reasons are (a) Few writers have even understood that the classical yogas can function within the overall planetary promises, as a whole, of a horoscope, never outside. There is for instance the well-known Gajakesari Yoga.In a bad horoscope what is the role of this famous yoga. This can be understood after lot of experience. A full book will have to be written on this from an entirely different angle.(b) All the yogas given in those books can become totally ineffective in many ways, because good ones get nullified by bad ones and the reverse also happens.(c) Therefore ignore those yogas first and look at the series of examples given here to appreciate that judgement in Hindu astrology can mature only when a total picture of a horoscope emerges out.(d) After doing the exercises given here, go next to the other memory Tablet which is D.A.R.E.S.You will see in the examples given later how life takes a queer twists.With the intention to help people avoid memorizing. The traditional Indian method since ancient times has been to make a boy memories shlokas(Sanskrit stanzas) which gave in capsules all these principles. It is not possible to take up such boys these days and follow similar methods.As it is many people who get interested in astrology, begin to learn the subject, late in their lives, and have no capacity to memorize.When learning through rote memory is not possible, what is surely possible is to learn through associative memory.Take up the horoscopes (Illustration 3 to Illustration 14) and describe them systematically. Keep doing this exercise always.You will hear and read about some professionals like MBA, engineers or doctors giving up their main line and taking up to astrology. Do not be impressed by all that. A professional who has not done well in his own profession over a period is not competent, generally, to be a good astrologer because astrology needs higher analytical gifts and ability to synthesize faster. A Chartered Accountant found more money in astrology than in his own profession. Do not mistake him for a missionary astrologer.Still, without becoming a professional astrologer (as a predictor or as a mill producing cook books on astrology), keep alive your interest in astrology as a lover of divine knowledge. It will help you spiritually and keep you away from the world of frauds which is what astrologers seem to be becoming all over the world.P.A.C PracticeHoroscopes

Learning Some Basics of Predictive PrinciplesThe Memory Table given before is P.A.C.The memory table will be expanded now to make it a complete scheme. But before learning them, it is necessary to understand some technical terms of astrology which are used more commonly.1. Kendras (Quadrants) The Lagna, the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses of the lagna are called kendras and the lords of those houses are called lords of kendras, wherever they may be placed in a horoscope.2. Trikonas (Trines) The lagna and the fifth and the ninth houses from the lagna are trines. The lords of the fifth and ninth houses have been described astrikonas which is a fallacy. The word'tri'in Sanskrit means 'three'. In what is known as the ashtakvarga, intrikona shodhana, the lagna, the fifth and the ninth houses are taken. Thus lagna lord is both a kendra lord and also the trikona lord.3. Panapharas (Cadent) The second, fifth, the eighth and the eleventh houses are known as panapharas. Then a special term used isUpachayahouse which are the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses and their lords.4. Apoklimas (Succudent) The third, sixth, ninth and the twelfth houses are known asapolklima.But since the ninth house istrikona, it is generally omitted from this category.Points to RememberIn understanding the meaning of P.A.C. the combinations of the lords of these houses, or the aspect of one of them on a house or a planet or the mutual aspects of the lords of these houses revealthe secrets of horoscope.It is an area of ever-expanding research, very simple apparently, but very complex.

In the example horoscope, kendras are Kanya, Dhanu, Meena and Mithuna.Trikonas are Kanya, Makar, Vrisha.Panapharas are Tula, Makar, Mesha, Karka.Apoklimas are Vrishchika, Kumbha, Vrisha (Omit it) and Simha.

It will be good if a reader gets used to these terms after understanding how these terms come into a writers articles in so natural a way that the writer does not know that they may appear foreign to many.The permutations and combinations of these, lords of kendras, trikonas, panapahars, apoklimas and upachayas are used for predictionsSpiritual Qualities of PlanetsIndia which is the land of the origin of four of the seven world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism and has the most efficacious and numeroussadhanas(spiritual practices), has also given to the world the yoga system which is popular all over the world. Very few astrologers know that Hindu astrology is the most developed spiritual astrology which is somehow, till now, kept as a great secret with the saints of India. Yet in some books of astrology, which is a different branch of astrology than the one being discussed here, there are many more hints about the spiritual side of human personality.Yet rarely people in India go to astrologer to ask questions about their spiritual life for a very excellent reason. The people of India have the supreme advantage of learning their spiritual lessons, first at home from the elders in childhood, later they seek the guidance of some spiritual person, saints, yogis, gurus and other holy persons. Then they have the supreme advantage of reading such rare spiritual literatures, in the Ramayan, the Mahabharata and the Puranas that they get most of the answers to their spiritual questions from these books.My experience in U.S.A. and with people from the west coming to consult me in India has been that they seek answers which are sometimes quite ticklish because they have got interested in spiritual practices and, have rarely been in so advantageous position as Indians have of getting spiritual guidance form so many sources and so many persons.To fulfill that need in discussing the nature of planets it becomes necessary to start with the spiritual qualities of planets. What is being listed below is not exhaustive but is sound enough for practical use by astrologer and lovers of astrology.An exhaustive list has been added to the book at the end.What spiritual qualities each planet (the nine we are using) represents is being given briefly.Sun The Sun, lord of our solar system, has been identified in some Sanskritstotrasas Lord Vishnu but generally, it is with Lord Shiva that he is identified. It does not matter which of the Trinity he represents. The important point to remember is that he awakens the thirst for spiritual life, blesses one with divine knowledge, described asGyana , which is why he has been described as Atmakaraka also (in Jaimini astrology where a planet with the highest degree becomes the Atmakaraka). Therefore, Sun is associated with philanthropic tendencies and has a Sattwick nature.Moon If the Sun is theatma(soul), the Moon is the Manas or the mind. Mental qualities are represented by the Moon. It is the mind that creates the feeling of happiness or unhappiness. A mind that is under control is a mind that develops powers of concentration and meditation. A Moon afflicted by Saturn and Mars creates strong feelings of detachment orvairagya. In the horoscopes of great yogis and saints this combination is generally seen. I have referred to many such horoscopes in my books, particularly, inthe Yogis, Destiny and the Wheel of Time.Pure spiritual tendencies, love to go to sacred places, worshipping Goddess, kindness, soft and tender feelings born of Sattwick nature are associated with the Moon. It is for this reason that a strong, exalted or vargottama Moon has always been praised.Mars "Bhoomi-suto", is a well-known synomym for Mars meaning the child of the earth. Also known as the commander in chief, Mars represents the determination to dosadhana, if such promises exist in any horoscope. He represents Lord Vishnu and his various forms. Among the Vedas he has been identified with the Sama Veda.It is my experience that in the case of anyguru, wherehe influences the 4th or the 10th houses, he builds ashrams. In the 5th house, Mars gives the drive to become the builder of religious institution. Builders, estate agents have to have a prominent Mars influencing their 4th or 10th houses or their lords. Extend it to men in religious and spiritual line and you will see builders of ashrams, temples, mosques, churches, synagogues and religious institutions, with a strong desire to acquire land and building.Mercury Maharshi Parashara prescribes recitation of theVishnu Sahastranaamain the periods of Mercury. The identification of Mercury with Lord Vishnu being so clear, a strong and well-placed Mercury, (in the spiritual houses, like 4, 8,12 or the Dharma houses like 1, 5, 9 gives a deep yearning for the study of scriptures and also astrology which is a divine science, being the most prominent Vedanga.Mercury generally causes the undertaking of pilgrimages but not for a long stay. To build temples of Lord Vishnu is a well-known quality of Mercury. The manifestations of Lord Vishnu in all forms being the identity of Mercury, he is a Vaishnavapar excellence. Mercury promotes a strong tendency to acquire self-control. Mercury being a ritualist, attraction formantras andYantrasis a well known tendency released by Mercury. He representsAtharva VedaJupiter An astrologer will be a poor predictor if Jupiter and Mercury are not good in his horoscope. The house of speech, the second house, getting associated with Jupiter through position or aspect shows gifts of prophecy, unless the second house or the second lord are bad otherwise. It also makes one a good preacher. A preacher has to have knowledge of scriptures supported by personal spiritual experience. Jupiter represents the quintessence ofdharma. The finer aspects of divine knowledge and spiritual practices like penances, worship of god, doing of charity are commonly associated with Jupiter. Varahamihira has praised the position of Jupiter in the 10th house. Being a strict moralist, Jupiter motivates one to be ethical in conduct. Since Jupiter represents Lord Shiva, a Jupiter-dominated person does not mind making sacrifices for true religious and spiritual causes.Venus Traditionally, the Guru of Asuras, Venus is a learned religious person. Venusian traits can be showy. One may develop the tendency to turn his religious zeal into piety. I have seen hundreds of horoscopes of men and women with Venus in the 10th house becoming more showy than sincere in spiritual pursuits. Perhaps, distractions in their lives, caused by Venus are many. Among Vedas, Venus represent Yajur-Veda. The likeable and admirable side of Venus is love for religious songs, love to decorate religious places and compose music for, particularly female goddesses.Saturn Saturn described as the planet of misery is a totally fallacious statement. Without a favourable Saturn in the birth horoscope and in transit one can never develop deep detachment. Saturn represents self-abnegation,tyaga.It is tyaga andGyanathat become real strong foundation for spiritual life. A weak Saturn has been seen to attract asadhak,if there is also afflicted Moon, attraction towards inferior deities.Rahu Rahu has been praised by Ramanujacharya for dips in the Ganga and going to pilgrimages because he is an extrovert, unlike Ketu, who makes one an introvert. Rahu impels one to take to religious and spiritual practices many times in a rather unconventional way and, can cause attraction for non-conventional religious approach.Ketu It is difficult to decide who between Jupiter and Ketu is a better salvation-giver. Yet, Ketu has been called the salvation-giver because he is the embodiment of subtlest divine secrets. Ketu in the twelfth has been praised. Ketu always attracts one towards seclusion, observance ofmounathe vow of silence.The Dasha AvataraThere is one and only one God as the greatNarayana Kavachamin theSrimad Bhagvatamemphsises. The Lord, being playful, assumes many shapes, foms always. He adorns himself with various weapons.The Brihat Parashara Shatra, worlds greatest astrological classic, refers to the nine incarnations of God about which we know and also refers to the tenth Incarnation as God Kalki. They are The Planet The Incarnation of GodSun Lord RamaMoonLord KrishnaMars Lord NarasimhaMercury Lord BuddhaJupiterLord VamanaVenus Lord BhargavaSaturn Lord KoormaRahu Lord SookaraKetuLord MeenaNot Known Lord KalkiPersons whom these Planets Represent in Daily LifeNow, if we take the normal day to day, mundane affairs, these very planets represent the following worldly persons.The SunThe king of the solar system, is the king always and everywhere. The level of regal splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope.Family The father in a family and paternal relations, the Sun is also a dignified administrative authority.Society The King in a monarchy, the Sun is the dignitary in modern democracies and represents highly placed persons whether in government service or private firms.The MoonLike the Sun, the other planet representing royalty is the Moon.Family Represents the mother and everything connected with mother.Society The wise men (Dwija) of the society, popular person and in democracies, the Moon aspected by Saturn represents the charisma some personalities develop.MarsMars is the natural commander-in-chief in astrology.Family Brothers, sisters.Notable Some astrologers following the Bhrigu system of Hindu astrology give to Mars the role of a woman in a mans life. While many astrologers do not accept this, there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my researches prove this to be very valid.Society Mars gives an important marital point which pertains to marriage which is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on Mangalya (happiness of a marriage) and also Kujadosha (Kuja is a synonym for Mars). In social life, Mars represents the army, the police and men in uniform, administrators, men in high position, rulership, estate agents etc.MercuryIn astrology Mercury is the prince.Family Cousins, maternal uncles.Notable In Uttar-Kalamrita, Kalidas attributes to Mercury some other special significations: maternal grand-father, and younger coborns and or brothers and sisters.Notable In a womans life Mercury represents, if afflicted by Saturn a husband with less or no sexual virility.Society Mercury represents knowledge and in modern life, business. So this planet has many great significations of very wide variety. Mathematicians, sculptors, astrologers, astronomers, scholars, speakers, writers, men who know the secrets of mantras and yantras. In modern age, Mercury is the financial expert, accountant, auditor, journalist, newspaper man, paper merchant etc.Notable The association of Mercury with certain planets in some rashis from the lagna is the clue to finding it out. Lot of new researches will have to be done in this area.JupiterJupiter who is given the honored place of being the guru of gods, represents, the divine, the sacred.Family Children, elder brother, respected elders in the family (whose intervention and advice helps solve family problems)Notable In Uttar Kalamrita, the other significations given to Jupiter are grandsons and also grand-father.Notable In Bhrigu astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the husband of a woman just as Mars is said to represent the wife of a man.Society Traditionally, the priest, the scholar, the adviser to the king (in ancient times), Jupiter represents many new modern professionals.Notable The judge, the teacher, the lawyer, the adviser in new modern forms become legal experts, the management experts, the psychologists, the bankers etc.VenusVenus, traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters), is described as the lord of sixty-four arts, meaning that Venus represents, culture and sophistication.Family Represents the sex-life of married partners in a tradition-bound society otherwise, the sex-life of an individual. Generally Venus has been treated as wife.For those born after sun-rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the mother.NotableGenerally Venus represents family prosperity, conveyances, jewellery, and precious possessions.SocietyVenus being representative of arts, all form of arts, fine or commercial, dance, song, drama, literature, poetry being its sole domain, dramatists, poets, dancers etc. are Venus-dominant personalities.NotableIn modern context, the perfumers, hoteliers, owners of restaurant, computer-software men and even those who deal with flesh-trade fall under the vast Venusian umbrella.SaturnHindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of the significations of Saturn. True, Saturn represents, trouble, sorrow, old age, sickness. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology Saturn has been given some other beneficent roles which are overlooked. My best research given in my books emphasise the positive side of Saturn with many illustrations.FamilyOld men and servants in the family. Old, dilapidated houses specially made of bricks. For those born at night Saturn represents father, taking the place of the Sun, the natural significator of father.SocietyIf the Sun is the aristocrat, Saturn is the democrat while Mars is the dictator. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of government a nation will have at a given point of time. Lower classes, democrats, crippled persons, old men, are represented by Saturn in traditional astrology.In the changed socio-economic times of ours, Saturn is the seeker of powers through elections to democratic bodies, iron-smiths and also industrialists (in cooperation with Mars), a psychologist in cooperation with Jupiter, an artist in cooperation with Venus, a sculptor in co-operation with Mercury etc.Notable Astrologers who fail to seek the very wide and sweeping range of all new professions created by Saturn will fall into thousands of errors of judgments.RahuNext to Saturn the most condemned planet is Rahu. Unless astrologers do new researches and see the positive side of these planets, more damage will be done to astrology than has already been done so far.Family Paternal grand-parents (though Uttar Kalamrita also uses Rahu for maternal grand-parents), old, sick person in the family and those that become non-conformist's.Society The foreigner, the engineer, the architect, the space engineer, the politician, air hostesses, aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semi-technical professions fall in the domain of Rahu.KetuKetu is the most baffling planet in astrology, spiritual, divine on the one hand and baffling in a medical sense.Family Represents maternal grand-parents (though Uttara Kalamrita takes paternal grand-parents), the slightly unorthodox members of the family.Society Ketu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men in semi-medical or alternative systems of medicine. Ketu, combined with other planets, produces inventors, men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our world.Notable Some hints have been given here about the persons represented by different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. For instance Ketu represents languages and linguists. These days when people learn computer it naturally falls under Ketu because there is computer language to be learnt.If planets combine, aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna, the meaning of this should be interpreted with an open mind. The classical principle should never be overlooked and the new meaning must be discovered otherwise astrological research will remain stagnant.The Spirituality Associated With HousesIn delineating the effects of each house, the start should again be made with the spiritual promise of each house. By each house from the Lagna which is always the first house. Thus, for a person born with Meena lagna the first house is Meena, the second house Mesha and the twelfth house Kumbha etc.Since spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not pay attention to it, emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 2002 A.D.The First HouseThe first house representing oneself, shows the beginning of awareness of spiritual side of human life. If three or more planets are in the first house, such persons, inspite of all distractions, can practice self-control with determination, and successfully.From the first house springs the desire to enjoy peace generally and the tendency to renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical. To understand it, the Four Purusharthas of classical Indian tradition should be understood. The first one is Dharma (religious conduct), the second is Artha (the desire to earn money), the third is the karma to enjoy life physically and the last is Moksha to make efforts to get salvation.In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines for each the purusharthas which are:DharmaArthaKaamaMoksha

LagnaSecond houseThird houseFourth house

Fifth houseSixth houseSeventh houseEighth house

Ninth houseTenth houseEleventh hosueTwelfth house

There is anther set of four trines which depends on the division of human life into four parts, Brahmacharya (life of celibacy) Grihastha (the life of a householder) Vanaprastha (detaching oneself) from house-holders duties) and Sanyas (life of renunciation). The scheme of division is the same as in the earlier trines.BrahmacharyaGrihasthaVanaprasthaSanyas

The first houseSecond houseThird houseFourth house

Fifthe houseSixth houseSeventh houseEighth house

Ninth houseTenth houseEleventh houseTwelfth house

In judging the spiritual importance of each of these houses, these trines should be kept in the mind.It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be ill-placed (in the eighth house, the sixth house or the twelfth house) and must not be afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu particularly through conjunction or aspect. In such a case the health may be bad. It is sound health that alone ensures any type of achievement in anyones life, including spiritual achievements. It is in rare cases that a person with ill health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually exalted. But we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the foundation of even good spiritual life.The Second HouseThe family environment gives to one some spiritual tendencies, which is what the second house represents, being the house of Kutumba (or the family one is brought up in). Faith in religious and spiritual traditions are inherited and also acquired generally from parents. The second house represents it, besides, also being the house of speech. See the planets (particularly Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) without affliction to examine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood. The second also being the house of earnings, monetary gains etc., the charity one does with money and gifts are also to be seen from the second house.Note In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important.The Third HouseThe third house known as the house of valour and courage becomes favorable if there is a malefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Ketu in it. It shows a determination to apply oneself to spiritual practices with strong will.Note The third house, according to Maharshi Parashara, is the house of upadesha or religious preaching.The third house also is to be seen for short and quick pilgrimages.According to the Uttrta-kalamrita, the third house represents the part of the palm which is between the thumb and the index finger with which many rituals are performed.The Fourth HouseThe fourth house representing buildings, represents the religious-philanthropic institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or religious, philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has.In the life of an individual the fourth house represents his desire to pursue his spiritual life in the quiet surroundings of a place, house or ashram with rhythmic regularity. In the case of a yogi it can represent pranayama or breath-control. But if such a house is disturbed, such persons find that by moving from one place to another only they can follow their spiritual pursuits.The Fifth HouseAn important principle of Hindu astrology is that if a planet aspects its own house, that house gets strengthened. This should be seen very closely in the case of the fifth house around which revolves the realization of the potency of mantra, yantra, because this house is important in two ways: in the case of the individual whose horoscope is being examined, it represents the spiritual merit of his past life and in the case of his father, it is the house of his spiritual merit of his present life.It is a good fifth house that bestows viveka or a sense of discrimination and deep spiritual wisdom born both of the reading of scriptures and spirituals practices.The Sixth HouseIn the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are normal. More often than not these take a person away from the desired spiritual path. To overcome such distractions, a malefic in the sixth house is always good. As it is, a malefic in the sixth house is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity to overcome obstacles. In spiritual life this house helps in developing one pointed concentration.The Seventh HouseThis house of sex is also the house of sex-sublimination. It is when the kundalini power rises high that sexual lust gets transformed into love and a sadhak feel the spiritual vibrations of the rising kundalini.The Eighth HouseIt should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and salvation in the trines given before. The eighth house is the second of such house, but being a secret house (eighth house is a hidden house) one practices ones sadhana in secluded and cloistered places. It is true that this house also represents agonies which must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful state of samadhi.The Ninth HouseNext to the fifth house, the house on which all astrologers lay greatest stress for spiritual development is the ninth house. Yet, there is a controversy among astrologers whether it is the ninth house or the fifth house that is to be seen for the spiritual merit of the past life. While majority of astrologers see the fifth house for the merit of the past life, it is also logical to see that after the eighth house of samadhi that the spiritual merit of this life blossoms out. The ninth house therefore is to be examined for all acts of penance, pilgrimage, worship of gods.It is the house which represented the last stage of full spiritual development, after which one can become a guru or a spiritual guide. This house also is for father, who is one of the early gurus of a child.Note The fourth house which is the first house of the moksha triangle represents mother which is why serving ones mother is the service to adi-guru (the first guru).The ninth house, the last of the dharma triangle, shows the importance of service to ones father, as the key-note of religious progress.It is for this reason that the Sanskrit saying, "Matri devo bhava" (let mother be the goddess) and "Pitro devo bhava" (let father be the god) is the eternal lesson children are taught to lay poper foundation of their spiritual life.Inferentially, those who are cruel to their parents cannot hope to be spiritually successful in their practices. This is a harsh spiritual reality which will not be palatable to many modern young people. Yet an astrologer cannot afford to overlook this.The Tenth HouseThe tenth house is the house of those deeds which are noticed. A person who has potentised a mantra and has become a guru, wins social recognition through his deeds (even misdeeds). It is for this reason that Jupiter, the greatest benefic is preferred most in this house for holy deeds because the tenth house is the house of religious, spiritual and ritualistic deeds.Note In the case of a guru the tenth house shows the quality of his deeds, along with the lord of the tenth house.The Eleventh HouseIn a spiritual sense, the eleventh house is a very enigmatic house. Benefics in it will attract one to worship of many gods and great scriptural scholarship and authorship. Many planets in it will bring, as donations to a guru, lot of money as the eleventh house is the last of the kama triangle or desires. Such desires can be good and evil. The eleventh house is thus the house of the last of the temptations a religious person has to face, which must be overcome to reach the final destination, salvation.The Twelfth HouseThe twelfth house, the condition of the twelfth lord and Ketu are the salvation giving factors. A bad twelfth house can ruin all the spiritual promises of an otherwise good horoscope.Note What has been given so far here is only a bare outline of the spiritual promise inherent in a horoscope. These very promises are to be examined in greater details through many other finer analysis. The use of Vimshamsha (one-twentieth division horoscope) will have to be brought into use.Jaimini astrology should be used before any predictions about anyones spiritual life is given otherwise, spiritual astrology more often than not becomes a wild goose chase.Note A safe and sound method which an astrologer can adopt is to make a proper use of the navamsha (one ninth) division of a horoscope and examine the fifth and the ninth lords and houses of navamsha and then the twelfth lord. Together with all this, the most important factor in the spiritual evolution of a person is to see what (dasha in Vimshottari ) sequence one has got in life. The most favourable periods are the periods of the fifth and the ninth lords.What is to seen from which HouseSo far what has been given is the spiritual aspects associated with each house from the lagna. These days more and more people have generally two additional questions to ask, the first about their spiritual life and the other about their ailments.The other traditionally associated significations with the houses have been given in detail in many books, fortunately now available in translation in English, But it is necessary to sound a warning here, do not take any of the interpretations given in them as being dogmatic and unalterable. This mistake is committed by some Indians who do not make an in-depth study of astrology and study other techniques. What are given in these classics are aids to predictions, not predictions themselves.Keeping this forewarning in the mind it will be useful to know what each house represents.The LagnaOne is born in a particular sign, which is his lagna and therefore the first house. His personality will partake of the characteristics of those signs, which will be discussed later.The First HouseThe first house represents the physical body, good or ill-health, the early part of life, the personal development of the child and the character as a whole.The Second HouseIt is known as kutumba or the family of ones parents and is to be seen for speech, the food one eats, the money one gets and also death.The Third HouseTraditionally, this house is to be seen for brothers and sisters, short journeys, letters and quick writing. But these days it is necessary to examine it for sports, artistic talents, and business agencies also.The Fourth HouseMother, land, conveyances, happiness are the traditional subject to be seen from the fourth house. Extending it, a doctors clinic, an artists studio, a philanthropists trust and an industrialists factories are the modern additions.The Fifth HouseIt is the house of education (though some take the fourth house as education) intelligence, children and the power of discrimination.The Sixth HouseDiseases, opposition, debts, injuries are the negative factors associated with this house. On the positive side, accumulation of wealth (it being the second of the artha trine), sports, adventures and fathers profession are seen from this house.The Seventh HouseTraditionally, marriage but these days living together, therefore wife, lover, sex life are associated with this house.These days, it should be seen for business and business partnership, foreign countries, and even settlement abroad and death.The Eighth HouseLegacies, inheritance, sudden financial gains, wills are the positive side of this house while the negative side is long illnesses, cause of death, sexual and conjugal life.The Ninth HouseThe father (though the tenth house should also be seen) spiritual tendencies, devotion, learning, pilgrimages, association with legal and religious personalities are the commonest factors seen from this house. It being the house of luck, a good ninth house improves a horoscope.The Tenth HouseOnes profession (the sixth house is also employment) fame, honors, respect, dignity and ones achievements are seen from this house.The Eleventh HouseAll types of gains, titles, honors, elder brothers and sisters, business profits are to be seen.The Twelfth HouseLoss, expenditure, waste etc. are the traditional factors associated with this house. These days, foreign journeys, getting settled in a foreign country, trade with a foreign country, jail, imprisonment are necessary and inevitable events to be gleaned from this house.For spiritual practitioners this is the most important house for the promise of spiritual life and salvation.As has been stated, a long list of events and things to be seen from each of the house can be compiled in hundreds of pages. What has been given here is for day to day use only.Useful Information About RashisIn making predictions about various events the most essential information that must be made use of is being given in descriptive form partly and in chart-form, partly.In making subtle predictions, the information is made use of but at an advanced stage of an astrological career. More than seven decades ago, an old astrologer had given in writing to a famous Indian not to go to hills for some years. But that could not be avoided as the Indian had to go there to perform his duties. His car slid down the hill and he received multiple fractures. That Indian was running the sub-period of a planet in Simha.Similarly, the rashis are given directions, colour, caste and it is also explained how they rise. The last bit of information about the nature of their rise is made use of for predicting how quickly any work is done when a question is put in prashna astrology (horary) how soon a work will be done or not and whether there is any promise of auspicious results.Similarly the quality of a rashi, Sattwic (Spirituality) Rajasic (activity) and Tamasic (inertia) is also useful in psychological-spiritual, mental and other characteristics that manifest in the mahadasha and the antardasha running at a given time.Directions of PlanetsEastSouthNorthWest


South EastSouth WestNorth EastNorth West


Expanded Memory TabletD. A. R. E. S.Earlier, part of Memory Tablet was given,P.A.C.Now the full Memory Table is being which I have taught successfully to thousands of students in India and in U.S.A. who have found it working as a sound methodological analysis. The second half of the memory tablet isD.A.R.E.S.D forDhanaor wealth, monetary gains, the lords that should be seen for this are of the first, second, fifth, ninth and eleventh and of course cords of those houses.AforAristaor misfortunes of ill health and tragic events. The lords and houses to be seen are the third, sixth, eight and twelfth including the lagna invariably and its lord.R forRajayogaor combination for rise professionally and otherwise promise of distinctions in various fields. The houses and the lords to be seen are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth and their combinations (PAC) with the lords of the fifth and the ninth houses.EforExchangeSome horoscopes have some very special features by overlooking which we astrologers commit serious mistakes.Sfor special aspects, if any.So the full Memory Tablet is P.A.C.D.A.R.E.S.This is to be applied with the mahadasha and its sub-periods and then transit of planets of predictions.Each of the D.A.R.E.S. is being explained now, one by one.The method evolved here helps one grasp the essentials of horoscope well. It is after this preliminary exercise has been done, that one should go into details.D (Dhan Yogas)The lords of certain houses should combine to promise gain of wealth in horoscope. The cardinal and the most important always in the lagna and the lagna lords. To achieve anything in life, sound health is necessary. Bad health can be a reason for poverty, lack of concentration in the work undertaken, ill-health and other misfortunes.The Combination for WealthThough many combinations have been given in classical texts, three points need elucidation here.a. Certain combinations of lords of different houses.b. Moon and Mars combining.c. Concentration of planets in the second, sixth or the tenth house.Lords and HousesPlanetary combinations for wealth with illustrated examples (full horoscopes are not given for guarding the privacy of persons whose horoscope are being used).1. Lords of the lagna and the second lord.2. Lords of the lagna and the fifth lord.3. Lords of the lagna and the ninth lord.4. Lords of the lagna and the eleventh lord.5. Lords of the second house and the lord of the fifth.6. Lord of the second house and the ninth house.7. Lord of the second house and the eleventh house.8. Lord of the fifth house and the lord of the ninth house.9. Lord of the fifth house and the lord of the eleventh house.10. Lord of the ninth house and the eleventh house.Note We have seen the importance of the second and the eleventh house generally for gains. But the fifth and the ninth houses are known in Hindu astrology, as Lakshmi sthanas or the houses of the goddess of wealth.Moon and MarsThe Moon and Mars combination is known as theChandramangal yoga and is a classically recognized yoga for wealth. It is a wealth-producing combination.Special Houses IllustrationsMention has been made earlier of theArtha(money) trine. Of special importance therefore is the concentration of planet in the second, sixth and the eleventh house.To predict about it the sequence of dasha must be seen. Which dasha will produce wealth when, is a matter of astrological judgment which will be shown through examples later.Dhan YogaIllustrationsDhan Yoga IllustrationsFirst Illustration

Here the lord of the second house the Moon is aspected by Mars (the eleventh lord).The lord of the second house, the Moon, is aspected by the ninth lord, Saturn, who being also the eighth lord will sometime cause obstruction also.The opposition of the ninth lord, Saturn and the eleventh lord Mars is again promising.Second Illustration

The lord of the lagna, Jupiter, aspects the Moon in the Dhanu and it is the combination of the lagna and the fifth lord.Here both aspect each other mutually.The second and ninth lord, Mars aspects, the Moon (the eighth aspect) the fifth lord, the Moon in Dhanu, but here the Moon does not aspect Mars. So it is only a partial promise.The eleventh lord Saturn aspects the fifth lord, the Moon (third aspect) and also the fifth house (the tenth aspect) and it is also a partial promise.But two notable features of this horoscope are the exchange of the lagna lord, Jupiter and the fourth lord Mercury. Here Jupiter has gone into the fourth house, Mithuna, whose lord is Mercury, while Mercury, the fourth lord has come into the lagna, Meena whose lord is Jupiter. It is known as exchange and is
