1£xpnnrttt - Montana State...


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:VOL. XII! BOZEMAN, MONTANA, Tuesday, May 23 1922.

1£xpnnrttt t \ ~ NU~IBER :l:l.

Bobcats Victors In First : :o::O:o:: :,:: n n n n ~ ,1 Tomorrow T 0 Be Campus Dav Home Game 01 The Season~ FRIDAY '.'llGHT: J

tt The class of '24 wiU give u A d ''M'' Wi•ll B R • d I: their yearly dance Ft~day U n l e epa lre

Blue :ind Gold Ball Toasers Put the Indian Sign of Mount St. i: night, may twenty.sixth, at U f 9 II U the Arueriean Legion HalL u

Charles Aggregation to t.be Tune o to 6. 1aylor A ows u The hall will be well decor- u But Six Hits in Seven Innings. Game Cafied in Eight Be- tt ated and there will be an ab- n cause of Rain. I U undance of good punch and u

--- I U good music. i:

Student Senate Proclaims Wednesday as Campus Day and Holiday When All Students Will Co· operate to Fix Campus and Most Particularly Repair the "M." Intercollegiate Knight to Have Charge of Repairing the Huge Letter . Woman's League to Furnish Essentials For Picnic Lunch. Fiest Load Will Leave at Eight-thirty for Bridger Canyon. Th E be t · d th"i U Mr. and Mrs. William How- U

! tt~t e bo:~e a;.~~~l:; ;;~n ~=:~n b; j TENNIS TO' WNEY it a1-d, Dean Una B. He1·rick, !1 f · h ~ St rh 1 · 1 U.\ .; I: and .!11r. and Mrs. R. 0. Wilson ::

~"-~r:~:~:. :.~:~:h:c;,':m:!2j~: I NOW UNDER WAY : =~~ ~01.~~ ~::~e:~~":re T/~k;:: : TWO TIE FUR FIRST ;:n:ors':;te i~o~:;:fus Day at Mon- ~l~h~e f~~;~ ~!r ~;;kc:~~.°'·~e:~ 1~~ pitched ball unttJ the eighth mnmg-s, :t hands of the Spurs and Fangs U F1·om early mo1·ning unti1 late in be on hand when the hour arrives to when the game was called on account ___ 11 on the hill this week. u IN STOrK JUDf:.INl. the evening the day will be given consume then>, and will be of propor-of rain. I Men to Represent Montana State in 11 II 1J U U over to a task that requires the a,,- tions to suit the appetites of hun-

'1aylor nitched for the Blue an<! Intercollegiate l'ourne)·, In Helena U tt I: U 11 :: It ll :: It :: u tt tt It sistance of ewry student registered dreds of hungry laborers. G· td club n~en and allowed the \~isit- to be Chosen From \Vinners. in the in-stitution. Th& day would be incomplete with-~1·' but ~ix safe hits and returned B b ~ k u e na 1as t-a en u out a few finishing touches ,and these


Sidney Sutlterland and ,\rnold Kruger The St d nt Se te I ' k p

e· ht of tit., opposing team by the The iil-,;t round of the tennis 0 cats a e Each Make 4 ll Points io Annual the matter of a Campus Day, <>n I "~11 be added by the student dance to ' ' ikC'--out route. Eleven clouts were urnamen as en compete an w ic no c a~ses wou e e ' an be held in the gymnasium at 9 p. m. to t h te I d d Stock Judging Contest. Seventy- h" h 1 Id b h ld d I

h r· I ~- I ed · Four Participants. h..i h • · d S d t l"<l{;:<tc·1·ej by the Bobcats against t e ma games are to "" pay Ul1· Seventh n'ace cm w e an ~ssociate tu ent ge - Wednesday. No charge w;u be made l •• :i • ~. Two of these were circuit mediately due to the fact that two I r fl together and picnic might be held. for this dance, all ex.penses being " .... .. . ,, on<• a triple. and thre<: dou· men are to be sent to Helena this College students were tt'eated to a The res\11~ w;n be in evidence tom or- cared fot• by the money secu"l:ed by

week-end t-0 represent Montana State l Ti k M surprise when it was announced Sat- row mor·mng. the s•le of lunches. 1 ·,. • ~ t . rharle• made but two ex- . th t t . u· n rac eet 11rday afternoon that Arnold Kruger a t ra bu~e hits, both of the~e being m e s a e a..nterco late tournan'lent . . , . One of the main features of the Tho Student Senate and Interfra-home runs in the fi1~t inning. there. These two men v..;n be chosen I "rndt Shtdney S~thet~~dAwe1e I t1eSdtfokr day will be the repair of the college ternitv. Council are furnishing means

. . · from the wmnel:'S of the tournament ___ l irs onot·s m '~ nnua oc ~ F<>x displayed good work with the hero. 1-- . .. . Judging Contest, each man having "M" on Baldy. Those who have been of transportation for the entire body,

• tick outing the p;ame, getting a dou-1

• le<l Cates "ms the H1gh Jump and made a score of 411 points out of a up to the "J\.t' lately know how badly 1' and they ask that all who have cars ' bl€ and three ~ingles in his {our At .pre.sent the games ~tand rn th1~ E~ward Bunney Takes Second in possiBle SOO. Both these mea are rep.a.ii• is neetled there, in spite of would use them tomorrov; and aid r .-ncs at bat. P.1aylot• also pounded I order: Dea: ~efeated .acqueth 9-7 Mile Run at_ the Confore~ce Track well known on the eampus, Mr. the goad work that was done in in this pha.•e of the problem. The the ball for a home run and a dou-116-14, Lan~ "on from Smith by de- Meet Held m Fort Collms, Col<>· Kruger being a Senior in Animal whitewashing it by the frosh last first loads ";11 leave the Y. M. C. A. ble Murra•· th- Mount St Charles fault; Cheney defeated Farrel by 6-4 rado ... Eleven Schools Entered in H b nd d .. Suth I d fall. The whole form must be re- at 8:~0 a. m. tomarrow morning, and · . ·• · ''"" · 6 o· H Id ·b. I • L . . . . us a ry, an u1r. er an , a

•l-tortst-0p, t-0ok two hits out of three - • 0 et JI Payed. anlp with a &leet \\.luch was Won by Univer- Senior in Agricultural Education. filled with rock, the weeds and grass will continue until all are o;.t. trip.' to the pit!!<'. One of these, 6-1 and 6-2 sco1·e; Brtght won from sitr of Colorado. Third place was won by Francis A. removed from ai>out it and the let- The work on the "M" will be un-

. . Erdman and Jones from Loud mth a . . thrn<.> lut' was a home "l:un, ma<le tn 6

-0 6

-0 B k" h b Ralston, a Freshman m Agriculture, ter wiritened again. Eve'ry man on der the direction of the Intercollegi-tf.e first inrung. . . l ~loore 61 ~~c::7;chell u".,;,';; f::.n a":~ . Ted Cates and Edwm-d Bunney, with a score of 395; fourth place the crunpus will be expected to help ate Knights (Fangs of '2:3 and 24),

The sc<>nng started m the f1r.;t, f" Id b d 'r 1

d V .1

f B rep1'esentmg the Blue and Gold at the went to Ethan R. Ford, who scored with this work. Ar1'angeruent.• have I the active men being in charge on wien Weisner and Keane made two ~e t;, e au t ~n atw·i't'.::u Y~ Rocky lllountain Oc>nference track 391, and fifth to Frank R. Beckley, been made b~- the Senate to care for the letter itself and the ex-Fangs be­e•sy infi<!ld outs, and then Feeny, H •i:gs '/' w~k rom

1 ~ ~1 r..!it meet, placed first in the high iump whose score was 390. Both of the the providing of materials with which ing in charge of the work from the

initial sack mAn for the visitors,· s~.:~~th::~' defea~:deac~lbi:ech~ G-~ I and tltird in the mile, eespectively, latter two men are Juniors in Animal to finish up the task, and the day foot of the Hill to the letter. All dr. ove one out over th,, fence for the

614; Cowan defeated Rivinea

7_5 6


; I and gave Montana State a total of 7 Hu.sbanchy. i promises to present the greatest Fangs will be on the grounds, ready first run of the game. Murray Finch played Baxter ,vith 8 6_1 6_1 p01n~ and seventh place out of 11 Both of the high men will have display of energy the old "M" has to start when the first load reaches ~tepped up and repeated Fenny's feat score and Newkirk d-efeated Van entrtes. their names engraved on the Atkin- seen since the days when the '18's tho mountain eide. and then Wilkin retired the side by Fleet after th.ree sets tvith these The m.,.t was held at Fort Collins, son Tmphy, and .. ;u receive aix doJ- 1 set it down in its place. There will be nothing to interfere a long fly to center. Montana State scores 1_

6 6_1 6_3_ Colorado last Saturday, and represen- lars and a quarter of the prize money'. Fallowing the work on the "M,'' the with the plan as outlined and the f :iled to score during the first. I Th . · h . tatives from all .the colleges in the which is hA.l.f <>f the total amount of- Associated Student picnic will be held committees in charge are perparcd

The visitot'S fai1ed to register dur-1

e w;~~ers dof t Dese gai~e~ will Rocky Mountah1 Conference were fered for first and second pl~ces. Mr. in Bridger Canyon. Tlte co.,cts have to handle every member of the stu· ;,,~ the second, but the Bobcats took ~:y m : ~i· 1~r~ eanB a_n ht angj present. The follo\\;ng shows the Rat.ton, winner of third pl~e. will 1 agreed to furnish tl1e t'efr<!Shments dent !Yody tomorrow. two when E'ox singled, Jorgenson J eney ;n k" \ e y; d ;~g . an plaees the rnrious schools won and get two dollars and a half prize I:=:::======================= struck out and Alquist lined out his ofntehs; uc mbegtam anA tl e wdmMner their number of points: money. The three medals offered ' Fi Fi •l •l h • . . F . It d f o e game ween s e an c-

1 1 U . . f C 1 d I t 'T" S ?me run, ormgmg OX ll1 a ea 0 Iver; illitchell defeated Vail 6-1 6-0; 9. ntverstty_ 0 ·O oi·a o, 49. b;· the Percheron _Sodety of America or rrne al B J 0 ml e

him. Zuck wa;; put out on an easy Bergstrom and Haines; Shoebotham J ~- Utah Aggtes, 32. go to the men wmmng tlnrd, fourth ~ounder to first, and McCarren and Cowan. and Finch and Newkirk. 3. Colorado College, 22. and fifth places. For the winners ' made the third out trying to steal The ,vin;iers of these games will 4. University ?f Utah, 17¥,. <>f fou rth and fifth places, subscrip- On Bobcats During Trip >econd after getting. to_ first on an play the four games of the semi-finals 5. De~ver Un1vers1ty, 16¥.:. tfons to the Montana Farmer and ! error. The second mmng endoo 2 and the winners of the semi-finals 6. Bnghant Young U., 16. Montana Stockman and Fam.er were ' i,o 2. will play in the finals for champion. 7. Montana State, 7. offered, a two years subscription fot• 1 1.18.<lk f l't'ala• D Incl

The Bobcats scored again in the In the doubles the first matches I 8. O<>lorado Aggies, 4. for fifth place. The two gold watch • • lllg, Ue to em.ent Weather Showed on the tl:ird when Gent:; walked and Ma~lorl were played off yesterday aftemoon. 9: Colorado _Mines, 1. . A. H. and Bell a Freshman. I Reeeat Trip Of the Basketball Team When They Failed to knocked one for two bases, seonng Cheney and Jackson defeatro Rh·enes The Univers1ty of Wyonung and John Lillard won the special award ; Win a Single Grune out of Four; One With St. Charles, Two Genty. Ho~ister and Flinley made and Erdman in two straight sets, the Gunnison, Colo., Normal School for high man m the placmg of the I With the State University; and One With the Deel' Lodge sacrifice ;flies land ll{~ykf: romped I winning the first 6-1 and the second I failed to place in any of the eventa. class. of horses. Ramblers. o•·er the plate. Fox lined out a dou· 17-5. Jones and Mitchell defeated Montana State sent only two men ThlO years Contest was not only ble, and Jorgenson did tile same, Vail and Bright 6-2; 6-2. These mat· to the meet. Cates earned his way a record breaker in closeness of =============== The Bobcat diamond men suffered ~coring Fox. Alquist hit an easy one. ches put Cheney-Jackson and Jones- by taking- second individual honO'I'S placing, but also in interest ~hown ELLIOTT RESlfiNS de-feat in four games on their trii> but Foony fumbled and allowed Jor-j Mitchell in the semi-finals in the at the recent dual meet with the by tho contestants, and in the num- • ber of nt ies S t · A tud ' last week. The squa<l left Bozeman l!<ns<>n to add anothe1• for the Blue doubles. The)' will play off their State University, and Bunney by win- e r · .-·en y-six g s • · Sunday evening and played Mount and Gold. Zuck l-etired the ide on I match this aftemoon if weather con- ning the mile at the same meet, and ents entered the oontest, which is AS ruANrELLOR

(Continued 0

., Page 4

) ditions permit. I second in the two-mile. nearly double the number who enter- lJ {J St. Charles in Helena Monday after-ed last year. Another unique featme no1>n. After a hard hitting contest

Fang Chapter Intercollegiate Knights Installed At H$ S. C.

of this rears Contest is th fact that the St. Charles outfit came out on there was a lady contestant, Miss To Take Position as Pre:sident of top by a score of 9 to 3. Home runs Alice McClintock, who, notwithstand-1 Purdue University. Successor Not by Marlor and Munay featured the ing the fact that this wa her ffrst I Yet Chosen. heavy hitting of the afternoon, but experience in a stock judging contest, I a total of 14 hits were recorded. St. placed well up towards the top, After seven years as chancellor of Charles to1>k the credit for 9 of these beating more than sixty of the men ' the Greater Unive1·sity of Montana safe ones. The Bobcat squad lelt the students, including several Seniors, j :lfr. E. C. Elliott announced his re- loss of practice during the preceding and veterans in Contest work. signation last week. Mr. Elliott week and rnnde seven errors during

------ The Stock Judging Contest is an I came to Montana from Wiscon•in 1 the game.

Twenty-five Member>< of the Fangs of '23 and of '22 Were Taken In.to National Collegiate I annual affair on the campus, being where he was a professor of Econ- The summary of the game follows: Peporganization, as Sixth Chapter. Alf Rivenes are Yell Leader of the College is Kin held each year under the di~ec~on of omics. He _is to_ b"°ome President of Mt. St. Charles-- AB R H PO A E

. . g the Agncultural Club, and is iudged Purdue Umvcrs1ty at Lafayette In- Weisner, 3b. . .. .4 1 2 2 1 1 of the New Organization Which Has the Same Purpose as the Old Fangs. President Atkm· and managed by members of the Ag- cliana, next year. !"ea e cf 4 2 2 1 0 0 on and Dean Hamilton Tllken in as Honorary Members. Other Fangs are Eligible for ,.icultural Faculty. The judges this A successor to Chancellor Elliott ;e ,~


,.' ( · t ) :lb .. :o 2 9 0 0 Membership. year were Mr. C. N. Arnett, horses; , wiTI be appointed nt th~ .Julr meeting ~:~~:~~- ~ .. ::'.' · . . S 1 2 2 1

------ .1 . 0 . Tr~tsven, dairy cattle; Mr. W. 1

m=-, · ···· ·· Mr . . R. C. l\icChord_, beef cattle; :>Jr., of the State Board of Educatiou. w··ik· If 3 o 2 o o

On Sunday afternoon twenty five I 1 1 d " Stanton, 2b. . ... ~ 1 0 2 0

I - E. Josep >, 1ogs; an Mr. A. L . .;Ic- O'D 11 • 3 0 2 0 0

PHI U INITIATES members of the Fangs were installed SMITH WINS fiRAIN ~Iahon, sheep. _Esch of these men' Septem- 'IJ':l•rl• : ucB

0; 1.nde 'c~t. ····· 0 0 · 2

as members of the Fang Chapter of • Judged the placmgs and ltstened 1 , • V i I m eo · · 3 8 O

I the Intercollegiate Knight& Mr. j . reasons on the class of which he was i Conners, p. . ..... 3 2 l 2 0

THREE NEOPHYTES ~~i;£i:~:t~?.~~:~kp!:rs0~~s:l~ JUDfilNfi CONTEST' in charge. i Is Announced ~ot~s c.~ Af R~ H~f A~E-; ling officer for the local group. Fields L J LJ d I --- Mo.Carr<>n. '"· ······ .2 0 0 l 1 l

Lillian ~lares, Hazel McNall and Ruth Davidson Chosen aa Member of Phi U psi Ion Omieron, Ho""rary A ome Economies Fraternity. ~·

arrived ir: Bozeman Saturday after- ,ynaon nea S Bergstrom , Cates, H.ollioter, Lyndon, Gent:;, cf . . .... ...... 3 1 0 0 noon and was a gnest of the Fangs M. A. Bell Wins Prize for ldentifica- Mountjoy, Poulson, and Van Fleet ilfaylor, rf. ..... .4 1 1 0 0 l

tio11 and John Paugh as High Man until yesteTday m01·ni;>g,. when he Cl C'J I '23 will be Member of Senio< Honor- Fo"· :Jb. . .. 4 O O 4 l 0 started on his retm'l1 to Seattle. in Wheat. First Five Rank ose. LaSS 0 ary During Conting Year. Fi.nib)', lb. . ........... 4 1 1 6 0 o

Glen Fox, E. Moore, T. Astle, E. Alqu.ist, c ................. 3 0 0 10 2 l Cogswell, C. Finch, T. Callan, F. Wil· Fr<inklin H. Sn1ith WQn first place The students named below have JorgeMcm, 2b ......... 3 O 1 1 2 O ton, J . Gleason, F . Barnum, C. Moore, in the ann<tal grain judging contest Chl<>e Cox is Chosen Vice-Presi<kmt; been sekted as members ot Septem- Holister, If .. ......... 4 o 1 1 o o R. Walter L. Gilbc>rt, L. F errel, J. whkh was held last Tuesday after- Harry McCann, Secretary; and viri, the s.>nior honor society. This Zuck, p. . ............ ... 1 o 1 o 2 1

Phi Up•ilon Omicron annou nces tbe Patterson, B. Hollister, G. Bright, F. noon. The winning of first place in Rob<>rt Walters, Treasurer. All I group of seven members from the Powers, p ....... ... ...... 2 o o o 1 iuitilltion of Lillian Mares, Hazel Mc- Cowan, J. Mares, s. Avery, C. R. . th.is contest means the engraving of Officers Chosen by Acclamation. men of the outgoing junior class are .. 30 3 5 24 9 7 'iall and Ruth Davidson, an mem- Mountjoy, c. Lyndon, H . Tenney, H. I Franklin Smith's name on the Atkin- chooen each year by a general faculty Hom~ runs-Murray ,Maylor.

' 1

McCann J DeHart D Cashmore, w.1

son trophy. In addit ion be won first Charles A. Lyndon was unanimously committee from the records made by ""'."'. of tho present sopbomoi·e c ass . Flock, C. Schan<0k.' · prize for the contest consisting of a ele<:ted pt-esident of next years' .sen- men of the junior class. The points Tbree base hit-Stanton. Tnrttat1on ceremony was h<.>ld Thurs- Dean J. M. Hamilton and Presi-j gold watch fob, donated by the llfon- ior class at the class meeting of th<! considered are: scholarship, 5-0; activi- Stolen bases-Keane, Finley, Fox. day e-.·ening at the home of Mrs., dent Alfred Atkiru;-0n were unanam-


tal11l Seed Growe1·s aasociation. Smith present juniors last week. Lyndon is I ties, 3tl; pel'SOnality, 20. The men Sacrifice hits--Weisner. Stnntc>n, Christopher, on sooth Tracy. A social ously elected to honorary membei·· 111a.de a total of 762 points. Other one of the best knovm men on the .bill I ch1>sen from the class of 1923 are: .Zu.ck. ~ilne and luncheon were enjoyed after . ship in the new chapter. men. placing. ~ the c?nrest were and one who has been especially ac- Raymond Mountjoy, Edward Cates, Struck out.-By Conners 7, by •he meeting. Following the installati-On th,<'


Melvtn C-Onkltn second W1th 749 points tlve in all a.ctivtties since his en- Edward Poulsen, Arthur Bergstrom, Zuck 4. by Powers 6. Miss Fnlk, a "Plti U" from the members adjonrned to Gilkerson s winning n silver watch fob donatled tranee here as a freshman. He is Charres Lyndon, George Van Fleet, Bases on balls-Off Conners 2, off

Minnesota chapter, came ovel' from Cafeteria, where a three conrse ban· by the Montana Flour ~illa company. one of the charter Fangs of '23. He

1 Bro~ Hollister. Zock 2 ,off Powers 2.

Butte t-0 atU.nd th.. me<:ting. Misa qnet wns &e?Yed. Following the ser- .

1 Lloyd ?"'ha~ ~k third place with is a member of Alpha Zeta, the Undoer th" provisions of the con- Hit by • pitchef-Mi:Cam'n (2) .,

Falk is employoo as laboTatory tech- ving of thia several short talkl! were 7"..9 potnts :""""'ng th~ third pl.aca hor.-0rary airricultural fraternity and etitution of Septemviri, the names of Genty, K"'1ne. niei.st at Aforray-'s h-OapltBI la Batto. ! (Continued oo. Page 41 (CoatinGed Ol1 Pa«e 4> (Co1>tinned 011 Pai,"<l 3 > \.C9n~ <>n Page

4> l (Continued Ol1 Page" 3)

P GE TWO. f!H: WFEKL Y EXPONENT Tu.--<l:.,, :Ua, ~u 19l2.

1, .......... ............................. ...... ... ~

-~= [JAIP\,~\ ! j LAN60HR'S i l ifiM;i~~~~ '\> Ii" •• _ Green House =_-

ESTABL! BED JAN ARY 1, 1910. (Out••rowth of ~onthly Exponent, Estaolished .Tnnnary l, 1895.)



The '\'eckly Exponent JG str1cC .. • a student enterprise. It's rhief pur-, y pose is to prest·nt to it.s readers, each week, an atcurate and complete recClrd of the developments in t:olle~e affair~ during that period and to exert its full I ~ influence for the upbuilding of Montanu State College. The paper is the " - PHONE • ~ 95 315 So. Tracy •.:. reoult of voluntary effort put forth by the students who compose the staff. 1


. ~ . 'i,lll ll ll l lll •l l lll ll.111 It ot I •1 111 !I HI ! I I I •f ., f I I l !. l •l l l! I 11 \ll Ul l! l ll t 1 ·11 ll Ul l.J l +l t Ul l• l n t l! lli.tlHIJllMUijllal+.....;

Published every Tuesday of the College year by the staff dwsen from the I ~ --' .,.... _,, _:......, · ~ otudents of the Montana State Colleire of the University of Montana, Boze- Alas. such Jaek of scandal! W e J These foreiirn wo1-ds-man, Mont.ana. hav our parties, our picnics and all · A dirty trique,

to no apµar~nt a,·nil. Such lack of He ilew in a ten;bJe pique, 1 'i Did this rube kno\\"n to mo"St a a Acceptance for Mailing at Specia1 Rate of Postage provided for in Section J standa1 is rcart-rcndinsr. Even the hique,

1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 17, 1919. absence of l'Omm ittee lists leads to While dancing he slip! ============================== /no scandal a..mon,I! th0 campusehs. I And his trousers he ripped.

Such ca'I'e to cO\·er up the scandalous i The floor, so he claimed, was too but makes for irreater suspicion, to i slique.


Two Dollars Per Year 1~en Cents Per Copy whith end we nT~ this week out in I 1-.,am UE Eeyes -Students become subscdhers upon payment. of the regular Activity Fefl. full ~t:n~th. So. beware! SUP:h Oi·~-an-

S T A F F act< as coeds eme>-iiing from the Ji- Farniliru·-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ... A. E. McFARLI1 • '22 brary nbout closing h-Our. and after I -ingla..-s. MANAGING EDITOR FERGUS JIIITCHELL, '23 walkinir a few rods down the walk, ~lobil-ASSOCIATE EDITOR.... ..CHARLES LYNDON, '23 stoppi111t nnd softly whistling, only I Wicked-SOCIETY EDITOR -···-. NONEETA NOBLE ·3;; to be answer('(( from the far side, Pi F-' PORTS EDITOR RICHARD BUCKBY '~4 ~nd >Oon be joined by a companion, -Ex.

ASSISTAl\T ASSOCIATE EDITOR GLE:-IN BOYER ·35 must henceforth bear closer scrutiny. BUSINESS MA AGER .. ···-··········LEONARD SW A ', ·23 Thi• report came in to us once be- MA'IH A DVERT!Sll\G :llA 'AGER l'lt<>no 772-W VERE WILLIAMS, ·3·; fore. nnd if we find it is the s:i.me

H. HARDESTY AND SON f "The Yellow Trucks"

Transfer, Storage and Crating-We Cater to College Trade

Phone 564 Office 318 E. Main


r----vr~ili;~~~m~1:.:-----1 f Alway on Time Better Service tor Less Money ~

:.-------------------~ CIRCULATION MANAGER ..... ····-·············-··-···EDWARD C. PRESTON, ·22 <'ou1.le we will be tempted to disclose The skies were ashen and sobe,. at1~~~"'-~~~ ASSISTANT CIRCULATION MGR. . .... HARRY McCAN '2:! mo\·e of the matt<>.i'. jTh noon h d b . I g ~ A. SI TANT ADVERTISING MANAGER ... LAWRENCE LYNDO:\ ·2;; ey were as en an so er at mg it; A "!STA'.T AD'~R·r1 ' IKG ll'ANAGER "'ALTER SALE' ··-'.'> Lest "'• foriret! We owe Dorothy But dark far darker the depth• of I AFTER THE DANrE SS ,, '"' s . , , ' • H s B<1wli1111. a napology! Eli has found I my gloom lJ GENERAL REPORTORIAL STAFF <'tit that the youn~ man came from As 1 struggled to come to the light. ELIZABETH BOLE '2'2 .. _ ...... ··- ....... HOWARD TE:-.!NEY ·~:l w,·ominir to .,,;sit Rose. when authen-) ARTHUR BERGSTROM '23 ·- CHLOE COX '23 ti~ som~es had led us to believe it I ha~e •pen t long long hours of think-

; he Best of Everything LESLIE GILBERT ·23 .. ·-·-··· - --· KATHLEEN CAMERON ·24 """' Dorothv who l<wecl the com-man . "'_I!" DON (' A.1ERON '25 ......... EDWARD BUNN£Y ·24 ,t ale. · Tlunkmg of my burdensom lot; OCTAVIA ~IARQUIS '25 ..... CHARLES SCHUReB '24 Oh oh, far off l see a light twinkling rtuB rAFE MARGARET CONKL! ·G. 24 ··-- .. LEONARD EARLE-. ·~4 "Hera's a pair of the be.t drawers But I feel that for me it twinkles not. lJ lJ

HAROLD MORRIS, '25 I know of," •aid the instrnctor as she 1 haYe fallen to the depths of despair ~ REPORTERS BEING SELECTED BY COMPETITION ltd the way 10 t:w oor her leadintr art Far far from the light of the sun; J ~;s:i~~~;s:i~~~~1'S~~~~~;s:i~~~;s:i~~~;s:i~~~~

.::tndent~. But look, the li~ht larger does ap-_ --- p(;ar I

l\ow. "'hat was that one Bob Wal-I Ah at Ia t J feel it has come, has1 !!11•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tcrs told U!=;;? Let's see!No, on sec- <'ome.

oncl thought, it wouldn't cl<>-not good , fi A L L A T 1 N r. R 0 c E R y c 0 p A enough. At last I feel the warmth of lhP day U M N Y


The Campus Day to-morrow jq a new in11ovation at :Montana State and it ha come a, the result of the growth of the need for _ uch a day. The purpose of i·epall"ing and maintaining such col­lege fixtures as our mon ter "l\f" through the enlistment of t•verr member of the student body is a worthy one to accompany

--- I And the beautiful light of the sun; "At last I can pay my bills," said You hundred devils of gloom away

John, as he lifted a mint from his awav I pocket. I Since :fo;· 01e it has come, hns come,

has come. a tudent picnic and get-togethel'. E\·ery institution of an~· $ize This week's berries go to Bobby I

55-PitONE-55 :_1~ 5 I 5 5 5

t'omes sooner or lat r to some ~uch plan of bringing the student ;"" th~ decorations on his trousers. ~!)· math i• done. body together for one big eelebration. The Senate has mad t= --------===-"" jc:==========================

~:::~~;:'if ,7;~~:~~;:~::::;;,;h~·~!~~i;~;~~;',~,: I BA~OIVCEONNOCNERCTAM1SPUS ~M·~~IRUEBNPERlEESCITDEEDNT 1 f '"' '·" ..... 's' ......... h ....... 'o' ...... ""'e' ' ' ~"'"' ., . ~ ............... , In other institutions this work is accompanied with penalties U . _ lJ ,,, · i .;;:::::, ~

for tho e who play th part of the slacker. The man who·e con- I ~ .-cience allows him to take thi;; day off for himself no longer de- College Band Enwrt.ains During Re· Richa rds Chosen Vice Pres ident and i ~erves a place in the college. There is not a student here who J!'.Ular A•sembly Hour. Last Con- 1 Fox Secretary-Treasurer. Graves i would not like to take a day off to sleep and take life easy-all cert of Year. Yotcd "M" I are equal in that respect. And there will be scores of others who 1 •

fo1· every occasion


Lang's Exclusive Shoes 120 E. Main t.

;; ;; ;; -~ ;; ;; .. .. • • .. ;;

will lay aside work for the day in order to help on the "M." In The colleJ!'.e band which returned' Rarmond Mccarren was .nnani- -all justice those who Jay down on the job should receive some last "eek from its annual tour of the mously elected president of the "M" "

: J. E. LANG, Prop. I ~ ~ ••nt 1tt ~l9illll9U l ltlh l l lt l ll l h l tl l '! l •ll ' l ll l l: I Ll ll l ll l ll l !l l ll l Ul .11111 111 111 1111r1u 1 111 n111 1111· 1111 111 '11 !, ll il l· llll l . u .1 11 t l• I Hl ...t.

'tale, played for assembly last Fri- club for the coming year, at the meet ­puoishment. The Intercollegiate Knights, who a Fang, have clay. The assembly was held on the ing of the letter men of the college handled such matters so well in the past will have chru:ge of the lawn between Main and Hamilton held yesterday afternoon. At the oroportioning of the work, and they have made a reputation for Halls for the first time this year same time Albert R ichards and Ed-1heir unhesitancy in making known offenders of tradition in the and n number of town people took ward Cogswell were nominated for 1111•1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 11 1 advantage of this opportunity to the vfoe presidency \Vhich po•ition past· hear the band. R ichards was elected to fill. George

It is well that they will be in a position where they can know ;\li•s Esther .~m·y sang " Beautiful I Finley and Glen Fox were nominated who the slaekers are to-morrow. The work will be small if ev<-ry Montana Night This wns. one of the for the position of seeretm·y-treasur­~tudent ic on the job and there is no 1·eai;on why any student feature numbers of the trip and was er and the latter won the ele<-tion. should be ab, ent. especially 00".'ruended ~Y other nmti- :UcCa1,-en, the pres ident eleet, is'


cm·es. Pr~ident :W'tn!.'On l-Cnd a I a letter man in football, basketball'

I li;tter 1rom the president of the ~t.ate and baseball. Richards has earned Nom1al CoUege at Dillon pra1s~i:: his letter m basketball and Fa.-.: m the work of the ban~ m Dillon. The Iba eball. McCan-en and Richa1-ds are . . . . band was well received everywhere . .

Pan ti tori um Cleaning, Pre ·l!ing and Repairing

Ladies· Work a Specialty Rates to Student


S. Vos. 25 W. Babcock To hitch ones wag-0n to a star may lead to much di~appomt- d t.h p .d t h h d 1' members of the Junior class a nd Fox · · · ·


;\TI e res1 en ns a severa . h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 1 s 1 n r 1 1 1 1 t t t 1 1 1 s r r 1 1 t r 1 1 r r , t t I 1 1 1 1 1 r r t 1 r t ment, but r101c oft('n if leads to greater success. For thal reason oth r letters from different parts ofl'" " sop. omOTe .. the work of Cates an<l Runnry. in placing Montana State ~even th I the •tate. At t~is meeting the members ol' I ·th r t k t F tClr , t- d . ! the"M clubvotcdt<ipresentCoaeh•·------------------:n e con erenrc 1 ac mee at 'or o m 1as ~'Hnr .ay Olli ot PJltn oGirA rHs (;;: )IONTANA

1 .. Tuhby" Graves ",th "M" sweaters i t Pleven colleges entered should be an event of ~at1sfact1on to us., 1n aporel'iation for the work that

iruidance to a still higher tar in track. Had we but had our -- U It would seem to mark the point where we were to change our \\'ll, D LIFE ON EXHlBJT ION. It.hey haYe done for Montana State. r. E 0, H, W I LL S ON C 0, I fornwr confercnee recor<l-hreaker with us this c;<.1arter we would Word has been received by Prof. i , ha\·e placed well neiu- the top this year. To build up a track I . I. H: Spnulrling. that 20 photographs I NOMINEES NAMED • -- "--· . qua ~trnng enoug 1 am arge enough to crowd th1' top placers I h b 'tt d •- th Am · " -- .,...--

d I l 1 of wild animal hfc m Montana which I t TENNJ<> I e ~u nu e 1.v e encan iuu-in the cnnfe.rence in tlw 1 turE' sh(ll1ld be one more ambition acl- 8eum of Natural History haw been BY CLASS OF '24 Rackets-Balls • - :It the annual meeting of mammnl- --BASEBALL--ded to our list. •;wcepted fol' competitive exh.ibi tion I l

THE LAST I. SVE oirists in New Yo,.k this mO'tlth. Gloves-Balls-Bat~ The picture~ are all of :)mall ani- At :-- mectinJ! held last \Vedne:.:.day I

Kext week'~ iR~Utl "ill bP the la~( one for the year, ancl a" "l!Ch will mark the close of annther year of Exponent history and of t:ollPl!e life at ~fontan a State. Owing to the fact that Tuesday i~ a holiday the paper will \J( on the Hill ~Ion day.

mal~, such a.C\ ground squin·els, pOCk- tht-1 ~ .)homores, class of '24, nomin-l t J!Ophers nnd moles, and were taken ated a slate of offirers from whkh in ~fontana by ilfr. Spaulding him- the lenders for next year will b~ cho- & Pink Joe Geo. ~t lt'. :Mr. S<:.hleclen also sent in ~f'n thi5i wel'k. One office. that of ¥

,,-.. rhot.o~raphs whkh were ac- vice president, was filled by acclanrn-1 - - .-. ...... ~~.._...- - - .-. ._. ._ - - --~ l't·pted. tion, Mis~ Kathleen C.amE'ron being-' All the pictures will b<• exhibited unopposed for lhe office. ==============================

~~~~~~~,~~~ .... -.._~~ I foi about a month and decisions an- Those nominated for the other o!-1 1111 •11111n1111 111u1 n1111t1 1 111 11s n1 • 1 1to1• • • • 11• · • · • • • • • • · • • • • • 1 ' • • • • • • 1 •• •'' '• • 1 ' 1 ···~

I e n'm 11n'd June l6. fices arc as follows: President. J. ~ COJ\11\lERCIAL NATIONAL BANK :

I R. ~fo:res. L. ,). .Fnrrel, Cha,. Kini<. =

ll,·1·'!{'f', EQl 0

ll'.\l", ·r 1.•' C)l.I' "l"-~('J \l 'rY '


:-L no'.\ \l'l'Ot'.\TED C'Ol- ·0· , · ' , . -

- r :~ '- c_ - t and Paul Carnes; secn •tary, ~lary ~ George Cox, President -11.J'YI I"\ 1.~; 11 rs \l\D C LARK Baldwin, \\'111. Moore and Thomas ~ JC.hHar.JeBsaVkearn,dCenahshoo

1ekr, \ ·,ce. Pres. H. M Grnnt, Ass'; Cashier : -Pt·,;ks-Tnhle~-- and\. & E. FilirH! :-;~~l~m~- C111lu.11; tl'cnsu1er, Ed. W ilbon and :; RH E!hott, Asst Cash1cr

fr w. H. ~utton has. het.>n <lppomt- RLtth Da\·u)<.:on l.1llinn :\lat lo'S was,~. 1 1 1I11 1 . 1 11 1 1 1!111. I l l I J l l l Ir. I. I ll. Ill. I. I. 11 I ~. I •• I. I 11 •••• I ••• prf < ounty ..-\ g"l'flt at LC'\d~ and Clark 21~0 l'ominat(d, but rcqu s.tC'd that

~ ' t mnt~·. )[r. ~utton i~ n graduate of hu nanw bt> withchawn. =============================== ~ ~ l't 1h A~rfrulturul C'ollt'gc, and has PnllotmJ.:; -.vill be held in thtl' \lain , ~~.....,~.._.~.....,.~~~~~~~- - - •

~ ~ ~::~~'.','~'Pi~~·~. r~'. ~~~11.;,~~~i~:~~··:~~ ~r~:\,"""~;'~,~~r~,·it::·~~:11~:·11::~~-~~:~~ i .. B 0 Z [ M A N H 0 1' [' 1 · i :, ~ \'Kl', at:•l ju t rNt.•ntly hns bt.'l::l work t f11l anv of thl' off1ces. · j ·{, · t ~ i mg • n th Sun Rhl.•r Rt..p1:~!11atitm 1 · . - ......

-; 01~~1 ,,' R'ln - ~t •p ~ '.'r::jr~.'.;"n·~~tk·:.~~~~.n~r,;c~, .. ~r~~.:a~~:·in·~~: ;~~.·~· . l~:~;i~~t: .. ·~;.::;~'.:;~~~ 't lOORoomc; . · 11\t th! n t ~i)Wif"i l:tth !. ~ 111 ,. ..... ho I (1•dC"1ll'd last ioinli 20tl1.' l'ht I.fl -;r,;,.R or S('f.' Ct•ti. \... ~ ptlt'ta on y a ~s ' ~ ~~ :4111.~,,~ ''' '''-" ~ '' '+ '''°"' tu~ t li ""'' L1:::.1f\1,.·-.~. ·R1.•t1~l··l·.ft ·~- --- -~~~~~~-.:Gao~~~:_:..,.

THE WEEKLY EXPONE:-IT, Tuesday, l.Iay 23 1'922. p,\GE THREE

''~~,.,_,,_~~'-~''"-~'~,._~~'-'~"~'~~"-'-~%~~~'-~1'1'~'-~"'-~""' 1 ---·; '\Ti.t.h errors and hits were generou~ -,.,-...ow tf:i!'- :rt!s., ae nb ln this n'anll"'? • V ; , on b(\th s~des. A total of 24 ~its a:-: nssist~nt to ~lanager 'Willian1

~ B ~ ' · """ U I \ I E T y ~ l ·.vne 'redi•ed, 11 of them belonging Husemeyer, 1-etiring. Le.lie Gilbert, ~ w f. 1 ~ ~ '--' ~ -0 the Blue and Gold nine. The '23. was at tbe same time selected as ~ ag n e r ros ~ l f l ;:-.... e was. 'ra her listless and al- st.age manager for tht; next show ~ e ~~ / '---- though better than the first, the wi:h Jay Glrns"n. "24, a,; assistant. ~ Clll 0. RO CSE PARTY. E!'GAGE)IE. "T AX ·ore "CED. State U. had the game •oon after it I The othei· manager. of the show will ~ J The members of Chi Omega fra I had st.art<><l. be a' follows: Costumes, Miss Mary ~ OFFER YOU BETIER YALUES FOR YOUR MO~EY ~~· termty entertained their fnends at I ""ord has been -received that Paul- I Th" summary: English; treasury, Carrol Donohue; ~ I a house party over the week-end at ine Powell, of Billings, ex-'19. bas an- ~~ate U.- AB R H PO A S publicity, Charles Lyndon. Assist-~ THA..""' A.:-.IY PLACE IN BOZE:!\lAN Euell's cabin up West Gallatin. · n •Unced her engagement to Willard Higbee. ss. ..5 2 2 3 l o """ wII! be >€lectea as •OOD as the


I I Wagner Bros. ~"-,.~~~~~~

T H E fi A L LA T I N L A U N D K Y C a·. 139 East Babcock

Is always ready to serve your Laundry Needs. Call Phone 79 and Wagon Will be at Your Door.


FASHION BARBER SHOP If you are particular, try us.

Four First-Class Barbers Waiting to Serve You.

JOHN NEIL, Proprietor

Baths Phone 461-J 1st Class Bootblack


Tobyy, '20 Tobe}.,. is now employed Kibble, 3b. .4 2 2 0 O : work on the next show starts from ALPH..A O. R:'\TERTAINS. in_ :he Merohan National Bunk. of }lurphy. r. ················~ 1 2 7 2 O I those who worked with the various

The members of Alpha Omicron Pi Billings. I?ayh~s. If. -·· ...... tl 0 2 2 0 0 I parT.s th1~ yea'r an<l who tum oub ta. ed th · th h 1 · Ker>hner, rf. . ......... 4 0 2 0 agam.

enttT m eir mo ers w o 1'e m SIGMA CR! NOTES. ( enterwall . 4 1 2 0 Z 1 a ain. Boze:i1an at & matinee pa1ty on Sat-1 . ' P g

d ft E te . t Miss Leona Kindler was a <lmnerl Spencer. p . 0 0 0 l 0 As there bad bocn ~ome misundeT-ur ay a emoon. n runnmeo . _ . I

. ted d 11 t ts d . i:tuest at the igma Cht House i ri-


F:arr:·. cf. . ... 4 3 3 0 stonding- "utside tlie society itself as cons1s m vau evi e s un urmg d . . o·!\ 11 "b ' . .. " · the afternoon, after which refresh- a~ evenmg. . . - e1 ' - . . .. ,. ... 2 1 1 1 to what r.on~t.1tuted the Looters, it mentts were se1ved in the "'Dormi- Wednesday evenmg dinner C"uest~ Keene, 2b . ··········· 1 0 0 0 0 - 'xus cledJed to make it clear that the tory Cabaret." ·were K~n.i:eth ).Jelver, Frank Ba_rnum


\\"eidman, lb. . .. 4 2 0 0 1 1 tNm • Looterc.·• Tefen-t:d only to the John Wyne and Frank McKenzie. T-otals ................ 38 11 14 :!? 8 61 r._,a.nag-ement which is chosen for the

Carl traw is staying at the Sig M. S. C.- AB R H PO A E s'.:o. w from l ear to year, while the SIG. ALPR. GUESTS. house for a few da~·s. ~lcCanen. ss. . ...... 3 0 ., 2 1 mrn1ber oi the ca<t and chorus are

Wednesday evening dinner guests .Mr:::. Buckby risitcd her son Rkh· I Gcnty, d. .. . . . 5 1 2 Z 0 0; to be comsiderecl members of the at the Sig. Alph. house were Elmer ard over Sunday. Maylor. 'J:f. . .5 2 '.?: 0 0 j "Loot" show 01· whichever show is Olson, ''Swede" Hoaglund, Walter ~Jr. and Mrs. Fox ~rom Liv~nj!ston Hollister, lf. .5 2 3 0 \.) 0 , staged durin~ the year by the soci.-Sales and \\~illal·d \Vatts. ';·ere guests at. the S1~ma Chi hou~~ I F'ox.. 3b. .5 o o 2 2 I ety.

As Sunday dinner guests, S. A. E. Saturday eYenmg. Finlt<Y lh. 4 0 1 ti (, l ! entertained Bob Cun·y, Don Ben- The annual :Uay Tea for Mother·, .lori'"~;,son. 2b. . ... 3 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 l ('IL! E STAEHLER PRESIDENT nett, Cliff Bullock and Harold Wiley. Sisters, and Sweethearts of Si)!ma I A!quist. c. .4 l 10 1 0 I , ,

Satw·day evening Jack Field, of Chi was held at the chaptc r hous< Ras-!ey. P· .. 4 1 0 3 OF C'OLLEGE ,\RT CLUB the University of Washington, who Sunday aftet"noon. _____ _

insralled the chapter of Intercollegi- BASEBALL TRIP. Totals 38 7 Jl 2; 10 6 The Art club held it. annual elec-ate Knights. was a dinner guest at ~truck <mt-By C1:ntenvell 5, by tion of officers on Thursday. The the Sig. Alph. house. . ...


(Continued from Page 1

) , !ta8'ley f>. by Spences 2.


following people were ch~sen_d t~

I B~o;:e ... on balls-Off Ras~l~v off ~er'\•e clurmg next year: res1 en {lmpn·ec::-~elander, Smith. r c tt~:well l, cff Spcneci 1 · i I.1_wilC' 8taehfor; F,eeretary,. Genevieve

IOTA DELTA GUESTS. I Hit by pitchei~Kershnu ('<'olcy: Treasurer, Harriet Nord-Dean and :>frs. Linfield were Wed- STATE l" WI:'<S FIRST. Th1ee-base hit-Rassley. •trom. The girls who held office

nesday evening dinner guest~ at the The first game with the State U. Two-ba:se h1t-K1bble 2. Hollister, J -'ul'in.,. the past yeal" arc Mary St~ai:i-Iota Delta house. proved cli~astl ous frJ the Bobcats and lhgbt:.e. Genty, Fox. a~ia_n, G~nny Robe1ts, and D1x1e

the Bruins came out on top with "°" . Stolen bases--1\faylor, Higbee, · Smith. 15 to :J ~core. )furphy, State r . I ~Jurphy. DaylissJ Kei·shne1·, Ba'J·1-y, I

ALPHA 0. GUESTS. . . cat~het, .was responsible for the ma-1

O'Neill. I \llSS F.\LK L\LKS ON DIETETICS )l1ss Jhlam and Miss Turley, of Jor1ty of the B'rum runs. He c1out- Sacrifice hits-l\IcCarren

1 Kibble', 1

the exten~ion dcpartm~nt of the col-I cd out three home ru.ns and drove in ' O,Neill. f )liss Falk, of Butte, ~ave a very leg-e. were Thursday.. evening dinner -I six runs ahead of him, making a tc-

1 1Jouble play-Kershner to Weid- interesting lecture to the advanced

g-ucst:\.. at the Alpha 0. house. tal of nine runs for which he was di- man. ' Dietetics class FTiday moi·ning. She . londay evening the fr~hmen I rectly responsible. The game was a l~mpire-O'Laughlin. ll spoke of the !Heat possibilities of em-

members of Alpha 0. enter-rained the~ one-side<l affair and 22 hit::: wHe · 1 ployment for Home Economics train-chapter in honor cf "Billie" Leach. \made dming the contest. LYNDON HEADS CLASS OF '23 I ed people and al•o of her work in

?itTs. Nordstrom visit('d her daug-h- ! The summary: --- I ronnection "\.\;,th Mun·ay's hospital. ter Harriet over the week-end at the Slate U.- AB R H PO A EI (Continued from Page 1) I Alpha 0. house. · Hii:tbee, .s. 5 2 2 3 0 of Pi Kappa Delta, the honorary de- ART CLUB PICNIC

}linnie Ellen ~[arquis returned 1 Kibble. :lb. .4 O 2 l 1 I bate fraternity. He also has been I TO BE NEXT SATURDAY Satm·day afternoon from 'Vibaux., !\Iurphy. <'. 5 » " ~ :3 0 namt:!d as a mrn~ber l)f Septemviri

I where ~he has been teaching: dudng I Weidman . 1b. . .5 0 0 13 0 0 I for the c:oming year. i The se..:ond annual picnic of the

==============================:;j the past winter. Dayliss. Jf R 3 3 O O o Miss Chloe Cox ivas nominated nn<l I Art dub w;11 be held Saturday of ~~~ .. Peg" C'onkling and Marlyn Hause- Kershnet, rf o 1 o l J •lectecl by acclamation to the posi-• this week. A" all day affair, to be

~ I s d d' t t I Ba.tr.,. ,.f 1 o o t~on of vice president of the class at \held up i\li<ldle Crt:ek canyon, has been

r L A s s I r B A R B E R s H o· p I ::n A~~: ou~o::e. mner g"tleS s a ,·, Io(e.Ne'ne~1J'.I 2~_·b_· · 1 0 2 2 1 I tl.e same time .. Harry ;\'lcCan".' was I planned for . Thi• will not only be (J lJ _ . .,. o o 1 o , 1:hoscn m a sumlar P anner to LW the a pleasure t1 ip but also an oppor-. ! .Johnston. p. ..5 3 2 o 2 o I re:\-t secrC'tary of the class and R~'bert I tunit:y to w,,rk with Nature, as all

I The Finest Shop in Amerka ZE'l'A KAPPA HOUSE. ______ \\'alters to be treasurer. Since none 1.tu<lents will take pointin;r and draw-Basement Commercial R.rnk. I Thursday dinner guests at the Zeta Totals 41 13 15 27 12 3 of the candidates were op11osed there' ing mat.erinls "ith them. Russes will

Telephone 886-.T , Kappa house were :>.frs. Hammer- I M. s. C.- AB R H PO A E was no special eJe,tlon neoe>•nry i, rm·iJ transportation to the cany<'n. Phone 886-J Expert Shoe Shining I strum and Keturate Tibbles. 1 Mccarren, ss o 1 o 2 2 after the meeting.

~'"-~~~~~ Wednesday e,·ening, Zeta Kappa Gentv. ,.f. 4 o 2 1 O o LOOTERS ELECT !, 11=§§=§=~-=§=§=~=~=~=~=§=§=;:;==,="§.=§='§.=~=o- . -entertained at dinner i\frs. Lang:- ' O;rNdJ .mh- :

=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::==:=:=:=::==:=:=:=:=:=::=:=I worthy and Mi'5 Gillespie. Maylo1', p. 2 0 3 0 I'll

~ JOHNSTON'S PIG'N WHISTLE AND II gu~::1ats:~:wz~:\~p~~n~::sedinner , ~~;~·ei~\b ··! O ~ ; ~ ~I NEW OFFlrERS Pipes, Candies. Cigars and

HOEFLERS CANDIES ~ I Agnes Hammerstrum, who was Al~uist. d 4 o o o o0 1

· tJ Ciguettes , very ill at the hospital during the 1 Jorgenson. 2b. .4. O 1

T H E Bu N fi A L 0 W I past week was somewhat better un· Hollister If 0 0 I -- ESKlMO PIES day · · _ _ _ _ _ Ted Cogswell Made General Monager

- of Organization for Coming Year.

I Totals . 34 3 7 24 9 61 ==============================s BETA EPSILON GUESTS. I Savag'e, c. . .

4 1 0 ia

0 1 At a meeting of the "Loot,,1·0," I Get Tl>e»l. At

I Wednesday evening dinner guests Home mns-:llforpby 3· . · 1 held last Monday evening, Ted Cog~- M H WHITE'S I at the Beta Epsilon house were 1 Two-base htts-Genty, K"1 shner, well, '23, was elected to lead the soc1-1 • •

1-::=============================::::"i \ ·'Skinny" Williams, Stanford Han- \ Dayhss. . ety as general manager for next year. -=§§§§§§§§§§~ I nab, Howell Dean and Fred Jaqueth. , Stolen bases-Kibble, Genty. Cogswell was scenery director for the •=

H 0 W A R D' s Beta Epsilon fraternity enterl>lined Struck out-By MayloT 12, by l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Iota Delta sorority at a very enjoy-I Johnston 5. . . . ... 1


!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 able dancing party F1~day "vening. Bases on balls-Off Mayl-0'1: 3, off

Just received a large shipment of

Sport Knit Coats Many beautiful colors-all sizes

For outing and summer work clothing see us- we have everything

THE BUB Ed and Lou Howard

W-alk-Over Shoes Nobby Hats


Inexpensive Graduation Gifts

A welcome graduation present need not be a strain on the purse. There are innumerable \·ery pretty, useful gifts in our stocks of Jewelry and articles. of Gold and Sih·er, suitable for both sexes priced as low or lower than the cost of other things which do not endure nor bhng so much delight.

Come see ~vhat beautiful, inexpensiye graduation gift~ you can buy here.


H. A. Pease &. Co4 , Jeweler

6 West !\fain St. and Optometrists

The Ha.llmark·~tote

I Mr. and Mi·s. Leslie Gage chape1'011ed 1!oiu:ston 3: I A TOOTH BRUSH THAT SAFE GlJARDS

I the mrty. i Hit by p1teher-McCa\'l-en. , YOUR HEALTH

I Pa

1ul Orcutt was Su riday dinnOl· I Umpire-O'Loughlin. I'

guest at the Beta Efpsilon house. Cn their return trip the Blue nncl Gold nine played o semi-p1·ofessional Dr. West's tooth brush cleal'ls teeth better-cleans

I team in Deer Lodge and came out on inside, outside and between the teeth.

HOl\tE MANAGEMENT HOUSR the short end of a 7 to 1 score. The I Sunday dinner guests at the Home , Deer Lodge players were much older i Endorsed by dentists and leading health al1tbiri1fes.

Management hou,.-e were Dean and players and had more experience in ' Mt·•. Linfield, Ml'. and Mrs. Powers, I th game and had things coming their l\.f'r:s . Langworthy, Miss Tea1• and . way during the entire contest. I

50 CENT8

i\rr. Spaulding.



BRUINs i1. noscATs 7. I !l Roecher' s Drug Store PRESIDENT ATKINSON I • The sec;ond game "ith the State! !i PrescripiionB a Spec1ialty

I GIYES DINNER PARTY. I Umvers1ty at Ahssoula ended m a ;: 116 E. Main Phone 327 President and Mn;. Atkinson enter- defeat for the ohcats by a score of\;:

11 to 7. The game was crowded '1Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllm=miumu"ll'llllllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllll:ll tained at a dinner pa1·ty given in the home economics dining room Tuesday evening. The guests were 1

Rev. and Mrs. Klemme, Dean and 1

Mrs. Hamilton, }Ir. and Mrs. Cun­ningham. 1fr. arrd Mrs . Woodward and Dean and ~frs . Linfield. The din­ner was p1•epa1·ed and served by Mis~ ! Swent'~ menu-making· and se.rvin~ 1

el ass.


\Vednesday e\·ening dinne1· guests at the Omega Beta house were Boh · Walt.rs. Paul Wi·lie, 'Walter Flook \ and Joe Mares. 1

Dean NorriR and :\Ir. U. Miller were dinner guests at the Omega Beta hdu'° F\~day night.

dmeza Beta fraternity announce~ Arthur Berg-strom as a pledge.

H. o. 'I. CLUB NOTES. I Wedne~day l ,·ening ~n~ests at. the

H. O. ?\I. Club house were Larry Lyndon. Hollis ~Jatthews, Eclwa1~l )lcGandy anJ Henry> \\"are.

f:undav dinner i:tuest.' at the H. O. ,f, CJub. hou><' were E~ocene Toole. Paul 3feG1i.1etlt.T and .Ja1:k Field o~\ the rn~n·1~ity_ vi ''rashint.rton.

;G, Pl'f!C \"nn. Fleet ~nd ... r--ae· Kors-h1~11i ;,,t'.l'.. th~ Wt"-Pk-l.'f'!d \·!..-itin 1

i'rk·nd ... in .Tl'\1<t• Fin ·s.

T!!F \I EEKLY ~'XPONENl Tu ._ .... ay, :ll:iy 2 .. 1 92~.


BOBCATS VICTORS 1' t>IBST. \so~ making oecond. Jorg1mson ad - '1 )l~ylor, p. 2 0 4 0 j Montana . :\o c<p<ln on will be n:ace I vanced one on Alqu ist's @ac1 · ice and Ho l.hstei. If. .~ O 1 O 0 0 I out.;1de the \Yest for this ped o<l of

I F. 1 lb o o s o u \ two years. at the end of \vh..ich t ime I (Continued from. page one) 8-Cored on Zuck's hit. tn C), an infield out, a nd the SCO?'e stood 6 One more ""~ added in t h. I:) sixt h, Fox . • ~b ,, 0 1 0 the :;ociety 'nll he at liberty to t>X-

For Graduati~

1 N J

Ob ..i, o O O t..,nd 1ts actl\·\ltt:!~ to the ca st. Al-t o 2 in t he locals' favor. when l.\Iaylor mndc his home ru. n. o orge_n son, :.. · 1 __ h


' I t ~ 1 O rt'ady two p.,.--1tion" ha Ye ucen re- 1 Mount St. Charles tied the qcot'(' more runs were made during t c ·" qms , c ·• Q in thl' fou rth , with Murray, W ilken game, oxcept in the 8th, wht:'n Mount Zuck, cf. Z ~ ~ ~~~v1..~c;:~-~~ ,thi~is~~~ti~o:~ ;ch:::~t~}~ Ou r as~ortment of special g ifts for

and Stanton getting singles. O'Don-\ St. Charles m.ade one, but it did not I ---- 11 P•'nn Stnu~ anr! the other from Dnrt-nell got on on " fielder', choice, and 1 count. as the i::runc WU.' called on ac- T tals ~8 0 11 ~l th 1.;mnrs1ty of M:mnesoto u-.urrav scored \\~Uken counted on count of r-Rin before the inniru: wa~ Home runs· Fecn~. Muri 3-:Y • :\1ny- l nlli)ud ·t h 1 tt t lh w.. " • • • l\ ·C . ~ u .en ~ a\ e a i-;o \\TI en o e na-a p.."lsscd ball, and S~ton scored on' completed. \ los. Alqu1st; th_ree-base ~it,.., -~ a~ ' tior.nl offil.'.ers m regard to t he same

graduation a r e d ist inct ive and chosen with great d iscretion.

McBride's out at f lrs t . O'Donnell I The sunu1rnry: 1-cn;. twv-ba.::se ~-ll.~. Maylo1.' t•ox. J~t.- mntter. .rore<l on another ~·~d boll, a.nd \ dt. St. ('.hn.-ll"'- AG R H PO .\ E )!Cll>O ll. St.i11c~ out-By Connet~ Cnder their new national standing. Linoloum & Art Store Weisner finished the tnrung on an m- \ We1sner, .lb 4 o 0 t 0 fi. oy Maylor .t. B:i~e on balls, o{t thr size of m.embe1~hip of t h<.> Fani:;g fipld JrrQUdM·. Keane. cf 4. 0 0 O O ('.t 1" 1 r-. .~ · o('f :\laylor 4· v.-ill be the s.ame n~ before, thourrh The wi nning runs Wt"rt! madt:> ln the Feeny, lb. .4 1 7 2 2 Umpir~~-\\ dl~n and McGoug-h. there are ~ome chanC'CS in the makc -


fifth when F x hit. went W second '1urray, s~. .3 2 2 4 !l 1 up and .selet.tion. There vdll be on Stanton's l"'nm· anJ gat home be- \\"olk<.'n. If. l l 1 0 0 vrrr~ "\ l ~ GH.\l N twenty-two members as before, but f ore the ball was recO\'el'ed, Jorg-en- ~tanton. 2b. 2 l 2 l 1 0 'l'DGING CONTEST whcrea-• in the past they ha,-e been\1

==============='()'Donnel, rf . 1 1 0 0 0 0 all i:;ophomor~, they w ill he ncefor th - - -~~~~...,~.-...~- - - - - - · :1-!c Bridc, c. 2 0 0 5 0 be half freshmen and half sopho- I l Connors. p. ~ 0 0 0 0 ( tl 'rom pago on.el . more•, picked as follow"' four from\ ' Bozeman Cream c ' - - - - - - and a bronze watch fob winch Wlll;)I each frate rnity and :six uon-frater- t ery o. 150 NEW S UIT PATTER ·s







$S5 to S:l2.50

HOLLOWAY'S Lowest Priced High Grade Store

in the Northwest


T he last wold in kabomine

For t h e m ost beau­tiful and delicate tints for you r walls, we r e.c­ommend l\1uresco, es­peciall y if you do your own work, as most a ny one can apply it, does not r ub off or sh ow laps . Call for color card at-




A lso t h e M in Si\ver and the

Blue and Gold ii) P ius,

B roach ea, Rings. Cuff But ­

tons and etc. T ake one home

Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Optician

Brok~ Lens •s Replaced the Same Day.

1 Tota ls 2;~ 6 G 21 9 also d<"nate<l by t he Montana Flour nity men . Any new organi zations ' l ll:f ' C AB R H PO A E ~1i11s companr. Fourth place and a' may be included in the list by pcti-1 t -BU'ITER - CREA 1 - MILK - CULTURE-! :UcC·a..,:cn."~s. 0 l l two year subscription to the Mon- tioning the chapte r for such recogni- BUTTERMILK - ICE CREAl\1 j Gcnty , d. 0 t 0 0 Fat'lllCl' ~nt to M~uro Rodt1.quez tion and having t heir petit ion sanct- t I with a total of 725 pomts and Cluwles ioned bv two-third> o! the entire FRA K R PIKE Maanger I R. Mountjoy took_ fifth place and a chapter." This takes care of a grow- I\ozeruan, Montana Phone l 13 I two ycta1· subi:>criptrnn to the Mon· ing number of orga nizations. • - __ - - - - - ~ ..... ~~~ - - - - - - •

CHLECHTEN I tana S~ockma'!'l and Farmrr. . The ofiicert; of the cha pter will in

othe1-s who b-.:c..•;.mse of their hiq is the hf\nornt•v head of the chapter S I

B~>id•s th<'"' t. c'n thue '~ere f_"·he future be as follows: The Kinir, who

STUD lo pla<'ings of lh~ \·arfous elasses were and who is the yell-leader of the col­nsked to gh«? reas('lns. The~· were: le~e: the Stunt Duke, wh o is the ac-paul ""me• M. A. Bell, Cla rk t" ta" f th h te th Ch \. ~ .. ' . F k ffe cap m o e c a p r; c an- Phone 4 26 So. Black

Por t r a its

K odak F inish ing

Mon tana Scener y

P ictu re Framing



These a r e designed on t h e

m ost strikin g lines of the

t Cheney . .Johu '.\1a3hm, and ran· cC'llor of thl' Exchequ er , who is Barnum. .

1 . tl'tfoSUt-Cl', and the Royal Scribe, \\rho

l\I. A. Bell won th~ ~pecrn pn ze b secret3ry. At present these of· of a one- yenr subscn~tJon t~ the I ficcrs in the Fang Cha pter are: K ing Montana Fanner for Ins work m th t? . If Rivi nes : 8tunt Duke, Glen F ox' iri('n tifo.:ation of grai.ns ~nd g1:"3sses. The office of Chancellor and Scribe .John Paugh won t~c $J>ectal prize. of has been combined in the pa~t nnd a one year subsu·1ption to t he Mon-I ha:. been ht'.'ld by Emmet Moore . tana ~tockman and F1armer, for high The work of the society remains sc<>re m wheat. . the sumc a.:3 before, namely t he en-

ThC'rc wC'r(• four classes o( gTntns te1tainnwnt of all visi tot"S to the ln­in the C'Onte!"t which countt.-'d toward ~titution and the fosterin~ of college the fm.al score. Th re were one ~lass trndition and pe-p.


R. W. 'OE

Ladies' Work a Specialty All Work Guaranteed o! spnng ·wheat, ont• cb. ~ of wmter The pin of the si>eiety wi ll soon be

I ~~=:t~f 0~:~ts'"'8;;: ::chb~~l~~e::~1a':~ ~~e e~;;i~,7c:f 0 : ~~~d c:~~:i':· b.!,~i;~ i~ , : " '"'" •" """"" ' """'" ""' """"'" • •"" • • • • • •• • ,. • • ·• • ''"' • • • • •" • ~ • • • • • • ':, es the l"C.ason~ countc-d a pof'lstble tOO dingonal red band on which is mount - -

point:; o.nd th plncings 100. ed a helmet nn<l nca.r which are the • Th.en· was also a class of identifi- letters I. K. The pledge ribbon is •

eatjon which included 40 !:tpecimera> red and blue. sea son's styles in t he best ~f field 01· forai;c crops to be identiii-

cri. T wo hudrcd points were allow­


-Ladies' Slippers for

Every Occasion MECHANICALS MAKE : We have j ust r eceived a big s hipment of ~lipper$ fabrics fo r attr active a nd ser- ed for thrn cla>s. viceable \Vear and t he pri<'eS Much inte1·est \Yas shown in this

ront.est and 3!l agrfr1.1ltural students

LIVINr.STON TRJP ~ and oxfords in a ll of t he newes t s tyle s. are !es~ t han you have e,·er

paid for such s uper ior gradee



Gingham, Organd) and

Organdy and Ging ham

Combinalion:s al

$-1.00 up lo S l1.7:i

I enter~ tht? t'ontcst.




I (Continued from page one) ' thzy;::e chosen fol· mem~·rship ai c an-

U Watch Our Windows for the Newest . Member~ of J unior and Senior . l e- •

t923 C'h:tn ;ctti EnginPerm~ CJass Visit : Railrooid hops in NeighborinJ! .. l'ity. •

Reed's Bootery 8 Eas t .Main S t. Phone 77

!11 1 ·11 I l• 11 1 I L, 1 11 11' 1 l l ~l l ll! l l II l !ISI I • I ol •' I I 11 1 I t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I t I • t I I 1

noun c~ at comrocnce~:l·nt. ln the The members of the junior and past this has been the urat announce-• . 1 · h · 1 ·

1. . . h d I" n1or c a•ses m 01ec antca engt.n- ~~--~~--..'-~""'-~~~'-"' meut.. made. 1' us ;.·l"ar it 1~ t. e e-


. e(•,·int? \Yent to Livingston Thur~day ~ . sire of_ the pt-e~n~ me1r:ber::. ot &op~ for the purp1)~e of going t h ru the ~ ~ ten"11·1 that the mcomirl': 01embcr> railroad shop• :n that city. Eii:hteen "T'he Best LJOSery llAade ? mence-mcnt m c1·dl!r that the mt.>111- d th t . t th · 1 ·t t I be chi)c;en a. ~hort b!Y'e b<·fore com- sto;tlents and Iour faculty ruembers I j flt lYli "

Oe1;:; of SeptL•m\·in ircm.1 t tc _outgoing- ing over in car~. and retur nin.fl the HOLEP' D OOF ' ==============\ dass of 1922 and the mt>onune; c l a::;~ same day. ft ~

• 1 ma c C' 1,p o e w1nr y ct y, go- ' ~

\ ;;0:1::~~. ",:~.~cl~~~:~e:r •::::o~id~~ sp~~~n;rt;{;0~~ti~~s s~~ntuni~ ~~~ -,,'i· Chambers Fisher Co. ation by Scpt;.,m,·iri. before the end hailer room with ttb Stirlini:: boilers For women '----------------· of thi .. \'NH" and Jones stokers was the first place · • -----=:=o-,;;-,,,------ l ·--------- visited. The main shops were then I FAC\G Jl\. TALLr;D ent<>red. E,·erythinJ!: f1:om babbiting ~ Priced $1 To $3.50 ~ ! bt•arini: to rebuilding boilers and lo.:o- ; (Continuer! fri~n· Pal!~' 11 motin~s wns s~en hE:re. I n another~ ~ r I ~iven. Glr!n Fox al°ted a'i toastmaster part of the :shop, the b i~ steam hum a >:i\inl( a short resume of the Fangs mer• and the bolt making ma,hmc TL.e 'ameson Dry Goods Co. "' to their iwlition f•>r the national he- were objt?cts or inr...•i-est. -1 nt: \.'!l.t.i:e ' l II J l ~ I~~~ i~~~~~~;,n~l~~: =at~i~r~:.~e:f ~;,~~':~~:r ";~: s:~:~ta~~e '~'~ ~·~~.':'.''~'.; ~ " Building Friendship"' ~ the Pang~ and their relation to the the shoi ·, it p~u\·E'tl to b1.: vcr; 1HJ-1~ ~ l growth of the institution and follow- fitahlc for all. The hope was ex- ; ~ e<l by Dean Hamilton, who spoke 011 pressed by all of the student< that ' ,,.,._,..._.__,~..,_....,,.._..._ "-'-'-'""-"'-~~~'-"'-~'---.~~"-""-"'-' i the ne-t·d of the or,::anization and the more ~u h tr ps might he taken.

work 1t could do. Ted Cogswell, ex-h ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ i:ratitude o! tho inactive group that FRO~! TRIP TO MIDLE "EST v • Cl h captain of the Fangs spoke on t e PROFESSOR .\RNETT RETUR!S"S

11. i

FIT - A Big Point in Men's lhe)· were allowed to partake of the t t t Oxfords in,;talla'ion. and was followed by . Jr. L. N. Arnet t, Vice-Dean ;f g- aca lOil 0 es l Raymond lountjoy and Charles riculture, i·eturned la t e last \\ eek I SEE THE EW DISPLAY OF CIGARE'l.TE



Kleinschmidt & Co. I Phone 71


Lunches Served from 11 :30 to 1 :30

Salads Pastries Call Phone 268


All Work Promptly and Neatly Done

211 E. Main

Out. inen'u ovfords a i·e Lyndon, who al•o •poke of what it f t d d t · th •h tl>" ~ , rom an ex en e np roui:: c i - --FOR---known for their fine fit. nu.~ant to th~ chnt-t.cr group to ~come central states, where he visited s~v-There's no cramping any - memlx•ro of the national lntercollei:- eral of the Ai::r ieulturnl C'olleg.s and l where. no s lipping either. iate Knii::hts. Ex~>erimen t Stah on• of these -t.>t•·<. , Out-Door Use There's nQ having lo break A sii::nal honot• to the local group including the North Dakota Aj_•Tot'U - q -them in; they jus t feel fine and In the ins t i tu lion was t<mfcncd tmal Colle)\'c, and the Univer><!t.' ,.[ l all ove r fir l thing . To have by thl· national ofiicer' M the Inter- Mi nm•sota, the Uni,·ersi ty of W1>con- I 1 ox fords fit like this is a grand c ·lll·i:;iat< Knio:\•h wh··n the)· select- "in, Pu rdue Universi ty, ILinois L:ni-1 t feeling. If you don't know it I ed Montana :-:tatc"s pt·p ket•pc1-s as vcrsi ly, and !own Ai:ricultural ('nl- 4 try a pair of thes e fine look· ''"'' of the six charter groups of the leg<·. While he was at tho>~ plac<'s, ~ ing walking oxfords. national. Tlw inten:ollegiatc Knight• ilh-. Arnett studied the wo1·k .,f tho I ~ l!; u compurutivC'ly nc.>w organization, Experiment Stations along- the hne::i :

Th S . Lut it has bceonw ~o genera ll y re- of Animal H usbandry , the eqtHllflH'n t \ ' e pec1alty Boot Shop n,p;ni7.L-<l Rs a ll<'l'J on the various anrl "tock of the ,·a rious Coll•!!'"· anr' t

u.1.mpuses of t.hc cQuntry t hat it s ex- the work that t he colleges wer(.· d C'i r.cr . , ··Qua li ty Fout.wear'" pansiun ha;-; bt.~t'n check t...~ by the :\l r. Arnett r eports that wh ile' ~nm e t Joe Conn.ty John Hines membel"S them~l'lv e1:;. T he ..idea a of the. e ins ti t utions are larger th.n n t national organization for the pur- ours, that t he grade and qu.aht!w· of post· of fosterin.IZ i ntercolle~ate the livestock at Montana Stale Col- t spirit was conrcin .. ~ ul niversity o~· lege compar es very fnvorab lr with '




In a wide range of patterns in such clothes as Areo cloth Balloon cloth, English Broad­cloth in the latest colors.



Washington br the officer• of the that of t he other institution• Mr. lncal Kn ights of tl1e Hook, and they Arnett was especially impt-eslied that petit ioned their faculty ror pennis the beef and dairy cattle lXJUipment siun ttJ nationsliw in such a 1naM er for r ltlss and t eaching purpooes of as to take in as chapter he local M . .S. C. is second to none of the pep societies at t he va riou~ col.legrs. institutions visited. The petition was granted and the re­sult is seen in this nucleus of •ix HO IE ECONOMICS GntL8 chapters. The organization ha!l re- MOVE INTO PRACTICE HOlJSE strict~d itself to the fnr west for a

S tandard make~ of high c lass m er chandise t hat spare t h e w earer the annorance of r ipped seams , lost buttons. p r e­mature holes a nd dilapidated appearance-"Fadcraft"

port Suits o f whip tord and wool tweed. "Fadcraft" double knee breeches, both button and lace leg of cot ton. Moleskin whip cord corduroy and khaki wool a nny serge. Whip cord and Bedford cord. "Johns on Bost w ick" sh ir ts o f khaki, mole. kin and wool serges in gray and 0 . D.

t t

' " RusS€ 11 ' 8-in . and 16-in . Pacs, as nea1· water p1·oof as f leather can be-A perfect h ik ing shoe. l Edmond's sh es , more days wear for each dollar. Always ' a perfec t fit . t "Teitzel" puttees , America's best in fit, leather and work-1 mans hip.

" Bel'lin Whip'' hand-sewed g loves of horsehide and bock­skin. button or . tring fastened.

"Ste tson" t-egulation hats for Y. N. P. rangers and seconcl

:rear drivers. ":M:unsing" Underwear-Int.erwoven Socks.

1866 The Willson Co. 1922

Quality With Service

peti od of two yea rs in orJcl' that it::1 statu' will become mol'e firmly fixed bcfo,-,, 1t shall grow into a cumber­s<>mc M><.• ietr. The groups whirh with the Fang Chapte1·, torm the pre­sent nati<>nal uro : those U>caled at Unhrersity of Wash in~nn . \Vu .. ~hi ng­ton State, Uruversity of Oreiro n, Uru­vcn;itr of .Waho and Univc rgity of

The third and last group of Home Economics senior girls moved into the Home Management house Wed-1wsday evenini:. This group inclu<led Mt<ry Ebersole, Wilma Jolles, Nona Sackett, Rosemary Track.,..eU and Ruth Harrer. Miss Ruth Swea t is adin!( aa supervisor for the boll3<1 during )Lisa Bnm~gan's i.llnet!t'· ~ .... ,...--~ .. --.. --.. --... --... --.... ----------
