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1st Video 1

Hello… and thank you for stopping by Global MLM

Success Formula. My name is Sharlene Stevens and

today I’m going to be your tour guide. What I’m going

to be sharing with you, and what your going to be

receiving, is the truth about what it really takes to

succeed, and thrive, within your MLM Company or

Network Marketing Business. The area were

going to focus in on today is what I believe to be the

{:} Global MLM Success Formula. Now…before we

get started, the one thing that I would like to ask of you,

is that you go ahead and opt in to my newsletter at the

bottom of the page. By entering your name, and your

email, I’m going to be able to share what I’ve learned,

and if you act upon it…It truly has the power to {:}


transform your business and your life. {:}

You’ll discover that the power of this Success

Formula…when mastered…will give you the ability to

sponsor 20, 50, or even more new people…

consistently, month after month, into your business…

all on complete autopilot. {:} Now with that said…

I’d like to ask you a question… {:}

Aren’t you wondering : Why there are a thousand

different MLM experts claiming to have the “perfect

system”…and maybe you’ve even tried some of these

system’s {:} on a personal basis, and yet you’re still

failing. {:} And aren’t you wondering or {:}

Aren’t you curious… Why there are thousands of


people on the internet claiming that the warm market

doesn’t work anymore…yet over 50% of the success in

the Network Marketing Industry has come from people

doing {:} exactly that style of business. {:}

And wouldn’t you just like to know the truth?... Instead

of allowing your dreams to pass you by day after day,

seeing people with less talent, or people that you know

are less fortunate than you…walk across the stage at

Convention as a “New Diamond Director”…

Aren’t you just dying to know the secret that sets them

apart, and how you can learn this secret, {:} and use it

to change your life and set yourself free?

Because I have to tell you, there is a secret! And that

secret, if understood, can and will change your life


forever. {:} It will inspire you to live more

passionately, and pursue your dreams with more

conviction. You’ll discover how to break through

obstacles and release the power of unlimited prosperity.

{:} It’s important to know that: This secret is not going

to be found in your company, It’s not going to be found

in your system, and it most certainly is not going to be

found on the internet. {:} And it’s something so

incredibly simple, and yet so obvious that when you

actually find out about it, and you realize what it is…

your going to have to shake your head and smile. {:}

But what I really want you to know is that from this day

forward, after you learn the secret, you are going to


have the magic to literally transform your life. {:}

And when this happens, you will have the power to

become unstoppable!

Now if you didn’t take the time to do it earlier,

subscribe to my newsletter, by putting your

information at the bottom of the page.

I certainly look forward to sharing with you, and

teaching you, what I’ve learned and how to apply it to

your business. And I would like to give it to you

absolutely FREE… I’m not going to ask you to buy

anything. I’m sharing this information with you

because someone else, honestly cared enough to share it

with me. It has changed my business and my life



I want to sincerely thank you for your time and

I look forward to seeing you on the next page. Until then… here’s to your unlimited success,

this is Sharlene Stevens with the

Global MLM Success Formula.

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