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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1337

CD: 18

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-04300413

FrOOl: To:


cornnw.ndir.g Officer, let l~rin.es Cotllmandant of the 1Ic..rine Corps

•• l/fg A9-4 ser 01879 6 Llay 1952

Via; (1) Comaa.ndim: General, lst Marine Division, FJ.!F (2) Couuandinc General~ Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

Subj: Command Diary, April 1952

Cory to:

CO 2dEn lstMar



Korean War Project USMC-04300414DECLASSIFIED ,

_ .. (.~ "--~~­


• 41-1/owb Al2 ser:_o a 8 ~- 52

13 MAY !952

i;J~v~;j • 11J. V~ UI.!AoV""'"'-' .,.

SECOND EiJDORSID1Ei,lT on CO 2ndBn 1e:tMar 1stMarD1v CLVI/ jdh A9-4 ser 05-52: of 5 May 1952

From: Com11anding General, l st Marine Division (Reinf) , To: Commandant of the Marine C:orps Via: Co,·'manding General, Fleet Marine Force i Pacific

Subj: Corrmand Diary for April 1952

'''""' r L'l.t'

2. The security classification of this endorsement is removed when detached from the be.eic doou.'!lent.

A. By



Korean War Project USMC-04300415



• .. • 0?28/143 A12 -Ser 0 'f 9 5- \5 W

_ .. ~~~ MAY 2 1 1952

C~~NTIAL THIRD~~DORSEMENT on CO 2ndBn lstMar letMarDiv ltr ser 05-52 of 5 May 1952

From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps


1, Forwarded,

2. This endorsement 1e downgraded to unclassified upon detachment rrom the basic document.

Copy to: CG, lstMarDiv (Re1nf)

--1\~\~~ ... C!_Q.~

C\~ ~r~ll"!lr~IAL ,..~;;. .. ~r .. ~f'"t; ~ SECURITY INYORMATION

ur~~.~., ~\.VJ..J J.~.&.Ll • .&. ~J. • Y l:.tl'll.l'll

By direction



Korean War Project USMC-04300416

From: To: Via:


Headquart Elrs 2d Battalion, let Marines

1st Marine Division (Reinf), FMF c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calltornla

Commanding Officer Comrnandant of the Marine Corps

CLW/Jdh A9-4 Ser: 05-52 5 May 1952

(1) Commanding Officer, let Marines ( ?) Commanding General, let Marine Division, FMF ( ;sj Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

Subj: Command D!s.ry, April 1952


1 ••

(a) Re~imental General Order Number 20 of 1? Apr 1952 (b) Division General Order Number 40 of 10 Apr 1952 (c) Part E, Chapter II (Change 4), Marine Corps Manual (d) F"MF Pac General Order Number 2.1 (Rev) of ll Mar 1952


As the period opened the battalion was committed to occupying, defending, and preparing positions in its assigned sector on LINE JM~ESTOffi~, from CT 036040 to CT 065068 and reinforced platoon out­nests on the OPLR, at CT 035065, CT 044066, and CT 053073. In accomplishment of this mission, bunkers were constructed, reverse slope trails dug, barbed wire laid, fields of fire cleared, a~d

oommunica.tions wire installed. The enemy confronting the battalion area of resuonsibili ty was the 663rd Regiment commanded by CHAO PIN MAO, of the 188th Division, 63rd CCF Army. The 563rd Regiment occupied a defensive position from CT 000060 to CT 043091. The two most strongly defended positions were at CT 015066 and CT 044074. Enemy offensive action was limited to a few minor probes and light to moderate artiller-y and mortar fire.

During the period 1 April to 12 April, the battalion's organic weapons and supporting arms caused the following enemy casualties: eleven KIA and an estimated three KIA; seven WIA and an estimated two 1·liA. On 4 April, this battalion had one wounded enemy from the 4th Company, 2d Battalion, 563rd Regiment, surrender to elements of this command a.t CT 035059. The follow1.ng weauons wer-e captured during the period: One PPS-43 and one ?. 6mm rifle, M1891/30. From 1 April to 12 April, the battalton sector reoe1ved the following artillery and mortar fire: six rouncls of 5?mm recoilless rifle, three rounds of 50mm mortar, three hundred seventy one rounds of 60mm morta.r; two hundred eighty seven rounds of 82mm mortar, thirty three rounds of 120mm mortar, twenty threE~ rounds of ?6mm artillery and three rounds of 122mm artillery.

T'\u_,..,,..,, +'Vldo Arll'tr11£",.'ht: n,...n,._a annat! gnfl f"1Y'A t~~m nAtrt"llR were d1s-u~o.o~.J..J..J.J.O 111.1..1...-.. -~r1 ......... 1:.l ........ ··--- ... _..,_ ___ -··- ----' ----- -------- ---"--- -----

patched forward of the MLR to seek out and capture any possible enemy infiltrators. At night, squad ambushes were dispatched for­ward of the OPLR to engege any enemy patrols and to serve as night listening posts for the OPLR.


• •

~I'!·~ l· 11.11 •. ll ' 0



Korean War Project USMC-04300417

II IIIli j C'C'Irrrn ~• UOULHilulfi[U 1W"'

- - - - - - - - - - - -COM~·CAND


• (CONT 1 D)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Norme.l he.rrassing and interdictory fires were maintained through­

out the period. During the period 1 April to 12 April, maximum effort wa~ expended in order to maintain an uninterrupted flow of supplies to the front line units. Galleys were set up in rear of the MLR for Company Fox {Relnt') and Oomp&"lY Easy (Re1n:t), whereby all

personnel were able to obtain two hot meals a day supplemented by one Charlie ration, Arr~~gemente were made ~or personnel to return to the rear for hot showers and a olean issue of clothing. Mail, upon arrival in battalion was expeditiously delivered to all person­nel. The galleys, mail, and shower unit were contributing factors in maintaining a high ste.te of morale among the troops throughout the period.

Land wire communication a~d rad1o oontact was excellent between all unite during this period. Uncharted minefields, both enemy and friendly, presented a serious problem to troop movement and more especially to wiremen. From 10 April to 12 April, this battalion rotated three officers and one hundred and seventeen enlisted men. Five officers and one hundr-ed ~~d tive enl1sted men were received from the 19th Replacement Draft. At 0716001 April, Company Charlie (Rain!), First BattAlion, First Marines came under the operational control of this battalion. At 0?21101 Company Charlie (Re1nf) relieved Company Able (Re!nf), First Ba.ttalion, First tlarines, under operational control of this battalion on the OPLR, and assumed responsibility of its s~ss1gned sector. This relief was expeditiously accomplished. Company Able {Re1nf) r-everted to parent control at 0721451 April. At l02200I April, Company Dog (Relnf) relieved Comu~~y Charlie (Reinf) on the OPLR end assumed reenons1-b1lity of its assigned sector. Company Charlie (Reinf) returned to the MLR and assumed responsibility of the sector evacuated by Com-oan:t Dog (Eelnf), At this ti:re the battalion had Company Dog (Relnr) on the OPI;-R, Company Charlie (Reinf), Company Fox (Reinf), and Company Easy lReint), on the ioiLR, with Weapons Compsu;y (-) !n support of these units.

On 12 April, the Third Battalion, F,l..fth 1-l:arines relieved this battalion Qf !ts responsibility on the MLR and OPLR, Company Charlie (Reinf) reverted to parent control of the First Battalion, First Harines, while Company Easy (Reinf) passed to the operational control of the Third Battalion, First Marines. Thls battalion minus Company Easy (Reinf), and one platoon of Company Dog (Reinf) mQved to its assigned bivouac area~ vicinity CT 115062 and assumed reserve status for the First Marines.

On 13 April the platoon of Company Dog (Rein!) attached to Company Easy (Relnf) reverted to parent control.


---· ~0 liMP./ A~~Itlrn -·•v .. nuull ILU



Korean War Project USMC-04300418DECLASSIFIED

nK~Il~~~~~~n UIIULitUUII ILU ,. e wq b£2L ~ --------


t'1~..,,..,., 1'Z A....._--4, +-.-.. 11=.. _A....._...,41 - .... -4wanm .o!!t..Pof'"'Yt+ ,.,~,~P, .av'r"\a.nr:la.A 1'r"l nn,".~ .J.." .L. U/JJ ... U r.L}'.L .... """" ..I,."" ~}/.,_ "'-""" ..U~.u.-~ 1Wi .... "- v.a. 1J -- V.Aot-""V••- ... - -•• --

struction of the battalion bivouac area. Tents were erected, comoany streets built, and an excellent galley constructed from the materials at hand. Personal hygiene and field sanitation were stressed throughout the period.

-·---~n-~~-~~r~~: :~:~~~!:~s~~c;~~fu~:~~~~~ g~~==;~~!· ~nd counter ~l.o!,.tt,C:A .L"UUVt:O Wl:itb VVU1JJ..L.'CI.t'CI'\,.L UJ W.J...&.'!;; &,JQ.VUQ....._-'-..,U _,,U,.IIoii..,U.-Iiii'4o J ....... 3 and Company Commsnders. Six blocking posi tiona and f'i ve counter attack routes '''ere selected. Fram 16 Anril to 18 Anril ComnanY Commanders took their companies to each of the six blocking positions, and organ! zed the terrain es.ch platoon would occupy. After the initial reconnaissance, the companies organized these positions by digging connecting trenches, laying barbed lfire, cutting fields ot tire and constructing wid overhead1ng toxholea and bunkers.

On 9~ An~il. ComnP-nv Fmx (Reinfl was attached to the Third - w- --- --r-- --, - ----,[;- , .. --.. - - • - - •

Battalion, First Marines and relieved Company Easy (Reinf') which then reverted to parent control.

On 27 Anr>il the range at CT i3l058. was introduced whlch

battalion completed construction of a rifle An intensive marksmanship tralning aohedule utilized the fac111 ties of the rifle range.

Durlng the peri.Jd 12 April to 30 April this battalion intro­duced both active and passive measures against an enemy air attack. The morale ot the Command during the entire period of t'is report was excellent.



IV & IV-A v


Directives Received Directives Issued Si tuat1on Overlays Intelligence Reports Submitted 09eration Reports Submitted Medical & Dental Summary Administrative Summary


(!) ~-·····

~ v

Korean War Project USMC-04300419DECLASSIFIED



A ...


Korean War Project USMC-04300420DECLASSIFIED

COMMANlJ DIARY, APRIL 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·-----CHRONOLOGICAL NARRATIVE:

1 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of reeponsibility. 0130I, Company Able, on the OPLR, reported an estimated nine enemy probing their lines, vicinity CT 052CJ;73. The enemy threw grenadeu, but ifiilicted no friendly oaaue.l ties. Company Able returned small arma fire and the

~~;:;ar1~f~~rtL~~8~~~~~g~~;aa~~!~~=~. ~~o~~J~~e~:~;~~ SELDEN, USMC, CG, Firat Marine Division and party arrived at Battalion CP. General 1 s party visited Battalion OP and in­spected camp area. The battalion promoted nine Private First Class to Corporal, seventy-three Corporals to Sergeant, one Staff Sergeant to Technical Sergeant, and five Technical Ser­geants to Master Sergee..."1t. 1130! 1 Weapons Compa."ly reported the_t the 8lmm mortars fired on a house in the vicinity of CT 047071 and set the house afire; a secondary explosion resulted from the fire. It is believed that the house was a supply dump. l320I, Company Able reported six enemy in the vicinity of CT 031062. Artillery fired, with an estimated six enemy WIA. 1900I, Company Able reported one enemy KIA as a result of sniper -£11 'l"ll:ll 9:1 A.f)T l1nt"rW\:C'n1r .4.1o\1 • ,.,.A,..,.n.,.i-:.aA a 'I'\ H,.,lr'r'II*\V'I"' 1"\11m'ha'rt n..P a.1"'1a.mv ----· ____ ....,._i ----.1:'-·*ol ___ .., ·-1::'-- ....... - .......... __. ....... ~...., ...... ~.-.. ....................................... !/

in the vicinity of CT 036055 and CT 033056. 8lmm mortars fired and the enemy withdrew with no estimate as to enemy casualties. During the night all companies dispatched squad outposts for­ward of the OPLR and the MLR, All outposts returned with negative enemy contact, During the period, the battalion positions were subjected to one hundred fifty-six rounds of miv~n m,-...,..,t;o-,.. nr'll~ o.,+i11a,..'tr 'f"1Ma• +.'hie al'\t:~i111nno ,..~an1+.orl "'" .Pf"\,.,.. ..... - .......... - ............................... _ ... _ ............................... ~~ ............. , ............................ -.- ..... ·e • .............. .,....,._ ...... • ........ ... friendly l'iiA. At 1700I the Battalion• s Administrative Reer renorted to the Division Command Post from Camp Trinoli, North Korea., During the period, the units on line were SUpplied with field fortification materials~ (barbed wire, long and short stakes, sand be.gs, and pioneer tools) in order to e:orpedi te construction of bunkers on the MLR and OPLR with priority to ii"'Aiu·-4~,, .... , ....,.,.-.. \-.-...,A...,....,,..._..,. '1'1\., .... ,..,.,..A4 .................... """'""', .. _ .. _ .... _..,.__.,.,_A 4 ..... .&..Loi. .... .&.W.&. ......... O.L VYII;i..LJ,J,'Q"~'-'L. VVY101'.6. • ............ 4-Q.\4.&.\,1 VV.Ioi.W.I.P..L. Wc:t.O ..&.,l.,l.gi,,~..J,.J..Q\4 .l..lol

a. bunlter in the Be.ttal1on CP. An AN/GRC ... g with generator, PE-210, and vibrator unit PE-237 were utilized for the Re2i­mental- Command Net. An SCR-300 was utilized for the Regimental Tectioel Net, while an SCR-610 WEts employed for the Regimental Auxilinry Tactical Net, All radl.os used whip antennas with excellent results. The RegimentEQ Command Net was open for +,....,., .. 4...., ... + f\f"'f\f\ ., .Af\1'\ --..:: ., nf"ttl'\ T-~~-- --.:11 .:l.t -··-- ----•.1 ...... -._.:1 u• a.1. J...&.U ct._. v~vv J .L'"Ot"V~.J c:tUU. ..&.OVV• .Li:lil.llll~ c:t..L.LU \o&...Lt:SUJJ.IO UUJ:.ltfl,i.L LIUl.lt:U.

the only traffic. The Regimental. Tao and Auxiliary Tao were not employed. The Battalion Tactical Net was norme.l with the net control station located 'd th the S-3 s.nd eight stet ions present on the net. Radio checks were conducted at 1000 and



Korean War Project USMC-04300421DECLASSIFIED

• • DIARY, APRIL 1962 (Cent' d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1500. Radio communication check11 were excellent throughout the period. There wee 11 ttle trG.f'fic to no traffic on the nets. Hessage Center traffic consisted of tour outgoing messages (Daily summaries) and three incoming messages from the let !1arines. Message center received the scheduled guard mail 1md delivered same. The ehEtckles and password were dis­tributed as directed. Change Number 10 to Division SOI-4 was entered as directed. A twenty-tour hour watch was main­ta.!ned. In l·tire commu.n1cations a ... ~ a.l tarnate line was laid from bRttalion to -. Company Easy on the MLR. An al terna.te line was also laid to EasY Comoany ooeitions on the OPL~. While laying wire forward-of the iu..k, the wiremen detected an unplotted friendly minefield which was reported to the 8-3. Able Company was equipped with armored vests. Three hot Able­Baker rations were served to H&S Company and Weapons Company (-) i while the r1tle companies re:ceived three Charlie rations per roan.

Casualties suffered; None

Enemy Casual ties; WIA E> (Estima.ted)

1 (Counted)

2 APRIL 195P.~ 0001!, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the 1-ILR in its sector of responsibility. 08401, Con~any Able observed five enemy vicinity CT 031062; no counter-e.ction. 0850!, Received Confidential Dispatch 012105! from Firat Marines. 09001, Received First !1arinee Secret Dispatch Ol2010I. 0920!, Compa.ny Able observed five enemy vicinity CT 03606? 1 four men wearing fur caps, and one suspected officer studying friendly lines. 1130I, Company Able observed six enemy entering a bunker vicinity OT 0330?6. Artillery fired twenty-seven rounds. Results unknown. 1200!, Company Able received forty-seven rounds estima.ted 60mm mortar tire vicinity CT 045065 'll'hich resulted in one friendly WIA. Artillery fired counter-bettery with unknown results. 1545!, Company Able observed fifteen enemy vicinity CT 033076J going into e bunker. Artillery fired, results w£known. l630I, Company Able reported one enemy KIA vicinity CT 0440?4 1 as a result or friendly small erma sniper fire. 17301, Co~any Able reported one friendly 'iliA, results of enemy small arms sniper fire from CT 044068. 2000! 1 Company Able reported an unknown number or enemy in front of their ~osit1ons, playing music, talking and yelling in good Englieh --Go Home, Stop Fighting". No friendly counter­action because of poor vie1b111ty. During the night all companies dispatched squad outposts torvard of the OPLR and the NLR. All outposts returned with negative enemy contact.




Korean War Project USMC-04300422DECLASSIFIED , •

DIARY, APRIL 1952 ( CONT 1 D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Durl.ns the period, the battalion sector was su~e:>j ected to one hundred twenty-six rounds of mixed mortar and artillery fire. The engineer ml.ne clearing teams cleared supply routes to Company Easy (Reinf) in the vioinl.ty of CT 055055. Message centPr entered Hemorandum Correction N'umber 60 to Div. SOI-4 as directed.

Casualties suffered: None

Enemy casualties: KIA l (Counted)

3 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The batta.lion continued to occupy, defend, and 1mp.r;·uve the OPLR and the MLR 1n 1ts sector of respons1b111ty. 0015I, Company Able observed five or six enemy vicinity CT 035062. Fired. twenty rounds gf 4. 2 11 mortar. Enemy became panicky and threw grenades among his own troops and then withdrew. 0950I, Company Able observed twenty enem;)' vicinity CT 031062. Artillery fired, results unknown. 0955I, Company Able observed one enemy vicinity CT 043068; friendly snipetr fired small arms with results unknown. 1015!, Company Able observed eight enemy 1n trench vic­inity CT 03?06? carrying logs and grass. Artillery fired, results ,,..,,,....,_.,._...... 1A..,~T l"': ..... rn ..... n'l"'!u A'h1 .o ,....a,A-1'U'oA Mnrrun mn.,...+n,-. f'1 'i"'A f"'l"nm u~,.. ..._..L..t!t.J..I.I,.JW.I..I.• .1.-;1:"-'V*) VVlllj:J~.L..I.J ~ ... .-v 4-W'-""-'..r..Y¥ ...... ..,.....,~auu _,..,..,.. ........ .., __ ...,_. __ .., ... •. ~v-

inity CT 0360?2, resulting in one friendly WIA at CT 053068. 4.2 11

l~ortars fired. enemY ceased firin>r.. 1815I, TACP reported eight "F-84 11 -olanes' attacked enemy posi ti~ns vicinity CT 0330?5 with eighty-five 9ercent coverage. Two active mortars destroyed, two bunkers destroyed, and trench lines damaged. Enemy casualties unkno\m. 2140!, Company Able reported enemy laying barbed wire tt~~'-4•~• ~m n~~n~n A OU u~~+~~~ ~~~~A ~nomv ~oaa~~ 1o,r1n~ w1~o v ..~. .......... ,.L-L v,y V.I. vuvuvv. -.. '-' •·•v• WQ..a...., ............. .......... ..,,.,...,.. ••• <J ............................ - ...... .J _ .... c ·~-~ .... .

Enemy casualties unknown. 2130I, Company Able observed nlne enemy trucks movinr;r throu;.ch oas2 vicinity BS 995115, heading Northeast. Artillery notified.'" 2i55I, Enemy Psychological \'larfare Demon­stration in English, reported by Platoon Leader of First Platoon, Oomnany Able; enemy broadcast forward of friendly positions re­oeating 11 Goodby Americans" --"Go Home", "Soldiers Die Tonight", 1tr.r-. A+-+- ....... 1 .. IT'I ........... , ........... +It nu~n11' Ur~o~+..,,...a 'l'll'\1'''11o•'ht-:" n11Y'-1nu t'h~ n1aht:

·•10" V Vcti,,..O. .I.Vll...I..E,.LJ.u 1 •·•CA.t-J.J ••'-'..!.. u~,.,. ... "'" •-••-o••v • -- -··c ........... •""-t:::r .......

all companies dispatched squad outposts forward of the OPLR and HLR, All outposts returned with negative enemy contact. The battall.on sector was subjected to fifty-one rounds of mixed mortar and artillery fire during the pErlod. Lieutenant Colonel Clifford F·. QUILICI, 0?388/0302/0430, USlt.C, assumed command of the Battalion, vice Lieutenant Colonel Thell H. F'ISHER, 08?09/0302, USMC, relieved __ .. r----• ........... A ...... u .... -~.., ..... Ya+ .... -~ 'R.o.1•+n111"\n lot Ma~1nll:!l n~u1a1nn (:1.J.LU,. "t::::'l:tt;:::;..L{:SJJII:;:iU .I.IV ol..l.c;iCI,.'W.'"!\4Cllo.l. Ul;:i-.1. C ...,GI.VWQ. .... ..L.W••I .-._..,; ... ....,.,_,.,....., --·-.,...--•••

Engineer mine clearing team continued



Korean War Project USMC-04300423DECLASSIFIED

( Cont 1 d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------clearing supply routes in the vicinity CT 046052 and CT 04~056. Construction or a front 11ne galley tor Company Fox was initieted at CT 05~04?,

Casualties suffered: None

4 APRIL 1952: 0001! 1 The batta~ion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the ~~R in 1te sector or respone!bil!ty~ 0800I, Company Able observed one wounded enemy vicinity CT 035058. 1030!. ComoanY Able sent out a Patrol and captured the wounded enemy.· The. prisoner was identified as a member of the Four~h Company, 563rd Regiment, 188th Division, 53rd Army, CCF. 1355I, Company Able reported one member wounded in hand as a result of enemy small arms sniper. fire, from vicinity CT 0450?2. 1505I, Co~pany Able repor-ted enemy convoy of sight t~~oks moving Northwest vicinity BS 995115. Nc,tified artillery. 1?3oi, Comp~~Y Able observed fifteen enemy on trail vicinity CT 055085. Artillery and 4.2" mortars fired, whion resulted in two counted enemy KIA, five counted WIA. DQring the night all companies dispatched squad outposts forward of the OPLR and the MLR, All outposts returned witn negative enemy contact. During the period, the battalion lines were subjected to twanty~two rounds of mixed mortar and artillery fire. The engineer mine clearing team continued clearing supply routes in the vicinity of CT 042033, Construction continued on Compe,ny Fox galley. Construction of Company Easy galley at CT 061061 was initiated. The battalion wire section laid one hundred fifty yards of wire in Company Fox sector because of grass fire which destroyed lines between '·'T T"' - -~ .!1 "'T"!!T ~ __ _. ~..1- .. .._ __ -· .... m ,..A ~1"\C.'Z_ Q_._..4 ........ ,..,.., ..... .,. ..... ;! P'IA•J A o!IIMte~i--<4 t"\

J.Y.U....r\ ZillU. V4"""""' VJ.OJ.IlJ.'IJY U.l. V.I. V'":tYVVLI, ...,".._ V~,it.L.Lio.IVP.""- uvn ,p\;oi"'"""'"'•ug three BD-?2 boards.

Casualties suffered: None

Enemy Ce,sual ties: KIA 2 (Counted) ,,,..,. "' 1'-&.A

POW 5 (Counted.) 1

5 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to occupy, dete~d, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of responsibility. 0940I 1 Company Able observed approximately n1ne enemy and twelve civilians vicinity CT 049087. No counter-action taken. 1935! 1 Company Able reported friendly sniper at CT 044065,

~1!~!t,~.~~ =~~~~ ~~t;~e~!2~~~er~~~nfh!h6P£kg~~d ~~e c~K~ni1~1 outposts returned with negative enemy contact. The battalion




Korean War Project USMC-04300424DECLASSIFIED

• DlARY, APRIL 1962 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sector received sixty-eight rouncis of mixed mortar and artillery fire during the period. Compa~iee started turning in items of cold weather clothinl?; to Battalion Supply. The Comneny Fox galley was completed, while construction of Company Easy galley progressed satisfactorily.

Casualties suffered: None

Enemy Cneue.l ties: KIA 1 (Counted)

6 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of responsibility. !030I, Received First Marines Secret Dispatch 060835!. 1330!, Company Able received ten rounds, estimated 82rnm mortar fire ,r"1 1"'11 't"11 f:,r {1'1" nFa,d_f'll~'/r;:., .p.,..,.,.,. 11'1"'tlrY'I"'"·"" o"'amu ....._At"'-4 +1 "'"' """.a yq~ 'W'TA ..,..,..,:t • ..o. ....,._,. .. _ ,.;o] ~- vV ..... ...., • V ... ,&. V.I.~ '••ll•lol,..<ltoJ.&VH&.Ii ..... 1.1.¥1.11/o" J!IV~.,L, 11,/_.V.I..I.• ""'ll~ ........ .., rl..l.~ CJ.j,J\,.1.

one KflC KIA, aa a result of this fire. KSC personnel t.,ere assisting Marines in construction of field fortifications. Artillery fired, resUlts unknown. 1430! 1 Company Able reported ttwt the other KSC reported WlA cUed of wounds. , .l?40I, Company Able reported friendly sniper killed one enemy at CT 0~8072. Two enemy tried to recover the body out friendly small arms fire .,.,...,.."'~11 a,.,. .<:'!I..,.,.,, +,.. .,.~..4 +-,..A___ 'tn,nT ""----- v---- ----•-.a -.--... ..,,. ...,._.... 'VU <i;~ut.J uv ....... U.I..L"""'.I. an • .J..<::/.6.V ... I V\,IWJ..ICiriA;J oloWODJ J.-1117~V.&.- \I'YU. Ulllll:l'

friendly WIA at CT 064066, from enemy sniper fire vicinity CT 060063. Enemy sniper was not located so no counter-o.ct1on was taken. 2200I~ Company Able reported one friendly WIA vicinity CT 044066 resulting from air-burst. During the night all compsniee dispa.tched squad outposts forward of the OPLR and the MLR. All ou~oets returned With negative enemy contact. During +'hL'I. .,....o'YIJ! ,....,.-1 +,..,..., ,..,,..i-+- ... 1 ol ..,._ ........... +- ... - ._.._..., ,..u,._ .............. A +- _,. __ ..,,.. .. ---..,..,..,~ ,t'""'..,"'-""'...._ Y.L.I.'I;r UID-VI.!Ct.,&,..&.VU OQ""-'\.IV.I. QCU:::II CU.Io.I.JII:liVLit:::::"\,4. \1\,1 41.&.4.H:;::Y,J-VJJ'Ci'

rounds of mixed mortar ecnd artillery fire. Company Fox galley served two hot Able-Baker ration!! to all personnel including Blmm Mortar Platoon, 2/l. The Able-Baker ration was supple­mented with one Cha.rlie ration per man. Construction continued on Company Easy galley. Communication section initiated salvage of all dead wire in battalion sector.

Casualties suffered: WIA 1

Enemy Casualties: KIA 1 (Counted)

7 APRIL 1952: 00011, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, r..""~ ~--""""'-""" +\.o. .... "nT'Q _.._;:a ,._'l..._ l,YT'C •- ••- --..-.a. .... - ..... .~t ----~---"',_ ... ~ ....... ~~ r;;~.u"""' "'"'"'.1.'4VYQ V.L.I.t;; V.L..L.I.Lio f:l.U'-L ... uc::: ••o~..L.IH .LU .L ... itll t5t::'!,;;l.rV.L- UJ. .l"tn:tpUIJ.t.i.1U~..J....1rJY•

0245I, Company Easy reported one friendly WNIEA as a result of friendly sentry shooting a Marine mistaken tor an enemy. 1500I,




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OOMMAND DIARY, APRIL 1962 ( Cont• d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Compsny Fox reported two triendly WIA trom anti-personnel mines vicinity CT 05105~. l600I, Company Charlie (Reint), l/1, came under operational control ot 2/l. 1930I, Company Cnar!ie started reliet ot Company Able on the OPLR. 21101, Company Charlie assumed responsibility tor assigned sector on OPLR. 2115I, Completed reliet. 2145I, Company Able reverted to parent control. Dur-ing the day and night all companies dispatched squad outposts forward ot the OPLR and the MLR. All outposts returned with negative enemy oontaot. During the period, the battalion sector was subjected to titteen rounds ot mixed mortar and artillery tire. Message center entered Memorandum Correction Number 61 to Division SOI-4 as directed, A grass tire in fox Compa.ny sector destroyed two hundred yards ot commun1oat1on wire w~uh was raplaeed. Due to continued danger ot grasa tires, all eommunicatione wires were being cabled and railed ott deok.

Caaualtiee suttered: WIA 2 WNIU 1

Enemy Caaualtiea: None

8 APRIL 1952; OOOli, The batta!ion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in ita sector ot responsibility. 0815I, Company Easy reported one friendly WIA at CT 061070 1 trom !:~!~'?-~-an ~~':'p!rs~~~!l ~ m!n!.J .M ... ~.. ~~~0!.1 ~~~~!!!Y _Char~i! r!: pcrt.eu. one enemy eeli~maliea. a..LA v~o~n~ liY v-.1.· voJ.v·ro x-rom x-r~ena.J.y

ema!! arms sniper tire. 1840I, Artillery forward observer nb•·~·d n1n• 9Ah1~1•• ¥1A4"1+.v ~ 0An1~1 MftW1ft~ N~~+.~ v~ ----- ~ -- ---........ . ------- .. ------.., -• ------ -- .. __ D ··-• •-• .,_ action taken becauee ot the distance. 2000I, Company Charlie artillery torward obaerYer observed estimated twenty-tour enemy! with equipment, in open, moving East and parallel to trlenaly linea. Artillery tired, results unknown. During the day and night all companies dispatched squad outpoate torward ot the OPLR and the MLR. All outposts returned with negative AI'\A'MV I"'IAn+ll'll'llo+ n,, ... ...,_ ........ ---4AA +""- ......... +,.., .. __ -·-·-- ----.a--A ..,.,......,-.., ""'"'••vg,"""'W• _....,.._6£f5 V.LoLV li~ .. AV"4J V.L.LV ~a.vua....,..a.,uu. DII;JIIolU'-'.Io- .&-aUID'oLY~'-L

six rounds ot mixed mortar and artillery tlre, Mosquito nets and trames were received from regimenta! ~~pply,



Korean War Project USMC-04300426DECLASSIFIED

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DIARX. I .APRIL 1952 (Cont'd) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9 APRIL 1952: 00011, The battalion continued to occupy, detend, end improve the OPLR and the~ in !t1 1eotor ot re~one!b11!ty. 0600!, Company Charlie, Third Platoon ehitted to right. Company Easy permanent outpost returned to MLR eo Company Charlie, First Tank Battalion coUld tire at enemJ positions. 09001, Company Charlie, First Tank Battalion, commenced tiring. 1107!, TACP reported an air strike at CT 046075 to ~ 0400?3 with eighty percent coverage and thirty percent deetruction. An estimated three enemy mortar! were de!troyed or damaged. 1136!, Battalion outpost observed an enemy HMG tiring at triendly airoratt trom vicinity CT 037068. 12201, Company Charlie, First Tank Battalion secured tiring. Tanke destroyed three enemy obeerva-:~:g~g~t;~r-~~e;~d~i~~n~r-!~~!•d!:t~~:·~~i:~ !!~i~:t~~r!~x enemy WIA vicinity CT 043072. 13101, Company Charlie, Third Platoon back in position on OPLR. Oompen7 Eae: permanent out# poet returned to position. 14301, Company Charlie, Third Platoon reported one triendly WIA at CT 049073 trom enemy sniper vicinity CT 045074. 2014I, Battalion observation poet observed liihta ot tive enemy vehicles moving Southwest vicinity CT Olu087; artiller-y notitied. 21001, Company Easy observed twenty­one enemy trucks moving Southwest vicinity CT 034070. Fired

:~~;i~i;~ ~i!:a~~~~W:q~::u~!;pos~;r~~;.:;: !;rt~4o;tfh!n~~he MLR. All outposts returned with negative enemy contact. During the period, the battalion seotor received nina rounds ot mixed artillery and mortar tire. Company Easy galley served two hot Able-Baker rations to all personnel. The Able-Baker ration was supplemented with one Charlie ration per man.

Casualties auttered: None

Enemy Casualties: WIA 6 (Eetiaated)

10 APRIL 1952: OOOli, !he battalion continued to occupy, detend, end impr-ove the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of responsibility. ~~:~~A,;0=~:n~e=!~{e0~~~~~~!:!t;nf:e~3~;: ~~:r!f:1;1~7 right tront ot position. No counter-action, because sniper's exact location could not be determined. 0900I. Reoeived First Marinea Secret Dispatch 092130I. lll5I, Battalion observation poet observed small unknown number enemy digging connecting tr-enches vicinity C~ 037071. Artillery fired. Results un­known. l605I, Company Charlie received ten rounds estimated 82mm mortar tire v!o1n1t: CT 046066, trc= estimated 0! 0350?~.




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(Oont 1 ci) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Eight friendly casualties, six trom Company Charlie, one fro111 Company Baker, md one frO!!! Co!!!pMY Dog regu1 ted. F1red 4.2" mortar, Enemy piece ceased firing, l830I 1 Received Firat Marines Secret Dispatch lOl?OOI. 1915I, company Dog started relief of Company Charlie on OPLR, 1945I, Battalion observation post observed ten en81117 vehicles vicinity CT 013087 1 azimuth 330 degreaa moT1ng Southweat. Bo counter-action due to distance. 2115I, Company Dog, Second Platoon relieved Company Char11A. Firat P1Atnnn nn Qp(R_ ~1~0T_ aomn•nv Dn~- ·1~a~ Platoon. relieved -Compani-·cb.&riie, -Tiiirci :Piatoon on"'6Pi.i:--2140I, Company Dog received tour rounds estimated 82mm mortar tire vicinity OT 045065, trom estimated enemy position vicinity CT 047074, negative friendly casualties. Fired artillery and 4.2" mortars. Results: artillery VT fuses vicinity vr 047074 caused enemy to demonstrate contusion, Enemy threw hand D"!'tl!l"'lt:ll,.lllaa afttiJ ~ .. -,..,q 'h11~t'Pt1fta aWtl'\ftl!l> ,.._.... +.'""""""• ~ ....... v ,.,.a,,_., •4 a a g- •------ -··- ----- ---~-.::;-....... --••o .... ,.. .... •• ... -r•• -••""&IIIJ ........ v_u ... vu unknown. 2145I, Company Dog, Third Platoon relieved Company Charlie. Second Platoon on OPLR. 220oi. Comnanv Do~ assumed responsibility ot OPLR in assigned sector. 2230I, All units Company Charlie on 1LIU J.AHESTOWN•. Comp~y Charlie assumed responsibility ot assigned sector. 23251, Battalion observation post observed lights of six ene~ vehicles vicinity CT 046087, -Awt"' ..... A ....... +1..-a .. + .-+ _., __ --..._.ot M-•••.a-.a __ ..,.,, --·· -- -----•---v ... ues -ww.v.u.'llt'aDV AU O .... VW DJ:I'C:liV-• "''UV"".I..L•"'- • .I..".L.I..L.VS.~J I "U UUW.UIUID.l"'-action taken. During the day and night aJ.l companies dispatched squad outposts forward ot the OPLR and the MLR. All outpoet!! returned with negative enemy contact, During the period) the battalion sector was subjected to titty-six rounds ot mixed mortar and artillery fire. The battalion detached three officers and transferred one hundred seventeen enlisted men to the rotation dra:rt.

OasuA1t1es euttered: WIA 2

Enemy casual ties: None

11 APRIL 1952; OOOli, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of responsibility. 07301, first Mar!nee Secret D1epatoh 102250! received. oeooi, 8lmm Mortar Platoon, First Battalion) First Marines reverted to parent control, ll30I, Company Dog received one round estimated 82mm mortar at CT 0560'2 from unknown position, result: one friendly WIA. Negative counter-action. l~OI, Received First U--•--- ~----~ ft- A P •- -~--- ~ __ - • ,. -"''IU""'"" .. gecre10 ur u o-o~::. .L'I:OV.L, vompany ~o~og rece1vea. rour rounds estimated 82mm mortar vicinity CT 049072 from estimated




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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -vicinity CT 043069. Negative friendly casualties. Fired Blmm mortars. Enemy weauon ceased firing. 2130I, Received Modifica-tion Number One to ~irat Marines Secret OP 0 5-62. During the day and night all companies dispatched sQuad outpQBts forward of the OPLR and the MLR. All outposts returned with negative enemy contact. Thr­oughout the period the battalitlln sector was subjected to forty-six rounds of mixed mortar and artillery fire. Battalion 5, H&S Company Commander and Communications Officer reconnoitered new battalion biv­ouac area vicinity CT 115062.

WIA 1 Enemy casualties:


12 APRIL 1952: 00011, The battalion continued to occupy, defend, and improve the OPLR and the MLR in its sector of responsibility. 1200!, Element a of Company How 3/5, started rel1 ef of Ccmpa.n.y Charlie (Reinf) on MLR. 12351, Com9any Dog (Reinf) received five rru.nds of est1mated 82mm mortar fire, vicinity CT 040065, from esti­mated enemy position vicinity CT 040070, resulting in two friendly '.HA. Artillery fired. Enemy piece ceased firinc;. 13151, \'iaapons Company forward observer observed unknown number of enemy troops in open vicinity CT 035073. Fired Blmm mortars with unknown results. 1345I, Battalion and Fox Compa.ily galleys secured after no.~ meal.

14001, Elements of Company How and Company George, 3/5, relieved First Platoon, Company Fox, 2/l. 1355!; Company Fox received ten rounds esti­mated 105mm and 122mm artillery vicinity CT 054048. Enemy position unknown. Artillery fired counter-battery with unknown results. 15001, Forward elements of 2/1 opened new CP at CT 115062. 1530I, Elements of 3/5 completed relief of Company Fox and assumed responsibility of assigned sector. 16151, Elements of 3/5 relieved Company Charlie, 1/1, and assumed responsibility of assigned sector. 16151, Company CharlieJ l/1 reverted to parent oontrol~ 1620I: Company How, 375 received two rounds estimated 122mm artillery vicinity CT 049049, which resulted in two friendly \flA. Enemy artillery position unknown. Artillery fired counter battery with unknown results. 16301, Weapons Company 8lmm Mortar Platoon fired on active enemy mortar vicinity CT 045077l resulting in an estimated two enemy KIA. 1752, Company Fox (ReinfJ closed battalion bivouac area vicinity CT 115062. Upon ar­rival of Company Fox (Relnf) ln the battalion bivouac area, Company Fox (Reinf) established an interior guard, and set up a perimeter defense. The interior guerd consisted of eleven sentry posts of one man each, while the perimeter security consisted of four outposts of two men each with a Browning Machine Gun, Caliber ,30 l~odel




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DIARY, .APRIL 1962 ( Cont1 d) - - - - - - - - - -l919A4 at each perimeter position. lSOOI, Company Easy (Rein~) came Qnder the operational oontrol ot 3/l. 2016! 1 Oomp~~Y · Dog (Rein~) received two rot.Ulds estimated 82mm mortar vicinity CT 048074 trom enemy position estimated Vicinity CT 056082. Negative ~riendly casualties. Weapons Company Slmm Mortar Platoon ~ired counter--battery. Enemy piece ceased tiring. -· _... ...... - _..__ -- - ·- .... ..._ ... -. . - - ,_ ... ... . l::.Li:::O.I., AoJ.emenws or Of o swarlie<l re.L1ev1ng vompany .1.10g \Aelnr 1 Third Platoon on OPLR. 2156I, Elements ot 3/5 started relieving CnmnJU'IIY ~Dna- ( 'Ra 1 n.,.l AAftt\ft~ 'P1 et-t:I'I.,...J't 1'\ft n'DT .'R o~~nT lr.1 ..... ,+.a ,..,.

3/6 .. C"~ipi;ter·;;ii~t -~i-c~mp;;;-ii~g -(·a;inr) Thi;d-;h;:t~~~··~d -· assumed responsibility o~ assi~ed sector. 22301. Weapons Company 8lmm Mortar Piatoon relieved. 2306I, Elementaot 3/6 completed rel1et ot Company Dog (Reint) Second Platoon and assumed responsibility in assigned sector. 22301, Company Dog (Rein~) Third Platoon came under operational control ot 3/1. 9~1nT ~/F. ,.,,. .... _,,.+aA ....... ,.,. .. ., ,._,OJ, .e."'A ... .-o8nM.aJIII Maa•u'""'~'~~4"'414+­.., __ ..,_ 1 ..,, .., '"""'_..,..._,.... ..,...,_ • v ..... 'IOJ.. v• ... , ... ~.~.- g.g~-'l/iOI- • .., ... ~..., ... .., .. ..., ........ UJ

o~ battalion sector. 2/1 assumed mission ot Regimental Reserve Battalion. During the period the battalion sector received titty-seven rounds ot mlxed mortar and artillery tire. Radio central ws.s located in .AM/MR0-6. The Regimental Command and Regimental Tactical Nets were utilized for the transmission and reception o~ battalion echelon· tra~~ic. Lower echelon trat~io 'h."tr f=l.rn::l_!l;(\f\ ftii'\1'1+'MA, I.AA ,..'HI' t:lf:_!-t ttaa'ft'•P ... aA4 A +MII!I4J.f'4 A Vftl!l aM __ --~ __ __.._. ......... , W"'&&U .. V ... o411i0l'- W.J --...... ~··1101-Yf/ ... Q. ....... V W .. Q ... .&.""'""" WQU t;;;i'.l.&-

countered during the move, but excellent communications were maintained. All necessarY wire communications were installed in the new battalion bivouac. area prior to darkness. Four~een 6x6 trucks were utilized to move the battalion.

Casualties au~tered: W!A 2

Enemy Casualties: XIA 2 (Estimated)

13 APRIL 1962: 00011 1 The battalion continued to carry out the mission or regimental reserve. 00l6I, Weapons Company closed new bivouac area. 01301, Company Dog (-) closed battalion \...4--•·-• .., ____ ....... _ .... _ 1"11111 ,,J::.I"\..::!:0 1\,AI:T T--• _, ... ___ ._ ,.,,, U.&. Y \J'WG.V a .. .:;a Y .&. '-'.I.U.&. •J \ol... .L..L.VUU~e v•WSt.~..a. I .WQD " 'IO'•'IIi:l'.u&'O'U. Wit l;,f..L

closed new bivouac area. 08001, Company Fox continued the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. 08001, Batta­lion started construction and improTement or camp area. 0900I, Battalion galley in operation tor hot Able-Baker break~ast. 1030!, Catholic Mass conducted in battalion area. 1630I, Protestant Divine Services conducted. 17161, Company Dog, First ~1ft+--- -~,<~---A \.,.- _, ____ +• -~ ~J, --A -----•-A •- -----• • .J.Q.IIoi'VV.U • Q.Lolo.'IOIIY't1""' ~J U..&.VJI.I.'II;JUWCI \1.1. 'Lif.L C:U..I.U. .1.-'I;IYV.&.-VII:\4 "U jJUA.-'111:1111"

control. 1800I, Last elements ot Company Dog closed new bivouac area. 20001. Received First Marines Secret Dianatch 131651!_

~ . - -~ -- --- - -- ----




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• • DIARY, A'PiUL 1962 (Cont 1di - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------

Battalion Tactical Net secured. Regimental Command and Tactics~ Net returned to usual sChedule. Communications excellent, with very little tratfic. All oommunioatione lines were policed and two BD-72 1 s were in operation. One line waa laid to the Third Battalion, Firat Marines. The battalion physically joined eight officers and one hundred five enlisted ... - .. ·.-. #MA- ·~- ,O+h ~--,ft·--a-+ n-a#+ onnnT P,nw,!•a •• ~.~VM .. to.M ••uw V.U.V -<:I U .L .... V,ll ... lllloVQWQJ..LV - ... SJI. ... W• IV"""'""•J -·- --- - -~· -

the men.

Casualties suffered: None

14 APRIL 1952: OOOli, !he battalion continued to carry out the -• --• -- .... .- __ _.. ---+•, ------- 1"\0I'\nT t'! ... -I"'.RV n .... ,. .... , 4 ..,_.,AI

c~;;;;;~ P:~x~-~~ .. th~vb;tt:ii~~"int;;1~;' ~~r~d-;:r;.;;t;;"-security. OSOOI, The battalion continued construction and im­provement of the camp area. 0830I, Battalion 6 and B-3 departed CP to reconnoiter blocking and counter-attack positions in the regimental sector. l?OOI, Battalion 6 and 8-3 returned to CP. During the day, the Engineer mine clearing team cleared a mine ~--,A-·-·-··-~ ,,&n40 -~ ·~- ~A,,A-4M- -4MA8• ~4~+~-~4-a .I...LO_.\A '1•\i..LU.I.lJJ """' .a.•uvu.., u.~o W.U.'W' •vo~o.&.v..,.. ... • ... e, .~~~ ... wvv• .,. .... v.,-,. ... ,..'liil'

anti-personnel mines, M2A3, six chinese potato masher type ~enades. one Russian A! ~renade. and one U.S. White PhosDorous hand grenade. Meseage--oenter entered Memorandum Correction Number 62 to Division SOI-4. All communications lines were overheaded, while the battalion radios were turned in to the communications section tor preventative maintenance.

Casualties suffered: None

15 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission ot regimental reserve. No unusual occurrences during the night. OSOOI, Weapons Company relieved Company Dog ot the battalion 1nter1or guard and perimeter seuur-1t7. OSOOI, The battalion continued construction and improvement of camp area. 08001, The Battalion 6, S-3, 84, Communioat!one Officer, and the Company Commanders ot Company Dog, Company Fox, and Weapons Company, departed CP to reconnoiter bloclting and counter-attack positions in regimental sector. llOOI, Battalion 5 reported butterfly bomb tield vicinity CT 138049. l200I, Battalion 6, S-3, S-2, Communication• Otf1cer, and Company Commander& re-· turned to CP. l300I, Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders departed CP to reconnoiter blocking and eounter-attaok pos!t!ons in regimental sector. During the period, the engineer mine clearing team disarmed or destroyed twenty-one anti-personnel




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• • D1ARI, APRIL 1952 (Cont'd) - - - -

mines M2A3 1 two 8lmm mortar HE duds 1 one grenade, hand tragmente.t!on, a.t'!d cleared e. path to blocking poe1 t1on Humber Two, vicinity CT 068059. 1'7001, Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders returned to Battalion CP. 22451, Received First Marines Confidential Dispatch 1519301. 22451, Received First Marines Secret Dispatch 1520261. The Battalion Tactioal Het was resumed tor training purposes. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder or the period.

Casualties suttered: .None

16 APRIL 1952~ 00011, The battalion continued to carry out the mission ot regimental reserve. 0800!, Company Fox re~ieved Weapons Company ot the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. OSOO!, Company Dog (Re1nt} departed OP to reconnoiter blocking position Number One. It required one hour and titteen minutes to reach this ~osition. oeoo1. Oomoany Fox (Reint) departed CP to reoonnolter blocking position lUmber TWo. It required one hour tor Company Fox (Reint) to reach their ob­jective. 0800!, 8lmm Mortar Platoon departed CP to reoonnoi ter mortar position Number One. It required th1rty-tive minutes to reach tn1s poa1t1on. l040I, Compar~ Dog (Ro!nt) departed blocking position Number One. 11001, Blmm Mortar Platoon de­parted mortar position Humber One. 11301, Compan1 Fox (Reinf) returned to CP. The return trip required one hour. 11351, Blmm Mortar Platoon returned to CP. It required th1rty-tive minutes to return rrom mortar position Number One. 11551, Company Dog (Reinf) closed battalion bivouac area. 13401, Company Fox (Reint) departed CP to reconnoiter bloek1ng pos1t1on Number One. It required one hour and titteen minutes to reach this position. 1345I, Company Dog (Re!nf} departed CP to reconnoiter blocking position Number TWo. 13481, Blmm Mortar Platoon departed OP to mortar position Number Two. 14451, Company Dog (Reint) arrived at blocking position Number Two. 15001, Received First Marines Confidential Dispatch 161310!. 15051, Company Dog (Re1nr), departed blocking position Xumber Two and cloaed battalion bivouac area at 16051. 16301, Company Fox (Reint)

~~;u~i~r~0t~p. !ie~5f~1~f~oi~r~;;rp~:~o~~~~:;~r:;~ui~eb~~~a-l1on bivouac area. lt required twenty-five minutes tor the return trip. 16301, Engineers reported the following eXplosives disarmed or destroyed: thirty-"hree anti~personnel mines M2A3, thir-ty-one 60mm mortar BE, duds, one 4.5 1 roeket dud, eight MV6 Russian Ar grenades. The engineer mine team ole&red areas in the vicinity ot CT 115062 and CT 0?~?~~




Korean War Project USMC-04300432DECLASSIFIED

• • --DIARl, APRIL 1952 ( Cont 1 d} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

Message center entered Memorand~ Correction Numbers 64 and 65 to Div1e1on SOI-4. There were no unu~~al occurrences during the remainder or the period,

Casualties suffered: None

17 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the m1ee1on ot regimental reserve. oeooi, Company Dog relieved Company Fox or the battalion interior guard and perimeter securitY. OSOOI. The battalion devoted time to care and main­tenance-or •7a2•-gear, and health and comfort or troops. 1330I, The Battalion S-3 departed CP to reconnoiter the six blocking ~ositions with the Battalion 8-4 and Battalion Surgeon. l340I,

N:~:Yr~~~. (R~!~~.d~:,~t~~r:rt~l:;~~~ng;;:t:~ocf~~l~~!;~;~n position Number One to construct mortar positions. 1400I, ComnanY Fox (Reinf) denarted CP to reconnoiter blockin« nosition Number-Three. 1435I, Slmm Mortar Platoon arrived at mortar p?sition Number On~. _l44QI, Oompanl_Do~ (Reintl ar~!ved_~t­blocltlng pos1 tlon .l\lumber I' our. l.4415J:, uompany JJog l.ttelnt) a.e-£!:;:~ft~l~~~t~~ i~~:t:~n,~~~~er ~~~~Tan~ft~:::~e~ft~t~~=~~~fng J:o'"" D ... v•v.u ·••• w..w.u...,.~.- ., ""Y v CL v •uvv.., • .._""NV• 1 wvwye~W-&J - ve; \ ·~ .......... 1

departed blocking position Number Five tor CP. 1545I, Company Fox (Reinf) departed blocking position Number Three tor CP, l600I, 8lmm Mortar Platoon departed mortar position Number One for CP. 1630I, The Battalion S-3, 8-4 and Battalion Surgeon returned to the CP. 16301, 8lmm Mortar Platoon arrived at CP ~;:~~~~~~t~ ~~s;~~~n ... ~~e~: _ o~~ :. +7~~5;.~-~~~P=~~-!ox ~ ~~~t) , .. 9 """•·UQ""" loiV 1111'6 "" .. VW .... ..I.U,.,.A.L.Ue, ,lo'V06 V ... U&.I ..... """""IJ'V.. ....1.46 VQ. .&. J..&.V• J

~~nears reported disarming forty-tive anti-personnel mines M vicinity OT 115062. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder or the period,

Casualties suffered: None

18 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission or regimental reserve. 0700I. Weapons OomnanY ~elieved Company Dog of the battalion interior-guard and perimeter security. 0819I, Company Fox (Reint) departed CP to reconnoiter blocking position Number Five. It required one hour to reach the position. 0830I, Received First Marines Secret Dispatch 180320!. 0830!, Comp~~Y Dog (Reint) departed CP tor blocking position Number six, and arrived at the position torty-five minutes later. 0930I, Company Fox (Reint) deoarted from blockin~ position Number Five tor blocking position Number Four. It -




Korean War Project USMC-04300433DECLASSIFIED

• • DIARY, APRIL 1952 ( Cont1 d)

- - - - - - - - - - - -:.eq?1re~_thirtr_~~~ut~a to re~ch ~~a~t~~n.Num~!r.F~ur, !:om .Number 1·1 ve. .LO.lO.L, uompany "'·ox 1ne~nx-1 c.epar-..ec. x rom D.LOeklng position Number Four tor CP. 1030I, Company Dog (Reint) de-__ ... -+-AI ,.,, ,..,...,.4 "' ... _..._<1"114 +" "'""' N'n"'lo\..ao"" A4..,. "'"''" t'!P 1 1 nnT ClnmYUI""U'

J~~·(Rel~t)-~l~e~dob~tt;ii~i;iv;~c·;;e~~· liisr:'c~;p~y"Dog (Re1nf) closed battalion bivouac area. 13,0I, Company Dog (Reinf) departed CP tor blocking position Number Three, arriving at the position forty-five minutes later. 1400!, Company Fox "- - - . - . - -- - - - - - - ~ - ..... •- - ~- ... ... ... .... -\RelnrJ departea. c~ ror O.Loc~ng poa~t~on numoer a~x. ~-.. re-auired forty-five minutes to reach this position. 1545!, 1'1---......... 11'-- IV.a4 .... .,..\ Ma•nrn"""'.4 +,.,. +""• ('!1) 1''""""' Y\,...e1+..1nn NnmhA,. 81Y

;t't:; .. ~ r~;t;,··~~te. ;;;ch:- i63o!: c~mpMy flog- (aeinr)r;turned to the CP from Doeition Number Three after a torty-f1ve minute march. 1915!, Engineers e:x:ploded one butterfly bomb vicinity CT 115062. The en~neer ~ine cle~i~~ t~~-~~~~ed ~a~he .to~ blocking poei tion .Number Four! v1c1n1 'ty l.iT .L.LW"t<> ana. -..o mor-..ar position Number Two vicinity cT 072071. Battalion s-4 started ---- -""-·--•.a -- .-.- - .,._ • .,_, • -- -• .,., - -a .... -• -4 ... .t M4 +- t"!:fll , ~, (\F\Q uuua".~o·u.ut~.&.U.L.L u~ a. uavu,.,....,~."''' ~-.~. ... .._Q .. -...!)"' .,.,.,...,,.,.,..vJ -· _____ ...,.

The range upon completion will accomodate twenty-five men per re1av. end will have tirinll lines at three hundred and six hundred -·yards~~ There were-no unusual occurrences during the remainder ot the period.

Casualties suffered: Nona

1g APRIL 1g52: 00011. The battalion continued to carry out the mission or=regimental'reeerve. ~0700!, fox Company relieved Weapons Company ot the battalion interior guard and perimeter eecurit~. 0800I, Training conducted: Company Fox, LYas1on and

~:~~~ a~:i~oe c~~~;o~:nc~u:~~~sp!~~·~~~~~~~infe:;~~~ Company, Clothing Inapect!on and Issuing. Training in accordance with Battalion Inclement Weather Train1nll Schedule. 1300!, Company Dog, Co,any Fox, and Weapons Company continued tr&ining. 1305I, Received iret Marines Secret Dispatch 190525Z. Engineer mine clearing team destroyed one butterfly bomb at CT 117062. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder at the period.

Casualties suffered: None

20 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission of regimental reserve. 0750!, Sergeant .of the Guard, or Company Dog reported ~1nd1ng one butterfly bomb on trail leading to Post #12 at CT ll '7062. 0700!, Company Dog ~- ............ ..,




Korean War Project USMC-04300434DECLASSIFIED

_,.e_\\~ • • c~ - - - - - - - - - -c:DDIARY, APRIL 1952

- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Company Fox of the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. OSOOI, Holiday routine. Divine services were con­ducted in the battalion area, 0815I, Sergeant of the Guard reported finding one potato masher type grenade at CT 11?062. 0920I, Engineers detonated butterfly bomb and disarmed potato·

:::~:; ~ega:~;2.lo~g~01~e::;:~!e~~~~o:a!~n!i~~!1~~;;nes Secret OP Plan 5-52. Message center entered Memorandum Correction Number 63 to Div SOI-4. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder of the period.

Casualties suffered: None

21 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission of the re2imenta1 reserve. 0700I. Weanons Comnanv relieved Company ~og of the battalion interior· guard and peri­meter security. 0805!, Company Fox (Reinf) departed from CP tor blocking position Number Three, to organize and develop positions. It required forty.five minutes to reach this pos1t1on. 083CI, 8lmm Mortar Platoon departed OP tor- mor-tar position Number One, to construct positions. l430I, Battalion received one armored flame-thrower jeen M3 from First Marines. The flame-thrower Jeep contained a Sponson fuel groUp of twenty­five gallon fuel capacity, anM2-2 gun group, a pressure cylinder (2100 psigi, and one hundred teet ot auxiliary hose. The flame­thrower functions in the same manner as the Portable Flame-

!~;;:~~-~i;!·ya;g:e;~~~ ;r;i~;nl!p!im~PPf~x~r;!:1! ~~~~in!~us burst of aonroximatelv thirtY seconds. 1535!. Comnsnv Fox (Reinf) returned to CP. l550I, Company Easy (Reinrf Under operational control of 3/l, reported one friendly WIA as a result ot enemy small arms sniper tire vicinity CT 048074, l630I, Company Dog (Reinf) returned to OP. l645I, Company Easy reported that friendly WIA, v1o1n1ty CT 048074, died ot wvw1da. l645I, Slmm Mortar Platoon returned to CP. Engineer mine clearing team cleared areas in the vicinity o~ CT 065042; 090075• and CT 128057, 2lOOI, Received Firat Marines Secret Dispatch 2ll615I. There were no unusual occurrences during the period.

Casualties suffered: DOW 1

Enemy casualties: None




Korean War Project USMC-04300435DECLASSIFIED

-~cSlt~ • • ~~I~- - - - - - - -- - ------- --

-COMMAND DIARY, APRIL 1952 (Cont 1 d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -22 APRIL 1952: 0001!, The battalion continued to carry out the m1 oa11"11n ,...,. 't'la .... 1 .... ,..,.,+:e1 Maaa ... 'll'a n')nnT r!#'\om'I"'.D,.,,. lrl'\..,. ,. .. , "awatll __ w...,•-•• .., ... ., ..,~ ....... ..,,..,.v~ ., ""_,..,. •v• v ,..., __ , ___ .t'....,'"'•lll • -- ..,.,._ ... ,.. • ..,.._

Weapons Company ot the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. OSOOI, Comoan::v Dog (Reint) d8Darted CP tor blocking position Number Three~ to organize and develop positions. -0805!, Slmm Mortar Platoon departed CP tor mortar position Number Two, to construct positions. It required one hour and ten minutes to reach this position. l100I, Company Easy re-_,.._+a..=~ AII'\A o~~-.- ..... A, .. 1t.TTA -4-4 ..... 4+- 1"!1'1" n-=:.AI"!i"'.d_ ........... +-,.. - ... - •• __ ,, !J'""'.I."'V""' VU"' ....... Q,L.I,-.,.J .. ..,_ Y.l..ltii.U .• VJ ..,. .. VW"SW't~ -W.V VV lliii'4.&VWJ CIIJII,~ ...

arms sniper tire. l300I, Received First Marines Secret Dis­pateh 220900!. l505I. Slmm Mortar Platoon returned to CP. i630I, Company Dog (Reint) returned to CP. l?OOI, B&S Company man clearing M-1 rifle accidently discharged piece. Results: One friendly WNIEA from Company Dog. Marine shot in lert root and evacuated to Battalion Aid Station. l825I, Company Fox

~~n~~ ~~c~~=n~MJ1;~:r-~~!pa~;;~!~be~a~~~:1~:t"~c~i;t leg and eV!touated to Battal1on A1d Station. There were no other unusual occurrences during the remainder ot the period.

Casus~ties surrered: WIA l WNIEA 2

Enemy Casualties: None

23 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission ot regiments~ reserve. 0?001, Company Dog relieved ~~~J>~LFoxA~!A~he~bat!alion i~~e:1~~ ~ard~az:d-~ez_:ime_t~r .. secur•Ly. vovv•, uog ~ompany 1ne~nr1 ~epar~e~ ur ror OLOC~lng position Number Three, to organize and develop positions. nA10I_ A1mm Mn~~-~ ~1~+.~nn ~An~~+.~ nD ~nft ~~M+e~ -~a~~4A~ -----, ---· ---- ·-- - - ................... - ... ~ ...... - "'""- -- ... -· _..., .. ·-· lf' ........... ...... ..,.& .. Number Two. 08401, Slmm Mortar Platoon reached position. 08501, Dog Company (Reinr) reached blocking position Number Three. 1300!, Fox Company (Reint) passed to operational control ot 3/l. 1315!, Last elements ot Company Fox (Reinr) cleared 2/l CP. 1445I, Company Fox (Reinfi started relief of Company Easy (Reint}. 1545!, Slmm Mortar Platoon returned to CP trom h1n,lrinoo nna1+:1,..,,... ·~y,,.,"""'.Do'" lflvn 1r.:n~=.T r!~- ...... nYt.w n,... .... (l:JI .... .t-o~~\ ---- ... v--··~ 1:'--- ... _..,.. ........ .,.....,...,.,... ,. ... ...,. ...,.,,....,""_N -'-"-.t-'~~J _...,e,. \..,"'I;;J.L.I.ol.l./ ,~.-.:;;-

!~~ae~l!~e;;Bf~~IDC~;~~~;n~a~~Sti!~~f)u:~~iV~~:;•2Jt7~~;~m~f;-area. 1900!, Company Easy (Reint) reverted to par-ent controL 20001, Last elements ot Company Easy closed Battalion Assembly area. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder or the period.

Casualties suttered: None



.... ,'Itt\ ~\V'



Korean War Project USMC-04300436DECLASSIFIED

• • - - - - - - - - - - -COMl.AND DIARY APRIL 1952 (CONT1 D) - - - - - - - -

24 APR!L 1952j OOOli, The battali~n continued to carry out the mission of the reg1mente~ reserve. OBOOI, Weapons Compe~y relieved Company Dog of the battalion interior guard and perimeter security, 08051, Company Dog (Reinf) departed CP for blocking position Number Four to organize and developt positions. 08151, Slmm Mortar Platoon departed CP for Mortar position Number One, to construct

ti~~:i~~8~os~~f~~~. Co~gg~f.Eg~~~!!~n~~o!1:n:fi: l~dr~~~~~~!ter ~~~o~~:~.f 1r~~gY,ac~~!:~ri~s~°C~ei~jTr!~~~;;d t~na~:-eei~~f:ked Company Fox (Re1nf) under operational control 3/l reported two friendly WIA as a result ot enemy 76mm artillery fire vicinity CT 05~074. 15001, Received let Marines Secret Dispatch 2413551. l535I, 8luun Mor-ta.r P ls.toon returned. to CP trom mortar poai t1 on Number One. 16201, Company Dog (Rei~f) returned to CP from blocking position Number Four. l?3oi, Engineers destroyed two 60mm mortar HE duds, vicinity blocking position Number Three. 18001, received Hodification Number One to Division Operation Pla.n Number 5-52. 20401, Received First Marines Secret Dispatch 2417001. 18151, Company Fox reported one friendly WIA at CT 048072 as a result ot enemy small arms sniper fire. 20151, Company Fox (Reirtf) reported one friendly W1A at CT 059058 due to anti-personnel mine. Five truck loe.ds ot winter eloth1ng and equipment were turned into let Servioe Battalion vie. let Marines. There were no other unusual occurrences during the period. ~

l;asual tl.es surfered: WIA 4

lj',... __ ... ...,.., .,.,, - I +4 ,. ,.. o ....,J:If;;IU,J ""c;;~OI.A.C1.L ... .&.'CCe


25 A?~LL 1952: 00011, The battalion continued to oarry out the mission of the regimental reserve. 0?001, Company Easy relieved Weapons Company of the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. 08001, Company Dog (Relnt) departed CP for blocking poe1t1on N~~ber Four to organize and davelopt positions. 0810!, Company Easy (Re1nf) departed CP tor blocking position Number Two, to or~anize and develooe oosit1ons. 08171. Slmro Mortar Ple. toon departed CP tor mortar posi t1on Number 6ne to construct positions. 15001, Company Dog (li'.eint) reported one ft'iendly wNIEA, result accidental knife wound, right toot; evacuated to Battalion Aid Station. 15451, Engineers exploded twenty-tl'IO butterfly bombs v1o1n1 ty OT 114059. Seven h~~dred. blankets and eleven hundred cotton field trousers were turned into let ~erv1oe Battalion for laundering.



Korean War Project USMC-04300437DECLASSIFIED

• e - - - - - - - - - -

1952 ( CON'l' 1D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!605I, Co~pany Dog (~ein~) returned to CP. 1610I, Company Easy (Re1nt; returned to CP. 1618I, Slmm Mortar Platoon returned to CP. There were no other unusual occurrences during the remainder of the period.

Casualties su~rered: W.NIEA 1

Enemy casualties: None

~6 ~~RIL 1952; 0001!, The battalion continued to earry out the mission or the regimental reserve. 0700!, Company Dog relieved Com~anY Easy or the battalion interior ~ard and~~erimeter security. 08001, Company Dog (Rein~) departed CP-~or blocking ~~sition Number Three. 08001, H&S Company wo~~ ~etail dep~~ted u~ to construct bunkers at blocking position CF vicinity, UT 111063. 08041, Slmm Mortar Platoon departed cP tor mortar

~~;1;i~~k~~:b;~s~r~n i~!~!; ~:~an69~~i~ ~!si~~b17e~t~~u;! instruction was com~leted tor battalion CBR ~ereonnel. 11451. H&S Company Work detail closed CP. 13001, H&s Company work de­tail departed CP to continue construction o~ bunkers at blocking position CP vicinity CT 111063. l566I, Blmm Mortar Platoon re­turned to CP. 1?001, Engineers disposed or one Slmm mortar shell, HE, ~~d one 8lmm mortar shell, WP, bJ burial. ~vo potato masher grenades were disarmed at CT 107062. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder or the period.

Casualties eutrered: None

27 APP~L 1952: COOl!, The battalion continued to car~/ out the mission or regimental reserve. 07001, Weapons Company relieved ComnanY Do,;r or the battalion interior ~ruard and nerimeter security. -OSOOI, Holiday routine. H&~ work detail departed CP to construct bunkers ror CP vicinity CT 111063. 09001, Protestant Divine Services conducted. 10301, Catholic Mass conducted in battalion area. 11151, Engineers disarmed three anti-personnel mines M-3, at CT 10?065. 1500I, Battalion ritle r~~ge at CT 131058 completed. 16301, H&S Company work detail returned to CP. No unusual occurrences during the remainder o~ the period.

Casualties su~rered: None




Korean War Project USMC-04300438DECLASSIFIED

• • - - - - - - - - - -

DIARY, APRIL 1952 (Cont'd) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -28 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the m1ss1on ot the regimental reeetve. O'?OOij Company Eae7 rel1eYe4i Weapons Company of the battalion interior guard and perimeter security. 0800I, The battalion conducted training in accordance with Commanding Officer's Inclement Weather Training Schedule dated 20 April 1952. Company Dog: Mines and Booby Traps; Company Easy: Enemy situation and Evasion and Escape Tactics;

~~=~~~~t~~~P~;~uo~!~e~o:n~a~~~ro;ra~~·pe~:~~;~l=wol~g~i~ Company Inclement weather training schedule continued. There were no unusual occurrences during the remainder of the period.

Casualties suffered: None

29 e..PFTL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the mission of the regimental reserve. 0700I, Company Dog relieved Company EasY of the battalion interior 2Uard and uerimeter secUrity. 0800!, Company Dog (Reinf) departed cp· for blocking pos1 tion Number Five. 0812I, 8lmm Mortar Platoon departed CP for mortar position Number Two. 08l5I, H&S Company work details departed for blocking position CP 1 s vicinity OT 111063, and CT 1230?2. 0825I, CompLiY Easy (Re1nt) depar-ted CP tor blocking position Number Six. 0900I, TWo hours instruction conducted tor

~: t"i~g~I ~~o~;~~n£!!1 ( ~~~~f ~~;~r~~~t;~ ~~tof~~i~v~~::a~~ Dog (Reinf) returned to CP. 1700I, H&S Company work detail returned to CP. 1730I, Engineers reported two 60mm mortar, HE, duds were buried at CT 078052. 2245I, Received First Marines Confidential Dispatch 291000!. There were no unusual occurrences during the period.

Casualties suffered: None

30 APRIL 1952: OOOli, The battalion continued to carry out the misaion of regimental reserve. 0700I, Weapons Company relieved Company Dog of the battalion interior guard and the perimeter security. OBOOI, Company Eaey (Re1nt) defarted OP tor blocking

~~s~~~0~1~~~~~ !~!iti~~og~b;~mi~~-Do~so~~!n~im!eB~i:~ ~~~~oon departed CP for mortar position Number Two. ·a900I, Two hours instruction conducted for battalion CBR personnel. 1550I, Slmm

;~~~~e~1~~0c~.rei~~~~~ ~~.~~Y t~~0fAe~~~fa~!t~~~!d(~~1~~ 19



Korean War Project USMC-04300439DECLASSIFIED

_,(.\\.\ • • ,· 0:!f(~?f~-------C~D DIARY, APRIL 1952

- - - - - - - - - - - - --( Cont 1 d) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2115I, Received First Marines Contidential Message 3015lOI. Batta.l1on submitted. monthly stoek statue report to regiment. There were no unusual occurrences during the period.

Casualties suttered: None



Korean War Project USMC-04300440DECLASSIFIED

• I




Korean War Project USMC-04300441DECLASSIFIED




let Marines Secret Dieoatch lst Mrrinee Confidential Dl.spatch 1st Marines Secret Dispatch 1st Marines Secret Dispatch let Marines Secret Disoatch let Har1nes Secret DisPatch let Marines Secret Operation Order No. 5-52 Mod1f1c~t1on No. One to: let Marines Secret Ooeration Order No. 5-52 let Marines Confidential Dispatch let Marines Confidential Dis·oatch let Marines Secret Dispatch -1st Marines Cont1dent1.al Dispatch let Marines Secret Disoatch 1st Ms.rlne Divie1on SeCret Diepa.tch Annex Dog to:

let Marine Division Secret Operation Order No. 5-52 let Marine Division Secret Operation Plan No. 5-52 let Harinee Secret Dispatch let Marines Secret Dispatch Modification Number One to: let l·larine Division Secret Operation Plan No. 5-52 let Marines Secret Dispatch lst Marines Secret Disoatch lst Marines Confidential Dispatch let Narines Confidential Dispatch



Ol2010I 012105I 060835I .... ,... .... .,t? ....... ,. U~G..LOV.L

lOl?OOI 102250! lll200I

lll945I 131651! .. 11:'., '"'""""" .LiJJ..~IJV.L

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191000I 191800! 211615I 220900!

221800I 2413551 24l?OOI nn,I"\1"\1"\T t;..V.VVV.Io



Korean War Project USMC-04300442DECLASSIFIED





Korean War Project USMC-04300443

S~0~~E12 s z:J:r.·:=T~~ :c.:r.:· D:;·:..-r . :;."_-· •• ~_.0 ;l:D C --·;.;FIDE'.-: T:.AL

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s/s P. R. NUGENT

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!-!q. SCEn, lst ~~Ial'-~:les lst l•larD:_'! (Hcl..f) F'.•lb' IN THE }i,IELD )i1:J¢9j1¢I ADrll, E E 2

F. J. :1AHTE :!g~or, U.S. Marlne Cor,)s Reserve

Exec~tl~e Of~l~er



Korean War Project USMC-04300444

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SECR2r: SECU?.Ir_-;_ =~ ;:~J

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Korean War Project USMC-04300445

2-SCHET SECURITY IhlO T"'!l"'lt_,t"T:..,-, ~-:"·,~~ ,.., "\'"T:'I"'f"'l""\T':"n\~,.,.,T 1\T .._.,_.. \''LI.i'J~"'..&U)-Ci.l...l \,, ....- :.1: .J..J..)~· • .;..J..ru,...,


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~el'.evt~~: ur1lt check int0 ~1,2 b~~tallo~ t~ctlc::.l net 071~1~! ~~~ ~e,1~tn on 11et ~1tll relief ls 0ffec~s~. t J '1'2 ·J_sc~·::~ :JtlJ..~- J.n c:.J..SE- :::-'!: c:f:.:."',_:c1c~r.

F. J. HA'i.TE

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hajor, U.S~ Mai·1~e C)r=JS Reserve E~ecuttvc C~f:c0~

s/s P. R. Nugent • T('~- :;' '....., '· .. ' ........ -

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Korean War Project USMC-04300446DECLASSIFIED

8 ~0B.E~ S SCUP.I~n .. _~ I: :FC· DJ~'.r}!G- "·b.DW CO?FII',-E~·-:TI.AL

Hq .. 2dBn, lst l<L::.r_:_l~es ~-st ~-iarn·_v (Re' .:') F:-~F IN TH:S FIZLD ¢7¢9J0I AJrE l"•ec:


~:D BA~Tilbi8l~_,_ 1S~' gALU:~ES (R"E1F) ~lt_·c ·- ~n~:'ter-s & Se:·vlce Uo D::- ls~ 51.:· B~1 r m ~- >"(T"l ' \ .1.-'"tV~ I

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s/s P. R. Nugent F. H. :OGENT

'T7l. I ('I ...~ _,. S-, , .. ·J....,

F. J. HARTB: Hajor, TJ. S. l4ar~.ne Coros Reserve

T:' "_,.., ~+--'1-· ,- r'1-'-'..P~ -;;,c,","• L!.lr t:: V...l. '-' ~- C ·,_,..~ . ----1.. '-' -....-.J.



Korean War Project USMC-04300447

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J;:~:~-l~i- ~-;s ~2.-~ll:f) c :-.ti .. Llf

L ·1 ;;_-~- _,::t ·ce2 SE-ct"Y:.··.

.,,.. ,·, ,- -~-' ~ -'

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::,-~ ~ ~- s on OPL~ :_-, -...:.._2..:... '. ·1.o:·.··t e · s,

c , .. ....,, ___ _ Oil r·ev (-::._· E e

fPc..! :··-r) ' '· ~ • --- ~ .1. ""

... ~ c :f ~-· ~J.(.

--;-_,-.,11 .-,.-~. -'-· ,_-



Korean War Project USMC-04300448

SE·~::: :~

2:2:~ 1~?:.-1::~-~{ L .. f 1:)

, ::·c·~ .'1: ::-:::-:~:~~~ :~: C., rFIDE;,:~-. : .. ~.L

. 0. -;:_ ·~- - ' L.-"-•.) -


-~ ~._, -.,'C.,. -) • ... .......... )

-.-.+ f:Yi"t~_-'i_ey:t_~;:,_-l2 i-H"·Jtec~~:ve ~-~.:...::-·e c.·~ )f:'r ... :-

1 )J:·G- 1/c I'-~~:--ti~':1_c:?t:_.:iiJ.E: an~- tJlre .· .. l~Et.--1~'--- -~.:..o~ .. s 0{1


' ...... / -~


c ·-


~i-F-b" -I-0-I-A-L

s/s P, R. Nugent

1L1 '.l.l (: ~-


t;l"'all::- 1 roac..s,


ar~:te a:~ur;;__u1l ... ;:.:.oL"~. left oa ~JFit~Jn. -~je left o~1 :?E11.

U.S. !·~s.r:lne 0:=:·-~-:.c ?,eEE<i.,,:e E·-;ec.~1.tl ,/ e o:::tj_ ~--E-1'



Korean War Project USMC-04300449



• 'r,"" H<!. 2dBn,, lst h!arlnes let. Mar Div (Reinf) FMF

·IN. ~E:FIELD "...J'A ..... i«/.lf'l'4t- A~--.1., 1("',C:.ro,

'i'!C'I" t>JUll'~ Ap l'.l. .1. , .1. '""'"'

TO; All UnitE. 2/l, Cqarlie Co l/1, WDns Co l/1 r''

1st :.iar, 1/1

THIS IS HY E'RAJ ORDER 1¢¢$¢¢! APRIL 196? (:X:) •• T U¢B¢¢I APRIL 1902 Cl:A 3ll:i·l ~iORT PLA':' Cl,tA WPNS CO. OJA:.;A'lST BN CMA ·1ST :MA..H CHA REI'ER'l' PARE:\IT CONTROL (X), (X) .


s/a P. R. Nugent p. 9. E1JG·ENT 11aj or, USi,:C


DISTHID~JTIQi;: Speci:;.l


,,,, ·~· :[~·


F, J. HARTE U.S. Marine. CO.i'uei Rese2-"Ve

Executive Officer



Korean War Project USMC-04300450


:"' '"''"T"~c~T~ r. ,.,,,..,1.., ">-.. 't:"'T'r.'l"':"''.·•rn"!" •.T .1 .. ..' _, ·~~·.i..7~-•.'"'l.V.:::..u v .~.v ..L;.;.w .• ·.J. .l.._MJ.../


-;- •r1...1 - .• ...;. ·J.· '-' t


e/s P. R, Nugent

·-- ... ' ' C< 0-: .

.... ,.,..,,"'""!,....,,-.,,_ 0 t::.V .. ;. ;~,..:.

D~~·¥J~J ~- ru·:.~ ;::,:.._ C·:·-_.--: B,I::u-:T I.P~



E~. J. hARTE .. -:.:.:-~."".J:~, 1_;. 3. :.:.b.~..,:~1t.~ C:J..:-· _1::: F~'·.c:e:.•ve

E~~sc~tive Orflce~


Korean War Project USMC-04300451DECLASSIFIED .,

SECRET Rq. 2d:Bn, lst i4ar1nes !.s:t Mar Div (Re \.nf l FMF SECURITY INFO

DOi·INGRADED CJNFIDENTIAL lW. 't!JE FIELD . ;l.:l?3¢¢I April, 1952 ,;!

' 'I" OPE:'l.A':'W:: ORDER) 'it

N'ffi.!BER ..... 4-52) · '

kAP : KORE:A, 1: 25, 000

, ~.

.., ....•

(a) Cul'rent PIR 1 S Ai1n~'x BAKER, Regt' Oper-at1ort Order 3-52. - \1


(b) 1 lst Bar (Heinf) :defends LI~E .JAl"'ESTO\tTN in sector.



2 5th J.!a.r {Relnf),::4relieve left ele_men.h of lst l-Iar ln asslg- · ned sector to newj:-ight LP at .OT )ll5411!54 on l<!LR and LP at CT ¢H¢68 on OPLRJ:: Th1 s re11 ef to be (}Oillpleted b:y l3(6t">¢¢I April 1952. · · ·

··,: I?+~--, .!::::; r v .. u


i Coros Artv (Rein.fl fires 11th Mar with one Bn lE·5 Ho\" SP, I.·Btr.y B".How, 1 J.,try 155 Gun, 3/11 tl/Slst lhr, 4/11 D/S, let 4. 5 Rkt Btry t:f/S .

.§. C.AS avalla1}le on request to strike tgts of opportunity l·~,u-+ ·1,,~ t:iYr .... ,, o:.f'f" ;;:;~t-~ .. r r-. ... n.., ..... ;.,~, ~ + .. ~. +..-.. a .. "+ "'· ..... rJ1-u r1A+-lr• +,..... ,.,,.....,,.,..,+ ..........

u ,...,..,,._.._,. ...,..,.._ ....,...._'"""if ...,c . .i.:'t:~,U..L,...,L..i. V,J J 1,.11.1 ~;l:/·\.1 ... .,1.!'""- .... ,J Y~I,,.I':I.J VI..J VV'-4'.1.U~.L

sie;nlflcant ene1ny Atk; or f:;,r practlt:le CAS .Missions •

.§ Ch rlie Co, lst TK Bn D/S lst l,:e.r

.7. B1·•ker Co, lst Engr Bn D/S lst lt.ar

c~ /, f"r-KJI ....... _\ ..... ~ ... -- _ _,_, ~ ....... ~ ...... ..=~ ~....,,,. ~+'\-. \.(...._..,... ..,.,...,..,,..,.. ..... + t-_.... C..-'"'-'- "Q,...,,..., ... ""...::! Gf .l.. \lY;I.J..!li.A.~ / Wl.LVU ;&;~~..I.. ...I. t:"-11 CU. UJ V U.l..l. oio'.l.t:U· 1 ..1. V¥ V.,l. V uv ,a,"OC u •1.c D ~J.J.U.

move to Res Area vlc CT 1150'62. Prepare to conduct counter­<>ttAck ..nd blockirt&· mission as assi;med in Re9:t Sector. c~~;l~ct -trng to improve offensive combat potential.

For ·ooundries andJ .. pi s see overlay. Relief .. of 2/l to begin at l212¢¢I April .. : A~.l movement and relief 1vill be completed by lG¢G¢¢I ApP1l.. ·.

( ~ \ C:nm>~onv nnu (-) WHPn l"AlJ PtrFd ):w "'ltnR Of 5th ).far J;ll'OCeed LO

,v, ;r~J.-'cT" ¢55~45 ro~-ct~an;p~rtation to Res area. -

(b) Company Fox (Rein:f') when relieved by elms of 5th Har proceed to vic CT ¢55¢t~5 for transportation to Res Area.




Korean War Project USMC-04300452DECLASSIFIED

' -~ ;'~·-•• ~- }:" i'



- - - -'·- - - - - - ,. (CONT 1 D) tclf"'\

·~ ...... - - - - - - - - --- - -- - --- -

' (c) Co,.pccny Chccrlie (H:'Hnf) when rel1eved by elms of 5,th Mar

reverts to parent .fontrol.

( 0.) Co:n.?any Easy (Re1nf) remains on position, attached to ;:l/1 ,-.....f'-f',....,...+.,. n= , ..,, .od?{T ::;,~,..'11 C·.L .L VV U.J.. \1 'i;i -,:.....a.vp1-~- ·~J:""' .._...,. t

(s) 1c·lons Co (-) when z'elieved by elms of 5th !!ar proceed to · CT ¢;j5¢45 for tran~portat1on to the Res Area.-

(f) 1st Plat Company Iii>g (Reinf) remains on position, attached to 3/1 effect:tve l£18¢¢I April.


x. (1) Prepare for l~ilted offensive opna. on o.

( 2) Clef.r all ant1Lpersonnel mines from sector that restrict movement and patrol operations.

(;:;) 1-!ali:e Jnaximum use o.f covered routes, ste.y off sky-lir.e.

Person:1el will carry t.iwo canteens of vJater.and one Mcr1ne Corps uni ~ of ftre oer i:1d.lV'!clual weapon mlnus- fragmentatio~1 £Zren<SJ_Ci.es~

ComiJanles Do:;·, Fox, W"eins (:-) will on•ry: one Marine Corps unit of fire for all TO/TE ere1v served. weapons; all grenaC..es, hand illurninatlng, incendla,t'Y, smol'e i'iP, smol).e, .oolorec1 assorted; .t,Q grena.c1es, rtfel ATM~Al per co. Dog anct Fox; all e;renades, l ... ~Lfle ti? anc1 smoke co10rell; all ac1apters ··gl~enade projectlon MlAl, anO. che1r.lcal; all pyr~,f;echnics. Com:9anY Chsrlie '1'1ill leave ·an cJr.r;:o on osn ezce-ot one~ unit of fire ~~er t ;dii.tiCtual w·P-anon. No frEYITient";,tton hanc1 !trelilades will be carried by comuanfes. AtniLO lEeft on p sn ;,rill be-a.~semoled in platoon dumps. Slt:ne6. receipts 'Jlll be o0taine6. from \relle,ring units for ammo left. on psn. Ammo recelpts will be turned in to the Bn .6-1. Personnel will carry one-t5-:.ird combct nc 1•· 1\fltl.on. 0lJ~apai'1les· ~ill~ carry remainder of rations .i11 company supply. Companies will ca:('rJ' all weapons, camp etltll:·);ncr:t, s.1GDQ1 equipment and eng~_neer tools no1,1r on psn~ Ex;er1<l1Y: .. e ent·ineer supl)lies (Sanba&;s, barbed wire, plckets) 1-:ilJ. ue ::.eft on psn. Xr.!cks will al'rive at oompaJ1J'_Bttpply :points ·· t 12¢Go;H ln ord.er to move company supply O.wnps. Truclts ~vlll

,,rr'LvE at CT ¢559.k5 to transport com~e.n1es Fox, 1veapons (-1 and Doc to Re:~.st res a.r·ea. v'J .. c CT 115¢62 .. .~..lme to. be an.t:OU.i'1Ced. lDter. u,,ifon~.: 'Jtility clotl:j.es, field. jac:~:ets, steel helmets, fleld s~-~oes, .:;c.0ks, Cc.l ... tr:idge belts a..nd. lndiv1clual weapons.



' I:,



Korean War Project USMC-04300453DECLASSIFIED

··~ - - - - -OPERATIQ;; ORDER NO. 4-52 (CON't 1 D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ""':' - - -

('1) ;.:sk"' .n,zl<i:wn use q't exlsttng wil?e lines.

1 For ,lev: 2/l CP Se.e Annex C)~ARLi[E.

::r STBIB:Yl'IOE: Special

0-F-F-I-C-I-A-L e/a P. R. Nugent P. R. NUGE!\T 2·'1-. j or, USJ.JC


:"<~"''"r~r.lm ;;)J.!.IV.J."\J;:.J.L


' I i ~


Major,. F. J. HARTE

U.S. !Nlarlne Corp:;; Reserve Executive Officer




Korean War Project USMC-04300454

9.EC?~ET SEC".T:?.I~":. : .. <B,C -sc:.-L:G::tx~;sD C :;:-,jFIDE:·:TIAL


Hq_, l E't

·2dBn, lst cJlarLne s I'bi' .Dlv (Reinf) Fi,:F

IN THE FIELD ll " '7..-f..·~r " .1 , <.·Uf.l'f.' .n. ;r --~ ....~..

AL"'!::I A3LE TO OPE"'tATIO:r ORDER ~-5:~

:.; . ...<.--·~ ~asy '1-l":' .. _n- c. .... ,....+ 1 ..... ,.., J. • .~,.u ... n;v '-.J..'J~J.J

Ar::A .Sec"'u:-:J:l, ::> .. Li1:.J ~-~or<: FC ... ~~:.~-tJ FO 1! 1.l::.

('"'~ "'~r-..·.p.,,-'\.r ·:i1Q''.' ~::!~,/~' :.;..:.':!:::__1._--:_::.__.J.':

;J r:;-,:l),S..iJ./ i;\.J>. "'T"''' .., __ ..__~_ ... --~---"-" u;.:::cL..L·,.,u,

A~~.J~ S-s-ct~.Jt1,

---~ .,.-.,.~-- ·..~ F:::::· -- ·' 1''1 .. , ..,., -

_ ... _]_.:_· ·' .(: ..._, . ·-·

r.r ........ ,..., ,., /"'1:,..., ''j:Uol. L 'tJ'.,.I

1·."YJns Co Tin, ·.-:iJL8

.,,. - ~ - ("I-O"i .)il c vu ~.-.---;u ..:. C:~·

T~.l j L. s


Co l;':

C)];;' .:~~.·:·y __ l:j_ ' ._.,.::;

• j

'. ' t'C: T~:., , s Cc


1-c.Co::.. .;;ur:rcr



Lt. 30HSKI


Korean War Project USMC-04300455DECLASSIFIED ,

}'. J. HAR.':' E ..... D.;J:~"', .;. ::J. l"1&r.i~le CJr~s Rese:"'""~r:?

ExeG~~lti '/ e .. )_,,·r:_c :::;~:-·

e/s P. R. Nugent c l""~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I

.. -.. .:.. ~..;:.c •. -. -•; ~ ,., ~ '-'• .. _,

SL:J?.:2r:l.' ::::.=~!~~~ ·-~-.... -~~' ~---~·P:2:·E:<T!.AL


Korean War Project USMC-04300456



NUMBER •... 4-52)


~..-, uw:

Hq, 2dBn, let Marines let Mar Div (Reinf) FMF In the Field 25180¢I April 1952

MAP: KOREA 1:25,000; SHEETS: 6527Il~E, 6527INW,

Task Orgn:

2d Battalion, 1st Mar (-)

~· H&S Co (Reinf) vet H&S Co, let Mar

Det 1st S!g En


Det, 5rd Bn, 11th Mar

.Q. !1.2g_ Co ( Reinf)

Sec HMG Plat, Wpns Co

Sec AT Aslt Plat, Wpns Co

FObsr team, 8lmm Mort Plat, Wpns Co

FObsr team, 3rd En, 11th Mar

~· Easv Co (Reinfl

Sec HMG Plat, \'l'pne Co

Sec AT Asl t Plat, \'l'pns Co

FObsr team, 81mm Mort Plat, Wpne Co

FOber team, 5rd Bn, 11th rliar

,9.. Wpns Co (-i





Capt IRw'IN

1. A• &1nex BAKER Intell1gence &~d ourrsnt P!R 1 s .

.Q. (1) lst Mar (Re1nf) occun1es. 1mnroves and defends LINE JAMESTO\ffl 1n sector. See Annex ABLE. ·




Korean War Project USMC-04300457




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = ( CONT' D)

(2) Cor>s Arty (Re1nt) tires 11th Marines with one Bn 155 How SP, 1 Btry 155 Gun; 3/11 D/S let Mar; 4/11 G/S; let 4.5 Rkt Btry G/S.

(3) CAS available on request to strike Tgte of opportunity nnt: w1T:h1n A'i"f" .6,,.,.+_,r ,o.,...o'h,.1-4+u• + ..... ~ ....... + li'onA1" l1A+lr• tn nn11,~,t$!:.,.. .. _ .. " ................ .,.. ... ••• ..,., ...,..,...J::'"""""'•-•"'tll vw -.1:'"" ·•--t1 ,..~-..u~j -- --- ---

Significant en Atk; or tor practice CAS missions.

(4) One Plat (-), CHARLIE Co, let Tk Bn, D/S CAtk Force.

(5) One Sec, CHARLIE Co, let Tk Bn, D/S force occupying blocking psn.

2. ~· 2/1 (-) be »repared on order to occupy and defend asgnd blocking pen and/or CAtk to restore 1-!LR,

~. For Loc blocking pens, Aesy areas, LD's and CAtk axises, see Annex ABLE.

~ n l),...,,, ("!,..., f'Ro~n.P\ h...::. ..,...,...a .... .,.,....ar~ """.., ,..."MAa- + ... A+lr _,.....,~•-.,. --.:a ....... a• -ve;. _.u '\·-~.._.,. ..... .., 1 ..,~ .rr• 9,t'g,• ....,_ v.u, v.a. _....,... u..., ~u.a.1 """'"""".1:1.1 CI,J..&\,1,

defend bloc~ing pen as directed or execute CAtk to restore MLR,

~. Easy Co (Reinf) be prepared on order to Atk; occupy and defend blocking pen as directed or execute CAtk to restore MLR.

.£• r1fla

(1) l•Jpns Co (-) be prepared on order atch designated sec to ('L...._ I .... vv ~:~.

(2) 8lmm Mort Plat be prepared on order to occupy Pen as d1 rected and Spt Bn as directed.

d, H&S Co provide CP Scty; be prepared on order constitute Bn Res:'

~· (1) Prep Det of blocking Pens in connection with Curr Trng; def to include Comm trenches, overhead protection and. protective wire.

(2) Make max use cover and concealment.

(;:;) Strict fire discipline is mandatory,

CP. maps or classified not be ca.rrled (4)

fwd of Bn (5)

order. This plan Eff for planning on receipt and execution on




Korean War Project USMC-04300458



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -( CONT 1 D)

4. ~· Admin Plan 1-52.

5. a. (1) lst Mar Div SOI-4, w/change 10 in etieet; lst Mar Comm SOP:'

( 2)

(3) Lay telephone lines tram selected Bn CP's and OP's to respective blocking pens.

(4) Ensure that telephone lines are laid from selected Bn CP 1 s and OF's to Regt CP.

(5) Report when mission stated in para. 5.~.(3) and {4) is completed.

~. {1) Lac CP 1 s see Annex ABLE. Opening time to be announced.

(2) CO's report CP 1 s as selected and opened.


ABLE - Operatlon Overlay BAKER- Intelligence

X-RAY -Distribution


0-F-F-I-C-I-A-L s/s P. R. Nugent

C. L. 1rlEST :1-!ajor, USNC



F. J. HARTE Hajor, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve

Executive Officer

•• -v-




Korean War Project USMC-04300459



Hq, <Jdlln, 1st Jv!P.rine· l st MarDJ.v (B.e inr'), In tJhe F:i.<:jJ.d ~518~~01 Ap~il 1952

Annex Bil Kl!.:.t ~; ·

INTJL.L J G:ffi~·lCE

Map: Korea 1/25,000 A,,,s L85l Sheets; 6527 INE, INW, IVNE; 6528 liSE, IISVi and lllSE.

~sf: (a) Annex .B..11 .. KE ... i. to Fl:J..A.G Plan 191100! }.{arch 1952 with Appe::n1liees

1, 3 and 4,

1, See reference (a),

a. The following information will be substituted for subparagraph all of Appendix 1 of reference (a).

b. Enemy Capabilities

(l) Enumeration

(a) To defend on_present frontline positions with a4 infantry battalions suppcrted by approximately 6 artillery battalions.

(b) To attack at anytime with not more than 24 infantry batt­alions supported by 6 artillery battalions and an undetermined numDer of tanks and SP,:guns, not more than 40 in number.

(c) To reinforce with the ll9th Divieion of the 40th CCF Army and the reserve division of the 64th COF Army within a~ hours.

(d) To bypass or paos through a blocking position prior to occupancy by friendlY forces.

(e) To employ chemical and/or biological warfare at anytime.

(f) Conduct limited airborne operations in the strength of a reinforced regiment of approximately 3,000 men.

(g) To attack troop movements, front lines, and. iustrtllationa in the rear at anytime with fighter, attack, and light bJmber aircraft

DISTitlBUTION: Special

0-F-F- I- 0- I-A-1

I I ·, { ; '.,i, . ) I . /•' ' \ .. W, K.l CAPJ;>Eft andLt., USMCE. S-2


F. J. HARTE Major, u. S, ~arine Corps Reserve

Executive Officer




Korean War Project USMC-04300460DECLASSIFIED


!f::;: ~>fllir:; 1st. 11.- ,":lnQs :1.8 t: lhr D 1·;/ ( R13J.1"t.1 ) Fiv.F ~----~ ~~;:; ~.ls~·.d


NUI1BER ••••..... 1-52)

t1AP: KOREA 1:25,000, AkS L851 1 S!lEE~'Sl 652'11NW, 6528IIS"w

Ref: Regimental G0neral Order N~mber 19

a. Am:rlllni ti on.

(1) Credits. T;,e follc,.rfng bHOic load (adjusted) >.1111 be carried hy trcorys;

BARJ Cel .. 30 1 f:ll918A2 Rifle, Cel •. 3o, Ml Carbine, Cal. .30, M2 Pistol, Cal .. 45, M:9llP~ BMG, Cal.. 30, }!1919A4 & !l.l919A6 Bl!G, Cal •. 30, 1'191 7 Al BMG,. Cal •• 50, 1!? 3. 5" Rocket Launcher 6Dmm Horts.r 81mm )l,nrter 8lmm l<iol"'tfll"' 8lmrr. l•J.orter 8lmm Mortar Grenade, hand, Fra11: Grenade, Hand, Illum. Grenade, Hand, Colored Smoke, Asst. Grenade, Hand, Incend Grenade, Hand, \lP Aden t er, Grenade Pro j , NlAl Rifle Grenade, AT, l19Al Signal, grcund, 1"11 Series Rifle Grens.de, lfP Rifle Grenade, Energa Triu Flere 1148 or M49

( 1) liatt:l' polnte~ CT11908l 1 0!·058028.

(2) All 5-gallon water cans filled,

(3) 2 full canteens per man.


480rds/l_~ron. 128rds/>ron.

90rds/''''m. l8rds/~,ron.

1750 rdsfr,"'n. 1750rts/wpn.

500 rdshron. 6rds/>ron.

294rds/HE/Ri fl e Co .. 92Drde/HE/Lt/WonsCo. l26rds/rtE/Hv/i'ipneCo. l47rds/Wl? /WpnsCo. lOrds/Ill um/\lunsCo,

1/Man -35/P.ifle Co, 35/Rifle Co,

8/Compeny 35/Comueny

100/Rifle Co, 25/Company 15/Compa.ny 25/Comnany

8/Comuany 20/ComMny


Korean War Project USMC-04300461DECLASSIFIED


.'lflf~F8~IAL ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN !ilr'i>cc:f: . t<- ,,·

o, Rati-ons

d. Motor fu~l

(1) hotor f1.:.el 'available at 0"2116060.

(l.l Location of d1s.tr1but1mt no1nts for blocking nosit1ons as f'ollOlil.TS'

Bluckl.ng po-s1 tion #1. CT065041 It II .#2· CT076059 1! !!

,_ CT101068 ff•)

" " #4 CT120082

" ',, #5 CC::120082 " II #6 CTl250?3

(2) Above d1stl'ibut1on DOints "ill be in onerPtion >rithin one (1) hour after occune.tion of clocking ryosl tlons.

2. Evacuatlop

(l) Personnel

(a) Location of for~<Prd Batte.lion Atd Ste.tion> for )looking positions ee follows:

Blockir.g noel tion #l CT065041 " " #2 CT076059 " " #3 CTlOl068

II };, f"'l'f'l1 01"'\f'IO~ N7 ................ ._.""...,-.,

" #5 CT120082

" #6 CT1250?3

(b) rersonnel Ni1l 'oe eva ella ted by embl.llance from forwHrd Battalion Aid Stations to Regimental Aid iltatlon.

(c) Normal helicopter evacuation available for orl.tioally wounded, under ·control of TACP, at the reql.leat of Battalion Sl.lrgeon.




Korean War Project USMC-04300462DICCLASSIFIED

BEC!lE'l' SECURI'l'Y INFORM.i<.'l'ION llO.wNG!WlEI'l.. CO!U'IllEIITlAL -­APMI~i·Is•rRATIVE PLAN NU.t,1br:~a :~ -b:-~ ,_.::;:-· r . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

• ' -

(d) Replace mecli ,._,_ c::·;,,-,:' a -.,,,, ,]eiCcr,} unit 1rnmed1ately .tO the ree_r th::rt:J. ·n(n,':ia::_ i..~-.L':tr.~ .. G:.~.

(e) KSC to Regiment tr,r•ougol nc:nn•..:C clmnc.ela for furthe' evacuation,

'It, Salvage

Sal veged to Battalion

3. Traffic

a. JJJARCH ORDER - See Annex Able.

b. Circulation.

(1) Routes of Haroh- See Operation Overlay, Annex Able to 0"lerat1on Plan 4-52 .•

(~) Vehicles moving to blocking pos1t1ons hav·e priority over those moving awa:,, exceot for amb-ulance e.

(3) Blackout as directed,

(4) Counterattack routes Ftnd routes rof march t;c biocking -poai tiona, CP 1 s end OP 1 s mer ked w-1 th Wh:i :te te-pe ..

4. Service Troops

a. KSC p-ersonnel will cPrrY S\I.PPlie a f.rom ltat1i~l1on aum1ly point~ forward to the blocking r.>os1t1ons. occup1.ed.

b. KSC personnel will act as 11 tte:t' bee.rers on their re tuton rrom blocking oositions.

5, Pez-•twnnel

a. Records and reports.

(1)-Aa set fo:toth in Regimental Generel Order Number 19.

( 2) Roll oall reoort by 061$!.

( 3) Ration strength by oeoot.



I I• •··~


Korean War Project USMC-04300463DECLASSIFIED

uam r ~bB~fADif~lfJji,TI.U., t .. :,, ' - ~ , - · ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN :-.~J:.CJ:>ir,,. :·. o~ I. "'·' .. ·' ·I

- ~-~~-~~r~~Il:~~~~=~~~ .. ~ ,.~~:~1: _:.:~~~~~~l~~~r~~ft:r~~~~·~~--:~:~~ ~~~'·'¥tt~J.2~~±~~--~*-·~ . ..._~_~.,~, 4: b. P:hsoners of \<r,r · • ·

(1} Pris·.me.r.os :J.f Jtn : .. :·.·-~·-'· 't-t' r;'~""'J~ L 1 Pd. ~-J.·-:.ined~_ntely to tlH:: 8-2 at the ree-'l_?e:.:·sJ ·rtf Bnt.t{tli•)t~ !J'.T!JJ1',1),:•_ r~.:;.-,t,

(1) F'irst Cl"-88 Mail will te fo::-1.m>•ded as expcdi tioasly as 'POSS,i':le.

5. JHece:.:taneous

a. Uni:c!'ltl end Equi1Jment.

(1) Utility clothing, field Ghoea, leggings, helmets w1th camouflage cover (brown sideol.lt) , fi dd jackets, norm~l ll.rms nnd equi'Pmpnt,



F. J, HARTE i•J~jor, U. S, Marine Cnl'l)a Reaerve

Executive O~fioer

DISTRIBUTION: Same as O~n Plan 4-52





Korean War Project USMC-04300464DECLASSIFIED


Hq, 2dBn, let Marines let Mar Div (Reinf) FMF In the Field



2518¢¢! April 1952

2, Wpns Co (-) prepare to entruok organio transportation in present assembly area and move within fifteen minutes after being alerted to occupy assigned position.

3. Co assigned to blocking posi t1on rendezvous w1 th ta..T!k section at following looation:

Blooking Position #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

CT 090048 CT 103053 CT 108057 CT 109058 CT 109058 CT 116060

4, Co assigned to assembly area rendezvous with tank support platoon at following looat1on:

Assembly Area

0-F-F-I-0-I-A-L s/s Alvl.n Mark!!!·



#1 CT 090048 #2 CT 103063 #3 CT 108057 #4 CT 117060 #5 CT 116060


F. J. HARTE MaJor, u.s. Marine Corps Reserve

Executive Officer




Korean War Project USMC-04300465



Hq, 2dBn, let Marines let Mar Div (Relnf) FMF T,... +-'k.o!!o 'li'4 .c.1A ...... .., v~~~:;.. • ... u .... -.

2518¢¢! April 1952


CO, let Mar (2) CO, let Bn, let Mar CO, 3rd Bn, let Mer CO, 3rd Bn, 11th Mar CO, 3rd Bn, 5th Mar co; 25th Brigade Charlie Co, let Tk Bn Dog Co Easy Co Fox Co ''1pna Co H&S Co S-1 S-2 S-3 5-4 Comm 0 Med 0 TACP Arty Ln 0


e/s C. L. \'1est C. L. WEST Major, USMC




F. J. HARTE Major, u.s. Marine Corps Reserve

Executive Officer




Korean War Project USMC-04300466DECLASSIFIED




Korean War Project USMC-04300467DECLASSIFIED





Korean War Project USMC-04300468DECLASSIFIED



1 April 1952 - 30 April 1~52 010130 Dispatch to Regiment (phone} 010230 Dispatch t~ Regiment (phone)

gtg~~g g~:~:~~~ ~~ ~;~~=:~~ ):~=~~e) giiigg gi:~:~~~ ~~ ~=~i::~i ~:~:~:~ 011135 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 011220 Dispatch to Regiment \phone) 011320 Dispatch to Regiment (phone~ 011400 Dispatch to Regiment (phone, 011550 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) Ol_l P._OO Dl. ""'"'tch to Reaiment (mess&Re)

gg~~g ~f:~:~~~ ~~ ~:~~==~~ ~~~~~=1 012140 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 012255 Dispatch to Regiment (uhone) 012345 Dispatch to Regiment (Phone) 020115 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 020215 DiAn,tch to Re"iment (uhone) ---:------ -- -...... .... -

020345 Disuatch to Regiment (phone) 020600 Dispetch to Regiment (phone) 020800 Dispatch to Regiment (message) 020845 Dispatch to Regiment (phone)

g~~g~g gt:~:~~~ ~~ ~=~~==~~ !~~:~~l 021130 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 021200 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 0?1230 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 021400 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 021430 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 021645 Dispatch ~g Regiment ~~hone) 021730 Dispatch to Regiment \phone)

g~~~gg gi:;:i~~ i~ ~=~i::~i ~;~~:)•) 022330 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) . 030800 Dispatch to Re.giment (messa~el

030945 ~~spa~c~ to ~eg~~e~~ ~P~~~~{ 031015 VlSpa"IOcn to neg:~.wen~ ~pmmt:l 031245 Dispatch to Regiment (phone)

gg£~fg ~i!~!i~~ ~~ ~=~i::~~ ~~~~~=~ 031800 Disoatch to Regiment (message) 031815 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 032345 pispatc? to ~eg~menE ~p~o~~( 032400 Vlspa"IOcn 10o neg:~.men• 1'Jnune1

~~?~?2 ~;~~~~~e ~~ ~:~~~;~; ~~~~~:~el v-:r..~ov•""" ~.a. g~""'v ......... .,...,. -·-c-............ ~.1:"------ • 041355 Dispatch to Regiment (phone) 04162.0 Dispatch to Regiment (phone)


Spot Isum Spc.t Isum I sum Spot Isum SpC!It Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Ieum Spot Isum I sum Spot Isum Spot Isum Boot Isum Spot !sum Spot !sum Spot Isum Suot Isum Spot Isum Spot Ieum I sum Spot Ieum Snot !sum Spot Isum Spot Ieum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Suot Isu.-n Spot Isum I sum Spot Ieum SpGt !sum I sum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Ieum I sum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum I sum Spot Isum Spot Isum Spot lsum



Korean War Project USMC-04300469DECLASSIFIED

I'11"'\'Pt..1't1Tn'Ct'r.ltnT ItT VVU.L' oi..L.I~'f.J...I..n.w


INTELLIGENCE REPORTS SUBMITTED (CONT 1 D) - - - - - - - - - - - - -041700 Dispatch to Regiment 041800 D1suatch to Regiment 042000 Dispatch to Regiment 050800 Dispatch t~ Regiment 050940 Dispatch to Regiment 051415 Dispatch ~o Regiment 051800 Dispatch to Regiment 051845 Dispatch to Regiment 051935 Dispatch to Regiment 052110 Dispatch to Regiment 060645 Dispatch to Regiment 060800 Dispatch to Regiment 061030 Disoatch to Regiment 061335 Dispatch to Regiment 061615 Dispatch to Regiment 061740 Dispatch to Reg1ment 061800 Dispatch to Regiment 061900 Dispatch to Regiment 061920 Dispatch to Regiment 062215 Dispatch to Regiment 0?0505 Dispatch to Regiment 0?0800 Disoatch to Regiment 071030 0?1050 071500 0?1655 0?1800 0'72240 080610 080800 081310 081520 081800 081840 082000 090800 091430 091630 091800 092100 100800 100935 101130 101410 101620 101800

Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Disnatch Dispatch Dispatoh Dispatch Dispe.tch D:tsuatch Dlspatch Dispatch Disoatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch

to Regiment to Regiment to Re.~timent to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment to Regiment

- 2 -

(phone) I,;;, ................ r..,., \

(;h~~;r· (message) {phone) · \phone) • \message J (phone) ~phone} \phone) (nhonel (m.· eesa~e) \phone 1 vohoneJ

~~e~~~~ ~:;;;·~~g e ) (ohone/ (phone) \P~l.Cme[ \ -onC~~ne J (messa~e) (-ohone, (ph<ine) (ohone) (phone) lm_ess~e) \pnoneJ (phone) , __ ...... ,...,...,. ... ' (;h~~;j"' (nhone) (message) (phone/ (phone) }~~~~~¥e) (~h~~=) (messw:e) {phone) · ~messae;e) \phone~

~~~~~:) \phone/ (message)


- - -SpQt Isum I sum Spot Isum I sum Snot Isum Spot hum I sum Spot Isum Spot !eum Spot Isum Snot Ieum I sum Spot Isum Spe~t !sum Spot Isum Spot Isum I sum SJ>ot Isum I sum Spot Isum Spot Ieum I sum Soot Spot Spot Spot I sum Spot Spot !sum Spot S-oot I sum Spot Spot Isum Spot Spot I sum Spot I sum Spot Spot Spot Spot I sum

!sum I sum I sum I sum

• .I.SUJn

I sum

I sum I sum

I sum I sum

I sum I sum

I sum

!sum I sum ! SU.'D. I sum



Korean War Project USMC-04300470DECLASSIFIED



102130 Dieoatch to Regiment 102225 Dispatch to Regiment 110800 Dispatch to Regiment 111130 Dispatch te Regiment 111350 Dispatch to Regiment 111450 Dispatoh to Regiment 111800 Dispatch to Regiment 111950 Dieoatch to Regiment 112100 Dispatch to Regiment 120555 Dispatch to Regiment 120800 Dispatch to Regiment 121055 Dispatch to Regiment 121350 Dispatch to Regiment 121415 Dispatch to Regiment 121630 Disnatch to Regiment 121800 Dispe.tch to Regirre nt 122)10 Dhpatch to Regiment 130800 Dispatch to Regiment 131800 Dispatch to Regiment 140800 Dispatch to Regiment 141800 Dispatch to Regiment 150800 Dispatch to Regiment 151800 Disoatch to Regiment 160800 Dispatch to Regiment 161800 Dispatch to Regiment 1?0800 Dispatch to Regiment 1?1800 Dispatch to Regiment 180800 Dispatch to Regiment 181800 Disoatch to Regiment 190800 Dispatch to Regiment 191800 Dispatch to Regiment 200800 Dispatch to Regiment 201800 Dispatch to Regiment 210800 Dispatch to Regiment 211800 Dispatch to Regiment 2~?0800 Dispatch to Regiment 221800 Dispntch to Regiment 230800 Dispatch to Regiment 231800 Disp8tch to Regiment 240800 Dispatch to Regiment 241800 Dispatch to Regiment 250800 Dispatch to Regiment 251800 Dispatch to Regiment 260800 Dispatch to Regiment 261800 Dispatch to Regiment 2?1!800 Disnatch to Regiment 2?1800 Dispatch to Regiment 280800 Dispatch to Regiment 281800 Dispatch to Regiment 29 ,800 D1sp::-.tch to Regiment 291800 Dispatoh to Regiment 300800 Dispatch to Regiment 301800 Dispatch to Regiment - ::-; -

(phone) (phone) ~m~aea~e) 1pnone/ (phone) ~ ·ohone) (message) (phone) (phone) (phone) ' ' \mees~el


i~~;~:) (phone) (message) (phone) . ' ~message~

~:::::!:~ (messap;ej (message) ~message 1 \message) !message l (meseage) (message) (message) (message) (message 1 (message(

~~=~~~~( .(.;;;;;g; I (message) (mess~e) (message) (message i (message) (message~' (message (me e sage ~ (message) (message) (message) (message) (message)

l::::::l (message) (messa.&te) (messagei


Spot Isum Spot Isum I sum Spet Isum Spot Isum Spot Isum I sum Spot Isum Spot Ieum Spot Isum I sum Spot Isum Spot !sum Spot Isum Spot Ieum I sum Spot Isum I sum I sum Ieum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum Ieum I BUill I sum I sum I sum -.1.sum I sum !sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I s-u.m I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum I sum

- - -



Korean War Project USMC-04300471DECLASSIFIED



01 April 1952 0030I, Received one round 82mm mortar at CT 045064~ Ol30I;

Rec~ived twenty rounds 60mm mortar at CT 052073. Ol30I, Eight enemy infiltrated at CT 052013 and withdrew after short small arms fire fight. 0230I, Three enemy observed at CT 048066, 0924I, Received ten rounds small arms fire at CT 053073 from vicinity CT 044073, 0945!, Received fifteen rounds 120mm mortar at CT 044066, lOlOI, Received six rounds 82mm mortar at CT 044065. 10301, Two enemy obser-ved 1n trench at CT 035072. 1120!; Received one round 82mm mortar at CT 055074. 1130I, Received two rounds 60mm mortar at CT 033057·from estimated enemy position at CT 025069, 1130I, Enemy small arms supply dump destrayed at CT 047071. 1135!, Received three rounds 60mm mortar at CT 044066. 1220I, Two enemy observed at CT 034027. l315I, Two enemy observed at CT 031066. Four enemy observed by bunker at CT 031062, Artillery fired, destroyed bunker and estimated tour enemy W!A. 1320!, Ttio enemy observed on OP at CT 036067. Artillery fired, damaged OP and estimated two enemy WIA. l400I, Ten enemy observed in trench at CT 013065, 1550I, Eighteen enemy observed in trench at CT 033076. 1805I, Received fourty-three rounds 82mm mortar vicinity CT 052076 from estimated enemy positions at CT 057079. 1850!, Received one round 60mm mortar at CT 032051, Sniper inflicted one enemy KIA at CT 045067. 2025I, Received sixty­seven rounds 60mm morts.r- vicinity CT 0540?5. 2140I, Flve enemy observed at CT 036055 and six enemy observed at CT 033056. 2235I, Four flares observed at CT 023055 and three flares observed at CT 030065. 2255!, Eight tlares observed ap9roximately eight thou­sand meters of direct front. 23~,5I, lights observed at CT 030062.

02 Aorll 1952 Oll5I, Lights observed at CT 030062. 02l5I, One red flare

observed at CT 035:163. 0245!, One red flare observed at CT 0350?3. 0345!, Ligtta of possible enemy vehicle oonvoy observed at CT 025069, 0600!, Received sniper fire at CT 035056. OBOOI, Received three ro\mds of 50mm mortar at CT 044066. 0840I, Three enemy obser­Ved at CT 031062. 0845I, Six bunkers destroyed at CT 0380?1. 08451, Received two rounds 60mm mortar at CT 044064. 0930I, Five enemy observed at CT 036067. 1030I, Six enemy observed at CT 033076. 1130I, Three enemy observed at CT 034072. 1200I, Received forty~ seven rounds 60mm mortar at CT 045066. l230Ij Reoe1ved six rounds 82~n mortar at CT 053068. 1400I, Received sniper fire at CT 0520?4. l4lOI, B.ece!ved three rounds 60mm mortar at CT 054075._ l430I, Received twelve rounds 60mm mortar at CT 054073. 16351, Sniper inflicted one estimated enemy KIA at CT 044052. 1640I, One enemy observed at CT 045072. 1645I, Fifteen enemy observed at CT 033076. 1730I, Sniper fire received at CT 044065 from estimated enemy position e.t CT 0~1:906,:;. 1740I, Reoei ved twelve rounde 60nun mortar at CT 052076.

2200I, Enemy P sychologl cal Warfare Broadcast ed from vi clni ty CT 1"\C.,n,o UV.&.Yr',-1•




Korean War Project USMC-04300472



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -CHRoNOLOGICAL SU:14ARY OF DAILY .I!;NI!MY ACTIVITY (CONT'D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -

2330+, Received eighteen rounds 60mm mortar at CT 044066 from estimB.ted enemy position at CT 041069.

03 A0ril 1952 0945I, Three ene~y at CT 03l062, 0955!, One enemy observed

at CT 043068. 1015I, Eight enemy observed in trench at CT 03?rJ69. l245I, Received twen·ty-nina rounds 60mm mortar a.t CT 054075 and CT 053068. 1350I, Received three rounds sniper fire at CT 044068 from estimated enemy position at CT 0350?2. 1415!, Received ten rounds 60mm mortsr at CT 053063 frOJll estimated enemy position at CT 0360?2. 1455I, Received eight rounds 60mm mortnr from estime.ted enemy pos1tion at CT 025062. 18151, Slx enemy observed at CT 02W66 with two l:eavy machine guns. 2345!, Received four rounds 82mm mortar _ .... r-.rn ""'f!"I"\AJ')'~ n .. ,..,...T n_ .............. _ .......... _, __ .... ,A "~·--- ......... .fllt4-- . .,.._ .......... nT ()A.O."v"'·"'·. B.Lt V.L ViJ::lUO\J. G~VVJ.,. ntn.a::.LvcY. C.\A.VU'UH;tv•v w'Q'a.!Jvu ....... c ""'•""'"' -- __ ......

04 April 1952 -OBlOI, One enemy observed at CT 03?058. Appeared to be wounded.

1015I, One enemy surrendered at CT 036058. 13551, received one round sniper fire at CT 044066 from estimated enemy pos1t1on at CT 045072. l505I, Enemy convoy of ten vehicles observed moving northwest at BS 995115. 1520!, Received twelve rounds 60mm mortar at CT 033056. 1?30I, Five enemy observed on trail at CT 055085. Artillery fired resulting in two ena~y KIA ~~d three enemy WIA. l830I, Reoe1ved seven rounds 60mm mortar at CT 033054. 2000I, received three rounds 76mm artillery at CT 034075 from estimated enemy position at CT 045082. 2030I, Received five rounds 60mm mortar at CT 0520?3.

05 April 1952 09401, NLne enemy and twelve civilians were observed at CT 03609?,

1117!, Received n1ne ro~~ds 6Cmm mortar at CT 053069. 1314!, Received twenty-one rounds 60mm mortar at CT 053068 from estimated enemy position at CT 045074. l415I, Received one round 76mm artillery and one round 1"2mm artillery at CT 044066. 1439!, received eight rounds 82mm mortar at CT 0510?5. 1845I, Received two rounds 82mm mortar at CT 053068, 1.935!, Sniper inflicted one enemy KIA at CT 053068; 2llOI, twenty-five enemy observed at CT 044068. Artillery fired and resulted in five enemy KIA.

06 April 1952 0645I, Received nine rounds 82mm mortar at CT 038040. 1313I,

Received tHo rounds 82mm mortar at CT 0540?5. 13301, Received ten rounds 82mm at CT 054075. 1334I, Received three rounds 82mm mortar at CT 054075. 1651!, Received twelve rounds 6omm mortar at CT 0510?5. 1740!, Sniper inflicted one enemy KIA at CT 0380?2~ 1900I, Received thirty rounds 60mm mortar vicinity CT 0490?3 from estimated enemy uosition at CT 0450?3 and CT 0460?5. 19001, Received eight rounds 6omm mortar and two rounds 82mm mortar vicinity CT 044066. 1910I, Received sniper fire at CT 064066 f1•om estimated enemy position at CT 060063. 1920!, Received three (3) rounds 60mm mortar and two rounds 82mm mortar at CT 045066.




Korean War Project USMC-04300473



- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1925I, Received forty-seven rounds 82mm mortar v1cin1ty CT 053068

from estimated enemy pos1.t1on at CT 0440'74. 2215!, Reoeived an1per

fire at CT 064066 fr~m eeti~ated enemy position at CT 056065.

0? April 1952 ·o5o5I, Received one round 60mm mortar at CT 044066, l030I,

Received seven rounds 82mm mortar at CT 0540?5 from estimated enemy

position at CT 0450?5, l050I, Received six rounds 5?mm recoilless

rifle at CT 0540?5, 1500I, Received two rounds 82mm mortar at

CT 054074. 1655I, Received three rounds 82mm mortar at CT 045065.

?.2~1-0I, Received one round 82mm mortar at CT 043065.

1"'1.0. A ..... ..,..~ 1 1 CC:.O

vv ~''o61oi~VReceived four rounds 60mm mortar at CT 046056.

13lOI, Sniper inflicted one enemy KIA at CT 0510?6, l520I, Received

two rounds 60mm mortar at CT 052on,, 18401, nine enemy vel1icles

observed moving north at BT 980131. 2000I, Twenty four enemy

observed moving east at CT 043069.

09 Aor11 1952 · 1222I, Received three rounds 8~n mortar at CT 054073. 1430I,

Received sniper fire at CT 0490?3 from estimated enemy position at

CT 045074. 1630!, Received one round 60mm mortar at CT 058077.

2100I, Twenty-~ne enemy vehicles observed moving southwest at CT

034070. 2235I, Received five rounds 82~ mortar at CT 059076~

10 Aor1l 1952 ·o800I, Received six rounds ?6mm artillery at CT 034045,

0915I, Receive<l. seven rounds 82mm mortar at CT 045066. 0935!,

Received two rounds 82mm mortar at CT 037045. 1130!, Received

seven rounds 82mm mortar at CT 0480?3 from estimated enemy position

at CT 044·076. l3lOI, Reoei ved six round_ a 82m.rn mertar a_t CT 044066

and six rounds 82mm mortar at CT 044068 from estimated anemy posi t1on

at CT 038083, 1410!, Received two rounds 82mm mortar at CT 044062,

1605I, Received ten rounds 82mm mortar at CT 045066. l620I, Received

eight rounds 120mm mortar at CT 035055. l8lOI, Received three rounds

82m'n mortar at CT 043066, 2l30I, Received tour re~~unds 82mm mortar at

CT035054 from estl.ma.ted enemy position at CT 03606?. 2l40I, Received

eight rounds 82mm mortar at CT 054074. 2325!, Six enemy observed e~t

CT 046087.

11 Aor1l 1952 -1130!, Received one round 82mm mortar at CT 0550?2. Received

two rounds 82mm mortar at CT 0530?4. 1350I, Received twelve rounds

60mm mortar at CT 043062. 1400I, Received three rounds 60mm mortar

at CT 054074. 1450I, Received four rounds 82mm mortar at CT 049072.

1850I, Received four ro~ds 82mm mortar at CT 043065. 1950I, Recei­

ved l"~ur ro1nds 82mm mortar at CT 043065. 2015I, Received ten rounds

82mm mortar at CT 043065.





Korean War Project USMC-04300474



= = = = = ~ = = = - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(CONT 1 D)

2100I, Received six rounds 82mm mortar at CT 043065.

12 April 1952 0555!J Received five roQ~ds S~mm mortar at CT 043065~

0830I, Received four rounds 82mm mortar at CT 043065. 0845I, Received nine rounds 82mm mortar at CT 049072. 1055I, Six. enemy observed in trench at CT 016065. 1350I, Received seven rounds ?6mm artillery at CT 051043. l355I, Received ten rot.mds l05mm artillery at CT 054043, l400I, Received five rounds 82mm mortar at CT 051065. l413I, Received one round 76mm artillery at CT 051045. 1420!, Received one round ?6mm artillery at CT 051045. l620I, Received two rounds 122mm artillery at CT 049049. 16~'5!, Rec­eived four rounds ?6mm artillery at CT 048053. 1630!, Two enemy observed in trench at CT 0450??. Artillery fired resulting in one enemy KIA. 2010I, Received two rounds 60mm mortar at CT 048074 from estime.ted enemy position at CT 055082.

13 Aor-11 1952 to 30 April 1952 inclusive ·Negative enemy action.



CONFIDENTIAL 0'1:'/'tTTC T mV T"'1ti't'\ IJJ!.IVU11. . .L .L .I. .J..I.>o.a: v


Korean War Project USMC-04300475DECLASSIFIED





Korean War Project USMC-04300476DECLASSIFIED



0-oeration Conf Dispatch Summary Oueration Conf Di S1Ja tch Summary Ouerat1on Conf Dispatch S~~mary Operation Conf Dispatch Summary Oue~ation Conf Disnatcb Summary OuerE'tion Conf Dispatch Summary Oneration Conf Dienatch Summary 0>eration Conf Dispatch Summary Oneration Conf Dispatch Summary Oneration Conf D1suatch Summary Oueration Oonf Dispatch Summary Oueration Conf Disnatch SummarY Oueration Conf Disuatoh SummarY Oueration Conf Dlsuatch Summary Operation Conf Disuatch Summary Operation Conf Disuatch Summary Operation Conf Dispatch Swumar-y Ouerotion Conf Disuatch Summary oOera tion Conf DisOat ch Summary O~eration Conf Disnatch Summary Oueration Conf Dlsuatch Summary Oueration Conf Disuatoh Summary Oueration Conf Disoa.tch Summary Oueration Conf Dispatch Summary Oueration Conf Disuatoh SUI'llllary o'Oerat1on Conf D1sPateh Summary Operation Conf Dispatch Summary Operation Conf Dispatch Summary Ouer.otlon Conf Dis.Patoh Summary operctlon Conf Dispatch Su~;ma.ry Oueratlon Oonf Dispatch Summary Operation Conf Disuatch Summary Onerat1on Conf DisPatch e~~~ary Operation Conf Disuatoh Summary Operation Conf Dispatch Swnmary Operation Conf Dispatch Swnmary Operation Conf Dispatch Summary Operation Conf Disoatch Summary Ouera.tion Conf Dispatch Swnmary Oueratlon Conf Dispa.tch Summary Oueration Conf Dispatch Summary Onera.tion Conf Disuatch Stunmary Oneratlon Conf Dispatch Su~mary 0nel?at1on Conf Di spatc...'h.. Summary Operation Conf Dispatch Summary Oryer!!ttion Conf Dl suatoh Summary



010800I Oll820I 020820! 021820! 030820! 031820! 040820! 041830! 050820! 051830I 060810! 061820! 070820! 071820! 080815! 081820! 090820! 091830! 100820! 101820! 110820! 111810! 120830! 121830! 130820! 131820! 140810! 141820! 150830! 151830! 160815I 161820! 1?0830! 171830! 180820! 181830! 190820! 191820! 200830! 201830! 2108?0! 211820! 220820! 221845! 230815! 231830I



Korean War Project USMC-04300477



Operation Conf Disr>atch Oneration Conf D1e:Oatch Operation Cant D1sUatch Operation Conf Dispatch n ................ ~+" ,....n '-"V¥~"'-,_,_,_...,,,.

~ ..... n 1" --... "'· Dispatch Onere.tion Conf D1suatch Oneration Conf Dispatch Oueration Conf Dispatch Oueratlon Conf Dispatch Ouerat1on Conf Disuatch Operatton Conf Disnatch Opera.t!on t"'':.-.¥~.P T\1 a,....o+_ r>l-1 vv,, .. .... ............ , .......... ,_..~ Operation Conf Dispatch Operation Conf Disuatch



Summary Summary Su.-nmary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Surrunary Sumnary Su:nmary


' (CONT' D)

240820! 241830I 250820! 251830I 260830I 261830I 270820I 2?1825! 280830I CO, C.Ct"\T k.JV,,......,~V ....

290815I 291845! 300820I 301820!



Korean War Project USMC-04300478


• r







Korean War Project USMC-04300479





During the period 1 April to 15 April, a total of tvro hundred seven patients were examined bJ the Battalion Aid Station. Of these, one hundred sixty-four were medical cases, twenty three were oattle casualties, six were non-battle casualties, and fourteen were dental cases. Seventeen pat1•nte were evacuated by ambulance, and two J;,atients were evacuated by hel1copter. One KIA was evacuated by ambulance.

During the period 16 April to 30 Aoril, a total of three hundred and forty-two patients were examined by the Battalion Aid Station. Of these, two hundred and seventy-two were medical cases, three were be.ttl&.Qasualties, thirty five were non battle casualties, and twenty-nine were dental cases. Thr-ee patients were evacuated by ambulance, and one KIA was evacuated by ambulance.

A total of five hundred and forty-nine patients were examined by the Battalion Aid Station for the month of April. Of these, four hundred and thirty-six were medical cases, twenty-six were battle casualties, forty-one were non-battle casualties, and forty-three were dental cases. Twenty patients were evacuated by ambulance, two patients were evacuated by helicopter, and two KIA's were evacuated by ambul~noe~

In the above mentioned figures under medical cases are routine physical examination for promotion and confinement. non-battle casualties are included; accidental injuries and from accidental discharge.

included; Under




Korean War Project USMC-04300480





APRIL 1952



Korean War Project USMC-04300481





1. Disclpl!ne: During the month of April the battalion had Summary Court Martial and six office hours which resulted in one non-judicial pw~ishment and two warnings; and the awarding of

three Summary Court Martials.

2. Investigations: A total Cllf five inveetigaticms were conducted; three of which were completed during April. The investigations are summarized as follows: two were the results of aecident£cl discharges, resulting· in injury to naval personnel; the third investigation was the result of a tire wr~ch destroyed government prpperty in excess

of twenty-five dollars ($25.00); the fourth investigation concerned the loss of a machine gun, oaliber • 50; the fifth investigation we"s Oonduoted to determine the cause or a gunshot wound inflicted by a Marine on another l4arine in the front lines. '

3. Officer Proourement: Beven reserve offioers applied for intesra­tion into the re~ulcu: Marine Corps; all of v-;hom completed their

:ohysical examinations. Five enlisted personnel aoplied for commis­sions :!.:1 the U, 6, Marine Corus Reserve in accordance with Marine Corps Hemorandum Number 23-52·;

4. Ef~ERGENCY Leave: There were six request e for emergency leaves submitted during April; four or which were approved.

5. Admlnlstratlon: One hundred and sixty-eight serialized letters and t\"enty-elo,;ht u.nserlall zed letters were written. Fourteen Battalion Ord.ere and two Battalion Memorandums were published.

6. Personnel Admtnlstrat1on: A total of fifty-nine offlcer's Fitness Reoorts were submitted and one hundred ten Enlisted Fitness Reports cofnpleted du.r1ng Apr-11. Prot1c!ency ms.rk.tnge \·rere entered in the Service Record Books of one thousand forty-one enlisted personnel of this battal19n as of 30 April 1952. There were twenty­five increases of 11 Q" allotments registered, and one hundred seventy

six orders to adjust accounts were forwarded to the Regimental Dis­bursing Officer. One hundred thirty-three changes of Military Occupational Specialties were effected through the medium of twenty­one Ba_ttal~_on Speo1al Orders, Fifteen physical examinations were requee.ted by S-1, all of which were accomplished.

? • ~dele and A11s.rds: The battalion Commander awarded thirty two Purole Heart Medals durin~~: April to personnel wounded as a result of enemy action. Eight Good-Conduct.Medals and a total of twelve certlficatee of Good Conduct were awarded during the ea..11e period.




Korean War Project USMC-04300482DECLASSIFIED




H&SCo 16 169 2 41 0 3 i'ipnsCo 6 215 0 0 A ,.,

u f

Co 11 D11 7 229 0 0 0 7 Co"E" " 230 0 0 0 ;s

' Co 11 F11 7 229 Q Q Q .§ TOTAL 43 1072 2 41 0 26


TTCllf.'f" EFF TTc:!.M EFF US.!.!C NONFli'F IJa.J!'.I.V '-' ..,.~,.


H&SCo 15 173 2 35 0 6 \\Tons Co 6 204 0 0 0 5 Co"D" 8 211 0 0 0 6 Co 11 E11 7 212 0 0 0 6 Co"F 11 ,.,

"" '"' '"' " 0 " f ~ ~ ~ ... 43 1010 2 35 0 31




16 172 18 213 c. ..,.,.,

"" 999 v ~'"''"'

~ ~~~

7 236 7 236 7 233 7 233

_2. 235 2 235 43 1098 ~5 1139

Battalion Total-- 1184

6ilip.L J~J;C TOTAL co IDFF .mh...

15 179 17 214 6 2.09 6 209 ~ 217 " n",., 0 0 (;,,1.(

7 218 7 218 _2. ?lA 7 218

"""'""' -43 1041 45 1Q76 Battalion Tota1--1121


Korean W

ar Project U



Hoa<iq,.;, tara ;~d Battalion. 1st Marl naa

1st !Iarin> DiTis1c•n (Jli>llrl"), :EM~, c/o FPO, San Francisco, Oali.forn:la

24 April 19!i2

S-T-A-T-I-0-N L-I-S--T

S£VIC.; AC:'IDAL ~1/0 r~:r ~ T/0 Eil!l Lm A:l!. • ID' N'Ul!:lla ~A~ ~i:rtADJ aDD MC•S'S !!Q!~ D~TL>"'S A$18f 17. s, !9!~ ,, --

H.il>.lJ<l:t\R!l'ilRS & s.!il.V.~C.l COMPAF.Y

Q!Jr;i.l CI , Clifford F. onss LtCol J.tCo1 0302/ill30 03()2 Bn. C!!ldr ·l~ 27.nti~ . li)J~ li.A.R1E3" Franklin J" .. 01,374 M2!ojor llajor 0302/0YJ6 0}02 EJO. /SCM/Sa d&>m,BnPr<ill~/ 27ll>e5l lbw:!)l. 2~11>it!il Se ti4:am .BliBOAwer4l'&

M,.;lllrll , a! vi n ( n) 052~J11 2c1Lt !::apt 0302 ol,o6 5-4/lfliD /C'!BRO /EriJie.bO · . ~lfar52 ~51 tli;:ii>t':>l 0 0 CAMI':MtL, Ga org, W. W954 1"tLt napt 0}02 oln6 S-1> ( con1oact r.on .. t)fJlnr..~" ll.tpr5? l2100·~ ltill!>r ...... "' "' ("l ("l GM.'I!RIJ , Frank 3. 043925 btLt Capt 0302 0}02 Co.Cmdr/fi&SC011Jd'~/7iraHor/. Jll>c':>l l5f.1>1!15l ~:ll!!;g5l r r Ma"' ,BnBdJ,w {Hom,Jlnl'rol!d • ... ...

"' "' Fil3IJIIAll',. Milton V'. 04~4 1"tLt !~apt 0}111 • 0302 Ass • tH&SC:<>mdt 1~ 2ar;.,·;> l~l!l!'"" "' ;!; Tl!Oill'.ll, Jossa r. o41676 C.!P\ :'t ' 0}02 0302 Lie.i sonO,llnti.O '*"'52 2'1PIOl•')i! 1Elflt752 ., Zl ~~~IDJ, Marion M ... Jr. fl!jrnl5 2~it\'·' . l"t 0101 r>1;50 S-1/VotO/fli>e;Br/J~oBd/QraJ~aAOllip!!t 211M"~il ,., ... 51 "' "' l'OM•DC.K:r, Alphonsa M. 05351<' 2(1Lt .. ]:,t 0301 . 52"~ _Sp1SarvO/M ... .oj:~<n~c!). . 1~')<' ~·5(! lnlLl:tt''Y' 0 0 UT.t.. t J"rcm~ C. 05l!U4 2c1Lt 1fO 0301 0111"1 Po rsC 1fn.!i!11M() ~iQ!t~. ~lit ~·1>'9 .. ~~. Corbin L. 015326 x,,Jor !!• Jor 0302 0}<">6 5~3/51121.. 1-'9 2llot.•5i ~~l>51 Cil'l?:n. 1fU111!l!l X. 0~(1!1" :>c:Lt Gattt 0}(12 ~2~ s~2 ll111o.r;2- lliilJ> .. 5l 23:D>c5l cow:nm. Ha"7 o. ,Jr. 0~7 2c1Lt (:~:tpt 25"1 20>12 Como. 211\18ll52' . lf'II><>'il 25D>CI\t RUlr-• ..rues 1: .. (' 5 2c1Lt J~t Y."'l 3n1o Sup-olyO 2,..,,"? 1~,!)1 3J,on'Y' MA.'!ISX3, !tobJ rt L. ~4rl M'JG J:.TJG 2105 2!115 Bn... St,rg3on '~•~ 3fl!W•~ ~p:S' l!ilGJI!ifl S , J nh n L. 51l09!!10 LTJG 1ii'J'G 2105 2lt15 -d<>-(Aa<> 1t) '!~ l3Ja11<;:! 19;1'1tnr;?

W_!!ll'ONS CIOO'Alll'

IRY.t:ll, CJior r 1ft .;J • , Jr , 0277l!9 C.l3t llaJor 03fl1/hl30 nn2 Co, Cmdr ~f3• ,n!jpl,<>ildft!a\,.,Jl4l'Wl~52' ll'Jb'~ i?O'~~b52 FRIGll, Val Jr;,. ""'32 2d1t c:apt 0?fj1 03(!2 3>0. 2~52' 22Mar52 1r,~pr52

' ·'" tr;·j~~.''

Korean W

ar Project U



S~rATION :LIS~. 2dBn, l~ot MD.rin.3s, Co:nt'd

S.iRVIC.& ~C:Ir..U. T/0 PBI~~i.Y & T/G L'o.T:li Lill"l' Al!R lit~ ~r~ GBJ,.Jlll G!Ull' AiJD MOS 15

~· --- MOS t DU'1'I 2:5 ASGN !!:...!· KaRlA

l!C IRTY3.3, Jain.J s ?~. 0'52103 2ciLt Lt 0301 0302 mm PUCmt.r 22Apr~j2 221far5< lO.A:pr~i2 RZLD, JlQ)IarQ. S. III 0'536li8 2ciLt Lt 0301 0302 A-T PltGmllr 22.Apr~j2 22Jtar5< 10Apr52: P . .mlRI N, Frnnk G-, 0'~957 2dL!i Lt 0301 0302 81llll!Q' liOCmar J.6~b~~ ~·1>52 T.Fab52

\ H..~SS, WRoy R. 1 Jr. a: ?58 2ciLt Lt 0301 0302 -d<>- (Ass 1t) I!!' db~! 2l!'ilb52 7Fab52'

. ' t:G~·T ANY " D" .. ~.aUCK, Jdln L 0~1937 C<.'Pt Capt 32G6 0302 Co. Cm<i:r./M;tr'EttPro lid26Jan~j2 15:D>c51 2Jan52:

1 POLLOCX, idwin A. ,Jr. 0'~':659 1stLt Lt 030lo/0305 0302 ~J() 6Apr5'' 26l!;op5l lDOct ~;1 r.A:r:-t s~ Ib.l3 N~ 053924 2CLt Lt 0301 0302 6omSocLd:< 20Fab~j2 ll!bb52 2nl\>b~>'

:!C '!' . .A'J02I·Tlr, John J. 053522 2CLt Lt 0301 0302 MG- Pl ti~mO:r 1Upr1j2 22J6u'52 lO,Wr'>' GliJ:•d1".C, Willif)JO:l P .. 051938 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 lstpltGnC..r 2 5l•!al: 1)2 2Filb52 7F->b5"' 1-n:LL.C:lia:r~ Srt!!IUJ:l T~,Jr. 052126 2dLt Lt 0}('1 0)02 2GP1tCndr lffi!B b.~:2 ~·b52 ?Feb:;<!

0 i·~li.J'JB , :&:. njami. n LJ .. 052124 2dLt Lt 0301 03(:2 )rdPltGr;Cr 2hF>blj2 2Fab52 T.Fab5<' 0

t"l K~C'l'O?.. K.: :nn:J th J. 0535&:l 2dLt Lt 0301 n302 -clo- C.;.ss 1 t) 1Upr'j2 17.D>c51 26DJc51 t"l (") (")

~ COMPAYY " 3" r ... "' "' ;!; RAG6"3., J< ck H, 0351¥'4 Capt C..~-pt 0301 0}02 Co. Cndr. ~l>r:tlnPro Jlcl 17Mar ~)2 27!1>b52 1611ar~)2 "' Zl l-1\!lii ~ 3. \)b(;rt J. n4~64 lstLt Lt~ 0}02 03"2 ]J(). 6A:pr'j:1 ll!Lug5J. 3J.!ug'il

., t"l

J!.TI'Z::t: 1~hllace A~ rl!6474 1stLt Lt 0}02 0}02 Gr>,.,&>.oLdr 6Apr'j:1 1F"b52 2f\Fab'i2 "' 0 0 r.tuNG:s. J'clln 13. 053627 2oLt Lt 0301 0302 MG PltGnOr gp'l)b5~ 2F.>b52 8Fab5l!

• GAMSBY 1 Ri char <l Y, 053689 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 1st?1t~!:!Cl' 1lll.ar1j2 1l!ltb52 20Fab~;2

WR:\.Y, Bictard :~ •• III 051971 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 2dPltC'dr 24Feb~j2 2Fab52 Web'):" MC CLliR.J:, Val R .. 052100 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 -do-(Ass't) 1Upr'j2 22~r52 10A-pr'i2 SE!RADE£ I' raul .A.. 052267 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 3rdPl t(::!:ltJ' 24Fab'j2 2F·>b52 7Feblj<'

CC~T A.."lY ' :!"

• KLm.m., Victor A.. ,Jr. 020101 Ce.pt Capt 0 }02/0230 /G2lf:l C302 Co. Cndr. t Mb..:i)nProi!d'l'Mlr'52 27PI>b'j2 16Mar 1;2 MOODY I Cl<Jd!lC<' G. IJl' •• 044925 lstLt Lt 0302 0302 i::XO 17Mru'52 2Fab52 7F'b'j<! IOOL.ilY, PH lip J. 053533 2dLt Lt 0}01 0302 6omS>c kr 24Fab'52 2l'eb'j2 S!'ob51 ROLLINSE:kL, Byron S •• Jr. 05<069 2dLt Lt 0301 0302 MG P1tCndr 22Apr52 2Feb52 7Fob'j<!

.• ._ t.f~~-,:~~

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"l (")

~ "' ;!; Zl t"l 0


STATIO;~ LISTr 2o:En~ 1st Mar1~s, Gont 16.

s.&:avrc_~ ..W'lU.U. ~ NUMB !lR GR.~n~

DU lOll'~ • Fl' O.U< w. 053239 2dLt WOkZ!\'CRAFT, Clo.rk il. O?l97G 2W,t E01!3Zl.'::-: Willian C. 051944 2dLt

' .~ ~·r.-j.:;<;'

T/0 GR1~D~

Lt Lt Lt

PilT.Ml.tiY ll T/o llAT.l ~?L MOS 1 f~ ¥DS :N.JTI-55 ASGN' ----~~()1 ('}02 l stPl.tCncr 2lG'ob52 o:m cy:~ 2QPltCndr 24Feb52 OJll 0)()2 }r dPltC~.c:r SFeb52

l:..D'T !r. s.

ll'ob52 ~'Fob52 ~'Filb52


20F<>b52 S:!l>b52 7F•b52

0 t"l (")

~ "' "' ., ., 0
