7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - DECEMBER 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2341 CD: 23 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND … · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - DECEMBER 1952 ... Chapter 11 (change 4), } ... sector of Line JAt·.:

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Page 1: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND … · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - DECEMBER 1952 ... Chapter 11 (change 4), } ... sector of Line JAt·.:


Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2341

CD: 23

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Page 2: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND … · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 1ST BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - DECEMBER 1952 ... Chapter 11 (change 4), } ... sector of Line JAt·.:

Korean War Project USMC-08401314

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I J.- ..•

0728/165 Al2 Ser J u 1 12 - "· o>

FEB ll 1953

THIRD ENDORSEMENT on CO lstBn 7thMar 1tr ser 003 of 9 Jan 1953

From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps

Subj: Command Diary for December 1952

1. Forwarded.

2. This endorsement is downgraded to unclassified upon detacm1ent from the basic document.

By d1rect1on

Copy to: CG, lstMarDiv Comdt, MCS, Quantico, Va: 3 w/basic 1tr. and end 1 s.

T • " .•. ~ :' • .. ,, I


DOD DTR fi200" J"


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. sn:mmnx IUieiRilh'!IIeN

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81 JAN 1~

SECOND ENDORSEMENT on CO letBn 7thMar ltr ser 003 ot 9 Jan 1963

From: To:

Commanding General, let Marine Divteion, FMF Commandant ot the Marine Corps Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Vial

Subj: Command Diary for December 1952

1, Forwarded.

2. The security classification of this endorsement is removed When detached from the basic document.

~~J~oi!.d• I , -~- . ., . - -<S'"~

u m nnc-'C' ,._ · ... ,. "• JJV>JJ.!;, tJr.,

By diJ·Qction •

..,..,. ~ ...


Don .lliR Bzoo • .JI"


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• • 21 Ji\N \953

Metml!I ThFffili4ildC

FIRST ENDORSEHENT on CO lst!ln 7thMar ltr ser 003 or 9 Jan 1953

From: To: Via:

Cannianding Officer, 7th Marines camnandant or the Marine carps (1' camnanding General, 1st Marine Division (Rein!) FMF (2~ COlltmnding General, Fleet Marine Force, pacific

;>ubj: COlltland Diary for period 1 to 31 ])ecember 1952

1. Forwarded.

2. Reginental Operation plan 23-52 and Fragmentary order 192105! necem• l>er 1952 were issued to the 1st Battalion, 7th l{arines during this period.

3. The use of helicopters to deliver prefabricated bunker materials as described in APPendix IV and Appendix V is considered a practical expe­d5.ent in difficult terrain.

4. com:.;ents regarding indirect machine gun fire in J,ppendix VI are con­curred in.

_j) t:ldJL E. !IAI'i!~



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SJilllfl' ujii!!Jiill!f !I liPOid k!I II N

_ hotAssrnED 110D

DIR 6200.lo


Headquarters let Battalion, 7th Marines

let Marine Division FMF, c/o FPO San Francisco, California

COMMAND DIARY ------- -----(DeceJiber 1952) •


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• • H&adquartere

1st Battalion, 7th Narines

1st Harine Division Fl~W. c/o FPO - - "' '

San Francisco, California

CND/etm Al2 Ser: 003 9 January 1953

8i;J8to!Uit'¥ :WI'eftl~t~t!l'er!

Frc11a: Co::iJlk"tnding Officer, lst Battalion, 7th Harines

To: Cor.mi2.ndant of the Marine Corps

;lia: (l) Comrcld.nding Officer, 7th Harines

(?.) Commanding General, 1st Marine Division (Reinf), FHF

(3) CoJ!lJ!l~nd.ing General, Fleet Harine Force, Pacific

Subj: Cor:unand Diary for pe1•iod 1 to 31 December 1952


(~.) DGO No. 90 of 13 Nov 1952

(b) Pert E, Chapter 11 (change 4), }!CH, 1949

(c) FHFPac Genera.1 Order 21 (Nov) of 11 Har 1952

(d) !lap: Korea, 1:25,000, AJfSL LS51, Sheets 65282 EN, and 25271

Eap: Korea, 1:10,000, series #4, Sheets ;¥4, #5, #6, #7, /18


01 to 19 December 1952

During this period the battalion was o.ssizned as part of the Division

H·?serve, This location was vicinity CS078995. 75;; of combat units

;;c;re assigned to completing Line KANSAS positions from CS061985 to

CS0:';9990, Prefabricated bunkers \<ere lifted by helicopter and m<cn­

hanciled to their positions on Line JCA;'!SAS, \<hich \<as completed 13 Dec­

er.lber 1952. 3&ttalion training \tl&S conducted for all units t~nd con­

sisted mainly in nibht prc';)lems and tactical firing of weapons. One

(1) company of the KSC wa~ attached for purposes of su"pply and im})rovc­

lOlent of Line KANSAS.

20 to Jl December 1952

!.Juring this period the battalion occupied and defended its assigned

sector of Line JAt·.:ESTO,'!Jil from CT016033 to CT042049, The bat tali or, CP

v1as located vicirlity CT04602tl. One (l) additional company of the KSC

front J/7, attached for purposes of supply and improvement of Line

JJJ·~-~STCT:~N •

.? • C~iROl~OLOGIG!~ IY·.FJU .. TIVE (l:O':'i,;: Daily periods in following narrative 2400I to 24001)

01 December 1952

'- T,'Q'"U_?!'

Jlel.&SSIFID 1.

DoD 11IR e5200.l0 -.,


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• T,,,_ kcttBlion strength this date v;as USEC officers 4.3, u;_n;c enlisted 1185, l< ·: o: ... f-Lcers 2_, FSF enli~i,.t::d_ 36~ All units of the battalion ,.;ere locat~d with­:_., th2 b,,u,lo_cn cr 'ra•c vici;1ity CS078995. l/7 com.>liecl •lith the Bo.tt,alioa J')•ein:in:. '3che.clule. One (l) re.r area patrol of fire tc:aJr. si'~ ;1as conlFcted ,._-_:_tll LB[e;.t.ive rt.sults. Comfan~' ncn furnished the_ pattalion GuarJ and CF Security.

J /~' c..:.:~-,;~ li :::d. l·.:.l. .. L;l the !'"-o.t tali c:r. Training Schedule~ nne ( 1) rear arGa r~atrol v.r9.s c,jqrJuct.t;d v.'ith negative ro;;;sults. Opere.tion 11 Bunkern -~~;ru~~~;1ced this date. {See

s~ .~ c~].al rE'f10rt (;U Heli~~opter Lift.)

J/7 c0~11r·J.it:d l·.r:i.th the :SattE;,lion Training Schedule. r..en '·;eJ~e detached for rota.tion this dat~. One (1) ;]1 ('.teO 1·'i th negat.i ve results.

.3 officers unc'. 5S enlisted con-

1 1'1 ct• 'YJ -;_, d 16th the '3atte.lion TrB.ining c·che(:.ul•~. One (1) rear en;a ]''itrol , r. CO'lC:Uctecl Kith ,,egative results. v:aapons Company r~lievecl Con\pany "C" of t-~,e ::.~~.tt-:.ljiott Guard an•l CP Security. Operation ii:tJunkern vrcs eer;nl·ud this date.

, ; ... , _I/ ( cc-,;::;~-,lied lrith the Battalion Trc:~ininr: Sc}wdule.

C0•Ylrcted 1.-d.-:-.'1 negative resu.lts. One (1) re~.r area patrol

5 of.:':i cert~, 97 PSEC enlisted, and 16 corpsmen 1.·Jf.;;re joined from trw 2i!·'J Replace-= q.· 1t. .a.tt,:lion ti•b date. 1/7 complied .:it!, th" Eattalior, Tr&inin£ Sc<1eJula. Cct! (1) 1''·-~:~:· erect l·,etrol ·v--:o.s con1uet.ed vrlth neg-?.tive results~

, ,,.., _, con ,.Hed ''i_th th<e Batts Hen Training Sch<:C:ule, On<· ( 1) rear area }'atrol cordt!::.~~-ec~ v.·:Ltb negative results. Comrany 11 AH relieve.i ~1;eB.pcns Cc:r.pa.n_y· of 'Jot.td;_on Guard and CP SecurJ.ty,

: /'( co;·upJ.:i.c;d \-·:-ith the 3attalion Tr••.in::~_ng Schedule. Ona (1) re-3.r area patrol ''~-"' co·_~c1ncteC ,.rith n€Lative results.

, /? cuv:-l iecj_ wit:.h the iatta.lio~ ·?rs.ininc: Schedule. 0~1a (1) r~c,r a-rba J&,-':,rol ';!tiS cmd·.l_.-;(,e--1. ,.-ith 'lE!gat.:i.vs r~sults.


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• • ]_[! Deccm~:cr 1952

1/'7 com)Olied vc:i th thE; Battalion Training Schedule. One ( 1) rear area patrol 1-mt; conducted with negative results. Company "!311 relieved Comp~_-ny 11A11 of the ~3attalion Cuard and CP Security.

11 D•ccenber 1952

1/7 corr,p~_icd ;::i.th the Battolion Traj_ning Schedule. One (1) rear area patrol ''"" conrJ.ucted with negative results. Company 11 3 11 and elements of II&:S Company <:.·1c;_ ~-e.qjons CompFl.n~v fu.rnished the Battalion Gua.rd and CP Security.

1~ DE- e-err.bar 19 52

J./7 co:n:-,liecl with the Battalion Training Schedule. One (1) rear area patrol '"'-G cordt:cted w-ith negative results. Company 11 B11 furnished the Battalion Cu&rd <?.c•d CP Security.

1/7 cc:,:pl i.ed ui th the 7th Narines Fragmentary Order' 0815COI ;;hich ordered the bn.tblion to occury Line KAi•ISAS ~--s a tactical exerciRe. At 130745!, C:ol'lpany 11 3 11

(:._•einf) ,;,,parted CP for Line KAl'WAS positions vicinity CS 089991 to vicinity CS0'17997, n-rived on position 1301l40I, departed Line KMJSAS Lt 1313391. At l30750I C;:,-,npc.nJ 11 A11 (reinf) departed CP for Line KANSAS positions vicinity G2C77997 to vicinity CS065995, departed Line KANSAS 13155I, closed ::.n CP vic­inity CS078995 at l3l530I. At 130750I the SLT-Jli mort.gr pl;:;.toon departed to eek.blish a 2-tvloe position vicinity CS071993 and a 4-tube position vicinity ·::::307:'1995, arrived on. position 130820!, departed at l31600I, c.losed on ~·Ie8,pons Gc-;c,!lCny c:' vicj nity CS07S995 at 1316401. At 1307551 Company "C" (reinf) de­pated CF fer Line KAiiSAS positions vicinity CS065995 to vicinity CS061996, crrivec1_ on poe:i.tions 1.31610!, closed in CP vicinity CS078995 ~-t 1.316501. One (l) rear <-rea patrol was conducted uith negative results. Ht<S Company i'urnish­''d the 3'-tt.•lion Grcard and CP Security.

Or~t· (1) ree.r areP pa.t.rol was conducted with negative results. Ccnrp&ny· 11 C11 re­liev<>d ; &S Compar.y of the Battalion Guard and CP Security.

15 De~nber 1952

l/7 corli;]ieJ 1.1l.ti·1 the BattalioE Training Schedule. One (l) rear a:r·ea ~patrol ,.,,.,, co'lducted t;-l th negative r!cllts.

16 December 1952

l/7 c-x.-plj eel t-~Hh the Battalion Training Schedule. One (l) rear area patrol "'as con.-'cuctuc: t-1~.th nega.ti V8 results. We~pons Company relieve( Company 11 C" of the '3d-taLon Guard aud CP Secur:'.ty,




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• • J/7 eo;r,;oli8d ··~1.th th< H3.ttdion ';:rainin,s Sch£dule, One (1) r8ar <•.rea patrol ,,rc:f' t c_,~1(i1'_eted 1·rith ne£;ative reEults. tt.-w ~e:tt~ . .Jj_,)n Guard a;·d C? Security.

]_?: :=·B ::( >n~<l· 1952

'/7 cc-;Tc~c-'Hl vith the ::jatt&hon Tc'ainine SJhedule. Ore•• (l) rear arsv patrol 1·.c·s co:d.uctcd wi·::.~1 negat:ivo results. Compe.ny u-sn relicVf)(J. Comp£J.ny 11 Lif of the '_)-:t-Lc-lj_on (;U(trd ancJ CF E38cur:ity.

J-/7 co:' ·.J i -•-d vdth the ~•att3.c.im !'raining Schedu)_e, One (l) rear area patrol 1-r.:;.e. e·:J!lduct(jr:l '\.:i.th ne_::.:i_tivc results. Compa:'ly "Cn relieved Com.t:any 11 311 of the 2.·-tt.c::l ~ ()(1 c:.u_8rd £·"nd ~p S-~curity. Con"Lpa"L./ u:.11 (reinf) providtd !'a1ief f<.,r DO? .,_· .J. ,_;-:.:, v:i_;::_nity CT040050, anr_i COP DAG!'.~H, vici~1it;;r C':':0.34050. Company n.:'n ( 1vittf) 1•nvided r' lief for COP EST!CCT', vicinit~' .CT029C4~ e.nd COP GEGEH, y:· c:i.~ 1it,~r ·::~c~lOl: 2. Coirtl>e.r:.~r 11 C11 ( r.;-.;inf) provlded relief for COP f:,\.J: 1:ER, v-; cL:it~- CT0lh037, <-r.d COP H'<;DY vic:in:i.ty G:::'Cl~037. Com!Jido ontpostf, r<>•'teined n~c1er o~·-t;Y'c.Li·~'nal co~LtrC'l of the 5th J.brines.

l. 1 ~' c::.r,:; l-r,tl-:.>·::- o~•GrE t.ionc:_l control Comm.a.ndint; Officer, 5th E.:tril!es a.t 2018001. l/" .J'Ut.~- Ferf loca.t(~d c~.t> fC']l_Q\•JS durint; thlL p~r~(d: 1':eC'·.t'onc; CoTtY)f .. ny CF o.nd T:::~ Co;·-r·-:!·~~ vrit)·.jn 3/5 G?, vicinity GTO/;/)C2P; ~JJ11.~ TJ'..ort.u.rs, five (5) t'J'.:)9e Yi ~~: c:5t~{ Gl-~36.03--~)' five_. t_,lrwc: vic.L.1~~-ty CT0.?3035~ ?/11 e.rtillerJ' ~.ie.is·:)r. ann FC tE ,,,. o; ····c ;·e :·.t tb.ched dt:ring this reri ')c)_, ~-t 20llCOI, ~lcc.i'Cns Com,xwy d<c­~)c.·J~t•Jd -,].:_:~ : .... rt.:C• .::...tnd. ~Y"JCSEdecl Vi(: r:ntor r-·.cr.Jb., a.r·"':i.vinp; :-Jt-:1.,; C:-' viciPits of C:Tr~''lF:;-J::::::-: ~011301; SJ.J 1il E!_crtro.rt: --.o~~_ th five { 5) tubes vicini t~r C-::'0]603() c l1d five (~:) t"cl_ 1 1(::~ v.ie_iJ,jty 8TO::::Jc35 assunled responsibility .~or their sector 20li+05I. r~·hr~ CC--1!1:'' Y/_: .~l'OU) ~J.E~j:i.:lrtw.l cJ d CP 2Cl[:.2C1I, a.rrivine D€'\'T v~_cinit~ -~TC{602S ?.C~ \::5:. f~t 201~).~ . .:::, ~o•n~-~-~~ty t!Bfl (l'eiuf) d.c~1.rtsd c)ld urt.:::. vi":l. r:w':..or r•t.src~ ,_.,-.,-_! __ .. ____ ., ---"1-~-"" _p ''----·~--II !11 0/~ ""i'"\"lr"'l'jf"\T 1..1- ..-,,.,,_._,,..-.. tl----·--- !I'll f~.:..-£0\ ., •_;·_;)'.,j~-J:JC' :.J. J'l,::_LI,t--J.L U.l '.JUJ1[}'(1fl.J' '','"!'' ,;Jj.) ~1..'-'-/"..)l../..!... ,f'.Lo F'vV..L!"_>,:,\._ '..JL'Jil!-1-:"l!l~,- ··~.-- \·-·o.<.·~ J

·, r-~1'~·~ 1 u~.:.: ~.r·t! ·vi.:t (~:..0r ~-!'!.a:_..,c~l .::..~·::1. ::c-~_'!'-E-rc.~f~ :rr.-J.ief uf Corq:ar.:,-- '1:-' 11 ~.::,/:;, rt "'~.:; n ... t"T :.-:., ?C.=?~~..,... (~r--,~;-;n~~ r!..-.11 f-rc-i"l-r: ;~•-•--:_~--~ . .::r~ o1rl ~ rc:.· -,_,:~ ·1_ r ~-·- '">"'"" p;::r~h

:_·~.J ;~-- ~~e:·i_ced rr]::_er ~f ·c~~~~~~,an;, u:[~! --::/5' 202~~15r:·· --- ---------

;./~' -.1ni t ;, l·~cre lor:-.:_jted a~ -·_·olloFs C.urinJ this period: Corrt!:.ar_y ii A'1 ( r~;:~nf) at :_;'j_ :·.'(<-:<:; to tj~~0310L:1; Ccm:)~:!Y u~n (reinf) CTOJlOl~l tc CT0.~1039; Gomp.s.r..~ .. 11 8 11

(rt·_i.:.r:~ ·:::.'C12l0.3? .r.:,o C'TOl60.33. Adjacent c.nd attached units r .. s folJ.o·h~s~ 2/1 .:_.:, 1'it·~-~t~ l/5 ou left. The relief of Co•npa.nJ-- 11E11 3/5 lJ.J~ Comrjax:.~·- tt3n ''Hf-~ r·~ y,-l._,+_- ~ ~,:nt;l ')I'_ 7hP. -,·~lief nf CcmL.rtnv nrn i/S bv Conrcn.n-.r 11 Arl Mas cor,'-~·J~·~·t;~~._.2]_.~.i06i~---- T11e -~~Ji~f~~f C~mPf~nY- n-i 1! J/s-bY C;ClP.o..nY· n(;n ~~as COHl-

ylct(-,_1_ 2J0200I. Three C~) nj_e;ht recunnaiEEoance patrols "i,rere -:mncJ:...tcted.


. ...,.... ', t ' ''.

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21 December 1952 Cont1d

c!uring this period, At 211955! COP BUNKER, vicinity CT016042J was engaged by an estimated ten (10) enemV, Frl.endlies emplo~'8d Rrenadee and the enemy with­dr·c·'·'• Ut•known res~lt~. ·1/7 assulned ~sector responsibility 2102001. One" (l) en en~ ~ighting: Sev S!1 ( 7) enemy carrying heavy equi);lllent at cto~.2042. . Th~ follm'lit![ number of rounds fell in the battalion sector.: thirty-eight \33) rou!!ds 60nun, Seven (7) rounds 76mm, eighty-seven (87} rounds S2nrn, and fJ.ve (5) ro;;tnds l20r.un, 1 '7 r"vert&d to p;lr&nt control at 211030I.

22 December 1952

Three (J) night reccmnaissanc&. patrols departed the·'Previous night, returned uith n~g;_tive results. All listening posts .reported negative. enerrll' activity, :Jetl'leen 22.tXl301 and 2207001 COP HEDY 1 vicinity CTIJ14037, 'filS engaged by an "stin"<ted 20 ensmy in groups of 2 .or 3 men, Enemy employed S/A and grenades, friendlies employed S/A. Resultef 3 enemy KIA, 4 estimated KIA, 2 friendly ._. J.J~. !wo (2) night r-uconiui..l.SSi...rce patrols v-;ere conducted n'ith negative _raaults. T-11o (2) rear area patrols were conducted with negative re:s~lts. Eight (S) enemy nig.l:lt5.ng' this d1.te including l!lnemy perabr>_nel at CT023049, CT022046, (JJ'Ol?046, CT0l~038, CT005040, CT003057, BT995055, ·.C'.rll7047, Enemy pNJpaganda le,~flets .• ••ere dropped at CT025045 .and CT034042, · ,

: '· 23 Docenber 1952

At ::30305:!:, One (1) night reconnaiss&nc!l patrol diJparted the MlR to CT01040370, :·"eCt~d .. vC:d enemy A/'rl fire froin v-i;:;i.riity CT0140.38.' ·.Frt$ndlies r.,turned tc the HLP.. 23060tL Two (2) rear .area patrols-were conducted with negative resultl'-, One (l) nieht reconnaissance pat':r:o+ 'was dispatched and returned the following periO<i, negative contact, At 2320001, ·one (1) squad (rein!). Company "C" departed the Nffi on a con.h~.t patrol to vicinity C'l'QOS03S. At 232115!, vicinity CT01220370, friendlies were engaged by an estimated ten (10) enemy employing S/A, A/W, and .· 60mrr,, Friondlies returned S/A, A/W, and Sl,mn, At 2322101 friendlies broke con-· tact and returned to the l.rr.R at 2322381, Results: 4 estirn~>ted enemy 'fiiA, 2 frle:"ldly '·iiA. Compaey "C" reported enellJiY propaganda leaflets in their area, r•1L.- 41 -"1"1-.p~-- _ .......... ,_ ......... --.r> --.u .... ..,._ ~-,, -1 ..... ~1.. .... 't.. ...... .~- .. ,~,.. ......................... _ ... 4"-l .. r ... (r::\ _ .... h· .... A: ... J.C~ .LU...LJ.U~'\I...l..U.!;!. 11WIIUc;.L- U.L .L"VU.U\.1.0 .I,V.I..L .LU VUII;ll I.IO.VVO...L.,LVU OQO ..... VV.& • .&.41/o;:J \.// ;&.VI.U.l\40

6CJ;J'fll1 t11o (2) rounds 82mm, and one ·(1) ~.511 round, rocket,

21, Dccen;ber 1952

One (1) nieht ambush patrol returned. with negative l;'ssults, All listening "'o"~" returned rep~:Uns neg~tive ~~sults •. ~o (~~ ni~~ reconna~s_s~.1ce p~tro]:s . ·3re <:-?ndu.cted, A.L.L reported negat.~ve cont.act., June V7J enemy s~gnt.~ngs ~n­cludine; enemy personnel vicinity CT01204J;., CT109044, CT992062, BT992059, ....,mf"\,r"-'\1 I --. -----¥~"'I~"~ -..-..-..;1 .. ..,. ...... ..&......: ................. ~..&.+-~ .... ,.. -"-...... ,..., -~ ...... ..P-...,....,4- ,..~· A'D Jl.'l .,..,...A ""'v•~•" 'J J. V.J.. 7 J~~ J OJ.~ 'l;i.UICIII\f .LVU.V. O,Y'"~'CW'I.~..i. -~~ GU.Oiu..a. V V..J...U5 .,L.l. VW. . ..LU. .I. .a. v.u._v .. V.L V.I. 11".,1 J U.U'-4. -

(J) j.>ropagande. sign picked up vidnity CT029048. The following number .of rounds -r~ll in i'he battalion l'lectori -three ('3) rounds 60mm. sixteen(l6) rounds 82mm, four (4) ~~nds -761llll1, - - . - ~~. - ~- ·- • - • •

25 Decer<1ber 1952

All listening postf; returned report.lng nega"tlve enemy activity, T•1o (2) rear area patrols were conducted with negative results, At 251930I, one (1) squad .



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• • ~iUR:rTY Plf'ORE.ATIOH

25 Dec<~Itber 1952 Cont' d

(reinf) Company 11 C11 departed the KLR on a combat pt.trol to vicinity CT007035. At 252115I friendlies were engaged by an estimated 3 to 5 enemy vicinity CTOl303(,; the enemy employed A/If and-.60mm mortar, friendlies employed S/A, A/:7, gromd~s and 81rmc. mortars, Friendlies broke contact 252256!, patrol returnee:. to the ELR with no friendly casualties. There was one (1) estimated ene:ny 'iliA. At 251935!, two (2) fire teams (reinf) Company "D" departed the J.v:LR on a nig:1t ambush patrol to v-icinitY CT027051. At 252040I, patrol located an eroe:::y sniper position vicinity CT027049. Friendlies employed S/A a.nd A/W fire on two (2) enemy hidden in ~ ce_ve, enemy employed A/W fire from vicinity CT020050; frl.endlies silenced A/'.'l \dth mortars. At 2.52137I, patrol returned to the llLR, 2 c:stirnated enemy KIA, no friendly casualties, At 252305! two (2) fire teams, Cont,oany 11 h11 departed the ~lLR on a night al)lbush patrol to vicinity CT033054. The patrol m<cd"' cc'1ta.ct during tht; follO\\"ing period, At 252330I one (1) friendly from cor >TEDY moved out at the ridge and observed eight (8) enemy vicinity CT013037. Friendly employed curbine a.nd WP grenades, Results: 3 counted KIA, 2 counted WIA. One (1) r~ght roconr~issance patrol was dispatched and returned the foll~n~ng period, no contact. Nine (9) enemy sightings this da.te, including enemy ;Jersonncl at 01'021,048, CT019644, CT043065, CT016054, CT025051, CT025052, and GT010944. Enemy 1~ere in white or brown clothing, The following number of roL:nds fell j n the battalion sector: Sixty-four (64) rounds 60mm, seventeen (17) rounds 76nun, 18 rounds 82mm, three (3) rounds 120nun, and seventy (70) rounds Ttl.:iXf~d •

26 December 1952

Gom;'<'!1J' 11 A11 ambush patrol dispatched during the previous period, established conto.ct vicinity CT033054 at 260200!. Enemy employed A/i:i. Friendlies c!!.lled in rr.c.Pt.ars, acive.nced ani found no trace of enemy. The patrol returned to the :1-iLR 2(>C:255I. T;;o (2) nig.ht reconnaissance patrols returne~, neg11.tive contact, Two (2) re~.r eTeJ. 1 l'.tro~c and a sniper patrol departed and returned, negative results, At ?.619051, oac (1) squad (reinf) Company 11A11 departed the ~iLR on a combat pa.trol tu vicinlty CT033053. At 262l45I, friendlies established contact with an estimated 30 enemy vicinity CT032053. Enemy employed S/A, A/'tl and mortars, Friendlies em-

~!~f=~t :/ !. On~/1 i) 3 ~~:a~o~~;~r~~'l~~;~~g a~~e g~~~~g ;!ri~~2i~I ~e;~;~n;!;e :~toke returnin_g to COP DAG!-1.AR, negative repoirt'S, Results: estimated hrenty-five (25) ene w I<:IA; friendly casualties were ten (io) f.;"'A, one (1) MIA. One- (1) night. ambush patrol was conducted with negative results·, Nine (9) enemy sightings, in­cluding enemy personnel vicinity CT018043, BT991069, CT014125, CT019044, BT996065, CT0240~8, CT017044, !lnd BT988o69. A radio aerial was spotted vicinity CT0180h3. The follow-ing number of rounds fell in the battalion sector: One hur;dred eighty-seven (187) rounds 60mm, ninety (90) rounds S2mm, and ten (10) rounds l20rrr.:~.

27 December 1952

Ueutenant Colonel James C, SHORT .was relieved by Lieutenant Colonel H, G, LA''!HEKCE, JR. e.s Battalion Commander, Two (2) night ambush patrols were conducted with negatlve results. All listening posts r''turned reporting nezdive resu.L't'.s, T~ro (2) rear area patrols were conductad with negative recults, At 272230! one (1) s~uad (reinf) Company 11 C" de-



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27 Decemuer 195~ Cont 1 d

parted thf' dJl. on a combat patrol to vicinity CT016041, at 280120! the enelcy'

established contact vicinity CT013037; the enelcy' employed S/A, A/v!, mortars

<·"~ ereuacles. Friendlies employed S/A, .~fir, 3.511 rockets, mortars and grenades.

FrienrC.ics broke contact during the following period and returned to the EI.R,

F..esultc;: estimate(~ 2 enemy KIA, and seven (7) ~--ITA •. Four (h) anemy sig.l-ttings

i;:cludbe enemy personnel vicinity CT043o65, CT016045, CT029050, Enelcy' \;ere

repurLed to firing S/A at friendly aircraft from CT019043 and CT0190U. The

follo1·1inz ''umber of rounds fell in the battalion sector: sixty-eight (68)

rounds 60m:rn, eight.een (18) rounds 82mm.

28 December 1952

T:1ree (3) night ambush patrols were conducted with negative contact, All list­

ening rosts returned reporting negative results. One {1) rear area patrol l'tas

conducted ;lith negative results, At 282040! one (l) squad (reinf) Company "B"

departed the I·,lliFt on a combe.t patrol;; The enemy established contact vicinity

CT018043 with A/:! and mort8.rs, and at 2821451 broke contact and returned to

the : .J.R, Results: One (l) enemy viiA, One (l) ambush patrol was conducted

with net;ative results, Eight (8) enelcy' sightings including enelcy' personnel

vidPity GT03205l on 11 Cht.nt,'<ian Road" vicinity CT0301,3, CT031042, CT03105l.

An enel!ty loudspeaker broadcast from a position to the direct front of COP

f!\:'>Y, One (l) Chinese POii was picked up behind the HLR vicinity CT026035.

The follo:-.ring number of rounds fell in tha batt€.lion sector: One hundred

sb:tecn ( 116) rounds 60nrrn, Sixty-seven ( 67) rounds 76nnn, one hundred and

four {lOh) rounds e? . ..rrm.; and sever~ty-one (71) rounds l20r.,m.

29 December 1952

Two (2) uight reconnaissance patrols and one (l) night ambush patrol were

conducted 1'1'ith nege..tj_ve results. All listening posts returned reporting

n~gative enemy r,ctivlty, Two (?.) rear area patrols \'lere conducted with

nc.:sBtive results. 011.e (l) nigr~t ambush patrol 1ras conduct~d B.nd. ret.urned

1d th mgattve contact, One (l) combat patrol was conducted with negative

results. At 292110!, hro (2) fire teams (reinf), Company 11B11 departed to·

vicinity CT0270h9 on night ambush, At 292330!, the enemy established contact

vici.nity CT02705l. The enelcy' employed Afo!; and 60nun mortars; friendlier e'll­

ployed S/A, A/t:r, friendlies broke contact 292340!. Results: l estimated

cneP'.y ·,-~A, 2 friendly \riA. Two (2) enelcy' sightings including enemy personnel

vicinity CT01904h and CT025049. The H&S rear i.rea patrol found propaganda

leafletr. and papers inscribed with Chinese charactsrs vicinity CT0.34021,, The

follo~.rin,s rmmber of rounds fell in the battalion sector: thirty-one (31) rounds

6wm, 8nd fifteen (1;,) roW1ds 82mm,

.30 December 1952

Seven (7) ambush patrols were conducted with negative resu~"s. T~o (2) rear

area patl'ols were conducted with negative results, All listening posts re­

turned reportine; negative enemy a.ctivity. Enerr~ rocket. position sighted in

vicinity CT023046, A nu•.rly laid m.i.ne was discovered in the vicinity of

CT019051. Five (5) enemy observed in vicinity CT019044. The following

nwnber of rounds fell in the battalion sector: Eighty-t~ro (82) rounds of

60rrrrn, ninety-four (94) rounds of 82mm, nineteen (19) rounds of 76mm,



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.31 December 1952

Six (6) ambush patrols were conducted with negative results. At .3121210I, one (1) fire team (reinf) Company "B" departed MLR on _ambush patrol to vic­i,lity CT03l049, at 3122hOI enemy E:stablished contact at vicinity CT0.30049. Lncmy employed A/11, friendlies called in 60ulm mortars; A/<tT silenced. At 312310!, patrol returned to l'1LR, no friendly or enemy casualties, Enem.y loudspeaker~ were reported in the vicinity of CT0.35055; Christmas carols Yiere being played. Ths follo"''ing nu.'nber of rounds fell in the battalion sector: tt·:enty-tv/0 (22) rounds of 60mm, nine (9) rounds of ~d twenty-

nine ( 29) rounds of ?6. d ~ ~""&.e:-t.~(~._, .lA \

APP;.;;miX I Directives Received.

A?PE-:DIX II Directives Issued.

APF:c2·:DIX III Overlays.

AP?E.'DIX IV Reports and SUll111laries.

/V/·~ L H, G. LA~CE, e;_

APPEliDIX V Photogre.phic Supplemsnt,

APPE!:DIX VI Comments and RecOlillll8ndation,




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The follow5.ng directives were received during the period: --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - -Regimental General Order 3Q-52 Annex EASY to Regimental Operation Plan 22 Regimental Administrative Order 7-52 Regimental Administrative Order 8-52

The follow-ing re~mante.l messages l'tere received during the period: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OS Dec 1952 Hessage 1500! 20 Dec 1952 Message 1450! 09 Dec 1952 " 1650! 21 Dec 1952 " 1025! 12 Dec 1952 II 0900! 30 Dec 1952 tl 1625I 13 Dec 1952 " 0930! 30 Dec 1952 " 1626! 15 Dec 1952 ;; l530I







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The follol<d.ng directives were issuedduril;lg the period:

-----------________ ,..

Battalion Operation Plan 28-52 Batt?J ion Oper~.tion Plan _30-52 · Battalio~ Operation Order 31 Battalion Operation Order 29 .. Bathlion Training Memorandum ·6-52: Battalion SOP for Motor or Foot Marches - 01,3.4001

Th~ follow-ing messages wer-e issued· during the, psriO:d: ---- -- """:-~--- ... ---09 Dec 1952 MessF.ge 0922001

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'let BattaliJI\~einfl.( _ ' 7th Marines ( Re:l.-nt'l(.i,. d•ii)Ud 1)1 fi{(.l/ let ~!ar Div (Rein!) Vor"..(.vtVI/Jr ~ In the Field ~·- ________- ' 271930! November 1952 --


••UJvJBER, ,_, 28-52)

MAP: KO&:A: 1:25 1000

1, ~ Current ~IR 1 e.

(l.)t ·lat liat' D.iv oont def LJ.ne J..t"WiE&TOWl~ in oector pl~ep for limited off opne on Div 0,

( 2) lll·.R-161 prep apt res regt,

(3) 7th !•Jar (Reinf) Div Res:

( 4)

-(a.) irep CAtk in Div or COL'k'S sector on Div o.

(b) Prep occupy and def Line KN&A$ or Line wYOMING en Div 0,

( c) Orgn dev and irnprov e L.tne KAi~3A&,

(d) Conducts training to impl~ove combat effectiveness .•

(e) ,t-irov tao security l'~'lAb.8. Team r;l; S?OOi~BILL and X-~_AY Bridges,

Right Bn Prov sec uri t:r X-i'\hY Bridge, Prep oncupy 1 orgn and def aegnd sector Line ~NGA5,

( 5) Left Bn Prov securlt:r b.i?OONBILL Bridge. Prep occupy, orgn and def asgnd sector Line KAi\Sh:O .•

(6) 4,2 11 Jv,or-t Co Prep apt det' Line KANGhS with one (1) Plat D;;, ea )11T .R Bn,

(7) A~ 0?- Prep spt def Line KAN,;,A~ with one (1) Sec 75 RG rlat lX:, ea JviLR Bn, Tk Plat G3,

(B) H&a Co prov d6t as Regt 11 Res.

Aaoumptione: That there ~ill be no important change in Regt '1 .t'1ane .•

2. ~ This Bn:

I ' I n~-- occupy asgnd ascy ........ ,.._,., as ~,.,..,.+I 1 De~ \ "-I r .L"t:i!J a. ... OD. J.~QE> .... ~ ... ~ ..... 1.1 •

(2) J?rov c;:;curity for ivjA.;;R Team ;rl.

( 3) Prep occupy &nd d~;,f e~ctor Line iVYQ!•,H.G ae asgnd,

&ECREI -1-



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' ~· •

~; r. I f,

~ i I j

DECLASSIFIED ~ -v·- .;:· ~~:~.\~~1l~_~-"'~1L ;-~f::_, -~ ··. . -~-··.,~·-ti-Jr,:- .,,, • . .. '··'M- ~ .. ·.. . ;_ .· .. , '"'· '.;··: .. . ~ 1' .

' ....... ~ECUrliTY U.F'Ortl-Jd'IOi\ - - - - - - - ~ ~·- - - - - - ... - - - - - - fi ;.-.-


b. ......





(CONT'D) - -

(4) Prep off or def combat I Corps sector.

(6) Conduct trng to improve combat effectiveness.

(6) Prep occup~ right bn sector Line KANSA& on Regt 11 o . hnx AOLS: Opn Ov~rlay,

A Co ( Reinf):

( 1)

( 2)

B Co

( 1)


C Oo



Wpns I 1 I \ ., ( 2)




( 4)


( 6)

I " \ I r I

(A\ '-'

Prep move by motor or.£oot march. to Regt 11 Res ausy area.

(Rein f):

.Prep move by motor or foot march to Regt'l Res aesy area,

Conduct trng as directed.


Prep moVG by motor or foot march to Regt: ~' Res assy area,

Conduct trng a£J directed.

Oo ' ' ~-) :

Prep move by motor or foot n~rch to Regt 1l Res aDsy area.

Conduct trng as directed,

Anx i3hli.EB: \iithdrawal J?lun,

Anx C.~RLIE: Chtk. Plan #1,

hnx DOG: CAtk Plan #2,

Enf neutrality restrictions Div GO 30,

Apprehend and rpt all civs fwd Line 0TAYBACK.

Blackout fwd LIGhT Line,

Contact right to left.

This plan effective fn~ pla.nning and training on re­ceipt for execution on Bn 0,



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&EGRET • --.

SECURITY hE 0RJv..ATI0i~ .... -· ----- - - - ~ -~- - - - - ___ ....,. __ _ OPERATIO •. PLJ.l\ iW!IJBER 28~52 (CONT'D)

4. 7th ~~r Admin Plan 7~o2,

5, ~ SOI-5 change 18.

Bn Cp: Prea loc CS 078995, rept loc as dir,

Future 1oc to be announced,


ANX: ABLE,,,Opn Overlay BAKiR,,, Withdra~al Plan CHARLIE,,,CAtk Plan.#l.

'DOG,,,CAtk Plan #2,

DI&TR; 11 b.P .ci:CIAL 11


ROY H, THOMPSON Major, U, b, ~~rine Corps

Executive Officer



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S.ri:CR~'f OT':"t"''T?tlTm'l.r I!J.C..'uUI\J.J.~

03/.'304 ()08

• ..


t L '· .,. ~· let Battali"n (Re~nft

.r;~ ~~~ir:~ ~~:i~~~ Tk· t:~"' 'IH~ f~o:30r'iicVlmber 1952

ANX iAKER (Retirement F+ans) TO OFN PLAN 28-52


I Retirement ~~n 4BLE; App I,


A. l'hase I. 1, Liviaicn reserve regiment occupies poeJ.oJ.ons en Line

KAi~:J.C..& in rlght regimental sec tor 1 strongly outpost1ng to Il-!JH' river~ine, 'l.nc!. cevers withdra.v.u.a.l of right an't1 center MT .... R regiments cluring Phase II.

2, Left MLR regiment occupi~s positions on Line KANSA~i north of the IMJI~ riYer with ohe k~ttalion,

.'3, Center lli.~R regiment and1left MLR re~ (Minus one (1) bn) withG.raw simultaneously to Line WYO!HNG,

4, Right J.-;r,lt regiment remc.ins in position on the MLR which i~ Line WYn~ilNG in its sector,

il, Phase II. 1, Center and right MLR regiments withdraw tc r1.ePignateC'.

ass <.mbly areas. 2, Left regiu.ent covers withCI.ral>'al o:f' the ce~;~ter MLR Refl't

:f'rcm poeiticne on Lines \VYOMING anc9. KANSA', .'3, ~fter w1thc1rawal. of right and center MLR Regts, the left

iviLH Regt \lithd.r61.W4' to and occupies Line KAN'lAS in E-.R~igneCl e>ector, II Retirement Pl01.n 3~KER, App 2,

0 Mrj t:t 'X-i. 1, let l-Iar D1v with:lr!HIB fnc Line Jfl._~CSTO'IJ:,1 {MLR)

KJJ~Sb') in one move llith one phase line for coordination, ~~ Division reserve rErgim.€fnt occupies and d.afencls Line K~~1.N:JA~

in r•ight regimental soctcr outpcating strongly to rive;rline ano coverFI w1 thJ.rar1al 0f r:l,g/:l.t uncl center MLR regiments.

3, ~he left l!J"R regiment oc cupies 1 orgne an• ref Line KA.l'-J'"A'l North of ILJIN river with ontl ~sttulion,

4, The three MLH regiments wi thd.r ... w oimultaneougly, the left and ct.nt!lr MLR Rcgts h:;.lting on phaee l1ne Ln eector 1 while the right MLH Hegt, covered by one ~n on phase line in a<>ei~ne:'! Rector, with­d»uws tc asE6lJlbly area.

6, Oenter MLR regiment withc!!r~we from phase line tc ai!Bemltly I.U'ea,



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• .... --·· --. ---~-;c

;.;;!:/~HET • uSCUHI'T':l INFOBH;>TIOl\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------.h.NX .:.'h.t\.l'!.l.n. ttev ~;remcnt • lana ·.1:u O. N .t L5·J~ 2S-62 ( CONT 1 D) Q ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6. Left !1IT.,R regiment remainr, in polliticn on phase liP'! l~ l.tl'l !lt;;Ctor south of the IiviJIN Riv~;r an··· .. cl'l :t.ini KANSAS north cf t!1v n.rJIN Rivt;r to cover the ui th,~uawal of the. cantor regiment.

7. Left 1-lLR Rea:t ;r1 th 1 rawa tc Line K.C.N3AS. ( les r nonth KANSAS ~'n) 1 \lhen Center ,.n:: Aie,ht 1-lLR Regts hav.e 1~ith<~ra1i0 acrcRP U!JIN ri'!jrE

III. R~·t:l.rEtub.nt .a/lan CU~'U'iLIE, App 3,

l. Retirem(;nt clan ore" ere' 1ntc executic-n ~r.hen Il~JIN River iH in flc•: atuge.

2. let l4ar Div with:'.re.we on I Corps 0 acroeo River utilizins LVT c,n.·for helicopterEJ at •u;lecte • cros,·ing &re~:.o.

IV, RE.tiremont .-lt..n ll(I)G 1 .:.pp 4.


1• 4 let. !~l~r Zliv \;ith.1.raw~ tactically in two phase£4 fr-om Line JAk:::bTOIIiN to o. eLf perimeter behin''· that poJ•t1cn cf Line K/.Nf'JA':' N cf the, IkJ':):1 Riv<;r,

2 •. RISE R<:gt occupi;;;o Lin._, KANS.I.S.

3, uv .;.1la-.l:>lo

Div units N of INJIN River are evac by every-meen~ tc p,aitiond 8cuth cf the river.


1. i\etir<.ment .lan ABLS

ROY H, THOML'~ON :Majer, U, •·• Mc.rinc C-::rp~·

SXecutiv~ Officer 2. hotirtment ... ·lc:...n BlJCER 3. Rt-.~irc:ocnt ... lun CH~':.HLIE 4, hut1reu..,nt ~·lan JOG

DISTR~ 11 J. ECikL 11

I ; -'. r-•



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~ •• ~ "'

• • NUl:B S:i • ••... 30)

1. ~~ Current "it and PIR's.


1st 7t' 1st

•• -Batta11~~ (~&1nf) J.!a:r-1 ntJr ( Reint"l Mnr lJ:cv (Rc.,~nfl

In the Field 2Cl20GI December 19~2

'Q. ( l) Tk un1 ts as reauirer1. to ~e furn by 1st Tt Bn ...

(2) Anx ABLE (Fire Spt Plan),

c. A 0 ~umptions: En prche or pent cf any kn 0utpost.

• 'r·

' '

2, A, This bn usinf force frlm c'mpany rerponsible frr OlltpLBt,c;tk tc relieve or reduce en pent of :ny outpost,

~·- !.nx BAKSR ( Opn Ov el"lny) ,

.; .:;n ( Reinf): va th one KLR plat prep to relieve <.-:' rtluce ·if Outpost COTIINYE or D.~GM~R.

t S Co (I\einf): \\ith one ~:IF. plD.t prep re11€V& er reduce en pe:nf.c)f OutpnRt E"·THER or GhG:':R,

c. S ~" ( Reinf): liith one n.R plat prep relieve or reduce en pent of JutpGst HEDY or BUf:ER,

Det H&S Co prep to occupy and def Pectnl" Line .Ll,.J(B'·-,... r +1r .PA, .... ...,;;.. vn <.,ol:.. J,. '-"' ..1. YI:;;O ,

T'-~r;-Z:.1·n,:~-:~)., ;~~~ rrtjp.~~--~ ru;rn d6~ to occtlpy ani. d.ff c:eC"t<!:r· Line •• J.~·--"·•' 1-.c""'-''l. by ~ •. tk ftircE ".d.J co.

Fr~p rtinf CAtk force with aiditinllQl pl~t.

(~) n~tk fore~ emir t0 control tks ~ni spt fir~s; ~Gnj_terei by En s-:~.

( +) MI.:: \'nits spt !)Atk 'y fire.

( ::.. '. . ·~ /

' -' f._ i_J)

exe~u~ior. 'J!'J r·or




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' ,,

S~C-'ET ~1!'-rtTtn""rmv T~.-~An\--fln"'lTr~-­.,;).:JIJ Ui\.L J. ;. ..1.... · ,r VlU'. ~.I. ..1... V.&.'


t - - - - - - - - - ·-- ·- - - - - - - - - - -

OPERATIO ' PLAI-" .3® ( G01--'i 1 D) -.-

5. a. (1) CAtk force internal comm responsi~le Co t?c net.

(2) CAtk force gu-_rd En Tac fet.

Anx BAKER Bn O.?F 0 29.

Anx: A'"'LS •... Fire Spt Plao BAKER ••• Opn Overlay

DISTR: Ul C!ls Re_gt


D/<\ Tk Co 4.2 l'ert co


ROY H. TEOJiiPSOi: M~jor~ U~ S. )~rine c~rps

Executive ~fficer

. ' •;-.



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j I

' '


•• let Battalicn (~einf) 7th Marines (Eoinf) let 1:ar Div ( l\{>inf) In the Field

./~ /:1 t :.( r

I '6l 'i[D o'J- De~ ember 1952

NUMB~R, ••. i •• 28) fj_I1P(!)!rcfe19: 1:/t~;~"" ()j KM<YA: I; l.~~

, ~~ .h1e bn wi-1 be 0 ppoe~d ~y e ms 3~2 Regt, llRth Jiv, 48th CCF ~rm~, 352ni l\ep·t ini t supt ty 354 Ilegt in res. ~nx .~"::LE' ( Ir.tel hel'­l.y,, Current FIR's. S-2 sit m~p •

.t._ ( l) 7th )! r (Reinf):

( :) Rel cen :v.LR ::legt; accupy dcf - nd cant develoi;ment Line JA' s~To·~ in sector,

(b) Mc.int:.tin coverin.,: fe~rce on hiGh ~!round E cf :.na dcmincting P.;N~ffifJOI~ fr6f tc cover-n.tiremcnt cf 1Jj;' .!;rmistice ... :-·egcci.~tc.,rs,

ccr dire,

(c) 1·. int~in COPs s required tc, prov scty fer l-'!.1'. pens.

(1) Ccnduct r~ide, ptls ~nd &m~ushes in ~ccLrJ .nee with

(2) 2/11 Jf 7th M .. r, 4/11 -.nd let 4,5 Rkt Btry GS.

(3) D Cc let Tk EnD~.

(1) 1st Engr ':n GC:.

(5) 1,2" Kart Cc 7th E.r GS,

( r) 75mm RR Pl~.t c.nd 90mm !.'. Gun "ec G".

(?) Div Rec:n Cc tc furn screening ptls durinl ~eric~ cf rsl,

2. 2-!. ( :) This tn en 2(: nee 52 will r-cl 3/5 en ~sn i .. nd cecuJ.·Y, imrrcve ·>n:l ief .:.sgnd sectcr Line ,T.!,.ki:'T01 N.

(2) Ccmmence rel COPs 18 Dec 52,

1, ~nx "'AK!:R ( Orn Overlay).

3. ·:;.. _; r;.::,. ·' c!. n-t-- ~: .. ~ ! J 'S .

(Rsinf): Frccsed t 11~20 min ~y meter m~rch tL ietrucking Sff rsl G C:c ( · einf) :o/5 en psn, ')ccupy, im''rc"Tc .. nd ief

b. B l"'r. - --' '-

'CintE~K!A. . egn'~ sect ~r

(iieinf): Prcces• _t Il ... Fcur bv meter m··rch . Eff rei I! Cc ( i-.einf) 3/5 on pen. OcCU';JY, Unc J ;MO:"'TO~-~ •



tc ,lc trucking im··.'rLVe "n4 "~ef

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' i I

! • I.

, ' ' ~ •

\ .


. . •• - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OPSRATICi ORDSR 29 ( CN"."L' \_,-J.\ • ' )

c, C Cc (Reinf): Prcces~ _t H~41 min ~y meter m.rch t0 de­trucking ·.Kint Bi.K~H. !:ff rel I Cc (ReJ.nf) 3/5 en ~sn. Occu;y, im­·wcve c.nl' lef . sgnd eectcr Line J'.MS'::T01;'}',

G~ W;.ms Cc ( -): Prc-cb" , ccmttencing 2008001, ty trk tc unloD 'ing ?t s vic 1nst1s t c be. re.l, Eff re1 ~.pna Cc (-) 3/5 - n 'C:Sfume mens in s)t Line J -~~:s·· TO'·,£: )ricr 201200I.

x, (1) Cos ~tch (1) FTm e_ sut:cat ·~t exce;tin~ cut·•o·t ~u?KSR ;r·1cr-·l82100I .. i>nx DOG· (Ccmh.t Cutpcsts).

(2) Cce tff ccm7let~ rel ~11 cut,csts et ;ricr lOS,OOI.

(3) l'ctcr mvt in -Coer· .nee ~1lth Anx Cli'.liLE (l'icv:on~nt T•.J:le),

( 4) Pricrty cf wc-rk.

(~) Fighting hcles.

(b) fL \'bit he le s .

(c) Ir· F cf F,

(') In~ prctsctive wire.

(e) Ccnst reverse Plc~e living bunker.

(f) Ir') fighting lounkere,

(g) In? .n' ccnst ccrr trench,

(h) Co.r.c ccncurrent :1ll wcrk,

(5) G<;rrencc tunneling v•ns .•.ll cut:1oste irrc"i1t6ly u;:cn ssu:--in£ ccntrol,

(G) R~sic lc_• SA ~rrc in•iv wpns tc te c.rr!6" in bElts ut ~11 tir~s. 'r~c will net be stcre• rn trenchli~ ~r in unreinf lKlss in tnach w J 11,

(7) Gee will ;;:,r.:;p.ro .. n• sutrit tc l:n, c,vo•lc:y stcw~.n~ rh~ f1•ee tr·-'~ls,

(8; Ccl:l will furnitJh own gui -es fl-r s:lb '.lllits fr•cr p&rscrwill f· ··­:rb?icusly sent t= m.R in 2cccr·~nce with Dlv Gen 9 G?-b~.

(9) ?rc;: fer lir:ite · cff cpne en Fn 0,

( lO) C~H.,th .. ·t 1.!-J ...... f"•....;~lf!"h iru:Jt:r 111 :Hl~ t:tt'r!'L'!fJ ~jttttt·£-;J.lty l't;;­c;ti·.l_~,tL:nd Crr~5tl Gen G 3(J).

( 11) Bcco::~ f'u:1l1&r with all rout6e to blocking psns, Aux GEORGS (Slockln~ Positions).

'3'SCRET ,.. , !" .. "'


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•• SC:.r-JE~

O.EGUi.:::TY IrFO.-,J.':.:,TIOli - - - - - - - - - - -- -· - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·--· - - - - - - - - - - - -( 12) Mdnt·~in design:, ted COP 1 s in .. sgnd sect-n·.

( 1:5) Conduct rc:id~, I>tls ~nd Jbushes ·. s dl.r

( 1) Trp11 c :.crry one ( 1) d: y C-!\,~tions.

(2) Co~rencing D~3 111 front line trre d~ily. r~tiens ~t bn g·11ey,

p_,_ .I, n o :

c' hot r.e~.l (A-il:.ttions) will be served til> Cor:p·ny r;:,tion pt:rties to pick up h<Jt

0) Trps to c:rry one (l) llcsic hod,

( 2) M .int .. in two (2) ~:.~:.c lc"··h '9n. p.:n; ~11>3~ C" ~:,:;:".1:'. W:f>n~.

(3) Periodic cllot ~~~o not tc be &xc&edei without reruisPion tl.is h&qs.

;, .'<·. =:v ~ cu_ t ion: J.BLS Co ( v ~ c thru bn dd CT @46C'28. B.!.KE:i-1 :.ni

f ,


' '· .. I


·:II'-~;·~L::E Sos t..V .... c t~ .. ru fwd -:..11 CT 019033.

-"''- !Usc:

(1) Stowers:

(~) Loc~tion; CT 028013,

(b; ~xch clothing ,t shower unit.

(c) h~LE Co to showers by trk, 9-4 will f~rn tr_ne.

( 2; ;rrorei1 vests ~ .. n:l htlr-_ets -will be, worn fw:i of hn r;p a:t ,-11 U:;, e.

(~~) Cos will L~intain stocke send r::J.ke a_rpropinte issue of ~.r::JereJ VEst ::tt chn;nts, ccd:·ouflage du~greEs ~nd white· ~;.;over!,ll~'·

( 4) ~;uring cclC' r1e:.ther use very light co:,tln§ of e>il luh­ric"ticn pres~r~ti~~. specinl for wpns. Te~ps below 0 F wpns will t-e kept ~-:·y ~.nC. no '>il use-1, J:Juring· low t€~);' wpns r.ust l:'e k~pt 0ut of te~ted ~~n~brP since suQden terp chonges will couse roieture c•n4 ensa-ti~n •n~ ~reezing. ~

SEC!\EiJ., -3-


.... .. ~ . '

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'• •



I . ,.



".SCtJ.':ITY I:'FO:;t_.~.TIO'··

( .~ ... )>'.~' :0)

(5) Tu [6 lc;ft in pres J.o0: C:!.C,Bl' I, III [•!. :;;·1 ;;"n"G-'l.fc doors, stoves with fueJ. eont~1ners 1 g~llcys, rsse ~;11~. h2;~a, As0k­ing, Rtrong"':.cki:lg, ao•eenlng, L~€t'IS t .. b"Ld "'ncl_l:':cnchea. sh.ctr:lc' wir­ing ·.nc. sock6ts, lune (l) per pyrc:.r t~nt, two \2) p~r :J(i<" t~l,t) fl<:ld fort1ficbtions ~n• tngr tools.

(B) Phyf inv ~lc. prep en k nd tc he su:Tit'; .::". tc "'n ''0 !'·.·2. Al! prep left en p~n tc t:c receipted fer.

( 7) Kcc nnj ts r.cve with l'n 2.dr.in elr·s cc:-r tn<:Jlng 860fl D-D::.y.

( 8) C::wp '.r, t :- r~ in excellEmt 'lt ~ + e r: f pc ll. c e when v•·c tu1.. :.r~:: rsC'3ipts tc h; r;;quircd frcr: '{ll~ving unit.

(9) Engr tccls fer tunneling cpns will bt crtsine~ free l'n C:-4 .~n :l.ni t supply ;,'lcqu: tc: fer the strength cf each cutpcst will he carrie~ cut by the first relief,

.:?-'- ~sgtl .:.c1.r.1in 0 8-52 excepting !l.R ocd1fi&•1 h&r·ein.

5, _<J,~ (l) Wir·e cccr ncrr.~o.l. ~ cc SOP ·'.ig - 1 ~.n<'. ''OI-5 Change 2::'-.

(2) ~~eio sil~ncs will te Laint~ined until lifted ty this hJ.q s .

l\ c;t. (3) Bn r<a.:tic Ccl:'.r .. ncrc,al. Bn will gusr-'l. 5th Mar- 1'\egtl Cr.:'!

(4) Meg c&n opnR nor;:D-1.

( 5) J.nx FOX ( .;J.~.ic 9.n8. ''ire c1rcut •' b.gr·xs) .

;.nx l3.!J:E:-.( Opn Ovc:rlay).

Cco~~n~ ~slaticns:

( l) (a) Cc Crdrs l/7 assur.o- cr~ of asg·n-1 sector wb<on rel of

Cos h_." ~6en ~ffectea.

(r) Unc'er c}n ..:tl 3/5 until l/1 :-:eeur.·<cs .y:cl cf BEcct.t:r.

' . \



··- . _,~ :': ·w

··~ /~:

• ·_"! "

;, ..


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• S"SC.:i'l:T >'SCU .ITY IFFO .w.Tio:·

- - - ..... - .. n -~ - "" -- - ""

- - ...., -( 2) (a) Bn cr.-.r1r &ElC\JJcES 2 ·~ .. : ~-c r ~(r;c _n c<. .. ·.

h~c ~Esn ~ffacte•.


;;10Y H. THOJW:001~ li,c..J Cl'. U. S. MJ.rinE Go r· s

EXf-C 1 J'G~\c. Offjc:2r ··

;,nx: ABLE •• ·,,,, Intel OV6rL,y E.,KEn, •••• Opn Ov,.rlay CH.~.dLIE., .Mcver<-nt T:ctle DOG ••••••. Ccr:l•s.t Outpost El.SY •••••. Minefield Overlay F'OX. , , ••.• r.& ".ic ;;en,_ ~'irE; C :lrcu t ~i<,grcrDB GSCn~E .. ,.BJ.~cking rcsiticns

niS1':.: J.ll Ccs; '3-4; .:iqrt (?. CC'pifAl)


t J.~.lE/f~~ usr-:c


" •

SEC.-.ET' -5-

cf tn


-' --~ \-:-'


..... · . .. ,._,_' ~ . ~' -

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., . ?'SrJ.:i~~T i.~-l- ',:)·._:.t: Lien ~: ~t:i~lf) . ~r:-c:.,r:'Y LiFt;~:UICN '.'1.:.·~. v' ._...., .... _ 1-~--\~f)

~l ~ ........ ,_ \ - -:.. ...... ~ ·. 'f . • I I f' J.i t ... :.: J ·'· \ ,,,, •. n .1

/YI 'irDOL :::~cc ,: ·, .. L~r'2

.!.r.n6X CH.1.cJ,If \Mcvc: c:1t T'lb]&) ·:;: ·J"::, .. ~.: :J.{ C.:.>r"'" S'<

2 3

L J,K~i\ 0( i.3LE 0: G:IAlG,IE J.:

;~0 ~ S.lJ JK,: --~ -------

l3 J_~..;



H~ ... 2t";1 :~:.n H~~~ ;.un

~ c-~- .L..,

,:., ~- ~~- (. . ' -·-!.. ... ,.

2. Frc: ccnvcy FPGJA·~. 9.-'v~.!1c6 trkG ln .;h·:;;o':'tlt;' pa.Jrs ··_;, ?rints. ·corn~ p::t.~.I. f--~lcw·firc-t 9nlr !=lt 1t.:, >t;_rj ~n:-t;:.··-11c_::. :1~!1·~ ~~J'\"P.n·J-~ r:ll"i -~li'""v-.:: tlnoth~- .r ptii~· ~)_ r t·:i1.~ .... r:, .·..i. t;t ~ ... i!-

-·;_;_-;_,rc--::,.(1 Jf1'·2~t-_ ~-!,-,

· -~Lw!.: .. _.j !:~

. . l ~~ ·, .;·uc_:Jn~

·. '\. :...·.: -~-c-.; .. l.,

3. 'I.Tl'J8 Cc 1;c p::-.ccee" by s: all 1ncre:-6t.Gd cr1; .;;:1<J:.ng ?tiil>~llE ;).;;'1 h::'..

t PY ORDFR OF' LI::c;::-;:;.:;...;; r .;~1LO:·s:, <:!{,~ .. ;~'

l. I


r . ' pl .t ~ . ,, ,, ' '

ROY H. TH 'J~~p~_,.:;N :M~jt:r 1 U. ', J.i!u•ln0 rr:•p-~

Execut:i.v.o O!'f~~n·

DI:T~: All C~s; S-4; Regt (2 Qc.p1es)


" ' '


--· ..

·: •,"'


~ . ··'· . ":·_J,. ·'·'

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'• •

' l ~ •


r ~ • " ~~ . ~I

' ~ .

DECLASSIFIED , ' . lst Hatt&lion (heinf) ~th Mar1nes (Reinf) lHt M:.~_:;:- :o v ( hcinf) In the }·ie lrJ I 8 180 ll'J:Dccer~bs:r 1052

Annex UOG (Combat Outposts) to CPSRATic;~,:·-n-:;:!1:, 29

1. This 'oattallon 'tlill rn?.n nix (G) Combat 'JU.trol:!tl' as oiif's.::ribo-i:. below·

OUTPOST ~SP_0!,_;3I:B_k'LQQ S':'RE;\G'l.'H ---. ~ ---- ~---------~!AH'R t;_QTJ_I;t

COilii> :•'E ABLE Co CT 040C51!)

J AGJI!.A?. A£3LE Co 0T 035050

~ ... ~H"£a BilKER Co CT 028047

GIFG::n B.IIKErt Co GT 0210•13

BUl\:KS:\ CHA.'\LH C<J CT @].5041

usr:Y CHA.,LIE Co CT 014~36

21 If. en (1 'Oq:'i, 2 LMG-(Jrews) l Rai'.i oman.

l Officer, 2:;.· Men (1 ':'qd, 4 LMG Crews :L Cpame.n, 1 Glmm FO .. l ?.aC'.lom~<n)

1 Off:i.cer, 0" ,A-__ Men (1 3qJ., 2 LJW Crews, l Cpsman, l Radioman)

~1mw FO, l

18 Men(l Sqd, l LMG Crew, l Ra"lioman)

1 Officer, 42 Men (2 Sqds, 7 LlfG Crewe, l Cpsman, l iladioman)

l Officer, 17 Men ( 1 Sqd, 1 LMG C!'elY, 1 Cpsman, 1 :-iaQioman)

8lmm FO, 1

2 iJ1-1:Gs c' '·

'" ~ARe

4 LltGs, ~ .. ~ " BAliG . _,

2 LllGs A4 3 Bt.ns

l LMG, A4 2 BA.=.e

7 LkGs, A4 , BARs

1LKG,A4 ;, B.!.:oB

2. outrcsts will be manned in the strength RS shewn a~ove,

3. '·ll1orev.or poesi hle, in•ii vidual a will spend not mere than 72 conscc~tlvc h:urs ~n :utp:st duty.

4. Outp·et ietachments will check in by teleph·ne ~nee ev6ry hrur, In thL event cf wire failure, radic repcrts will be recuestei ~Y the ccm>:::ny resl-'cnsit·le fer the :ut:)cst ccnc<Srned.- :.taaic r.~l.\i en1ng watc!Jcs will be ma1nt.1ned c•ntin:usly. The tw: (21 rsii:s en !ut­J,>Cst :Cl1Jl'l:E" will he kept widely se-;:>:r,te:ii.,

5, 'PNS ~- Cm•r will furnish PlRD Mcrtar F0 1 s f•r e~ch relief •f cutp:st '._t ch ~;nts re']uiring F0 1 s, 8lrr· ~!crt;::> F0 1 s will have r~•i· · • .r:: '. 'A'ire cc. unie·~U.cns with Blr.r Mcrt9r fJ.at,




.. .•' ·, ...

·~ ,-,'~ .. ·.

'· ,,

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; :

t '. '!




- - - - - - - - ..... .... -' .... - - - - -· -- .. ... -· -·

6, At lbast cn6 r~n ccp1bl.E cf ~~rf•r, lng FC ·~t5.sq Wll.l. ~0 w~th s~ch rblief cf Outp: ~1 BUNii.E.,~.


r\OY H. TfWMf' ~ Oli M9.j;:r, U, S, Marin" ':'·:r:N

Bxc.cutj_vt.. Of'flet:<I'



·~ :,:~: ·.



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,/' • Hcc..~"'.quur"jorc: · lrt Bt.<ttcclL n, 7th Hnri.ne~

lr t h<..rin.; Di vi i: n Fh.t;, c/: FPO ~un Fr~.noiJc;, c~~if:rnin

.tlE"TiUCT ~D :,.~CTJitii'Y L £CRi· .. ~TICi~


• • .~,..1U~.R.:.:r .•••... ............... ~6-52)

4 Do;osrber 1952

Ccr.Jbc.t Rr,c. "iner.• IncpsctLn

:O::nol; ( 1) hinir:;uL re:;uir<>c.ton tG f:; r cL thing <;en' <:>quipren t

1. Cu.b~t rt- .. -lnec~ jncpEJotLn by th~ B~tk:li'n Ccr•r: n""r will be ocn~uctsJ in ucc~r:uncb ~11~h the fcll·~ing ~ch£~Ul0.

CH,~Pli.2 Cc (')900 6 D~;!>e!Jht.r 1952 B.i:.KEH a~ O<JO;') 7 D6cer.J)er 1952 \\ C•:.PCnl:J r:-J. osoo Sl ~6Ct;:~ibE.r 1952 Hii:S Cc (;900 ll D<:.cc-r.be;r 1952 ABL.:; c- 0900 l4 ne.ct-l.bE!r 1952

2. UnifcrL f.r tht inL96Cti;n will be, bcctr, tr~u~erP OD, fiel~

JL.ckctc ~n .,_ cc.pe OD;

3, Cl~thing &n equipL.Lnt lists en the enolcsure will be "ieplrye• en bunke, In"ivi'u~,;.ls will st~.;.n'· <•.t the hen'. rf the bunk,


4. Ci:"tJW St;x~v~;.. l.-l6 ... pcnB '\rlill bE.. incpc,cto:l c.t the (Vncluni'"n r-f the

pbrr;cnnt.l in;;pGotLr., •icc:.p,:nc vJill t~ ~et up in tLe; c~Llp ny c.reD ~tth' . ._,h~ el:•~w:. utL~n ~·.ing l~y~

DI 'l'ii:



' .1 1-..l·ib::r ... t.... h.P F l' c:-:1, ,J R Mt.j c r UGWJ


HOY ~i . T:-I J!JJP :;o~; ~~j·r, u, 2, h_rinc c~rpa

~c;J"..lti,vo t .• rficcr


,. 'i.1)

. :;~ ··'d.


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r .. ' ' :· .. ~.-1 .

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- -··- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - "'""!

-- - - - - -- - - - - -- -· ~ .. - ~ ~ -·- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -4. The. fcllcwing it"'-c cf clothing <:end C;auipLcnt will b~ C'.i"pla.ylC'l,

C :.JiiOUi'L:,GE CLOTHHG 1 Ccvt..r, h~Dt..t 1 ca:cuflag"

COLD wi:i>THZR OLOThLG 1 Lint..r, p<.:trk«, 141951 1 Bag, ~lt-._ping, •. cuntain 1 Bcctl, in£ul~_t.__', rubbLr, pr_

· l Cap, FL1d 1 cctton OD w/vLl<-r 1 Clilp, ~-torr.:, dtin cr pih 1intd 3 Dral-l.:.rs, ~Jccl, pr 2 Glcv'-'s, in.;:.-rt, wccl, 1-.1949 1 GLv._ , sh"ll, lt."'th~r, .·-~··: ... 1 Hc-.d 1 J<-.Ckt,;t fit;;lo., l•JlS~l . 1 Linur, s1t-l..ping ':lc.g 2 kittbns, in~t.rt, triggnr fineer

· 1 ~itten, ~h&l1r tri~gbr fing.r l 0Vt-rJCc<.t 1 p __ rko. t~_p;, w/p:l.l!.. 1 ~~sp~ndLr 1 trcuft-rs~ ktiO, pr, 1 :~~ut~r, high n~ck 2 Tr·:u; __ r·<., fi...lcl, ccttcn OJ). 1 H:c1 1 il~-rk-. typ<.. 1 --~. 3 Un1Grbhirt 1 wccl, La,

3 ;,cck 1 -;..;cl 1 dcuble- r:cl~ 2 Trcu~~rE, utility e Cc~t~, utility l Cap, utility 1 ca.__u, w~t"r r~p~llgnt, ~~. 2 Bag 1 Qlc thing 1 w ~- t t-rprc c f l G'1t.>.: ._ , .. un, w/cct. t. 1 u .. 1 Pi-<J., in• u1at._d, rlt.t>plne 'l Lin._r, -j<..Ckvt fL1d 1 J-ckgt, fit,;lcl 1 hl943

G0N:?.AL :. UPPI,Y l R .. nd ," lin-.r 1 h~oh '- t, !1l,

. ;L B,.ni!., lin.;:r, hblr .. t.. t, Ml, 1 Bt:i1t C"'rtri-.e,t- 1 cal,30

SUI'PLI ~·­h~~.t:l DbCk

1 B~lt, pi!.tcl, Wab 2 Jn'"nkt>:;f,,- c.iiic


. ·;.

1 Can, r:.ea t 1 C<.:nte..:,n 1 Cov~r, can, Le~t l Ccver, cante~n 1 Cup, C;'WteEn . 1 Helre;,t 1 . steel 1 Int~e.nohing t·~l, ocrb 1 KH 1 r·e-1 junr-le l Fc:rk, have.rrack 1 KnLfe, hc..v e:r<l:.ck 1 3p· •n 1 hs_V(:r"cck 1 Line.:r 1 he.li'et 1 Pccket 1 u:.g 1 ·1'bl, web (If c~.rbin cr r-i:;tcl) · 1 Pcnchc 1 Tont, Phelte:r h~.lf 1 ?a.Jkbc ar·' 1 plywc c '. 2 ~-hirt, fl,,nne1 green C"r khaki -1 Trc~ra:ru, vccl, green 1 Muffler, w•c1, grebn ·

0!\:'~; ',iiCI:: ~ .!,OCORDHG. TO T/Q 13:;y~'l~t, .knife l!4 Iky. nc~, H1 . Btlt~ ~~g, M1D37 1 (It DlR) Carbine, C~l.3j Ml Carbine, Cal,30 142 Hclntt:r, v1ct•1, cal,45 }ltlga~ine 1 c;:-rbin& 1 c~l.30 f1~to1 1 cu1,45 1 11911 u~gazint, Cul,30 Pirt~1 1 cal,30, M1911Al RiflE>, cd.30 Jn Soitb(r•, tuycn~t, M7 Scc.\ll>cr 1 , tcy·net 1 _ knife

- ·_'

~·- -:

~---: .- .. · . ·' ·_-~,:~> :_~


. -, .


.. ·~


' -~

, . ... ·, -..

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~,.. ... /;.· . ,~-." /a:i..PJ?~.'._,.·'" ' 14.: . . ' . . ' • . ..c.L .. ! .. • . ' . '~ ' . . ;: . . <:::7

let &l.ttalio(l. (Reinf} · · · " PJ+l-1 JA.f:,"'1 na"e _/ 'Da .. r.-1' \ ~ -v-t'" _,.-~.., -••Y u '\.tn;OJ.a.-.s"'"' 1

:let Unr Div (Reinf) In theField

.· · 0414C'<II Dece~:.ber ·1952


The purpone of this s.:P iB to eatubl1sh procedures nnd inst- . ructions for. the execution of l.':o~o.r or foct mLrchep by this Bett:-lion. · I_t is epecificc.lly <11rected t0\1c.ris r.1urchee -,r o.n energency nr .. ture wherein c.dv~nce 'Wc,rning of one hour or les'l is. received, Cor.1p.:..ny c~ ..... ;..nders ~rt. .a.irected to forr .. ulo.te )lc.ne to confort: to the pro"" ~iaions of this SOP,

0 ~. . .

Proviai!'lns will be L\1. de for the pro~pt o.seer bly of ~or pcmie~. Co~.p .. ny C<'IU:.e.n·lers l .. Uat know, in generc.l, the 'Wherec;_'J!'lUtS of o.ll •

· L•Sc.iera of their co> .• panios, At no tir.:e will r1~re than HI.% of the COLp<-,ny be c.bsent on liberty or rtfll."~ution w1 t.hout prior ~·pprcval &f the Be ttalicn CoL.r .. ander, · ·

' '


Uniforr.. will confcrr:. to current 1.U11forr.• directives prorulgated by the Batt~;tlion. Eaoh inriividual will take with hir the fl'lllowing articles, ·

worn on the persnn:


( 2)

( 4)

cleth1ng· appro-pla-ts to the esa.stn.

HalLet liner ana hel~et With cover,

Bcota ( Therr:al it appr~piate to ·Ele8.S0l'l~. in good. r'epair. . ~ ' '

Cartridge .,r piatol belt•



T~1o ful1.cantetns (wintl;r one 3/4: {ull canteen) •.

Jungle lU t,

Carri~d on pack boards,,


( 2)

(:'\\' '-'



One eh;:.nge undert~S::re .. ·

One tlay ·ration as 1seued, . ""i''

. r ;. ... ·~

~>ddi tional ou'tisr Ql~~hing ~s rceQI.\i~ed by t6t: · r.eMqn • ..:.-..•. ·

.. ·: . .'., i';·:-•r·.:tJJ~'~:.,:i; ~~t:;;·~.:~~[.,;,~;:·~, '.~~,.~;--·~ ·• .. ~ .;:::• · .. ,~~~,•~--· .. DECLASSIFIED



''-If!~ ·.r: ..

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' . '

,. ~ I

'• -.... ;~'.' ,>·~ .· • 4


.. ' ..


----- ~------- ----'oOP ii Ori MTOR OR. tOO'I }>'.RCljSG

..,... - -' .

(6) Toilat articles and tc~el,

!h T/0 \{(;<>.pens w/bacic au:.c lead,

4, <>U.f>PLY:

a._ Clacs I,

(l) 'o··4 \llll r:aintain 'n hand llUffic.tent inCI.ividual cr.F.bat

C.-R~tiona to .icuu€. ,,n,;; 'lay ration per individual,

( 2) Cor:.pany cou anderp upon being alerted for a f.'<I•Ve. will

l•en!i a detail to the. 1·att&li.Gn nupply area to <\raw C-Rationr. fer tr.e Ct>J.,_;any ,

~ Claac II. III• IV,

(:L) To be; ol;>tainE.d frow bc.ttalirn supply &f' require~ by


!h ClaS•" V,

l ~

( 1) One ( 1) b;,slc lead cf ar::r:unit1cn fer all c:-L'pany weaprne

t11ll be. r:.cc1nto.1nei at cKoh cot·.pany dur:;p. Ci:npany cor:r.anl'!e:re will

pr;,par" plans fer ipuui(•S ar..r~unition tc individualo,

5, 'l.<~:.WoPOHT.C.TION:

!i!. · Tc be Lu<1e t;tVa4.lable by reglr:~ent a~ reou1r£.f!. by nie.ricn.

.Q_,_ CcLpany ccw .• o.nc1ere·.prepl:lre plan fer entrucking k inclt.de

truck lco.ding pc 1ntu, truck tear:•e and r..ethcd cf aroer.bly ,. ·

i,. COi·•··;Ut<ICi>'I'IOf.,S:

a._ Upcn nct1f1cv.t1,;n the. Ccr:.r:,uni:Caticnr, Officer will Pz-cv1C'e

tcll.I.,!J c f 1 raJicr::iw .:..nc: 2 \Jlr~;r.en tc .be att~>oher1 tc each rifle

ocr;.p~;.ny, Thet.:e t<.uLD will r"a1nta1t. ccn1unicati(no bet'liE.En battali"'n

het.ch;,uartere and the :rifle ccr:.panieo,

.Q_,_ Be.csh rifle cc:Lpb.riy c•:r.:nan<'l.~;r will sent'!. three o~n. to hatts.li"'h

o( ... i .. unicc.t1,ne eu,pply tc pick. up._!), L1iniour:1 cf 5 rac11(!? 1 .2 .n11cc rf , ,

o;,.mr,,unic"'tLnE! \~ire- anCI.' 2 txtra Eta tc.lcphcnes, · . . ~.·


~·· -

·. .2..t. !>u:r1n~; th<" r:k v ~~.'wt ,wire .wi.1,l.· nc't ' e. 1n~ta:U-.cL .' ut when .ern paJ1lli 1 mcv.; int;c IHJI.lign<lil pcE.it1cnF; they will 1pr.:t;lfl.1at:l.y eota'·liah. ·

wire acr.:.~;,uniouticne \IHh battn:l,~.:n bpa~qua:r:tere, · &.c\1t:: sil.ont'.e w111

be m&.intainetl ·thr; ughc ut the me v.Ei b\lt ·lilit~hlng. ilatch w.111 be kept~ ·

Radle . eilt;OCC \411 b'~; · br~ktm C n l;·~1ler frr~ thia headquartei'e* .. . •',· ,f·; __ ~(,--L~;·•;:· -.· ~~- · .. --i-.: <.

':., .. ~ .~, ;•::~:·:;f~r.:~:;t.:::;. ~.-\;t.~-.: , ·~; :;~~~:.· ··· :·,·.:: -.•. ~~·~;·;.:./ · ' ,. . . . ,,,, .. , .. -.-. :,- .. ' .




.,_ ~- t- . '~



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• • .... •• ·-•.-.

IHORk.TION ---.---- - - ~- - --- -~- - - - - - ·- -

· r,_ l-if;in~ns:t ~rr'l'n.Anv 1ad11 rot:n.1 ~-r-Mrn.nn-\,.,£..+1"'t"'~ r-.r ..... Ct"""""c1 +,., \....-..++.-.~ \ ~ .. •-.r ............ ~-·~---., ··--- .......................... _..- ......... -"' ...... ••l: }"'-' ... 1;.: ••• ,......... \1'. tJQ"' l.IQ~

·1Ln ccr;.r .. unicaticne .eu.)ply tc draw a cinimur., cf 7 radi,..o 1 5 .niltP cf ''1ire c..n~· ·10 EEB t~;;lq>hcne.s, · · ·

.s-..,_ B'~ttalLn ccr.ucunic~..cticnB supply will maintd.n, ae '!. o.ln:l.mu1:1 fitcclt l<>tc.l fer er.:e.rgt;;nc;y m·: vt.ment 1 20 EEB telepl:~nef', 15 r. r'lirr E.nr'l.

·10 r.1ilt.c cf l!irt. (wDI/TT)

Ocr.ip<..ny ~ntruoking und o.enbLJhly &rear will b'e deGignc. teO by ~.;.tt~licn crcler f.:r t:uch Ci..tLiP t•I.).,:~Jyled,

B, F'ORlLTIOl\.,:

l'·.rr.c.ti:nc fer r .• urche.r: will n:rr.1&lly be prcf.lc:i--ibed b:• reparate inatr\ActL ne, Hcwcv(_r in· Hll can~;s whore· f:rmnticns ar~ net pree­cribbl the. ~~der :f u~rch fer th1e ~attalicn will be;·



g_,_ :,dminstr,;ct1Vt> ~lovee· including the entire battalion: .:0.-.KSB ·Co, H<~:~ Co, Wl' !> G Co, CH.<.RLI il: Co,


To..ctico.l wov&s: :.BLE Co 1 B.:.KEll Co 1 WEAPONS Co, CW.RLI'S Oo,

C, pani66

1;he;. CP <troup will Mr~1a.lly move bE>twsen A-BLE an.'l BAK'l:..."l Con-· but \1111 not hold r1g1CI.ly to that place, . · ·

~ In the efent of a mi~E>d ootor an~ foot na.rch, e;.ntruckeQ in the followin~ order: ABL~ Co, B~KSR Co,

. ;;~:J?o;,s Co,

uni tl' will be ,:H!J~LIE c I) I


HclcS Co c~urinf; th& a cor..plete


leero th~ CP Group will be.responelble for Canp Security ~boence of thE> battulicn and will b6 prepar~G to furnillh relief for th~ .guard of the day,


Qr'IV l-1 'T'U ,.,liD~n~t .,,...,. ... ,.,_. • ............. -"V.I.~

Major, U, e, J.:ar1n6 Corpr: Executl ve Officel' ·

r .-.. ',. ;· .-· ' ... ' .: .. ,.

.. •. , ·'"

·~ ,. . .. ,-.;: .

-~- ,_._ . ·- .... :--1' .h

~ ·. ' .

~~{; _;ft . :- ·-

' " .~


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r ~ : ., " ,, ,.

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• • SECRf.T ~.r;:lj{ 1TII TY I NF8P}iATI OIJ



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OVERLAYS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Battalion Sector of Line JAMEST~~. 21 Dec - 31 Dec 1952


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• • s_:;crtliT s;-,;CURITY INFOID!ATION


- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ev~,luttion of Helicopter lift of prefabricat~d bunkers to Line KANSAS;

O<oeration 11Bw11:er. 11

1-:edical a:1d Dental Sumrn.ary T<,sk Organization





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1. During the period 2 to 4 Decaber tb1rt7 (30) prefabricated blmkers were deliver-ad to the battallen CP f'cr u:e o! Line I! . .IIS.!S. !beee bn"'lrere were to be positioned at various pointe on Line URS.IS tor useabl11lg in tactical }X)!!it10!l!!o lo1•4ten vu ••ta'blb'b.ecl vith HMR 161 and it vas detel'lldned that a helloopter 11tt ot the blllltere vu r ... ible • A grOUJld reconnaissance vas ll&de and locatiODB vere ttelocted.

2. The bunkers had been etaolced 1p indbic!ual. pUes OD a cleared area near the CP. A 20 11&11 KSC tea vas orgll.llised at the take off poillt to load individual pieces into aseiped he11oopters OD Jandhg.

3. The large t;vpe bunker (8 X 8) weighed 4200 pOUJlde aDd seven (7) helicopter trips were required per l...•.Jilker. !be eM1]er t.:J..• b!••~er (5 I 6) weighed 2500 pounds and required roar (4) hel1oopter 11fts per banker.

4. During the first ~' 2 Decaber, eleva (11) 8 X 8 blmkers vere trans­ported 1n six (6) helicopter hours (fvo helloopters wort111g tor tbree hours). Due to the cold weather on 3 Dec•ber oae heltcepter vas toroed to secure early because ot the danger or 1ott coatlN itt roterT blades. '!'he other helicopter secured ear~ to retu.i an6 ciU aoi; i-etura U.Oauae oi the oold weather. The raaining nineteq (19) 5 X 6 bankers were t~ in 76 tripsj or six (6) hel1ooptar h014,, en 4 »-oc=bOr.

5. Helicopters on loading proceeded to cJroP •oae des~t..,J by the Bll~ s-3. The drop zones had been -.r'ked vith penel.s dd each 110M cleared or troops to prevent accidents. Free drops vere ll&de traa the helicopters in a hovering attitude. Damage to timbers was negligible.

6. It is satiated that 2200 11&11 hours vouid ban been :required to carrr these bunkers tr<m detru.oldng poiats to ueipe4 posit10DB. ~ 12 helicopter hours were required to accv.1111ah the ;=e task.

7. '!'he operation on the fi!'!!t dlo._y werbd efficiently ud all bonkers were correctly spotted. Scat ditrioult)' ad oontuion occured initially on the second da;r when one blmker vas dropped at the wrong site and indiTidual loads were incorrectly dropped reeulthg in soae llixing of bunker parts.

8. It is believed that the difference in ett:l.c:l.ency tor the two days resulted from the fact that pilots were thorougblf briefed and had made reconnaissance of the drop sites used the first ~. ituoh reconnaissance and briefing was not held for the sites selected tor the second days operations due to time lind tat ions •




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'it~ .f. t.o Rest., Dento.l

9 47 62



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31 December 1952

1st Bdtalion, 7th Harines

H&·S c DIDJl"''Y Dot lstSi;;Bn

l'ACP Lrty Li1 Tra, 2ndBn, llthNar

AblP. r.omnanv ----- - . ....

Ar·ty FO Tm, 2ndBn, llthHar

Botker Compan" Arty FO Tn, 2nd!ln, llthJ.iar

Charlie Con,pany .lrty FO Trr., 2ndBn, llth.J.-lHr


Capt E\'ANS

Capt DOE!li..lli



,,:eapons Company Major SCHULTZ



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' S~~C~?.ET



PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPr.L.EHENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:'hotognph;.c Supplement to accompany Evaluation of Helicopter lift of prcf~bricated bunkorE: to L:ine KANSAS; Operation "Bunker."



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1. Indirect machine gun fire was emplo~'ed by this battalion for t•te pur-... ~os(~ of rn.aint£.:1.nine e. continous fire on th3 ener:ty ch.:.rin.; the hours of dark­r:t'~~. I'hr~e indirect fire positions we;·e selected from 700 to 2,000 yards 'ueJ·i t•cl t.:1e ;.;nin I.J.ne of Resistance, One sectio;l cf .30 caliber, Ne.ter cooled, mi...:..chir~e guns 1Nt s placed in each position,

2~ The lttaehinc guns are capable of d~livering fire from .:tt least. two gu.ns to any part of Vw b&ttalion front.

3. !'.side from the normal mission of H&I fires, the indirect fire has c:c,llec' on for direct support of, and as a covering firr· for patrols. cff<cctiveness of the guns are believed excellent,


been The

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