15th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 2 subject- English Date - … · 2 days ago · Assignment-15...


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  • 15th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 2 subject- English Date - 04/08/2020 Do the given assignment in your English notebook. Lesson - 5 Nani Walks to the Park Words to learn 1. lane 9. lagori 2. through 10. sakhi 3. treasures 11. mischief 4. happiness 12. friendship 5. ahead 13. library 6. suddenly 14. breeze 7. tumble 15. carpet 8. langdi Word meaning 1. Nani = maternal grandmother 2. take my time = use a lot of time to do something, without hurrying 3. lane = street or road 4. treasures = beautiful and valuable things 5. shortcut = a quicker and shorter way of getting to a place 6. ahead = in front of 7. tumble out = roll out from all directions 8. langdi, lagori and sakhi = street games played in India 9. mischief = naughty behaviour Make sentences 1. lane - This is a narrow lane. 2 treasures - The thieves buried the treasures on the island. 3. ahead - His house is two blocks ahead of my house. 4. tumble out - The rats tumble out from everywhere to follow the Pied Piper. 5. mischief - He was warned to stop his mischief. Answer these questions Q.1. " I walk slowly. I take my time to get there." Why does Nani take a long time to get to the park? Is it only because she walks slowly? Ans: Nani takes a long time to get to the park because she walks slowly and also on her way to the park she stops at many places for various things like shopping , meeting her friend ,feeding stray animals etc.

  • Q.2. Nani stops and calls softly, "Come, come!" Suddenly ,dogs and cats tumble out from everywhere! Do you think this is Nani's first time here? How can you tell? Ans: No, it's not her first time. We can say this because once she called them and they all tumbled out from everywhere. Q.3. Why does Nani call the lane with the bookshops ` the Lane of Dreams'? Ans: Nani calls the lane with the bookshops `the lane of Dreams' because as the dreams take us to a different world in the same way while reading books we feel like we have reached another world. Q.4. Do you think Vikas had a good time on the walk? How can you tell? Ans: Yes,I think Vikas had a good time on the walk because he wanted to come for it with his Nani next week too. Picture Writing See the picture and write five sentences about it.

    1. This is a picture of a zoo. 2. Two bears are fighting with each other. 3. The lion is playing with its cub. 4. The monkeys are hanging from the tree. 5. One man is sweeping the floor. _______________________X_______________________X__________________X___________________________

  • Assignment-15

    दिन ांक-04.08.20-07.08.20

    कक्ष -िसूरी

    विषय-द ांिी

    प्र॰१.दिए गए क यय को प ठ्य पुस्तक पेज नां॰44 के प्रश्न 2,3 और 5 में करें।

    क.ए और ऐ की मात्रा वाले शब्द सोचकर ललखो।

    जैसे:-नेत्र कैं ची सेब

    पेड़ सैर थैला

    ख. शब्दों को पढ़ो,समझो और एक-एक शब्द ललखो।

    •त+्न =त्न - रत्न प्रयत्न

    •द्+व =द्व - द्वारा द्वाररका

    •प+्य =प्य – प्यार प्याज

    ग.समान अथथ वाले शब्दों का लमलान करो और ललखो।

    1.पेड़ खूबसूरत [5]

    2.बगीचा बालक [4]

  • 3.अचानक बाग [2]

    4.बच्चा वकृ्ष [1]

    5.स ुंदर एकाएक [3]

    अभ्य स पुस्स्तक में करें

    [पेज नां॰ 15 प्रश्न 4 और 5]

    क.बाल-ददवस पर पााँच पुंक्ततयााँ ललखो।

    •बाल-ददवस 14 नवुंबर को मनाया जाता है।

    •चाचा नेहरू के जन्मददन को बाल ददवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। •बाल दिवस में बच्चे अपनी कला का प्रिर्शन करते हैं।

    •इस दिन दवद्यालय में बच्चों के दलए दवर्ेष कायशक्रम करवाए जाते हैं।

    •बाल दिवस में बच्चों के बीच टॉफी और चॉकलेट का दवतरण दकया जाता है।

    ख.अथथ ललखकर वातय बनाओ।

    •उल्लास-ख शी

    सभी बच्चे उल्लास से होली खेलते हैं।


  • मेले का नज़ारा बह त ही अच्छा था।

    •भववष्य-आनेवाला समय

    राधा का भववष्य उज्जवल है।


    यह आम का बगीचा है।


    भोला राम के घर में चौकीदार है।

    व्य करण

    प ठ-7 न म की जग (सियन म)

    इन् ें य ि करो।

    •सुंज्ञा के स्थान पर क्जन शब्दों का प्रयोग ककया जाता है उसे सवथनाम कहते हैं।

    •क छ शब्द नाम की जगह प्रयोग में आते हैं।जैसे:- मैं,त म,हम,आप,उसका,उनका,मेरा,हमारा,आपका।

    पेज नां॰40 के प्रश्न क,ख और ग में करें।

    क.नाम की जगह आनेवाले शब्दों पर गोला लगाओ।

  • राजेश बतख त म वह राजा मैं

    त म्हारा हम उसे बादल उन्हें उसका

    पानी हमें म झे मकान वे यह

    ख.सही शब्द छााँटकर खाली स्थान भरो।

    [ आप त म मैं उसका उसने वह ]

    1.मैं मुंददर जाऊाँ गी। 2.त म कहााँ जा रहे हो?

    3.आप बैठ जाइए। 4.उसने गाना गाया।

    5.उसका बेटा अध्यापक है। 6.वह स्कूल जाएगा।

    ग.नाम की जगह आने वाले दो-दो शब्द ललखो।

    अपने ललए मैं मैंन े

    बड़ों के ललए आप आपन े

    दसूरों के ललए त म त मलोग


    SUB- Maths CLASS-2

    Date: 04.8.2020

    Lesson – 5 Basic Geometry

    1. fill in the blanks

    a. Name – Square

    Number of sides – 4

    Number of corners – 4

    b. Name – Rectangle

    Number of sides – 4

    Number of corners – 4

    c. Name – Triangle

    Number of sides – 3

    Number of corners – 3

    d. Name – Circle

    Number of sides – 0

    Number of corners – 0

    Vertices - A vertex in a shape is a point where two straight lines meet . The plural of vertex is


    A circle has no vertex as it has no straight line .

  • A triangle has 3 vertices as it has 3 straight lines.

    A square has 4 vertices as it has 4 straight lines.

    A rectangle has 4 vertices as it has 4 straight lines.

    For example – Vertex A B Vertex Number of vertices - 4

    Vertex D C Vertex Name of vertices – ABCD

    The above figure is a rectangle ABCD

    Draw, colour and name any four shapes.

    Count the number of vertices in the given figures and write down their name.

    1) A B Number of vertices – 6

    F C Name of vertices – ABCDEF

    E D

    2) A B Number of vertices- 4

    D C Name of vertices – ABCD

    A B Number of vertices – 4

    3) Name of vertices – ABCD

    D C

  • Write the table of 9

    9 x 1 = 09

    9 x 2 = 18

    9 x 3 = 27

    9 x 4 = 36

    9 x 5 = 45

    9 x 6 = 54

    9 x 7 = 63

    9 x 8 = 72

    9 x 9 = 81

    9 x 10 = 90

    All the work should be done in Maths notebook.

    NOTE – Complete page no. 71 and 72 in the textbook.

    Activity→ Paste pictures of any four plane shapes in the scrap book.


    CLASS- 2 SUBJECT-M.SC DATE- 04.08.2020

    LESSON- 5 Being Helpful

    Learn the following.

    I) Answer the following questions:

    Q.1) What is the meaning of being helpful?

    Ans. Being helpful means ready to do anything for well

    of others.

    Q.2) Do you help your friends?

    Ans. Yes, I help my friends.

    Q.3) Do you help needy people?

    Ans. Yes, I always help needy people.

    Q.4) Have you taken help from others?

    Ans. Yes, I have taken help from others.

    II) Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.

    a) We should not help our friends. (F)

    b) We should help only our parents. (F)

    c) God becomes happy when we help others. (T)

    d) Mother Teresa helped the poor people. (T)


    CLASS- II SUBJECT- EVS Date :- 04.08.2020

    L - 8 Houses We Build

    I) Give two examples of each:-

    a) Types of houses. → permanent houses, temporary houses.

    b) Materials used to make kutcha house. → mud, straw

    c) Permanent houses. → bungalow, flats.

    d) Temporary houses. → hut, tent

    e) Materials use to make pucca house. → brick, cement

    f) People who help us to build our house. → mason, plumber

    g) Movable house → tent, caravan

    h) Creatures that make our house dirty. → cockroach, rat

    II) Missing letters:- a) i g l o o b) s t i l t c) m o v a b l e d) c a r a v a n e) b a m b o o f) s t r a w g) a p a r t m e n t h) m u l t i s t o r e y i) c e i l i n g j) e l e c t r i c i a n k) v e n t i l a t e d l) s p a c i o u s m) c o m f o r t a b l e n) a r c h i t e c t o) c o n t r a c t o r

    III) Answer in one word :-

    a) A house built with logs.

    → Log house b) A house made of ice .

    → Igloo c) A house made on bamboo poles .

  • → stilt house d) A house on wheels .

    → caravan e) The person who digs and carries bricks.

    → labourer f) The person who fits the water pipes.

    → plumber g) The person who makes the doors.

    → carpenter h) The person who paints the walls.

    → painter

    IV) Match the following :-

    1) Electrician a) makes doors and windows (2) 2) Carpenter b) gives jobs to labourers (4) 3) Plumber c) fits and fixes taps and pipes (3) 4) Contractor d) does electric wiring (1)

    V) Fill in the blanks :-

    a) We feel safe in our house.

    b) An igloo is made of ice.

    c) A tent is made of cloth .

    d) Houses on hills have sloping roofs.

    e) A good house permits lots of fresh air and sun light.

    VI) Write ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false for the following statements. a) A kutcha house is costly to build. ( F ) b) A log house is made where it rains a lot. ( F ) c) Huts are very strong. ( F )

    VII) Circle ( ) the correct word in the sentences given below.

    a) We should keep our house clean / dirty .

    b) Eskimos / Gypsies make igloos.

    c) A hut is made of cement / mud. .

    d) A caravan is a house on wheels / water.

    Ans → a) clean b) Eskimos c) mud d) wheels

    ice cloth safe air sloping

  • VIII) Some building materials are given below. Write ‘K’ for the building

    material used for making a kutcha house and ‘P’ for the building material used

    for making a pucca house.

    a) Bricks b) Straw c) Cement d) Bamboo

    IX) Answer the following questions:-

    a) Name the house that is built on wheels.

    Ans → Caravan is built on wheels.

    b) What is a bungalow?

    Ans → A big single or double – storeyed house with a lawn is called a


    c) What is an igloo?

    Ans → An igloo is a house made of ice.

    d) Where are log houses found?

    Ans → Log houses are found in hilly areas.

    e) How is stilt house different from a house boat?

    Ans → Stilt house → A house that is built high above the ground, usually

    with bamboo poles. Such houses are built in places with very high


    House boat → House boat is a floating house. It is mainly found in

    Kashmir and Kerala.

    Activity → Draw and colour any 2 types of houses.

    Note:- Do the given assignment in your EVS notebook.



    P K P K



    TOPIC - LESSON 4( Using MS Windows )

    1. Answer the following questions.

    1) What is the use of the taskbar?

    Ans. The taskbar is used to open the program windows by clicking the

    icons present on it with a mouse.

    2) List the steps to start MS Paint program.

    Ans. The steps to start MS Paint program are as follows

    a) Move the mouse and place the pointer on the start button.

    b) Click the left button of the mouse once. A pop –up menu

    appears on the screen.

    c) A triangular indication against some of the options will be shown.

    It indicates that these options have some further sub-options

    or submenus.

    d) Drag the mouse pointer on to the required sub-option and click the

    left mouse button. e) Select the submenu ( e.g. Accessories ).

    f) Again select the program / software that you need to work with (e.g.Paint).

    Start ----> Programs ----> Accessories ----> Paint

    3. How will you exit from Windows?

    Ans. To exit from the Windows we have to follow the following steps:-

    a) Move the mouse pointer to Start and click.

    b) Move the mouse pointer to Shut down and click.

    c) Computer will shut down in some time.

    2. Match the following.

    1. Popular operating system A) Triangular symbols

    2. Initial screen of MS windows B) Icons

    3. Short-cuts C) MS windows

    4. Exploring Windows D) Desktop

    5. Submenus E) Start button

    Ans. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. A


    STANDARD- II SUB- G.K (ORAL ) DATE: 04.08.20


    1. Underline the action words in the following sentences.

    a) Please stand here.

    b) The baby smiles.

    c) I eat food.

    d) He spreads butter on his bread.

    2.Choose the correct word and fillup.

    pile , gang , pack , constellation , crew

    a) A gang of thieves stole the king’s treasure.

    b) The librarian was carrying a pile of books.

    c) The constellation of stars twinkled in the night sky.

    d) He lost his pack of cards.

    e) A crew of sailors sailed in a huge ship.

    3. Recall the stories and tick ( ) the correct answer.

    1) Did the fox get the grapevine?

    a) Yes b) No

    2) Who spoke and fell down?

    a) Goose b) Tortoise

    3) What did the crow use to make the water rise up in the pot?

    a) Grass b) Pebbles

    4) What did the farmer get when he killed his golden goose?

    a) Nothing b) Many golden eggs

  • 4. Each of these objects has something that is the name of a body part.

    Choose the words from the box and write them below the pictures.

    Legs , nose , hands , skin , eye

    1. Hands of a clock. 2. Eye of a needle.

    3. Skin of a banana.

    4. Legs of a stool . 5. Nose of a plane.

  • Special Assignment 2020-21 Class – Two Subject –Drawing Name of the book – Art for generation-2 Fill colour in book (Page no. - 13 Finger impression)
