15:13:21 From Ben Hildner : I keep reminding myself that Derek15:21:52 From Wendy Gonzalez : LOVE...


Citation preview

15:13:21 From Ben Hildner : I keep reminding myself that Derek Chauvin had a school counselor. This work is essential even at all white schools 15:13:24 From Sandi Logan-McKibben : Listen & Learn! YES 15:13:24 From Sasha Arnesen to All panelists : yes use I statements 15:13:29 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Thanks Jennifer for your thoughts and your transparency.: ) 15:13:32 From Stephen Sharp to All panelists : Do ethical standards mandate antiracism? 15:13:46 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : JENNIFER I NEED YOU AT MY SCHOOL TO SPEAK!!!!!! 15:14:20 From P. Sloan Joseph to All panelists : We ask out students to listen and take correction all the time. We must be vulnerable and model the appropriate behavior. 15:15:19 From Kelsey Richardson : literally fighting back my tears right now...as a black school counselor is a mostly white school..I dont think most understand how I feel 15:15:57 From Amanda Fitzgerald to Stephen Sharp, All Panelists : Steve, can you post that in the q/a box? 15:16:11 From Stephen Sharp to All panelists : sure! and Hi! 15:16:24 From Diana Gulenchyn to All panelists : Holla! 15:16:33 From Elektra Thompson to All panelists : We can be your village @Kelsey. You are not alone. 15:16:36 From Kara Hiltz : Love and light to you, Kelsey. Thanks for being there for students even when you don't feel seen. <3 15:16:42 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Ms. Kelsey hands down I completely understand! 15:16:42 From Beatrice Nguyen to All panelists : @ Kelsey R. <3 Much love to you. 15:16:54 From Shuntina Taylor : Kelsey you're not alone in those feelings. I'm right there with you <3 15:17:00 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : But your presence is valuable and needed 15:17:18 From lane madsen : I'm trying to fight tears as well, but for a different reason. It was agonizing to watch my black daughter with my white daughter laying along with her for the 8 minutes and 46 seconds on the ground in front of the courthouse last night. 15:17:36 From meka banks to All panelists : School Counselors Rock! 15:17:37 From Tiffany Blackwood to All panelists : Kelsey, I understand. I'm the only black counselor in my entire district. 15:18:15 From Kelsey Richardson : so many feelings 15:18:23 From Roberto Aguilar to All panelists : Thank you all for sharing. I’d like to acknowledge and support BIPOC school counselors and educators who do not feel safe turning up at demonstrations physically to make public speeches and are made to feel that they need to justify why they weren’t present, why they aren’t more vocal, from white allies and fellow BIPOC. I’d like to remind us that we need support our colleagues who are living this experience. 15:18:48 From Crystal Lopez to All panelists : I love Derek's energy!!! 15:19:00 From Katie Mitchell-Dodge to All panelists : Your webinar this week was amazing - thank you! 15:19:08 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : proactive school counseling series @mesacloud whoop whoooooop!!!!

15:19:13 From Monica Kenyon to All panelists : wow, what a great panel! I'm a white counselor and here to LISTEN and learn. thank you for taking the time to inspire us. 15:19:25 From Gwendolyn Hamby to All panelists : Yes! Those webinars have been crucial! Thank you Derek! 15:19:30 From Angelina Jones-Farley to All panelists : only black counselor at my school and only black person in front office personnel. no one acknowledged what is going on it's disheartening 15:19:41 From Nico Negrette to All panelists : Mesa has been so inspiring! The presenters have been so helpful. I needed to hear all of you 15:20:16 From Paige Abasolo to All panelists : I love the gym analogy!! 15:20:29 From Angelina Jones-Farley to All panelists : I am transitioning to a much more diverse district with predominantly brown and black students. looking forward to being of service 15:20:35 From Elektra Thompson to All panelists : I love the analogy!! 15:20:36 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Big Hugs to you Kelsey! Remember your “why”…you are there for a reason and you will shine…stay strong 15:20:39 From MICHAEL MAYES to All panelists : Great analogy , Bruh 15:20:42 From Lori Hackett : love the gym analogy 15:20:44 From Angela Cleveland to All panelists : The gym analogy is really powerful! 15:20:57 From Rossy C. Garcia to All panelists : It's heavy and exhausting work even when you have the support of your admin and/or district 15:21:03 From Liz Vohar : Yes such a great analogy. Great way to explain it. 15:21:09 From Anina Alvarez : love that analogy 15:21:12 From Dr. Teresa Toro to All panelists : What are the best practices we school counselors can do to address what is happening in our country during the summer during COVID-19 and what are school counselors planning to do in the Fall? Some of our states might not start school in person in the Fall. 15:21:15 From Susan Levine to All panelists : Love that 15:21:16 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Love it Derek..."just offer some grace" 15:21:26 From Jamilah Davidge to All panelists : true 15:21:27 From Karen Sundquist to All panelists : Derek -- this is so helpful to me 15:21:28 From Siedra Pitts to All panelists : Yes, really good analogy! 15:21:31 From Stephen Sharp : **clapping** 15:21:33 From Monica Kenyon : sharing that analogy w/my staff, friends and fam 15:21:39 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : yessss!! Ok Derek! 15:21:39 From Lucy Dorlus : Yes, great analogy! 15:21:40 From Wanda Holthaus-Monroe to All panelists : Derek…This is a GREAT analogy! 15:21:43 From Claudia Walker to All panelists : Love it 15:21:43 From Shana Baird to All panelists : I love the analogy of the gym. This is a FANTABULOUS way to explain

15:21:45 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Great analogy! 15:21:47 From Coleen Miller to All panelists : Agree‚Ķperspective taking is so important with engaging conversations. 15:21:48 From Kara Ieva to All panelists : I really appreciate that analogy. 15:21:51 From Diane Hartman to All panelists : love the gym analogy! 15:21:52 From Wendy Gonzalez : LOVE this analogy! 15:21:56 From Alicia Wilson to All panelists : Amazing analogy 15:21:59 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : It is a process. 15:22:00 From LaRhonda Cockrell to All panelists : I don't connect with the gym analogy. 15:22:02 From Kelly Wright to All panelists : Perfect analogy! it is time for someone else to lift the weights! 15:22:03 From Lawanda Felder : awesome analogy 15:22:06 From Sasha Arnesen to All panelists : Great analogy! 15:22:11 From Tamar Wilson to All panelists : I just said this morning some people are just sitting down at the table and have to be spoon fed. Great analogy! 15:22:12 From Ben Hildner : �üëè 15:22:25 From Maribel Lopez to All panelists : Love the analogy! 15:22:26 From Annette Finch to All panelists : Great gym analogy Derek. That makes a lot of sense! 15:22:28 From Diana Gulenchyn to All panelists : Thanks to all of you for offering us this opportunity to hear and listen. 15:22:35 From Alexander Del Rosario to All panelists : Yea Derek that gym analogy is great! 15:22:44 From MICHAEL MAYES : Race is often time view as the 800 pound gorilla in the room. So thank you for being so transparent. 15:22:45 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : love the gym analogy Derek! resonates a lot with me! 15:22:59 From Karen Sundquist to All panelists : This conversation is so full of hope! 15:23:20 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : This has been going on, especially in our schools, for much longer than just the past week. I think that‚Äôs what we all need to remember. 15:23:27 From Kara Hiltz : YES 15:23:39 From MICHAEL MAYES : Jan ‚ĶI too am a child of the late 60s and I thought that racism would‚Äôve been a non issue by now 15:24:26 From Ben Hildner : Not just right now. We ALWAYS need to listen to the voices of BIPOC counselors 15:24:37 From Lisa De Gregorio to All panelists : Thank you to all panelists for your bravery and vulnerability to do this Town Hall. So appreciated! 15:24:50 From suzanne desimone to All panelists : Systemic racism clearly impacts the educational system in which we work. 15:25:02 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : We need to take this sad opportunity to make the FIX STICK this time. It is sad that it did not stick from the work of the 60‚Äôs. This is our time ‚Äî Let‚Äôs fix this!!! 15:25:17 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : I'm so filled with gratitude...this is so AMAZING! 15:25:24 From Tonia Verville to All panelists : something that I greatly benefited from was Rachel Cargle‚Äôs #dothework course. Online, free, and excellent. check it out:)

15:25:30 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Yes! 15:25:47 From Alexander Del Rosario to All panelists : Yes we need to revise ourselves first and take the necessary steps to become agents of positive change!! 15:25:58 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : center and amplify 15:25:59 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Thank you 15:26:25 From Pam Powell to All panelists : yes!!!�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ Thank you! 15:26:47 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : especially because white crime is considered opportunism. black purported and alleged crimes are considered a death sentence. 15:26:53 From Davirah Timm-Dinkins to All panelists : Unfortunately, systems keep racism alive. Beyond just individual actions. We need to be active agents in dismantling those systems. 15:27:18 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : My sister you're going to make me lose it.... 15:27:19 From Caleine Ajusma : Yes, thank you, Tinisha! 15:27:29 From Lucy Dorlus : I am not okay. �üò¢ 15:27:43 From Stephen Sharp : this 15:27:49 From meka banks to All panelists : Yes we must take advantage of this momentum. 15:27:51 From Jamilah Davidge to All panelists : Yes 15:27:57 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Completely on fumes 15:28:09 From Dana Wile : I am afraid the world is listening now, but admin and the local control is not going to be listening when we get back to school in august 15:28:18 From Joy Toms to All panelists : I appreciate the rawness of your words. 15:28:22 From Rossy C. Garcia : I'm trying not to be cynical about all the support because this is nothing new for us. I'm truly waiting for things to go back to "normal" 15:28:33 From Alexander Del Rosario : We need to check on ourselves first and then take needed steps to become agents of positive change! 15:28:51 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : but statements and stances are light work. this is systemic and the systems must be dismantled and rebuilt for the future! 15:29:05 From Shana Baird to All panelists : That's a valid concern Dana Wile....Local control has to listen and be ready to do the work as well 15:29:07 From Caroline Perry to All panelists : yes, Tanisha! 15:29:13 From Elease Slaughter to All panelists : Yes, happening for too long 15:29:30 From Krystal Clemons : Black counselor educators aren't okay either.... 15:29:33 From Rossy C. Garcia : Yes! 15:29:33 From Matthew Shervington to All panelists : Dana and Rossy, I agree. Or the concern that administrators see the need to handle the adjustment to COVID upon returning in the fall as "more important" than these issues. 15:29:35 From Dr. Teresa Toro to All panelists : I agree, Alexander! And we need to be aware and check on our fellow faculty members. We need to have courageous conversations with our faculty and staff.

15:29:39 From lane madsen : I am grateful for the support from my personal building in administration and teachers, but there are others that I'm shocked are not standing up. 15:29:39 From Kara Hiltz : Maybe our job as white counselors is to hold up our exhausted black colleagues and students. 15:29:44 From Ruperto Peres : Right‚Ķ.. 15:29:44 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : social justice framework, counselors for SJ, consistent advocacy (especially among white counselors) at the TOP 15:29:46 From Anthony Mormile to All panelists : Great points Tinisha. 15:29:48 From Bernadette McCann to All panelists : I don‚Äôt think anyone is ok 15:29:49 From Daya Patton to All panelists : Thank you Tinisha! 15:29:50 From Leslie Jones to All panelists : this is so emotionally hard �üòî 15:29:56 From Caleine Ajusma : �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ Tinisha! 15:29:57 From Elektra Thompson : I‚Äôm looking for systemic change. You can‚Äôt necessarily change how a racist may think, but you can change the laws that were created that hold our children back because of these biases and prejudices. 15:30:00 From Jennifer Cox : Thank you, Dr. Parker. 15:30:01 From Angelina Jones-Farley : yes thank you Tinisha 15:30:04 From suzanne desimone to All panelists : Being a good person is not enough. Not being racist is not enough. Thank you, Tinisha. 15:30:08 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : It's not enough to say I'm not a racist. It's time we answer the calling of being anti-racist. 15:30:09 From meka banks to All panelists : Sad truth. This is not new for us. Broken system but we are resilient and remain hopeful. 15:30:16 From Siedra Pitts to All panelists : Great points, Dr. Parker! 15:30:30 From Lori Hackett : ‚ù§‚ù§‚ù§ 15:30:34 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Yes Elektra! 15:30:39 From Erin O'Connor Rudman : ‚ù§Ô∏é ‚ù§Ô∏é ‚ù§Ô∏é 15:30:46 From Laura Fortson-Williams : I have heard so many of the older people who have been through this in the 60‚Äôs say ‚Ķ.‚Äùthis feels different...." 15:30:48 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Thank you, Tinisha. 15:30:49 From Gwendolyn Hamby to All panelists : I love hearing that about your Dad! Tell him thank you for that. 15:30:55 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Yes Kara‚Ķ.we are going to need all of us to advocate and inform when we get back to school‚Ķ.it‚Äôs going to take time..its a process‚ĶWE CAN DO IT!!! 15:30:57 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Love Dr. Parker‚Äôs voice in this conversations! 15:30:59 From Julie Heatwole to All panelists : Thank you! 15:31:04 From Krystal Clemons : Thank you Dr. Parker 15:31:11 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : Thank you Tunisha 15:31:14 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : It does feel different ‚Äî this is the time ‚Äî the momentum is here. 15:31:18 From Emily Goodman-Scott : Dr. Parker-- thank you! 15:31:24 From Kelsey Richardson : yes very powerful

15:31:26 From Kelly Wright to All panelists : We need to rally at the polls! 15:31:28 From Lucy Dorlus : Thank you Dr. Parker 15:31:30 From Jonette Ross : Yes, this conversation is bringing tears to my eyes. 15:31:32 From Derek Francis : Thank you Dr. Parker 15:31:33 From Elease Slaughter to All panelists : Excellent! Thank you 15:31:34 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : Tinisha* 15:31:35 From Louise Molinelli : Well said, Dr. Parker. 15:31:39 From Karen Sundquist to All panelists : Thank you for your honesty 15:31:46 From Derek Francis : Hi Minneapolis Public School Counselors! 15:31:49 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : Thank you Dr. Parker 15:31:58 From Jonette Ross : Thank you all for this conversation. 15:32:09 From Laura Fortson-Williams : yes brian! And some of us are THE only black person on staff, in the building, in predominantly white schools….:-( 15:32:10 From Heidi Warm : I appreciate the "being lost," as a white Counselor in a Black elementary school. 15:32:12 From Alicia Oglesby to All panelists : So many inspirational words. Thank you!! 15:32:24 From Ruperto Peres : Black students do not need White tears.. 15:32:26 From Lakisha Bonner to All panelists : Thanks Dr Parker! You are amazing! 15:32:34 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : agreed about not deserving the grace. 15:32:38 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe to All panelists : Thank you for your words Dr. Parker! 15:32:55 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : thank you Jennifer for bringing up the ethical standards!! 15:32:59 From Stephen Sharp : Thank you! 15:33:01 From Lucy Dorlus : Exactly! 15:33:12 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : YES! Simply part of our job! 15:33:12 From Judi Mireles to All panelists : I agree! 15:33:15 From Caleine Ajusma : Thank you, Jennifer! 15:33:16 From meka banks to All panelists : Correct, but they do need white allies 15:33:38 From Sophia Rose, PhD : So true. 15:33:39 From Elektra Thompson : I am learning many families do not talk about culture, race, and inequity. In turn, this shapes their perceptions and how they move. 15:33:40 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : Yes, Jennifer! 15:33:45 From Dana Wile : To the grad student that asked a question about preparing- get involved in the work in your own personal life! Your university probably has a lot of this work going on(maybe in in the Black Student Union, local NAACP chapter etc.) 15:33:52 From Angelina Jones-Farley : I co-sponsored the first ever BSU at my school and constantly had to explain why it existed 15:33:54 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : agreed Jennifer, how can one be a counselor if you are not working to develop an anti-racist

identity and professional framework? That has BEEN at the CENTER of our work ESP in a system that upholds the status quo and works HARD to channel to Prison Industrial complex. thank you for saying that! 15:34:10 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : as a human being that shouldn’t be an option either. ethics is about. humanity! 15:34:11 From Sonia Warmuth to All panelists : I wish school staff and the community could hear you all speaking about this… 15:34:11 From Kelsey Richardson : Im like so happy as a black counselor in a rural county to not have to physically be in the building right now....I know parents, students, and other staff would say or do things to invaliddate my feelings 15:34:37 From Gwendolyn Hamby to All panelists : Kelsey, I am so sincerely sorry to hear that. 15:34:49 From Angela Mcverry to All panelists : let’s go everyone! I plan on helping write curriculum for a class on social justice and equality. for all 6th 7th and 8th graders. so excited!! 15:35:01 From Derek Francis : angela email me. I want in 15:35:08 From Derek Francis : derek.francis@mpls.k12.mn.us 15:35:16 From Angela Mcverry to All panelists : sure! 15:35:22 From Pam Powell to All panelists : Yes! Race should not be a taboo topic. 15:35:28 From Wendy Rock to All panelists : Thank you to all panelists for being so genuine, I hear you ❤️ There is so much work to be done 15:35:33 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : you are awesome, Jennifer for operating in excellence and ethicality! 15:35:36 From Krystal Clemons : As a school counselor educator, I've had students say in my course evaluations that I should "lay off the race stuff" 15:35:39 From Crystal Lopez to All panelists : Thank you for that 15:36:08 From Matthew Shervington to All panelists : Kelsey, I am 100% there with you! I am the first educator of color ever hired in the history of my very rural district. It is only now with recent events that more staff have desired to learn my very real experience. 15:36:23 From Kelsey Richardson : smh Krystal 15:36:24 From Ben Hildner : @Krystal Clemons you must be doing something right. 15:36:25 From Erin K. : Krystal, that is so disheartening. 15:36:36 From Yvette Carter to All panelists : We work for our district not for ASCA. So how do we respond to district level administrators when they don't want to address social justice and advocacy. 15:36:40 From Christina Welch to All panelists : Needed that reminder on how to handle being called into the office. Thank you! My school is 1% minority and 99% mountain rural. I get called in a lot to the office to address parents and to have a ready to go tool is great!! 15:36:40 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : YES! 15:36:52 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : I am a white school counselor who has gotten push back for addressing these critical issues with students and families, and it's tough when admin doesn't support because they are afraid of confrontation. I love the idea of posting and regularly referring to the ASCA statements. Thank you!! 15:37:24 From Ingrid Smith : Cultural position statement...doing this

15:37:24 From Kelsey Richardson : my admin hasnt said anything because they dont like confrontation 15:37:26 From Rossy C. Garcia : @Krystal - that's a huge part of the issue - folk want us to "lay off the race stuff" because to them it doesn't exist 15:37:27 From Levette Hull : Our dept. as a counseling podcast and the last two episodes along with our weekly newsletter have been regarding racial injustices, black lives matter, being an ally, etc. We've had several families threaten to go to the Superintendent. We encourage them to do what they have to do :) We refuse to be silent anymore 15:37:30 From Kelsey Richardson : and I am upset about that 15:37:34 From Daya Patton to All panelists : We have to be intentional. 15:37:34 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : I plan to post these ASCA statement in my office too! 15:37:44 From Sophia Rose, PhD : Yes, conversations about race relations and supporting our black students, but not only for the black students. It is a conversation for each student in the school population. 15:38:05 From Alicia Oglesby to All panelists : Good for you Levette! 15:38:10 From Hannah Jeter : Levette, can you share a link to the podcast? 15:38:12 From Denise Massey : I agree! Being able to refer back to the ASCA National Model to support the work that we are doing is a great way to continue to advocate for our students 15:38:12 From Lucy Dorlus : Also support for black staff members @Sophia 15:38:17 From Levette Hull : Sure thing.. hold please! 15:38:28 From Robin Bedford to All panelists : Levette, are your podcasts available on your school’s website? If so, how could we listen to them? 15:38:44 From Levette Hull : https://anchor.fm/colgancounselor/episodes/Listen-and-Learn-Being-An-Ally-in-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Movement-ef7fuo 15:39:01 From Andrea Smotherman to All panelists : Thank you Levette! 15:39:01 From Hannah Jeter : Thank you, Levette. 15:39:09 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : Thank you for sharing, Levette! 15:39:09 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Yes, Marsha! Let’s start interrogating the system! Not the students 15:39:10 From Robin Bedford to All panelists : Awesome…thanks Levette!! 15:39:13 From Ila Laguercia : Thank you Levette 15:39:14 From lane madsen : Thank you Levette, 15:39:20 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Dr. Rutledge* 15:39:27 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : yessss Marsha!!!! 15:39:31 From Alicia Oglesby to All panelists : Love that, Marsha! 15:39:31 From Levette Hull : can be found on Spotify and apple podcast too. No problem :) We are just doing what we can 15:39:32 From Yvette Carter to All panelists : I'm also a black school counselor in my district. There are only 2 black female counselor in a district with 13000 students and 30 school counselors total. My principals, assistant superintendent and superintendent don't talk about social justice issues or advocate for the 20% of students of color.

15:39:32 From Anne Henry : Levette's work with her department is fantastic! Truly, they are groundbreaking. 15:39:34 From lane madsen : I would love input on blog posts that I'm working on with the topic. 15:39:35 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : Amen Marsha!!!! 15:39:37 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : We CANNOT be FEAR based in our response and lesson delivery. So often I see my colleagues behave in fear based ways. It does not serve any of the students to do this. 15:39:37 From Kelly Greenberg : Yes!!!!! Thank you, Dr. Rutledge!!! 15:39:40 From Levette Hull : Thanks Anne :) 15:39:42 From Erin K. : Levette, that's fantastic. I'm in Fairfax County. 15:39:48 From Derek Francis : OK Dr. Rutledge I see you 15:39:53 From Stephen Sharp : Thank you! 15:39:55 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Yes we need to look back at our statements and sit with admin to discuss and evaluate!!! Yessss!! 15:39:59 From Kelsey Richardson : Virginia :) 15:40:07 From jennifer correnti : THANK YOU DR. Rutledge! 15:40:08 From Elizabeth Powers to All panelists : Amen 15:40:14 From Alicia Oglesby to All panelists : That’s right! Grow or go. 15:40:16 From Emily Goodman-Scott : Dr. Rutledge- grateful for your perspective and grateful for you 15:40:25 From Anne Henry : Dr. Rutledge...amazing insight! 15:40:30 From Shuntina Taylor : Thank you Levette. I used to work at Lake Ridge MS in Woodbridge! 15:40:47 From Stephen Sharp : Yes! 15:40:52 From Levette Hull : Woo shout out to the N. VA counselors here! 15:40:55 From Frannie Neal : Thank you, Dr. Rutledge!!! 15:40:56 From Susan Levine to All panelists : Take the ASCA leadership class and step and be a leader - so important as a white counselor in the building 15:41:04 From Priscilla Grijalva to All panelists : Love Carolyn Stone!!!! 15:41:19 From Krystal Clemons : VA stand up! 15:41:40 From Sarah Tracy : Yes VA stand up. We can do this. 15:41:40 From Suzanne Graun : anyone else here from Arizona?? 15:41:41 From Liz Vohar : NOVA HS Counselor here! 15:41:47 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : AZ here! 15:41:54 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : TX here 15:41:54 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : ALL students! Yes! 15:41:54 From Katherine Pastor to All panelists : AZ here too 15:41:55 From Frannie Neal to All panelists : Tucson, Arizona here!! 15:42:01 From Amirah Bohler : @Levette what platform/tools do you use to record your podcast? Some counseling colleagues and I are looking to begin a podcast 15:42:01 From Alejandro Menchaca : AZ here 15:42:02 From Katie Mitchell-Dodge : @Suzanne - AZ here too! 15:42:03 From Suzanne Graun : Hey, Kelsey 15:42:04 From Dr. Teresa Toro to All panelists : Tucson, AZ!

15:42:04 From Sarah Wampler to All panelists : I'm from a HS in Tucson AZ 15:42:08 From Rachel DiBartolo : Another FCPS (VA) elem counselor here. We need to do more, for sure!!! 15:42:08 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : Dr. Stone I love every single piece of work you've created that I have the privilege of reading 15:42:11 From Sophia Rose, PhD : @Lucy, yes, I agree. 15:42:14 From Amy Tanikawa to All panelists : Unexpected tears today. Thank you all! Twenty year wedding anniversary this week with the love of my life. White counselor with spouse and children who do not have white privilege. My husband and children have never lived without feeling the sting of racism in America. When they were young, we reached out to the Native American community to help me understand their lived experience was different than mine. Forever grateful for this community supporting our family. Even still, I need to check my white privilege every single day. I have to work hard at understanding what is happening in our country right now. CLO=chief listening officer. Thank you for modeling and sharing. 15:42:15 From Russell Sabella : Still thinking about the gym analogy for myself. I've been in the gym, but it's time to put on more weights, get to the next level, get more workout partners, …. thank you for being our personal trainers today … so inspired! 15:42:16 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Absolutely! 15:42:19 From Alicia Jackson to All panelists : Ethical Literacy. Love it! 15:42:31 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : anyone dealing with children in any profession must embrace them as if they are their own. through that lens, equity and ethics are inherent, because we will walk over hot coals for our own children. do unto others as u would have them do unto you. period. easy! 15:42:31 From Bernadette McCann to All panelists : Queens NY! 15:42:45 From Nastia (Stacey) Snider-Simon : AZ here too 15:42:47 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Texas is here! 15:42:53 From Levette Hull : Hey Amirah- we use the anchor app. My mentee would get us all to download the app, then he would send us a link. Literally recorded an episode while I was on the phone. The other two times I've been a part of it, I was on zoom and he recorded and converted it. 15:42:58 From Maria Grovner to All panelists : Speak the truth Dr. Stone. 15:42:58 From Kimberly Graham Dyson to All panelists : That's correct. 15:43:01 From Angelina Jones-Farley : Arizona 15:43:07 From P. Sloan Joseph to All panelists : PREACH, Dr. Stone!!!! 15:43:07 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : @Russell, I Love how you stated this. Im ready for some more weights too 15:43:09 From Kelsey Richardson : yes yes yes 15:43:22 From Lakisha Bonner : All of the Re-Opening guidance for schools states that we need to reimagine education. This is the time to ensure that we address structural racism in our schools! 15:43:24 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Yes! Yes! 15:43:25 From Krystal Clemons : YES!!!

15:43:28 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : That's right. 15:43:30 From Dr. Teresa Toro to All panelists : AMEN!!! 15:43:32 From Elektra Thompson : Bingo! 15:43:35 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : YES 15:43:40 From Alicia Wilson to All panelists : So, true especially suspension 15:43:42 From Jamilah Davidge to All panelists : Yes 15:43:42 From Theresa Broaddus to All panelists : Yes!! 15:43:47 From Angela Cleveland : YES and you can look at the data on disparities in education here: https://projects.propublica.org/miseducation/ 15:43:49 From Sylvia Hollins to All panelists : Suggestions for how to deal with a school counselor who repeatedly and publicly violates ethical standards of anti-racism? Forced to resign but still credentialed and eligible to work as an educator. 15:43:54 From Sunday Hamilton : Arizona 15:44:03 From Kelly Greenberg to All panelists : Can you please post those codes in the chat, Dr. Stone? 15:44:05 From Lucy Dorlus : Yes, Carolyn! 15:44:08 From Elektra Thompson : The system goes outside the school as well. What does the data at the district level saying? We need all hands on deck! 15:44:10 From Suzanne Graun : @LIz where is Nova HS? 15:44:10 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : Central to the work , aint nothing new! Now time to ELEVATE the work and use this time as a catalyst for change 15:44:18 From Patricia Mikell to All panelists : I am a black counselor in a predominantly white school (staff and Students). I feel lucky to be in a school where the administration supports having race, equity and white privilege conversations. It‚Äôs about learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. 15:44:20 From Marshall Grant to All panelists : What about Arizona? 15:44:21 From Tanya Obaidullah to All panelists : �üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ 15:44:25 From Liz Vohar : Potomac HS in Northern VA 15:44:26 From Amanda Fitzgerald : https://schoolcounselor.org/asca/media/asca/Ethics/EthicalStandards2016.pdf 15:44:29 From Liz Vohar : Dumfries, VA 15:44:33 From Shuntina Taylor : Thank you Angela for sharing that link 15:44:35 From Amirah Bohler : @Levette Many thanks and much appreciation for sharing! 15:44:45 From Rebecca Pianta to All panelists : Yes! If you are a school counselor, you have to act. Silence is complacent. Get used to being uncomfortable. It‚Äôs vital in order to do this work. 15:44:59 From Sylvia Hollins to All panelists : ‚ù§Ô∏è 15:45:06 From Diana Gulenchyn to All panelists : We also need more support for counselors to do this work. Our students need us! 15:45:07 From Levette Hull : No worries Amirah! 15:45:08 From Rachel DiBartolo : Dr. Stone, you are amazing!!!!!!!! 15:45:15 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : Yes!! 15:45:30 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Hang in there Dr. Stone‚Ķ.*hugs bless you‚Ķ 15:45:31 From Fredricka Hunter to All panelists : POWERFUL

15:45:31 From Jacquel Wisdom : Right! 15:45:32 From Patricia Castaneda to All panelists : GET IIIIIIIT!!!! 15:45:34 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : No, it cannot be avoided. 15:45:34 From Priscilla Grijalva to All panelists : Totally me today. Crying while talking to Derek this morning. 15:45:35 From Stephanie Hayes : Thank you to all the panelists today!!! 15:45:36 From Shana Baird to All panelists : We CANNOT ignore these conversations anymore...‚Ķ. 15:45:36 From Bernadette McCann to All panelists : but they continue to make budget cuts to schools! 15:45:36 From Daya Patton to All panelists : Yes!! 15:45:37 From Tamar Wilson to All panelists : Thank you ALL soooo much!!!!! 15:45:46 From Pam Powell to All panelists : No ma‚Äôam it cannot! 15:45:49 From Lori Hackett : yes! 15:45:50 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Yes PASSION! FIGHT! 15:45:50 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Oh wow, Dr. Stone. Can you share that case? About how parents cannot mandate what schools teach? That would be great to share in our classes to masters students 15:45:53 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Thank you Carolyn Stone for your heart! 15:45:55 From Brooke Wagner to All panelists : Yes, use your ethical standards as leverage! 15:46:03 From Liz Vohar : Laughing and crying now. Dr. Stone, amazing. 15:46:14 From Lauren Balterman to All panelists : Thank you for your passion Dr. Stone! 15:46:15 From Karen Sundquist to All panelists : Thank you all for being real. 15:46:16 From Krystal Clemons : I agree Natalie! Our masters students truly need to know this.... 15:46:17 From Brooke Wagner to All panelists : BOLDNESS is needed 15:46:18 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : YES!! 15:46:19 From Patricia Castaneda to All panelists : YASSS!!!! 15:46:20 From Shana Baird to All panelists : Be BOLD, Be COURAGEOUS 15:46:21 From Lezlie DelVecchio-Marks to All panelists : Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Stone. You are so right. This is our time to make this happen and use these ethical standards as leverage. 15:46:23 From Beatrice Nguyen to All panelists : WORD. 15:46:25 From Sarah Wampler to All panelists : thank you so much!!! wow 15:46:26 From Siedra Pitts to All panelists : Really good, Dr Stone! 15:46:27 From Kelsey Richardson : yesssssss 15:46:27 From Ingrid Smith : Yes!! Dr. Stone!! 15:46:27 From Derek Francis : Thanks again Priscilla for the time this morning! 15:46:29 From Pam Powell to All panelists : �üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ 15:46:29 From Lucy Dorlus : Yes, A WORD! 15:46:29 From Tiffany Blackwood to All panelists : Thank you, Dr. Stone 15:46:29 From Stephen Sharp : boom 15:46:30 From Kelly Greenberg : Amazing. Thank you <3

15:46:31 From Tracey Spain to All panelists : Yes!! 15:46:33 From Derek Francis : Dr. Stone!!! 15:46:33 From Jacquel Wisdom : Thank you all for having this conversation!! 15:46:33 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Yes, indeed! 15:46:34 From Crystal Lopez to All panelists : WOWWWWW amazing words! 15:46:34 From Levette Hull : Thank you Dr. Stone! 15:46:36 From Christine Marie Turner : YES!!! Thanks, Dr. Stone!!! 15:46:36 From Heidi Warm : Hear, HEAR!!! 15:46:37 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : Carolyn Stone. thank you for FEELING black people!! 15:46:37 From Barbara Morales : Thank you. Amazing! 15:46:41 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : Awesome. 15:46:43 From Patricia DeAngelo : Dr. Stone is the best!!!! 15:46:44 From Kathy Biles to All panelists : You are all powerful. Thank you for this! 15:46:45 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : This is what all school counselors are called to do. Be the change! Thank you to all the panelists for this important discussion. Excellence! 15:46:45 From Monica Kenyon : love the receipts! 15:46:50 From Zoe Falkenstein to All panelists : absolutely incredible. thank you 15:46:53 From Kelsey Richardson : she has me ready to go talk to my principal and superintendent today lol 15:46:54 From Rachel DiBartolo : That website is AMAZINGLY insightful!!!!! 15:46:56 From Alexander Del Rosario : Thank you Dr. Stone, that was powerful and true! 15:46:57 From Lisa Sharp to All panelists : Thank you! Your passion shows and I feel it here in CA. 15:47:11 From Suzanne Graun : very well spoken Dr. Stone 15:47:14 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : love this, don‚Äôt want it to end!! all insights are so valuable and so touching. 15:47:20 From Carie Collazo-Gonzalez : We need to have more of these so we can hit the floor running come beginning of school year. Knowledge is powerful. School Counselors rock. :) 15:47:21 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : YES!!! 15:47:36 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Yes! 15:47:41 From Kolott Vaughn to All panelists : Thank you 15:47:45 From Maribel Lopez to All panelists : YES!! 15:47:52 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : Yes, Kelsey! I went with the top-down approach. That's where this needs to come from. 15:47:54 From Annette Finch to All panelists : Thanks Dr. Stone, what you said was very important. 15:47:58 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : 1. Self Reflection 15:48:06 From Miriam Sandoval : Yes!!!! 15:48:15 From Levette Hull : MY ARMS ARE GETTING TIRED! That's itttttt 15:48:20 From Caleine Ajusma : ‚ÄúMy arms are getting tired.‚Äù!!!!!! 15:48:22 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : yes!!!! tiredddd! b 15:48:22 From Caleine Ajusma : �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ

15:48:24 From Gwendolyn Hamby to All panelists : Yes, Dr. Stone. Can we please have that case information? 15:48:29 From Isaac Akapnitis to All panelists : Yes - I love this, thank you. 15:48:31 From Cynthia Harris : YES! 15:48:40 From Lucy Dorlus : Lol 15:48:41 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Yes, we are tired. We are crying for help. 15:48:48 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : We Got You! 15:49:03 From Jacquel Wisdom : Thats TRUE! 15:49:13 From Christine Marie Turner : YES! 15:49:13 From Kristy Basara to All panelists : White counselor here from Delaware. I will spot you!! 15:49:17 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Yes Derek!! That population was heavy on my heart during COVID.. 15:49:23 From Paige Abasolo to All panelists : So proud to be a professional school counselor! This raw dialogue is so crucial! It is reassuring that others are experiencing the same emotions I am. I am ready to turn this hurt and pain into action! 15:49:27 From Kelsey Richardson : modeling yes 15:49:29 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : Yes! 15:49:36 From Kristy Basara to All panelists : Thank you for this conversation! 15:49:48 From Lydia McNeiley : yessss!!!!! 15:49:51 From Caroline Perry to All panelists : this-> “this struggle is for ALL of us to carry” 15:49:57 From Krystal Clemons : y'all are preaching on today....I love it... 15:50:12 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : We need co-consiprators as School Counselors of Color….think BEYOND allies 15:50:12 From Rossy C. Garcia : You went there! 15:50:13 From Lucy Dorlus : Yes! 15:50:18 From Levette Hull : Take the time to really listen to students. As adults- I have the tendency to say I'm listening, but need to actively listening. These students are ready more than ever before to speak up and not take no as an answer 15:50:20 From Elektra Thompson : Best thing I’ve heard!! LOL 15:50:21 From Lori Hackett : preach! 15:50:24 From Yolanda Spiva to All panelists : yes plz don’t do that! 15:50:28 From Krystal Clemons : "I dated a Black guy" mannnnnnnnnnnnnn…... 15:50:29 From Davirah Timm-Dinkins to All panelists : Yes. Identity is not expertise and work. 15:50:33 From Laura Fortson-Williams : Yes!!!! I don’t want to hear your black resume. I wanna know what you can do for the “company" 15:50:33 From Angelina Jones-Farley : mhmm 15:50:36 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : That's funny. Great example because that happens. 15:50:37 From Ray Soh to All panelists : You are the light, Derek! 15:50:47 From Michelle King : School counselor in training here: I've been a teacher for 20 years, in schools with SOC being less than 50% of students. But, learning about the ethics for school counselors and doing my internship at a HS with a majority of students being SOC, I

finally saw, through conversations with students and observing them in classes as to how profoundly deep the systemic racism and oppression is embedded in current practices. If we can change this in our schools, and get our communities on board, only then will we see change on a large scale. It's cliche, but the children are our future to help make that change happen. If we listen to them, we can help support that change. 15:50:47 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : 2. ASCA Model 15:50:50 From Karen Sundquist to All panelists : LOVE the co-conspirators! 15:50:57 From P. Sloan Joseph : Are each of you on Twitter? How can we stay connected with you to continue to learn and grow. 15:51:01 From Stephen Sharp : yes! 15:51:03 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : That' is a GREAT idea 15:51:20 From Frannie Neal : YES. Absolutely. 15:51:23 From Ray Soh to All panelists : Systems change start from the top!! 15:51:23 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : “don’t ask for permission, PUT IT INTO YOUR AGREEMENT” …..yesssssss! 15:51:29 From Deniell Stowers to All panelists : great examples 15:51:42 From Laquita Hardimon to All panelists : Yes!! 15:51:43 From Monica Kenyon : yes, I need this panel in my life 15:51:54 From Levette Hull : @MrsLHull2u on twitter 15:52:11 From Leslie Jones to All panelists : lunch duty was a good time to talk to kids too! 15:52:14 From Dana Wile : #? 15:52:18 From Kelsey Richardson : @CounselorKels 15:52:20 From Kelly Greenberg to All panelists : How did you get free lunch?? Did you put that into your principal counselor contract? 15:52:24 From Laura Fortson-Williams : Lunch ladies (and men) have a special place in their hearts for us! I get all the extra graham crackers! 15:52:25 From Krystal Clemons : @DrKLClemons 15:52:32 From Jean Agosto to All panelists : @CounslrSrAgosto 15:52:36 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : @monica, i agree! so happy this panel exists 15:52:43 From Jean Agosto : @CounslrSrAgosto 15:52:46 From Maria Grovner to All panelists : Be willing to continue the conversation with GA School Counselor Assoc on June 19. Check out tinyurl.com/2020healing 15:52:48 From Michelle King : Derek, your positive attitude is infectious! Thank you for pointing out opportunities to make relationships. 15:52:52 From lane madsen : I mentioned I took a training and got convicted more to do more with GLBTAQ+ last month and my principal asked me if I was going to start an after school CLUB!! I wasn't even there yet, but now I think I may look more into a social justice club. I love my ADMIN! 15:53:01 From Angela Cleveland : “Find your people” is GREAT advice! I had someone tell once “go to where the energy is” and it helped me to focus on those who wanted to do the work with me rather than those who weren’t willing (yet). 15:53:06 From mhudgens to All panelists : The lunchroom is the best place to be to identify issues and make connections with students! I love lunch duty!

15:53:11 From meka banks to All panelists : Will the panel address the questions in the Q&A, there are some good questions there. 15:53:34 From Kelsey Richardson : lol 15:53:36 From Levette Hull : We started a small group the other day- we are holding through the month of June. 3 groups: 2 for students who identify as black/AA and one with those who identify as allies to the black/AA community. EYE OPENING and refreshing. First week- we started simply with "What does it mean to be a black teen in America?" 15:53:38 From Michelle King : A social justice club sounds like a good idea. 15:53:46 From Levette Hull : via online platform * 15:53:48 From Pam Powell to All panelists : Yes, we have to help them ease back in! 15:54:17 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : Yes! 15:54:19 From Ray Soh to All panelists : Derek, get Jim on the panel!! 15:54:22 From Angelina Jones-Farley : that club/group sounds incredible levette 15:54:22 From Nakia McCarrell : Levette that is very interesting. I would love to hear mover about that group. 15:54:24 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : Starting Social Awareness and Action Club 15:54:25 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Very good, Derek! 15:54:35 From Kelsey Richardson : yes! 15:54:36 From Levette Hull : hulllj@pwcs.edu for more details if you'd like 15:54:40 From Ingrid Smith : We have to do the work!!! 15:54:44 From Maria Grovner to All panelists : @Micihele King check out No Place for Hate with the Anti Defamation League 15:55:12 From Levette Hull : whew to those who saw it live. Bless them 15:55:36 From Pam Powell to All panelists : Yes! Address the trauma. �üëè�üèæ�üëè�üèæ 15:55:56 From Diana Gulenchyn to All panelists : Yes we do! 15:55:58 From Kara Hiltz : I have trouble getting students engaged virtually... not to mention that talking about equity, not all students have access/support at home. Can't wait to get back in the building... 15:56:16 From Laura Fortson-Williams : YES!!!!!!! Thank you for pointing out the importance of ELEMENTARY COUNSELORS! 15:56:27 From Kelsey Richardson : yes! 15:56:33 From Judi Mireles to All panelists : Infuse equity-based teaching with everything you do. 15:56:35 From Michelle King : Great, simple, yet important questions to address with students. 15:56:43 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : Yes. It impacts change!!! LOVE IT! 15:56:50 From Levette Hull : DEREK for PRESIDENT! 15:56:59 From Caleine Ajusma : Great job, Derek! 15:56:59 From Kelsey Richardson : I'd vote for him 15:57:05 From Ray Soh to All panelists : In November! 15:57:06 From Krystal Clemons : YES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! I did elementary school counseling in Prince William County years ago... 15:57:15 From Stephanie Hayes : Derek - Thank you for breaking down some of these ideas - its so good to have strategies!!!

15:57:19 From Nico Negrette to All panelists : can we get access to this article 15:57:19 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Jennifer — what is the article? Link? 15:57:21 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : Worked in Prince William Loved it. 15:57:24 From Arnise Roberson to All panelists : Awesome job Derek! 15:57:26 From Laquita Hardimon to All panelists : Yes Susko! 15:57:26 From P. Sloan Joseph : Please post that article or send via email. Thanks. 15:57:30 From Lezlie DelVecchio-Marks to All panelists : Derek, that was awesome! Thank for you for tying in the ASCA perspective! 15:57:30 From Tracy Allen to All panelists : Can you share that article about not whitewashing these conversations? 15:57:30 From Rossy C. Garcia : Thank you! 15:57:31 From Brenda Meyer to All panelists : yes!! look at the SEL programs deeper 15:57:33 From Stephen Sharp : yasss 15:57:38 From Deniell Stowers : I was just introduced to him and I’d vote for him! 15:57:40 From Mindy Willard to All panelists : yesss!! 15:57:40 From Angela Cleveland : @JEN YES!!!!! 15:57:41 From Caleine Ajusma : “Not whitewashing SEL.” 15:57:42 From Jillian Gleason to All panelists : SO true! 15:57:42 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : Good Point. 15:57:42 From Davirah Timm-Dinkins : Yes, Jennifer! 15:57:43 From Nakia McCarrell : YES!!!!! 15:57:45 From Daya Patton to All panelists : Yes Jennifer! 15:57:45 From Kerryann Silvestri : Would love that article please! 15:57:46 From Isaac Akapnitis to All panelists : And are we teaching SEL without addressing the larger oppressive structures and asking Black students just to "cope" with oppression? 15:57:48 From Anthony Mormile to All panelists : Derek can you post your talking points please. Also if you have a twitter thanks. 15:57:48 From Laura Fortson-Williams : amen! 15:57:48 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : That is such a huge point!! 15:57:51 From Caleine Ajusma : Come on Jennifer!!!!! 15:57:52 From Anne Henry : Love how this was addressed according to each piece of the ASCA National Model. 15:57:53 From mhudgens to All panelists : Teach your students advocacy!!! 15:57:53 From Kristina Howe : This might be the article Jennifer mentioned: https://medium.com/@justschools/when-sel-is-used-as-another-form-of-policing-fa53cf85dce4 15:57:53 From lane madsen : are there any studies that help with exploring what SEL programs are not addresses social discretencies? I'd be willing to help with a study 15:57:55 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Yes—Grit is not culturally sustaining 15:57:57 From Katie Martino to All panelists : yes!! 15:57:57 From Kara Hiltz : Great points, Jennifer!! Hadn't thought about it from that viewpoint.... 15:57:57 From Jacquel Wisdom to All panelists : RIGHT!!!!!! 15:57:58 From Nkenji Clarke to All panelists : YES!!!!

15:57:58 From Melia Kiggins to All panelists : Absolutely!!! 15:58:00 From Marshall Grant to All panelists : Here's an article like what Jennifer is mentioning: http://www.ascd.org/publications/newsletters/education_update/apr19/vol61/num04/Why_We_Can%27t_Afford_Whitewashed_Social-Emotional_Learning.aspx 15:58:02 From Kelsey Richardson : I need this to be said at every school 15:58:02 From Theresa Broaddus to All panelists : Yes! 15:58:05 From Dana Wile : yes!! slippery slope with PBIS things just promotiong white culture in the guise it is school culture. 15:58:08 From Sophia Rose, PhD to All panelists : Good point! 15:58:15 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : so so true in terms of SEL. anyone know programs /curriculum that has a critical race framework? 15:58:17 From Rachel DiBartolo : OMG -- Jennifer you hit the nail on the head!!!!! when we are focused on the WRONG skills!!! 15:58:17 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : Yesss Jennifer as i‚Äôm writing ALL these notes!!! We need a diverse team that engages in SEL curriculum as we spread it across the district! 15:58:19 From Nico Negrette to All panelists : how does Second Step play into this conversation 15:58:22 From Leslie Jones to All panelists : that part!!! 15:58:26 From Laura Fortson-Williams : ```Paul Gorski has said for years that grit and growth mindset is simply not sustainable for kids in poverty OR POC 15:58:26 From Sasha Arnesen to All panelists : Yes!! 15:58:44 From Nico Negrette to All panelists : I teach Second Step every week in every class at my school 15:58:50 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : I would love to see some of those lessons as examples! 15:58:52 From lane madsen : WE have to be PBIS as mandated by the state, but my principal changed the language and format to Tier supports for change 15:59:00 From Nadiya Rosen to All panelists : Thank you! we need to advocate for our students to trust their feelings and use their voice when they see racism and injustice. 15:59:05 From Caleine Ajusma : �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ �üëè�üèæ 15:59:08 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : yes, teaching self-validating skills while living in a chronically invalidating environment, how to challenge student‚Äôs cognitive distortions 15:59:11 From Elektra Thompson : Thanks for the article! 15:59:13 From Erin Lane to All panelists : I feel like I have spent the last hour nodding my head YES! YES! YES! 15:59:30 From Fredricka Hunter : Angela Cleveland thank you for that link. 15:59:35 From Joy Toms to All panelists : I hope we can continue this conversation with this group for months to come. 15:59:40 From Brenda Meyer to All panelists : https://measuringsel.casel.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Frameworks-Equity.pdf 15:59:48 From Kristy Basara to All panelists : I am interested to hear your views on the roles of school resource officers in buildings. 16:00:09 From Alexandria Harviel : Is this going to be saved somewhere?

16:00:10 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : Thank you for hitting on Biracial issues. 16:00:24 From Nkenji Clarke to All panelists : https://medium.com/@justschools/when-sel-is-used-as-another-form-of-policing-fa53cf85dce4 16:00:29 From Emily Goodman-Scott : Awareness first, then action: Thanks Laura Ross. 16:00:30 From Kimberly Kelly to All panelists : I would love access to this recording later 16:00:36 From Nkenji Clarke : https://medium.com/@justschools/when-sel-is-used-as-another-form-of-policing-fa53cf85dce4 16:00:39 From Amanda Fitzgerald : The plan is to have the recording on ASCA on Air shortly. 16:00:40 From Elektra Thompson : I would love to have conversations on how we can support our multi raced students 16:00:44 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : To me that is one of the issues I think some people have a hard time talking about it. 16:00:51 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : thank you for the resource! 16:01:09 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Laura has the BEST principal! 16:01:12 From Kelsey Richardson : SCOY! 16:01:13 From Tamar Wilson to All panelists : The recording will be on the ASCA website next week 16:01:15 From Christine David-Fortune to All panelists : Can we please get a copy of this recording? So much valuable info 16:01:16 From Levette Hull : Yes LAURA 16:01:20 From Kelsey Richardson : all the SCOYS! 16:01:35 From Amanda Fitzgerald : The recording will be on ASCA on Air as soon as we can get it uploaded. 16:01:53 From Jacquelyn Leif to All panelists : Our county is not allowing us to have conversations about this or the pandemic right now... How do we change their mind to be able to do this work? 16:01:54 From Heidi Warm : Thanks, Amanda. 16:01:56 From Kelsey Richardson : I want to play the recording at our 1st faculty meeting lol 16:02:00 From Kelsey Richardson : but seriously 16:02:16 From Kathleen Rakestraw to Natalie Edirmanasinghe, All Panelists : The recording will be available on ASCA On Air early next week. 16:02:17 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : We definitely need to listen to our students 100% more! 16:02:33 From Sarah Wampler to All panelists : ...and educating our students what to do when it's an adult in the wrong... 16:02:34 From Jim Bierma to All panelists : Thanks to all panelists. I absolutely loved this session!!!!! 16:02:53 From Christine David-Fortune to All panelists : Thank You 16:02:54 From Rossy C. Garcia : Is there a way to download the chat and the Q&A? Zoom usually has the option but I don't see it 16:02:56 From Rachel DiBartolo : I LOVED this resource: https://www.socialwork.career/2020/06/anti-racism-resources-for-social-workers-and-therapists.html 16:03:12 From Kathleen Rakestraw to Natalie Edirmanasinghe, All Panelists : Yes, we can include the chat download.

16:03:13 From Pam Powell to All panelists : I’d love to help colleagues navigate racial situations as well because many are uncomfortable and will let a situation slide, that shouldn’t! 16:03:19 From Pam Powell to All panelists : yes! 16:03:30 From Derek Francis : @MrFranchise34 on twitter 16:03:56 From Krystal Clemons : Yes Dr. Rutledge!!! Counselor educators 16:04:03 From Erin Lane to All panelists : Yes to listening to student voices and stories, but definitely also to hearing their ideas! they have awesome out of the box ideas 16:04:08 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Rachel - thank you for this link! I will be studying this throughout the summer!! 16:04:27 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Yes Dr. Rutledge! 16:04:28 From Kelsey Richardson : so happy to be here 16:04:44 From Tiffany Rhodriquez : That's good - Professional Identity 16:04:56 From Erin Lane to All panelists : Yes this has to start in the training programs! and that means SCE have to do work too! we are not done learning 16:04:59 From Nkenji Clarke : And NOT just taking 1 multicultural counseling course and think all is well. 16:05:25 From Kelsey Richardson : yes! teach them to be comfortable with the uncomfortablness 16:05:26 From Kathleen Rakestraw : We’ll post the recording and chat to ASCA On Air early next week. 16:05:40 From Erin Lane to All panelists : definitely not one and done class! 16:05:46 From Krystal Clemons : AMEN!!! 16:05:52 From Anne Henry : Thank you Kathleen and Amanda! 16:05:53 From Caroline Perry to All panelists : Absolutely Dr. Rutledge! 16:06:00 From Erin Lane to All panelists : YES!! 16:06:01 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : YES! diversity 16:06:02 From Alexander Del Rosario : Thank you to all the panelists and attendees for this great meeting, conversations, ideas and resources. May God bless all of you! Good night! 16:06:09 From Carla Nelson to All panelists : Yes 16:06:11 From Jacquel Wisdom : YES!! 16:06:25 From Jennifer Cox : Yes! 16:06:26 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : We need to review our policies about how they may impede the recruitment of graduate students of color too! 16:06:30 From Stephen Sharp : This! 16:06:31 From Dr. Teresa Toro : It’s also important for universities to hire diverse professors. 16:06:31 From Gloria Valentin to All panelists : Many times I was always the only Latina on my campus as a counselor. 16:06:32 From Russell Sabella : Yes. … we have to teach our future school counselors that they are to comfort the afflicted but sometimes, we have to afflict the comfortable. 16:06:34 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Thank you panelist!! 16:06:34 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : As counselor educators 16:06:34 From Shuntina Taylor : Yes! I was 1 of 2 POC in my cohort 16:06:38 From Caleine Ajusma : “Build your community.”

16:06:45 From Krystal Clemons : We really need White counselor educators to step up in this regard....Black counselor educators are TIRED 16:06:51 From Jacquel Wisdom : That‚Äôs RIGHT 16:06:52 From Laura Fortson-Williams : YES, school counseling is LONELY, especially in elementary school when you‚Äôre the only one. 16:07:03 From Marshall Grant to All panelists : Absolutely, Laura 16:07:08 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : @laura, yes! 16:07:11 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : Krystal ‚Äî you are right! 16:07:17 From Kelsey Richardson : I was 1 of 2 as well at UVA 16:07:18 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : Yes! Elementary loneliness. 16:07:20 From Shana Baird to All panelists : Dr. Sabella, so well stated..."afflict the comfortable" 16:07:29 From Sophia Rose, PhD to All panelists : Yes, Laura I agree. 16:07:29 From suzanne desimone to All panelists : Can the panelists be found on twitter? I follow some, but not all. 16:07:38 From Lori Hackett : MD counselors here? I am the only and first at my school 16:07:41 From Anne-Kenya Dubuisson to All panelists : Thank you 16:07:46 From Pam Powell to All panelists : Yes Laura F! I‚Äôm only counselor for K-8 campus. 16:07:55 From Lydia Wells : That! 16:07:56 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : WOW!!! YES! 16:07:57 From Julia Grant to All panelists : yes!! 16:08:08 From Laura Ross : on twitter and IG: @LRossSchCnslr 16:08:15 From Wendy Gonzalez : Love that! Diversity and Inclusion 16:08:17 From Arkisha Gathright to All panelists : Yes, let's please continue to have these conversations. :) 16:08:22 From lane madsen : I was shocked in grad school when I took my course for the Native American understandings (required in South Dakota because of our demographics). I was shocked by the ignorance of my classmates. My parents raised me to understand our history and to respect all cultures. I could not understand how others that also lived in my state that did not know about the AIM movement and different peaceful and non-peaceful movements in our own state in the last decade. 16:08:23 From Sophia Rose, PhD to All panelists : @Kesley and Laura where are you located? 16:08:28 From suzanne desimone to All panelists : Laura, thank you. 16:08:29 From Rachel Wolf to All panelists : I appreciate all your thoughts and insights. Thank you! 16:08:36 From Derek Francis : @MrFranchise34 on twitter 16:08:42 From Shuntina Taylor : twitter: @ShuntinaTaylor 16:08:42 From Levette Hull : Thanks for standing in the gap Lori and being the first. Exhausting work, but your FIRST step is/will impact those for generations to come 16:08:43 From Erin Mason to All panelists : Thank you Dr. Rutledge for sharing for SCEs! Always grateful to learn from you! 16:08:44 From Wonda Perez to All panelists : Thank you for this amazing platform and sharing your knowledge 16:09:03 From Bernadette McCann to All panelists : you need a desire to do this work 16:09:05 From Lori Hackett : �ü§ó

16:09:06 From Stephen Sharp : This was the most refreshing experience I’ve had for months, thank you to all the panelists. 16:09:12 From Erin O'Connor Rudman : Thank you for reminding me why I am in this profession. Rejuvenated, inspired, and ready to do more. 16:09:16 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : Agreed! Thank each and every one of you 16:09:18 From suzanne desimone to All panelists : Thank you for the twitter handles! 16:09:23 From Bernadette McCann to All panelists : build your community- I’m going with that 16:09:25 From Susan Levine to All panelists : Thank you - inspired - emotional and ready to work 16:09:25 From Shujuan Shannon to All panelists : twitter @CounslrSHANNON 16:09:33 From Jacquel Wisdom : NY Counselor here. Let’s continue this work! Twitter: @JQuel5 16:09:47 From mhudgens to All panelists : We most definitely have our work cut out for us, and I know I will get the most push back from my colleagues! That being said, I am READY! 16:09:54 From Wendy Gonzalez : So inspirational. I agree, I feel inspired to do more 16:09:55 From Jennifer Cox : Thank you Dr. Parker for saying that. 16:10:02 From Marshall Grant to All panelists : Thank you, Dr. Parker. 16:10:09 From Marsha Rutledge : @DrMRutledge - would love to connect with you and hear from you. 16:10:27 From Jennifer Diaz to All panelists : Yes, Dr. Parker, we need help getting those doors open to be able to do the work in our buildings. 16:10:35 From Mackenzie Cate to All panelists : As an elementary counselor in VA I hope to become a "No Place For Hate" school next year 16:10:44 From Anne-Kenya Dubuisson to All panelists : Too all NYC School Counselors if you know a schools who need an extra School Counselor please let me know Twitter@KenyaCherie 16:10:50 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : What we Know,,, WHAT WE DO NOT! THANK YOU panel for being a catalyst for the evolution of School Counseling and the well being of our students. 16:10:54 From Lauren Dubinsky to All panelists : Thank you to all the panelist! This was a much needed conversation. 16:10:57 From Mackenzie Cate to All panelists : https://www.adl.org/who-we-are/our-organization/signature-programs/no-place-for-hate 16:11:07 From Collette Honsowetz to All panelists : I work in a predominantly white middle school with constant push back from my superintendent, not principal! I have no support from teachers or other counselors in the district. 16:11:15 From Kelsey Richardson : Dr. Parker is in Virginia right? 16:11:25 From Levette Hull : @Dr. Rutledge- thanks for your work in Farmville. I graduated there in 2009 and the history that is in Farmville is so prevalent and is still DEEP. Listening to you makes me want to come back and take a class! 16:11:27 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : Feel our LOVE for You and your voices! 16:11:33 From Laura Fortson-Williams : i finished my masters in 2002

16:11:55 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Dr. Parker is in Georgia 16:12:01 From Collette Honsowetz to All panelists : I keep pushing and will continue to do so, but this panel is so helpful for me to grow and process. 16:12:12 From Pam Powell : Thank you all! This has been fantastic! 16:12:14 From Levette Hull : DUMPEDDD 16:12:15 From Natalie Edirmanasinghe : Gwinnett County, GA 16:12:18 From Collette Honsowetz to All panelists : Since I don't have anyone in the community. 16:12:33 From Kelsey Richardson : I want to meet her 16:12:39 From Kelsey Richardson : im in VA so not too far 16:12:39 From Collette Honsowetz to All panelists : Thank you so much panelists! 16:12:45 From Stephen Sharp : Yes! 16:13:01 From Lydia Wells to All panelists : I have been at my school for 3 years now and a new counselor came in and it feels like she is given more respect than me. I am black. she is white. I try to not think it's a race thing especially since our principal is black but it does as far as the district level too 16:13:18 From Deirdre Nixon to All panelists : Yes, this has been wonderful! 16:13:22 From Nico Negrette to All panelists : can we please continue to have these zooms throughout the year...... I am all alone at a school and I need this support 16:13:26 From Dana Wile : thanks Stephen Sharp and PSCA for the work on a local and state level! 16:13:28 From Bethzayda Escamilla to All panelists : VERY TRUE!!!! 16:13:29 From Sophia Rose, PhD to All panelists : Aes, yes, yes! 16:13:37 From Levette Hull : BUST THAT DOOR OPEN 16:13:37 From Heidi Warm : Thanks for the "being dumped into the deep end of the pool" analogy, Dr. Parker! 16:13:46 From Robin Enders to All panelists : Illinois School Counselor Association has been having some great webinar discussions!! 16:13:51 From Angela Cleveland : @Tinisha - totally agree! We can start by looking at the diversity (or lack of) in our own state and county level sc associations. 16:13:59 From Shujuan Shannon to All panelists : this is so beautiful. at my school I need help with my white students who are afraid to tell adults when our African American students make racial comments towards them. they're scared they will make things worse. they are afraid they will get beat up, they're afraid to even give me names. I'm an African American counselor. most of my students are African American. 16:13:59 From Krystal Clemons : Amen! 16:14:11 From Lori Hackett : Thank you! 16:14:14 From Krystal Clemons : this includes research in the PSC journal..... 16:14:21 From Vanessa Lofstedt to All panelists : I would love another town hall to talk more about our local and state chapters and how we can do better. 16:14:28 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : Tinisha... Hand in Hand! 16:14:33 From Stephen Sharp : Pennsylvania here - come join our squad, we’re listening

16:14:43 From Juliette Jones : This was very insightful, thank you to all the panelists!!!!!!! 16:14:54 From Lezlie DelVecchio-Marks to All panelists : Thank you, Stephen Sharp and PSCA! We are listening!!! 16:14:56 From Lawanda Felder : This has been the best spent time on a webinar in a weeks!!!! Thank you EVERYONE!!!! 16:15:04 From Caleine Ajusma : Yes, Dr. Parker! 16:15:04 From Levette Hull : Tag your man/woman! One team, one dream, one fight! 16:15:10 From Kristy Basara to All panelists : Yes!! Thank you to all the panelists for the inspiration! 16:15:11 From lane madsen : I have also received a lot of support from our education union. I do not agree with everything, but I love the voice from the leaders in the South Dakota Education Association. 16:15:15 From Lakisha Bonner to All panelists : we can’t let this opportunity pass us by!!!! Don’t let this Crisis go to waste to get things right! 16:15:32 From Daya Patton to All panelists : This has been great thank you! 16:15:40 From Ashley Richards : Thank you from the depths of my heart <3 16:15:43 From Kelsey Richardson : I did not have hope a few weeks ago but now I do 16:15:44 From Anaid to All panelists : Thank you all for your dedication, passion and voice! 16:15:44 From Tracie Morrison to All panelists : Thank you....The best is still yet to come! 16:15:47 From Alma Lopez : This is the most insightful PD...thank you for all you each do and thank you for today. 16:15:48 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : YES! 16:15:50 From Robin Enders to All panelists : I love that!! 16:15:52 From Leslie Jones to All panelists : THAT PART 16:15:53 From Kara Hiltz : Thank you all for being honest and vulnerable! Such an amazing conversation. 16:15:54 From Karen Carter to All panelists : Thank you to all the panelists!!! 16:15:57 From Anne Henry : Yes! 16:15:58 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : Miss Lawanda! Agreed! South Carolina email board folks... JOIN us let's get to work! 16:15:59 From Theresa Broaddus to All panelists : Yes!!!! 16:16:01 From Julia Grant to All panelists : YES 16:16:04 From Judi Mireles to All panelists : Desire, expertise & passion! This panel has been a wonderful resource. 16:16:07 From Megan Perepiczka to All panelists : Laura, Brian, Tinisha, Jan, Marsha, Derek, Jennifer & Carolyn - THANK YOU ALL! <3 16:16:12 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Yes! 16:16:16 From Angela Cleveland : I don’t know about you all, but I’ve had more conversations with my white colleagues about race in the past week than my entire career before this! I had someone tell me yesterday that she was raised to believe that talking about race is “taboo” but she’s been taking risks and having courageous conversations. She reached out to me to debrief her experiences and ask for next steps. :-) 16:16:20 From Mary McCormac to All panelists : Great job ASCA

16:16:24 From Coleen Miller to All panelists : I appreciate all of you sharing your experiences, perspectives and knowledge…from a NYC Elementary School Counselor. 16:16:25 From mhudgens to All panelists : they are uncomfortable around me; I've lost a few friends; I am good with that! 16:16:33 From Frannie Neal : Dr. Parker, thank you!! 16:16:37 From Lisa Allison to All panelists : I encourage everyone to also view Dr. Damien Sweeney’s ASCA Popup webinar from earlier this week as well. These two ASCA webinars have been very awesome! 16:16:38 From Emily Goodman-Scott : "Every kid deserve the opportunity to do their best work"- thank you Dr Parker! 16:16:38 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : Thank you for sharing your valuable voices, insights, and hearts. 16:16:48 From Nicole Jackson to All panelists : You all are awesome. Thank you for you'll transparency and vulnerability. Truly appreciated and needed in this difficult time. 16:16:48 From Elisha Cortez to All panelists : thank you all!!! 16:16:52 From Kari Rasmussen : The most amazing blend of informative and emotionally uplifting 16:16:55 From Jessica Jacobs : Thank you so much panelists! 16:16:55 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : So thankful for each of you!! 16:16:59 From Rebecca Corpuel to All panelists : Thank you Dr. Parker, you’re so inspiring, and I really value getting to be here 16:16:59 From Jillian Gleason : This was amazing! 16:17:04 From Zoe Falkenstein to All panelists : Thank you all! That was incredible. 16:17:10 From Stacey Miller to All panelists : Love y’all!!! 16:17:12 From Lisa Sharp to All panelists : Thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 16:17:13 From Siedra Pitts to All panelists : So good! Thank you! 16:17:17 From Davirah Timm-Dinkins : Thanks to the panelists! 16:17:18 From Anne Henry : So grateful to you all today. It has been a true honor to listen to and digest your wisdom. 16:17:19 From Ashley Wright to All panelists : oh yes i’m definitely energized!!! Very uplifting! :) 16:17:20 From Vanessa Lofstedt to All panelists : This was absolutely incredible. Thank you so much! 16:17:21 From Fredricka Hunter : Are we going to be sent a link of this webinar after completion? 16:17:28 From Crystal Brewer to All panelists : Thank you all for sharing! 16:17:28 From SHANNON SMOOT to All panelists : thank youso much for your wisdom and call to action Dr. Parker. 16:17:28 From Bethzayda Escamilla to All panelists : Listening to this helps me to keep my light on!Some times it is hard to be the beacon, the light, and hold the torch, but when I see and hear others say what I feel it helps me to keep moving/running!! 16:17:31 From Kimberly Kelly to All panelists : Thank you all. 16:17:33 From Monica Motley to All panelists : Excellent job panelists! Thank you all! This was wonderful!!! 16:17:36 From Kathy Biles to All panelists : Thank you to the panelists and to ASCA for this amazing webinar and conversation.

16:17:36 From Rachel DiBartolo : this has been such an enlightening conversation. THANK YOU ALL!!! 16:17:41 From Anthony Mormile to All panelists : This webinar made a DIFFERENCE! Thank you. Let's all keep the momentum going. 16:17:41 From Muriel Ortiz : Thank you, panelist 16:17:43 From Tamar Wilson : Again, thank you all so much. This was amazing!!! 16:17:43 From Erin Campbell to All panelists : Thank you all for your time in putting this together! 16:17:43 From Hilda Majewski : Thank you so much panelists! 16:17:44 From Dr. Teresa Toro : Hi Kat! From Dr. Toro :-) 16:17:44 From John-Eric Aguilar to All panelists : thank you panelists! this was rejuvenating. we’re all in this together! looking forward to hearing more and continuing this important work. 16:17:52 From Deirdre Nixon to All panelists : Could we possibly have another one during school day so that counselors watch together as a district? 16:17:52 From John-Eric Aguilar : thank you panelists! this was rejuvenating. we’re all in this together! looking forward to hearing more and continuing this important work. 16:17:56 From Monica Gutierrez to All panelists : thank you so much Dr. Parker! my inspiration is renewed. 16:17:58 From Nkenji Clarke : One of the best webinars I have attended while living and working in this pandemic. 16:17:58 From Dakota Zantay to All panelists : Thank you all so much! You are appreciated!!! 16:18:01 From Barbara Morales : This was an amazing and informative town hall. Hands down….the most Wonderful panelist! 16:18:05 From Leslie Bates to All panelists : Thank you, everyone! This has been an amazing panel. I feel energized and connected like never before! 16:18:07 From Kelsey Richardson : Thank you! 16:18:10 From Elisha Cortez to All panelists : Dr. Rutledge and Mr. Francis have been non-stop this week. So grateful for the work of ALL these panelists. 16:18:14 From Barbara Truluck to All panelists : Thank you to all! 16:18:18 From Samantha Love : Thank you...EVERYONE...powerful conversations today! 16:18:20 From Andrea Donegan : This is the work. YES, thank you! 16:18:23 From Fredricka Hunter : Panelists may God continuously bless you all! Thank you for you knowledge, your wisdom, your vulnerability, and your grace. 16:18:25 From Katie Martino to All panelists : Thank you!!! This was fantastic and powerful. 16:18:26 From Christine Marie Turner : Thank you all so much! 16:18:30 From Ila Laguercia : Thank you all for your time and commitment. 16:18:30 From Jillian Gleason : I am proud to be a School Counselor! 16:18:30 From lane madsen : I principal shared the information that I have posted from ASCA throughout all this. 16:18:31 From Suji Chung : Thank you for this!! So very needed + appreciated <3 16:18:31 From Monica Gutierrez to All panelists : I feel so supported by ASCA. Always have but now more than ever!

16:18:36 From Heidi Warm : Thank you, thank you, thank you! 16:18:36 From Nkenji Clarke : Let me go renew my memb!ership 16:18:41 From Bethzayda Escamilla to All panelists : Thank YOU ASCA for saying this because as a school counselor of color WE NEED TO HEAR this from OUR organization!! 16:18:49 From Muriel Ortiz : Thank you very much! Everything was very helpful and informative! I’m looking forward to next school year already! 16:18:51 From Mackenzie Cate to All panelists : This has been inspirational thank you all. 16:18:52 From Jason Javier : Thank you for this! 16:18:53 From Rose Bornstein Bedoya to All panelists : This conversation was exactly where I needed to be right now-thank you so much. It was a disheartening week after I shared a list of organizations with my middle school staff, and some teachers shared it with students, and then there was a ton of pushback from parents, and our principal did not react as I wish he had. I literally had a conversation with a police officer father of a student who said "tolerance.org is a hate site" and another parent who said "The Southern Poverty Law Center is anti-Christian." I am not giving up, I know that is not an option. But it is so true that we can only do this work as far as our admin allows us. Thank you all so much. 16:18:55 From Mary Jones to All panelists : Thank you everyone...Great information... 16:18:56 From Robin Zorn : Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! YES...We can infect the NATION with HOPE! Such a powerful conversation today! 16:19:01 From Laura Fortson-Williams : This panel made me MORE THAN proud to be in this profession, and more than proud to be a member of ASCA. THANK YOU 16:19:06 From mhudgens to All panelists : I am up for renewal as well 16:19:07 From Nastia (Stacey) Snider-Simon : Thank you to all the panelists and organizers! 16:19:12 From Jacquel Wisdom : Yes it was! 16:19:14 From Nathalie Selleslags to All panelists : That one was excellent as well! 16:19:15 From Catie Olsen : Thank you so much for this session! 16:19:19 From Veronica Vasquez to All panelists : Yes yes yes! 16:19:21 From Jamie DiCarro to All panelists : I am so inspired and feeling so validated!! I am the one at my school that people roll their eyes when I walk into the room, oh great, here comes that school counselor that is going to make us all feel uncomfortable and push out outside our comfort zones. I've been honored to be that person, but I feel so validated knowing it's my ACTUAL JOB!! 16:19:25 From Brenda Gerhardt to All panelists : This has been one of the best ASCA sessions ever. 16:19:27 From Roberto Aguilar to All panelists : Thank you all! 16:19:27 From Susan Langan to All panelists : I have not checked the website recently but we are looking for resources to share with white parents to talk about their students about racism. 16:19:29 From Jessica Reidenbach to All panelists : Thank you so much! 16:19:35 From Dawn Holness to All panelists : Thank you, GREAT!!! 16:19:38 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : Yes so proud to be a part of ASCA and all of you ! THANK YOU!

16:19:50 From Lisa De Gregorio to All panelists : Thank you panelists for the real and much needed conversation! Much respect and love for all of you! 16:19:52 From Karen Carter to All panelists : Will this discussion be posted on the ASCA website? 16:19:52 From Casi Wetzel to All panelists : Thank you!! 16:19:55 From Ray Soh to All panelists : Best summer yet with the panelist 16:20:09 From Kimberly Graham Dyson : This was great! 16:20:19 From Elektra Thompson : Thank you!!! 16:20:19 From Deborah Blume to All panelists : BRAVO! 16:20:20 From Michelle Laux to All panelists : yes!!! 16:20:20 From Jacquel Wisdom : Thank You! 16:20:21 From Tracey Spain to All panelists : Thank you! Powerful and much needed conversations. 16:20:24 From Marsha Rutledge : Great work ASCA! Thank you. 16:20:26 From Anne Henry : Thank you. That's fantastic! 16:20:29 From Jacquel Wisdom : AGREED!!! 16:20:33 From simone boone to All panelists : Thank you!!! 16:20:34 From Lawanda Felder : Wow!!! Thank You ASCA!!! 16:20:37 From Andrea Donegan : We are on this journey together! 16:20:43 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : I plan to do the ASCA Specialist training with all of the school counselors in my district. 16:20:45 From Russell Sabella : Yes! 16:20:46 From Missy Smith to All panelists : I was hoping there would be an ASCA-U course coming surrounding equity. Yay! 16:20:49 From Shujuan Shannon to All panelists : Thank you! 16:20:50 From Jacquel Wisdom : That’s RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! 16:20:51 From Krystal Clemons : way to step up ASCA....thank you! 16:20:56 From Anaid : THANK YOU ASCA!! 16:20:57 From Ashley Dale to All panelists : So thankful for all of these resources and supports so we can do the work for our kids! 16:21:00 From Kelsey Garcia Faber : Beautifully done, ASCA. Thank you 16:21:02 From Monica Gutierrez to All panelists : Awesome!!! 16:21:03 From Jessica Reidenbach to All panelists : Thank you ASCA! 16:21:19 From Sarah Bryan : Thank you to all the panelists & organizers! Very powerful! 16:21:24 From Stacey Miller to All panelists : Thank you Asca for taking a firm stance on this!!! 16:21:26 From Angela Cleveland : Does ASCA offer financial support to counselors who want to join but cannot afford to? Some counselors work in districts with great resources who pay for the membership and others don’t have that level of financial support. 16:21:27 From Barb Micucci to All panelists : I appreciate all the opportunities that have been presented to self reflect and grow so I am ready to do this work. 16:21:35 From Lee Acers to All panelists : thank you!!! 16:21:39 From Nkenji Clarke : ASCA, you have my passions pumping!! Thank you for your commitment to dismantling systemic racism in the field of education through counseling. 16:21:41 From Emily Goodman-Scott : To all panelists: THANK YOU for your voice, expertise, and authenticity. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to listen to you. Many thanks. 16:21:45 From Barbara Morales : THANK YOU

16:21:48 From Monica Gutierrez to All panelists : Yes!!! I‚Äôve never felt more supported as a Latina School and Professional Counselor. 16:21:49 From Chelsea Evans to All panelists : Thank you. 16:21:52 From Paige Abasolo to All panelists : Thank you everyone!!! So empowering! 16:21:54 From Carolyn Cryan to All panelists : THANK YOU 16:22:05 From Maribel Lopez to All panelists : Thank you to all!!! 16:22:07 From Caleine Ajusma : Thank you!!! 16:22:12 From Kimberly Walker to All panelists : Thank you! This was needed and it was AWESOME!!!! 16:22:12 From Rodney Ford to All panelists : I'm ready to get the ball rolling!! 16:22:18 From Dianne Andree to All panelists : Panelists‚Ķ.Wonderful job!! Thank you for your passion and openness. 16:22:19 From Anitra Powell to All panelists : Thank you! 16:22:26 From Rossy C. Garcia : To all the panelists: Thank you for sharing your truth with us! 16:22:31 From Ginger Hart to All panelists : Thanks to everyone! 16:22:34 From Barbara Morales : �üôå�üôå�üôå�üôå 16:22:41 From Alexandria Harviel : THANK YOU - SO POWERFUL 16:22:47 From Andrea Donegan : Dr. Tinisha, your words.. a masterpiece. Thank you for your leadership! 16:22:51 From Elliot Brody to All panelists : Thank you to all of the panelists! 16:22:51 From Tracy Allen to All panelists : Thank you panelists! 16:22:51 From Marguerite Holliday to All panelists : THANK YOU!!! 16:22:52 From Nadia Lucero to All panelists : Thank you to all the panelists for your truth and attendees for your ears. This was heart moving and reassuring!