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  • Syllabus in English

    FIKTM - ITB 1

    3. Prodi Teknik Pertambangan (S-1) TE2201 Numerical Methods (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Interpolation, numerical differential, numerical integration, simultaneous linier equation solution, simultaneous and single non linier equation solution, partial and common differential equation solution, data modeling. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Basic Calculus, Prerequisite 2. Matrix and Vector space, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 0. Press, W.H. & Flannery, B.P. & Teukolsky, S.A. & Vetterling, W.T., Numerical

    Recipes in Pascal, Cambridge University Press, 1994. 0. Carnahan, B. & Luther, H.A. & Wilkes, J.O, Applied Numerical Methods, John Wiley

    and Sons, 1969. 0. Davis, J.C., Statistic and Data Analysis in Geology, John Wiley and Sons, 1973. 0. Harbaugh, J.W. & Carter, G.B., Computer Simulation in Geology, R.E. Krieger

    Publishing Company, 1981. 0. Conte, S.D, Elementary Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1981. TE2211 Cristallography and Mineralogy (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Explain the mineral science in value, human being need and also in relation with other sciences. It also give ability to identify and classification of mineral with megacopis method according to morfology, physical and chemical properties.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Introduction to Mineral Technology, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 0. Blackburn, William H., & Dennen, William H., Principles of Mineralogy, Win C.

    Brown Publisher, Iowa, 1988 0. Klein, Cornelis, & Hurlbut, Jr., Manual of Mineralogy, 21st edition. After Dana, John

    Wiley & Son, New York, 1985 0. Berry, L.G., & Mason, B.H., Mineralogy, 2nd edition, revised by Dietrich, Freeman,

    New York, 1980 0. Phillips,F.C., An Introduction to Crystallography, 4th edition, Longman Bungay,

    Suffolk, 1977

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    0. Dana, E.S. and Ford, W.E., A Textbook of Mineralogy, third edition, New York, Wiley, 1972

    TE3111 Mineral Genesis (Compulsory, 3 Credits)

    Short syllabus The course material cover the processes of deposit mineral, from hydrothermal solution, concentration processes, sedimentation control, thermodynamic of deposit also geological constraint, metallogenetic, petrology analysis, structure also stratigraphy analysis. Laboratory work will be stressed at mineral genesis type in Indonesia. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Physical Geology, Prerequisite 2. Mineralogy, Prerequisite 3. Physical chemistry, Prerequisite 4. Petrology, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Jensen, Mead L. & Alan M. Bateman, Economic Mineral Deposits, John Wiley &

    Sons, New York, 1981 2. Guilbert, John M. & Charles F. Park Jr., The Geology of Ore Deposits, W.H. Freeman

    and Company, New York, 1986 3. Park, Charles F., Jr. & Roy A. MacDiarmid, Ore Deposit, W.H. Freeman and Co., San

    Francisco, 1975 4 Lefond, Stanley J., Industrial Minerals and Rocks, American Institut of Mining,

    Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, 1975 5 Van Krevelen, Coal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993 TE3121 Exploration Techniques (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Understanding of mineral exploration, introduction of exploration methods, which can be applied according to mineral condition, important data from exploration activities, function and data. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Dept/PS: Geological Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Physical Geology, Prerequisite 2. Geological Dynamic, Prerequisite

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    References/Bibliography 5. Peters; Exploration. Mining. and Geology. John Willey. 1974 5. Jensen & Bateman; Economics Mineral Deposits. John Willey. 1994 5. Annels; Mineral Deposits Evaluation. Chapman & Hall. 1991 5. Chaussier, Jean-Bernard & Jean Morer, Mineral Prospecting Manual, North Oxford

    Academic Publishers Ltd., 1987. 5. Evans, Anthony. M., Introduction to Mineral Exploration., Blackwell Science Ltd.,

    1995 TE3221 Exploration Mapping (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus The students can read geological map, understand and can do a mapping of mineral deposit indication in field either in the surface and underground, have ability to produce mineralization zone map (deposit zones), genetic model of mineral deposit and analysis mineralization condition for further exploration.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Physical geology, Prerequisite 2. Geology dynamic, Prerequisite 3. Geomorphology, Prerequisite 4. Structure geology, Prerequisite 5. Principle of stratigraphy, Prerequisite 6. Petrology, Prerequisite

    References/Bibliography 5. Compton, R.M., Geology in Field., John Wiley & Sons. Inc., Canada, 1985 5. Berkman, D.A., Field Geologist Manual., The Australian Institute of Mining &

    Metallurgy., Third Edition., Australia., 1995 5. Evans, A.M., Introduction to Mineral Exploration., Blackwell Science Ltd., 1995 4. Chaussier, J.M., Mineral Prospecting Manual. North Oxford Academics., French., 1987 TE3222 Geophysica Exploration for Mineral I (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Introducing theory and practice of seismic,geoelectric, electromagnetic, self potential, induced polarisation and logging method for mineral exploration purposes. Including design and field survey method in general and special condition. Theory and practice is directed to understand how to find an indication of mineral deposits.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. - Basic geology, Prerequisit

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    References/Bibliography 1. Dobrin, Milton, B., Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, McGraw-Hill, 1980. 2. Parasnis, D. S., Principles of Applied Geophysics, Chapman & Hall, 1972. Keller, G. V. and F.C. Frischkneckt, Electric Methods in Geophysical Prospecting,

    McGraw-Hill 3. Hirota, Sismic Exploration for Civil Engineering, Nippon Kaei, 1975, Unpublished

    paper TE3223 Exploration Drilling (Compulsory, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Introducing equipment and accessories of drilling, working sequences, drilling planing, analysis of drilling result, geophysical logging (resistivity, gamma, density and caliper), cost calculation, cosntraint and how to solve the drilling problems, and reporting.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Preston L, Moore, Drilling Practices Manual, The Petroleum Publishing Co, Tulsa,

    1974. 2. Cumming J.D., Diamond Drill Handbook, The Hunter Rose Company, Canada, 1980. 3. Australian Drilling Industry Training Committee Limited, Drilling the Manual of

    Methods, Applications, and Management, Lewis C.R.C., Virginia, 1996 TE3231 Reserve Calculation Methods (Compulsory, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Introducing resources- reserve concept, classification, basic techniques in grade determination from bore hole/test pit, influence area of data, conventional method of resources/reserve calculation, cut of grade concept and stripping ratio, determination of deposit boundary, tabulation and presentation of resources/reserve calculation.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Dept/PS: Department of geology Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Mining Method, Prerequisite 2. Exploration Technique, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 3. Chaussier, Jean-Bernard & Jean Morer, Mineral Prospecting Manual, North Oxford

    Academic Publishers Ltd., 1987.

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    3. Annels; Mineral Deposits Evaluation. Chapman & Hall. 1991. 3. Popoff, C.C., Computing Reserves Deposits. Principles and Conventional Methods.,

    1966. 3. Hustrulid, W. and Kutcha, M., Open Pit Mine Planning and Design. A.A.

    Balkema/Rotterdam, 1995. 3. Spereo Carras., Sampling Evaluation and Basic Principles of Reserve Estimation,

    Carras Mining & Associates, 1983.

    TE3241 Groundwater Hydrology (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Course content give an abilities of knowledge and skills in laboratory and field in: hydrogeology system, groundwater occurrence, exploration and exploitation in ground water, collecting data (laboratory test, pumping test etc), Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Geology, Prerequisite 2. Basic course, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Fetter, C.W (1994): Applied Hydrogeology 2. Viessman,W & Lewis,G.L (1996): Introduction to Hydrology 3. Todd, D.K (1980): Groundwater Hydrology 4. Domenico, P.A & Schwartz, F.W (1990), Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology 5. Streeter, V.L & Wylie, E.B (1996): Mekanika Fluida TE4111 Mineragraphy (Compulsory, 4 Credits) Short syllabus Give knowledge: refraction and reflection optics concepts and its interaction with transparent and opaque (rock and ore), basic principle of refraction and reflection polarization microscope, identification methods of thin section and opaque according to optic and morphology properties, also have ability to identify and description of rock and ore, structure and par agenesis, grain counting analysis and liberation degree. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Crystallografi & Mineralogy, Prerequisite/ Coequality/ Prohibition 2. GL xxx Physical Geology, Prerequisite/ Coequality/ Prohibition References/Bibliography 1. Phillips, Revell, Mineral Optics, Freeman & Co, San Fransisco, 1971 2. Mac Kenzie, Atlas of Rock Forming Minerals. Longman Sci., 1980 3. William, et al, Petrography, Freeman & Co, San Fransisco, 1955

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    4. Craig and Vaughan, Ore Microscopy & Ore Petrography, John Wiley & Son, Singapore, 1981

    5. Ramdohr, Ore Minerals and Their Intergrowths, Pergamon Press, Frankfurt, 1980 TE4121 Geophysical Exploration for Mineral II (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Introducing theory and practice of gravity, radioactive and magnetic method for mineral exploration purposes. Including design and field survey method in general and special condition. Theory and practice is directed to understand how to find an indication of mineral deposits.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. - Basic Geology, Prerequisite 2- Geophysical Exploration for Mineral I, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Parasnis, Mining Geophysics, Elservier, 1984. 2. Dobrin dan Savitt, Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, McGraww-Hill Book, Co,

    1988. 3. SEG Mining Geophysic Volume Committee, Mining Geophysics, Volume I & II, SEG, 1972. 4. Beck, A.E., Physical Prinsiples of Exploration Methods, The Macmillan Press TE4122 Geochemical Exploration and Ore Analysis (Compulsory, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Give knowledge and exercise to understand dispersion pattern and geochemical anomaly at mineralisation areas, technique for geochemical prospecting in field, chemical analysis and evaluation from field survey and construct mineralisation model for further exploration.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Facult: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1.TE 2211 Crystallography and Mineralogy, Prerequisite 2. GL xxx Physical Geology, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Hawkes & Webb, Geochemsitry in Mineral Exploration, Harper & Row, New York,

    1962 2. Fletcher, Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry, Vol I & II, Elsevier, 1981 3. Joyce, Exploration Geochemistry, Techsearch & Australian Mineral Fondation, 1976 4. Siegel, Applied Geochemistry, Wiley Interscience Publication, 1974

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    TE4123 Exploration and Evaluation of Geothermal (Elective, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Credit Introducing theory and pratice how to field data collection using airphoto, satellite, geology measurement, stratigraphy, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geophysics, surface manifestion mapping and geothermometer. Determine prospect area including resources. Effect toward environment either surface or subsurface if the geothermal field will be exploited. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Exploration Mapping, Prerequisite 2. Hydrogeology, Prerequisite 3. Geophysical Exploration for Mineral I and 2, Prerequisite 4. Geochemistry, Prerequisite

    References/Bibliography 1. L. Raybach, L and Muffler, L.J.P, Geothermal system: Principle and Case Histories,

    John Wiley & Sons, 1991. 2. Edward et al, Handbook of Geothermal Energy 3. Brown, K., Environmental Aspect of Geothermal Development 4. Franco D/Amore, Application of Geochemistry in Geothermal Reservoir

    Development, Rome, 1991. 5. Kevin, L. Brown, Environmental Aspects of Geothermal development, IGA, 1995. TE4131 Geostatistics (Compulsory, 2 Credits)

    Short syllabus Application of geostatistic method to get more broadly about data distribution in vertical or lateral, using semivariogram analysis also grade/thickness prediction of mineral deposit using krigging method. Course material cover basic theory of variogram, calculation/analysis/modeling of variogram, application of sferis model (Matheron), dispersion variation, estimation variant, krigging, reserve analysis. Exercise using GEOPLAN, KRIG3D, KRIGRES in FORTRAN. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Mineral Deposit, Prerequisite 2. Matrix & Vector Space, Prerequisite 3. Numerical analysis & Simulation, Prerequisite 4. Basic Statistic, Prerequisite

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    References/Bibliography 1. David, M., Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation, Developments in Geomathematics 2,

    Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, Oxford-New York, 1980 2. Matheron, G., Principles of Geostatistics, Economic Geology vol.58, 1963 3. Journel, A.G. & C. Huijbregts, Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press, 1978 4. Annels, Alwyn E., Mineral Deposit Evaluation, A practical approach, Chapman & Hall,

    London, 1991 5. Rendu, J.M., An Introduction to Geostatistical Methods of Mineral Evaluation,

    Monograph of the South African Inst. Min. Metall., 1978 TE4141 Geotechniques (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Introducing theory and practice in field data collection method using airphoto, satellite, structure measurement in field an also interpretation so that it can be applied with correctly. Field data collection method for rock clasification and its application. Soil and rock sampling. Hydrogeology and how to get parameter for geotechnical purposes. Slope stability analysis and underground opening. Safety and helath oocupation in relation with geotechnique.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Structure Geology, Prerequisite 2. Exploration Technique, Prerequisite 3. Hydrogeology, Prerequisite

    References/Bibliography 1. Dunn, I.S, Fundamental Geotechnical Analysis, 1980 2. Hoek, E and Bray, J.W., Rock Slope Engineering, 1981 3. Hoek, E and Brown, E.T, Underground excavation in rock, 1980 4. Giani, G.P., Rock Slope Stability Analysis, 1992. TE4201 Modelling and Reserve Evaluation (Compulsory, 3 Credits)

    Short syllabus Basic evaluation of resources and reserve. The scope of lecturing : Sampling, conventional geometric method, construction of resources model using computer block method (data basis, data analysis using descriptive statistic, geological simulation and topography, interpretation parameter, grade interpretation technique), resources and reserve classification, boundary grade concept and multi mineral equivalent grade, capital cost and operation prediction, life time of mine and mine reserve calculation. Semester project (carry out and evaluate the reserve model) is the important part of this course.

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    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Exploration Technique, Prerequisite 2. Reserve Calculation Method, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Annels, A. E., Mineral Deposit Evaluation, Chapman & Hall, 1991 2. Barnes, M.P., Computer-Assisted Mineral Appraisal and Feasibility, SME, 1980 3. Gentry, D.W. and O'Neill, T.J., Mine Investment Analysis, SME, 1984 4. Isaaks, E.H. and R.M. Srivastava, An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford

    University Press, 1989 5. Lane, K.F., The Economic Definition of Ore, Mining Journal Books, 1991 6. Popoff, C.C., Computing Reserves Deposits : Principles and Conventional Methods,

    USBM-IC 8283, 1966 7. Weiss, A., Computer Methods for the 80's in the Mineral Industry, SME, 1979 TE4211 Coal Exploration (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Knowledge of source material, environment and peat deposition facies, occiring processes, impact of processes to quality and coal rank. Quality and rank of coal. Guidence for exploration, mining, processing. Coal distribution mainly in Indonesia, coal potential basin forming, role of structure and stratigraphy in coal exploration, application of coal genesis for coal exploration, coal sampling and analysis, reserve calculation, activities economic analysis, case study of coal exploration. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Stratigraphy, Prerequisite 2. Structure Geology, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. Anggayana, Komang, Hand Out TA-346 Mineral Genesis, Mining Department ITB,

    1999. 2. Cumming J. D. (1980) : Diamond Drill handbook, The Hunter Rose Company, Canada 3. Diessel, C.F.K., Coal Bearing Depositional Systems, Gebrueder Borntraeger, Berlin-

    Stuttgart, 1993 4. Hutchison C.S. (1989) : Geological Evolution of South East Asia, Clarendon Press.

    Oxford : 368 S. 5. Stach E., Mackowsky M. TH., Teichmueller M., Taylor G. H. Chandra D., Teichmuller

    R. 91982) : Stachs Textbooks of Coal Petrology, Gebreuder Borntraeger, Berlin-Stuttgart : 535 s.

    6. Taylor G.H., Teichmuller M., Davis A. Diessel C.F.K., Littke R., Robert P., Organic Petrology, Gebrueder Borntraeger, Berlin - Stuttgart, 1998

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    7. Van Krevelen, D.W., Coal, Typology-Chemistry-Physics Constitution, 3rd Comp. Rev. ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993.

    TE4231 Exploration Management (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short syllabus Application management in mineral exploration. Theory and management analysis will be focused at project management project which is related with economic, technique and human resources. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Exploration technique, Prerequisite Mineral Economic, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 1. White, Andrew H., Management of Mineral Exploration, Rossco Print, Victoria 3072,

    1977 2. Wellmer, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Economic Evaluations in Exploration, Springer-

    Verlag, Germany, 1989 3. Iman Soeharto., Manajemen Proyek., Erlangga, 1997 4. Tilton, John E., G.E. Roderick, H.L. Hans, World Mineral Exploration, Trends and

    Economic Issues., Resources For The Future, Washington D.C, 1988 5. Wellmer, Fredrich-Wilhelm, Economic Evaluations in Exploration, Springer-Verlag,

    Germany, 1989 TE5142 Water well Drilling Technique (Compulsory, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Knowledge of water rilling. Introduction of bore machine types, drilling accessories. Drilling methods. Aspects may cause effect on drilling speed and its constraints, drill mud, how to handle problems in drilling. How to choose bit and its types. Well construction and construction material. Well clean technique, introducing equipment and cleaning processes theory and well finishing. Pumping test and data analysis also physical meaning toward construction. Economic analysis of drilling and well design. Reporting of water well work.

    Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Australian Drilling Industry Training Committee Limited, Drilling The Manual of

    Methods Applications, and Management, Lewis Publisher-New Yorks, 1996.

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    2. Fletcher, G. Driscoll, Editor, Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minesota 55112, 1989.

    3. Cumming, J.D., Diamond Drill Handbook, The Hunter Rose Company, Canada, 1980.

    4. Preston, L. Moore, Drilling Practices Manual, The Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa Oklahoma-USA, 1974.

    5. Brocure Long Year 6. Brocure Koken Boring Machine Co. 7. Brochure Acker Drill Co. Inc. Scranton 8. Brochure Toho Drilling Machine and Grouting Pump. TE5241 Environmental Impact Analysis (Elective, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Knowledge and understanding must be owned by mine exploration engineer or mine engineer because their works have relation with environment problems. This course give ability to know problems in field, environmental scope, collection and analysis data in comprehensive, understand the regulations, ability to design to avoid imparts to environment. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. UU, Peraturan Pemerintah, Perda tentang lingkungan 2. Sunarwan, S.F : Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, Gajah Mada Press, Yogyakarta, 1990 3. Sumarwoto, O : Analisis Dampak Lingkungan, Gajah Mada Press, Yogyakarta, 1990 4. Carter, L.W : Environmental Impact Assesment, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996 5. Laporan-laporan AMDAL yang sudah ada TE5242 Groudwater Exploration (Elective, 2 Credits) Short syllabus Geological parameters in relation with ground water, aquifer parameter. Groundwater exploration method, ground water exploration report. Offered To Dept/PS: Mining Department Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. - Hydrogeology, Prerequisite 2. - Geology dynamic, Prerequisite

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    References/Bibliography 1. Fetter, C.W Applied Hydrogeology, McMillan Publishing Company, 1994. 2. Telford, W.M., Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 1977. TA10T1 Concept of Technology (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus Histories of science, technology, and art show that the continuing developments of science, technology, and art are based on human creativity to fulfil their needs of better lives. The developments are supported by the continuing improvement of human knowledge of model, system, feed back, stability, decision making, and optimisation. Applications of science, technology, and art and industrial development strategy are closely related to the invention and innovation required by the human needs. Knowledge and implementation of Intellectual Property Rights is a part of this course. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses Environmental Science References/Bibliography 0. Lecture Notes of Concept of Technology ITB 2003 0. Saswinadi S. (Ed.) Menerawang Masa Depan Ilmu, Teknik, dan Seni Dalam Budaya

    Masyarakat Bangsa Indonesia, Penerbit ITB 1990 0. Anonim Manusia, Teknologi, dan Lingkungan : Kemampuan dan

    pengembangannya, Penerbit ITB, 1996. TA1101 Intro. To Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus The following materials are given for understanding the relations between earth sciences and mineral technology. The origin of earth sciences, theory of earth forming, earth as a part of the galaxy, development of earth sciences, earth as a solid material (structure and composition), physic, atmosphere, and ocean of the earth, uniqueness of Indonesian geology, earth as mineral and energy resources, earth disasters. Natural resource exploration technology, mining and mineral processing technology, exploration and exploitation of oil, gas, and hydrothermal. For Mining Engineering, the materials of exploration, mining, and processing are more detailed and reviewed for observing their relationship in mining industry. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses -

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    References/Bibliography 3. SME, Mining Engineering Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, 1973. 3. Lewis, Elements of Mining, John Wiley & Sons, 1964. 3. Seeley Mudd, Economics of Minerals Industries, AIME, 1985. 3. Howard L. Hartman, Introductory Mining Engineering, 1987 3. Fowler, CMR 1990, The Solid Earth : An Introduction to Global Geophysics,

    Cambridge Univerrsity Press, Cambridge. TA2101 Mining Systems (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus This course consists of knowledge of surface and underground mining systems, reinforcement and support analyses, stability and monitoring analyses for slope and tunnel, including supporting knowledge required for ensuring the continuation of the mining systems. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 5. SME, Mining Engineering Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, 1973. 5. Lewis, Elements of Mining, John Wiley & Sons, 1964. 5. Seeley Mudd, Economics of Minerals Industries, AIME, 1985. 5. Howard L. Hartman, Introductory Mining Engineering, 1987 TA2221 Mine Investment Analysis (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus Study various evaluation techniques for mining project using economical approaches such as Net Value analysis (NPV, NAV, NFV), DCFROR analysis, cash-flow analysis. Study various techniques in selecting investment alternatives using mutuallynon-mutually exclusive approach and rent-purchase alternative. Study the concept of leverage and how it affects the cash-flow. Study the concepts of taxes, hedging, and currency rate. Estimate the income and capital and operating costs. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 4. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) 4. Mining Equipment (Co-requisite) References/Bibliography 2. Stermole, F.J., Stermole, J.M., Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision

    Methods, Investment Corporation, 1990.

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    2. Gentry, G.W., ONeal, T.J., Mine Investment Methods, Society of Mining

    Engineering, 1984. 2. Rudenno, V., The Mining Valuation Handbook, Wrightbooks Pty. Ltd., 1998. 2. The Economist, Guide to Economic Indicator, The Economist, 1992. TA-2231 Mining Equipment (Compulsory, 4 SKS) Short Syllabus This course is started with definition and analysis of work place followed by work principle and the use of various mining equipments for cyclic and continuous system in surface and underground mines, including equipment selection and system of allocation. Knowledge of production estimation, equipment operating cost, queuing theory and optimisation are also given. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 4. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 4. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Church, Horace, Excavation Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1981. 2. Durst, W. dan Vogt, W., Bucket Wheel Excavator, Trans. Tech. Publication, Clausthal,

    1988. 2. Partanto Prodjosumarto, Pemindahan Tanah Mekanis, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan

    ITB, 1983. 2. Peurifoy, Construction Planning Equipment and Method, McGraw-Hill, 1979. 2. Suseno Kramadibrata, Rock Excavation by Cutting, Mining Engineering Department

    ITB, 1996. 2. Whittaker, B.N. dan Fruth, R.C., Tunneling-design Stability and Construction, The

    Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1990. 2. Hustrulid, W.A. (ed), Underground Mining Handbook, Society of Mining Engineers of

    The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, 1981.

    2. Sinclair, J., Winding and Transport in Mines, Sir lsaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., London, 1959.

    2. Koehler, S., Mining Methods and Equipment, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1980. 2. Staley, W.W., Mine Plant Design, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1949. 2. Walker, S.C., Mine Winding and Transport, Advances in Mining Science and

    Technology, Elsevier, 1988.

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    TA3111 Rock Mechanics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus Rock mechanics principles, physical and mechanical properties of rock, laboratory tests to determine rock properties so that work in the rock mass can be conducted safely, rock mass behaviour, stress distribution around an underground excavation, in situ stress measurement. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 1. Engineering Mechanics (Prerequisite) 2. Physical Geology (Prerequisite) 3. Structural Geology (Co-requisite) 4. General Petrology (Co-requisite) References/Bibliography 1. Jumikis, Rock Mechanics, Trans. Tech. Publication, 1983 2. Brady, B.H.D. and Brown, E.T., Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George

    Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1985 3. Goodman, lntroduction Rock Mechanics, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1989 4. Obert, Duvall, Rock Mechanics and the Design of Structures in Rock, John Wiley &

    Sons, 1967 5. Bieniawski, Engineering Rock Mass Classification, John Wiley & Sons, 1989 6. Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T., Underground Excavation in Rock, Institution of Mining and

    Metallurgy, London, 1982. 7. Made Astawa Rai, Mekanika Batuan, Laboratorium Geoteknik PAU-IR ITB, 1993 TA3121 Mining Valuation (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus This course is started with a review of mining company activities: exploration techniques and reserve calculation, mining techniques, and processing techniques. It is focused on economics analysis and mine financing (equity financing & debt financing); analysis of financial report using accounting ratios (solvability, profitability, and leverage ratios); fiscal aspect to describe the effects of tax system on cash-flow, various techniques of mining valuation including financial and management aspects. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses 1. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 2. Mine Investment Analysis (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 1. Gentry & ONeal, Mine Investment Analysis SME, Colorado, 1984 (MIA) 2. Kernot, Charles, Valuing Mining Company, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge,

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    1999. (VMC) 2. Rudenno, V., The Mining Valuation Handbook, Wrightbooks Pty. Ltd., 1998. 2. Pricewaterhouse Copper,Comparative Mining Taxation Regime, PwC, 1998, (CMT) 2. Prastowo, Adi, Analisis Laporan Keuangan, YKPN, Jogya, 1987 (ALK) TA3141 Mine Ventilation (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus This course describes the use mine ventilation for providing ventilation network for an underground mine that comply with the regulations related to healthy working environment. It discusses air flow in the mine, including quality, quantity, and comfortable environment to the miners, as well as hazardous gases and dust in the mine. Quantitative analysis of ventilation network, calculation of head losses, and the effects of natural ventilation on mine ventilation system are also given. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses Introduction to Fluid System (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 5. Hartman, Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning, John Wiley & Sons, 1982 TA3211 Explosives and Blasting Techniques (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus This course includes knowledge of types of explosives and blasting accessories, the use of explosives in a number of works, in particular in mining, transportation and storage of explosives. Ground vibration and air blast criteria are also given. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses 1. Rock Mechanics (Prerequisite) 1. Physical Chemistry (Prerequisite)

    References/Bibliography 2. Ash, The Mechanics of Rock Breakage, Pit & Quarry, 1963 2. Gregory, Explosives for North American Engineers, Trans. Tech. Publications

    Clausthal, 1973. 2. Langefors, The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting, John Wiley & Sons, 1972. 2. ------, Blaster Handbook, EU Du Pont de nmours & Co. 2. Scot, A., Cocker, A., Djordjevic, N., Higgins, M., La Rosa, D., Sarma, K.S. and

    Wedmaier, R., Open Pit Design - Analysis and Optimazation JKMRC Monograph Series in Mining & Mineral Processing I, University of Queensland, 1996.

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    2. ------, Explosivers and Rock Blasting, Atlas Poweder Company, Field Technical Operations.

    2. Person, Per-Ander, R. Holenberg, J. Lee, Rock Blasting And Explosives Engineering, CRC Press, 1994

    TA3212 Mining Geotechniques (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus This course covers the knowledge of surface mining system, slope design, slope stability analysis using numerical and manual techniques, reinforcement and monitoring analyses, and supporting knowledge required in a surface mining operation. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 7. Physical Geology (Prerequisite) 7. Structural Geology (Prerequisite) 7. Soil Mechanics (Prerequisite) 7. Rock Mechanics (Prerequisite) 7. Mining Systems (Preequisite) References/Bibliography 5. Bieniawski, Z.T., Engineering Rock Mass Classifications, A Wiley-Interscience

    Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Copyright 1989. 5. Brady, B.H.G., and Brown, E.T., Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George

    Allen & Unwin,1985. 5. Lang, T.A., Theory and Practice of Rock Bolting, Transactions of the American

    Institution of Mining Engineers, vol. 220, pp. 333-348, 1961. 5. Stillborg, B., Professional Users Handbook for Rock Bolting, Trans. Tech.

    Publications, 1986. TA3231 Drilling & Digging Techniques (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus It provides knowledge of intact rock and rock mass properties that affecting the success of drilling and digging, types of drilling equipment for blast hole drilling, and digging equipment for surface and underground mines using continuous or discontinuous systems. In addition, knowledge for equipment selection, determination of continuous mechanical digging equipment, and application of dimensional analysis are also given. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses 4. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 4. Mining System (Prerequisite) 4. Rock Mechanics (Prerequisite)

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    4. Introduction to Fluid System (Prerequisite) 4. General Petrology (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 5. Clark, G. B., Principles of Rock Drilling and Bit Wear, Colorado School of Mines

    Quarterly, Vol. 77, January, Number 1, 1982. 5. Durst, W. and Vogt, W., Bucket Wheel Excavator, Series on Mining Engineering, Vol.

    7, Trans, Tech. Publication, Clausthal. 5. Evans, I.A. and Poremoy, C.D., Strength Fracture and Workability of Coal, Pergamon

    & Press, 132 p., 1966. 5. Golonsinski, T.S., Continuous Surface Mining Technology, Bulk Solids Handling,

    Vol. 4, pp. 781-189, 1984. 5. Roxborough, F.F. and Philips, H.R., Applied Rock and Coal Cutting Mechanics,

    Australian Foundation Workshop Course 156/81. 5. Whittaker, B.N. and Fruth, R.C., Tunneling-design Stability and Construction, the

    Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1990. 5. Kramadibrata S., Rock Excavation By Cutting, Mining Engineering Dept. ITB, 1996. TA3241 Mine Drainage (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus Hydrology aspect including hydrology components, hydrology data collecting and analysis, especially rainfall; hydrogeology aspect including groundwater and aquifer, groundwater hydrochemistry, aquifer hydraulic parameters, aquifer tests and drawdown analysis; pumps (types, calculations of pump requirement, pump selection); methods and means of mine drainage; acid mine drainage phenomenon; environmental consideration. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 7. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) 7. Introduction to Fluid System (Prerequisite) 7. Physical Geology (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 3. Canmet, Pit Slope Manual, Chapter 4: Groundwater, 1977. 3. Chow, Maidment & Mays, Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, 19852. 3. Gautama, Diktat Sistem Penyaliran Tambang, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan ITB,

    1997 3. Ranga Raju, Flow Through Open Channels, Tata McGraw-Hill., 1981 3. Sosrodarsono & Takeda, Hidrologi Untuk Pengairan, PT. Pradnya Paramita, 1983 3. Sularso & Tahara, Pompa & Kompresor, PT. Pradnya Paramita, 1994

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    TA4101 Coal and Its Utilisation (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus Introduction to coal and coal quality parameters. The role of coal as energy source for industry. Coal preparation and washing. Pyrolysis, gasification, and liquefaction processes, and clean coal technology. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 0. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 0. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Eliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilisation, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. 2. Edgar, Coal Processing and Pollution Control, Gulf Publishing, 1983. 2. Meyers, Coal Handbook, Marchel Dkker, 1981. 2. Mitchell, L.B., Coal Preparation, AIME, 1968. 2. Osborne, D.G., Coal Preparation Technology, Vol. 1 & II 2. Speight, J.G., The Chemistry and Technology of Coal, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994. 2. Van Krevelen, Coal Science and Technolgy, Elsevier, 1981. 2. Berkowitz, The Chemistry of Coal, Elsevier, 1985. TA4102 Mine Planning (Compulsory, 4 SKS) Short Syllabus To summarise and to synthesise the engineering and economics knowledge that are already understood into a modern open pit mine design and plan. The scope includes cut-off-grade and multi mineral equivalent, optimisation of pit limits (floating cone and Lerchs-Grossman methods), pit and pushback design, production scheduling, waste dump design, yearly plan, equipment and man power requirement, calculation of capital and operating costs, and financial evaluation. Project scheduling and environmental impact problems are discussed briefly. Semester project of mining pre-feasibility study using computer model is an important part of this course. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses Accumulation of all courses already taken (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 8. Hustrulid, W.A. and M. Kuchta, Mine Planning and Design, A.A. Balkema, 1995. 8. Wright, E.A., Open Pit Mine Design Models, Trans. Tech. Publications, 1990. 8. Kennedy, B.A., Surface Mining, 2nd ed., SME, 1990. 8. Crawford, J.T. and W.A. Hustrulid, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, SME, 1979. 8. Gentry, D.W. and T.J., ONeill, Mine Investment Analysis, SME, 1984. 8. Weiss, A., Computer Methods for the 80s in the Mineral Insutry, SME, 1979.

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    8. Lane, K.F., The Economics Definition of Ore, Mining Journal Books, 1991. TA4111 Underground Stability (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus This course is started with the types of underground excavation instabilities, followed by underground design methodology, field investigation, and laboratory tests. Graphical analysis and rock mass classification is introduced to predict the type of instability. Various types of supports, such as wood, steel, rock bolt, and concrete, including their calculations are given to improve the underground excavation stability. Stress distribution, pillar design, and numerical analysis are also given, and finally, the monitoring is discussed. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 7. Rock Mechanics (Prerequisite) 7. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) 7. Structural Geology (Prerequisite) 7. General Petrology (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 0. Bieniawski, Z.T., Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling, .A. Balkema,

    Rotterdam, 1984. 6. Bieniawski, Z.T., Engineering Rock Mass Classification, John Wiley & Sons, New

    York, 1989. 6. Szechy, The Art of Tunneling, Akademiai Kaido, 1973. 6. Made Astawa Rai, Diktat Teknik Terowongan, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, FTM-

    ITB, 1994 6. Made Astawa Rai, Diktat Mekanika Batuan, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, FTM-ITB,

    1999. TA4121 Mineral Economics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus This course covers the application of economics principles in mineral resources management, from preliminary and advanced exploration to economics feasibility study of mineral resources mining. The course mainly discusses the occurrence and distribution of minerals; exploration stages and functions, regional, national, and international supply & demand; mineral commodity analysis, financial method, cost structure, and capital cost components; mineral policy analysis and government roles, legal aspect; utilisation and market of mineral commodity; substitution and competition factors; economics and technology aspects of mineral business and its relation to the environment quality.. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB

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    Related Courses 4. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 4. Mine Investment Analysis (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Gocht, W.R., H. Zantop, R.G. Eggert., International Mineral Economics., Springer-

    Verlag, Germany, 1988 2. Howe, Charles W., Natural Resource Economics., John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 1979 2. Stermole, F.J, Stermole, J.M., Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision

    Methods., Investment Evaluations Corporation, Colorado, 1987 2. Tilton, John E., G.E. Roderick, H.L. Hans, World Mineral Exploration, Trends and

    Economic Issues., Resources For The Future, Washington D.C, 1988 2. Vogely, William A. (ed.), Economics of the Mineral Industries, Seeley W. Mudd

    Series, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York, 1985

    2. Wellmer, Friedrich-Wilhelm, Economic Evaluations in Exploration, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 1989

    TA4122 Mine Management (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabus Basic principles of management and its development; characteristics of mining industry and national economics frame, management components, management level, management level, management process, strategic planning, organisation aspect, and human resource. Examples related to mining industry and equipment band human resource managements are also discussed. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses 6. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) 6. Mining Equipment (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Siregar, Ali Basyah, Samadhi, TMA Ari, Manajemen, 1th, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 2. Sloan, Mine Management, Chapman and Hall, LTd., 1983. 2. Hartman (Ed)., SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 2 edition, Society for Mining,

    Metallulrgy and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, Colorado, 1992. 2. K. Jackson, Jr. and N.L. Frifon, Management 2000, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New

    York, 1994. 2. Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly, Organization, 5th ed., Bussiness Publications, Inc.,

    Plano Texas, 1985.

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    TA4142 Mining Environment (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus Relationship between mining and environment and the associated regulations, environmental impact of mining activities, impact management, community development, post mining planning and mine closure. In the impact management, the technical aspects are also discussed. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 5. Mining System (Prerequisite) 5. Mining Equipment (Prerequisite) 5. Mine Drainage (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 3. Hartman, Howard L., Introductory Mining Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 1987. 3. Undang-undang No. 23, 1997 Mengenai Ketentuan Pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan

    Hidup. TA4241 Occ. Health-Safety and Labour Law (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus This course consists of two parts: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Labour Law. The OHS covers the basic principles of OHS and the related regulations, mining accident, accident statistics, principles of accident prevention, accident analysis, and OHS management. The Labour Law consists of manpower policy and the related regulations, work relationship, work agreement, work protection, salary, manpower social security, and manpower-related issues. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 2. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) 2. Mining Equipment (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Gautama, R.S., Gautama A.S., Diktat Undang-Undang Tambang, Jurusan Teknik

    Pertambangn ITB, 1997. 2. Soepomo, I., Pengantar Hukum Perburuhan, Penerbit Djambatan, 1995. 2. Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 1967 2. Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 1997

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    TA4242 Mining Policy (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short syllabus It discusses policies related to the mining sector, including laws and regulations in mining sector, history of Indonesian mining, mineral resource management and its relation to other sectors, laws and regulations that are related to or affect the mining activities, issues in mining sector such as sustainable mining development. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty.: ESMT ITB Related Courses 4. Intro. to Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology (Prerequisite) 4. Mining Systems (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 2. Keputusan Menteri Pertambangan & Energi No. 555.K/26/M.PE/1995 tentang

    Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Pertambangan Umum 2. Informasi & laporan K3 dari berbagai perusahaan tambang 2. Soepomo, Pengantar Hukum Perburuhan, Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta, 1995 2. Wibowo, Himpunan Peraturan Perundangan Ketenagakerjaan, Penerbit Andi,

    Yogyakarta, 2002 TA5211 Tunnelling (Elective, 2 SKS) Short Syllabus It discusses tunnel construction, from survey, plan, design, to excavation and supporting. Types of tunnel in civil and mining projects are also discussed. Offered To SP: Mining Engineering Faculty: ESMT ITB Related Courses 4. Rock Mechanics (Prerequisite) 4. Structural Geology (Prerequisite) 4. General Petrology (Prerequisite) References/Bibliography 3. Bieniawski, Z.T., Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling, A.A. Balkema,

    Rotterdam, 1984. 3. Bieniawski, Z.T., Engineering Rock Mass Classification, John Wiley & Sons, New

    York, 1989. 3. Szechy, The Art of Tunneling, Akademiai Kaido, 1973. 3. Made Astawa Rai, Diktat Teknik Terowongan, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, FTM-

    ITB, 1994 3. Made Astawa Rai, Diktat Mekanika Batuan, Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, FTM-ITB,


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    MG2101 Applied Mathematics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Scalar and vector field and function, anisotropy, vector calculus, gradient and divergence, Green, Gauss and Stoke theorems, ordinary differential equation modeling and its various solutions, periodic and non-periodic functions, Fourier series, partial differential equation modeling and its various solutions. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty : IKTM - ITB Related Courses 5. Basic Calculus, Prerequisite 5. Matrix and Vector, Co-requisite References/Bibliography 2. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, 1999 2. Purcell, E.J. & Varberg, D., Kalkulus dan Geometri Analitis, Prentice Hall, 1987 MG2201 Numerical Methods (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Interpolation, numerical differentiations, numerical integrations, solutions of simultaneous linear equations, solutions of single and simultaneous non-linear equations, solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, data modeling. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Basic Calculus, Prerequisit 2. Matrices and Vectors, Prerequisit 3. Computer Programming, Corequisit References/Bibliography 1. Press, W.H. & Flannery, B.P. & Teukolsky, S.A. & Vetterling, W.T., Numerical

    Recipes in Pascal, 1994. 2. Carnahan, B. & Luther, H.A. & Wilkes, J.O, Applied Numerical Methods, 1969. 3. Davis, J.C., Statistic and Data Analysis in Geology, 1973. 4. Harbaugh, J.W. & Carter, G.B., Computer Simulation in Geology, 1981. 5. Conte, S.D, Elementary Numerical Analysis, 1981. MG2221 Metallurgical Thermodynamics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Studies the application of thermodynamic laws and macro thermodynamics concepts to explain the equilibrium condition and other conditions where phase transformation, chemical processes, and electrochemical processes occurr. Complete explanation about

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    thermodynamics of metal solution and aqueous solution, activity concept, alternative standard state, and interaction parameter of multi component dilute solution. Evaluation of experimental data and thermodynamics of phase diagram. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM`- ITB Related Courses 2. Physical Chemistry, Prerequisite 2. Thermodynamic of Material, Prohibition References/Bibliography 2. Ragone D.V., Thermodynamics of Materials, Vol. I, MIT, 1995. 2. Bodsworth C. & Appleton A.S., Problems in Applied Thermodynamics, 1965 2. Gaskell D.R., Introduction to The Thermodynamics of Materials, 3rd edition, McGraw-

    Hill, 1995. 2. Rao Y.K., Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Process, Univ.of

    Washington, 1985 (untuk simulasi kesetimbangan multi komponen). 2. Jef Roos and Wollants P., Thermodynamica en kinetica voor Materiaalkundigen, Vol 1,

    Chemisch Evenwicht, ACCO, 1993. 2. Lee, H.G., Chemicals Thermodynamics for Metals and Materials, Imperial College

    Press, 1999. MG2222 Metallurgical Kinetics (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Understanding of Arrhenius equation, activation energy, collision and transition state theory. Understanding of homogenous and heterogeneous kinetics modeling. Methods for analyzing homogenous reaction laboratory data: integral method, differential method, and half time method. Understanding of kinetics heterogeneous reaction for several solid reactant geometries: flat, sphere, and cylinder. Modeling approach of sphere geometry heterogeneous kinetics: progressive-conversion and shrinking core model. Examples of kinetics practice in hydro-electrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 6. Habashi, F., Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Vol. I, London, 1976 6. Haung, H.H. : Fundamentals Mass Transfer and Reaction Kinetics in Unit Process in

    Extractive Metallurgy, Hydrometallurgy by L.G. Twidwell (Editor), 1980. 6. Levenspiel, O., Chemical reaction Engineering, 2nd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New

    York, Chap 2, 1972. 6. Mackowiak, J, Physical Chemistry for Metallurgists, 2nd Ed. George Allen and Unwin

    Ltd., London, 1966. 6. Sohn, H.Y. and M.E. Wadsworth (Eds), Rate Process of Extractive Metallurgy,

    Plenum Press, New York, 1979.

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    6. Smith, J.M., Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 2nd McGraw-Hill, 1970. 6. Artikel Ilmiah tentang Kinetika dari berbagai Jurnal Ilmiah. 6. Faraz Umar, TA-332 Kinetika Metalurgi, Diktat Kuliah, ITB, Bandung, 2002 MG3111 Mineral Processing A (Compulsory, 4 Credits) Short Syllabus Principles of comminution (crushing and grinding), screening and sieving, classification, comminution theory, sieve analysis, degree of liberation, sampling, material and metallurgical balances, theory and unit operation of mineral separation by gravity, magnetic, electrostatic, and flotation concentrations, efficiency test of concentration. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Mineralogy, Prerequisit 2. Physics, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Burt, R.O., Gravity Concentration Technology, Elsevier, 1984. 2. Kelly, F.C., and Spottiswood, D.J., Introduction to Mineral Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. 3. Weis, N.L. (Ed), SME Mineral Processing handbook, vol. 1, 1985. 4. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, Pergamon Press, 1989. MG3112 Unit Operations (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Fluid dynamics: viscosity, surface tension; Dewatering: sedimentation, settling pond, filtration, thickener; Materials Handling: industrial screening, circulating loads, transportation via pipe; Pumps and Compressors: cavity, shaft power and efficiency of pumps, pump construction, pump operation, serial and parallel pumps, compressor; Fluidized bed technology. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Mineralogy, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Ronald V. Giles, Schaums Outline Series : Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Mc. Graw

    Hill, 1983.

    2. Sularso & Haruo Tahara, Pompa dan Kompresor, Pradnya Paramita, 1996. 3. E. G. Kelly & D. J. Spottiswood, Introduction to Mineral Processing, John Wiley &

    Sons, 1982.

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    MG3121 Calculations in Metallurgical Processes (Compulsory, 4 SKS) Syllabus The usages of thermodynamics concepts in explaining mechanism of metallurgical process units. Mass and heat balance calculation in several units in extractive metallurgical processes. The usage of simple binary and ternary diagrams and stability diagrams. Physical and chemical properties of slag. Equilibrium and kinetic of electrodic reaction, potential-pH diagram construction and application in several temperatures, and polarization curve application in electrodic processes. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB

    Related Courses 8. Thermodynamics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 8. Kinetics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 2. Rosenqvist T., Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1983. 2. Coudurier, L., Hopkins D.W., Wilkomirsky I., Fundamental of Metallurgical Process,

    Pergamon Press, 1978. 2. Bockris, J.O.M. and Reddy, A.K., Modern Electrochemistry, Vol. II, Plenum/Rosseta,

    1977. 2. Barner, H.E. and Scheuerman, R.V., Handbook of Thermochemical Data for

    Compounds and Aqueous Species, John Wiley and Sons ,1978. 2. Gaskel, D.R., Introduction to The Thermodynamics of Materials, 3rd Ed. Taylor &

    Francis, 1995. MG3122 Transport Phenomena in Metallurgy (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Phenomena of momentum, heat, and mass transport. Basic laws in transport phenomena, formulation of neraca sel equation with geometry factor, and mathematical solution. Transport properties: steady/un-steady state system, system that consists generation, and combined transport. Several applications in process. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 5. Differential Equations, Prerequisite/ Co-requisite 5. Physical Chemistry, Prerequisite/ Co-requisite 5. Thermodynamics, Prerequisite/ Co-requisite References/Bibliography 3. D.R. Gaskel, An Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering,

    Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.

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    3. S. Soepriyanto, Pengantar Fenomena Perpindahan dengan Faktor Geometri, Diktat Kuliah ITB, 2003.

    3. Geiger and Poirier, Transport Phenomena in Metalurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1973. 3. Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, John Wiley & Sons, 1960. MG3131 Physical Metallurgy (Compulsory, 4 SKS) Short Syllabi Relationship between microstructures of metals and alloys and physical metallurgy. Crystal structures of metals, crystal defects, elastic and plastic deformations, theoretical concepts of alloy strength, strengthening mechanisms of metals and alloys. Testing of mechanical properties, x-ray diffraction analysis, metallography. Phase diagrams, steel and sact iron phase diagrams and their microstructures. Alloys of Al, Cu and Ni and basics of alloy heat treatment. Diffusion in alloys. Offered To(PS Peserta) Department of metallurgical Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Crystallography, Prerequisit 2. Static and Strength of Materials, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Reed-Hill, R.E., Abbaschian, R., Physical Metallurgy Principles, PWS-Kent

    Publishing Company, Boston, 1992. 2. Verhoeven, J.D., Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy, John Wiley&Sons, 1975. 3. Avner, S.H., Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1974. 4. Smallman, R.E., Modern Physical Metallurgy, Butterworth, 1985. 5. Sinha, K., Ferrous Physical Metallurgy, Elsevier, 1990.

    6. Basuki, E. A., Buku Ajar Metalurgi Fisika, 2003. MG3211 Coal Processing and Utilization (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Introduction to coal quality: its origin and parameters. Role of coal as an energy source for industry. Coal preparation and washing. Coal pirolysis, gasification, and liquefaction. Clean coal technology. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Eliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. 2. Edgar, Coal Processing and Pollution Control, Gulf Publishing, 1983. 3. Meyers, Coal Handbook, Marcel Dekker, 1981.

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    4. Mitchell, L.B., Coal Preparation, AIME, 1968. 5. Osborne, D.G., Coal Preparation Technology, Vol. 1 & II 6. Speight, J.G., The Chemistry and Technology of Coal, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994. 7. Van Krevelen, Coal Science and Technology, Elsevier, 1981. 8. Berkowitz, The Chemistry of Coal, Elsevier, 1985. MG3212 Industrial Mineral Utilization (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Introduction to industrial minerals: their potentials to be utilized in industry. Industrial minerals properties as basic commodities, their processing, and their requirements needed in industry. Process analyses of cement, ceramic, and refractory makings, and other processes in industry both as basic and inter product commodities. Phase diagrams especially for oxides in order to maintain quality of product. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Lefond, S.J., Industrial Mineral and Rocks, 1983. 2. Johnstone, Minerals for the Chemicals and Allied Industries. 3. Norton, Refractories, McGraw-Hill 1977. 4. Kingery, Bower and Uhlman, Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley 1976. 5. Jan Bijen, Blast Furnace Slag Cement. 6. Ghost, Cement and Concrete Science & Technology, ABI Books, 1991. 7. Banerjea, Technology of Portland Cement and Blended Cement, Wheeler Publishing,

    1980. MG3213 Mineral Processing B (Compulsory, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Basic knowledge on crushing, grinding, sizing and techniques in separation of valuable minerals from their gangues based on their physical properties in order to produce concentrate which meets consument requirements. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, Pergamon Press, 1977. 2. Pryor, Mineral Processing, Mining Publication, 1960. 3. Robert, Mineral Processing, Pergamon Press, 1963.

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    4. Kelly, F.C., and Spottiswood, D.J., Introduction to Mineral Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.

    5. Currie J.H., Unit Operation in Mineral Processing, DCMT, 1973. 6. SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Vol. 1., N.L. Weiss (editor), 1985. 7. Taggart, A.F., Handbook of Mineral Dressing, John Wiley & Sons, 1954. MG3231 Phase Transformation and Heat-tretment (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short Syllabi Annealing of steels, recovery, recrystallization and grain-growth. Diffusion induced phase transformation, nucleation, growth and coarsening of precipitates,. Age-hardening of Al, and Ni alloys. Diffusionless phase transformation, quench hardening and tempering of steels. Surface haedening, carburizing, nitriding, nitrocarburizing, carbonitriding. Post carburizing heat treatment.

    Offered To(PS Peserta) Dept. Tek. Pertambangan Fak: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Physical metallurgy, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Porter, D.A., and Easterling, K.E., Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys,

    Chapman & Hall, Second Edition, 1992. 2. Brooks, C.R., Heat Treatment, Structure and Properties of nonferrous Alloys,

    American Society for Metals, 1982. 3. Martin, J.W., and Doherty, R.D., Stability of Microstructure in Metallic Systems,

    Cambridge University Press, 1976. 4. Cahn, R.W., Haasen, P., and Kramer, E.J., Phase Transformations in Materials, in

    Materials Science and Technology, A Comprehensive Treatment, VCH Publishers Inc., 1991.

    5. Polmear, I.J., Light Alloys, Metallurgy of The Light Alloys, Edward Arnold. 1989. 6. Glicksman, M.E., Diffusion in Solids, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 7. Basuki. E.A., Buku Ajar Transformasi Fasa dan Perlakuan Panas, Dept. Tek.

    Pertambangan, ITB, 2003. MG4101 Metal Forming Technique (Wajib, 3 SKS) Short sylabi Continum mechanic concept, plasticity theory, stress-strain analysis, yield criteria. Clasification of metal forming and examples of various metal forming products. Force and work energy calculation for various metal forming . Metallurgical engineering concepts to obtain better formability and standards of deformation boundaries for metals.

    Offered To(PS Peserta) Dept/PS: Tek. Pertambangan Fak: IKTM/FTI - ITB

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    Related Courses 1. Physics - mechanics, Prerequisit 2. Physical metallurgy, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Dieter, G.E., Mechanical Metallurgy, SI-Metric, Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1988.

    2. Chawla, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1992. 3. Kalpakjian, S., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Addison Wasley,

    1992. 4. Prosiding Simposium Besi-baja Nasional, ITB, 1996.

    5. ASM-International, Metals Handbook, vol.5 : Forming of Metals, 10th Ed., 1990. MG4121 Hydro-Electrometallurgy (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Study of metal extraction by using leaching agent. Explanation of several theories that support it, latest developments in process, leaching method, and recovery, and its application in industries. In addition, the explanation of several methods in electrowining, electrorefining, electrodissolution, electroplating, and metal anodization by using DC or electrolitically. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses -

    References/Bibliography 4. Butler, J.N., Ionic Equilibrium, A Mathematical Approach, Addison-Wesley, London,

    1964. 4. Breet C.M.A. and Breet A.M.O., Electrochemistry, Principles, Methods and

    Application, Oxford University Press., Oxford, 1993. 4. Habashi, F., A Textbook of Hydrometallurgy, Metallurgie Extractive Quebec, Enr.,

    Quebec, 1993. 4. Gjortheim, K. and Welch B.J., Aluminium Smelter Technology, Aluminium Verlag,

    Dusserldorf, 1987. 4. Jackson, E, Hydrometallurgical Extraction and Reclamation, Ellis Horwood & Sons,

    New York, 1986. 4. Marsden, J and I House, The Chemistry of Gold Extraction, Ellis Horwood, New

    York, 1993. 4. Umar, Faraz, Hidrometallurgi, Diktat & Kuliah ITB/PAU Ilmu Rekayasa, Bandung,

    2002 (Pengembangan) 4. Umar Faraz, Elektrometallurgi, Diktat Kuliah ITB/PAU Ilmu Rekayasa, Bandung,

    2002 (Pengembangan) 4. Artikel ilmiah dari berbagai jurnal ilmiah terbaru.

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    MG4122 Pyrometallurgy (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Fundamental characteristics of units in pyrometallurgical process for extraction and refining of non-ferrous metals. Thermodynamics and kinetics theories are implemented for explaining interaction and equilibrium between phases in the system, including calculation examples as its analysis fundamental and process evaluation. Several examples of important metals extraction and refining are described, i.e. copper, nickel, zinc, tin, and lead. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 9. Thermodynamics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 9. Kinetics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 9. Calculation in Metallurgical Processes, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 3. Alcock, Principles of Pyrometallurgy, Academic Press, 1976. 3. Coudourier, Fundamental of Metallurgical Process, Pergamon Press, 1978 3. Rosenqvist, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1983. 3. Rao, Y.K., Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Processes,

    Cambridge University Press, 1985 3. Soetjipto, R.B., Pirometalurgi Logam-logam Non-Ferro, Diktat Kuliah, ITB, 2002. MG4131 Foundry Technology (Compulsory, 2 SKS) Short Syllabi Principles of metal casting, moulding materials, sand testing, pattern making, fluidity of fluid metals. Solidification of metals, effects of thermal gradient and solidification gap on the grain staructures of casting.. Gating systems and design, risers and risers design, chill. Calculation of gating and riser dimensions. Melting practices and alloying, inspection and finishing. Casting defects, causes and preventions. Offered To(PS Peserta) Dept/PS: Tek. Pertambangan Fak: : IKTM - ITB Nd Related Courses 1. Metalurgi Fisika, Prerequisit 2 Transformasi Fasa, Prerequisit 3. Fenomena Transport, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Beeley P.R., Foundry Technology 2. Flint, Fundamental of Metal Casting, Adiwes. 3. Carl Loper, Rosenthal, Principles of Metals Casting, McGraw Gill 4. Sylvia J.G., Cast Metals Technology

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    5. International Atlas of Casting Defect, AFS. MG4123 Iron and Steel Metallurgy (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Descriptions of iron and steel making in general with its installation equipments. Understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics principles in blast furnace iron and steel making. Alternative iron making processes, especially the direct reduction and smelting reduction processes. Basic oxygen furnace processes, electric furnace steel making, secondary steel making, stainless steel and continuous casting. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 5. Thermodynamics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 5. Kinetics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 5. Calculation in Metallurgical Processes, Prerequisite 5. Pyrometallurgy, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 4. Bodsworth, Physical Chemistry of Iron and Steel Manufacture, Longmans Green,

    1965. 4. Biswas, A.K., Principles of Blast Furnace Ironmaking, Cootha Publ.,1980. 4. Deo, B. and Boom, R., Fundamentals of Steel Making Metallurgy, Prentice Hall, 1993. 4. Turkdogan, E.T., Fundamentals of Steel Making, The Institute of Materials, London,

    1996. 4. Fruehan, R. J., The Making, Shaping, and Treating of Steel, Steelmaking and Refining

    Volume, The AISE Steel Foundation, 1998. 4. AISE, The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel, Ironmaking Volume, The AISE

    Foundation, Edisi ke-11, Pitsburg, 1999. 4. Soetjipto, R.B., Metalurgi Besi dan Baja, Diktat Kuliah, ITB, 2002. MG4251 Corrosion Control (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Short sylabi Mechanisms of metal degradation and kinetics due to aqueous corrosion, corrosion forms, degradation beharvious and corrosion control technology and material selection. Corrosion rate determination, aqueous corrosion tests and description on corrosive environments in various places and operations. Principles and design of catodic and anodic protections. Mechanism and kinetics of high temperature corrosion. Application of corrosion resistance materials. Offered To(PS Peserta) Dept/PS: Tek. Pertambangan Fak: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 1. Termodinamika Metalurgi, Prerequisit

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    2. Perhitungan perhitungan dalam Metalurgi Proses, Prerequisit 3. Teknik Pengendalian Korosi, Prohibition 4. Proses Elektrokimia Material, Prohibition References/Bibliography 1. Purwadaria, S., Diktat Kuliah Korosi Aqueous dan Pengendaliannya, 2002. 2. Jones, D.A., Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Maxwell McMillan, 1995. 3. Roberge, P.R., Handbook of Corrosion Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 2000. 4. Shreir et al, Corrosion, Vol 1 & II, 3rd Edd., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995. 5. Briks, N. and Meier, G.H., Introduction to High Temperature Oxidation of Metals, Edward Arnold, 1983. MG5101 Process Control (Compulsory, 3 SKS) Syllabus Introduction. Laplace Transformation. Response from first and second order systems. Fundamental process control components consist of measurement, decision making and action. Block diagram. Transfer function for closed loop. Stability concept. Plant and instrumentation diagrams. P-PI-PID loop tuning. Introduction to computer application in process control. Examples of process control application in mineral processing and metallurgy industries. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Matematika Terapan, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 7. Coughanowr, D.R., Process System Analysis and Control, second edition, McGraw-

    Hill, 1991 7. Smith, C.A., and Corripio, A.B., Principles and Practice of Automatic Process

    Control, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 7. Flintoff, B.C., dan Mular, A.L., A Practical Guide to Process Controls in Minerals

    Industry, University of British Columbia- Brenda Mines Ltd.-The Mining Industriy Technology Council of Canada, 1992.

    7. Stephanopoulos, Chemical Process Control, Prentice-Hall, 1984. 7. Paper-paper yang berhubungan. MG5221 Plant Design of Extractive Metallurgy (Preference, 3 SKS) Syllabus Study of design method, calculation, and other aspects that related in planning hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy plant construction. This study describes the way in selecting equipments and the technique to calculate equipment, plant capacity, and its economic factors as well.

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    Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses -- References/Bibliography 5. Fine, H.A. and Geiger G.H., Handbook on Material Balance and Energy Balance

    Calculation in Metallurgical Processes, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York, 1979.

    5. Frank J.V.R., Project Evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries, New York, 1983. 5. Van Zyl, D.J.A., Hushison I.P.G. and Kiel J.E., Society of Mining Engineering Inc.,

    Littleton, Colorado, 1988. 5. Umar, Faraz, Perencanaan Pabrik Hidro-Elektrometallurgi, Diktat Kuliah, Departemen

    Teknik Pertambangan IKTM-ITB, 2003. MG5211 Mill Plant Design (Limited Choice, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Mill selection with regard to mine location, to water sources, to tailings disposal, to topography of mill site, etc. Smelter schedule and its benefit. Designing of a mill plant: its calculation of material and water balances, and selection of equipments. Plant layout and drawing. Estimation of plant investment. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Mineral Processing or Unit Operations, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Newton, Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation, McGraw-Hill, 1955 2. Denver, Modern Numerical Processing Flowsheet 3. Denver, Equipment Handbook 4. Weiss, Mineral Processing Handbook, SME, 1985. 5. Mular, Manual Processing Plant design and Economic for Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1968. 6. Mular, Mineral Processing Equipment Cost and Preliminary Capital Cost Estimation, 1978. 7. Rexnold, Reference Manual - Nodberg Process Machinery, 1976. 8. Pegson, Aggregate Producers Handbook. 9. Leaflet and other manuals.

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    MG5212 Advance Mineral Processing (Limited Choice, 3 Credits) Short Syllabus Capillarity, Adsorption from liquid, Electrical double layer, Zeta potential calculation, Flotation thermodynamics, Cationic flotation of oxide and silicate minerals, Anionic flotation of oxide and silicate minerals, Electrochemical of sulphide minerals, Flotation kinetics, Water quality: coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, Management of cyanidation process waste, Air pollution, Mathematical modeling of mineral process operation. Offered To Program Study: Mining Engineering Faculty: IKTM - ITB Related Courses - References/Bibliography 1. Jaycock, M.J., Parfitt, G.D., Chemistry of Interfaces, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. 2. Paul C. Hiemenz, Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,

    New York and Basel, 1986. 3. Adamson, A.W., Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 1990. 4. Hunter, R.J., Zeta Potential in Colloid Science, Principles and Applications, Academic

    Press, 1981. 5. Lynch, A.J., et. al, Mineral and Coal Flotation Circuits, Elsevier, 1981. 6. Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Processes. MG5222 Advanced Metallurgical Process (Preference, 3 SKS) Syllabus Application of thermodynamics and kinetics calculation in common multi components and multi phases systems, which are used for metal extraction and refining process designs. Several examples will be discussed, such as: mass and energy balance calculation of complex systems, equilibrium of complex sulphide roasting process. Multi-component equilibrium in slag-metal-gas system in iron making, etc. Offered To (Members of PS) Dept. / PS: Mining Engineering Faculty of: IKTM - ITB Related Courses 4. Thermodynamics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 4. Kinetics of Metallurgy, Prerequisite 4. Calculation in Metallurgical Processes, Prerequisite References/Bibliography 3. Alcock, Principles of Pyrometallurgy, Academic Press, 1976. 3. Coudourier, Fundamental of Metallurgical Process, Pergamon Press, 1978 3. Fine, H.A. and Geiger, G.H., Handbook on Material and Energy Balance Calculations

    in Metallurgical Processes, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 1979. 3. Rosenqvist, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1983.

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    3. Rao, Y.K., Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Processes, Cambridge University Press, 1985

    3. Soetjipto, R.B., Kumpulan kasus-kasus metalurgi proses, dalam persiapan. MG5231 Alloy Design and Casting (Pilihan Wajib, 3 SKS) Short sylabi Design methodology: stages and activities on engineering design. Design criteria, properties and important factors in alloy design and selection. Application of metal charts, and relation between various alloy and other materials. Properties and selection of steels and cast irons and non-ferrous. Concepts of alloy development for various applications and components, alloy making practices. Offered To(PS Peserta) Dept/PS: TA Fak: IKTM - ITB Related Courses Transformasi Fasa dan Perlakuan Panas, Prerequisit References/Bibliography 1. Mangonon, P.L., The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineering Design, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1999. 2. , Materials Selection and Design, ASM, 1997. 3. Davis, J.R., Alloying: Understanding the Basics, ASM, 2001. 4. Donachie, M.J., and Donachie, S.J., Superalloys, ASM International, 2002. 5. Davis, J.R., Stainless Steels, ASM International, 1994. MG5232 Advanced Physical Metallurgy (Wajib, 3 SKS) Short syllabi Discuss metal structures and crystallography, mechanical properties of metals and mechanical tests. Alloy constitutions and phase diagrams will be given. Crystal defects and dislocation theory as the basic for metal deformation will be further discussed in detail. Annealing and hot working, kinetics of heat treatment (TTT, CCT diagrams), and phase transformation is given in heat treatment. Desiagn and classification of alloys will be discussed in general. Principles of solidification is offered in relation with casting and welding. Relation between alloy, microstructure and process, with mechanical aspects such as brittle and ductile fractures, deformation at high temperature (creep and rupture), fracture mechanics, metal fatigue. Offered To (PS Peserta) Dept : Tek. Pertambangan Fak : IKTM ITB Related Course - References / Bibliography

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    1. Physical Metallurgy Principles 3rd Ed, Reed Hill, PWS-KENT, Publishing Company,1992 2. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Avner, McGraw Hill, 1987. 3. Mechanical Metallurgy, Dieter, McGraw-Hill, 1986. 4. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Hertzberg, Willey, 1983.

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    FIKTM - ITB 39