1 Oral Presentation Techniques. 2 Oral Presentation Techniques: Objectives Understand the key...


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Oral Presentation Oral Presentation TechniquesTechniques

Oral Presentation Techniques 2

Oral Presentation Techniques: Oral Presentation Techniques: ObjectivesObjectives

• Understand the key factors for successful Understand the key factors for successful presentation deliverypresentation delivery

• Prepare effective visual aidsPrepare effective visual aids

• Deliver successful presentationsDeliver successful presentations

• Evaluate presentation deliveryEvaluate presentation delivery

Oral Presentation Techniques 3

4 Key Factors for a Successful 4 Key Factors for a Successful PresentationPresentation

1. Timing1. Timing

2. Attention span2. Attention span

3. Personal 3. Personal


4. Practice4. Practice

Oral Presentation Techniques 4

1. Timing1. Timing

Do not ramble on during a presentation

Remember:One Minute per Slide as Guideline

Oral Presentation Techniques 5

2. Attention Span: 2. Attention Span: Audience attention fluctuatesAudience attention fluctuates


Repeat key ideas



Oral Presentation Techniques 6

3. Personal Approach3. Personal ApproachPersonal features of the presenter can Personal features of the presenter can make or break presentationmake or break presentation

A. GestureA. Gesture

B. VoiceB. Voice

C. Eye ContactC. Eye Contact

D. BreathingD. Breathing

Oral Presentation Techniques 7

3A. Gesture3A. GestureImportant in nonverbal communicationImportant in nonverbal communication

• Emphasize pointsEmphasize points

• HighlightsHighlights

• Audience attentionAudience attention

• Vary gestureVary gesture

• ImportantImportant    elements elements

– Position of speakerPosition of speaker

– Position of transparenciesPosition of transparencies

– Not too much movementNot too much movement

Oral Presentation Techniques 8

3B. Voice3B. VoiceCritical part of a verbal presentationCritical part of a verbal presentation

• Volume—speak Volume—speak to be heardto be heard

• Modulation— Modulation— vary the voicevary the voice

• Pause—make Pause—make emphasis with emphasis with pausepause

Oral Presentation Techniques 9

3C. Eye Contact3C. Eye ContactLook at each member of your Look at each member of your audienceaudience

• InvolvementInvolvement

• Trust/supportTrust/support

• InterestInterest

• Spontaneous reactionSpontaneous reaction

Oral Presentation Techniques 10

3D. Breathing3D. BreathingBreathing during presentation is Breathing during presentation is different from normal breathingdifferent from normal breathing

• Breathe deeper forBreathe deeper for– VolumeVolume

– ControlControl

– EmphasisEmphasis

• Don't lose your Don't lose your breath or you will breath or you will drown in mid-airdrown in mid-air

Oral Presentation Techniques 11

Elements of an Oral PresentationElements of an Oral Presentation

• Good visual aidsGood visual aids

• Logical sequenceLogical sequence

Oral Presentation Techniques 12

Why Do We Need Visual Aids?Why Do We Need Visual Aids?

• Crystallize ideasCrystallize ideas

• Keep speaker on trackKeep speaker on track

• Generate interestGenerate interest

• Help information retentionHelp information retention

Use visual aids to maximize theUse visual aids to maximize the effectiveness of your presentationeffectiveness of your presentation

Oral Presentation Techniques 13

Visual Aid RulesVisual Aid Rules

• Keep it simpleKeep it simple

• Minimize wordsMinimize words

• Use large fontsUse large fonts

• List key pointsList key points

• Use exact phrasingUse exact phrasing

• Use colorUse color

• Prepare handoutsPrepare handouts

Oral Presentation Techniques 14

Prepare a Presentation in aPrepare a Presentation in aLogical SequenceLogical Sequence

1. Situation 1. Situation

2. Theme2. Theme

3. Storyline3. Storyline

4. Storyboard4. Storyboard

5. Master5. Master

6. Production6. Production

7. Practice 7. Practice

8. Evaluation8. Evaluation

Oral Presentation Techniques 15

1. Situation1. SituationConsider the audience carefullyConsider the audience carefully

• How big?How big?

• Who?Who?

• Level of knowledge?Level of knowledge?

• Level of interest?Level of interest?

• Resistance?Resistance?

• Time?Time?

Oral Presentation Techniques 16

2. Theme2. ThemeDefine your theme in one short Define your theme in one short

sentencesentence • Be conciseBe concise

• Be directBe direct

Oral Presentation Techniques 17

3.3. StorylineStorylineBreak down your theme into major Break down your theme into major partsparts





ApproachApproach FindingsFindings RecommendationRecommendation

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Problem Problem definitiondefinition ApproachApproach FindingsFindings RecommendationRecommendation

4. Storyboard4. StoryboardVisualize the storyline into a Visualize the storyline into a storyboardstoryboard

Oral Presentation Techniques 19

5. Master5. MasterFinalize the flow of the presentationFinalize the flow of the presentation

• Finalize dataFinalize data

• Sketch all diagrams—claritySketch all diagrams—clarity

• ConclusionConclusion

• Check for logicCheck for logic

• ConsultationConsultation

• RehearsalRehearsal

Oral Presentation Techniques 20

6. Production6. Production

• Allow plenty of time for Allow plenty of time for productionproduction

• One key message per slide!One key message per slide!

• 5 rules when preparing a 5 rules when preparing a visual aid:visual aid:

– 1. Keep it simple1. Keep it simple

– 2. Minimize words2. Minimize words

– 3. List key points3. List key points

– 4. Make letters large4. Make letters large

– 5. Use exact phrasing5. Use exact phrasing

Oral Presentation Techniques 21

7. Practice!7. Practice!Adequate rehearsal is essential for a Adequate rehearsal is essential for a good presentationgood presentation

• Development of each Development of each visualvisual

• TransitionTransition• Self-confidenceSelf-confidence• TimingTiming

Practice Makes PerfectPractice Makes Perfect

Oral Presentation Techniques 22

8. Evaluation8. Evaluation

• After every presentation After every presentation EVALUATEEVALUATE– Did the audience Did the audience

“get” the key points?“get” the key points?– Were the visual aids Were the visual aids

clear and useful?clear and useful?– Were the questions Were the questions

relevant?relevant?• When possible, use When possible, use

written evaluationswritten evaluations

Oral Presentation Techniques 23


• Any professional can become an Any professional can become an effective presentereffective presenter

• Knowledge is not enoughKnowledge is not enough

• Communication is equally importantCommunication is equally important

• Investing time and effort in Investing time and effort in improving presentation skills is improving presentation skills is always rewardedalways rewarded