· TAC1 “BAVERO” TAC2 “COLORBAVERO” ... Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi Sottobicchiere in...


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4180“DRY”Design Achille Castiglioni

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

4180 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert.L 4180 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert.

LCD01“CACCIA”Design Luigi Caccia DominioniLivio e Pier Giacomo Castiglioni

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

90022 A in argento 925‰ / in 925‰ silver / enargent 925‰ / aus Silber 925‰.

44118800,, DDrryyDry è stato il primo e per diversi anni l’unico modello di posateria Alessi. Nonostantele fosche previsioni iniziali degli addetti ai lavori (Non è possibile per un produttorepresentarsi sul mercato con un solo modello, non ce la farete!) ha dimostrato come laforza iconica e innovatrice della sua forma, unita a una grande sensorialità nell'usoe a una finitura eccellente siano ben più importanti per il pubblico di quanto faccianocredere molti vecchi pregiudizi del mercato. Ha aperto per noi negli anni successivi lastrada a diversi altri modelli di posate, pur restando solidamente nel gruppo di testa.

For many years, Dry was Alessi’s only model of cutlery. Despite the grim prospectsforwarded by those in the sector (Theres no way a manufacturer can offer the marketjust one single model, you will never get anywhere!), it proved that its innovative shapeand resolute style, along with extreme manageability and an excellent finish, weremuch more important to the public that many old market prejudices would have usbelive. Over the years, the Dry model has opened up the road for us for various othercutlery sets, thoughit has always remained well up among the leaders.

5180“NUOVO MILANO”Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

5180 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert.5180 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

AJM22“KNIFEFORKSPOON”Design Jasper Morrison

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

AJM22 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert AJM22 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

SG38“MAMI”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

AM24“ASTA”Design Alessandro Mendini,con Annalisa Margarini

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

JH01“RUNDES MODELL”Design Josef Hoffmann

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.


FM06“COLOMBINA COLLECTION”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

Servizio di posate in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Cutlery set in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Service à couverts en acierinoxydable 18/10. Besteckset ausEdelstahl 18/10.

FM10“COLOMBINA COLLECTION”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

Servizio di piatti in porcellana,melammina e bone china.Table set in porcelain, melamine andbone china.Service d’assiettes en porcelaine,mélamine et bone china.Tellerset aus Porzellan, Melaminharzund Bone China.



TAC3“FILETTO”Design Achille Castiglioni

Servizio di piatti in porcellana.Table set in porcelain.Service d’assiettes en porcelaine.Tellerset aus Porzellan.



TI02 “KU”Design Toyo Ito

Servizio di piatti in bone china.Table set in bone china.Service d’assiettes en bone china.Tellerset aus Bone China.

ES13“LA BELLA TAVOLA”Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio di piatti in bone china.Table set in bone china.Service d’assiettes en bone china.Tellerset aus Bone China.

TTCCAACCNella seconda metà degli anni '90 Achille, con la consulenza dell'enologo Veronelli, ha rivistoalcuni dettagli funzionali di questo progetto inedito, originariamente disegnato insieme alfratello Pier Giacomo nel 1965 in occasione della mostra La casa abitata a Firenze. Ilriferimento agli archetipi è particolarmente evidente nel Bicchiere da vino bianco e nel Bicchiereda vino rosso, che sintetizzano le due classiche forme di bevante nella storia vasta e polifonicadel bicchiere borghese: l'uno si riferisce all'archetipo del Bicchiere per vino Bordolese (bevante acorolla racchiusa che ben si addice a pressoché tutti i vini bianchi ma anche per l'appunto amolti vini rossi) e l'altro all'archetipo del Bicchiere per vino Borgognone (bevante a coppa, idealeper i vini cosiddetti da degustazione). La Caraffa con manico, il Decanter e i bicchieri dadegustazione, per cognac, per whisky e per acqueviti sono stati disegnati dal solo Achille comecompletamento della serie, sempre con la consulenza di Veronelli, tra il 1999 e il 2001.

In the second half of the 1990s, with expert advice provided by the wine specialist Veronelli,Achille revised certain functional details of this new project, originally designed together withhis brother Pier Giacomo in 1965 on theoccasion of the exhibition La Casa Abitata inFlorence. References to archetypal forms areparticularly apparent in the White wine glassand the Red wine glass that synthesise twoclassic shapes from the vast and multi-facetedhistory of the drinking glass: one draws on thearchetypal Bordeaux wine glass (a vessel with atapering rim well suited to most white wines,but also many reds) and he other on thearchetypal Burgundian glass for Burgundywines (a tasting glass ideal for fine wines). TheCarafe with handle, the Decanter and theTasting, Cognac, Whisky and Brandy glasseswere designed by Achille alone, albeitwith theconsultancy of Veronelli, between 1999 and 2001.

TCAC“ORSEGGI”Design Achille e Pier GiacomoCastiglioni

Servizio di bicchieri in cristallo: bicchiereper vini rossi, bicchiere perdegustazione, bicchiere per vini bianchi,caraffa, bicchiere per whisky, decanter,bicchiere per acqua, bicchiere per liquorio acqueviti, bicchiere per spumanti echampagne.Glass set in cystal: glass for red wine,tasting glass, glass for white wine,pitcher, whisky tumbler, decanter, watertumbler, aquavit glass, champagne flute.Service de verres en cristal: verre à vinrouge, verre à dégustation, verre à vinblanc, carafe, verre à whisky, décanteur,verre à eau, verre à liqueur ou alcool,flûte.Gläserset aus Kristall: Rotweinkelch,Burgunderkelch, Weißweinglas, Karaffe,Whiskybecher, Dekanter, Wasserglas,Likörglas, Sektflöte.



SG70“MAMI PLATINUM”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Servizio di piatti in porcellana.Table set in porcelain.Service d’assiettes en porcelaine.Tellerset aus Porzellan.

TCES2“NUOVO GINEVRA”Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio di bicchieri in cristallo: bicchiereper degustazione, bicchiere per acqua,per vini rossi o bianchi importanti,bottiglia per decantare, bicchiere per viniliquorosi, bicchiere per spumanti echampagne. Glass set in cystal: tasting glass, glassfor water, for red wines and Burgundywhite wines, decanter, sherry glass,champagne flute.Service de verres en cristal: verre àdégustation, verre à eau, vin rouges etbourgognes blancs, carafe à décanter,verre à sherry, flûte.Gläserset aus Kristall: Burgunderkelch -Kelch für Wasser, Rotwein und WeißweinBurgunder, Dekantier Flasche,Sherryglas, Sektflöte.

SG52“MAMI”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Servizio di bicchieri in cristallo: bicchiereper vini rossi, bicchiere per vini bianchi,bicchiere per spumanti e champagne,bicchiere per Martini, bicchiere perwhisky, bicchiere per acqua, bicchiereper acqueviti, bicchiere per cognac,caraffa, decanter.Glass set in crystal: glass for red wine,glass for white wine, champagne flute,Martini glass, whisky tumbler, watertumbler, aquavit glass, brandy snifter,pitcher, decanter.Service de verres en cristal: verre à vinrouge, verre à dégustation, verre à vinblanc, flûte, verre à Martini, verre àwhisky, verre à eau, verre à liqueur,verre à cognac, carafe, décanteur.Gläserset aus Kristall: Rotweinkelch,Burgunderkelch, Weißweinglas,Sektflöte, Martinikelch, Whiskybecher,Wasserglas, Likörglas,Cognacschwenker, Karaffe, Dekanter.

FM10“COLOMBINA COLLECTION”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

Servizio di bicchieri in cristallo:bicchiere per vino, bicchiere peracqua, bicchiere per liquori oacqueviti, bicchiere per spumanti echampagne.Glass set in crystal: wine glass, watertumbler, liqueur or aquavit glass,champagne glass.Service de verres en cristal: verre àvin, verre à eau, verre à liqueur oualcool blanc, verre à champagne.Gläserset aus Kristall: Weinglas,Wasserglas, Likörglas, Sektglas.

FM11 S satinato/mat/satiné/mattiert

5100Design Ettore Sottsass

Sottopiatto in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Mat in 18/10 stainless steel.Sous-assiette en acier inoxydable 18/10.Platzteller aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 30 / ø 11 3/4”

MG03Design Michael Graves

Sottopiatto in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Mat in 18/10 stainless.Sous-assiette en acier inoxydable 18/10.Platzteller aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 31.5 / ø 12 1/2”

LC02“SITGES”Design Lluís Clotet

Sottopiatto in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Mat in 18/10 stainless.Sous-assiette en acier inoxydable 18/10.Platzteller aus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 33 / ø 13”

SG35“ETHNO”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Sottopiatto con bordo traforato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10.Mat with open-work edge in 18/10stainless steel.Sous-assiette avec bord ajouré en acierinoxydable 18/10.Platzteller aus Edelstahl 18/10 mitdurchbrochenem Rand.ø cm 33 / ø 13”

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LC01/13“SITGES”Design Lluís Clotet

Sottobicchiere anti-ventosa in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Glass coaster,antisuction in 18/10 stainless steel.Dessous de verre antiventouse en acierinoxydable 18/10. Glasuntersetzer,feuchtigkeitsabstossend aus Edelstahl18/10.ø cm 13 / ø 5”

LC01/17“SITGES”Sottobottiglia anti-ventosa in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Bottle coaster,antisuction in 18/10 stainless steel.Dessous de bouteille antiventouse enacier inoxydable 18/10.Flaschenuntersetzer, feuchtigkeits-abstossend aus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 17 / ø 6 3/4”


FC01“BLOW UP”Design Fratelli Campana

Sottopiatto in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Mat in 18/10 stainless steel.Sous-assiette en acier inoxydable 18/10.Platzteller aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 40.5 x 39.5 16” x 15 1/2”

5009/11Design Ettore Sottsass

Sottobicchiere anti-ventosa in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Glass coaster,antisuction in 18/10 stainless steel.Dessous de verre antiventouse en acierinoxydable 18/10. Glasuntersetzer,feuchtigkeitsabstossend aus Edelstahl18/10.ø cm 11 / ø 4 1/4”

5009/15Sottobottiglia anti-ventosa in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Bottle coaster,antisuction in 18/10 stainless steel.Dessous de bouteille antiventouse enacier inoxydable 18/10.Flaschenuntersetzer,feuchtigkeitsabstossend aus Edelstahl18/10.Ø cm 15 / Ø 6”

799/10 Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Sottobicchiere in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Glass coaster in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Dessous de verre en acierinoxydable 18/10. Glasuntersetzer ausEdelstahl 18/10. ø cm 10 / ø 4”

799/14Sottobottiglia in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Bottle coaster in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Dessous de bouteille en acierinoxydable 18/10. Flaschenuntersetzeraus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 14 / ø 5 1/2”

SG55/200 B “MAMI”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Servizio per bourguignonne.Bourguignonne set.Service à fondue bourguignonne.Bourguignonneset.

SG56/260 BServizio per fonduta.Fondue set.Service à fondue.Fondueset.



5070Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio per olio, aceto, sale e pepe inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 e cristallo.Condiment set: oil, vinegar, salt andpepper in 18/10 stainless steel andcrystal. Service huile, vinaigre, sel etpoivre en acier inoxydable 18/10 etcristal. Menage: Öl, Essig, Salz undPfeffer aus Edelstahl 18/10 und Kristall.cm 17.5 x 8 / 7”x 3 1/4”

5070 lucido, mirror polished, brillant,glänzend poliert5070 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert


5073Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio per sale, pepe e stuzzicadenti inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 e cristallo.Condiment set: salt, pepper andtoothpicks in 18/10 stainless steel andcrystal. Service sel, poivre et cure-dentsen acier inoxydable 18/10 et cristal.Menage: Salz , Pfeffer und Zahnstocheraus Edelstahl 18/10 und Kristall. cm 17.5 x 8 / 7”x 3 1/4”

5079Base per contenitori per condimenti inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Stand forcontainers for condiments in 18/10stainless steel. Base pour récipients àcondiments en acier inoxydable 18/10.Menageständer aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 18.5 - h cm 19 / ø 7 1/4” - h 7 1/2”

5071Design Ettore Sottsass

Formaggiera in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e cristallo. Parmesan cheesecellar in 18/10 stainless steel andcrystal. Fromagère en acier inoxydable18/10 et cristal. Käsedose aus Edelstahl18/10 und Kristall. cl 20 - ø cm 11 - h cm 10 7 oz - ø 4 1/4”- h 4”

5071 lucido, mirror polished, brillant, glänzendpoliert5071 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert


MSA16“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Servizio per olio, aceto, sale, pepe espezie in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 evetro. Condiment set: oil, vinegar, salt,pepper and spices in 18/10 stainlesssteel and glass. Service huile, vinaigre,sel, poivre et épices en acier inoxydable18/10 et verre. Menage: Öl, Essig, Salz,Pfeffer und Gewürze aus Edelstahl 18/10und Glas.cm 11.5 x 9.3 - h cm 21.6 / 4 1/2”x 3 3/4” - h 8 1/2”

MSA17Formaggiera in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e vetro. Parmesan cheese cellarin 18/10 stainless steel and glass.Fromagère en acier inoxydable 18/10et verre. Käsedose aus Edelstahl 18/10und Glas.cl 20 - ø cm 9.2 - h cm 7.2 / 7 oz - ø 3 1/2”- h 2 3/4”

MSA28“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Base per contenitori per olio e acetoin acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Stand for oil and vinegar cruets in18/10 stainless steel. Base pourrécipients à huile et à vinaigre en acierinoxydable 18/10. Menageständer ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 11.6 x 5.7 - h cm 24.54 1/2”x 2 1/4”- h 9 3/4”


PW01“TASTE-HUILE”Design Lorenzo Piccione di Pianogrilloe Köbi Wiesendanger

Degustaolio personale in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Personal olive oiltaster in 18/10 stainless steel.Taste-huile individuel en acierinoxydable 18/10. Olivenölkoster füreine Person aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 5.3 - cm 17.5 x 7.5 - h cm 6.31 3/4 oz - 7”x 3”- h 2 1/2”

AKK73“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Servizio per olio, aceto, sale e pepe inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 e vetro.Condiment set: oil, vinegar, salt andpepper in 18/10 stainless steel andglass. Service huile, vinaigre, sel etpoivre en acier inoxydable 18/10 et verre.Menage: Öl, Essig, Salz und Pfeffer ausEdelstahl 18/10 und Glas.cl 20 - 3,5 - cm 11,8 x 11 - h cm 20,86 3/4 oz - 1 1/4 oz - 4 3/4”x 4 1/2”- h 9”

AKK74Formaggiera in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e vetro. Parmesan cheese cellar in18/10 stainless steel and glass.Fromagère en acier inoxydable 18/10 etverre. Käsedose aus Edelstahl 18/10 undGlas.cl 20 - ø cm 9,1 – h cm 76 3/4 oz – ø 3 1/2”- h 2 3/4”

AB12“TRATTORE”Design Andrea Branzi

Porta-oli in vetro e acciaio inossidabile18/10. Contenitori ceramica stoneware.Set for olive oils in glass and 18/10stainless steel. Containers in stoneware.Porte-huiles en verre et acier inoxydable18/10. Conteneurs en céramiquestoneware. Menage für Olivenöle ausGlas und Edelstahl 18/10. Behälter ausSteingut.cl 250 - cm 29 x 7 - h cm 26 2 qt 21 1/2 oz - 11 1/2”x 2 3/4”- h 10 1/4”

9098Design Michael Graves

Macinapepe in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con alette in PA. Pepper mill in 18/10stainless steel with fins in PA. Moulin àpoivre en acier inoxydable 18/10 avecailettes en PA. Pfeffermühle ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit Flügeln aus PA. ø cm 6.3 - h cm 13.2 / ø 2 1/2”- h 5 1/4”9098 azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblau9098 WI bianco avorio, white ivory, blanc ivoire,elfenbeinfarben

MGSALSpargisale in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con tappo e coperchietto in PA.Salt castor in 18/10 stainless steel withbase and lid in PA. Salière en acierinoxydable 18/10 avec base et couvercleen PA. Salzstreuer aus Edelstahl 18/10mit Deckel und Verschluss aus PA. ø cm 6.3 - h cm 11.3 / ø 2 1/2”- h 4 1/2” MGSAL azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauMGSAL WI bianco avorio, white ivory, blancivoire, elfenbeinfarben

ASG02“LILLIPUT”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Servizio per sale e pepe in resinatermoplastica e base in acciaioinossidabile. Salt and pepper set inthermoplastic resin and 18/10 stainlesssteel base. Service sel et poivre enrésine thermoplastique et base en acierinoxydable 18/10. Menage: Salz undPfeffer aus thermoplastischem Harz undGestell aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 11 - h cm 14.5 / ø 4 1/4”- h 5 3/4”

ASG02 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair,hellblauASG02 GR verde, green, vert, grünASG02 O arancio, orange, orange, orangeASG02 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

MP0210Design Ettore SottsassMacinapepe in legno di faggio tinto nero,rosso e giallo. Pepper mill in beech-wood, black, red and yellow. Moulin àpoivre en bois de hêtre, noir, rouge etjaune. Pfeffermühle aus Buchenholz,schwarz, rot und gelb.ø cm 7 - h cm 23 / ø 2 3/4” - h 9”

MS0212Macinasale in legno di faggio tinto nero,rosso e giallo. Salt grinder in beech-wood,black, red and yellow. Moulin à sel en boisde hêtre, noir, rouge et jaune. Salzmühleaus Buchenholz, schwarz, rot und gelb. ø cm 7 - h cm 11 / ø 2 3/4”- h 4 1/4”

MP0214Macinapeperoncino in legno di faggiotinto rosso. Chili mill in beech-wood, red.Moulin à piment en bois de hêtre, rouge.Chilimühle aus Buchenholz, rot.ø cm 7 - h cm 15 / ø 2 3/4” - h 6”

MP1560Design Paolo Pagani

Macinapepe in legno di faggio sbiancato.Pepper mill in beech-wood, whitecoloured. Moulin à poivre en hêtreblanchi. Pfeffermühle aus gebleichtemBuchenholz. ø cm 7 - h cm 23 / ø 2 3/4” - h 9”

MP1562Macinapepe in legno di faggio tinto nero.Pepper mill in beech-wood, black.Moulin à poivre en bois de hêtre, noir.Pfeffermühle aus Buchenholz, schwarz.

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PZ01Design Peter Zumthor

Macinapepe in legno di acero di monte.Pepper mill in mountain maple-wood.Moulin à poivre en bois d’érable demontagne.Pfeffermühle aus Gebirksahornholz.ø cm 7 - h cm 29.5ø 2 3/4”- h 11 1/2”

PZ01 BRMacinapepe in legno di noce.Pepper mill in walnut wood.Moulin à poivre en bois de noyer.Pfeffermühle aus Nußbaumholz.

ASG80“QUEEN CHIN”Design Stefano Giovannoni con RumikoTakedaIn collaboration with the NationalPalace Museum Taiwan

Macinasale, pepe e spezie in resinatermoplastica. Decorato a mano.Salt, pepper and spice grinder inthermoplastic resin. Hand-decorated.Moulin à sel, poivre et épices enrésine thermoplastique. Decoré à lamain.Salz-/Pfeffer- und Gewürzmühle austhermoplastischem Harz.Handdekoriert.

ASG80 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauASG80 R rosso, red, rouge, rot

ASG81“KING CHIN”Design Stefano Giovannoni con RumikoTakedaIn collaboration with the NationalPalace Museum Taiwan

Macinasale, pepe e spezie in resinatermoplastica. Decorato a mano.Salt, pepper and spice grinder inthermoplastic resin. Hand-decorated.Moulin à sel, poivre et épices enrésine thermoplastique. Decoré à lamain. Salz-/Pfeffer- undGewürzmühle aus thermoplastischemHarz. Handdekoriert.

ASG81 GR verde, green, vert, grünASG81 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

ASG16“MAGIC BUNNY”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Portastuzzicadenti in PMMA e surlyn.Toothpick holder in PMMA and surlyn.Porte-cure-dents en PMMA et surlyn.Zähnstocherbehalter aus PMMA undsurlyn.ø cm 7,5 - h cm 14 / ø 3” - h 51/2”

ASG16 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauASG16 GR verde, green, vert, grünASG16 P rosa, pink, rose, rosaASG16 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

826829845Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Cestino a filo in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Wire basket in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille à fil en acier inoxydable18/10. Drahtkorb aus Edelstahl 18/10.826/20 ø cm 20.5 / ø 8” 826/24 ø cm 24.5 / ø 9 3/4”

829 cm 28 x 20 / 11”x 8”845 cm 23 x 23 / 9”x 9”

829 845

FC02“BLOW UP”Design Fratelli Campana

Cestino in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Basket in 18/10 stainless steel.Corbeille en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schale aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 33 x 32 - h cm 10.5 / 13”x 12 1/2” - h 4 1/4”

JM25Design Jasper Morrison

Cestino in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Basket in 18/10 stainless steel. Corbeilleen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 24.5 x 18.5 - h cm 3 / 9 3/4”x 7 1/4”- h 1 1/4”

JM25 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliertJM25 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

KK16KK17KK18Design King-Kong

Cestino rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round basketwith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille ronde avec bord ajouréen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale, rund,mit durchbrochenem Rand ausEdelstahl 18/10.KK16 ø cm 18 - h cm 5.4 / ø 7 1/4”- h 2 1/4”KK17 ø cm 20.5 - h cm 8.8 / ø 8”- h 3 1/2” KK18 ø cm 23 - h cm 12.2 / ø 9”- h 4 3/4”


SG33“ETHNO”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Portagrissini traforato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Open-workbreadstick holder in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Porte-gressins ajouré en acierinoxydable 18/10. Grissinibehälter,durchbrochen aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 9 - h cm 15 / ø 3 1/2” - h 6”


5021Design Ettore Sottsass

Cestino rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round basketwith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille ronde avec bord ajouréen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale, rund,mit durchbrochenem Rand ausEdelstahl 18/10.5021/20 ø cm 20 / ø 8” 5021/25 ø cm 25 / ø 9 3/4”

5021 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert5021/25 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

SG27SG28SG29“ETHNO”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Cestino rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round basketwith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille ronde avec bord ajouréen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale, rund,mit durchbrochenem Rand ausEdelstahl 18/10.SG27 ø cm 18 - h cm 5.5 / ø 7”- h 2 1/4”SG28 ø cm 20.5 - h cm 8.8 / ø 8”- h 3 1/2”SG29 ø cm 23 - h cm 12.2/ ø 9”- h 4 3/4”

18 19

AFC10“NUVEM”Design Fratelli Campana

Cestino rotondo a filo in alluminioanodizzato.Round wire basket in anodizedaluminium.Corbeille ronde à fil en aluminiumanodisé.Drahtkorb, rund aus eloxiertemAluminium.AFC10/15 ø cm 15 - h cm 6,5 / ø 6” - h 21/2”AFC10/24 ø cm 24 - h cm 9 / ø 91/2” - h 31/2”AFC10/30 ø cm 30 - h cm 12 / ø 113/4” - h 43/4”

PZ02/PZ03Design Peter Zumthor

Candeliere in alluminio tornito.Candlestick in turned cast aluminium.Chandelier en aluminium tourné.Kerzenständer aus gedrechseltemAluminium.PZ02 ø cm 9 - h cm 23 / ø 3 1/2” - h 9”PZ03 ø cm 9 - h cm 90 / ø 3 1/2” - h 35 1/2”

DZ01“TURN ME ON”Design LPWK - Danti - Zanzi

Candeliere in alluminio tornito.Candlestick in turned cast aluminium.Chandelier en aluminium tourné.Kerzenständer aus gedrechseltemAluminium.DZ01/H ø cm 5.6 - h cm 22 / ø 2 1/4” - h 8 3/4” DZ01/M ø cm 5.6 - h cm 13.5 / ø 2 1/4” - h 5 1/4”

ESI04Design LPWK - Emma Silvestris

Portalume in acciaio inossidabile18/10.Tealight holder in 18/10 stainlesssteel.Photophore en acier inoxydable 18/10.Teelichthalter aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 5.5 x 5.5 - h cm 6 / 2 1/4”x 2 1/4” - h 21/4”

ESI04 R rosso, red, rouge, rot

ESI05Design LPWK - Emma Silvestris

Portatovagliolo in acciaio inossidabile18/10.Napkin ring in 18/10 stainless steel.Rond de serviette en acier inoxydable18/10.Serviettenring aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 4 - h cm 7.5 / ø 1 1/2” - h 3”

ESI06SETDesign LPWK - Emma Silvestris

Set di due fermatovaglia in acciaioinossidabile 18/10.Set of two tablecloth clips in 18/10stainless steel.Set de deux fixe-nappe en acierinoxydable 18/10.Tischtuchklammer, 2 tlg. ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 9 x 7.5 - h cm 4 / 3 1/2”x 3” - h 11/2”

AMMI01S“BIG LOVE”Design Miriam Mirri

Coppa per gelato con cucchiaino inPMMA e acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Ice cream bowl and spoon in PMMA and18/10 stainless steel. Coupe à glace etcuillère en PMMA et acier inoxydable18/10. Eisbecher und Eislöffel ausPMMA und Edelsthal 18/10. cl 25 - ø cm 12 - h cm 15 8 3/4 oz - ø 4 3/4” - h 6”

AMMI01S AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauAMMI01S O arancio, orange, orange, orangeAMMI01S GR verde, green, vert, grünAMMI01S F fucsia, fuchsia, fuchsia, pink

400Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Coppa per gelato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Ice cream bowl in18/10 stainless steel. Coupe à glaceen acier inoxydable 18/10. Eisbecheraus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 10 / ø 4”

387Piattino per gelato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Ice cream saucerin 18/10 stainless steel. Soucoupe àglace en acier inoxydable 18/10.Untersatz zu Eisbecher aus Edelstahl18/10. ø 12 / ø 4 3/4”

380Spatola per gelato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Ice cream scoop in18/10 stainless steel. Spatule à glaceen acier inoxydable 18/10. Eisspachtelaus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 18.5 / 7 1/4”

JM17Design Jasper Morrison

Cestino rotondo in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Round basket in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille ronde en acierinoxydable 18/10. Schale, rund ausEdelstahl 18/10. ø cm 21 / ø 8 1/4”

JM17/21 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliertJM17/21 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

ESI01“MEDITERRANEO”Design LPWK - Emma Silvestris

Fruttiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Fruit holder in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-fruits en acier inoxydable 18/10.Obstschale aus Edelstahl 18/10.ESI01/21 ø cm 21 - h cm 9.5 / ø 8 1/4”- h 3 3/4”ESI01/29 ø cm 29 - h cm 10.8 / ø 11 1/2”- h 4”

ESI01 R rosso, red, rouge, rot


110Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Piatto da portata ovale in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Oval serving plate in18/10 stainless steel. Plat de serviceovale en acier inoxydable 18/10.Bratenplatte, oval aus Edelstahl 18/10.110/35 - E 110/35 cm 35 x 25 / 13 3/4”x 9 3/4” 110/40 - E 110/40 cm 40 x 28 / 15 3/4”x 11” 110/45 - E 110/45 cm 45 x 32 / 17 3/4”x 12 1/2” 110/50 - E 110/50 cm 50 x 35 / 19 3/4”x 13 3/4” 110/60 - E 110/60 cm 60 x 42 / 23 3/4”x 16 1/2” 110/75 cm 75 x 52 / 29 1/2”x 20 1/2”

112Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Piatto da portata rotondo in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Round serving platein 18/10 stainless steel. Plat de servicerond en acier inoxydable 18/10.Bratenplatte, rund aus Edelstahl 18/10. 112/35 ø cm 35 / ø 13 3/4” 112/40 ø cm 40 / ø 15 3/4”

111100,, 112255Anche se la sua data di nascita ufficiale è il 1969, il 110 è in realtà un redesign delvecchio articolo 2032, in catalogo già negli anni ‘20 nella versione in alpaccapesante argentata. È una delle nuovissime varianti formali intorno alla tipologiaottocentesca del Piatto da Portata ovale, presente nei cataloghi di praticamentetutti i fabbricanti di casalinghi in metallo.

Even though it was officially created in 1969, the 110 was actually a redesignedversion of 2032, which had been in the catalogue as early as the 20s in the heavy,plated nickel-silver version. This is one of a huge number of variations on thenineteenth-century theme of the Oval Serving Dish in the catalogues of virtuallyall manufacturers of household metalware.

114Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Piatto per pesce in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Fish plate in 18/10 stainless steel.Plat à poisson en acier inoxydable 18/10.Fischplatte aus Edelstahl 18/10.114/50 cm 50 x 23 / 19 3/4”x 9” 114/60 cm 60 x 26.5 / 23 3/4”x 10 1/2”

125Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Piatto da portata in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Serving plate in18/10 stainless steel. Plat de serviceen acier inoxydable 18/10.Bratenplatte aus Edelstahl 18/10. 125/30 cm 30 x 21 / 11 3/4”x 8 1/4” 125/35 cm 35 x 24 / 13 3/4”x 9 1/2” 125/40 cm 40 x 28 / 15 3/4”x 11” 125/45 cm 45 x 31 / 17 3/4”x 12” 125/52 cm 52 x 35 / 20 1/2 x 13 3/4”

126Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Piatto da portata rotondo in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Round servingplate in 18/10 stainless steel. Plat deservice rond en acier inoxydable18/10. Bratenplatte, rund ausEdelstahl 18/10. 126/30 ø cm 30 / ø 11 3/4” 126/36 ø cm 36 / ø 14 1/4”

127Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Piatto per pesce in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Fish plate in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plat à poisson en acierinoxydable 18/10. Fischplatte ausEdelstahl 18/10.127/55 cm 55 x 21 / 21 3/4”x 8 1/4” 127/70 cm 70 x 27 / 27 1/2”x 10 3/4”

5032Design Ettore Sottsass

Piatto da portata ovale in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Oval serving platein 18/10 stainless steel.Plat de service ovale en acierinoxydable 18/10. Bratenplatte, ovalaus Edelstahl 18/10.5032/36 cm 36 x 25 / 14 1/4”x 9 3/4” 5032/40 cm 40 x 27 / 15 3/4”x 10 3/4” 5032/45 cm 45 x 30.5 / 17 3/4”x 12” 5032/49 cm 49 x 33 / 19 1/4”x 13”

JM13Design Jasper Morrison

Piatto da portata in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Serving plate in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plat de service en acier inoxydable18/10. Bratenplatte aus Edelstahl 18/10.JM13/30 cm 30 x 24 / 11 3/4”x 9 1/2”JM13/36 cm 36 x 29 / 14 1/4”x 11 1/2”JM13/42 cm 42 x 35 / 16 1/2”x 13 3/4”

JM13 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertJM13 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

22 23

24 25

JM20/56Design Jasper Morrison

Piatto per pesce in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Fish plate in 18/10 stainless steel.Plat à poisson en acier inoxydable 18/10.Fischplatte aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 56 x 25 22” x 9 3/4”

JM20/56 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertJM20/56 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

5006Design Ettore Sottsass

Guantiera rettangolare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Rectangular tray in18/10 stainless steel. Cabaretrectangulaire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett, rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10. 5006/37 cm 39 x 28 / 15 1/4”x 11” 5006/45 cm 46 x 35 / 18”x 13 3/4” 5006/52 cm 53 x 42 / 20 3/4”x 16 1/2”

115“AVIO”Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Vassoio in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Tray in 18/10 stainless steel. Plateau enen acier inoxydable 18/10. Tablett,rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10. 115/30 cm 31 x 22 / 12 1/4” x 8 3/4” 115/35 cm 35 x 25 / 13 3/4”x 9 3/4” 115/40 cm 41 x 28.5 / 16 1/4”x 11 1/4” 115/45 cm 46 x 32 / 18”x 12 1/2”

240Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Vassoio rettangolare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Rectangular tray in18/10 stainless steel. Plateaurectangulaire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett , rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10. 240/40 cm 40 x 30 / 15 3/4”x 11 3/4” 240/45 cm 45 x 34 / 17 3/4”x 13 1/2” 240/50 cm 50 x 37.5 / 19 3/4”x 14 3/4”

190/23Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Zuppiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Soup tureen in 18/10 stainless steel.Soupière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Suppenschüssel aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 300 - ø cm 23 / 3 qt 5” oz – ø 9”

195/23Coperchio in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Lid in 18/10 stainless steel.Couvercle en acier inoxydable 18/10.Deckel aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 23 / ø 9”

181Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Salsiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Sauce boat in 18/10 stainless steel.Saucière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Sauciere aus Edelstahl 18/10. 181/20 cl 20 / 7 oz 181/35 cl 35 / 12 1/4 oz

220023002400Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Antipastiera a due, quattro e cinquescomparti in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Two-, four- and five-section hors-d'oeuvre set in 18/10 stainless steel.Plat à hors-d'oeuvre à deux, quatre etcinq compartiments en acier inoxydable18/10. Hors-d'oeuvre Platte ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit zwei, vier, oder fünfSegmenten. 2200 cm 35 x 14 / 13 3/4”x 5 1/2” 2300 cm 36 x 23 / 14 1/4”x 9” 2400 cm 45 x 25 / 17 3/4”x 9 3/4”

52Design Ettore Sottsass

Servizio per antipasti in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e cristallo.Hors-d’oeuvre set in 18/10 stainlesssteel and crystal. Service à hors-d'oeuvre en acier inoxydable 18/10 etcristal. Hors-d’oeuvre Platte ausEdelstahl 18/10 und Kristall. ø cm 32.5 / ø 12 3/4”

52 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert52 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

MSA05“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Servizio per antipasti in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e cristallo.Hors-d’oeuvre set in 18/10 stainlesssteel and crystal. Service à hors-d'oeuvre en acier inoxydable 18/10 etcristal. Hors-d’oeuvre Platte ausEdelstahl 18/10 und Kristall. ø cm 38 - h cm 3.5 ø 15” - h 1 1/2”

DUL02“DOUBLE”Design D’Urbino - Lomazzi

Ciotola a doppia parete in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Double wall bowl in18/10 stainless steel. Bol à double paroien acier inoxydable 18/10.Doppelwandige Schale aus Edelstahl18/10.DUL02/20 ø cm 20 - h cm 5.8 / ø 8”- h 2 1/4”DUL02/25 ø cm 25 - h cm 7.3 / ø 9 3/4”- h 3” DUL02/32 ø cm 32 - h cm 9.5 / ø12 1/2” - h 3 3/4”

DUL02/12Coppetta in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Small bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Coupelle en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schälchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 35 - ø cm 12.5 / 12 1/4 oz - ø 5”

JM15Design Jasper Morrison

Insalatiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Salad bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Saladier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Salatschüssel aus Edelstahl 18/10.JM15/24 cl 230 – ø cm 24 / 2 qt 14 1/4 oz - ø 9 1/2” JM15/29 cl 410 – ø cm 29 / 4 qt 11 oz - ø 11 1/2”

JM15 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertJM15 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

JM16Coppetta in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Small bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Coupelle en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schälchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 33 – ø cm 12 / 11 3/4 oz – ø 4 3/4”

JM16/12 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertJM16/12 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

26 27

205Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Insalatiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Salad bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Saladier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Salatschüssel aus Edelstahl 18/10.205/21 cl 230 - ø cm 21 / 2 qt 14 1/4 oz - ø 8 1/4” 205/25 cl 400 – ø cm 25 / 4 qt 7 1/2 oz – ø 9 3/4” 205/29 cl 600 – ø cm 29 / 6 qt 11 1/4 oz – ø 11 1/2”

205 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 205/21 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

206Coppetta in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Small bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Coupelle en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schälchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. 206/10 cl 25 - ø cm 10 / 8 3/4 oz - ø 4” 206/12 cl 40 - ø cm 12 / 14 oz - ø 4 3/4”

206 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 206 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

PU01“ORLOFF”Design Patricia Urquiola

PU01/32Insalatiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Salad bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Saladier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Salatschüssel aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 450 - ø cm 32 - h cm 154 qt 25 oz - ø 12 1/2”- h 6”

PU01/15Coppetta in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Small bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Coupelle en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schälchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 35 - ø cm 15 - h cm 712 1/4 oz - ø 6”- h 2 3/4”

90037Design Brian Asquith,from Chistopher Dresser

Formaggiera/burriera conportaghiaccio in acciaio e cristallo.Parmesan cheese cellar/butter cooler in steel and crystal.Fromagère/beurrier avec coupe pourla glace en acier et cristal.Permesankäse-oder Butterschale mitEisbehälter aus Stahl und Kristall. cl 20 - ø cm 9.3 - h cm 10.3 7 oz - ø 3 3/4”- h 4”

UT0244Design Ettore Sottsass

Affettatartufi in legno di ulivo.Truffle slicer in olive-wood.Mandoline à truffes en bois d'olivier.Trüffelschneider aus Olivenbaumholz. cm 18 x 8.5 / 7” x 3 1/4”

90078“CECI N'EST PAS UNE TRUELLE ”Design Philippe Starck

Pala per torta in acciaio inossidabile18/10 con manico in legno di acero.Cake server en acier inoxydable 18/10with maple-wood handle.Pelle à tarte en acier inoxydable 18/10avec manche en bois d'érable.Tortenheber aus Edelstahl 18/10 mitGriff aus Ahornholz.cm 25.3 x 7.8 - h cm 6.9 10” x 3” - h 2 3/4”

GR3701Design Enrico Marforio

Grattugia in acciaio e legno di pero.Cheese grater in steel and pear-wood.Râpe à fromage en acier et bois depoirier. Reibe aus Stahl undBirnbaumholz. cm 9 x 4.5 - h cm 13.5 3 1/2”x 1 3/4”- h 5 1/4”

RS08“TODO”Design Richard Sapper

Grattugia gigante per formaggio enoce moscata in acciaio e legno. Giantcheese and nutmeg grater in steel andwood. Râpe géante à fromage et noixde muscade en acier et bois.Riesengroße Reibe für Käse undMuskatnuß aus Stahl und Holz. cm 10 x 10 - h cm 46 4”x 4”- h 18”

45/6Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Piatto per lumache in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Snail dish in 18/10stainless steel. Plat à escargots enacier inoxydable 18/10.Schneckenplatte aus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 13 - cm 17 x 14.5 / ø 5”- 6 3/4”x 5 3/4”

267Forchetta per lumache in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Snail fork in 18/10stainless steel. Fourchette à escargotsen acier inoxydable 18/10.Schneckengabel aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 14 / 5 1/2”

266Design Ufficio Tecnico AlessiMolla per lumache in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Snail tongs in18/10 stainless steel. Pince àescargots en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schneckenzange aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 16 / 6 1/4”

AC06“ALA”Design Achille Castiglioni

Raccoglibriciole in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Crumb tongs in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Ramasse-miettes en acierinoxydable 18/10. Krümelschaufel ausEdelstahl 18/10. cm 16.1 x 3.6 6 1/4” x 1 1/2”

90110/28“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE ”Design Richard Sapper

Padella per fiammeggiare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e rame con manico inlegno. Flambé pan in 18/10 stainlesssteel and copper with handle in wood.Poêle à flamber en acier inoxydable18/10 et cuivre avec poignée en bois.Flambierpfanne aus Edelstahl 18/10 undKupfer mit Griff aus Holz.cl 220 - ø cm28 - h cm 4.25 2 qt 10 3/4 oz - ø 11”- h 1 3/4”

90111Lampada per fiammeggiare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Flambé lamp in 18/10stainless steel. Réchaud à flamber enacier inoxydable 18/10. Réchaud ausEdelstahl 18/10 glänzend poliert.cl 190 - ø cm 20 - h cm 26 2 qt 1/4 oz - ø 8” - h 10 1/4”

502Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Molla per spaghetti in acciaioinossidabile 18/10, satinato. Spaghetti tongs in 18/10 stainless steel,mat. Pince à spaghettis en acierinoxydable 18/10, satiné. Spaghettizangeaus Edelstahl 18/10, mattiert. cm 19 / 7 1/2”

KL05“TIBIDABO”Design Kristiina Lassus

Molla per spaghetti in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Spaghetti tongs in18/10 stainless steel. Pince à spaghettisen acier inoxydable 18/10.Spaghettizange aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 22.7 / 9”

KL06SET“TIBIDABO”Design Kristiina Lassus

Posate per insalata in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Salad set in 18/10stainless steel. Couverts à salade enacier inoxydable 18/10.Salatbesteck aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 29.2 / 11 1/2”

KL13Forchettone per spaghetti in acciaioinossidabile 18/10.Spaghetti serving fork in 18/10stainless steel.Fourchette à spaghetti en acierinoxydable 18/10.Spaghetti Serviergabel aus Edelstahl18/10.cm 26 x 7 / 10 1/4”x 2 3/4”

KL11“TIBIDABO”Design Kristiina Lassus

Set di posate da servizio in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. General serving set in 18/10 stainless steel. Couvertsde service en acier inoxydable 18/10.Servierbesteck aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 23 x 7.5 / 9”x3”

KL12Cucchiaio per riso, legumi e verdure in acciaio inossidabile 18/10. Rice andvegetable spoon in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Cuillère à riz et à légumes en acier inoxydable 18/10.Reis- und Gemüselöffel aus Edelstahl18/10.cm 26 x 7.8 / 10 1/4”x3”

DUL01“AUGH!”Design D’Urbino – Lomazzi

Sottopentola estensibile in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Extensible trivet in18/10 stainless steel. Dessous de platextensible en acier inoxydable 18/10.Ausziehbarer Topfuntersatz ausEdelstahl 18/10.ø cm 24 / ø 9”

DUL03“PESCHER”Sottopentola estensibile in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Extensible trivet in18/10 stainless steel. Dessous de platextensible en acier inoxydable 18/10.Ausziehbarer Topfuntersatz ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 26.5 x 12.5 / 10 1/2”x 5”



A401Design Kristiina Lassus

Caffettiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Coffee pot in 18/10 stainless steel.Cafetière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Kaffeekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10. A401/35 tazze 3 cl 35 / cups 3 12 1/4 oz A401/50 tazze 4 cl 50 / cups 4 17 3/4 oz A401/75 tazze 6 cl 75 / cups 6 26 1/2 oz A401/100 tazze 8 cl 100 / cups 8 1 qt 1 3/4 oz

A403Design Kristiina Lassus

Lattiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Milk jug in 18/10 stainless steel.Pot à lait en acier inoxydable 18/10.Milchkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. A403/35 tazze 3 cl 35 / cups 3 12 oz A403/50 tazze 4 cl 50 / cups 4 17 oz A403/75 tazze 6 cl 75 / cups 6 25 1/2 oz A403/100 tazze 8 cl 100 / cups 8 1 qt 1 3/4 oz

A404Design Kristiina Lassus

Zuccheriera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Sugar bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Sucrier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zuckerdose aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 30 / 10 1/2 oz

A411Design Kristiina Lassus

Cremiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con coperchio. Creamer in 18/10stainless steel with lid. Crémier en acierinoxydable 18/10 avec couvercle.Rahmkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10 mitDeckel.cl 20 / 7 oz


A402Design Kristiina Lassus

Teiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Teapot in 18/10 stainless steel.Théière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Teekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10.A402/40 tazze 2 cl 40 / cups 2 14 oz A402/90 tazze 6 cl 90 / cups 6 31 3/4 oz

34 35

JL03 AZ“BIG OVO”Design CSA - Joanna Lyle

Biscottiera in vetro cristallino concoperchio in acciaio e pomolo in SAN,blu. Biscuit box in crystalline glass withlid in steel and knob in SAN, blue. Boîteà biscuits en verre cristallin aveccouvercle en acier et pommeau en SAN,bleu. Keksdose aus Kristallglas mitDeckel aus Stahl und Knauf aus SAN,blau.cl 400 - ø cm 21 - h cm 32.5 4 qt 7 1/2 oz - ø 8 1/4”- h 12 3/4”

720Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Portauovo in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Egg cup in 18/10 stainless steel.Coquetier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Eierbecher aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 4.5 / ø 1 3/4”

725Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Portauovo in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Egg cup in 18/10 stainless steel.Coquetier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Eierbecher aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 4.5 - h cm 10 ø 1 3/4”- h 4”

ASG23“CICO”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Portauovo con spargisale e cucchiaino inresina termoplastica.Egg cup with salt castor and spoon inthermoplastic resin.Coquetier avec salière et cuillère enrésine thermoplastique.Eierbecher mit Salzstreuer und Löffelaus thermoplastischem Harz.cm 9 x 8 - h cm 11.5 3 1/2”x 3 1/4” - h 4 1/2”

ASG23 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauASG23 GR verde, green, vert, grünASG23 P rosa, pink, rose, rosa ASG23 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

AGV18“MANGIAUOVO”Design Guido Venturini

Acchiappauovo/portauovo in PA.Egg-catcher/egg-cup in PA.Attrappe-oeuf/coquetier en PA.Eiergreifer/Eierbecher aus PA.cm 7 x 10 - h cm 11.5 2 3/4”x 4”- h 4 1/2”

AGV18 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauAGV18 W bianco, white, blanc, weiß

AKK02“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Portauovo in acciaio e gommatermoplastica.Egg cup in steel and thermoplasticrubber.Coquetier en acier et gommethermoplastique.Eierbecher aus Stahl undthermoplastischem Gummi.ø cm 6.4 - h cm 9.5 ø 2 1/2”- h 3 3/4”

AKK02 B nero, black, noir, schwarzAKK02 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

101Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Caffettiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Coffee pot in 18/10 stainless steel.Cafetière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Kaffeekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10. 101/15 tazze 1 cl 15 / cups 1 5 1/4 oz 101/25 tazze 2 cl 25 / cups 2 8 3/4 oz 101/35 tazze 3 cl 35 / cups 3 12 1/4 oz 101/50 tazze 4 cl 50 / cups 4 17 3/4 oz 101/75 tazze 6 cl 75 / cups 6 26 1/2 oz 101/100 tazze 8 cl 100 / cups 8 1 qt 2 oz 101/150 tazze 12 cl 150 / cups 12 1 qt 19 1/2 oz 101/200 tazze 16 cl 200 / cups 16 2 qt 3 3/4 oz 101/300 tazze 24 cl 300 / cups 24 3 qt 5 3/4 oz

102Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Teiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Teapot in 18/10 stainless steel.Théière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Teekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10.102/35 tazze 2 cl 35 / cups 2 12 1/4 oz 102/60 tazze 4 cl 60 / cups 4 21 1/4 oz 102/90 tazze 6 cl 90 / cups 6 31 3/4 oz 102/125 tazze 8 cl 125 / cups 8 1 qt 10 3/4 oz 102/200 tazze 12 cl 200 / cups 12 2 qt 3 3/4 oz

103Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Lattiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Milk jug in 18/10 stainless steel.Pot à lait en acier inoxydable 18/10.Milchkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10. 103/15 tazze 1 cl 15 / cups 1 5 1/4 oz 103/25 tazze 2 cl 25 / cups 2 8 3/4 oz 103/35 tazze 3 cl 35 / cups 3 12 1/4 oz 103/50 tazze 4 cl 50 / cups 4 17 3/4 oz 103/75 tazze 6 cl 75 / cups 6 26 1/2 oz 103/100 tazze 8 cl 100 / cups 8 1 qt 2 oz 103/150 tazze 12 cl 150 / cups 12 1 qt 19 1/2 oz 103/200 tazze 16 cl 200 / cups 16 2 qt 3 3/4 oz 103/300 tazze 24 cl 300 / cups 24 3 qt 5 3/4 oz

104Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Zuccheriera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Sugar bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Sucrier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zuckerdose aus Edelstahl 18/10. 104/20 cl 20 / 7 oz 104/25 cl 25 / 8 3/4 oz104/30 cl 30 / 10 1/2 oz104/40 cl 40 / 14 oz

111/5Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Cremiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10,satinato. Creamer in 18/10 stainlesssteel, mat. Crémier en acier inoxydable18/10, satiné. Rahmkännchen ausEdelstahl 18/10, mattiert.cl 5 / 1 3/4 oz

93“AVIO”Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Lattiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10,satinato.Milk jug in 18/10 stainless steel, mat.Pot à lait en acier inoxydable 18/10,satiné.Milchkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10,mattiert.93/50cl 50 / 17 3/4” oz93/75cl 75 / 26 1/2” oz 93/100cl 100 / 1 qt 2 oz

TW01“HONEY POT”Design Theo Williams

Dosatore per miele in vetro cristallinocon coperchio in acciaio. Honey pot incrystalline glass with lid in steel. Doseurà miel en verre cristallin avec couvercleen acier. Honigspender aus Kristallglasmit Deckel aus Stahl.cl 35 - ø cm 8.7 - h cm 19.7 12 1/4 oz - ø 3 1/2”- h 7 3/4”


Spargizucchero in vetro cristallino concoperchio in acciaio. Sugar castor incrystalline glass with lid in steel.Saupoudreuse à sucre en verre cristallinavec couvercle en acier. Zuckerstreueraus Kristallglas mit Deckel aus Stahl.cl 35 - ø cm 8.7 - h cm 14.2 12 1/4 oz - ø 3 1/2”- h 5 1/2”

ASG82“MR. CHIN”Design Stefano Giovannoni con RumikoTakedaIn collaboration with the NationalPalace Museum Taiwan

Portauovo con spargisale e cucchiaino inresina termoplastica. Decorato a mano.Egg cup with salt castor and spoon inthermoplastic resin. Hand-decorated.Coquetier avec salière et cuillère enrésine thermoplastique. Decoré à lamain. Eierbecher mit Salzstreuer undLöffel aus thermoplastischem Harz.Handdekoriert.cm 8 x 5 - h cm 113 1/4”x 2” - h 4 1/4”

ASG82 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauASG82 R rosso, red, rouge, rotASG82 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

AGV02“GINO ZUCCHINO”Design Guido Venturini

Zuccheriera con versatore in PMMA.Sugar castor in PMMA.Sucrier à bec verseur en PMMA.Zuckerspender aus PMMA.cl 20 - h cm 14 7 oz - h 5 1/2”

AGV02 AZazzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblau AGV02 FO arancio, orange, orange, orangeAGV02 GR verde, green, vert, grünAGV02 R rosso, red, rouge, rot

MN10“ZENIT” Design Marc Newson

Spargizucchero in acciaio e cristallo.Sugar castor in steel and crystal.Saupoudreuse à sucre en acier et cristal.Zuckerstreuer aus Stahl und Kristall.cl 43 - ø cm 6.5 - h cm 14 15 1/4 oz - ø 2 1/2”- h 5 1/2”

MN09Spargisale/spargicacao in acciaio ecristallo. Salt/cocoa castor in steel andcrystal. Salière/saupoudreuse pourchocolat en poudre en acier et cristal.Salz-/ Kakaostreuer aus Stahl undKristall.cl 43 - ø cm 6.5 - h cm 14 15 1/4 oz - ø 2 1/2”- h 5 1/2”

70Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Spargizucchero/spargicacao in acciaioinossidabile 18/10, satinato. Sugar/cocoasifter in 18/10 stainless steel, satin.Saupoudreuse pour sucre/cacao enacier inoxydable 18/10, satiné.Zucker-/Kakaostreuer aus Edestahl18/10, satiniert.h cm 9.5h 3 3/4”

90042Design Marianne Brandt eHelmut Schulze

Servizio per zucchero e crema compostoda: zuccheriera, cremiera, molla perzollette di zucchero e vassoio in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Sugar and cream set:tray, creamer, sugar bowl, sugar tongsin 18/10 stainless steel. Service sucre etcrème: plateau, pot à crème, sucrier,pince à sucre en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zucker- und Sahnegarnitur:Tablett,Rahmkännchen, Zuckerdose,Zuckerzange aus Edelstahl 18/10.90042/CRcl 15 -ø cm 6 - h cm 8.8 5 1/4 oz - ø 2 1/4”- h 3 1/2”90042/MOh cm 8.3 / h 3 1/4” 90042/VAø cm 20.7 / ø 8 1/4” 90042/ZUcl 15 - ø cm 7.3 - h cm 4.85 1/4 oz – ø 3” - h 2”


38 39

AM19“ANNA SET”Design Alessandro Mendini

Servizio per zucchero e crema compostoda: vassoio, cremiera e zuccheriera concucchiaino in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Sugar and cream set: tray, sugar bowlwith spoon and creamer in 18/10stainless steel. Service sucre et créme:plateau, crémier et sucrier avec petitecuiller en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zucker- und Sahnegarnitur: Tablett,Zuckerdose mit Löffel undRahmkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 30 - cm 10.5 x 9 - h cm 8.5 ø 11 3/4”- 4 1/4”x 3 1/2”- h 3 1/4” AM19CR “Anna Creamer”ø cm 9.6 - h cm 4.4 / ø 3 3/4”- h 1 3/4” AM19CU “Anna Spoon” cm 13.3 / 5 1/4” AM19VAS “Piccolo Recinto”ø cm 30 - cm 22.5 x 11 - h cm 1.8ø 11 3/4”- 8 3/4”x 4 1/4”- h 3/4”AM19ZU “Anna Sugar”ø 9 - h cm 10 / ø 3 1/2”- h 4”

AM25“AGATA”Design Alessandro Mendini

Teiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con manico e pomolo in PA. Teapot instainless steel with handle and knobin PA. Théière en acier inoxydable avecpoignée et pommeau en PA.Teekanne aus Edelstahl mit Griff undKnopf aus PA.cl 140 - cm 26.5 x 16 - h cm 13.5 1 qt 16 oz - 10 1/2”x 6 1/4”- h 5 1/4”

AM25SETTeiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 conmanico e pomolo in PA. Scaldino a lumein terracotta. Teapot in 18/10 stainlesssteel with handle and knob in PA. Burnerfor tealights in terracotta. Théière enacier inoxydable 18/10 avec poignée etpommeau en PA. Réchaud à bougie enterre cuite. Teekanne aus Edelstahl18/10 mit Griff und Knopf aus PA.Rechaud aus Ton.cl 140 - cm 26.5 x 16 - h cm 19 1 qt 16 oz -10 1/2”x 6 1/4” - h 7 1/2”

FRUIT BASKETDesign Kazuyo Sejima e Ryue Nishizawa /SANAA

SAN01Teiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Teapot in 18/10 stainless steel. Théière en acier inoxydable 18/10.Teekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 140 - cm 17.2 x 13.6 - h cm 17.5 1 qt 16 oz - 6 3/4”x 5 1/4”- h 7”

SAN03Vassoio rotondo in acciaio inossidabile18/10.Round tray in 18/10 stainless steel.Plateau rond en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett, rund aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 42 / ø 16 1/2”

SAN02Servizio per zucchero e crema compostoda: vassoio, cremiera e zuccheriera inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Sugar andcream set composed of: tray, creamerand sugar bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Service sucre et crème composé de:plateau, crémier et sucrier en acierinoxydable 18/10. Zucker- undSahnegarnitur bestehend aus: Tablett,Rahmkännchen und Zuckerdose ausEdelstahl 18/10.

SAN04 - SAN05Barattolo in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Kitchen box in 18/10 stainless steel.Boîte de cuisine en acier inoxydable18/10. Küchendose aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 75 - cm 12.3 x 11.7 - h cm 12.326 1/2” oz - 4 3/4”x 4 1/2” - h 4 3/4”cl 100 - cm 12.9 x 12.2 - h cm 14.91 qt 2 oz - 5”x 4 3/4” - h 5 3/4”

MG33Design Michael Graves

Teiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e PA.Teapot in 18/10 stainless steel and PA.Théière en acier inoxydable 18/10 et PA.Teekanne aus Edelstahl 18/10 und PA.cl 100 - cm 19 - h cm 14 / 1 qt 2 oz - 7 1/2”- h 5 1/2”

MG33 azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauMG33 WI bianco avorio, white ivory, blanc ivoire,elfenbeinfarben

9097Zuccheriera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 ePA. Sugar bowl with spoon in 18/10stainless steel and PA. Sucrier avec cuilleren acier inoxydable 18/10 et PA. Zuckerdosemit Löffel aus Edelstahl 18/10 und PA.cl 20 - ø cm 10.5 - h cm 8 / 7 oz - ø 4 1/4”- h 3 1/4”

9097 azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblau9097 WI bianco avorio, white ivory, blanc ivoire,elfenbeinfarben

9096Design Michael Graves

Cremiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 ePA. Creamer in 18/10 stainless steel andPA. Pot à crème en acier inoxydable18/10 et PA. Rahmkännchen ausEdelstahl 18/10 und PA.cl 20 - ø cm 10.5 - h cm 4.5 / 7 oz - ø 4 1/4”- h 1 3/4”

9096 azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblau9096 WI bianco avorio, white ivory, blanc ivoire,elfenbeinfarben

MG34Vassoio in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 ePA. Tray in 18/10 stainless steel and PA.Plateau en acier inoxydable 18/10 et PA.Tablett aus Edelstahl 18/10 und PA.cm 28.5 x 16.5 - h cm 12.5 / 11 1/4”x 6 1/2”- h 5”

AKK45“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Portatoast in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Toast-rack in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-toast en acier inoxydable 18/10.Toastständer Edelstahl 18/10. cm 14.6 x 8.8 - h cm 10.4 5 3/4”x 3 1/2” - h 4”

90029Design Christopher Dresser

Portatoast in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Toast-rack in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-toast en acier inoxydable 18/10.Toastständer aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 11.3 x 8.3 - h cm 13.5 4 1/2”x 3 1/4”- h 5 1/4”

FM01SET“E-LI-LI”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

Set di due tazze da caffè in bone chinacon sottotazza. Set of two mocha cups inbone china with saucers. Set de deuxtasses à moka en bone china avecsoucoupes. Set bestehend aus zweiMokka-Obertassen aus Bone China mitUntertassen.cl 6.5 - cm 8 x 4 - h cm 6.5 2 1/4 oz - 3 1/4”x 1 1/2”- h 2 1/2”

FM04SETSet di quattro cucchiaini da caffè inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Set of fourcoffee spoons in 18/10 stainless steel.Set de quatre cuillers à café en acierinoxydable 18/10. Set bestehend aus vierKaffeelöffeln aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 11 / 4 1/4”

FM07/FM08/FM09“COLOMBINA COLLECTION”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

FM07 BVassoio in melammina, nero. Tray inmelamine, black. Plateau en mélamine,noir. Tablett aus Melaminharz, schwarz.cm 24 x 18 / 9 1/2”x 7 ”

FM08Cremiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Creamer in 18/10 stainless steel.Crémier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Rahmkännchen aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 12 - cm 8.7 x 7.5 - h cm 5 4 1/2 oz - 3 1/2”x 3” - h 2”

FM09Zuccheriera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Sugar bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Sucrier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zuckerdose aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 16 - cm 9 x 8 - h cm 6 5 3/4 oz - 3 1/2”x 3 1/4” - h 2 1/4”

SAN06/SAN07SAN08“FRUIT BASKET”Design Kazuyo Sejima e Ryue Nishizawa /SANAA

SAN06SET - SAN07SETSet di due tazze da caffè e set di duetazze da tè in bone china con sottotazza.Set of two mocha cups and set of twoteacups in bone china with saucers.Set de deux tasses à moka et set dedeux tasses à thé en bone china avecsoucoupes. Set bestehend aus zweiMokka-Obertassen und Set bestehendaus zwei Tee-Obertassen aus BoneChina mit Untertassen.

SAN08SETSet di quattro cucchiaini da caffè inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Set of fourcoffee spoons in 18/10 stainless steel.Set de quatre cuillers à café en acierinoxydable 18/10. Set bestehend aus vierKaffeelöffeln aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 10.6 / 4 1/4”

DE01/DE02“TULIP”Design Dezsö Ekler

DE01SETSet di due tazze da caffè in bone chinacon sottotazza. Set of two mocha cups in bone china with saucers. Set de deuxtasses à moka en bone china avecsoucoupes. Set bestehend aus zweiMokka-Obertassen aus Bone China mit Untertassen.cl 10 - ø cm 5.8 - h cm 6.4 3 1/2 oz - ø 2 1/4” - h 2 1/2”sottotazza/saucer/soucoupe/Untertasseø cm 12 / ø 4 3/4”DE02SETSet di due tazze da tè in bone china consottotazza. Set of two teacups in bonechina with saucers. Set de deux tasses àthé en bone china avec soucoupes.Set bestehend aus zwei Tee-Obertassenaus Bone China mit Untertassen.cl 20 - ø cm 8.5 - h cm 6.2 7 oz - ø 2 1/4” - h 2 1/2”sottotazza/saucer/soucoupe/Untertasseø cm 15.5 / ø 6”

ARMUGDesign Aldo Rossi

Mug in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 convetro pirofilo. Mug in 18/10 stainlesssteel with heat resistant glass. Mug enacier inoxydable 18/10 avec verrerésistant au feu. Mug aus Edelstahl18/10 mit hitzebeständigem Glas.cl 35 - ø cm 7.5 - h cm 10 12 1/4 oz - ø 3”- h 4”

ARDT SETSet di due tazze da caffè con sottotazzain acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e vetropirofilo. Set of two mocha cups withsaucers in 18/10 stainless steel and heatresistant glass. Set de deux tasses àmoka avec soucoupes en acierinoxydable 18/10 et verre résistant aufeu. Set, bestehend aus zwei Mokka-Obertassen mit Untertassen ausEdelstahl 18/10 und hitzebeständigemGlas.cl 12 - ø cm 5.8 - h cm 6 4 1/4 oz - ø 2 1/4” - h 2 1/4”

9094Design Aldo Rossi

Caffettiera a presso-filtro o infusiera inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 o e vetropirofilo. Press filter coffee maker orinfuser in 18/10 stainless steel with heatresistant glass. Cafetière presso-filtre ouà infusion en acier inoxydable 18/10 avecverre résistant au feu. Pressfilter ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit hitzebeständigemGlas.9094/3tazze 3 cl 24 – ø cm 7.2 - h cm 17 cups 3 8 1/2 oz - ø 2 3/4”- h 6 3/4” 9094/8tazze 8 cl 72 – ø cm 9.8 - h cm 22 cups 8 25 1/2 oz – ø 3 3/4” - h 8 3/4”

MSA12/8“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Caffettiera a presso-filtro o infusiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e vetro pirofilo.Press filter coffee maker or infuser in18/10 stainless steel with heat resistantglass. Cafetière presso-filtre ou àinfusion en acier inoxydable 18/10 avecverre résistant au feu. Pressfilter ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit hitzebeständigemGlas.tazze 8 cl 72 – ø cm 9.8 - h cm 22 cups 8 25 1/2 oz – ø 3 3/4” - h 8 3/4”

AKK19“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Caffettiera a presso-filtro o infusiera inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 e vetro pirofilo.Press filter coffee maker or infuser in18/10 stainless steel with heat resistantglass. Cafetière presso-filtre ou àinfusion en acier inoxydable 18/10 avecverre résistant au feu. Pressfilter ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit hitzebeständigemGlas.tazze 8 cl 72 – ø cm 9.8 - h cm 22 cups 8 25 1/2 oz – ø 3 3/4”- h 8 3/4”

MDR07 AZ“BIMBOVELOCE”Design Mattia di Rosa

Alzata per torta con piano in vetrotemperato e piede in resinatermoplastica e acciaio, azzurro. Cakestand with toughened glass stand andfoot in thermoplastic resin and steel,light blue. Plateau à gâteaux avecplateau en verre trempé et pied enrésine thermoplastique et acier, bleuclair. Tortenplatte mit Glasteller und Fußaus thermoplastischem Harz und Stahl,blau.ø cm 32 - h cm 13 ø 12 1/2”- h 5”

MSA04“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Fruttiera traforata in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Open-work fruit bowl in 18/10stainless steel. Porte-fruits ajouré enacier inoxydable 18/10. Obstschale,durchbrochen aus Edelstahl 18/10.MSA04/21ø cm 21.1 - h cm 9.5 ø 8 1/4”- h 3 3/4” MSA04/29ø cm 29 - h cm 10.8 ø 11 1/2”- h 4 1/4”

ABI01“RESONANCE”Design Abi Alice

Centrotavola in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Centrepiece in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Centre de table en acierinoxydable 18/10. Tafelaufsatz ausEdelstahl 18/10.ø cm 59 - h cm 7 ø 23 1/2”- h 2 3/4”

SG68Design Stefano Giovannoni

Tostapane con griglia scaldabrioche inacciaio inossidabile 18/10 e PC, bianco.Toaster with bun warmer in 18/10stainless steel and PC, white.Grille-pain avec chauffe-croissants enacier inoxydable 18/10 et PC, blanc.Toaster mit Brötchenaufsatz ausEdelstahl 18/10 und PC, weiß.cm 41 x 11.5 - h cm 1916 1/4”x 4 1/2” - h 7 1/2”

40 41



5050Design Ettore Sottsassconsulenza Alberto Gozziby appointment A.I.B.E.S.

Agitatore americano o “Boston” inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. American or“Boston” shaker in 18/10 stainless steel.Shaker modèle américain ou “Boston”en 18/10. Amerikanischer oder “Boston”Shaker aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 50 - ø cm 9 - h cm 28 / 17 3/4 oz - ø 3 1/2”- h 11”

865Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Misurino per cocktail in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Cocktail measure in18/10 stainless steel. Doseur à cocktailen acier inoxydable 18/10. Meßbecheraus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 4 / 11/2 oz

865 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 865 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

RA10“CHIRINGUITO SHAKER”Design Ron Aradconsulenza Alberto Gozzi

Agitatore per cocktail con passino inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Cocktailshaker with strainer in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Shaker con passoire en acierinoxydable 18/10. Shaker mit Barsiebaus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 55 - cm 7.5 x 7.5 - h cm 2519 1/2 oz - 3”x 3” - h 9 3/4”

55005500È considerato il tipo di shaker più professionale: la leggenda vuole che sia nato a bordo di untransatlantico in rotta tra Boston e l’Europa, verso la fine dell’Ottocento. È composto da due partiche si incastrano l’una nell’altra: un bicchierone in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 reso flessibile da unaspeciale operazione di incrudimento, e un bicchierone in vetro di forte spessore. Il bicchierone puòessere usato anche come mixing glass abbinato al frullino da bar. Questo progetto deriva da unaapprofondita ricerca sugli utensili professionali per il bar e i vini condotta nella seconda metà deglianni ‘70 con Alberto Gozzi, che da allora ha collaborato con noi in molti progetti prevalentementea destinazione alberghiera.

This is considered to be the most professional type of shaker: Legend has it that it was createdtowards the end of the 19th century by an unknown barman on board a transatlantic liner sailingbetween Boston and Europe. It consists of two parts which fit one into the other: a large metaltumbler - in our case, in 18/10 stainless steel rendered flexible by a special strain-hardeningoperation, and a tumbler in very thick glass. The tumbler (preferably the one in steel) can also beused as a mixing glass (for cocktails with dry liqueurs, while the shaker is used for dense liqueurs),together with the whisk for bars.This project comes from an in-depth investigation into professionaltools for bars and for wines carried out in the second half of the Seventies with Alberto Gozzi of theScuola Alberghiera, the training school for the hotel trade, in Stresa. He has since worked togetherwith us on many projects mainly for the hotel trade.

870Design Massoni - Mazzeriby appointment A.I.B.E.S.

Agitatore per cocktail in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Cocktail shaker in18/10 stainless steel.Shaker en acier inoxydable 18/10. Shaker aus Edelstahl 18/10. 870/25 cl 25 - h cm 16.5 / 83/4 oz - h 61/2”870/50 cl 50 - h cm 20 / 173/4 oz - h 8”

870 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 870 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

5053/5054/5055Design Ettore Sottsassconsulenza Alberto Gozziby appointment A.I.B.E.S.

5053Passino da bar in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Bar strainer in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Passoire à bar en acier inoxydable18/10. Barsieb aus Edelstahl 18/10glänzend poliert. cm 19.5 / 73/4”

5054Frullino da bar in acciaio inossidabile18/10 . Stirrer in 18/10 stainless steel.Fouet à bar en acier inoxydable 18/10. Stirrer aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 26 / 101/4”

5055Molla per ghiaccio in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Ice tongs in 18/10 stainless steel. Pince à glace en acier inoxydable 18/10. Eiszange aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 21.5 / 81/2”

MN13“COSMO”Design Marc Newsonconsulenza Alberto Gozzi

Agitatore per cocktail in cristallo e PC.Cocktail shaker in crystal and PC.Shaker en cristal et PC.Shaker aus Kristall und PC. cl 35 - ø cm 8 - h cm 18 / 121/4 oz - ø 31/4” - h 7”

MN13 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauMN13 B nero, black, noir, schwarz

ARA07“CHIRINGUITO COOLER”Design Ron Aradconsulenza Alberto Gozzi

Rinfrescatore in PELD.Wine cooler in PELD.Seau à champagne en PELD.Weinkühler aus PELD.cl 400 - cm 30 x 15 - h cm 43 4 qt 7 1/2 oz - 11 3/4”x 6”- h 17”

ARA07 I ghiaccio, ice, glace, eisgrauARA07 R rosso, red, rouge, rotARA07 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blau

RA09“CHIRINGUITO MIXER”Design Ron Aradconsulenza Alberto Gozzi

Bicchiere miscelatore in PC con passinoin acciaio inossidabile 18/10. Mixingglass in PC with strainer in 18/10stainless. Verre à mélange en PC avecpassoire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Mixglas aus PC mit Barsieb ausEdelstahl 18/10.cl 50 - cm 11 x 7.5 - h cm 1517 3/4 oz - 41/4”x 3” - h 6”


Frullino doppio da bar in PC, blu.Double stirrer in PC, blue.Fouet à bar double en PC, bleu.Stirrer, doppelt aus PC, blau.cm 25 / 9 3/4”

871Design Massoni - Mazzeriby appointment A.I.B.E.S. e A.I.S.

Secchiello per ghiaccio in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Ice bucket in 18/10stainless steel. Seau à glace en acierinoxydable 18/10.Eiseimer aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 125 - ø cm 12.5 - h cm 121qt 103/4 oz - ø 5”- h 43/4”

872Rinfrescatore in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Wine cooler in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Seau à champagne en acierinoxydable 18/10. Weinkühler ausEdelstahl 18/10.cl 500 - ø cm 20 - h cm 19.5 5 qt 9 1/2 oz - ø 8” - h 7 3/4”

871 / 872 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 871 / L 872 lucido, mirror polished, polibrillant, glänzend poliert


505Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Molla per ghiaccio in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Ice tongs in 18/10 stainless steel. Pince à glace en acier inoxydable 18/10. Eiszange aus Edelstahl 18/10 glänzendpoliert.cm 16 / 61/4”

507Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Molla per ghiaccio in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Ice tongs in 18/10 stainless steel. Pince à glace en acier inoxydable 18/10.Eiszange aus Edelstahl 18/10. cm 16 / 61/4”

507 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertL 507 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

JM21“BOLLY”Design Jasper Morrison

Rinfrescatore in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Wine cooler in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Seau à champagne en acierinoxydable 18/10. Weinkühler ausEdelstahl 18/10. cl 360 - ø 22 - h cm 22.53 qt 26 3/4 oz - ø 8 3/4”- h 8 3/4”

JM21 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliertJM21 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert

JM26Colonna portarinfrescatore in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Wine cooler stand in18/10 stainless steel. Colonne porte-seau en acier inoxydable 18/10.Weinkühlerständer aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 28 - h cm 63 / ø 11”- h 24 3/4”

5051Design Ettore Sottsassconsulenza Alberto Gozziby appointment A.I.B.E.S. e A.I.S.

Secchiello per ghiaccio in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 con manici e griglia. Ice bucket in 18/10 stainless steel withhandles and grating. Seau à glace en acier inoxydable 18/10avec poignées et grille. Eiseimer ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit Griffen und Rost. cl 150 - ø cm 14.5 - h cm 141qt 19 1/2 oz - ø 5 3/4”- h 5 1/2”

5052Design Ettore Sottsassby appointment A.I.B.E.S. e A.I.S.Rinfrescatore con manici per due bottigliebordolesi, borgognone e da champagne inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Wine cooler withhandles for two Bordeaux, Burgundy andChampagne bottles in 18/10 stainless steel.Seau avec poignées pour deux bouteillesbordelaises, bourguignonnes et àchampagne en acier inoxydable 18/10.Weinkühler mit Griffen für zwei Bordeaux,Burgunder- und Champagneweinflaschenaus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 700 - ø cm 25 - h cm 23 7 qt 13 1/4 oz - ø cm 9 3/4”- h 9”

5052/RMRinfrescatore con manici per due bottiglierenane e per "magnum" in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Wine cooler with handlesfor two Rhine bottles and "magnum" in18/10 stainless steel. Seau avec poignéespour deux bouteilles rhénanes et pour"magnum" en acier inoxydable 18/10.Weinkühler mit Griffen aus Stahl für zweiRheiweinflaschen und den "Magnum" ausEdelstahl 18/10.cl 650 – ø cm 21 - h cm 27 6 qt 29 oz – ø cm 8 1/4”- h 10 3/4”

5059Design Ettore Sottsassconsulenza Alberto Gozziby appointment A.I.B.E.S. e A.I.S.

Colonna portarinfrescatore in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 con asta laccata, testadi moro. Wine cooler stand in 18/10stainless steel with laquered column,dark brown. Colonne porte-seau enacier inoxydable 18/10 avec axe laqué,brun foncé. Weinkühlerständer ausEdelstahl 18/10 mit Stange, lackiert,dunkelbraun. ø 24 - h cm 64 / ø 9 1/2”- h 25 1/4”

MSA11“MATEGLACÉ”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Portabottiglia termoisolante a doppiaparete in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Double wall vacuum bottle stand in18/10 stainless steel. Glacette à doubleparoi en acier inoxydable.Doppelwandiger vakuumFlaschenkühler aus Edelstahl 18/10. cl 130 - ø cm 12.5 - h cm 18 1 qt 12 1/2 oz - ø 5” - h 7

MN01“STAVROS”Design Marc Newson

Apribottiglie in surlyn con inserto inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Bottle openerin surlyn with opener in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Ouvre-bouteilles en surlyn avecdécapsuleur en acier inox 18/10.Flaschenöffner aus Surlyn mit Einsatzaus Edelstahl 18/10. 14.5 x 4.9 / 5 3/4”x 2”

MN01 B nero, black, noir, schwarzMN01 AZ azzurro, blue, bleu, blau

ABC01“DIABOLIX”Design Biagio Cisotti

Apribottiglie in PA.Bottle opener in PA.Ouvre-bouteilles en PA.Flaschenöffner aus PA.cm 18 x 5.5 / 7”x 2 1/4

ABC01 AZ azzurro/blue/bleu/blauABC01 B antracite/anthracite/anthrazitfarbenABC01 GR verde/green/vert/grünABC01 R rosso/red/rouge/rotABC01 Y giallo/yellow/jaune/gelb/amarillo

SB01“MARLI”Design LPWK - Steven Blaess

Apribottiglie in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Bottle opener in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Ouvre-bouteilles en acierinoxydable 18/10. Flaschenöffner ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 5.8 x 4.7 / 2 1/4”x 1 3/4”


JM24Design Jasper Morrison

Secchiello per ghiaccio in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Ice bucket in 18/10stainless steel. Seau à glace en acierinoxydable 18/10. Eiseimer aus Edelstahl18/10.cl 130 - ø cm 14 - h cm 14.51qt 12 1/2 oz - ø 5 1/2”- h 5 3/4”

JM24 lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliertJM24 S satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert


AAM32“PARROT”Design Alessandro Mendini

Cavatappi sommelier in PC e alluminiopressofuso. Sommelier corkscrew in PCand cast aluminium. Tire-bouchonsommelier en PC et fonte d'aluminium.Sommelier Korkenzieher aus PC undGußaluminium.cm 3 x 2.5 - h cm 13 / 1 1/4”x 1”- h 5”

AAM32 AZ azzurro, blue, bleu, blauAAM32 B nero, black, noir, schwarzAAM32 GR verde, green, vert, grün

AC11“SPLÜGEN”Design Achille e Pier GiacomoCastiglioni

Apribottiglie in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Bottle opener in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Ouvre-bouteilles en acierinoxydable 18/10. Flaschenöffner ausEdelstahl 18/10. cm 15 x 2.3 / 6”x 1”

JM06“SOCRATES”Design Jasper Morrison

Cavatappi in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Corkscrew in 18/10 stainless steel.Tire-bouchon en acier inoxydable 18/10.Korkenzieher aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 11.5 X 3.4 - h cm 14 4 1/2” X 1 1/4” - h 5 1/2”

AAM23“ALESSANDRO M.” Design Alessandro Mendini

Cavatappi in PA e zama cromata.Corkscrew in PA and chrome-platedzamak. Tire-bouchons en PA et zamacchromée. Korkenzieher aus PA undverchromtem Zamak.ø cm 6 - h cm 21 ø 2 1/4” - h 8 1/4”

AAM23 R rosso, red, rouge, rotAAM23 AZ blu, blue, bleu, blauAAM23 LAZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair,hellblau

90073“SMOKI CHRISTIANI”Design Philippe Starck

Cavatappi in alluminio fuso in conchiglia. Corkscrew in shell moulded castalluminium. Tire-bouchon en aluminiumfondu en coquille. Korkenzieher aus inSchale gegossenem Aluminium. cm 12.3 X 7 - h cm 26.3 4 3/4” X 2 3/4” - h 10 1/4”

AM07“ANNA SPARKLING” Design Alessandro Mendini

Tappo per champagne in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e zama cromata.Champagne cap in 18/10 stainless steeland chrome-plated zamak.Bouchon à champagne en acierinoxydable 18/10 et zamac chromée.Champagne Flaschenverschluß ausEdelstahl 18/10 und verchromtemZamak. cm 16 X 4.2 / 6 1/4” X 1 3/4”

5550Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Zuccheriera da bar in acciaioinossidabile 18/10.Bar sugar bowl in 18/10 stainless steel. Sucrier de bar en acier inoxydable 18/10.Barzuckerdose aus Edelstahl 18/10. 55 cl 100 - ø cm 14 / 1 qt 2 oz - ø 51/2”50 cl 100 - cm 21 x 13 / 1 qt 2 oz - 81/4”x 5”

60Portacucchiaini in acciaio inossidabile18/10, satinato. Spoon holder in 18/10stainless steel, mat. Porte-cuillères en acier inoxydable18/10, satiné. Löffelhalter aus Edelstahl18/10, mattiert. ø cm 10.5 / ø 41/4”

AMMI05“TOFFEE”Design Miriam Mirri

Zuccheriera a tre scomparti in PMMA,azzurro con ciotole in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Three-section sugarbowl in 18/10 stainless steel and PMMA,light blue. Sucrier à trois compatimentsen acier inoxydable 18/10 et PMMA, bleuclair. Zuckerdose, drei Segmenten ausEdelstahl 18/10 und PMMA, hellblau. cl 30 - cm 13.5 x 30 - h cm 9.5 10” oz – 5 1/4” x 11 3/4”- h 3 3/4”

PCH01Design Pierre Charpin

Contenitore a tre scomparti per bustinedi zucchero o di tè in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e PMMA. Three-section holder forsugar sachets or tea bags in 18/10stainless steel and PMMA.Porte-sachets de sucre ou thé à troiscompartiments en acier inoxydable18/10 et PMMA. Behälter fürZuckertütchen/Teebeutel, dreifachunterteilt aus Edelstahl 18/10 undPMMA.ø cm 15 - h cm 13 ø 6” - h 5”

PCH01 BR marrone, brown, marron, braunPCH01 R rosso, red, rouge, rot



KF01 I“SALSA”Design Khodi Feiz

Servizio per nachos e guacamoles,pinzimonio e altro. Piatto in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e ciotola in PMMA,ghiaccio. Set for nachos, guacamole,raw vegetables with sauce, etc. Baseplate in 18/10 stainless steel and bowlin PMMA, ice. Service pour nachos,guacamole, crudités, etc. Plat en acierinoxydable 18/10 et bol en PMMA,glace. Platte für nachos, guacamole,Rohkostdip, usw. Platte aus Edelstahl18/10. Schale aus PMMA, eisgrau.ø cm 22.5 - h cm 6.5ø 9 1/2"- h cm 2 1/2"

85Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Spremiagrumi in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Citrus-squeezer in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Presse-agrumes en acierinoxydable 18/10. Zitronenpresse ausEdelstahl 18/10.ø cm 12.5 / ø 5”

SG63 WDesign Stefano Giovannoni

Spremiagrumi elettrico in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e resinatermoplastica, bianco. Electric citrus-squeezer in 18/10 stainless steel andthermoplastic resin, white. Presse-agrumes électrique en acier inoxydable18/10 et résine thermoplastique, blanc.Elektrische Zitronenpresse ausEdelstahl und thermoplastischem Harz18/10, weiß. ø cm 22 - h cm 28ø 8 3/4” - h 11”

FC03“BLOW UP”Design Fratelli Campana

Portaagrumi in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Citrus basket in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille à agrumes en acierinoxydable 18/10. Obstkorb ausEdelstahl 18/10. cm 36 X 35 - h cm 31.5 14 1/4”x 13 3/4” - h 12 1/2”

370Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Portaagrumi in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Citrus basket in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille à agrumes en acierinoxydable 18/10. Obstkorb ausEdelstahl 18/10.ø cm 22 - h cm 22.5 ø cm 8 3/4” - h 8 3/4”

FC11“NUVEM”Design Fratelli Campana

Portaagrumi a filo in alluminioanodizzato. Wire citrus basket inanodized aluminium.Corbeille à agrumes à fil en aluminiumanodisé. Drahtobstkorb aus eloxiertemAluminium.ø cm 23 - h cm 24ø 9”- 9 1/2”

MSA27“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Portaagrumi traforato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Open-work citrusbasket in 18/10 stainless steel. Corbeilleà agrumes ajourée en acier inoxydable18/10. Obstkorb, durchbrochen ausEdelstahl 18/10.ø cm 24.4 - h cm 25.6 ø 9 1/2” - h 10”

RA02“BABYBOOP”Design Ron Arad

Antipastiera a due scomparti.Two-section hors-d’oeuvre set. Plat àhors-d’oeuvre à deux compartiments.Hors-d’oeuvre Platte, zwei Segmenten.cm 23 x 19.5 - h cm 4 / 9”x 73/4”- h 11/2”

RA03Antipastiera a tre scomparti.Three-section hors-d’oeuvre set. Plat àhors-d’oeuvre à trois compartiments.Hors-d’oeuvre Platte, drei Segmenten.cm 23 x 19.5 - h cm 4 / 9”x 7 3/4”- h 11/2”

RA04Antipastiera a quattro scomparti.Four-section hors-d’oeuvre set. Plat àhors-d’oeuvre à quatre compartiments.Hors-d’oeuvre Platte, vier Segmenten.cm 29 x 21 - h cm 4 / 12”x 8”- h 11/2”




MSA29“CACTUS!”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Contenitore per bustine di tè o dizucchero in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Holder for tea bags or sugar sachets in18/10 stainless steel. Porte-sachets dethé ou sucre en acier inoxydable 18/10.Behälter für Teebeutel/Zuckertütchenaus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 11.6 x 5.7 - h cm 5.54 1/2”x 2 1/4”- h 2 1/4”




PROGRAMMA 8Design Franco Sargiani - Eija Helander

FS02 1 x 1Contenitore in ceramica stoneware.Container in stoneware. Récipient encéramique stoneware. Behälter ausSteingut.cl 18.5 - cm 7.5 x 7.5 - h cm 6.5 6 1/2 oz - 3”x 3”- h 2 1/2”

FS02 3 x 4 cl 325 - cm 22.5 x 30 - h cm 6.5 3 qt 14 1/2 oz - 8 3/4”x 11 3/4”- h 2 1/2”

FS02 4 x 4 cl 442 - cm 30 x 30 - h cm 6.5 4 qt 22 1/2 oz - 11 3/4”x 11 3/4”- h 2 1/2”

FS02 2 x 2C Contenitore in ceramica stoneware concoperchio in PP. Container in stonewarewith lid in PP. Récipient en céramiquestoneware avec couvercle en PP.Behälter aus Steingut mit Deckel aus PP. cl 100 - cm 16.5 x 16.5 - h cm 6.7 1 qt 2 oz - 6 1/2”x 6 1/2”- h 2 3/4”

FS02 2 x 3C cl 150 - cm 16.5 x 24 - h cm 6.7 1 qt 19 1/2 oz - 6 1/2”x 9 1/2”- h 2 3/4”

FS03 1 x 2 Contenitore in ceramica stoneware.Container in stoneware. Récipient encéramique stoneware. Behälter ausSteingut.cl 18.5 - cm 7.5 x 15 - h cm 3.5 6 1/2 oz - 3”x 6”- h 1 1/2”

FS03 4 x 4cl 204 - cm 30 x 30 - h cm 3.5 2 qt 5 1/4 oz - 11 3/4”x 11 3/4” - h 1 1/2”

FS06 4 x 4Tagliere in legno di faggio. Piedini congomma antiscivolo. Chopping board inbeech-wood. Feet with non-slip rubber.Planche à découper en bois de hêtre.Pieds avec gomme antiglisse.Schneidebrett aus Buchenholz. Füßchenmit rutschfestem Gummi.cm 30 x 30 - h cm 3.5 11 3/4”x 11 3/4”- h 1 1/2”

FS07Coltello per formaggi in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Cheese knife in 18/10stainless steel. Couteau à fromages enacier inoxydable 18/10. Käsemesser ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 29 / 11 1/2”

FS10 2 x 2Piatto da dessert in porcellana bianca.Dessert plate in white porcelain. Assietteà dessert en porcelaine blanche.Dessertteller aus weißem Porzellan,.Plato de postre en porcelana blanca.cm 14.6 x 14.6 / 5 3/4”x 5 3/4”

FS10 2 x 3cm 22 x 14.6 / 8 3/4”x 5 3/4”

FS10 3 x 3Piatto piano in porcellana bianca.Flat plate in white porcelain.Assiette plate en porcelaine blanche.Speiseteller aus weißem Porzellan.Plato plano en porcelana blanca.cm 22 x 22 / 8 3/4”x 8 3/4”

FS10 3 x 4cm 29.6 x 22 / 11 3/4”x 5 3/4”

FS11 2 X 2Ciotola in porcellana bianca. Bowl inwhite porcelain. Bol en porcelaineblanche. Schale aus weißem Porzellan.cl 60 - cm 14.6 x 14.6 / 21 1/4”oz - 5 3/4”x 5 3/4”

54 55

FS01"PROGRAMMA 8"Design Franco Sargiani - Eija Helander

Vassoio rettangolare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Rectangular tray in18/10 stainless steel. Plateaurectangulaire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett, rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10.FS01 2 x 3 cm 30 x 15 / 11 3/4”x 6”FS01 3 x 4 cm 37.5 x 22.5 / 14 3/4”x 8 3/4”FS01 4 x 4 cm 37.5 x 29.5 / 14 3/4”x 11 1/2”FS01 4 x 6 cm 52.5 x 29.5 / 20 3/4”x 11 1/2”

P8SET1 “PROGRAMMA 8”Set per insalata. Set for salad. Set à salade. Salatset.

P8SET2 “PROGRAMMA 8”Set per formaggi. Set for cheese. Set à fromage. Käseset.

90039“FOIX”Design Lluís Clotet

Vassoio rotondo in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Round tray in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau rond en acier inoxydable18/10. Tablett, rund aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 44 - h cm 3 ø 17 1/4”- h 1 1/4”

AKK25“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Vassoio ovale con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Oval tray withopen-work edge in in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau ovale avec bord ajouré enacier inoxydable 18/10. Platte, oval mitdurchbrochenem Rand aus Edelstahl18/10.cm 58 x 45.5 / 22 3/4”x 18”


Vassoio rotondo in acciaio, rosso.Round tray in steel, red.Plateau rond en acier, rouge.Tablett, rund aus Stahl, rot.ø cm 40 / ø 15 3/4”

AKK03AKK04AKK05“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Cestino rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round basketwith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Corbeille ronde avec bord ajouréen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale, rund,mit durchbrochenem Rand ausEdelstahl 18/10.AKK03 ø cm 18.1 - h cm 5.4 / ø 7 1/4”- h 2 1/4”AKK04 ø cm 20.5 - h cm 8.8 / ø 8”- h 3 1/2”AKK05 ø cm 23 - h cm 12.2 / ø 9”- h 4 3/4”

AMSA23“BA-ROCK”Design LPWK - Marta Sansoni

Vassoio rotondo in acciaio, con manicidecorati. Round tray in steel withdecorated handles. Plateau rond enacier avec poingées décorées. Platte,rund aus Stahl mit dekorierten Griffen.ø cm 48 / ø 19”

SG30“ETHNO” Design Stefano Giovannoni

Vassoio rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round traywith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau rond avec bord ajouré enacier inoxydable 18/10. Platte, rund mitdurchbrochenem Rand aus Edelstahl18/10.ø cm 40 ø 15 3/4”

SG34ø cm 30.3 - h cm 5 ø 12”- h 2”

MSA03“TRALCIO MUTO”Design Marta Sansoni

Vassoio rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round traywith open-work edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau rond avec bord ajouré enacier inoxydable 18/10. Platte, rund mitdurchbrochenem Rand aus Edelstahl18/10.ø cm 48 / ø 19”

PP88Quello che in Francia si chiama “partager”, cioè il condividere da parte di due (o più) personeil piatto in tavola, sembra essere la nuova frontiera della ristorazione. Questa rivoluzione (o questo uso molto antico) influenza la cucina, nel senso della confezione dei cibi e i piatti,cioè gli utensili con cui questi vengono serviti. (La Cucina Italiana, nr 7, luglio 2007)

What in France is called partager-sharing a dish between two or more people at the table-seems to be the new frontier in the restaurant business. This revolution (or, more accurately,this ancient practice) is having an influence on cooking in terms of how the foods and dishesare presented, i.e. the utensils with which they are served. (La Cucina Italiana, nr 7, july 2007)

56 57

AM02"RECINTO"Design Alessandro Mendini

Vassoio con bordo smerlato e manici inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Tray withscalloped edge and handles in 18/10stainless steel. Plateau à poignées avecbord festonné en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett mit festoniertem Rand undGriffen aus Edelstahl 18/10.AM02cm 51.5 x 34.5 h cm 4 / 20 1/4”x 13 1/2” - h 1 1/2”AM14cm 45 x 30 h cm 3.5 / 17 3/4”x 11 3/4”- h 1 1/2”

AM12 “RECINTO”cm 52 x 36 - h cm 2 / 20 1/2”x 14 1/4”- h 3/4”

AAMM0022,, RReecciinnttooLa fortunata serie di vassoi e cestini “Recinto” è l’evoluzione di un progettomendiniano dell’epoca di Alchimia, nei primi anni ’80, allora prodottoartigianalmente in alcune decine di esemplari in alluminio.

The successful “Recinto” range of trays and baskets evolved out of a Mendiniproject from the Alchimia era of the early eighties when a few dozen of exampleswere craft produced in aluminium.

JM14/35Design Jasper Morrison

Vassoio rotondo in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Round tray in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau rond en acier inoxydable18/10. Tablett, rund aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 35 / ø 13 3/4”

JM14/35 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiertJM14/35 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

90015“CAMPIDOGLIO”Design Robert Venturi

Vassoio ovale in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Oval tray in 18/10 stainless steel.Plateau ovale en acier inoxydable 18/10.Platte, oval aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 46 x 38 18”x 15”

KK26KK27Design King-Kong

Vassoio rotondo con bordo traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Round traywith pierced edge in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Plateau rond avec bord ajouré enacier inoxydable 18/10. Platte, rund mitdurchbrochenem Rand aus Edelstahl18/10.KK26 ø cm 30.3 - h cm 5 / ø 12”- h 2” KK27 ø cm 38.5 - h cm 5 / ø 15 1/4”- h 2”

KK23KK24Design King-Kong

Vassoio con bordo traforato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Round tray withopen-work edge in 18/10 stainless steel.Plateau rond avec bord ajouré en acierinoxydable 18/10. Platte, rund mitdurchbrochenem Rand aus Edelstahl18/10.KK23 ø cm 48 / ø 19”KK24 cm 58 x 45.5 / 22 3/4”x 18”

FM05/55“MAO-MAO”Design Doriana e Massimiliano Fuksas

Vassoio rettangolare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Rectangular tray in18/10 stainless steel. Plateaurectangulaire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett, rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 55 x 38 / 21 3/4”x 15”

FM05/55 R rosso, red, rouge, rot

KL09KL08“TAU”Design Kristiina Lassus

Vassoio rettangolare in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Rectangular tray in18/10 stainless steel. Plateaurectangulaire en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tablett, rechteckig aus Edelstahl 18/10.KL09 cm 54.8 x 32 / 21 1/2” x 12 1/2”KL08 cm 48.7 x 32 / 19 1/4” x 12 1/2”

PS03“LES MINISTRES”Design Philippe Starck

Alzata/centrotavola in acciaio e resinatermoplastica. Stand/centre-piece insteel and thermoplastic resin.Surtout/centre de table en acier etrésine thermoplastique. Tafelaufsatz ausStahl und thermoplastischem Harz.ø cm 29 - h cm 14 ø 11 1/2”- h 5 1/2”

PS03 G grigio, grey, gris, grauPS03 O arancio, orange, orange, orange

LV01“FRUIT LOOP”Design Lisa Vincitorio

Fruttiera in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Fruit holder in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-fruits en acier inoxydable 18/10.Obstschale aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 34.5 - h cm 9 ø 13 1/2”- h 3 1/2”

AC04 BDesign Achille Castiglioni

Fruttiera/scolatoio in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Piede in alluminio, antracite.Fruit bowl/colander in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Foot in aluminium, anthracite.Porte-fruits/égouttoir en acierinoxydable 18/10. Pied en aluminium,anthracite. Obstschale/Sieb ausEdelstahl 18/10. Fuß aus Aluminium,anthrazitfarben.cl 150 - ø cm 24.9 - h cm 20.5 1 qt 19 1/2 oz - ø 9 3/4”- h 8”



SG54“FRUITSCAPE”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Fruttiera a doppia parete in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Double wall fruitholder in 18/10 stainless steel. Porte-fruits à double paroi en acier inoxydable18/10. Doppelwandige Obstschale ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 35 x 35 - h cm 4 13 3/4” x 13 3/4” - h 1 1/2”

AM13“RECINTO”Design Alessandro Mendini

Cestino rotondo con bordo smerlato emanici in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Round basket with scalloped edge andhandles in 18/10 stainless steel.Corbeille ronde à poignées avec bordfestonné en acier inoxydable 18/10.Schale, rund mit festoniertem Rand undGriffen aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 28.8 - h cm 5.7 ø 11 1/4”- h 2 1/4”


90085“PORT”Design Lluís Clotet

Cestino in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Basket in 18/10 stainless steel. Corbeilleen acier inoxydable 18/10. Schale ausEdelstahl 18/10.90085 ø cm 37 - h cm 6 / ø 14 1/2”- h 2 1/4”90084 ø cm 27.5 - h cm 6.5 / ø 10 3/4”- h 2 1/2”



90001“ROSENSCHALE”Design Peter Arnell - Ted Bickford

Cestino rotondo in E.P.B. ottoneargentato. Round basket in E.P.B. silver-plated brass. Corbeille ronde en E.P.B.cuivre argenté. Schale, rund aus E.P.B.versilbertem Messing.ø cm 23ø 9”

9900000011Durante una ricerca sull'architetto viennese Josef Hoffmann, Arnell e Bickfordhanno rinvenuto la fotografia di un cestino disegnato nel 1906. Si trattava di unprototipo mai entrato in produzione, e non fu possibile reperire disegni né schizzi.Lo sviluppo del progetto in vista di una produzione di serie, partendo dall'unicadocumentazione esistente, quella fotografia, ha richiesto una complessaricostruzione filologica, resa possibile grazie all'aiuto di disegni tridimensionalielaborati dal computer Harris 500 della Digital Effects di New York. Dato il gradodi inevitabile arbitrarietà della ricostruzione storica effettuata, abbiamo preferitoattribuire il progetto ai due giovani architetti americani.

While carrying out a study of the Viennese architect Josef Hoffmann, Arnell andBickford came across a photograph of a basket designed in 1906. This was aprototype which never entered production and no drawings or sketches were everfound. With a view to starting up mass production, the project started from the onlyexisting document - that old photograph - and required a highly complexphilological reconstruction work, which was made possible with the help of three-dimensional image processing techniques using the Harris 500 computer of DigitalEffects, New York. In consideration of the inevitable arbitrariness of this historicalreconstruction, we have preferred to attribute the project to the two youngAmerican architects.

FC04“BLOW UP”Design Fratelli Campana

Centrotavola in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Centrepiece in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Centre de table en acierinoxydable 18/10. Tafelaufsatz ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 64.5 x6 7.5 - h cm 14.5 25 1/2”x 26 1/2” - h 5 3/4”

FA01“AMFITHEATROF”Design CSA - Francesca Amfitheatrof

Fruttiera ovale traforata in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Oval open-work fruitbowl in 18/10 stainless steel. Ovaleporte-fruits ajouré en acier inoxydable18/10. Obstschale, durchbrochen, ovalaus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 44 x 32.5 - h cm 9.5 17 1/4”x 12 3/4”- h 3 3/4”

NC01/46“BIG SHOOM”Design Nigel Coates

Centrotavola a doppia parete in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Double wallcentrepiece bowl in 18/10 stainless steel.Centre de table à double paroi en acierinoxydable 18/10. Tafelaufsatz,doppelwandig aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 46 x 29 - h cm 9.7 18”x 11 1/2”- h 3 3/4”

DK02/25“VAGUE”Design Defne Koz

Coppa/alzata per torta in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Bowl/cake stand in18/10 stainless steel. Coupe/plateau àgâteaux en acier inoxydable 18/10.Tafelaufsatz/Tortenplatte aus Edelstahl18/10.cl 210 - ø cm 25 - h cm 10.5 2 qt 7 1/4 oz – ø 9 3/4”- h 4 1/4”

60 61


506Design Ufficio Tecnico Alessi

Forbici per dolci in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Pastry tongs board in 18/10stainless steel. Pince à gâteaux en acierinoxydable 18/10. Gebäckzange ausEdelstahl 18/10.cm 20 / 8”

MSA08MSA10“CACTUS!”Design CSA - Marta Sansoni

Portatovaglioli di carta traforato inacciaio inossidabile 18/10. Open-workpaper napkin holder in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Porte-serviettes en papier ajouréen acier inoxydable 18/10.Papierserviettenhalter, durchbrochenaus Edelstahl 18/10.MSA08cm 12 x 3 - h cm 8.5 4 3/4”x 1 1/4”- h 3 1/4”

MSA10cm 20.5 x 20.5 - h cm 5 8”x 8”- h 2”

MSA06“CACTUS!”Design CSA - Marta Sansoni

Piatto per formaggi in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Tagliere in legno.Cheese board in 18/10 stainless steel.Chopping board in wood. Plateau àfromage en acier inoxydable 18/10.Planche à decouper en bois. Käseplatteaus Edelstahl 18/10. Hackbrett aus Holz.ø cm 38 - h cm 4.5 ø 15”- h 1 3/4”

MG30Design Michael Graves

Piatto per formaggi con tagliere inceramica, campana in PMMA. Cheeseboard with board in ceramics, lid inPMMA. Plateau à fromage avec plateauen céramique, cloche en PMMA.Käseplatte mit Schneidebrett ausKeramik, Glocke aus PMMA.ø cm 38 - h cm 20 ø 15”- h 8”

AMMI11“IGLÙ”Design Miriam Mirri

Piatto per formaggi in resinatermoplastica con campana in PMMA.Cheese board in thermoplastic resinwith lid in PMMA. Plateau à fromages en résine thermoplastique avec clocheen PMMA. Käseplatte austhermoplastischem Harz mit Glocke ausPMMA.cm 28 x 28 - h cm 13 11”x 11” - h 5”

AMMI11 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair,hellblauAMMI11 F fucsia, fuchsia, fuchsia, pinkAMMI11 W bianco, white, blanc, weiß

AMMI12“IGLÙ”Design Miriam Mirri

Vassoio con manici in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Tray with handles in18/10 stainless steel. Plateau à poignéesen acier inoxydable 18/10. Tablett mitGriffen aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 28 x 28 - h cm 3.8 11”x 11” - h 1 1/2”

MB02/MB03“MIA” “TUA”Design Mario Botta

Caraffa in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Manico in PA, nero. Pitcher in 18/10stainless steel. Handle in PA, black.Carafe en acier inoxydable 18/10.Poignée en PA, noir. Karaffe ausEdelstahl 18/10. Griff aus PA, schwarz.MB02 “MIA”cl 70 - cm 15 x 9 - h cm 23.5 24 3/4 oz - 6”x 3 1/2”- h 9 1/4”

MB03 “TUA”cl 100 - cm 15 x 9 - h cm 29 1 qt 2 oz - 6”x 3 1/2”- h 11 1/2”

AR01Design Aldo Rossi

Caraffa in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Pitcher in 18/10 stainless steel.Carafe en acier inoxydable 18/10.Karaffe aus Edelstahl 18/10.cl 200 - ø cm 12 - h cm 21 2 qt 3 3/4 oz - ø 4 3/4”- h 8 1/4”

AM29“GEO”Design Alessandro Mendini

Macchina per caffè filtrato in PC e PP.Drip coffee maker in PC and PP.Machine à café filtre en PC et PP.Filterkaffeemaschine aus PC und PP.cl 100 - cm 25.5 x 18 - h cm 45 1 qt 2 oz - 10”x 7”- h 17 3/4”

AM29 Bnero, black, noir, schwarzAM29 WIbianco avorio e rosso scuro, ivory and dark red,blanc ivoire et rouge foncé, dunkelrot undelfenbeinfarbigAM29 1 “GEO – PROUST”decoro “Proust”, "Proust” decoration,décoration “Proust”, “Proust” Dekor.


ESI03“MEDITERRANEO”Design LPWK – Emma Silvestris

Portatovaglioli di carta in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Paper napkin holderin 18/10 stainless steel. Porte-serviettesen papier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Papierserviettenhalter aus Edelstahl18/10.cm 12 x 3.2 - h cm 8.5 4 3/4”x 1 1/4”- h 3 1/4”

ESI03 R rosso, red, rouge, rot





“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi


Pentola in acciaio inossidabile 18/10. Stockpot in 18/10 stainless steel.Marmite en acier inoxydable 18/10. Topf aus Edelstahl 18/10.90100/20l 5,8 - ø cm 20 - h cm 18,56 qt 4 1/4 oz - ø 8” - h 7 1/4”90100/24l 10 - ø cm 24 - h cm 2210 1/2 qt - ø 9 1/2” - h 8 3/4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi


Casseruola a due manici in bilamina(esterno in rame a alto spessore einterno in acciaio inossidabile 18/10).Casserole with two handles (thick coppercoating and 18/10 stainless steel lining).Faitout (extérieur en cuivre épais etintérieur en acier inoxydable 18/10).Kasserolle mit zwei Griffen(Außenschicht aus schwerem Kupferund Innenschicht aus Edelstahl 18/10).90101/16l 1.6 - ø cm 16 - h cm 8 / 1 1/4 qt - ø 6 1/4”- h 3 1/4”90101/20l 3.1 - ø cm 20 - h cm 10 / 3 1/4 qt - ø 8”- h 4”90101/24l 5,4 - ø cm 24 - h cm 12 / 5 3/4 qt - ø 9 1/2”- h 4 3/4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi


Casseruola bassa a due manici inbilamina (esterno in rame a alto spessoree interno in acciaio inossidabile 18/10).Low casserole with two handles (thickcopper coating and 18/10 stainless steellining).Rondin ou rondeau (extérieur en cuivreépais et intérieur en acier inoxydable18/10).Flache Kasserolle mit zwei Griffen(Außenschicht aus schwerem Kupferund Innenschicht aus Edelstahl 18/10).90102/24l 2,7 - ø cm 24 - h cm 63 qt - ø 9 1/2”- h 2 1/2”90102/28l 3.7 - ø cm 28 - h cm 73 3/4 qt - ø 11 1/4” - h 2 3/4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Pierre e Michel Troisgros

90103/26Padella lionese in ferro.Frying pan in iron.Poêle lyonnaise en fer.Bratpfanne aus Eisen.ø cm 26 - h cm 4ø 10 1/4”- h 1 1/2”

90104/18Padella lionese in ferro.Frying pan in iron.Poêle lyonnaise en fer.Bratpfanne aus Eisen.ø cm 26 - h cm 4ø 10 1/4”- h 1 1/2”

Gualtiero Marchesi


“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Pierre e Michel Troisgros


Casseruola a manico lungo o Russa inbilamina (esterno in rame a altospessore e interno in acciaio inossidabile18/10). Saucepan in two-ply (thickcopper coating and 18/10 stainless steellining). Russe en two-ply (extérieur encuivre épais et intérieur en acierinoxydable 18/10). Stielkasserolle ausTwo-ply (Außenschicht aus schweremKupfer und Innenschicht aus Edelstahl18/10).90105/10/Cl 0,42 - ø cm 10 - h cm 5,414 3/4 oz - ø 4”- h 2” 90105/14l 1,2 - ø cm 14 h - cm 81 1/4 qt - ø 5 1/2”- h 3 1/4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Pierre e Michel Troisgros


Cassolette in bilamina (esterno in ramea alto spessore e interno in acciaioinossidabile 18/10). Cassolette in two-ply(thick copper coating and 18/10 stainlesssteel lining). Cassolette en two-ply(extérieur en cuivre épais et intérieur enacier inoxydable 18/10).Cassolette aus Two-ply (Außenschichtaus schwerem Kupfer und Innenschichtaus Edelstahl 18/10).90106/12l 0,45 - ø cm 12 - h cm 41/2 qt - ø 4 3/4”- h 1 1/2”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Alain Chapel


Casseruola conica o Sauteuse inbilamina (esterno in rame a altospessore e interno in acciaio inossidabile18/10). Sauteuse in two-ply (thick coppercoating and 18/10 stainless steel lining).Sauteuse en two-ply (extérieur en cuivreépais et intérieur en acier inoxydable18/10). Sauteuse aus Two-ply(Außenschicht aus schwerem Kupferund Innenschicht aus Edelstahl 18/10).90107/20l 2 - ø cm 20 - h cm 7.52 qt 3/4 oz - ø 8”- h 3”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Raymond Thuilier


Cocotte ovale in ghisa smaltata concoperchio. Oval cocotte in enameledcast-iron with lid. Cocotte ovale en fonteémaillée avec couvercle. Ovale Cocotteund Deckel aus emailliertem Gußeisen.90108l 5.7 - cm 32 x 23 - h cm 11.56 qt - 12 1/2”x 9” - h 4 1/2”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Roger Vergé


Pesciera in bilamina (esterno in rame aalto spessore e interno in acciaioinossidabile 18/10). Fish poacher in two-ply (thick copper coating and 18/10stainless steel lining). Poissonière entwo-ply (extérieur en cuivre épais etintérieur en acier inoxydable 18/10).Fischtopf aus Two-ply (Außenschicht ausschwerem Kupfer und Innenschicht ausEdelstahl 18/10).l 11.3 - cm 60 x 20 - h cm 1212 qt - 23 1/2”x 8” - h 4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Alberto Gozzi


Casseruola ovale in bilamina concoperchio (esterno in rame a altospessore e interno in acciaio inossidabile18/10). Oval casserole in two-ply with lid(thick copper coating and 18/10 stainlesssteel lining). Casserole ovale en two-plyavec couvercle (extérieur en cuivre épaiset intérieur en acier inoxydable 18/10).Ovale Kasserolle aus Two-ply mit Deckel(Außenschicht aus schwerem Kupferund Innenschicht aus Edelstahl 18/10).l 3.5 - cm 36 x 22 - h cm 6.03 1/2 qt - 13 3/4”x 8 1/2”- h 2 1/2”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi

90302Cestello per cotture al vapore in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Steamer basket in18/10 stainless steel. Panier pour lacuisson-vapeur en acier inoxydable18/10. Durchschlagartiger Einsatz zumDünsten aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 19 - h cm 4,5 / ø 7 1/2” – h 1 3/4”90302SETø cm 19 - h cm 14,5 / ø 7 1/2” – h 5 3/4”

90300Scolatorio in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Colander in 18/10 stainless steel.Égouttoir en acier inoxydable 18/10.Sieb aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 24 - h cm 15 / ø 9 1/2”- h 6”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi

90100 A

Pentola in alluminio con rivestimentoantiaderente.Pot in aluminium with non-stick coating.Marmite en aluminium avec revêtementanti-adhérent. Topf aus Aluminium mitAntihaftbeschichtung.90100/20 Al 5,8 - ø cm 20 - h cm 18.56 qt 4 1/4 oz - ø 8”- h 7 1/4”90100/24 Al 10 - ø cm 24 - h cm 2210 1/2 qt - ø 9 1/2”- h 8 3/4”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi

90101 A

Casseruola in alluminio con rivestimentoantiaderente.Casserole in aluminium with non-stickcoating.Faitout en aluminium avec revêtementanti-adhérent.Kasserolle aus Aluminium mitAntihaftbeschichtung.90101/16 Al 1.6 - ø cm 16 - h cm 81 1/4 qt - ø 6 1/4”- h 3 1/4”90101/20 Al 3.1 - ø cm 20 - h cm 103 1/4 qt - ø 8”- h 4”90101/24 Al 5.4 - ø cm 24 - h cm 125 3/4 qt -ø 9 1/2”- h 4 3/4”

Pierre e Michel Troisgros Roger Vergé

Alain Chapel

68 69

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Pierre e Michel Troisgros

90105 A

Casseruola a manico lungo o Russa inalluminio con rivestimento antiaderente.Saucepan in aluminium with non-stickcoating. Russe en aluminium avecrevêtement anti-adhérent.Stielkasserolle aus Aluminium mitAntihaftbeschichtung. 90105/14 Al 1.2 - ø cm 14 - h cm 81 qt 9 oz - ø 5 1/2” - h 3 1/4” 90105/16 Al 1.8 - ø cm 16 - h cm 91 qt 30 oz - ø 6 1/4”- h 3 1/2”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Alain Chapel

90107 A

Casseruola conica o Sauteuse inalluminio con rivestimento antiaderente.Sauteuse in aluminium with non-stickcoating.Sauteuse en aluminium avec revêtementanti-adhérent.Sauteuse aus Aluminium mitAntihaftbeschichtung.90107/20 Al 2 - ø cm 20 - h cm 7.5 2 qt 3/4 oz - ø 8”- h 3”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Pierre e Michel Troisgros

90110 A

Padella lionese in alluminio conrivestimento antiaderente.Frying pan in aluminium with non-stickcoating.Poêle lyonnaise en aluminium avecrevêtement anti-adhérent.Bratpfanne aus Aluminium mitAntihaftbeschichtung.90110/24 Aø cm 24 - h cm 4.25ø 9 1/2”- h 1 3/4” 90110/28 Aø cm 28 - h cm 4.25ø 11”- h 1 3/4”

PJ01SET“PASTA POT” Design Patrick Jouin for Alain Ducasse

Utensile per la cottura della pasta:casseruola in trilamina (AISI 430,alluminio, acciaio inossidabile 18/10),coperchio in acciaio inossidabile 18/10,cucchiaio e sottopentola in melammina.Pasta cooking unit: casserole in multiply(AISI 430, aluminium, 18/10 stainlesssteel), lid in 18/10 stainless steel, spoonand trivet in melamine. Ustensile pour lacuisson des pâtes: casserole en multiply(AISI 430, aluminium, acier inoxydable18/10), couvercle en acier inoxydable18/10, cuiller et dessous de plat enmélamine. Pastakochset: Kasserolle ausMultiply (AISI 430, Aluminium, Edelstahl18/10), Deckel aus Edelstahl 18/10,Löffel und Topfuntersatz ausMelaminharz. cl 265 - cm 43 x 23 - h cm 12.52 qt 26 1/2” oz - 17”x 9” - h 5”

“LA CINTURA DI ORIONE” Design Richard Sapperconsulenza Gualtiero Marchesi

90102 A

Casseruola bassa a due manici inalluminio con rivestimento antiaderente. Low casserole with two handles inaluminium with non-stick coating.Rondin en aluminium avec revêtementanti-adhérent.Flache Kasserolle mit zwei Griffen ausAluminium mit Antihaftbeschichtung.90102/24 Al 2,7 - ø cm 24 - h cm 63 qt - ø 9 1/2”- h 2 1/2”90102/28 Al 3,7 - ø cm 28 - h cm 73 3/4 qt - ø 11 1/4”- h 2 3/4”

Alain Ducasse e Patrick Jouin


SG501 B“MAMI”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Coltello multiuso a lama corta in acciaioforgiato 1.4116 e TPE. Short bladedmulti-purpose knife in forged 1.4116steel and TPE. Couteau d'office à lamecourte en acier forgé 1.4116 et TPE.Universalmesser aus Schmiedestahl1.4116 und TPE.cm 24 (12) / 9 1/2”(4 3/4”)

SG502 BColtello per salumi in acciaio forgiato1.4116 e TPE. Ham knife in forged 1.4116steel and TPE. Couteau à charcuterie enacier forgé 1.4116 et TPE. Wurstmesseraus Schmiedestahl 1.4116 und TPE.37.5 (23) / 14 3/4” (9”)

SG503 BColtello per pane in acciaio forgiato1.4116 e TPE. Bread knife in forged1.4116 steel and TPE. Couteau à pain enacier forgé 1.4116 et TPE. Brotmesseraus Schmiedestahl 1.4116 und TPE.cm 34.8 (20) / 13 3/4”(8”)

SG504 BColtello da cucina in acciaio forgiato1.4116 e TPE. Kitchen knife in forged1.4116 steel and TPE. Couteau decuisine en acier forgé 1.4116 et TPE.Küchenmesser aus Schmiedestahl1.4116 und TPE.cm 34.8 (20) / 13 3/4”(8”)

SG505 BColtello per carni in acciaio forgiato1.4116 e TPE. Carving knife in forged1.4116 steel and TPE. Couteau àdécouper en acier forgé 1.4116 et TPE.Fleischmesser aus Schmiedestahl1.4116 und TPE.cm 35 (20.3) / 13 3/4”(8”)

SG506 BForchettone per carni in acciaio forgiato1.4116 e TPE.Carving fork in forged 1.4116 steel andTPE. Fourchette à découper en acierforgé 1.4116 et TPE. Fleischgabel ausSchmiedestahl 1.4116 und TPE.cm 30 (15) / 11 3/4” (6”)

SG500S4 BSet di coltelli da cucina.Set of kitchen knives.Set de couteaux de cuisine.Küchenmesserset.

SG500S2 BSet di coltello e forchettone per carni.Carving knife and fork set.Set de couteau et fourchette à découper.Set von Fleischmesser und –gabel.



7690“SPIRALE”Design Achille Castiglioni

Posacenere in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con spirale. Ashtray with spiral in 18/10stainless steel. Cendrier avec spirale enacier inoxydable 18/10. Aschenbechermit Spirale aus Edelstahl 18/10.7690/12 ø cm 12 - h cm 4.5 / ø 4 3/4” - h 1 3/4” 7690/16 ø cm 16 - h cm 7 / ø 6 1/4”- h 2 3/4”

40/13Design Mazzeri - Vitale

Posacenere in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Ashtray in 18/10 stainless steel.Cendrier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Aschenbecher aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 13 / ø 5”

JM18/9Design Jasper Morrison

Posacenere in acciaio inossidabile 18/10.Ashtray in 18/10 stainless steel.Cendrier en acier inoxydable 18/10.Aschenbecher aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 9 - h cm 2 ø 3 1/2”- h 3/4”

JM18/9 satinato, mat, satiné, mattiert JM18/9 L lucido, mirror polished, poli brillant,glänzend poliert

90010/BDesign Marianne Brandt

Posacenere a due elementi in ottone.Two-piece ashtray in brass. Cendrier àdeux éléments en laiton.Aschenbecher, bestehend aus zweiElementen, aus Messing.ø cm 11 - h cm 5.5 ø 4 1/4”- h 2 1/4”

90010/IPosacenere a due elementi in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Two-piece ashtray in18/10 stainless steel. Cendrier à deuxéléments en acier inoxydable 18/10.Aschenbecher, bestehend aus zweiElementen, aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 11 - h cm 5.5 ø 4 1/4” - h 2 1/4”

SG71/72/73/74"BABÀ"Design Stefano Giovannoni

Contenitore multiuso in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Multipurposecontainer in 18/10 stainless steel.Récipient multifonction en acierinoxydable 18/10. Multifunktionsbehälteraus Edelstahl 18/10.SG71/S “BABÀ SMALL”cl 185 - ø cm 14.5 - h cm 17.5 1 qt 32 oz - ø 5 3/4”- h 7”SG71/M “BABÀ MEDIUM”cl 450 - ø cm 19 - h cm 23.5 4 qt 25 1/4 oz - ø 7 1/2”- h 9 1/4”SG71/L “BABÀ LARGE”cl 1300 - ø cm 27 - h cm 33 13 qt 24 1/2 oz - ø 10 3/4”- h 13”SG71/XL “BABÀ EXTRALARGE”cl 3160 - ø cm 36 - h cm 44.5 33 qt 131/4 oz - ø 14 1/4”- h 17 1/2”

SG72 “BABÀ”Pattumiera da tavolo in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 e PMMA. Tabletopwaste bin in 18/10 stainless steel andPMMA. Poubelle de table en acierinoxydable 18/10 et PMMA.Tischabfalleimer aus Edelstahl 18/10und PMMA.ø cm 14.5 - h cm 18.5 ø 5 3/4” - h 7 1/4”

SG73 “BABÀ”Cestino da bagno in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e PMMA. Bathroom basket in18/10 stainless steel mirror polished andPMMA. Corbeille pour la salle de bain enacier inoxydable 18/10 et PMMA.Abfallkorb fürs Bad aus Edelstahl 18/10und PMMA.ø cm 19 - h cm 24.3 ø 7 1/2” - h 9 1/2”

SG74 “BABÀ”Sgabello/ porta biancheria con sedutain acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e legno.Stool/ laundry basket with lid in 18/10stainless steel and wood. Tabouret/panier avec assise en acier inoxydable18/10 et bois. Hocker/Wäschekorb mitDeckel aus Edelstahl 18/10 und Holz.ø cm 36 - h cm 46.5 ø 14 1/4”- h 18 1/4”

SG67 WDesign Stefano Giovannoni

Miniaspirapolvere a batterie ricaricabiliin acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e resinatermoplastica. Handheld vacuumcleaner, rechargeable in stainless steel18/10 and thermoplastic resin. Mini-aspirateur sans fil réchargeable en acierinoxydable 18/10 et résinethermoplastique. Akkusauger ausEdelstahl 18/10 und thermoplastischemHarz.cm 38.5 x 11.5 - h cm 1415 1/4”x 4 1/2” - h 5 1/2”

SG75Design Stefano Giovannoni

Bilancia pesapersone elettronica in acciaio inossidabile 18/10 e resinatermoplastica. Electronic body scales in18/10 stainless steel and thermoplasticresin. Pèse-personne électronique enacier inoxydable 18/10 et résinethermoplastique. ElektronischePersonenwaage aus Edelstahl 18/10 und thermoplastischem Harz.cm 30 x 30 - h cm 3.511 3/4”x 11 3/4” - h 1 1/2”

ASG50 AZ“FLUTE”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Vaso per fiori in PMMA, azzurro.Flower vase in PMMA, light blue.Vase en PMMA, bleu clair. Blumenvaseaus PMMA, hellblau.ø cm 9 - h cm 25.5 ø 3 1/2”- h 10”

MB04“TRONCO”Design Mario Botta

Vaso per fiori in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Flower vase in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Vase en acier inoxydable 18/10.Blumenvase aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 24 x 21 - h cm 28.8 9 1/2”x 8 1/4”- h 11 1/4”

FM02“E-LI-LI”Design Massimiliano e Doriana Fuksas

Vaso per fiori in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Flower vase in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Vase en acier inoxydable 18/10.Blumenvase aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 25 x 8.2 - h cm 30 9 3/4”x 3 1/4”- h 11 3/4”

FM03 B “E-LI-LI”Vaso per fiori in ceramica, nero.Flower vase in ceramic, black.Vase en céramique, noir.Blumenvase aus Keramik, schwarz.cm 31 x 10.5 - h cm 37 12 1/4”x 4 1/4”- h 14 1/2”

RA06“BABYBOOP VASE”Design Ron Arad

Vaso per fiori in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Flower vase in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Vase en acier inoxydable 18/10.Blumenvase aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 22.5 x 11.4 - h cm 30 8 3/4”x 4 1/2”- h 11 3/4”

ZH01“CREVASSE”Design Zaha Hadid

Vaso per fiori in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Flower vase in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Vase en acier inoxydable 18/10.Blumenvase aus Edelstahl 18/10.cm 8 x 6 - h cm 42 3 1/4”x 2 1/4” - h 16 1/2”

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FC06“BLOW UP”Design Fratelli Campana

Vaso per fiori in acciaio inossidabile18/10 e vetro. Flower vase in 18/10stainless steel and glass. Vase en acierinoxydable 18/10 et verre. Blumenvaseaus Edelstahl 18/10 und Glas.ø cm 18.5 - h cm 33.5 ø 7 1/4”- h 13 1/4”

AFC13“NUVEM”Design Fratelli Campana

Vaso per fiori in filo di alluminioanodizzato. Contenitori in resinatermoplastica.Wire flower vase in anodized aluminium. Containers in thermoplastic resin. Vase à fil enaluminium anodisé. Récipients en résinetermoplastique. Drahtblumenvase aus eloxiertem Aluminium. Behälter aus termoplastischem Harz.cm 10 x 10 - h cm 17 4” x 4” - h 6 3/4”

AKK57“GIROTONDO”Design King-Kong

Cestino per carta traforato in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Open-work paperbasket holder in 18/10 stainless steel.Corbeille à papier ajouré en acierinoxydable 18/10. Papierkorb,durchbrochen aus Edelstahl 18/10. ø cm 24.7 - h cm 27 ø 9 3/4”- h 10 3/4”

ASG04“MERDOLINO”Design Stefano Giovannoni

Scopino da bagno in resinatermoplastica. Toilet brush inthermoplastic resin. Balayette pourtoilette en résine thermoplastique.Klosettbürste aus thermoplastischemHarz.ø cm 12 - h cm 48 ø 4 3/4”- h 19”

ASG04 marrone, brown, marron, braunASG04 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair,hellblauASG04 O arancio, orange, orange, orange

FA05“UNICCI”Design CSA - Francesca Amfitheatrof

Portasapone in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Soap dish in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-savon en acier inoxydable 18/10.Seifenschale aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 11 - h cm 4.7 ø 4 1/4”- h 1 3/4”

FA06“UNI”Bicchiere portaspazzolini in acciaioinossidabile 18/10. Toothbrush holder in18/10 stainless steel. Porte-brosse àdents en acier inoxydable 18/10.Zahnbürstenetui aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 11 - h cm 9.5 ø 4 1/4”- h 3 3/4”

AG01“WIN”Design Anna Gili

Bicchiere bugnato in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Glass with dots in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Verre avec points en acierinoxydable 18/10. Glas mit Bossen ausEdelstahl 18/10.cl 25 - ø cm 7 - h cm 12 8 3/4 oz - ø 2 3/4”- h 4 3/4”

11“MOMENTO”Design Aldo Rossi

Orologio da parete in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Wall clock in 18/10 stainless steel.Horloge murale en acier inoxydable18/10. Wanduhr aus Edelstahl 18/10.ø cm 40 - h cm 6.5 ø 15 3/4”- h 2 1/2”

AM31“SOLE”Design Alessandro Mendini,con Annalisa Margarini

Orologio da parete in PMMA. Wall clockin PMMA. Horloge murale en PMMA.Wanduhr aus PMMA.ø cm 33 - h cm 6.7 / ø 13”- h 2 3/4”

AM31 1 “SOLE- PROUST” decoro “Proust”,“Proust” decoration,“Proust” décoration,“Proust” DekorAM31 2 ”SOLE-HARLEQUIN” decoro“Harlequin”, “Harlequin” decoration, décoration“Harlequin”, Dekor “Harlequin”AM31 3 ”SOLE-STELLE” decoro “Stelle”, “Stelle”decoration, décoration “Stelle”, “Stelle” DekorAM31 4 ”SOLE-MIRROR” decoro “Mirror”,decoration “Mirror”, décoration “Mirror”,“Mirror” DekorAM31 5 ”SOLE-RAYS” decoro “Rays”, decoration“Rays”, décoration “Rays”, “Rays” DekorAM31 6 ”SOLE-GOLD” decoro "Gold”, decoration"Gold”, décoration "Gold”, "Gold” DekorAM31 R rosso, red, rouge, rotAM31 Y giallo, yellow, jaune, gelb

12“FIRENZE”Design Achille e Pier GiacomoCastiglioni

Orologio da parete in ABS. Movimento alquarzo. Wall clock in ABS. Quartzmovement. Horloge murale en ABS.Mouvement au quartz. Wanduhr ausABS. Quarzwerk.ø cm 36 ø 14 1/4”

12 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblau12 DAZ blu, blue, bleu, blau12 G grigio, grey, gris, grau12 LO arancio chiaro, light orange, orange clair,hellorange 12 W bianco, white, blanc, weiß



CB03“KALISTÒ 3”Design Clare Brass

Barattolo in acciaio inossidabile 18/10con pomolo in alluminio. Kitchen in18/10 stainless steel with knob inaluminium. Boîte en acier inoxydable18/10 avec pommeau en aluminium.Küchendose aus Edelstahl 18/10 mitKnopf aus Aluminium.cl 114 - ø cm 11 - h cm 21 1 qt 6 3/4 oz - ø 4 1/4”- h 8 1/4”

MG32Design Michael Graves

Bollitore elettrico cordless in acciaioinossidabile 18/10 con manico e base inPA. Cordless electric kettle in 18/10stainless steel with handle and base inPA. Bouilloire électrique sans fil en acierinoxydable 18/10 avec poignée et baseen PA. Elektrischer, KabelfreierWasserkessel aus Edelstahl 18/10 mitGriff und Aufsatz aus PA.cl 150 – ø cm 25.5 - h cm 27 1 qt 19 1/2 oz - ø 10”- h 10 3/4”

MG32 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauMG32 W bianco avorio, white ivory, blanc ivoire,elfenbeinfarben


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FC07Design Fratelli Campana

Portaombrelli in acciaio inossidabile18/10.Umbrella stand in 18/10 stainless steel.Porte-parapluies en acier inoxydable18/10. Schirmständer aus Edelstahl18/10.ø cm 33 - h cm 50 ø 13” - 19 3/4”

FC15Design Fratelli Campana

Portariviste in acciaio cromato. Magazineholder in chrome-plated steel. Porte-revues en acier chromé.Zeitschriftenständer aus verchromtemStahl. Revistero en acero cromado.cm 45.5 x 28.5 - h cm 35 ø 18” x 11 1/4” - h 13 3/4”

FC16Design Fratelli Campana

Orologio da parete in acciaio cromato.Wall clock in chrome-plated steel.Horloge murale en acier chromé.Wanduhr aus verchromtem Stahl. ø cm 65 - h cm 6 ø 25 1/2” - h 2 1/4”

HR03“STILA”Design Hani Rashid

Tagliacarte in acciaio inossidabile 18/10,satinato. Paper knife in 18/10 stainlesssteel, mat. Coupe-papier en acierinoxydable 18/10, satiné. Brieföffner ausEdelstahl 18/10, mattiert.cm 24 / 9 1/2”

HR04“SCULP”Design Hani Rashid

Portaoggetti in acciaio inossidabile18/10. Desk organizer in 18/10 stainlesssteel. Porte-objets en acier inoxydable18/10. Schreibschale aus Edelstahl18/10.cm 30 x 15.6 - h cm 10.811 3/4”x 6 1/4” - h 4 1/4”

HR05“NARCIS”Design Hani Rashid

Portaritratti in acciaio inossidabile 18/10e resina termoplastica. Photo frame in18/10 stainless steel and thermoplasticresin. Porte-photos en acier inoxydable18/10 et résine thermoplastique.Fotorahmen aus Edelstahl 18/10 undthermoplastischem Harz.cm 14.5 x 12.3 - h cm 25.25 3/4”x 4 3/4” - h 10”

HR06“PARQ”Design Hani Rashid

Contenitore impilabile per documenti inresina termoplastica.Stackable document tray inthermoplastic resin.Corbeille empilable à courrier en résinethermoplastique.Briefkorb, stapelbar austhermoplastischem Harz.cm 35 x 25 - h cm 1113 3/4”x 9 3/4” - h 4 1/4”

HR06 AZ azzurro, light blue, bleu clair, hellblauHR06 W bianco, white, blanc, weißHR06 B nero, black, noir, schwarz

HR07“TRINA”Design Hani Rashid

Portamatite in fusione di alluminio.Pencil holder in aluminium casting.Porte-crayon en fonte d'aluminium.Stifthalter aus Gußaluminium.cm 15 x 8 - h cm 136” x 3 1/4” - h 5”

PR2501PR2503PR2505Design Bortolani Becchelli Associati

Portaritratti in legno.Photo frame in wood.Porte-photos en bois.Photorahmen aus Holz.cm 6 x 3 - h cm 52 1/4”x 1 1/4” - h 2”

KL03“UMA”Design Kristiina Lassus

Bruciaincenso in acciaio inossidabile18/10 con piatto in ceramica.Incense burner in 18/10 stainless steelwith ceramic plate.Brûle-encense en acier inoxydable 18/10avec plat en céramique.Räucherstäbchenhalter aus Edelstahl18/10 mit Teller aus Keramik.cm 7.1 x 5.5 - h cm 5 2 3/4”x 2 1/4”- h 2”

CO1096Design Kuno Prey

Reggigiornale in legno di ciliegio.Newspaper holder in cherry-wood.Porte-journal en bois de cerisier.Zeitungshalter aus Kirschbaumholz.ø cm 4 - h cm 80 ø 1 1/2”- h 31 1/2”


Hotel Alessi

Progetto grafico e art direction:Christoph Radl / Laura Capsoni / Costanza Melli

FOTOGRAFIE DI / PHOTO BY:Fabrizio Bergamo (reportage)Maria Vittoria Backaus, Aldo Ballo, Simone Barberis, Riccardo Bianchi,Santi Caleca, Thomas Duval, Stefan Kirchner, Carlo Lavatori, Maurizio Lodi,Antonio Redaelli, Walter Zerla.

Stampa: LitopatFotolito: Fotolito Farini

© Alessi S.p.A. 2007

Alessi S.p.A. via Privata Alessi 6 – 28887 Crusinallo (Vb) ItalyTel. 0039 0323 868611


With thanks:Hotel The Gray - MilanoIstituto Alberghiero E. Maggia - StresaBar Basso - MilanoSIN Evolution Bar - Omegna

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Alessi FRANCE SARL31, rue Boissy d’Anglas75008 PARISTel. 01 42661461Fax 01 42662724alessi.france@alessi.com

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