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VESPERS / CONFESSION: Saturdays / Eve of Feast Days 6:30 PM

3RD AND 6TH HOURS: Sundays 9:00 AM


Weekday Feast Days 10:00 AM

PASTOR: Rt. Rev. Fr. Taras Krochak 403-241-7742 / 403-264-3437

ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Fr. Timothy Chrapko 403-453-5407 / 403-264-3437

PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Don Popowich 403-932-7724 / 403-264-3437

CULTURAL CENTRE: Michele Faryna 403-264-3437 / 403-264-3437



404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB

T2E 5A6


CONGREGATION 404 Meredith Rd. N.E.

Calgary, AB T2E 5A6

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016


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Т. 23. – Ч. 27. — V. 23. – N. 27

13-ГО БЕРЕЗНЯ, 2016 Р.Б.





8. АПОСТОЛ: РИМ. 13:11-14:4 [ЗАЧАЛО 112]; ЄВАНГЕЛІЯ: МТ. 6:14-

21 [ЗАЧАЛО 17].)

Тропар – Голос 8: З висоти зійшов єси, Благоутробний, погребіння прийняв триденне, щоб нас визволити від при-страстей. Життя і воскресіння наше, Гос-поди, слава Тобі.

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки віків. Амінь.

Кондак Недільній – Голос 6: Премудрости Наставнику, розуму Подателю, немудрих Учителю, вбо-гих Захиснику, утверди, врозуми серце моє, Владико. Ти дай мені слово, Отчеє Слово, бо не втримаю уст моїх, щоб не взивали до Тебе: Милостивий, помилуй мене гріш-ного.

Прокимен – Голос 8: Помоліться і хвалу віддайте Господеві Богу нашому.

Стих: Відомий Бог в Юдеї, в Ізраїлі велике Ім’я Його.

(Рим. 13:11-14:4) Браття! І це тому, що знаєте час, що пора нам уже пробудитись від сну. Бо тепер спасіння ближче до нас, аніж тоді, коли ми ввірували. Ніч минула, а день наблизився, тож відкиньмо вчинки темряви й зодягнімось у зброю світла. Як удень, поступаймо доброчесно, не в гульні та п'янстві, не в перелюбі та розпусті, не в свар-

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016





[BEGINNING 112]. GOSPEL: MT. 6:14-21 [BEGINNING 17].)

Tropar – Tone 8: You descended from on high, О Merciful One. You accepted the three-day burial to free us from our pas-sions. Our life and resurrection; O Lord, glory to You.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kondak of the Sunday – Tone 6: O Master, Guide to wisdom, Giver of prudent counsel, Instructor of the foolish and Cham-pion of the poor: Make my heart steadfast by granting it understanding. O Word of the Father, grant me words, for behold, I shall not stop my lips from crying out to You: O merciful One, I am fallen, have mer-cy on me in Your compassion.

Prokeimen – Tone 8: Pray and give glory to the Lord our God.

Verse: In Judah God is known; His Name is great in Israel.

(Rom. 13:11-14:4) Brethren! And it because you know the hour, that it is now time for you to wake from sleep. For salva-tion is now nearer to us than when we first believed. The night has passed, whereas the day is near, therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light. As in the day, let us behave becom-ingly, not in revelling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in

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ні та заздрощах, але зодягніться Гос-подом Ісусом Христом, а догодження тілу не обертайте на пожадливість! Слабого в вірі приймайте, але не для суперечок про погляди. Один бо ві-рує, що можна їсти все, а немічний споживає ярину. Хто їсть, нехай не погорджує тим, хто не їсть. А хто не їсть, нехай не осуджує того, хто їсть, Бог бо прийняв його. Ти хто такий, що судиш чужого раба? Він для па-на свого стоїть або падає; але він устоїть, бо має Бог силу поставити його.

Алилуя – Голос 6: Благо є прослав-ляти Господа, і співати Імені Твоєму, Все-вишній.

Стих: Сповіщати вранці про милість Твою, і вночі про правду Твою.

(Мт. 6:14-21) Бо як людям ви прос-тите прогріхи їхні, то простить і вам ваш Небесний Отець. А коли ви не будете людям прощати, то й Отець ваш не про-стить вам прогріхів ваших. А як пости-те, то не будьте сумні, як оті лицеміри: вони бо зміняють обличчя свої, щоб ба-чили люди, що постять вони. Поправді кажу вам: вони мають уже нагороду свою. А ти, коли постиш, намасти свою голову, і лице своє вмий, щоб ти посту свого не виявив людям, а Отцеві своєму, що в таїні; і Отець твій, що бачить таєм-не, віддасть тобі явно. Не складайте скарбів собі на землі, де нищить їх міль та іржа, і де злодії підкопуються й ви-крадають. Складайте ж собі скарби на небі, де ні міль, ні іржа їх не нищить, і де злодії до них не підкопуються та не крадуть. Бо де скарб твій, там буде й се-рце твоє.

Причасник: Хваліть Господа з небес, хваліть Його во вишніх. Алилуя, Алилуя, Алилуя.

quarrelling and jealousy, but let us put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not turn the gratification of the flesh into covetousness! Receive the one who is weak in faith, but not unto disputes over opinions. For one be-lieves that everything can be eaten, while the weak only eat vegetables. He who eats, let him not begrudge him who abstains. And he who abstains, let him not condemn him who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the serv-ant of another? He stands or falls before his own master; but he will be upheld, for God has the power to make him stand.

Alleluia – Tone 6: It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High.

Verse: To declare Your mercy in the morning; and Your truth by night.

(Mt. 6:14-21) For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Fa-ther forgive your trespasses. And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fast-ing may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be al-so.

Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

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Неділя, 13-го березня - Вечірня Прощальна - 6:30 вечора. Святий Великий Піст — 14-го березня до 1-го травня. Понеділок, 14-го березня - Велике Повечір’я з читанням Канону Св. Андрея Критсько-го - 6:30 вечора. Вівторок, 15-го березня - Велике Повечір’я з читанням Канону Св. Андрея Критського - 6:30 вечора. Середа, 16-го березня - Велике Повечір’я з читанням Канону Св. Андрея Критського - 6:30 вечора. Четвер, 17-го березня - Велике Повечір’я з читанням Канону Св. Андрея Критського - 6:30 вечора. П’ятниця, 18-го березня - Св. Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів - 6:30 вечора. Субота, 19-го березня - Поминальна Св. Літургія - 10:00 год. рано. Субота, 19-го березня - Вечірня й Сповідь - 6:30 вечора. Неділя, 20-го березня - Св. Літургія - 9:30 рано. Неділя, 20-го березня - Неділя Православ’я - Вечірня - 6:00 вечора в нашій церкві. П’ятниця, 25-го березня - Св. Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів - 6:30 вечора. Субота, 26-го березня - Поминальна Св. Літургія - 10:00 год. рано. Субота, 26-го березня - Вечірня й Сповідь - 6:30 вечора. Неділя, 27-го березня - Св. Літургія - 9:30 рано. Неділя, 27-го березня - Постова Вечірня - в церкві OCA (1802-33rd Ave SW ) - 6:00 ве-чора.


ПРОЩАЛЬНА ВЕЧІРНЯ буде відправлена в нашій церкві в неділю 13-го березня (сьогодні) о год. 6:30 вечором. Православна Церква закликає всіх Своїх вірних про-сити прощення в один одного перед початок Св. Великого Посту. Ця вечірня дає нам можливість цього зробити. Запрошуємо всіх наших членів взяти участь в цій службі!

ШЕВЧЕНКІВСЬКИЙ КОНЦЕРТ: Конгрес Українців Канади - Відділ Калгарі влаштовує концерт в імені Тараса Шевченка в неділю 13-го березня починаючи о годині 2:00 попо-лудні в церковній залі Успення (704 – 6th Street NE). Ласкава запрошуємо Вас до участі!

ЦЬОГО РОКУ ВЕЧІРНЯ З НАГОДИ НЕДІЛІ ПРАВОСЛАВ’Я буде відправлена в нашій церкві у неділю 20-го березня о год. 6:00 вечором. Священики та вірні з усіх інших православних церков міста Калґарі візьмуть участь у цій Вечірні. Ласкаво просимо, щоб члени нашої громади взяли якнайчислену участь у цій Вечірні!

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ І ВЕЧЕРЯ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ ТУС відбудуться в понеділок 21-го березня. Напитки о год. 5:30 вечором, а вечеря о год. 6:30 вечором.

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Sunday, March 13 - Forgiveness Vespers - 6:30 PM The Holy Great Fast Begins — March 14 to May 1. Monday, March 14 - Great Compline and Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 6:30 PM Tuesday, March 15 - Great Compline and Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 6:30 PM. Wednesday, March 16 - Great Compline and Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 6:30 PM. Thursday, March 17 - Great Compline and Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 6:30 PM. Friday, March 18 - Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 6:30 PM. Saturday, March 19 - Memorial Divine Liturgy - 10:00 AM. Saturday, March 19 - Vespers and Confession - 6:30 PM. Sunday, March 20 - Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM. Sunday, March 20 - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Vespers - - 6:00 PM. at our church. Friday, March 25 - Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 6:30 PM. Saturday, March 26 - Memorial Divine Liturgy - 10:00 AM. Saturday, March 26 - Vespers and Confession - 6:30 PM. Sunday, March 27 - Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM. Sunday, March 27 - Lenten Vesper Service - at St. Peter’s OCA church (1802-33rd Ave SW ) - 6:00 PM.



ПРИМІТКА ЩОДО СВ. ПРИЧАСТЯ – Св. Православна Церква розуміє Причас-тя, як повну спільність у духовному житті, приналежність до одного віроспові-дання, і що можуть приймати Св. Причастя тільки ті, хто є членами Православної Церкви, і які належно підготували себе до цього через молитву, піст і нещодав-ню Сповідь. Після отримання Святого Причастя, ми повинні залишатися в церкві до завершення Літургії. Наше спілкування починається після того, як ми поцілу-ємо Хрест і отримаємо просфору (Антидор - яку можуть брати усі присутні). Як-що у вас є питання, щодо вищої примітки, або якщо ви хотіли б стати членом Православної Церкви, будь ласка, звертайтеся до о. Тараса або о. Тимофія.

УВАГАУВАГАУВАГАУВАГА - ПЕРШІ КВАРТАЛЬНІ ЗБОРИ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ПРАВОСЛАВНОЇ ГРОМАДИ СВ. ВО-ЛОДИМИРА відбудуться в неділю в неділю в неділю в неділю 3333----го квітняго квітняго квітняго квітня після Св. Літургії. Ласкаво просимо, щоб

усі члени цієї громади прибути на ці важливі збори!

Просимо зауважити зміну, щодо дати цих зборів!Просимо зауважити зміну, щодо дати цих зборів!Просимо зауважити зміну, щодо дати цих зборів!Просимо зауважити зміну, щодо дати цих зборів!

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SHEVCHENKO CONCERT: The Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Calgary Branch will hold a concert in honour of Taras Shevchenko on Sunday, March 13 (today) at 2:00 pm. For more information or program items please contact

А FORGIVENESS VESPER SERVICE will be served in our church on Sunday, March 13 (today) at 6:30 pm. The Orthodox Church directs her faithful to seek forgiveness of each other before entering into the sacred days of the Holy Great Fast. This Vesper Service pro-vides us with this opportunity. We invite all of our members to participate in this special service!

KITCHEN BEE VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY REQUIRED: We are looking for a volunteer who would be willing to take on the job of organizing a Varenyky Making Bee. Ethel will be able to assist and guide where required but a volunteer is needed to spearhead and take charge of such a bee. Similar volunteer(s) is(are) required for a Paska and Babka Making Bee before March 19, 2016. For more information or if you are able to help in anyway, please contact Ethel at 403-934-4688.

THIS YEAR'S SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY VESPER SERVICE will be served at our church on Sunday, March 20 at 6:00 pm. Priests and faithful from all Orthodox Churches of Calgary will participate in this Vesper Service. We sincerely invite all of our congregation members to participate in this special Vesper Service!

SUNDAY OF ORTHODOX RECEPTION: As noted above, our congregation will be hosting the Sunday of Orthodoxy Vesper Service on Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Following the service, we will be providing a Lenten Reception. We require your contributions to this Lenten Reception — contributions of fruit and vegetable trays, hum-mus, salads, shrimp rings, pickles, bruschetta, casseroles, baking, etc. would be greatly ap-preciated! Please contact Theresa at 403-238-0480 or Elaine at 403-257-5778 with the choice of Lenten dish that you will be able to provide for this event. Volunteers are also re-quired on Sunday afternoon and evening to help with the set-up and clean-up for this event. Please contact Theresa if you can help in anyway. Thank you very much for your hospitality, generosity and support of this important community event!

THE NEXT MONTHLY SUPPER MEETING OF THE LOCAL TYC BRANCH will be held on Monday, March 21. 5:30 pm. - cocktails, 6:30 pm. - supper. All members are encouraged to attend this meeting!

KITCHEN BEE: Volunteers are required for the following Kitchen Work Bee: Paska mak-ing – Wednesday, March 30 beginning at 9:00 am. Please confirm with Ethel @ 403-934-4688 as to your availability to help on this date. “Many hands make light work”. Thank you,—Marla.

PОМІSNА: The Path to an Independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church LECTURE BY PROF. OLEKSANDR SAGAN member of the Advisory Council of the Department of Religious Af-fairs in the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. Member of the Civic Advisory Council for Coop-eration with Religious Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. This lecture will be delivered in Ukrainian. Saturday, April 2 7:00 pm @ St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cultural Centre. A Silver Collection will be taken. The Calgary lecture

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is being organized and hosted by the local branch of the Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association of Canada (TYC). For more information, please contact Michael Zubkow @ 403-246-1609.

ORTHODOX MEN’S RETREAT 2016: Please consider attending the Orthodox Men’s Re-treat of St. John the Baptist from April 8-10 2016 at Sanctum Retreat Centre in Caroline, AB. The facilitator will be Fr. Theophanes (Constantine) and he will speak on “The Way of Repentance”. Fr. Theophanes applies his 20 years of monastic life on Mt. Athos in discus-sion of this year’s topic. Registration forms are available at Please contact Subdeacon Ihor, Dan, or Glen for further information on the retreat.

IMPORTANT SADOCHOK INFORMATION: Sadochok summer camp dates are July 4-8, July 11-15 and August 8-12. Camps are open to all children between the ages of 3-10years old at a cost of $250/week. Sadochok is also now accepting registrations for the 2016-2017 school term. If you are interested in signing up for summer camp or for Sadochok's 2016-17


The following people have gra-ciously volunteered to be our hosts and volunteers for Coffee Hour for:

March 6 – Roxolana Chumak, Donna Romanchuk & Carlanne Poli-Huber

March 13 – Lorraine Chanasyk-Alford & Brenda Zubkow

March 20 – Carmen Cyr & Nich-ola Bestard

March 27 – Sonia Yarmuch

We sincerely thank our Coffee Hour hosts and volunteers for providing us with this expression of congregational hospitality and the opportunity for extended Christian fellowship! God bless you for your generosity and hospitality!

Acolytes wanted! Do you know of someone that would like to serve Christ and His Church as an Aco-lyte? Please contact Fr. Timothy - 403-700-9947 or so that the names of all interested young men may be added to the service schedule. If your son is al-ready serving as an Aco-lyte, please contact Fr. Timothy to insure that all are included.

PLEASE NOTEPLEASE NOTEPLEASE NOTEPLEASE NOTE - ST. VLADIMIR'S UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CONGREGATION FIRST QUARTER-LY MEETING will be held on Sunday, April 3Sunday, April 3Sunday, April 3Sunday, April 3 following the Divine Liturgy. All members of

this congregation are asked to be present at this important meeting!

Please note the change of date of this meetingPlease note the change of date of this meetingPlease note the change of date of this meetingPlease note the change of date of this meeting!!!!

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program year, please contact

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: The Parish Council of St. Vladimir’s Congregation is seeking members interested in participating on a Fundraising Committee to allow the Congregation to achieve a balanced budget. If you have talent in this area, we would love to have you par-ticipate. Please consider this committee for your contribution of time to the operation of our Congregation. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please see Don Popowich, our Parish Council President, for more details.

A SINCERE EXPRESSION OF THANKS: Glory to Jesus Christ! A special thank you for all the prayers, visits, cards, phone calls, flowers, food, emails and inquiries into my wellbeing. All this helped in my recovery which is ongoing. Sincerely appreciated. In Christ, Ethel.

SINCEREST GREETINGS ARE EXTENDED TO: Dobr. Julie Chrapko, Laudie Collins, Easton May, Jonathan Silvernagle and Pat Slusarchuk who recently celebrated their birth-days. May the Lord bless them with good health and grant them Many Years – На Многі Літа!

BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS: If you wish to have your Birthday or Anni-versary included in or removed from the weekly announcements, please inform Fr. Taras of your request.

OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Please visit our YouTube channel. You can find your way there by clicking on the YouTube button on our main webpage at There you will be able to see video clips of recent congregation events such as our St. Nicholas Day, Na-tivity and Theophany celebrations.

SOUTHERN ALBERTA MISSION PROJECT (SAMP): St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation sincerely thanks everyone who generously contributed to the Southern Alberta Mission Project in the past and humbly requests your continued support of this most worthy project by voluntarily donating $75/member in support of this important work of the Church. If you wish to donate to this project, please indicate on your offering envelope that this is a do-nation to the Southern Alberta Mission Project (SAMP) in order that the congregation may track the progress of this program.

AUTOMATED FUNDS TRANSFER: St. Vladimir's Congregation now offers Automated Debit for the purpose of donating to our congregation. Further information can be found at by clicking on the “Resources” tab near the tope of the home page, then clicking on “Forms” and reviewing the information located under the heading “Pre-Authorized Debit” section.

HUMANITARIAN AID TO UKRAINE: The Ukrainian Canadian Congress continues to ac-cept donations for material assistance to those in need in Ukraine as a result of the unrest there. Donations can be sent directly to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (c/o Head Of-fice, 203 – 952 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R2W 3P4). Thank you for your support and help!

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Fourth Sunday

The fourth Sunday is known as Cheesefare Sunday (Tyrine) because we eat cheese and dairy products for the last time until Pascha. On this par-ticular Sunday, which is the Eve of the Inaugura-tion of Great Lent, we remember the expulsion of the Adam and Eve from Paradise. Thus, we are re-minded of the terrible consequences of sin and transgression against the Divine Will, and we are encouraged to take up the battle of fasting and obedience in order to obtain spiritual renewal and blessedness.

The Gospel lesson of Cheesefare Sunday (Matthew 6.14-21) teaches us that the right way to fast is to get rid of evil intentions, avarice and attachment to material goods. It is a custom that Christians grant forgiveness to one another during the ves-per service of this Sunday, so that all of them together may enter with love and una-nimity into the Lenten Season.

A NOTE REGARDING COMMUNION – The Holy Orthodox Church understands Communion to mean that we have all things in common, sharing an identical Faith, and only those who are members of the Orthodox Church and who have prepared themselves through prayer, fasting and recent confession may participate in Holy Communion. Following reception of Holy Communion, we should stay in the church until the conclusion of the Liturgy. Our fellowship begins after we venerate the Cross and receive the Blessed Bread (Antidoron - of which all may partake). If you have questions concerning the above, or if you would like to become a member of the Or-thodox Church, please feel free to speak with Fr. Taras or Fr. Timothy.

URGENT HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: Rev. Fr. George Dah-douh, Priest, Annunciation Antiochian Orthodox Church (3107- 40th Street SW Cal-gary) expresses the urgent need in this way: “Christ is in our midst. Because of the number of new Syrian refugees our community has received, we need your help with: furniture, kitchen stuff, clothes and grocery store gift cards to purchase food. If you can help, please contact: Rana at 403-667-7614 or via email at Many of these families lost everything in Syria and tell horror stories of what they have experienced there under ISIL. Requesting your holy prayers and help”. If you are able to respond to this urgent appeal, please contact Rana via the contact information provide above.

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Pure Monday

The 40 days of Great Lent begins on the Monday after Cheesefare Sunday, Pure Mon-day (Kathara Deftera), which this year (2016) falls on March 14. On Friday the 18th of March we start the Service of Salutations to the Theotokos (Chairetismoi).

It is important to note that the Church leads us to this point gradually during the prepara-tory period of the first three weeks of the Tri-odion.

During the first week, She allows us to eat everything, even on Wednesdays and Fri-days. During the second week, we can eat everything, except for meat on Wednesday and Friday. During the third week, we are no longer allowed to eat meat, but we can eat fish, eggs and dairy products.

The Church has thereby introduced us grad-ually into the more severe fast of Great Lent

which begins on Kathara Deftera, when the faithful embrace a totally vegetarian diet.

The custom of preparing Christians for the celebration of Pascha through fasting and prayer is very ancient, but neither the length nor the type of fast was strictly specified dur-ing the first centuries.

For instance, Saint Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyons at the end of the 2nd Century AD, tells us that some fasted for one day, others for two days, others for more, and still others for only 40 hours. Socrates, the 5th Century church historian, tells us that some did not eat meat while some ate poultry and fish, and while still others ate only vegetables.

In the 4th Century, however, the fast of the Paschal Cycle began to take a more specific form, at least in regard to length. It was ex-tended to 40 days in commemoration of the 40 days, which the Lord fasted in the wilder-ness, hence the term Sarakoste (i.e., Lent).

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Pure Monday: Great Lent Begins

Great Lent is the period that the Church has in her wisdom set aside for us to in-tensify our own spiritual growth through fasting, prayer and worship. If you follow the Church guidelines on fasting, make time to attend the services and intensify your own prayer life, you will be rewarded with a greater closeness to God.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia; Protopres-byter George Dragas and Deacon Charles Joiner

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Не даремно Христос сказав: Приклад дав я вам, щоб і ви так робили, як оце я вам учинив (Йн. 13, 15), і: Хто не бере свого хреста й не йде слідом за мною, той недостойний мене (Мт. 10,38). — Духовні Настано-ви Святитель Тихон Задонський


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