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"So This ls London"---Ellen Theatre Monday Night , 8:00 P. M.---Get Your Date and Join the Crowd



.\10:\T.\C\ ,\...'/ PICTURES

Sunday February 20 at the old Schlechten Studio, over Fitz Sis~

ters Store:



10 :15 Eurodelphian 10 :30 ........ Exponent Staff MO:\'TA. "A STATE ORG.\:\lZ.\TIO:\ L"i O:\'E OF FIRST FE\\


La~t Friday afternoon, Feb. 11th, Dr. Kirkwood of theCnhcrsity of )Ion· ana Chapter of Phi Sigma held formal installation c('remonies lor the tetitioning Jocal Phi Sig:ma Beta. This is the twent) second active chapter f Phi Sigma and \\ill be known as the Chi chapter.


'\ext :\londa~ niJ!"ht Fehruar) 21, the Tormentors will :-..ta::?;e 1ht·ir fir~t

production of the year. "So This b Lendon," in the Ellen Theatn.'. In<"hult~d

in the cast are SC\ era! pla) ers "ho h;n·e had considerable experience in thl' dramatic field and are \\ell kno'\ n to the co11egc community for th~ part~ Phi Sigma is a r:u.tional honorary

iological fraternity organized ;n 915, by a J!rOup of studen,:s at the lhiu State Unhl rsity. The primar:.· urposc is to promote and encourage search in biological sdences and a 1 eful inYe-llgation ar.d free di~cus­on of the !'ame. :\Jembership rn

i!-> ~' ic. t.r is limited to only tho~e ho ha\e :-hown ~p('Ci<:tl ability for sC'arch work, who have at least bvo car~ of coilegc.· crt:'dit and who are ajuring in biological science. In dition, tfcre may be alu1111:i, fac­

lty , and honorary members. The dl!e of ; his societ~· is a i:rol<l key

ith the Greek h:tters Phi anti Sigma pan it, Ph1 superimposed upon the igma. The local organization was found­

:i in the sprin::r of l~J25, and form­iy r~utiored Phi SiJ.nna in May ~26. :\'otice of the nccep~anee wa~

3ce1n•d the fore part of .January and nte that time the member~ ha\e

.. en wo1kin)?" fc\·erishly in prepara on for installation. Tho~e installed as c:har er mt.'mber.s

re president, Georg-e vice resident, Heber Donoho<"; st:cretary, ara Kendall; almuni member~, Pro­~ssors R. A. Cooley, D. B. Swing-le

C. Cotner, ,I. IL Spaulding. )!r. . E. )!orris, W. L. Popham and )laud cXett ; and actiYe members, E<litr. vin~lP, DaYid E. Fox, "·alter Stan-1·, Gier. Kohls, .James Bradbury, huhert Dyche, Tom Strand and nry Young. Follo"'"-ing- installation. a banquet ls held at Gilkcrson's banquet hall iere Dr. Kirkwood delhered the ad­es!) of tht! eYening on "The Oppor­nities for Biological Field Work in


The A!? club nl{!t for the fir:;t e this quarter on Thursday EYl!­

g of last week in the Ag. building. r. ·waddell of the animal husban­Y ext.en~it·r. clepartmenr. gaYe a i.k on the recent meeting- of the .at6 \\·ool Growers' association in tte. The mee ing- was terminatc<l a general smoker. as has been the

ibit of the club.


Edith Guines Waddell Will Ac­company Chorus As Soprano Soloist

Too Bad Mf:°BW,It's Ours Now

Plan Adopted By Larger Ins ti- they ha' e taken the past year or two.

tutions Proves To Be Successful

:\li .:.- .1 ... r e•Ls ~ta<:-lL~r. ·w o pla~

OR URGES CLOSE d . he 1(;: i<lin; part in the Loo c EDIT >ro·lcc.ion la;t SJ .n , M s I 01 ob~e1~h. ,\}10 is h:1>wn to BozclT' r:

(By Al a Atkir.son) CHECK ON PICTURES ,. at re gons for her htgh c lool Following the lead of many of the l ronic ability, "Ste\\'' \\C:'"J,· ! c.

larger institutions throughout the __ ral ye'lr':5 xperience, Jull::::.on ).{1 k

I d '/Ill Wz"ll country, the Associated \\·omen Stu- 1 • • 1·v.. whi took i:a t ir t .e Tor 1 ('1 t Eurodelphian n ian inasque den•s of Montana State College are Ind1nduals Should Be Sure De- •10\\" I·' •,ear, am \Cral 0 le petitioning for official representation finite Instructions Given \"('1 \" 1 t ~c 1rs r!rn all m 'Jde1

Accordinv; to Prnf. Adam, the Col- Introduce Many Special Features on tte Student Senate. At the Intel- Photographer this year's cast. lege Chorus. will tour tr.(' state dur- collegiate Conference of A!:!sociated The play. "So T'1i h. L nclo " wa mg the basketball tournamer . .\larr.:h \\"omen Students held in Los Ani;.rele--. (By Ruben. Tooteu) ju:-t released this yrar t<J colleges

J-12. \\"hile thi"' is n:ry incum·enicnl 1 Or. Lehmc>r o[ Cniver:-;ity of Ca lifornia Preparing Overture To Be Used In last April nearly e\'ery deleg'ate rep- Each year when. the .:\hi tanau .nd univers. ies at r e\e al j ar for sonl(' it is the only possible date I Production: " ' il1 Also Appear In Cast resented an A. \Y. s.- organ~zat~on .. omes o~t there is a <:rv I rom un on pro~c.;;s anal 1-t.e yn for the trip an<l the member:..:. will be whi~h had representation on t c s u- scme of the fraterniti~s anti soron. 'luff;,·' who "";a app r Ill 11 r ,. m 1,

l b . · 1 t dent governing body of the institu- "Rai·n,·• toni, "t he Fllen t -:it1 days of sl'hool. Booking~ han.:' beL~r. The E?rodelph1an Indian Masq:1e, be used extersively in this produ"- tion from which they were delegate.;;. were left out oi the g-roup picture playe(l for sen~ral ye l s m •ht• recompl'nse( Y n11ssmg on Y wo I . . . ie:s because a few of their members ~ ...

made for conc:c1,:s in LiYing-ston, Co- has for its purpose the perpetuation tion. Montana State College is cager to re- This cry is also usually vei·y pro ductioi whit:h the Tor lt!nt lumbus, Billings, Roundup, Red of the history, art, song and dance of A special overture is being arrang- ! port that it, too, has fallen in line at nounced from the partir.:ular mdi\·id we:-ent next week Two t r Lodge, and other booking-s arc com- the Ameri<:an Indians. l\Iasques wer.:i ed by Dr. Lehmer, of t~e University I the c~nference in Ap:il ~,·hich is to be ual who was left out. lc"!'E~. the l:nivcrsit~· of' 1ow,, an I ing- in daily. After tl.eir return the first ir.trodu..:ed in ltaly .in 1512, ~Y of Califon1ia. The music to be based held m Evanston. llhn o1s. c nh·ersity of ::\lichLan a e 11 nv it .:horu~ will make several short trips members of the royal family. as i:atn- on the theory that Indian musk I This policy is working out very weil \\'ho is responsibte for such 'lTI drama this Yl'Ul'.

0 the surrour:ding- towns.


er grotesque unpromptu stagmgs, should .represent the spontaniety of in several of the larger institution;;;. omissior,? In most ta:-:cs it is bi.;; Story of Pht) based upon allegories. Later they the Ind1ar.s . The president of our A. '\\' . S. at th~ cause the person in que:-.tion fail~ The story 0 £ tfl:::. play e o.

. The program 1" entirely ne\\ an<l reached England where Ben Johnson Prof. Adam Directs :\lusic University of Oregon writes:· ''Th') to visit the studio and arrange to ~1 round two falllihes, one Engli h ,hffe1 cnt from he p~c.ced n).{ yeai~ I took them up and became one of the Dr. Lehmer will abo appear pe)·- president of our A.'"· S. has offi<:ial have his picture prepared. Teo oft"n and the other A:nedcari. Both and the cho1 us itself is much bet tel foremost \\ riters of this type of sonally and sing in the p1aJ·. The 1·eprcs£ntation on our student c:.ounci1. he merely asks a fraternity br,1thc heads

0: large shoe n :t :.i unn

tban last yc3 r m·~ording to :\Ir drama. , mu:;1c: will include also, an orchestra, She 1s a ,-otmg- membe1 This reprP- to ha\·e the photographer "put in th~ ~oncerns in their resiiec:ti\e i.:ountri ••

1 Y· Edith Gri~le:;. \\addell, '?cal in- )lany special features of 111 etec:.t tC\\n smgers; all of \\h1ch w11l be rh- A. W S. more defm1tely a part of th? brother fails to do this or w make mies, both are \·ery muc:h rejudi e Adam. due to a wide~· rang-e of '


1-1 S\mbohsm Expressed I c:horus, and men's chorus of down-iscntahon 1s \ery ,·aluable It muki.:s same one as last yel!r." Ofun ,hn lnd besides being bitter bt~ r.e "'ene

structor at :\I. 8. l · who has JU!jt r"'- to the pubhc, are to be presented 1r rec:.ted by Professor Joseph Adam, ~tudent body She rece1\eS valuab:~ i.sati5factorv arranc-en:ent;-;. a1 <l as D a~ainst anyone frorn t~e11· r va . turned fro~i u:tensl\e stud~ In Los this ma~que. A water curtarn, upon who 01gar1zed and d1rec.ed the ~Ion- l-elp and information which she takP~ nsult the1:e are several di -appointed ci,untries, ea ·h thir king- t:iat ho e Angeles. will a~company the chorus. which colored lights will play durmg I tana Symphony 01c:hestra last fall. to her council and in 1eturn she ~ people each spring. from their own land w1.·rc the onl as soprano solo1:st and a~ chaperone., the mterludes, 1s to be used, and 1he cast 1s to be selected from col- often able to contribute \aluable opm- Each fra·ernity should urg-e upon people in the world. The d·iuc:h er

Although the date hns no, been charac:tcrs 1epresentm.! lege students and profossors , 1~·11 icns and help from the women Slu- its members the import.anc:e of ar· Sir Percy Beai.;champ, with fer cha definitely decided. therl' will be- ~\I birds and animals will play a lar,!e J talent and possibly a little outside 1 dents "·e had this representation rang-ing- for their pictures at an earl· perone. ~ady Lucil_e Duc:·kswort concert given in Bozeman by thf? I part in expressing the symbolism to talent. ,!?Iven us many years ag-o ar:d appar-1 date. lt would be well for a member take a tnp to Amertca wher .. L;:dy

Chorus, to which all students will he ently had no trouble securing- it. of each fraternity to \"isit Linficld' Luc:·y meeb and falls in loYL' \\1th a

admitted on their activity tickets. ' 11.Tew System of Sport !\Tews Exchange Our president nutomotically becomes s udio ai:d check up on those who I typical young Ame1ican, >O'! of lJi. l Y1 L Yt a m~mber of the student ~ounc1l. when 1 ha,·e not had pictures taken. If thi am Drane1 $1· .• shoe manutact~rer.

I she is e1ect~d to her office. \"\ e arc is done, the blame for any picture.;; II r folk~. of cours;e, \ 11 it listen 'Varsity Debate Squad Developed by College Newspapermen ,-ery much In favor of the •Y•tem. n omitted from the group will ri.«htfui- to her when ~he c •mes home 3.nd says

makes for a better feeling. It. show:-; h- fall on the members of the .:\1.10_ o:ne 1:- in lo\·e with an Art1L•r1can.

St t S th T 1 that the Associated \Vomen Studer:t5 t~nan staff. Just a Yen· sho1 i~ la er, the

ar s OU em our I Convention of Rocky Mountain intercollegiate Press Association are recognized as an acti\'C body. Drapers visit England. Lady LJci!e

Team of Two i\len, Leroy Anderson and Henry Gardiner, wilJ

Enter Two Debates

The president of A. \\". S. is the lo- Ducksworth, being in "ympath:r " t l at Greele,.·, Discusses Cun-ent Editorial · 1 t 't th t dent IE · · E ·

g1ca w,?man O SI on e s u ngineefJfl<f xperimeilt E1.eanore. the English daughter. con·. Problems council. b tn,·es to hold an m\'ltat1onal parl)

The Associated \\'omen S'udent... s . w· h F d :or hath the English and American " since their orga.~ization here, have ta ti on It out un s famiJieg, At first, both a r. in I incd

Den\'er, Colorado, Feb. 10, 192i.--lmutual critiusm ~nd a\~~rd::i. Itr~~ taken a \"Cl)"" detm1te part m c::ampu~ to•,hink the o,h(>r famil) onl,7 a 1 unc1 Opentrg of a new era in the cove1111g expected that.. a S) .stem \\ill be wo e actiYities. Committees of th1$ or- nl "nuts''. and the men ft 1 k~ ha\ r,

The 'varsity debate squad left on of sport news by Rocky l\lountaJT\ ed out wheretn echtor s of .:~e colle.g 1 ganization are responsible for the or- For some years thrre was a ll'O\' _ row on·r the me1-its of the tv. 1 eoun-its first southern trip of the year last colle""e newspapers, was preclkted by papers of the conference will feel flc•J oanization of Girls' Vocational Con· trie;; Fi allv ali cliff:, ultit•s ire S d f h t t t t d. ~ !' II · 1 hli'cations as to make critic:isms of contemporary I~ \\' , D . d 1. mt'nt for an eng-inC>erinf exp rinH.'11 t · · . .

1 atur a\' or a s or our o en er e 1tors o · c.:o eg1a e pu · ·ournals ~ gress, for omen s 1

a~, . ~n or gtation at :\lontar.a Stat~ Coih,• _.2. set lc.>d Elearwn• ~n I 1111 :im . un two deb~le$, one with the Uni~ersity a result of a new system worked out J ·. . . many of the women~ affa11 s on the In Ari il. 192.i, n11.,\·emen'" mat(•r· or Tecen·e th(' ne mt inn f th 1r

I of Wyommg and the second w1th the at the fourth annual <:onvent1011 of Followmg a heated d1scuss1on campus. A. W. S. ts always eager I ialized and an eng-ine,.rinC" experimen~ arer .. :- ~o marry

mmitte Reports Jn Umversity of Colorado. the Rocky :Jlou1 tam l ntercolleg1arP which brought forth char~~s, an<~ and anxious to co-operate with th"' 5'tation was authoriz.~d bv ·the Stit :\Ir!". n,l\is Director

J The men 1epresentmg Montana, l .. 1ess asso<:ia 10n, held at Greeley la~t ccur 1ter:cha1~gts on the ~ubJect .o! . ..\!'iso:iated Students in all th ·y un- Bo.,,rd of Education ar:d \he l ham·t· The humor u tt'1:: nl \" re :-... int e

F f H S t State college on this tnp are Leroy weeh-end. . profess10nal1sm,_ ~nd durmg wh1c~ I dertake. . . lor of the Greater Cnin•rsi v o . .:\1- n- l'Ont st between t le fwo funnlii;- • avor 0 onor ys em I Anderson and Henry Gardiner. They Acccrdmg to the new system. fol T:ames .of spec.1f1c Dem·er _athlete>. The senate has pa>Sed the pet1tw.1 tana. . one t)picolly .\ lle ic n and +h her held then· first debate las~ mg ht, but ~e\ e1al \\eeks befo1 e 1mpo1 tan~ ~ame., we1e dla~g-ed m, the ed1~ors agree~! 1 and a v?te. of the student b.ody 1s r:ec· t) pii·.ally Erg1 s Th,, 1'..i" li~li -..en-no returns have been rece1Yed as yet. m all sports, editors of the 11\al m- to adopt m the future a. h_ands off essary m msure a clause m <he con· Hmvever, at pre:-;ent. ~ ts <'Xpl'rl- tie 11<.i Sir Pery TemH· amp, rep""

(By Don B. BEnnctt) The question on which they de- sdtution~ will exchange adva.nt:e poli:.:y, at least until cor.nct10n of the j ~titution providing for A. \\". S. rep- ment station is in name onl~ fol ~t·nted by StP\\" AYery, nl"d the .\mer-The commi1te:e on the honor syste:H I bated was, "Resol\'ed th>t Congre•s "dope" stories, and where\'er pos;ible college has . b.een assured by the COil· resentation on the student ser:ate. th<re has been no fwcls g-i»n the C"'I· ( (Oil inued rn page tht"e) the second annual congre~s of the should amend th.: Yolstead Act to cuts and other 1llustrat1ors of .the I ference off1c1als. . gineering depart1rn.:n: lo equip an•'

itional Student Federation of Amer- permit the sale of Ji!?ht wines and [teams. In this ma.nntr, .colleg-rnt~ . Ira J. Burns, e.d i.tor ~f the B.ran\t- RIFLE TEA)I \rlLL FlHE I:\ . maintain s.ueh a unit. Act'1ffd1n·~ to • reported that all colleges shr.uld beers which are not intoxicating in newspaper readers Will be !(!\"On spOl. I mg Iron of the Umvers1ty of.\\yom-1 CORPS ARE.\ )!ATCll THIS WEE!. :11r. Thaler, head of the eleC'trical de- ~1 Club Reorganizes at ,.e an honor !"y:stem of some des- iact." sen·ice as good or better than that ing, defeated Alfred \Yarf~eld of I --- r::niment, r;o fa1· as t'an be learr.c l

ption. Don Bennett attended this Tomorrow night the:i.· will debate in the daily papers, due to the fa~· Denver for the offi_ce of pres1den~ ?f The rifle team shot the exeeptionnl- the le~d~lature ha~ taktn no adinn, ~1 eting Last Saturday ogl'ess at Ann Arbor, Mi higa<l, I the Colorado Teachers at Greeley or that the maj.ority of coUege spo.rt ed1· 1 the Rocky .~Jouda1s In~erc~ll .. gia~.e 'ly high score of 3712 last week with as yet, toward voting any funds for e

-r' .t December _2-..JJ and wishes to sub- the ~ame qulstion. . t?rs ~re '.n 1~eal pos1t1ons to get Ill- Pr~ss assoc1~t1on at th~ Satt~id:~Y Saitl~ It};~ enh·crsi~y of !'\c!J:·:.-:.s!::L Xc!nas- such a purpose.

t. the following report to )lor:tan:\ I Th e team was t·hosen last \\(:'dne~- side mfounatior.. . . te1noon session. Robe1t Boko' ka's score is not vet known. )Ir . .:Hurray. of the elcctri al de- Last ~c ·tr<lay afte1noon the ")!"'

l te college and its eommunity:. day night throi.:gh competi'.ive try - Sessions of the association_will be ver and _Gold ~iaff member, W'.l~ 1 This week the ~hampionship match rartment, ~tatt's that there an~ an~ men met ~t :!:iii) in the l'jllege g-ym­. It was the majority opm1on outs in whi..:h the following were en- held next yea1: on the <:ampus of the dected. ~ice-presid~nt when no ~thei of the 9th Corps Area is beicg iirt·d. r.umber of research problems to b nas um :for the pu . J:'l' of rcn1 .v1'· tt it was advi~able tu f.ave ~111 tered-Hjalmar L::mdue, .Joe Liver.;, Colorado Agricultural college, Feb- competition was oHered ~ml Doioth~ The winning team from this an".:t worked out if such a sta:ion were ir. en, and 1ectetl Ray Bali for r -or system the irnod fea·ures and LeRoy Ancler:;on, \\'illis Wood, Wil- r~ary 3 and -t, as~ re~ult ?f the_ a~- Hunn of ~olora_do_ Aggi es _becanH' l will then compete for national ho11- operation here . .-\.t present almt • idcnt, Tenr.y Bab~oc 1 • \Jcc-pre 1 n efits of such a system o\·erbal- liam Benjamin, ard Henry Gardne:. tlon of the g-roup m adoptmg PleSl- se<:ie_tary IP. a similar ma.nnei. . 01s. The !)th Corps Area in which all of the research work of outi:.iJ. Gt·orze Y'."lgt. SL'- retar~ urn I:rick

ce the bad fe3tures, ~uch as th~ Later in the sEason further tryout" dent Lory's in vi' ation. Editors expressed ~nanimous 0 11\n- I the local team is located is in the foi- nature being carried on a.t the e1·- Br('ctlen tre~\surer . um of report:ng- fellow-~tuden~3 will be held and a ;earn will be drn~- Lta h Her.resented . ion that the enlertammen~ was t.l~ lowing state:5: California, Ore,!?on, g-ineering laboratories is throuj!h the The ")!" ('Jufl has b n ina\.1' , l the responsibility of upholdin~ en to represent :'\Iontana State Colleg Arott~er stride take~ by the ~cribe . .; best of any of the com·ention!-; . F~~ 1 \Yashirg-ton, Nevada, Utah, 'Yyom- initiative of the n1rious ins ru<"tor [as far ns oryanizatiun i con r" l. ir condm:t. in Utah. at the conc)a\·e was In the field of ~anquets, two dai:ces, and two thl il- inz, Idaho and l\lontana. interested in certain probkms. f,,r ~he pa--t three ye~u.::t, nnd sever I. HaYing agn~ that tl:e honor hng basketbal1 g-am~s were on th~ • o:· the oltler '!lembC'r.:: a on.. \\i+ ·tem is a good thing, a dis.-ussivn pro~ram of entertamment.-Dcnver (' ch Romne\ m con e"" t' Etr t

methods and mechanics of 'Y'· DUNGEONS OF MONTANA HALL EXPLORED I Clanon. ARE YOU GOING TO A MASQUERADE, SJR?. c "led that it woul' be adv lblP ' s r<vealecl the fact tha.t the sy .;- SO T ITI S IS LONDON Ellen The- I reorgam e ii' 01 a r to a compli h s are run <.hfferently m all col- . ~e\ ra_ thinl!~ ,,h1 ti tan be= t he

es-not only that each >chool MYSTERIOUS SOUNDS TRACED TO ·ORIGIN atre, Monday cventng. NOHELLI. TO THE LIBRARY TO SING.I handled by t'>i< orga ''•at n. rk out a svstem to meet its own . los• r he time w~ p nt 1r t 1

uliarities b~t that thereon is a \'ast election ,( oi" ·il'(•l's anti a H cu io

derencc of opinion on ways uf the visitor's mind as he penetrates NOTICE f . . ,:f the purposrs of this luh .\. \\ 1 hdling the matter of reporting- The dung-eon:s of the Spa111~h Inqu - 1 Strange Happenmgs on Campus. I half sock!-;, and the cutest garters to wa~ pas!<Pd that onh; ")I' meu wo

•·aches.- of lionor. ~lcthods of re- :sil1on were not tl e only dark a.nd ell!;- the blackness to reach a light, anc The most unusual scenes were un- mntch! "No wonder half the boys t' al1o'1.ed •o "t' t '<' \ar ty ";\I h h ti \'·ith the flood of li""ht the vi.:ion o~ f d h t d t J t F 'd · l l th t · d ' t I rting range all the wav from whol- mal i.:~nes tencat t. e ear ls S~' f'o A ll R. O. T. C. nten vote or folde to t e s u ens as •r1 ay- mrnsec c as::;es a mormng-1 an 1. l( ck(•r oc Ir! snwe n (''lt m Tl}' st

Personal act .ion to a "complete ab- face \\~e hav(' one of out O\\n m Lie spirits is replaced by reality in the your· prefei·ence foi· Battalion and it seemed. as if Aladdin himself is reported that se\·ernl of =--aid men 1+.: 1t .. wh( w re> rn n any ,a:r .• ..

[ 'l t n 1 form of electri<: tram•formers tha.t bb d h l d t I h d t l t f ce of the personal ell'ment and it 1 sub-basement r(:~10rs o. . ·'on a · had ru e is amp 1 an presen ec a to ge f! as:-;es on accoun o can• ,_a\'e bt r. u in thi rvom 111

I I t, constant!" hum on with no one to lis- and Company sponsors next 'I s c · d t- t · 1 1 I h d ms to be so much on a basis oi Hall. :'\lystery and tra{ 1 ion seen; {. J to ~'. . . campus a var1e assor s ramec eye:;. thr P~ ~t anC' dnpnvin hri~e wh • "il

sonal taste that it is impossible: ha\"e ~u~ rounded the:::>~ lower re~~~~,'~ ten. Friday in :Montana Hall ment of ~eople. . . .Just when things were getting real- made thc:r Jettc-•s oi. thi opportun!h decide on any one method as be- for stones ha Ye been told of Jn another corner of the indefinite A beautiful harem g1~l was the first Ir interesting, in gallops little Arc hi- l \\as eeided. t '· n th e('t 111

tht> best. There seems to be an three to fh·e lowtr floors on,c darkness, a his:$ing ~ound bring~ I one we saw, clothed m t~e conven- bald-all dre~sul up in his best blue h:lt a :.: d Jll in th hl n h ,, 1 d r dh·i!-;ion also in the matter of bduw the other and extend111g- u~de.- thoug-hts of sub-surface reptiles an~l liona.l harem cost:1me: .with a long suit , with the usual half socks and be ns,•n:C'd f•r m~. 1 dur"n h t th~r the same body in a college irite db anc<:s below tl e le\"cl of th~ a:rain the flash of light rcyeals i:otl'· ~EWS floatmg green \'etl h1dml; her f_ea- stickv stick of camh·. He was about gc'b:ill Jra ncs.. \\ t tti s 111 ~

luld handle both student iroveru- phy~ics depnrtment. ing but the hissing of pipe~. tores. She wa~ modestly walkmg- six f~et tnll-but th~n stnmg-e lhinl!'s f tf10 on c~ \\ou11l ton~ to the 'aP. (' llt and honor system affairs, a~td '\" hile it is true that the windir~g:-: ...\ large network of ripes run bac': through Montana Hn11, followed by were happcnin~ that 'morning-. Fol- WNl.rin~ swc l r nm, t:il e t cir tto whether -~he two should be <l1s- and branchinas of the:--e ta\'e-Iike and fourth across the room::; with their \\'HO ?-Tormentors th~ ardent gnze of all the male popu- lowing Archibald was what we infC'r- plarc in t.h(• -:.ed r: 11e club pin~

ished . rooms make it seem a$ though th~rf> branches extending on to the upper " "H}'f?-So T his Ts London lation. red to be hir; mother--attirecl in ht>r to m:ikt• it {'Ofllplll o1y th1t t\e1 lI. The chief rroblem which con- \\-·ere several floor~. there is in reaht_,. regions. " "llEN ?-:\tonday evening, Feb- Scarcely ~ad she turned the co~·nerl btst nightgown and du~knr. fnll~l- ··~1" 'i an attend irse ~ \ n and l

ts those who have perfected a but one sub-basem(nt tu .\1ontana Ammeters, voltmet1;:rs 1 switches, ' ruary 21 [when a wild and woolly cnnmbal, fullv c:.arrving an alarm l'iock and the reser• I H t on. em i~ that of creating ii; the stu- Hall. A nanow stairwny leads down and 11 re::;surl' )!ages, make one corner \VHERE?-Ellen Theatre wearing huge earrings an<l w_ith straw g-azing ki~dlv throu~h her glas;c:>s .it <..:cvi·ra: ~nat l'l' of g-cle al nt I'

' bod.~~ a spirit o. f honor and '1:1 to the floor of tUs l.ia~emen~, 1>.r of the basement appear to be an ex- HO\V?-By the College's Best [draped. effectively around hun, saun- lhe wOnderi~g crowd~ C';"t wr·re cii_ i:ussC'tl a ~d u ru~ tltu b 1 t t t th 1 h t stitut s b t S II t Dramatists tered 111 on snowshoes. Ile looked tmnl comtml.,.ee a 1pj rntc<l l y Ra:i.:

·weY !ng re~o u ion ° pu. e 1·ather to the grounc 1 a con. · I ,·erimental la ora ory. ma umi.:•is most ferocious, but being left alone, At this moment, when no one would Ball. n:o:."<l n" for t""e purpi e nr m rnto effect. I ll the discus- the floor, and from there dozens o.r running out across the urclcr surfaLc WRY?-For the Students of harmed no one. And then-well, you ha\'e been surprised to sec ,Iontana fi g - t j w'1a w~ the cl

?f the po:--si'?ililies of educatin~ small passageways lead off throug-.1 of the campus to the heatmg plant, ;\l onta na State College co-eds. watch your step, and take Hall turn into a mu:-;hroom, and t. e or .. t ton and bnn nt t

ralnt>d people into a sense of hon- .;;mall brick ar.hways. and power supply. help to make . the Wh at' ll we do about it?-"~E'LL vamping lessons from the original fncultr into dwarfs -we rememhned! ne-.:t mf'eting any ("hang s tbroy h ul it was pointed out by nn expert · . · heard in the dist- entire ba!'lement an explorer's _dehght ALL GO. flapper. She slouched about our cam- lt was the new Bouffom: entertaining deem ne<:essary. TlJe. dub will rrc t

t honor is not an inmate quality A low mo_amngd~~t 1 · thoughts of in which ciust and darkness reign su- I pus in a vivid red Charleston skirt, on the day of initiation! I once a month. human being-s, which it is impos- ance ~n~ tmnH tan~; students fills preme.

(C<>ntinued on Page Three) tl1e spmts of forl


[lt.c lBuld11 t.x::p-11n.c1tf Publi::1hed EverJ Tuesday of the Colle~e Year by

the .Staff Cho~cn From the Students 01 :\Iontana State College of the Llniversity of ~lontana,

Bozeman, llontana Subscription Rate: S.2.00 per School Year



T.\F F JO O'COl\l\ER '~8




! • • '• ~:.~,~~~;-~~~(:;:\-~~1:,~~~-~:~:~:~:h•i • ~~~c~ ' • • • ·-11. \mJ1 ~ ;Ys; t Mt~ \JnJ_ll Kappa Sigma Dance 1+r--- ____jit _ r'ebruary-Hl-Satur<lny-Alpha Gamma Delta -

Dance. Kappa Delta Fireside.

Ft.-·brunry 25- Friday- ::\lilitary Ball. Fcbrunry ~6-Satur<luy-Alpha Omicron Pi ..

Dance \larch s Tutsdn,r-0. B. Pledge Dance.

\\"e now hn\·c a IL\TRACK . \XD. on it, anything you may tack. l f \'OU run across a wise crack, Se1;<l it in and sig-n a contrnl't.

trnits which makt:' a j.!roup mor0 .. ~1.m-genial tog-eth<'r. _ .

There arc ::;;ects and rdunons ~l'l' which we nrJ!UC hotly; thl'l'l' arc 111-dustrial 1ln:nnizations. sodnl and bu~inc ss duh~.

Thus-our Greek letter fraternities arc.l s~noritil'"--n hum~m .. GA:\G UP."

desir1..· t•)


.. : I This week let us con~ider some of • I I I ' I I • I I I • I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lht_• time honoree! ('U~toms that arc ---------------------- 1 mo~t dlnr to u:;-Therc i~ THAT AN-

1 lion has picked out an unusually delightful and cn:l\T ClJ:iTO)!,The ~leeting. ...................................... ~ ................................................................................................................................................... "'-"' BUSINESS STAFF BUS!l\El'S MAl\AGER ERl\EST DEALTON '27 AD\'ERT!Sl:\G )1.-\J\:AGER -- - ... .... -

LA SELLE WORTHINGTON '29 C!RCULAT!Ol\ ~L-\l\.-\GER ______ .... ----- ... - -·

·-- ___ •... RUSSELL .-\l\DERSO:\' '28

Ass:istant in Business, Dave Carpenter: Assi:)tant in Ad\'ertising. Franklin Lamb, Len Robbins, Frank Clsarani; :bsi~tnnts in Circulation, Clifford Swan­son, Joe Delaney.

:\Iorgues, ~lnrgnret )lcDonnld; Sten~graphe:s. Glndvs :\ichob Frida IJenc..lrirkson, Cotln Holhs:

· t . stin Jl:l\- SO THIS JS LOXDOX. to be pre-1 They '";- the fll' 't meetm!!: wn< n Jn ei e. g l • ' . . . . tot:il failUl'l' bc~:ause the President sented :Honda>- night. This J1l"Oduct1on has JUSt wa"' l'at<.'n hy a ma!'todon on the way been released to college~ this year and the royal- to tlw chaptC'r hm1 H' and. a~ Rnbcrt .. t .•.. ) ex ~eptionalh· high so thal the under- had not as yet written his charming-lC:-; <1lt: · l . L • • ' ~ • • • I li ttll~ t rC':1ti~C' on •·wh r w~ ~hnuldn't taking this year 1s especially chtf1cult. Beha,-c Like Tfumn - Being,." they

Some of the best talent of the college will ap- I couldn·t au1w on who "ns to preside. Pear in lhi::; ::\taging. and C\·ery one can be a~sured :'o-:'·· how('\"l'l'. _wl' ha\'e Roberts . He . . . . is hkl' ~lr. A Simms. the ne\'er-to-bc­of a most en.1oyable ennmg if they attend tlus fur"otten i::entleman from the Pu!!;et pbn·. Sound ct.mntry. ·we ~hould always ~ rl'.'n1izt' th<' import:rncc of the project

\ LETTEll \ Der(' Lou: ~ Then•~ lots of news 'round thi:-;. phl·1·. \~

pal'l'-The Yol.'ationnl Bo:rs haYC' s.ct th'c''· ~ ThC'r<' ,,·u z n mob ~ttt..:·rnlin' ~t·h1,111. \ll sizc"--liltlc om·~ an' bi~ llllC~

Hut tl' y'l"l' all g-cim>. Jt'-: hnskl'lh:. 1 \

now. .~. An' that old ··c" won't 1..·a;t ug "um·· • Cau:--l"' our IC'ttm '' ipC' .. 't•m up <1 ~

d~Wll, \



THE BUNGALOW Proof Reader~. 1

Francis Kelly, Frand Howard; Staff Artist, " "ilhelm \\"al l.

For the benefit of 1·isiling high school teams, 1\-e would like to sa,· that ontburst$ of profanity on the basketball floor are not looked on 1Yith fayor. and are ne1·er used by the Bobcat teams.

wh 'ch brin~:'; u~ to!!dher for thC' nwf ting'. The main thing- nfter thnt is to Lan' :.::oml·~me \vh o moYC~ and some­n1w who seconds ;'tntl a j!'roup who lw~:rtily di:--n~rec and thEn Yotc in fav . .n· of the motion.

\nd il 's a circtt" with hem 'he < The~~li~~:.~~~ tC'ad1cr~ still g1..•t tl1c pri: 1. :...,.._.._.._ .. _.._ ....... -.. ................................ _.._..._ .... .._.._ ............... - .. -...• .. -..-..-.. .... -...-......_.._.._..._.._.._..._..._ ............. .._.._..._._"\ll FE.\ Tt:RES

FEATURE EDITOR .... _______ .. )!AR IAN SHAW '2i A~sistants: 2\Iargaret Dewey, HcLnc Stocker, Ber­neice Crane . Winnie Brackett, :\lary Hale.

Fl'r la•inl!' hard lwartPd Ilunn:-ih g-uy:--! • ===============- :====== ======= Tl1C' six \\'C'l•ks rolJTlli u11 hcz jl'"t ll': ~~-~~~-----..-------• ,

REPORTE RS Ralph ::\[cCall, ' Yilliam Bt>njamin, ~Iila Pnrkin, R~th AsbUJT, Bill Ross, :Margaret Dewl'y, Roy 'e:vk1rk, Ros::; Hutchins, Esther Stockton, Clarer~cc .I\erl~e, Eloise Howell, Yirginia Mills, Theo BenJamm, Vtr­ginia Gilbert, Leone Galcrneau1 :\lary illcCoy, ::\1artha .Flynn illarjori(' Ritchie Bekn Strong, Don Bennett, Bu°b T~otell, ChL't Pabl~y, Ruth Roger:::;, Robert Dull, Gertrude Dawb Albert Greiner, ' Yillis \\·cod, Yir­ginia Gilbert, D~rothr Jackson, :'\Inrjorie paulding.

Courier Print Bozema n. Mont:ma

loose, It knn·s ml' fet..•lin' JikC' the dcuc'l'! Thl'rC' ain't no scandnl round ~hl' pln•'l' Rut I clo thirk it·._ n hlamctl di~l!'l":ll'(·. \Ye suggc.'st that the Duffon~ drop th.e bourgeoi~ I Ln•ry ~i.~·~ .. ·rol~C'g-~?tl" _or __ oth~'.~'·i.$e The Landy count~r.'s hC'ut tnok :iwn~; t \~pe of initiation and adopt a n1ore ref med a~$en1- t•n _hl'~ l 11 !'t D.1tc thinks sh~ s re- .\nd now there amt no plat'(' to pl_a~ • . \olntio111zl'rl the world. But dates 'Well· I mu~t dosl\ will write a·,.tn, l>ly den1onstrat10n. han• heu1 an<l will he forc\'er.

4 Yours foreYer,

I "WhC'n Adam dclvt'rl. and E\"t~ Your loYin' )[in . ................................ -..-... ... -..-...·.-..-.... -.. ..._ .. _._..._......_..._ ..... ~ ........... .. -. ........ .....-....... -... ... ..., !'.pan.·· they met urnll·r the apple trt'e

~ ~ nll·l'ting- had a hiJ? effect on•

""" ~ the r ~t of us! Th1.·n, Romeo and Jul-~ ,\ TH.\ G ED) , £ X C H A N G £ S \ iet l'ame along and ~tag"ed the mcmor- "T\\as a l·nld 1 .. h :H. ar.1l > ~ ahl • hnkony ~C'ene Theirs was thl' nn\\ \\as ta 1 hnt!" .. \\1f1lr Th .. t\\ -

' t t

: t ~



THE SUGAR BOWL :_~------~-----·--~--~--~--~--~---( \ clnndco:;tine date-Romeo e,·en 1 thl" hnndsome ) outh. nml the lo\l h ~ Borghilcl Anderson, Editor ~ r nll·mbered to In 11 !!: a lailder Re-



nm don. >l<>t><I on th,, po1<·h n'1d ""t h- ~'-"'-'-~'-'-'-~'-~~'-'-'-'-..S.'-'-'-'~~'-''-~ "'-''-'~'-'-~~'''-~'-'-~ ~ \ 1a •mg- our a httle. let uc; recal1 l'd thl• "ntn\ flak~ .. fa1irn~ .. Tht: ~ , ~ the> l'a\'t•man who, rob{'d m fm::;, l'\t.'llll !!" had bel'n a tl'nd('l' one. aml ,,_ M 0 NT AN A s TAT E c 0 LL E fi E ""°.._.._......._.._.._ •• .._..._..._.._.._.._.._.._ .... .._.._......._.._..._.._.._.._.._.._.._ .... .._.._..._._.._ ............. plu~kerl hi" to',·ed <'Ill' from her paten- Time in his f11cht. had pa .. -.e<l \\it- ~

LO\\ DOW:\ \\"Ol\T DO I:\' PH! l\ T I ta! domicile, and rnrliod her to hi' ly. until the hour \\a' a late om'. '

EDITORIALS All Editorials written by the Editor rir. ~

otben\'ise signed


-- -- rot'1<y c.·a\'C'. IIisto1-y has rl'peatl:'d But Romam·e Lhw~ not tlnwl' n•ad· '-ProYo. Utah , Feb. fl-College ~candal and other news itsdf as it has a 11nbit of doinj!- and ily on zero wc·atht:r. and at last the ~ of n destructi\"(~ n:ltUl"l' was frowned upon at the conYen- l."°t•n unto the pn'St'nt day-Ye CaYc- fair nHl~llen tunwci hesitat111;:::1y to ' tion of the Rot·ky :\lountuin lntcrcollt.>giute Press ...\ssoci- m~m rchms suprC'mC'! ward ~he door and fourd, to her ]1<)1'-1 ~ ation at. Grt:>ely, ('oloradt\ on the campus of the Colorado ror. lh:~t it wa:" lo~·k('(l- ~ Stat(' Teat'11er:::;' Colli;g-(>, Fl"bruary '1 and 3, according to Om· pledge want~ to know who ;s T·Jnun.!'.! lll'·l'l'l'htngly to h1..•r l'"ui~t. ~ Dilwarth S. 'Yooley, editor of the Utah Chronicle, who the> folll1w at )liss1.1ula who writes f~r andl with tl•ars in hrr blut• l'Y<.':-. ~ e I" h I t f f Utah to attend the the> h.aimin and tC'll~ all the bo~1ers ~:i.i1 ~l . l k l 1 l . ~ A t a r ecent meeting of the letter men it was was t e on Y represt•n a 1'·e rom hi$ _g-irl 1m11~. Ht• thinks. the bird ·· ..... 1 tC' · t 1 :ousC'-mot H.:r s ) meeting of the as~ociation.-The Y :\l•ws Brigham isn't muC'h of a g'l'lltleman. lock<.•d me out ag-ain! You b0at i ' suggested that all "l\1" men should be gi\·en a Youn.- u. :md I'll crawl in tho bast•ment w'n- ~ permanent ticket to all athletic games upon com-

dow:• \" P letion of their college work. This would enable ST.\ l\FOIW W O)!El\·s \"OTE 01' ) !OKI NG Tll,\T OLD GAl\G- Thu> ended the tt•te "'· ala>. nn1'' ~ F.\'l'I" ~incl' the beginning of time, all collC'J.!"l' dates.! ' the~e men who ha\'e spent many long hard hours if, heen ju't arn her human weak- ~ cl k . f th 1 Xo Ion~ r will Stanford Uni\'t.:rsit\.· women bC' forced 1 · h- k l ll I '

e1·en- season drilling an wor mg or e gory no'' to- "'rn1r up_ r you t ir - · lat ,.o ego 't"' ,., ~

Bozeman, ·111ontana

A school that has buillt and maintained standards of scholar:;lup. Offering courses in the follow ing di\'i ions:

College of Eng ineer ing College of .\ g ri culture College of .\pplied Science Collei:e of Household and lndu ' trial Art

Each cour:;e leads to the degree Bachelor of Science

For Informat ion \Yrite to T HE R EG ISTR.\R. M. S. C .. BOZEl\L\K, l\IONTANA

· . f t t t f to ~mokt_• in ~tuffv rooms behind locked doors- -and burn The Indians, in thl'ir primiti,·e can·t act. c\1n1e <lown to the Ellen , of then alma mater to see all l.l ure con es s 0

incense before lNt~·int.:. After man~- secret di:)CUssions the !"ttlVl'. frirmed tril1e... Thl'y dl'C'Orated :\knday and lie surpri.-:.e<L "''"""'""'"""''"'~""''"""''"'"'"'"'~"""'~ ~~~""-~""-'~"""'"''''''"""'''~ the school without paying the price of an out-I "'omen'~ C'onfrn·nce dedan•d in favor of a liberalized th'ms1..•l\'l's with ·he same symbol5, sider. smoking rule hy n Yote of 68 to 1. \\·orshippecl in like· manner, and spoke It seems only reasonable that the school should B)- tho new rule tlw women may not smoke in public the 'amo lanc:uai::c. Old Clans raged be able to g r ant sonle recognition to these men places nn the campu~, but may decide for themseh·es as war at:ain~t each other for ce>nturies. aftel. the." graduate

8;nce the}' i·ecei·,·e small to whether they 'hall smoge in their li\·in!!; g-roups.-New alwn)-, endeavoring, 'elfish!y, to _, .a..u 1.rnin 11ersonnl power. It is human for enough recompense for the work that they do Student. man to bolon!!; to n tribe. to halk other I

tril•L•s, to wear the snme ''decor-under the existing conditions. l\lany other col- .. TRL'E .. " \GAZ!'\ES .\RE PREFERRED BT ation<' to walk, talk, affect tho .ame ·

tana State follow their footsteps and grant these ---- 'sos. modern customs, likes. di<likes,

leges are doi ng this same thing. "11y can't llion- WESTE!l:\ STCDEl\TS mannerisms. \\"e have race Iikene•-1

h h b ht 1 cl h d Gunnison, Calif. Fe>b. ~- "A sad but true fact is that I men w 0 a1·e roug g ory an onor an pres- I the mag-azines which ~tudcnts buy most are those with the t ige to the Bobcat school, this one little pri\'ilege word ' ·True' tnekod to the title, such as True Stori_., ,----------------. as a token of the esteem with wh ich the school True Romances. Truo lletecth·e, True Confessions, and THE ' holds its fighting warriors.


also such magazines as I Confess. Pnris, Paris and Holly­woo<l, and a few dealing- with western stories" said Clyde ::\lartin. propri{'tor of :\Iartin's Book Store, when intcr­Yil'wed re>cently on the type of magazine most often pur-chased by coll<:'ge students.

THE " 'EEKLY EXPONEXT wishes to offer "\Yo ,-ery seldom s 11 sueh magazines as Scribners,

Champion Shoe Shop GIVES

its congratulations to the members of Phi Sigma, J Atl~ntic ;\Jonthly, Anwrican )lercury, and Review of 1

-1 • · t 11 d t · l It · ".-th . t d l Rov1ew'; and we never sell Correct English. The Satur-

10% Discount ne: ) ms a e na 10na · rn 1 a _gi ea ea da)' EYenin!!: Po>t is probably the b .. t seller to both of interest that we watch the mstallat10n of new ,tudent> and townspeople, but ewn the townspeople buy nationals on t he campus since each one adds a True Stories: t·ontinued ~Ir. )Jartin.-Top o' the World


Op1>osi!e Woolworth's great deal to the college prestige. We are sure \\e,tern State Colleg-e. 1 -------------~ that the chapter here will be a ''aluable addition ) L\ l\ \ 51T DE>.TS \\ORK " _\ y Tll llOCGTI COLLEGE\ to both the national fraternity and the college --------- - - --community. Pullman, Wash- Thal the majority of Washington Stute I I

students·netl either all or purt of their college C'-xpenses I F A S H I 0 N I TORMENTORS during- the la't 'emestor has boen determined by n ,urvey made by the rei::istrai .. , offiee <luring the past school term. I Barber sh 0 p I Eighty-thrcl' p1..·r n·nt of the men and 37 per cent of the Next l\Ionclay night the community and stud- women rnrolled are ongag-ed in work of some kind, tho I 1 cnts of Bozeman will ha1·e the rare opportunity figuros indicate. and

of seeing some of the local talent of the college Tho sun-ey clisdo'l'd that of the 80 per cent of the I Beauty Shoppe J display their wares as dramatists. E\'ery year student body who replit•d to the questionnaire, 5·1 per cent th 'I t h l cl t d of th ml'n studt_•nts nml 17 per cent of the women made J B NEIL p 0 ··e t · _ e or~en ors a\·e s age one or \\'O pro uc- their own way cntirl'iy during- the school term and the · · ' r JlII 0 ' t10ns which have always met the hearty appro,·a l 'ummor rncation poriod.- The E,-orgreen wa,hington I Baths Phone ·161-J of the college community. This year the organiza-

1 State. !------- ---------'



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When the plutarchs start plutarchinq

AT THE nigh t sessions, when class philosophers vie with class M erry Andrews in deciding the heavy p roblems of the world-or burlesquing them - notice the royal guest, Prmcc Albert. Chiming in with the spirit of the occasion. Fill­ing the air with the finest tobacco-aroma ever.

Do you smoke Prince Albert? It will bring you more pleasure and satis ' action than you ever thought a pipe could gi,·e. The instant you throw back the hinged lid and release that wonderful P. A . fragrance, you suspect you are in for some grand smoke-sessions.

The very first pipe-load confirms your sus­p1c1ons. Cool as a gate-tender. Sweet as the week-end reprieve. l\1ild as the coffee in Com­mo11S-mild, yet with a full body that satisfies your smoke-taste completely. Get yourself a tidy red tin this very day,

~RINGE ALBERT -no oth er tob acco ts like it!

0 1927, R. J, R"l·nn'•I! Toh3( ·o', \\"11l);t~·:-.a.1cm, !'..: C.

P. A. i1 mid ttr,..._.h~t' i" lidy rtd tinJ, ('<>•.m./ dnd h1JIJ. l'Oll"d li11 humidc>rs, .snd f'o.rmd ,,...,,J/.gfo~s humidou 111 ith 1('<>11gt'·PllOIJl(~nt•r ltlf'. And .rl•JH •ilh t'lo"n bi t (If bitt Jnd p.n<h rcmo'>td by tht' Prinec: ~ lbc:rt procf."JS.

;\largarct Booth, Editor

Ali e Ba roour was called to ~"th Tuc·sday ev(•nin~ becau~<: C1f ;!Path of her mother, :\lrs. J. E.


Helen Solberg, Assistant


lation of Jlontana Beta chap•er of ~- .-\. E. at the Cni,·ergity. Those J!'Oing w1 re: 'Wilbur Smith, Stanle)· llodg~on, John SJ)hrrenbl'rger, Ern1::;t El~e. and Stewan . ·onon. Emmett :\Iuort, an alumni of thb chapter and a pro\ im:e lJfficer also went ow:r.

Students Use Heating Plant In Turbine Tests

Spurs Plan l'\ational Convention For April

students up to a proper re{!'nrd for tricn Frt?eman D:w:s instructor , 1

honor nnd placing- in the : t,.;. .i.n Englb•h and Dramatic~. Ln~t Yt~ r nbidin[!' trust an<l confidem·c- \\ h. ·h the annual produl!tion was dire<..t

will b.e an im:entin~ for heir m Ii- by )t1:5s \Yi!::;on, then English 1_

At the Spur meeting Tue::;da,,_..· vidual use. Ar. honor sn•t\:'m <an'Jot stn1ctvr. who is no here th~\ ar night, plans for the convention were be installed or perfected in a sinr-1 T1.t' cast is as f~llows! - ·

~!any of the engineering student ... diM:u~sed. A leti<:r was recei\·ed r.ear--ru.ther it mu~t develop t~·r'l''-'- Hirau Drar-er ,Tr. .Harold RivinC'

find a ra·.her interesting test being from the Seattle chapter, in,·itin~ hon. throuzh ~evcrnl :ye:ns 01 un- El.inur B<'auL·hamp _ .. Lois Cobleigh · d h k t th h t· them to ha\'e it there April 1-a. It 11

1 f h II I · will be the fir:-;.t convention, R d t th t th C t al 'l I .\"BOA P l1l S carrie on eac 'vee a e ea mg censm~ care. . . I lt"an Hrarer ~r. ..Judson Mh~kimi".

E:\TERT_\ I~. p a1 t o t e l:O ege. t com'l~ts '"•i and i~ 11cce!'sarilv arousin ... ,.onsidet- _ecommen a _ions: ~ e en r - rs. Hi.ram DrapC'!" )lary

ESTEH.T.\l.\" .\T Fll<E:-\IDE. making- a general test of a steam ·7 .. .. Office collC'ct information on work- ~ir l'L~r y llcauc .imp Stc·w \V(' •

The Amigo ( Jub entertained at a Lan1ttia Phi entertain£d at a fire- turbine. abl<" inten:-~t. amo~g the various chap- ings of honor :-:;stems in all th) C"Ol- j .-\lfred H1•nE"Ycutt -

Fin:-:idr. I- r1da\· e\·ening. The part:. si.1:e at he chapte1· hou~e Friday e,·e- This turbine. according- o ).lr. ters. le.sre:-> and hold hi:; infonnation ava }. '\Yilliam ( R ) :\I c;re

was chiq1t·ror ed by Le Roy Powers. ning. T~e ~ouse .w~s de~orated in- Th k I h 1 f th h - I The Spurs of )lontana State is the abll' for an:.· <ollege which may arply I. uii· I~eaucham1> .'ltn \tk1·n·.-on

Ou~ of town i!Ul':O:ts.- \HU.:' ).Jrs. '\'. A. I formally m \ alentine ~day, th. e ch. ap- er ·e sen, eac o e mec amca th h t <l . t ll I th o "" -~

Reineman a1'1J :\1rs. 2\1. ". llodg-es. t<:r. ard school color comb1nat1ons. department, was purchased five- year:-. ;~:1iz:\i~~afn:~" aa~at~~~a~ i~ thee fa1:j for it. .\ flunkey at thf' Hi ; JC' m

About forty couples were present. ag-o but due to a chang<.• in the cam- of H12-L Rhoda Harris, '26. was the C. S. GLEA \-E~. lluck:;:\\otth' butl1 r· T o1 a

The t·hapt"rones were: :\Ir. and :\Ir:s. pus plan and the fact that r:o high first national prc~ident of the organ- l1nivcr~ity "- \"ir:.r11i butl<T J.t' :\I 1 r

f)f~:'\ER (~LESTS R. B. Bowden. )lr. and ~lrs . E. L. pressure f";team could be ob~ained it iza'.ion. ··~o T iil ~ IS J.O'"."OO'".-" .\ LPH \ 0 H.OL"SE. . t Grant. ~lr. and )Jrs. Lou Howard, was ne,·er u~ed. This was remedied .:'I ., - ·' . ...

'.\largery Spauld- _Dc>an ... Hc_rrH_'~· :\Ir~. ~: B. :\oble 01 J and )Jr. and ;\lrs. "'-A. )lurray. somewhat early last spring so this I If . h' k th t 11 tud 1 .:\EXT ~10~0 .\ Y E\"EXI:\'G

~entertained the· Alpha O rhapter I all~. :\Jt. and :.11~. ~J. ~1. lfom- Th~ l..'1.IC'sts were: .Jo O'Connor. turbine cou ld be used but no test" 1 you t m a cot egt~ sElles

\'al(ntire tea !"unday aft<·rnoon Jlton and ".\.lr and :\Ir" \\ S n~vid were made until during the pre$ent 1 cant act, come down_ 0 e en (Continued rrom pag-p or.r1 RADIO ht· Alpha O Attic. as a house>- sen ~\·tre e-nt~rtairn ~l ~i di;n~~ at t ; :\lar.l.!a~·et Galla;::-her, Lois Pitman, quarter. )lonclay and be surpnsed. iran )lanufacturer. Hiram Ii1a1 l'f

m.n~ to celehrnte t11C!' renovation Alpha Omi ron Pi hon l' \YednL .. "d.i .. Buzzard, Ora :\lar~·k . .:\lar- Although this is onlv a fifteen !:ir .. repref";en,ed by .Tud~on ,:\li;;;k min. SETS - TUBES - P .\RTS BATI'ERIES ~ · g;:iret Hammond, Lena Dans. Lor- · CO,DIITTEE REPORTS 1:\ -

heir apartment. e\·ening-. rain1: e_ oy. Ruth Rutll•dc-e. Charlotte kilowatt ma ·hire tl-!e same work is ;- _ ro R OF ONOR SYSTEM furnbh the most 8triking contrast

-- Putnam. :\Jnnraret Ciawford. CarolmC' done as m lC':;;tmp: any of the largc"l 1 .\\ H .l 1 and supplv a good d(>a} of thl.' hum n.

~ (_'\P \"IJ <:O".\ Hale\·, ('Jamlma Opd'fk<· Harriet machines and the \\Ork and method.~ I --- Harold RJ\trC's represents thp :.oung D. H. BUDD CO. 'iJp!Hl!<KH:HX>ll I;! I (.\RI) l'.\HTY. I Stnn~ Ehn Rudd. ::\h·n~dc~ Staebkr, acc:ord1nc to }.lr Therkelsen. are \ery I {~onbnued from .pap,c one) . 1 ultra-modern Amt:riran in a \e1:v l~p-

HE \R Q The ('ap an I Gi \\n ~oriet:. cf :\Inn- .Jo .... ephll l• lljt-lnnall. Helen Waldorf, ~ea1Jy or exactl~· the same a~ 1s done sible either to mstill mto them 01 :o ! able_ manner and .shoc~s the Enl!'l1-.h 1

4 tana Sate College g3\C' a cat I part:. Bermce Reim e Ber hot, Jn ... m ma~1P.g such t~c:ts at the Gener~l 1 e1ud1cate from them, but rathi::r th,it family by hts typical lankre mann<! ..

m the Ftnplace room of Jh ri H 1' Peter-... :\lal!ilalere Zell r. Rosal!" Electric Company s pl::int. Th ts tur- a sense of sprmgs fl om th2 1 and colleinate •. ways.. .

Plumbing, Jlcatintr, Electrical and Sheet Mota! Work

Phone 300 30 W. l\lain

20411 Hall Satmday aftetnnor. S1xtN·n I rehrkind Yng-mia Gilbcn Doroth:. lbine 1s des1f,!'ned for superheated 1 en\1ronment and 15 dependent upon The produc,10n this :,:ear ,,. b~1,.. r

table:-; wc:1(> 1n pla:., \I1--. \\'1ltan h:l\- .fack.,.on, Gar~/ !\!anon steam but f";tnCe the heating plant the tc~chmgs and surround1ngs vf sponsored and directed by 1Irs. Bl'a·

ingo high ~core for the• afternoon. sha\\, l lr•IL'nce .Johnson: Eugenia has none. Frazier. and .Johnston ar: the 1nd1v1dual. It was further sho~ed -====:-------------------------­L1g-ht refr(>~hment=-- wen· ~ernd a, I PrcYt'li. nori~ :\'ehon, Rub\· Kmd- working-, as a thesis, on a problem or I how persistent educahon and tiust

he ch>~i- of the pl:iying, I schy .. Jure Burke. :\Iarie Eian. an electncal superheater placed m the students had led to the ........,.__ ............... ......,..,,,._._.._._._. .... _. ••• ._..._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .... _. •• _.. • ._..._.._ .. _ .. _ .. _ . . ....... -.. •••• -.. ... ·...,..·"" ... -..r .. • .. •. gt adual perfection of honor systems ~ .; IT'S A KNOCKOUT

~- _\. E. \IE)IREHS ---- -- [ "Jodie'' MisK1men gives pointers on! at sevelral colleges. fThthere \\as ha ~ F ~

IXST \I I \T :\l ISSOl" I \ R I H . ·k H II l•Tiow To Be a Big Boot and Shoe contrat 1..-.tory view 0 IS .p:ivi:n :: I or > . . . ' . . ' • .. . 00ffi ll effJC a ~Inn" m the forthcoming Tormentor one of the deleg-ales, sho" ml! Iha \

I Fi,·e members of the loco! chap ':r p1oduction no dogmatic statemert in j'.\'eneral w.]J' "

~:ee~·c;;;I ~;b'~e;~e:~·.t~:~s~~~\,~~;s ForCommitteeMeet1"ngs . apply to e.ery case. ~ Dry c ean1·ng ~ ORTON BROS. PX>!Hl«H:HX>!ll:l<:H:Hli:H:>!ll:l<:H:H:HXI Fangs IV. The final outcome of the dis- \

~------------------------~ The regular meeting of Fangs will cussion frorn which much valuabl~ ~

Always at

Your Serdce Phone 79







with Ronald Coleman, Vilma ~lanky, Gary Cooper

THURSDAY A rD FRIDAY Virginia Yalli in "Stage Madness"

SATURDAY Jack Hoxie in "Rough and Ready"



?t·'h.11 (Jf1.,n Jrr 111 t'I l!mbw11l\ U/il/ Play

,W.\ li, "IF R ~ All I AN r~·~i:.ii"iii Hmm

'1ADGE Rf I.LAMY hL!AN ftl~J(E.S"l •!•1~ '1fii ~E MAJl liAMllJl•!'I ()l•\Hlf' WI N!·~<.fR

~ 'WA• •FR :·.'"-!"tE Tl - r,11\ ~ li-IJ

Al LAN IJ "7-:I N 1· •• ,

J ................... . ,,

Clubs and Small Groups \Yill be held at Sig-ma Chi house Feb . 20. informatibn wns j'.\'athere<l as to the 0: > at four o'clock. workings and troubles of honor sys- '• \

Benefit By Project 1 tems in Yarious colleges, wns that :t '• "THAT SATISFIES" \ Outlined SO THIS IS LONDON-Let's all was nearly always possible to instali ~ :•

-- go see. an horor system in a co1leg-e or to > { A room La:::: been set aside on th~ I \ peiie::t the one already established. ~ >.

first floor of Herrick Hall for the u<;.e I This is not to be accom1>lishc<l, how- ~ r I T y 0 y E w 0 R K s " of all ~tutlent organizations on the ·ever, without an enormous amount of ~ L ~ hill. This ruom is larg-e enough for HQ PE work directed toward educating the I ~ ,•

rommitter meetii:g-s and meetinf!s of I :: PHO:\E 185 > ·dub:;; with not too extensive memb<:r- I P1f · JI $ ) ~ > ship. 1 I ~ •

It is yet to be furnished but plans I Much Deferred 1 Don't Neglect Your Watch J .. .._.._._._._._._._._.._._._._.._._,._._._._._ .. _.._.._._,.._._.._._._._ ... ._.._._ .. J"'.•.-.. -..-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-wro.•~ bdng- to furnish it attra~- I Let our Repair Department look t1vely and \Y1th the necessary furm- 1 · · · · I ture for it::- functions. The first lt was storming terribly. ·The bitin~ it .0 '·er once 111 3

. 'vhile for noth~ng ~s~~sgs~s~s~~·~:r~z~=;z=~:;,z=~;z=~;;;wc;;~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~ rcqt.:isite i:;; of course files for paper-; wind whistled around corners in ~-urns a watch q~tcker than al.lowmg a of the ,·arious clubs. This has bce-n fiendish glee, whirlinp: icy sleet in 1t to run \vhen it needs cleanmg. w a long felt need and will aid grt:atl:.- ~he face of a struggling student whu I I 1

in the efficiency of their work. rainfully was m~king her W3J ; LESLIE E fiAfiE The. committee which . has this in through the snowclnft~. towards th·· 1

hand 1s ::\lary Tattan, Ins Peters and college campus. Almost exhausted ... s chairman, Frieda Hendrickson. j by her batJe with ~he. elements, she Jeweler and Optician I

They ha,·e almost completed their pt~5hed forward, thinkmg each step Broken Lenses Replaced the Same Day

plans for decoration and furrishing.; might be her las~, but there beforl! '. 20 S . Black Ave. Phone 925-W I and they are asking for the co-opera- her, only a short distance now, loome·l tion of the students in raisin.!! thQ her goal-the front door of Montana [ flU necessary funds. Hall. Her courage rose, and she wen·

Bigger and Better?


Road Show


Feb. 16-17

"The Grea t Deception" with

Arleen Pingle - Ben Lyon


Association Vaudeville


Gene S tratton Porter's "Laddie"


Coleen Moore in "Twi nkletoes·•

on ag-ainst all obstacles, buoyed up by the thought that soon she would be • safe on the other side of the fron~ door of good old ~Iontana Hall. AI I last. after an heroic cffort, shC' reached the door. 'With a thankful sig-h, she grasped the handle, but n1) -the door held fast. Then she saw a siQ'n "Locked-Go to West door". 0. Death, where is thy sting?

28 E. Main - -------------- - ---

.. .. :·: :: :: :: :: :: :·: . .. :·: :1 :: :: :: .. :-: CA~ll' US NOTES :: .. :: :: :: ..• :: :: :: :: :: :-: :-: . .. :: :: ::

Frank Cowan,, was a guest for the week at the Sigma Chi house.

Trudie Dyt:'r, :\[oore, spent the week end ,·isiting at the Chi Omega house.

Do you like to enjoy a real hearty lauj'.\'h "? Then go see " 0 THI S I S LO:\'DON" at the Ellen Theatre next

1 :Xlonday.

Andy Bris.:oe-, '26, drove over from I ewistowr. for the game with thel University Saturday. ll e iR now serving as accountant of Fergus ! county.

Business or love-they're both easy I for HYens" Rivines in "So This I s London." As a go-getter, he'll sur­prise you all Monday night.

SO THIS IS LO:\'DON-Let's all go. I I I



"Tasty Confections"

A Gruen Semi, Thin

$25 For the man who wants a good timekeeper priced as low as $25, the Gruen Semi­T hin is the ideal watch.

Nowhere else can such a value in quality of move­ment and case be found.

Come in and make vo1ir selection now. ·

-for "Gifts That Lo<t" consult-

H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers


\' I


Let old Sqc.ire Pipe be the judge ..

Hrs HONOR, old Squire Pipe is unqucs, tionabh· the \\ orld's ablest judge uf ripe tobacc~s. Who else is by nature, tr 1; 1;'g

and experience so well-qualified to try a tobacco ar~d hand Jown a dcc1s1or 0·1 it? . So, :n the case of Grang~r Rough Cut, the plea is that Judge Pipe's \'erd1ct be accepted as ""INAL'

To make a long kicf brief: Ciuractcr witnes es cverywhc'::e have s\von1 to Gra1wer's sterlincr q Ja1: y. Exi?erts have

b D . . C I

vouched for the suiienon"'' n its rot a 1

mt. Chemists lnvc ·est1fied tb. t th' n:::\'!

"gbssinc-scalcd" f i\,pouch L:cp~ the tobacco i:1 perfect c:mdition.

Finally, 1t has ken show'.1 tl'" • 1 '

usmg this foil-pouc 1• lin~te:cd d a '-

tin) it i;; possible tll sdl Granger J

ten cents. On the:o.:: arguments Gran0

r(:Sts its easel A wuplc of pipefob ""111 convince Squire Pip' that 1t is the\ ·orld'~ greatest pipe tobacco . anJ any gooJ judge of tobaccos will confirm the dec1s1on!


The h M·ro~md "·''c' uum tin i::. k>rty·h\'c cent"'. the 1-u1!-pouch r .cbg.:. 84..""lkJ m g:l.i~1m:, 1" ti::nc~nt"-

Cran!!tT Rou-:li Cuc 1 J hv t

l\l 1dc for p•pc> on!)!





It ;, too bad that Bobcat basket­ball fan..;:; can not U[de1-stnnd the fine points of the game when t.hey see !L Only the growling dissati:--fat"tion of he crowd impelled Coach Dyo;ht~ '')

ha\"e his freshmen change their tn.c-tic" from n. !'.talling- ~ame to one of o:fc1 se. Coach Dyches' plan to break i;p the Billings. five- man defense wns perfect except for an action lovini;: ~ro\'•"d. · ....

l' :ih At!g-ies beat Utah Cnin•rsity by ~mnll scores last Friday anti Sa~­urdnv nights thereby boo.stmg- Al!g-•e stock. A dt•feat on · the Logan floor ·s improbable ar.d if the Bobcn~s wigh o rate nt the top of the list at the end of t.he season. they mu~t w:n even· g-nme left in the confrn•nl·e

hedull'. A lost j!"nme on the south­rn trip of .hi~ week would nrnke ~·

fe with the rt.ah A~-gies nnd a pla:·­ff would be dang-erous. The confer­

l"'nce ~cnso1 is Yery close und the ou"'.;­co:1 e is \ ery doubtful. ....

The intramurnl swimming meet Inst week brought out some good ma­terinl for Coach Dyche to work with in moulrling- a team to compete in the conference meet in )larch . ....

The Griz:r.lzy quint wasn't daunfed b\· the reputed g-rentress of the Bob­cB.t team and enh:red the fray with all the fig-ht and vim that characterizes :>Iontnna athleles all over the coun­try. ....





Assist:lnls ·~~-1~~~~~~~_.J~~~~~~~~~ .• This week the Bobcn.s. leaYe on :-;ccond in\"asion into tht.> soutli • ern part of tht Rocky ~lountnin l'~ll- B "[[" L I G . I L s cond Hoop Game r"'ercc f<>r two ,,nmo> cad1 w1!h l zngs OSeS fJZZ Y QSeS e '.~~;i~~lll i~:~"fi·i~~~'.;;r~~t1 ~~:.\,~ii:h To Bobkittrns To Bobcat In State T1"tle here i..- a chance for the Blue an,! Gold for t•onfcnncc honor~. The Bobcnl:i. mu:-;t. win C\"Cry game on this trip in orJer to hn\e the top )l\l­

sitilHl on the confl·n•nce list for the .\g-g-ies arc slill in the race with two ,ictones O\"t?r B. Y. l". although if the Cats lo:-.t> one game on thl• trip !llhl ucnt l"tuh l"ni\"t'rsity both _g-amrs when tht..:\" l'l1"1C' up here nt.>xt month here wiil be a tiL· for fir:-;t place

honors in this tlidsion. .\ play oft ~' ould be 1.ecl'ssury and this would be in onn~nient.

The winnL•r of the )lontana l'tah liY1sion of th~ Rocky )lounluin t'1ln­."t.renu~ "ill pl:\\' the wtn1ll'rs of th·" En~tcrn di\"isio1{ :_-:l·hools for tht> tit'.L' )f tie {.'ntire l·onforencc.

Brig-ham Young- will be played in thC' first ~l'ril's and it jg usually iani to butt the Y on tlwir honH.' lour a~ ha::; been ::;hown by pa~t pl•r· ·orman,-..·~ of :he )Jorman:-< at homL. 1 he\" 1.·im also upset tLe dop1..• buck .. :t

.. md ·arc determii:ed to win ut ka~t ont> 1.:on!E .. ·rt:nl'l~ game.

L.:tah A~g-ies are second on string and thcv nrc tlctermined tu !!l't n."­nng-L· f~r the defeats dealt them here. Th1.•\' rnnk as the most dnng-erou" ccr: .'endl'rs for honors and they can -..·au..-e trouble for the Blue and G<.>l•l title hopes.

Coach Romney will tak1: th~ fol­lowing squat.I: Captain "·inner, Wan], Thomp"on, D1·cl·dt:an . Glynn, Gnrdinci", Twilde. llunl. l'umming~. Andenon nnd )l:rnager Young.

Extra Per iod Required To Break Tie. Final core,


SETTLED . \S l\10 'T.\ i'iA ST.\TE 'l'HOUNCES .\N CIENT Hff.\ L 5 1-:l2 SATUHD.\Y EYENING

< in!.! from bL'hinJ in an t•xtr.l ) minutl' i1C'riod. llw Kittens coun l'J four :-t!ah ... ht lia:-.kctt<> to br£.'nk up •• The Gob at:-; easily ou,dn~st..•·d the.· 25-2:1 tie 'with Billin;!s llh!'h sd10ol Griz .. lic:-; of :\lontana Lni\"1.;rsity l:tst tu finalh· win a scc-~aw nffair 33-25.1 Sntnrtlav night Hnd det't..•al<'d thl'm by

The g:;1me \\a-. .1 g'tlOd lOll rast l < a i:ll to. ;t~ :-;core. .\ lar.c:c t·rO\\ l l\n..'l'll till' fast m:in to man dl'fen filled the 1.·ollei:;t.> gymnasium but of .:olleg-L' typt und tht..• slow fin~ man they \\ Ll'C rnd1cr di:-appointwl in th" de:ensl.! of ~d.vla:-tk t~ P'-'- The Frosli L'Onte•t. a:::; it wa:-; too om ~itlcd tn hC' attempted .v play a stallin~ game> \CIT int..:-n•stiqr; altl10ui.:h at timc:­:q.!·~in'"'t the Ornn~e anti I31ack bu'" the (~rizzlies showC'd flashes of j!OOd tht..• l"l"\IWd bOOL'd so lllUC'h that tnl':1 basketball. .H'l't) fort.'l'd tu ru:-.h .ht fi\C' m::rn d-..•- ThC' Bruins ~C't'lllt'd blwildL·red b:: fcn!'e :rnd win lht.:! ganw in this man- the :.p-..ed ~ind ac ·uracy uf lht• e(l J· rwr. A :-.tallin!.!' c:anlt' is L·on~:(tt•n I i.:at J':ls"ing- machint• at first and be .:::ood llefcnse again:-.t any team \\ hic.i fort• thl'\' ~howed an\' ~il:ns of ~\ go0tl L'mrloys the fi\"c man !'.)stun of de- d1.'l'C'1ISl' · thl' Bobcal; h:;d droppl'd Hl 1..rH'. six fit.hi J!Oals, gi\·ing- tht•m a -.u1'-

Tlw l'llt re g'anw \\as ~]o\\C'l' t 1l n stant1al lead. 'l'hl' Gri .zlics sou the g-anll's usually playl•d on tlw io<:.d droppul in a couple whu1 the B111.H·.1 ·"" rour.. For tht. l'rn:-::h :JkFarbnd. slackL·d their stride but t'hc B<ibca "" fig-hting al!ain:-;t his Conner a·am soLin pt•ppt·d up a hit and had in· matL•s, played a stellar game, putting cr1..•a:-f'd their lead ;~o to 11 at the tll I tht· Kith'ns in runnin,.. time a; \I of the half. again wi:h his long- !'hots from th<.' The second half ihe Bub1.·ab 1.·u~;-1..·l'nll'l' of the floor. '\"ard abo pla~- i ntcJ thcmsl'.'ln•s with n brilliant pa-.­ed a ;.:oocl game for the Frosh :is did sing- )!amt', which dazzled the Bruir:s Browining, Dawl's and Richards. .md t·nt:::u:ul the 1ntt>re-.t of the t.'l·t>''-'

r:.lll all thC' t lll'. t t. ttlL forw .. 1d lill'tally 1:1n 1..:rdt• :•1 'ind t 11..:m anti l'ontrib.utcd a tota l ., > puin \\'anl'::; a. kli! hand t.lppul l im omt.? l·xtu1l llul In a.~hl r1.-.J. in l l

points bl'ion.• hl \\ .t-. l"l'IHO\'cd from the J.!31llc. t ·.1ptain \\ llllll'r pla). ..:d a

n::-::1stl'nt gaml' \\ lnl-..• thL• s11e ta1:u­la r ddt·nse oi l;l).nn and BrC"t..·ckr. forl:t.?d the Hru111s n m.rny lun-

h~t:;.lc Ji\ e<l up tu his rcputat.on :ts I a. flashy forw.11d a11~t :-;Cllrl...'tl 11 l s tt•iun's purnts "hilt.~ On·rtur' showed up well as a dt•an, ugg-H·~~1v playt~r. :;\am l\.ain 1 la).C'tl a re• wrk e'Jlt!' gam0 ar.d hi~ drib 1ling .rnd fltMll' work was lxl'eptivn.Llr g 1od.

The score: ~tac < olleg-e flfi l \ "·inner, .r Thum1 sun. \\·ar1?. l'

(;lynn, ~ Bn.'.'l'dl•n. g (·ummi11g":o;, (;;:ndim r, ::::

S ate l"nin•r:-.ity ('oylo. r

Fld. • :1 10


0 0

( l2)


l·ll't.' Tot. 1


., l·I 0 I 0 .J 0 0

11 1 :;

Ren n. Le\\ is. Heikkila. and i\lor­rison High Point


The intramui.11 :-.wimmint! and dh­ir:..!' met.•t. hd<l lnst was one 1.( the most int1.;1T!<otin).! and clo:-.cly con­t1.•sk1l oi the intt·tc..:la:-.s en.•n,s. The' ~l>I htmWH'"' w m the mt·t.•t by the 1Hn. row m:H g·n of llllt' pu:nt. Th1.~ team st.:.tndir:cs wi.~re ~t•phs :.!ll .. Juniors 1!1. s~ nior ... 1:-.. and Frl'sh llL Tht' fi\"c hh:.h t~oint. 11ll'll \\L'l"~ Ht·nn 1 l. LC'wi~ 1 l. ~loni~on 10, Heikkila 10, nnd Rin·rs '· .\II men partinpatin~ .howt•d \Jl\ \"L'r\" wl'll m thc:1 Ch~l t::­antl form n go<;tl nuckus ahout "hid tq bnil1l up a \·arsi 1 y ~ wir:1mim:. tt.nm. 'fhlrc ar<' n~1 definllt' plan:­fur the n1rsity tcnm fl' yet, h11 thC';-1.:

j, a Jl'l'"'sihility of a trip to dthl'r Huttt:> or P.illin s for ontt.· ... i... w ~ 1111lependt•nt swimml'rs.

EH•r:h ;1nd !ht..• Ht.•:-;ult..;

10 Yd!< 1• rl'l St Vil".

1-.t. H-..•1 ·kiln, ~u0

ph. ~1 ;i-:l. ~nd. l.l'Wis, ,J l'. 2~.

d .• lorrison. ~r.. :!'..! 1-.:l. ah. lknn. Fro:-h, :.! I. 100 "\ b. Fr •t' Stylt.'. 1 ~!01 ri:-:.nn ~r. l :ls. 2n I. Sl ib('rt. Soph, I ·~il 1.:-•. . <l. l.ih·J:-., ,Jr 1011 Ytl .. Brlnst Strokt• ls'. 11 hhard, ~oph. 1:-tn ·~-.). ~n I \\"1lkie . .Jr .. I :.J l.

d. Zion. Fro:-.h. 10') Yd~. Ba1·k ~trokl•. 1st. Lt wi;::, .Ir .. :!:00 1·3. ~1111. Rh·l'r:-;, Sr .. 2:01 1-:;,

cl Pratt. Fro~h. :!:!O ) d!it. Fn·r StYl . bl. 11,·ikkila. Soph., 3: 1 :l-5. 2ntl. ~I orrbon, ~r .. 'l • l l 2-.:l. ) R·ver~. ~r.

l'lunc.-..• i r Dist::tr('l'.

W o don ·i pretond to be basketball expcr:s but it i:-; clearly evident that Pacific Coast bllsketball is a nmd1 :-;lower t?:tmt? than Rocky ;\llllinta,n

\\"orthin~ton playe<l a wonderfti once more. ('oa..:h Slt•wart U"t•d fr....._ g-aml' at j!Uard for the Billings er<.>\\ quen substitution' in an effllt t •o and wa-. n•1y g-ond at gltting- tht' ba~l soln~ the Bob. at..;. otr nst..• nnd stnt 1 ,' off hl' hal·k bo:ud nnd down th1.• his t,\·o bi~ g-unrd:-, Graham and h !­floor a1?ain. Kt·mled\" at n·nter roy. but th-.~ Cats could not be stopp­pl<lyL•d a ga;1!e as did Ly- Nl and pulled alll.ltl \\ith such l is

O\" rturf. f Kain. c -I 0

0 'I 0

J:-;t. R1·nn. Fr .. :;n f. 11 in. :!nil. Ri\{.'r-.. Sr .• ;"' 11 ft. 10 in. "d. ~l'ihl'rt. ~01 h. · .l ft. 10 in. Ith. I ~\"{'r~ .• Jr .. ·\I ft. :1 in. Di\ini: Contc"'t.

or.!' at forw:i.r<l. th~t Romnt'\' was ahle to ~end 1n THs g-.11ne endt•tl thl' st><ison or th; Ganlint•r an~l C'ummi11~ ard ll'l the .1

Bl)hkittcns ex.(·(pt for tw 1 • ~am1.·'"' do their stuff. confereft:e styl';_. • • •

Larson, g . \Yendt, go ~lillcr. r l\.ilr1.1y, go (;raha ll. Jr

R1.;ft.'rt•C': )I. l" .. \.

0 l 1st. Renn. Frosh.

2r.d. Lt•wi:-:. ... Jr. 0 :~d. Li\"er"'<, Jr. 0 ll -Ith Zion. Fr sh.

Hl'n Hardin o[ Buttt.· Y.

B 1,,1, ETB 111 HE$ l I rs The fre':'hman ll'.lll\ cailt.1:n(' 1

Esd1~r :jtol'kton tr\1unct..•d t.h.• Ph ..\$bun: irl':-;hmnn ll':.ltn ~.l urd;\\ tcrnoon in the fir:-.t t.:amc of thl~ ~ ie~ by a ~l'Ore llf 1:--. to :l

Thl' \kt ors held nn cn:-.y lcud fr lhtJ first and \\1..n• ;1t nv time hr1: cnetl by tht."' othl•r fn.• hm:ln t ThC'y <lisphlYl'd ~1111..·rior p.1ssinl.!' a ity throughout and WC'l"t:' able ti' , nrninly hlt.·ause of tfi':', Thl' lin1 of duse t\\o teams was as follow !' Stockton TL•am Platt-.\sburv Te E>ther Stockton Huth P Ennn :\lonr0t.· Ruth .\ ·t \\"ilma Yan Hor:-;pn :\Tan· :'\lc l :i.1ary \Yilliams \l.lrtl;a Fl Aileen Rigo).! Es her U · Loraine Coy bnbl'l Gil h

In the s0cond J,!amL• of tht. af noon the Soph~)mon.•s heat. thc l'"p Clas~ t<'nm by tht.' :-;con' of 1 ti)

The lineup for t lis ).!'::tnw was ns lows : Sophomores (ls l Frida Ilendrick:-.on :\lyr·Ie Lt'l' H~lu1 tron~ rhri~tin(' ~tafionl Dorothy .lacks.on )lilt\ Pa1 Florence .lohnson )lnrjorw ~pauld

Thr S~od>.t h nm will play Sophomorc- tt'am at 'i:l:l Tuc-·t and ac-ain S turda~· a .J :no p. m dC't.'ide the> l'hnmpion~hip. 1f e team wins ont: game a third will stac-ed to play oif tht.• tie.

ThL• Platt-Asbury team will r tl't' l'p1wn·lass 1 eam for third fourth rlncl's Thur:::day at i .. l;) p .


\\' X ight, Feb. 1 7 :30 P . :"IL-Little TheatE :IIontana Hall to redew To mentor play: "So This London"

The :'.\! club of i\lontana State met in th(' J?Ylll last Saturday and elcc~ed offirers in order to redn:~ the or~an­izatior which has been silent the Inst few years. Thev intend to cr~ate and revive traditions regarding- the M club. Both CoYle and Cain played fine

g-ame~, in i·a,t. the tntin• Grizzl.Y quint is to be Cl'lllmt:ntled for thPtr fine fi~ht against powerful odds. but

two weeks hencC'. So far the Frosh De,.;pitC' thl' fad that thC' hig- c;i 1'­ha\·l· a l'ican rct·ord for tlw l'lltirt• zly g anh t•nmpt<l on Thompsl1,,· baskethal1 st•ason anil hr!\ e fuJfilll'd - - .-. - na - ._. ~~~-~~~~~~ 1

,\'.\' 'Ot:NCEMENT BY THE REGISTRAR t both Co~ ll' and Kain would sta! l

around le:;s and play hall more Wl' think Stt..•wnrt would han• n bettPr ball team .

the purpn:--l'"' of the first y..:ar ath~ leti~·s, nam<.>l~ den·lopnll'nt.

Lineups: ~kFarlantl \Yard Sc.'ming-son


Thompson is tht• forwnrd. Ever~ body admit... it. llt:'s like a dot: o tl1e H~<.·nt of g-aml' when hl• is aftt•r th(' hall. nu1]t 10\\ to tht• ground .• 1

~""'~""'''~"''"''''''''~ l BOZEMAN fiRILl AND BANQUET HALL ~ ~ t Married, January 28, 1927 at

Great Falls: Earl Semingsen to Mae Hooser.

Pn·:-.ton Let's nil g- 1, Frowning-SO Tll!S IS LO:\DO::\

sh •W ~lon<lay nh!ht. Da\\es

============================= I Rit..-hnrds


c RG


J'ippt'll'"' l'l'lllleil~

ltnwkin~ \Yorthingo )11

J .. 1wk-.. tht· ball cuntinualh-. ..\rt! hL :-; not suth a bnd ~hot~ :\o: not n bad. a New ~ t

)I: ., t Kilroy has in~pl"O\e<l as 3. j.!"tlUnl ~' Tuxedos ~ t In Butte high school da\"s he faiit:'d ; ; .

u mnkt> thl-' Lrst team but hi::- work ~ ., t

Banquet Hall for Parties, Suppers, and Initiations

VOULKOS BROS., Props. Right in Bozeman Hotel ....... ~ •. ....,.,,.. .... ._.........,...._-.. .............................................................. \~ B.ASKE'l'BALL .,, \ f"\ GAMES Sntu1 day e\e11in1? has }Hh"ibilitil~... ~ .,._ f

$5.00 Down Buys ~ Th,• pnrt u' "Thoma'" the huller ,g JUST RECEIYED ~ ----------- ... ---- - -11 BRING FAIR RECEIPTS for the Torme1 tor ~how is charal'ter· '- ~ •' I iz<·d p«rfectly by .Jim ~Jurray. In fact. ~ TOD.\ Y ~ YOLA ~ he's till' best of all the butlers in the' )I: ~ I 1927 l\llSICAL SENSATION \ ment for the money. The gro>s •c- SO Tll!S IS 1.0:\Dm: Let's ah i>:

0. a g ~ ctipb from thl• first Ulah .:\J.q.:;l' r. ~ Ask For a Demonstration ~~. ,,. 1110 on .January :a amount'"'' t a No more excuge for renting ~

--- .---1 ~tl2li.30. The Sl'l'Ontl gamE" yichit..: 1 G l i"\ BELO~GlNG TO THE ..,_ or borrowing a "Tux,, when ~ ,lightly kS>-~~sn.o;;. The \'ocnt1on- ,\THLET!C .\ SSOCl.\T!Oi\' ~ ~ I

~ ~ I stu1knt,.;. <:on ributed ~:r~o the first s ~s the ' ·ced l'k th· d ~ r, }I I" 11\G ~ y re pn i e is an ~ H & M C ll ~ niC"ht a1 d ~lb~ the gt.>coml r\·eningo ., ~ auseman c a Of ttis one half ~ocs to Pi·ofc"or ,_ new style. ~ \ Abbey to hL•lp dcirny the txpcn:-l'::. o \ :'s calibre re, oh er, belonging .., 1'

~~ "Open E,·enings" thf' \·ocational l 011J!r1;;s~. This h.•a\·l' lo the 'I. S. C' . • \thlctic . \ ssoci-~~ <,i~ ~ howe\·er ~l)O;J,50 whid1 was rCl·C'hcil al ion . has b{'en taken fro m the ~ ~ 4 East lain Phone 407 ~ !'rum gtenrnl admb .... ion excludinf! all GJ nnasium. T his ,:run was used ~ ' ~ ................ _. ..... _,..,,,,._.,,,,..,,,. ... .r ... ·~·..,.·..,_-....... _,...,.._,.. ............ .,, .......... ,...,...., ........ .., • ..,.. .... ,.. ..... ,. .............. , :::~~~"~l~~~:~~·;fr_ ~;r,~:\~te ~ ... ~~~;;~'. i i,~,i~;,~ ~~~r~:rt·~~;h\n~n t;~c"";c~~!~ ~ Holloways ~

on th<' r.~ m flo or. \\"ill thC' party ;, .,_ ~-·~··----~--··---·~···~-~~·--~~---~ "hilt· the sorond fell to_ ,9.1 10 I . k d . ,. . di t "t ' a ....._ ... .....__....._....._, __ .....,. ..... .....,..,....._~ ..... ~~-..... ... , ,.....,..., ..... ,....._...._.....,..,,....,.,_~""'-~""-'"'-~.....,..,....__ I I f 1 > ' I " 10 ptc ·e It uu "-111 ) re urn 1 '-' n t ll' sen-.011 o H:..l-'...b t w games / '

DANCING ~- ~\nbhut~:1ll!~,~~1:~ l~~un~el '.:1t~~~:~ty f\~1~11l I '-lo_1_h_e_r_;_)_"'_" ---------' j ~'-'-"-"-"-~"-"'-~"'-'-"'-'-~'-"'-~ ;s...,~ ~ than did the l'tah A"~ies. the to :11

I 1ecupt ... from the 13. Y. l. g~imt• \ amounun~ to :-;.~.·;, ard the Ai.:-g1c"".

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NlfiHT :".:>l~. This ma~ h1..\ 1 ead1ly Ul'COUn ell for by tht..• fact that m ·he "-la on c Hr.~4.-~7> the- Brig-ham Young- l lll\ l'I -s1t). look th• conferem.:e cham1H11n~h~ 1

~ THE RosET fiARDEN ~ :;~·~,.:~·;:·',:·::;:,"~.~:~ :: ;~';;

~~ FAMOUS ROSE GAHDEN ORCHESTRA 11 ~;;,~:f~,~~;~t:?l'.;~~s::.;~~~~!;~t:a:;,: same amount a~ wns nken in la: l Hot SeYen Piece Band y1.·ar's gmnl' \\ith the GrizzliEs. :qi-

~ ADMISSION 75 CEi ' TS A COUPLE prnximal«ly ~JOO. - -~ . \"al Glynn f1t in 11ll'l•ly a;. nlmo ~~~~'-~'-~"-'-'-~'-~'-~~~~~~ a:y position. A ,up 1latiw J!Uarl,

he works fine at. center or forward o~ the Grizzly game proH•ll. \Yc'll n

~~·......,......,.,,. E ....... \~-E-•,,...._.PR,,...EwSE~~TI:G ._T._0-.·T··-H-.-.E···C.-O···L·..-..L·E.-.G._.E ....... _._._ •• 1 \'~l"~e:~.:.en~~ • P:,;u.~irril. p1<>babl, , J.\. ... , .. , \ are, liut Wl' would likt~ to know wh(>

, GIRLS THE l\IILLINEHY MODE ~ arr th" 1?u:mls "·ho will Leal Br<'l".l ( '• en and GI~ nn out for the all t·nnft•r ~ FOR PRI~G ~ 1 onte "uard position•. ,\t least, wo ~ \I l:u\'en't. su•n them y('t. ~ -.- ~ -

l O::'\E SPECl.\L LOT > Businc•,, or 1010 thc•y're both asy • for "Yc·n~" Ri\·1m'R Ill "So This ls AT ~ .London.·· .\s a g-o-~etter, ht:'ll .sur ~ $

5 • 00 ~ \prise you all ~londny nigl ~

\ All t he Xewest Colors ~ CONFERENCE STANDl:-\GS


L .................................................................................................................. J

Western Dhis ion

Teams l\lonl. Stale l'lah ,\g. t:'lah Uni\". Bri. Young

G 6 6 6 6

W L 5 1 I 2 3 3 0 6

Pct. .833 .666 .500 .000


A thlelic Shoes Includin g Dr. l\leanwell's Athletic




T .E NEW fiORE OXFORD FOR SPRING .\nother Lot of White Corduroy Trousers

Just Receind


Walk 0,-cr Shoes S tetson Hats , ' obby Cap•

Those inimitable little hats, whieh so closely dd"ilH' the lines of the head'.

In Felt><. Crochet. Visca and Silk with straw.
