Ephes us 90- 200 A.D. Smyr na 200- 325 A.D. Pergam os 325- 500 A.D. Thyatira 500- 1000 A.D. ...


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EphEpheesussus90-90-200 200 A.D.A.D.


200-200-325 325 A.D.A.D.


325-325-500 500 A.D.A.D.


500-500-1000 1000 A.D.A.D.


0 0 A.D.A.D.


1500-1500-1900 1900 A.D.A.D.




Where are we Where are we going…going…

where have where have we been?we been?

Revelation 2 & 3Revelation 2 & 3

Daniel 12:8-9Daniel 12:8-9- “- “And I heard, butAnd I heard, but I I understood not: then said I, O my understood not: then said I, O my

Lord, what shall be the end of these Lord, what shall be the end of these thingsthings? ? And He saidAnd He said, Go thy way, , Go thy way,

Daniel: Daniel: for the words are closed up for the words are closed up and sealedand sealed till till the time of the endthe time of the end.”.”

Revelation 4Revelation 4

~Part 4~Part 4

John- Isle of Patmos


(The Heavenly (The Heavenly TranslationTranslation))- The The TIMETIME it will happen. it will happen.- The The WAYWAY it will happen. it will happen.

RevelaRevelation tion 4:1-2 4:1-2 (a)(a)


(The Heavenly Translation)(The Heavenly Translation)

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

(The Heavenly (The Heavenly ThroneThrone))

RevelaRevelation tion 4:2-84:2-8

1212 times in times in 1111 verses… verses… “THRONE”“THRONE”

Vs. 2- Vs. 2- ““ONON” the throne” the throneVs. 4- Vs. 4- ““ROUNDROUND ABOUTABOUT” the ” the

thronethroneVs. 5- Vs. 5- ““OUTOUT OFOF the throne” the throne”Vs. 6-8 Vs. 6-8 ““BEFOREBEFORE and and IN THEIN THE

MIDSTMIDST OFOF” the throne” the throne

All About All About the the


Vs. 2(b)-3(a)Vs. 2(b)-3(a)

““ON” the throneON” the throneVs. 3(b)-4Vs. 3(b)-4

““AROUND” the throneAROUND” the throneVs. 5(a)Vs. 5(a)

““OUT OF” the throneOUT OF” the throneVs. 5(b)-6(a)Vs. 5(b)-6(a)

““BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Vs. 5(b)Vs. 5(b)

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- The 7 lamps of fire, (The 7 lamps of fire, (the the

7 Spirits of God7 Spirits of God))- 7 is # of 7 is # of PERFECTIONPERFECTION

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Ephesians 4:4Ephesians 4:4 – “There is – “There is one body, and one body, and one Spiritone Spirit, ,

even as ye are called in even as ye are called in one hope of your calling“one hope of your calling“1st Corinthians 12:13 1st Corinthians 12:13 - - “For by “For by one Spirit one Spirit are we are we

all baptized into one body, all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or whether we be Jews or

Gentiles, whether we be Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have bond or free; and have

been all made to drink into been all made to drink into one Spiritone Spirit.”.”

Isaiah 11:1-2Isaiah 11:1-2 And there shall come forth a And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch

shall grow out of his roots: And shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the spirit of the LORDthe LORD shall rest upon him, the shall rest upon him, the spirit of spirit of wisdomwisdom and and understandingunderstanding, the , the spirit of spirit of

counselcounsel and and mighmightt, the , the spirit of knowledge spirit of knowledge and of and of the fear of the LORDthe fear of the LORD

Vs. 6(a)Vs. 6(a)

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- The 7 lamps of fire, (the The 7 lamps of fire, (the

7 Spirits of God)7 Spirits of God)- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, ……Frozen! Frozen!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”?”?

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

The 1The 1stst Heaven … Heaven …The AtmosphereThe Atmosphere

•Located Located from thefrom the groundground to to thethe cloudsclouds

3 3 HeaveHeave


The 2nd Heaven …The 2nd Heaven …Outer SpaceOuter Space

•Located Located wherewhere the the sun, moon sun, moon and and starsstars are. are.

3 3 HeaveHeave


The 3rd Heaven …The 3rd Heaven …The ABODE OF GODThe ABODE OF GOD

•Located Located beyondbeyond all the all the constellations, galaxies, constellations, galaxies,

stars, etc… .stars, etc… .• It’s It’s physicalphysical and and


3 3 HeaveHeave


Psalms 148:1-Psalms 148:1-4 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye 4 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the LORD from the heavensthe heavens: praise him in : praise him in the heightsthe heights. Praise ye him, all . Praise ye him, all his angelshis angels: : praise ye him, all praise ye him, all his hostshis hosts. Praise ye him, . Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of of light. Praise him, ye light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavensheavens of heavens, , and ye waters that be above the heavensand ye waters that be above the heavens..

Isaiah 45:18Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath formed the earth and made it; he hath

established it, established it, he created it he created it not innot in vain vain (towhu)(towhu), , he formed it to be inhabited: I he formed it to be inhabited: I

am the LORD; and there is none else.am the LORD; and there is none else.

Genesis 1:1-2Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and the earth was without form, and void void (tohuw); (tohuw); and darkness was upon the and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God face of the deep. And the Spirit of God

moved upon the face of the waters.moved upon the face of the waters.

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”?”?

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Proverbs 30:Proverbs 30:4 Who hath ascended up into 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? the wind in his fists? who hath bound the who hath bound the

waters in a garmenwaters in a garmentt? who hath established ? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, all the ends of the earth? what is his name,

and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?

Job 38:30Job 38:30 The waters The waters are hid as with a stone, are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep and the face of the deep

is frozenis frozen..

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”!”!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Psalms 104:2-3Psalms 104:2-3 Who Who coverest thyself with coverest thyself with light as with a garmentlight as with a garment: who stretchest : who stretchest

out the heavens like a curtain: out the heavens like a curtain: Who layeth Who layeth the beamsthe beams of of his chambers in the watershis chambers in the waters: : who maketh the clouds his chariot: who who maketh the clouds his chariot: who

walketh upon the wings of the windwalketh upon the wings of the wind

1 Corinthians 13:11 Corinthians 13:12 For 2 For nownow we we see through a glasssee through a glass, , darklydarkly; but ; but thenthen face to face: face to face: nownow I know in I know in part; part; but then but then shall I know even shall I know even

as also I am known.as also I am known.



GenerallyGenerally::Awesomeness of Awesomeness of God’s PresenceGod’s Presence

SpecificallySpecifically: : Judgment of Judgment of God’s PowerGod’s Power

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Revelation 4:1 Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in and, behold, a door was opened in heavenheaven: and the first voice which I heard : and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with was as it were of a trumpet talking with

me; which said, Come up hither, and I will me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.shew thee things which must be hereafter.

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”!”!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD,

and Satan came also among them. Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of

God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to

present himself before the LORD.

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”!”!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”!”!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

““Astronomers seem to be missing Astronomers seem to be missing something. To wit, most of the something. To wit, most of the

matter in the universe- between matter in the universe- between 90 to 99% of it- simply refuses to 90 to 99% of it- simply refuses to

shine and is thus invisible to shine and is thus invisible to them. They know it is there, but them. They know it is there, but

not what sort of stuff it isnot what sort of stuff it is””

HeadlineHeadline: Darkness : Darkness Made Visible… Most Made Visible… Most of the Matter in the of the Matter in the Universe is Invisible. Universe is Invisible.

What is it and WhereWhat is it and Where? ?

““Astronomers have long been Astronomers have long been puzzled by what they see and puzzled by what they see and

don’t see don’t see in the heavensin the heavens. . Based Based on calculations by the motion of on calculations by the motion of

galaxies they reckon there must be galaxies they reckon there must be at least 10 times more matter in at least 10 times more matter in

the universe than what they the universe than what they actually observe. …actually observe. …

… ‘… ‘I don’t think we have a clue I don’t think we have a clue what it’s made of’, says Anthony what it’s made of’, says Anthony Tyson, an Astrophysicist at AT&T Tyson, an Astrophysicist at AT&T Bell Laboratories in N.J.- ‘yet’, he Bell Laboratories in N.J.- ‘yet’, he

says, ‘we’ve now realized that says, ‘we’ve now realized that dark matter dominates and drives dark matter dominates and drives

the evolution of the universe”.the evolution of the universe”.

ArticleArticle: The Dark Side of the : The Dark Side of the CosmosCosmos

Sub TitleSub Title: “As Astronomers : “As Astronomers struggle to illuminate the struggle to illuminate the

nature of dark matter a new nature of dark matter a new report hence that as much as report hence that as much as 97% of the Universe could me 97% of the Universe could me

bade of the ‘mystery stuff’ bade of the ‘mystery stuff’

““When Charles Alcott peers up at When Charles Alcott peers up at the night time sky, he wonders the night time sky, he wonders

not at the luminous stars, but at not at the luminous stars, but at the darkness that enfolds the darkness that enfolds them. them. The ‘Milky Way’, Alcott knows, The ‘Milky Way’, Alcott knows, is is like a sprinkling of bright sequins like a sprinkling of bright sequins

on an invisible cloakon an invisible cloak, spread , spread across the vastness of space. …across the vastness of space. …

… … This cloak is woven out of This cloak is woven out of ‘mysterious stuff’ called dark ‘mysterious stuff’ called dark matter because it emits no matter because it emits no discernable light. Sort of a discernable light. Sort of a shadow of substance, ‘dark shadow of substance, ‘dark

matter’ dominates the Universe matter’ dominates the Universe accounting for over 90% of its accounting for over 90% of its

total mass”.total mass”.

“ “BEFOREBEFORE” the throne” the throne- TheThe SeaSea ofof GlassGlass

- It It WASN’TWASN’T liquid, it liquid, it WASWAS solid.solid.

- Glass … Crystal, Glass … Crystal, …Frozen!= …Frozen!= ““THE DEEPTHE DEEP”!”!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Vs. 2(b)-3(a) -Vs. 2(b)-3(a) -“ON”“ON”Vs. 3(b)-4- Vs. 3(b)-4- “AROUND”“AROUND”

Vs. 5(a)- Vs. 5(a)- “OUT OF”“OUT OF”Vs. 5(b)-6(a)- Vs. 5(b)-6(a)- “BEFORE”“BEFORE”

Vs. 6(b)-8(b)- Vs. 6(b)-8(b)-

““in the in the MIDSTMIDST OFOF””

The ThroneThe Throne

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throne

- The Four BeastThe Four Beast

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast- Their Their LOCATIONLOCATION

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast- Their Their LOCATIONLOCATION

““and round aboutand round about””

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast- Their Their LOCATIONLOCATION

““and round aboutand round about”” In In guardianguardian positionposition

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast- Their Their LOCATIONLOCATION


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast

- Their Their IDENTIFICATIONIDENTIFICATION 11stst= like a = like a LIONLION 22ndnd= like a = like a CALFCALF 33rdrd= like a = like a MANMAN

44thth= like a = like a EAGLEEAGLE

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe Four BeastThe Four Beast- Their Their LOCATIONLOCATION



The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies

(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies

(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

a LIONa LION is is supremesupreme in the in the kingdom kingdom of of WILD ANIMALSWILD ANIMALS..

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies

(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

a CALF a CALF is is supremesupreme in the in the kingdom kingdom of of DOMESTICDOMESTIC


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies

(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

MAN MAN is is supremesupreme in the in the WHOLEWHOLE kingdom kingdom of of CREATIONCREATION..

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies

(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

an EAGLE an EAGLE is is supremesupreme in the in the kingdom kingdom of theof the FOWLS FOWLS OFOF THETHE


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 SupremaciesTo the 4 Supremacies(all that is (all that is supremesupreme in in creationcreation))

““the 4 beast represent all the the 4 beast represent all the greatnessgreatness & & strength strength & & beautybeauty of of creationcreation, , glorifyingglorifying and and praisingpraising


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 GospelsTo the 4 Gospels

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 GospelsTo the 4 Gospels MatthewMatthew = LION = LION

Revealed Christ as KINGRevealed Christ as KINGMatthew 1:1Matthew 1:1 The book of the The book of the

generation of generation of Jesus ChristJesus Christ, , the son of the son of DavidDavid, the son of Abraham, the son of Abraham..

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 GospelsTo the 4 Gospels MarkMark = CALF (OX) = CALF (OX)

Revealed Christ: Revealed Christ: SERVANTSERVANTMark 10:45Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man For even the Son of man camecame not to be ministered unto, but not to be ministered unto, but to to ministerminister, and , and to give His life to give His life a ransom a ransom

for many.for many.

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 GospelsTo the 4 Gospels LukeLuke = MAN = MAN

Revealed Christ: Revealed Christ: LAST ADAMLAST ADAMLuke 3:38Luke 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, Which was the son of Enos,

which was the son of Seth, which was which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of the son of Adam, which was the son of


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

• To the 4 GospelsTo the 4 Gospels JohnJohn = EAGLE = EAGLE

Revealed Christ: Revealed Christ: Son of GodSon of GodJohn 20:31John 20:31 But But these are written, these are written, that that

ye might believe that Jesus is the ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of GodChrist, the Son of God; and that ; and that

believing ye might have life through believing ye might have life through His name.His name.

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

The 4 beast each represent an aspect The 4 beast each represent an aspect of the of the likenesslikeness of the Lord of the Lord

Exodus 24:12Exodus 24:12 And the LORD said unto And the LORD said unto

Moses, Come up to me into the Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be theremount, and be there: and I will give thee : and I will give thee

tables of stone, and a law, and tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that commandments which I have written; that

thou mayest teach them.thou mayest teach them.

Exodus 34:2Exodus 34:29 9 And it came to pass, when And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Moses came down from mount Sinai Sinai

with the two tables of testimony in Moses' with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, hand, when he came down from the mount, that that Moses wist not that the skin of his Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with himface shone while he talked with him..

1 John 1:5 This then is the message 1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and which we have heard of him, and

declare unto you, declare unto you, that God is that God is lightlight, and, and in him is no in him is no

darkness at alldarkness at all..

1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and God, and it doth not yet appear it doth not yet appear what what we shall bewe shall be: but we know that, when : but we know that, when he shall appear, he shall appear, we shall be like himwe shall be like him; ;

for we shall see Him as He isfor we shall see Him as He is..

2 Corinthians 3:182 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, glory of the Lord, are changed into are changed into the same image the same image from glory to glory, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lordeven as by the Spirit of the Lord..

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living Creatures (To the 4 Living Creatures (in in the Book of Ezekielthe Book of Ezekiel))

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living Creatures (To the 4 Living Creatures (in in the Book of Ezekielthe Book of Ezekiel))


The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living Creatures (To the 4 Living Creatures (in in the Book of Ezekielthe Book of Ezekiel))

•CHERUBIMSCHERUBIMS!... !... In flightIn flight……carrying the thronecarrying the throne……

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living Creatures (To the 4 Living Creatures (in in the Book of Ezekielthe Book of Ezekiel))

•CHERUBIMSCHERUBIMS!...!...in flight, in flight, carrying the thronecarrying the throne… … at the at the

22ndnd coming coming!!

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Psalms 18:10Psalms 18:10 And He rode And He rode upon a cherubupon a cherub, and did , and did

fly: yea, he did fly upon the fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the windwings of the wind..

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living CreaturesTo the 4 Living Creatures•CHERUBIMSCHERUBIMS!!

•Ezekiel- Ezekiel- 22ndnd Coming- Coming- FlyingFlying•Rev 4.-Rev 4.-RaptureRapture- Stattionary- Stattionary

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,

which didst weaken the nationswhich didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine ! For thou hast said in thine

heartheart, I will ascend into heaven, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt , I will exalt my throne my throne above the stars of Godabove the stars of God: : I will sit also I will sit also upon the upon the

mount of the congregationmount of the congregation, in the sides of the nort, in the sides of the northh: I will : I will ascend above the heights of the cloudsascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the ; I will be like the

most Highmost High..

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living CreaturesTo the 4 Living Creatures•CHERUBIMSCHERUBIMS!!

•Lucifer…Lucifer…thethe anointedanointed Cherub Cherub

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

In the “In the “MIDSTMIDST” of the throne” of the throneThe 4 Beast (The 4 Beast (CONNECTIONCONNECTION))

•To the 4 Living CreaturesTo the 4 Living Creatures•CHERUBIMSCHERUBIMS!!

•Lucifer…Lucifer…thethe anointedanointed Cherub Cherub•Anti-christAnti-christ

The The SCENESCENE ININ Heaven Heaven

• John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall

not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.• 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself

is transformed into an angel of light.

• Matthew 2:2 - Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the

east, and are come to worship him. • Job 41:34 He beholdeth all high things: he is a

king over all the children of pride.

• Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

…”(ministered for 42 months til death)—3 ½ years.• Revelation 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great

things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

• Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and

True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.• Revelation 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he

that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

• Revelation 21:9-10 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me,

saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me

that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God• Revelation 17- Satan, in the person of the antichrist has a bride, a church,

and a city

• John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

• 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God,

should shine unto them.

• Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty

God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.• John 16:11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world

is judged.

• Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

• 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lionthe devil, as a roaring lion, walketh

about, seeking whom he may devour

Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,

which didst weaken the nationswhich didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine ! For thou hast said in thine

heartheart, I will ascend into heaven, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt , I will exalt my throne my throne above the stars of Godabove the stars of God: : I will sit also I will sit also upon the upon the

mount of the congregationmount of the congregation, in the sides of the nort, in the sides of the northh: I will : I will ascend above the heights of the cloudsascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the ; I will be like the

most Highmost High..

Vs. 2- Vs. 2- ““ONON” the throne” the throneVs. 4- Vs. 4- ““ROUNDROUND ABOUTABOUT” the ” the

thronethroneVs. 5- Vs. 5- ““OUTOUT OFOF the throne” the throne”Vs. 6-8 Vs. 6-8 ““BEFOREBEFORE and and IN THEIN THE

MIDSTMIDST OFOF” the throne” the throne

All About All About the the



(The Heavenly Translation)(The Heavenly Translation)

The The SCENESCENE IN Heaven IN Heaven

(The Heavenly Throne)(The Heavenly Throne)

The The SOUNDSOUND OFOF Heaven Heaven

(The Heavenly (The Heavenly ThrongThrong))

RevelaRevelation tion

4:8 (c) 4:8 (c) -11-11
