第二組報告 (Class 801). There is a story about a famous poet in China. His name is 屈原, he...


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第二組報告 (Class 801)

There is a story about a

famous poet in China. His name is 屈原 , he wrote lots of poems.

He loved his country very much, but he couldn’t help the king.

He was so upset that he jumped into the river and died.

Goodbye, my country!

Many people liked him, so

they rowed boats looking

for his body.

They also made a lot of rice dumplings to

feed the fish so that they wouldn’t eat him.

Today, we always watch the dragon boat raceand eat rice dumplings on Dragon BoatFestival.

( 划龍舟 )

( 粽子 )

( 掛香包 )

( 立蛋 )( 喝午時水 )

( 掛艾草 )

Go Go Go

There’re a lot of kinds of rice dumplings, like … Southern rice

dumplings ( 南部粽 )

Northern rice dumplings ( 北部粽 )

To make your rice dumplings, you need---

glutinous rice pork mushrooms dried shrimps

egg yolk peanuts squids

How to make southern rice dumplings?

(1)First, get all the things you need. (2)Put them one by one in the folded bamboo leaves and wrap them up

well. (3)Then,put your rice dumplings into

the boiling water. (4) When they are ready to eat, enjoy


How to make northern rice dumplings ? (1)First, half-fry the glutinous rice. (2)Second, wrap bamboo leaves with pork, mushrooms, dried shrimps , egg yolks,

and peanuts in them. (3)Then, steam your rice dumplings. (4)When they are ready to eat, enjoy


The experts were making rice dumplings :
